HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-04-19, Page 3)
THE SPRING FEEELING. _____.Wd___ " - - =_= ......... :===L1 ,_===-_ ._ n =1 - ��= . . "' . "
tMa Of 1860. The y ly sonsuinpi- = rt"=:��� __ —:="4.t",; i
tion of Use weied in 1t1hVoL19 country is t7 !t===����� "-*'--
. I Offl-UE SMI TO NICOTO now nearly 76 KILLED L -'Y BLACK FLIES. ISS'UE NO. I 10'� , I
. 111111 1
111211099 THELAME LEAP ti, -it ,_.�.....-
With Spain out or Cupi"'_'I" W,3111poiwlcl*�O- -_ == __--__-.. -11-___1-- .... .
__ bacco furnishas the finest quality, of No Tonderfoot can, Vvithstand Theli , � ,
Not Exactly Sid, but Neither I I — I 0 t , f",
cigars In tile w0l"Id, ,and our flag Atfack, Tjolig. W , "
'" I
� � .
t , ho celebrated Manila charoots and 8 tOry " llc� i �!, , ; " �"e
. �?.I, �, �,
an I .1, 1. 4 . ,., � ,
Wlio over the Philipplivus, the home of , ", In ��l , fil�
I France Will Honor M Evidently the Day of miracles is "'ItOsId 111(�-ff , of t4o tragedies I I . I
Ll� I( , ,
-re You Well. cigars, the United Stat,es would Was () Other tavening by 4" , & Qs� - 614 M
- 8�' � .
A . seem I - n�,'ill,_119` "I Al 6 , '.
. Not Yet over, I James Jallll<!�.()11, of Barrio. ' :
. First Utilized Tobacco to ]lave commercial control of all " .,It Was," s4drl that gentleman, We liveby our blood, and on �
' the beat toba,coo-growtng sells In the I � inway lj,,.(,* &n thea twenties, and tit I * ,
world, Up to the Present thne, liow- story as I havo linard it was told by it. We thrive or starve, as,
I .
. Close Confl.nement'Durtn. the Winter FACTS ABOUT ever, possibly because tile Cubans ant] STEONG TOWN3HIP SENSATION tha late Edward Luelt of Crown I Our blood is rich orpoo ' �
Months Has Left Yon weak, Easily THE WEED, Filipinos have bven too much ab- Hill. Two young &(jtL!h;Ien (broth- r. . . 1, �
Florbod In arguing witil us about th,elr — el's) call.10 W this (tountry about the �
Depressed and "Out of Sorts,it, The French Government last week future to give, attention to their There is nothing dls�� to live '
to. time niteotlua W. and on reaching . : � �
. The words "weak- and depressed,, of 11 hnadsoinia S.L ,rection hal-co crops, On" Supply of Havanas Ii of Will. Toronto, ulf!.v heard that plenty or on or by. 11 :
appropriated funds for the L The Itestoration to Irlealt . � �
0xPliess the. conditions Of thousands .atuo in bronze of and Manilao acam to be worer in Doeg, Who Had No� X,ert ilia lZoollk work aould be hall Ut tile garrison �
of people in the spring time. It lol Wean Moot, whose name 1 immor- quality and higher in prl6F- than 11, 10"I's. Itheumatisift of When strength is full and
ever before. When they got once more tile towtP Of Pell(at-1,119. They accorel-, I I
s - 1111,11Y started ttiolig t1lo scl_-
. Unly X.Oute )irits hiah we are being 're- ,
talized in connection with tobacco. upon a firm Peace, footing we inay Worst ":'I"I Col"PlOtely Cared. In 0-Nistence-b-,ir way oryonp
Mwe Of Mature's signs that humanity ,)Ile status 1, to then .;0 6
eannot underf be erected in front eXPect to flild our nicotiw, tempta- (8tandridge 1,,cl1o,) freshed, b'on'e muscle and brain '-
.,o street to Holland Landing, over � '
or tions gxNstly Increased.-Baltlilsore La 0 n a I
Ate In mO'ntlw of indo of the principal government tobac- Sa,il, e ,ke Slial oe, a (I crass the portage in body and mhid, with. con -
badly 'I'he -r'eho has takell the troubl between herp and Penetang. Ott
ventilated buildings co factory in Paris, and will no __ , to illv0stiplate ti I
,wLth Impunity. Somet tho tinualflow of rioh-blo6d. . ,
tlnzd can ;O'up le elre'talinKtall c'15 latter ixart of tile Journey they h d
"Des you have doubt revive tile old controversy be. New Line to Southern Callforikla. fWlowing ,11 for the truth of tilt_, I . I
& heada0he-, slight exercise fatigues for compa,lay a detachinent Of 1081- This is health.
to Is variable; you ture In f'y0rY Partieul 'eRtIng story lu� its diers en I'DUte to the fort. It was
70u; your AIPPcti tween the loven and haters of the 'A new and interesting fea - laitt" So
ure easily Irritated or de weed, whLeh has been carried on connection with the Chicago North nor. In June- and the black flieewere at When weak, in low spirk '
Pressed; per- western and Union Paelf! Almost everyone Ill this nelgilbor- .
h4PO there are pimples ever since Ruropeans, as .1 result or c route to 11.00d knoNvs 31r. Mrai. I)Oeg. tilell' WOrst-Irliat worst means in no cheer, no spring, when rest '
California is the announcement that, Mr. Doeg moved In :1878 this Case will be easily uIrs-
Pptiow that indicate th, or slight or' the discovery of America, were in- with the new schedule of the South- from the Township derstood by tile f e, is not rest and sleep is not .
Of Qsprey, in Grey abia ty, to lot old- .
a blood needs trooduced to the pleasures and per- ern Pacific Rallway, effective March n timers who remain. Th%ev Sootall sleep, we are starved; our b1*Od
Attaution- Whatever the symptom I , 19 'a the thirt,enth concession of hids Were full-blooded, amd the flies
Us of the pipe. T.he use of tobacco 31st, the new- Goast Line between Strong Township. Ile has since made
may be it MOuld be attended to .at I San Francisco. and Los Angeles was attacked tht,m �rjtll exeeptlonal vl- is poor; there is little bLut-ri_
is now so universal am,ong European opened. ThJs new line, which is sure Many frJerldri, and all who know eloix�iless. Oae bccame so Ill under the ment in it. ;
onots, 'else You will fall an easy prey peo him speak of Ilia, in the highes - I
-to gre'atetr disease. Do not use a ,g plas ancl peoples of European or- to become very popular with tour- ,ternug. t attacl�'S th"It lit' C0111LI Luarch no fur- Back of the blood, is foo I d .
