HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-04-12, Page 2. . � Z, 1- . ­ I I I 1-1 I I . I I 1. .. . � I ill, I 1. �i i I I I 1, , , . —­ !- I , " , " , , ,. . ,— I I I . . . 1. .... � � , ­ � IT � � �. , I , , , . ,. . , , , I . I I , , I I . . 111. 1. . I I . ; I I . I � .., ­ -1. .111, �.­ : : 11 - .11 .., � . s , � � . � , , , I , . � , I . I.. I . � � � . i, 1 7",-'] �­ ' " � .� � :1 I . � , I . . ".1 �". I ; �,:; ..:, � , " I �. I �:'Ii­ I I I I.: � , . . , . I . � �, . I , I 11 ., � . � I � , , �: �;, �, :'. , -1 .. ., I , .,.. . . �� I I . ­ . 11 ,.,.,:, '' � I . . 1. I I I I A � .1 I 11 . . I .1 I . . � I � I . . I : . ! . I . ,. I . .. I I � I . . I � .11 .11 � I . " � I I . � � . I . P771 ­ . I . . � ... .. . . I . --­-����—, . - I . 1- -------------.AZ—:--- --- � , �- -, - Is ortier cast Into tile I111!II1!II1!.A. III 1,11111IIIIIIII ... I , --- tile President' i � . �I . I- . v i , "!!-.::! - , - I . kl ; �� -- . rotund �, I I to -,01,80,00000, Of whiell . 1. ,Igners," (�'Iistro is re- : F� � itly pursued and ,,,mount oil s; fill fore , WILL PUNISH I 11F4 be lu(�(,�39tll $5,000 000 remains. P. Al [ 1; to Itave BElid, Ny�ball once Gen. .11 I ' � .10 ad until tlluy glvO' l4i or until There have boon no. fewer 1110,11 830 too >r JudustrILIN, Sug, . ", I n Maw A 3 'Al"I'vra" tile )jJIIIlStVT ( , , t , � 11 " 0 fall'I - . ,It 11101 . i . V0111's" W3 a� exeLinple, Cell, 1,�rpn li's . I gusted that forvir (I to A.le- �� aal, — — — gr'l,tion slLould be 011u,ourage ,.I'll I C, . . I l; icy.' 11 alld 1111111.1- flffl OFFICKS 110's -KEEIP I UP T hZ a S�o ern "I I IN @1 ER 0 . the Eas � Avill Itlight to A F111101. volop, jr(glezuelIlls roBOUV1I � 1'*� I )gere . I e greo,t expectations, I , , I CT apo',"11'ltllile-1111,�, ill IMBROGLIO , concession lield by .16 for- baseo.3. The movement resulted not I 11,11 I 'Ondou� April 8.—r atry,­ tllc dictator — — .rhe Pretoria car- III ever5 onl,v In large captures? of stock and A15Driling Post, *who eignor in this 00`13� li I THE f IGHT respondent Of tile — 10 alleged -to have Haiti, ,,and sell tile �-J 5 Isoners, but t1JsJ In the dispersion '�;��rns his eoulltrYMCNII against hoping; c again." . " u* body of the, allemy live Or elx' an early tortilluatiou of bostili- , ,oneetisialls over �r for China at Last Agrees to i'� I �— thou&I strOng, whose. prot;eme ties or believing tile stories thatthO . llarrlsOn?s Will- I � conotitatml a MU'llace to ,Toh,%;Tltlw- BOo,re are tiresd of war, Says - Uprising Said to Have Taken IndlanaP0119, 111d., April 12.-Itivaki burg and Pretoria. The 0-outitry . � 3dally more oviiIallf that reporteLl from New York to-ol,ly that It Many Small Parties Are however, thus aleareA Wo,s not Par- "It b000mel J,,u�j�sLll I-larrison biteilded to contest Demand of Powers, matiently fread from tile PrGselice or tile Boers Intend to right to' a fin'sh. Place. -bh(,Ar, NVIth tile view , kg an the rail- Jqally aro surrendering, but they are tile will of 111,9 fa tate 1, the enely, and 11,tttlo I real 'fight- of obinining his III of the 08 Surrendering. woz, line's, still Occur. '110 seouro per- men of 110 gtauding- 'Pilo ,;'Itir. Harrlsoallh' eame olieratiulls Ing Men ,ire still in 001111 I — tlirvot. Howard Cale, -that, . . 'it manent results the recent allecessful. Brit- , torticy, Said tills artarnIvoill � . may, bave to be repeated Several although the I a t1ru report, AVII,.g ullf,ualldfld Mr Ua'T , 0 ' , ­— timea, The Boers NvIll not risk pitchad ish operations tolid to brin flillljin"'e",�s I risoll, he says, bL'Illg caltirc,"ly, Batik;- RANg DUKE MICHAEL OFF , " , battl" iaelng olotermill0d Dot to Sur- mirOr It -'a evident that I IIE:rOI a � GEN, 11jp,,ptR18%,11 8 WILL, fled. 'r. — ley - io Lo, retire before ust �o oolliplately oraslle� , relider, il I contln� of ul 0 . criti-lit Train Rolobk ORE ' ROOPS ARE NEEDED our troops, avalling- themselves 11 ganeral surrender is pl�ubv,b e. . --- I ,Xas April O. — le . Ijock SpriAlge, To. , . their intimate knowledge Of t I . SI,Qrirr 1q. Q. Bw/wrt1l, or Ji'dwards tmothods- - country to sinipe, tj�e advancing Traitors lit the Tolls. I �d ill eaPturlug To Study AdullinistratiOn . force 0 weak spot$ in Lou -don, April S. -Tho Cape TOIVD r%. I ps, County, has Sacee'I rain rob- Swiss Mob Instilts COn5ulf-An ,9'and ,ittack tb ot railway ,j(,Ii says no is Satislied,%vith It- I Bill TAtylor, the 110tuTiOna t opposition-DoNvot )ue,ands of miles coki.hospondont of tile D.%Ily F,xpress I bi�r, IV to 19 n .0 � the, till nioatione. last-lirleog oceur Ili treason ,I,1.ktIl$ Itobbcr Again ill CaPt"Vity I ' ddur bNinite"02 Of life 'in- ()Id London Land"larlt to G - , ornsh Out Ali reportg whOlOsalO arrests for pal who Turned r rolLiI -a southieril commit I and laotha Ileet-Canadlans' Gal- ,,vitioll a column On the mall-oll is un- ily Groot and Aberdeen. - Ite Slow tho I PrIsoillueut to I lt Loilar, Coulit j3otxi in Great LUOIC- . . I IT *fIG -tasse ' E, f . t�vonty cons�-outive days I 1, - I - ninger train - I 0. here th Fighting der Ire 01 A small Party of llorors has rVoccu- I ttels Evidence. i 1�( �110 a 0I tNV,D years ag Berlin, April O. -A dosPfttcI1L to the lantcharge-W 0 cutiching sight Of tile philipst-olqI in Cope Colony. ,Kt,, ex, , . _no G, - n '%Vre0ldu�g--%Vaut -witilout once pied �. .--,k dfwpatob Tay.iorowag to PA at Rock Spring,s 0010, .izotto from pekin, dated is-131ore Tral einemY. Gad on orfloors and I - . C,111vinnati, April 6 a%V4I.itiag transportation to th'4 Peal- raday, April 4 says the ChIfinuse The Strain impo, ys - ill; "OLLPe. Thu.,. Botha to Yield. men by a campaign of this nature .11ore Train Wreelcl"g- rj,,Om $an Juan de Porto R100 sa- t6lifulry whe'll 11.1, mado 11 p1cilipotentiarles 11,ave, agreed on the ense, and in vIeW Of its prob- minandant M 111J,Af�r Loomis ha's not arrivild, Bud Newman, Il ML'mb3r 01 tile gang punishments Of the guilty 1),'o"anow from 10 ini'm IS offieia,lko to be dommu ad by the For - 5. -A despatch Etta d toll &Pril 6 --Cc of wll1,u.lt Taylo Le.ndou. April ierLaures must be 1 BGS ill 4166 Boers, 8110 thougli tile cable deepatell(II19 State Of train ro-bbere, F a . D as, the lea -d -I turned StatO's ev to the War Office, able duration, �u` e� . w, it" or tile taken to ensure a tall -I ,ug ain this morning that 11. 3 ft 'In and t ,,,jgn ministers In 11011ut -supply I '�i r, L� QuarayCl, fur �4, arles and thvir �� Kitchener cons ; , ,,v r oki � a 8,,,,p,y it-, 0 (toloca. at tile Will, of the trial, . to -day, Says that I Tit()' Govertime th� ­- - w of 242 MISSIOn '? , a I i at 'I'I to tile north of Vak anxillary oruiser Scor- through ill's testililony Iliurde ?,ted Pretoria, sh rs had ,Juan on the � -was largely Whm Taylor wi-voE; and Children. d� piumapoccupied pietpotgieter's has decided to send .,,,o,00U luore men, charge tile Boa ng. It is - It t be supposed that the I ,X�,,,p�,,e;e(T'1eCIxpIoded undOrTIO-Ith ill Plan, 'Ilia yesterday Moral 1, ;�a. -1, liunt Needs to Study. %,.,yipor was, conviuted ", 'd R ,lit on . - ,it it need no P, ,Ii wIll , from J 1,11 III,, Ust, :L4:0 miles from Pretoria, W.Itll JmmcI end middle port OIL of the train, It 1 suspc,cted tlla,t tile Scorplon A , I -ID ca.me acroan tile Sj. Petersburg, April 4. - It 113 war will Como to an StInd I ewi%n, - � chae" the O;b Opposition. Firty thoa believed that -,In observation ml join tilt, -"rhenuo I ,or N on ,Ind aft(Ir in consequence, . .,;.q1Ia4jru,n a.i. (Ittlehra, 11tt. 10 pcoos RIver, , stated that OrWid I)ukO W aa captured another , Ired, used, as three tratGS [lad al- Tay- . It Ivill. &Loll 1295413 & Gen. French Ii d b3 nearer tile number requ , 1 ly dV�qJULIL011 WZItS al-ive at Can , 1,�Id�,7rat I I heir appaxel , llo.i glifight with pistols woul - IV y passe afely over the spot. da Bn� Newilia.n. Sinec for tile pUTPOSO OmI and continues to Press the but 80,000 mrLy be sufficient, pro r IZI Ill 8, . kLtIcd 61111ilre . a a until tour of thO are fortheOl"1119 The escort 0 E th tr lit defended the ill "I Il. lla,s been tit largo, met4iods. ts for vloded fregil. drafts overpowered DOI tile Votlezuela Coll- 11 'A ter horIff of studying admillist-raI aers at Vrybeld. TWS t1ccOm I t .relieve officers and Ilia'] overturiled truokS until ,&vilv Mani T' Ktruve and M. T. Talgall be in TOgUlar Y O' tII.%t Plesident Qas- I ,�,,,',.,O, I110-14 and captured by S 11 t,ha enemy's guns known to li,le, Owing by superior numbers. Tho engine and Sill livrv, says . Peter Von political economists who litivelleen 1011g 811100 st; licks 'got safely to tro (,.f �,allezuola, is unlikely to I Bo?Artllu Baranof fSkY, he Southeastern district. He has to the length Of the campaign. Bad the first [Iva tr wounded. I i`fl to illu deman --d .Ind Marxist leaders have been or - ds of the UnItA ' Isp taken a. considerable number of h a, system been ilia.ugurated last Vaal station. We had three. . y e tive St. Petersburg. They. � sue Several Boers- were s0ell W r-111- Statt's, a -lid 1"Jant"o, expects th, olmed to le: ring the recent Kr1�0ners,4waFons and cattle, Is St we, sliould bo. able now to � - - - . -ill folloNiatlill NTS F0101 vvero arreste.ii du Acgu liont perfectIT fresh . naNul doultillStration IV . f th Boer lends crossed the &and baettOi tile I -perionce of nine ]a Four Districts, fears tJl(,- re,jults, because of tile — riots. ,t,!Ouo� 'a moving to the north. troops with all (,% . Jiu,tvy forvig-11 illtox0sts at tile So"" Insulted Col'Suls. , -- iTer, mullig. After tile ar- London, April 7­9011-th African OP- I .