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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-04-12, Page 44
THEcs, p c 7 • In Lcr•1 Robert s recently pub- plc themselves s in conlmtlpicaticni PROPOSALS WITHDBAWN.
.. � � � � � � 111111 The t :t�
" rushed despatches this reference oc - credit u our Pro. •-
curs; "The -following
officers who Villee, is at stake, unit everyone who !Russia's Real Position in Manchuria •
1s Ptal ,ISUEza have been killed in tic+tion or aim., can help to advertise the flue e i'- + 171 1V o ay Impaired by This
EVERY TRU:RSDAY LIVENING. irate and prodnctivo sail of Ontrt.riC Course,
,of; �\•auud:a xonderecl ean,1)icuouel;�• ,;hi)nl(1. ]crud tl willing
hand. The
ux zaz,i,ILR ' valuable services. Had the; sal•- exhibit utast be in )lace .
l by tiI`{ti Paris Apri-t 'ta,-( special.)
'lE+;RIltt OFSUBSCRIPTION :-$1.00 per vivee.I should havo brought their l: t,
' year paid strictly in acivanee. 'SI, hen the
paper isnot ordered to be discontinued
-it will be sent until such order is givers
and arrearaties paid: $1.50 to be charged
when apples Erten cold ri iagc
" . bruits and vee tables In }1ts. atltl =1(tct)r<1illg to information that {
before Motu• Lor 1 b. )'s not
names : 1 ('\ itpu1 nt.'ci 11 nits will be placed on ; reached Perlis to -clay from u. source
ice," Here follow eight nailer, ()i tho'c:;, After that fteselt fruit reg:mica as of undeniable a•Ltthcn-
1 L
which that of- Llout.-C,_>1. A.ld wot•til, will he sent forward every • week.
when not aid in advauee, tic;{v Russia has withdrawn the
ADVERTISING r rl1 S. -Traci s i e n t 1). b. O, c°111 t11LL)1cat11;;' 1);.kc wt
prop+se«l. _ltanchnl•ia treaty with,
advertisements, 5 cents tier Brevier line Cornwall's Light Infantry,. is se •- Effectiveness of , Il:urnorous Lying, ' Chian.. This step is attributed to j
for first insertion and 3 cents per line foal end. Private Betallie•k is menten-
eal.'I3 subsequent insertion. Small Advs. `- ., the.
personal Instigation ation of Eulpor•
such as"Lost" "Estray" or ““robe will I ed for having trial to serve •the. Ual. Throe cult -'I' m no• 1ue11 •;, (Jr �•: ieh0la,N, sulil is accepted LLa,
be charged 50 eents first insertion and .. 5 onel under a terrific' storm of 11111- I drifted together in a :Boston olficr?
1,viile13ee ol: his ootermination to .
rents for each subsequent insertion. lets. Thi:; is of 'intere-.t to C.'ana- j told proc�eecled to (>x(11111ge heavy El ;; t the )resent juncture, tiny Copy for change of advertisement must1
be llandod in not later than Tuesday night beam, because of 1'he fact• that ('ol- Weight ideas,. over their cigars. conflict :\tush ;Meath. Coupled. \witl3
Ow- a - lwhat, a d eine ". .l'•, . , S 0011300 'tile Stat01n1011t, that
ing issue. 1 ' h he hintselC' fall 'and in' don't 1)(sliewc thtrtl', tllri t.lin); c.n Riw,ro t. do e.s 110t deem It especl1eut
of each week to insure ehange in fol, ones A1(hvorth initiated the thatet "7 e11 you add + 1 this
ne "
til lit
Local notices in ordinary reading typeti) withdraw any of her troops now
5 cents per line Notices for Church en- which the Royal Canadian lied- earth that C'all't be advertised." 111 Manchuria, and intends to main -
•a •., i r "'Saul what'`: more ''. a;klid
un- of other benevolent institu- mentantlered seve ell . The charge , t fain the. status quo there until a ,
tion at speeial rates. failed, largely owing to 1111 execs- curer, '•there's; isn't anything that , Chinese Government can be c;trtl�-
Contracts for column, half -column and sive distance aver which the erten couldn't 1)0 advert i�;c:1 n:tore sue - lishea at Pekin serener Lind a table
quarter eolutnn rates for specified periods c c ssfully than it is being adrer- 1 cnnugh to inspire Russian confl- l
will be cheerfully given. Address all
communications to
The 13erai d
had to advance in. the lace of a \ cry.' tiscd at the present time. (l('3.:'(' .tor the future. TR 114 tour-;
heavy fire, and partly owing to the ; eThcre's something in that,"'teolts and ru..eapectcd witll(ir:LWal
cireunistanre of its reaming ender a' observed the third man, •'who hap -1 of the proposed Manchuria conven-
terrible crossfire from a d )nom^t rl,}e • penal t'o t1. , of tt(an, until now so aggressively urge_
E. ZELLER En1TOR ZURIal3, P.O. the lI. .B. Int•
he 1STi11ittul B. (l • • 's
snip 111e (;;)mp an;-, I ed upon China., is r0 1rcled ars an
' Cornwalls one that day lost 71) nun, , ' cul 1: luta a lit ae experience the ! exceedingly clover movtenent on
FRIIDAY, APRIL 12, 1901. the Canadians 81. One section of other day Wil=l it illtl:,tra.tes the I the Dart of Russia, berstuse that
Corn walls went into the action 2) prop -sit -ion tai perl'oetiom. It was . treaty, which could only be wrung
• Strop,* and hurl I1 ]filled fund 10 on rho train 1 awe('m. Lowell Ind' from China by renewed, drastic'
and see had, dist-elated oil the• t•e•net urn c: