HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-04-26, Page 2PERMANENTLY CURED
en Seven• Years of Great
Ilan!litson 'Waters, of Ridgeville
ells of ha Relief from Neitralgia,
heuntatisin and Stomach Trouble
hreengh the Agency of Dr. Wit -
ems/ Pink Pills.
or years Mr. Hamilton Waters,
well-known cattle buyer, of
eville, Ont., was an acute imf-
er from 'neuralgia, which was late
complica,ted with rheumatism and
ach trouble. But a:tow, thiaaiks
Dr. 'Williams' Pink. Pills, he is en -
ug the best of health. Speaking
his illness and subsequent cure,
. 'Waters said: "For seven years
uffered great agony from neural -
tire pates were of a darting, ex -
elating nature, and for days at
time would be so great that I
red I would lose nay reason. To in -
se my misery, I was attacked
th rheumatism, teed this was close-
followecl by stomach trouble. My
eta and limbs became swollen and
was almost helpless. 1 saffered
nausea and a decided loathing
food. I became very then, and
eonstantly troubled with: cold
eats. At afferent times I was
ated by three physicians with -
receiving anything in the way
permanent benefit. I grew des -
dent and began to think that
Id always be a sufferer, when one
e's my druggist advised me to try
Pink Pills. He said that
tides his knowledge there was
cese where the pille had been
ed but What benefit h'ad follow -
Wad be added: "That le saying a
t in their raver, for I have sold
er five theamand boxes, and have
had a complaint from anyone.-
llowtag his advice I procured a
pply of the pills, and after
few weeks I could note an
proremeat In my condition. By
e time 1 had taken eight boxes of
pills the netmalgla and rheuma-
xn had entirely disappeared, and
stomach was .ornee more in a
lthy condition. My appetite im-
oved. ;end I gained in weiget and
reugth daily. It is now over two
es Mace I discontinued the nee
the pills'. and all that time I have
joyed the best of health and
vett% felt an: ache or palm to that
Mak that. I PIT Sate in saying that
ewe is permanent. In fact. eight
es of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ree-
malished what three deetors had
led to do, tend I feel I are justified
warmly recOMIalending them to
rerY higif moil:cal authority has
d that "nearalgia Is a cry (If the
vcs for better bleed." Rheuma-
Is tilSo recogniZed as a disease
the blood, and it is beeause Dr.
liams' Pink Pills are above nil
grf a Motel -making and blond -en-
ing medicine, that they no r•Veed-
ure. these troubles. Bat you must
the genuine, with the full name
Williams' Pink P1119 for Pale
e printed on the wrApper
d the box. If in doubt,
direee to the Dr. Willialas Med-
e Co.. Brockville, Ont., and the
win bp sent postpaid at CO
bter vi% bdetes for
• of Fltidttig a lemall Irish "With
meting House .Attnehment.
George Fradeelak. Wright, of
rflu College, has lately returnee
• jcurney• round thee world, is
euree of widen he made eeten-
gertegical inetstigations ni
to see if he tonna* get any rar.w
on the subjeet of Notiele Geod.
Bible eters' of the flood wheel
t eyed Dearly all the Malian race
been a Sablect of study with
In ter tWeitty-five years. Ile re-
rtie finding in Central Asia 0, re-
nt/table area whiea gave evidenee
having been lifted from the bed
the sea at a cemparatively ra-
t period. On its rbountainewere
eels that attest have been tiepoile-
bY Water, And in it, 1,00 feet
bete the eft -level, le a fresh water
400 miles long by 40 mliee
;idea wherein were many seas, lit:
hoee in the Arctic Ocean. Their
resat:Ice hi the /eke could he be.
e t/amts./a for by the theory of re.
ebsidenee of land which bra -Ingle.
Ete Aretie Marine animal's seatte
e. {taught ift lakes when the len 'I
tece again. Westward. towards the
leek Sea, are ssomeot mare -able
raeel eds Iaid evidentio by eea-
Ater, but iloW 150 feet above the
Whiejt also testify to tem
eetlesstiess of the earth's crust in
• in acinparatively recent times.
he trees don't prove that the
:stay et tae floed is tette, but tbey
mord with that etety as told in
Bible etoties, latelligently re -
aide& Beebe to be pretty sound ins-
Sry. No one caa be sure any morn -
g that the newspapers will net an-
einlee the diszovery of a fossil fish
ith asailler's boarding house in -
de of bite where Jonah might bave
edged three days In comparative
eafort.-E. S. Martin, In .Liarper's
Cortl.in China.
The greatest coral field of the CM
orld Is that "of northern Chin. AI -
lough 'not yet well known ael to its
nits anI resources, it seems to be
or important than all thoee of the
d evoeld pat together. aforeovet, it
tear the sea le a tektite eountey
led in a region where iron eta
3otaide. Tbough 'meek less extensive
tark the beet of the Areericart fields,
Is from the aSserablage conditions
1e4 Inota Important deposit in the
oria. Hetree much of the tangle of
10 Chineee question. Wlechever of
to pone re gains Control of this
lore and of the laborionS Chinese
) Week it may reckoreon a 'mighty
itreitage in the race for economic
l'crillIe-tay, 'pa, what'S an "apiary"?
Telie-Why-e-e-elert you, lellow that:
I'� 1 Iciest oft. Monkey ;cage ; place
'beet they: keep the aaele-Philadel-
Ma Preset.
. • • •
"ted Dragon Dreadfuleallay Appear
In Edward Quartering.
{Apropos of a discussiOn as to the
desirability of recognizing, tele prin-
cipality of Wales in the British coat
of arms, the London Daily Mail pre-
sents the accompanying illustra-
As everyone knows, the present
royal arms are -Quarterly, first and
fourth gules,three itons peasant
guardant in Pale, or, for England;
second or, a lion rampaat, within a
double tressure. Dory, counterflory
gules, for Scotland; third azure, a
harp or, etringer argent, for Ire-
The proposal is that instead of
"Red Dragon Dreadful" in Fourth
repeating the English coat in tlie
fourth quarter, that space shall be
occupied by a device representative
of the principality of Wales.
aketeb. No. 1 shows the most pop-
ular device, being the "Red dragon,
dreadful" of Cadwallader, the first
King of Wales, A. D. 678. Henry
VII. used the red dragon as one of
his numerous badges, in proof oE his
direct descent from Cadwallader,
through his grandfather, Owen Tud-
or, and at Bosworth. Field this de-
vice was borne by Henry.
Favoree by the Herald's College,
Showing the Aram of Liewelyn ap
The red dragon seem :Os, the dee-
ter eupporter of the ;irate of the
House of Tudor.
Sitetelt No. a. whet, is vaill to be
meet favored by the Herald's tea,
lege, deplete the arms; of tams -Apt
np reaffithe heat Prinre of North
Wttlea *slain at Mealy on the Wye.
In 1272; derived from Owen Gwen,
etill; the liereldir tharriptlen brine,
tatarterly. or and gulee, four lions
passaut on:admit, ealsaterritanged.
3Iesers. C. C. ItIrittlibet a. Co..
Gentioniatene-In annueree lael, Frau-
lealaire, one 1.4 the empleseed
by mn. w.yrkinr, in the limber teenage 1;
hall a tree fail on Wm. eraeleingkim
fearfully. He wee?, wit -5 Mune,
placed on a sled nrel tatten
where grave fears were entertains -1
rde hid rteoverY. HS hips inAng badly r.
bralsed ani hh boter tanned btat
from his Abe to his feet. We useel
MINARD'S 1.IN1ltENT pfl Ma freely ;{
-to deaden the pain, anal with the ;
me) of three battle he was terit-;
Vietely cured and able to return to
LO aot• '•
SelitiV811. DUVAL.
Elgin tiond, L'Islet Ce., Que.,
May 24t11. 1503.
ealie- keeled the Iludget.
Probably lir', One per emit. of the
British, talon:yea/ %rho are jaut new
an -Measly it:b•etts30-:-: thep-4ht1ity r4
Sir Mieliael IRA; folakeetn-;
in budget aro atr... of the rrigin
of the term. Alin st frem Ctn.! im-
dierrterial it tra.s Vie etezti•in in nig-
land to Int the r-stiniat,-,r reee:ipts
and exp-nditures presented to Pori
Ii.iment in a kather bag, the word...
budget lining I Me; borrowed from the
old Norman lar•rt;bougett. 14131.01
SigaltifiS a 1 ;other purse. Carl-ash-
risougli. the w:,:rd bag passed bek
gain into rrnnmye from Great. Drito,cti.a,
To lereak lip a Cold.
All you require is a littis sugar, a I
,glaiss of hot watir, thirty drops of
Nerviline. Take it hot. In the Morn-
ing you win wake up without ncold.
Neriine is good for otitet things-.
such as toothache', neuraigia. Thelma'
'Limn. For inins inside ani pains out- '
side Nervilene. is simply marvelous.
Dtuggists sell it.
Treing Again.
tettreer, wishing to impress his
cIaes with the virtue or "trying
again," : "Now, supp:so someone
were to go on, day after day, being
good and doing god, delfts all
temptations and hindrances, what
would you mint ?" Perseverance was
the word wanted. A multitude of
had were thrust out. Picking one,
the terteher pointed to its owner and
Said: "Well, what one word would
destribe my meaning '2"
k`Ikronotonolis," replied the enfant
CatarelioZolie Cure S Catarrh:
"X think I711 have same of those
erullere," said Jones at the latch
counter ; "don't you want some ?"
"No," replied Smith; "they don't
agree with me." "That So?" "Yes;
I couldn't even eat the hole in one
without getting dyspepsia."
Blobbs-What's the medal for'?
Slobbe-Plano playing.
Blobbg-I didn't know you were so
peon cietre.
Slobbiti-Inte Met. The neighbere gave
it to 1ne whet/ 1 stopped.
-.,a.e.seaeaaosaa,,,aesees,. sameaeseeeseedteseeeeete
It 10 pretty generally accepted that
were It not for the softening influence
exerted by women our munlaboastea
modern civilization would fall to
pieces. However, that woman does
not deserve all the credit for our pre-
sent-day liamaiaty is shown by the
fact that there is a community where
women never go aud where the men
are noted for their kindness and hos-
pitality. On the coat of Macedoine
there is a promontory, which, because
there ane no fewer teen twenty 111011 -
eateries scattered along the rocky -
recesses of the shore, is called the
"Mountain of the Monks." Here, afar
from the naadding crowd, beyond the
influence of modern surroundings, of
distracting pomp, and hollow- vanitiee
these aseetice dwell apart from their
fellows. In this community there is a
town, called Caryes, which bears con-
seterable resemblance to the thrifty
village of our own country. There are
business streets lined with lit tie etiop
and bazaars, filled with busy cus-
tomers, coppersmiths, plying theia
trade, fruiter; rs offering their wares,
all apparently moving along mueli as
we are. But there is never the swish
of a skirt, never a, weena.n's faceis
seen. There are no maidens, no
eooing infants, no miechlevous little
rascals to annoy the fruiterer by
pilfering his tempting ware, no busy
little mothers nursing their dollies in
fruit of the door.
According to the etmerstitious be-
lief it wan the Virgin Mary herself
who forbade tine spot to women. One
of the monasteries contains a mys-
terious image which is very precious
in the eyes of the members of the
Greek Church. The legend rune that
ono day the image or picture of the
Virgin called to the Elio/roes Pul-
cherizt ae elle was going to her devo-
tions eaying: "What do you, a
woman, hero? Depart from this
churdie for woman's feet shall no
more tread this floor." The Mammies
obeyea the ineinetion, though elm had
greatly enriched and beautified the
Salm) that day no woman or female
animal has, lived on the. promontory.
Only the birds of the air have broken
the order, but tide is unavoidable,
The good brethren, however, do their
utmoet to see that the wish of their
beavenly patron is not disregarded,
and when fowl is served on their
tebeee only the eeekerel le p"rmlie
A Carious Fuzzele LO An Students ot'
• Psycltolegy.
strowr gar, or,ii Back' Pittsburg is puzzling itself over
the strange vase of 1.2•year-old
boy, Ila.rry COntwir. The buy Is am
latlextrous, writing and draw -iii
equally well with either hand. Bu
a/1 that he writes or draws with hi
left hand Is done upside down, whit
the SUMO things dote) with til
right liana are right bitie up. Th
atrangest phaac ui his ease la tba
lie does mit uppreciate or menu
aiatinguish the differeuce. 11 th
work ot his right bance is thine
mai& down, he cannot make hen,
or tall of it, and if the work of 111
left hand is turned right tads) up i
beeomee Laetrile° to Min. if lie be
gine a drawing Or a letter witl
one, hand and attempts to finish I
with the other, the result is a hope
less tangle, as one part will be vh
absolute reverse of the other.
