HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-04-19, Page 7I -.1 - � - I , , - , , , - .."� , 11.1 . 1�11. -1 : �1: .. � -1-1-11 1-1- ,;6: ,
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Cam , rg, Feb. 28 !L ---- - - I I
I , p Vaardlebi ) 900. con Irmatory details. The enemy =--==� . . ......... W .......... �- - - "I
� ,� At 8 a.m, on tile 27th tile I�Oyal f The 110st Legions.
I I ,nt' roll thei moat part are now conduct- States, and the servioes of the P1 '
', , � I 'OBER 199LIRS . Canadian Reghne and No, 7 Com- London, April 14, -Figures showing ' e
� �' Cg PT party, Royal Engineers, oommaudo�, Ing warfare In a Spirit totally alien tila total losses throu kerton .ag ney wili probably be em,
. respectively by L16ut,-Col, �V. D, Otter to the di tates of civilization, a 9JI the war in ployed 1.11 the seaxch for them.
,nd South Africa ill) to tho end of March USE0 THE
. aud Llout.-Col. W. F. Xincaid, sap. eration will lie consid- 6gNK CHE� It has not yet bpen ascartalno
all has characterized our mere Issued from the Wax office last where 1�rinton lived during the thre
. . ported by tile Ist Batt:111011 Gordon conduct of tile Campaign hitherto. night. N days he was Int the city.
OH191 Higlilanders, advanced under a heavy `
must 148vitr6bly forreit t
- I �.. . " - Sir Bludon Blood takes command F or last month the deaths, Includ- Bauer Case Recalled.
, I rifle fire to ivithin 01-11tY ;Yards Or 0 Ing killed in aetion . g T.,hol 0331
. 1. -i", ... - iho enemy's dorences, "' f lite district next Wednesday. I were 623; miss- U [S
- ,.�. anL7 Ing and priw)u y recent theit from a bzwlc-
. n entrenching thentselvcs, with tile lralbbe surprised Ors, 39; qent home as Ing Inetitutlon by mea,us of la, ralsied
. ., I Colonel C a Boer invalids, 3,00D. .
I laager at Sande Drift this morning. %uplishad a few years
. Oss of two officurs woundc'(1, seven The enemy flea to the hills, mbal The follolving ar, cheque was acco
men killed and twouty-seven wouad,�d. IJPg ndon- total& for the Buiter, lirito altered a
300 liorsos, besides arms and arl
'O `)y Otte "'
En din -y Keeping Up the Worst A gallant deed, creditable to uIINV-hU wholo war Ill? to March 33.: $5 alietlae on the Bank of Hamilton
took ,part In It. eq'ulprn(!nt,. Tills commando is most Officers. Men Two Banks Swindled Out of to, makel It read $50D. Vuls elitique
- War Office, Mitroll ,31, 1900, probably that w�hlah was reported Killed In action .. ... .. M -s'low waa presented azid cashed at the Im-
Kiiid of Guerilla Warfare, Sir, -Iii the foro-going d,,)spatcllcs to be making northweRt of Colesburg Died of wounds . ............ pe,rial Bank, riald
I . Nios towards Saxony some days ago. Dlod in captlN,lty 3.14 - 1,187 the question who
J, - 1, 21, 3, and 4, datr,d rosp,,.ctive' ' .... 4 92 . siball staM-1 tile loss has been before
. I Thousands of Dollars.
I Feb. Sth, Feb. 16th, Feb. 28til ly General Darti3ell fonud a force of Died of d1voase ...... :: .... 21(3 8,577 the courts for some time past, anod
I March 15th, :ioot) I have draand Doers under Ninett, Grobolaar, and Accidental ...... ......
' wal Henderson, holding' it Strong position 8 290 - , iB now in uPrical, Illftiler was captured
attention to the conduct Of tile thlortly after the robbery, anJ waa
, - - - - - - -
troops during the OV6,ration tllc�,relll at, Smal(leol, and 'after some flghtlngl Total oloatlis, siont to KIngsion Penitentiary, The
SROOTMIG NATIVE WOMEN described, forced them to retire east, leaving Missing tilld r)1.1s GUO 13,734
17 758 mo only pereon known to the local police,
I I to mention the ale- five (lead and several wounderl oil -'�'-('Ilt holl") 41v invalids: 1,8 43,5341
. i I would like here a�r�* 9 2 HE 'OBTAINED OVER $5 It who um -A chDruleala to alter a checlue
tl14,'ul,q11W part played .by tile Royal tile fleld. Ten prisoners -were taken, --- -- wag .it mail name -1 0.1rdiner, w1m; op-
('ZI,nnaiii.n. ftc,g�,mcllt III ite afivance o . it and all the enemy'k; wagons and Total ......... ... 2,599 58,020 erated euccessfull'y in Toronto and In
i Reormits From Holland to Help tho tl10 0116MY'a trench,L�,.,3 oil �Tth Febra- carts. and several thousancl cattle . ... ...... - Ottawa about i-Ig-liteen or twenty,
� alry, an,[ referred to by me ill and sheep were CaptUrp(l."I'lie Dxlt- Yearg ago, and then escaped to the
Doers -New Zealander Shot Try- de,epatch No. 3 Or th0 28th Fcbr my ish lose was one man wounded. 60,6'25 The Bank of Commerce anti the ]na-
, . 1919 to El scape - Ninety Boers 1900. l uaxy, . I I Dt.mtlls In 1%11111 All rica. 600 13,734 perialloanic tile Victilus-George United State4
; Hilled-British Reinforcements. It le 'low my p1011 -8i'19 duty to bring Holland Sends Recruits.
I to YOur Lordsliil)'F3 11C)i1co tile Winton tile SwIndler-11 iv tile
Ilault"S London, April 15. -The Amsterdam Deal Was Perpetrated -The Blau
It LoAdon, April 12.-Reuter's cor- of t1l" "'(31101ving Offiver,g, non-ccululls- eorrespondent of the Dally Mall re -
I 910TIP41 orfloars, and mp�u, oil account
I reOryandont telegraphs: I was able or tite. ge,rvIces the-,� 11.1ve iterates the statement that secret Still at Large.
11 at Dewatsdorp to gather the Dutc during- th . I rendered reci:11iting ll,%F; bren going on in Hol- Toronto, April 15. -By means of a
! h � a recant o1wrations: land for tile Bonrs. He intimates that
� k)! K
.verslm of the Cloppe 111v (11 , . DVII�81')Il I
.: :! aslon. Fourie, , .1 I the Royal Cana- i Clever swindle two or tile most prouji-
"; �e , tills has linen goini- on on it flonsid-
I aln' lais way do-wn, was very elateol, gi ml, it t'o r Infantry, Alde-de- How a Process Server Out -
J en nip. orable sea](, since .last January, and nent financial IILS�ltlltlous In the .
11 that the new reernitH have bf,nn split , Witte
,� amd was ridlag a horse for which lie The, rko,yal Canadian Regiment of In- City, tile Canadian �a d Yolande Ward.
