HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-04-05, Page 6ss
Should be tried, We enow you'll
appreciate it.
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King Ed's
Favorite Wine.
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The Hungarian journalist and po-
litician, Kernel Abranyl, in his paper,
Pesti Naplo, gives some interesting
details of a visit which King I±d-
;ward paid to Hungary many years
ago. The Bing repeatedly de-
.olared that when, out of England he
,felt nowhere so much at home as in
Hungary, and he was often pleased
•to accept invitations from Count
Tassilo -Festeties or Count Stephen
-.Karolyi, with whom he lied many
friends. Once when he was at dinner
in Count Karolyi's Budapest house
he refused the costly 1'ren.:h, Ger-
man, and Spanish wines that were
offered to him, and with all courses
drank the white table wine which
he had tasted after the soup, and
declared that no wine had ever suet -
ed his taste so well. After dinner he
asked Karolyi where he could order
a reasonable quantity of this wine.
Count Ie. -amyl., with 13ungarian pom-
posity, answered, "Tile wine is no-
where to be had; it has either been
drunk to the last drop or else it is
Jealously guarded; the vines which
produced it are all destroyed by tate
phylloxera, aha whether new plan-
tations will ever produce the same
quality again is uncertain. What
I have of it was left by my father
in the cellars of Neigy Karolyi, and 1
do net know how- much that is."
Nothing more was said, but next
day Count learolyi travelled to Nagy
b.arolyl, called the manager of the
cellar and asked him, "How much
More have we of the Bakator from
Brmeliek ?" "Of the family wine ?"
the butter asked. "Well, just so much
that it will last us to the end of our
Lives." "The question is, how long do
yea expect we shall live?" "Should
God gi'e u.s a hundred years to live,
eeven then the wine would last to the
end." "Bat suppose I did not expect
tti live one hunch. ed years; suppose I
thought 80. was enough, how much
wine would be left ?" "On a rough
calculation -ten hectoliters." "Very
well, put those ten hectoliters into
the best casks you can get, take
Eon to the railway station, and
Make li&ady to accompany them on
a long journey." Now-, to take wine
safety by rail and by ship is a diffi-
eult taek if its quality is not to suf-
fer. Two weeks passed before Count
Karolyi received the announeement
'that the butler had reached 'England
in safety with his ten hectoliters of
white wine ; that he had tested Its
quality' an -1 had found it in perfect
Condition. The Count wrote a re-
apeotiui letter to the then Prince of
'Uvatee, informing him that ten itecto-
t tere of the wine he was pleased to
like In Hungary were in England, and
begging him to accept it. The Prince
expressed his delight at the present
fie a letter which will be kept in the
Count's family, but Karolyi only
tearned mach Inter how much the
Prince appreciated the gift. ,A.bout
eight years ago Karolyi was the
Prince's guest in England, and at
table he was informed that the Bak-
ator from Prmellek appeared on the
table solely in his honor. At all other
times the Prince drank it himself, for
he had Moo made arrangements to
sake it fast all his life.
11'4a Grippe Prevented' and Cured
La Grlppe is a germ disesise. Ca-
tarrhozone kills the germs. You can-
not get Grippe if you breathe Ca-
tt?rrltozooe. It you have it, it will
lessen its intensity and cut short the
attack. Catarrhozone is as absolute
a speclfic for La Grippe as It is a
Specific. for I3ronchitis, Catarrh and
Asthma. Druggists everywhere sell it,
two sizes, 25e, and $1, or by mail
dost paid on receipt of price. N. C.,,
Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont., and
Hartford, Conn.
"witch your mother went to school
she didn't have such tomfoolery etu-
dtes,r' growled old Mr. Penuekl.e.
No, answered the daughter, "she
didn't need .them. In those days the
girls didn't have to hustle out and
chase up a job as stenographer to
litelp support the fatnilq, fine VII have
to die, slid you, ma „--Indiaxiapolls
++444 ++++*.S....+ 1o♦r+tj
It Was the Scgttlsh express, and
as it was not due to stop for another
six .hours the other One occupants of
the smoker began to get nervous,
Tile tenth passenger who was sit-
ting in the window corner with a
cap pulled over the face, groaned
again. The .kincl-hearted old gentle=
matt snoozing opposite unscrewed a
flask of cold tea and passed it to
his afflicted neighbor. He drank
long and eagerly.