- A . months' campal ori��, and hints lit po,ssLble ooml)'d- t�neva, Switzerland, April 6. I "Iulsa,l 30,0()O roin- followed with difficulty 1) Lratl,- rival Of thO pro er-i Lions aro , , I e�,ttjr.)Ils of all I titer nation ftl e1V 0 -ainst tll'3 RuWkln Failed to Get Over. 'ry soldier landed O�wlllg to the meagroxiess Of the d�- U.S, courts *Alill Not interferel domonstratilon ag I . foroemeni-R, for eve ant There are four districts In I Lv,r,.,,I:prLr0IIg8 have taken place Ili the rest- Bethulie, Orange River, Colony. in South Africa 0130, ought to be sent spatulies.. svi, al flistriGts, but Prosi- I aua Italian 0011911141I and � Until this aspoUt is graspi'd A-1 *eh hOSLl)1t1c,s.qre in progress, 6en-1 ,*a be able Between Nations, 'I Of tile Italiall C,OI occurred � ole,ared 1 -ba prU 4:4--A force of Boers under Com- home. ritics thore Is a POI I 1�rLolncli llz-'H Vil7tut'llY up I ch.�ni 1%,tstro is conslitered t last ovelling Ill connection with tl'O der Kritzinger attamPted to by tbo, autho, for years. I Eastern Tralls-lal all(I brokon to filiell them. — oxtrad�iloll of Jarra, 11-11 acoom-Plice across 'Into tile Orange River Col- sibilitY. Of theT War lil-qtlog I the Boer o.oulula�ndues; I 'lu"W" is ad- velizuelit's Plan. of Gmettrico Dreg!, tile ass,WOI of failed. itorillvir,ard along tile rail- King Ilunilivrt. Tile Illub toroAdOwn I y ot of here, but Freviell. I * Froul 'N"Dw York mere,hants With CEASE, coat of aXMS sit . to the we . Nore Surrenders to Gen- ,'*�� u I arn- LE -BUYING IS TO alld slia,ttered the a-v�ljl' I 1101`1..�,ts in venezuela, it is le, Mu I , I t __ . . ..tm 1,,,I,,rta and niceting with , - 'in ,It(., bat were winter Operations- platerm,aritzlourg, 4)rll G. -I man, little resistall'ac ; tile VUl"I'll's which oil that Chsiro, i.,4 reviising tile RI it iG.-Accordlng A0 tile Ituest' COL'Slll doing ?reI for who (mine dowrn from Ceti. French's b 'urRijillig X)0 11"et turned SiLtIltioll to suit Ills r(nolutionary -Now York, Apr -The Kroonstadt ii rivel., ,Ind have been ' Lho 'Crib- provented. by tile police frow ' - London, April 6. colilmin states �hat the DOPrs who I ��,z'vielle "v",111 .1 lie I Ile vallpli; ti. eungress to- a, Waolilngtoll SP'Olml -L�) sont Inatc,-Jal damage OsJIVI'Ore- rrespondent, or the Times, wiring �ached Parties are 01117 I � cent, for there is PO N'- I .1 statelliout -Ilas been in small del ,,I,,r,,I"rn 11 ill 0 I; -aspect- gctllm' Oil Feb. �2fjltll, �Vlluse melli- title, . u r ust cc to ()id j,zinatuark. to Go- a I II from tile DOIAtrtl cut 0 J I I LIJ, ,� ursday, Says that preparation$ I n lad to surrendvr- Gen. Frelich I,i,a Information :1. bers are all of IIIS 011Wsi-119- uourt at by the I aeF - Ing his movements ; the raiders are tile Ulllt(�d ,�itatos, District 1,011don, April 6.-Tly,� Black Bull are being gan c 'a firST. a0t WAS to Pass, ,it - ant lx�stcl- orally made , P submissions daily �cording to allelf. I'ti., g -fly, New Orleans viI will Stop Buch ,ali, t1w last of thlo for winter operations. , -Ind children �iro stil on the edge Of C1IP8 COIO an alnendment to tile panad DrItish forces The Boer women � I I lit,; orders, ily brought by rjej;( ill I101born, is to be necessarily Suffering great harlishIPS sinoo 1,�rILZIAIWOT' -Llld Other Boer constitution, v�Vbandillg tile term of actions as that roe �n*t ,w laid c �s %o r,)I,k,,- down. It was 1, .re that D1ckL 330ers Shift Seat of G , of food, leaders have not sue"eded in cross- ageni;19 of tile Boer republif I ,c overnnicut. owing to the rain and want Off 1(�e or tlin Pres'alellit from trid I tile Niirs'lil-11 Experionoes n possible Is being Ing tile Orange River. Gerierull0tch- , ,Qu, ,,,,;,rq -LO six. trilis, was v6nL the shiPlut'llt Of mulls I t1wo oc.two 0 'Ind -According to the although everythil , L i Africa, Ivilich -.ire I r� uaid BfAHY Prig, � L -ire - - olitl of Mrs. Cialill . done for their com as pport ant ololl,� 'nes to IS ftIrOY 'TPI London, April 6. fort. Our men z enor 11 no u unity for brilli , lilialit any pratensiOn liorb - whore I al 'S, Pa * orrespoildent of theDaily but Ila is (to- !, or tile people. Pltrellasad 11) tlllj�, country by Brit - th,p inimort. - T the Boers ligive alliftpd ,E6I having a trying time. strategy, ork with loll- ll!t ngrthe cho'Lo Officers. The rn!i ()[ III JI&Storle ox . !T�reelet'Sorra'aha, - T 4 closely watching 1. "r Be I (,I , tho irkit wo.ck in 11arch he tell . lip; of the Ile tr,Ltas go. many t,,,,,,,, for over v front Pie Ile Swazis ar Ing IN and slowl*Y ,,.,:�i,�111,;, n I In of feet, is tI41t the preosiorlB. Afte-r 6 north- the mo- f tile Boers. Ono Wile, ihoroaglfnf,�ss, I A partme It, litteci .States call* ,Lhree hundre(l,years; is Dow going vements O 1A,1ItW(,(.. ,),,. ineinbara of his Cablill, it tersburg to a point 35 miles � or the ellemy ��u. b 110 h.xve lo�,Irlled to ijub- courts of tile U baldktgs, � - . 