,�", reflualed to take 1,50 guineas when fantry: to file Transvaal by way of Swakop- anti Q10 Imperial Bank, were on Sat -
I he antorea the colony. The Doers Lie" ten0nt-('0IOnPI W. D. Otter, "'I'll(], in German S,nitliwerit Afrion. arday, robbed. 'of amounts aggregat-
�;4 Cazittli itill ,qt,ario ��ldjde_Cam The corrospondolnt aolds til!lt thu Dr:t-
say that they liever experloncea, 1) to Hie b4i military orfIr+tl.s will probably I trig 44,5,245, and It Is not YetkncmvtL
; l"'Xcel ('110Y ilM (ioverllor-Qpncral THE ACTRESS IS VERY WROTH.
suldi a time. They were sometimes Cana( of first hear olf this inovenannt whon 1 W1111ther Other banks may have suf-
", "IM a ;
I. , MaJor L. Btic-han I'
, � , Lieutenant-
: as manY as three days without food, (�01%)IIN, Roval ("111*1111,111 Regimplit of they run intril an nnv.xpuLc%d coul- 1 fored to a Allillar extent, The, device. New TOrk, Al�ril 15 --Her pful of
� ,� After fightiing till dark they had to Illf-1,11trY; -Alai)r 0. (,. (!. Pelletier, Illaildo In Northern Vap-x Colony, t parbi cpld,�q-ml.i gellimed with diamonal
� ., � lie at Iligilt in ihO raill, holding their Iloutenant-cojoiliq ltt,yul (,allat, . . which wau mod successfully On thO tlrol)-4 Of F4111011,11,0oulm Cral.wo, Yol-
, � ,1,111 - - -
.. i alumilde Regilw-lit or Tilrantry". I banks mentioned, wus tile "raising" a,nde ,Vv,z
i: rs, tiLluded, , Capt. Jr. 1". LXd, I.,,,, asg th,3
I i Killed Trying to Escape. 0 � ures to
. aund before (415"11KILL Stairs" e'lptiiin (3001 ill pubi
I t1le Iklittkis" -illeebw Loillsolls I 01 marked check,,-, and in botal in- filln is an actress, while 4:;p1--whIng
i . were at them agalill, lli'mr-Illers : Limit. 'Ill I Adiatunt A. 11. Cap,-� Town, April 1:,.-.k N,,w Ze,j-
i T-,Iwy ach-1lo1V.I(1dgr(.. 'INEnclonriell, egilitilla, lllo,v,al (4allad lanil trooper who waK -%vith jll�� 1.�jm- I Htunflll�' thn same swindlerapp( -�purl.Lvely in lier poroolain tub you- '
'I. , lured.
. , ill. -It their . ill, I I
losses im k 1-"F'12;ilu'.�Ilt Of lllfnuLry� (),r-9' Sergt. lierloy column r(llltj1%-pd Fzoyuc! Doers I liva, unne- ljl�. I
- ,).j , . Into tho bush, " Irii q (>It,!, j,,I.m,.-s I>cvine.
11led, woundod, and prison I 110 was, t�o far as is kni, t(,rdlay, Was affront�ed with legal pa -
1 ers u%re 700, na(l LliaL of their eon- I'Min ; 9,130, Prlvail�- J. Rtqizir-ily: IVII(Irll lie wit,. stir- i ('03111),1114'ed kv volifederittP11, and u*
voY they brought, back ardy four 7,()J7, 1)"11,11to 11, Anlreive; rounded, caPtill-d attil disarnw(l ox- i tl�) 1) I;'Pv1Ili- 19,41 L�u prowling a -bout
3 7,010. 1 this- morning has eluded arrest. .NlLss XVard,s all. rt snts I t I
,, PrIvat � Oil Tburi;Jayhlsr. a. Xoun-niallwho Wi-st SIXtY-sl-c4%ti street a. weelL AU
Callav carts. Thirty Boers were Privato .T. H. blek�,Oni , 7,01 e eppt for .1, revolver he liall lit Ill a nu t, Xo� 3.08
drowne(l wll!lo 11�14[11110,ssillg t.hp 0. W. Illinearl.; 7,376, Privato F. putiket. Tbe trooper ,wtw then ler ' ri-presentvEl itillisvIr 11,1 Giloirge 11, Offbll,tN to reach th.l actress bad
()rajn1'g Ilell tile Invaders return- J)Ago. U* lit charge Of two 1��)vnq.,Watvhing 111 -ill, of "'It ';, i - B1
lo�� AV 19 Ivint,
ed wore it). Intivni and 1�'ouritj h,r COnri(lenti.r rei-kintinpati tllo,,, I tTpOrtunliv- lite Nc,w 7inlantivr Oil) 114111'. X .. uppear- 1)14"1 frivitratool fraitily by a trasty
.N .
aluablo horm-, atilt nas I" nalut"I tf) 1111l favorable e,111,01(l_ Mto Bwr dend anj -jvtilludetl tilt. t)tIltll
Wild Iost; 11 Iii Y. '(, , The Round (if the firin-,- hrout�ht ii.11, t oil at the heli offilits of tile Baxi,k - mitill dark ail; Clintiv-rian night. A.
lotiklug nilserable, joi:vrn- and. ho &lva el to deliver th -
I erationt or IVr ,' of Conlinoree anti expreesed n, wish 114-44.ofa w4larlm,so; had come upon him
. I .11,ajp.ptj1s -it I
--- mflnt. tile- r.,,tlipr 11 -t -R. wh-1 zilleil tit to (Tii'll� all nMillut. lie matle a de- r e amall
. I 11"Mit, or $1-1Q, all(I told, thol 1pftcr- e'L�QtP In p�-mon or leave Ids remains
1>011vet Wid His Rur-liell I 11-M, tilP Ilow)r ti) bs. ".%fy Lilriil. triioper (lit tit- .,;Ill)t. . kole1wr th;tt Ike wns e-)nnp0tpd with on tho plrl�wW,�a.
- ""ll -414
� LlQdOn, April 12. -It ;1� ir WIN't 1,1K -nt j�prvant nl bit ,k) lie Irf-ut to a neighboring pblar-
1-MVrIdullt at Col,,--ibt fluter's vor- I I,Obi1rt--*- Field-Wart,h."I. The Plot to Hill Kruger. I l V -YeI0 W11111XIlly lit 70 King street
!rg ght-3 tile --- - Inerewso-1 his cipIxy.;lt, I)y .,4.-�i), zaviii ;I. jw�,.-rjag.- ttuxt the ulaij NN -as
).-Thp ri-port tlia a,zil
I folkwwiag laterestai L(ftloll, April 1, I ! el4t- Oil tilt! litl-vt day, Friday, lw� 111-tc.v allil had sillit to the apart-
. DfAvet. Alleged Plot to 1011 Kruger. i later in thi- elgly, drew a ttltteck for %wilite.11 to talc*,� a, to,luphoau, de-
�,'1114011, Alkril 14 ---*Tho polleo at --- Sp4toll. for her naLstress.
