HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-04-12, Page 5THE HERALD ZURICH R 0.: GENERAL NEI fi� A_1-"UR0PEAZ[ 00MBINATION, i THE COMMUTER, WHAT'S IN A [�IAME ?Rg P'N'utl(laySfroill!� , ., .1 , 11 tint, ;,C0 t' ?ILPPTOaCILinp,')�'X)*�,iFV.tiOli Of 0013111ler- HOW Ile S.benda 1XIA IxOtirs, 0 AlIv, ill. In. The IllaiLs tore A Ttallr-oaa distributed as follovs: "110 ort ciel Treaties lield to be Good Rhoin, at N(,w y03.qc fron, Br(?l1lell, ., The timeh abused I§ubux MAIL FOR TIN N8ALL, clOSPUt 6 -55 U Ili 1)"011931t.9-149 fillilligritilts, Time to llettlate, -banItem, whow the eartoouists platUre as comw I)III, A foro.,e ()f D()(�rt, unt1lil. (4 R A 0 Y k"Dj L E I "' lY.155 I ra, 1 ing, to ilie city ovory, morning frOIA 'onlnlan�.� Li td,jn, e1q)ril 5.—Wido interest 8T.J0SLPrE, 11.,10 ant t] e,0 Lorlmoineburst," "Lost Man's Lan B., :55 UnI IIII)t io 1.oeross into Orang. Pi,iiii(-Iiurst-by,�tIlL�-Xrolley'I and 6thet W Ut- has bovil croatoil in (4r.cat Britain L, H. & B., 2.5r) all, vor j)v oily nvj,,r I.Jet1juji,, the all2wuncenient thut Aw- pit, cw*, with equally- suggestive ilailies, A L to, trV FROM HUNSALL, arr, 11 ; 30 ain A young.,;()n (it Mr. X. B, D101111faOtuver-i have taken are all Interesting ;lass of IndIvidw 41. 41 4, 7:30 pin E, unN, The transient elemput of the linliville, a(.o�I(jejltjlll-V shot! tile illitiative in forming a ilro_ 10 :41.) a. Ili i hinig(,lf whil.(l oUt jliinti1l,,,,, .. H(k i,; ClIstonis union for flie, p1l city?s population spends several liourfj L H.&B 11,00anx 110toXvvetcat m,ery (lily whirling over the railroads. 0 r(TOV03'. posv of rtisi,,tin,(.r Amerioall 1111011 tile novelty of these dally bit$ L H. & B": 7':�3 0 it "I A Dainisil buftQrll1,LJZ01' is sai(l to. tition. %ev,)rdi2I_v t Vienna of r.d1roadin'g. has passer] into the the nai-n%e, "Racycle you have all I " " : 1 LETTHIRS FOR REGISTRATION, Must ha'N7e that implies good In a bicycle==one. be potsted half tin ho-iltv previous to whieli rLqIoj(q-,4 colol storl,g(l for bolt. roports, it is jzoiwsoa that the 1110lioltouy Of Years of travel through the tfine f or closing th8 mails. i the sallie country the commuter has ter 1111(l 111VILt unnecessary. Continvntal nationii unite Ili the I learned to make the best of the tim e that is 36,5 ciffiys A'AHEAD 0- _F- T H E M D.S.FAUST, Postmaster. r14XjWril1l(3j)tS '%N-itll. f,14t (iloviric a do-ptl oll. of vountoractilify, ineasures I Ile Spends On tb0 train. fraills Nd werni Berlin, till(I Haul- i with it ,, iew to exacting (I i Tilt- "card flend" is a prominent lag - ALL. sweI)ing bnr�,' 'lh()Vr thut U speed of 12") Iniks rITTI.M."it.7 eonet'sslow" froill tile I live In this class. Eloth morning and', 'CALVES FOR SALE tin 11(�111' Ofln ))(4 attaine(l without Unitod State:,A. Tho approaching" evening foul- or five games of cards i diffloaltv. `xPira'1031 Of the Ellrullean coni � go Are - lag on in evqrry Smoking car, and In zurich at noon, on the 13th of April,'; Manclivttor iron wann'litictur( in is fix(A 011 it is safe to say that thousands of dot - about 20 good ellives fvoal irl. � -n oppoit-unk, tijilp to I)rinc larg change hands In this "Innocent THE NAME RACYCLE IMPLIES A a Week to two Will sonda party of picked -worl:�, weeks uld, a/cycl E 30-2t JOENT HEY, JR. lin"'21 to thu 1'niind i-4tato-i_; 11.1bout tin aliti-Yankev (,�)ijibinution. 