1. ., I I rty of firtean -m on ts 11 ��,', . I it ill litigation bo* to IIII way for modern small pa wenring Out the resources of Boer "L f, I eastL I I- I � -L I got Over the border, the cu�lurallce. 'LUr. Kruger's com ato their will to IiIL4. Castro has 110-L sign juAlgmen , Old I . ha,% mg I the twoo I --� I ! Swazlu killed scvan aild the r(`11111111- upon BrItiall exaggeration Of Jap I i t ever Since 110 drove ,n two other 90NI'VI'llmellts- watIch. N7111 soon supplant tilt till, South Africa. der fled, to Surrender to tile 110- detalls Of tile conflict ar�, read hero I ' ,� 61)ccial to ,tile Times from New lgiulits SO dear tO Diokonk,,- To Ship Horses for ,TV' t�llldleutaAln' (if ,arms I'llsP . k .mpalgn drado I*r force s, learuml thl�re Boul W LUCIE- Same's tiah. , with grim 11.1 ,M['D'L . va ,(,an& says it 1, II .U)rll 5. -Dr. . from tho TVIIC'71101,111 E'x"l1`Ll-vc "I""- Or tr1,stN,vMtlly tluthor- Portlamd, 3 --- . -,vilich iii,Ls piullit>yall 275,000 troops . Neir York, April O. -The Appellate, le inspector I . rl sion vightnell Inuiltils ago. oil apparently Office in I,QI rprazier, of London, CL eatit I . VG 'tit I)111.410n, of the suproluo Court yt�s- Nyho has 11. .Ind required i0illf ol vements of 0 - �, il,,fl B.Iv elt., to serve, tile rpmaliting liy at thO NVIty , for tllt4L 1,;nglis'll (j'averument, A. Sword for Vrone Ien ol , it ollonjug, of the i J_� I -Is cabled to Its agents 11) this terday iiiinded do,NN-n a d.:�cis;lotu dW- -dailted several American ports It ,III ine ince it �a , n .1(IL!b 0 Be- lape Town, April 7. -The But" Of r. � term, which does It, , buAltieSsaild I willell to ship the Can- C tak-cs tip baro zl� t� (111arter ()f 6t ( until Feb. .401,11, 1u()'->, I (.x�ljntry to -svind lip tlLx� L4olving tile illilluction Ili the WAO- of loot one troll as be gn subscribed Ili Ximber- 'YE'al! -1 y papers. Potty ,x0rP - I I to make nOT further purchases, of Zilton J Dittmar agaluSt GOI J - &861'11L e tile (I I, ,,, .4 re�lsloll of tilt. , b hu; adian horses Ordered for South Afri- leI toe tile purcha'se or a swo a column or the ii, ,III ,Fit( , necording to hi si ,uI .ind horses for ibe Isoutli Af- e,�.s under t,j , will can bervice, was here yesterday. At- rd of skirmishes and illoleuntS 13I (, � - ,r . iiouid, at at., trus, fort, ,c).11viltution, ho, will enjoy iii.x i,ea Ig the Portia d stock- honor and a sil"I'Or casket for GOD. iiros% )I(,- i ,�(eanhwar, The Officl"J,l ordor Is Said or jay Gould. The cALw, WaS IN' 11 out observation, The British Mori, in office, nlnkll�g L,Iglit and o I incililled 0 '. ter inSpeCtIt s, he de- Frendii. The De Baers Mining COM- instead of frankly admitting tholl- instructions ttl tlt,3 c lirt on appeal front all OTd111r 11 IInIr ,ye,ars, Ittogether. , , .:,,r contract 3(II ('011tinulng Ila In - "'VP I -Ille IS I . llurrT tit StO(kk by JnstizG I tzger ,ya,rd.q and Ate,amshill w1larve as the pany has give" 9-() diamonds' IN 'h .p,lt army is o,niployed now und )mmand this port wi -the crossbar of 1010. 1-1 I .9 r � to earth a fe'N" foxes Willa" A LaII Unto 14ITTIm'If. to .NLew Orlmibz, wh<-re It is to Lu Julictioa granted by J139I 1�i - , , , c1ded to rec( IT. The horses will be 11 be Set in . running I ,ro he tu) $Ilull 01111114 aboartl ship as Speedily as Pas- 41111, wililioll Ilinited t1r, amoant to be shipping, poll are, constantly ,dolihiling on their, In Venezuela tit(. . . L,4"s d�,�- CasteatlAe vent hare over the (xTamd Trunk In sword. shing for- t Isappearing in tile Vast I Ilk? L'aPtloi� PlInislinit-11 L. Crillies, pelial- �,'I'b"Ie. 'May Ist hias III sf�t as Lite vaid to the, 000;lt . f i f nstalment ar Mr. Cecil Rhodos IS Po trails and It . ward the arrangements for the or- ,t(- Ies or voldt, ])Its porsistantIN I ti,p star, at 1llIpriS:)nmo,,t for tell timr, leis , ft>r e ..Ing up tile business. jo $,,00,0,,)0 it yaar pendi.nK tho trtal - riving here an April 23rd. 'q of a mausoleum In memorY of stre .1 t tile fighting reioilrOTISI yearv. Illit 0(131 . ,1�o�I frivild of All- ­ I. of the .1citle)II. Itall,I th,3 ,weistoil, or ectlo. . t,xll�g -a ed . I r -n, who had . I= 'ess . gm myl,I tlio Co - t ' I I &W WITH IlUtUGUIR. the ulembers of the Kimberley garrl- . . ilrado ..Ind eninny Of CaRtl , Ube Appellate ,r e0re In- INTERT, I I sot who were 1I during the slegO Of the Boers. --- . dared to) takP 'it) 11TITI-1 a,9;xIIIst ("is- WORST SINCE SIEGE OF 'PARIS 1114ty o-onttilus., to r000lve he Ivin I f tho revoln- — � 1) ar. I u- I of the to , . I I . I at SpItzkop, tl,ro an] w-141 th(- I'Vad O conic of Some *IIS00,0� 0 a ye, Unctuous Old Pharisee's Ulaspholl --- I coklceutratin,t � � Tbroiml) -- ous Talk, - k drslmtch to, tlonnry partv In tilix f1fild, wa,'z' Put to ,11%,11clise 1,o -,s to 14'rative - A C.1"adi;%,11 V,harge. I ,New York, Aprill 7. - I (leatit. .k correPimildoilt for 11, WOZ!kly . 