HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-04-26, Page 3IR­�= �­' � � � " I �:� ��.: ­ � — I.. mi_...W� __­­__,_______ .-.,. �� .." 11 Al 1 .41 "4 - - - . I . . . . . . 1-1--4 ­_ , -4 _-i--, -A ­,�,--", 'I.. . : : 1 4. :1 TI-te R1*11.9_c_�r*l (Christ, t. .. ____ " � -11 .f. Tadmage's Sermon on How the Lord Becomes the + , — First Fruits of Them That Slept" +++.,,+-I,-.,�--l-i--.,--.*--'.-+-I--1-1--�-.--,,,.?.++-:.-I,++.1.,i..i�.+,i..,-+.I-i..i.i-�,,A-li..I, -l'..,.-'.--I--I-I--.1-1,.:.+Pl*'I T , Washington rqport s,lys�,rIlp . . gmat '�vart on the finger. Vxplaln the re"zon Christian fer,tival cele;)ratea in all ,I bhe why the oak leaf is different from churches is the theirle of Dr. the leaf of the hickory. Tell me how Talmage's discourse; I Corinthians, the Lord .MinightY can turn the chariot XV, 2D: "NO -w is Christ risea fl-oin I of Ills omnipotence oil a rose leaf You the dead and become the ilrst fruits , ask me (tuestions about the res�rree- of -them that Slept" tion I cannot anzwel.. I will a, .1k you a On this glorious Easter morning, thousand Questions about everyday life . amid the Inuslo and the flowers, I You cannot answer. give You Christian Sa,lutatlon, Th4s I find my strength Ili this passage, morning Itussian meeting Itus-glan oil "All who are In 11-1 ­ _____1__-___________,o-, . ­�­_____ I to,trard the gatp or loolt up toward tb(, 'q r � I ___._"� �, throne, it will be like the dawning of a SUND)k IQ At first th,ey thongbt they saw an dF_Iqo!!� -�k-w%-----�o,-T'-.,--).--�,,�t,',r I . y to CH 0 , - - �161.11­1__ 1, now mornhig on the bosom. of evorlazt- I I �1,IP1)1l,rJtj0TJ, ,Oilb,, but now the7 know . I � ,4a, , .'.� 1, Ing das'. 0 glorlotio, re%urrectod body! -.--lll­lllllll i it 17a utho Lord himself. 1011M.s Many % --r I #.. I �� ; 1v � I , jr.*, I � '' 11 . But X reiriark also, In regard to tb-'� , 11110 they Were body W111011 YOU are to get Ili the rcstirt lN'VEX'Z'N1'L'V10N,&1, 141',,146ON No. IV, IM14,k, foare4 their comforts Nvere but 1� I he Ka Nil .1 (e f ( I I, - I ,Lz) I '' 11 I� � " rr' $;�l~-"gzoA;Itl.-;,4"IR,�w;-4—l'-";���,,�;--�",r,4"94;;��lI I � rection, It '"'Ill be an Important body. Apim, .28, lool, 11111,91nary, aft,�-rwtj,rd firld thom, U ____.,­_­ . These boftes, are wasting away. Some- . thruilgh' graCtA, real and substantial. 1,eadlog whout, ;�,Iark�,-I,%. 4-,j f body Ila$ sa4l that as soon aci wo be- — Tjto quitillication Ile gave His apos- � I I �- I JnMli Appear, to ,)to Apo,it,les. -julln 2 ., tlrw for thy diaeliarge of the trust .D70 I I ow I n g are the closing quota- 11 I gin to Ilve we begin to die, Unloza vre M ' 19 29, t1iins at linpoxLant Wheat jG0jjtj,e keep Putting the fuel Into the furnace ('0111nielitapy ,Tponi?d in 'illem by their commig- to -day. : I I I L 'n I 1� I . . 'lie furnace dies Out, The blood ve.98Ctls it I . . -19. Tile name day- Sion. He breathed on them, Alot May � I I I �', J."f Still the rosurrot.,00n, cia ,tiun- Only to &how thein by this breath New York ......... ...,$_ $0 70'- . (1,13', the Lor(I'S Lilly. At o'ven.Ing- -4 I are e,in,jis taking the breadstuffs to all y I I �-lash. The pyt�jj,.ts. (It Of life that Ile 111=4elf was really , N parts of the hysteni. We must be re- . Chictago ... ...... ... ... __ �. the clUX bad been many Itlive, but to Isigilljy to them tll(j 11, 077,1-41 A , `�, 't'" jmPeJrt1L1lt but it a likee ... ... ... � - I constructed hour by hour, day by day. ()k tllf,. (11t.yo 'j,e, utv, at the elose Ispiritual life and po%yerr which they M 'r 07-1 . I . " 1� _ Sickneso and death are all tile time t),Y- dh;j:II3jek-. sun ap-pnars tu all the MhUnld ree-eive from I -Jim for till the St, Loulff ... ...... ...... -_ 0 70 *7-8, " I � "' k Ing to get their pry under the tenement tv) ,L,,,,,,, ,ni,lethIN-Ould have appeared services which lay before hf., ,� Toledo - *.,, ... 11. ... 0 781-2 0 73 7-8 . ' , , - � 1 A ankment of I I ('� liturnIng 11 ad they WhOn Chrl;st employs He will clothe Detroit. rod ...... ... 0 74 7-8 (i 7-L 7-8 or to pi,ish 'Lis off the emb, RAE41 Uhlsvlllbl,�d t1wI1. t in Detroit, white ... ... 0747-8 -- i" resurre.etir.)n we Shall pAt 011lt--kntj pr') aUy bolted. F 7� . the grave. But, blessed be (Iod, In the Doors were with His Spirit tin,ti furnish with all Duluth, I ro. :r . a body lin- -'I'here oil fear IlQvdful P-Olvr-rs. He had allowed Northern n,7i ,7-o n ,7, � te orf� I WY is, alut 111m, to -k 41, �1 4 1 r graves shall I -R . 0 malaria hi. the air, no JOws dvsjglj��d � .Alu 10 -An 11.1s hatirls and His side to con- ... ... .. I ... 0 hill'a witili the salutation, "Christ is twinge., no rheu- bat bcjiqtlld,. tj ' q re - the st,eets Of St. Petersbuig Il&Ds come forth," X do not pretend to c0u�gh, no neuralgic to Illulent the discip-les, Vince them Of the truth of III, Duluth, No. J. make ,the explanation. You go on land Matic Pang, no fluttering of the l,eart, I IPY had 1111t Christ to Surrection; but the plainest evi- hard ... ... ... ... ...... 0 73 7.8 __ : -T�selit" and is answered ,by -his say: "Suppose A returned Missionary no hort death tji(�,v had reason, to fear that douces will not of themselves jv Minneapolis, No. I 8 ness of breath, no ambulance, tlwy 1111ght 1,0 ork i ,zfrlend in salutation, "Ile is risen. dies In this city. When he was in 170 dispensary, no hospital, no Invalid's tho inhist the next victims. In 'fitith. Northern ... ... ...... -- 1 ,0733-4 . -HO evidently entered The linbelief of Thomas rebuked, Toronto Live StooLc 1"arlizoti. .. . Indeed!" In some parts Of England China his foot was arnputated; he lived Chair, no spectacles to Improve the dim &MIracul,juNly 1111 Verse 20 John re- By his a.lisPlice from this firat meet. ftport cattle, choice, per cwr. ?4 .-3,5 W i) ,5 � landOlreland to this Very day ,there Years after in England, and there lie vision, but health, immortal health! 0 f t 45 er'4 O, tllcl f(10t that the dOOTS were iyjq doutediam .......... ........ 1 35 14 4 80 f Is tile superstition that on I aster had all arm amputated; lie is buried Ye who have the aches and pains In- 191111t, ;11 - ThOlans missed 6 7reat flerd. Owe ....... � ....... 3 i5 to 375 morning the sun dances In the heav- to -day in Yonder cemetery. In the res- describable this morning, Ye who are d(�111>tl 1,111b w1ty tA) leavie (bu:tf little To the testimony Of Ills . fellow die- I131.X1P.0h1t1r39oLLttIe picked.... . ' :,"', u -t Ile intends to convey CiPles, Who were nien of wisdom and Butchers'cattle, choice ........ : 3 to 7 00 410 :ens. And well .may we forgive such, UITOction will the foot Come Proni urell, Ye -who, are lacerated ,,vIth tile 1111prCSSIOn tlia,t Christ enterea integrity, lie was Unwilling to pay Butehers'eattle qood., ........ 3 x! to 3 76 ; never :& Superstition, which illustr,btes the China, will the arm come from E ng- physical distress, let me tell you of the by 11's' Owil I)ONVer while they were ' LL Just dirference. It was not, 110 do tned;unt, nimed .......... 300 w s3s 6111ru" W* Butchers continon. *or owL... 2 ZQ to 300 �Xaot -taiat the natural world seenis to land. and will the different parts ,of the resurrected body, free from -,ill disease. I . ever, their veraoity that he qups- 13 tills, export. lica-srY. per cwt.. I 00 to 4 30 � smretitNse with -the spiritual. body be reconstructed in the resurree- Immortal! Immortal! 1-101. Irad go sal,j- ' 1 4,1(itl Of E:O�'era Luke makes men- tiOuPd, but their prudence. He tear- Dulle, import. ligh t. per cwt .... s59 to 1,00 I Hall, Easter -morning! V lowers! tIOn? HOW Is that possible?" I go further and SaY In regard to . I other things that ed they- were too credulous. Ile Feeders, shorr-keep ............ 400 60 4.30 ")k place before lie Q10wed tj I Lgin must be convinced by his own Feeder.-, niedlutiti .............. 3all to 3 OD Flowerst! A41 of -them a -Voice, a,11 of You say that "the human -body that body which you are to get in the this 11,1nds: und meth- do light ..................... 325 to 3 60 i. to Of 70 M tockerti, IGO to ojo 11,9 ........... ,2 &� to 340 ­COil- bodies. thOir llll1X­11I,-f Butcher.il ba!;s ... .............. *�, ., 0 t ;, M Ibbe Miles, '"' languagr� jjt� 11.1 I U,qed , off -colors wid helfors ......... !them ii-itongue, adi of them full of changes every seven years. and by resurrection, It will be a. vigorous Ride. Mark flays (chap. ods or not at till. Christ kneir wh,at 9 SPeedl -day. I bend over one Years of age a man has had ten body. We walk now eight or ten -ties, - - 14) Ile '"upbraided the with A and answered -1 I-") to 2r 4j and I hear it say, In the resurrection which will and we are fatigued; we lift a few antl hardness of hini almi),st word for word. lZeach O older the lilies of the field, heart." LA -hr stock bull ior cwt ....... I 7-1 Lo ',I Z 1 IlOw come UPT' YOU say: "A man will die hundred Pounds, and we are exhaust- r-oIIt,jIl(*e Jesus tllr.ln proceeded to hither thy finger, and 'since thou ?411e� cOW0, MCA - . � ......... 25 �jlj it, do ot) a _ , tll(,rn, t1la.t Ile ;,they grow. ,they toil not, neither do and his body cruilible I to the dust, 6,2; unarmed, we meet a wild beast, and , was indeed a NvIlt hav� it so, bF.-I101d My hands, SI-eep, e ---ms tier ewt . ........ . i !,t) N, .,. 75 they sTAn, 'yet Solomon In a,II his and that dust be taken up Into the life we must run or flee or climb or dodge "(-,*it pvrsq)�j �;hejved unto thp.m- .11141 satisfy thy curiosity to the ut. � do. bucks ........ 3 1XI Lo 3 60 a 3, Tho 11-i)n 7 . Sbeep, butcherq% eft-i9l."."'.".." Z.- �,;j 40) ,iglory was not arrayed like one of Of the vegetable; an animal in Y e t because 'we are In ll(k` woro probably all per- McSt about the print or tiv, nalls; competent to meet fmtly Iled, but Laniba,.-rain-feii, -e 5J and -it , Im .the PC], owt ...... 4. .) to ", - khede4ll I bend over a rose, the vegetable; men eat the anlinal, In it; we --toll eight or ten hours ener- el. I . , scare remain- "PaCh hitlipr thy hand and It noth- do burnyard, perewr ......... t, O I in Jt &I seems te whisper, "I &in the rose of tile resurrection, *that body, distributed getleally. and then lip ll'-1611'IR and 'HIN side -Luke lrlf,' less wilt convince thee, thrnst It do Spring, each ............. --, ,;. F ,o 6 00 Ire are weary. But s,nyR jlan�jq ,ind ret, 't Calves, pPrhcad..... 110 to e to ,Shaa,on." And then I stand and In 40 many directions, how shall it be In the resurrection This leaves lxkto my rilde. Thom," mado an *T)Orl 110M Choice, ver cw. gathered up?" ,we dre to have a lit) (10111A that Xe$un' w;iR nalled to ::,:::,:,:: f; ,,.',,-,, Lio It 0) ,,If Questdons of this style th94P Ho" -4, light, per OWL, ) 3;� 10 If W the �cborus of flowers, saying , to ask? Come on glorious thought? muny W110 lia.d been the I-Vitil(NiSps of hin Hog'. fal, per cVVL-,-*.,.,.,.^.*_,:::: (,; �, ) V., It W Usten. r,rom a3l. sides there conles Ilave You any more body that never gets tIred. Is it ,-lot a the, cri;#;.�r tjjljI "ut tied oil an P10fPsSi011 Of 111--i fal-th before and ask them. I erowt .................... 3 ;1.1 ,0 4 jjD Goa ' lv e r e. MIlen they b;.,,w_.� p1ght of doubts. Alb�rt Mina. 'I'll . , 9 so clothed the grass Of thq I do not pretend to an- Plenty Of occupatl,)n in , field wbich to -day is swer them. begiven. I (11-i`4 171'1' glAddFljI tjle 111!.�jrt of a -__111-11'1�T .. .... ............ .& 6 . 'I 1, , ,� and to -morrow 3: fall back upon the an- SUPI)Ose Broadway, N"ew York, In the (118elple ot allY thtle. I 1") , O" . :: , .:::::.. � � ............ I 131 tf) I) AJUJ is cast Into the oven, shall He not nOuncement of God's word, "All who are busiest season of the year at noonday it �j 1"brosil.o F-arniclril Market. raunh anore clothe you, ye of aittle In. their graves -shall come forth.-, w.19 at Litin tim-4 that Ile, ga -%- P ' " I 11 the t'r 'helil RINAII(Ir proof th.tt Ile W�tg ""' [I C' is not so sy a, � " j Pril n�.--li;�-i%or*,ltT of .pr:Aw­ (An. ,Ose, In read- tl 'rand proje.,La of nierey for ; wartet "h; re to,!a y r -re YOU have noticed, 1 sUpr neaven is a ,j 0. 11' bu. % ,, I jjjj S, j 'A falth?" I h pill of _q _I , 4, l , " Flowers! r, lowers! Braid theim Ing me. 0 th* z""lle J"4t` 11"lloill tiv,v bad t le Furt �- , the story of the resurrection that 0 Vie,orles to be cele- k:l' 'W'). Ib- vall-�d for fixitl ' (j,UI,;- . Into - the ,brid e's haIr. P lGwers! P low- almost every ae0mint of tIjC ther worlds. 1 V9,1111 Fill. -Ci '"w4 trn,iv u -n-,- Elu;;.0:t!y . Bible gives brated. Tile downfall of do.qpotj, - sm on X%117. 11-43) -til', did v,t-t 1)-4oro thf-111. I (JiQ% Or two f,l; .-jj� ri. Vye­:� , " . ,,�­.,, � �jjz, the Idetc that tile characteristic of that I earth to be anoulleed. Great expedl- -�ft`rwnrd`� illP apo.qtl(�a C4 - V q erS! Strew them over the graves ot Three Hundred and Nix h9b, - hil- v.- 4.tt� it. .--n--,,� 4,; k.,�i;,r,, i ,t ,11led at- 1 " "O V 1'�-`).'