HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-04-12, Page 7I I .11, . __ � . I I . . , C!- - _6 ___�___ .___,,� I I .-- _ . _"wM_.,1_____ I *-I-I!++.I.,"++++.I.++-I--T-V-I- ,I_1-.1.1..1.' , . W, ­_ __= - .-.,--.., -.--.-..----..-. ---'- "' -------.._-._,__..-_,4 . -1. t. _,,..T.0.1_�, I 11 I � , , .. . 4 ,.i--,,i-+.i-l.++,I..H.+,I�-i-i-i..;W lie needs to be regenerated by tile el"Y OOL of sorrow enter into our' hearts sts; 7 ,!,.�,�.-^_~.�s.-,�:�,,-,-�l!"11.-,�-�.-.yl-%-.w , - . VM% . grace of God. I . - tho form " -! I . I I I X SUNDAYSCHI tho grave has, ajoeied ovol i imI I . I could Drove' to a demonstration i Of tIlOR0 We love,']. ]lilt WO CU)Itlfit, ) I? 4. , , I I �_ '0110KY0 tkW doo6le Porrdw (if tho I L., , . ,� � . � i efig"ous Re'viovals I that without revivals this world will 0 I , The FA, &.1 k1r3,-LS,. I _ �,L . I I never be converted, and that In 100 tNTRRN&TL02qt�j, 1,10,41SON NO. 11. (116clPleS at fill) death Of JVSus T- I I -i -Lill) love tll('Y fx-)ro 111in ak; bro"ti,c�: !, ( I - . F; . , �� Wide -Awake, ConseCrated. Useful Christians gire " or 200 years without revivals Chris- Al"AtiL, 14, :LqOj, �, j, , J . . tianity will be practically extinct. It tVU01ler .ln,,i frltmd Ivai;,- sioldpil their 4 �, *' Never Afraid of Them. . . falth In Him at? it tIc-livorbr. 1-114 (leath i %v,�14io_ Volie'st. AuIlEi-fl,, .1 - �1 Is a Matter of astounding arlthmetic� J131tills Appot- . Follcwin- are the 0oring,qaota- . : +q_ - .?_t� I. of our laodern eenerations tvki to Mary -Johij 21). 11-18 to thelli Was the doath of fflith an�l I . I . + -- In each ...... ..... -r-,--W--r-c-&'-C-�-+-I--,-�.1-�+.I-I..� there are at least 82,000,000 clolldren. llorpa� Affection lingers around the Vow; .at Important Wl1e,1,!., Celk� W410111109t(m Report. - This dis- CQCOMM-entary - 001111lectIng, Linka. , tre?i to -day: Watts, -hose Whymns will be sung all Now add U,000,000 to the world's pop- suparbig. the aceo,unitst o.r efach NPot where the formi ofjoyod ones . . ,� , ('%Fh. .May. . illation and then have only 100,000 or OI`4119eilbl, w,e conelittle rjlWaT, ,ziary nlr�llsag , H is I (�"Ilieago� .. ... ............. I$--- $0 72 1-2, course of Dr. Talmage is most per- down the ages, was converted at Ifine lie. But tile angelh, appear with the tinent at � this time when a wide- years of age.; MELgcIalone, on ' e " 0 r spread effort Jonathan Edwards, 200,000 converted every year, and hOV(r 19ecillg Ole sr-usic rulle%I to t1lell, Wlj( S"'-" ()"' tile 'Joy Naw Yjrk ... ... . _... -- 078 . for religious awakening perlisaps the mightiest Intellect that long before the world will be saved? "I%'4T, c0tiloluded a,l; once that til.L. it I �n tiv!y Come to realize . 8o to its when we�have oomo to Milwaukee ... ...... ... 073 -_ , Is being nistade. Text, Luke v, 6: "They the American PUIPIt ever produced, Never -absolutely never! be'lly Of Jes-lifs had bilets routoved, and See tll() siij,ver 1*,ning to some of God,s ,13,t,, -T,oui _ -7 ­ -_ 070 enclosed a -great multitude of fishes, Was converted at seven years of age, We isilk a. good deal about the hurrIed back to JerlifAil.am to tell Claude, . Toledo ... s 0.74 � 07515-8, Peter alld J01171. wlsik- she wus gone - 076 0767-8 and their net brake." and that father -and Mother take ,,in good times that are Corning and 'rile appearance of the, .7daeter. We I)ctralt, ;Wli �­ * ..... I � OtlIL-17 U -11T aill Salome veliturp(l JDetrolt. Wit ... ... .. 'Simon and his comrades had experl- awful responsibility When they 'the ite ...... 076 - enced the night before what fisher- thelir tell about the world's reae�nptlon, HOW "Ito tIlQ R,�uulcllres and saw an augal d 1) 00t ,dways, tit firf;t recognize H1133 I)illutli. No, 11 - . I . I . g, White gurnitent, earIng, her ayost ollin wit Nortliern ... ... ... G 78 8-4 Q 73:1:4 child at seven years OC age, "You long before they will come? There Is Clothed in -a loilf Or HIS volcoi Marylm wws arp dull of re is Who amur Ll . 1. h wee1jing, men call "poor luck." Christ steps are too young to be a Christian," or, a man who says 600 years. He 11�lvr heart li-avy witil ,,,Orr 'in .1 on 'board the 11shine smack and tells ,,you , 11wili that Jersuo was Duluth, No. 1, . ax k, the sailors to Pull away from this P too young to COnnect Your- -some one more confident who says rL,!;Pn, Ilild bill t1wili cariy tile new.9 sibet ref-kognizea lialther the voiae nor hard ... ... ... ... . 1, a 75 �3-46, -_ t � Itj . , OW, . , Do " astleilf�d with the, featuree of the Ma,stor tit first. Minneapolis, No. I I .. I .. to Iii.j ill.4ciplos. T11V 11, . directs them again to sink mistake as long as eternity. you propose to let two generations fLNir adid groat J,)y.,, on hearing the It 1,e often thits With God's people Northern ....... ... ... -- ,Q 71 lr2. beach and self with the Church." That is EL in 50 years. What, 50 years ? the net. Sure enough, the net is full If during a revival two persons pass off the stage before the world is 17,cliort of Alary Alagdalellp, Peter oppreasod by the burdrils, eares anj Toronto Furjll� 7 of fishes was and In. So large a school . Irs, 31arket. of Azhes, and the sailors begin to haul Present themselves as candidates for converted ? Suppose by prolongation John hurried to the tomb and eurrows of life, t�jey fall to r(-oogniz'., - Barley -Steady, :L03 buslit'As IgellIng taken that -the hardy men begin to look inspucted it. I . the church, and the one is ten Years of human life at the end of the next angel, but �,',Rll`ay did "o"' UcO till,' the, Voice of Illm who barg Val!], "I will fit 46 to 47c. , . red In the face as they pull, and hardly of age and the other Is; f orty years of 50 yesirs you should walk the length of A tilt that tile Saviour sli-ver leaTe tIii,.e, nor f,ol%�%,tke tjler-,.,, Oats Were steady; 200 bushels sold have they begun age, I will have more confidence In "I'ltA not there. Mary Magdalene re- .M.ury's joy at rucognizilig Him. IN'llu at 84 1-2 to 35c. to rejoice at their Pennsylvania venue, Washington, or turno.111 to tjlf) tUlljb and r-k!mained * . . success when snap goes a thread of the the profession of religion of the one the length of aBroadway, New York. Otto meauare tho glad surprise, ill(- Buttpr--Th�� rver-lptu o, ell,ijee new - net, and snap goes another thread, so ten years of age than the one iforty f1l,'re, W4�01P:llg after Peter ,ond J011ful recognition, tile inexpreasINP JY -Made dairy pound rolls.wersi fair; years of age. In all those walks you would not find John Ilad 101t. Slip, stooped down and rapture compre.wed in her exPres- tll:�re�wfls a good I demand, and, the there Is danger not only of losing the Why? The one who one person that you recog-alse. Why? I(X,)kpfl i.nto tir.) tomb. Two fish, but of losing the net, professes at forty years of age has f or- ang-019 Stion, "Ptablion!" I., ""Aly Master," or, ty Years of Impulse In the wrong di- ber Pfl�rllape, More literally, "My great :111 f Without much care as to how much All dead or so changed you would not 'Were Atting tjb,�re and asked In,lrket was s teady at � 20 to 22c., the boat tilts Or how much water is has f�pt. This explanation ,gaifter." Words are to() weak to 6rlve bratight a cent or two mare. ; rection to correct, and the child know them. In other words, if you Why k,h(W W i ( a ew extra oduAce. small lots I splashed On deck the fishermen only ten years In tile wrong dixec- postpone the redemption of this world ags"0014 With that of Dr. Townson and v.,,pre&,;Ion to the thought. We call Eggp--Thcre were , many of - rush for 60 years you admit tha Ottli-Ir.q. ,I good about, gathering up the broken meshes tion to correct. Four times ten are t the Ma- inly imilgislo tile f, our own I (� .mt;tion of fpriod, bilt the demand was fair,.and of the net. Out Yonder'there Is a ship forty. Four times the religious ipros- Jority of the two whole generations 11. ALary-Thil,q was 'Mary Magda- hearts, had we b,xen in her place, I he Market was steady, with sales at dancing on the wave, and they hall it, Peet for the lad that comes into the shall go off the stage unblessed and IWI"11-- Oat Or w1luill tho Lord hall wist ()ft,ell a. volea Ilia? cosn-la to its. and Gur 3 5, V; and 17c, 1 "Ship ahoy! Bear down this way!" The kingdom of God and fnto the church unsaved. I tell you the church fty4D I n -d . evils. "The eplQiet --Vagda- hel I,tg leaped with joy as, we have rhigs were fair, ' I Ish- at ten years of age tban the man at Jesus Christ cannot consent to it. We Oc,elll'S alloson far tile expr6sk; purpose T110 erfrot of the revurrectinn ant] market wa,3 hteady. I ship comes, and both beats, both f of 'L'n"' w1k'"Over May' I)-! ItO 11142'".111119, recognized our 11111sisi,ter." there Nvas .1 good demand and the � � Ing smacks, are filled with the flounder- forty, must pray and toll and have the revl- Of disAinguishing h -Wer from all oth,pr appearance of je,om; up,)n tile dis- Ing treasures. I am very apt to look upon re- val spirit and we must struggle to bLarys,."---Smitli'a Dle. Itsly anti Straw -The recesipts were. "Ali," StoOd Without ell)]( -O. When ,Jesus bowed His Ilead riot large, tile tj�mand only fair, and better it says some one, "bow much vivals as connected with certain men have the whole world saved before -P-eter and John going (r. :10) com- anAl "Pave up tile glioF4" faith (lied t hc- market Was fiasiur,;25 loads of ,would have been If they who fostered them. People who in the men and women now in middle nlPnds lotttry's staying. I in their hPartst. But as they look upon ]'-IV' Selling ,-it $1.3 to $14,50, and . had stayed on shore and fished with this day do not like kevivals never- life part. 12, Two fillgels­-P,iter find J01in tile erjIPtY tomb, Uen look'in 1119 face three IQadq of stmiv at $:) to $9.50. � a book and line and taken one at theless 'have not words to o3�press " Oh," you say, "it is too vast an did not Dr..k- t1ba angels. The angels' stild lif-ar III:? voice, raitti and I)(.)Pe Drr�-s-.,d Hogs -Th -re wire notvery a time, instead of having this great their admiration for the revivalists enterprise to be conducted in so short Pr('.9'-1lWwA skowed tho ill.vine hand alld revive, an I courage IF) 1-p tnv Of e rd 111p excitement and the boat almost upset Of the Past, for they were revivalists a time." .newed. "Jesus nn , f r ; , . demand was keen, Do you know how long I t care, Tilk�y were inil.nisot oring spirltr aml tho rpeurrection" bec,jmo�. their and the inarkat was higher with . q; 'lad the net broken, and having to call -Jonathan Edwards, John Wesley. would take to mve the whole wi3rld if to comfort tha,,4li ,vvilo w,i-r,e in such theme. Throiso faith in Him t.1 - 1 s " . I grW,aiq�r.tWrroNv I ev s, Iii. � t $8 to, $&40. . for help and getting sopping wet with George Whitfield, Fletcher, GrIffin, each man would bring another? it and issind, ,Ind t1I(WY gav(' accomplish wond(-rs -, this hope he in- Toronto Lit,it Stock Market,3. 