111AUseRlentl' while tile players are bur- ,�klIIeri(.jlIl 3jj(,tjlj)oiq in tll(� ULI t The existoneti of Great-, J."ritaill; rying to or frow business. THE' t001 trUdO do(N not figur. A '71 fll(� a! It 1 -N('Xt to the "card sharp" Is the man NOTICE 11; reOoglliYool not onl-y t1wt Briti.,41i Who only OnJoYs his cigar and paper. s are at v, We also liancile That is the All lwrson,; who are intlobtea to Crom ille(lill to tptlrl.j(�r, : , I .1riance With; TJO is Oblivious to all Ills surround - I "'TIV. I t J)r()j)j)stjl, I)Ilt t NARROW MEA0 easiest rillillin ' the lato firin of ApPal & zoller, I heild (if the Froll(.11 tollblILLIV-0, ll('� 1 11-0 flitit ber! hig and only shows animation when g, tire. hereby requested to call and I taciii) il,'Vlbl�­ "Dol,,illo-A nion M Wnt, for her se -vivp,,; tty j.11c I ' UI -0 011)) AV(I! be is 'it his journey's end. wlieel oil the Isettle, their accounts as eLrly as Briti,.dl wountlea. to it for pr; ctival preselit-day, roll.- 1! Many of tile policies and plans of : MS. 'Plw 0 SEEID F01Z hoill that tifi,oll"i-trv, sonia of tills city,s most. successful ion hit.,; been niatle lit 110 not. 'prot�wti vv, ulvasliivi, are lill'. bnsitiess Men have been born or de - Bei -fins A roduvt I I qtf E. A.iFEL, Zurich rnihvll-�, rato jANKAL to) 1)i';1l(TS, ('10r.'-rT taill'S Sul-OAt 111M.11IS Of botitin ,Ul loissionarivs ulor b"VIZ 1-01014d on those trallis. The short That vuils , I'Ll, i respite bet,,veen the bustle of the city ART 50 THOROUGH BRED BER Tw"t P. Porter, of Ohio. Cleve= "(" -ill tinthOritV. all(l. i'llio�nm .11 (�) ' CAINL 0 W110 and Ihe care.% of home life Is to this pfiet per ceilt. elisieri f fliv Salvatioll Arnl­. I Boar for service, oil Lot 16, Con. qail for Sew York t�)-lnorrow, after; type Of man a Reason for meditation. tb an al)y oth(q. 1. m), Ifay, py Anothor It,,, i, Vh-dt to Europv, Anothei. Intepe,, miles south ()f Zlll._ ltlsliau ovoill-rod ('31 i It 111ollth l, qiug commuter is the, Jai -ids tbe Qatilleall vall(l tbe loll read.) Terms �',,1.00, 1mytibl y Raffira-' nom, said to -nix it: This ra(lic,11 attitivie In(lividual Who is on good terms witir World. tit, tile tinie of service, with the Abour too ftIot. (:f ()n tl,,, 1)Ul-t of 0intinontal _Wjiropt� all Ills f011Ows. Ile travels up and t�) Illailifest i-solf S00n­ (Jo,%,vn tllrou','h the car exercising Ills privilege. ef rotlarninl`-, if noves- tr!,'(1: IYUS ('Ovorou, an(I tra !w wa,, W't-, 9, for half zt� vr or latv;% It iva.,; not t) lie ('Xl)(Tt- i repertory Of h1test jokes or sympa- sary. That sells to! Wu. Bi.,�tvptz. A Ili buffiling in vo-rn-st- or, ed that Allie all volll:zni�reial arro-' thi?Ing with some gloormy looki g Zurich P. 0. 1"instrIlet; .