. (nic. i, A., .if WhA..� %5:1,-itt zt, -1.1 the dead, sweat prophecy Of the rc�*ur- know that it will be Wry loud, but � I tions on wllll�ll God shall vend forth 't'�11TI"3 tO wit -it now occurred its a , .1 � 1 1 ,:I:,1­'311kA ..%, G*.4, per �.%.-.;�i�'. '10 reetion. F101vers! Plowers! Twist. day will, be a great sound. I do not, his chIldren. Plenty prw)f tjf jhjqr Lord's romirrm-tion. re A � linoir it 'Will be very PE"Ietrating. in -' ,fatigue. to do but no ThOLISEnd F at Hl;gh. .ir r them Into a garland for my , If Ynu are seated ii'nsli.-r the 11:"ll 6-11L ,lAQ--Aj,R I wile, Hent to " I 10,jo,s ,:.-?-0- -,,- iiign"i, n't ,;7 - to Lord Jesus on B .aster morning. till' MauStolellra whereaflienee It& P:. &�, - - - -1 . ' 7,r�.,. 3 reign- I treP.8 Of WO, it will tint ber to rt�st but hiLDI t [,.­ I Pull? of th.. 11,11.3t 111gril. I i17.:, -:i -I ,lijj�, r CIA 4 'un. �_,.,,�.,j Amd "Glory be to the ]lather, all�j to ed tl� thou,mnri .year.s tbat Vole . . t .,:,Lt.. , * 'a must to talk over ,wIth .,;0jnQ ol'I lt'" tt'A"";Iv4 Ill ldlluovi to(juk'; lnq�nq Pj,pff -*V, hw.-, tor _ste. %V w_i 4�f- 'the sox, and it) ii, er comrade I t ; -. penotra* , in the, e0rai eave of the ,VqV2 ,`*�,- 111- 1, , . dt was tin. .e noir ohost: as: I Old tImC`3-th(` batt.'e,; Ni bere you fought li.v ealaw, purpo,ji-, � 0 F T F. E �VARVS C1,-,,_Z',r. " '�1...­ L an I Voi. r"'.1 inIt- C � � ! ­. ,� -� i -N-9 11 4Th#.:-,.,, akun.1 i -',It Z 41rc ',! �11`4 ho w, 11� u re- ,-in - P.. 1,r;. ­.s the beginning, is% now and[ .1 (lecP th-'t VOIN' 3111ist penetrate. M11- shoulder to shou:a.,r. VI It'll, i, 1%-itll;i;ititiL�r�.-t.i,'.-41.,!I influentli'd R tj,l'l04,y -, 1: . .. 11011-S Of spirits: will ,,Dm, th S 1 � ANA.1-fr A."Istrat' ,11 ,,41 Z% .,-.,; ��jj�t :' ,. , .., V t 11A. U;r I ar'.1 �4. It 11�').V.v ever #hiall be." Tile women came to rougli, the w1OMet M(Is lit this world we fool we b.v 0:4-Inrit. , , 4� . h -c, ", v., the Szvlor'a tomb, and they dropped I gatES Of eternity. and tl-. Dr. W�'. .. ill 0,:, r; ;t;. 4 v_�i,I:.,�oa k'y will come Ould 11'1"(� tO have 1411li-11 a Ubtly a% that, "Ith-1. -111 I 1141ln-, "Intl in'.1 tilm, Tv I� PXJ)i-941�.§j '(3 tak. '-A--1411 .%,,,, .e."al 7 "r; '11 It% t.ct;,qj� tom b, and to tile tombs o *' tl � 11.1" j%".It Qftn't 4.11t I'T .. ,�. . ,. f the earth, anti they will 9 el 410 0 .4 M -at thvy Wort. t!) III., Ij?.l,Ij;. )jfi.�-._ .11ri-4i. , ��,Jjtl� �, , There 1 SO mueh '%V,ark to 1�, ne f r ." 4hoso spices were the seed that be- cry. "Give uS baklk our bodies; Illp"'l, ;.Rr ill tlic f wl;.. 1.1.1A.". Ins u:,i#'%­t1 " Ncve.,�. , gave tholl t We Christ, there are 9a ni:any tilrins to be W -tilt Ifc� v"'Mently .11 W " h - t h9i . �, 'ill z 1��vl t 1V �40-zb .jw V ,�,Ajd. , T.11"re, ', n-1 ��*,ti. , .4. P'.411 ­p , i a -., .; a, I ,a many bur- - It lilil tlr"tiOrl Of maq wholn , . D'. 2 .., ­ I . gan to grow, and from them came 0 you. In corruption; Bur. I wpppa awa.�.. jjjctr,� art' r IL 40T, M., 1p,Nt, A 1� J.-4"", - all the rflndi,r them notr in - 1 ,*41""r 4ir ?it,- A.& � t, .1 '-.�, hu-�%';v'. pr.e ­. all 1: t ��, I ,, 'Ithil'I into miAl tili. bro.jul or: ­ g , tn4z (r.--.1 1! L I l,IV`,.. � l ,,,�j . flowers of this Eastc,r morn. Ineorruptlon." denIts to lift', th"r", Is SO nlueh to lip 4"E 10'. : -32" ��..�4 M 17,-1.4,i�. .*�­t ';�, ,.,^w�400._ , f;4-,ID1 i;""t IVI,�4. %%'4- 41'. Ai, ; 4.�'­.rr. Hunrin-iiq of P)pirll.� hovprjn_ about t1le Rehlo,ved liv4,.-j .,.,$I jl�. b,­l,.�tllIP a living sojzl:1,N vi . , � t " r . P, . _0 �� .,. lo'r The two angels robad in white V;lolz ­ , for I'lirlst. ve i9oniptinitis wirb - - . 11 %old of the Itone at the .Favior%; field -1 Of Q--tI;ysburr,,fs)r ther& the bad S�M,Ll at "t.1,4q I. .'-.VRr-' at -$Z�.'7, to "t, ,,,,� I � T-11 , I ` A - ,tomb, land tht%r burlild It 103- gir(- burl ,d. - - from tIV21 III'St 0! January to tllr- last 1, 4, .%�.* 010. 114D4 01440s�_t-,),It 411'', I 1i , V , W-11 4111� . '.. - , - with ouch A hurdro-d thous-a,ad Ili,? r, :.Int'a" j 4-t1wr al. to aig A�.�,',, lk!''ola. E'. 'rp".-. i - � - of) I .r ,04�",_b.. .�-# t,f !­� 4., rod ep;r Of PAN-inbor v.o could toll on %vithout tPAL- Inuilult; and boart?a I� It.,- to gp­it nj-,o.,, _4p` F, , %, ,�, force down thf. qlI!I t1tat it 4--usho"I � ltst ef)"111113- to ("Wen -V094. for the g ,,#,p 0 *,*.,4,rfItt�I)NIil)f.t.:Ill,ltl,,,,,tl,,.,,,,.-,,,,,; , .. pit � , ,,, ,� ­er ;Cu -i ":_15 t A ,;.*.I.,, ikq- Vw.- ih(* ,re M0,11,0119 to , I r to) tal;e tiny re. . !"tWOR tti, lt 114,��P.c , , , # � t...y. -world*. -her biwdl,s .jrt, burIC41, Ivaiting for tl.&f,k #.Pe;ztlon 'Dr to I P!_ U0, P" .1� I r'd t i I (14i r VV ect I 11 P %V k Ill" 'I -r *114-111 i� tq t �': in the door of tht� i st,,rutk rf,tanion itf lomIt- and eoul. 'tt OV OVIIIII to tit"o U, 1% r, lodo -f 't-0 usittik" I t,ov I'l, ftZo � U 4o", . � Late N;4%rIij-t%. and the emilk and the dead inus r t romil �. , r M. hall. vIrt thi in. 111, . !, �,,-�84.4 .0. hl�41 .k, l a , r' "' "tl"`l' � 1';V*",-#�� �,4 '%"'tt 0 I!L' �­ forth. AR along tj.�, �'ea routc- 1`404-Uhat W" Coma toll 11RIAt on with Y�-V�,Rlltt."Itl.�.4(,v lli�%,- ". , _ _r�o I . from N ho"'I VvIrMoilt �, p V. _ '..!%l ;tt York to Liverpool. at f,%,.V I ow Out stappIne, a. Ino.,al,ut in Our vor` C. -Z . ." ,4q. It v- .. 1�i ��111-1 ih. 1� ­ '.. l't " .. - I eare not bow- labyrint1wine - %Iatt. %V1, ut, thl'. thalbl, la I T-1 t�1-4. !�, . �, � a".P.I., N j I j .., � io,4 '. Alt. fi, � V., I � N t t. the w 03flint�,, 0bri!--t and he,tIven t" ,qlcro , � 0) It's V%4�4, M, . �(­ttz 4. 5"t Vt. I.;I.L - �, li,� I :; :,. , , 11VAUTnt Willjtp-�', ., � I 9 ,-� � * l. e 4 4 w. h4 U, .1,� , 4 v . wanvolouni Or how cootly tite tmroo- ln" went dt)1711, departed ,.ill ol only t%i*ll &-i-4 ,I � "i ;,..�11. rl. -11. I., - !, I N. 'T. - th P111pre. Dut we all golt la.Mil, I tall t, u4h,� � i, " I - - " � jihur;us Or Itowever bpautifully par- "10413 ('01)(11114- baek, hovfvina� over 1%, I t" *. "'i 44-41 .trj.% thini" 00 I %V01141 lip,.! V.,101 -,R atp. tvttr 6 1.D,k-Vrlt ;,r,. 0.,Y_ le, tho wave. orhe a '" 4'11'1ra"g"r4V't1` Or 'thtN ?Iunl" b1 �Z" � 'AWW. I. 1v *� .",t .g 11.1'.. %! .� j..�. I ' 11. 4i .lp, VMItri,q rred the,Twally ground:,. we ,%%ant ,,, 09 , r4L� Iq N0101'0 tile City, of haily In t1jig eondition, WL. nInq nfq NX Vatrk;," P; ­w Itti%,,U�r: %. .t ­r -C tW a - a Ir., �, . I 'D't'�­_ '%I'll% .., L Is _ .9 1; �*. .