HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-04-19, Page 5THE ZURICH 14ERAI.,D
0. $4.4,000,0Q0,000 IN
ur C70
Expert's Estimate of A Pretorill Ten Xillion Ruman Boings in will' little kisses I shut 70 1
intil 9 1). in., Tho ilittibs lire I '(!III
a. ni., 7L the Crow's Nest Fields, roS11ltS of Q I'l'i'110IL'S 11MV011 arei; Bondage. I wouldnot have them seeing and wise.
distrib-rited a-4 follows: evorywhor(I (,jq(lc�jlt alui., For, could I choose, I would have you bo
the Blind ever, all now, when you look on met
Mr. J. MeEvoy, of the Gloological dor lino the Trantivattl an(IJ There aro at a low &.,,tililato 10,_
ALTAIL 100It IIHNSA LL, ulos(�,
"t (1: I)"� Survey, has mado a report to the Natal. Alan-%, Boors who oric jk wrouth of kisses to crown your a
'"r 0'
" ) pill Dominion Government on the Gen. Frvjj(!fjs apt'(-' i� 000,000 hullian beings who tire in That tire whole world's crornk, Ile
TRADE MARKS olnignot tire 11ON111 servitut stead, 011044
DESIGms al" Crow'8 Nost Coal fields. sUilrondoriiig voluntarily, and it iS To keep your thought of me ever kind,
1 1. B., - (,) : r-) t-, it,,, 10 in the Celestial Kingdom.
COPYRIGHTS &r,. I" The report made by Mr. McEvoy said thILt till of tll(4111 Chillft has 80,000,000 families, and Ali now, whon your darling eyes are blind.
Anyone mending a sketc-11 avid descrigtioll ma I-1. B., I I ):r - are in III bild
nk-107 ltscaft,1111 oil,- 6i),xilon froo w Wier ail - )t)an' justifiestho earlier statements Its plight, even in r own balli. this 31lakos ono slave to everY eight In each of your hands I shut a kiss,
obably pinenti,ble, collut 11111an. FROM HE'NSALL, arr. 1 1 .00 till' to the oxceptionally great vLtluc of wiCks. A runior is (iin cirCUlUtiOn fani;lios, The average is gl'ell,ter
Tfundbook oil f1fitt)nts
Son tree, oiriest ngelley for seetirin4patenta. 1 7:30 pin the flel which he estiniatos to here thiLt tile hav Do you feel bow soft and little it is?
Patorits taIC011. t rougli 3junij & Co, rooeiva 11 11 10 ir, 1 (1, 0 gl*"�n I in ��outli China, where nearly So hold It gently that it may live,
epecialnotice, wifliout chtil-go, Ili the :�,,l L contain over 22 billion tons of pos- 0omniander_ijI�(jljioF Botha until Us, Y6,r hands ask more than my h4nds "4 give,
L. H. & B., I oo it sil)ly workaj),( I vVery one owns slaves. There IS
0 t coal. April 10 to Gen. Kitch(,norl 81 SC&TC0111 IL ChilloSo family of ineans A kiss for on earring iln each dear ear,
Rmerica" " K I -I, & D. , 7 :30 alli Valuing this Coal Lit only $29 a torms of surrell(l(�rx'Lnd t And now when I speak you can only hear-
t cir. I , lLat if lit,' 1 in Na�kin, Clinton, Macao, or
DUTERW Voll RE UISTRATT01,1, niust ton, Canada at this rato -would have does not ae(!(�pt on 1.1111t (,�Lt(�
oulation of any ententifio iournal. 11'erins,$3a Tbe heart of my beart's heart laugli and cry,
So d Not the foolish words It for stifled by.
will YaVe t]),(, commandoes al,4 1
yenr; four, moilths, $1. by all 1101vadeplervi, bo pdstod half nai hour previous to $44,000,000,000 in coal out there. `v I Amoy but possesses one or more
MUNN & Co 3618roadway, the. tfille for Closillo. tho muils, slave girls,. Slave bo7s tire less
New York collie in themselv(N. & A kiss on your mouth, and it bearglic, obarX
St., Washington. D. C. general 1 common, but the girls �re found in
Branch Office. J;r V SUrrender of the Boi�rs is wvery street and in almost every IV has no mission, yet let it be;
D.STAUST, POStlnaster. Rqad THE HERALI); It's newsy. pected her(,,, llowLyer u not ex- 1 To bring you to good, to keep you from harm;
nortliern lilt ntil thp 1 jlojjg�,�. The rest were for you, but this is for me I
J1111talno-L's di`tri(Its of� Girls fetch from 229 to .220 and 7i'all Mull Grlzetfu,
Vile Weztern lReal FARM F OR SALE. the Transi-ilitl have been subdued.. � ! III)AN-ard in South China. They'
S'1,1/ ut 14 L. R. Ut - Stanley 60y, i Imported Shire Drafts of tho constabular Y (�11- � al'0 801(1 at tiny age from three to
, , F camped at, Elaudsfontein are *being I fifteen, and 71 .4 a UNCLE SAM'S SPOTTERS,
Eztate cl e-,, is offered for sale bY the. -Lill. drilled cluily, io t commonly ti
)EXCIDange. ('1'ersignod. The, farming Staffloll Eaveelully the 111ant in Europie, Wbo
land along -'Oveli or eight.. The prettiest girls
The garji,..on of Vlantfontoin, 1 Looks; Out For sulimirglers.
this ffno is good and splendid grUVOI composed of tlj(� 1 are the most desirable, ao, in case I
...... roads. Convenient to school, post and tht, I I "Uncle Sam's large and. well organ-
! Of lllft1`ri%9(1 Or sale they will bring 1 Ized secret service," says S. H. Adams
office, &e. Apply to Dublin Fusilier..,, an''in touch (jail
y more to the faiiliIV
"With the Boers, who are attelilpt- I �vhich buys, In Alnsleels, "is made up mostly of
E. ZELLF11, Zurich. ing to C"'088 tho linu. thell, - Most of the. slave girls are men who come properly under the
781, Vallbas Street bougt to work about the house. It head of detectives with police powers,
ARM FOR SALFA-200 Tho (!Wul""Udo of Luvas blevOr, is chouper to buy a servant than to
_4 's 111W10 111) of men from 'tlie�' hirol une, for if you take a girl
deres o
F Choice land, Consisting of Lot but It has Its class of bona. fide spot-
ofl ters, whose entire duty it Is to.ingratt-
an(I Lot 19 uth Id Heidelberg district is in the neigli-: eig-Ilt you (-tin have her Services un- I ate themselves with persons s uspected
:3, Con. 11, ilay, o
borhood of Vt-rzil' elsberg, oil ille
Boundarr, Hay. Good ban r mrils, til She is fifteeii,gettinq eiglit years of having designs to evade the custolia
44 x 8,21 and 40 x 60, and f I Klil) Rivor. This collillialido is I of wo b�it her board
time. rh for nothing
Farm, dwellingrs oil each lot. P1 'All. llolvovor, to avoill tll(' I till' I clothes, and tholl st'll her for house duties and to warn the baggage
A CUIIII)s lifthe British atill to loot' Inspectors at this end of the Impend-
golvidsprin.- -water. On one fariiii lVel-11UPs tell tillies your original
tin 11 Garlam, Proport.,,-, sold, Bought there iI4 till overflowing well. Oil 1! 'unprotevtod I luvos. A British -'rice Ing Swindle,
'Ila cleverness, address and adapta-
0 Th".oretically thero, are no slaves billty ilie secret service spotter is east -
and Excliang --clool. gravel road, and (konveniont NO. 1.6 3.) ('oluill" AN-Ili(h is illarelling oil Hair-
risnift.11 will attkIlIlpt to br(lak rip
to sellool, post office and ellilrolles, I in 11011'r Kong, it,, it is British
111oney Loonod on First and Second M(IVllr,s furev, rl ter- i ly at the head of his profession and
(1) mil" to Exeter statioil. Will ritorv, but in reality the vity is full j
Morttrao-ils, Real 111.;tatv, Notos and ive purvbasor easy even. ranks with the trained experts of
I t" , tern)s of pay of them. They are the iiiijid ser-
nent. Wind power, Ilines
the European diplomatic corps. it is
Other socliritik-,. Ovined by PETER LAM014T Dogs and Things. vants and, nurs ; of tho 0 essen
tial that lie should be a man of
I I)_uIIIpi3I2', kib'UNV ClItting, Every sinall-foutvd. Jail - needs! the world, for he must associate with
Fa i I n 1 Prop -10c, Allbuil t ZJRICP,, ONT, A corrk- sl.0-kl to hillp livr about, , an(l in the all kinds of people on equal terms. Re
ding�a in �r011td StatO SPolldviit, writes ine (1011- A
orty Polit-ed alld Rent.; verning t Ill. advi'dbility of allowin'r llouses� of the rit-It. whery tllero tire,
!.I-itl other I has no fixed abode, but lives In va-
1111 al large. thil't nially daligt(Irs, it is not Ainvoillillon rious European capitals When, he Is
1!ilonoy Ln-� vstod for Privato Ill,ij- i ther(w i.; 1*�' wroIt or moci liisil, kind a(.t. t.) tIlkl Ill., 111, 1 Illitl fill III t went v to TbirtysItives
1N1"rtagkl oil 1-11val Foaled Mist, of tho liallit can- ill it t4n.dl- faillily., not on shipboard, where he is much of
1, i 0 1 I'lls In Pirs hirm olitt w -re tor orchard.