In ail other respects the 'bey is
normal: He Ls bright, healthy
strong and well, good-natured an
active, without any of the signs ueu
:sly a:ter:teed to "degenerates." 11
is One of the 'best learners in hi
4;:17: and one or the brightest child
ren in thn
e eighborhool where 11
Now, the cnrious features of th
case are not yet told. Nothing wa,
known of the boy's abnormality un
tit he went to sehool, and thcen no
until they sought to tweet him t
write. Ile wrote instincrtively witl
his left band. Ile learned to foam
the charauters perfectly, but,
everyone's amazement, incluein
that of his parents, he formal th
eharacters upside down, writ/0
from right to loft of the paper in
stead of front left to right. as is
usual, and from the bottom toward
the lop of the pn per when the ehar-
acters covered more than a line.
It was not NITItIMIrt mueli trouble
that Harry was taught to write et
all with his right hand. In fact, at
first it ememed impossible for len
to master the task, But he sea ao
canoeist' it at length with mutt el
fort, and in doing so develeped tin
other wonder of his single:1r Ohm
he wrote right side up witb nett
Cain rrhore kne Curve fee
'through Kidney Trouble,
A Toronto Contractor alto was Never
'Without Pain for Years, and who
had Many Times to Quit NV or at-
Dodd's Kidney Pills made hem Weil.
Toronto, Ont., April 25.--(Spec1a1.)--
At No. 86 Lippincott street, in this
city, resides Mr. W. J. Keene, Mr.
Keane is a contractor, and is one of
the beet known mou in his line
businees in Tema:Ito. • •
'Like mano other successf men,
Mr. Keane has suffered during Ills
busy 111e a great deal from Kelney
Disorders. For years he euffered
great pain. He was forced • at time
to quit Ms work altogether and go
to bed. He used Dodds Kidney Pills
alafi is W0.11. MILS IS what he says
ab211: gives / es me great pleasure to
mete in praise of Dosees Kidmey Pills,
and tho good they have done me. I
ain never. without them.
"I have been a great sufferer with
paine in me back, in the region of
2 my kidneys. I was very sick, and at
times could not attouil to my work
• at all.
"1 uhod several meetieinPs, but noth-
ing I ever tried seemed to help me
ill the least, until a friend uf mine
advised me to try Decides Kidney
I immediately found relief, tend
was able to resume, ney woek.
"I used altogether eeven boxes be-
rme being completely cured. Since
then I have never been sick a ilay.
I have never had the slightest Indica-
tem of a retuenof the trouble."
et le herd to understand how any-
one will continue to truffer nom Lame•
Back or any other symptom of Kid -
nee/ 'Trouble after so Many frank and
full statements by men well known
in all vodka of life. that Dockre Kid-
ney Pills have cured them.
Dodd's Kidney nee always cure.
They never fail. Time- oannot.
Years of trial have abet:Intel" proven
that there is no cam of Kidney Cam -
plaint, Lame Dock, Itheumatian,
Lumbago, Selativa, Gout, Neuralgia,
Belittler or Urinery Troubles, that
Dole's Kidney Pills will not mum. -
Desitl's Kainey Pine are the only
medaine that ever cured Brigitte; Us -
ease Diebetes c.r Drepsy.
Thousards of temadians have tried,
and protei, and testifiee.
NIAGAltA TO le Sloe.
No finer trip can be taken than the
water route down the ate Lae route',
through tho 1i8, ir 1,1tilitiN
'111011M1 111 Lila 11418 411141 ri"--'11:z the
raptio of the at. Lewrenee Liver to.
Montreal". The !land:tem-Montreal
Line eteamers lintee Hamilton at I
P. tn. ;en 1 Torestal) at 7 p. 111. Tue.fdayis
ani Thuralays. After June ath. tile
boztte will make three t•rip; per week,
the adelltiseril boat on Satursine.
offer very low rates) ten Vete lam ter
both eineed atel return tickets.
The Torentodinattreal Litaseeletearia
ere have Toronto at 8.30 p. 10. T114 -
drye, Thum/leers and eatursines from
alines let to enne
from dune 1 Ali di1y, reeve aem-
(114n atentrier e'eorente and the new
etteenter teitineton will make tile. Wa-
vle() on tide line. 'rimy tire the fille-t
irei4t water, A ttt ratite..