"Do you feel better ?" asked the
"I do," said he who had groaned.
"What a•ir.od you, anyway ?"
"AI;ed ine ?"
"Yes ; what made you groan so ?'
" Groan! Great Scott, man, I was
His gait had the roll of salt water
and every person in the little crowd
on the corner would have put him
down as a sailor. As the car slowed
up he swung on the back platform,
while the others clambered inside.
As the conductor started on his
collection round the sailor said loud
enough for all to hear :
"Say, mate, I'm going to settle
for all that got on," and he thrust
a S5 bill toward the conductor.
The man in uniform was perplex-
ed. He did not care about offending
a man of Shazkey's build, and yet
he was afraid the passengers would
obja: t, and get flim into trouble.
"They might not like it, sir," ho
" They ain't got no objection,
mate. Uncle Sam paid me off last
Week. and I want to spend my
money. Here, take 'em out."
The conductor looked around. The
passengers were smiling. Thus reas-
sured, he counted 18 fares and took
90 cents out of the $n bill. Then
he handed the sailor tile change.
"Just as well humor him," he re-
marked to the marl up front.
"I thought he was a sailor by his
"Yes. and a sailor and his motley
are soon parted."
"'Wonder what ship he is from ?"
"Didn't ask him. Good-natured sort
of a chap, though. But he almost
robbed me of all my dhange. Hello.
This note looks funny.
The man up trout scrutinized it
and then said :
"What ?"
"Yea. a counterfeit."
"I'11 make him take it back, and" -
But when the conductor glanced
back he found the generous sailor
had vanished. -Maine Journal.
The young man took a piece of paper
and pencil from his pocket and laid
the paper oft his knee.
"1 w.11 have something important
to tell you in a minute, Miss Jones,t'
he said.
Then he read over carefully what he
had written and crossed out a word.
" Superfluous," he said, half to him-
He went over it again and crossed
out another word.
" It's just as strong without that,"
he muttered. " We are n 11 too prone
to use adjectives and adverbs, any-
He picked up the paper and seemed
about to begin. to read from it, but
suddenly stopped.
" That whole sentersee might as well
come out," he said. 'The meaning is
perfectly clear without it. Conciseness
Le really the crying need of the hour."
Thea, turning to the girl, he said:
" Bemine!"
Thus we see the power of habit. For
years h's duty had been to edit the
"copy" of'prolitic correspondents.-Chl-
cago Post.
"Th's altercation, as I understand It,
took place at McGu'ggin's tavern," said
the cross-examining attorney to the
"It is called McGuiggin's tavern,"
replied the witness, " but McGuiggin
hasn't had anything to do with it sines
the 13th of last March."
" You are certain of that, are you ?"
el am."
" The 13th of March is the exact
date on wh:'ch McGuiggln ceased to
have anything to do with the tavern
that is called by his name?"
"Now, bear in. mind that you are
un.der oath and that you are swearing
to exactness. If you wish to say it
was about the 13th of March that Mc-
Guiggin ceased to have anything to
do with hie) place, I advise you to put
your answer in that form."
"1 don't need to."
" You sweat' that edam the 13th of
March MdGuiggia has had nothing to
do wi•l11 the place??" .
" I do."
" Give your reasons for such an ex-
plicit statement."
" Because McGuiggilt died on the 13th
of March."
Dialogue between, Mr. Bliss and his
neighbor's wife:
" You dotl.'t mean to say, Mrs. Wylie,
that you never rode a wheel until
now ?"
" You sit perfectly ! I never saw
anyone balance so gracefully. Don't
mention it! Ib is a pleasure to assist
you. How gracefully you dismount!
Too heavy ? Noth'n.g of the kind. You
wh^e1 like an expert. Allow me,"
Dialogue between Mr. Blies and his
own wife:
"Now, Laura, if you are going to
hang on that bicycle like e. Sack of
meal you'd better give up trylug to
learn. I told you 1 hadn't time to go
wobbling all over the country Bolding
you on a wheel. It's too much to ex -
peat of mortal man l"
"-- -!!! ---1!! -?"
