HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-04-12, Page 3b 17. . I I I .. I ­­.- ,.; � I .I...''. -.11.11--i'll-111 1.,._,K_ ." . . I I . . I I , I I . , . . , � . . ; .� I ! . I I . � i. I 11 I . � I i � L 1), I I - . . . I I . "I I I . . I �� . . . - � I I � . I � I � , ( � I "I I .- I . I . . , 1 I I I � � � . I . , I I 11 , 1� - I IHIG � , RADE V. � . l 1^ 1� 4000 f �� ,m 11 - � t I Q . y R0,"S'" HIGH-GRADE CEYLON TEA Is wltbon.t exception the only, abso- lutely pure Ceylon tea on the mar- kilit, to -day. AM orther brands are Ceylon, and something else, I. a., painted teasof Cyalua. If -70ar grocer does not keep ROSS' HIGH GRADE TVA, give us your name oil a postal, and we will tell 'You (Me who does. The Ross Tea Company, n-13 ; Fmnt street cast, Toronto. I I - ' RUSKIN A GENUINE CELT. - Ancestors of the T1.1ous Critic Were Xamed MICalinan. I Mr. Alexander C�rmlaliael gave the Qlasgow Ruskin Society. the other evening the result of his lnvestlgv,- t1ons Into the family name of Rus- kin, says the Westminster Gazette. In Glen Lonan, in tile Land of Lorne, 11,11nost, under the shadow of Ben Cru- %chan. there were at one time sov- qra,l industries carried on: among which Wits a tannery. To this tan- nary bark, of course, had t1i be brought IOT dyeing Purposes. One family of the district. by name Me- (1alman, seem to have applied them- Selves to the peeling or the barkand bringlut- it to the tannery. Now, the bark of a tree is called ini Gaelic 4rusk," sounded 11rooslik," and the -on Who followed this ocoapation were called "rushkers," and bills cognomen stouck to the McCalman family. This branahlof the I MoCal 4 man fam- ily Is the one from Which Ruskin Was descended. one member of it migrated to Perthshire and took Ills cogubmen with him, There we know Indepenrlently that Rusiclit's father was afterward born, and the later history is public property. It *18 interesting to learn that even so far back the kee4 appreciation Of color was traceable, the family having been noted for their coloring of the tartan and other home clothing. . -made I SPRING WEATHER. Is Your System in'Shape, to Carry You Safely Through ? -----.-- ____ - . .______ -_.........­�_ ,.___ 4."-+"",',"10,0-",�-+#-O�o++O-O-,$,+ 4i "Yes, "' said the foreman, and it wil, t guilty." J IIALF A DOZEN ' "T1311 are unanimous, of ootirsef le I I they wore again asked, "' ` Mr, looreman 10. ,SHOR !f + -1 STOWES 1. ­L�si Sir," replied mau , nine to three." + And tile Judge collapsed. _++++++++++4+++��+++++++++-e "Why, what's the matter, daugh- , ter ? Been. inarried but a brief inol3th INBEDTHEE YEAR" n 0 and weeping so bitterly! Tell me what is the trouble. Sur'ely you. and Jack haven't quarruletl already, have YOU -?il I The Happy Endingi- of a Ve ,,No, mamma.'Y r� "And he hasn't -one away and left Serious and Painful Case. you, I'm sure," � . "Oh, no, maminal Jack wouldn'tbo quite its mean as that.11 IVIrs- Hughes Wo -q Very III-Bloateg "Then what in the world Call have and In Constant Misery, She Suitor happened to make .�ou so miserable? Jack in trouble -I mean, has .11 edror Four Years, Before she Use( is e met with' any reverses ?" Doddls Kidney Vills- She is Nov "Yes, mainina, that's It I Ella re- Well and 11appy. verses. When lie was courting me he never left the house till :L2olclock 'MOrler, Out., April 1l­(SpeclaI.)- or after and now lie's reversed that Nelson Leflar, Ju.,tice of the Peac, rate and never comes ].ionic till about Of this Place, voliches foi, ilia trut] that time,"-RIchmond Dispatch. ul tile f011owing interesting story "JI(I DY Mrs. Thomas Hughes. An embarrassed minister gave out Varifleation, however, will not bi llocr%_sary to, tbol4a who know *Mrr3 the first line of a hymn: �o 1111 lies, as that lady Is one of tlif "This world i's all a floating Shoe. 9 )st higlily I`PSI)EwLed residents a That did not sound rilght and the in' ' made another attempt: Grey Co�rlty. Mrs. I-Inghes says: "This world is all a shouting flee." "I was a great Sufferer for foui Years. I waR treated by four ductors Driven to desperation by thestulles 11,11ti U s.Iy,,ciklJIjit from tile UniteC of his congregation he charged at the States. OP of )Its voice .. I tried nearly every 'Lind o, t ,, W eeting flow. " niedicluo. I c.oulki Iwar or, but now 'Thenhe satdown exhausted, willie seemed to do mr, any good. one of the deacons read: .'I Ivas Lit bed for nearly threc "Thin worldIsall a"fleeting allow," Yr -ars. I had palas up my bpinal col, ch ct version. LIMIT, ill my, lu�ad, ovor my eyes, acrosp. my blick, through iny left side, am Clergymen are particularly subject m-caplonally in my right side. to the pranks of the little word imp, "For three nights at a titan I would but are ucill; always conscious of It never clo.