the time. He must never let himself
Pill torill-, apply to 1111- Ilion- of p-ill-atill-', sn(.11 t1lill,
Fvwalt- slave,; Urk- olItt-n prt-sonts' be In the slightest degree suspected.
MA'X, 8,Il1k,,IjtL P. 0. Vk--t,t it bles, fruit, o.... frolli ontl )111111 to allotlit.r. and not
!livit Irr, "There Is always a number of these
00101--LUVI Whitt' bl.=W, fonr' voni plact. ontsille (it' "Ifri"I,I(IlItIv tht-y forin a Ijart tot:
I agents In Parls. because of the gTeat
I)r,-,[ h.r W. all4i j. tht'i" -4tttr:-,- Tlivro evrtainly is tht briilal c-aitilt. Tilt-,%- ury " 1111�; American trade there. They live at
Clubbinc>* raftes. purIc mill vall". fur , IIIV 6,11;Jtt w, seviindary wive
1=) 'I'll ollipstni, Barran's obit-vtIons (-n this Ill, . &"
% st-rt-. ],lit ill k. � it : the fashionable hotels and live the life
i 1111porie(I by &INwalli ull(I.1, ra of the niallift-st a., -ao-livils.
TELEPHONE 696. leDivilell, f apparently of flaneurs and boulevw
tol t aro I�waljtilns in
ItIl. I 9M. ('11illa 1 dleri. In all lines of trade that concern
for tlwir�
.n""We hlrw illade 111'rallgoinvills Dvsrord Marquis is piltnioull(Itl( fl'"Ill -111-INAilill tli(--.r do�gx to, z' whert. tilt- girl., aro noted
It'(1011) - dutiable goods they are expertil, and
Io offor tho followin , III low (!Illl)ldllg 1krexpertsis) 1w the fluest shilliI ail-, vitlid town. I Nvoilld 'I'llevitil's of Yallm-Olau, - purchase by tin American in
'�1.0 : -tll'l �4�' no large
Jratv.�AAWiTw.: Ifta. 1-111,44'st .1 711til't. silliph. t-haitart, wfamonsfin,rear- Paris Ili unknown to them. Their air.
rv` Tlla t is. t Ila I gn it It IIIA lit I halld'-ollit. III lzirls
E. ZELLER Didly olloN, -1 01) llot plat.l. V4 11111 r it" "' � 010 Of acquaintance Is enormous, but
11-1h-sfol't]. D110jess, of Bridge flo-ir (41-611.1"itt ill tIll. ("Ituvasil.. from I
. A% Ithill reaell of doges. 1� itibbody knows them for what they are.
11 Muil Ellildre ILI NNIlat l�tqlst- i�s thert. ill .1 gnit.t.l. %,. Ilion- riell Tarl's so of ton, t lbtain
Wntilli, A, 1") 1"$'), brvd Tky Earl (if DIMS- Ili one way or aliMber they contrive
-____ACENT-- WtIt.kly O'lobt. 1.50 plawlign lilt of vallhavi.. etv.. alull" I livir wives. Therk, are pvrson-, ill to make the acquaintance of any per.
