HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-04-19, Page 2- - - .
. . . I ..
a little, breatil When he bad �tiiiishe�
and tarned to his breakfast,
� .
, , 0 ID
1.18 Allas Sabl*-a up Yet ?" Ile aske
tile servant, who waited upon him,
�., I - I I
The man was not certain, bat with
1170W to Inquire. He
. I
.� � I
a An
reappeared a]
most directly. Miss Sabin had been u
2 I
. � ...
for more than all hour. She had �us
returned from a walk and had
.. , 'k."Mv �.'
. -11
ad breakfast to be sorvcd In liar
Thousands of men, women and children in Canada, are taking
her." Mr. Sabin directed
"that I should be
AcIvantage. of Dr. Sloctim's generous offer of a free sample box of
exceedingly ob
11ged If she would take her
f Gxqjall Cure for Catarrh.
with me. I have some interestin
Catarrh is an insidious enemy, and in whatever condition, should
. be '
. . laot be neglected, A slight cold in the head is frequently the gin-
Tile man was absent for severa
. . ning of a serious case of Catarrh, and in many instances leads to
Before Ile I I-10len
Asthma, Bronchitis, Quinsy, and Catarrh. Catarrh is always
Came in. Mr. Sabin g Oeted her ,witl
dangerous, but is curable if taken in time. It is a constant menace to
life but
usual courtesy,
I and even mor
than his usual cordiality.
and health, so Ienoe has done mue,h to enable safterers to resist
"You are misslul� tAle best
. I .1 M, I
part o
the morning with Your cOlitinenta
hatilts,', she exclaimed brightly. -I
have been out. Oil the cliffs since half
past eight, The air Is delieghtful.,,
She throw off her hat, and, going
to tile sideboard, helped herself to a
cup Of Coffee. There was a becoming
flush upon her cheeks;�he,,, hair was
a little tossed by tile
Ind IvI.r. Sabin
watched her curiously.
.. -1
� .- 1�
And defeat the disease. D"o Slcclylm�s Qxo�ell 02torrh Cure
"You, have not, I suppose, seen a
?F Papor-or rather last night's
paper , he remarked.
. L is the best offering of advanced medical science for the prompt and
She sbOOL' her head.
h o
rmanent cure of atarr f t a Head, Throat, ancl Nasal organs.
x0jell is a dain , soot in j6lly for the immediate relief and cure
n"A newepaper 1 You know that 1.
ever look at an EngliPli
of C2tarrla. T 1�rrit an inflamed membranes of your nose
one," she an.
9wered. ,,you wanted to
and throat are relieved and sootheawith the first application of Dr.
see me,
Reynolds said. is there any news?"
Sloolim's Oxojell Catarrh Cure.
"There is great news," he answered.
OxojeRD has valuable properties as an antiseptic, as well as
"There is such news that by sunset
being a powerful heallug' a ent. You breathe it throu the nostril,
a little bit at a time. X-0 Tistrilinent! No go
to -day War will probably be declared
between England and Germany 1-1
Powder! Liquid!
The flush d ed out of her cheeks.
. I
_T . I ...
1'. � �� -
She faced him, pallid to tile lips.
ed. -Ly, - not possible!" she exclaim.
"So, the whole world would have de.
clared ,I week ago! .As a matter of
fact it is not 90 sudden as we imag.
� I
Inc! The storm has been long
brewing! It is We who, have been
.1, l"'.7 , I -
TIM&I39P-1�1- . U
� �,
blind. A little black Spot Of Irrita.
tIO11 has sproad and deepened into
war-cload.11 a
OXOjell Catarrh Cure is sold at all drug stores a'. riifty cents a
"'U'lls will affect us?" she asked.
box, but in. order that every sufferer from this prevalent ailment may
us," lie answered, "it is a tri.
have an opportunity to test the TGMedy, a fItSe sarap2e box will be
. mlyll. It is the end Of our schemes,
sent on request to amy place in Canada. All you. havotodois to drop
tilt' ClimuX of our desIres. NVhen 1<111g.
stal, giving your name and address plainly, to the T. A. Soo
"N'tein Lame to mo, I knew that Ile
Go., Limited, 179 King St. West, Torouto, .. . feum
saw"Ple will b6 sent you, roe
Was III earnest, but I 'lever dreamed
that tile tore], was go nearly kill.
died. I I;ae 1101V why lie waki so eager
— .
to make term,,; with me.st
!� �,!,�L�,!5:z�:�,:!!�!!!!:!!!'!!!!
� 031 - � ;- 1, ..�
�; = �,M 2
_�;; ::: ve;��_____Z_ ;� � I ::
"And,you," ahe said, "you have their
. .
For a momenthe looked Uoughtful.
Not yet. I have their promlse
tile promise of tile Emperor himself,
But as Yet my share tile
of bargain is
lnl'Ct'omplete. There intist be no more
delay. it must be finished now -at
once. That telegram Would n ver
have been sent from Berlin but afor
their covenant with me. It would have
bC011 better, perhaps, had they wait-
Pd V little time. But one cannot tell I
I'll .. I.. . L
Tl-�- opportunity was too. good to let
-1 --- I . 'j.
"UO was once," she said, -'my not know best? Are my wishes, any
lever I" ayers,
ROW long will it bill' she asked
before work Is c6inplete?" ,
I .. "
" Befora *'—
. pr. nothing to you To
"A great deal, moder, vet. I Con.
1114 face clouded over. Ill the great -
"Before I met your f4thIrt We
sider uyself also a juc..-e as to tile,
er triumph lie had almo,it rgotten
tile, millor clifficill les () 11,
vvere ner,or I -eally engrtged. But lie
e0t to pursueo. Thr, plan.
