HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-04-19, Page 6I . ": %, �'. :"Im I � ': 7, �', `7 � ";7- , - .71. 7w�1111117 . . :: " �-:",�"r",!,-,,:"�,�,,,i,.�,,". � 1. � 1. I I . I . 11 I .; , I ',M-1111" --mm"W".1111,11111- 1,
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WIF-VI", ,� . . � .1 �- � , . , . I I 7- - — ""'M_
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. Chris 'o Ar'1191kis
. . I s , SZm%crifi%.AF,.7
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Zor the Savirig of All Nations Paid in Instalmews
I �
Bringing the Glad Tidings of Savior's Birth.
W.&SIAlIg'toll report: In this di - devour you as a kid. It was in t
urSO Dr. Talmage shows the i'll-'s- 1 Pang of hunger that iresus -il,as
9 liale Sacrifices for �he suiving of all I eosted, and Satan saw, ,Ixow chs:,
I aPpeared .to him. Text: I COrIll- thes,
� I � stones which look like br
Ilan's vi, M "Ye are bought with a Into an actual sUPPly of brealee..., I - lad the temptation come tp
. I 'Vour friend takes you through his and me under these circumstances
I khmble house, "Zon: examine the arch-
% ithe frescoes, the grass plot$, the would have cried "Bread It shall b
1. and been almost impatient at the ti
. j.h ponds, the conservatories, the taken for mastication, but Christ w
, 66 of deer, and you say within your -
It or you say aloud, "What did all 11, hand ch
6 c y diamond darkness. 0 ye tempted ones! Chr
" b_- In an eaxring, or yot hear a was tempted. We are told that
�. lt�y dress rustling across the draw- Poleon ordered a coat of mail unia
.. - room. -or you see a high mettled but he was not quite certain that
R of horses harnessed with silver was impenetrable, so he said to
I , I e an manufacturer of the coat of In
timake of the,. value, "Put It on now Yourself and let us
, The man who owns a large estxte it." And with shot after shot fr
I ot instantly tell. you all it is his own pistol the emperor found
orbb. . He says: "I will estimate so that it was Just what It pretended
tuch for the house, So much for the be, a good coat of mail. Then the M
. . iraft-tire, so much for laying out the received a large reward.
rounils, so much for the stock so I bless God that the same coat
inch ibr the barn, -so much for the Mail that struck back the weapons
iuiPage, adding up In all Making temptation from the head of Chri
As aggregate." we may now all wear, for Jesus camWell, my friends, I hear so much . and says: "I have been tempted, a
boat our mansion in heaven, about I know -what it is to be tempte& Ta
s furniture -and the grand surround. this robe that defended me and we
194, tha,t I want to know how much it for yourselves. I shall see y
.I's all worth and what has actually through all trials, and I shall see y
paid for it. I cannot complete through all temptations,"
:a month nor -a year the magnificent
alcalation, but before X get through "But," says Satan still further
-dar I hope to give you the figures. Jesus, "come and I will show y
a are bought -with a price." something worth looking at." A
With some friends I went to the after a half day�s Journey they cali
wer of London to look at the to Jerusalem and to the top of V
"OWn Jewels. We walked around, temple. Just as one might go up
light one glimpse of them, and, the tower of Antwerp and look
Ing In the procession, were com- upon Belgium, so 'Satan broug]
� Med to pass out. I wish that I Christ to the top of the tein
OUld take this audlenc� into the Some people at a great height fe
3wer of GoWs mercy and Strength, dizzy and a. stralige dispositiem
hat you might walk around just once JUMP. So Satan comes to Christ i
t loast and see the crown Jewels Or tbat very crisis. Standing there
ternity, behold their brilliance and es- tile tOP Of the teMPIC, they lool.:ed *I
Imate their value. "Ye are bought A magnificent reach of coull
_;ith a price.** Graintlelds, vineyards. *live grove
Now. If TOU have a large amount forests and streams, cattle in the va
f Money to pay you do not pay It I lor. flocks on the bill.q, and villag
X at once. but you par It by In- and eltios and realms. 11 -Now," jsa
taltneat$-So Much the first of Jan- Satan, "I"ll Make a bargain. JU
ittry, 6o r.luch the first of April, so JUMP off. It I.Von't hurt you. AlageLl
11110h the firat of July, so much ,,he will cateh you. 'Your father will hOl
arst of October, Until the e ire aTn011ut YOU. 11z,sides I'll malce yon, a Jar
S rai� ��i I have to vell " e
this audicuv Present If you will. I'll give you A.%i
I tat "YOU baVe been bought with a Minor, I'll give yolL 4�hlna, I,Il give V
Irite." aU4 that the prl,;o -%vas paid I
12ITerent Ins,taImPut.-,. n Lthlopla, I'll glvt, you Itq.ly. I'll giv
37OU E -pain, 1-11 give 3,VU t;e
The Rmt InStaInIcInt Pald for the GIVA % rinally. 11
_.ou I_rltafn, 1*11 give "oil all th
4eurance of our zouill w,aq thr, igno- . A N
101ntfts birth of Christ in betlile. Nvor"l-" 'What ;It t��InlitatlOn It `mut-
...'em, ThOW,"ll wO May..- Ut'Ver tie cari- have becill
;Ovlully lookea after QMVWard, our a,1- Go to -morrow InArning and gtt I
Ven" intO tllL- world 14 ettei,fuRly all altereation. with 1;anle .%jrp
o _t
.k tuarded QUIld I:InalY- attention!i. Pri. C1r1WI1I%9 Up train it gin eell� in th
.% laW and silo�,nee ar(%
* , ftr,,,g_,1ed %Vj�oi-n 1617vilt part ot your city. *Ixo.1, yo,
lad launebes an h.11nerttal soul Into VIMY. "I would not bpnwan xnywif b
WL,thd world. E -Von tile roaghom*, of ]VOWing Into rmeh a Contest.0 T110
Wt. -nen L -now "Ouffi-I f) stlina MCI'. thinh of u -bat the xln�- of boxv--ft an
hilit3at I hrk�4 0 t"ll YOU that in tile Vit. earth en(Jured wben 110, eamp tlo%-,.A an
Loh age an t'le, slat'. k): Ille littl thtre -was fOU81A the ureat wri,teh of hell tri
11K very, IsZ,41AM 01.1 tIV. oar ,whon ,XL%,,;n.,; f0ut."It blin In the wildchrnpvg And a
W. .VMS born
%ur - Xu a ViU-13-e CAMWe lit VA-- tOP Of the temple. I' ,at W33 God 1111
!0malwatirk on*�Y a rer,� hunjrcy�l Il""'. In the triumph 0
Wir, 9 Ver. temptattor, ChrN
'M "
ar2le% ftwiny thousand mople wclrlll� erdwa. gives U9 tile jlc-�nu= 4� that Nw! cl-
the",4- uftd Q12113 h09t1w%r,,lt anl Vlul'�%W%r4 t�Ltill MUMV111- 11=109 hIm!-eIr bee
tIrd immel drIveta YPHIng tit ntup��J tenilote'l he i� MAP to fisucar all tho
oolbMst& of bur3mi tJ,1(_% �1.�t,_e'jll aVr#.'l.%.",Jd. 11 %4*110L are te.�nnplf4l.