. Ilio-tory will IM "I'Sitairing, Ju itq il --�, trll<. ru-so. c
11011tiltanuaLion. of J)o. %%'*�t n8i,t lintriot, I' -'r "ItF," NIX8 till- Alull,terdain rnr- --` opi,,,ratetl promptly. Miss
, rf-: 1haltiont of tilt- Pv.ily I-lilpresa, 1're- Vt1hrd'R maid, pawsing only ,(Ing
ow it "t'viiI b" 4`110014ANtic Ill J11 -i lortile,- litly Will. Ivin. of eolittlillplate,ilat- I onough it) turn all tit,) lit'it water Ill
. .
41-4 CAMInIalldeZ. JI.Li V;lyliLy--ft)r 1 7��
tills (", ,,
rontimut,nuo or Qkh iptruggl.,l Iii noth. t"llillti' 11111% LI;1V life tit Mr. Kruger. �!� �111, lilathro*)m, 41olafteol h -r rowit lurid
ing, t,,Ih\.s 1)ut Illn IlI4)..(liIl;ll1.,e N�41 , ()III' Or ill'- 1-r8min nrresittQ I -i s.titi . P IN balloLaril,� .tnql hak;U111vii to thl apotbe.
: ill,.%, - , Ill I ol, -
I fal'o cost hulltlrolI4 of Ilv4's withilli. W havc. illatip it, illi ill teqsh al. . .. IN � ii� ft'zWz;-- F., ear,y*s rdwp. .
.�-! .. . - 7.1-M 1 11
-tawillta9l.. - , ,� � � 2. lileard Her Splashing tit Bath.
oilt. 81:11rioll collip'tisatlug z - - - - � 'i i 0
Ilis fltvaitry Its) Mrs. Cronlit-li; 114l.11111. -- 1, 1. �,
Is tl,.s;j)I:LL4,, . do 1--t, Ill, I .
Ixi reto,m1wrml, I),, W4A IM 4 14-r,-oit. L; #� .1-14wilia as Uwq tgtbl,% glo,rvito
akeli4l. ,�Ivril 1.2'-A ltelltt-r ruiw, . i" P: . ,r w.w Qu%
AdlY Won resixxtisilblo f(ir nl%)�:t ti: tll,, Ruzz1% froan 8.t. 11011-11M stlYS that Mrs. It" 111.1 I �, I , or Night I)OVI'M MoulltA41 tile stairs.
I , 1�1 ! I.V, ; � 01),'Mlell tiw tli.yitr of thp alhartment
, 10114-11 0141 nUild 11,14 10M WAIMI-011,ed,
I fift0kiti-M. His m%rviw are mil.tttpr. VrOnlie"N ol,tatuw of Iwilith hills eallsoitl , , ilk, '�\.. " 1,l
old. Ho I.,o irritabl�-, unro..,% 4 ,
I .�Wnabli- anst "MW WWrt.v. '.-hu- il�,� Ainnow I , - I f� I , a utl liptio-zi .&!4l.qg, th*, lirja,�at�At Iln&
hat bl-t- I .. L' �
utonat teohlki; ,�,r lilt, fil'--ttld it r ,%. tillit. #)%%qnA1 tg$ ,Ill% ,� "�' �' f .- I t� . , � The zq)!,wililig of the liellueld 11nI4
ors. But Ills grol aille all- , I 'r %. � k�
ortiIeJ, 4�vi!n to Ita,q i1wil f.tithful folll)w. Lisr new. .but her 21141.1 Ilve. ,).� .
,Iety � ., -V6, z , J f oxz-;J*�,. ,4., Mgt t"'tt 101111 to tll'.� tll,,,�l Otriwi, 0tw-se-
i I --- . 2 06 i� &0'�..� lu.� t", .." I �,I�, ".
�,ip . , ,.
4fare qif iltor thall- %- :vAe 0I 12 L� - vratvd tol tItL!L'rll'JaVQXJt�Ja�a of JllJJJ3
ttornoi.a I-; dirli-e-ti-tt .Ig-.1inst t1l,,. ilitt,all' i,illivernnim tho 1tV4 W YJ ,-, ; �,,, .
Wf til1l" C4kp-* Moloy,;.Iv. it.%* ill, thl- ljlraw�,Vanl, alatt 11 1�1$ �1� I rv.-,: ��.
tho rertmt ... �V .0 I I Ward'.,4 r,.VFV,rdaTkt Vlrtoim
- .4 'Stury. 'Ienitllsi (If il 'if tIll-al. (ii'll Cronle f ,..",v . !", .L I , 1. _, ltty� 110
41 1"A'soller, v-Ittilmos. woll. % Af 1, l,,, 1 !4 . �, � . '4" � )l
&eserillihig thAr attituale, (1 ."!, I :, %% I ulpq 0,-A tit,% dvor.
4414. tit tr .. � Ilk '1,;,Jt 4,y It. lt,S._Joji��* tr�.,lW
th- lkwr J)Iliynb�rli. to IviLit,na I wl�tR - 0 . (,�,;�. I a , - 11 I = # � .,,,I t1ka
11 .0 I , � i l� - wall'or-try 11.0al. il%t llading an uu-
iturtl, of 11411,08il). # -1 , " ". 14 � " L 1�
It Kri 4 � ? I t , ,I l � ,,�l , .J.= - Ax4fir" 7 4-%JIq'etaVM Of
talking, qX1.1b, 4$3% I'lL - flittar 1vitill � The Va� 41t. L . I; ll�
. .
Irylldrill. April 12.-A de:,.PatL'h 410- . '? I'' I 1% , It ,,; I - ' 46 UVOWQIM,�* Illi-4�ii#,'. W4 tit'-% P7WA`l1*+
inaiNt %rhVX11 to'd a talloy tit loath,lig \ , - .
4".O, 1 7 �1, , dr.lity-4 awn bi
- A .� .*
4 D "I I � 6 it I 1, 1,�'o-r%or Iv,t11,(wfJ tip, uort,41 4�-%,ln .l, fpIr
-IN liarVe"llati-4 I'Vintintal, 1'rinshito il,.k.Nlig: -orhis re. I 4 .
that the W-Ittilly-Im liv� �
and Contempt. and All .1 .� t .% '
. lz� zf�:vtlr,�;l Ile. *r1ling, %1w rvevilt. Calilturti- t)f Cilia- 'L
. " , :, " X .Vil-+A-7 - . .11'O, 02 00, - --*1
tol to t -l" full by 1191l; la,to voillit'w'sl ti"Ill 0"dIll-InIalliti'd Itor�w- was '. � A ,,P V .-
', . J '' % ,� . 0194,%* A il'lf��jojl -`.,6 .,'*,,l i 4 41: r0j;2-,4L1lt ill 01
,� ,'", I Jti,,��J' lo�
I `lk"V .%QqWly.rn� .#,. 'Ll
,s,,", , I I., y I _lJ1iJ;"
JLq evidotntly a iles'lill"; of dikitru, , 1,111,61 111LV tile linly"rinit; % I , Ill I I - . l(Itt'rit ilia
I � .