"Mrs. Wylie ? • Why, that Roman.
wouldn't learn to ride in a thousand
years* neither for that matter will
you! I didn't do anything of the kind
-I never told her so 1 Her husband
asked me to teach her a few moments,
and I did, out of neighborly kindness."
-..!! -.._ se_
" I hold her haled! I never did any-
thing of the kind, except to drag her
on. and off th.'tt wheel. You lean away
over to anis side. Oh, yes, I'd like run-
ning alongside, like a page or professor
of.athietics. Not much, Mrs, Bliss! If
you don't learn in two le+ssaue, you
can. practise by yourself. There you
go 1;, Go! Well, whose fault was it?
No ! 'I don't matte a spectacle of my-
self trying to bolsiyou on 1 Go into
the back yard arid wobble to your
heart's pon,tent 1 I'm finished."
A contractor who found himself
thwarted by an inspector who re-
jeoted a lotof material, went to Sir
John Macdonald, and demanded the
officer's dssmisstl, As the contractor
wan a man' whom it was not desir-
able to offend, and as the inspector
had but done his duty,Sir John said --
"Dismiss hint, ho; but I will promote
him fox his f ilthfulness, and if 1 re-
move him this afternoon to begin his
new duties, It will suit you just as
well as If I had dlsaliarged blip,"
Thus the virtue of the inspector
was rewarded, and the contractor
was free to use the rejected material,
F •-
She was rather proud of her waist,
and Intimated that he couldn't guess
the measure of it.
"1 can give It within the fraction
of an Inch," he replied. And he did.
"Someone must have told you," she
"Wrong," he answered.
"Then how did you guess it ?" she
"I didn't guPris it," he seid.`"L hap-
pen to know the length of my arm."
Then, with one exoeption,`everyone
laughed. The one exception blushed.
-Stray Stories.
A Message of Hope to the
Weak and Depressed.
A. Grf
ate ul Woman Tells of Her Re-
lease From the Agonies that Afflict
11er Sex After Three Doctors Had
Palled to Help Her.
The amount of suffering borne by
women throughout the country can
never be estimated. ; Silently, al-
most hopelessly, they endure from
day to day afflictions that can only
fall to the lot of women. The fol-
lowing story of the suffering and
release of Mrs. Charles Hoeg, of
Southampton, N. S., ought to bring
hope and health and happiness to
other sufferers. 3Irs. Hoeg says :
"For nine out of the thirty-two
years of my life I have suffered as
no woman, unless she has been sim-
ilarly afflicted, can imagine I could
culler and yet have lived. Three.
weeks out of four I would be una-
ble'to move about, and indeed, at
no, time was really fist to attend to
my household duties. I consulted
physicians -three of the most skil-
ful doctors in the county of Cumber-
land at different times had charge
of my case. These all agreed in their
diagnosis, but the treatment var- '
led; and while at timer I would ex-
perience some relief, at no time
was there any hope given me of a
permanent cure. Many a night
when I went to bed I would have
been glad 11 death had come before
morning. I never had much faith
in proprietary medicines, but at one
time I took a, half dpzen bottles of
a blood -making compound that was
highly recommended. This, like
everything else, failed to help me,
There seemed to be nlrt a particle
al blood iu my body. My face was
absolutely colorless, and my appe-
tite almost deserted me. I often
saw 311 the newspapers letters tes-
tifying to the merits of Dr. Wil-
liams' Piiik Pills, but nine years of
suffering and discouragement had
made me too sceptical to see any
hope of relief, when doctors had
failed to effect a cure. But at last
I came acmes the story of a cure
near home -that of Mr. Moses Boss,
of Rodney. I knew (that at one
time he had been regarded as a
hopeless consumptive, and his cure
through Dr. eVitliams' Pink Pills,
determined me to cry them. I had
not taken two boxes before I be-
gan to feel better, and grew eon-
fbcient of a cure. I kept on taking
the pills, all the time feeling hely
blood In my veins, activity retarn-
ir.g to my limbs, and the feeling of
depression gradually wearing away.