Nvlllc 1 Me
,11 I 11 Mvc 81,199VIAml may vle.lr 111)
U WMe ' I loma Ist nd =
loved me, aad I thought I cured fur
11111t. I wrote litat letters -the fool-
1111"ItY things. I illay bring to light
tile real objm*t of tills man. It ran
Ftiroppull faille. 110
'rml thin vlanned
L .In an 11 (I ot - 11,41led
letters Of all impulsive girl.
These bla ke'Pt. I treated hill% bad.
ROlve the mystilry"
I Wilmot. I am tire'd Of that imposter.
of all this unver-
heill. - it . In a side ho
10ur tit, t 1.,r- I 11 ill I )lave b t .I;
W. I know that I But I too have
titinty. 'We will )lave som(- da -I Igh to
excu'"�l r eelinin real; n fal lure
Suff(Ted. It has benn tile desire of
I 81k,
'III t0tbgratih to -morrow morning
am a it C
. 0119-tt tile ptKsIbI Iti - Th d Ii ul.
InY life tO have those letters. Last
� to 8cotland Yard. J
ty -which w'A" ber,orO )Jim now WaS
night 110 called here. -Before my
fce ut 0no! That lie
wolrelidell. I bosr.(%ioll voll1w.
. Inotl Pro'
"Kn nbw) (lo I 'LV'spilell
�, Aa tritflng us- tile uprooting of
IIUMA Pi-itt'll after the conrluek;t r IL
kept. The price of his returning It
tt*)' tell lilt' that 'mail'$ llu�;�". Uri
fort"'t or Oaks. But none the le
to 'lie was my help -last, night.,'
i Iteavells:1-
tiny munient lie Was perplexed.
"XDT '%Vllftt Purp"?" Wolfenden
! Wtoltentlen sprang 6uddenlY from
Was hard, In tile fac(I Of till$ need for
aska " What use did he Isroposo � Ilia eliair with startle,l fut,p. .111 Idea
urg('Dt ht-Lut(l., to decido upon tha
to MW Of the Admiral's papers it l s�o%t* Of ('01111119- but absolutely (-.on-
lit.xt tstep.
he 4net,celipli it, l3teall,
.lg th(,m ?,, I % '11014,1 from its I Irst volit-ept"oll, had
%vork," lie 0ald slowly, t-musb be
She A(X)k her berld mournfully. ! wuldenly thish(A holno to 111111. 11OW
It (
"t"com li-sl'Pl tit Once. 7`110re 1r; very
"I cannot tell. He. nnswerrod me A 0"I;I 1110 havP b"On bo bilind ? lie Stood
little lVant'-0. Tel. that little, I
Bat first that lie simply nee(led solar, � looking .at Ills nwther lit fl\t�tl sus.
mulit confeSs troublca nim"
a magazine � lielisL
statistics to complete ;-. The light of hist knowledge.
* � IMS In has tam and Ale It* -Alla
IWOCIL. and that Sir. V. himself had � , saw
IIZL�'e'llut 612M. -ceded. then, In I
, Obtaining lvlkat. you want Iran% Lord
len't; film here. It what you tell Ina ' � 11441 been dreadinq this all the -,vilile.
, , "It was Atr. ��ablu I -the ImIn who
Of their importance 19 true, have
� Deringlium 1.11,
I 9 c'1119 himself Sabint"
110 doubt that he )led.*, i A little moan of despair Propt
" Why
"11,111 lit! not belly 3rou at all 400,
"'Nel er.11 . I
could Ila not go to thj� Ad- ,�, froin ,s,he
Mr4l himself ?" liar lipi. , , cOv-lbmd her fac'e,
� IrIth her- halifis and sobbed.
Lady Derilighnnios f,
I "Ilow. then, do
I , You mean to got at
- _vIlMie 10.1.1jers far Ill _q *.111
Ice %V, nq
We as death. and she Spoke 'with I 011APTI-1.11 XXX
I ,'.At pra�,ent,,# 116 replied, "I scarobly I
f 'now- lit Un hour or two I bt,t
head, her eyes fixed upon rll Tito Gathering of the ,War.Storm.
'iltlr e4enthed hands. 1�' '
r, .1blo to tc.11 yon. It ,�
,; itossIble that It
"At Cairo," she said, &,not long ' Mr. Sabin. eill.cring hisi brent-fast,
ro,)m as usual t 10 0 -0, Ole
might take' me tweuty-four, ljour.q;
certainly Ito 101 than that.lf
Utter my marriage, we 11 met.
ct I
'W," IRldiscreAA, and your father was
., .oz.
,k on
following morning. found. baslides the
usual pile of nt�wap,al)ara arn, let to -Ts,
64'e walked to lihe ,ndalv.v
, W. . -.,nil .qtc,od
there uiAh her hAnds clasped. Whind R
and � ey quar-
MW amd L ealouq. vrII
"ItilreSOur 1`11thOt
it tc,]Pgram which hud arrived tx-m
her bIck. Mr. o,).,�bjn had II,. a eig ' I
. arette
wounded him ; 110 a III tile air.
late for dellver.r on t1le prc%-I1r,plIs even.
, 110 Opened It Ill leisurely fashion
I 81110king .Ft L)iqlugh.1 AV.
� fil
,etclien'Y -she opoko-to him I
liladerstand nolv ,�Illtt lie could
106t go direct to the admiral.t*
T"MlSt Ilia sipped MR coffee. It Will;
handed in .It tile (111,,Irillg Crogs post.
-_ -x ou U Ill get tbemo" -�ha said ; 1, "
I bcl,eVe that. In the end
cannot understand." lie admIt.
ted, ',why voll M-tened th his pro.
offlee and Was signpa sImplv ..1C.pv.
