HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-04-05, Page 8ubi eee Laundry Work guaranteed equal to Z=". - wci = 'We use no Chemicals to destroy your Clothing. Suits to Order vats HOFFMAN, The Tailor, J. H • Wismer GENERAL BLACKSMITH A N HORSESHOER. Repairing all kinds of machinery a speciality ! J. H. wiser, - Zurich T. & M. Johnson Have just received a new stock of furniture, Bedroom Suits, Couches, Fancy Rockers, and Parlor.Furn- ishings, window Shades, and Pic- ture Frames a specialty. Call and see tor yourfielves. In the Woollen mill department we are offering special reductions in Underwear, Sheeting, Blankets, Stockings, etc. T! & M. Johnson ZURICH F. Hess, STEAM Carriage Works. We have a large stook of Buggies which will be sold cheap to make room for our stock of Cutters. Call and see our Rubber Tire Buggies and our New Cutters. F. HESS, & SON Zurich, Ontario Before BUYING Anything in the line of Watches, Clocks, Jewel- ry and Musical goods, GAIL op ME ' Prices Always Lowest Fine Repairing A. Specialty F. W. Hess, nt re. - Tem E Zurich Saddlery, Furniture, Organ and Piano House. A Fuli Stock In Every Department. Harness of all kinds. Fur Robes, Blankets, Trunks, Travelling Bags, Fancy Plush Russ. Furniture, Bedroom Suits, Parlor Suits, Sideboards, Extension Tables, Chairs, Spring Beds, Mattresses of e.11 kinds. The New Williams Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos -only the best make in Canada. --the Dominion, the Bell, and the Thomas, who was awarded the gold medal at the World's Ex - 'position, Paris, France, in 1900, .Patronize home dealer, and you will save rnoney, and feet better goods with nu honest dealer. H. W19LL, Zurich. THE ZURICH HERALD Kalbfleisch's CALVES FOR SALE �(� • 1 I In Zurich at noon, On the 13th of April, • • • ,�r(1 about 20 000d calves from a week to two • . • 9 9 Beeks old. 30-2t JOHN HEY, JR. Planing and Saw Mill —All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A full stock of B. C. lel Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. Chopping done every day. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, Mills 14th Con., Lot 25. 3. C. Kalbfleisch Zurich P. O. HAVE YOU SEEN F. A. EDWARDS' New Prints Cinghams Muslins Silkateens, Satteens • • We also have the best assortment and the best values. Next time you buy corsets get B. & C. straight front, erect form. F. A. EDWARDS BAYFI ELD :1 1 1I 1 „'j 11,1 %cost Pn l Iris! BAYFIELD Special to the HERALD. Service will be held in Trinity Church, Good Friday morning, at 11 o'clock. Special service on Eas- ter Sunday at a. m. and the annual Vestry meeting, Monday, at 2 p. m. C. Ferguson ]eft on Tuesday for Walkerville to take a position on the Petrel. James Ferguson left last week for Vermillion. Mrs. Rathwell has returned from Detroit. Miss Shannon. of Goderieh is the guest of Miss Falconer Rev. Dr. McLean, of Toronto is to preach in St. Andrews church next Sunday. Miss E. Pallister is here from Toronto, for the easter vacation. Already applications are being received for accommodation of tourists. EXETER Special to the HERALD. Wm. Duncan of Usborne town- ship, has sold his farm to his neighbor, Mr. Atkinson for the sum of $3,125. Public school exercises will close on Friday [to -day] and the teachers and scholars will take a well earn- ed holiday. Dr. Kinsman is home again, after a pleasant visit with his son Homer, who is practicing dentistry at Sarnia. W' Johns is visiting friends in Jackson and other points in Michi- gan, this week. It is to be inferred from the hea- vy purchases of furniture and hob: ehold goods by Jas. Dearing, Stephen, that one of those pleasant events is about to take place, in which he will take a prominent park, Owing to illness, Re -v, Thom•ts of Lucan did not conduct services in Trivitt Memorial church on Sun- day, as announced. Rev. TenEyck was obliged to return home from his London visit. Judging from the small attend- ance which greeted the hyrnotic and mind reading performances in the opera house last week, it, may be inferred that class of entertain- ment is becoming a back number, A Woman's Troubles. Mrs, Chas. Keay ng, sen„ Owen Sound, Ont., writes :—"It Is a pleasure to tell what great benefits I have derived from the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. I am 55 years of age, and for about rive years my life was one of great suffer - Ing from nervousness, weakness and extreme physical exhaustion, 1 could not sleep, and hot flushes would pass through my body from feet to head. I consulted our family physician and two other doctors, but they told me that about my time of life I was liked* to be troubled In this way. I continu- ally grew worse and despaired of ever being cured. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food came to my notice, and as we have Dr. Chase's Recipe Book I had con- fidence in the doctor. I was so sur- prised at the help I received from the first box that T boUght three more. They built me right up and made me feel healthy and young again, " They have proven a great blessing to me, and I hope this .testimonial will be of help to some weak, nervous woman suf- fering as I did." Dir. Chase's Nerve Food. `three Days Convention For the deepenin ; of spiritual life, to be held in the Baptist church, Zurich, Ont., Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, April 9th, 10th and 1].th. The opening service 'Tuesday at 7.30 p. in, On Wednesday and Thursday there will be services at 2.30 and 7 30 p. m. Speakers—Pastor P. W. Philpott of Hamilton, Pastor Mackenzie of London, Pastor Wn-. Pocock, B.A , Toronto. These services are non-denonina- tional, and everyboey is welcome. 1 although Prof's. Tay or and Je nings are capable of putting up good program. One hundred invitations has been sent out for the Bachelors' ball, to be held in the opera hall on the evening of Easter Monday. Inspector Richards of the Equity Fire Ins. Co., of Toronto, was in town on Tuesday. While hare, he appointed D. Jacques as: local agent. Mr. Blaisdel, head miller for J. Cobbledick & Son, has moved into Capt. Kemp's house on Andrew St, The census enumerators have commenced their vrork and are the busiest men in town this week Joseph Eidt, manufacturer ' f the celebrated flour, was in town on business. Monday. G.. A. Buswell went to Listow this week, where secured a - lucre ive-position with a merchant tailor Several of our business men haw had their awnings replaced. Sprin is surely here. The machine at the weather but reau must have "slipped a cog" over Sunday's probabilities, Sun• day was one of the finest spring days we have had, but the weather man told us to look for rain are snow. It was a pleasant disappoint ment to all. Election of wardens for ensui year and reading of financial repo will be order of business. Messrs Lamont and Merner Zurich shook hands with frien in town, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robins will spec Easter with friends in New York, Messrs M. Vincent and J. +: Spackman will take part in 111t Macabees Concert at Dashwoo. Monday night, The regular annual vestry mee ing of Trivitt Memorial church w: be held in the school hall, Mond night. ing tho esteem in which the young couple were held by their' friends. About 75 invited guests were pre- sent. Mr. and Mrs. McBride have settled in their now home on the town line where Mr, Mc. Bride recently bought a farm. They 1)e - gin life with the best wishos of a host of frionds. ST. JOSEPH Special to the HERALD. The weather still continues fine and the farmers of the vacinity are getting ready for seeding. Several from these parts attend- ed the sale of Hagan and Merner in Zurich on Saturday last. E. Axt ,of Zurich, Visited friends in these parts on Sunday. Sucker fishing is the order of the day and night ah o, but we are in- clined to think that there are more fishermen than fish at present. Will. O'Brien, wife ani family of Zurich seer t Sunday last at his parents her1. Mr. a- d :qrs. R. O'Brien returned a j home Monday morning. P. Beadour brought home a new ve I buggy on Saturday last, purchased born the well known Hess firm, of Zurich, this is proof that the bug- gy is a first class one. C. Jordan and L. Smith left on Monday, April 1st, for the Soo, where they expect to work for the coming season. J. H. Beaver son of P. Beaver of this place left on Tuesday of this week, for Michigan. We are much pleased to learn that Wm. Heyrock who has been very sick is improving, J. Priemeau was to Zurich on his wheel on Monday. tie says the wheeling is not very good but busi- el nags has to be attended to. t_ Jerry Corriveau census enumera- , for is making his rounds in the e rlivicinn_ N. Dyer Hurdon manager ofsNtti Molsons Bank, here ,was in 2e �,. on Tuesday, rerfecting arra.ago ments for establishing a brant there. The new office will be to cated in the Zeller block, next to the Herald office. It is not yet generally known who is to be mana- ger of the new branch, but we know whereof we speak* when we say that Zurich has a class of busi- ness men who are "hustlers" and it will necessarily follow that the new manager needs to be a "hust- ler" too. Miss Maude Jeekell, who is nurs- ing Mrs. Manning made a most distressing mistake on Monday morning by taking an overdose of medicine from the wrong bottle. Two bottles of medicine were left at Mrs. Manning's, one for the invalid (Mrs. Manning) and ono for the nurse (Miss Jeckell). After giving Mrs. Manning the dose as directed, Miss Jeckell by some mis- take took a. double dose of the same medicine which resulted in com- complete prostration and for 48 hours she laid between life and death, no one daring to touch her and only the persistant efforts of Dr. Hyndman of Exeter assisted by Dr. Ferguson of Kirkton saved her life. Miss Jeckell's many friends will be pleased to know that she is now' out of danger. Mrs. R. Barnes of London is visii�ing her parents and Mrs, J. Evans, this week. Judging from the number of ladies on the street Saturday night, it is safe to say that the various millinery openings