(id linvoill- i friend Who thinks that all the world 2 1"11 n1i Albert str(,.,t, ()t� would b(a . (illLitil the st,11110 1)(10- tzrwa, vollapsod. About i;. (jo,&,n:PhIiIllll'XlY fortiver. As loii­ lis Is against him, IIe seems to never plo' year after Moll were W(Irkinvzit tilt, ti -me, 11)ur trallo is the bwsis of, tho M glvutilk�­, ' grONV lvea�-Y in his well doing. Which we Cali i _ 1. 0-1-M CRANK, (if t'hil t'llitil(l. Statv.;. it be The train life of tile commuter Is now fo 'TARM FOR SALE, t1stl 'it Itivilt Wils flie only alie I sell to y o U HANCE11% 81,� Lot, 14 L. Pl. E. Sttnl,,,,r I'l!" Offinva 11onsehol(I 11', r1t t1ri;1 tlirovtoJ ith aUd tilt"] Wilivened Ili- wrecks. Though (Iy(, r e r S1 That cliara.e.; tossed about and sometimes i ael (1-3, is offerell for -;t1lo by tile 1111- :ks�t viation, v Insisting of 13,10 (lo-, cutand Cht-laper DOES IT. 11CINIVII (Illallge dendgned. Tll(I farillin,, lantl alolur ine-srivs, is fill, J)nlitical nihi. brilt,;Ptl, lie generally (,.scnp6 aily t 11 s serious MAT 3&e3 LIV - r- 'I I,,. Molls, P. the'; li]Wrttl VXI`021-4011 Of 171110! Ill -11197- SUOII experiences as these be 11 111011lits. till<, lilic isgroo(lalltl splon(lid -ravo. 1)(4tvi. �Wv ..I I . I I I a Id IfY Moil is n. it only Anivri- e-onsitlers the q OVER 207. ronijs. 0>�ivejlil,,Ilt f -L!) on pIce and coloring of his $r PRESSIMEON 0111ee, &c. Al)l)lv to (a_ C.I. S wim"'t vol,1-8u; It Illay )',III lwo, existence, ------ -Tilt: SEARINCjZ6 Ilklissi, 11. , (101110.111011 ItP..'vilt a w., illkl-Will- poislls 111,1(1,- it) Chillit rol:"n U COLOR OF GOLD COINS. ARM POR SkLE-,xo dealill1rwifli. the postitll.,� of DOXE 81100K LiKE SELLY. ill China liu(I Reasoris ror Difrereueem in Irlut at D 5TPROOF CRAIN 8 KE Give us a caill i F choivo lall(l, vollsisting, of Ltit lr'�. All our whoele CHAIN AND 5PROCKET for your re-' rt�rtlstitl to are Z U Illo. 1,1411y .1(1 ft 3, ('011. 11, Hay­ina Lot I ti, ,-;outil H, T,, collam of FrelleiX Mintage. allen the Whole Gover gliaraliteed BF-TWF-EN THE BEARINGS ps irs a n d re Boundary. Hay. Some tirne ago a Frenchman placed foil Wle 80CItS011. Ooml bankbariis . ..... n1ent ofTtirlcey 'Aroill(i Ra,, pairing. 44 x 82 an(L -to x (it), alitl fralljt,! Tho Ntoanitij, (1llrj,;tol)pi. Co:oll, togutlier a unull)(ir of gold coins of E WA R1. dwellings on onoll lot. Plenty of Ir'livil Nvto, Stalk Been Wiped Out. French mintage of the beginning, in Hill (ilialliat'l at - mid - OF 1NFP,1NGEME-:NTa i 9().';a Al)rlW1` Miter. On one farill thi-oltrancl. to Hall .111tra lizillhir tilt. and end, of the last century. He there is all wiql. .11liardsill lionkicii. "'at I, . they On lly (ho 81), rtlltY. ;kllril 1-1110 Was Illuch surprised to see that Imod gravi.-I road, and" convolliont "I' t liv ��tlr with spaill. !las tw".11 0o�n't."ttin-1010 vortiv-zlwildviit of differed Ill color. lit% set abotit finding to) schuoll, jwq titlictj allol t.11jlr(qI(l_ out tilt, roast)lls for this difterence, and .4. blown lip. lillilt.l. datt. tit, CIVE US A CALL AND BE CONVINCED. i Dally'l, I 'I'llt. ljok.l. I t, Miles to Ext -ter statio!l. I'Vil tile I Of Ills investigations have Prinhioc) Allrill 1. t.