. nwri% 1. .
Mail lk 1.1111pirt! 1.7-3 18ii.t. oil "'opwoll DIII.tt, Ili Irollit tof W8 sture? I's lit, thosq, vilik's Who maht. a
(1,131".1), laili Bull Whoul theY Suspect and unosteatal,
ZURICH, ONTARiO.' Bel-IfInt-r Journal (O'ermun) 1-0 �xitvilvn Dukv oloswi, altill Ritellen Ill st-11 vuhhaveI, 11twall't. they illul -].I vi, gflrl�-. lmittlugly trall him.
Family Herald & I:tkl. - I out 1111 tIlk, S41% nit�v st-arri, tilt. t-owtilltry njililut tiously but utille
---- -- Primrose ltre."N't-al 'Walk lit -.1latty & tima, Some Man Who hPus,
V- fric lif hir, I I w IW� 41111"IlIg Vt AM' 4il-lll Ulld PtIt inade, iii, heavy purchase of dj=ondv
I<itellon Dul't, ilave of husint's, 0
Nont, dum Brovit. j1islt) hall lit-oll hius gnwd-� ill tho -44111t.. *Ill. Owlil through it rill-lilltr t1our'st. of,
Or Itlees and 60 disposed themi that
7111' Ki(elien Prinitlose danj 1�11t-1kpil saf--b-in tIlt, wiliflor.s. antl tala. ial"ll" WIIk'rt'- Ite felt sure 4DC baltli; able to get them
im 'I tol."r lill-all-4 (if It-tting, 111"1111t. kiltow it,
v Pink t,161 1). --ire Ritelivil ( onqueror ad
T thr,01119h; tile port undiscover has
(7&1'2 lltt-� for I. I 1:11F,11 Illitsil-al iw-trilawilts. allil to
(11510. Iv. The sullit.
_F WWII passed on the dock by ta, cliance
81I.A. of zir N4 mto, Lim :0094"ll" t4l dry unwils. har.1ware'unti aq4quajutaneeor the voyage over who.
I N T IR" -olin 13 1. . I:.
ditli-pliter of (4reat Britain. [4 Iles Hlvi-ry wh1#4 too iwalltv'. will Vatl'ml, llusee", presses a little toto Into the
Ittmama& �.a g
11rot-It's sire wnt� WhItt*-, wjjjjttqj IlaV%- their vlorks III-Itil:, t.A. Iligh I,& tht" haud of the custonja Inspector. Tliat
1. in
('_'3321. ""t -'i "" 401 V111111 111141. 1'%$Ll% of 4 -all- I" &III.t.M.111 AlfIll. #AllIs al't'; nt)te telb; all that tlie wily saituggler
Kiti-1101 ColklinerorIt sire wa% Twt-I. ullot pile tht-Ill alftll tilf. "!lIefiv till, -r
I I WOuld Wish t4 kQ0P sect,", and his
h,k nither n chill %-14 '. I he hardwaro to ,vh- 4.1. till. sif slavt's-� baggage 19 inerellessly rittttaek-ed utttil
y propvsitit.nj ill - Willialik tilt- Conqueror on. liLk-AVI'l. P
lit 1110 its flltlllta.�111 't too 41:17111111 f"r 'A "It"ll to 1 1411ir- the IlIddiln Urtleleg are brotlsbt to
dum Flower l3s'aj LiNv;, 111doed. thi-re dre l(ght. He hati bLva followed over by
11ink*-i siry was 1 1114 4Well.. RID1
'11v. (1-1111 Stuart �14411,i. 1,11%* t I V-, tillist as thollitrh V4 i V, 4. n emolona la thilillfis
Allwtol�y wtuy--Udw yfillil. order zis 1.1 hridge jx ill IDII!, Wny thik I
stlatto'br. jjj�
111"It ter ()I*(.( )IInAo. '.1114 di".1ppoi lit yoll Daill. DI -l -ford 11114h.o_ Ivoulti'll't"I'Al's"W W11,11 -1 11.11.41 u I -In. 'Imill m ally olher. X%w'Y Mail' III g#-kt geod, pay -at high as $10 It day�_
WIll (III i 'j%) I,*). -ij 1 -t -I 11111114. lAI11iD11 V%tim 114o. . rkplAt too *It-% 111.411V wive-, but it lg�ostq th(lin Much tL) ave in tlle
_14'L tLf, 11 all gnallml
ill fliv Illittel. f)f delivvry. styll. uIld ;4� 41t. 4
Of."I.I)l, datit Ni -t -tar � I 'Mi nn- -f-wh wt -D-11 Plat void I'll �iitaii. unol ot ju=jfto:�r Ili whieh they Must MALIW
witha.�t(pfl( VHI%ideu-alk. U4111 'N
Jity that Shrewslfurr l4ftle wit.,l E,11U: 1`01 ry wiN, 1 -ho -alter than a hare4l tagn nomselveq.*,
is ("X41I.-Tvillit ill NViI, 11INt 27,N �,. tijujil I' T out iv,r, ol�- alut sh"'t %1'rVa It I �. ftw filla-t Wife A!, the Dvgnd
"Itv. Tolat Hal. vollwn- have their JL13 awtol 1*j#ftt3r of irlat.