11 5.-paul Krilgor Is quot- al April G.-Dotalls tile Sun frow Cape TaWE sn',vs bandS I ,,1,��,:,,7,p,(,,,,*",,,,,ho renplit)y returned Strikes. 'JI)Jvct les- II I - 's -,ire r �, - Parls. Artr Durban. Natt . or Balar InNadel still raving- I , , 1�t, tells, how Auf)sta was Paris, April 7. The 0 t 0110-ws: IN MOB IS ME 4.1 tilank God that R' has beset which are a,r I g here 01 Uen. in about the [Traidook district Of rho' ture, -,plte of tile law sollS lurnishail by the strikes, which 'D rIv 11 operrutlo -�. sugg"tion has bee "I' ,In,, ly, h ill, with troubles in the vroliouls, successcut ns Calile Colony. . . eq 1) inkit this form of Pullishlnel3t was Since t,he close of the B%position reat Brite !chl,l police ItFa lla;va been so 9011(-ral 11 . 11 force be p I�tl, by Castro's orders, on Feb.10th. thruag Out otibles that Will yet force CanadiallS Made t Lit It '" attempt- in Teneznala now, it 'is asserted, the France, , 11 take er- far ea st-tr ment, tile A for tile piI or . 'Ire 1"I'ginning to Irer to release bar South African one engage 'It ill � � I Pelted with a the Zmatern T,ralitivaal Show tit' liarged a. Boor position in BliffIila rt t 1 si e catpurO or drive out the , 11 mail(, c Ing to OotvornmPut dignitaries, tile Justices Rev, John King " rect, Calefflatiolls have bee pre,y. mids have. conceit- .0 offle'lais in the that tile Calttl,q ntrike 0. e&t- Britain'& sin, the atrocity Bill Style, firing as they galloped Boors. i-jeveral b or tile couris% ](.)a, sIII IGT along. Tile Buers II 111,'-L Position ti, t ,d, , t ,I itz op. It is belloved 00 to I &be has waged war On n:)t lia,vo been I, e I, 14 ) It I varionfl? cities ;in,l staI retain their a�ausod loss of life a,nJ $t,000,0 Vith NVII1011 that Conliu,111dants Xrttzing,r and e $,-1'000,000 loss Eggs in the PulPit. women and children of where they Wuld i ces a8 long Only ',Is tIlcy Obey Joual in,lukitry, lie, I I Is ,defenoeleea will be her rulil. We have fiau,ked. and whore it, wad alMoSt ,qa-be(�pnrs tire ellAdpavoring 14) COM- III�-Ijtll'�ljt ';Iupstlon the orders Of C'18-� in workillell't; wagof4. — the, veldt, I Impo.%Mble to disludgO r,holn, but 1I forees, in tile ',\furrays- anunry two J110ticaIR Of the I ,rhe M. , 'Irt,(!i1I1,s t,tt.lkos, which are is of tile Book for It." or the Cana- bina their I tro. Ill ,1. )or cant. I the, witnaL Ig. of tile present situation the forward charge burp: (.1m,drict. The, TrPa.-iI ('01irt, I supraillp (10111.�C f,111all in a certain not Yet vlldpd, al-thongli 70 1 , . � To speakil lie war in dialiff they Wart', forved to Y10ld- t meet tit 11--irkly ]:;I,:t, i �'aso to linn.1 do)wIl a� dpelSion that rs roBI1.uI(.(,I Nvork Yes- I CONTEMPT FOR� LAW GROWING - In Eouth Africa and of t ecores of Boorti with their families which Is 10, * ot 1.01, , of tile Strike 1i C a terrIbIt., I will linvo to lir-tr ille, (:a -;(N *it Cavtrols notion of !its- torday, IIIII d0a,lt 11 11 g�neral, Mr. Kruger said: at, ' - . I agre,0 IV, I , were thrown Into � III tk.) tile 'wperlty Of Mar- I 'T in l"apolls, lnd.� Apri, 6--T110 ROVII, �. ,The British Government, British have surrendered , Mellnoth, 7,ulu alleged robelS. t tice. Those .TIv,lWes pro, a 1,�,Iijg came *,cry Ilear bl-119 Lsli press &I- I,iad, and others are follo-,,-ing their , , ntil they S�ftl,s t1lat. tile city can scarcely J I telegraph a4d tile Britt - N 0 t Q'q. I it cell anil kept thVry It st POO- �U�Ibbo,Ll at Selh�r-oburg last night, amd ! to mako this much'il-and 01:aInple at, dif forprit place&,. Tile Poo d tile Iled I agI 10 think with Castro' lial , ever tO recover its to .Nmys try 4, abig ill Bay they hav�l 1,0I Xiliphrlier presente o trade Lit iI,jIlr- I but for protection ji,tjordod joy Iriendo �d Ills little finger, look ple who .-ire Cox) CIoss ,a, -(,,,I it) ,.N1j1(Ja,m�,. Ferriers. Ralsing M011cY. tio . Tile loss t $81000,i000 110 Ivoulit ba.ve baen roughly hal)(110d ,ct - 8 tin C It he ineI . ad the British Prociall'a r- -Idpncy Sall LIS is a ti 11 t Id � 't - 4 frien.is like this MI and he a ende never heard Of a surron, head of tile FI -01101 ;Imbul"(11ce d I In tbn first InI)ath or'lils, Prt.Is sa I" by 'L mob Or the of Awrry , both arms. ,q a,m persuaded every- tiolis, In respact in those W11 NO; I (iwynn. a Ba,loonikc,l,per of the t10II t,Ic ,tit, foor her gervi(II to illo " a nun,- allot I %reek duritlir, IL1110 stril ping Nvell there precisely der,and, furthermore that theyllave 'lline raotro, ol;111011 t,t) llit3 presence in ,etill, busI (11,111111shc(I 01) per - I d to the Door British bar Of -,I-va,llhy reprosontatl,YO mer. I tsunday Arr- XlIlg re.forrod, to the thimg is 2 Iegar woul)ded. " -I 'r one - aud illf(lrin.,(t q,nnt.. There arc, indit"Iti011 on Ill ()l its in tile tONVII, WI because Oil 'Mies co,ntirlue to dis been misled � In I . I � (.11,111ts, and 1AIIIII : simul&tj. aild tra,veSt7 facts- poeltion. 