-je my, eyes in steel). I waf until tile O.Isslon or evasion has terribly bloated, so that Icould not produced a seneutlon. One deliberate sit lip or walk. My age was forty - speaker alluded on a, Sunday to a one when Iwas taken sick. church supper which was to be given ..I have tak.,.n in all fourteen boxeii In tile future, or w'hleh "due notice" of DOdd's Kidney Pills, and now Ian would be given. That was what -lie kitrong, and nbirl to d(y a good day'ii Intended to say, bat the "imp" sub- work, a, I Wive ever br.en. The doc, stituted "now doughnuts," and the __.___.__­_­­_­ �.- � ------ _-W__ I . ACCEPTS OUR DOCTORS. Tile Pra,tlefl or Talting, a Tonic In � t0trS said I bad Itheilmatism. The:v unfortunate man was the recipient 6:ti(I that uotlihig could be done f�i Tbey Will be Recognized as Compe- Springla Descended From Our Whit- of a donation party on the streug' .h ml�. telit for the S ervice. Vorefathers and Has Good Hedical of the supposed hint. These stories ,.I Was not *able to, cat arly,thing, recall to mind that of the Bug- T -be Militia, Department has been advWed that a, bill is before theIm- Eudorsenient-A joev. Sugge .$tious Only Ourn Starch and .soup or some lish curate, whi) drawled out: "Here kind, Ify weight had Increased from Perial House whiall. proposes on cor- Regarding lifealth. beginneth the firth chapter of the 112 to 1,17 pounds. I am now, down Dock of Bouteronoiny.11 He tried It to tal,u conuitions to admit medical men Of the eWonlas to the Imperial naval The praetice of taking it tonic dur- - lay normal weight again. I can several other waye but was unable it Over MY- enough for Datid's Kidney to , military and eivil Services. The bill Ing the Inclement weather of early get it right. Pills, for I am satisfied that they In iquestion provides that whert,- Ule examinatlin and course of study Spring is one that has been bequeath- ed us by Our forefathers, who lived FavOd my life." Interviewer-Aldermau Bwalhod. I I There are many ladles sufferin- as have come to got your views oil the -few at the principal colonial scliools of inedlane in lit days when a sturdy constitution Mrs. Hughes (lid, ,although but proposed change Ili tile curriculum Inny be as low as site was. are all respects tit(- saire as those pructised in the Unit- ed Kingdom, antl to tllo and vigorous, health meant even inore than they do to -day, The custom hus of the grammar school, lk,ranged Kidneys are responsible -Alderman Swelhod - faurrivulum! f0i: almo,�t till the Lroubl--, tlint comes .qubjpot su- pet -%lsi lit, of Cae a . n ral Moi,lt-al Coan- the highost mekli�-al endorsement, and What,.,? tl1at ? I,Ln ag'In it, i hat- t � , v L, vr,cruen In middle lire, and no wo- : ever it Is. � 011, TI1O,d,Ml Well from GreatLr ll.rl- tile healthiest people arethosewho lll,%n Can affoxcl to ba carcoloss, when -Alderman Swellied, reading the re- mr kidneys i1ril Ili any'. wity threat- Itlafu when provea to be lVoperl qn-filin Y�followlt. oil. Shall bo -admissable to serve, Thousands, notre ,ally Ills port of the interviewer next morn- I'mod. Inge: "Our distinguisiled tO)Vtlsmkln, ' the ouipire in the naval and military aal oiNil services of the Crown. liendatnile. tit this r,,-_aSon. Close What cured Mrs. Ifuglies of this Mr. M. T. Swathe,], waa found In Ills very bail casu will cure any case. T"( p"" "" ,;oil le, ' o gi,,Iatlon Is a roc- Ninfill0ni out Ili badly ventilated it m�4,o�,, Charming humv, surrLiundea byabulld* Dwld'fi Xidney I'llis, ar.r� t o only ant indl1tt,tion of rIPO scholarship %ni oil b 11-'ritain of the fact that I', _� a iosing of tile moilloal. act, t1t, 1'� orriv,Os, Sholle and , sellool * " ' MIA Its during tho. winter niontbs, rem­dy that over cured Dr! -,',IVs Dis- and sturdy vornmon sense. In reply '11, Diab,Aeq. or Dro,Tisy, 7n'd they Pus - IS! . .