Purgative In tile hope, that it will possible Ist travel, runs alOng tile pa.01fic Sonxt' t1ale after Ite came to tII ther; his broth(ir iv,ould not leave I
Is 11-1112, and tile solillars could not de- to kee thebloodrich. When �.
thait prior to 1586 no European had Coast, , via. San Jose, Santa Cruz, part Ile Was str,okwi with rhpuma.- lay their inarr.h. 8o tile two brothers it fail P
Put You right. A.My doctor will tell ever used tobacco. Ifloot. It Is quite Salinas, San Miguel, Paso R,obles, San tLprn. It gradually gro, 3
you that Purgatives -vvenken, that certain, did not Introduce it into Luis Obispo and Smilta Barbara, worse, till for t iv woruo.ind Mwro left b(ji1f,U,l, the Flolcilers furnish-
Europe, and his, claim to be regard- where the finest sconory in Callicirn as p he last roar years ia)g food for . I
la ' 11 b,en a It of Cod Liver Oil. ' It sets the .
may be witalose h4� their sustenance.
they imP,Ur 1&110 action of the liver eti a, tile origina;tor of either the confirmed Invalid. was two O.r three da,vs ere it relief I
and oreato clix"ic, constIpat'-On. A� Pd. It is confidentiv aintl as a et)nst
I cultivation or the smoking of to- expected that the establishment ' ,qllence has not been Party reaciied the poJont where the N�,,rhole body going agairr--man
te'llic is What is need-od. to help tin- bacco in Enrope rests upon very this new route will � result in a greatOf soon In town at all. Ho has Hat YO11719 Men lind been left, and when .
r night and day in Ills chair unable thp party axrived It 'woman and child. ,
ture fight Your battle for health, weak foundations. part of the Southorn California travel to lilove ar ls�allt I oth brothers were
The tobacco pjanr itself wzls first, a step for mon N'd-litCrallY killed by tile . If 3,ou lia%,e not tried it, send for f e ---
always reliable at all seaso-"s Or tile Yea", 901 - v Ti L n nrllver left him. it com. INASO'nous bites of the, venoincius in-
, n la I (� pa! re PIC.
and there, is Only One to the continent of Europe the Northwestern Union Pacific' and ths. foulld d( its uarocOle tav-te vrisl 61irprise yc.u.
ifevOr-failing tonic, and that is I)r. 11,rol.11FL11 by Firanekico, Fernandes, the new Pacific co,ast Line of the mencell Ill Ills back, and the torture NeP-ts-" GCOTT & BOWN9, Chezzlists
4WEllam.4' Pink Pills, Those Pills have who had been sent by Philip if. cr Southern 11-lacific Railway. Epworth 11" h,1,d to btar was terrible. Vrom. rTh e horrar Of it all' (� n be !in- Tc,ronto. .
�110 purgative action. They Illak,L spa,in to investigato tile products or � Leaguers going to the S.�n Francisco 1114 back It ,vould soinutimes illove 11,911ned. Frattli from lionil. III srtot- Sor-land$r.co; alifirtiggists. I
'rich -4 1,1- ,V to oil
. o s 0-ellwillon the tired -ex-0- From filmla some atiods of Convention in jIl,i,y alict who deelf-C parts of big body. 111A land, reCently removed rrom the
and jaded nerves, ana make weak, (le. tiste Plant I'll(TV41 -1, ,
were sent to Portitgal, to visit Soutliprn -Oa] irornla willhave M.'(1re fearfully painful ,It protectlaig (,are -
and Jean Nlwt, who was the It'rench the privilege of using this new Pacific tinlCa, The truth is, that for foul, and ttying in agony oint there all
Pressed, easily* tired people whether Of at f011d mother, --
Old or oung� bright, ac;lIve and Ambassador to the latter counLry Coaot Line. 1014', Year,7 tile p)Or mail (it'd lot alone with 11OUL1119 TOADS AS MEDICINE.
Y Z 11,0'u. I , but Ille sighing,
A an tiloscl who havo prov- at: tilt, time, secured some of them a single . monlell trects of tile unbroken forest to echo
strong. I t's respite
ed tho I . Ith. -Went to Compromise. fr� 111 tile raek-ing Or tj 'd drill -
briaging qualities of and sent them. to the Prcliell Queen I!.; rea tile last Pralyor-Toronta Sun. rOugh, DOSO, But 3lartin Lather
db,�a,.;�U-. _. --.----., __ - - - Believed In Thenk.
D,r- Williams' 1'1111, Pills 10 Miss Enima Cathorilia De _Nlodluj. Nicot =tde a A tall. Orf1ei0uFz_I(,)okIIIg an,ln, with �'%Ir. I�oc,g &-g-vi;. (,It, makon me
(,haPut, of Za)-ke Takla, Ont., who Andy of tha planL arid was instra- 4, pocketbook 1?1 Ill$ hand, called upon ,.. . � ,4111,d_ Cared ix Bad C.-s(L, GI Deafness. 40
e Ve .. r youl. roar 31(-.!r.,, ack 111)011 that awful Lst mo,st putts%itj &n
for thO good I have, dorived through its civa Ities and tile el.lio--la of its . .r .d: b,% el en the viougiit fir it St. Th-,-;m,I.p, C)lxt,,_l lla,ve used creature regai-de(I
say.s. -I cannot thank you enough mental Ili spreading a knowledge of ,">ne(-Lwr, and (Ax dVr to looir i). "Out Of the, queer usse r a cormmon
I � ill WlrdOn, Mr. Sneaker, Istzit I bulftrN � I Cutarrivaulle fu.' iialt4iired livarl 'Ald-Z.,lut, nwdlicjly� 1
the uhu of Dr Williams' Plak Pilbi. I etiltivat;,vil. thk-ra came ibe
* . "PONs II 11 - lll:�tSlt mirprising all., livarly tile mo t
- -� I .9
e PO -1 -all. Yexn, blaek retriever W 1 du not knotir� but I thass,lc ijj)d U-4el Go madl SU UPLU I Can now 11(_'r! I nP('rt.Int ill'i'e'llt"Lolle. Every isellool-
holleatly lXqf ve that but for therat .0 you Lq'al'el'tlf",�- lf�tvl I ever lived tILrough I arid have JIL-en ,ant..I, li��n",Ited ,lying,
I Would now b,a in lily gra HSAIlblishes lilcot's Fante. "- '1111th it WhIt" PRL01 ol' lil,4 broast.11 that jI., llas
re. Aly Unpaid dog. taxes burst upon t(-� ll,,.,It , at "'lilwonfling is t10 I imy knoNva t1imt a towi can co;uRe,
en wn. and with great energy lic� Ing of tl,�, . lv.�rt.,,, or 11131CO tile COW Wive bloody,
,toly brok do All tobacco plants, of which there Saseekerl, il ux;d RtrpngLix with noth. 11)), frimidtf.-.11 14111q,nas ltldfllt�.
health was rAX11PIC 11-wonn last retitored me Quite wt"ll. I ,till ree
Ur face was as whiv, as clialk, and are ab"t fifty vari tios, are grouped replied : " Oh, no - Oh, dear , no I ,?qoth- inj luul,v 0, rlivinuatifFin left but i:h;� Pully ilint.-t I'll ths milk. but nt.)t t,�verybjdy knows that
I 1, ., of cativs or Inalmir.
U I p3ado thO 1OW14 effort to do .Lily bY 6VIVIltbit", under tit!! na.me of nico- Ing Of tile 1,-hId. Ile 61 a poor, stray ed hearing arlse frista Catarrhal Ir-' toatis are u,lsn PONVer-rukly medicinal.