! vitilt. Iluder 111111, agid I -e wali rata- # I il It � .
Tblva-rda tilt-* Tr4ut,t%%.t�,,.r* tq;tv, tll.,V� � - A—
, .,t. 1). - hc,tore Ito_ I ,� . �, 1, L, "
*V,At ha!) mimk thl olle.1 vellt �4 ,lr(,t .1. �ar 41 tv. , 1i I hor drillspli.ig, cigC:i4p,
"t - 4 -mild go -t, 4 .q. I \ -1 ,'#A�' "I
ly fdt' rctru!L' I'll"40111 Alliolig tho, TrAwa. 1. '* 'I) I I! ..... I 11 I X4.;A Wnrl,aj "loilall'.94!, 1, Iv.. Q 4".4;gnmell
-- �-Il , col a tr*,VUU1oU-; trolslo'. -lin her
vattler,% MJL'1114 I Ihtltie PWINI'd t'apr Vaq,tile. \ 114 . .... I
' thilill Us roltni- ,til.1 11 Nko� . I � girrolh
� . 'L �l-;t,!��ll�-.�it,lBt**,aitt,m;:,."�I '.:-� �'rin:;,-vlr 1�;,.
* alaill not Nkull. aq 4:0 a, ',. t% .-t' I I � L
fight Ilk* tuml . � I
lhlbi�', N �:.. April 11-A rable 1\ .,I%, 1. 11 . Vk!A!'S tr0l---�,�4,-�.
all 4*1 thuir t0lIIlt,'Itr14)t,.. Proin t&tll� I f,ir T. -1. :4. bellf'ClA. 6'. &MI.. of Vols �l, I 1i I I �
I 7 I i I I L L.
;�l I Y, I , -at,
date of tho mlptur.! fit th'U'VLA00r]. Ill vot.v, ngt'llt-2 (of thoo 134;l,r, llelltp�,Evr , I I.. �1 00 11 �� � I . I " "fit '"� � - YOU 110VIP141 4 teatWJr;,*.1'*
,Lj� , *4 -41w vkt,"u'l-g-4
thol Doftr 1��tfwer g'.1-tir4 tot Im%1% loqt, ('4IllI#w.19.-. z4,ite,y itliall th steamer e. I � ;Ilel 4V .. . - ite"t J.1,lr"t,!*' All) I*,%-
-ull ciliUtral Over lstnt!a-of. � _%Iq,7 ,�� 1161,�'. l4e, �
'L ;�� ill fdt,l,
- -%q!q-oJ1rqlIn!X t7l , ljtfq�l-t, 14,ith t k .14�q toll Arflean L I ,
1.11q owal III,? lit, al 0. t
Ill I.,,, ll'�!i hL-rall.v flon,iVIA 04.lt�tllil 1011 loeuroj, IhIL-sedeape K . 1� , I "`Till,"� n ,�;V�r a!,;,,R5 clot, M�11,"` rMIJ4
tluil!'13 IfitO OIV41'0�ftro% Iffiii dlqo�ildftlo. I '�zt ), hil-'s'lit oil Applu Pth� "I . ....'. . .� I . L . tlV� IINWVz�, f4q,tvr.
hi!* IV" atprnpr tti,till tia.It tl,* .Igg. \ I
, V11 " , I . ".Ten.-z-�PU're .� m Du ,
olrr� UP th'Int. - 14-� - A ,� \41`11il.b . .-�o it :; 9;lqggI,j1,g�,4.,A �,v 11614 hmd.vp
* but hmm'.*21t "ghs 4#114 '1;1!�p QWW, t4 ... �a t'g,,�,V�,,J e-1�4,,taurv!
�*a.., 8;-, ��.fllll 4Wtv � I gan't voll t';1v fla on lt�y-my ,omthVi'll
a rMflii awl rig, .*!t. J S i au , I
(iermaft tj.,trtLtf%t_ I I. ID. .4 initl,)t�.04 Nkt,o 12411te Reldirorevatc-ittIa. I
-1, I ill,
to ke L"MIO% Alar'A 22.-TIlo- I)aily L `,-�" . SK . I 11
day to ,ft"Vil. whev WL,4r,otol till lVav4,. .1 Pgr,�-is to0:'-'4 :-'V1N0Iru= HA,%A it under- I L � L". I $ ,.�Ve , i, ,b�,%�'Irll�,,l ;V,- iu;� wftlh &Vert-
unjmq�n. "IrAt � Uel A�,te "I 9--atu-U'a 9�F- � en z.Q,n;"A)g.111
)l volpe in tit---* phia of ca . s14IndR that Va. 1�overlgweat has GnIPLVVI 11111:111tAINI'll* 0 L I.
"" I " , In"
dan"t kdr., to law tow." ait'CloPt" tali lok'80 vo1ading reinterce. 0 U.%T ,;�MCKUD E I 1.1 L k(Lo. 11LI,, rQllivf. V�3uh t�abh4l"
Mvats. UP Nflmth Atrir.t. ------I--- lrelluraqvtI the ao,lro",4- Natv. woolt
Cra;�v an at Uedbu-. ----- 'All I'll ... "I" L lNO&Illm - I-" I . 1. . ,! -
- - - , t - - . -1 !- , �lk'l,n M*01.46�* 9411 UMT4%.% ? ,
On attf-ruk.pu 174,�, inlid.. f1s, nv�4.I.,"i'ar.tt't -----____ I
XkTry f4 0,-� WeVa folloiaver.,4 Igavo, 111histers lyroach seelitioll. . lip. XPO�r 11 , �i HIS gniissklu zzii-Alvtm�il��%l!,, 41. thl In.
t goot Iartis or;07qJDraa,J.qtJl",al. ()fl�pl -20, rAlliAg was re-Irngtarly 0 -N B u I . tradolf� ,W.Q-,a vjl�altu. uvaLDn�"- to dIrmet.
thilt ;�.Ijt-�In4 tvllu�,r. (P�,J TJI�4a,��"L - *
, Is that th,-.I� ntAug *-%-h,.v folit-D" : mrs�l . ,f22
I be 11��Aated We laint that his Inind L,n,fon, �,�WrAa.%-. ApTill 14.- 11A " �,I;.d mrs�l a g- Jiirf�flfis,
- ' tim .`�.Lvl al'itav-4A on oililp-3A, 1� .; sg,rvq-,�la ED.ulve t
.0 E,r l� .
'cvwale u"hIIJg`l"lI' -t"# lig"""' a' "TiOtt'i stditivus nigovettacut.` s�ok.�u I "It. lluk- togrin,lill 111�""I-tvnt tolf t1le . , ,_7.