Torento the Met pert hi llochesit
leinesettea, Thetteatei Detuele marl the
et th' . iwrosr»- to ote.-
real. Between Mentrani. lenetee
Murray' Ban Tadernate, mei lea
antraenny laver. eni 'et le tie/ fireet
trip en tie. re:ailment. Th„. 1•!!
t ale line ennnot be zoi1'go5.-0-1.
M414o3' I1ehel-.0 II APEat:clerrtay 1.'°,1:
1411 tra::%. 'Mt/..F.AnvA 11At1'1 at .11,
are the fat el otatainir reser; ii Car -
n -ilea. 'Roth of thr...• or,115-!!
an' eperated ler r'enntoiny.
Owner infoirmatent nee te tiereeta
eteeetee, etc., melee as II. leneter
am. Weelerit 1,0g-4141r:40r ligtagt.
& flint:trio'...Catilikroztion 11'o-
It qv* street rnst. Torehto, not,
• 6
letteurbanece on the leen.
'The :mane eerfeer- Is knesent t -f
Pubint t41 groNitly increaspd gEsta-oir-
a'nees every elevera efeairs. known z.s
the, ronspot parted. Atirraal deepiees
alil ditturteuneree of lite partla's 15
necasta have it 51;n14,1' 1.1w,
pictu1r.,,4 or tile co-144v::uii'ii k'
been ottrillittl .0:ow ter° 4•-1'.!:rz•Z•-
tertetie Ver1ti:....14 co: Mania; .-N-p.zis !Felt
aistl Stiefa•11.••t
Of 'the 1-0,1fteate1 errott
of late yea.rsy Las ir.r•ri t-tia,
tures Tor tile c. -..rout t i:,••
detail as pe*sible.
S VAII:dreOille.rnr
real : •
Er.r e leteere of tbe raga or
aii hni;Inc,q in tile
and titItle atrovfar.litoy.e? ilail it5 lk„-aa
the 'gum a ONE letelelleteD
cu'r,21:: '.ertPaFlI
,.elf, -0 ta
}TANK .1.
8worn trol-rofore tte
preF,care, this etb day el Dr.re-mht A
A. W. el p..5-:Asf,x.
j 3414.J.Ntaen--
Rail's Catarrh clart. aasee inteeeella reel
actdirectisr en t!yN
.-?or..1 aZ1
nd 1::::,,k1"0.4 Mriatei
o the sy,em. :4ely4 forirlarAan'..A.
le J. teliBNIeT Co., Tcazae„ O.
Seeley Drzirrgi5355,
RU', faraity Pins are the Lest.
Reanzed ilis Own Madness -
'Now you are tire of inn and abane
me," sobbed the young- wife whose
liueban,1 refuseel to hire another maid
to take care of her pet doge. "et,"
elm continue -a "not two years ago
you d -ere fuse, crazy to marry me."
'Yee," ;Mesterei the complacent
ma -brute, 1111:V filet/41g told me so at
the time, bat I didn't realize it until
twe were rnrrid."-1an
City Stare
Catarrhozone Cures Catarrh:
A Great Game.
writer in a magazine has this to
say regarding the gathe of golf:
a great gattee, but shiver ray 'niblicks
if 1 think it cOnICS up to tiddledy-
winks." it IS played "with a couple
of farms, a river or so, two or three
sand hills, a number of implements
resembling dentists' tools,. a strange
language much like Hisdoostani, any
old clothes, and a large assortment
of oaths,"
Ittlfutrd's Liniment curiae Diphtheria.
One Ile meet be thateleed with an-
other. or It will soon rain through.--
Olveda 4. . ,
Threitat Is the melee
The fleet mention of thread °coma
'In tho paedage where Abraham said
to tee gene! or f4,a that 110 W,4111.1
110t take from him tee nanell 111 0.
thrseid to a eh sieleteliet, Met he
tamed sety that it wins he who had
nue re Min riela. Three flume there le
valet mention of a seariet ttireal,
ate %%emit the einer or Tantarte inhin
trw' br a Beeriest threed
s boena on inte 11/1041, anti edam the
s epieetoti Beata) to pat a lints of sear -
let teread In the witiaow from witielt
eesietell them to eeaepe1 and
ageln. when the rept 4tr410e writer of
the 1 antielee ;saes the him 01 ble
Wee are like it tlarteel of eautlet. On
• too oeramen; the easy breaking of
lent itt 15 hhenesi to tile breaking Vit ;4
' t 1lera4;.