4W6 Oftnep. NO V -IV -4t -M A t,.tl:,r1 The th"Id Imnalmen*u paid ftir tv
IiAltdapted Plai;,k# h1t!,1 thki, #jtgtot in tZt._1 i rodemptlIZI %W-3 thO ag,MbIng praye
W tlyr;p. bath MA t�14�'
,0 Ill ttle R me, lair. Ift Gethf4�m,aw.b� M4 r t7at in that gar
i,ft 1,
Jt6Th6 iixile- at fio��Lv 14,p,
th dot,,�a lip�)ft � dp�n at atf� f4j*t Of a
_ .ft 0*
. �d rnarled an
*LtU'AW. Th-, 'tint., nlght Olit ft,)jn - .
the 11� tV-'5!;ted ONVe trct the bkot-one gc*n
I VAULe-t of hi�xnea dnnt,_�t�'l in a %,trexpVt-.r 11 100nLs UP,= MP ovorw1whulng:
St Of c6arge 19.*0n. ione 'W6'a"I h_A+�t,% SLID. The -s% OM onve tr4tf!q UN-% the Ionlrm
ut, vdmA tbat Actri". 1VOZ.ga, 'ha-d'a ka-A a dlPV`1_,e`ndZ145� Of thO!�e =der tvhle
MrbwrA mduall d�C_%.__-nq. urcia-ing �
_*�n t6 t t-,11�0 %t -ay -,�,�4NAd of! RIVE4 tote 1#%V�!_M of tit" V4.1401m tomul
jelht-ave!l r -000M 4,'hrI441 Z`M`,d -'tftd %verlit and ktel
bt treat nM=qmJ@. vatri to Ct.1s.;a111.9 rat � Cal gLoltic,fationg told no% t,toey or cu
, ,
W act. tbeft t,3 a --tt'r,rh2lat . 'I fta�'n 2 �' L.6,11 . 8 agony 0 fl.e�r satc-ea:-mra
� ftok ,
cautft thth t,3 a rr�iw# hamo- in, ii_,-,%_- �1 Nx,��_Vi to calvary fm sw'),mt1nest Vta(�i
a Ahr. thm tj a E_41'permah. a tatat. a.04 1: in patettnftt, Is G&WtrAaft@. uldn
tItitt"O an to a _-_taut;- NO! 1" Vb,Lg ,ere ,; -nming thtrit! It _et,r�dmd aq it I totitt
UAD frdm tht? tf'p tv t!�e L",ngttlt�ttL , Ltar Vir 14rX9 vrayo_.r. taqjc�q2 T.�11�
19 Ult . " olxZa M_e ddar ,all, Vie twa. i i9s rl;d 9"Atv- cant thig t.,,� ttv
"bftv in tl�ih",E�htfb and d!��ve ar��a,v 1 sf�,,,,da tvhf3 gathZ'MA rwgmltl,�*t fr6n
IfIlle InAfetIN. �i'
� ftta 1-65 trInfoogb ttq,�,� gto)UP �' 4'rite fta,,tk9&rDv! bmc-gbt to his craft
A 4f Vitt"- am] *t,,u1rvF-1,-t. wtat. qy M-g, 1 rml, rto,.tn. t , ,
* hs ftht? -No ngaq:. ,o:!t @ --, -; ji S be lorl" Chat Rung thol
k t tayp, _..ZV . ,W"_1=P_s§ Into the ttrradtl an& frtff
Okt V_11,11!n W,E,-ee_Q �" ,
f "If8jug,h o, 1%, ri? 4"."t." " U'L% Wt bf` AMhfLtttr that b-.b*�te tat 7hr'
It 'What. man-, L,� !r,5�,,,11 .'Non4." �,hq�!l re,A? It VWA Jests the 1watotwr a
A ,itky,% "4ftiv tlte, wweh tv,ls brotgnt gfl 11 L11-th,*hy. the V#_,n:Vf1,#61.dr at Xmit, th�
i tht -*A,,,k on -.;.�! soutti,-Y... L� �,t,so�"at.u!.,S,�gtl36tl.!�aida?l§tEgi!�tbechfil§
Vdthfebtm tv4fvan t-*�1_40 rr,js ,r-,O��4 in "i wrmoge rtown fi� the Stotrit, whoge gthItqt
I �h#.Lrt 'kFth k%l:y 9mlenEets Pa.. zae"_- � is me tunng,11, tao" Spl"flg t16
�'tht e 11 . thiAg h58
I overifl�p ft,�;= C59 tabe Urnat t�,�, brea"In, th-?.2 tr A -r H "ce t��
_ .
ftir ii,05k nunit q Vat , t
U14'9±1 St- LWI%! L`73Z�! tt- 11 ck-e2n .- his affidg , tr.
. a drorp 611 ule tip o!
,�,57`dr VOW- ,11-.aj. IA -t vq T:m---?!. Let ;�' h-,aveft, I tj�ot%',�-Jf�s oil tht� 114yitont Oi, hi,,g
. Aill _ -
. Voi:CV-'s be ;Uu:�'Iej. 1,_1,J-oA of 1'raryt ,I rove.. trv? UhIVr-e,�,!,-_ lize dWt 6f kl-q
: �gah dt"G&M CE2-31 Vill �- dtyw 110)1-,ar�;![ � chatkA, Wheel? Is this the 0101'st wbo
tf t"'t-MW It t'��t! eyt� fh.� g,-4,.tn�c t,�,j L't tit �, to 'Jeal a -�, -ak 6f, 'Im'--il a
a 061. 7 . _4�,�� h4=ttl �
Omn-03ten'L8 ai-teAU. & : fetnpesl or flrowft a wotla "r fulod im�
I 'el .11 ;,
Mat btttws �nnn. Tb -'44, VoleLs f4ry h�, � rhe;tslty V.11th In, gtory,? Vellold hifli
ehanged ft&n the re_��" _q
,e P;,11n. Ir e *0L
*0118�- that st!11� %,ar,e t�!,. dea'a. , to _1 i 5fk ni�yer, *the gi Me-' of tloljd b.V Stir -
112L! Mimnnn! q-ai,-y 4,9 q,c,,1 . 11._�=--I- 0 Tow r,teszal tlwo, Ugh the skin or! hi,.q
It" lea=c_ f-_,, �� Je- � . roteine&d! wl��t En utstalta-vit In
.n *,%!,,OMe ,
,,,,) 3r -
_ aang,air �
, ,!!a-� tf V_� t.a�t-W,,�,n .
. . t Og 1hp greatc
- . 'IV" , , pride
_ t V.0's nvc�r 5aid!