�S, very bcn�n makos ,)!�( ill*(- fe, '-I dopressedana "out- to our reportor's question lie .said: J,avi� nf.,vor fall -t. '"I do not des",ro to force my I I _­­ Made In medic,al education through- I out the fliapire, anzi ospecially ill o1­s,jrt.;." ,Natura innot be assistc4l . . - , * , _­ oplaI.Ons lipoll 'Lite, public, but tlilsl Belles of the Congo. I the Self-governing colonies. i in thr,Av1II,,r off the poison that liaS will 8"Y, that 1 have given to ill!.; I question long an,l studlons atten-i Thu p(r4al .mtlu)rltI.­; at Brus- - — avolilli'llat,'xil In tha System, c1h.c Poo- sAs 11, lutel tion, int-1.1vritaLy examinin- into tho! . r ave "Y" nritivol that tile I AIANUL"ACTURERS7 LITF1,_ P10 fail 'an eary prey to disease and I ourricula, or it).'sitit,uti,ills ' learii­ alzill IM93 dlaq),itolied to the Congo ; __ I ara nui j ot to utility k?ll,�cumforts from Ing both at holnu. and :tJ)r()ofnd, and. 111�1:re 110t bf.11119 (July returned, ,tail A Stu-tement Exhibiting 31.1rogr essp I,Oils, eruptlons,aul slitill'ur troubles. if. oxiA ill�,: after a, lot of trouble they dhseov- although 1 fluLl In tl ' t , Vrc-d tile It 1�tlxbllity und Suce.es ' �,,. I Dr. W! illti.liks, pill,-- pil;o for Pale Poo - coursa of study nut a few mattut�, re,u�!:,n- appear3 that for cundefunntion, still, upon I tile oo,lore,�d p,,..�tlakon Ili tile U.Ongi) It ie alWaYd a PIV1.'IBtI11V . to be :11;lo i to 110VI,AV tile faLlikolid W(_Lvniont, W plo are the lwi--t joule 1Ilef7AJC1nt,, L-Iluwn , , -1 ! : whole, I cannut say that I shmil,J. Fron StUto livilv- prc.sent.,t of the Ono ol. our (Aujualnu i1I4,LIt.uLlt)l1_,, e4JLV_d"Ii3* when that dstatkqn,"Ilt (�.,�_ I to 1II[?,*.I�-tJ,J stll�n�IU. �rllcue pills make ' rich, red blood will Ntrung nerves. , adviso any r1ldiCILI Ulluago ull,l, I! mail bag%st,y tir-ir wives crc flancevs. havo furtLier time t�) ex�Ainillp 111tj' Tlitvzn ladles silliply (..ut oilt tile lyst- I tile " I tom, 11U)'tV 11170�'XOI'S, St�LbiliQ� I k�uef.vss. Throu 911 their use In 8pringtImc, snbievt.' avil'by i1r_,iving jvi�.%t is l(,ft "By -or .In The atnatkul report of Ow �qailultiv- I 1� kl(lk�d, listless, eapWv tired ilien, 11wIr livniN, 'Llill 1%71,il ,Ucurgf�, tilat ft-llor,s gtj� Iny ON I tile as. I exaut Ian - for id-stalIC0 of th-y tariero ,k,.tre, puL),I.s1Icj,, ill Lo-ti,l�y,s i,q- RLION IN Aund wolell ua.)we Such wan. -o- woluon anti children are niade- bright, active and utrulig. lt,'�Lloljvo of tit(" � ilagil, wora %,,,iv,i!1 ,I I)ivno or strin- And lie didn't take no naitc% nottlivr! Iltuve all ultra nv�dvrn rv.tT1%:_mfthe taku,Ue sign.s of careful IIIATIU1.1;(!, ment, wxuu,uOd vroalurful Ilualth re.4t)ring Nlrtui3 * 01 thes.f. pills is i"PlIt 1*� Me By Ur-orge, what a memory th;Lt Lc�'�tum,,-. Thei hwt tlLAt t fe'llor must Ilavo!"-TIt-WLs. are furrilAmd with .111 enorm:)us With .? OpIrlt ,ul pro- ffretks, that polloyholders.'111 it al -v to I g -4. J.Lang- lolls. 6)0 Lafontaln Arcet,Muntreal, -_ black soal' bearlaq tile. lvgPlid "Brusr 140S b,9 OL-119ratli-atG 1, I", I thosi,- I)r(.I)js- 'rAS t1v It. Will Says: "Before I began "'11�21' Dr- Williams' Pink Pills 1 A curate up north, sav-s rumur, has Contre" tioei not disconcert I , fur,,!,,Iio,l another OX,LI11PJ0 of Lilo them in the Irast.-Stockholm. Sven- illbluro, In lli.�z�.J Ito .JdUiti-,I].tI 9U"r"WILet) that Llicir intorebILS %vill 1 wIts under tho Vitro of two deLtors,,who told me Illy P,sL"JO -IPOIO9-.v at his own exp­lj,j,,. ska, Dagblad. be, Waki pro tooted, It, 41, ,;,ear in wilioll competition trullb,01 Nvas deN(,I1)I)1u;'1 into eoil- sulilpticrkk� I Avas Nery Palo and Having preached a very clever ser- ____ mon on tile Sunday, lie Called ulion Cutarrhozone is ill' 11,111cient Reniedy vmis vtry keen ill(, c()mI1ztny roce,Ive;I feeble ; bad no ai)pctiil� and could a Certain colonel oil tile )�l,ill.;,jy for Asthina. aPplidation.9 for iwsTo-,tlIc(%S ainjunt- LQ9 W o � at, �3,000,0_0, all,1 . I&,:IILLI ,)()I- harilly stanzi oil my fo:lt� I wite very inuell discuttragOd and thought death his opinion. Innerkip, Out.