1Ite`aL50woT2C I U-Ould allnust faLut from tiana, ait;t ill tile onaly.4i madL in the brute who f4lowed ra-i home, but Ile a -�'rr- !)Of�g 6'a ellail-ed man. Hale ritatioll. There is no tllis�.,;t�,011 ,Is
. , tit It IR a, fact. Martin Lait.11wr says so,
the exertion, and my lif,art woul(I Fronell stalUb tobacco factories tile does not balong to laq; inclood, I-ve - 114 hearty, lip. now enjoy.% owery t1w officaev off TIT(I-Sta are Ills very wortis: ,2�-,por)_
I . 01ttarrhozoll" 111 Cases
beat vio'c"atly, SO that I feared I distill(ALve c-loment. in tobacco was told the servant t.) ta1z.P, Jilin to the, san"Jas"It tit lik' UPW )JIG to the fill],. of Impaired hearing froll, tItl,,: call,,,, ('net- 11,10 Proved tile t,ind to be en -
would drop where I Rtood. I W.I*a given tho lialito of nicotine. This term police stntio' -11N)"' �lifl tit" ellange cului� about? at, till. tvidellef, -
n halt a down tlme,,CJ,,, .Tld,l it; (Ise (,lip , 4,f 'I v,
.6tion will(. IaTllt�' tes"Inionlais d0well Wit, nlublo qualltiee� it you
CmAt sufferer from Ileadaplips .tn(l 'I, Mr. ran a ptlek throligh 111,
having befal " 011, flideed,11 said, thp sti . Similar to the re,
dIzzl1tp,j;s ILs W011, -au,nr, "th'It abov(t (.111,fil.ttlealI5, ,, t4.,,
universally adupted, . .Iti$, ana,
and 1117 al�:�Ietl.�e I !Nivot's faillet is secure for all. tiale I -It all right, tilon, Only jn� @Ilent, Mr. 11 delighted to atnswvr. prOVes. AnYoul. surri-ring- in' thIs IV.aj- after Iuo.lng- drit-d tilval ill the sun,
, .
w4s so poor thmt I v0.lrvt:lv, " tt ,,, (1(11114r�. th'.111,11 In fact tulgtcao. Robinson. nechlonially shot t,:"fla�lq t"rii).-It
;Ill. I trle;l ' " the dop 'd till,- trvairanut of.;ev P-111 test i-'.ktar,-Iu1z0I b,*,- setiflilig, 1j) .11)pjy thfim to -111Y V-StIlPlit humor,
rovernt n1rtJlt'tJIIrqq, I)I;t I t4lurph-lux u-nuld have b,len juat as U111- thl"Z cr"l PIM -411-1.0s .Ind hwi useti aint,,) ' "
PmOrlI!,R1%a I I eanit- round to ot II(Int.-t; for w1liell %vtl will promptly tIIeT tfrItIv Out tlli� P91-9313, :11W the,
thtsy did not 114,11k luo, Mltl then I do. I %er.-al to-d-tv If ho had never lived. ("Im r,3111," lt�l offering evvry nit-ilic-Ine kuo%vll .W .L C,ure. in 11 thVin trial outrit blifficiplIt to, nit'llatV will dleallpour." Pop,, Adrian,
vidt'll to Rnid for roar., or Or. Wit. I Tilt- habit 4f Nittoking W.,ls jultlate'd .rou five ponnapr -, ,111-Itter hr for r1,,,unvLth:ati. but hu , gfit . lit) dornonstratf,, Its, grt..it e
Mams, 111111C ]$lilt;. I K ant. of codrst", It he's li"o , ru- qfieItk�r. (.4DM� UlwaYa earrIc6d it biq,, IkI)k)1lt lll,,4 ilook
'ot 81\ boxeK antl [!I Ellgrlan,l oy Ralph Lane, tIrt flr.,�L .. . I)Mtp outrit ,c;l : attlaIL11 gl;,(. - . "I eontaining
I 11OL Yu" (109-1-vIlY, g0od niorning," _ , 15r, at drlotl toWll. lwarl, coral
)erorO I uSI'd tIlPf" .ILI I was as woll flovortior (it Vlnrlaia, and S:r Frannk , 'I 9;t'M th"In. all .1 falr chanep, ,, C. Pcilson & vii.,
, _ - ___ t druggists, (6r .N. in'llil tragavantil, slinaragd. wiLl
as I 11,1d, ovor Wvn, with ,It good I)ral;'e, who varrit-d wiLit thQui. to STATR Or Onto. Vrrr or TOXII-Mo. ("i" -i-'tlti 2dr. DONC to T,hp J�ehtt. Kingeton, Cantid' tither artit-los uf J1unJ_ It did brM at
"kitit sintillilh , d . .
healthy Color, a 14,tir)d npp�fttlt(,� -Ind I-It-It'llit ill 1181; tho fillitto urmu,t .Intl Imrits nit-sry. es. 1, fi.�Qlno able to ghro C -011n., LT. S. ,tt allit flartford, Power of got),J, Jill E?.*t�iji. It Nvas alt
'In. Ontirr- freedom front tilo allinent.9 inaterink t)f tt,J)aeoo_1qII,)kiI1g, NvIll it *1z J'"714- � that kept Illin Up. .&n�l IC4,4t N
FnA\ '%in'"I't1fie"n"lat athe'salcal- Ill' I'vi'll tKuporary rellpf. I gretv __--� � �oa thInL.
Q for partner of tit(- firm of 1-1 J cirrvity & 0,o., ,1,.0
that, had inatin ni<%, E,o laL,,,jtt,aA)It�. y011 tht.Y I)reselit0l ti, Sill %V:tlttfr I1.-_IItqgIl. doins, Iwuf:1npkH In tile (,It., -W Toledo. couilty, le;� .Ilf4:1,11 V
may Ix- eares t1vtt I � .%It. lit alid denixi,ired. of v% -I,r Tile I�11118ed B�drooni. I'llat thv�y 0111 t1h) that lti�isdrodaof
rar.Ir 1,titin it, J�qtl�vkttl ., , smtI, L%fol _
� to 11-1�1� arid. -e-za.1cl. all(I th-Asald firin willpay .1-lears ago, r '
will always hav'! (love , that dreadful pain b0illid TI.., ,,,,,Is(, Want W .-.I.%' here ,tbat
A W.11rin regard for ymir 111�alultbl** 130011 th'! firt,t. En-Ilihni!tIl to, t-na,._A*.e it)" flat" Of ONE lit',-NIAMI) DUTZ,�.Tts, for nli,. maid egin ti,lvi. her labor,i wilt.