6XIA-Iliathm of what had been done, sq)irag in their hearts gh-c's them the sea." Davies, Osborne, Knapp, Nettleton, Would take ten Years, By a calcula- no ant,. fils:� bfAng ablo. courage, U) "endure hardne9i .19 g06d K'Xpart cattle, cho;w. parewt. ?I 0 to $ 5 00 I,;,"I't cattle. light, per cwt... 4 2.5 to A W The church Is the boat, the gospel Moody and .many others whose namest tion in compound Interest, each man I.3. Why woepest tbou-Are '.you A)IdIer,; of JeBug (1hrist," The W,oeat V.,wort �nw-i ..... ............. 3 25 to 373 Is the net, society Is the sea, and a come to my Mind. The strength of bringing another and that one another quite sure, th-Li tilL9 enip ty tomb does np.cd of tile church to -day le tit(, tuteber, cui,tl,� pwked ........ 4 qu to 4 �$ great revival Is a whole school brought their Intellect and the holiness or and that one another, in ten years the not all,ow that you onght to be re- faith, the ljopt-, tllp eourage inglilrod 311t1he- l.attle. chnice... ...... 375 to 400 in at one sweep of the net. I have ad- their lives make me think they Whole earth would be saved -1911. Be- JaIC1110-1t.yl.-�. Takon .awaY MY b.v the revelation of the living CIIHA 1311"110171C V"Ltlt� 1,100d .......... 3 25 to 375. , I nilration for that man who goes out would not have had anything to do fore the organs in our churches are L,0rfI-"Wb:IW)- the othor women, were in tile mid.9t. I I do nied;uui, 3nixed .......... 2 50 to 315. 1 1311telleP,- P011111101i, rwr Cwt .... 2 90 to 2 50 ' With a hook and line to fish. I admire with that which was ephemeral. 011, worn out they ought to sound the ttlrrltlf�d, Mary seems to have had ___ __ � 11 -ills. exliort. luuvy, per awt.. 4 (it) to j so I the way be unwinds the reel and ad- It Is easy to talk against revivals! grand march of tile whole earth saved. 110 ft%lir, so wholly was she taken up' I litill'. eXPOIL. light. Per cwt.... 3,-)o to ,j ofs, - . teder-, �horw,cep ............ 3 75 to 42$ *t wiTth her great desire or i 9 I floillodfullil .......... . Justs th6 bait and drops the hook in a A man said to Mr. Dawson: "I If the 'world is not saved In tile ne\ finln' her I THE ONTARIO HOSPITALS. i b Lord. - I 0it ... I ... 3 50 to 3-75 quiet place on a still afternoon, and like your sermons very muoh, but tell years, it will be the fault of the - , 41011;Z' .­ ................. 323 to 3 50 � . ..to. - , ., 14. Turned horsOr back-StIll weep- NeatllY Thilty I'llotwand Patlelit" I 4', r�. 51jl) to �,'fj lbst ........ .. 2 75 to 335 . here catches one and there one, but I the after meetings I despise. When church of Christ. But It will all de- Jag sll�- turned .L'way from the -III)- Were Tre"Ced Last 'I'var. . oft-colon,tand he-Ifeni ......... �, (Wo to 2 ao I I like also a big boat and a. large crew the prayer meeting begins I always Pend upon the revival spirit. The Feeding bulli .... 2 10 to 3 50 � I and a net a mile long and swift oars go UP into the gallery and look down hook and line fishing will not do it. 9 --Is. ".,he turix�d to go agaltu With H(fn. Air. Stralt,t�rt hae. i�.4,.v!l tilt ' La -, 1:1 t�lovk bull, pw� �IW17.77.::: 1 75 to 225, . got , 11-44-11 cows, cat:11 ... ...... .... :0 w -Co 46 Vi and stout sails and a stiff breeze and and I am dis sted. "Well," said thn othl-ir womell to Jerusalem, who Lhirti-firtit tormuttl relit!rt, (311 jlu�llit- : j",:".,,� a great multitude of souls brought -so In some of the attributes of the hall alrNidy departed-, but slit- had � Pur head ................ .) ilo to 10 flf� ' Mr. Dawson, "the reason is YOU 90 Lord we seem to share oil a. small not .1;j Yet gople so, .t.W, llou'�;(-ts it� Iwfuge, orp-'aaa fit;.%- I ,iil;�.,,,).'e%i.1ort ewe.,, per ewt... 3 It,,) to j 60 � great a multitude that you have to on the top of your neighbor's house scale. For Instance, in His love and of ill(, gardom" Ta,r as to be out I lumit. Iloniv.; for In.-urabb ,j, j�,,,;.I�,41_ . I do. bucks ...................... j � I) to 300 1 get help to draw it ashore, str.,!nlilg and look down his Chimney to exam- � P t t, I Shol-li, bay.-liern'. eatih .......... 25is to 4 oo In His kindness. Put' until of late 13. Jusul, nalth, unto litir-This wils (`P�'(.11t 1_lk�lll"s ""(I """".1'.11"" ""t,"ll"s Ii Lill),' b,.9 rat n -I ad. per cwt ...... 4 50 to 5 1-1 1; the net to tile utmoPt until It breaks Ine his fire, and of course you get for ilio yva?- t-11 ilirg, W.,g 11 .;t.T I foreknowledge, ornnIscig-nee, omnipre- ITS firt�t appoarairoe.. Ill' nftsirward . � ptk-Ij) jt,l*. IN barnyard. Pell cWt, ......... 3 75 to 460 here and there, letting a few escape, but only smoke In your eyes. Why don't Once ave I UU0. I . Who Spri . rig, va,-Ii ............. bringing the great multitude Into eter- You come in the door and , omnipotence, seem to h app(�irotl on tir:s s,jmv day to tile � 4 M tG 0 OOr nal safety. sit down Is "I'lle hoi-,pit"tis .11 Ow 11r.s% int -F illilli- I I1o4W,.t1tif)4-e. Per awt .......... 6 5W,ii to oog . n been exclusively God's possession. olli�,r women returning from tilt, tr,- t,it it- I liogs fat, per ewt . ....... ..... 601) to 001) words, I believe a d 'warm?" b(Ir lit, E w vc-st .0 n it I (� j, a ii: I 11 110g,-*11ght, per CWL' a fill to 0 QD In other In revivals. Oh, I am afraid to say anything God, destring to make till, race like Sl,pffltllr(� UKI,tt. XXViii. 0. 