`1�vl-tur �, 170 1 Xq ollpavc-fli 1V I Mot`%,
P I , 461.111- 8P.1-11-tng er ILL& late 'Waiftam Trwrers
-I!, I nft6�1.ah OW e
(mr railill-, ill -m- at,
S,IN- thut NVII,
Wit, '11"Al 1141it (11-nUll -t valL. 114w Ill- HN(Itlire sire (if NID'� 04, t It %atMle 1,911k. 110I.-Ultolfir- IV S, loads we to rernaii-1, that. so far As I
, I" .: � taiwn% .111,I Tne In.on w'�o-v t, a4qbl"N�1 V4 0. a. ism aware. only one ot the
diin-l'i'llit 411111011t t1IV (Iludity of (0111, wns Nvillialli thf. 1,041q7ti r'dr -Il- t it, %I.A2 st-ull I zo
ut t�_tr
Italia 1,41111W � SM,I). liftb N
W"Ilk Mid the svi"Hei A% e 0111,
Dal -101g, flav dam of shro nq�tualDy Ltlai& I hatl itzle hurlor Intl
W__ Ava� Ell'-flulto1% liinry. Qtr 0111N, rat howg- til ht, alirpt,titl'. Wtvws ttre, bapploric-_;q to res9de at Newport tor Q
Darlm t;;Fily 4.0 ou 1.14 thp. hv' �",nnhgffiz hta Year er si ,3ckt._,e. atill at ttie tam
a A I'm to I �v - u 4 U, 't - of A,. !wm'-! put'np k"in f�w Itarta 0,t Travcrg votas L2 SntbMer rz-41.1ebt t1tPt*;I
lalo- alvqzt 4 t�"` Mt V%t th�, tl-a-,n Iiit HLI W11=20111119, skulteVIJ
Ito-. i Pinyiln- a V, a VI
wo Irk Wo dtat btftt
441141 41o"IN. thiq v(!L11 allel �-nwN Lot d1I net go aronta habotually d1*.
der �131.411,.'
Sqilpwel Witt have n,b g-haltiq-4. Ivy �n a%l lhtr, Omrguu- alta"ato 'VAM&S'nas Bit Ila*
theln.- rhe I 1wL m 1-1� �Xary'- MV:1- VMMI-t- Theft. Jqz!.t. World, w3 You malglit. rsuDpose he dt�a
HERALD "evellid 11riZo., "'I Col. 2")R'w�g
11 . '. t - al tftne. of from Illa the suoriea �Fou beltz. Ant the
vm: l'Ill.'e�. ihst its 4 �
M - % , . Mtll the la"400ly 0,21e stery tbat. I knolv, stboat IS thit
IY.4-3 lir�t at Hat
W . q i .1, -4 V10211,4, 411 'Nol-th flthna vatz�"pe, one:
at itfoval Cozalte. nV at 4 %'n" - A �SVRIIRIrtE To EvEllyBoDy In
IMMV taleft. vhfldren�
tbury. IN91. lwd�-vnll Tf,4`l.VtMq Was at IL gamen
g Itty tine
9ft 0 With lul,- it ivw- a ogne.,tji on or afternoon wheft a youtig ijay sagd to
I d tit L nqv,i�
al:, m0m,_ thent Qqv -,ltarve ow Selling- blhu. "What time Is It, Please,, 'ur,
of the t N�vm Tltt- ro,nitq Tnavemllk
th'e no I
,4 It S1111- tmh4l larf, at dru'- in the market. Tnav�?m tooL- �out big watob, Wlbbled