"Just returned. Avilpil call you call
� you
,succeed. as you have succ l��esa
deded in
everytbing.11 I
010.4al. *
" 'Molfbmilett, I wanted Vfiat let-
and concluee arrangements? -kill
all-VIO119 to 150,� :You. Vlead ,O.nI,*I;t,S
Tli,cre ,.,as a lapk 0,
bet, tovle. Ile looke 1, enthusiasm it 1,
d up
t0r#" site said, liar volee dylagaway
Id sOulething like 11 Itt
palrer.-X.11 *0
I "Me
quietly, and
I fl:vked tile ash from the end of his
a mean. Is
h0b that I
teloqrain slipped from NIr. 'ga.
i bin's
have all.vtlling Inore filigirs. Ile toro Opp'n tile st.
than f011Y to rep.-oach myself %vith, � Janv�s, ('4=1f,ttp, anvi a I;ttIP excla-
� you. are r'"gIt", he ,-ald. "I ;'.all
- , I
stteceod_ Ify Dn.y reg,rct --s -�,,at I
on* I'D Was- writtell-It reas tile only , Ination eamped from Ills Jlp.�z ,f F ba ,��A,w,
Auve Mvdc a, .Sj1;gh-, r.l. I ,, . I
istdlclila�ion, It
alle-ftfter W.Y trai-rhiste. Aast at ! tile th!rk, blark type which llc'a'&l1
fit -A . I vnis not verS: Itappy lvitit ! tho principal colutrins:
Vljil tak e Iringp.r oj�ln I Imagined.
Xiligenstein 11M Ile, in fever,
Your father. We luad had a quarrel. I ..L
I forget What .about, and I Hatdown I - nordmary Te'egram of tAle
Z;�rmarl i;'inppror
a and I
am afral-d that. lit% Ivill worry inf,. At
'Ille lume time ,-je I's
- himself tu lKame.
and 11frote word -i to iloenlg!
L which I have It
; I& has b�:Cn need*lestily Pieeiplza:e."
imav a tinio bittorly repeated ever i -
having . Jarman FyInIvathy With thty Ilebelg:
Nt 011 pap,lr. I havo never
I ,she turned gi%,a, V
L y from ��ba %�'lldow
and stood bz!furp 1:zm. ,,;,Ie hrid -
,j *
. ff
, 0
forgott ell tilent-I never shall! I I
have sle�i tb:nu o�'t-.n in my h,.,1ppI_ LWarphIps Ordered tn D-lamere Da-, !
'Ill hat face which he had �aeeu lh.�ra
but cln,m befure, -,anj ZPe menaory
wt 11101"Plits. ond they have smilird ("reat n'tcalt-m-It Ort tile .Stock- Fx-
to MIR tty be written with letters
":� of$"
� %v,L" h h"d ever SlyVe -roubi,ed him.
I "l %vanit you,*' S-' "
of, tire... . lo'llange !"
, ,
, * �It;l' `1 ' under.
� stand this. I vV:*ii ;Ijt lialre .Jn_
, direct
, YOU havp It baek now ? You Ilave � 'Mr. Fabin's brieft1kfai4t rp� _1 h&rm workeil upon 1h,e I)vr:n...
I .P., ,In
' _n, , ,..halns. If
dostrved can
it 7'.
, : tasted. He read every -,vord ;u tile:
'*"hP shook her hewl wearliv. " four Columns. and then tu.
" . fled to, tll.�
-Vou g3t. what th
�Vy Illive ani AThat
is hecess.iry to Us ,
by craft -we,'., very
IN'% r was to
he havie had ift Whr-11 - OtbOr news-lilers. The,y wpm all
11ZLd socccel-ml; I hall not lethim ablaze with tho nin.ins. England's 1.1o.41.
, D& It n- 1' , niolst go! I -,VI.J not
Lave force utMi. Y(ja s.'4r,u*.d rcme mber
lit fi%a mir,utfts 'Whea you dis
W# tilrbed � MilowPed ally had turned sud,lenly
', h a t * Lo -:41 NVc,.ribl�
�ljpia ,.
We! I - - . _ive4 your
; agains, her. Without tile slightest
- -
:"Tell Ine the ninat's liam,,." I warning the firebrand of war had
, Vaill hart, 110,!�112:; "ij do wit.11
any scheme Wh:ch brings harni upon
: Why ?" . 3 been kindled and waved threatening-
;hipm Ill
:* I will got you the letter." f
iy in our very faces, The occas'011.
Ile lookt,d a', her ,-Ift-II&I.T. A small
Would riot give It YOU. You
00'dId not, mitke hlin., I
was 110I)PIessly Insignificant. A ]land-
ful of E'riglish adventurerpl, engaged
-'-PO', Of C01W- was burn,lig hi -
. 9,1 up on
h:s pallid cheeks;. TI16 White,
Wolfellden'S eyes flashed with a
in a somewhat rash but pl6c _�� rpe.
f,ngcrs, toying care'.e sly Ivi, n
S 'h r, 0
1radden ti -C. ,
" you
dition in a distant part of t,110,-
,*of the breakfast -
appr, ntmpnts,
are mistaken,,, lie said. "Tile had met wit th a sharp reverse. in it-
were shaking. He was veWnear be-
14*ft who holds for blackmail over Eelf the affair was nothirg; yet it
1119 passionately angry.
,,a, '410mait's head, a letter written bade fair to become a matter of in-,
"'Do you mean," lit, said, s:leak.nq
year,q A96, 19 a scoundrel I I ternational history. 111-liavisrCd thot,
*111get that letter frout him. Tell they may have been, the Englishmen
V an(I .ennnel,
ating eVeTV word
with careful distinctness, -do
J1111% his namoll, Carried with them a charter granted
tad�r I by
recall that *,voted sacrifir.-e or e'ven
Deringbain shuddered. . the British Government. There
endanger iyon' greatest cause which
"Wolfeuden, it would bring trou- " was no secret about It -the fact was
has ever been conce.ved in the h,'
-11a Is dangero-is. Don't ask me. , perfectly understood In every Cabl.