10), to Pet- - at( -I lit twar.1'11 t .vi%%, to%va .tlj;I eit,,. � .�.,%%,:P,-rcWt .... � . . .'.'.'. , " *,".'. " * *. * Ito to f) 00 The great work of saving men began himself, gave us a Speelt,s of the fore- Pr (LuL-, xxiv. 34) to two ('.lsA.pl-Ws go- 'I'll(,% invrvius.�i intits.1ior %,r lititi. in, , ;tew'.1 ................ ............ - knowledge in the Ivt,atber probabill- I luring tho lnt:-it .�W-.tr j-,� al, jlld;c!ati,i!., : Mallit0b.s. Wheat 3larkets. , Joining the churchAn against anything that looks; like Itnil to) toll atinstles. Jo,hn ,xx. 19-2-1. oA Llw et-filidt .,let- %% hit'll Lill- 1111hiii- ; Tlr�ro L-; .still lit> eluing,� Ili tile situ - with 3,000 peoph against revivals of religion or Ing to k*,innifitis (Luknt xxlv. .13-3 1). � 2 (KJ to 0 0-3 one da.y, and It will close with forty or them, because I think It �say be ties, gives us 9, speodes of ctinnisclence ,",,ilv IA�(,(�Pps, tholl-she had NIUSPI . I. . Ilas,em ill tht-11, f!fit-1I-,.v.V. Citikel!*,rallIt. .10 .1" 1,gard-; Afallit!'li'a, Ivheat. Is. bundred million people saved In twen- a. sin against the ljoly Gil In telegraphy, gives us a species of I . tt,.1 , ­ . ty-four hours when nations shall be ost, and surricitInt to rejoice instpad of tit Impro% enn lit !,.t:, v ,qj jjljl�lo tilil-Ing - p,j..,l-!.,.,: a ri, ii: � *nt Vs. - -jijnj�i -.I-: a Week + � I _. -1 - N4)- I Lar,I tSic. ',is. L' Ilard 70c, . are objeotionr*i gainst the Holy Ghost skall species of omnipotence in the to comfort lror ln her kreat grief. ll.s�llllg .1111 ;Ptwltur.� conA.l. hill- 11 8 ' "No 3 har(I (;�, t -le, No. 3 nortlwrn bom In a day. But there you know the Bible says that 0. sin onm1prest-nee in the telephone, gIves Ivot,p. Wliom senkeHt thou --lie seeks tho ;iear .it,,, it& thwr r4fit0w, fiiv-1 -, to revivals. People are Opposed to - neverl us a I ,I'll .1 !�i 141 tiv tilt - them because the net might get brok- be forgiven, neither In this world I Aeara power. Discoveries and Inven- Th- gardpimr-A,nd therc-forp .I sor- 1),la:i� ital't. is; ,;�I, v2" I Wl'-: tou_-�'IL �N41. :,I hard 630, tough No. nor the ,world to come. Now, if yon tions all around about us, people are vftnt of Wlost%pli of .1trInvittivn. -who I , � f , . en'. and if by the pressure of souls it eliarit1ji-t rreer0n, (.cvrrIlmoll' all, 3 norti, --n :jl.i,.. all In sWro at I ort then they take a . would bo frIendi.r. No other person I ;tt Nlult 1-te. !�Iuvi­ lilt I I-arr,y .1:oTl,l11;!-. P! AVIIII1111. .,j),)t 4l:1 on routo. Thn mar., does not get broken, re a Painter and I speak against I asking ,what next? .owrrpkl the tomb. and Who, of course. . : their own penknives and slit the net. , a '17jith numbi-sir t4 lmlwnt.-� retc,.ait . � lZIA (-!om;.f�ll dull .1,111 ina rtirti at (18 1-210 r Your WpIctures, do I not Speak against 11 I will tell you what next. Next, wvu14 Ila llkoly to be, thorn at tzo . - "They enclosed a great multitude of You' It you are an architect, and I stupendous religious movement. lNext, in Lill, Iiiii-itille lif ,p'A.I,t4 -In V;v Im , ft).- N �. .1, Irs,rd .it * Fort William. In I th, t,;:F1,-rji SN't-Lk'IS of thl prairie - you put up, tile end of war. 'Next, the Wash Will betc,p-Thliuking th-at Perhaps jvjWr ,,r 1,ati,fit, witylilit , (1111,1119Z till, I r.-gil)". I'll t4N-11111rX bill N,rtij (Irtne ,yet, speak against a building earl*r an hour.-Pploubut. Have borill' Qviober. I'llits, %l,.,j_, Ij- Ashes, and the net brake," of ' , ,;%% Till 11,sul. 4 It Is sometimes opposed to revivals do I nOt speak against you? It a re- despotism. 'Next, the world's t,xpurga- j,sj.jsh had Worderell Ills: body taken to Ivar w.is, *_7jA,)1, an I till- tot;1l v"Ill. I OT TellgIOU that those who come into tile vival be the work of the Holy Ghost, ' tion. Next, the Christliko dominion. somo Other plaen. I Irill take Him ltqll tile- wentiv,r. %shiell lits,14 been. h -r tit lin t ir z: i ,, tilt. tvi, il-.11till "it dill-! %ery fi,,,�., I,s ,juLt­ 1111111 to -day; and . church at such tirnes do not hold out. and X aPeak %gaimst that rev,val, do XeXt. the Judgment. What beconsies of I airi*­Sho Would gee that It Was I ,six tilt-,% f-ar wa-, '_11.7 W. 'I ho nmnf� ., I .j, 1, - I not . ,4!11 itt �­Pqliljg 11111 votiita­nek,� next I As long -as there Is a gale of blessing %peak against the Holy Ghost? the world after that I care not. It will I dolex. -Khe Ir-liuld be respunAlble for III dva ',Iiv illivill-I I lit- ,% var wa-4 1. I' 1. " ' 14 m� .. *IV I Ill 1`0111" 11WAr'.8 .It I(,. -.St Wof Mani. . they have their -sails up. But as And Who sPeaketh against the Holy have sufferad and achieved enough for Tl;iz rpmoval to a proper plave. -ill I .Illo n1aulit'.i.,I)f da"."'r .-ta.% ,fit Ila-, t4#10-1. �, Ghost, says tile Bibl�e, he shall never alto World. Lay It up In the dockyards . , �A soon as strong winds stop blowing then �0. Mary-Jestin stirrewl t -he affet- tl,,Ilt�, 11, till. h,,`,.it.tt was 7..934'O. J'� they drop Into a dead calm. But what' be forgiven. neither In this world nor of eternity, like an old man-of�war Ti011 Of thO WOOP11119 Woman tit HIS ,lilt- rvi,rilu-, ti -tow all Io.tirmw, other i Wool. .I. are the'facts In tile ease" In all out* In the 'world to conx. I think solne- gone out of service, or fit it up *.Ike a t aA- ' k W, utt(VIng her ow -n naill(W Ill tll.,tl the (.o%(.rlllIl.-tIl g.r.olt. wu­ . Tit ,r,- are riWp-i­1,-; 4i! st)jjj�,, in1prove. 