Va0h maid "wOrN. e. , Of CATWtIlit th,,xt,0C4U. I
and Raleigh , " III MY father wan .I b4 -)y arid gnf-
mpdllla�t' "R� 11 *11"Ifil-111V rnaMng� rvady an almirt- fored from qilltk,;v the,
I),, I I lilt IeOnfl- It is ro- not be cured b� WC' UW Of HALT.'$ VATAIdl-1, "t,"Ir' INY I r(Int"I In, a ninv.spappi, ., I,L�4pgl -to tie
rll.umc .� flif! te.�,tint,r),lial.; 4,r ,,W,lo r iving Al;est hr this
ludled tol 0%poriment 17ith other w). vortlell ttr the latt,-r Ural, "Jltt� took-,. 01,14"- J. CHEN: . . , W)I,l L�Itl,l melit f*r bip a r � IITO frOlts about 'Iil?4 baroal Tfie
airrangemnalt (Ir tlikt. unust.d. betirk,,01111 nearly eI-a%,.,jiAI t *
Ilra-you aro tipt ti) find it IL P,1W .1,i tolXLven a little lu�fore lic 15%vora to before ine And subseribed in m.W %I%iY lind lintin oured of rheurwitiaila , 140 lilde off.
a Irn'Tto or 1110,110Y Mail ,Vonr health wq,tit ttw th. ktj.4IIfllJd,%.,r f ION-14-L'twe, thit, Gth day of DeoOmber. A.D,, 18M "I'aki- elther sIxtre .%litm.-ts ,o.. --f "O
. .title co)ur. b.V N, tdd's Kidney I'llis. I hada,l; urni- did n;)t euri- tl&�, %nln;oN. but
1vor.-P than X -for, Eltzabtll vaug 4 -SP:,T I A.NV. GLNA.so\1. turP 811(lPtIN" of rutton denim, the old lir ,L
I T It lll,t.tli-,,,-nnrvoPy $gthp,rland
t. Yom will not lip tiers off Qui -t-11 -lit the , NotM7 P 111141h fulth In Unithing by tbis thu ttlat&
iUl. .%.ad within fifty "
ritinc r.11011 YOU 11441 Dr. Wil. habit. frola 11 . � ,._0 ulallf.
l utlit ' blue Uhcck, and &PAY -td WPM (over tht- in AlnRlvels.
it aflarrh ('"rf'1` #at'011 InternAll.r. antl �tnd to,olattale Of tile pill';- b,,,.I,.
='Ino 11-1 I , iWAII's V. lflt'� I sPlik for one boz,
' Pills. Th -v IMV4- proved yv.xre bratpidng� . COV411`1119 loviluter ailtl
tWmir val "I I 1"V�Ilal'� 44V011er,ti at-tq dircraly on I Ile blooll and mucous surraoas .Itevd. I noticed �,Ial ilIf. enviir tilt, tluellp.q . A___ . .--L __
110, thtt ,world'ol,'Pr. and you I ill P,II,_J,Ln#I ;1�11.1 ,tit over Eurfq)�'. Ofthe proviiii!nt Illitl k(.I)t 4#,,.� !4P Or tollet table,
I I ,J I
. 6�ft*(-111- -'�4,iiilft*rt4%titnonittis.freo. �trld ItA-11I the writing 1. bl
P.J. C11111'N.'ry & lv()� Tiledo, (). .'it Me uow.'" � ", IMIlim- and bureau,
emn rply upon it tIll%j wil.1t, tll,,,y havo trite eulthatitNit (if tellsavi-10 I.q var. sold hutpl�er woulit 114� li%ply tqj eltt,*Il I 01101HES WAIR
(1010 for otiu,r,j tirry -,Vill dt) . I 11 In
fOr ,v0**. Plod ton only In 1-11untri �, tilat ,I,. I,,,,,.11',o, I Itrui1g;,�i -, Me. ,' Xlr. lit ,1�9 vertaijlLr df�eplllt lifolt I tl � .
It X01I cannot g"tft'tJ;4%'tt4.IlIIt Ilp ,)III,,, � N% itilln Of. to-inpitraL-, - F0111113� P111% are t1ho beat. , . W (hi"It. 11,111.11 IVIINn tG. rooni it, Scaton,Trlat
frOn' Y041V dealor ti,sn.l tI1roj,t to, tile, .olwg, It fifl., ry dis-1111111nr �_ I I'Le an 111%alld now. anol It, W bard I preparod for the Ilifir gaest t1w 11 .
nr. willhilam, Afsnllvllt�* C^1 I" I r I�r'i'�'.,',l "�,.',' , 't'. r , itir 0110 A-119 11110 not, Neell him In lile Wnil" are runiti,ti-lid atil� a.II;kII;.n fref. al,Wh"1xA,"40Vrj6*.
, . llroell;- �. elamatt-R. but it tilrivi-,; b ist !;I rvpions A LOPt Customer bxk looln U) hit, , I.Va That bix lavoliths, (�Pt (I .'t ffut t1ni VriJLd(l%$L., If Lot tat,�Sf4ietorr
,%-We. ont., and tiv� � . � Ilk t"_ ____ IL �'
Y will la'. lll!l*l U The gr(ws�r th"Ilght tl"' Old Iftiall JI&I agil ItO Conldn't. %' Paid thf�- tqsk- I j, :2 ,
lxv,lt 1XII'l at r10 fr,4*11, I C- I Ullere tilt, Inviat ti�nqo,.,raturtj i.,j laot valk. of s%Vf._.ft'P;n,_ andL ' rmlars, rtrandw.
Pf"nol to mal'It'. It kifol: .Llk)Ut Starlit- pat- . "' 'MW' ,. � UU."'iffiferdr4num
. y, Vallrvidwit :1 nit - _ 11102 L - '
cta for �.,*L:10. .q It IKI% oil plu I 11-8-i 0,111 .10 41 ar. is .11. "11-00 V-01 ,iU,v (obdor-tion to nink. thnitimp _ N - Plinialin,-d' �, A$
box WlIV?f! till -re aro no wirly tilt. a Mse. I)IIt llt� it I - - . " - , - I . L' 11 raq:er ond do
mall .1�.11' t- "ItIl"9911 100 f h=- I'llil 't-Mlaillit at wrlttl�n 9t.itC- Aft �/, do L
I _� . Touowl J.&^ st L-11.kp , " L L�!t�r %vork thta
lrfa,t�'. Tit'! f4w8t tju%ultt� -irk- lwr-i- r. What he 11.14 IlLfIlt 43f t1w WhOo thing for publi m.- �-Zl k1�yOth0r2ftACbkJ'!t
' "PrIt. direv,I "niv in tl'411);eal 1,411118 Uitil o'41110 Ita r.av wajk .. _
- *
UP Irolild Not . 1 1,011 X. 1 " A In to a' J':4`1,)'-"* wloul atiked Mr. I 'C�;,V�tiaf000f� �1,21bva-vlml. A
- ' ll iove-e-4 to Lalbdl& 3RIS
e -Tht, 0*41111�r Or It, gin. ", . 'Itors 1IP.*.Iti%Ir till, elinutt.s. .eill titc, " I,qvlit lv�"'- h0grdll; OlttdooiN mark* 11q` lkeg� "
Ot la," ,� 90 9"d Inat'11no ter
* - in lvl , woriel.
1! ,, �Jlovl�, fp,* MR-f!thillI e-wopt twoo are :it 11 evnts. T)'�'441!'�- TLOt"t'-n am L�t. For ttrwia
narIvaii. (I -' trOA-4 'IF :1 I 1�t4r,qlvv n. -Ill- Ini-Jtti, (fJVi,'JlL, ,* Yes, sir." � .Xu;tf� Isligatevor. I will be glata to Thia 40931At1no§ I% Or ev,try boa: of the r=talas I alzri llr:vc t. &48rria
1-�vara nri"Ill. float, , - " T, 1, N. UARDst,I.PLY Co.. lJoamiltlon.'e"t.
to.- (Ili* Fnmv. after ."i'slat. 110purs of do' -ft � air Anil . 1't1l) &t- V'r I %vant, morly pv�rson mi If 4.2* - TAbletS I .