W*d. Th;n` 1mvin.-I a halm fovr & h99 mouth awh2le, blltked Ab'd flually
L LAWSON, -1�0 guilivas I 11`ist� to ('lverriowly. They
OTA R R EE L Wils tit I I "s favOrito. 11111.p I t
'r th'. priee %xhivh sald,� "Iell be s -s -9 -8 -six
1425 NEW YORK AM, WASHINWI-ON, b. 0. qvile of thf, illiaht n';V111111, qvf by the Vale I can savr it!"
-als V bV �zo-)-Vvoll Dilke. llnlnw,� t"Y11 aml vollstipatioll. *"I'll' SWO- #0F tlkqllll� It really Iftetica five Initlutes of a
D.o.;,ford an 1111boat, n gtreat pre-wription- '-' Thi, i� institutioqj. When he began.
Solieffors of Arnbriann and P40reigh Patents, show revord 1'�nx, 4ilorknous, One pill .1 do'so. _15 vvnt!�
r I and thf. i.hfldrell tire IvNUt:1lt -.Is it
ights. Will Idiurri fee if Patent Is hot tecured. Send for Kitehen 0 oliquenvr het m,�jIl.-1, �_ qp, Z b(M. .111 dvalez.,. +�'
Inventaelt Oulde, ot, Now to Got a Patent. 1111A.-Tsosired the f�111wilu-: matter in eharitir awl rolhgion. stititir U610*jilir.
Theyn-e- ro-ar.-al, SnAlrolulded bV It 1,; sa?d to be true that In all hospl-
W"Mention this PaPer and sedure speoial rateg.-vDa Mr. Munks Thd Prayer ne nldn*f make. Ch,"�,tlzm are tantzl'tt all tals tbcSe ra=% flolclng the dinn have
ner of bst prive in L-vitilon.
I S qiz�tik. an -1 v-1101 Qr deuthv c, ther tblbgs beiug equal,
Camr de 11.4-01% �&c-otland, a rcvly t�jatje eld,,rAv�j, -an t' h a
In 41 certain parisEa nuar Durnfric.a. ta
filk. -Y ur!"vo - a t t i2l. piv.1y"r upe .1:as&vrh9,L -teen the stitlay tii.e
of the house. LITSer. ise statlstgm wheve
tion for 'No ernineas. V Mug natnrally a I)asliful lu:ln, h,� IvIis ZI�- a rul". q1. not t""y bave teen kepqt. prove thift tue av-
1L s i*& Z -Ir. litnb&s' Blust,mConquerow. :.I gre; I , Al ,
VIP %l; ftt flux0elY Its to the "ayrayer Le "MY' 'h*Nh-. Th#. ii -os+ of 1"�ge V:rme gur OL neearer.
IV V V 1.-.t. Lonilon., IN99, reserved for V Is Weal lest
ous or WIA41 to Pit Up" fin,j vvMdell to thMtz and thq, ri�li 4,f z&,ath tart, tot-* In a sunny WOm tLcm In a shaity otie.
fp t V challipioll.
Tho-=nds of -but 16 -14vile-azed mea at,, :knjj..ftljV SVt# "'0" going 41RO-Vther. At length, Uc �_rrvzit. They pre�,"q-r t.,4 havoll ir2- VrOw thc-re t -110s An] from the tact
alter ittlat the teraen4.,y tow:j.,a intess hk$,
Sir 4W.