To many tvom:en it may seem in-
credible that the mere making of
new blood in my veins could "estore
to a healthy condition misplaced in-
ternal organs, but this has been my
happy experience. My pains have
all left me, aad, I ant now as healthy
a woman as there is in this pace.
This health I owe to Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, which have rescued me
from a life of suffering, if not from
the grave."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are espe-
cially valuable to :women. They
build up the blood, restore the
nerves, and eradicate those trou-
bles 'which make the lives of so
many women, old and young, a bur-
den. Palpitation of the heart, ner-
vous headache and nervous prostra-
tion speedily yield to this wonder-
ful medicine. These pills are sold
only in boxes, the trade mark and
wrapper printed in red ink, at 50
cents a box, or six bogies for $3.50,
and may be had of druggists, or
direct by mail, from, Dr. Williams'
Medicine C'on'ipany, Brockville, Ont.
Wllh an English flavor.
"Here is an English joke," exclaim-
ed the Commercial man.
"Then it has Irish dialect in it,
said the Sporting man, "The Eng-
lish Joker always wants to talk about
what he knows least about."
"No; ; this is it, why can't a deaf
and dumb man tickle nine women ?"
"Because Grimes is dead, that good
old man ?"
"No, you lunatic ; because a deaf
mind dumb man oan only gesticulate."
Minard's. Liniment Curee Colds, eta,
Too !Much Cheek.
A e:lording to trhle New York Tri-
bune, one of the big speculators in
Wall street recently went to a ball-
kelt' and said that he wished to bar-
row $1,000,000.
All right, Was the response.
"What 18 your security ?"
My cheek, was the airy and ssr-
"prising reply.
'Wel l, responded the • banker
thoughtfully, "your security 1.s so
extensive that our vault will not Hold
it, so 1 triton, have) to decline the
An Honest and Earnest Friend
of the Sick. Speaks.
He 'Tells Ills Patients to Use Doild's
Kidneys Pills, and the Results
Prove His Wisdom in So Doing.
Nicolet, Que., Marchd8.--(Special).
-1)r. W. Sinith, of this piace, re-
ports two cases of Kidney Disease
cured by Dodd's Kidney dills, which
are very striking testimonials to
the merit of this great medicine. The
subjects are, Mr. Caleb Rivard and
11(1'. Joseph Hanel.
Mr. Rivard suffered from inconti-
nence of the urine day and night. Ile
was so worried by the discharge of
urine at night that he purchased
from Dr. Smith a rubber instrument
to protect his bed. Dr. Smith advised
Dold's Kidney P11]s. He bought some,
and soon reported to the doctor
that he was quite cured. The trouble
had entirely dieappeared.
Mr. ilamel writes of his case:
"1 suffered with Kidney Disease
for three or four years so bad that
I would have to lay off work two or
three days every week. I was contin-
ually sick, and was 'forced to walk
like an old man, being all bent with
tiie pain, I had lost alt my energy.
I heard of Dodd's Kidney Pills. After
T had taken a few doses, I Wad de-
lighted to find myself improving.
Thus encouraged 1 continued, and
after the third box my trouble had
entirely disappeared. I could stand
nn:l walk upright without any pain
or stiffness whatever. This is over
SIX months ago, and I have not had
the slightest return of the trouble
or pain."
There cures have caused quite . a
sensation in the neighborhood, as
rout gentlemen are well known,
Dodd's Kidney Pills are very pop-
lar in Nicolet.
Not Love Making.
They had been reading about
courtship in Mexico, the roundabout
way in which it is conducted and all
that, and finally they came to this
"After a time the suitor is received
by the girl, always accompanied by
her mother, who usually carries on
the conversation with the young
Titan they looked at each other and
"How ignorant they are," he said
at last.
"Oh, very," she returned.
"And they call that love -making,'
he suggested.
"Absurd," she asserted.
"The fact is," he said, "they don't
know the difference between making
love and conducting negotiations."
Then they went into executive ses-
sion, from which the Mexicans might
have learned much.
Minard's Liniment cures Diphtheria.
The Editor's Thanks.