- " Vatarrhoyotk,� lq did I like the. Sermon'!" mtill certainly -,I Vur,v offielt�nt remixty, for "Very Late& for 4',-21,6,0,70.3. 11he applIcatft)u.j wa.s Staring ilia Ili tile racm I had ,1­J1ow ira colonel. much indeed. It's Asthma. It afforded lar. great refief One of my favorites." redtlateU by the company ,1,9 11,ut Com- WS ul) to its, m8aicial standard wits I tile tiften. read of Dr. 1VIIIIamH1 P1 nk Pills, and finally decided to try them, Ar- from the first applir-at'ain, awl lini- "One of your favorites I" Fattinnierel a 13 - ureil Tue. I k;:ow' t!r ill I hbo�-s the curate, Slightly "I do m' t '1�v 0 lurge proportl�n of over .10 per tvV I Will used three. boxes my appe- puzzled. nut 'who liave been boriefitel tf) .i. 1'�Jiuilar understand." Mut. of the appilleatione received. i The 'total voluma of buh0le,se now oil tite, was much IiLttcr,arid I felt a litL. u r tlo Stronger. I ca thilied the use a e.N t F., u t. Mrs. 1-.'tl. Callall", , The colonel regn.rded him with a No greater boon has bevu -xtended � the company's books Is' over slr).�- 000,0,v, will.10 the ca'sh income from the p'llu ror three months when I felt fully cured. When I began using tit twinkle at tho back of lilts eyes. -Of to Asthmatics than Caturfrittizone ceourse% I won't Say a word,11 lie said, which Ili as cortain to cure as any -1 I "but preattiums, am I intere,st has increased from ;S In C Pills, I OAIY weighed 02 poundli, and I know very vrell that yoli stole thing In t1lis world can be certain, It, and also ,whore - yull stole'it froin." .,,kxG,-.i(' 1804, to $130,i,717 In -l'90U. ijuring the, year tile cont- wIlt.-Ill ddscontinued thommyweight had increased to lid pounda. I also Its effect Is Immediate, .,),lid Its pro - "Sir !" said tho cu�ato, anti he vpi,ke, longed w4o rveult.i tit a radical nure. Pa-nY t1lebursod to 110,103,1101ders, tor gave tile Pills to MY baby, vrho was from out tile. whirlwind of Ills right Br,,the it fal' ten millutes four tinillt; eous Indignation. 111 ant not Ill t1lo eWiowmaate, dividends, stirreudore I PO'I,Cles, anJ death claims, the pale and Sickly, and they inade Win a bright, a clay and If it fails to eure wo will habit. Sir, of StOuling my serniun.q.. I tile sub- at-anUul bum of $127,665, added to tile rosy, fleshy chlicl. I think there is no weak or blekly person refuii8 nionoy. Druggists fir by fatir ,-,'on are laboring under a. wis- take a mail, Price $1.00: FAniall nIz,,, 215c. .i ricl-er-forgetting r.oeejrve funj for tile security of PolloYltiolders *8LS,405, and inere.-alind Who will not find benefit fromDr, W11111ants' )Pink 11111s.11 yourself, -Ar. trial sent for .10c. by ". [:.. I'L .N ."'tioll I must ask ,Von to apologize." . I & CO., Kiligstori, Canada, or Hart - at 1110 &me tillis its surplus by .,�67,_ 1168.85 It is a wastO Of 1110110Y to experl- Tile colonel was silent .1 monlent. tlion 11 ford, Conn., U. S. e said: "It may bo that I Jim a a carefiltl revieir of tile aumpany,p,; meat with other so-called tonics which are all clivap huitatlonsor Dr. ..--..-- ________-- mado I mistake. �f4llt It molitiq1t, T will make surc." A 11.1se Palla. bit,sineos for tile Past Six years wits made, 4,7 Prof. Dr. Jamoa Mlli,s, in Williams' Pink Pills. Insist, upon getting the ge,nulne, it Coing to his boolcease )10 took dilwil "Papa,' wh6perod Gladys 11,10tas- I wbich be. &howed that, while in 189-1 t11415 tl*180ts 0I tile willpallY and they are 1111t fiold by your d6aler send a nias;kdve tonto Of Sormons-tt rary nindd, lv',IWe tile rosonte NuOlve I and all"Ost forgotten 'work. Ift, ellaSed thantRelves across hor fact, ' amomuted VO �'621-821, theY now li,�ve reached the large figurco, dironct, to the Dr. Williants' Updi- ein(I Co., Brockvile, Ont,, and tile turned to it vortain page and .lit and beat thomw�ivcs to ploces �ipologotic, 1111mbIQ look clarne upon Ills against her shall -like cars. "papa, tit(. of $2,27D,1.76. As 110 lukliCation of their excellent char- pills will be Inalled W'Sto Paid, at 50, Q- box, or six box ns for $21.50� face as ho gbillond up tit the curvie. Count Lie Urkabien asks nuo to uvlrr� '!I I . Ivg l'our pardon," Ike slild. 