HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-04-19, Page 4.1 lent we lov tier fah aur an Car to ea tohe til ;rt las se o: r1s as et: misstep 27 BY THVESDa . EVENING BY se L1LLeR TF:1ZMS OF SUBSCRIPTION ;--Il;1.00 per yet paid strictly in ativarate, When the paper; is not ordered to be discontinued it will be out until steel order is given at and arroarages pale. *1.50 to be charged $1 when not paid in advance, ADVEIITI$[r G RATES.—Tran a i o n t atevertiseaneets, 5 eases per I3revior line for first insertion and 3 cents per lino for oaeh subsequent iusertiou. Sagan Advs. suoh aa"Lost" "Eetray" or "Stolen will he teem ed 50 eonts first insertion and 25 stints for each subsequent >nsertion' fire of keen• sarcasms. He has din -1 j 1. hiy would never ; to eater, nd istabile; the number ( f Copy for change of advertisement must justice and fair ) p feet I el pound fn such. ball. be handed in not later than Tuesday night claimed complicity with the copper ' allow any criminal, howei`er bted 2.--Evc••1 y in tnttfa cturex•, or im ' no eche eek to inset's change it follow trust, repeated Mr. Carnegie's de to he put to death by a pr;)cos; of porter -110 neglect, to eulnply •with Local notices in ordinary reading type 5 oents per lino. Notices for Chureh en- tertaiaments or other benevolent institu- tion at special rates. . Contrasts for eolumn, half-eolumn and quarter -column rates for specified periods will be cheerfully given. Address all He has been accorded royal honors • communications to by the English press under the t to Tlllpary. deficiency exceeds five per cent. cf the length stated on such stamp. title of the steel king, and has a t The village of Zurich in Huron 3—Any proceedings under this right to claim exemption from an- : county, is in the centre of the flax section shall bo taken within six noyanee by inquisitive reporters. ' industry in Ontario, titers being Ro : )months from sale of any such ball. There was no guard of honor with; less than seven flax mills in as ; This section shall come into force on the first day of October, steel helmets at the entrance of the !many miles. Pour of these seven I one thousand nine hundred, and ' banking office in Olcl Bond street ! are five or more hitless from rail- I shall apply to all hinder twine int- ' sshe was transacting business e ways, and yet they appear to be ; ported into or manufactured in Least week Messrs Webb &Pierce , with his partners. The only per- ; prospering. The one at Zurich is I Canada, after that day. two of'tlhe promoters of the radial The cause of the agftattinn which son on guard was the usual bank i located six miles from Hensall, its lett the government to enact the line from Windsor to Chatham, detective in ordinary clothes who i nearest shipping point, and at the • above was the practice of some were in Merlin prospecting and in- keeps an eye daily on sill visitors 1 tinge of our visit there last week, 11)anufucturors of selling as 65 i or specting:, They said that as soon entering the dingy offices.twenty 111021 wet( emplo c til in a110 feet twine balls which olid not as the charter had been .signed by scut t.hin;; that i, removing the tI) average more than 475 or 500 inet the Gov. General, the Work of ser- r t_1e to the pounce. This pre etice been e ve ing getting out plains and _ Now that the snow is gone the Itov-cls fibre and preparing the rno- se pronounced in some sections y a o g 1pt c• l P^ thxnasters are beginnintr k t(ria1 for shipment, and Zar1e'h that the. consumers and the trade Ales, would be proceeded with at ' to lay ' business glen and the farmer.; sur- generally were sufficiently aroused once, and the necessary prelim_, out their plans for the smuttier 1 rounding would. grentIy Reiss this to Dress the government to take onehry work got through act as early ,work, Since the townships of this 1 valuable industry. The