A Kansas editor whin had been vis-
ited by a book agent printed the
following unique paragraph the other
Card of Thanks -I desire to ex-
press my thanks in this public man-
ner to Colonel A. H. Whipple, the
well known book agent. Ile called at
my office this morning with sample
sheets of "Artists of the World," in
twenty-eight volumes : $140 for the
set ; one volume per month. As Col-
onel Whipple is an extremely clever
agent, he could have sold mo the set
had he persisted ; but Ile very kindly
let me off on my saying that I had
been sick, and was not feeling very
Catarrhozone Cures Catarrh.
,toy Enough.
Mrs. Subbubs--You didn't get much
pleasure out of your walk, did you,
dear ?
Mr. Subbubs (beem,ingly)-Indeed, I
Mrs. Subbubs-But, that shower of
rain. Seo 'how wet you are.
Mr. Subbubs-Oh, that doesn't mat-
ter. What do you think ? I° found a
golf ball I lost last summer.-Phil-
adelpltlLa Press.
This signature is on every box of the genuine
Laxative Bromo'Quinine Tablets
the remedy that entree +t colon In one day
Patents (granted to Women.
SInce the U. S. Patent office was
first established in. 1790 only 5,757
patents have been granted to wo-
men. There are other interesting fig-
ures. There have been 115 patents
issued to colored men, of . whom
twenty-eight were granted to ono
inventor and twenty-two to anoth-
er. More than 80 per cent. of the
patents bellied are to citizens of the
United States,
Dear Sirs, ---I was for seven years
a sufferer from Bronchial trouble,
and would bo so hoarse at times
that I could scarcely speak above
a whisper. I got no relief from any-
thing, till I tried_ your MINtA.RD'S
EONEY BALSAM. -Two bottles gave
relief and six bottles made a com-
plete cure. I would heartily recom-
mend it to any one suffering from
throat or lung trouble.
J. F. ''V,ANR'C1SI{I1tIC.
Childish Promise.
"I think," said the manager, "that
my youngest daughter is .going to
become a great opera singer."
"The child is rattier young to war-
rant predictions as to a career," re-
plied the friend. "But I have ab -
served a certain memory for music,"
Yes. She has ail the ohiw'acterls•
ticif. Every time she opens her lips
It is either o sing or ask for money."
-Washington Star.
iCatarrhosone Cures Catarrh.
•••,w+w•��.wrN.1,1411........00mammomm,JLwwunv..r..a I.NN.N 1.uui7
!� NORL1d I%l!11GttH
Was Tbat of Our Late Toffee -loving,
She believed devoutly in preserving
the peace of the empire. klow often
has the arrogance of some misgoi•.:ud
ruler, • even of some who sat upon the
British throuo, changed the world
into a veritable "Aeeldeela." Bail-
nookburn anti Flodden in Scottish
history, Naseby and Preston in Eng-
lish history', without mentioning the
wave of blood which rolled over the
fields of Marengo, Waterloo and Seif
dase testify to the reckles.,ness of am-
bidlen an,! the madness of misguided,
arbitrary power. Of all the wars
In which Lritain was concerned dur-
ing. Her Majesty's reign not one Was
instigated 'by her desire to despoil
any other Sovereign of his lawful
rights for the purpose of extending
the boundaries of her own empire.
More than this, when public opin-
ion was infletmed, as it had 'been on
more than one occaeion, by the 311 -
advised encroaclnuent of some for-
eign power upon her rights and dig-
nity as a Sovereign, and When her
Ministers were disposed to resent
such encroachment in lan;uage'.ai-
culated to kindle into a flame the
basest passions of the human heart,
her voice more than once calmed the
tumult, and her diplomacy more than
once averted the carnage and horror
of -war. This Was notably the case
during the American rebellion, when
angry feelings on both sides of the
Atlantic were deeply aroused, and
when the smallest spark might have
started the most terrible confla-
gration. An:1 as a 1-esult of her oft -
expressed desire for peace, to which
the world has often listened as In-
tently as the prophet to tile still
small voles atHoreb, her people
e we e
able to devote themselves to the
arts of peace; villages grew into
cities ; her conttneree spread front
zone to zone until it compassed the
whole globe; her enterprising sons
end daughters went forth to con-
quer the worn for civilization and
the empire ; literature tools its place
as one of the great moral forces of
the age, and religion itself as-
sumed a more Christ -like aspect.