,of the Patriot to the whole skin of a
At least I have kept my word to netu ,of Europe. Yet the German. Em-
house -hold of tInglish people? I u.()n_
1-im. It was 'lot my f1ult that We perOF had himself written & telegram
der whether You reali7a the POsItion
'Were disturbed. Hf, will not molest , Congratulating the State which had
repelled the
as it stands at this moment ? I ilm
tile now._ , threatened atback. It
in justice to You, to believe
"Vbthar� I will know his name,-, i was scarcely an Juvaslon-it V;r4a lit-
, it 1 tie more than a demonstration on the
. I g
. Wrinot tell It, you",
that Y64 'do not. Do You. realize that
Germany has closed with our offer
I part of all ill-treated section Of tile
"'then. I will ,find it out" It Will
and will act at our behest; thai
I opulation I The fact that Germ&ft ift�
cl wi], put the tetestg were Ill no way coucekh6d_
Matter in the hands
only &'few trifling sheets Of
stand between us and t fullest
VI-tth016 of the that any outside Interference was
ft I shall send,to Scotland simply ,
� . a. plece- of gratuitous Importi-
'-Utd for 0, detective. 'There
-be the
most glorious success? Is I,, a iinte,
do you think, for scruples or for
are ftrice-otily Intensified the sign14-
1. . ... I ,
0XhxkA underneath the vvii1dow, I rance of the incident.
6110-1d UP I .& dellberata
lin sentiment I If 1 were to fri il in my
obligations toward Knigenstein,
; �
.. a man's glove 110011 tilt) Insult had been offered to England; '
Jbtate fl,_.ot. A clever fallb., will and the mail who saV there with the
:t a�OWDukb,
should not Only be dishonored and
disgraced, but oix,t Case Would be
to work ftoll. I will paper lblondlied In his hand, whJI#t fits
I guard tot mY961f,and keen eyes devolitod thie long Columns
I Cw gliall deal with hlift
for ever. The Work of many Years
would otumble into ashes. My O"
, Id ... ! _ 11 as lie
to W01, *1 I.
daily I
of olider and Indignation, knew that
his had beet th6 hand which had has-
life would !lot be worth an 1, our's
Purchase. Helene, You are mad I
I . Ila" Merck t MAY. I
t6n0d tile 10119-0011t-0,91;Otm, * drew
Are either mad Or worse 11, You
Sbeftoed hilm quite unmoved. It was . .. - I ___
more ,than ever apparent that she OE21- 0��,M_Maaamg_Fa
d was not amongst Uhose lyko reared, Ri
him. . � :
. It "I am perfectly sane," she said," �� WHEN QUEEN VIC"TORIA'S
. and I am very much in earnest. ,
p Ours shall be a strategic victory, or
t wo will not triumph at all, I Wieve d-11
. that you are planning some desperate I FATHER WAS IN uANADA,
. means or securing those papers. I re- r,
_� -
� QW .- -.:-z- 2;,;:3� �� -P- il
_,,R�53�, ��
- _Z_?,�(
- _,R,��F
.?,� 2�z .
- 2�
� A@?9 - -.222a, . �
_,,R�2,R� - �
. -Z _4
- 'i,
I peat that I will not have it Ill �&Qz-:2p-z�,,---,e--tF�n,--x-:,."tv,�o:R,i�p-�?'-�e�R4-�- _9_.-E�_.-:;0-X,222aL-V,z:4. z 2P
z ��,
� He looked at her with carling I _4QR�91/r_/:;F__22z/& _�,� .;,-
'Lla. :�D
- _� E?P,_.>P
1ps. - nz 2zPP_1_;> ..
0 "Perhaps," he said, "it is I who It was at- tile beglinillig of 1794, 1 '
; have gone mad I At least, I can Of common civility and politeness, and
ed oil by an muwarillut-
believe that I am not Fusillers, that Edward,'Duke of Kent, 4iblet anxiety to have an IntervIe'W
scarcely While s(TvIng its colonal of the Royal possibly urg
I dreaming, is it really you, Helene
a of Bourbon, the descendant of kings, fatber of tile lato Victoria, at his with Your Royal I-Tighnow, in behii.ir
I a daughter of the ralers of Prance, own request, was oidered from Que- 01' Vie moet respectable gentlemen ot
e who falters and turns pale at the idea tills PlUcO, we have to request you
of a little blood, shed for her coun- Lee, to the scene of active operations I to appoint all hour (comineneung af-
f try's sake? I am very much afraid," In tile Prench '"rest Indies, tind be tar 6 o'clock p. in,, on acer.nint of the
I he added, with bitlaig sarcasm, "t'hat took the straightest route to the busine,%s Of the Court), which witl be
I have not understood you. you be,tr oea by Journeying overland, by tile most agreeable to you to receive the
. the name of a great queen, but you lWay of Vermont, to Boston. I'vsPectful attention (Inc Your rank;
have the heart of a serving-maidl The Prince's life at Quebec, sin", ,inLt You may ba as,�urod, akthaugli
It is Lord Wolfenden for whom you. 1791, had boon 0113 Of MLtUad Bat),$- In 11 Irange, country, that pmtec-
real, V, factiOtl to the pnople of Itho ancient U011 is easily at your commoarx.1 with
She was not less firm, but her com- Canadian town, and to the Prince, C118 greateet subject of tile uillte(l
posure was affected. The rich color and, while anxious for active servloo State�j. We are, with the M-geatest
streamed into her cheeks. Site r(- His Royal Highness left Ills numoro�?� 1, reepact, your most obedlant sel-vailts,
malned silent. ., friends with sIncero regrot. Eltiathan Xoyw,
"For a betrothed young lady," he It was at Quab.m that Priiic,) FUI- Joiin Bishop,
VNam 5.3.ti...