V';r-wh NUMscutp,riw-ii, 1-,XC814SRi6. AND 0,00D,I Wzls persuaded by 10S Wife and stal-t- Or bOVS 10.- vight
Converor. four of his -.s;ms hz'
rij!Syniptorns, C=Sult TIS before it Is e tvf' c-1 on his errand. on his rettirn his -Lmdon I'Tovod !-grienter on the shady side *I
too. 16re YOU nervolis and weak, deS110-Ide.-It 4Ad 91MIny, qpaCU9 before til -2 ly(Tn sold for 2locio paj-11, alld s(,v4,3l v,.fe gl.eeted 11jul
yen t dark circles under tbenI, weakhadc. k1jincys irritable, With the query: bullorings. 197.e prisans and asylumg. it
as ful, tie dunglifers Ila ve j)t,eIIjoI4j jkv vjD "'And how d;d ye gt�t on. follows th. at lig"at Is steond only in Ira.
s avid losses, sedivitent. in urive, Pimples on the iaoz, suiaien
on r an st y "rim. partance to fresh zar. i dat-k roolly is
t.kes,' ollo cl: so careworn expressiou. irtar vieuIory, iifol�ess, distrustful, lack for k2173 ench. "Oh, grand! 11L. Ivas dcgd., �No I Of IV" _g
t , tired wornings. realess nights, changeawe woods. Wea% mar I
D( -ford Marquis' etylt-; at tit(. nll-
�tunte, Or us Premature decay, bone pains, hair 1crosev, Isore thr034 Owl? nearly but not quite Sa had as a-eloser
TtwentworLt will cure yrx:. n1InI '4110W IWId lkY file Usk Shiro Hotel Life. rown,, Ili the case -of s'uckness the -sick.
Horsill Company Lfinitett, oll ()* With the NOMS
et, Jaekson-what time do you Nvalte up room should be the sunniest ene tho!
_A0%:Q9V1\ 29th 1900. the Ist prize volt -Avas 1,1 tilt, morning UsQly I
When you ean,q, ajelp at n,911-3 And l()US9 UffOrds,
MEIZ6 LIZ FE,% sOLOVIU 11 b'V_ D""sford �Nlnr(ltli'4 0 1 Jimson-r- our olcj0(:k. toss in misery long!ng for da'ybreak to
Nothing can besuoradetnofalizi-igtoyottnCoLud middle-aged mentha" emissions taking I -St PAW in his elas" and.114'(1 "treatsti.1kes! Wily qo vl,.!y, COMQr, da not yi,�;,! to the temptation. Ittle.
.q through the urine. �Jhcy unfit a lan for busbaess, niar- to use morphine, veea§ne or other opl-
at night , or secret drair I t,, Egat
ried life or social ltaprness- No =atter wii-emer ra-aseel by evil habi's ill yor2th, p ��h,( nipion prize at sllo%v anil was' lot iuitiird lit IA 12444.4, alill. JjVrt*,4 titi-S. T"D,,,y ),7,jjy hasi,. "T�zwt theve a great dr -al 0", VgolNza
,,our�Vew.%Ietliofl,Treatinentwiilposi I Midlanil bour tile mail In tile next rm Let r dee among actors' - asked the young Wom.
11a.tUral weakness. or sexual excesseo ,01 fol it largestint. to a ay.
t:asim rule. Get rigilt f,,ow.,j to,
tive'17 cure YOU. CURES allAPANT ED. NO CURB, NO PAY. bliver. R. H. Ilnrfield. vw foun3ation q -,f the t-ouble and bulld all.
t-JvAr. Up the sysIttivj by us!219 Dr. Ohase's a,-,3 SOrrr to say t ere
i-m"No Names used witholit W:r1,t+,QV_ coiarsent. 1. the undersigned, herelky cert lty Xerve Foai. IS," angWeN
that during the two spjj�"tyjls
n *01-MillgtOli Barnes. "Why, I bavo
W. A. Vvir,of Lima, o., saya._rwas cluelif 1)0-'- � In every boule tilpre Ig Th.'s 91'eAt restora!lve is jr, p,,j ,jrjjrr St
tbecount",csr, victims ofearly-vice at 15yearsof ford Nlarq�i& (166,39) Nvas l0v t4ay mornill- ill 111nd; eMItaing the Very el . . met no less fhan e3ree fte
en-lents of ma- , torg Vvbo
are. 1 the V sk Shire Rors(* ("ofilpany Lilli u" ture, which ga to form new red !ar- thought th-ey could, play 1� e 4"
Irilty brain as well its my- sexual and nervous PUSC!" Ill the blood and create now well' . 1�anlj t
tem. For ten years I tried scores of docto- 'ited, he proved hinis(lifn, sure foal nerve �ejl& as I dor'--Washlngtongttir.