1. -it thr-I'lell her to till, hmirt N 1 I 18,:1iV 1. I 7 ; u4 :WjI "hil rl-'alk , injorlty of tile use. times People have made a fatal miz. constellation to carry bread of rellL, 'fit in tilt. V%it. I St.-ltt-t4 warhots, " I churches the vast n �, I bincs 11v , 1, ,,III I lit' j t3ke In this direction. , alil ereati-d t�le liew, stiliffille voyi-i for I 11 o P-1 9" .i. .% I , %, 44 .. ;41 1 I*) I ,00. W. .1 fill people are those who axe brought to same other sufferisiZ planet, or let ' - r ; l"Ilt 'h - 101-411 tr-ld" 1-4 WIT')) it] tho ab. I In under great awakenings, .find they NOW I come to tb,,� real genuine It be demolished Farewell, dear old I Iietlon thal Uri, lind rimm .is IT, ),:it'. r%)wjp.*i rt#r tilt. maltAh-uni.e., id I 1-11(" Or any cNpIr" dvill.,kyl-I. .Price" * " . . . - s:1441. Itiallbo.111-Aly Alastf.r. "A will -h i 411--ii,t-ik ditrin,.: Ili- � ..it- ,,.',7i,.- I art, ni-Irmared. :1 I I I hold out. Who are tile prominent men cause, Of obje(�tlorj�A ti) revivals, That world, that began with paradise and I w4-rld of onitAlon .Ind dp%otjujj In,.- � l -`,,I. -X *. .t%4 rl'-;:�, I',I­ l,1-;' 91:1.,. 14 -r Int I VI, ;r, -Th-r-- !� -,.it. (�Jjjjjx.- in the - I. In tile United States churches, In p.ay-. is the coldnes,j of tile Objector. It ii, ended with Judgment conflawrathin, I wt -rd." AR Mary uttored tho won; If Wan k-3 1-2v. Tnv Ili rvot,tagf- i,f f tavark I V-14 prr-e.; ar � tionnin-ally Un. � N 4'� I I' lit I , ivt*:,­A for llnrl er meetings, In Sabb,ith schools? For the secret and hidden but unmlstak. Last summer I stood oil the Is,le of j lx,7Xt havo vildo-ivored to fall IVW-: ' J0rw,Ijit-*,0 gmitt tio t4-tal viiii'mMu..k. , -`4)t -11 l3e to 14o i . the most part they are the product of able cause In every case, a, low state Wight, and I had pointed out to ine tilt' -it tho Nit of litir Lord. emoriist".11.1 41slul S�- to lh- ffir nnwas�a,.I. great awakenings. of religion hs. the lie&rt. Wide awake, Place Where the Eurydice sank Iv ' -� fill., Iii-tattr-nam-t, iva­ 2,1 1wr eeli�. i i I'll 2fle tw.m.-N-11.11f. 1 1 1 have noticed that those who are consecrated. Useful VII64tians are nev� Or 200 Young Mien who were In training i I 0. 114111,*r­ tit Reflige fl.l. (Aq I,p . ti'.'.�!`,l Wo,& --Th - livirl­t Ii.q W11111. � 1 17. Touch ine nut­*rlilig 11vt tip � I'll. 0! lu:lall-4' It Ia.,,, .411.1 Ala-Ii.id, ;;! P! -i-- art, -4t ,:Wv nt It, t,* l7v for , I brought Into the kingdom of (,oll er afraid a-' re%lvals. It is tile spir- for the British navy. You renvimber i lae."-'Clarke. The trart-lati_v � .ji.; 111M.: I 1wre nri- 10 � ti, 'tt,17 1,1., I -,,Wt,-r., anl I" 1�j, *A)� flir extras. ' � .. I— I , 4 through revivals have more pfirsist- !tually dead who artit afraid of hssI,.,ngj when that training ship Went down � I umelt ust, ntit" -1ves, a hil.st, iniprt-W�- �,nem iv.,v'rrt za� j4gtz.­,,W.ttj, proli,11.1-t ]'he �iivr,l- Trade , - � enc4 and soinre date,rmInm0on in the their sepulcher Mn!t.,-,*ed. Tiste 4-111-'r I there was a tllrlll of horror zl iry,%ert t.:..n ; the vorb, "d1ji.... Ill't lut.;tit Ili I . . .I'll 41 .-40 ­_'. a .'I � a .4%.- ty 0 x1lul0i- * .. IN 1. VI..WI­11'_ I't t'.'.14'.11 wh ,W� s rocv�v- -oinf, Lgents of thc, fl,.�,jj .,,urIng a 9rc-nt I the world. Since then there %vi's .In'- 5 - t .1101", Aillt to II, till f .,I t q Vitt, " Orf. It -1, th"W ltt,�,401*!'Aa.�.. it ,.,..I ; , Chrlstlau life than those who , I " I . ­. .- �� IA tl,�,, � .4,�s itil tale ; ;,!!I .4lio-Zlif" ,­Irl� Veli- , � I �. In under a low sta�f.%, of religion. Peo- awakening are 4W!iv.,jys unconverted other training ship missing, the At- ,": 119 Uh" 1 ant It- t �NIA -;s6-110- � ly 1_1.:�..*. 'IF v� Z. � lh.m nid f -I- �, .r, . � pit' born in an 1"�hrtilse may live, but i-rofessors Wrif r#,:`,,,Atin. As soon a*A lanta, gone down With all on qu.1ni. ! r­'-'.N1ar3- aplwar4i; t., liatt- 11A I hitill � % n-�N I,# lttrA�,AZf - .14,0 If;--j..1,k q llp � ww.ln.: Imir'. " ;�- i,i.pr",.ja- conse. I . . * . I " - - . � "I � it ., tile fvvt, all I wiw.'�,killjwtl hi'l.. J­�.�nt� jU.jjj!-jj.j:j 11 112, ;, sit t - ."lo .1 , li'�t; --'y ,Itl'WO�f ': . .Nwtac: il,lu. '.%Ivsnsre. I moy begin to By order or her rnajesty,s goverTi.t.et * they ,VIN never get over th,,� cold Chrlsft's work -bvi­_.ii.; . . r� I , I" I :-1!A411`,',l 4k 1-t-aiA. ,,' Lt;vrpool, � they, eaughtin theleehouve. Acan- gossip againa j �-�us sax", in f-firl't. 1.,;h -n I 1. t I lig, .. r I .1 to l!", L't .�', Ul'- In ­lijw,tll�� 1�1 - , I It, -I'lif) talill* ft Pall Of vessels went cruishig lip and down tttt. � I '; W I-,. � ;�� AV, (i .:E.i �It. %1­qI, r. ten ball depends upon the Impulse Water and try to Put out this SPark of Atlantic trying to find that lost tr,,in- i. t-1-10 With me Ir.ow. I .11:1 it to g1l.liz.. � j,W-:,�j,,j;j t'i.q.. twim �. lilt . . . - vremnits q,�f with which it starts for how far it rellgious. 111fluellee, and �bcy try U) pu-. Ing Ship In which there Were so many I Immediately to heavvil, ..I. 'wid I 1%%.I�\ . 4-,iulll�6 f* I W .,'..'d h. -Ire. th:., ��::I(-"4 1.1' - ,heavy I several " .S!,P_ - , .1 !I,*,. - wers. 131lik. at fi%oll Clo to k . , t I shall go, -and how swiftIr, and the ,)lit another spark. Do they succeed,.* young men preparing for the British I ?iu"e off I - - ___ - __ I !:. - �:,.!;, .Z-�;4 j�­ ,I',, tLt, .:'­',!�; 4tigo . . opAortinti0i " W � I ilit" me, agaill .. hot go .11.3 tell I'l.16, t, ."