-ivv.4 fliti dolail,% ol, thil been publislied In La Xature. give purchuser vasyterins 4)f and a convoy of httvt'�t-zirtholituho wilit-11 tweltroti. on M 111011t. Wind power, oqulppt�(j jitq. vaplurotl ll�v fill, There Is a. Paleness about the yellov� ,I it is -N. lit, -,ay-t 11 wa-, tilt- 'Of tilt, 20 and 20 fi, ne pieces - hich in-, eliol)pilig, btraAv, t,jltiiIl4r t I I . L !-, h a w p etc. All buildingg Ili gre()(1 ,tatv o' that Vollilliandailt 11'llgrlv�lreelit lItI.,'l1r,t City oil' tilt- Zmirli-til ar the effigles of Napoleon I and N. E. Cou-,Ws B-Pvc1ce, Sh Btlintill be. N/ repair, with good large�dirivin.-­s1wd surrt-li(lowd. "Vili'll tho "'Idt'lll llro(Yotl-, t I 111L, LOUIS XVIII that Is not observed In. i tile gOldPleces of Inter mintage. One J and other outbuildings. 011 lot ; Prof, lif Qllvon'-, Vlli� 1-14-Viv- admirer of these coins speaks of their HENSALL, ONTAR/0. 'there is 12 aer(IA (,)f gu'od bu,4h. unil )II. Wits riN.4,11 .1 fart-woll in till- 1111"t. thall flit- holl on each fatrill, one acre of orch.jr(l. I-Hult- tit till Color as a "beautiful paleness" and ex- an(Iji(q, I)-,- file Por ternis apply to PIffLIt* jf,kj.;j1 ovell-4oll of Ills lipt all prei;ses regret t i t t s lacking in later )TAN, Kartil)t& P. 0. ;NI -4721 upl)(IffitIlIt'llt in 'At. Ali* till, 1" 'n-ig"It (lipliollats. The exPlatlati011 of It Is rery (.'Uln britIgn VL.R.1.4hadjusl Illaill. T)II.il situple. - alloy that entered Into the TIw t."Illro -aholl tho bitildill­ 11%,10all t Prench gAd coil's of those days con. 50 YEARS' nit. intin Noll) rj.fjj.;t.,q I,) tir�� -' (11111MI LIS Ill Uch silver its copper. and It EXPERIENC�E -I liN-jilo, I lit. t was Illall tilt) 1:1("I It) NV(4J." till had fil-en all ti.xl)l ioll (it WdR the silver that gave the coins tbeIr tho ImIll tilt) rttj f0 Init-re.,:tIng paleness he Hd,%ra wk,111 to lhtl vartlititlakt. "Nati'lift.- V' --ii` "("Lliz"I Tile coins of tile era of Napoltion ill A a li, kill 'Is well tl�'; the raml whis an. tit, t wa,.� wore niore golden Ili htie. The silver Nviv, �Wlrolll" Nvorkilljg, j*lzj. �,J;ty(�s. RfH11+S-­--­r-_md nrints, glil.�­. I'lo Ltrun­t 1111' b0l") liken out of the alloy. �r and deeper tinge of yellow. Brig-A-4ill. tit' VIIIIIIII't Vrod. 0. ill flil. wmill. V.111A.11 The guld coins of toilay have a still TRA "V W.111tut Wei I DE MARKS '1111stoll. who 10,11111vtl itild varl -11 tho mlwro DESIGNS Mit tho cupluro of flit,. I-Iijill,ill­ 'A -u- 't it ."it" Till, Iz because the Paris mint, as well tile r:)NV11 Any CcpvntGNTS &c. dt.r. is 1:) Ift-.1 firiandiol-A t'-w-ral ill of "'; Il't 1.114 1. .11 til -It in r-OndOn. Melts thes gold and onesending it q1tetell and deserl quiekly aseertitin our opinton freeiw letilt., tilt (It, tilt- lla�lliVl boxv.s. Nvliicb preveutN tile collper from Invention is tirilltilwy Patentable. Comuuna,:i. to 11' 1"- tile c0l)Per 111110Y In hermetically sealed 4- fitt"n"ay tl t, rio-galoll- ujqjj�. vft.#. rl. n. Satisfaction Guanantce'd \1aji)r.