-,,; � I -o I. On Perfshec,L Found at la,nt. ,,e)jo af� �, 4� I, 01* '21"ll'IL A' , I �,,Vpa � �, ,�, r,,; ,,,,, _pA .4,� ": Cn. . , cat brohen up by tho- Lora ot _re t1red, j,,j,jt na,t . 4th'-Arit'.. vi, t h ', -AlItk4! - In 1 44. It I', a 41.44 . ,1% ', .. 4 . ,,:� j, � �� . �... 1 �;"4..�, � i L .r� i. V. tl; , - They itilwA vontil It rkerialte-1. %V4� ar�, g0n4 to have a bo,ly tMat IvI.tj I _ ,� . I lip n %II %%Q wph�,fta 1, .i,Vj1-p-,% ug P 4, �� � . . ., 4, '40_ ;, ,,,, �, 6;.V;�, L f 4. 1. thern :lesurtv,eflon. 1�1 N711011`61 the Xlri�.-,Idt, a ntor�ouq I'alom,jht that C�.; ,Jcu gdbq- ""'t iiv. � I�,.,-*,!% 414 q fj,b�. ., L �,,_ I.." t " the _1 " . ,, .4 . � - ; .,> zx�,,, J.� , " '? - &C a at la -1. T�wro t0A Vt t h" � 4-lourenft . an, L t 4, U:- 4*4"10 T %% ,34,% � :�.., I %'W4 51.9,- 4i W, `,araf'wr roull ,­' r" ..�4 tZ..'ansilitt out. I.Nullt�r ani'l MIOU'ler-they flru�,l ' - 1,3 WIlert, nPV4%" griow weary'� 0 r%oviowl ro."ar- .�o . . t ";$qr. rfvtlon �kiy! (ItAlaDy. %V110 I fl�jv,_ 2!�Ide 11, " �041'�141. �11 "q-.1, " ­ wo en. �,,r � I, A -, �� 0 , 4; � �, ,, ; J .0�, o- IR'94 - "qt. �� t a .d conw out. I.I.rather alid rI,,Aer-th(_4.y the Oentr_�j Aniqrifa liVent dowm . Thq,1wvL=-!i1-Lq It...86 1.,;�; Ill,: umt cornt� out. Our dzrllng (q.till, Ita hoverlit- o " - lAulldri-IJ51 Or ljj)lrILq - or'),:,l, Wvt l'.4i't lan'; luv,_ iv'r.­ tj tqpjt,�., , " aly ao­, � "" 1, bov. th"; Poor bolly of !,Ill "and fil""T It Y,nt,* .0 � . 4A ItOWUU �,q� - :; R 4 � V� 11,41 q�� , , I ,***4042�;'kel 11.fla.. It 6V;.,'.f ,. ,drQlt:_--Cv:ly mut:t eonle Out. 1214t I C'"n,'t- W2101M f0l' 11w rk)Unj(4 - Irt -L�Ajt *%E twa[o. %IwI; iiot Ujiah i; 111, 0; "tull %4-i N,M .v eyes 9 n of Wily- illp 4ol if Ut "I"Ot, P4�,CtAnr. I r-ri'll: IlrAve, "I E� !:I -1, " , .. Uv, ., � -�. � , ,,, �� ?��-, , "to �.i'.' %4.1� 0 e;, lrl� -L a , ,.1 9% C"Al , 14 14900% 1p aa i� t -4 "' W-.- 01", %%",!!!� I,,,, , 11 that w4a cloroI ltvttli t,w�h tr­nInhag Mid r-oul. ()"-, 'on tho swal 10LP %1.1. -. cz., i,qr 104t. . '. - � t -,,". J4, �14 " . le.0 w ,�. ll:t% a mirit a bUj�*, 1�talt 140%0�r tj'e' 44,.,: , I 4460 q ft �,�, �i,%, .jrjp�'. . e 'X,:AIT�­ of tfti� 61;,ldo'l t'r tilb.4 .�To �.tj� Lq t %, � , 40'. l, ff. " �014,htl.'. Ther I " �'L44."� � " .. �O i. - , J�V. ft� - , k­,,-�u t-,X�av?, � , *.,.,;, '. lln�mz; ititimst og I'll nr,aln ilk lft,� 1,440- 0 Is, %41(lre V. fr,kV(sjkNr dle.d 0 j):P.�:-;,jj D, ­,tI!,v%,,v (,In! SlIC.A.11" out. ;-ft L%eelst I #qj,�,��fl &1�1,__..�%',..a, i 1D. '. , % 't r 1, .P ,4-.",1_u,.k 4 '. 'r. , L,., � 164!I`,,% 'A *­ahvi-, .j!A 7. , ,,b 1. � , I.*% tile f1row. er;A!11I 9C42" W(Intoollit-tc-I, swfs��t tj.D-I?.",!P.-!, Jtl%j�""I,tflol &)t"t"q! 74,1,�te I n4 1�:.4g"V; '194", lrt�'Iutttj I- I � . � . anc,% of that mom Tltc! �itrn!� vo,l I , W., iCA � 'k. IL I.` ,tz w.,16, ,I-" !;- �kjed in dUj;t nl=t jfft tUf!j in alt '%bbey and ttle �* 4,� ilk -A., UW11 � '. '. fe I AL , - VOM's n -1 Z, 1. L�t,l� m;,�!�',:-%....,, t V " �If,­ , t`11'1.4. 1,;, %,-,,��'�� ti� J!, `%,pL-.,1 ;0-�!�� l lqI-,jj no, tile oratorn rom tip,01 ()� n rgton. 4inbrint trit of th" t `,i. p, U,l% cilow.111,34. It I 4.) la. -A ww.�­-- t� ". " Uil 0. , � . I I T%o, vo c'eme f0r0t. V,Oaele,rful alln-'ang ,of rjr,L,t"b0)t!,i %,,tlao 1��Jzjr �. � Y- � '.1 1 - ,-;q, 1.� , 4 -, , " , -34 %,v4 '7', a�,lej #. ij *..AjZ t.,) V,ll!�,.It* enitiragc% V. reunion. - I,e.,� t:iat � ,4 t-.�i! e, ;:41po ��, l - , " � 1 " � , " ­ V '. Wayl 003 W�,%§%'j U2.1 #Alr4m.811" ill Owl Map ""Ir r ,� #,,,0 " .� UL * , , to I., I P.- o. W! 1 " C.. 'I , Wca IstvAttA In our dwelfin- mn!�,. W 030j. and bail. er.-MI& *1 Me j,yr3;fl1j�*j,1 flul ,V�qtlj ttat's ljo��rLj�flq %jt, , ., . tt * " f i, 11 V ,.- 4, 3 wo, �Llin I TI 4%n*A1;,3%,bn, 1, t6jl 1k,". lin,� , - , � e 6 '. 111"LAl- i'h­D,A,v-� 0, td 4 �� �V=, " .:.. N6 - I 9�,� lI,�� ":,i � P, L" v)" , , ", 1_� , , rel.u.". e& O'B. llow It-ong �'Lufwk of 01 Vcyrt. alad o4c. rKiNdreWl caftyk � , . . I � �, I . k� �,,. Li , 11'"f' lo :' 44.1 0­� 'no.. _14 . I I& al. 'a OT - (whe . ­ t, I �! ,A INAI ot 4 $�.M.Mt Rjk 04 that lo lj�. , ­ . , . ' " :1, I � 11 !!V� eA.-4. % vi, " - forn. " aind r -In V. NI, 141­�,11, � '.�0. U, L��, 1;;q A,. V1 IL .:. 4 !� j -_ 9 t: IT. � �1 .1'e. - ­ - - - �Stljlat)�: "%,�rLl %�OLV.� 1�1%!pi�vr&jzdl.j at t., , #�"11-r�J�NA "�O'C tto 11 " I L"U'�4% jjtg­� QI , a 4 t '-� o a". 414 I" 7, . '... ,� ". *. " Ldrd veil rteld to W wMlInf! fol* the r4t,.Ar. , 'ho 'In vtolmh 1100W V,� ' �, - . - " - #." "t !I % 4 _.�J- , lal %% 0 , �i�uitlj.%�'.� :,V14 q " �, I ij "k, - I � rei!Unff! And Tot, th#-.�P, b. I rf t-;!,01 :1-4 4,4,vf,2K t�,Vdov 0� � ,r�41-0 %-�A tj vlhen heal"v" �LII­? I vn,- T�te Caltv,ll alla sj)a e1ilntzil iw# 1.,-.7 'Lop'! Q�%fldo:j;�,f'% - i� lq�%�, Ii, . 01 !.�.;;,! ..­� "j." l,. �­­ . ''L .. - "' , oij , tor, lL � 'v � ZI -_ - M'V�r 0�,,-,at . %,,,�a­q%­ V�i i 4 1'. ; , - I ,�,_-M­ro .'�,��. ,*, _., - 4to-day I tftiatit� a i�oft. ,ta& Uandag,, cn� 11 ra.,tl Ifint ww* ftjnh-�ort, L",%�'%"f,. lh�lt L,lm*ave. 'Tho talp_v , .04 , qp I , I I 1; `l"N?.'q, E � 1).., !I. - 4c. . � 'a, � � ''.. � _,, u r,efhC1-r.1l rk4ng �J�,,.%��e r"Llal t, a r tie.g w but -, -�� � � no. , " . ,Pja d!;2- r,--��jb 01 VwAet gowow. .* an "nntlrp I V . , �Vdm 1117h,�tt t1hn­. *11 , " , ,'k*�, .,i t � �. ­_ 41% alq#­ -"Mlal�,6� too, W, t.".- I Ui­ Lt, %'t !_.9r ni �: t ­,A 1- Tt. - ,.i � - ',;, �.Tr L " �- :, �, I :u b-, 1Z _' - 1'0,- a % "I .'�', L, J`L��g j�.o t�.O�Q5 4 t , ,�, , j ,,Xomp!#. ,qp%-, ho'l On . - _ , � � � - . 7209 .1nA)1rP_1ft".,+ I I'ma In tMe Cz�,n �1�1 ;)y .1 ia..� !�.ou ho'Llp Me gvn_-�Unit- rLIV4�110- Op,-�d jl,-J.��, &0h - -, IYA�ft I ,!`*, fi',.�,;:'IL Agafto thtIo"i, wonle, UL"',z g�,,[-i; §��r�L­ . -a . 0'! -"L�'­t �,. %� " Z -, Cj� .e V,� .,n. 0 �� - I , 1.,A 'a a6tri, v !. , � ", . r 13, ..I , ., I . k 1. t , _ _ , . ., 1. 11 Y*LL , I.t I., ,,,o,0W10!,v1 %ven,&J,144. 4jt7i fU04 ta- , . ­,­,­_��.-jt '4,. 0 ;; Lli'a�-J. . 1M.- � DA­�, , - , . � , �, .,'�, ,a ,� -4 1: , , , " ., 't . IT, ,,�_ 4'� ­_�-, _ , , � Chtkj, 41 J,Ijll,:D�_'jf'�_-*' O!r - r 6",na - I (r ", %IrDir-iot1l Or ,q,Ltib 'c,la!ker fair F%6 ILAYrE-LI LM,01 1-10r), J, A t'��% ll - pt�? ftanpl-­- � .621'a'A tw. � t - _ � 1i ., I - _. . Ehlq �, M2 � t f-- '- -.� 1 4: 1 1, ,or _11 g , _� , ', tq . �� ..!' oo - �, � 0",I� t V I , ; a 'I *N' a M"'p-,., ..-lan r,�'.. - 513g. V.-4tq) t%* ".,,;�� �� ­_ � 'Ath 4119-v'InT t rw"M =*I, UISAIt lfl�!tllop_- To."Irt tle� . _ fy� ... _ ,�,!