What a noble reign !-lion. G. W.
Ross In the Legislature.
Nerviline Cures Pain.
This is the testimony of sufferers
in every part of the Dominion. Mr.
Benjamin Dillon, of Leeds, Ont.,
states: "I am not in the habit of
puffing up proprietory medicines, but
I feel it my duty to add to the testi-
mony as to the marvellous valve of
Nerviline as a remedy for pain. Noth-
ing I think equals it as a universal
remedy and householders ought to
feel it as much a necessity as bread
itself." Sold by dealers in medicine
Flower Colors and Odors.
A botanist in Germany has been
examining the flowers of Europe
with a view to discovering what
proportion of them give out a plea-
sant odor, and what effect color
has on this point. Ile found that
only 420 out of 4,300 kinds of_ flow-
ers have a pleasant odor, nearly all
the others being offensive. The
sweetest are diose with white or
cream colored petals and the next
sweetest, in order,: are the yellow,
the red, the •blue; and last, the vio-
let. Out of more than 300 varieties
of the violet only 13 were found to
bo sweet.
STATE or Ono, CITY Or TOLEDO, ]J l'"
LttuAa COUNTY. •
FRANK J. CnatNnr makes oath t that he is sen-
ior partner of the firm of ?..1. Clumsy & Co.,
doing busire-s in the City of Toledo, County
and State aforesaid. and that sa ti firm will pay
tate sum of ONE 1TUNDRRED D• &LLAItS for
each and every case of CA'rAnnu that can-
not be oared by the use of HALL'S CATAlouc
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence, this Gth day of December. A.D., 1886.
l SEAL- Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and
acts directly on the blood turd mucous surfaces
of the system. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & 00., Toledo, 0.
Sold y Druggists, 75e.
Bali's Family Pills are the best.
What Bigotry.
Two New England old ladies were
overheard in conversation to the fol-
lowing effect :
"Hey you met that boss Perkins
yet ?"'
"Yes ; I was introduced to her yes-
"To what sect does she belong '?'
"To the Universalist sect, I be-
"To the Universalist sect? And
what is their belief?"
"They believe that all human souls
will eventually, by the grace of God,
be redeemed."
"Oh, they do, do they? What big-
otry I" -Eugene Field.
ALtl3 YOU C10l:'O WHIST?
If so, send a letter or postal card
to the undersigned, answering the
following questions:
Where are you going?
When are you going ?
Where do you start from ?
How many are in your party?
Will you take your household
goods ?
Special low rate .settlers' tickets
on sale during March and April to
points In Manitoba, British Colum-
bia, Oregon, California and all West-
ern Status. Full particulars from B.
H. Bennett, General Agent, Chicago
& Northwestern Railway, 2 King
street east, Toronto, Ont.
Mina,rd's Liniment Cures Garget in
No Need of Blurry.
Sweet Girl -It's just too mean for
anything. There isn't going to bo
any opera.
Old School Friend --Are you so fond
of music ?
Sweet Glrl-N-o, but I think if
there had been forty or fifty nights
of opera ahead G•eo-I mean Mr. Nice -
o --would have proposed as a
matter of eeononly. Exchange.
Milna"rd'el LinimentyCures Distemper.
Missed lits Chance. .
Tess -He's awful handsome, don't
you think ?
Jess -Handsome is thnt handsome
does. He had the impertinenoe hist
night to tell me he %vas going to kiss
me the first chance he got, nod-"
Tess -Weren't you indignant,
though ?
Jess --I should say. He didn't keep
hi preinise.--Philadclphta Press.
Catarrhozone Cures Catarrh,
ISSUE NO 14 1901.
Unusual question!
If your digestion needs a
rest—whatever else may be
true—you can get. it from
Liver Oil.
Whatever else it may be—
it is a vacation for stomach and
partly for bowels.
It feeds you a little without
any work at all by the stomach.
That little may be enough to
set your whole body going
again ; for it helps you more
than it feeds you.
If you have not tried it send for free spur pie, its
a^•tceaUlu taste win Sr: prise you.