It"" bp ill -�11
t"10-11 1!; thili MIS". It 11; ft�) woad,�r. yeile t jl,� !� .
istrailk on ills Ilieternin rit vQ)utg -Soltig Afr:r ,: VOT .�:,�5 4t, Che oniperi'd D'w I
. rAorral.;pon- . ME. wmq arro-sto " L4 ghi'24 1 oil in her Z-1 -
-is Wen oolaw- dent of the 11'ally Ilnfl, " lxfoiln lie esyrill ea"Pry ont 105 Cho �.Mux 1�0 i3allAt. pr1ori;*1lld &
nervo�4 fu ,an J,.pnoi% I VD!�S 11,40rd -&-llll gpitillso-'s still elutell-
" ,
I I & F41ireadirag --,; toltoll - barde ;4nd repro So *Va.gL4* hint- I t*redltaldl� ho;1*.-zqk;zA cor ApIlro.
o" gtand. . v4oup!, t-arn. Inila' a-, Iwmt- fa th -
1: anore' t I -XII thA n(`lf'vCJ of man .1mong thq? gttth,(,��- It Is h#-Ild b N, fird fig Ilarhw 0 �; F, SilUli". I -,mnes;s as �J AV.r.gg1%,d Into a J,iL
tl"'* (I Ail � .,eif ditoll,
fluntm from farm to , native luildstf-rz. %V1121) preach the C Al to , I pl..;� h.,vl dcou, - pearl-vink 2�09- 1
�lc�;- at ge attr-nlpt 171V &-!if Vr. Rl";;z" P in Vge vase ,l Mlt Bank i m Ir. plam-ed apprel �nsivq?oy aidovia;
fWlm. obligtA to sieppi miles avva,yr from tr!lle of 'Afrit!-vt rept African't'" and was aetually, vaidde. -f cn,;Uuuo,�ro? � i if i
ME; O%Vll linors, neverknowiga.- wilpit-e . U '' L"ig rJ,,fVro -
- # 111-1 es th - Ag ri,,pre- . . � O'k- privattkit h -,N -tud hurried to ber i
IV�xt purener, It- nRUvf`.-; to tI2rfnv olt -ill � The Vhrg,a Fqt.uVJt,F', ,smv�z Nor. 1�= Il'' -NImp to Col. John Vkaas-� eomrzl'!7�- :1 4 boqt- Ills T;nle lvelll. .� oRgrgdoLr.
WOUITI ;gInicar the "' was uivlo ,
� hae b-cen tried beyond r1IOrt;r,I Mircqw.la f. c"Atrl. 'll nuthigritic,v gwl,t Wa.; "40)b il� lun"i th.-A lgt,� .g.,,!l;.d1- ,,,, � t1T UV- Irish JJriga#yq,-.', *VU, i V. l �, ta -e pro,plN Vw 6wimo- il Sialt flavli or the 11"i-ldf-rit.
I -
I I. . ,;�t�,,T. Vim sfirl,Z-�v 'IS --- Z,�i:r wo.AF,! f"qn. toot, w-wil ru,,-h vrbusi- �
Any. 110 told *;- i .,'i--q1Jr "11if re a f'4 .1-:plf -1 d. ,"�n fta 11 �'O'
s mz-n owlt ganda, bft�, glr�- rf-la"tant tiv Intv �, iftrd. V -.,.-llrk,,� ol- -�,Mlnw� 0, it �I or Lftb
6Urt'll9th. 8-xviking to Ill, tire earf� 11111Y watelaing t.oac, prq�p,l,- �jaylt lv.t5�, btw-n a
L thel" that lie Eu�'lv ��'�, V�� hul t.,!, i�
, �,Clj,*I�,
L -
I woviH ferej throug'a fear 14 mahing mar- . Pla-live lf'�.S"q. gli-4 vin 6'aturda-S. .41 JWL.1" -
-Mke .9 --- & -�! S1, 'aL,r ' 'S � L"lip ,�il .1 do'.�nmulv-jl 1q%,zn filvr. ��.','I#
- .." In atc.o;�D,%D�3., -
� ) . . "�unn III l�l' "DIP uuBtvxm,c4--�.,;;,.n,-, s. grostll
_ ' -S
- - f-110 whola wo-Ad rill witil Wig I'm ,oil the, ringill'alluts., I " ,:,J.�I. Tllywla- Ajpi-4 14.-'9l..,-- IvIi .,,,u;. o at�'., ai�-. EDW,ringr t"'W'. IL"uRk "I Coul ` WW�'-h S'il'�? Was re-liv.sillitaLfA only IVY.
0#01vM5, and Cvel-'v Man "tivit ty& --- NINIC-ty Itok,es liMe'l. ,, - 0
I I 10W,ed him wolild i;tl (�rjntp(l ;t hpr,,,. � to daton, Imull.-r 190. TCu-i-6- :.Le 7,,l;. . ,D 'S�ittttriiay raq-rami; hill dreg%� l tht- z-trft14Tj4-2j.-j pnldp.��#Or v. r lkd,,r sel-_
� I , I.,or two-stol-him- Valruls. I calia 4rclrb. .!ln-fl 1"L-1111411to-ol rur- , . �
� AtentIffillgo toil my U44 ,"� ,,-.,- b"ftn 145P dealh.'J. ,JVUll I Ify q"��,f_.j -�
, J",�!Lk I�J ff . . " ,
.willant, thip,wins 1417yr. t� - Z. N -it hr, L ,,lin'l gh, , ( "Umna of "lab3t
V I,
� , 1po,,mft,nt,r. nai-r.-�, .u -,spilt t;gzIt ,.p -1 , ;M,,,iitl:,r t1leatno- .6 � 1' - 10, an!a - ...z n�quvst ,�. '. 41 "a 4,l e -0111'r.
i thry molt unfortmi.ttij pp:�e,-h he, 11, 1IT, April 12�-Tft, - lill- i , . ,rtlz wt -r,- i' git" "'t'g. rf'ff�'� '7� I' t:'- - `�'40Tk*k;`,-j)'g` 1111, rk-,�, I 1.10.� ehl�tllk.
.4 . � � a . .P.r. ,��Iil t"De'. I
or,v delivered. I P.-rild antgt*Ad�`,o .;r.�. I!,31raryhog ou V 'etolF*1 Ill the r".�,,nf O'Er, gf,in-nz ,,at '� "'I" rel"4"iveted'. %-t�;,U 4 _,7 �,� "I -4.17L, tl.!�I rq,4iA% cndttvt wisp
4 Jalugntit-011P. It Bs C4-11 H1.61 10"Is Is Ill- . -, � I .
, 11 *11he Diatell rallid dopq i .�n 4lXz--l1nt Glvs!V-M I -L PP -- - - - . ,4� " V, -z 1U5 tl-.� pa v h54 ,
J �: k4ug , J%JIL9, t �;'-V'S T�f-Z-,A. tro, lloraw I,% , PJ, - -tLI�V Q,J:.,,lt%(,1u,!.` ts.4;4 thii. anwIll- I
la. 11 111"iPt Vr0.,!t,n9 .V t!,f 'r , �� V V, , _ _
. �U. � . rl�Lo
I 'IJUC��11 .-.�",411 1 � � _ .D�tl -11. 11E " IMPERIAL" OPAL 11"''A"u, �,J";V,i lu,�2' I'll lut; - *zz"i ,� fac ch -,g- _a
I *k ;, th- Comitry aft" tit - war. _ 'D � �.'. _
� `)t'gaar tO 11,A911its of faine. Tfe�.-, oil, 4z� rcst"�..
