HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-04-12, Page 1J. THE The Oficial Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. FIRST YEAR, VOL. I ZURICH, ONT. FRIDAY, APRIL 12 1901. L V. BACHAND, St, Joseph. • Notary Public, Fire and LifeIn- snrance Agent, Money to Loan, either by private funds or loan companies. e J. D. COOKE, (Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barrist er, Solieitor, Notary Publie. Heusall, Ontario. ROUDFOOT & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public ete, ete. Cor. Square and North Street, Goderieb, Ontario W. PROUOF 00 R. C. HAYS E ZELLER, • Cheek IOth Div. Court, Huron Commissioner for taking Affidavits, Conveyancer etc. Valuator for the IIu- ron and Erie Loan and Savings Co. Office- Zeller Bloelr, Zurich Ont. E BOSSENBERRY, Licensed Auctioneer for Hur- on County, respectfully solicits the pat- ronage of those who intend having sales. Satisfaction guaranteed. DIR. F. A. SELLEIZY, Dentist, graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor graduate of Department of Dentistry, Toronto university. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House Zurich, every Monday. 1-26 1 G. STANBURY, B. A. Successor to COLLINS & STANBURY BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, Conveyancer, Money to Loan on Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of In- terest. Documents in original German read and advised upon. ZURICH COURT ATTENDED Office over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter. The Commercial Hotel, L. FOSTER, - Frorietor Every accommodation for the travelling public. Always stop at THE COMMERCIAL when in Zurich. First-class sample rooms for Commercial men. LOURS FOSTER, ZURICH `'alae ondnion" --- 'house IFIFOMIFFIF Equipped with all modern conveniences. First-class accommodation to commer- cial travellers. Bar and din- ing room always supplied with the best obtainable. C. 1. Shoemacher, Prop. ZURICH Newspaper Change. Chicago, March 30. -The Chicago Evening Post was to -day sold by H. H. Kohlsaat to a company headed by J. C. Shaffer of Evanston, who will be President and publisher of the paper. Samuel T. Glover, for several years managing editor of the paper, will be its editor. The Publican, which will be known hereafter as The Chicago Post, will appear Monday in an 'entirely dif- ferent form. The paper will be strongly Republican in politics. SAREPTA Special to the HERALD. Alonzo Foster started seeding oats on the 4th inst., This is first seeding done in the neighborhood, Misses Kate and Tillie Smith left for Detroit on Thursday. One of Alonzo Foster's sons had a runaway Tuesday. He hitched a team of colts to a drill and becom- ing frightened made a bolt. The young fellow hung to them and had presence of mind enough to run them against the barn where they were brought to a standstill. The damage done was slight. Fire broke out at PI -Tyler's dwell- ing on Tuesday eAening and 110 doubt would have destroyed the house and barns near by, had it not been noticed by the stage driver -who was driving by. He hurried in and with the help of some of his passengers succceeded in getting the fire under control. The owner of the buildings, A. Foster thanks the parties for the work in saving his property. muss btary Hartman visited with firs. Alonzo roster a few days this 'Week. The meetings in the Baptist church aro being well attended. It as probable that the services will bo continued a few days longer than .irat intended, Mr. S.• Hardy sold his dwelling to Mr. Schenck for $1300,00. Sol. evi- dently intends leaving town as he also sold his interest in the but- chering business recently. HAY COUNCIL, Connell met Monday, April 8th, All present. The following were appointed officers of the township for the cur- rent year : Pathmasters--Div. 1, H. Dining ; 2, J. Jarrett ; 3, R. B. Ross ; 4, D. McEwen; 5, Andrew Johnston ; 6, R. McMordie ; 7, J. McMahon ; 8, Tom O'Brien ; 9, Alex Ingram ; 10, Alex Munn ; 11, Ben Philips ; 12, D. Kyle ; 13, C. Alclsworth ; 14, J. Duncan ; 15, W. Coleman ; 15a, Alex Munn ; 16 and 20, W. Dignan^, 17a, Ed Dates ; 17. Wm. Mulholland ; 18, J. Berry; 19a, Jas, Stacey; 19, Jas. Howard ; 21, Chas. Redmond ; 21a, Honey Deters ;22, George Reichert ; 23 and 24, Jos. McDonald ; 25, Wm. Blackwell ; 26, Jas. Green ; 27, Henry Reichert ; 28, Ed. Troyer ; 59, R. Foster ; 