(1f,IIq bridw -,vilioll, o\v,,.z w;q, tjj sent frite. oldest acener forieettring paii.ut�. being soulewli.9t blerlelled. as it always Patents taken throuirit Stunt, & Co. recelve A Parns dt-.,ji:jtt-jI s�v V, Ilnto --ai), k Tillilin'tv,4d, sotirvtr.r�� t'If )It, ,I- nit it Is attacked by hot air. So A the prosent coill..; have tile full warm- odnfifi Amer, toll, 1,11" DOSS Of tint that a Copper alloy can 40 1 Ic �azlrian Le,-Ition .a till do:qn A hiindsmit0y ffluitratm wt,L!�iy. r,nrzv.t pir. . folwrbt I It In"I'sit-s i �f -;a0f1 111"Aw, 101 -t -,fill -lit f give. ell lilt ion of finy seicut Itle journal- i;; it Nive with Limil._( Ioz tho Ctlilnvil, rofnwll It) Illovil, ;I " mr. four Triouths, $1. Sold bytill ilei�sfhufivm % If tilt% coins of todn�r are not so 1ruld. roveivo(I wo,:Ild ill V(I Willa verl.- Solm MUNN' & Co 3G, Proadw-Y. Now York tilt, fillill. jll.)j'jv. � in t1le opinion of amateur collect- l3ratiell offiep. e#- lit.. U'8, tho Illovon)(in" 1111.1 i -t zv�f.d. hl.4 ors as those, is,,,ued by tile first Napo. NEW, EDITION JUST ISSUED Berlin. %vll:) i�4 i" Vj,jj jj7-(,,.tj. i:,, the 11.111 li"ll thev nre SUPONOr to those of el - NEW PLATES THXOuGHOUT l lalyz. L. all" -r- ther of tile Napolvotis Ill the fact that lilli, tit(, 1(1(.,Il jj(jrqor� . �Tt, _Ill donn! T1,11, lwh­t-4 11) thall Z (-fr it c,)i;jii Ills, t Etc. I 41111."it" "':41! V�ldvn wos (I-Iltk* ill hem. Tile double Now Added 25,000 NEW WORDS" Phrase, l ; to [�' I, Rich Bindings (idS(l untl vtill�l' �M. 111. Tliv (If The O-Vfthltiol) Of the W,)per *-lvt ."� :-t- Il."011 0 23'64 Pages -A 5000 Illustrations C fie TMe8tan "IrZeall '1� -lilt] PIP1111114Z It off the surtne of the twoly(i lf(, it "W'r 'n li"'I" m,41411111s. T]I` (,vill Nvith acids is Do longer employed, Pirapart-d undarthe supervision of W. T. Harris, M.D., LLX., United States COMMISSIoutrof Education, atilisted by alargecorps it.,; of tiAlibitil"lis .11' I'm, _J !It and tltl- htrge t"lituttlation of copper tall af-t."I -111tilvii-17v throll"'I. BETTF-P, THAN ZVEX FOX11GENr.,LAL0c1J,,.1 tilt- tho for0i"ll. Aki (�rs in flit. ,lipitiljulij. tile surfnee of tilt? coil's. fol-merly ill, is resistntit un� 'ItscottishG1 R0011"n sleoves Oil a(le tit Webster's Collegiate Dictionarykvith Scottish Gi s lnajoritv if wholti. With will It"s First class in quality, second class ill size." t1w En­li�' h .,11,1 I(T Wear and tear tbitu tire tile cotng kil loll r t lit- no vt -it' (l, o wl i, I I ill f1lid HoW in circulation, April liunillor f)f tilt- all, lt"The(lonio of th'o,_'nat No Keym to White no-one, shirt-w.lists foil. III(q, �jlljl Nvol"t'll whic1tall tw�crfl!141.- '.I, In these modern dtI.vR tbol front dool- with Raglan sloev(-S. U Fr(IlIt'll 11h,"lit jvlly, hail rallell, 1-11v Of tile, Nj*IjIte) Ilouse 780" XhIllba:, !