HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-04-12, Page 6.. ;� 111.� 11.7� I .... �-,.":"—"".�.1,1�,�11-11""F""".,.",Ill""I'll"",..'I ... .... __,�,�_
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. an carefully _ lit the Suffolk. Talcy were, so far as one
lamp and raised it high over Ills head, could judge, correct. Of course, this
%d Tile room Nva -9 empty! There was ,was only a page or, two at ran-
�"EYLON AND INDIA TEA9 'ntl000d'oubwtonlio"u't it! 'nley two were do , but I must say It made an
, Jx Ny dow was wide pression upon me."
11 . I . alone. But t 0 In Imn,
,� : 1 open anti a chair in front of It had 11
1. il I .Vilere was another silence, tills
� .. GREEN OR BLACK been thrown over. The Admir.al time longer than before. Lady ])or-
i I I 11 I strode to tile cosement and called out Ingball, was thinking. Once more,
. Trad angrily- Qlaiii, tile man had Iled to her I He
� , e is.confederating the Empire. 'Illoggs! are yora there? Is ,no one was on some secret business of Ills
- ".
� on dut,� ?" own. She shuddered slightly. She
, . Britain is Oanada's best Oustomer. TItere ,was no answer; the tall Sen. had no curiosity as to Its nature.
.1, .
i I try-liox was emp;ty.
.. Only she remembered what marry
I . . Britain cannot buy if she does not sell. r to Ills fath. People had told liar, that where lie
�� . . er's aide and brought the lamp with went disaster followed. A piece of
!:� We TEA Grown in a British Colony by British capital. him, and togother they leaned Out, ,.coal fell Into the grate hissing from
:, — __ , — - � At first they could see nothing; then the fire. He stooped to pick It up,
�11 ____,__________,.,_,.. _. __._ , _ _ - __ 1. Wolfevden throw off the Shade from and catching a glimpse of liar face
, on Teas are sold in sealed lead the larrip and the light fell In a became Instantly graver. He re- ,
� bulk, broad track upon A dark, motionless
0 packets only, never in l!i1enibered that as yet lie had heard
. , "S A L A [`)`i A "I cey" figure stretched out upon the turf. nothing of what site had come to
Bl&k, rlixed or Uncolored Ceylon 11rolfenden stooped down hastily. tell him. Her presence Ili the library
, It Green. Samples on application. Address ,I SALADA," Toronto. "Aly aod!" he exclaimed, "it L9 was altogether unexplairiod.
'I' - I Heggs! Fathor, won't you soundthe "Yon were very good," she said
�, iall have to arouse the slowly; ,,you staye� what might
11 . . gong? We 61
� _,A__ �_ 0,--,---.---�.--�--�-'-%P-�^,%^-.A, �_ . . . . . . . . . ..... .11'.1 house.,,
% I . .
. I . There was no need. Already have been a tragedy. You knowtbat
� tb'e I was there, yon helped me to as-
, library was half full of bastilydress- -nown
I I oil servailft, awakened by the sound
. cape; yet you must have k
!: -a- ff- W- that I was in league with the man
, ai_ ,. of the Admiral's revolver. Pale and
1 l self -corn- IV 0 11
I I A PLO I FOR 'EMPIRE. terrified, but never more b was trying to steal those pa-
il posed, Lady Deringliam stepped Out Per,
� 11 " '
I to them in a long white dressing- rare was no mistake, then I
i —6- +__e.__ gown. you were doing that. You I"
; �
I ` "What Ira-, happened ?11 she cried. "It is true," she answered. " It
,, I . A THRILLING STORY OF CONTINENTAL CONSPIRACY AGAINST WTAIN. "Who is it, Wollenden-has your fath- was I who let him In. who unlock-
er shot anyone?" ed your father's desk. I was his ao-
�11 . . But Wolfenden shook his head, as complies!"
11 . - lie stood for a moment upright, and " Who was the man ?" .
. IoDked Into big mother'k; face. She did not tell him at'once."
� I I CL-TAPTE-R X_XVIII. too, bat r found a koy that (Uted it. "There is A man hurt," he said; "it (To be Continued.)
I i Come wLth me. Be carefull Make Lv Haggs, I think, but he 'is not shot.
� A Midnight Visitor. , . no notse I" The evil is not of our doing I" 494
1 **Wolf! Wolf!" They were' on their way down- I I_ � , I +
, , i - I
I I W olfeaden, to whom sleep before the � CHAPTER X=. .
I staLrs now. As they turned the an.1-e . � , *
. "ly morning hours was a thing ab- of the broad oak- stairway, WoJandea . + The 9091ish Womall +
"It Was Mr. Sabin." +
. foolutely lmpo�sible, was lounging in Ills Caught a glimpse (xf his father's face, + +
� tileasy chair meditating on tha events and shuddered; it was very white, and It was still an hour or two before +
� I +
t the day over it final cigarette. Ile bis eyes were bloodshot and wild, his dawn. No trace 'Whatever of the + As Seen by an Indian. +
, +
! I d come to his room at midnight In f�;efinger was already Upon the trig- mauraders had been discovered either +
;. er it doiected frame of mind; the ger of his revolver. outelde the house or within with I UNITERSAL INIAGAZIND.
. iday's happeaing3 had soaxicely gone in ,1 Lot me have that," Wolfeadon difficulty the Earl had C�en per- + *
. hand is sanded to relinquish his smoking re- * ............ 4..