1,f him." actew,l only sonto $509 of overdne In- t4west existed on tile 3ist December - .ipol- Ligize. You did not steal It, artnt, nll, "Daughtvr, I hato to r4w;a," rv- IUrQ'8J=,t Of tile whole of them. Tit[) I The Four Georges. *11 I L do 1; for I find It IS still here.11y nitstake., piled old Ric.hasmudd, )I I ot Sir; expensak- for Several Years past havo dr���reasai, . Death came to tit-:., four Georges in my mistake I"-110dern Soclt-Qv. sea how our prineql.v fortune vould --- stand t1u) strain of bric-a-brac. bills showu a gradual and Ili 1.900 tile UlitOrni.in stated that the difforent waye. Thn first, as most pOuplo know, d1od of. an a.poplCetic A story lit London S'Pare 'Monionts and lavvyors' fo,ns. Couldn't you com- ratis of OxPelksal WITS about 14 per cant- LOW tilart it W418 two years agro. carringo Stroke, whileli Seized him willie In Ilia un the, WaY to Osnabruck, oailsv, runs tbaft a, circus Paid a flying visit Pr ,_� ,011 an automobile, and a to a small northern town not long ticket to so,3 Sarah Bernhardt T, - articular, lie in Ila liover. I 1114r`), and tile privo of adinissioll vras Baltimore American. , pointed out by Mr. R. L. Pattersloo, It is shown that In the past year the, While out Nralking oil Oct. 5, 1760, uDeond Ntiddonly stopped short, Sixpence, children under tell yetirs vf __.__..­__ _­ ­­­.- 1190 11:11f price. It wnsi LItlith's tenth Catarrhozone cures Cwighs .Intl I Marked advances wore made in all oxolaimod, "My Godf" and tell Oil I birthday, and her brother Toni, a9vd Colds- those essentials which tend toward th,1 ground-iLmd, Heart disease had VJ took her in the afternoon to see — --- He ,%Vt14 Willing. thO building lip Of a sound and killed him, tb� Show. Arrived at the door he put ,h(xtltjiy institution. The cash income. Incroasea by over $8t,000; the blind, Poor Georgo 11T., who was aged, down nino-ponce and asks(] for t1v0 A weaver, tired and weary, wind- fropt seats. Ing his way slowly by tit(! banks as- sots b;r over $46D,000; tile policy re- 8011, and had long Rlnc�a lost his r4ea. Passed PeaOnfully away With out 1111k)w old is tile little gll,l?,, asR,.,d of the Forth and Vlydn CILlial to - . I florvo by over $828,000; -surplus on uttering a syllable; ly) Seemed more. . 'wards St. 1�fllngo, liaiiod the steers - the nioney-taker, doubtfully. . policyholders' account by Over IY I "to hava sank laito profound slum. 4. man of a pa&Ang barge and askvd Well," replied Master Toln, "t'lis I lihm "tak' io $339,000; and tho, itteurance in force bor�"' is her tenth birthday but slip wns if lie WOUld 1111,1 oil Glosea?" ,toll, by over 1-1,000,0JO. 'Phase are hand- George IV. was Sitting upom lite bed not born until rathe� iate in till, ktr� ay,1, replied tile bargeman, "gin some hioreases,'&nd Speak abundant- on; t1ho -night of Ills death, when ti. terno'On.1, yell work yer pas- ty or tile managerial conduct of the blood Y"I'Lsel Suddenly broke In his Tile InOnOY-taker accepted tile Sage." "All do, that," answeiedithe oompany's affairs by Mr. J. F. Sun- Illead. . statement and handed Win the tick- weaver, with joyful alacrRy. "There, than.,' kin, Its managing director. "Ivry God I I am dying I's bb ex. eta. But It was a close r,have. cried the steersman, .-it the . The Important step taken by the claimed, tli'tva relapsed Into a coma- ___ same time casting a rope's and ?,ranufacturers' and the Temperance tose, con,ditioll. Presently, ihowever, Apropos Of tile verdict In tile ashore, "tak' that all' pn' " vul Qeneral, In deciding to unite thoso tqidr- interesits, Is one which will, un- "This � � __ . - . about him heard him murm ar * to my dclath", and he closed .fury's ld -----.1 ­­­­­ ­.- -1 Marble Bay accident case, roudert Millard's Likilinent Cures Gargat In recently, In which the rilmritirf imed --.-- greater economy in aciministration, an -I owsetluently Increased benefits to tile policyholders, amd, In view of the, thorough invcutigatlein made by tho infieliendent authority Into the affalrut of both companies, It Is con- .tide,atly bt+aved that even g�reftter gog",su will.bp mki-da by the com- inf� .11 (.