vl� IT11" r,sa T". -n nmrng,sr ,�!o thnan" 5
i -M Z_zIT11-1--, �1�11 V1.2, 931,t-3 C17L. Ojftr�,L2, _gtj,-] lrrle fourth IPStal-rehE rp-44 tot triv,
that the da0t' O� 1'd&aVPn 4,�t - I
.�;.Nt on �o2 I t-t6e= tuon V, as the Vavioirtk _�klzantn
Isirt-119 tkis V-.aq� tni *�_�- se�*.as A".*t tl�,4-,V J lt-_21. _t Carl It a 'sInand tmat--thit", has
twings c,te loqn_f, wa-r -to zn w; ��'h. L.-- 1 ta-V4�t &sn any-IbItg siji Untl,11E,ceht of. U.-
IeM thle iba:"=�-n ml h�av�-n ,*ay �-4"� I o- � fast 9t any ct.!tlli1nal court as wag V'rit-
Vle :f-I.Iia an"I r:=g ou* "%`1? XE�r:':-% -8_- : tez-veZI 01� t%e 1,Tgal of C!htilsl. Wmz
.*Olff, I bT;zg .V�6n g:'-1 C5�=G-:, 01 9��a I the�r hvsite,i wzn Into Can- court foa&rn
207. V17ch S�tln Le -.0 al' peol�*-e. %-: at 2 OIC -1081a ,in Che =Okhing. 'rhey gare
1,6-aar cl '6,,�rn = �_ , �,
'V*V�0;-, -,,�h:c U,�, e'."!y 01 bav5a a I III= !b* tim, e irbe counsel. They gav6
h is C!-m�q�, -,tt,e Lor,j... , �
'The -106fta instsili.1gr � hiln n�cf 0xVV0ftdf9tF ftit tubpben-ning
tlt,7�1';sl ,cao1J%Lr,,,C, e.lt ;�aI42 fo,r ozgr I %--�knle_-ses. the ramians V�ho were
_ 'Mag the St'47--.tf- il 1 r
1qV*_1=,_,ta_-IA, a =&jnta1notl!g re_� .1 ' .h
I n5glat, Of caurse ther ,�aw 4,
'he arrest
full Of ea -1 el -M-1 whor.-I are ill-tiar 7,9Ln-1 �' -and VMIA Into thd court 7?ociftv. B,U^
thefg 0_,R(1 VvIgq be2Es, I
ls of all I '
that you Ir . ort'll SO � Jesue friends Vrete ,vober rner4 were
. �us*
� now gcy
. there arnael I re.�,nsclable men, and at t'hat hour, 2
with 1-.-�ffre or gun or pistciL It wa,
1here that jt,,,Su._ V--.L.nt to fl, ., I o'clocrc in tlie motWng, of o0_&rSe they
, �jnj�_ an', I
LO .1 vver,,� 4a, hollit asleep. Consequerttly
Otan and It was tilere that '
, th, =on_ Chist entered ,.he court rooml W.Aty, I
tter of heir -more S!5r .9
'note terrible I the rufHang.
than anything tha1-"P`ra,QQ4,,,..1 1.M tr,_.' Oh- lo6k at ht'ng N10 are to S'Pea"Al a
e6l�ntry--��Atft-zl hiriself, me- 0hrist . WOrA for hint. I lift the Ianterii u7ttif
ThiB rose, in the cLe�-I, ;f Chri, ice and as My
st- 1 carx loolk Intai, his fa ,
that IyUblIuS 1�entulluz� in his le., , to heart beats in tympatby foe this, the
tte I
thd Rdingn senat% tLserlbed to Jesus— best friend the woeld evet ,fiaa, him-
.... I
th;at twe had Scattered its petals SW now utterly JtIendjes.q, am officer.
AbMillenee. froln food 1, _
.afi thrown .hIM Of the cour�- room cOmeg VV Alid Sibites
ftltll ttafteletion. A lon- gbs-enence. him In the mouth, and I See the blood
teallng itrom.gum and lip, ()b, it w"
trota food rce-rd.,l 1, P,'r'ofane , .
118t617 Is tbatof the or -^w of the g -61P "I farce of a tria.Y, lastLiig tonly per-
-Tafit". r"or tVi%enty-three daYs they haps ail hour and then the ju klSes
1"id bothing to eat. But this suffering fbit Sentence! ,Stop! I,t IS gg,alnst the
-b'd lasted & "Month ,and ten dtSrs be- T&W t6 give -Sentence unless there hag
1ote he br6kO fa__t_ Hunger Must have. been an adjournment of the court be -
I iligaffiged every fibre of the body and tw"3n condemnation and Sentence, but
XnaWe(1 on the Z' ,Oma h O� what cares tb3 judge for the law?
of .With teet "Th6 =,, J,as no,
death.' The t1lought ch a mor,�el of friends. Let him
bread or r1leat Must have thrilled the c7fe,!1 says the judge. And the ruffians
body with Something like ferocfty� Oatslde� the rail cry, "Alia, aba, that's I
Turn Out a Padk' of hungry men jr,ce what we wa' Ut! PASS him out here to
us! AWAY with him!, Away witil h'imro
f-'*"Ist Was a-hUngered, and if they 'Ob. I bless:,God that &MICI all tb . e In -j
lad strenktb with One Yell they would JUStice that may have been inflicted
.11 . .� .. . . ,.
10 _
"I I
6 ITPVA us In this wiorhl -1" have a divIl
!. IsYmPatliieer, The warld cannot I
K about you nor abuse you as much ;
�they did Clirlst and Jesus Stands ti
r day In every court room in evei
re 11011se, In every store, and says., " Com
* sixe! By all rny hours Of maltrea
�- ment and abuse I will prote9t tllo�
Pr who are trampled upon.p,
f And -I,
�e S-UNDAV SIC.417-210
I- -.-�
., APRIL 21, IDOL.
e -
--A The Walk to r, 1llm,i,us._Lllk0,,l., I
r Christ forgets that 2 O'clock mornina .
$ scene and the stroke Of the ruffian on Vomn3envary.-M rv,lrx) of tile
the mouth and the howling of tile un- In V8rsO 83 it is iniplie Qlat t
tt washed crowd then he ,%vill forget you were not apostles. 0110 NvAN L71eol
!- and me In the Injustices of life that Of Whom we know nothing;
'e may be InflIcted.upon us. otliQr Is unknoNv-n--1Qtm. Biblo.
d 1"urther 11 remark: The last great unnamed d1solple "is supposed
1. Instalment paid for our redemption many learned men, both. anci
U ,Vva-S the demise of Christ, The world and modewn, to have boon Luke Ii
e has seen many dark days. Self; the Persian says llositiv
11 Many
surrimers ago there was a Very- dark that It Was Luke." -Dr. Clarke.
e day When the sun was e,cI4P,,d. The Clarke also thinks that Cloopas
ti fowl nit noonday went to their Perch 18) Is the, same aw Alphels, . fat
2 and we felt a gloom as We looked ai Of tile aP0StJO Jamns. Mark W.
t the astrorromical wonder. It E ninlaus-Mile Word Means " I
Was a SpAng.%" and Nvas probably a PI
- dark day in London when the plague
I where thexe Avere hot aprla
was at its heightv A,nd the dead with Threescore furlongsj�bout sei
t uncovered faces were taken in open and one
� carts and -dumped in the trenches. It , -half mUes.
'was a dark day when the earth oipen- 14. 'They talked together -Th
I converfsation natu-ra)ly turnc-d
7 ed and Lisbon 6;xnk, but th ' darkest the all-absDrblng question of t
I day since the creation of the world 11011r -the crucifL-Kloll of josus a
t was when the carnage ,or Cavaar the reports ,which they had hea
) was enacted. of Ills resurrection. .
k It was about noon when the ,.cur-
tain began to be drawn. -15- 00mmulled togother-Probal
1't was not 00111SUItL119 together what to
I the coming an of a night
. that PCct- Or to -do, in such perplexi
I soothes and refreshes. It was thd CIxotimstances. They exchang
. swinging of a great gi,00m all around Tiaws and feelings, and weighed t
I the heavens. God hung .it. As 'when facts before them concerning t
I theire is a dead one In 'the ,house you probability of Chaxist being the M
. bow the shutters or turn the asbtice, sLi It. or of HIN Q I
! SO God In the afternoon a -hut the resurr ,etioi fro
I the dead.