1, , � �o, trlbutn to h'iLlo"; or additional withdrawals of '.1a.10 of int"Ical , was viclausly as - pt for peace. -� I . Llwni that til�'V` Inu')t I -1 yron-it undertakill9B the, next da',v Ili' ad down (-.,LP!tnl from "r f'rk, , III I>, "We do n0t fight wvoe: ,apport of th,N (lovernment. Ac- arl, antl (ANt,- f . sotIlit to Yield. . I II;, f� - oop. . iffielilty -4aulto:l by Qw.N011 11-11d k1luck on 'Llie stre We are not cOuquI 'but although %vant all'i S)Iop k 'at. -cll= to bit� "'" "tllll�"(' (�f tl";l I UtVid (I . I the British P E T 1, -1 'L I 9 I'Milms, lcoi tho grP, y t,I)rl,cqi(lorad ,to General Botha listened tc Pretoria, k1iril 7.-.,L rumor Is Ill 110I Of th.-tr fortlinil,f4, 11.7! fl.,zed III la,v(' %1,14 and (,%vylill voinntaril 1-i filled $,L and % word of � II . thoIr vnL.VIg0nI( ad , I I 11 sil(gliol Ir.-ty Into in we-;�tinf,r , proposals he never utter, re that the burghers — Ow sull) whir'll o:u., q, ilivir 14itilatlon tho officers, an�l Nr ereat cot of Inde- circulation. he , , ll,r,lllltl; ,paying their rant lit created .1 9 � c V ion oil the subj andur-10I PA)t,lla .II01TV a.t onon. Tho alan'lliti; � iinle Since cootis. Tilt) a8oat temper, lqui cati t independence is the only have given Golula, 1 00. A I�ving III than at tiny pandence, ,copt, Oen x1tall- . ,,,,,().0(1, , I'Angled frolil . ,) to ,JM0, 00. (JKLI or reelln�� among the have until ARI 10 to Me t Them Were, t I"! tr' , of Paris. . � 3 I)cOpif,' Ittill 141r, I�illg deit-Aared treasisre I've Cherish, when It we ' t ha All But Two of fpw objict4id and i,trnightMLY fOlITId the Blege enar,s terms of gnri-Fixtior, find ----- ,Inc( AX) Sacrifice all Others to have our na- t, acwplti on that data . )JIVeyed V) tile rotuild.n., !10 would not be deivrred from P-W-U- 'tj6MI Independence. if he does no 8 and ten. I ,,,11,--,;m,FV'e,i!:tq --1,,r1,qoT'TJ, In Caraona� AN UGLY STORY- Ing war on the, wtloons, aTtd an - a Our oltl%qus Killed and Ea arnillos � q ak .Rt 680, they WILI leaVc the commandoo I ,qt is for t.hat ret I pleacli.ligs; of their fi --- nouncod that lie wollia i%nm IN forsook their farm$ (ind saoriflood came in themselves. 'Ile Boers I! At tile "Y slirronJcr:�d, but not Colivictot Florida 0111111) RevOILIS 9 111911t Oil tit(% k"'Ib*-"t, "'I ollould taleir lives, and our women and chil- A 90110I &urreudnr Of t I Ild fri"10% ill. parad-Pil thP FrIglitful State of A1.111tirs, ' tilere be sevensaloons, in your town" , . - iS, not ,expected here however, until. until they had again - 1�arly yapAardtly 'lloylling Ito was dren nQVP suffer temporary servi tile northern molultall.1101114 districts of WERE TWELVE IN THE PARlY, r,trpcts in shackle" n,Tltl bare feet and ­ I�Lprii 6�-Tlio bruises, �)Jlla be trouble It lie tirde In the onem-y's camP- � ubdued. w1th uncovered 11-cAdR- F!',ving Paid T"Impa, Fla . the ex-Tresident, "if tile Transvaal have bO(-',n S - London, April S. -A npwspnpnr hore. , ' liat covored Ills bodY as, lint lie ­Aild'* added Draft& of tile consta-balItIlY encamp a t (" It. OI -r -r tile lyl-too of tbeIr fl-00111 ­0110 scars and sort's t triod -to (lelivt,T tilt, ,uldre! L� ia a. ou e horrible Story - that wpnt to the church In the Mail the iE;glISh were not blind, if tb � singa,porb o, I c Ing, By ad at _ udsfolotrolli, ar,*0 being drilled tells, onder of c.,julilballsm, ItJ$1.-).00J), anotlivil $20,0100 ;Ind "V 11111or told yesterday of the ghastly story their T -IM( an I folind it packed to tile doorst by considered their Owly iultO"sts wail' daMY. telit, com- Says it wans brought to s-qngaporo third $30000, th" rt'iga"I " 110itle ` P ,a and they welad roeogolZe the Indepat In 'of vlatitton -AY . 11�,y Is .�' 'a pr,icticed Ili 11cullerson'ti t1lo, iI Ole", .tit f illc town dontle we demand, because In the hope The ZdI )f the Nlova Scotian I jibe , T ,ubs'vqu(,ntIY vsCAPoyd convict oullip. flellad,311st roturned shall be ready posed ot the En\110�shahud the Dublin by two survivors i which lert Cavitt-, froill the, r,onntry ll� (1199111se and ar- �,lirl,ollnqjjl,ng umintr-y. Ak; 8009 as 114) 0 'm ire Angola, - In- 11 - appo Igall tio of safagiloxiling it we Fu$i1je.ts, ,%re in , fly with the barq I rivpd at Trinidad. frani 9,�rvl sontonue there , utrt,0 in the pulpit and 73P to make many concessions and SaO- attempting to cross Philippine Islands, an October 17th, , . P. MIII-"r a.L: Bot- 9, who are I itefinenient ,Of TOVtttr ,�76 ,that (.),I January 15 110 talk elrp.