agreements action. section are evidently y to remain all- adopted with the farmers is souse- . The law as it now stands will possible.at date as possible. The road will; the what different from what is 110 )0s- prove satisfau'ttne to the twine der the statute labor system for 1 ' 1 be built as far as possible on iris :; eel for Tilbury. Instead of buying deap(rs who have without excep- present, a unity of system in dein, vane property, except in villages the roadwork should be obtained as •theflax fr 112 the faarmer,lu e the fate tiers handled legitimate goods. gnuend towns, when it will be nese:; rent as ce i tarnumber . They will be in as better position to . to take the highway. The. fat as possible. To this end we', of acres from each farmer, paying meet tier colnpetitic)21 of agents , suggest that each, township hold a , front $8 to $10 per acre rent for the who have not been so particular • road. would he built on the south pattllmaster ' convention for the same—the farmer prt1 aring the that the twine they wild. should be aide.. many of the farmers along • land, arid the ftu•tory st.l)plyinn a21c1 • of stinitlawl. length. the route had already offered to purpose of getting and giving spin- ,sowing the seed, doing the pulling I ions and of forming plans to make ; and all other work in connection "' """"-' give the company all the land that the work more systematic and uni- therewith. The arrangement stens On ,rely 1st, international p04 al WAS needed, and where necessary: form. There would be but a slight i to work satisfactorily for all eon- money orders will no longer 1'e • the right-of-way will be purchased; expense incturecl and the (onnci, corned. Zurich is a pcpliee village, used •in tritnsactions between the at *reasonable price. About 15 or . , of about 500 ppopulattioll, anis has united 'states and Canadian Postal to feet Mould be required by the should be willing to bear them , other important iitdUstrie's, notably De,ti tintllt, but they ordinary do - Company. The Co. The Clay has come in 1'oadniitkiing i a. tannery, as steam carriage factory, 1110stic• money orders, wllie'•It we 11x0 P y• prop ee to C when the condition of an individu- t an up-to-date flouring build a good fence so as tip protect # i ' 212111, an a valp- its transactions between our borne al beast is of les, im iortance than) orator, eto. It has an electric light' )ostolliees will be used just as if the farmer and owners of land from the general conditi 111 of all the Plant, good asidtmstlka;, well gravel-' there were 210 i11taginal;y line t1i nl- anv danger. The value of the ed streets, and at fine eight -page, ing the two closely allied countries. roads. In older times it depended six -column. quarto newspaper pub- This ice the last :stip that needed to a THE ZURICH HERALD bets 3,035,000. In 18814 had grown I any feelings o1 doral sensibility Binder Twine bust be Stamped, to x,324,000, an increase of nearly' and compassion a. to stance by atnd 19 per cent for the ten years. At 1 witness a 11t1211atn being �c ruble g .2 ei Inc (1011101. should make +t the last census in 1891 the p:ppula• I with tlls agony of a literal fire mental note of the fact that a 1' tion was 4,833,000, a21 increase of , while the smoke of his torinents binder twine sold in Canada iiiust about 12 per cent. To reach the six' aseenaS above their heads and the )tot, he stamped to show the num- n1i11iUn mark would 1110811 an..in- I agonized cries 0. the fettered vfe bcr 0f feet of twin(. 1)(r peenc1. :'2t crease in the last ten years of about j title .,0e out in supplication to the the ball. Owing to the strong `33 per cent, i angry mot) to hastcu the collsnnl- agitation in favor of legislation to ; luation of their clevlish work. W e this end, the following act Was pats air. 3. Pierpont Morgan cantinas: • l arca thankful that wo live ill zt land sod at the lust t;ossi012 of the peciors to thwart the curiosity of the Ener-' where such awful t1•agedle.; aro u11- al pai•l1a mon,. ling pressmen. One or two points1.