windows of the world. A.s it is sp_ 16. Eyes were hohlen-Purpose
. ProPrIate to -throw a Wack pau ,Pon assuming a different form. th
. the coffin as It passes a,lonM So it usual; and supernaturally influell
was appropriate that everything ing� their sight that they might ii
should be somber that day as th�e know Him.-socitt. SOO Mark xv-L I
great hearse of the earth rolled on, 17, Said unto them_,ii,s a ,goi
bearing the corpse ef the King. A teaelier, in order to be heard, I
man's last hour� are ordinarily beghill by getting them to spe
secret. However you may h kept firOt. What ...... coMmkInicatio,ni
ave hated I
U'll,it 13 the nature of -y(pur ' ta
or carica,tured a man, when you whIC11. 90 11b,. --,Orbs yoil "; .Di this que
hear be Is dying silence puts it tion Jesus introduces Ilialself In
hands on Your alps, and YOU -would the convereation--ds ye walk at
have a loathing for the man -w1io are., sad-Thl'S -TeSun leads theni t
could stand by the deathbed making Open their heart,,; to Uinl. lIpwou
faces and scoffing. But Christ In His havz� them r0latV to, hila What I
laSt hour cannot be left alone. Wha�t, n1rV-141Y kDOWS. Kov the turn tile
Pursuing him Yet. after so long a. pur- 1". vtk�-�s here.. They evidently b -to]
suit? YOU have been drinking his P'41 a M01110111, lit their walk.
te3xs- DO YOU Want to drink his IS. A stronger -If Ite knuirnot tl
blood? They came up closely,
y ,so evvnts that hail IX-Pil so ,public, s
that notwItlistanding the 6�icness n"Irr'll. and so universally ka,)wn, I
they can glut their revenge with the MUSt lhl a niere w*j iurner -, if Hc- tilt
contovr4�lou,;; of Ills countenance. They how vould lie 6uppost. they woulki
examine his feet. They want to feel t.alk;ng about anything t-I'le ? Cleopa
for thernselves,wbether those feet are UPP"I's -UtOnislleil at Ills questiol
really spiked. They Put out their I'), NVIIUL thing'S-Ifi- evatk-,,4 ail at
Sliver hy allotli,�r (JUo,*tlnn. 11ji %yant
hands, and touch the SPIRes and bring t(,
thern back wet w1th,bload and wirm ItPar fro,at tht-Ir ()Wll III).,, tll;li
them on their garments, Women P-V-ilt't fr'11119-10. Converning 3(k.;111; i
"411.,�t .1111Y val
,p, but Can do no (1011. Thoy an, ;nll of thill-8 vollec-rli
Stand there and V.TP 11-ki 11-A ivar, Liomint
good, It is no plam for tile tender- big Mlit .in,[ gl%,� .1 11411111tulliPr P
Parted ,%vomen. It W-gjut.5 a heart CfirL,t1R life. NOW tio, stre.ini t,r'tIlj,I
that Crime bar. turned, into gran- Innlpl)lt.ttlon',� ovel, tIL,qr til . I
Ste 8appoill.t. �
- The waves of man's hatro-NI an"! e-XP�'tZltf0nl; bm,1L-,,.; Ititizie. .k proplit,
ot heirs vengeance dash up against -He preaelinir a, trait .11
p(l exclellell
tilt, malt,",Zed feet, .and th(, hands oi doeti-hu, Whilt'll btld Its Am, frinit, nn
sin and pain aU4 torture� cluttlin for Its t0lith nt--. towal*j, hPaxpri , 11il, efill
Iris h0by heart. nad ne not been f1rmPd It 66'r nimur ix1tn-I,9Uq"m;,�. I
IM! 0
thOTOV,1!,'blN' .faqtenfh,,1 to the er4)�I�,; they Of Alorp,4,. so thAt 110� %Val,t ..lU1gIlt%. 11
WOUld hZVP1 tibi.-n lit m t3own and traln- d4lm .111191 '4VIL&t.l. h,.r"re (4,,ld .�Ull' .tI
PINI HIM with botit fll,lt. 1,101v thi, till' 11"0111e."
,ravalry hor-ev urv,hel thoir ii.�Av, anQl 2()- 0-ItkIlrierl IRIU-Onr rulers troat
(1h.1111rM their bRe and rean,4 and I'd Ilint as 41, mal.,faetm, .
, ailt Wit .11
"n"Iyed at thiii blood! 11ad ..V rtoluall *� PrOlill-Pt allil have ertwitiod Min
oflaver Vallel out for 0� Ught. lils vll� 4-11041c' carvfUJl,%- ,tvith regant ti
NZ ridrR. lii� .
V01elt WOUld t0t have bPPA laward In in NAU!tP thlw art, ijIlq%I,,
the tw0titt, 1l9t louder Ulan �ttle 9 W -1 bl-Till0sed str.att,;f,ir
I'll But Nve 110slyls) 41*.. V.*) -111.1.4% I
(4a!h *f vil'aarne), ana me waning or nn Intim.101oll ur thAr tHsappl4nitir.,11
%70=121AP'912, Mnd the nalighin-, 0.1 'tile .,4 a rt-1.a0U of thpil. N;141lle�.�lq.
ehnrlmrry. them V. 17
C'elt"" & V6'1'k% 0""111' I!! d Pmelf 1kr.'1VI-TaI$L�%* 11 �Vj elgif ltqlt
Inr 11hr,lurh=1011d, 00ar,. ovcm4lielni. � I
ly lk-liewl(l 111111 t4p 110 LI -10 10,11u4sr,
111M to,rifle. It i3 tb� gIrl)'121110,9- OI` ZA48--oiall. Will') II.RVI jjl� I"n A ij.�,n pipt.
the dying Ven of 003! L"k. Mint dieted, and 1-.aq timIll w%pix-tc,11. llrig.
& rt�ftt%! ZAM., world. P -t %-hw� - .
.* ou Llaird dUY-4106-trit,ig litinl-r t
lizve done. .,4�JtA_tJD 0 U14
I � "I' tgni", as torl'al14 t## 4�%Lnj
MY fr`LOZ14,'. V,,ibbMh &,np-.- $ejb-,1!Jl rU4-4 lipp., tir t" Lho Isrfiinvl�,. :
1 P iwq
9014 Pa nf.17�,*2%Te!-s lmve tome ,.t.,�!arph- -7P,NWr, that 11-� Wo,013 rvu,� q u: j.,jq. th 44
I Ing, down fol. yozl�l Vau[1531. TO-rLIV, We ilays "Atli fii.ni(� thp 1'411041�5 12_%,V if;
, ra2no_ ulth tkq gd�-q,pl rtareWng reAr , Ll 110, MW tlivro- j,; J1vv1#,,..
Your Votd. We t'pp - v I'LAingant
Z , .J!" th,i� C!rorq OT! =-�, -A liq nl*.. %-.-_*j,�,�� losql.j
. - . - _
cht.*pt fin-�t is.) vk,� wbPAqr lahem !-; nal t4_ dri % e qiull. . #.Oit t ,,* t
any lafft, li�yt 9% �Vo% U-BAIDe Q!J ,-,roahq3 '+1i11S1h-.TZ1111"i581t "
lov r, tL !elut� 1RtJ0�a!;"%Ir9,w,
Ilke m-W.L% 8-ift-nd. t"waftg to Z4, %70 have a brker :,v1*IG-%V. 44 vjury la4t.
'��hMMT Vte tivotlz u-1111 be dcfte. an,J I two EM-4-ano., cit-oil'u.. .E110 1-11w.ak"Or
, WSP douhtw. 1'1h4Z:e V:,Mv.. t�;I.� 1vogo,14.0
fte Vk1mr§ @t 43011 til"W1 down 1P. -Al wen hnia
and -%-Bttev�t. an. -I. wa. gir now -wel ., ntj th'o%n---Tkvr ImID
twita ,,Nno taw Tote r -Ark a t r a t�, C mill'! 1�' - �-,. ,�,, a I I U *
rtvol�p OnTe faftic tt�_% woLeLl "Vi"T.Co. Dow In. wvrouc,tl livni,��a.6-. Tile.v
"en", U11 'I I"tdlo!u,tgt-e,mu.u&t5uq�iL-P;V-iolalv;,,gc,lt4�l�o'.41
e-1NM ft -at tvonll, ta IntmIrd on utt. tftu� IV 1LO."rit'g, t�,o�%- 'Was h" UN Uune ta IV, I
11ktTvv2",ttJq ot ?�M.jvefn. Ar �,,o -t. -, % ItJ
- .,,I h zlr_ In ,
'ww'419 tto, ., V X�w 1gy�1,_,g7?# azl tbr&L b�v
Pfirl '"D ,; 0 s
ft.ffttV1t%V1.tA14'1r4 1 jub�lee rr.'"_,'U,�'�' , '"*' V)Z "15,10 '.', rq94D0s--TiuP1 'Word
14 er"�ft t1ttT.,on 1 U-1 VAnIval"nt, to vttl�l of IVr-mkv1q_,aBv
UMNgIt and tile r,bu% atil Vont ftatun', I "I reiers t ) their UUd0,rSt�ijnnqJ4ag -
Med Into the I!trdt. And "Irlts Jay �� V I ma "
ent Pi-ylv lyr Dwart-If the .101
that hw b. -.eft _111.Unrtc-ft .In 499,4 US M -6n embrac, .V lu
"' t"(�c 11-0ng 0311 110th, more
Me gosZ#l. - . I fertir nt 1*4itll, IMP hlf't Of the? rcsur.
. I I . f rcvttllrA3 Winad not have lm�ml SO
1Ar.13161*,e t" their 190PI-S.-flodet. tro
ljeR`,�c-ve aff-Tow cnnp.jna.�;Is �Shouj,l 114.
SK1000 Is VE BY 3101 p,1,_; -e,] on "all." Thl"V �Xqip
1 �V4�1 9151illy
1� U009P 'that thot I)NOPMA,; piall sp;,�)kviv,
I bt;b wano thIr,gs will
if Al ,-eo'llied Vaig-
�1 101�".IlEantp V,P th"M .
t 540ev �4 tt) nz,3
Ran a Counter-fe-niag Shop ind. tleir� . ta"t A
it � LCY. Oagght, rot. 44P..-I'Vere not
Heart of Chica-,&o. J� thns?a titirgs a le-va-��.Pr.y inark vt
� the IteSQI�ah, withant which tile warld
it Wull f0t)'b hft-i'O ili.-�'ell ,;�aved .tn(I Lljt�
I -M - 'd ?
I t- 11e,C::nMlU9- 6A, 1114seq-Tiie prnm-
BROKE JAIL BEFORE 7RIAL. 1'4,, N""F:sTab% kDngqit`n1 "_�"�Ibltf�'hl�
V122 --a'" rf'W�tt - tpon rv,-c jvBng Fi 1 !��4 to P,V(I. tzl Abral"ann, t�lp pa,st-llal
. amly, tho fv�ars;,gk�tjt.
bews of "'Ile 11_�,% in Ne.tv- ytVfu - ;.M Z�Tnde as thi . Iniza-Ite woul"I have
tr John 14".. tl1wrlo... ,,,,,, !�� P-0- � t6rdIV 9,13m r4n but, �a)r tjott:-, Sert
nruriccd by offieza-N of Vae unott-J00t V*
. .�nlztrll�lrlt W111-% the.v cxer�,-Ised
in't "
N �ti.s FiFelf Fl�rv�ev. one q)f tnc-!�lnvor hr.ra-
. -
,,,OSt C?J',rP;r,y,t _f7,,j,
. _ I[ �nj
. . 'Itors, capt.4 _�>-3. i,wzle w6th vw, irtr.-J�-Jt rnr
ly t I I S,tates I,Izc�eriet Ws tao whole V's-ign ef tage inter-
nr Vlaw 12ft(I been Tost.: but It was, not
iZorr"';0re" ,r;hiS*-I,Cn1tUF-",1a-1et, ance made a -
t�avpgenlcrnts to have wma re"Urnt.a t1b to t* loet, for le., Who 01fly Ivisland
Mlea'-fy for ttkil. Judge x,01_,gs&&t to be t*1'._1-Zr.x1ne'd, ]tafl k-indled a
sstied a 'b(1.,&h warrarit for the Pri_ jo,ggRug in jaho ho.trt$; of 11, , .
I ur, and ,a copy Ot t114p trav, _
1011 , Irldl-atment I "10' 9 S . 'I
, , Ing COMP- `9 %Vbi(!1a W -ft tilt to be
vh-Ch Was voted saveral ycars :Dgo so,easitv pnt, C111 -1y.. F. 'IV I,.
ras matled to thO a-11tiOritles in the
?va. 80- ld-� tOOk brNvd, ilte.-TIA�q w.,j,g
IV It COWTUOn- meal, bmt .TP.-niq acte'l ,18
he aftest was consWered of so Mal-1--t(It as he W�19 arrmsto, 'I to iv),
umb importance that a. cablegram And Wo startled th,z,m .%nd brought
7as sent to the autiro'71ties in I bac_k a rush of a,ssoe,,:at-,,M'-
)wcdez, wbO Lave beeg waiting to' 31. 0reJr,f-d-rvh:'ltrPr haq
ay -'e P08SOSSIOU of 81'*Og ae goo* 'MS h;'1111 -.11-Vir *'yPq w"tS taken away. Van -
he 'United States GOVOMnment got I fsll��dLlke oqe Of Supernatural pow.
Itrougii with him. et. rot RL -6 an �orjjjn,tyv gu,j,grt. I
igkooqt waa arregtefj in this c1tv on 32. ttirn withl,
U us,
,�hjs .
. an. 28, 1891� for mssing a _,$00 t,cif thp I
gm,ow Ot '34at, lovo and glory �
ounterfelt bill. Government offi- � thnt ravLq1tod WAr hearts.
ere searched tits house and Scoured 93. I'05e ... ..--Lnd return�d-After
, comPlete O'dtfit f0V Inakilag tile I ,Tesw Int' them they ininted!L.Itely has_
nggav bills. tesid'-M they to -arid ,S7, ttned black t* J'oitus-,Ijew. to report
20 bille and over $,,5,,000 wort% 'her
U of the wwderfW ilitekVIONV to the 0.
he bognv Swedish kroner 110tes. I disdple&
Pchding A b'ea-tlng Of his ease be- 34. Hath APPeakod toSJMOn_The_ae
,,to the Federal Gr&Ud �ruryl ,Skor; tw<y diselPICS fO=d the apostles and
r.iv confined in the county Jail at thoSta who 'Were with them testifying
oliet, while the Coo'k County j.,ijl that Christ had AsZ)l from tho,dead.
e -Constructed. Ile Ina-ly It was not tb-* tNV0 diRcIp.'es, but till
i the morning of i&L-Irch L,q n 6130341,'S 'who saU thei Lord appeared
-_ do) td SI,me>;l.
!a escape with two other 'alleged 85. '
3unterfeiterv, James 0 TIny UWTblo added testi-
and mony would, seemingly, leave no
acob, .7obneon. Tile 11a,toltleTr two doubt on the Minds of any.
Lvvod the window ba,r.q of the jail '
lille, Sk-gog smothoted tile -reaChIngs - 8011110-time,a Christ Is
Aying an accordiwq. Zounds by vmr uq a-nd W*& are Ignorant of it.
L Thn conditions, On which 'Christ On.