. - la,"o-liq , 0 (1will i*.t 1� two) Zriallp.-F 40114! for. %viliell t '419 n -A I trav wita rijt�qimatl,,Ill to.) ' t1lo lt,uIgey, lot,. 0::rr,J gi, o* --_-----_____ ,.
togatation, finully hit. upoll tilt :: 1-11 gl%'e %*t'�,;l t,,n .11141. r. � Llaxith"O Br4DM0QU"N4JIL
", llarlo, nee 1.1ty, 6� . n, IL,�Xlf.'V " ft., L _ otdo It% an* dAW i ==M=f=�Z - I .- .-
.- - . i 1, '. �.,Ir.11114?, 41 Tf!II ran;! 'ttirt e-qu.irtpr,4.** I 'n , _!��
rary '.%tflq,4-:j rpigi.g 11., E ". OIN-41.1 t-liw, b.v un I'Lifugated .. Uhv,tv 0 -It 1145414"N XMI101-, ftit; -tvill. I . 11 A04k . SY
throught av,eateawel� g0f. fall, �1141 tit! rtA Ill eollor. Cum pl-It4b.; � Nnay. � �!Mvfk thf.m. 110 I h -_ - I ,
hn,, A, wl;Prg ..f .... . .tllo"� that my s4a tp- � I 1)
4 =1111, Irit it vilt'jol t.IJ'!InI, I h _-V is) a height 'Lit frow I " ThPn V011 go' to) gr,a_,4 and- I'll Avy P RX 3t, U Lh; Ira read by zd It suejk, un- flellr% Proon D1=h.VI,)t1. I I I , TreAted Free. "�'
ttee's ;j F�,,.,. to-# P v Or topt. the staflL 11-1,11I.- , Of -B'"" tl"e str;4-t alul bay ttva .!ozo-1_, "OrLtutatv". # 'M L JQ
*,S,),�,�Jla L W0h1V1_'1=A4_ndrr,r,AyAftdft*
= Ilk; Winflon'.. A'ft,,,r th - I olp itr:I,� F I lu, IVranV-R--,. 1-wha'. - sll�rL tut"(WIS $or.,L QaIa : V Till- (iorinall b,7q�_rj�i�i�_ , 'It I
� %Ile ftup!r li.l%'.t rter.**-Zlroa%��' '07BIE, i -a Mr. Dijog .. I , �� 'doltarifluemy wit., Aft
I la tlab� till it, gr�.. . - - � up, ,ew% vreti , t % Z n� t r $, r a :1 a 0 U31 g5pt &
AwntlIl c Wav stataufln!T o'ut I�r Ila— etarb. F1 -n-4011-on 1-farol lyn raglok. �*s IvnLten state .d,,r Dr, XfoldinveYs luls 4j� � 11
IldInurl"g- tow' I'Ifa,o-t ,)f t;up in-:; 'InNul- U I , =4 gjt. � L ,,, Itca; - - .i , I
striPtIM). Wheel la- h ,arol I, 11 v I'llow ov.plor an -I a & U1 , I .� . � Ill, DabYlIvO thf. atw',�ent llpz-o,w5s!��Qlk" , rae. a?, . 3307.* ift .
l4pl I.-i'll- T. lf,r�z lk with nipinr - � Vor funr ve,anq I smfferpd exopael : rxzd o,r .AL-4r4jr:1i. ,a I V,39-.1 mvial.!R aza 10 11A
g . ., I , At ,�U� V.UL�*�
Imton Who load &t*,lv I utell- wil:A1 grow V1 .D. k,ej�ljt f,.',f 11 Neural -In. I -Itgnm tcrti- Vs .4 Veriftl corri.. A bt .r-,,
��tdnt ana Ives ah;vt, I - re, llaring which ii�lt, , i i ,;, adent. T*Pfk larg, gAja,i�ston.,� fj;tg�, �' I 11 �,
Igatiolkilm- at it an'll! 9 froin twol too taut oter tj q Maio -,o,l Neat 141n. � " , - .. I I 11� �
. ,
.- lolint-e .J,�q ft"110%VS. ve rt,e t. * t . Uffigia ? Have .you ra;� ( Uata e4U%rrei.V an, Ilonr froo rr,mu ,; or tke rmidwiAy loo,ar *.Iz*,, in,6�-rip,�;l,,ri , 11 k I , . . =�Zxvasoxs,
't rl,'lk'f 7 M) not de,�I�&,', " T, 0 1 TAt,"
� - !3 P. � " " lic X �, ho troublo e-ammenee,1 In nly Ital% � t)r '.\4_-I)h,t,�t.od1jlnaW- and ttr�,� Inlaid �, - ---
W�11. It*%*, U -ill V vu III&- at ttrit ! varietl-,% .110-�t lit I � 14 !-a
_ it. 4�!f,
';�'.I, I?ena,
*1140 qllv,ek or that S�!tvhw;nl. 1.11!jIll I j Neor%ilhle will c1tri. N* , .tilok,t(I 0 F; . --___1__1:_=___.��
. I L, n:z r� �s l.of reA a n,l vv,4&I, - -
* Ifitar-11 ()� tilt,' fir. -it gi'tinla, (our I irgini on. Five titIt", Stattion- � with N-Ilmli .r �t *
lllms;el! I -1, MIN I.M. I a it)- �. Irroater medlilftal po;Nver a,r,.v for in, litkv, an i h,p Inteuse Ivat; .'islo,.--� TIv- (if- , .94. I I . *
'Nrler-.b-V,* N 4t tow ealte. r. V rN, Inlee, V is the bla - 11 rig tj I"-, anal OE t isp � otIler Ire thalt ant. - �Vman beientit, at", The Frost Is (1o*l1n- Soon,'
,,, ot
it ,%mll" or ti�,. � vmv Ill till," worbi -nlfi��v " the plin that I copild it-3it III! dr)wn '0. that thub ta-nlo,o- 41"'e.t,vered last .*�J-fv I .1.11"It"! - . i'.5 1
__ . _�1111��
Te.sh iradpi Ali' V- hJaeI.g;.i_nr-I witf,ii,t "e�-`WAII LIE �! -it"' MA r ' Q 11te In t1m grt�cn ,1 wale'r. take ro-At, bui, had to lilt night � in tl" 1"ItM-1fir ol'tho Anartin hill I, ==. I L ��__ ,
" - w at;TZ;'-'- ."Mry e4:)t1Iln1,P. Ikaln ean-1 *)-' '. . . . , !
PVC11 I'llf1i1v how " " Uylpaeciy of llrit?d ;111.1 the E "'t, it Nr. � I P , :
to $,wll IN111-L-i'v ,wst III -Ir -tut ev.Lo 'rvililtin is lls�ld. cure!�,211 d,ftY bt It rhair. The pain wnillft i tha. hollow., joat-uaud ti �
� (lie "I'lift-1-t. twl) '.1weips of to] -rolple ( " pa��r-
), � .. ��,
- - , rr., . "g� . . .. .