-Ompailles, Ili the fature than hasi biwn made by either Institution In tho paot. I - _­ . -, _ ___ - bal. I)Oat, tllf� DrItish army agent wIll I)TI1,011aso J,0%1)0 horses boro AnR � slit) it om to rlighuld to soon a Bible. `11e� will also reeommeliall P't(li"40 I I establislininnt of remount depots In the Dominion, � Express. Catarrhozone, cures Lung T,rou. We% i I � A Sneer From Toront;. Perhaps bridge whist Is an Inno- , cent and lnexpen8lvo game, as it is Played In Hamilton, but reports from New York tire to tile affect that It IS a pretty stiff game. Par - haps they are hot playing real brid in Hamilton, but only out- verZ-0-117monto Star. - Catiarrhozone cures Influenza. - - ­­ __­____­­ - 000, Is a StorY told by the lato Chlef Justice Davlo Ili ilia life.tlme. Ile of, ton romarked that, tt jury's voriliot was the 11"Pirdonablo stn"Ito one know what it was. Wb On 110 was f trat called to the bar he practiced in Ca,sglar and lind a jury Case at' an assize hold up there. After It trial tasting several (lays, with witnOssos from all over tile 0outitry, the caRc eventually went to the jury. They wore ,out three or four hours and eventually tile twelve good men and true jiled Into tile court room. "RavO You your verdict, gentle- MOnt" 48kOd ilit, ,Tudgo. - Revised lit I line. "* Miss; Strong," he begam, "will you be, Mine ? That to to Hay, Or—" $,be Ilad knitted her fair brows In a frown. . "E'r-tliat Is, may I bg yours?" ' "YOO." slie said, with it smile.-In- d1aunpolls, Sun. : _. . Catarrhozone, cures Bronchitis. Ono of the beet effects of thorongli Intel1c,atual training to a, knowledge Of Our own capacitles.-A. Ikiln. . Usually We Pratse only, to be pralsed. -Rooho."Mewild, . I 31 A BATTLE ROW I COW Defeat.,; Bour lit Struggle .for A , Calf. P ""' having n6sea Sufficiently "ho C L ' and O lin - his baby legs tired of 'tile , walgjhtl they had not yet learned to carry, la-ld himself down. On this the COW allifted her position. She turned half round, a,DJ lifted her head high, � As site did so a Benue of peril was borne, in upon her fine nostrils She recognized It Instantly. With a iinort Of anger she sitiffe(l again; then r stamped a challftge with her fore hoore, and levelled the lance -points of her born& towards the menace. The 1110xt moment JIPr eyes, made keen by ths' fear Of love, detected the black L Outllljo of the brKtr's head through the . coarse screen of tile juniper. Without t a second's hesitation, site flung up I her tail, gave a short bellow, and charged. rnle, momPnt vhe saw herself detect- . ad, the bear rose upon her hLnd-: k civartere; nevertheless, she was in a , measure surprised by the blind fury I of tile attack. Nimbly mile swerved to avoid it, almling at tile same time ' � & Stroke with I . ier mighty fore -arm, vvilloh, If It had found its mark, would have smashed )ter adversary's neck. But as she struck out, in the act of edlifting7 har position, a. depression . of tbo ground thmw her off her bal- anee. The next Instant one charp horn caught her alantingly in tile flanic, ripping its way upward, while the mad impact threw her upon her back. Grappling, she hat] her assailant* head and Shoulders In a trap, and U11 gigantic claws eat through the flesh and alnew like knives; but at the des- Perate disadvantage of her Position Pilo could inflict Do disabling blow. The cow, on tile other hand, though mutilated and utreaming with blood, k t poundlnp- vvith ]ter whole mas�- `�" MIP11 weight, and with chart, tremen- dous shocks crushing the, breath from her foe'v. ribs. Presently, wrenching berself free, the cow Crew off for another batter - Ing charge; and wzi sha did so the bear hurled hereolf violently down tile slope, and gained her fe�t behind a ele-nee thicket of bay scrub. The cow, with one eye blinded, glared around for lier In rain, then, In a panic of mother terror, plunged back to her calf. -C. G. D. Roberts, in F rank Lealle's. —,-- STATE or Onio, CXTY or TOLEDO,) LUCAS ('017.NTY. IS& FR-LNIX J Clii,,xi,y makes oath that Ile is sell- . ior Partner oftbe firm ofF. J. Cjinmuy &Co., doing bimil,e-Fi ill the City of Toledo, County and State aforn:,FLld, all(l that said Jlrm Nvill the sum. of ONP HUNDRED DOLLARS T -'r each and every ca,im of CATAURn that can- not be cured by the use Ot ITALL'S CATARRH Cunn. FItANX.T. CRENEY. Sworn tobefore me and subocribed in my Presence, this Oth. day of December, A.D., 1886 -,---% A . NV. GLEASON * SFALJ Notary'Public.' f� _,__� I - Hall's Catarrh ('.