,S,k,o,o,--,,",R,,R","d,-tlt7,,ll'lvO re-4'1194I.Frod ter�q and abbap,q in OUr hearts Are:
-1 - &Xn,13 bill
' �' .'�inLe 1'. M. 311U'.Vt b`�514nvlt<'d. 2. He uJilat b(,
3 escape. I ,
. made Welcoram 3. An other guest,q
M11FIAt be turned 0-Ilt. 4 ' � -1
� , Ho most b(s '-'�---_ —_,_-_--_1-_--,_fy__q---
)L KIWIA full po�ise,ssbo.n. 5. lbia, rijuRt be
I KI.Moll tile first plac,a IT, our affecti'ma, ---l
C� Ile mu -9t be, 111adD 'a pormadiont.
11A. Wileot. 7. WO MaRt PLO -ISO Hun W ,Ili � The Markels �
. - -
PRACTICAL SURVi,,,y. r 1_1__1_1.J
"IVIliat do 01111-19thUll-S talk ' al)ollt beakling. Whellit, Markets.
3-35 whO.-al, th,07 are by tholligo1%,(�,s ?,? w8115 r011owing tire mic .'�oslng (luota.-
o'll'o th"I'D asked of thR writer by it stil- tions .tt Important wheat coixLreki to-
in- rliex� As !in tlx:� oruse. of t4le two dI,9(.,I_ day -
hey P1,0a of our leisHoil tilIOLr conversation . Cti-sli. May.
as, LO U."ImIllY r(x9ardMig tilia, tllllllr,3 or tl,,L 0 go - $0701-4
,� � bloa. ... '!
tile k I nt ... ... ... ... I,"
, �dom. Thoy ar.0 liioro ljltereh�te(l INOW York ... ... ... ... — : 076.1-$
The Ile welfaro or Zion tfxtn anything 1NIll"'allk-ft .. ... ... 0 721 -_
by else. St. LcaW ... :.. 099.1-4
Tuledo ... ... ... .. ... 0 72 3-4 0 731 i -4
ent Jeaus draws IM-fIr-11-o IS over near : __
101- when wo are th-laiking or spNaking or I)Otl'Olt, red ... 0 711 :I-,-' 074!3-4
ely MIX1, wl-their we I-emlize it or not; Detroit, white , ". 0741-2 --
Dr. "the Sillent 11"Iteller to every conver. D11111th, No. I nor. 0 701-2 0713-4
(V. KLUOn." Ill dra.NvIng n,ear aAd Joining Dulati), No. :L hard. 0 72 1-2 —
hol. "Ims'elf tO tl"PRQ disciples he fulfild, Milluft-poli,% No. :L
:L8. 11110 ONVIn comforting Promise, "'WheTe nortliern ... ... ... -_ 0 6D 3-4
lot two, Or three are ga.tal-ered together Toronto Faraters, mairket.
111 -my name thero ,Im. I In t1lo luid..4t
aco of them,l- April 13--Reiaelpts of graill'on the
go' Thougli the Lord knows street Inarket to -day Nvere the larg-
en i's, yct 110 LN pleased to all about egt in jqonlo weeks, 2,200 bushels.
draw us out '"7119at 901d SteadY to firmor, except
0 . and 10ad. ill to unburden oarselves b M -e (I 11 a
01 1� telling Our troubles ter) hing. It is 11 y for P-Prlllg; Pats fir -r an ot er
11 0-t otoaoy,
Ile I)OSSIbl'O for lls to inform the Lord 11111 t-400 bushels of white fall
nd of anything lie doea not alread W, "a
k ' y 18WC sold iste,adY to 1-2c higher at
rd now about lie, nnd th,at is not th
purpose of prayer ; b, v GD tc, 60 1-2o :100 bus�ioljs of red nt
it we are re. 690 I 0()o ,-A,
Wv(hl in so dolng, antl we find in Ililn t ' ' �alels or two -so at 65 1-21
y o 66 3�_In. .-xn:l 100 blls�lciB of spring
ex- a,sYmPaillizer and li*.4per. at 70 to 71c.
'HOW m,ln,V there ,arp to whom He
ng h.., a drawn near, Init with who Da"JOIT-200 1>11FAiels sol,] steady at
m ne cs :i_:�jc.
ed Ila& not tarriod bw-aiise they have
lie Oats --300 bushels sold firmer at 35
suffercIl Him to 90 awall again in 331s to. ,36r.
he livinf,- nivi hflnrt-movjn� lVi6rds!" R;O
. ,
'�'9_ IB willing- to abldow IN,Ith US if He is lty(,0110 load slold at 51 1-2c. ,
in rpally desired. Peaa-one loa,d sold at 05c.
RELY .qnll Straw-Fifteipn loade of
Never be dieconragr-d 'with the li a,
1 'y Onl-"Ilnec�s Of Yonr wo . rk, for "if tile - X SOM 'it $13 to 81-1. 50 it ton, and
till Lovl of glory thought it worth His seven loald,s of stra,,� �i .$8.5o to o.
C, whIlle, to waii< nearly .seven mile, Toronto jilve Stock jlgtrkets.
., -
Ot apon-1 'two hours In exill Kilt o IlIng th' Oxport cattle, choice, par clyt. ?4 85 to$ 512i
e do inediiiin .......... .. � ..... 1 35 W 4110
2. mtn*lq fln(l comforting the, hearts of P. Port cowr 325 to 3 75
)d two 1111mble, nnI obsyaure disciples, if 0 .uxtelierr'ccLGt.l�'l)"i't,'k"o'd','.'.'.'.'.'.'.- I 00 to 4 4(i
IP Hr� wn FV content to Rpend a, fmotl part Btltchc1',;'cftttIc oboice ......... 3 75 to 4 00
'k of ble first Sti,bbtti;�h ill takinw a cl,lRq liutelier8'cattla' good .......... 3,-)5 to 3 7,si
- of two an(l po . do rixedlurn, mixed .......... 1 co to :� -27,
O, ,liralp. from the rich Butchers commort. oar cwt.... ,2,1(1 to .,(10
Ik treapimy V` trtlth Into their 131111s, oxvort. lieavy. per cwL.. 4110 to 4 :,"
'�t think it unworth .)
+ min ls�i .%vo may n Bulls. export. ligh t. par cWt.... 3 6U to A 09
' _v Feeders, short-kapp ...... ......
() Of 'Iff 'to fV"I'l fimer Ili nrilight ' ' 375 to 4 25
d nwl colurni-ting, ()n,,N 11, 0111119 FLedcrA. medluni .............. ,I .i 0 to ,I ,,5
InUM heart (10 light ..................... 325 to S 6tv
o, that craves, Ille ';nc,enr it is in our Stocker�, 50o to ru
' . 0 lbs ........... 1-1',5 to 333
ill power to aivo.1, ,Mlpt (Ilsc*pl(� i.4 not ,,, OIT-Color-qarid heifer, ......... 11110
. - to 23
le abrivo 1110 "Ahst(xr. itollers, balls ............... 259 to 21 424
L _ - . Light stock btili,'�er cwt ....... I T;j w -�, 2s
Mich cows-, each ... .......... �oi Ili) to ilti ou
. -`11-4), tnyos per ewt . ........ 301) to 3 30
ShdO- blIckl' ...................... . 2 .10 to 275
eep, b1ltch(,rs-. eReh .......... 2 ZO to 4 Ou
M Who Passed In ,s;;-eial Courses at tlx,L, 1AL111liq.grain-fed. Per OWL ...... 4 50 to .'# W
t) do barnyard, Per cwt ......... 4 il(i to 4 5 0
To I'Ndry School. do Spring, each ............. 2.,A) to 5 410
11 11100'il' WhO PaSSNI were: Valves, Per head .... . . ..... 1110 to 800
frogs, choice, per c;�i . .. ...... 6 %7l to 0 U0
0 11111"T9 QJwks-J W. ,'401tz, Runilit-r- Hogh.light, per cwr..:::::..... f. .rito 00
!,�,,;(n.L,0.1�utter .1;1,
8 .1 ollepse making- Mrs, fat, per cwb ............. a *�,5 to a w
1. Onar J. Sm- tit, Attereliffe . Farm ' WL4,percwt .................... 4 W to 0 0
1- l).11rjV-,kgn..e '1;m*, I 8 L,w ... : ............ ............ 2 OU to () IN)