oloctricbelts and 1�atevvt medicine.,;. sonicllelp�4
Ila p air, In
i le, none cured. I was giving U in olesp RIV ARD 11, �_NIAIZYtl.L. bivz` The 11 't is wOrth while to renirmber "hat
Ct retary. Of fln Aiistral"all Vilase's �Verve p,0-L)cj- is not & patent 1 4
suicide when a friend ad- 11ovr Shoe. Did it. I
261 rarQI-y'P4CePds 50 Medicine, Tilit thc,
Vlszhcol�,� .1-PIL I -A resort to give the! '14eW A� Jan. 28th, 1901. ! greatest prescription 1 ",90 She retfu$:ed you?"
M etraod Tir-eatitnebt of Drq. K. & IK, a fair of Dr. A. Chase, author of
trial. Without confidence I consented and - in 110TObIr cOrtify I-Ilat thi, I)av: Otis recelpt book. the Ilam- "Thafs the Impression I ret*jved,*
Ir: three uvonths I was a cured man. I was cured horse, Des`kor(i Marquis, wbody "Didn't she Actually sa no -V -
J: Lgo-am itarried and happy. I Evel ha�, liptird I)f tjl(� t%,Vills I)r. Chase's N
seven years n (I , erVe Fbad Is aq up -to- y
itc-artily recommend nrs. X. & K. to my 4MIcted yoars old, is sound and frov froin, that w��ro 2iILilied i atE,, scientific Preparation whiol, has "No. she didn'L AlI she gaid wito
ReforeT tment fellow nien-11 After Treatment I at(, �ali(l Dnpli-' proven itself to be SPi-cifle for 3.1 nzr- 'Ha, ba, ha.11 11
I'lly hereditary dj.,4Vas(-. (.at(,,. Rljpr(,sC'jltativv If Brodiig of j VOL's diseases. 1', cannot fall, if used.
Aa-Vle treat and cure Vaelcocelet rmissionso Nervous Delvility, Seminal Weakness, SWITIT, V.,S., Veterinary Inspeetor, P(ql7loylviinj IltarlzistentlY, bevatise -------
4' Ueet, 5,tricturc, Svphilis, Unnatural Dischargesv Self Abuse, Kidney aud, Bladder i a add.,; to tht, (loll(Tti It aetually re -
Diseases, and all diiases of Man and Women. for thc� loval anthority. )f similar naill(,,., oll builds and reVjta)Izt,,A the wasted At WbakarewareWflo NeW ZealgIld,
VX -V,0 11A1Vr!,S IJSED WITROUT WRITTLN COX8ENT. 11RIV.4 Im IvIlill, 1711PI nervos. It Is cl-Wlelally recornmended I tbere are geysers, hot springs, boiling
Tz. No StOl�v Of the. tN'Vills w1jo NV(,ro,. for ills Ptlo!Ullar to voinien, becautte they 1 povol$, mud volcanoes and hot Water,.
medicine sent c. 0. D. Nonzinesonbaxesoreavelopes. Lveryth-vig4confidloutw. I Dclsford Nfitti-quis, will -stand! 1111"St 111varlably Ll*e from exhausted i
Questioit list avid cost of treAtment, FRE0, ed Petor and Ropeater. 1311t vVen a
!for ma-rps for tile Of"! thos(%I do ]lot Pxliaust, the Z121% es. Dr, Cilase's Xerre Food, j'io
148; SH911,%RV STAEF'r, a box at all dealers, or by mail,
Ift. Brosillg %Iqo s(Nrinjl, c O'll ts
Drs. Kennedy a Kerga 1901. Ternis-$15. .41N, I
IDET801t. MIC". O�4 Santa Claus Is unknown. In 'SprIlla,
world to believe that ther'(1, NN,ere. it' Dra Chas 5; The three 111191 tire Supposed tot be, th*
pair of boys called ,Njax anti Cli- *1111dre:a7a gift bringors.
Thus, Luker, Man or, Illim'. 1.
9 Nerve F o o (44 a I