_; �, Y'-- � fl- - �,,�- -,�� -T! �.,: _. " IN ; " t,f- � 1� 1) ." nt- �, 4 -- .13 11 I _- IV ord, U, 11"Lop %,,a%-,I� a'? tmal d--ir f%� �i =ItRaIr! tiq � .- , ,,, L � 1� f, - �. : "', ., r� - Ll'�,,- �-� � � , ­ � �'jj , k", ta"'." �". L. . . Ill!'V_ ��Ocn?_, 0 � 41), I" pj.-�r­"l t U. �. - Wo',"at V" , ,��._­ '41' , , - - . ­ A I, - . that al 401171.at rtu,4 V . , - � It, .11 :N� � Qt -O.") tjr ts_,I:% fat-Plor v,L�1, bt,m1,-,%t C!<te,)TXl ftom ­'! ��, v-,( 'jo, � 't, An� #��,u - 1 , C- 9��It �- I I LI �. " _ - ;U 'mL , . , , t,- N"4 :- ,!� NA:q,�,r,j " " : :m � �� I �­q '; - - -, . .� . . .11 e�c. r ,,, It , VN',*: -:,re 4" �-�,,- , ­�Ntlr 49DX1tjtj"N Dgjj"I t "'A "-Xj� , ,�%, I f I - 4 , z� ...q 5"� - - reol4e, WlD &-l-es. A lel. Vh,� vk�_l . !.-,_t� 21 Map? _,:',,A.1,- O'�', Iga" tg��490,-,I ;� Q, ,.t.b"am'', , I 0 a, a', 4 41.1 ,,�., dt, -,"."o ��t'g "I'# �� . ll �1 "�. , A�, . ;11�� , t . 11�, 'I . ,,�,�,t - � 11. , " o,.C, � E�,- ;,4 ,.I,,'�l 11 - ;� � �� . I 1� 1, . . ,vc. P M,�Ltpa!n� ge�L � lt�r I" '' . . 1�j t'.1 " �;Irj;* .7� ,,;�,R:,_.!Q-5_3,* . � �4% L,,� ( $ 4, -e f, pulty 0! tbe� 4,,--uon�ru in NX, . r ­ L doV.ft Ill tftp %-i�j. ",.0 .1 C'�,�,,,13 ft� f , , V�i..2u nht� -� , �' I;! 't'�'_;_ , 0_'-'.� t!l �' L�` '�� t ., III. .4 fj,r 11�- no!e",,4 lral!'� naltul Q'- :� 01 � ­ . . !��-,,,, �� - b.. �111 - � I ­ c, t, � it I . - . . T � " ­, ,!", ,�! A - L� 'D lrn",� I .� ", '. - ',',�� '.,� �,� � ;1 . � � -4 , " - - (.!Vf� 1_1!�04 for out I - 110"""'nI 1w Ar , tv 11 � I r'l,;#.`�,_ "' I I � � .,x , 10 A ea'A." ?'*'D tLo! tola, ��!Ijl_t�.�%,�,I� la"Ll tAlan", lhw,ua,�, pg.,! a J;ar�tM pl�� ,`.�r-j'�, � ,,,'.' rL,lt*. - - 't la ,�; � t "'i'L " t 1�­�� -, �,_ I au��j,; _... I ,;­­4,� . ". "A" ��, k,.'._,:, ,%t1I 4 Ir ,. � t,r""(�, , ,!Z, . , I _ jo,.�C�� , , ftat ftuffs; lu. G.3 -:2n nm vl� � � : - , 4 - ��L, I .. I __ 1: re�-(2-rl�, 1 gr;t nair"m- -A -L­.L�Li; 111.021*22N." 1XI, in a "U%)M(".%L tfll '1,10� M+2hM8r_..-, 01)'I ft�) " -vu !" 1, ))�L�Anr�z­l aftA s,=, lyll,l�lg t,,,,��.1�10' , �3 ro �' I . �"� .4o,u �-; I,, � D �,� . " 71 r" � , � � D"-, . I .*� , � V�7 t, ,-� _ 't tT- 1_.�3�,." fj:-.j-1 tr!jp - .1l - - - . - - . - -7, J:V�,L,]'�7 r ttvr��, _0 �,.-jv a � .� 'U'. ", I t � . 'I . ­ , a " (!A",@. Pas 111ow ,M1?,AL.j1, . . - '1"'n � . �B- 1'.7 tq- � ui�- ii;,""', _,., J�� i�!, 1 3 "vi'a tvzm cLamigra M112 t%e 0 --air -- , V t,?UMt1j_1! 11 1`­.,tn 0,h 'I F�,p S _n "J�k Um not raby% Oro. -rZ, - ,� r7�il Dt i,-6# t)ttng �j­,T` `L'1�0' Z�VL'1',' - w - t J.� !. 6 I - . 7� L " ­�* L .,�L_.-��L- .;�Ilt*�,r.jt.pl,n t 1, a 16t.11AI-Y OT t -he 111,Ai�%J. trlxr,�Xng-�t an t!ze R rez"LIL'I T,�.-,atgftur. r,narm­ �. - -I. a ., j -- . I L", �, - -. k� g:"4�_LC" k1-".1' -;, , 11 �9 t - ­ ,­,�z%,�#'�,-L, c.,Cte�z!* 1ti;,a_tbL111. %_'-t�,At a ga*_-L--i)a@ 1b--t,Vg gt V,�-!. ., V';,o4l & 901.tnL*3(M t �. 41 - -, 11 11 �� �; � ,f w,i:.L-�-..,�,� 4­�­ t� 2*1y� (( 1, rl:.- I � ­_ti�_ -m .: ��w. - , ,f . -71. �%, e, ., , 1e=_rAVT 9*av�,:Ila ii M,qh rfta=-fa�tu L 0 U.;,tu,,I��. ,,;�`rtNj�t_�� - . - - Al, , , - * ­ . t. a tl �-On- tLP-"_4 V.-stIns ebflt �* DT T­t- wattv� v1p rit I., !.­ f.& i.�. .Ur"_,L�`� L,6 L'j, "J,1� 1,; -T�.nn 4,� la,"W ,,!�:. , li ­ , I'll.. j- -, : a.,�.� - " - V.1.­_,� e tyow- a ft a, _�.,j f ._ ! �_"�`� D� �` - _- k'� Ll - F ­rj r,,,r,,qtffj��F.t a, ll, Lejv. gln't 0 -��Iu Narat NW165.. t�: �, * I _t, ". L,�11- -­�- --',V' _t, , -go Mr.). - ,I. 9 _4.,l �.jl %, 4R t1j., "ILI' � - I I. :Svelt 0,;m�a iL-e ltr.�7 J. ett a SEN It �Ove dat Iltn't."or .. , , w:,;_.r, . �!",:.�; " , I . ­ , A .,:, I '� nV& . I ­ 0 j" , -I, __ .. 4-4 ,'� t,t� . . r 0 �:11_1!14 - t, _ , z,',,.:. . "� ' "dCet-',')rLW2 tbF?,6-AVdz, t6'�'�-,: 01,11-"�, Z,, ­1,71e Tvrl t-!�D-,�.I`�n,�,, [D�I �cr M"..'' r'?teap oug nuo r1m � �, " 4 P: V, U �!!,! , �� j� . I pv, ��..: t f,j- L , LIL t� � _tL% V- jL' r�, T�X ,',' %11," "Dj, t'�' -, - I IL ."41. t, ,N,� �U, I -ff,��, ztml t wm I �_M had. lt,,,.,4�uz. L�0_ 11V -,L,&;-, - ", �", . . . VL 4 _t� '11. - ,;:_ .rv,,-,, 6 ntI T-��4�-�tl�t­v, %�? M,t*- 4wri ndr-.�,3 ttoeu(�� 1i Vt Me 6oa,l z;ol Nl�;Ave IID[v,� tkrtw t�,avea ttl,"? s4lrtLA� tA&q, N Ntg�, otavfo-T A, ". -! � . ­._ - T,L,ir,*.� , " ", , " OP IrIL% tr - - 17ail _IV � ill �� t1:4,1. , It , 0, � -1. �% , it - W - .-a� ,�'['! I la�.!Mnr I . ,,�-,� I, ,,, , ff 1',1�. - Lit- .'r., . .% !�', , 'dT4,V a zvi-ubt rjl'lna�.�- *T lov!� gcs;tt- ` , _I, 'Ei"�t"arla'stLzu "'n- up V, zul'v- _,��' Vl W .n 1, "L Ii If - _­ ':��Tl r, �; � ,­ , . ,,, � -, ­ t, 4,unan;r 14 JI &"qj jr-r,,.2r. , � I altirI, u,111�lvj!ll3 "L,ng!�J!_11�"_� '1IVre-r,3N 06b"Up - L It %gla tw- voN t�', _­ L- 4, _ -4, " _­'! I V* *_1 11 z� , ­ .­­ V�r2lu !4,fMa T,�2��Ib Ift �'�Ltr'jbe att& ��,�""n Q!��,e, g�,jqE�trip.k% a! �� �,-To"I'S"'Z�W­ 1'r) V^P-4 E%j� ��', , �L I I ��-'A'�..'l _.' V "I _­ _,I]j: �- '_ � , I �, L, � -1 , 1. , ., . a teca it" ton,�. a tjl'�%* CT �Umj­-On . Ur. 's 'a , _ T,V",,II�"t, 'T - - - ,. ,1,,, r� _� � �.. - q;_­:j,r,j ug r.0Ajjf_ .- , -, I U,ol 0,n,,6V.ftt'g ..a �"-dlnt,l, 1"t.,vt" t . "it 1:, U 11 I'D L�-� t - f4 ' L. 1� �� %'� - �:'.' -�),� e "'j!.;, * - � ;. , 'k, , 9 : t � .. �. ,� a�,.,:�y - ,�,)`* - - It _. �) V�V,I'�,*, N,0� t: , -%­&�'; toznb� 0';(.!,1 � �,,,Zil ,;T_'­',-:..*"."�"�", ZE, I -1 ,!��, '�i�h,Vin- t'01�t ,tt-.% tq%;#1T, tnv,­,I�k , f'�nlupt to Tht,=!� � Let ��g I Ef."t -,,�, t " ,#�,u '� "' . � ,tj � O., bt%Ty #.l�nztb --- :t'v_- ,c , ­ , V t ., - , .1 !_ �! ,., q,&�,&# 1" �. � -1 -� , , - ,-. �W,", Lv�,-,, r'. r , , ,'I Z. .�C�E,�Ajrt __ Iina'p Wt9l ­:T,J��_ out trr(�ql. tk� w , � ,j ,� 7�­ ";o y �.r,!�"- ,4 tu, Q,:4- - �,�, ��,,�. �. L , , � - .. .- , _j* btl*afftd'.,� Zt�L_2N Vto 1,�'1'15�"a lonl�% 0�� � 1� �j �,;_ - . 116��,-k �t 'Vv, tp?':�� rmwo�. !mt,­, to Il.vt,", ftevej, ;Ll,&.,��; -t- L j,'t.,, - W -R, j qIV-0 tite w-` . �,q 'L'jr'"T;k-ft 'g 4'j:�'I't7F�:��,,,U � tT�� ,�!, * �� ,� " 11 - -.'o F , . . "9 - -1 I 'A at, _," %�­4�W, ;.11'.. I 4a �4L," X,:,, D, , 1%, �':' !7 �­_ V& -, p��.Z��",�- 4 .Ov.-�'. L'Ml al -I C�,4,* Mat ji -,. - - :1 . .t,_ � -o .,; �, ,'I.', ,,, - � , , - tIFO f�Le mattlero g-tn;o, 41 -� .� e. zqt,MfL�t's , �d .6 &,,. I 1.,. _ii . �I , ! 11 Ij 1162.,j 1%.:-� .([, - `_ �, -,-, ,,* .*,l,',Z� ", ­ , . 1"A' 1� Q'I ih(t 'scal L,;�83!1i3,� 0:%I�! W.,! j I � UAN4 V..'A. Inctt 'P1 tl,� � ft'_ 4�,�. ­� " T.,- " .4 t'�,4 e . 