29a, Jos. Foster ; 30, Geo Broderick ; 31, Wm. Battler 32, Her Bonder ; 33, Wm. Schwalm ; 34, J McBride ; 35, J Hartmann : 36, I. Gingerich ; 37, D. Schnell 38, O. Fisher ; 38, 0 Baechler ; 40, Sol Jacobe ; 41, Geo Schroeder ; 42, Chas Holhein ; 43, J Ortwoin ; 44, J Prang ; 45, J Geiger ; 46, 3Gerber ; 47, Jac Messner :b43, Ben Pfile ; 49, G Eisenbach ; 49a, Ezra Kaercher ; 50, W Truemner ; 50a, B Sararas ; 51 Casper Roehrig ; 52, J Schnell ; 53, J Schroeder ; 54, J Howald ; 54a, Henry Kalbfleisch ; 55, L N De- nomie ; 56, Jos Baden° ; 57, S Spencer ; 58, Wm Denison ; 59, Wni Schada ; 60, R Turnbull; 61, And Turnbull ; 63, Jas Cochrane ; 64, Chas Troyer ;. 67, J. Thompson ; 68, .T Leslie ; 69, Henry Howard ; 72, Wm Pfaff ; 73, Henry Reynolds ; 74, Phil Beaver ; 77, Henry M Wil- lem ; 78, J Willert ; 79, Jas Len - flings ; 79a, Wm E Turnbull. Pound Keepers -J Paterson, A McEwen, R Northcott, J Johnston, Robt Thompson, J Decher, Jr, Henry Magel, A Thompson, D Spencer, Thos Turnbull, Wm Snell, H Beaver. Fence Viewers -'Wm Russell, Wm Caldwell, W Chapman, Robt Me - Arthur, S Thompson, Fred Stelk, J Haberer, J Hey, Win Heyrock, G Edighoffer, Wm Ruby, Wm Snider, Win. Roeder. Road Commissioners - Centro Road, Div. 1, R Carlisle ; 2, Wm Caldwell ; 3, Con Fuss ; 4, Casper Roehrlg. North Boundary - 1, Chas Troyer; 2, Jacob Oesch. South Boundary -1, Broderick ; 2, Fred Baker. . The contract of the several bran- ches of Haw Swamp drains was awarded to 0 G Garnett of Dela- ware, Ont., fbr the sum of $3848 - his tender being the lowest. By-laws Nos. 1, 3 and 4, were duly passed. The council passel the following resolution : That the oeuncil cease to pay for lake gravel and that the clerk notify all pathmasters along the lake shore to that effect. A deputation waited on the coun- cil asking for a grant towards the Exeter. cemetery. The matter was laid over till next meeting of the council. Re the petition for a•polling place at St. Joseph, a decision •of the council was deferred until the next meeting. The following accounts were ordered to be paid : J Welton, bolts for culverts, $1 60 ; Kolonist adver- tising R Z Drain. $1.50 ; Kolonist advertising Hay ' D, E and W Branches South 6'0e, East Branches North 50, West Branches North, 50c ; F Sohuettler, work Centre Road, x+2.50 ; Dr. Canl.pbell, medical health officer 1000, expenses re Oesch's and Deichert's child, $8.50 ; Contract Record notice for tenders, E and W South .EI S D, $2.50 ; do, East Branch Norther S D, $2.50 ; do West Branch North H S D, $2.50 ; J White & Son, printing 1900, $4 ; Henry Lipphardt, assessor's salary, $61,50; Tp Clerk, part salary, $40; Henry Parke, work 0 R, $1. Tho council will meet again on Monday, the Oth day of May, at 1 o'clock p. m. "Sharpers at Hensall," "Chatham "crooks" coming North." So and so got "pinched" for $200.00 etc. etc. These would constitute the headings on the first page first column of sensational city journalism. When will men of sense "shake" suspicious charac- ters? Smart men otherwise, fall easy victims to strangers. This is a warning to others, but every town has some easy marks and our sister town is n0 exception. 1, -.•.F. Assessor Lipphardt's returns ofIay. The following statistics have been taken from the 1901 assess- ment roll of this township :- Nwunber of persons assessed 1032 Total number of acres 52.4:97 Average value $33.75 1 --table income $1400.00 PerEee al property $25,950.00" Total real, personal and income $1,870,050 3,600 5,051 1,404 2,147 1,695 4,112 3,532 3704 4982 25 Population. No, of cattle " sheep " " hogs " i' horses 's ;acres woodland '' f' swamp i' orchard fall wheat " of steam boilers NO. 37 ThcWeeksNews About People We Know. Where T Are, or Where They Are Going, and What They Are Doing.', Ss eeseeeesesessearee For a nobly Felt hat call at D. S Faust. ' Mr. George Bissett of Exeter was in town Tuesday. Mr. John Schafer was at Seaforth, Tuesday on business. Mr. Louis Reeding of Exeter was in town on Wednesday. Mr. George Volland left for Pigeon, Mich. on Thursday. Miss Lizzie Nicholson left for her home in Goderich, Tuesday. Mr. Casper Wolper moved to the Torrance farm on Wednesday. Mr. David Hoist is visiting Mes- srs. Williams and Ehnes ancf other friends. The directors of the Hay Fire Insurance Co.'had a meeting here on Saturday. Hoffman Bros. have the contract for the improvements