�tr��t wlitilt, , (4"Vornlllent IS not locked at gown Ivith sIveyos ill.; t urt" 0'j;(1Tl to fl*1)111 the Silltall q1owli will oEollboll, -g% - - 114,'llt- 1"I'lleticlily 130 door$ are locked, AM" ill(, shoulder, and throt. Ill. foil" 1-1 lile tit one stroke. to t111 11'1�tl and If tilt' st"wArd should lool, around havv, booll J, I)racticul and "Irt-ft's Illatt'nifty for I-evs, lie would probably not kind S "OV11, luiry llotvN"ill till, lKilled. s. The mill; b.'If of those formerly in use. 13ig pa - OD P 0,17 licenien are about ill(% only doors at the� Ifyouever c6titracted aiffy Blood Diteas-7011 are never saic unless the virnt; or all( hell)ftil. tn(l IT*(, tq; t in flink, t I execuflve mansion. Tbey guard the tolson has been eradicati:d from iliesystem. Atiolviesyouseealarilij sy pto SI t,, I ug In W tiff(Vt E astor lut t's 111(11 The plibliil(Is u""Ill (1OOrs at all 110131's of tiny and Utlive in hoiles jjo serious r.-t.,91ts will iollow. Have you any of tile joilowing syluptolusl Sore throat, u1cers oil tilt, tonvue or in tile niouth, hair fatting out, acti. 11401t. and there Is no need to close and intirpallishchint-sr oftlic skill, isoreaor Witche-3 or thebody, eyes Farm, (1tv-, Nlillai�e red ind slitart4 d tic Stomach, sexual wcalzness-hjfflc�gtions of tile secondary stage. Don't filel, the Itinor doors. 13PfOre rrosident 'Pt Cluck, Don't .ill 7.0er aystant 1witit the old fo�y treatitient-rit and Garden Prol)(irty, q()loj, Horenn,afe" jue ju,s tit e pollcem �n tV ay 0 U to %vere rare at an(I Exchunty. I(j. ill, � 11(i uSli:("'I lIV the president's 10 dw n t 1(a I me- nU 110 all be ba kc, Chron, NVII-It tlIt'0XZlVt N10dr, inonj jl� cicrlz�; and servints liqd gone home at f patien .r (11-v. hoill., Illillollfil ttlljl St1vt)jjtl t,r Ill -Olt tilt% boumelteeper went around r 20 years, I Aloncy Loaned on First 111(1 _01 a nd enrefully locked all the doors Ia. " Ir birth'! S 0, and ou"Ide except to room's Occu- tit 9L Pot& T is. -'&tortgages, Real V,�statc, X()te.,; jIjIti,' rom rl ;q Hilveyoll a sti-t1wl"crry 'll"Irk oll: i Other '85ocuritieq. wra, navlasoll, St. A1,44'ONVS, youl. left arill" pled by those going in and coming OUt. 'Que., st r. Ohitkws, Syr 11) of What Altw-; Ili) vml Nvear? NERVOUs D) KBUITIL Are'you trojil)lti(I OUrR '"W r4n'r*TftD '0RBA1VArrTtT wIll ctire V-oiti, and milte a ituan Parn's, Houses andlkisin(N.,; Prop- Lillst?(Id alid Turiwiv ilit. has i-arod ino -------- of, you, Under Its influence the brain becoines; active, the blood purified so that of bronehitis. I W1010M sue- too lilils? Don't De Sti,arinz Of Your Lovckj :�Ijjpliupieg, blotchos and ulcers disappear; the berves, become strong as attel, so orty Rented an(I Rents ePss, tried many renied les f,w 11it, vakit Do vol, Invoi Tho powel. ()r lovf. is one of tile grest. thatittervousness bashfiritnesn and &-sporld"ey, disapp-tar; the eyes bee nie bright, upon Reasonable Terrils, six years. List Nvintor wbon I 'i -I a' ("ilt I-Ifts to huninnity, thd face full and clear, energy retu rnis to tile body, and the worai, pti ysio I aud sex- severe attack rnl(i was uriable (10 Y011 br�yyour coinpl(,x_! It generates th& ual s .vstatus ate irivigorated, alldrainstease—no urore vital waste fr6ftl etaheaysttrn. Procured a liottio (if I-) ilaitt-'s IOW, R""i'llluc Or tile R10",al 'universe, �vjth,. The various organs becon2ehatural and trianly. Ymtfeel yourselfantan and k ow V akiru rob you of :nl,., 1 Does yolir illother1know your lit �vhlffll lift, Would