said, sIONVIY, "You will forgive me if ward made the acquahitanea, t>f the The committee recoivod thist an -
I say that your anxiety is scarcely espcCially fortunate D,l Salab;,rrys, a Pwer.
discreet. What you require, I sup- Queb-le family, with whom the Prince Gontlemen,-X rim commanded by.
pose, is a safe conduct for year lover. Corresponded during the remainder of
I wonder how Honri would --l' his life, and whose intlin,loy witlithe His ROYal IIIglIn4ws Prince Edward
She flashed a glance and an inter- prince of the royal blood iv'uq never to returri you h[P-best thiinks, for
.' Your POILto attention, and, lit tile
jection upon him which checked the lost sight Or by tile mnIb(.,r'8 of tills 01,11110 time, to &vy tll.').t ir balf-past
=u'Pon his lips. The gesture was favored Quebec house so long .18 tile t1ki-S, evZlnIl19 will be it Con-
a royal one. He was silenced. Duke of Kent colitt VLr o'clock
"How dare you, v!r f" she ex�iaimed. of tbP living, lin-ad lit tile land venlent liour to yon, lie oliall msteeni
"You are talking iminfferable liber- It was 111so ,it Quilb-c that the tllr,n 111111w4f much flaLtered by his llavI13W
ties. I do not permit you. to Inter- I'rlilm Rd,matd lunt tite IaLly wilo be- thel pleasure of seclug you. I have the
IlOY101' to remain, lVith gTrat respect,
fere in my private airfairs. Understand (111mr, ]its mo,rgarlatl�- wifo, i,fm,,. (it., 2mar moet obcvli.,,�nt
that, even if your wordis were true, St. Laurent, who, rptutlinpa at the servant
if I Choose to have a lover, it is my head of tile Prinez-h; em0blisliniont 25 Pro]. Augt. lVetillArall.
affair, not yours. As for Henri, what Yflars, or until til- ulitilil-ly de,lth (,f Tllc�re Is all ,ihipllee or tiate to
l has he to complain Of ? Read the pa- Ills 1110cr?, tile Princess Charlotte, both OT tkea;� lijtvs. But its tile
pers an�6 ask yourself thatf They Illacle It neopswiry l,'rillef) Wav 11, Boston Pob. ath, the
. for tit(-. Duke of Burlington recepthin Ilitiot have ac-
r-hron,'cle his doings freely enoti-Ill Kent to svok an ,AiLluce with it prin- currou on thO, 19L or tile 2nd of the
He is s!ngularly dis'�reell, is he not'?'- cess of royal bl._10:1, man t1j.
singularly faithful ill WnIrl. dP S(. Laurprit f:rt,t rippinirs i 11,110 Unw"Ichuseits Sentinel of Fell.
(To b, continued.) in tile life of Prince Rvlward In J..u.1, I '
— 17022, whion, oil tll,% Stil thu.8' llotlulsl the Prirtia'a ar-
birth of mr, Of rival in B0Vt0ll-* "On Thurs(kiy last
4,'—_,_�,_-,�-,��,,� tit(, Da Snlab,,rry boys Oir- wrlite a Princo J;(l1v,Ird Krl of his 11ritami'do
, - - - � N,e -, ��, � N,-'—`� memb� ar the hilull'y 'as f4L11I"lv`--" )kIrJE1&ty, tlrrlvil�d at. tit!.,; town fa,,ocl
I have t.hlp 111(vir,ilt Rvul; tbr- news QU01)(1c. We are told that Ilia Iligh-
o our dear llrilw% It Is tirlmlloss to
11 WE' ALTH AND "''t"
1� alvalt his reply ' lir;�'�, tills IftielY b,"oll promated to the
i 0 h4l4w 110w (11-1i"litf-d rank or brig,lidlt-r-genpral titill I& to
(M I)(- w`II b'. I fc'llo,wr ble, svtitlmen.."�S tot) Ilavo a co,urn.,tnj In tllkl lLriny lit the
IGNORAN . w0l to 114tys aur filar In vxprvvAng 1N,(,l, ki
_Vt Ill,ile .r,
th'I'm. * * * in th(� ralf-viltim;1, I vin- I .
DY 11aryWright Sewall, Pres. I f4A;nI;' dlL.V,s lat��r Ulm Stolitinol I)rinb-
br-Ice thn Pritirto hailat-hold, ,wltll�lutl e4l tlll.s; st, y:
Int-COWYCILofWozoe . distilletion 'of sox... or
11t, I (."Prinerb Edwnrd, travelling from
Thp Prince him -,-Ir wrote this pt�i t, ,glilaria to tlli,- .( ,
- ., lil. -n ali-11 a
. a tavern at NVIfflarmstown.' Yt,, on
note to AL de SaInWrry i t d al;
With the Increasing we "'Though Oblisred, ,is Nrt-F-terday, tn top of one of thf.
alth pro- " . (;r(!f,lI �UoranttLino,
ducetl by the laboring clas.,31ps-that "ttend to mv 4ffl("al (14tits' lit the and talking -%vitil thp larldlady, whe
Is. by men of proporty-th-a Increas- barraeks, I c6lild lutt re.,;I,zt th- plibae. Is a Wrson Of tastp and reflnemewt.
tire of hastellIng, liam�- ttj write a few
Ung" babit Of luxury IF; fosttlrod. lit tiv,� ,,lips Ile puts libi Wind On .I BIble on thil
1(41411ro class --that, is, 111 tll.!� wlypt; of to asNilre pni how Much, rand ties),- and uakoq w1lat b(yg; it w,fts.
tly.�se, in -en. There can be coneentra.t. how Rillecrely, I 'rgirticipatp. In th(o "It is tile Biblto, air," jvca�q the re.
ell 'In an apartuiF,nr, Itoll,,+9 v 1141ppy vVPXlt.:4,1LIJv,,JrtJ, er),1k.u.-1 Ro3!aI ply,
that cannot, hw vommandi,tJ at thq. Fuslliprs.', "The V.1ble, ;rn-Itl,IllIt.,o, V,. I
I aW I Ile
N�xmil prior) In tit!) stqrlratt�, inrl(,perld. I'00r Univ. df- St. Lnurront surfor.,41. prince. lllh� you m.tkp ase OC tb.tt
.,I'krw with .111 (-kplso
Pilt hotmou. TO my 111111d, thplol luxu- - , rtst und" sl1oll:bl. 14001c In tills country ?"