('(At lalld'� Phys-'e'll ll�IA flieflons. , , , greater the revival force with whilch As well when (lilcago, was on fire navy. Alas, for the lost AtiantaJ oft. Yather and Uott, %vivi is :imir Vatltvr' .. *;)..1,4 110)"41-i were I . I (hat V:,.%l:.­..!, aa -i .1 4 I & Soul Is started the more far-rea,:h- might ,some one havp gont,� Iout will, a my friends, this World Is only a train- all I God also; therefore, let tlik-tn' l"wil % I, -i :.� 4. 1'n, 'wi�'.'­!,t ro,tintak. r, � NIV-1110 -L wel a g W,,! trault, wa!q ex. , I Ing and far -resounding will be thu exe- garden water pot trying to extinguish I Ing ship. On It we are training for I 0 S�-sAl-l'.1,L � nl,f� I.Ii. lfario ,F*, Ia t1i, ., lvwtq.;� . , , :,! eution. it. The dificulty is that When a re- tvko, courage." (,,.� to my Itretfirt-ii . ill Qlr,� vI;W.,:i,�.;. �:; � I heaven. The old sill - :.,:, 1-1.1�1� It r,.,,(s I, if lifight Lt,� �� I But it Is sometimes obJected to re- vival begins IW a chureb It begins at down the Oce P sails -ill) "Ll", �' -- I-Irst servant.4, thvn ilim-1ploti, tiliev � ";�� � - 11._��`%A,IC',% 4 trutwit , 'St." VV,jW;,.1**- Whval Supply. .1 vIV9lsl that thOrais .so Muell - at while you have - , ' Y11: ' �, excite sa many P(,,Int.q th, aftur tit(- re�,arret-th.u.1 ­ :1, J an of Immensity, now I fil-nds -, now, . V!q; f, i ­ V,;Lle ' ' through the dark waves of inItInight. I , :1,��j !", - �1. r ­!L thu, Ugh! �, TI14 11-litaili,, - V1 I 11*1 '- �-1-4'*- .X 1VW-ji,-,t,t Iiie. I Illent that People Mistake hY.qt,%r*.,.,,. for doused one anxious ,until irctilirt il.�-J., F. & it. q,iji., iljI#jiv,.,, , IV, , We admit that in ever. hrough the olden. ere I i'tli, 1, W% 0 ", Ir. .1, $1,41 ,-v-.! rli;10 , ll 1. f"11% , 41-tw, , : .14 I', : -,,_ kw ;.,� 12;-&�%j in �d religion. IV""" a 'Val' O! 14')W t 11 it"( -'If eternal inherit.invii- I . . '1 _t , I I . - , ,. y re- cold water thert, are ,',110 r-ther &nxions I 1­,� t. L.�P!�,,­ In :1-170. :,.sit till ", .Likut.". a- 1% � t r ;­ �!:,.V, 1,,;j! Dc� RL't "mil. I (tecond Illit'-) 111,� I.*nt1lf-.­­' � . * .. . - . vival of religion tljoru% Is Other a ,,ill'- Souls oil fire. Oh. how nittv.1i better 3t lin cuothing * 3.10; f�,vl. i .;­*�.40' M'.�.. 4 - ", :,-: .,.I mvRelf with nly I ternal, I I � - ,i:_00'I%3 1�a.qllvls, i pressed or a. demonstrated excitment. would be to lay lWol"I or the ellaxiot af - 4 ..,,,I,. U�!-,t,ovi tilt- 1;ru�..st .-vtvt0-,h .�t(*:111� I., it '. � . I ._�,_�1�1000t) .1 Indeed. if a man can go out of a state Christ's gospel alirl ji'elp pull it on (Wrin.; I linve, lal.1 djo%.11 ill,%; jl�'t- titilt i Nk-.. :.i thf, 1,11 -g -W.11 I.tl;,, m , -.�tl . ,,� . .;; Great .. W;ui Iwarly ni, � �,,�- it ga�n (Pf ,1,700,. InIgIlb tako it .]gain and 11-0! A j 1'1'�;f�jj�� ijj­jj.��.'jj I.jPj'.,ij.- * ItIg1j, Ill ' '11iW ' of Condemnation into a State of accept- rather than to - .�j . Ill - ?41' ZAT'l 02-� larg. - L, fling ourgt-lves In front will be: ­VM,ere is that earth wi,ere tho 111glu-st, l,IVk,s-evllIfW." kFf 11' 'It I .�..� ". - 1.1 - ,..ae -is, . - ance with God or see oth.r3 go without or tile wheeis tr�rjsig. to block their Christ (lied anIj the I ..thren.-Pul. C(.IIII. ,�%jy y4jtjp�r..'-V� Ir.-Lorl. �N t, - hlrgt%si la ilif- I'll . Is- li,-trl I-, L'�, I '.W.Z r(-,jzj(�',,4,:j wag any agitation of soul lie !.I, in an un- � human ra,e,e liva-4 �tf,A 1.0'.'WI(lill. f-ortrilsatf , ..!�, tt'.. - . , , � ml.aa .,t(_,WkE,;, progress. *%V,- will. n -)t I -,top the eharkot, e ancipated? gend .... i � , healthy, morl)j;.1 Ili , Out fleets of ang-ells ,�ar Father ....... �Njy (;(,,,,, anq your Lva'S. the hxrgc�t i�'Loit.; its ,,:vot %*.,�*�t.!, ft.;' ,.rr'_%-i�l_;�wlo in.s;j�'i.s. The state and Is as repul- but we Ourselvcs will be ground to tO find the Missing craft (i id -r- ather fit (*Ilri.Qt It ,I I sive anti almura as a man W110 should I powder. . * ." Let them .I' II'l L ur(' I I sig uatvv�-�', is 1.4re,t r ilt.o., va,l" i�:- � ti'za. Wor:,Vs _,o ­k, aS rep­,­;ocd Iq boast he saw a elilld snatelsed out I .ail up and ant of men by gravv.­Weseott. His f .1.1 I -, I It'. Is down, cruise up and down , 3 I. 'i ­,Wt ('X"'llailin; 'it, of .AhIll- if..,I ,T.17.;pL ;j?;A! val"'l, t�% j-.ra'l-41r0Vt*.§, But I think, afte-, till, 1,h6 greatest ;Cf I olXIY In Q0111leetion, with Us: our . - from 'under a horse's hoee and felt no obstacle to rtvivials throughout Chris- the O"alt of eternity, and they will 4"Od only In conlics-tivis. With him.,. � it� I,,'l1;1_-i.,`i ir. lri-4ft ivati-rs. �� %li'l.. 17:;,-i7v?�0Wl It ltl'­­Iv�h, -n April catch not One 911111Pse Of her mountain * ' ' Tn�� T.i:. wl..i-h qlr:.�iu�. ., iar*-I- *�-',, a, ' "*'is - "'he =18t,h,a,t eN.rtIj"WjI,r, (Wr 11111 be- "�- Christ�11,1 aty , I the . 'man ra % v,_ .1 . I agitation or _-RIV a man re-Ilcued froin tendom Is an unconverted Int"Istry- maists or her topgailants of 113. Mary 1t-,)Ijj tile jji.,,iqplp��­, All ' Rrt­ gvn to,, 17-,�A�,4;(stl,,j iijl�jj,ij.j On a,st m4or- . . . th_lt au:i t4lwr rI1.t-r in !�vo',-' Yar(.A, 1,1 : 17�,,#,�.`W.Gtll) ioq,I-0.q on . � . - . � . the fourth story of a house on fire and -�Vc must believe that the v floating arostle to the siposillpte-" '.Varywas!' ', li.,% .:[,-� uiti,-_ 1WT.41vill" i.� T -.,i . 1# 'i' 4' , ` '11- z�-�­. :tn 1 1:14.703,- 1 � - � 4 I - I , � I ; , , I I Ajlr�4 felt no acceleration t4 the pulses. 