1 Is favor. Helene had looked upon him Whispered, t011chin.- It; "my ..+.I ..........
I ldly�almost vir.th suspicion. In the steadier than yours." volver, and had retired to his room. It Is often a great tr1aJ to it
: ,morning lie would be able to explain But the admiral shook his head; he The doors had all been locked, and two young mnn fresh from India who
: � everything, but in the meantime made no answer in words, but the of the mo. -t trustworthy servantsleft . brown Into English soutery to
Planche was upon. the spot, and lie butt end of the revolver became at- in charge of the library. Wolfenden 115 t
;had an uneasy feeling that the girl most welded into tire. palm of his hand. had hintself accompanied his father know how to behave. You visit a
, . -
I twas Ills eneirry. He had began to doubt WOIfe.nden began to feel that they uptatairs, and after a few Nvordswith friend. You rhig-, and thie door Is
. . . Irwhether that drive, so natura.1 a thing were on the threshold of a tragedy. him had returned to his own apart- opened 'by a young maid-siarvant,
4 tas real y happened. wag not care- They had reached the ground floor ment. With Ilia mother he had scarce-
: .4 ly planned on her paxt, w.th a full now; Straight in front of them was ly exchanged a single sentence. Once who invites yoti to enter,and closes
� � ..�
.� 1. , nolirled ,It they would the library door. The sound of muffled their eya� had met, and he had Ira- the door as soon Ali you hia.ve an -
_go o I the fact th.
. . I � t . Sabin .Ind his ni3ce. It was movements within thr., room were dh- mediately looked away. Nevertheless tored. You follow tnq servant into �
I -all the more irritating bacause during I tinctly aullbl,�. The admiraZa breath lie w -aa not altogether unprepared for the drawirig-room, where your '
�. e last few days he bad been grad- came fast. that gentle knocking at lds door friend soon meets and greets you. I
.r I - -,f that so .. Tread I'glitly, Wolf," he muttered. which came about half an hour after After some conversation, your friend
Ily growing Into the hall, a, 0't lot . them b<,ar uu! Let us the house was once more silent.
Mar as his suit with Helow- was co, brings in Ills mother and introduces
I . :' catch them red-handed!" He rose at once from his chair -4t
;carried, the girl herself was not, alto- But the last dozen yards of thaway seemed scarcely a. n1glit for sleep- her to you. The mother is very
. . rather indifferent to him. pleased to make your acquaintance
I � L She had was over NrILItP fl'Lgi taseelated, and and opened it cautiously. it as
,xefu,sed Win definitely enough, so far w and asks you to sit In a chair near
as,mere words wz�at, but there were pofl'slied like marlil.�. Wolfenden's slices Lady Deringliam who stood there
lights in h�,r Fort, dark eyeo, :Ind areaked ,- tho admIral's tip-toa walk white and trembling. Rai held ouri lier-3. But you hosItate. Is that the
something Indefinable, but apparent in was no Yglit onL% Th;;re was n. sudden his hand and title leaned heavily on Proper thingr to do? In India no
: her manner, wh!eh had forblAil-n. hill% ms-,atlian of all sounds, they hadbeell It during her pawage Into the mother of lio friend of your& auk -s
, to abantlon all hopa. Yet it, was hard 1 heard! Tho adm*ril, with a low cry room. � You to do tile same. If at all, you
of I'dways stood ,it it reappetful. ills-
,* ito bel:cve that she was in any way I ,,,, rage, leeipm I forwarils. Wolfenden Ile wheeled Ills own easy chair be- ,
: ; owed close bahlud. fore the fire and helped her into It. taneo awl answered the mother s I
Isubjetit to tile. w.11 of h -r gunnflan, I
: 'M U lllg4 .s1w toOk Rien as tlw- vrwoml the threshold ,1�41e e0emml altogotlic-r invapubte of illiflations. r -lit linre it 19 so differ.
.- r. Sabl I. In PmAl th "
. . no pains to ,tudy him; zll� was vvi- I the ronin w.114 illn"go-I into sudden speech. ,1�lie Nv,Lq, trumblin- vk4i:intlY, elit. You obey with lirsitation, and
dently not In tiv� hmst unilor III, tltirkni:,�-.�,,. tlii,,y 111.1 Isut a momentary And her face was perfevOy,bloodloss. At In the chair ruthor awkwardly,
and pnrtial p-itnip,;(- or the int,prior. W(Afenklen droplied on his knees by ,,is far be-
, I b-ith your le,t;4 thru.�L
dominion. Oil thi, maitrary, th�,z,, Ivati i neath your chair zv; piossible--of
in his manner towarits, li-r ,it v(TtU111 I Wolfvnilvii sawn (!*Ili, Olm fl.zirebeird- liar wide and began cluiring her hands.