—Upon, 0r attached to, every 1 known. But even if there were no ball of binder twine offered for sale have been made by intervisteers law lag at nst lynching in this conn- thorn there shall be a steep with before they have retreated under ! try we beliet-o the British sense of the. name of the manufacturer or Steam Cookers ) The ideal Stearal Cooker is the - housekeeper's friend, and mast commend itself to every -wisest' in- teret,;tel f21 cuiiatatrV matters. Ad- vaantages of using the I'c'.eal Cooker are ; No frosted windows, ne ore) v, a - ed stove, no damp walls, no tough pleat, 210 steam 111 the 111)1158, 110 offensive odors, no heavy kettles, no burned food, no risk whatever, nothing burns o • dries. 'S, steel. tai, space for fuller particulars, elaration that the steel trade here • slow torture, the provision'; of this : e:;tion. shalt, 1 ,y,r,�.�_ upon summary conviction, 1. 0 will be steadied by the American . combination and asserted that all; Flax Mills ally Other Thins cents per ball, but 110 cli)ficienc.v in the shares in the United States steel ;i the number of feet contained in trust have been allotted in America. r -- any ball shall be deemed a eonti a - Schools and Other Things Interesting vention of this section unless sues, • liable. to a. penalty of twenty-five The 3esalcl, E. ZELLIt1R EDITOR, ZURICl3, P.O. FRIIDAY, APRIL 19, 1901. ELZCTRIC RAILWAY. terms will be greatly enhanced bylet upon the pathmasters whether the li'.he d by Edmund Ze11er, formerly he taken to put the Alneric•an ;tnel this lino running through them, let farmers of that road ,peat obtained . of Merlin. Although only e;tatb- Canadian postal systems into virtu- stlono the great, advantage it will an outlet at all or not but shed last fall it is (.,pith( t•t,nxing ally one system of operations. be to every fawner en retlte. In- now ` fished the •front rank in tett` Huron spea3, tag of the change in the route •that condition has been aver- l county n.etvspapper field and will no ' "� - - from the Middle Road required by . come and the question Chas become doubtprovenpower for good under A Young' lain;(, ,silts is visiting Tilbury, Mr. Webb said it one of improving the Comparative its; present capable 2221121 gelllt`ttt. t11e nd:4 in town, dromen 1. into one would ly good roads which happily art! to Tlic` viii,,,;,• also boasts Of at ;0011 Of our stores and said.; '•It. i.; lay xlgeeeeitaate four extra turns, and. b( found (vt'r still ., l 1 s . W : (hoop, German although there is a desire to obtain a. pair Of (�irt'ulur the best exports claim that each ° x , , ext • 1� t 1~llaptt strong G r Tian tt)lltultttlits in and ttpppenrltt teas (apa11)10 of being ten turn, would. cost .4,0001 per year to of no bet,(x Maty of finding out the ur laut% Zurit,11 they appear to tike tritc'ted arid. 1sixtxxticcd bt•11101112. cpf needs of a township ill 11)11(1 mats more internee 1111tlut•atiepn than the i)p;(111ittlii. 18.1i'Itl +llt'd .tc`t 1 atpppli• keep up, or in all s 16,000 per year , ` j more purely Estgli.hsa speaking tutee. 1 sparkle • . c xtra ttp the Company, •, atnd that tors, , or of: getting, the opinion of I w tu.tl.lnr, c a)all that lll.c paartic•teti of 1 mutate- re,m:eseill Tilbur • aubli( gold leaf set with Alaska diatmenais other competent r0aatlntakt15 than , a J I they touted not see their way elect= stlaool. 