1tY of those who ofticiate a ClOud- Gone down! The training r,bip tilt- first to Iipo Josim an.1 tl:,'� first I Ij,y mau.y grvat htk�s. varrlvs to I lit; , I 0') I llpl"4,9.8 W. .1 t sacred a]- of a world perished In the last tornado. U, prot,.jahn His resurrection. Thl I lt4lt. Jwe�. FurA> I � � , . s. a a groa ter I illulne I kf wa ter a I I"'-Hll NtGl-k-� 1-1 --, It ,'� , q ! &; �'-tl I y '-,-,c'r - tal hell into life and Peace end heaven there may float Into the ministry of �o t­�):-an,,t tAlwr r'%t�r 1.-., the thr.�e hing-7, hv;-!_­q­,;1, .4illI., 1%�, . qalvatlon from sin and death and tars are regent'rated, but I suppose Oh, let It not be that she goes down ,,j,j,0IAl messa- was clearlygivon h- 1, 0 forever Is such a tremendous thing all with all on board, but rather May It be t1w Woman who hWeId 1111; fevt. 1�-t. I.Q'(Y. Ani-iri. 1 &�,i as. not em-lfi4l'ng th., Thanics, lh,-, v:. it ,1-to��;L-; al., ,',,sNj1lSi41;) J111811018 the denominations of Christians said of her Passengers, as it Was said Tile, reflarrficilon revived tilt! P.4,1 "t ­ that If a mail tells me that he can men whose hearts have nqver been at the drenche d .Km ,,:?I, or tl,­ . hfinil"ll. � .smaller lha-t .1 yjWjjr ,,.,-q ' look on It Without tiny ,figitat tion I d Passengers of the ljoly,a of th(; r )i but 2%. � changed by grace. Thoy are fill an- disciples. Till, C%itit:ire Is tl.*,- lurgest 11rRieh pv�n- , o0(l,f;0rj 1� r L,ln April. IM, � doubt Istio ('bristlanity. The far -t " Alexandrian corn ship that crashed erxeltement, t I . I . 1.1 -,�,, ,, !; tagonistic to revivals, lip joy, thif __ ­ml;.41, I4trl!V*Wi.N N(W v,:3;TI. I that Sometimes excitement '-low did they Into the breakers of Ittenta, "They all tionff that thrilled tile hoarts'­W'.1 j Hrails:rvej,I, .)II 1.'rad,-. 1% th" get into the mInIstry7 Perhaps some escaped safe to latill!" t. I "'Orkiw7 aa�l Butt-, .-�­n4 %Ali Anx- i . I � most Important possible thing. 111 of them chose It as a respectable pro- - .11rist's f0II0wxn,s on flip. re,wirrrv- If,s:-,v, havo tit(, tji.,tjz',:-Zi,tn 'of being, I'lls""'s-q -11 Ut 4W1 1-1 -.1 I Isa s U-pn only . i "Le till I - �rownlng fession. Perhaps sonie chose it as a - t"'ll day, WhIch John V4,(11011 tilt thf- oill,v British 'vouii,ies thtt. ury f, 4 tV,.-I:;;- ( _�witry r vini Lta neon or freezing the one idea Is to exche means of livelfliouil. Perhaps some o�4 A New Grain Parasite. T,�,rd'& dav, .in(] wh1oh tli4w ChriAfl-in purl-ly insular. j a4', lij�"' '111 11, (1Xp�.A'tWi!d 'IL tilig Sea. ardinat,on. Before conversion we them were sincere, but were mistaken. tlevator mpn vl.lirch has sinc:,� that flme mvort.,11.% I I"v"'rill"ns, 1,* -,:,.q �VIM ��ljjjivrjandaro! "olt, jtrf, a. 1-tt,t. sj�y,vj Ill . som,, CaWiesj. are dead. It is the business in the northeastern ,,I�3,�rved as the Christian �Z.ilsbatit- '. ,,III- villy Br"Lb,it er Willi t lo,,.� that jmi:o; Til T- i,4 it;), rva:,,,y-,j for ttomplaint . d1wil .,:t w:tAt­f 1),% tilt- twr- I `hl'al tile .�m,aat uf trad-� being - been many Years preaching the gos- over a. diAcov-'ry ssu�l d'! by 1-1- It- Swift, rtirth 111cp new men, evi-r ren,ly to la� I man OvoNaji, aud a IN is'. voust wash- � '1'tm�� In ubcdg,�7n!i� ctrelcI; at Tor. church to revive, arouse, awaken, re d V h, Of tile As Thomas Chalmers said, lie ha,d P00tiOn Of South Dakota are Warmod 1q..rin that a. t ,, 110s IVI'llt 11 .111 nast. en't, I suscitate, startle Into life. Excite- pel before his heart had been changed, who operatc,s a grain clevator at 11-11 thCIr llvekr for the truth thi_y I vd, lo,y Alle Athilgiv. 0 � -Wity, Th, -re is .,j ,,_js,,!qt* . � ,.:,� .1pliat- ment IS -bail or good according 'to and aig tnany ministers of the gospel Hellry. While shipping grain lip dis- I (jkr-­aoIlW1. __ j (111' oil t1le 1*0_11.1t, (if 111,111V rc,t, . il I I what It Makes us do. If It makes declare they were preaching and had covered In the middle Of a liti-a ban i I, I a er$, us do that whie-h is bad, ", ThOughtO.-Christ is nevt,r f,-, r .aiv:ty '� 7ho P.L.'t-lia! Wi anille. � sttlli�911*vr, 1.0 g4t tllf--� '41"oh-r-) in the, 11 I V4 it It As ])ad been ordained to sacred orders years Of wheat What he first supposed were when our hesirts are barili�not to sele 1, ' Ili, of jiibb -rs 1.1 orjer tit got thf excitement, bill it It Makes us a-1- and years before their hearts were. re- -, . 11 W1101109 Pf MI),lded vr1lilat, but I I.Tim. I lia evvq catfif,ilic Hoirt-1, � . tated about our eternal welfare; if generated, Gracious God, what a sol- 11%il.3, upon clo.ser inspection proved U;lr.)r Was Inok-111- ill till, ' -1-11 <�%"' 1 "l"' W,'Illt(�d R'ld -it 4%,nerOnt 'priez-a. I wrong" plfjc,-� ro) .., j tho wcirli .1 ­j,io-,Alz,i," or "Ui�t-r I _�, 1-d! ;,.t W-1111, -s4- hil., iv�(�n stIMU. az Itlipr will tlj�,. ­ i �,_ I Llt,l by I * I It Makes us P -7,%V; If it makes us at- emn thought for those of iss who rein- to be a in S3 Of small Parasites, very ,,�,, * Christ; tenib,sconld mn lli�." in:1,14, (), "jm-I,A wit X. 1�, I! * Id N 1'. I . tend upon Christian service; If It I ister at the altar! , , ,,old 111111 net v 1v � 11' A -;All ir. T!ir, fe�cn�ng for riserey With the present much vhvc. Under a powo-rful MjCrf3_ , 1, it , t, I scope they wero. seen to have e nbl'. , 0:- 61'a" '�%�%e�'­!;Ing SO. -k. makes its vty unto God 11 , N to hold i on H:Ay ',�kit rdzt�%,, �Ilv flay 1%�f(�;.(. � .r.", .j.1-.4 ti-� , I . - ,I ministry In tile present tomperature of ,Ight HIS &q,lll-,R. How ofton ,.,�Zl�i0r. 1�y it �'­t.(--Wii whtv fi!��.-; ,-L.1, ,o,.L N -,-L, N�v.",V, a. 1-jr`­ ;'l*�!'X1ven1.