, �� , tne4,0, I "I"I"thacho, ill One lalinutL%. break,4 up '11'V11 kerrove Vo, frither Parts of My ! lhIl).V!;,,U�aIiv. koaq, ��;V=-_S_t..=: __�,�'
Tile Ill-wription has UVIT rvin:'ved, - Avil tr) Iz3�4tor tit - 4&9' I 1. I .
7 u der M. M_1_�;I�_N - - ,
hielt therE.- art- Illani'. varh-tle�, J X 1-o"d Ill -1 hight. IW artion in palit � 1�� Iy- and When in Illy knees, I wa�; ' thf! nam(If of Ft�mg;l Th:,so 3_��r��
_____ I 13 a-
MinaHla Liniment Cur,%s I)t I o,E%f K . M_ffi�fl
t ti 43, P('rs;,611 Vy ;vo iar,� tho, - Internal ii I p. -I.1;1 eX.,er. .-.(- dis---ly;, -
_ istemper I - ' a , ,l,l I � � . ,; Tilt' -a "n-,' '-G-�'TO4', Pence 14 ver-9fitaf4ra'We,
f, . border.,; I �jn.jp!o t, - I- All eenfin��d ;;,R- 1 f-rie., ,,,.-III give tiv, ktY tJ, lunn.v, que. - If t "§V? tK,.k-4,-,,g-E towir hb;u knritft
� . p " I I W.1 L, , d
j , ZIlY rat W nutterin I ot tht,. 1oti;I,i1V01; Ili 1 071 th* blan,ilffiel". Th,jusands have � 4,p litly to in rt'10111. I W,18 tte.,tte'Ll , I ton . (IMI-rern' mg tf tA Ypz.gr,�j2qy fur �j -, i t, 0 r -w a I, e L, V d i I " Z'q y e �, v r e q I � �� r, - h,- " K i i �11;
1 elylilillou use. � t".. Y , ."
I _Irled to tili.;; IM.'*Ie-ot 110 I(ango-0 't for rheor.a.,tigin by &nveral dvetorK I IMIltrI-siau U13ei.. .
Uuilc thf. Chillose Wall. I In nuarl,y all Europ�-Ial e(puntrif's to- 0 424!ll 1 --- I TIIEFPoi�TWXIIII rs'. % "
-Net" 1,11m. I)rUggists everywilorr ,J - is I al,zu trie'l ralally Ine'llelues urlill- � I 0. I.Ettufn
t -ill latil 1.111lat .sell It. C( L I . .
The builder of t1tLq ,t-,1rId-.,4 .;vflll, ' . 1��j.-v;) i,j 4.ag,tj �al if.w.- i I.rCt, recelving ury t'i'lu4tt. AJIW.t�qt .1 _.
dfr %V4114 ,t grel't Ivarrior -�u . .pf-.rl)i-. q tlWe'l 11111h.r stl!tf! millerNitilf)n gind k --------- ��_ I � fa olcb5zpair I fl!aateA I wota:14 %tev#-r I ARL V()17 J.j()I!,o4; �Vle_STV -
Palled chl-Invang.."% %tirl'i 11�,R � i -_ Ivealamd. OzL
I IIN)tlt �� Ul" 41 ItNi'l-119 Vouren it' pubhe revenut". i i -1
two renturlei Ir -forst VivrL,. tl*-. uelliptill)vred. I Z:'� ,in k- 1! __ _____ __
"a-ripri".4? V'Je. picasuro lot ba- � If 60, send a lettf?r or tmstal card
� t. TO I)tlt � I'b is It &t3tO Ml jt�l il"X ill kraiw �: to t1is undc-r,igrard, larlsIvering tile OLD STAMPS WANTP-b.
� I " free froni p.riln. I
ft IrItol) to tlif'. JIwJIr.,4ft)ns or the Tar-,' .11!�,trla-lllivlgarjr, Itvly arl() . (l' - "ille"- DO N-011 renisnubpr tho, firs', � , "' � follaiving queotionv': -
t, Firiln, I qi1narrel yoz, I,atd %,,jill ._vour L'Ist, RPI`Jkv� MY ta�tentlon was di- � IV, i . �' ";.,. * . 1-
1; land rither northern trilop.; 116.i Illaq, lit ,other orintrios it I-, mliq -et " IT,�_I)IRi wite I , _11ere ar � you going 2 '.4 � � I.0014 U04 tbv old let�
,. - . , -1
i'murott this great ivall-1,N00 milps , ", .j�..Jte regulati()I.. ;jIld licav IrletIv. I rr-,�t,'!d to bVine remarkable eurekz q4 � I � ��,�.t, ..., Ic n P,ef,Grr, 11-�'cej.,Etna
1. - I �� -
! I .. .,'.r_.,
X4 _ -�e I
) Y ex- , , I a 'When artp �vfnzk gollog --A,. � 'Ll� j� � .;
In length -too IW prpt,tt.,I. 1, , rv(plir. a viso tllvth�.�. It 1,Q ,I. vurioua fa -.,t i Mv.-What '�.)" It ribontf � r'1c;WAti19J;I effse;t-nd b.V Lloddle Xlfl- - .�, "I ��' 4 rl�,, !I ,-,a`-,V14 t-Ild
V - � , . -t� , ". - .-ei -,-,, - -, 4�
, 1Lrf_()ll. ' Vil �, I * NTr
, �ab�jllt a 1 1 Wt.- re 6, ren stitrt Irara It I ' - (-�vm i,]�in rot
I I ist;. j Z�-:- kh;. revordt�d In ttli-* I I . e_�-4�', '
11 , ov � �.-!A�_, � - - . 4 ,-1U M. 'tVA, ,D,i[old
;.1107 1 " ` "cv.
td ten roars to) build It, .t"d in 116.1 tildt 41 Ji:nglilnd tim elifth'.U.Ill of I""', ; no;� man �, ar,:� 13 .� our jo,'� rt.7 0
blastp t,f) Italve it t*,oMp,1ete_t1 I .Sh 311*samir I 0-, V?�Pt-�� I Proeure,l it bnx. rin(I *,�,O,o , "I �7 - � -'-.� -.' J1' -'*' - (':�u � 4,�a. 1% - 1b -r -%,,::-
I .4� �-
lie ,,vork- ,� VJ,.-'1vto -in a vrop Is prol'A"oliti-Ni b,y a � Will �Fbit take ,V#,�Ur Ltr_u�: A K 1,P'!* "t -1, . -
ed to de.1, ti-IIEF r�,[ t1an-l'-an L l 11—yfff 1. lotat'l th.vt they were doing, rae- , I , , " J,* �r ,�", ,", ,,, �', '..""La ",F,l
, ,,� - " ", ,� 'k, N I !j�k ,jt4
th , . &V of I t.I'Z �,o lligh 1,11 ever. -v avre �-(Avn with mds �11 �
1119 lajjeror�'J. I-,Vplq I I isitc-1-1i ,I W gt� 2 ,V, , . 11-�Ico F441-val:1 UP,
V,-JIp .k
11 fl gn-,J, 0) I kf-pt, on, tall -'ICY%% I can ,-.i.V , " -r", -�T�� �. �'
_411-11 It J t")bQ4!C(y FC11d th.Lt 114 INgli�S2JJIu,1Ln W wgift ,Slip J,kv, kj,,sine�j ;6';�;�'.'�' " "41.�",: ht.1 llrii.-Iw coltm_
provNI w"Io,tls as -.v mean, Of ,ic. I - S � �0 �V4.,r,� I , .
ulk . s Pn-lial low ratp F�jtti,lj,,rsl til-kpts I _,;� � ,,."'._ -
,3 (43told afion-d t.) grow it except, as I 14�111 a new luait entirely froe from ' 4 oil Fate dmi-Ing .nnn-!t aoa�cj April to -1 . .. U,2.,t�',Q.
rIL' 100
Tolf-40. i lLt�n, .Ind JJ.a,V(`l V,(o'.JtjnjJ,!jJ tq�* for,ov-r � , 4, I I , lov.