1, WavCK ' V P_g mt-,,qq - ' - E �;" fl;_,%�T,­ n, �q:�� I __---­--­_._ , , �'� ,_ - . : - � _ _jLD:j VVL1_",j V�e J'er ­ - t1,1,7 trn* Vtn4 or r--m,-a� t!i�,ije bt��ug%, 1 't l�rj t, ""a � V ,L' �. ­�'� "'�L 11 L� _: Dj";p . .: � * i3� 'L", - -,, _','� !jrr,.'U To. - �jn102--t4_- - ' ' - _ - _� , �0 4H r5t, omia ou , , . I,Z[ �i , td_-='e'L1,r0n ,04, ,V",U:i_,4t V;e V;Ml ;Lt trm,_* It the 6�-- it'd r - � - , , int. a . ­_� ��V. -12'2'141� It V,p",l " �* 4'0 C'j Tq.;a#j*-. , ,,L51. L '1,13�- 1 lr� - , �nzxrc �[Gn � , f -1 �-­n!vs' ,; ,�: � ,(, , . I - �i Ot atten-o'll Ta,,-.�.,_�, nja agq!,g, eL.1 edrvif- vl,�S!ft from ,U11 LIM Z�% , Bill" NO t5atne ".-Ue ice%4' We tz,;e rc -, 9 t"'Ot"' _"­gL_2- 992 '31L8 d�v4nt�Oft afth UOOA tkaf. 0 ­_ ", _' ' 4 31,�­ : �� ml-* .; K* , � . il . r . , .i r', - ­ - - 0,r-t�,;�f �4*r".st'v:,,X tfj 021 t'"11-1 81"2!45-?��, -, .,oalgo on'q JIT'v '& tag4d V_­'U;4f.-tC.I,f,r 1 nt !1,,�wt &A ff!,-�ak C*^' tbrCrr_�4rDe ti"Iftne ,6-� ; - ,.;i*�` , ! t','� t?"1_0� , � , . I 1dr VAU Eno '4cvo]. 1 0-614rh ffis �A'z�,�'a Or tat Overlasnn'-, 4� �,�`T J*rqulre flhe- Ass t0a � qj? - __ �� n'i ,�- . �I - � P � al'r- �� ­ r! It z -, s "'. trv_% f'v rz t � - -, r�s��1112�9_4�1t_ - Mqlltuty 1t1;n.P0e,j,Q-4r- '-pt,6041 a �llu,;ir,i.-. pC4. 1. U.. ,v� "­­­Z,.� t',J­,:,� - 4 U017. "All W2.,c are irl itV , . C_�.It aa,�,.-- � e " !,_ _� p"afe" Irrufts .6f them "nat �-5��-�"­ eir graves 'torenant tnali# yidu ;��r!6�t fit ovj�A-,, , � T " . , Dift Gwqwl .Mva-fl 1� �y �_'r�t. , Q�!-12 cofne ,,tr,rth:, , uk1D=At-* wa_s� *�I'jvs ffrst wkn gave. tE­`�j t " a", : o'?'D zq"�;- V"�'%,:O� t , �­�e lins haz�d , , it it Should 024 -nn- lt,_I; you ancl �_-4. ` ' � f , 1,41061 Work. to vtj rils: wl,% �Iml 11�,t *'h�� ; znt:r- ^ il . �.. - 1� � . - lil,­ . I - A ,'j ­D�,Zl�"' yo,�, ,. ,,jr th _; 01 *64 In jp&nF. I Nla,,N�r W�1:1-"m Aw. vc"!Zv�rm of "--';D , - _� --l'.a-.'.­-_*"_ _',I',"LiU,;vn prepata'. .1 � sa 'y C S�ttq to ae gre-M. It on- " ss lInl-'ttl" .rA t)# -�I��S, ­ 1, " p .1z tl2a-"�l r ­,ll "he 4 ,- - -A 61Z t, 1�,`I�a_tio"U�l f)� t�"L. - -LAgn o tTa'q-,orl. I ,-, : Z �: , lc - . .% , . �_q �u I 11 r P , u! � , " ro, � tr]�� . - " - - Z,,�; Iu trae name Me 1511-,41�111M�'-­ n� Ig L__j% .�,,, - '0 I . g ­ �, - i�t.v, ,I- T-,,. I " , I ,.",r,:; "2­�tL.at_ Z - "' _�p*jn-% sn�- �! ,O _ r"'VeOgWe'i 0MI, trh=7­12,63 1. t,%q jg.-z,Ir,,jS2- ":_,-�r.-�..'�,­ . I , . . , ia �3,, ­ ` a� , � - lr� Ir IM - I ,voz, - , 6 - - -- �� 4,,�ep ,n , "1 t�, ��, t', �, I �:;P- -'I -1 i- :: ,YT !-4�,V�--!�' ,,-,�it', 4�n,,l �a7g. qa1to .qt4n�r. 4 Of - wor"I. , t7aa�d ; - - - �,.,�t�t I , wexel 1. &,. " ,` , .-,; Ei. r %- . '. �, � , ,­,� , ,: ,� , AT�r-x-mldet� C�,-�'5?Mrl, by fh�S* r-.'�silf,r zroi-,_Orzq� t�mfa jtaqj ,Itp'.Il I - � 10 T,t�,Inas ,­ . I- P 4 , �. , !r _ _ I'kill.1p, ii�1,6, on � b!a'r-'!�' 't'o�hi`e tile ql��elr,e' 4P1 f':e' 'Ofte LU�11- t�&" t','Z,caq- ,4 t- - F"," � � ,,,;, -7 . . .- I Q1701, r"oking tvo gt) . .LrD�Z" , 4 lip U_,al � . _ .V. r 7,T-_�D �1 "( -�Z"'Z '��­. ' � I - f' 'Iva I _ .�,� _�, ,�U �� "Ve;.t,'� ­ - ut Me reratm��­ ,I - - I '�� � , ,.F�rn _ - -�, " 1 � - _"4%;C- ��rt�, n =�;!* - !I 1,7;� ,W',tra'�Lllng Lxbq- �r '. ,2, f, I . ,;:,,. 11'., , - !� i t � -, g, ­T 'L'f U. 1. AU you have r'qTZ,X6M to Men � vdv-�A Ona Tott nnj Tvjn� fjoal ,-,.t3 - Urllpvt-4 f ­�-� L _LZ Y . � "e' *41' ' 4'p' j,", %�" 1 "r; -L� 1�r �r 'F -?!1`_r t� �__T,v f'7 rr ;t . -Xin.1 � � .�t� L" ,� I e ,� _a. � .1 ­ ,, II kA!,5'v'."' I r-�,,J-tl, �A r.,�ft.^ -17a = V5-, � . �, kns � Me lg-.-�trat �v�jur�lvu3c- 'Lt��,rj',� ,�t4 r -A - .,­Ag� ­ .---- ,��Ik Irea C'ie name cf a gzzatqr C-5fiqrActor - _=­ "­ � ,�.,, ,�; of th"q,F�- rv`,�,.,v hewe s; -z ­,'d jj !�:,"�Z_cl ;t�`. . 'e, " - �-,. Z lry 1� 'j, L .. 1- .�'- �;_ � �� _:�­:,'_ -� "IT -In V-va�k, I ­ . - "'., tlt- v,-Et-llo�"_gedo, 4fttft V11 !V�k­5,�-a t�L*Ue,. "�-"�pfjy et'.2- I az,out tha". II,.,Rt U S�:La-�2 le!l V,�,,-Z2, i't T,F�. I TDt2V.-%!l-e,­ S3­�Irle, 0" Our 1'es" 2?'ir,r,a,z no retno, lL71,1-lrint0+1 ,t:1_­6t­th-r.rr., �� .,! At .,� --y'!" . . .. I; .2 "an, I , �­ _� _­ . ".'_' . . . _r 5 T�, - it `pr_..1.". e1'1r',1n,4 F*�,Mm. wa� " . r� , - , r !,� ­; �..,� I I , , - ,queto?. H­� Tcj�, 01n. a Z�" 01" fonv V lr�� in 14; -1, f., , I -F1 r " '-L �1_,­_ "';I Ca � " ; (`�,��..`r.f--. ­�,-�� 91--S't�l�!Z_n- 11 -_� 7 _� f , � r,v-F-zv,-- I SM6M�- trii!A!�% V" " C', f'e,- aw:llr'l 1,0 T -Z- - .1 "P' � -,L, '. � , , Z r" S Lr D., " - L % - '_Z LL'O' ' L yc-�e%,7 I ­. jIT ­,". . rr ", K� - - I -, - ; 'In, ,,, .,-, 'L , ,,, " -�-'.' - 1,=L'- t;�eil latg. , t. i �­ 4 � L �4 . !`��­­ - -oz ,' -6" ­ char,ons an�l ". - 'E'�' .11741!- TL�,7�­,��:-,'l gtt,��4r'­,_j t , r,�,, - ..'I'. �, , " r -No , _ 11�'=�� an'll - , - �­­_ h't , ,_ � . I , - ­­ 1 :, imn ,5; ,�:14a , �2 Glo,lzoug antic1pat'E'll . L.. V haVit-, nr�t F,�-en n-s�i :;�,!- LLj,V;_ ' _ `� 71 ­ 4 .", ,:,_,-�, �L': ,� ,e b= 11 _L _ d 1­�'.'�A,�40,'_%LM­' ,0,Z1_. 1. Q��,�14:'!? M Watir.,- _��'- ("?­44�a._,_� Zu e '. I 't Qua tp`!�Orlval !.,17��`akr,. L - .- , L a �j _. , , UvatAn, t�he b -ca ZY 1-0,.) o: r a -z'--d ' . n, �1,1 j;� , Y­ve�d. ,V - ,j7­��'P.. , , , g " , � _�.",�,C,-.;;4 �� L �, ,� 9 � �,� ":�,:�Y. 4% V`_�-b ,_­­�orrv(­21 ,&..., 7, 11 , - - � .1 � I'— I , � ',7,tv - - , - � - ­ .. 1W * * -aot '. ,Dor­_Kit��-'%'e Fh,%U:�, n�vpt- nr,-.�- n, 1 " �;, �. , , - .,�, ­ - % �' T, 7 n, _ �'.'� .' ' ' - _` .�,:­'-­ ".. " , c- IT.-0161n-cq - --v,1_st off nnVIVInz. It is Lie eran­ 1� Ii`- '11?.,:� uzrsl. p" -. it ", -L,12",�r -2 F11ftt41..!;I b�*6vtcff 6,21 q,.,-�: " �71 � ,:� _� - � ,. = n. �-­, -re IL ft T. :. � , ,_. - - -2� 11, r I, Vie b - j t I � -, Vest . nt, ­ ,, - ­ ­� 1 ­­ "I J;:: � ;'�'­,"! . I " � - _. . e'a 2_1�­ � - - S�Urnl­.F-1 5's,511" n, , If , . � - - " . , -47' f - Q;: ".. , � Tlr;a � - - 4diiST67 10, -e_ -n. .� �j_ , E, t,,3ut�* .A,�� " T , z. . , , � '117z"47eq tri'm v�.,- C5� lr�.711 11w 0, � � 71 - " " -v!j ,­ j.�'. t� � �. �,., -.,z '_­ s n- �, tr �� I'", , T"', --re b -At _ He -3 , b _ V5 WZ_T�Zel� Q've ft -n.7 7ecr. , , ': 1��' 'L _" : D It,— _-. 1.1 _a Ila z5zua b.00'�2L '­ 27 �' N, �t. , ' - I _� � _f.. , I - L IN�72-r, 14t-, tlr .�,,�,,�," ') t- la",- .1 - -,n -2 �' � - � - - - " _ -" � I ', - ,; � , '�.j ,", -, -D 11 1�10 1'�, ,Z71,`:,� ,­0� -I T; � ., � .,�j't .'� L V . :Mag - X�,4 -q,- llnrdo Do, vlr--�I.r �r,- f", - " ,�� i �_. _­",:�V. �";;.�' �,.' ', � - _, . . . I ,.)