He% howover eltvap. art, bought lit eirennistunero,g. till, bittr-rups,,; or It "Oil, YeS sir " s-L'Al ,t [in htymw
-I very 111911 prior) whon, for thein it; V0111p)(Itc- Reparlition, aP lvpll :16 41blIt- is no favoritrotbim)1z Nvith u,q.,* "Wo ..It
FIAOrIfIeWd tho dignity and ;Ild0pr,n,I_ loration, land burl,tl hor s,Arrow lit a "I'lltoo' Mild tho prinev, "do yt)u
enoo of it wrnrato 110irwhold. 00ilviont Ivilpil it b. �(..tpl,, nylp,..t,rj,lI to fOr �, ri,io"i Ito Other boolz-.4?11
Thr� lob;uro of .Julerit.,-ill %V,Om[,n in r0asobW of Fttato, that Ow I'Virtek. reo, ludeel, Sir, we all-,." lorturvn� tilt
UV� Uppl,r ruith1h, rlitsk.: Itns 11,1d III.LnN, ,rvo.jld b�� oblig��ll ttf illarry a uimmn I 14
b-mr-flelal regults. Tills elas.% it fa or equal royal ranlL . ri ply. llJ-*g.*r wIlt-It we W1,411 to umua4
* It * * imrselveq we read '11fter Meter."
'Whit'll 11-14 P.�ttroulzvnl thm artn. -.it]- Me, I'mut t'r thL-t luttvr rr,Vl,y Ill:
minletore4l Ph.tritloo,z. Inting"urated Iind .Tit thtN .,;tinjinpr or wtu. af, ,.it, eioe. 1 '
PurwrvIrml sct�,Iljl pl(vxr,�ure.q .and pre. tkin riot in QiINx,t.,. Ila.twA.#,II tile Itt- li-tter tipprm-inted when It It
m*orvf,d .all(I augmented rufInf-awnt. Frellell and. lilt, 1Qlgl*mh reA.1,-nt,.,' r'4111 tIlAt "I"Itor IqnthurO was tho
ls,-�olldoit3m ii,pf olajAlill Wolcot. uU1,:UM
But :111 of tllp�,-N rould ltltv�* ' bm-n diono tilt. pi'lliel. 'lp�varvd ,ou the .
by till" VIARS or Aninricon womtm In UAII quifte4l ""ll" I"sh s%tirte-tl pLott tar that tlutc,,who
thO riott-rs iritIt 4L
an iurt-finittily larga!r and bi,tter t�tirring alille.-LI in Fr lit, IVUl Its -1-11 tz(�vt�r(-I.vl.tmlxxmitt:�,(Icorl;o
11 A* t 1. 1), Vt the 111. it, ,�,,,m, rivent var.,ms. "is
NVOY werr, th-ly tbpmnf,Iv(.s Illtsr(? viallio p hjci-t n 11M, 4'��rnjpsty the
immidly 'edurntA - King. pri-iml, It Is ri-Intrb], tlid II(A plw m,e
`Lt -t, tile hir,ur lilt moro," izalot tilp hio liti-ary Inquirltoti O;f the GII.Irp-
S') Pir no T In;1_1;.our9 Ig Utp. only Inlin-t-. "Of thl- tivlilou.-� dh4Invk:ousof Witted Verm,.tit 1041111 -In. hat reeom-
(Ionlitry whorrt th,h po.%.z1bp.4&)n tit ,lL 1,*r(,n..Il Anji Xogil;.h. Yom aro .,ill hi,N tA 192,4 tollb:1,111- jourtit-y 11outt)awn,rd.
comptltow'r tq urg,41 &.4 $I reaholk for 11ritagill:l; AIllJ,,..Nt.%,ft JJVJ40�ejl ('4i,lJa- Ilrbirp FrIward rerbAlve.j a *qvqnt
an luteirlor edur-4ttll,)n lit onto Country 1FIL-ii ku14)J#_,ct.,4. ' 1, lwo,luoms* In IItk%tq4n. nlill tie goalitit.d
It lo no uneornuton thIng for a, IXI�. * .0 * 0 V gg 1+4 lIttOlItI91114 to tilt, rtkyalist raml.
en E to I, 011. Illy, daugriltor will 01WO 'aildt,1119 .11 ot-lite narla-z t9ta 111p � li"N tit -It Viflffo 1.110 v-stablishoftK of
Iltsve, llt,v�-T.to, I0 all,vtltonft. theroforp JA0 -,if Orleans, t;kv. prutive a 1;#�,l thq lit-liel. had 101111d thf4r way bitiol. to
nlilp(l to gtildr." T1119 vt�nprabie wom,11i �t lit. eauld 6!�rvl �. th,ir f"rinr homej froln the refuge
.41u, tlonr; not N .
I _�, �;, ot 11:111fay.
1110411aq that "mY (InIlmhUtr ��lfl u-v,"r her lit 4111V w.IN'. "ym .* Yeb! U 11,11.11,y.,
have to worlC for t"Jor-mr, thorofore iny lorcl,1_1 thlb 1 w-. 1- , r
glob 410-8 not "Prod .it oolth-I a nd ex- . - Umilan iN ,-Isi I tooluie ---.,�----�---�---..,----�---�---,
tPlIrlod eulturo.1, r4ph I -.11tive u 311111114. "t. with 1111.