%ire I.,, taken Internally and actq diremly on the blood and mueonss'ii'ifac" ofthesystem. '-end for te-timania1g.1'ree. F. J. cill-' .NEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold I T,Druag;s1.z, vp% 11all's amilY Pl:.s itro tile best. — ItuSsell 'mige as a Wit. 1*11­1;4,'�Il Sage's Yan%o,,- ancoatry re- aPV1 11 '111W !1I 1,18 face, f gilre, speech and thought. 011(..P, when '.Xfauh-lt- , - till' elPv,ltc(l Stovk was below par, ScMeone asked hint IT'S a.ge. Ile t,mit. eil, answered, and litided : "llut, liku 1. I ,I,- E'levated, I prop.xie to g�l alluve, I'I hundred "' To ,Ili Iminninvilt fricad, wbo, nalz- e'd what Was til"! 211:�--�i pliflailthrople Iway (A uslut, .1 largo iurtunc, lie r-2- pliod : "11:00P it m.u.,TnIIfJy active, In or- Idvi, tot givi, (-mp:t9yM011t to tit(. ?Iargi��it nunt1wr t :,f human bfiln-_�s." � 11"livil lie ,vive ,-�age I] -all to 'tile � Truy Feniale Sellimary, wltiteone sai4l: "Why iflidn't you prroont It to scim., inen's college?" Mr. 8age rV.1[)LPIId0d (JUICkly: "Tlw wcimr�n ijeedeil it tile most * - -Frank- LeAlp's Pui)ular Monthly. ____ __. �___ I w" cured of lame back. after ant- forlug 15 years by MINARD'S LINI- MENT. Two Itivers, X. S. ROBERT ROSS. I w&s cured of Diphtheria, after doctors faih�d, by MINARDIS, LINI- bfmff. Antigoillsh. SOE1214 A. rORRY. I was Cured ofcontraetton ofmns- elf-9 by XfT_N-;kRD16 LINIMENT. MRS. RACHEL SAUNDERS. Dallious�io, — - ____ _ � __ -.-,------ 'Vory Much Relieved, 8ultor-1 have Come to ask you for Your dauglitcr-A lian(L Father-Woll. tit(, fact Is we are pretty crowded here its it 6;, and I - Suitor -Oh, I 111tell4 to ta,kc her away front li,ynie it I marry her. Father -Oh, well, lit that c b t ,Von did give riv an awful 13�14�11101�,_ouy boy. -Boston Transcript. ___._.____ , To Cure a Cold lit One Day 7hke Laxative 11rolno Quinine Tablots. Al arug . ,- rtfand tile mone,v if it fails to cure, , se. , gl"1W. f . $ � L. urove' Aguaturo is on each b= k Tr- � ansgrossion. Lhlk,,­&)o hc�rc, you're break-Intr one of tile Mol,t iluportalit rulos u`f ilia ga me. Braesey-Nnutt's that ? Links -In addrossing tile ball you should do so In 11111P'llage fit for pub. ,, lication.--illarper's i�azar. __ - _ _ - - _ -.,— Miliard's Lhiiment cures Diphtheria. - _ _ - __ ___ A Suro Thin'-. Allag Jolinson--lu)w kin I win Jim Jack6lon's love? SoothRayer-Why, ov'ry time he Calls .To' must go out and got a pitcher of beer and Pat a little ol Me love -powder ill It, and don tell blin to help himself to de beer, Do more he drinke do more he'll love yol; it's simply Infallible I -Pack. I Caterrhozone'turea, C�T In the � Head. I I , .1 Brother and Sister. lle--Your proalous Sack says lie's secured a position Stuffing, monkeye up at the Mae-ount OrNatural History. Is that so? Sho-Oh, J tick to such a jolter. He Surely was pmotlellig on you. -Aar - low Life. Millard's Liniment Cures Distemper. ' --,---- The Man With proarastination, Struggles WM rutri.-Hoslod., " I f I . . . 1.8919E ISTO 15 1,001141 I , � _,�,771 � . I I , !" " , I I I I ivelov'e, , .1 - . , 14 , I 11. � . .., I I I ,. : : , ; � ,I I I Fop,bor"'. . 1. . I � . .1 I I I '� i. 7! If you have neuralgia, Scatf;,: . , . . V, , � Emulsion of Co d .. Liver, -0J � ':,� will feed the nerv'e th�Lt 'is c*- � ';!, � I inp-, for food—it 'is � I 4> . hungry�_, and set your ivhole'body.' i : . . �. � � golvq�� I agam,in a way t6 satisfy -nerVil . I . and brain from your usual f"� , � . . � That is cure. I . i� - . I - 19 If you are nervous and IVA table, you may only n6ad mm. I fat to cushion your nerves.At I you are probably thin --w"' ! I I r Scott's Emulsio�n of Cod Ulia, ,, Oil will give you the'fAt, to i I er. � � gin with. I kid- i� ' jen � Cure, so far as I t gc,' Full cure is' getting -the of Nrou need from ustial food iful I ' de - Scott's Emulsion will help, I ,,.rt , to that. pity . , If you have not tried It, veqd for fire wthis I I U9 agreeable Caste -,vill surprise you. � 0'rT & BO I ,21,-R. cheinistil, '12- llt". tll�_. . I s= and $1.00; all druggists. pritir I _________.,_ ''" , . __Unel . . . ARE YOU GOING WESTI, his 11 so, send a letter or 13ostaimpa- I to the undersigned, ausyr,erin',king following questions: rorld Where are you going? ever I Witten are you going? ,Where do you start frotn't 0 How many are in your par � Will you take ur ,ho gh I goods ? and Special low rate Settlers' tilous I . on sale during Maxiah, aiid Apv he I � points In Manitoba, British, Cc his bia, Oregon, California and all Tl . 