�� were thrown at 111111 and x1floes and moreover it would assuro, r The vessel was wreaked oil V, race Oil Ivag stripprd, thrown to tho grwind, h,ZIL,j-B t,,,tl�j stones were hurled frOO I V,aa,M f0tevol: ill South, Africa. the line. -­ . October 23rd, as' has already been N,lt ion g a. go a, (;(:,pinan morebant and ileld there by nogrons 'while CaP­ ,tit parts or tilt, 110118e, W11110 x14 great I myself," he Said ,,witnessed reported. The Story is that 17 of ,LrrI1'(,qI at Barcelona, from Caracils' t1in John Sinith aPPli0el the It"ll till � ad hitt voice, so ho 40I 11 I hav� , 3100t. , . - 1 uproar x1rown , tbe lorntalitY with which the British 33otlla fatkl DeI , the crow built t,w� rafts, one r')f a dlic on variollis en V. Wellaril 110II -JL despat0,11 to Persons, di p- to collrat nionpy I , t(�rnst- tho blood cain not be board. ba-vo waged war against us. They London, AprIl 8. which carrylmg; �Ive, , ans In whioll he W.,Ls it wilo It4LqlIed hold him during tile whlP- MarRbal Iluffstetter and Ids'tice I b-&-ve acted like Savages and on their th; ,Times from Xrolonvgtad sta,tes 3aral� the first n1glit. The at or, t I all $121,000. Cav- pIng, .1.1id other iingrwo who had Weir finally provitiled IlPbn 11101 to aseer- 1.�, persons, Including 'Pt. ,�T!111r,Z coffloated in d gave orders - and leave till, chilroll, anil t1loy eacorta own OcInfession have III assisted by po a tro heard of tilts, ca -Mill tb�t it has boon dofl,illtOlY carrying in tit I savages Wilom they had armed. Our tataled that Gioliarralg Do NVet and Crocker dri-f Led for 25 days. The ell ,0ey must not be taken st.,.rvord torms a �) 0, . O,II4.mles haw vlo,la,tod all laws of war � ,Without food or III Ind that the '610 , _ wore pref;:Mt, aorrob,wated Millor's bill) out through the orow( - 81JOR f - 'Ind tit, Botha have IIII ,It Vrede. were Le colintry, ,It illo col- I , a IIIN� anklo,s worq ugly Hores tor lie reached 1110 hous bOtWb.'en olvilized nations, They have elloral D3 wetis, fol- w,1s terrible. They ti,to out Of tt cash with the story. 0. boarding- a, 0 The return of G . their .1golly I.Otor maot IcIavb the tile Inob ippen-re'l aul tried t -O rore"a oatilaged liberty without regard t lg;;rs, tO the northern part of the seaweed anol Io�fioIved tlieIr hoots, On , z (.,, d nlad,a by lite 91lackleS. but I7118 Qa HI Of nun-combataxits. They Orange R.tver C*I has, boon Big- hem wf,lit (,overnmolit. The iman was BOI Ile alff7) tod i)f numerolIR other its way 111tc) 'LlIO III October 2r prison by threats 0i"t'lle Ownew 11,11 tw10 of t a stoA In a Xf!i,;sr, Rrown, Miller Says, drIven awn.y O� I activity among mad aind plu�geid into 'Llic Hpa-� The, lin,l placed On I nrlinItios. . . [Ii,ged aud Irtirtied private PIT ' whp tile slin . (J,,vyun my;a the 11P0 - have pill nalkhad by 1XICII vall killed ille ,jr(I .ro. tile bot rayo of to firo on them has boon ne. ,-Onchl , � I,. , 0, Sol- wag wilippnd witil hN b:L(,,k becanin at) xt day ad ho the party. Tiley havi., treated as rebels tho Boeirv. The railway , 11, IN Xc and drank lit-, �Mt upon hlis bare hund, and 1.�I,w tlljl�lt jI (!,)llltl ilot lie on It for tnro, shall not be deliver 0 wy,re'kno,I to be citizens - an a hill) with I , atene the officers If Men Wh damaged on thr-03 S'll'000ssIve nights' MIltki V'I raimi, di�,-r stood Oil cach side of pulue, an'l thre. quitta-y, They ha,'vO Dod. ge tried to eat the It ,. "' I 110 s,,.Nv keepers rnb ' ' ' he mints- , It . . t bli nrades throw the corpse fix bayonet, witil orders to run t"I IV '�', .11,, fyn iiort,� b, ck,- and Hill- 0,Y attunipt to proteot t . of a belligerent 0 )coadblga NvIlle . ed ., if 110 fttto1nJ.Ae,fl to es.' � 1i n ,,, I ('j'�' .c,!,; a Is t or. 1 pJavisfily Imitated pr( British. Find 4-.7 Gon, but his 001 -",n't it. on October Illin through I plitir int:) rniv I)II v, Jil ftan n -,year- ... .... lia,ve exatted 11111val'S&I indignation � -S agency overboon,rd to pro tried to kill I tqIpj,. After goven hours Of Ruff(, 'rlllf" I old bo-�yn N';�'Li`() wIIlJ;r�)'IiI ill tile S.'Ilmo . ,actised in Cuba by a i§panisli Lonaoll April 7.