IV01"NI In,tv d,). to tltl,lr great ad. I t1i.-It"T QUIT 19, alllf_. I Z,av th.tt A ,
" 0,
I Itul-0 duglepa Ivitil a W11 0Jf'hQV 64�%'-
Vlantlirv.. *IT111 freim III%* lr-)IIIt fit viubw. tbrf D911. to The i�tory run.,. t,�,q tip? t�f_ . 1. , ,
I I .e . ".5 "I I - I., I
to tllelld`Vant-'W�* Ot th- w4�arlwl in gon, fck-t, that the prinq*-t Ift.tnediato.0 �. I . ,
pral. nialky t1flug-1 otltql�jo of tlomegtit. F i I , 40
N"roplied, witil the beFt graet. I)U,-#- I
IfP- 11"t wIl,'1t9wAr Rrt. Protz.44n tar &.1ople I
', mll�l .Ito the el'�,e tar the daner, . .� I
wftntlon It wrlinsta 111.1v havi.. 016% evtortLat his agl.,11 jrart%�r lov v, cif'.1t I T � I .
"I li"N!It� PZ;4"10 I, -tral ,v011 v,rtninly 0 1"Ath a resIx,ptrol r.:,ptiL� 41114d Wlid-h � I
tot lulslrt� to P's mapo tll"� dolnostle vo. !I 1, "
'he &Pk.no%,.Jp,JAe�I `WW4 - I'M I
MtLon. � c-,urt,_,-.-,.l' a proTturmad I �
I 41111 not 1919b.1olittz t1int cur tvirt�, , i all0thir".1 Stor,v. Ucut 2;4D Illf"T'Sing, al. 11 I I 14 . I
hall be tnn;tht to b, pithlor drilvItir's � "I'll 14 1.
n their own IlAill-q Or to hu ca al . I
pnbte .t 1611!�h It hilf4vs; the persnll�tj votar- , �=_ _ - ",
� ,a the prillt-e, roq,cr& t,y a lll?q- � �
illstro-Q06n "Ir drllfh*"P. Tho ver�v pt=ttl FrPn4oh voldler t.urialng in . . I
)IMRSN "h0ft-lu,11.11 �Pl-nve.11 Inn)JIV-4 the prilice'll, tegilliell " *who, JUILVIlig I I
hat Pt 010 bots- of 4nin-stale 111ior ' .
altv h8 found Lkelentifliv L-11F)WIodee. , desertcd, Was arrestevi by the
The r(loognitit4n I prlw.-e lilla"elf. i I ,r
that Iving-Aml(I ,.Vouare fortlinaU.,111Y D)td,"a�.1111!tIll.
,tb,)r Is bilf,ed 111w)h rv+-Iirf� dianitio- 1
�4 Itrenchinnn, "Ill in-* tiot. lau-1;Iggirmed, I i
uch lubOr And llft,� it froin t1ruilgory fo, -1 It. I I
,., by bc., r
It profPg,q"II. *P111.4 ellan-4-1 tho aveAJ It I . ",
_ .trl :1, t
a . la�v 1 -4 ui, I !. �L - �1 . I
'ttitudd- of t1r. V10tiv.,ttoll m` would IIu,vC1 b,(,v-vll 'tot, ,vour bra', �r.�' - t �
.%T,101 %V41 bp do� Ind tn" V Tylle desertion, and tile tbrea,.'atir " ' It lt,�-,_ - , �
w,ard it. 'I § 11. ,
no fryr the i ; , - 5 7.t' ,�' -
vration It tilt- dmy4daterq of � tII6 Prince, Inci'llied tha vonrl.-Inar- Z.��L._ ,*�-',. ..
ex, 1�1'" I V� , ,,
" 1. �
� 11 .
l` -11l -*n e-111 1), delive-d frnin I � I r ,
his tlat to Imp'J.'se 01"', Illaxintual w,n- � . Itt
ho� A011"re'trith-11 nl,lk,�,; It TrvsAbl , tenee -i 11 � - I
. - for i - u9a JaV21P.-, Which lavere (luly 1 1k. - r
Woltian. to s:l%- tilat pitllf.t, s1l'o or ! Inflicted in tilt. � � I ., -
i , p-e.,44.11ce, .uf the o .
or l000k IllIq ll.;d "TAII 11 -f -k with thil I likill'L`E�l 110- -
read." * * Is * * Is , -
;_ I
- .- QnAm-, 1;:Iz- I , . , il . �, 4%
. ,
— On Sept. �, 17%13, tl� - ,
-41 -a � 4 I - il 11 . I 1�
'Phe lit-c"er,I)PI d minds nt tipi W,D- f1tte, aulioancea thu, nll.�;1111-,� of .I tr( � il I . ,,�� � ;;.. 11 . ,
ell Itlic' �-;Ir'PP I -ttf- in UM- mt�roln,s sr,+001, uhater the, patrom-.'... tot 11 � k r � �
, � I
a 11 1, - _ KI � �..
Who take lolut "niltsr In tile llft,.�- J�"Y.11 lftirlie.s;i llrhw..,.� E ,.w..rtL As Lt
who have no rngular dutho% . _. . � .
-non, W,as; furcuer stat;�,l tj,ult t� -, prlja,jc,_s ., .. . . ..
nd no Ilonse tn L-;�,,: whose m(,,nt,l1 wiwald I;ki%.,F� s()I,ll. c,*,Itr01 t;i tlit'? It i- � , . . ', �1
L -111's or tlrjt� E�!h. .� 17 - I K,.