" not want It. Au ,,o),.-.1- lot .itM.IZ tJ- ' 1,` R " .- Uatitt, 1 ,. L� , ""44ffIt 1�,llL��4, Lflg,1;t. ,*%VhT
,. � 0 etl 11.14ve vet rf "C' - _
-p A Z� zor - ty ,!= rstab,i4w"- r zvc�. - -i:��I;L�4 zvvv,imr�'n� 11'r -I !..4 Qn-,.' 4:,:-'N .,�O. ,4;, 7 ,4 at to", bn1IJrl!-w-1 d4razyr I
, ._ rore �_ �-�" ,.P�
alulln-tbems,Avc-s. "Or ulvat 1:-J, "t;�r#,� wz Rw P.-stago'nal '10� . . - ''. �� � � I .
� - F b .,3 IN) I I I c t 4 7rn�,-'- I M . l, " , 'L
,�qn 1 ll on at.ioVC,&L;,-nt farm�, 'oul mi., , - � ,.�%Jl "
: _l c!,�, 11 ng f; lit .t hf y I ,,, z:A ,,�t 4�44 1 ��:� wora. an -.1 T-� - - - �:� �- sagarzo--.1,14 04analt rr(.�M -my
� . 1 -l -Il an -I ogl.L,ag, u*#ig-t:q,iJ"qt�, in liv, a :'�O:r,Ai 'Im�, Z.. ,g4lijuve,or the Geng to h:- I'llro'st�w- '-.�v,** q�;,-'tlllJq. 0,;�,N'. ".4."', � .
� L I
", tt
� - fti".-J, ;,q. W2 �, 1. :M,11 -,,Vl!'�-ra I s,
When lft�v rarra Is 1-mt.11 *G.r-4(i;I;I&; � zdn,rt.iW,.mg L,�, .-:ury to !Izu 4'eQ'CJll'o�n�'.* In t!l - �J V-� qed to IR gulf" hdy. ard. �` I 4 _4 rewr. �- . a,w V;vzi M. TWrq If
. Riv-4-g! Vo;4l:l2,. Tfur, I;?, .e V.,"04�,gg",B�V, ULr(r__
- It " .. f *!!. -l, 0. i',i it'n-4a'. h4l 7.01-11� , 'u..a.%Q-Lq1 si"'Yo.. -
- �-'� � a --,'III r'!zmat .,;. I emkin7w ev _ Z41 lla"'44 Selft
I v`(tl`�" 9"ll!'a"S'll hiz-4 13U'31 hav(l! to -A' -it' � -,Du-j%,,. 17.4, ,, a r,,, t,# mn=Ag�'r
I � I ,l, -it�� - � 1 L7 1
.) 6tlsifi(A .and li,lt,�41q toy Igirsit-A.- �;, -i l, r. - . _��s,_40 MIR I IT�� . 1, Inn- " a , ' ' "-',, - r,I, --- r0--,-,,- 1:4 - =11. S,�,-rvaaes.
I ,411111i� �v , jy�,- r- P:�4,4,�M. A Pj,rta ", - * �' t1;V11 41 7a urg;-Lrot 4-IT"r for
- �;'"V.!- ' L J""Jd.�7� ga� ,%, gr,�,'.
I . , "I0,.An.-,a M -",',l V-Vhc�;�� selfh4m,-,�s,. !.-; I ,Z-2�zal-gt' E, Vf:oMm"-:e,nI�:- tnkl jl�,2 - ., ,�,, v., . Int. In - I t%ll,J,�'. _ -..�-,a,N, go-lrnt�,:-ilanu'v ,;F-..-,l'--v, U F,nelm i
. 44"t - .��;ZJJ 14,4," Z N', �9.. 15 � ZI . , tv
- , � Work.sr �nl tlufk Nprkl,- - � , DU.V , - r, U
!, ", ,!R,-1 , Stnt to Pretoria. -, VaoAllu'l'. lz. 1"'o -'It ..0 I V,�r,n -Iz,�:"")%47 4'.- � s�l 11-t� ri,;,%z, r -t --q sw,ft
�. apparent. 1 4 �Jmartt tfuAn!k�I lla,e rw,n on T� " ',- �,,1.`&'-1q1i3zs to 21,7-11--i-Nt Tul *-'� I � " ",.� , %11% B4",��t V, -11
. , q,r I s,i..?r%:o-,. 1 -[%�Jol (.IiS4 �-
I * 1 of ,�Igf% ('� X 1:j-'. , �- -t: .. V7 -n- Z,y zla -11 e it set
_ "I - �,F, J,a1.'�-..qL,-t0'Ml`7 Zt�j
,, X31--drnarn, Tr�in-,;,o.t.tl t,( -.lo -)%P.;, .P: 23-I � , - ,
I . .. .. I ,;:.9e%h tfli- Iaat, -04 - 'J, -- 4, �i� -, .1; 7,J -1a in fnant �A Min, Q '�S',!�l!.
. J;liVVC"rr
I F _ � ,
., dlicnNA. . . " . �1 ., � aq
; ,,, Gen. tlullpr*, 'Speolot.h. . I I 1.1..'� rJ:1;1J` �- . . t. %v LIZV I
A, April 12.-A91 Quf! in- .4 , I'tr 1hol, nm -L� L.; zi!v tif".4. 1, . . .,
gahl"antst of t1fl,7 "IMIE t 1��Vv, iee� t 11, f.- -, , 'it t� 'at nl!�Mi.nt r,l-eph-v 1 51 �
1101190.1, April 1'. lun4l rom.".4�B-f--11 i l . - ;< , ,-�41319 to t'u*- T. .j -.-,t I v z , ""J�. z ',;- , 4, :'. i . 0�
I 13 -GM-I-al Sir pl�ivv ot.tv- bilva is . -rendlmr to �1.,I- 3.-;J- � '4 .'', j-'J".r Nv;ag 11I.iirki"I" .p
� 15, i ? P"t to Pretoria. � JlinLa %rerj" �i[Wjjt- tJ,) "
r 1,02-9 r�allpr, .qp,-a.k,ln.t,, I:tst . . Is' .. -
� --- . :- .."Inq tz;,- .��.;,,�( t, 4. ,
ovening �, ;V're.. , � r,,,; n to rl,."!.--,;V. ""' ,,, .l, - �' DRANK POISON AND DMA
�, A' :.� -:�-`nt from .4. Fuvj, ! ". , - 0�1 '1.,�ng tvn"r willt-mt �
. aiWstanco wh;nh 04--la-la i -- . �., 11.�;qllt"e 1A%1,flrr. ,lvz. 1,ats %U4 i: ,, -SA. U -Ill 1�anele(l 31r. W --
ind Ans- I I . , � ,.� ' .F�"
� rJ. t"
- -�
i al. 111yanotait'll, eulogiz�A thel, Prix-alltuouiatNt. 1101o,"ll. . "l��'
�. � I Apil 1I.L4%,cat, pg,j.,ejLl1a- ' -1 L �. 'Ut"n "' A;oor A. 1A,.iit,,r.
it" , -nage 'Eq.,Uc-l�urdre,,I-d.,Ilk�.,r'�,..�lit-r
. ,��.:! .. 6,1,it.� � ;1 -
. . .