11 ern States. Full paxticulaxs fr&i Bn nt, Chil . ; I & Nortb'weatern Railway, 2 1 ' street east, Toronto, Ont. . � I . _­ ­­­ , MInard's Liniment Cures Colds, at Already Informed. -ed � Disappointed Admirer -Yo, kin of . Dinah dat it she wants dl-tt clikkid i Sam. 3ohnson, slip kin hab him. Sn ' � Mutual Friend -::-He done tole 18 I I dat hisself.-Harpor's Bazar. ey ___ __ _.___________ ___ --..--. ng � - ( ve , Ow __11 . -_- ., - - ­ .- �,,.�..,:�—"o . ; in- ,- it __ , -_�� -� - ,,,:t� . ,;� .1��... - '­ ­."ape�_* I ?Ir I . 11;F I �q- :5�-Z,�;,,-,,%f - , ifl;,,..�41 1�0111­11* 1� \ '_ , e_ I X- , 'If I " Stuck on his Fence 1, I I . b�et . If YOu Me Pa --e Pence yott -.vill like It, will not be stuch fik,t the gen0!twtn in the pi I lure. 7 e pag Fe is -ic ; Nyoven in oar o%.Ill facto r, froin cuiled wire in4de by ptnse;ves, ar twice as r-tronr as that lx�cd in oth�-r fences. GiM. this)--Rl"s prices, thLy am lower than ' last yew ell The PAGE WIP\� FENCE CO-4td-nd WALKERVILLE, ONT. ' �Ruw­ ed I ___­ -, _,­ __­ --,----)m I - CLOTH18 Ylkys, . Seat on TrSo 11 ­ � .ill - I 11 �� I , atvhkil�salolxan rV " . It not &Wktal� 2a : . money ratux WASHILA Quaranteedt . n d. ensver. end be$ ter work 'Ct- . - a�yothermm - , on them rkc�po, good machine for agents to ll�wdlc. 61- ulotleYmarie, Thousands In use. For blat and prices address ' STANT)ARD 817PPLY Co.. Inamilto". lite — . ___ ,,.-. __)er -1 .D]ROPSylls, I , Treated ,,��ree. e d. 'We have made dropsy an?er I r_ complications a speglali,yrly twenty,years. Quick* rthn. �� Cures worst cases. Bonk I TESTIMONZALS andlO D;na , 0A . tr0litment, Fuzz. , �L - I �. D1%:1T.1t.GRIgr,j4-"O; N . A . Box 0 A,rx�Anxjk�Q, , .... __.. . � ­ -....-...-. . --- -_ T1115 IS NO APRIL F000or - - - � at � .. I . I I - I - ­­ .... d. . T ­ -r a : u . I oil. -K - A r� "' � . - - & M� �7. ­ - , : �� WA - - . I - -lid . _==tz=L_Z� W."', ___ ­ ___ - ­_ .. � � =__ nd rROST FENCT0 and Gate'Q are the mospo. viceable. . Tbe�, are also the oheaposit, colikhe Ing quality atia iveight of material used. itamental Ga ce and Fancy Panpi Lawn rtbe lvsvecialty- Out, catalogue tells all about I THE VItOST WIRE FLIVart, ce, Liml .n ___ WeUandtnd - =Dnt MHEST QRADR, DT54N at B'cLiyr(e's';,f"l'u',-h;njoitits- finegt, ofttliflniellt; I'llarantee. T%,enty.flvo dt)ltqrd. t,40nthba 111here on al)proval. W. r,itobia, TilsoW., at Ont4 Ind OLtATt :In. ne%v model Grass Seeder. 8&,V&4 biwl labor; Satisfac --- , Lib�;ial Tell - to Agents. N. 14-11phm.,.f.jl.�;.i6-iva�ei,a�do Stailt. Ont. . � 1. FORSALN.-PRUIT. FAII'mq 1w, I MT110118 Niagara dislkrlct� "the pall(l; I OfCanada."mlo or, exchange, $or pr9d, .1 ! t0irn or city property. GivOfulldegerij),Ieat� ., your In OrtY fdr exchange, and say wb; t1le . I I �vaklt, &)ItAlo - ne free ell 11 I , , & Morden, bx9kers, St, aytl 11�140h 1111 �. !: Mueb, 6 Ivith. IB-SARGAINS I _­­ ftste� . ;: J X BELTING- AND', � ,! . , ! Garden Hose at6o per toot. '14.-Stiltint. '.I ' I ' I ' York t;troet, Toronto. I I 'rad). , , " " � I �:�,: '� , I I .1 'I, '' . '' , i i LJU ark ��i� � i WAXT3R'D_AGJc1,4 , � ­ .. hold avtiele�ki , I , �11 . I eve, fa fir -In, . � �:'� " n n make tr t to ) por , 221 r A al wq,� 611d , . Ind. � ,:, �' , , : � a I � ell tile be efit, .. the t thl r , u In , J'. I , I : I . I . I I til rtleto. W. '19 . , f . Lo 6 qo, 11 . . a 6, a bidelit, e , . ...... : I � � J�ItUlT FARTH F011 SAT.�19-o*,,tn ( finest in tile NIA"ara Pol)IR. i winOlIA 10 Mile,% frnnt ftf'tmilt op I '� " . 11 ways, 130 acrestu 1, 35 of wh611% IS 1 , . niosilly P V � Ill lie gold ill onc; I - 0 gh . d lvided fit to lotg of 1�j to 20 acres lic' sd U chftscrs- This IS *it decided barffitiln �Vftles� Jonathan Carpontar, P. 0, box 4Q9, i Ontario. . I I J SO* I , I ,"I . I I 11 � urs. 'Will"'4, ... I C"), W` .... . "4 voo'l I ,9 6 ... �T^_:Vti be ii,iod for 6MIRI�"T3ce 1,11,11 , " , �� ..... ­ tbe child, sortakka thb ainink, l*i.a firld is the bei i-qmedy,f I've ocuto a bottas *�ady for Dikkutr . I I . id �