at St. , Boni- face Catholic church, Messrs. Geo. Hess, Geo. Volland and Dan Koehler attended the con- cert at Dashwood Monday evening. John Roth of New Hamburg is visiting his daughter. Mrs. R. Sohwartzentruber on the Bronson line. Mr. John Schafer purchased the butcher business of Hardy and Mit- telholtz and has taken possession on Wednesday. Henry Koehler Jr. had a bee this week for the purpose of hauling his timber for repairing and en- larging his barns. George Schnell left for Pigeon, Mich., yesterday, and from there intends going to Port Arthur; where he has secured a position. Andrew Mittleholtz and • Albert Fee have bought George lelerner's threshing machine, They expect to do a threshing business this sea- son. • Mr. D. S. Faust returned home Tuesday evening from Milverton, where he spent the Easter holidays.. with his daughter, Mrs. Win, Fink- beiner- Mr. W. A. Shaw, Editor Tilbury Times and Mrs. Shaw spent the Easter holidays with their niece Mrs. E. Zeller. They left for home on Tuesday morning. N. E. Cook of the firm of Cook Bros. Jr. has opened up his Bicycle show rooms with a splendid display of Bicycles and a full line of re- pairs. H. E. COOK, Hensall, Mr. Joe. Rau of Drysdale pur- chased a 6 weeks old thoroughbred' tamworth pig from Conrad Fuss a I few days ago, which weighed 36 pounds. Mr. Fuss raises first class hogs. • The boys have secured a field for base ball. A meeting has been called for Monday night, April 15, to be held in THE HERALD office. Let there be a large attendance of the sporting fraternity. The boys frons' the South end of the Township had a party at John Hoy's, Goshen line • on Wednesday evening. Some csf the young ladies of the town were invited but none of the young men and in conse- quencethe boys are - somewhat "huffy:" Mr. V. M. Cantin of St. Joseph farce spent, a few h.our, on Satur- day, at his home at St. Joseph, He is at present • chasing up million- aires a,t Chicago. We hope he will succeed. A few millions less at Chicago wont be felt and will do this part of the country good. On Tuesday while sawing wood. at S. Martin's, Goshen line, Hay, Father Valentine spent Tuesday at London. Formaldehyde Solution can be had at D. S. Faust. Mrs. Makins of Stanley .visited friends here on Sunday. Mr, J, Hoffman, builder of Dash- wood was in town Monday. Mr. Orvill Ehnes returned home from a trip to Port Huron. Mr. Chas. Fritz and wife visited frinds at Drysdale on Sunday. 13: Lamont shipped a carload of cattle to Toronto on Thursday. The Zurich orchestra is furnish- ing music for a dance at Brucefield this evening. • Mr. Philip Pfaff of Carsonville, Mich, is visiting his sister Mrs. S. Hardy this week. License Inspector Ballantyne made his rounds of the hotels here Wednesday evening. Miss M. Holtzmann, dress and Mantle maker is now comfortably located in the Zeller block. Mr. Steve Meidinger of the 14th Con,, has his spile driver at work making a foundation for Mr. Doan's barn. Mr, Milford Faust has been quite ill since Saturday, and is in a rath• er serious condition. We hope, however, that he will soonrecover. Owing to the death of Mr. H. H. Johnston's wife near Bayfield his auction sale which was have taken place on Thursday, had to be post- poned. County Councillor Torrance of Zurich was in town yesterday cm his way to attend the Board of Criminal audit at Goderich.-News- Reeord. . The K. O. T. M. Concert at Dash- wood on Monday evening was a success, The Dashwood citizens usually make a success of anything they undertake. , Ynu can haveyour wheel enam- eled with four coats of any color and Baked, also the nickeling buff- ed on the same for $2,50 at N. E. Cook's Bicycle shop, Hensall. G. Denstedt of Blythe bought the harness business of E. Appel and also rented the stand for a terns of years, Mr. Denstedt in- tends starting hardware business in connection. The William's mills are shut down this week, owing to a change in boilers being made. The new boiler is a very large one, weighing over five tons and can be safely run at 150 lbs pressure or over. Mr. Will McLeod of Seaforth called at the Herald. office on Tues- day, Mr. McLeod is one of the few genuine off handed comic singers and reciters and his num- hers are usually received with loud applanco by his audience. Will is, besides, a "jolly good fellow" and a true gentleman. The world would wag;