1 '., traila hit<] rendoredGreal Britain in I I The ltv-1.11116reentell:m% ; ., - ramer %vilf; j!`i.,,fyv*-r-,�l jra,� '. s� 4*0111inits 4,K�,11,Lq,16
i , foxming in South Africa .1, t7oz.,�IrIll.*Ix.111- ta'� -it ls;trf- Vi, pret,E,nt 1. � ., iml.y a zn':12o,r'.-4 uroverbiall hI ,�
I �,, I third if IX)!Fs4I;-le th,-3, lut* LO11,11011, April I.-y,7;I-, ,QtGry �sj�jjrt_ L .: , lit fiof;r-o at Hull.
, .1, -4119111eal-Sarmkin- nation. t zriduction of t,w r, 2*;(1)Pal% 14col i0peration. � �,)ttalva, Al"'711 114. -Geo. A. Watt-
, ,. .J ly.v tilt. ,,.�,pry
I I - - ,Ips that ,Lgrt,jer rt,jn- 3'. � �5�;Ion- It feil inio) tnje- �.,:z",,'
7. VlPlw Hatloosr are sprl 1, . .1i .Xt th'. Tral-w-rzal Bank tk,- �-whur!'r llf r4 -11, rqj,.rl�; -�
: .; lap w � t , a ,l4ire-n, a C:1,,up, rjjjltyvv*,r. w - . _1,.t1D, c,lz,.,bnI"2t 0
ill(. ,q I
; � around us," he said, ",,and must be a , Ia � ;�'l f.,�.r,-117 in ex-m-tiv th.- snzrm, way � v-, * ' 'al
I- -0 sl�'rio" '. _
lylft"! 14,1911V- Wbiell, according toj iorctim�ntlt, - ull'it bi� sent �d) .�!ozlth t 6
� L' t'v�§t e"bl'�';" is �' J' -4Y in- Africa jl.l,,l 1p,,j to, a, Cal, . . - .. id - 1�n Bernh.r's 1"'Ael. Aull
., � 1.,�': . t- ther(, w�.ts o!;,,t,i;vzI fqw,,7 AIM , oL-� %- liv takittlg ... de-si, of he&-:-4;�nna.
� or - thal Ene . - -I th's he ehanzir,'I ft�,.
lowed to do what is proper f I them evlow�ing in Cay" Town. ,!ulation Ell , ; :`L-- -�-'-'4 t" ha -1 rvr-;�--nlzz I I-" -C 1;;., ;--l-q-1 voster-
401res. Reasonanle conce A public notf;,- Im.1; b.,Pn put lip -or- wil-It 11-1,q bilell dono, along �. as slup 111A.1111oll �$..-milaa Trloml . � " -- I
,, .l5slons mui--.t t'� - -0-3ft pUrelloser. Up�),I. gl�lo- ' (�% n
. PMCO, January Ist. in the Ho , .. ,,pai,, ��:' '5-1 ... " W'Ll"Zl " 11� 'r"i;s -i' brVih:,ir u.' .11r. J- F.
. ,
i:l ba gmnted to them. . fering a pz:nny tor,�,very rat c.111gilt, C.0m, ,%Ir US8 of� ,,!� 1t;-T,:l -'atter hb; '.�, .:k .vau l:nit lu�, r--P�I'V*-.tl in t!gp ft�rng. C7 � '%Vaterg, of lhi� --4-4�rvfa-zy of Istat -A's
L 'non.,4 rL
,. I We mu6t v . .
not and the i-ns-Iy,:?z,,o ol ' ,,h 'airs wore lm.!,y �,,.- e, p. ,, $103 blils. .1, ,Q--.0 anol a 'El 1Vt-Z�L1-.1=%,;:-�1. 1%-QLi-.k1�f1d <*1C(lJ'WQ 1.0 b&
LI . I _ . $I- annushm - t % 11 4i.&A �- .k.', To.f".
'Villch 10st WS Am- kf'.i)t W,.- W1110-1 has Wen ,.71letho- to, w. .t -iv--, invnIvin mble ,iz- _y-�.,,-,al- -
. rePeat tile error ' �'Il �(Ilnitioye _ " - - m., , �
, '(I - - - � - - ,i� (-
I keeping toll Of e (impt,rr,ra�ial, lf.ltj j�e- i
�4 erlda. Tile fIrVt great ,child ,Of the I Pettv,--iirom I.ord I-Zitehe,n�jra, (Zeman , 1-l"cll-1. witprenp.)n ,,he irolm jr..-k.4 ." 11�ur
I the onliture-st, d I , , , ',,'Z--' rO%11�17 wns rclt OLvel,wPred pt ;' u-9li-'*1- but 11"vl Was not kao-uva
Z41 r Ji.-!n'r,-'II* lt� ' 1U
19ro : -irz�-.4errpd to W.1n, cur thel attornT�y-s �.' ..ftli soM.L" . � 110-WkiPAPt�r elrvlz�p.
'iIq .
�'i gnapire w.1s; lost b�-causio a, tine, for MOO.') More men, as well es regu- For le'.o4s. TRpag'..C. it pw,.;�illi ",r I 0 folinw?:1,; .
wing, lust,y boy ,was not giv,'xii OtherwLsa thpre is little Astir here Iar gnfyntjlJr'.V' drafti . , 'L 11ptfor. =s.gaed.
. at pres�,aat. rt, I -.6 ,
_ , i4%w-nSh1Iy, oil I to' tll�' 1--1k-*,-- hnnri�. an'd then I" otanv* tfV4 wa S found i.� sub; rvnickp 1. -.
-1 . 'Suough rop% and wag allowed to All ,of tIlP U-mr arrivalso of Xr� Drir.,r�eyc-.No, pir. . the Man who I,.'" 1'�" ,
1111111; different in small matters from I PrL,Oonersl ,�.a:, P"Ner ;E�lr Charl" IDIIke # k, ,t t Z, -Lr V;e eomparlson nl%�zVil 111%di-,?, T�b %,il,�I�,��lg 1*, nI,-,zN ,� .
ill � in well gpttI,% , i�?)--ht It to England, Itering it' �':7"TIA ON'd -' I t%� & - ' I . - ofl:.Z. ptn a
.1 alskeJ tile numbpre 0 _1 m :
. 't
-it nroad of oirafft" ,,Jilej rejair,oreempall " ". ,
his parents.", - . � tn Ux. Kin- V, t.y in those banks, , burry. (.%Lortaln stra.age 11thigi arjo*�
I Bottom oinm,m The, lunith is go(M. ,s ;anaad
�l -
i4 ',-'011tll Afriem ; To I : �� 1010 M,bnnnt (If chequos drawn n1y. 1, we thp . .