ing forward, with his f1riger still The touch or III.? lingen; s-eeined to Ok-Ur.,;e, -is a mnrk of respect to
"efere pr(,P�cl to tiv- N01 of th:) lamp. Tile re%lvo her, 1KI10 W`il-'i not already judged . your frIend's m:)tllar_aud yoursolf
f .nc,%, ,is though it wa, Ali., 'who -v
. "W.11 was tile ruling One I otw,�_tn th,11. I table was �-etrvwn wAh lvi p,�,rs, some, their. ISAie lifted hor o -yo. and loolied only ansN".rin the iu-Ahi,r'9 ques-
, 'As it nl-�ttter of fal-t, hor ap,15-oraill-! thing-so-At-boly-wa� Illitt"ring I�e at him sorrowful tions in mon(�'
and w�;03 1�*-Wtrg .�enu�ol to Ill%d,'Ute 1Y. myllablou. The mot.her
� , R""'� -n yo,iirler. Tilore vv.i.,i t -Wilat do, you think of me, Wolfan- lwywlero what is the n I
. ,one accustome I to oonim-in 1. Ilnr I "In" thf� i. tter with
fcm'Iy oi. volillj�t.t�o-js �-Jlz. ll!xkl nuyvr I barely a se wiI of I'pitt. th-ti, with'i ,deli'.1" .5he asked. you; why you aro so Shy, and why
i it sluirp vI'eIc, the Iamp wmit out, and I -I have, ntA thought about it At I you appear so (lull. Are ;ill Indians
� spolzen of to li'mi, y;�t lvs lr�t-1 riot till) the Pgurp of th � man w,is lo�t in Ob- fill," lie nli,;wered. "I am only -,vonder- Illi this -Ho (lull ? 10r mtursi!, she
� :611gllte-t d(Kilit but tll".t Nile was of
. , 'I ,rn I seur-Ity. Alino.t ,.-1miiItnrvou'4y thP1741 ! ID9. you have come to explain every- euxinut divine tilt! nature of tha
r .gentle h*rth. I.Ivon IT t k4bo!ilil ti, - I -line .I fln-41i of 1,:�41 fi.ri, awl tht, I'mil thau-11 thiug.; whit -h perplex you. She doms
[ e, -
out that 1:111�4 w.,; riot Vw vase, Will. report or tim aillu. r:&q rpvolviii,r. Thawo - 1411(1� Iiijuiddered. Uxpl,tln everything I tiot undei%-itand; you. are only try-
fell(1011 IMS r.1-,-n,.o,-mt*i* (niough to was no groari, tii Wolfowhni ronvIntiol I'lliat was it task, indeed wi'en trig to be oil your best behavtor-
.lad:t no u3ffer,�,qi:-.�. Bill, ,
I . think tlint, it 1* I that tllL� mail, ,wlio,,ver )w in'ght be. tilt! boart is youll- and ilfe 1.1 ,I I in far -t, to pai.--t for it very good
xvas.goo�l ellough to lu", Ili; wife. IIvr Juvi riot Iliva li't. Thp �,;ojpl-.[ of th., 1
4n,ppearanve aml nrxnu,.�r.i vr:,re alinot , i rull and gellerolts thilig., in the I boy. For it wom�,zit your 1wriol-mi-
rfiport was folbiwo I hy .., f-�w s0coMN' I days of runiance, wauu advouturt-i I ties increasp. Your friend's imuther
t,yplcallyr iirI�;1,o-r-itI--%v:iatevvr th,rj brmthlR.118 s1lenf-t,. IM,re w1t, noino�,v- Mitt loivc-mak�iig voina as a natural has; droppzad tier handkerehief. ISUols
might te Ili h2r pr�;cnt !�nrroulldlrlg ;tit . nit of any sort In th- room *. only ir, I heritage unit form part of the Urkli;r not aware of it. But yvu Ivi.ve s-wil
1 or in her pa.st wlAvIl salvorel tir iny., faInt bri-ezi� sto,illng Ili through tile: of thiligs. tip.n. the -words -which ill-- it drop. What UM yOU to do? Are
t,ery, lr,�- wonlil at least Ii -M., st."k," witle-open 11-111du%v�_' vaiii-4 .1 g,entle � woman had to Say woula have colne I
I . you to Pick it lip and give it to
. .his koll! upon hDr Iwnv.-_4tY- 11� realizel I rustlaig Of the Imperi with which th') � I glitly enough, from tier lips, less px-. liar? Is that the prt,;I;i�r tliliig to
I very fully, as ho iiat th,"'O SM07t'llg table 'i� haps as a Confc.w.oa than
I � vas ,4trewzt, and the curtains' as a 11"lf' d0i.kt 110111,1111.3%ollAarkl6nut do It. But it
. in the early Iii)urs (if tlin� mirtiling, I i-wa,yeid gemitly bae twologetio narratiull, But In tile dUys 19 so differi,ut hwe, And, lit lltqt you
i . _kwardq And for -
,'that slr� was to, p,-uz.i'.n,- faucy or Ills' I wards. Till, adin'ral, with lit,; isenses I whon youth lies far babind, when 1r,, make Up your mind 1�o pick 'p' %he
,she was li'.9 firr,t 1wi-ror 9001 or U
. 'for evil site wol& - all on the alert; stool moVoidesz, tho glamor haii faded away and ti handkerehict; and vion do It so awk:
, I li:, 11-j.; last. Failure, ! revolver Vnisu Ili ]Ili hand, hN fiercely but tile bare hicilknits mmul. 'A frh 311t, 11
: ;'ie sat I to bhn�elf, w,xs a word "whivil I 1, ullbLki'lli wardly- that yoni -ndle t �,- r,
I . I .1 . r eager eyes stral ring to pierce t a tified by the full coloring anti exuber*
� �he woul,l riot adnitt Ili 1114 vocabulary. I , I I while accepting it with thanks, look.,i
___ I darkness. By I I side, Wolfeadon, ance of the ppr.tigtime or life, t1w wait
� -61te was inovIn ardb him alr4ladT. I at your face 7o see why yon, blu-3h.
i '11 I equally agitated now, though from a trifling Indiscretion.-; then starlit out The kindul,,.as of your friind increases
tisome, day she I be lilis ! Throng, eAfferent reason, stooJ holding Ilia liko Idiotic crimes, Lady Deringlizaa
,�tllo ru�k!t,j or thq blaa tobacco Fmo," your porpipAti ��- still. He and his
4) breath, h*s head thrait forward, his had been a proad woman -a proud mother do6ire yoa to etny for dinner.