Catarrh Aeeteranee.
-There le tte retasele equal tut Ca. •
.1t a
1,,t,;;Tito.r :ste:lartr4itclerl,131. i.a.nd Co hie."
'eat a rriese. find
Catarrh of tat/ aseet awl Threat Imo
If;iveit :no :41 Iseeftee. g'11°4^:*
• mare. N. S.
g'8t3ftrrlLA.;•.aallo lmt work:ol marvels
".144tioarin!X MAI. gel of lattnrrit."
• :Ara I..4rena (iv h ,11 Ton t o.
"'It III1M.4tLi 119,11?••• W471 for Itt
w, than 1..th."1". i'el.110-1wl droll 541
V._ 1'. Ta,,Fiipr.
Ott!;1 iL it:M° tan perettatt- :
ently trim. Catittriii; it %lilt vat:, y00
;togive it a teat. ontrit,
$1.0. Sit.mit -lcat tiewgats
by* niza A t8ii011 4fe.,.t. a 19-. II9,27 •
N. 1'. Pete is e. tee, lee:tea:et, Ceneella.
,er iaet1ri1.Von-A., •7'-'•
Vier Vers;oinor la
arena girl tn a cilcs preparinp-,
: fer into the chureh
10.114:91 loy thz, pastor laq..vw 511.3 oaa•-ht
to obey tee fallt eatnitemearezt. te
honor her rater:- and mother. She
alisorerril prompzIr : I ought t.ti ttik..
Meal eat- for in Snakily. and
Ought Lot ti 14. Cu, how itau-i.
•• P24t; 41 an pr- ,L.,11b1!3.-
current 4101y_.0!: y,•ziorz; :
r‘ercit:.-;P 1.:•_tro:4ire
r.dirr. in the 81 -it: geiteration.--Con-
' ger ,..7;4.1.tous lis t.
To tore Cold in One Day
Take Ieseofee lieteaa eeiletee Teneete.
drasg,e-t tLe ',;•`
rae. E. If. Grace rare 1. r •
A il;evitle grisposstion.
'it is n Attie nnee;ttl...- to lave trt
• get sip -at the 10174:Rip, of the niglit ornil
tool; Otr... turftinae.'' sat 1 Mr. ;
f, "tut lislarletta z.t Ins {Le eneey tete- s
; lag ine do ee."
; -What would aces do if yrfa reoily
foundn burglar ?"
i -Well. e'ra Fr) kni itezneted that Ian
afraid I would bz to lenient. 11.145n7-
iki open the door and tell hita that
1 40 ge 011 enietly Pfenrietta
would come &wet and attend to his
ease."-Washiregten Star.
Minard's Liniment Caree Colde, ete.
Only for Publication.
When the bills' for our daughter's'
teoiteseau began to arrive we fairly
But our 'heart's darling, whom we
• ;
-were emon to lose. consoled us.
• 1 SIT.E NO 17 1901.
is, by no means, the dreadful
disease it is thought to be -
in the beginuing.
It can always be stopped -
in the beginning. The trouble
is: you don't know you've' got
it; you don't believe it; you
won't believe it- till. you are
forced to. Then it is claager-
Don't be afraid; but attend
to it quick- you can do it your-
self and at home.
Take Scott's. Emulsion of
Cod Liver Oil, and live care-
fully every way.
This is sound doctrine,
whatever you may think or
be told; and, if heeded, will
save life.
If you have not tried It, send for
free sample, Its agreeable taste will
SOOT/ 4/..; BOWNM. Chemists,
5t.io. and $1.0t34 ell druggists.
The Contrast.
Some womisn never find out how
heavenly it is to sit in a quiet cor-
ner and read a good book mail they
have exporieneod the hollownea) of
tea fighte ana the eletra of boa par-
, tarrhozon Cures t atarrh.
He role; itineelt that epende
Is tot lea; pais la Othello, 1. 8.
. •
Wben Were You Dorn?
certainty tim elutraetm the "Iesse. , Ndseo,
Here 'bit a:are:logical prolies
11. ,1 sad to Indr:T.1.k. with tolerate ,
. oft
acesercliiigs to the month of Jr:4r birth: - - easearee
If a girl is biTri 141 January sh-
will h0 a privit‘at. 11 41,%!•wite, gat a
to melancholy. bat ;rose! tem -0714M.