.ill. Hamilton ; Ll Y
8 Beata 1;1.lck Creek ; Marion 11till't., Manitoba Grain .'V1.%ru(-,ts.
r Souxii, Elil. Already a llttlj,� g.,.v(1lng, Is be
Ir 0wInX tO th(k 111911 R%tandard whItL-IL I d: 'Ing
I- los, refluire% I rot* p.t�ssjng, not 8() high t, t )11��! on thO drier diotriets Ill M.till-
. P(%rCQl1taV or otiult-lits 1,iril(I &tt,e f4m, -.11141 with a Continuation of
r � th(%� eonro,,,.� write iin the finril exa ,nll l.1,("qi-l1t wp.itilpr st'n-aing" will b- Keft-
M- vral In Mallitob.t. by th(� eml or ,
!. Inationo is there would b!" If 0, Itswer wook. 'I'llP 109 -al xnarl�,,,t Il.ts e.X . I next
Ll .s,t.tn lard Wero at1k)1)L(!tI, 'I'lle ilbit-
.%. 111i . Standard (d no lnero.-IRI Ill aVtIVIt.V, and In-
t L9 vt%r "e" 111gh"i"thall th-it Of all-,' fluorived b,v tho Coilro� of outfiido
t of tho A10,11-41all: k,ollmop. as studc1li's warkoite prImm
11 whO go froin ths Ilav1% ill-C1111111d hero
(. " II'llry i`;1'hL)oI at rr�)Ilx :Ik tO OPP lu%" 101"OhOl, according
. luelpil fill I that they call P.I.St.; t1w
L4Vani;nntIoU+l 1��Itlljlllt any 4liftIpIllt to Rrads-N thEv largi-t;t, thn'line being on,
s . y t lit- lilght-st grath N. 111-loogareagfial-
.it '111 :trtf%r a eour,,�,A- 111 .Ill anlerlea I
I vollool ; ull I w -U. -Illy thf�, StUrlplits olf 1"": -N()- 1 IMIN1. SII!, Nvo. "-hard,
I t it, G114.1111i RAIwiil takp a very high 77e. '�,% :10 hat -41, 671L.; .Nf�. a north.
I ark ter ptan I :it tilt, Ill -ad of their ern, I's ti- ,. t()Ilr,ll N�j). ,!t 11,orthilrn, 57c;
3 t. *lips( 13. Tilit nrinatroulcout 44 tit(! Ce.11- 'Lit lit k;1viro 1'*Ort NVII14tul, I'POt. or on
. tral Ualry sAlt)o , 1, 11mrMer, think rout4% Wheat elowd weak anti go
. that It 10 brk."t witt to allow Zn011 Or lolver for No. 3 hard, At 06,1je, Fort,
� Irompli who 11mve 114) Willhill' Z No. I hard h; clo\vn , 7UT
� t the nopetvary .0 'ja
qu'llifle-M4111-4, (0 tillitulit Cortifloate'; to s -;W. vort wallarn.
froin till% -`411ool. Thwo, the'st.,tir,lard 0 -ate arv� lit 914041 tit 111-StId Etill Tor
1� 1�1 phleel 1111,1111 higher thall It wiluIll *�i,Q I)II11p;wes. A'4 -L U
- . . J.t.131111 Of tbe
, 6N ir tllf� fUtU1111l work i�lllt!h ttl(,At Ot,arcb abstext �Allp�rta tsatti, tilt) lirice
&IT11416,111.,,-, art� ljltwj,.�- tt) tit) wns UI)t han4ropIr-tt It,. %114, t4v 4 � lf tho mar.
- takell fiat* #,-0-04011,4 acerjunt whell 1�4-t lll)%V ln-111�� 'M W 10'r 1111W.10 tor Vars
I 9P-Intillg Pert ifits.ttep. ol te,Dt"k. The, ratigo, tt,.- friltil 410 to
- I
Ill 41411!11�4011 to tllg% re-till.4r, %Cirl,. .f:;,*' file th'A'"Ottiq. M-i-llltsob�tgrades
� a,.4 emittalp'lly ri%4.11 lit Dalr.v tochf)IDIR Aro 1V4trtb .*:,3,, to 4tht toil trUck. "Oki-
? fil tho mr,111trat-turo got ellow", Stull orel t,)f (h. nrlo %Wn ure .1'.4kang 4'"
- I blittcr, tri4*�-,png, njilk. jqe .Z.
"RIII.R114*4 . " 'L fliStillet I"k. 101IL-1101 tillp tin it) livre.--winuilvig
� -1 IV;411 lao.ttip It%litDI 4LI10 CB.. _,,, I
_! k, hIJJUl�'rJ.,.
I 'hUt 14.19 j2INt ge.Lflunt4t�,Il In laljjr.l� . .a,, .
. tirnl,v %aprk In chii-ni'WrY and baetpri� Hradsfrevt-j� on Tradc.
qdfrg.v. `1PUVO Pef-IliarnUmBaure b-Oup: m�jd,,,
I 11, Clavinfic,tir.y. Ir,s-Uqb,,r,q illf tile elal...'- � fql-� ill" 1400--ning" 44 nj,llf� tloa "I
en hellaroto'd tlEo- fInfrerg-nt constlttl� 11 Xwitreztnt, _.e9ld I.-Arf.;104 (Iti.intitk. 4 ii,f
ostq (if ellut.. allil olitin't0FOA a ktow- I fr4gh, cl 9HIPUD11011.4ting for V!lip.-
�vdg,,,-� 4A tho volblpa'lt0lu of luilic Nuell Uwtll I n ""Irri-lot llvge�U4��S�q Lg 4 air
ial'y r.
aa cangunt W, colitalout,A trilittl lo-'eturAN for tinov slv�on. 111,ra,oe at Isaronto
e 11 the gabjrct. hag b Ion fairl.V larg,
whleh muv it * mv�m 40, I
I T, t0p� 11M.,
Th."%,� aaq,1 iv�-1,0,1 the 1,-Vrit,,�, allid lwhl- t'nnlal'o re -41 %Valla . � 1� ,it weph
tloe eorrq�Mildtng
Wity or an.R. 1T.h#. Innae tpstq to 0,1�1(4;hz or 141414t ^,arF. sholontrnt-sl of
distidgulh Wilk Tat, tralt'n ,St4%V-r tat. L'prift"; And vMUMV*r ;Z,5U,V,1q Show a
Nor vokbra"m rat,.T. Thel. dn'tornilu've. trip larpl, inereng. ovcr romnit vuepj.�s.