;twhich hovered around him lie sperned, oyes striving to im-netrate the vell of woman all her life. Sha had borne in You don't know what to say in repiy.
�117311 a vfvy slight anti very pleas- gloom which lay like it thick barrier society the reputation of an abir) t Yes or no. At hom.!, on 0. visit to a
�ant effort of � li�j Imagination, between lilin. and the screen. Illi fear ultra -exclusiveness; in her home life friend, you always say "No." The
r see wme faInt vlJsl�)ns Of he'r had sudii;�Iy tak-en to It-.vlf a very
ito Isho had been t.--omething of an auto- question often Is meaningless. Your
-In that more softening MOOrL real and terribih form. There had been crat. 1'erhaps tlx',,, was the moit mis,
the vaguest; rmoll-ct'on of WIM11 "Pt it moment, before the extinction of arable moment of her Ere. liar Pon friend generally does not expect you
his heart benting fast, and sout tile the lamp had plunged tho room Into I to accept tho Invitation, and thl in-
, vrns lookinr ,it her with cold, inquiring vitation Is often made wit hout mak-
blnod moving through his veins to darkness, when h!) had seen, or fancled eyes. She vras oil her defence before Ing any .provision for you. You are
11 mu.ble. Ilow delicately handsome she that lie had seen, a wonian't; skirts - "
I 111m. Site boired her hoad and spoke: generally expacted to L'aY No," and
was, how exqui.01ite the lines of her fluttering there. Up to the present "Tell me what yon thought, W01- -you Say "No," But It i; not so In
&;I queenly Ilia father's attention had been wholly tendon." England. And, with. vonto hesitation,
Iiruliriahl, Yet graceful and
g With her clear, creamy skin, I riveted upon the otli,)r end of the "Forgive me," lie said. 1,X :�ould you hitorpoHor it word which may be
soft as ri'okbastpr be',ow the red gold room; yet he was fIlloil within nervom Only think that there was rob!lpr.N , Interpreted as "Yes" or "No," but
&f her ha:r, the somewhat haughty dread lost at nny' moiwnit that rr-- and that you, for Some surficitnit ro"t. which your good friend understauls
loctiOns Of nary Vvvrlh strainq,l to the utmost to 1 pot think anything ell-ze, coultfl? an-
rought h:m vivid recr,41 I
Vise of hi -r small. shapely head, she ,volvor might ch,iiigi 11.4 ift'rx-tIon. Illi son, I am sure were alding. T emil, ag signifying, assent. In tho me
that till arft$t(.;:racy of France, as I vatell tile 811gliteit sign of any move, 1. You thouglit wivIt was t,rue, Wfil time, other m.,,mbers or tile household
A - ,
ad, m no%v only in the ment r , are ushered into tile rooin, and to
one re, -i (if the, ondeti,' she whis-pered. "r was bt,lp, euch ot the 'n are lilt (), u
page -q of romaw:e or li:storv. She bad At'llast tire silence waa broken; I 'trig another mail to rob ,Your fathi!r! 'in yo r I ccd� and
the grand a:.T-even the t Queen there was it faint inoveme-it nearthe i among till) number tit your friend's
9 J It was only .it very trifling tbort--;� clstor, -whose vagerliess to shake
. could no* have uAked to tral"I scaffold I window, .Ind thon again, without a I handful of note.q from hl.q w-ork
v fl)" a hands with yon se�iN .I thrill through
. vilt,h a,m(,re ma%-n1ficent, c,)nlempt Of l,coo-nd's hesitation, there was t1int magnelne artivle. But It w.1s tlolt, y ur whole fram:,. Fa,ter your friend' 6
the rihb',t�, wh6::0 V'etlm she was. level line of fire and lutid report from a,R,V, I w,IR ,.In .1 on P lce!" ster
.III thougbt eame to I i ce I I� being Introduced At home In
Some ni:.t;,- lier�oll tile Admiral's revolvir--r. Thoro wasno I Thare was .I Alort sll-.�ncq. lltT Indial (;,Ili anything ba more mtro-
him ; be ha:f cl.xsel h' .s eyes and Ican- , groan, no sign of anyove. having been 1 pya,.% k4,(,k,llg stpa(if�.I, , clous? But Nueli, is the oustorri in
a". I � I . The -dirdral began to move . ,� sti, to ad bi,
I 1) kit A . ,
,ed back !,,I his ch -,dr re. i
, San, t1jt,;-.gAAs; and then .t ail czle Oil i face, could make noth; nr or it. T-;ngland, And then tha tinin for clin-
` ` . -
_ ,Nlowly Ill tit(' dirent, of the will- I ,.I WAI riot ask YZI ��hY-" hP WJ I nor arrives And, as tivi ch1cf giumt
ko � ,%-,.,-,, abrnfill end, these rf-veries I dow; Wolfendpri r.-Inallied where lie i lowly. 11 You must have had Vvry of the evening. you are asked to tend
'and plea�ant cwi'le-bullding. Ile Was I wa.% listening intently. lie, was "
'back In the pr"ent, quddenly re- i right, t1here w4w a vin:Ahorad move-
, i good reason.;. But I waut tC1 U-11 7011 the lady of tha Itoutses, your frunid'N
� I ono thing. I am beginning to have. mother, to t1r..- dining-i-poin. You am.