Ir in l'ebruetry, 11 Itareane :eat ,
tan 1181:0te wir. 42111 tenet r meth! e
If in Morels. n trieslirse; sehatters
eoinewhe ;avail 134 spr,riv11053.
If in Aprit. int/ *mt.:tent. nee Intee
iigent. bot 1114.47 t 1.44.411,1cokil4.'
I! ilk date, ban:11-0M tit
If in June, innenu'ue. will mar*
early tend
If In ditty, intesztaly itendsente, tor i
witil a 4.8i147 ttap
It in Memel, ansialee. atoll previa
cable, I11i ly t tee:ers° rhea
If in SP:0.01111l.4'. share:re. :Melee':
11411 meth Meal.
et In O./miller, pretty nal cam a
teat nal likele te strituppy.
If ln Noveether, Me -ate i3is41t,
44)11.1 dieteteitien.
It hi Ilhvortlitolr. won preeeellence,
fetal of latiVil eet igt1 tat.
Alt8 l'edr
11 ce. Genii it letter or tio,,tat card
to the tuatiereigned. tsbewering tbe
following epteetiotte:
ealtere tire you go -43g2
ilViien tire yen
Wkere do you F tart frefll 7
notir many aro tat PAX' tarty 7
Will you tars,. e.ear Ea t
*•Peclial lew reit(' e„ ttlo rs* f_let44
On Pais tl itrin," 11 A ell to
palate in 4a$112a,
Orect'en. alt Wo
Prat Staten. ran pntii.etalrrtc frrret rit
131. nenitzeilt. (Gem Atg, nt.
Nortamln.16.4.17 i1atkay. tfibt-1C
btrtiCt east, Tec.,:ato, Oat.
elareceetante tam in eloasive.
01 the 1t14ib1nunnli,/ g
E.rt '••••,!0.1 in Meade, efeem,1
p9114419 tior,-, 1 to
ni mai cif ref:. Tho g:vra
ritf ea caamap-zr: Gal 11a5
IfpyfoLl, 4,111 iiia 11,4 belt he earrirre
light liateliet_ t.hiee ii.rapped 141 DK:,
0.0251 1.5 11 liir t1i14 it went- atr,tith
fo: the 419r:0 tuIl • T the 44112121. f1::1-
intr, t2'34'. pe 1:491 '11' 110
•tt:, 949 119:784
F..4 ;4-13 e`-2,18 T.,. teens. meta le
reeeeas re' •..1 /se Ilie 1'k.:e1
earveht 'II tire -open beg tee et
!elle fa ni t!:i 1w 1111111? red that
go- :T11.! --Ca 1.'14
341*"!8 reale, lipS stee ;timer that. it
'0i5'.'' 41:"4' pee:- 4 4211. VI 4'1432' e.-12
pr:ro • al inf 1.141Vet.r.Vt• 11.0
t. il:Tc'14:. , Eraaei 119
laiy preeleve et- tee In.
A In-:AC1'11-'1" EII
0:1-4 eT tee tir-tAy
beg. 118'
1.71 :9A!,
Pultlis:uir-n- e. teelee_ entallel
queen 2 ieteelne° It le 4; eemeee-
lensare stele.- or tie/ 1.:(t12199 Z.s'.1
edlealore relen enr Vette interatee
meren, inelteera s oseneneed ieeteev
of Great Ti:- work is' writ-
ten by John. Coulter. time eminent
London leintorian, and joiat 1. Cooper.
the edit Yr of the •Cal2adiam Magazine;
and they have spared no effort to
make it complete and nceurate. 'lee/
book coritnine over nal pages, evils
beautifully rota noprepriateas; Here-
tro.tee ; the letter ;lees; is geed, and
tho binding isr In keving wan tal,r.
geneeal extellence of the voinme. It
a. work whieh elionM find a plree.,
n every patriotic Canadian' e library.
"Stupid cad papa 1" she twittered, as
tareetly as a. bird. "These are for
exhibition to the society reporters,
• There is a. 1240 per cent. discount."
Now we rot vastly relieved.-Qi.
Cinnati tiommereial Tribune. .
Clata.rrhozone 'Cures Catarrh:
• A Clean City.