be a desert waste. and free of charge. Don't let quacks aud. f. Ideritiaily Money Investett for Prftatt! b1di-) ain linpl)y to Rtatf. th. x, thi� thir,1 bot- Are flivr conlin' voq,. NN�.I.Ve Ihis divine power with warriagecatinot beafailuro!., We Invite all tile affliettdto consult listosir 21 1 SyruP Of TAnsved and Turpl% dollars- W4 WrLr4 CURL YOfl OR INIO PAY, Your hard-ekrueil vi(luals on First Mortgagre oil 11"Ill tle Illa-de nle a well n lall." out stint We treat and cute I�ZLJIVOUS DZEILITY, SrX1jALWPAXNRSS, rIVITS- W, R. Alger, I nsurzince agont 1141 vo voll*11'sk'(1 Poacliti's soal)? Tit, prodiggal of Yotir love. Lot It'rad). MONS, 8VP9r1,1S,, GLZETI STP%TcTvttr, Estate, I VAX1C0CEI,8,XiDNEy says :—I Alsod Aro you inalo or nto freely. It will brighten the dalik B 14ADDnR I)XSXASZS, and all discasee pa�-ujjar to men awivotneh. curej guarau. ChAse's SYrup of T117j,go-ott and Till -1101- NVI'll t (Ild you. have f or breaWa',t? lllzlvt�s. It will giliddou the Sorrowing teed. tille for a Severe atl ack of brotiolittiq Are you a victim? Aftv'e You lost bopc-? Ara you coateulplittincr i Do voil ggrow viall. (,�wll littir? It Will lift you above the petty, grind.. lave youany weak. curative propertip ont, -with mo III,,, careR that so S Warriapre? Ras your blood 1)een diseased? I 17ormit lyle to testify, to its I'l, REBER! flesal' Our Xaw Method Treat:alent win curayou. conaultation s. T got befter front 0011 corrode the rultid' 1111d SLIP tile energies. It is the golden, Free. No ituatter who has treated ?Ott, write for au ho tiost 6pi, qjon rirde aj the time Of t4lzlng ti to. il"t dose. Vav- ev011 Charges reasonable. 0661is ftee.- 4, Charge. I Th a Goldiin Non Itor" 011ilstrat6d I oil Disea Ing a farrilly Of yol llig 0111101-011, My [ I ( , kvy that will ad Ineto "Weeases of Wonion" "Tim Vviagz ox. soI.4, I'Varicoc I I It-, v *4 e e Stricture and M',0,2%, TELEPHONE 6960 1101tols' bills bave it onjl-,tjjv voll � t ) I , 'lilt YOU to the pillLco All sent Free sealed, n i Whit t was vour ­rvat -raildfatbol. Of the tl-tl(,' 11fe.-success. V101181derable silly). I bellovo -it bo`Mt', of Uo Medicine soni 0. 0. 0. NO namOs 00 bc)(69 Of tinvoloPeS, EVOrythIn Or,� ChasWq Syrup ocioasionally will ­Jil : for", confideofial. Question list zhd Cost of Trbatmonj, PREE, for Homd Curg. ine In reducing theb 1 -very -111-�torigily.11 (liolyou I mt lint? EVIOUP11. ro YEA E R 1,E PE 2 TRI L't raARKt N. conts it bottle, :01 dealolrs. Wvry V011 OV017 111) ill it 1). 1 tell Toll to let Well enoug1%, g allooll*? is your ol)i1lioll j)l, vlrioIls: slold tile doctor to the 00avales, E. ZELLER Dr. Rasn's 18yrcop i 1111,lt� DR&KENNEDY& U. r I ill I ligs. ctlylt Arlio hild disobeyed and was 811-C. li Ill priville 001TOSI)ollolonee 1010 is: ro":illg a 1.0apso. 1413 SHE�LOY ST. DETROIT MICH. Of Ll"nassel Id yo-ar fav'orile alithor? Yez. (loctor", whined the . pat Whon 1,,4 it to c(),11t, L)ff,? ZUR10H, ONTARIO.. avid Turpen.tunel, How u.l,(, tjIjjjvj jjly�N but I wjsn,t well jjnoughjf� Pree 1�ra,,s. lA6W6a6_.__ ........... ............ ......... ..