called ` a mo��i extra.,-r&nary man- ; nient from behind tile wrepri. fl-orrle-
Mer, t;nre11`z L!.,Y-.i 011 t�e Lour and 'One waq m*vIng from there towards igrave -iloubts as to wheth,.-r MY more p:�rpinxed thrim ever. The Idt'..'r,
�plaee. Sirrely Ili.- e,:ruld not have been ; tile door, mmeolin with light fcot- , 'r,s stnte is really ax burl as li;- of ghing your arm to a lady whom
, , thInks-vVhf:th,�r, lit i-Ilart, hij you rol;p:�vt ,is your own moth:irl YOU
4 ' mistakpo I That ,ww; a 1(^y kno-�klng I l,tiiNT and a trailing skirt. Ili, drew I WhItlett
1". fat li�s f,,,i,k9;I dx,, ozllidl�; U -M 1,7'a,9 ! back into tilt! dix)r% � vay; lip ineant to i work Is riot after all really of !,oniq never touciv,d your own mot-hor-at
no doub, nbout U. There it was. ag*.xInJ ! let liar riu.w, *,Vllopv4,r it might be, but considerablo value. Thore are Noveral least not liftm. YOU b2callin a man,
'go heard I;:-- ! Ile ir�nnsqticratlo If, W now 0 ob.
A .. .;v-, -,!-, nvi, .14, �,',Y 1 11 t 1-n- � hif, nim-ont t� knor., who it wa%�. ,Is w1dull incline Int to V4 *3 And ho could you t a I your
. tills vlc�w." friend's mother. .
� � imlstak-&y sp�kpu in it trf�mb:ing I could hear liar hurried brp,athlng, a
: Voice. Ife,irlancivi-I a* h,s watch, it was I faint, familiar perfume, shaken 'Wat The suggestl.oa visibly distur!ied * 1* . 0 *
.baLWeeri Aw.,P and #�IIr�� r,'0-,)v,k; Lhi�n ' by the movement of liar 6kirt% puz- Lady Deringliam. She moved in her The more you move in the company
he walked qu-.(,kly I chair uneasily. of English women, the more you art,
, . to the door and! 710 him -. it's, very familiarity bewil-
1; , opened :A, vi:lhauC lha.itatian. It Was 'dared him. Q,lie know that lip, was - You have heard what Mr. Dlnther- convinced that it Is possible for you
ully I tliere; she must know it, for she had %ricl, r,ays,ll she obJectvd. "I am wire to admire tile intellectual culture of
I his father who stoo,l tbf�re, f i t1,'z`lt ho is ab-oluboly truAworthy," your firlend's sister, or even tier per-
. dre!isfd, N%,*! It pa;p� face anti angrily I Paused. The poslVon was terribly
� burn!ng Py'o�i. Ili h*3 han! Le carried critical. A few ya)rd-i away the .Ad- I 11 There Is no doubt about Blutlil�r- sonal charms, without harboring any
. 'a revolAver. Wo,'#�-,kdon nolil'kNl T�,It ' miral was groping about, re-olver in , irlek's horro;ty," lie admitt/nA, " but unholy thought In your breast. Sock-
� . ; the finp.mrs -whi.-Ii claspo.l it were ' liand, MuMbIllIg to himself it strin � the adnilral blinself says that tl.'� dare ety as constituted in India does not
I -4,
shaking, as Lborigh with co�d. � of terrible threat.4. The casting of trust no one, and that for Nv.,,,k,3 lie recognile tills distinction; In fact,
I "Fatfier," Wu.fendtin ex�-ialnied, I -it shadow would call forth that death. Itan given him no p,Lp(,r of Inrportaioo people who have known no higher
, I :"what on eiaztb JAS -the matter?" I dealing fire. Wolfenden thrust out to work up�n simply for that roa_,mn. forms of life think it is Impossible to
� He drupped h:.,j voloo, in ob.-dience I Ills hand cautiously; it fell urpon a I It has been grow:ng upon me 1.1%2t we sepa.rate the two. NVoman has no In -
6 , 'to that. sudden gesture, for .s�lenice. , woman's arm, She did not cry 'Out, Way have Ira,en mistaken all along, dividual existence In India. To quote
�' �, , The AdmLml answered li�m in a hoarse although her rapid breathing sank al- that very Pkely Miss Merton was pat I the oft -quoted verse from Maim,
,:: "Whisfisr. t to A moan. For ,% moment ho to steal his work, and that It may I'ller father maintains her In child-
! �.. "A great deal is the am I wlll�rt�;, Xaggeted-the room 'seemed to '
.. . matter I I pos,em, for certain ple, a nd for hood, her husband mat.Intains liar in
. 1. - , ibolng deceived and betrayed in my be -00ing round with him, liv,had to certain purposes, a r9:11) technical im- youth, and liar sons maintalrii her In
,. own house! T'Isiten." - account old Age," She Seldom mallitatifta her-
. , Ito Ili, lipti to stifle the exclamation portance. Hovir CISO can 'We
. I b
,. I They sto,,�d together on the dimly "'hich very hearly escaped him. Then tot' the deliberate efforts Which have f3elf. 8110 Is always the IVY And her
I lit landing; holding his breltth and I lie f400d Away from tlw door with 11 beer. made to obtain possession of It?" linaband the oak. It Is different here.