� Jot.eph CinunaW -tin grows orrhi.1g, I slip bb,!�?et ? * points in M,.,Ja;t!�"-XK4. Brita'll COMM- OI& . -,., ;.I, (ao% co, - 1, .4 -e E. 41 .413AS
- - __ __ Z ��!� molaths, N-Ingr aWe to attend �' V 7 tir��hr,3n �-. "Z%vill,
'i; ., t , , �, , 1� -`gl -q :d or Woniall. , t'v Iraly (1a, -, " �
it: d i � El ` �� I
Probab . V,. Mn Ult P14-11%1- fall. The ,ai-lgin of , w i ..;. ki,.., anoth bill Ora`9470. Qalfllre�-nla nr.d'all TV,esi- 1 1 , , "' " Han-i'hun, OjF�
aunia It, wa. �"?v d -lip.? _
I tlah� pri'llik-ition N .,,'till naore e'arions. '%,�4: . � gin thn farniand A; era Slitates. Fula rart;Z-ZoaZtrS ft�ow - " ------- 1-11
4�*1`0111- 11nd ablO for vrork. -'AVU� �"�RAI* .47111 IIIAJ.'��, f
"I e0uhl wiv*'," &ftill 'till* tattlipr ,of I It originatp-I in tile re.:Ign orklilaries . I -.0rily _1y?15.-v_t tlaL,4 grettt el,"Ing - �� 11- Bennett, Genk.nal Agent 0hjr,l;;,1 Y` I- , .-%N.
aflt�*m stu(Tvrat, 11that ,v,z,vl 11 ,t,_IIf,u p I ;;.Imp Tollk-cre states'nian. � , t:-Ai;� 'i%rt
nt .S d I - �, T,3:.-Jli��, .10!.�-,,vtolonc -
1�0�,q_( Q:., , i �-- - -, � , .
- Its s, . f i & Nakthwestprm II llnilway-. ' 2 , - ! V_m. " . .
_rhu,�, r(7;1�* �,r , P a &%,v
" %e . 1! a gs been effe--ted by e ., iang -, ..�to1C,_,SCUd-.,tLJ
th'a"d' v '(i.#Ji�g Is 0 in I- --- - - - 4 __________
letIN14 than bowling. Tit -it develops, Furdand. for llt�h'orexwpres,i ao;lrp� - I I 1,3.1'd'.- Xidney 11111s, ai,ld I t1l;nk it 4 L � _____ —
fflillle other form of ath- . ,_ th of tobacco Ile use ori -
I I street east, Toranto, ont.
� at- _____ _ I � I - Ill, � . �101*t ruxAl) C'.
1. I - . sals;se or 1,r;(le. . - -,ZbtC _� U_ M
. ement i The .
I inblic for the biLmc-fit of anyone af- k1, ttf, ,(,�,:Pbl 11CA "U&-nu,�*,, f,xU,21_S;Gp e'O
one �lran art th" PNIA�h'ty'�Of tile ,other- .;Ilraglng trade itl ys�� ori V duty f'of in e thit; stlit, � - I -1 "1**1IV1'VV4LGtIXM111i1.� .
W1 ' I eM',1 W I tllf� ne.vc, -1* -S. -�70t�,, , L,,-.,' ,t
, . _ ,j,.
- lat 'do You do to strengthen ,vOur 1-0104Y of Virghdat. Nowaday,;, vvilen fl.eted asi I Ivas. Will,, Doeg, Sun- I - laddle; be.- 0- f4- T-!, ,�4.. -
left 4rm ?" 'We belif-re 25IT-NAPD1.8, I,!N_-TN1r,NT I, i * "W- hat'a &.an .spots on .volt -ill's forO .- i
I the best. . L - -al *in
-.Whereupon -tile youn$r man, I U19 height of Statesmanship I,; snp� . lic1ld ?" aslumd Ernst,as I1jnkJ_%V, i I t a rn' r 'A _' ' ""' ' " ` ` 1:�" %,
d &I'lge-- � ;r.m.J'eL ,�,M�-'e�-"a'*,:*'-.O,,.,Ul,'fa-ine�- Me
had OPent the aversing In calling who poHed to liv reache try pallsing tar- mattlaine Foley. oil City, MY wife'donf, ginimit. (Jean," ang- One; -"?�a P1'r tt,r.,* tr-z' a �, ;�a,. e b-4:iare.% etc,
upon I ,if laws laitende-3 to out, � Tiiis is 0, V -1111n, unvarnishorlst-ate- Wered Simpiking Collitlower. "Dat's de W,tggoter L_1e:(1L.e Co., L, j,;,��,,
11 CO -ed,, blalcilled aAd -said nothing.- I L kill tile Indus- *170ir,,ph kgnow, X4Or.Wtl,V, V e!-?. ll'intrated ell"ilcgu-1 ft�e. Aellvc�stfi;
', 'let, af; vve feund It, and ,. Londo"IDaL
tries of other nation,; w!Vll whom rent 'Of f I " , -.1 I I
ago Tribune. ' e,ery reader of the BA�ho. e.,q>01ally I 11 a decorations. Dem's _ -
ChICI — wo, trade, it Sinclas almost beyono Rev. R. O. .krialetroug, gulgrave, sLylisheal ki
belief that in tht- unenlightened age I . C ttiose -110 know how bad Mr. -Doeg t� Poker dote." ICyCI,r-cr-11rGI1EfT GRAD10; 1DT,TNL0_?
Catarrhoaonte cures Asthma. IN . Ivv;, �Wlll agree that, it is 0, ca$n -waiallington Star. B tirei;:IDuqhjc�ivi,*�,:I!t,.e.z,,.,Iuip�;e-.i '
- should yet have 1 Charles Whooten, 3tulgravc, - ga.aranwe_ Ttxvrt��_Are ,r1r,1,.qtj ,.gellt Rtqr
of Charlesr 11. theN - _ t'. 3rdatlit
�1.a. Ivithout parallel in the 10story of Nybere an a,npkoval. 1W. ruteil!o', ZLgonbu*
: Heavy Nveight, had SensO 01101111gh to see that ifthey Pierre 1-andry, san., pokemouche tl.e cominnuity. . Cat'arrhOzOne cures Asthma. a ont.