SCOTT & BOWN,?., Citemimts,
80o. and 81,00: ail druggists,
Tltat Occupy the Heads of London
at is really time that men in Lon-
don who ought to know better should
be acquainted with the fact that
black ties aro not good form with'
evening dress. I have noticed at the
theatres and restaurants lately
that quite half the men present have
been wearing these objectionable
ties. Surely, they know that a white
ane only Is possible for wear in the
evening, no matter how deep the
mourning may be.
I heard a rather funny story in
conrnec;.ion with this. A very smart
dinner was given quite recently,
when some members of the theatrical
profession were present, one of
whom was wearing jet buttons on
his waistcoat, and a big black satin'
bow. A lady who was present said:
"Has Mr. -- lost any dear friend
beside the Queen?"
The gentleman in question was one
who really ought to have known bet-
ter. A bla.cic tie with evening dress
is as much out of place es dt'rgslcin
gloves and a red handkerchief tuck-
ed in the waistcoat. '
I allude to this subject because
there has been so much discussion
about it la smart circles latelv.-
London Cor. of Paris, Ed..N .Y. Her -
Catarrhozone Cures Catarrh.
Scored Heavily.
" I wish to aslc you one que.stion,"
said the Street Young Thing
" Go ahead,"' answered the Savage
Bachelor. " Being :t woman, of course
your question is something personal.''
" What I want to know is this : Are
you. so mean because you are a
bachelor, or are you a bachelor be-
cause you are so mean ?a -Indianapo-
lis Press.
Catarrhozone Cures Catarrh.
"Three minutes for dinner !" yelled
the railroad porter.
" Good!" exclaimed the editor. "The
last time it was three dollars!"
Sent on Trial
at wholesale price.
If not sat shte.turyy
money refunda&
Guaranteed torun
easier r•nd do
bet t••r work 1 hats
a"yother machine
. .anthem rket. A
good machine for agents to ha,dle. Rig
money made. Thousands in use. For terms
and prices address
STANDARD S'UI'PLY CO., Hamilton, ens.
Treated Free. •
'we have made dro p ''y and its
complications a specialty for
twenty years. quick. relief.
Cures worst cases. Butt: of
titESTratovxALs and 10 Dnvs
, treatment Ferri. `
44,t,DR. H. TI. GR1t;TN'S,SoN;S,
MO' Box •rp ATLANTA.G.e.
`o learn how to make DOLLARS. Our 20 hCentury
catalogue will give you furl information, Greatest
weight, twice the strength, and three times the kat,
log quality of ordinary wire fencing.
THE FROST WIRE FENCE CO. Ltd., Welland, Ont.
now model Gi.ss Souder: Saves half the
labor; Satisfaction guaranteed; Liberal Corms
to Agents. N. McPherson, Silveroa>,le Station,
Ont. ..
famous Niagara district, ` the poach belt,
0f Canada "sale or exchange, for • productive
town or city property. Give full descripthrn of
your property for exnhango, and say what you
want. Catalogue free on application. 'tioNcil
& Morden, brokers, St. Catharines, Ont., Can.
Garden }tose nt ec per foot. N. tlmith,l53
York stret•t, Toronto.
hold arti,•te ns, d in every family. live
agonto can make from , , •
25c for sample wa; th 50o. to Sonde quick rnd e
euro the benefits of the first intr duetien of
this article. W.11. Gilbert, 0 Masonio 1 ample,
London, Ont.
good soil. brick hotiee, good barns: market.
school, churches convenient ; railroad 2 miles;
price le -s than t'al'e Forarticulars address
ivies. L. North, Ttlsonburg Ont.
{ lttiIT FARM FOR, SALE -ONE OF 't'11E
finest in the Niagara ,Peninsula, at
Winona, lOmiles frnm lilamilton on lye rail-
ways 130 soros in all, 35 of whl h is m fruit,
mostly pea hes, Will be sold iri one par el or
divided into lots of 15 to 20 acres le snit our.
chasers. This is a decided bargain Address
,Jonathan Carpenter, P. 0. box 100, Winona,
()Mar o.
Mrs. Winslotv's Soothing Syrnp should al-
ways be used for Childn.ri Teething. Itsnoihel
' the child, softens the gums, cares wind coil o
Nature Is Cganm,aruded by obeying and is the best. remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty
her,- 1stoon. live cents a bottle