. . -
. . listening intent,y, W011andell WAS at , little shudder, and guided her through - You have spent eomO t,Me eX, She to a recognized factor In L-Inglish
,imeo aware of faint, distant uouncla,�. I it He heard liar footsteps die awny anillifirg It yourself," 9110 said In it society. There Is no society In Xng-
Tbe,y came from the ground ftoot al- I a69 tile corridor with a Peculiar low tone; 11 what was your own land without her, whereas In India
l most immediately below them, III$ ' sense of relief. Then be thrust Ills opinion ?11 society knows liar not. In London she
father laid Ills baud heavily upon hand into the pocket of Ills dinner 11 I folind some slitleta," lie answer- W a familiar fl6re everywhere; site
, Volfoliarws shou'der. I coat and dreiv lyat, a box of matches. ad, "and I read thent, very care- is at the, shop-111ridow, she IS at the
"Somootio is in the library," he said. "I am going tonstrike a light,,, 110 fully; they were connected with reftt&Urant, she appears on the Plat-
. 1A "I hmrd the do.>r open distinctly. whlsr�erod In hl,q father's ear. the vnrlous landing places upon the form, 9110 Is connected with the
;ie& Vhen I tried to get out I found that "Qatick, then," was the reply, 411 Suffolk coast. . An. linnionse. amount lie writes books, she talks
th don't think tl;.e fellmy has got away of detitil was very cleverly P;essl 6
&�tr. the door of my room was lodkod; I ere P Uties. she has her own alubg ail()
. or, �oja&l troatrhety` here lit 9 V,ell.
yet; lie mu8t be biding behind soma The ouvrenta, bays And forfIrles- her own "societleg." XV,ir Individual-
tho wai!tIOW diA Von 96' Ott 11) 1001ton. of the furniture." ' tionn were all set out,, even the Ity Is asserted In it thousand diroo-
lolIudoo ,wkad. - , , There was the scratching of ,it mat6b roads and rallwaye Into the later- Itionsk, so much w) that one woman
Will bai,; it jbjj�gh t1m bath-r6oln ,aricl d6wii upon asilver box, a feeble flame, grad- lozy war(., dealt with. 'I �comparad out or every tvn oarno her own
: ttktr�g; that do:�t was locked I ually developing into 9. sure flIumbia. 019m afterwattls with a WAP of '111vifig- - .
I .. : Aitlrj�, � I . I .
, . . I I
... 1. . -:i .... # .__.---.1 .1 - —'',.-.. 1 I 11 . �
- , - I I .
W"W"Q___L_ A;- � 1. 1. I.,
I '
11anufacturers Life
Vnsurance Corn pany.
The Directors tiongratmIato the Polleyholdors and shareholders on the sUbq,tant&%1 Pro'
gress made during the year, which has been the most satisfactory In the Co9kPR1W"3 history.
There were received during the yeal, 1778 applicaticUs for assurances antounting ttl
$3.053,OM The bustneAs actually taken UP and paid for In cash during the 703ar amounted to
$2,4W,703, and, leaving out single payment policies, the tirst year's crisla preiniums oolloobed
thereon was $n,5,7sQ,.oI, as against $107,180.86 for the previous year,,4nd 1,;IA 0.13-93 for INS,
The Assurances in Force arnotint to $15,409,6�D, an increase of $1,011,381, over the previ—
year. .
The Premiuni Income wa,s $50075-04, showing the handsome Increase of W,:695&3 -
There wore received for Interests and Rents $W,401,11, making the total Income 067t�=Jso an
in crease of $84,137.92. .
After paying the polloybolaers for claimq, dividends and surroaders $127.661.73, and
Providing for all other expenditures, the Ast,ots were increased by nearly limit 06 million 461IMS,
of which $328,495.0) was added to -Policy Reserves and $67,2(2.35 to Surplus, an em.loonow Satift-
factory Saving for one year's operations.
The Ar-ets now aniou.-or, to V,279,175.04 and the Policy Reserves to $1010,69T-00 an the
Company's standard. After making provisions for all other liabilities the snrplus oil pdtloy-
holders' account is $Jol,o24.3% which would be considerably increased by adopLing the Govom-.
ment standard of valuation far Policy Reserves.
President. Manamog Director.
Received for New Premiums ............................. . $ rr5j82 or
Received rbr Single and Reciewal Premiums ................ : * , , * , * , A , * * , " * * *.*.*A*A*. 475093 01
From all other S'ources ....... I ............ I . .. A ..................... .3,749 11
. $791,6246 115
To Policyholders for claims by death .................. � ................. $ 87,830 04
To Polic)fiolders for "owments, Dividends, etc ........................ 39,8j4 69
To Commissions, Salaries, and expenses of management ........ � ........ � - 152444 73,
To Taxesi; Reinsurance Premiums and Dividends to Stockholders ........... 27,054 05
Surplus of Income over R'xpenditure .................................... 487P256 62
�794,621- 15
Municipzl Bonds, Stocks and Debentures ............................... $ 854.�88 37
Loans on Bonds anti other Securities ................................ �_ 104,51-1 Z
Mortgages on Real Estate ............................................ 948,140 12
Reat Estate .... � ..................................................A 36,345 25
Loans an Policies ......... � ......................................... T47,124 0
Accrued Interest, Net De erred Premiums, etc .......................... 14.5,448 9T
Cash on Ilan d and in Banks ......................................... 72,410 .17
. _;_ -
' j7_1,,:i79,z68 64
Liability for Policy Reserves, Government Ptaniflord... � ,..$ r,gil.174 CIO
'Z;Z.*:::::::::-. 3N.133 OD
Spftiat Rwerve Fund over and above Government Stan a .