1"hc` staiY a•c►nlpri +(. t1u•(r end. «•ltieh are utilized for keep to go to that expense for the to inset together for a day's general teacher. -t)ne ulal( p1ltt(ip:tI tared I12 in pnsitit,ti the lutbnlatnu'nt s of amount of extra business from discussion of the question. The two ,,`male ,assistants --the same us Outline( r extremities whiten innate per - there would bring in to the Come aecluuintanee thus formed, the per- Tflbur� tritd. •un_ gamer,,,;( att(ttd• de lir tae• • ft,l'111(1s all( to Inanition."' conal friendships engendered and ulttc Of lett—ever .,1) iter r•ailt Iliore .,lilt(, clerk had just time to lutiltl an and that the pro seal spur , than Ti11r11 •`.s event:re atttcnrlutn e ' out a pair of garters and then patty, 1 I 1 the mutual information alptitinea , with four ears each ,may was all Z'hc f prtnrn• pa•1lncipul. E. J. Ha,�attl. ; fainted. would be of immense benefit to the who is as bltrtlna'a• of leis. Hagan of _. ,. ,, Ci they could promisee to Tilbury for___ townships. ante CspeeIIttlly to the J. 5. Rit•11asd•t'pn''A I11I1+s•nlaaking . than present, sinless warranted extra llaartl workingend phllach department. gave good satnsi'aaa-tia n ' A11 old w1)211111 of linde ni:tbk' ('a'1- sereiee. when it would be i aitiily v abused until )IO attt'rpteapto stat an insult.: :Cr Origin 1lltaneed a ltrovine•ial saar. given. It is quite possible that 1patintita• ter, . axn(e 1pansiliess, to t4 her In the s c•ltrpol ingsbank the other slaty garage tt;alkc'tl the grading and layingsection strongly abjceetetl maid a alit to the desk. ., a the rails a long-suffering tiutfsrill` t mill be commenced this year. A It seems folly to spend sty much -s . g rilbu y .�- trite, the . "Do you Watnt to withdraw or result that he resigned. and his ,ter;a (•tit:'" Asked the clerk. Meeting of the directors will he' iutoney every year in trying to corn- witcr(s.ol rt•hr, started ,trate ening the ...New. < li rinse n't. 01 Ivat:lt. t ) MO - held in. Windsor on Saturday xnorin> ; tett the Chinese when lteln theta are 1st 111x,., 11gts as first -(lana; certificate 1p11t a •lee` in." Witstela• 1•c•1plt-. ilea next, after which more deflthite " thousands of heathens in America ......:unlike" Tilbury with a .4. ' 11(1-" `bte t'11`. 1m h(d 111) the book ,sews will, lit all probability be �-' who have never 1peeii taught the (laiws t1111k 1 tllaal)lrefz liilll • tip tdo f(pr Ina'( Siglntrtltr(, and. nnttic•ating ittthease 0011211113.'"•—Mer1i'31 Mirror. ' 4;'leinentai'y` pril'lciples of Christian- hn5Ia sOhotel t'6cp' i ,hlxtti vet Iti3 ;talc said. Sign cpla this 1i11Q , salary Of e425 is 5;,, les <z than Til- 1pleat::c".'" I rem the above it will be seen its• W' e s °111etnflne' think the; busy is easing, "ai bo e it of below it : " that the ` `estern peninstalaf, is p,+ett- ; much of etir fnissionary effort is : tiete i; a '(lilt,~'€y �vdtlt alt rale>dtani `•`lttt:t atlpovt� it."' ins aanotlner I%iie! fpi' ittfliv#ty, flog SIIl •directed Katt err taiffn benight- iililitso-einent!s. and %vitlt lince'tior slit' hoer Inaanll0- ed portions of ,hilt 111121idaali0 s3 school a accomanl0Ilations ttp '1'i&lpttr12 F des.' witlhstendung the fact thst afrea'td po .. sphere Zig, the entire tax (sate is tpilt efr)re Ci tr as inatrl W four trim,. limes of steatit roads alae l is pilose lie need of lnnlllilaainizilxa - 11)111111 a far gall P111 po'e. on12 one e, o=just as it is 11022 ptfs.Iiilg fronn Emit t to West tlfroa gh " thane Ciiristiatli mtg. The revolting third of, 22Itttt Tilbury is 1)a'ynnct , Ot [ sail t wl•ait."�-�•L01111021 lng• . that section, besides several brat. aa!Lothnts of negro lynchings in the while Pill)tlry ie paying ie mills a fol •• ..-.. then riili7xniia North slid South.. United. States whit'It are published "lit tel l)t )iao44 s aeon w `• site. r it sttt 111 t,p attend Prffillillarli Horseman The prosppects fol' as pprofita ble Rile' in the Panel's evert' 110W sand theft a tial( :tilt": 4 tla<= t=)ti9-nslnilp council through this part of the country are enough to intake one wonder 021 mond 12 end found that human • should be nth brighter as we. _t'hy Divine vengeance is not visit- nature there is tt'ly nnlueh tele stn3fae a ed u.. II thegas here, while the taptwintilanpp leasee 1 1. have a large section west of the I� psi tft=npatora. it is atll superior _to either 'nli ntry tion til or r te::. L R. &R. 10 to 15 miles wide and a nonsense to contend that the burn- lilbury East t, there was every tiif`- , 0 U R 40 miles long of thickly settled' nig . of a. negro at the stake has a ference in other respects. There ti~oltfltry with Absolutely poor rail- ° 2lo111t13'ifg effect upon others of his :lig tleppattaatioas l.resent asking for ; . .