*nt 1. kl � I i-, WOPI) When theril iff 1111 (Wj­j.Sl<)n _ I then it is good excitement. plety, this land will npvor be envel. Ic'98, 0-1011 l,h'x INVVITI,- two tooMrs. .1 " - " q, , - I i", 0�1., f, five "n -a n'.4 �,f 1�,xk,c,:� , 1,1 , (.� � r J-,tAt N-�,ar. lr'i. . . , ' f��r 'WWr-r.pin!�-, it I , , wli 4,­,..li!.� fj-,nas . . It Is Sollnetinles said that dvrin,,� oped witt, revivals. ,Vv,hlle the pev,�; Although 'Mr. SwLrt is .111 eXI)"nriencod� Unry had krio,orn -, iv � in ,-tl"wy fir th'. fl,', ,,un .:. ,.r .if,,,,N , ai ii,In;"­W,A r�,jl-.-)',�, ;: " I S -rain milli, lie has never 1��.Joro nenth .8114) W0171ZI ha;e bi-Won rejob,in-, � . . .",t,j,-,T ba, revivals of rell.-Ion great multittide FI(I'Vil I , Z �,),. I i 1: - on one side of the alt.tr cry for merey, I ­ I .�li i tl�(.1111100�,O- ., p'.t'. i, who .." - %%It it 11C..': I" 4 ': 1 k. Tr4,Vi-IL1r.4 I% , 0T.- vario. , , higl:�Uad of we , i ;� PUJI)itS n th(� ol.her side tile alt&t thin� d' V Is e ­- Wli.111 "jl­i1!%t'A �ii iizo I Iljl�. I'(hj­ �,s ,jr" of children and yosin� ji�ople are the 0 ,%nT - of tho h .111, and no ant-,. , � " opin- I . . T1:,7; -)rt- , 1�1 I brought Into the church, and they do must cry for niercy. Ministers quatr_ slat' RR yet, Lp 41TI 11,1110 to, classify tjlo� A of tile JEWICTIVAL .15URVEY. I F;10111 '�,:.I�A,V�r uni d VVI. it. lin '.iv flif, I (.1, 4-a- -.1 Ia.. I i", .it 01,"a"y In. I '. . . I , ­_ � t -Me-l'! .aml � . i k I, I 1.11P ' not know v. -hat they are about. It, reling, Winisters trj,qn.- to pull each p�ra`site. 1')�ortlall M .14 been I.;,, - to st.95 Im sit tilt, Umth Dakota Agri- jw!ii!�iml c.-im."I.- :,rns i,�l t!�o ,� sll:, t,rll,�raj . '01080cnels hild In tit(, gzirdt-Tivilrly I � . � I - omt'04�lk for t1i - --ji-Ang ,Inr.1 1:iummor thO _tbird V:- d'ae'�n,_,,* I I has been 7ny observation that thO other earlier into the kin. -dons, down. Atinisters struggling for�Vultllral .1 I 0;11091, at. Brook:Lq-,�S, IrOr� 01, u" al"a, . I 1. nibraing- of tile day� � .,��,!f r itri,s; inid � 11.4� * I,�ry (1111,f.pil*�!,,igj�l,�. Th-ro Irls been I Af-try lvagdaua 'Mary ' vv­1ot.v,% .'Is ft 9,vinivil Va� t f I r'oit. the : fill U - '!('tiv people come ecclesiastical of God tile useful they are. plfoc a. Mitaliters lethar- I Inspection by profo.-Isorsf tllc.l- , o. wile- 113 and Use Moth- 1, 'f' -'- - , `� lit -V,�)w%nt in tho �Ib- , 17," - I, oi litik worl.l. h:i.,- !;r -t 11 from . - � ,:-.- of ,Tnil'09 I & � ,It I l! rg t ra d: , L ' I more gle I Itabert 11all, tilt- prinoe of preach- their with whole congregations dying oil hands. What a spcct�jcle! I ther &imilar rinrasitah have g., a ained I foothold in ollilm bills of wheat , Uild alome had conit, � at tlk*',.',r .n. Valu,k-) aro f'rtn . � � I V;11a1Y eli -, v c. I f,,,j. , I 11 tb�f� gr_ I; , rly Ili the Morning amil had 141111 I" gll')A�j' llusbte,.,�Qf at tile '. 'I� ers, -was converted at twelvt years of Aroused pulpits will mv,kc arouzet, lja�, vat yet Nu,iii ascartalned. � he t fir 11-:1 �-- n Ltz - . " f f,12111d th�l Stolle rolled away and fit,, 1 �%'ni�':�llt I-V t � (� ,V a f- � P-tiviflo, r-c,as;I: elill.ir; is, 1,10"Cing lip, I " Mir. ono ii,�4,0 � I (",in t,�I-I)tn,-X, I.,)'-'-! " �, � k9e. It Is likely that lie knew wbut -pews, , � Pulpits allame will Make pew�,q .- I ,, sit At Ozi-twa ,..­..'� ; I i""Y Of SCS1113 rone. Mark xvI, I;'. I -7, N,.,v:­1jv,I t!Ij-4!,- 1pinf,, ,pd � jll;,,� � Riz,4 IY.!�,n con,91de �, 1,�iko xxiv, I lan t. ill I I I - _r. � he was about. Matthew IlenrY, the aflame. Commentator, did niore than nverybody Ist.-lie!vo,i in a re. In tra(ie, Tho resligntitlon of Lj4,,jjt..COI. M. �, -3, Thn, vla;ou Of allgrcis jlminls�. An'i'sther"'a4�t Ni7rvx1,-h, N� . ­1o"'"s"in"Ilt I-", IkOqit�,r Motis, .Ind ,.1. -*',�' 81) M,971Y Orrlj��rt� for !i:,:t,,-Y 1111-8 . 41111)(1a,ra to them aIlnO,,jjIcIn�g1 tho ' who vival any man of his century for Increas- vIval everylbody likes a T*_ In literaturet, everybody Ak es la.minro, who for the Itts;t five years, re- hjWII ill, for Ship. , ffarrZmtjon Of josus. Roturnirip, ft) 'It It Was, lightc-1 by monn." 1110-71% 1,1,tA,r nr-;� bet,19 bwked by tile Of an 01-111CO, Ill tilP 1-11.1 till, 'Wh Ing the Interest in the study of the revival .1 In art, yet a great injiltit-ade has commanded tho, QUeon,S own Rt. of chair. W S, c, j I , tho city they t 1105,111 - rWiij�. I 011 of tile empty tomb, I— - ­ - .. Scriptures, was converted at el6ven cannot understand a revival Su mat- f1pa, is now befdro the Militaxy au- thorlti. . Tho f0TMAI giAlotte has � -1--- _. ­­ _,_.__jL__ . Peter Lind jolill run to the sepulchre No report lias beem recelved Train rill I Is' rfV0rtA4*A t1k"t 4XI. Aij(jr.k�u*,Cf.0 and find oven A9 they have Year's Of age; Xtiabell& GrahsiM, In'- terS mortal In Christian Was 'You Of r0lgliln. Dopenrl upon It where find Wt yet" appottrod, but It is certain been told, (lon. M.ts.!Arthur et)ncerning th - The vie1011 Of angels. ManY of tiff IMed friluds in t1w Will.sposit! 0 a'- "P91D PrOPOSIL's t-0 solve the que ft 'a I the church,. Dr. a man antagonistic to mvi- thai; the que"1118 0WIs will not this of of , sub,s1dizod.Rt,-tg.) bs, tbi en�­ have Stood by the graves at friends govOrMITIOnt OUPPRes In the PbU- I . convtrted at tan years of age; v0s, I Whether he be in pulpit or pew, yeat petado isinder tale Colon 01. ment of th,.%ttri,q in at - %'Ad IoTod once, We have felt the 1ron , tj liclon and liplXX00. . I . . , YOTIC lWor flto clevation Of the d . � .