All other LiabDi ities ..................... � ....................... ::-:: i, 2,*114 52
Surplus on Policyholders' Account ............................. .. orl,l,t7 06
. —
$2,2279,268 64
Dr..T.ames3KjII%. of Guelph, moved the adeption of L'in report In an exxcellent address.
from which the following 1. a short extract:
At a meetitig of this nature it Is always ii. p1pasure to be im x, position to congmtulato
those interested, and on All is oneasion I can do so mo-# heartily.
We ha,ve really a most satisfactory ktat4c,ineat to pre,ent to the sharcholdora atd polter-
holders of the Ch mpany,ii, -tittement NVIAC-11 N% Ill Ivar the 010�0 t IiiRpection. , We ran tjwak
witlintoredefljiltoL,(�..4citlt!tnt,yerivitlicimts�itireivitrdtoniirinvt)�trLi(,.tit.qitudotar o4inding. for
we have more Information at our (11 irio-qol, furni-hed u, Ili thq splmdid report of our cou.%alting
actuary Tliert,liit,lptk�tipru,,�,vi�,--,.;Illxli�ti,_,tltt,liti�-.
A cornpart--cm of L'i0aiiii, ]*,! 11 Li lit We rE-pert, sin I neod -tot rvA-r to that gw�nin. rwould.
howaver, wft:r to One otlw.7 poirit : The question ot out pro,giv-v durizig ta. louger period. 1%,1 to
100% being that of the present. mammenient.
AttA,r a hr -,c it A% y,ar6 we fital iTw.,iypo'nh, whieh are Mike crv,.i-., 16file to) tit,,! nianam
I inent and gralifylvg- to the lv.irt-oii-� wo,t intere-Led in tlao towee"-d ot th%� k1bairmay, tho buluw
holdcrA arid the ziollv,�holdpxs.
Tile follovi in,,; tiguiv, N% Ill iIlu,trv.te,1A-t *. 1.,,omwi ,"roivth of tile (If.firil,w.y -
Net Incri-ne Gres% Amur -
t -,t Year's Irom ance
year. At"mq. Prenihims. Prrmq. & Int. in force.
IS94 .............................. � $ -'j-, t, z 2 f $ 6..,68-:� S!0`1,403 $ 0,;55, -
19ou ................ .......... 2,227t676 U5,78,2 6%6,717, 15'.1ty),620
Thea -et, are tw,wtieally threv tlme� v:hm flies, wt -re 4\ senmt��,P. ,%ifinnnt of incirillo
from new 1111"JI!,, _11,1"*N If 11 1.%.IL J.1J 11.t. jljt-mu�-,. No'.ii(4.an(- fri nk 11ii-11.1MM4 Orbit hiterc,,t his
, , '
Ihicrim-,ed mor 10o per vvni, *jlw Av�-tirazfvl. In fillok. IIA's;�.,.-wll from 11, - to 14)1,1 11111licirti.
I Nva lit :it") to refer to the Otaraoter o.'unr.t.,o;!i_...1A the 4--Ntani,v j.i%tjo, 1,0,3�h beincr [in-
p0rt:int imiti,z in a 4L.ineern of thiA himl. 0,ir,i-vit-.-.1.v, tiv, r�� WAv.- tj� fio- in t1w ,filondld con.
t, -y aro to4ay. I dclibt ifally. V,011111 sul v4kil -111-W ��Udm zaeord lof lin . "I ,
. Moll t 14 - VA:C W-14AS Of
ON cr $.� ltkth,ioij jind only VoUZ,at (ir(-rduewtov-i.
A 11CU, C0111palill', the vnp% u -t. ratio i-al-twAy., 1,irge. Thie-7o vspv�i,itil; �-bonlld gradaftHr
dvcrca�v. goid our revi,A-0 1,aA!*. Aiwahi br! Ili I Iii, 1 -.8p!, -e -:-
The ratio 1-alrout. It livre-pt. I. 4�- thari it wa, I wo vear-ngo. I think that Is one of the
lawstrall4actory features In ourbitAtie- 'I'ij;-i�t-iox�il.t!crt-it-iiiej.%-,�i4ill,-
I tbank onr nwnag,er. lit.- slait and the 1.1t,141 foree for the re-inll,s we art, a-ble, to report to-
(lay. and I do t,o nion Arick rely, aud I inust congiatitlate Lhc pwicyhol Nves and .4-irehol-ders on
the Position we hit-. eatulined.
Mr. J. F. Junkin, the Managing Dire-L'or. in erie5ndlur, the adoption of tho Mort,
It we took back oycr two Tcam wo flrd that. the pronflum income for Lllro uas alturia
814a QM more than for ISV�, or air hiure!_s, of3i pi -r cent.A. while otar expau*4 for ImIX p-4 ,f,,m-
I)ztiqA%vtthl$.%,�otilvshto%vanittert!:!�f-itft%13,)uL,t2.91L,i�ori!,-�per,e.ektt 'I"I%er"idtI:,;thAtWo,hAVD
now. not,only tile 1�)west expen,e lativ of anyaclive ,q)mpaviv of ourown orsituilar
cont inent. but we cintipart, very faviiinably In th6 re�pezt,with vven the oldest wid laadest
Canadian and A,,kn.eritao Compiiuiv�.