- vli� it vnxis evid out . � ik� �
velopmelat Is It", 31mited tf, enable - L.'� . .?,
.,'a ..... 1: ".. .1 W11. I �
hord to find Occupantion In reftdin_!,�, I thl" the end soa at 1741 S : edrxa-,.� , lf� - I I � I.,
tud�v or bPnPvoIrn#-,- menace t1te, 1 tion Of tl,4- pQN)pW lil the U-��,- of thc. i! -�,�
- ' - - I'�� , __ ,.,-
,mep of thp f"Aminunitv. U:19-.. Orv, ii,!4-111rl of the'." .1�1 ,,�, I
� - I Eng!Lz.h lang I., . �
, ,z -i read as ftillo%,s: 4 , I . .
'lie P"Trdlfi9n-I nt tll;� llnm- life nf`I1:r"-1a-�0u, � .
ie rich tftakq it lruIx)�5;,3II,1q f'r,f �:Irls I "Particular rare tak-iql zo r�,-rd..r,';
0 br� br-07azlit up to Indostr-i"'; � tho at-n-1:Atio.- I . I
albits at hon . I of tho Engulsh lilb-i
rL, � g4mg1a as lLasy as 1K)SALle." 4
I * % "s * o' i TOUS' 'Irlt-1101111 flavor are IU --,a (19w-
S111111111POx Remedy. '" 'a fire in &Illlt all Mil`tfliot s' tr,,et.
t a'o 11rin", lvu,.4 oa�3 of tile ulost, tie- es' (or& without per"lline, .No u00i).
An rdifiburgh gontleman hrig found t1V-1 fighters, and t1ij royal firVC1.03 b
Mong old paperO Via following rem- reN-1ved the thanks, or tll_. (�_)u,jl)a? .1 - I P110,88' 1XIGH-GUADB CF.YLO-.1 *rr_.&
.Ipp�,nd sk,lilb,y. � A . a exquisite flavor whioll bag
ly for smallpox: "I herewith . _ , L6 has th t
recipe which has; been used tri in-,- In bec:PmbL,r, 17!l.", Came tht- order, ma(lob CUlon fallIOUR
noWleAge in Inindredsy of 'cases. it ; for active Sa�rvloa In Martinblun, and Get the 25 cent package ; yon. gro-
ee cure the em�lllpa.-, tit'! IlalMtx Authorities Rzmt word to
houffil the Pittingg atc filling. When tha Prince, that th,�y lavoid 1) pleztEx- I Cer Pella It,
, r- ed to have 11L_� )toy,,, III&-
enner discorered tile 0owpox in I _ d ,� _ I
-in make- tll...t pokrt liis� po,l t of a I
nd tho world of scialree hurled , hness" *
si head, hat whE-.n J�j>jj. BwL the prill, 0 f,�I�7,jf!d tll_
valanche upon hL a ii ba�ia.
. L� at it I I _ .i -
�O most scientific School Of medicine WIM necossary to macil the sce�e of � __
the world -that of I'larie-pub- hosetilitles .is s(loll as po&j, The 1101180 Ito Lived Iia.
a2lic-I this recipe .%a a panacea for tha t lie would -taLo ,-IIIV' ___ ___ I 'When John Qklincy A,dams was So
1111UPDX, It P;Isswl unheaded. It is as toX me,t In, tile streets
conquers in Oil crossing I.,tkp. Champlain, ,on of Boston an old friend, who ghook
very Instance. It is harmless when tho lee, th-P two Aeds containing Ills his trembling
, -n by a well pe IM11-1 and a-lId-"Gc*d
,raon.� It will also Outfit, b. -Ing Ile,avily laden, broke morning, an,l how is.; .1ohn Quincy
are warlet fever. Here IS the recipe thrO'Ilgh tile fragile roadway into .&dams to�dayl)" "Tilank, you,- was
? I 1111,170 used It, and cured my chjl� the jva,tara b,an&,tth, And the anzire the cx�preskle'nt'8 answer, ,,.John
rell Of Maxlet fever -Fiore it is as I contents proved 4 total loss. This Quincy Adams himself is well, slim;
ave lived it to cure smallpox when Was the third of seven oompltte quite well, I tlx-i,nk you. Ell., thij
�arned Physiolo'lis said the patient '0911111ments of Prince Edward that house in which lie lives at rpreaent is
list dle, it cured. Sulphate or zinc, were either loot by the wreck of the becoming dilapidated. It is tottering,
no 9tain , foxglove (digitalle), one carryixg ship, ,or by capture by the, upon its foundation. Time and the
rain; halt a teaspoonful of sugar; French, during the time he was in seasons have nearly destroyed It Its
Ix with two teappoonfula of water. the afervice of -His M h ng, root is pretty well ,wlorn cub. Its
.L aj2sty t a K1 ,
ten thorouglily mixed add tour North America, entxiling a pecuni- =1,
1111COO of Water. Tolke a teaspoonful ary deficiency 6t at least E20,000 ,:re much ah.1tteted and It
ery hour. r..ither disease will disap- and of whIc IvIth, every wind. Tke o14
ear In twelve h h during bisy lifetime i�Z tenement is becoming almost linla-
Ourg, For a child, Wifts not able to recover a penny. b
9110 doses according to age. it on hing Burlingtou, Vt., early bA Itable, and I think John Qajn6y
untrIes would compel th . - Adams will have to move ,allit or it
air pbysl� in F1=rY. 17,04, tho following note SOO11, Bult lie himself Is quIte well.
A -DO to Use` this there Would be no waa sent the Prince by a committee air; quite well." With that the "*.
ead Of 'PeOt-110UP". If You value a& Of the oltlzoW of Burlington: Orable sixth P*041fttt of the United
.00 and experience ude this for that To Big Royal Jalghn4eksa Pkinde pd. I states moved on with the aid of We.,
�rrlble diaeaso.,, . ward- Siti-DIct4te'd V theAtIACIPle# stafft I . I � I..