n" Iel 1i
MW4,31furo Ill rlwose �tld b --- �� A, "TTI.-Pil are ulpampt;ra!'� r-tial'w'.8
eft#'oeu., lktlapy roint4i that tvith a Inrig frolil lAst.dwi bDdh%nt,s IID�tt 2,e,tailo.riq
amomilt of r,-atupt titan AVA19 inswinliv havo b, en tairi, s
n, bzu-.�v tine p,.lst wt.f,k
U-I'A. thero war; lc.i�s nlobiture thwil 'and havo not been 1)"Aw, a great
when tile slorla.11 111nount wa,J usLA. I' deal il)f �lttputif)n t.]j ti-
Thig ki contr"nry to the 01ilillon of ,I b"aw ne.ss. 'Irr.lillp In WiAtn-
. - � at Winnipeg- Cis
practical inNI oll thig question, wI;o I et-tiltinued to P ,Lnd x-Vith fav r bl,
llaV(� , oa 0
ulWa.� , _xp�
fl held VI -A Wd iRC-reaHed I IV4..Ither collFAM0120. Tulp Implement
� (Iua1ItiQY of rennot adidnd to tlit�� llgl;k- unsialess Is brTf ", ,
iriereiv�u,s the r � -miln- .ald sah'a thIs
')�Asture in Ulf, ebeese. .1 --par -Ire PNIT-MIA lip ll�! h1r9. At
In expla DaAL Ill ,(,'f tjl-'�g ,dlfft!rew-�e of M.-Illilt(vu tllpre� hao ly�vvl qalte a
ophlionalt'l r4 salts, It W�Li foUnd that I butViant tcelling it]
tllf.% vAublll ty of tli" c.11-dy co;Illryunli, � trad" vimra�
,; j' _-%eV"JVI`L�J3ia;iL' 'argg, sh -
waa rwg"Rd,�,irably luerewjcd by ut�-hggw I 'a1211[ts 014,�, , lln the, verv.1, t P
I ' '
;,L larget anioun, y iiade. ,,rilenll PA, tbe
t of rennet Ill t!gj! w�rllvg and mannier rol;tinvin f4� 6()ulg
mt. till fart llre Clf e1Re,,r,_,_ The achlitl fol-lVard and an al!tIv4. pj�,�If)-% pi.p.
of rhi�-4-d- Inad.! frfrrn waz;led and Ing- Nivll� to 'tho silniniLvr 58 ll�z�k;-A for.
W-161194 curd-A'Was als�y deterinined by VA -le -V conthine firrul for -,qt,lp21, ,_
. ,<*I .
tbq� ellen";"' U;.' 11"C"Urt- alON-4 with ��' MA11+4S9 a� tile Coast I;.,),,- b,,,q .
-4(�itlif�d.iirvic-l.t-S.-(-$,Iil�oli,f-r,,,I�alip�ntie,tvllectio-icl-.1v� Ir-Pn#I*;JV.
tile Student, _ rafh�
. It V'r" ff,"g nd 1BR till' TOW' � tP9ts whieh � A firr.1 vnqv.e1n;1t1!, Inv v. hc& c;zjg� *,r&do
. ag wit -,f'ry " a,t Ottawa Ims takv,;l V.;rtee tlllfg
I were made that Uns'm %V� 1
Maneh dificre-lice Ln tilp- annot1lit Ak �(ii Irf-ek .and tile prm�)�ets for .1, C,M-
acid In t910 Cho,e92, ivluat diff-�renlee I tInut,id gml dp;n,1#!a fr()1r.1 rv'tafl,nf*
tlnk'Vi� w.R.F3 Sh-1iWj3'.9 -D- If,-s'g an10,11"t Ill I art� ponerally i-prjf,�qIg,rf-d,
. .. Fatlisfactiory.
I �1'd"' eIi'-4e7;? lln-Wi� frOul wMqI1001 curds. lift - ' ''
ThesP are but samt Ill'-$ Of Elm work � REGULARLV SP.AiNIIKED.
Which was dwa by I Ile 49.1ir'.1', C-1 X�pse ,
.1 I mder the gzl�,qL-lint-e " . .8 g %rife whost Husband Bell,eve'd in
, 1�d, 11r. lbarcourt, I —
1%* uE;SiS1.11XrhelMNt .it tile 'o.eme!"". I Obedipneo.
In the W'eteriolm-th-W labarator'.
=der the directirm �i PrOr. 11arriso-', New YoTk 14-pirt-Ilenrys. ,��Iejll.
n, -
cultures were made .%Ill used in the of -N41- "*5 l':a,9t S"vPllIY-1.IXVI atre,�t.
manufaeture or butter and cheese, triev-1 by'liabeaq corl),L_; Proceedings
and thecla.",Z had S,rnte valuable ob-
� , In the Supromr. court in fkvol�'Iyrp
ject le' ye-Aerda -V
�9=9 010,1V1139 tIl3t tile flavor to ObtaID Pt.ssf�ssjun Oit iija
of cheese and batter may ba entire- tilres �Ilng children, xvilt), lie say.s.
1Y cluinged by tile U,
se of a culture aro not Properly rarpJ for by hisI.
or starter. It also *ivmo�astrated to 'svite. .Mre. Ste -,11 viPMrous-ly opposed
thern the Important!- or using noth- him. ThD Ste.n.q were marrie-.1 1-14
ing but the very best flavored cul- Yeara ago anl hn-ve L-lv children. Stein
turp or starter `wh;�_-.t' making cheese "�A'_" lip 11--ld b( -Kon proceedings on
or batter. They also W", t to the, I lit 18th for a eeparat tiob. 7&ts�
stables and got Samples Of Milk from Stein 9.111 ,she had begun simitat pro -
cows where tile Udders were not cet-Augs on tile ground Of cruelty.
brushed, and sainpips Of Milk into mn;� ,maslon, a 1148ter of Mrs. Stein,
which hair had fallen ; And they axlfl S11(k liftid 011-0 ly-N"n Called Into
found that the number of germs was tilt- Stein housiz by one of the thil-
very large todeed. The fore -milk dr,en, ,wvho eojd Stein W04 kliling hle
from Me cows illso, colltai]ned a muo-11 wit,06
larger amOulat of germs than. tile `Stei.u", wild the wltn"�a; ""Adwit-
11111k from later portimaii of the mllk-- tell lie had beaten my v:stpr. 1.f,e Ma
Ing. The ,effect Of PaStOurization lie vroo Sorry he had blackened her
was sllOw= 'When It was determined 10 110 had Only Meant to i-.pank
that Over 00 per colit, Of the germs I and would spank hot every,ume,
in the milk were killed by pasteur- E1TV011dhx)be,yP(I lilm.11
izing. Ju(Igo Smith r-vlj,l be Would dislilies
It Is hopec tile writ a;�] let the ,Tudge who tykers
. I tlim tlics'e' twof f-totairs
of dairy school inst ation will thO 8`4TRrAt'On finit (Ipcldo as to ,whor
be ahould harlwthe children.
Perfected before the ruslon or 1902,
. .1
a.9 the Scientific Investigations made A eensn-s—Of-U-1-c—linpula. � t - ion or -.b ro
la the chemical tind bacteriological SaMoan group haw lx�en taken. T -ho
laboratories Are bauzi.d to assist tile nnmlyi�r of .Samoans in Upohi, awl
Pr-Ictical butter �%-i,Af ,cheese maker; other 181,111-flil UlIdAr the G;ormail
and the -dairy school can give them Government, 44 3,1000. N711110 til6
this traIllin which eannot be ob- populnuon of jhf� S.,- 1sI.ln.,,, ,In(,_,.
talla.d lit till9fictory, or in Ot
dairy 6011001 'at presenE, s'lly her the Vnited S':Ava' Govenrimin-at ll�� .
I returned at 511��00-