were well pat- ronized, J. G. Stanbury barrister, was in Crediton on legal business on Sat- urday. Spackman is busy making preparations for Season of 1901 at Grand Bend Park. e' r� h BLIND LINE Special to the Herald. An interesting event took place on Tuesday afternoon, April the `end, when Mr. Samuel McBride and Miss Josephine. Willett were united in the holy bonds of matri- mony. The ceremony was 'perform- ed by Re -a. Henderson of Hensall, The bride was very becomingly attired in a costuin) df faun trimm- ed silk and ribbon to match and carried a bouquet of cream roses, she was assisted by the grooms sister, Mary Ann,who wits attired in blue, the groom was supported by his cousin of Galt. After the ceremony was performed, the couples left for the bride's home land sat down to a splendid dinner prepared by the hostess, A very pleasant evening was spent in danc- ing till the wee small hours of the morning, all present enjoyed them- selves very much, They were the recipient of a beautiful array .cif valuable and useful presents, sildwv, DRYSD'rLE Special to the HERALD, A very bad accident happened to J. Rau recently. He went to cut a sliver off a. leaning tree, when it flew back and struck him on the upper lip, cutting it severely, but Joe is mending fast, J. W. Horner is making maple syrup and is very sweet these days. We are sorry to announce the death of E. Etue's eldest son, which took place on Friday last. The funeral was held on Saturday at 2 o'clock and was largely attended, The roads are in good shape and some of the boys are running their wheels. Alex. Challet visited Grand Bend last Sunday. J, W. Horner sold the horse he got from his brother George, for a handsome .figure. Joe Rau was in Zurich on busi- ness last week. Leo Jellinare has engaged with Mr. Stevenson for the summer. Eli Challet visited Grand Bend last week. R. J. Schoop our tree agent, was around taking orders on Saturday. VARNA Special to the HERALD. Mrs. James Armstrongis visiting her daughter, Mrs. McCool at Drumbo. Misses Maud and Stella Andrews have returned home, after a visit with friends in Zurich. On Wednesday evening last, the members of the Goshen church as- sembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. McClinehey, on the return of their honeymoon, and presented Mrs. MoClinchey with a sideboard and extension table as a slight re- membrance of her services as or- ganist of the Methodist church. She will be )Huth missed in the church and her many friends wish them happiness and, prosperity. The Varna boys have organized a now football team. Miss Cassie Johnston has return- ed home, after visiting frionds in Seaforth. The temperance lodge is again booming. New members are join- ing every meeting night. HILLSGREEN F,t„Tv9 8 Special to the HERALD. ,J, Houston p.rincipal of the Clin- ton Collegiate, delivered a very in- structive sermon, Sabbath last. Levi Stelck left Monday morning for Dauphin Manitoba, Miss Maud Farquhar has return- ed from visiting friends in Clinton. Miss Haywood. of Clinton is visit- ing at T.'arg1lhar's. Robert Stelck commenced his duties as teacher in Zurich sehool, Monday. We wish him success. Manuel Reichert has engaged With Francis Coleman for the E SEW MAlI AT THE OLD STAND T have purchased the business of C. Hartleib, and with my near stook corning in for spring, I can give you anything in the Hardware, Tinware or Stove line, at very close prices. If you intend building a house orbarn, call and get my prices for your requirements. EVERYTHINC'NEW AND UP-TO-DATE. Eavetroughing, Roofing and Furnace Work. C HASI GREB,Main Street, Zurich, Oat . Zurich's Leading Shoe Store ... ABOUT OUR SPRING SHOES Scarcely a day in March passsd but what brought us new spring goods. Our stock is up-to-date in style. Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes at lowest prices. We guarantee best quality always. If you want the very latest and best goods from the leading Canadian manufae -. turers Come to me Try me And you will always buy from me, P. BENDER MAIN STREET ZURICH ARE YOU BUILDING ANY FENCES THIS SEASON If so, do not fail to call on nip. Having contracted fora car load of the American Steel and Wire Co's woven wire fence before I disposed of ley business and the factory would not cancel the order later and have shipped the car, and in order to sell the car quick before I leave town will give great bar- gains while the car last. This fence is the best that ever struck the Canadian market, and once put up will stay up. We sold miles of this fence last year, and the same parties are ordering again this year. The fence is put up in 40 rod rolls, 6, 8, 9 and 12 wires, stays 12 inches apart. Call for booklet, it's free. Office at Ed. Appel's Harness Shop, C. 1ULRTLEJCE The old ex -Hardware Merchant of Zurich, N. B.—Special price to parties wishing to put up the fence themselves, they c in also secure the loan of a stretcher. NEW GOODS! New Prints New Mercerized New ] ress Goods, Etc Call and inspect. It will pay your. Steinbach, Zurich