Sydney, Australia, is said 'to he one
of the, cleanest cities in the world, if
no* the eleaneet. The stteets are
thoroughly' cleaned every night and
wane throwing refuse or waste ma-
terial of Any sort on the streets is
arreeted and tined. Alt the kitchen
In tile larger residences are ori the
top floor, and all the clothes are
dried on the root
Iltinard's Liniment Cures Distempeee
The Good .1tIan't Joke.
1 Two gent:omen of the cloth were
standing on a corner yesterday.
Evidently they were talking about
the extra services to be held dur-
' hag the week of prayer.
anticipate a great awakening In
my church," said the first speaker.
'dile- people never go to sleep," said
the other.
ab, there comes my car," replied
the first, and they parted company.
-Albany Journal.
Itinerant Liniment Cures Garget 111
"Say, hetes yer hens laohr ?"
Asked Farbeer MeGtotf.
Sala his neighbor, disgusted:
"They're all laybe off."
4 /
P. A
feloitine rest. Tireo".
%VP' Zap ts,It'rt rrrat 4047Nr," tr•trep
ear tev.1.1 Li d 2 ',At tat,
'2 r .;ge 4e,74.
•4 L01,1,1. t,••c- ivr,Astt; thla
.r. ,o Ltrt for
•••t, V4-4, !'.•,,, *Ca
iddatAtERVILLE, CUT'. 0
Treated Free.
11.11'l4113 eel;.141': a5i1t
eeneaeoste,e aeatt.
e(eve• 3.-C4..•,t7t1
Y'rloN.1,51115.4 eeei
eel teme. vete.
teed -a/
o" •
Y31P5V44 "1
4-e r'o'iutt
Z.." 410
III" tlatt..:u1,1r1.„ Oat.
....- 2:1S ...,•,. 4,.., 4.. -, re.%):7..
n ,, • •., •
ti,. o _ - _ . t.
' V.Vin '4,0' 4-:i, I...r.i' 1' '' ',-
C.', --.-e-,,,1:4- i,c,.• '1. . :'.' ,;.;;:: `,' . " .
Tia; V i,1,,.. -
'I 241. D. f_rnt
wjt s 1 7 411 -ea ;ars 13.,14-41:
..,3 )' 1. . -•:. • . L..
_, #
)...11115 tr•r,
41 i045
41"q.70 ANI)
,7,:0-. Ar1"17 t mar.
Goox rot EraTaislaos• lettenselt
" ;.r4e.,..ve,1 and ,J0 4:.--:
, ,ated
"L14.# 9:• ex:eseeeen ',tee
15 tede,r: tett tat ftr fruit plt-kh;g. paittlieg.
plumbing' ate genmi 4i5et.evet7 farmer nests
000; -0 rainaRrs'tze•-.ear It-4sta tor,r‘L„,
et.". Ens:rated es.&tlicgae P.,;ldre.ss th
1,', e.
"3„Tgoner Laddez Llmitea, Leedom:el:ate
,rtft FA1Y; 22. THel
fanaro 'Magma el see ereere bee
of tanade sere or arc'1 :Inge. r.vidrEelv,
rer.vr, cr city ;.t-'4;3 ':5}. Give frfii c."ic,...,:%T.i!'itima of.
yeter propnrty for exehange. vab.11r, you
Ce.talOgr.e fr9-e on application. llteNre:d
310rden, broker', St. Catbarieee Ore., Car/.
eree Garden at 5c per faot. N.
'York s.t.reet, Terento.
V 1? bold article, 1.1.1,4 in every i'avnilyi
agents can mako from St to Viper day; P..,end
I/Safer sample w).rth Vic. Fend quick nildtrez
care the benefit.: f.y, the tat intr. attellen or
this article. *W. IL Gabeet, 9 Masozie Temple,
London, Out.
TitatTIT FARM FOlft 45ALE-0x114 or THIt
3_ fittest, in the Niagara Per:instil/a, e
Winona, intones from Hamilton on two rail
ways. 133 acres in all. 55 of whieh is in fruit,
mostly peaches. Will 424, sold in one parcel or
difided into- lotsof 15 to 20 Acres to suit mar-
cha,sers. Mists a decided bargain Adatss
Jonathan Oarpoater, P. 0. box Ma Whams.
Mrs. WinsToret Soothing ss.yrup shotia,
ways be used for ChirarOO Toothin,V. rtSbOtliii
the Child, vottens the tome cures wind eolfa
And la the hest rerocdy for Diarrheen, Tistuty
Ore iletatsahottle