_ --- ___ _ _ � . , , , _ - . ---. - - I .. - - . _
r -_
Duke of Westminster Was Absent- And More of It That U,as Not
niluded. Thell , . I anted.
London, Taesday.�--An unitoward I Tho Stratford Btiaoon reproduices
incident which occurrod to thi! Durw I tills froin Its flies ot 40 ".Irii ago.,
of Wesitminbtor two days bolore the 1, Thai recA_mt conk;us having ena-
wedding worn gave Asia to tire Ini- '� bled tho Towai Cauncit to issaa Aim-
prostsio,11 titat tno young nobleman '
ivasi of u som-mvitat nervous dl.;posi. J otlu�r Iloan", It -was glvc�n t.6 a lwtel
tion. The diamond thara, presi!?nted by" i in Avon Ward. Tha landlord wow so
the lirmipeictivo gloom to lilt; bricl- 1, Ov,vrJ.),yoJ that 11�,- witrited something
elect had Wen duly passed around titrilang to Intimate thr) good nows
among a few friolids, for admiration, I to Iw8 oustomLiTs, so a, tra,vialijig
w -lien the Duk.:� depailted the preeMus i rhyinster, by, which lie earned a
diadem on a chair, treat, sul)PUcid tire uF-edful by writ -
The next mom. -nit, to the horror Ing its foiJo,tv13:
or the byatallda�rs, tile,- young Duke " IV! I'm live wern .,Ill alive.
abSolit-mindedly sat down oil thi Go,')d liquor malres us funny,
chair, plump ort tll.�- oplke3 of tha ti- A.3 You pASS by, stop, in and te,r
ara, with the , oc- I t, t"dr, I
, , ",;lilt usual on the Tha flavor ,of our huney.111
casion when a lm�rson Attempts to �it ,
(Y. -I thi butiln.,im q-n,l of a PID. HVC17. 1 This was printed and past,cNI on t1w
I lxkay otif th4, company declaped it .I I Ini4J'� of tho bar -room whidow. so
cwm of ahwwnt-mllrdedness, lind lifro- I that it could bo t3efm and read by the
necded to chaff tire hero of the Pre-., passer-by. A V�mlroranen 1)D -,t, not to
toria flag -raising eplsodr.) on his I outdone, wrote as folioms .-
identiflo.atitya of Kipling"n doggvml -. "We've, 11,1ricirs hire of every Irind,
horo. Thio young Dukr., &ild 11001111g. I Anti Eall them tw abalp its you� will
, but, like thD proverbial parrot, * find;
thought a deal. The tiarit wasi molid- ' They'll mal,-,_,� you Duel quite Pansy,
od in due timo, and the wedding care
cording to pro- ; floor,
niony wont off ac I Perli,aps thi sprawl you on tho
gramme. I we'll kick yon out the datir.
After the bridal party had gone. a I It 3o'
11ttle, bird whIgpers the reason for I After wolve g(A your money.'
nt Absent-minded- TW.s the poat pasted on the out.
u -S.4. It said thitt, following tile side of the bar -room vrindow during
Ibisarer of tile dueal tiara, catme a the night. The landlord next morn-
shabby-genticel indivIdwil, of a type Ing was furious and offered $-jo re-
ae.,ociirtod with T,Ickerls, novels. lie ward for the temparance Poet, and,
had a blut.,A document, which lie could of course, destroy -ad the 'Poetic ef-
deliver only to the Duke perMnallY. fort. The very noxt night the tem -
Printed at the hand of ti . O�oeu- fartitnoo, post, as lu supposed, tried kle
lisp _
�r I
went wav a legend which t1lol tile land again, and this was what he
valit parrot, who vouchesi for t ie wrote and Affixed to the same bar.
truth of the story, says read. I'Sum- room wandow: �
I Mollsi;,,jr,ing's Court, Probate, and 11,1- I Within this hut I I
,I vor,o,o 0 0 that effect. We ke,ep rot -gat, . . :
ylvi e-1�aWetirdswli,at followed after ,
the printed matter is not yet fully -And Very cheap Wo sell. : ,
know except that somewhere down Don't ,stop to thillik, !
, Come In and drink
the tody of the document, hidden And speed yow ,way to h-41 1
Among a lot of legal marrustoript,
Wae a reference to it icortaln Major
Atherton, who bears Efts Majesty's Nervellne Cares
COmm1wion In the Lancers. .lust why Rheumatism. . The romarkmitilp
MaJor Atlierton sillould wish to send strength and marvellous soothing
Such a wedding present to the Duke property of Nerviline-nerVO PAU
On the, eve of Ills marriage may not cure -renders it rilmost infallible in
110, known till the Court opens. In the Rheumatism. Five times stronger
meantinle, other explanations fallAA than any other, its penetrating
Ing, It to halt) aig a good excuse for power enablea it to reach tile source
the Duke`9 nervousness in sitting, on ,of pain and drive 'out the disease.
I'the dinniona tlara.-14ndon Edition NervIlilib Is more pon6trating,
-NOW York 1.1prald. -stronger, tind more 1119111Y pain -sub,
_ daing In Its notion than ally medicine
I Clevoland loogsihoremon and doick heretofore dovIsaid for tile relief Of
Ma.nA,-cfTS ,have Owed An agreement min's infirmities. Druggistil "Oil it
tor tho sev.son. I �, t - % , everywhere. '. I . . � .