� Vt V7"trj2� .. =4 las ta!E-7,:! no r-­a"Sonsrj�,. jj�� �' r,-'erro= tm,ly- "TL -r,4 T*z;�r %�e !�.a _3�1 a.: r, t,� 'D C- C Z�',5 ft,js " � , , - .7� r ­�?%, ­`.�, dIgs a tm=h azrcss t!�e :1 "' Th _ .:��y s- "2p-1",VZ�Iamt p,T�,.T!",r t,P �'r - �- ��. , " ". C, _ '. _; , - ­,! ,,,z �;4�,�111�..,'� ,-" �, ", ­ � I ., e-m5sn",erefts � I s a rY_�!10_1 s�;C-I�Uton �,r zhi't 5-, � �,­n,'i �l= V.o=d,r­s �-�,-.:_-=7d al,ul --abU=a. lvt "��h ,r,-:,�­` j-_ r. �t �, I r, 1 . -n-l_ 1,n%­"�L ­_ .'.' I - , P - . _ t N .?MaUt_,,�* , ' . ... .... 'L &WIS, E,r-b It WK1.1a Kne 01_1r"_�i?_z,�S 0; .n_ .: lavo w�a to s". 'a"I M7. � '�._'qtra - 1'-4f. 'Z�-#' F'.­`�L-IT'j ' ,*�"�,t�j, Wj _,�Z_ � - i, LU�, . � _ " Rr �� , _n 1, . . r *,, - , ---. � , -, I . "�!�, - * � T, __�' �,, ." �, ., , . n"s cnznt- 1 ,; , , _" . - , ", ­ . . _ .�L I �. - -T , j. % � �',L' ��41_.,, tl� n", , � - all - Wt _.; , _ I - _,_ . _ - , , .. ", T- � Z;- ,� -,, , w' 7", " t � , n- - �11 , _.: R - - UT T-,.,- r,-.!_Z?,A jj ­ � �__ ,­ .'rV,��L. - " _. " Z_ ta3tg. PiTlty t�­=,%a wW.1'_d tl:-m wo. Za e-el�-L-a�'_ it. Tal,!� inDe =3z- ,_II", -U- , - . , .N :� 1,�q WoM 1z" ,zlp,�m"Plr_",A. 7z .%, - : , " -, __ I 'I r , , 'N.3 P�trt# L.e!. IT-.- vnng _=41,- � " ! ,�,� flay. ­ � - , - -L .�� � " �, - , � , - � t -I ,, 1� 11 ,.' IF' - i,­,�njz=�V. '�!`,r_,�V�7 -., �Z- -� ., , ` -, D " 'WLJ',, ��,,�,,�, -,: - .-,n _1��l t - _,, It , ;- �'t � ff. .y 'I n, � ul ; � 3; ,­Ue z! _K"A remp"'V-1-er."I z"n-:1 u,"?, �V,r+j W�Lr-itl , .n " .�F�z; ,.Psz,�, "have tbir-an den�,I,-�Z:!at,-.] ?Paa tin't � wtl . �-! -at Urin_9 evizr m"ala by aun gt-�ajs.. ` IM, on"'I ­' nr�,' !-,�j �- �-_*�:-.;"� ;a=,s !-, nar ntv.n"' �) .IJ'C_ Zr_ , , � ­ , ­.�" . filt I � ,E._ _ � �. . TS 114 - _t, at� . "Ijo� I I , . .; " � I'. I "� " 1�. I kt!-1, tnzz,klnq = -_ - nt,-,_M�% I k�%Ip It "'Lem =1 en,krj, It ft-., -. ,V,-t!b " TO -,!! tLl .,,�",=_-. , , - �, '_W', , !, -� � Ur r �z ; �, 1.,� - 'L'�_�" or�__�'�1'4Z� ­,� , -w S'a'm�_- �rl-!�y � _1=3 __ , ': , 'I . , � 1�:­ . �'._ L . ,Q _nrPMjI .1 '4� . I r.r �r !,-wl tczi I 111 �: 'I'Lle ta"= to T;eat-+ :1: t3 -r- "_ I .., , . .­ � '­ �� 0 - , 1:� v7c�r, 11 I �, " a <ni;s-1 � a t,atler _17n-,4 Twus --, ;!�, r�zere � -TIM:2 1z,1z;, t";, a ,�-,:!� ! j,-1 C-1 � _ . IA- ­� , --_' !�'_,t__�L I -_ �T. iNrzntz-y- roo I _ -le - �2111.i _ 12:. C_�_� _.. - 4�, r�7 "! 5% (� j � 7, U.;. ­'� , t-� . - __ 4 EV-2ts �� A� ­ - N, vvilm,mll n','14 r,.nv,�, rl�:-�Pn g,7 I ,,�, :,�- ":�zi.A I .&r ­ ,':ave I " . ­ .S 4 _t� . Mr_e�R, V.ej��. . ­-b-7C­ft­ Ir, .Mrun .- - - -- q ,W. '!':_�7' jZ'j'05 T_�I._� .ZS'%,,U T":D_."j:y�­- � , ,.tslt,�,,,vs. Pni�,- t,v r =0� I - 'j -'"L`"_- ' ;Cj_�,. % . ' �_- !�� �E.* 2 , - I - __ I- _'+7 ��%� S 0 L Q' - ­ �' - = .,­Tr,�Z il �! - ,g IN �,h�s tnra. -,-.1 1,ne a.-r--ne mnan � nr"l !Merp arttl *A�tlft Zt1n& ft out In b�c� ,, -:,� zpv�va;-�,7 f-mr, t7j!-'.'7 v;-,�,r",�: 1a.,v- g4v_ 11 ��"", 4;PM^,s f -T, ;��;­� tn u-.-.,__, . �,­ 'n, q -, ­_.:�- , I iz,", ' S, =n , Ir 'Ire,al ' � . �1�­L", 4� 1 on I.'--- rnonrntam. na rpan on, .,he ,��r�, , , . , 6 L S of -- 1, ': M & , Y,p,-_, T 5 =,�, * �__ -, ,I .e jL .- ' R -r�'� - ' �� _ r', Ereatfty r ,We�."t -9 VVNC2-�:,. ;�L',, 4<�4� _t, [11% &t',�-Ze "-'r-­�- .1 .,�:,4 rQ:'­.,L yf,� O,Wn�-d . , , �1 �­,A'xbrltv, 'mc; pn-,= ls;z z. T. -I pre", - 1 4'I't 2? rp-,�=�".. �11�' rc�er-4vva t�f­j .,�? 1� �� _,j 'tt -a , * I �_ 11 % ., - "' _"�%�Z' -. 7'�L -,I, 7"*j__M. ­. # r ,� 't;.,l t,t� g6:te. , �t 'a . aii tz;bawsetnel Al.!np *p1owIng ts­,Z, " � "a _ F-471 S 22 EGGS - THEN DIESS. �, �'�`X 4'az�=, ""'"' �1 -i � '_ ? ('� :F "�'_� - : -_� TC"'fMr'4 Ift4i I "I Y. *,n . -2 .e -,�:- I I - I _ , , ­ . 'r I , ­, L,Z _ , :� 1w,vets, A;ZM Ani 29-Mh Las h Apppt�i a'al bnit- � - _ , - !�" ,I �,=`e 'of lje��It�� jrpin,gg n - , lz;:u r� ,C.. ', �­­ .�.­­ . = - , e,,zn:11n,�,n;ALV. rIn-�1-fly n p=rj;��C__, �� 7-- 11.-_ S L-1, t, ry T =�, , ,-"I 1.rir,za Zr'bw T� W"Kh a�l ,genterat-lors. � ' lel ani brai�-_il and a n Of colilehart, W. 'vz-_.:, 4 2 .,_­j,p. I - I 41ore Mts w4wl wu � sain sitilln", . _",%C!P to c,,,�. I - It'now 17',`��It -w:� !I- "' - -, � I � . '. -q " �11­1 yon it Lavc- -- .J",n,7t�.�,n �!tl ­_ ' anas C, � o .;:�.Oall, vte�n,- +,,-* t!"r- rnlu.l. nr-nep %V�t�� , ,I i","", -,,.,,,-; " -_ I ig -.V�_,-;7.� He !,,4 -- niftarch as' vvel as a eorv!u the stormst oi� thousa 11�. C� ft �s to A (;re,ft,il 'I e.z).--,e ior T" At Cate .��-J=-, V=A, E-�'T ','-, ­", a7v, e",Z,ii�C,B too srdpr hbr-,j ca j , - _____ --- -V nmo. i C-0;1. mace T-wl OW" =-4�ii�_r. .1"h,- � . i 11 . ­ ' __ C-�l del5CM-9 Of other gc-mi�Tatzojkg 9 POhnt P�ersant, W. Vv-, Apr"'D 19. = '-'.7 r,f tr%�:? MWLpeate MOV. - ,07; N5 ',Je.altle IM Sa�=Igeile7, his f0m�in- I Pays. - � T7:��Q:t-�.Ve<;:s r'T t- 5P vvhr, jir,�41p��-r_ 4 lrx,k-:0 4,1_1�ll dv,�= n,10 -gr.at tl-& T-e.T, t!m N ii�;='Nv -:n,- vl: r� � . 1--.--fis the fa:.,.,ng toarg Of a wo.-M. ew,L"ling down frO."I genGrVwflion to gem- � ,In a S.-gmn 4 V71thon't ErpPI'r-i- fler"Int, , Br [ tt, 'Copabiart, thiscountra �42gxg tn thLs Ms- h�s T,'apk��-t. ;Vl..L� tMst VVzzS Z&=& ,� � . I M-.. it-ps"n, P L _ ,C�i .�n ��;c­.,,,r�.,r.Q,.�-. tra�_,-. Aexckvn� -rr,nrA_ .essed be God! in the J�gh�+ O, ,vl�g eration, ,V;e Woerit-ng the InfelI:cV,jes, y6_qte,-&,V 90= 0*,Te read 0ozsd fr,n,n, �, 9L"5A8bn of Ca;f rniritt,�,p! r.l,,r -, ,,�-�2 id bz -C -" P_�,e," . � _ , �.l .,�!, to; 17z�,� "�zl Mtnsnl 9*zo�v tbavlt � � _ I - I a V, 1, .4 .r h: .-k-3 q-21 UY I I ti-ade V7sp,*ryer abolit a man V7LO L-24 �� I! ,e gave �j Liz iI4&1- spZ6.11,2y activ�L%. -raster m6r.n.ing I s,ee the proph,tay Va�it i of Past generat'ons. a lie !Szer.n-1 sp�rft�-,ao� f!-dr,g:-�.11 2-,A'4 et,s,k. RL!s:�.- Lust rfPVC4, ver. L � ' � , - , thIs sce,p'A,r shall Ice L,roken, and ;I's pa But In tile M07Mfn&1 of the Vezarrattloi, I 6atc-n t'% -O do' -fln haral Wiled it -z-,-'. � PRACTICAL _�-URVEY. '-:�:,� t��111=--i­d wit".1 =1101.ary terie- �f — __ __­ - ace-emall be deraaKFhP5. The hour � tI L� body- wNI be adorned anA tea,ti,�;­r-El .%In ;9MMr, n gj�j, =� vr-ar., 'e_�ef_�W,4 , - i =ess: ­Vnl��Mk 1,1,� ,60..L�-rl We �--at 'ann n W 'f' O"QLC I - ­ , 9 Nj,rjLL GET Ud I _ 'U itomrng ,When all WhO are in their , aacorMng to tke Original niodal. Ax,d I h,3 Conm do tliat. A 196.p.�' .1 Notleo S�:pnii- or tiza C�reurl,zllnzc,na 1 TIV Vne Y, Tlw y,auug luen. s-c-eing tte L,% * . was W . s!taff ,come, forth. suer, aiwa;Ince between a j _pnd S.