-11, now I 27th, the 1,11-anchinal, .11 Two XiVel, FOU" lit,jured. wholl PT I ,M 11eldolbarg stllto�s that il(,y -,I rol .,I jq&'�; a.s 8.!,Vo,�!ply, while Some . I loll SPI wa I the captain with all alm, blit anoth- I ,,, alillounued thott IM WOOld give ,way an , general, wnd for Wh S clopp,qtob frc .,leave him. I ',is lually .uffalo,, April 7. -Two 1114L% Nve" 9 ave joliiid a, &7-ineh gun wresto 1) "vorythin;.; that III' Or III ,d t,J)a -yveapon from '0 I " - lie whole Priw)'V�r.14 wor.,, W,Jlpp�l a,it crue'lly'rinulshed. r � the Brtlall 11 '� six tim,es a olay. 1111011, alld foj-i�r 111111IN"d so Wrlon,817 tile fiorrors of which had been 4ib y ie I him and kIllad him. NVlion night fell' �'I,,"I�,�'�vas' 'n'lt <,,nough. T . �:, Usen eal(l respectI119 !"a I I the �thers ate p�%rts of the French, ��,,) 000 or nothln;�,,,. In tho 11111th I —.— ti;.at one (it thinu Is not expooted t'3 I � 'war a I a Waged by thn r,l-r.I gotiomis Bo,3,re. It ts presumably thO 151,11no J. . 110 ytoidod, took ton II 00- . , are -and .6 the British Man,s body.. Oil Ootoloor 28th Cap- " -) toirtilro I livo), in It, bI explos� � ^ triltil. I deel fro, diacl , llour of Ilia II 00111 � Is tax below tit � that was captilred , ,tilt] Ills body Was here lie Was Coi, Jo pipec of tile out wlien It OM Dec. 28th. tain Crocker tlp� Soldicro to tll')'I)I:lcP- w ("llyred in 00 'ellione r blatory will bear rwl at 1101VOtI& itilbalism -was repeat. ,,lad wilet ,tit( - -M)w, tgonlery I)kjqr.and Bo. any) , ,alod tile : V ,, � --- � ten. The OI , nloney � I Stir Brookville, Ont,, April 7. ard ,N 10 I I T COMIX I leaSea to b�� talsifi ��d -that ptople will ea Wilkosion otra,Z�ts, Yes' q ad ustil the two inell who toll the "nolared It. Ila Ballad for Germany JvIll-1111110I n. N.U.11 I- If IIII)l 'QV,!1I lit itih ,,, ' , , lu'll nt Court and . shudder w1len tll,-L,y la,arn tile det ItegivAelits R(Ii1p.n'se(l. - ara- , Canada Carriage NVork& here, Molt � ­LE�V&y a.ftvq,w*n. A numbor ot other ,n, a Swo,do, find Uar� i� I lner C' t1l" I , Atl-�q that wo have suf- story, Johanus( 1), thO ITOXt StVa lo"I'VInp; � ot�all tile atroll pril 1, -Gen, J<itc-h,n,,)r has are tbe. only Gormen a tiI tluatli at, the 0. T. It., rdn- I JIS0118 ra.0"IYod inhior InJurles. It IS 9yath Arricall war lids ljondon, A Vol_ ticeruji, a 'Ki.panixrd, W - cas, A Illontil latt.,r 11, D f i" �orad, Tile f f 1", that tile ally the raft drifted tion yokitorday Ufternoo . W1111-, w tIle Part of thO Z11911sh, 41, notified thu War Of ul-vivors. FinU er'lliger onterail LaGiiayrmI, The CaP- If, al"DI a1w,rted Zictt thc P)MICI N"as I - S, a d ILI , I of dust, been, ( llaniI belonging to tWeu )I Jsland� Tile natives , Ind 12 gallors pull0d ashore and attempting to 1)oarl , , traln I exill"mol by�,�� noollmulatlon 1 porpAllal,definace of the Geneva Cot* untear com] � . on Soul: S ..-------- I giments iiavo been ashore , 'endly, ,and put the t"Im � e to Chxacas. TheY at 01100 which waH P111"In'.', ont of the 'ta- - vbntlow, I I ly-four regular re '"I'm Start for there were Irl id for they rod I tion, Ito S1111ilml , ,000,000 syndlea.to dW is . . I freW by relief, a,n.d two mem cot board a junk boux entered Castro'k; prosenee, ,In(] per- ajitl foll under the A $30 , - I Pretoria, A-01,11 C,,­�Owlng to the na- t� Ilgiand shoI S11194pore. omptortly drInn.ndod not only every whaels. Ile "I'a's literally out to Pending in 'Sall Frall.-ASI and wttb I 6,nd the tempera- . ­� ny (11 tile $12 030. blit thO PUnIsh- 1418 hma being coMplotoly its SWOOSWUl eOnSuMTAl4tk)n the On' . � ttlira tA the eollintryt I I , 2 Wndor Iloper, of the U. pan d surlarin- =dl Iliepomod was on� Ills w y tire fishing and pr6oking ludwtry Oil , , , I I I ���-�- ��w - -"--I-- --,--- � U I - t � � I I � - , .1 - - � a.- , ILI I it I I � , )a it I I I , 811.1 h C"I In . it III not be 14t Gets $130,000,000. - Llout -Coul t WICIal who ha a a�t will bv 60)0- I mect of tile vnewy ofit, 'War R01 moilt CA the 1 Wybut a -'rord, U) lite home ill 0=0,110illia for tile the U. S. ra,olfle Co - e -I tbat any -aingle ftovoin wil ?.-,It Is , no* an, S. ;1,nj;�%t patr,ol, tiled V91bile trying If bq'Inging Ills wife 4m d trolled by one bIg llorporatlon ub.der , - - ng London, 4Z m,tuy to m.Vo otbars from thle I'll the still -tended tile torture. W1 .ft ,abocwstvil OUKI , I ounced, iiii UlI to, tile , roora of tll.o glinI Potr,61 at Ma. Cn -ro Paid tile Money "d ordered purpose 0 , I � I �Illent Will lorl ­B�t I TAO'nAu. I , I I I I in- It 16, that tli�ai ofiloiai wilo b&4 only. carried out child to reside In. Brotkvjlla� . , I. to n;* and. Individnal 00 oilquhAck)*111611 hnvo baotk,-Ina� '. . t 6 wo. bribed, UUA& , . ZSAO" ma,y, 8kxrrqlador� but th,bro the t(A-aj war Ifolld randa Saba . I . I . I I , . � wbi W"'A,L tLttWb)D,r of' "MIAA of U061's 1 . I I I I . . . � . I I I � . I .1 - - � I I . .., . � I I . . � � I � I . . � I . . �� . , �, I I I I I ­.... ­­­­­ ...". 1. .11. I—. 111. 1.11-1- .­­--..6­W-b.WI - I I 1, , 11 I 1, I . ­­­.. .1.1. ­ ...1. .. ....­ .-.1 - .. . ­—­­ I .....-11''.., _- 1. I ­'. ­-_--­.�, � I ,� p.-.1- . 11 ­ . . I ,. . I I �. . - - - - . . 1.11 I- - I.