I . Aneo Jaliunry*. - v � I. lbly,.
,S CANADIANS svild, fllc� rvirabars Inlad- A 'vercoiu�' the 41ftleulty' no'x T;4,� PrOC,"Inre fig some bankin I wr,ong i -V mv si,v"lIPtTt;4I-,, terr
� R,013HRTS PItAISP Por Ille Widows' Fund. ],Jr. Drot1rick tiatil art, now aroot to, get ilie. ' " , A g, ' eulse- 1-lor nu�ily mwitto
t I - l� "'%,� I lfff'ri
- "I in South Africa 1�lnce Jan. Ist are, - at- a, similar swilidle tat7t
4 � vr,inmfVnWV.Il' 11 tit QuPolnelit �! -'-' 1`7 (' -alt, hoWevet, ond It
L: - L Lonilm, April 12.-T.orne Currie tala tol .-Ic-! I,, 1)�qi%,�,,j t!l J I ll�'tvf- sufferod Jne1p4"C�,,S1Iq,V.� C�er
,, � _
. . -Anates Brought to Notleeor War See_ ' tit('- 3ruchtsintin, who Is building three lot)5�-)' OfficOrf," anJ 20,a,'00 non-com-i fyt'lit %11i' geart- Rnd tl nen preselit it � )�;
, ,� S ; boats alip("ir
: I - l iinefs are 11kit due to
J from wh4en me will be select nl-e`5401101 ,officers and men ; 720 offi-' " "'L7' '%'Ing- in tile 110#Aet . -'tile '
ave Iyet"!! perPetra`tN1 O""qk 'Vie'e- �%Tz*' ('10 P V morey W mr
, , � I rotary. _ '11,58D men are still at sea. ! People. Of tilt, � tyf;;:1111t,lh� ar'l b:. yet amdiscvvolre,l� soul. X-ty lie a e b 't 0 1p t1mis .
� el cers an -I - �
. 11 RS Cluillenger for the Seawan- � *,'rIv- cl,rkiq Who vonver,goil with �Vlfl- allId tic,jj� to , '�ler lit a Mea .
1 , t(in 11.1vp furnished tile prilice with it me. Otte el"IXImally.
. Tho f6linwhig extraciq from ; Thil, Jewel to. from all acconalts, i, r
I .9 that tile other Xr. Pitle asked whether Instruc- I exceptional color and si7e. A, Lon- i 'Jeo,�IIOw-j0-Jrna'IIlk;,t,14 pray e,omment
v011ime haka Cup, aMnOuncel . .
: - ii; said 'I -it ich was I CIVIlrit,001Y re my an-&st IvIti,ab
I I 1. Softith African despatch Of Field two will be sold for the benefit of ti011sf worel sent to Lord Kitchenerl don firm of Jaweller. descript tion of the swind -,�r, n
I Marshal Lord ItOblerts, V. C., pre- the Soatb! Afrlaan War Widaws"Fand. by the, Government an a guide to Valued it at to have i 4in Saturday night telmr I le death.
, ., -
I lNented to both Houses of the Implorial an-i-Y.,00t) (%.-,5.00')), all"ed to A, I'mm-ember the feel,wigs
.1 the negotiations, with General Botha while the own number a other eItL,1R- Tlii� descrilll- May God Itnip us alil. - others.,
at declares he would tion states that Winto.
I , �! P11,41MMebt, Pebruarv, 190L eholv tile Johannesburg, April IC -The ,an- prior tO the interview at Middle- not gall it for 'I 1.4 a roung
'references b7 his lOrdshiP to tile nouncement, in tile joAa,nneqburg,Ga_ r.g; If , 0, ! double timt amount. � lit. No ft%mei Iles wi , I
1 Pwork of the . bu a what; Were they, and an. abcRit five feet sew -n Inches In any do-ath. th rilravonal else In
Went . - Royal Canadian P,egi- zette that the regular eervIee of pas- could they be I -Lid on the table,of the Strl VtP003tt tro�iles were,
i ' svaal House. k -e Ill Montreal. llill,01t, fair aTId Clean fillaven. On all merely Itakitary distractions frOT&
, and the officers and men of sa�irlger trains between tht! Tran a Ills visits to the hink Ito-
) ��" -the itoliond OP90W Service battalion, and NaUti. is suspended fill f Montreal, Apra 14 -.& WOre tile terrible sufftring Oftalsed bypro- I
., Mr. Brodrielk said th i
tll 7wkb ha,VO tile distinguished honor tico comesa as -el Government tumber of at dark business atilt. bably IMPrMedented sOrrq,w-,s. !
i 'nosurprise at thobre- bookbindersand typ-a�eitetg emPTOYed OOIC141S are Silent.. ...
aftong gave Lord Kitchoner no definite In- by C, Beachemin,
I CAzza4loms to be sonally 09116 Juncture. At this moment w6 struettonst for the Only nob-ttillon T116 Oftl0lahr of both banks ani the Prar That 116 Is Drowned.
. '. - �
.� recomlinended to the ,,voPer
, , rablea, con- are 6xpeorlencing, guerilla watfalre to ,6ftl th(!Wme�Otlng with Gen- 6
, . laIdeft*10T) OC MA Majesty's Govern- Both N for the belut of all reason 9,
., -Ind lb M'Ontreal police were e04119 reticent with re- .Ringsiton, ()nt., ,April ]L4,
, b&v ilishinent of its k
I `ltt� I I I
: f -he fullest extent. Numerou In_ t � e gone out 'On strike. lThey ol�-' gard to the losses. It is known, how- Bishop, residOnt of Gailanotlite. ba*
, vllePt a hat General Botha No -hit
I - lhv the then llloniftiander-la-i�We? st,11116W of the inaltreatmebt and proposed the mand higher wagft President Don- l ever, that the uso or the acids eould been missing from his home fdr iL
. 1� 006& Afrlba - S1100tift Of k�ack womein land ,chit- MP-leting, and Rig UaJeatY's Govern-
� � ! ( Xrtv ReftdO , 111,00t were not to possesslob of ally Delly' ot the "Y�gz;illh!Oal Union, has : be detected when the cheques were week. It is le
I I � uartsrs, 80,11t1t Afrlma# dren are continually report ptopow he was -going to make, arrived here to �
� L �'�L ed with IrY and settle the closely examined, 'The swindler is M"d
; , :. I , tMubls'. . ' L . 11 'I drowned lu, the
1; theagut to b ' to hd* li`e�l
t t
! :1 lk I I I aVe reaelled tbo United itbon� 0111110ilile, Wvet*
1, . I :,� the UPPer clam. ,
I . � I . ! . .6 L I
� L 11 L �
� I
`�, , � - WW66m "' .. .. ........ . . ",", ...... - - ... � . . ........ �'t. � I... I .... -....l-, � I
----" " . ........ '- � .... - ----- ---- L ... 1.11 .... wii�� .111-11-1- I . ...... I ... I ... I