-Alth begaim. Ile ' finislied 4�tt 1 V1-!)DTl,eetf.d witi, thls, gpp�araaa� of Sir !ng sZad�lrtt SqU rn'fy I r,� ng- __ � 1--ave-3 Christ rNen, �. there is no S IV. e � we shall rise. jegut�t; -the Sr, -,t -,rlu-, " gymnast ar jj first i1alf ,a I ,vitrigt to Yril ff'r Reginald �41 .,-, .6 a e - v�­,-��k L _. iddleton's First wmegl n, mae atfa . e13 's - pla oben in rc-.er�rd lizan- t1ten s al-10AU.S. med Lato the t"alned gp,j,i�c-r. . �:� ,)f t1l"ma it"kat aMnL i la.-rett. a. tia,in,e Wn' � 06M ined ed re'k-ung 121, but tt�pt rpt i 7,40 time ��tffd fiantz,-. xt took place Lz.cw tfipre was rotb'mg to (9ji b-�,-6 Ponds Almost. Hrakeft� � I be a ti-Mecenee .1 e dh�v triat a-.r",st m5e Obey the =n they 1�aJ come tt� �, Now, around t' .,2;,s de3ctrIne, of the * between our bodies as they era r,mv 1, his tm�k anfu twenty-ttvV0 eggs Wlth j [ salt and � � . 4L" ottaw., e_,�srjatn',rz evy's - Tt-,e giliq , " NrO- th dead -t:19 tars'. &�v of tij,- J-mmlflUte. _,AR jLh�,� jas�,, cn,� ler,. M_ .*surrec-tion there are a great many - and our resurre.-ted liorme. Ther yc � - VIE, egar llw�b:xeni swaU0we'l '� _ ., � . t_,�,I� 11 U, ti'D Mbddlet,G:J#� Mysteries. You came to Me and say, I -111 see the p6rrcct eye after tn�, a tz,� He vv�as t --T,- , 20 IdAY after tlls, Jewlei'a &ab� Clje,s re sald PC'1trlV': "I hop i P5 -';4,:,,a o�'L"Ua_s �q,�L ,j, V, ��ter:_ n. IXGM? arid diad in ., , t,, th . �' -'O" 4 O�' TCz6*1'-0, f0Z *11.vorce from. bpr hims-o , &n Ito= des'IK - i- - at a T,rivate zneptlm,� oil ten ol El Te, It.ld tl pkasant evet-mg-, gentle- lf the b3dZes. of the dead are to be ",,Of death have was'hed 6U- the s;mIns of te the efforts of t IM114d, Pte�glnaD­' Lan,e,,­j,A MEezjjeto:d,, I s We "ho di,qcl-, 'Ic. ,f4 Q�nitl S"M, Ir"Jo.-C, 'of th4, ralsed, how Is this and how Is tbatt? .,- te-IMI and study. There you will qee 4,ne dolet-ors., � , � I qr tion. Q417 again., e&*uO blt-fOTe thP Dh-zizee C01intlAitte* l. ---- rr1<­-,d,3 wm, ther.l. lez:ke x-xlv, 33. N10 fM?'1'Pr �-Ate=llt WrtZ M-409 to t4l"d-I.T. The Opinize.1al. was ,,,,-;e first And YOU ask MeL a ' .bOU___ �. � �jnd ques- 1� Perfect hand after tj�e knots Or -.oIl Dobald"a Iteply. T-'10 'lisciPles Of Christ, even in dIf- ha2e 11M.-Malti-more ;�5-,j",. 01 tlhe -';,O=�g ,;�Qnr-n M!".rried bi�v ffitt - � tt*ns I am incompetent to answer. thave, been untied from the kn,acjtjes� A -'_Wtit"I'i (_j,_rg.VMa0 gol4bg to ficult tln,cv, M11st .,lot forsake the - .- . - j)7g4j_jj,j1A W11,0 is n.L%W ge lint there are a. great many thizigs I There you ,v;lll sea the form eree* aAd ,cl bl _Tving a SeVe* be' " Ila -eh atte*,jde(j; by his k1r1k-,'f1e,,,. z`i4s"m ing 'Of themselves together." G'tlordlel$ Illne_­. anitentlar* you deve that you are unable to i elRstla after the burdens have gone I wl�; f6m;rly Ilacl b�,een a Itomau The Tn,tinifewtatl�on of Divin� pawer A mtm me�-Ah�g a fri.,ml ,,viiOM jz,� .VtNars* "'e-ra !n TKIriggton PC + *xT,lain. You would be a very foolish 7 off the ShOulder-the Very life ,of God - Mtholie, ov 'had not se�-n a,',d %110 9&I -1,101d I-. great, deal of no, . in t the body. In. this world tb�e .-jost Im tile parson, happening to 4�r mlitter. Tile doars;l althorgh 6- ru,ma ti=�, &tILI: to�-lety cliz acen-ant of ,his fralid-alent =2n to say, "I won*t believe anything i _ I .Vttimble, fell to the ground. The Sbut. Could not b.,,,,r ozit tTle colIquer- -P.M11-0, Gclordl% wl-aur ha.1 ye b�,ejj szeheme to c_�as�ruat ,Q, r � I .vnit understand." Why, putting . Presgive thing, the most -'�Xpr-4sslve It beadle, alarmed for the safety or ing Christ "ThIs ,doe,g slot ,at all tilig WhIL.- back?" "Nan," r.�!v, Gc,,,-- N,j7r�or . all%via jFrotN .. * - _ IstfMk 7 . to D'a'n'tford T.h,3 com.. do-Wn one kind of ,�lower seed, comes thing, LI; the hunian fAe6, but th_at face i tile' hOlY 31nan. exelaimpd$ "X&ther of wc'�Qlzen th't, ev!Zaca of IIZU havi tjo, "dij ye n(v- kon Iwaq kil rlec-n . . there., up this flower of this color? Why I Is veiled with the griefs of a thouzand " Jesus, have Inercy on IDis -,toii, !" -' r"al 11111man b,xlv after His, 29. wl' that tronblAo they "' - kil;uz=a ?­ M!"te" hetard eviezezr'In, nX01 de-old..w putting down � The parson, in* ". Ed to ri%T'ar t to the S=�ta Is, rp'Tot. anather Iflower seed,coine,; I year, 33�t In the, reaurreation niorn t ,)re clingrined ati Dort- I'lliAlon. trtlou_ , reg_ -r- ` .No. man, X dielta, Ke.au, Olt : and of tzracltmg - �h the d<yrirs were shut wbat kin' a trou!61 I , tj,.,Vl, �:iv-0re.-% p. p I I i I 1. I , I i ill I I I I I 11 1: I I there up anot �er of this co:o, that'�ell will be taken away f,,m tLa '� Ald than' hurt. by the fall, ga- , ,,yo -a TAO Lnew how to ot�y:� -, w,rq', �,, I.C. C.. " _ . Ilaii�., 1i l id . .M with I ther flor ' Higliland sinner, what b,etter ,Wa.,� any n.o1g,N and .n tIjL rfll.v, explaln," - - ' One flower white, another flower Yel- . face, and the nitiondar sun Is dnR and � 0. says Gzazdj,�. 0!1o_-.% rcpr�.s�.ztc,3 �jjrs. ' ;� 'It I ('; . ki Is it?- CC-Ii=Y Cr,Nwn At T It ha _ "'Weel, Vomlef in so that[ they �-j,ut e2tc r S -pr 901 tin' bt tb�er ye fet, . . I 'it nl)t TIEN'r Him as fbrm�rly M, eu,r I,Izv like *. ti fftct. ." e-hin't rpe'] -_ ; ni a ,-1 t Rig m0theT Ultra mine Tv r"Itg" low, another flower crimson. Why Vhe � dim and stupid co- p red ,v 1�iddlyet'c�a! difference when the seeds look to bit fflaming glories of tb.e .,j>unten,,,juu.v j), I _�irp" tr,a.ys Daitiaj4j, "I dinna, ke h4'a walked ITP�)n th' 711*3 worL- of � b.0 she W. ZF, way- ,,' , inj;j -i- _ tilL � lts e -,-er, and yel. i 711�j 1� tae ti,t.� . � r-- --ing - battle"q,mv � l irm"vViin- 11 11 Ir..1 M.z.3 'very much alike -are very I the save�- When those fa-ces of the 1 tj� na liptter, but. wow man had a twuo 1"ay. 0 W , 1. . .. - - I - n an, dao ye teli m! - , � '7, ----';,Ir.,jg 1,.'_-. . Piles & grtlat difference1w I ft, I t '," V'i- ex. IV e e,�';3e '%vl�l t'�­,��!� <','it ,'�-Y 17,tal- T.I_�l A, F4_&'�IiA �X%s_& tWng-s. VxVlain that right teous, those i e�urrected faces, turn tjIejj: t.wa, sto'ne.1, ec-'Ir 1�10 1111pr0s.i1*11 In't-d'? upon the ,die- I ikInim fa.Rlh--�d that wn�* thi�; Ins;t t��,�pRjtv W A __ ­ " - """ ­ 1,; 4:1'A 111',� %Tr,�C.k-' � A clPl�ett' 7a,'2iv f0kith -was confirmed. yearg, aliel c,,nLTdn,,j ,I _M:� .".1. . . � n', . 11'. 1%0 finj.4,jP-,, .-t4 i.. - l -'ed, earl. I 13'_ ' � Zu A L,_ �: : - I A . .0v it." " rk C. �0 , , . � . A� 'to � �0 I I I I .111, I ,:(