Vriend-S.-- you aim(le a lump, sum were to build lip trade with Virgillita, I - — -_
_f , they must needt; give Virgini �Lf. U. 1! I
off your WI -a's eaoiilng? , �_ a. A Little Pable. lie Halived. I &1EXE-1PIXIT F_tr.,.%rs M ikja
r Illng�so_Yep. r-hanco V) produce SOMething to I 'nionlas Wasson, sheffield, x. A, I'All right, th,ear, wo,II tosw for Jt," I Farfa-molus Niagara a&tdct. the peaeb belo
I Frlend-33�akcery ? trade with. . I Once nPQn & '1`11111 a, GOOZI Man ro.- m1d Tommv. .U�Ore g,3es I you holler. I Of C,`an-'""sal6 Or exchange, for produeu"
I ,I[InVo-Nope. Took hcr loaves of Aniorleals Interest in the Wood. . inorastrated with tho. Ball M -an, say- H, � I
�adv or :fi�,,. ,,, lownoreltyrv-parly, GIve,oli,fes,,aip, a lof
I I Your property for exe,*hAtge arad say wilat O'd
I 3, 1*0
. , I wdait. Cat,
� read. painted 'em black .and sold"em The produ--tion or tobae inx: . "VerY 'Well," replied little Emer- & 31orclen licatioxf. MOM
,cO in the lagpe bree on- a
toir old imil. U . "Ary friend, YOU should Not rob .Ind 00", or Poston. 4-1 prognosticate the - . broker�_. st. it�jilk,cqie,M ont, th.&
Iltte'd Stlttw Is now about 7,25000- ---
000 pounds annually, of which Itillused to Appear. ,Svvintl]O VOOPle as you are )Dowg. failing of the obverse uppermost."- ,rl--
�i Iteraloanbar it is bost .that "It should Philallelphim press. BIrwAIRF iNgm� XG AND J�[o=
4 Catarrlw.,one s Asthma. 01110-1101f is consUm-ard by our own Pete. Mrs- Net%tdoor-I haven't Gard"Rogeat5opet.1-t. X-SitilMIS2
__ sect $rOUr 0 unto the Others as you would __ I York- -4treet, Torontm
. Pic and 0110-11ftlf eXpoi�tcd. Somo idea Parmts for,ever so long. Like the Othors to do� unto Yon." Minard'vi Linimellt'Cures Colds, etc. ,
; A DatightOt of Eve. of the rapid increa b &like 4n the Little Tessle-Marramia has ecarlet The Bad Axan smiled with Scorn, WA_XTKD-AGt'�V" To r,8,L,.& 110-U,gr
1, Wife (dro,qaed for the topera)-p or world's production consumption fever andoalalt come out iisid replied: 110111 artfe-10.1 us:ed in every ta _,
in the fact . er 4 Vend
goodiless sako. why did ymon. get all of tobacco is gathk)r,od fro Tile Tear. figrenbi ean ritake, from $1 to $5 It Qly. TN'; -
.*o floweria ? Oductio of A,t has ,yo,r halve anr mmo Sense Yearning go wistfully with di 2&�Vorramplelv:)rths&., 'SenaQ1II0�1Ar1f1t6.
thet Waif- Xclxtdoor-And wh " "It I didn't d
tile United Papa, got ? Milled evire '
Would 1)n I t1r'itt,,,t,.,,-i,,re'r has 1) 1111110st doubled Little Teside-P.,lp,q, M_,t Fdx months, 1P.:ni fw� Bumpift I I blue eyes, tbisarticle. VV.Z-.Gilba,rt., 9 Masonic. Toinple,
nusb,and-4 thought it 'S., 0!114 tl'c Other -4 have rwould than',- 'Ile baaal`�!It" 'Of t10 flf-st intindutdon, .of
well for yon, do.vr, to hay.n. soinetbilig I sine 870. Thn consumption in all and, he can't come out, either. T'11;s 1 "law,11d cut 'mY EyGtceth all the London, CAL
ss. (',Oun r cis of which we ha"e any gta- sooller." SWeetlY, no rain drops out tile sum- '-
llt 0 11 - ra� it"' 1 (10 Them. 1'10vv could I then refuse her fears I
to cover you. -Phi adelplila, Pre, It I
tistics has steadily Inlecre-aw"(1. our -Tit-111te. J�RIJIT FARM FOR _RALF_oN,H op %WZ
- _ __ aell - mor srkies, I finefat In the ,�\l
i Minard's,Vnimerit cures DIplitherla, Britio'. cousins are not so '�lora1----8-')MebOdY lifts to Form the Upoh thadry existo.nee of ibe vears. Wiltonit, lo mnes fr,jan 1*4 Peninsula, otio
devoted t _ 011mrilto-A or, two "tn.
Ali Itiforence. to the weed ai ourselves. Tob,a,,,_ Catarrhozone cures Asthma. I 1"��- aa --13011171101`0 Amerlean. . --J. A. Sinclair. I waYs. IDD fieres in ail, s5 of wM,_.b is - -
The Prorafessor-Yes, a Caterpillar is chewing is Almost unknown aniong "What Is —Your b—ro—ther d M111,3rd's Liniment Cures Garget In � mostlyptaches. Will bosolaillont, 1z"tiv
them, and as smokers they are d oing these cows — d'v'k'e(1 int" IOt`q Of Is to 20 news to sitait -pur,
tho most voray-,ions living thIng. In paratively mod,orate. 0oul- aYs. Clarenoo?" 1,O)I, Ile is working CatarrhOzOne cures Asthma. 'Obaror-q. Thfaffs I decided barg,alln, &d41%,y,
Noverthploss ht r,o?, ., Jonathan Carpenter,
A month It Nvill ixit about etc hundred tile Drito,Lq tire now consuming a -I--,----_ 'Ontario. P. 0. bost 44, ,W1W,6';lo,.
Yes; he I , , 4' Did MY Po0in hAve tile ria - — �
thries it OwX weigglit. 32 Ounces of tobacco Per capitaOut Just worked the India rubber man for ' Tile Latest Pastor. _41st num
Daar Mrs. Lrnnt-Whoso boy did nuoilly, vvhi_.h 19 just about ,tn. a dollar." . Wr
double The latest that L;h,lter ca Of feet ?" asked the poei. 11r& Wingloveq s:�ootll,,F ---------
I I , SSTUP SkTad.al.
You SaY hot was.-Ilarper's Bazar. thl) pleftapIta allowance or the I�rl. — I pria 95-th. Thiv n fall is "I reckon it did " replied tlia fore- waY9 13""'Itled for Vhildrj�u repthilig. t1l'idtlict
Will 11APPen oneo in man, ,,the editor 'klckf�d -it out the oLild soffew; the 911-N, cures wincl qt,ljoi
Catarrho,zone enres Asibma, . twentieth century, in In , the $tllcli�qtli'obostr,�ble(13,for�i,!D,rt,llw ,
. V30 , ja!; W111dOW ,'Ind he wears a number 10." IIVO =U a bottlo a. TW%aitk
11111.1. 11-.1-; . .11'.. � ... ... I,. ... ..., __ �- I—. I ..... . ----1 .. ........ . ____., .. � - ------ ____ � -, _. ., � �