�• -: , ;, >1 ay aco0ininodatfon and we are Paste. It has rather fa to idem( yY to : as g ant °I ti''° fol( as velnetel7 12 m' r ,et sor- eteteese sure if capitalists would 'look this "Create as thirst for revenge on the : miles distant front the coianeil says,, tat resi l part of those who are e • ected to' while the reeve conic i;llted his ! and testify* they are as recommend- I country over properly they could ' expected ppippc Land pprolnired to tale the ghat- !ed. Yon will do likewise after as I see a, ohence of malting a most pro- take 'warning from the so-called:1 ter into his 'erioas consideration. ' Trial. Our line consists of Caustic ' trilidicatfon of ]iiStiee. If many tpf There was one other differeniee, Balsam (the safest .and best blister fiiatipie investment. however, for I learned that the re -4 known,) =see Testimonials," Cone ... i.. the iiegroes of the Southern States howetiring clerk in adjoining, hewn- • Aare immoral and treacherous it is ' 3 g, t Draughts, Chill and Fever, er, rand 1 It is a t curious fact with out ne per- ship, who has faithfully served the Tonic Misturee. Lotion for wounds. toll alvei* the Hilo tfle time o�ple because the white people have made . township for ,35 yeas(. , has been Iteave Remedy, Condition! ftlanied in the entitle of the country I thein task. -masters so. Their sk.-masters have I granted a retiring allowance of Hoof Ointment, and Gall Cure. we're noted hatchet users, Washing- . taught thein that they are no bet- $100 n fop pet year, i rp,llte differ- Every remedy (itis('lnteed, or ter than beasts and base treated . :7.) granted money refunded ton, the father of the nation, wags a ' Retiring Clerk Parquhaarson of Til- oherry tree eplltter; Lincoln, the,,gene gas such. Row, 'then, can the bury East, and tth1e11 has raised V 7 TR sa viouiw of the Makin, was a railwlnte people esliect the black mall { each a disturbance in the eraniurlis A D V ice P R IZE to be a p ;acenbpet law-abiding cit%-' of several East Tilburyites.—Til- Those nxedicntes Art) put up in liplitter ; Carrie, the wife of the ? !Inn"' Times, convenielit form, with full clirect- Tlation, is ar joint splatter:. ten of the Staate. Re ixltds 1715 justi- ) fixation for outrage and murder ill • -`-' "a`�`-'"""sip'.. - y�_---M ions on each one. They ore to be Mlle 'treatliteiit he receives at the c Subscribe for Thea HERALD' b td at every store in the Country, Conalsideraable ter eulation is beim o hands of his ppersecutors, who have i ' and if your storekeeper or drug_ - _ --.-• gist debit keep them, write us and indulged in as to what Canada's never set hire the eixatnple of hay -i ,: and we will forward d them prompt - population will be When. the 'census, ing any respect for the laws of the , ' �� W. � � Iy, Ever Farmer and p 11t Y St()C j; is completed. Some are enthusias.1laid. I4 is well that theire � sof ; �AT�RR GSR „., 0. owner should have thein 311ain gree Cal d. tie enough to think it will teach the the Soltth are 210 �yorse than ,lief r sent s uy`tel'. a diseased Prepared her *it infldfon mark. When the first brutes'. Would that the salve could latah ae ulcer( tears the alae 1 o1uxinion census was } tell in 1!371 be said of the white people—the! Pa•:'ttr..sto : dr��pp.tc;°41,61 I" 1� Meda 't1%�1C'I'Y11Drvewabrod€as•-oahYa'• ly Ip A Catarrl5d �tay� pauIcicle Co the populatition was in son na nein-'a lynchers who are so impp'ervious t0`s A1I sealers,or Ips. A. LONDON' iiv ese ca., Tomsk) (semeats CANT Tho Specialty Man. I have the exclusive right to sell fifty and. 0210 other specialties for this section which you can got n.) other place except through me. NOTICE All person:; who aro 1)1181)40(1 to the late firm of Appel & Zeller, are hereby requested to call and settle their accoltnts as early as 1)ns :iblo. 19tf E. APPEL, Zurich i' p '1` NTEREST is being displayed in the use of smokeless powders and A 45 jacketed bullets In calibre >rnins gives a shock to large game that the mall bores can not always be depended on or. Marlin Model 1895 Repeaters have Special Smokeless Steel" barrels. For p -to -date information see our 0515)0 g. Mailed for 3 stamps. , THE MARLIN FIRE ARMS CO. NEW HAVEN, CONN. THOROUGH BRED 13ERKSFIIRE Boar for service, on Lot 111, Con. 15, Hay, I 11; miles south of Zur- ich rteid. t Terins ;,11.00, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning, if neces- sary. WeI. BEAVER, 27tf Zurich P. O. R'ERSIER'S JNTERNAU()SAL DICrIQr(RY leTEWaEDITION JUST ISSUED NEW PLATES THROUGHOUT Now Added 25,000 NEW WORDS, Phrases, .Etc. Rich Bindings 41 2364 Pages . 5000 Illustrations Prepared under the supervision of W. T. Harris, Ph.D., LL.D., United States Commissioner ofEducation, assisted by alarge corps of competent specialists. BETTEPe THAN EVERT FORs'GENERAL USE Also Webster's Collegiate Dictionary with Scottish Glossary, etc. " First class in quality, second class in size." pages ,;cf4., of ISbth. 4paks aei,s oitppJrftmtrm .'• ,C. *1lEi G ..i tSb'tishere'ssrvii igaI ,'mass,,, (T'' The Berliner hone This is tine machine that talks=-siaaes---plays every iustrunela1=•reproeluees Sousas Band -string orbeeatres— egro Miusstrels, Church Choirs, etc. It reproduces the violin, piano, ,luta:, cornet, trombone, banjo, mandolin, piccolo attldevery other iustruauent. The Berliner Gram -o phone is Iotas er clearer, simpler atul better tiaau any other taiking machine at aaay price. It sings every Mud of !mug. sacred, comic, sentimental, patriotic, "Coon" songs, I;ugli.h, French a:nt Scotch Songs, select- ions frotu Grand and Connie Operas, plays e.il.e %t alks, ttell. :vs, ttto•steps, marches, itt fact everything that can be played tat any instrument or numeerof a t canoe reproduced ou the 3;eriancr (raneo•rhone gids the ttonderful indestruct- ible record discs. • It tells funny stories or repeats a ,prayer. 11 ran entertain hundreds at one time in the largest ball or church, or it venae be i-$)balue:1 to suit the smallest roan. The Records are not wax, they are Hard, Plat, Indestructible Discs, whirl* twill ]asst 10 years. The Berliner fraua•o pl1ouo isnaaaleinCancadu it is guaranteed for five years,- The Grataresevltnne i5 nsee :tattle endorsed ler tine leasing clergymen and others throughout. Canaria. The; Berliner f'rrano-e•1;n®noe received the oath. racial for'f'allting Machines at tbo Toronto ps:chtbitia2aa f511 . Fine Ilse -liner (raana-n-ps,2tonne has bet: wirielw ialtitatead and foreitewareair: machines with 1nisle;anlin; names 43, thev .are teortllless. Tinelntding If the Berliner (>ratm•e.-,,hone is loot for tele in tour a le inch horn! town, write to us for illustrated catak ue, and o 3 ther ` records 15.00 information, free. FACTOR : 247-371 Aqueduct St., 'Montreal. ` anti EM:titit p i, Drier, General Manager for Caaaa' Concert sonnei bolt. • E. BERLINER, 2315 St. Catherine Street, a ctcrs A Gaa y d Pre&eri .n b N ;� ' ...gyp I.... nFormankind t, w MONTREAL, WANTED f --.A cage of bad health that R•I•P•A'N Swill, not benefit. They banish pain and prolong life. One gives •r relief. Note the word 1 I-P•A-N•S on the pacicage and accept no substitute. R•h•PA N'S,. to for,( cents, may be had at any drug store. Ten samples and one thousand testimonials will be mailed to any address for five cents, forwarded to the Ripens Chemical eo., No. ro spruce Street, New York. ,��