HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-04-05, Page 2V
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13, two but when the Boer command t t �USTHftlgN R11 , ND REED JS,�'DEA
Doers off for som, time; final rojecteol _ D_ HE FIRED AT THE . C 110.
an sm( I
aoffleers and seven men wera a�.en the,, wewG 0Oilt0WPV`aO`10Iy - I �,
prkl�oners, but subSLqUJ'ntly 'elta d. LeadingIFIgure in 11 The Wrong 52r.
W. S Now , An English lady and two children Natal's Clatins., 01J5 r Wrlght'l Crossed tile Bar,
he train. They hid In the cape Town, March 8I. -Tho, Natal .,, _,RES Now York, March 31D. -Roland Rced, ,
vrnp rallway cuttin%WhIle the f1rIng was is anxious to learn what the I the actor, dled in this City at 10 Member of , the Ho"Aold 1��,
going on, The o3rs looted the train. =nment 1.9 doing to represent a o1alock this morning a,t the howe of
number of Boer woulon travelling Natalts claims to tile territorial ex. )lie mother-in-la,w, ,�lrs. Rush� At Ills
T BRIN WHERM w,A,re, O'D t , Shoots at His Majesty.
by one of the trains Were roughly . 'a on when tile time comes to con- — beilside there were 1&, twgy datigh- __ . ". . ,,, I
� handled bv the wrookers. 4dV tho settlement of tile war ques- . . � ters, Miss Florence Reed and Mrs. I I
About 150 Boers with a �allOping tiDna it is b3lieved there is a good I Rush ' His wife was in Philadelphia,
Maxim xnade an unsuecessrul a tempt oapect that the Ut,reclit and Yry- but had been sent for Lind is iluw! On
I I �
Natal Light Horse Hav' to wreck a train batwoon KaffiTspritit Fl!lld dlotricts will eventually be Terrible Scenes and Much her way to this city. The actor's MNN TH E N, �AILLED, HIM.a%F� .-
ing a and Tlaklaagte. given to Natll. I . q death was caused by cancer of the London, April I. -A despatch to I the -
Tlie first train to pass along was - - stomach, from which cause Ile had Morning Leader from Xleff MYS It is
Busy Time. fired upon. .They than manage(] to Baden-Powell at C 'pe Town. Loss of Life., been suffering for Some time, and report ed that an officer of ,the hiotIee- �
� fasten some sleepers to thO luetals, Town, 3larch, a`31.-Gau- Ba- for the amelioration of which he had . hold attempja4 t6 assassinate, -the - , . ,
hoping to derti.4 the second train. cape I umd everal operations. Tile Czar, Ile f1rod'at 1110 MaJOHV, bat "
Title. ho-wever, was discovered In den -Powell has arrived . here. _- -,..------- � mis.qW,-. lie t1jeu shot and killed 19=-
I time, %nd tile Wars were .driven . Prinsloo Captured. I I 2 -pall I . . Reif before he. oQuId be akrOstOW . I 1,
off. I I I . r q- �- I . Captured,Witol.0 VxtriY, �
The pilot train which precedes the London, March 31.,-A speol,il des- � CHILDREN FATALLY BURNED , I I . � .
METHUEN ILL Of FUR says tile Im- I London, April L-4 despatch to the
luail train exploded a charge of dyna- from S, I I %,�, Daily Tologri1pil from'St. Pwtereburg
mite on the line near VlaklaagtO. 111Z=I Light Horse, linclor Col. Wal- �� , says that the headquarters of tile I
U,orturlately only the front truck lace, have captured Commandant ... I I tile Revolutluz=y
PrInsloo, and a c I �
-as damaged. The remainder of tile 'Unvoy of 2's wagons. Commlt�oo of
;' glelarcelit, tile des- ilea and Wonlen PIght the rilankcs .� Movement has boon raidod�. and the
Ste,yn Ueperted Seriously III-Tbe train jumped the opening niade by commandant' Ln , 1, _1 ..
xplosion. patch Says has surrendered, Tile VoIttilluously for Thirty Hours- 1 6.4 wholo body, conel.sting-or o0ventY-
13oers Lost Heavily the Last MOUtn' tha a h , the eastern li! mt,,%,,�.,-, , - I 11, Y_1,1 il I two mumber% captur(,W The pollce
Two hundred and fifty Boers Ull- Brit-Iss are sweeping - �
' Vaal clear of everything useful ,yarrow Escape of Tr.das-ovor 11 % .. I �, . I blurprLsed tile cOmWIttc`a at night'.
, I
-Salls1b ry on'%Var Enquiry -Pre- , �
� ,z I I The; ado
11 iler Buys, with wagons and Cape Trans � '? . y m, 11, do'SI)erate defence, fir- ,
- Shellieg ,-%rt,g. were seen to ba In readiness to the Do:,rs. All sta.101M.- cropg have Three Hiandred'.11fles (if Flre-Thc . but were flually .
paring for Winter ' ,L>yetl, but tile wt)luen and III' `,% �� Ing at tile police, c found quarl-tiLles -
to take away , rrival of children are bAbg cared for. , .. "I �� I 1 11 " Overcome. The polio .
, Five Property Loss. I I
any food which might been desti I I I
ad of thpm have ly�en conveyed I - LT,; . . . . . . . I I
Kritzinger. hundr - AA 'Z�l r of proolamatione. �
, N. 18, W., A. lollz�
troops from Viaklaagto the enemy larch 29. -South ,_ It lo reported that severe riots ee-
.-The See tire J bl,'dll(,Y �,� '5 ��� l I
- their wants ,it , , I
I Parban. Natal, March 21) " ;�_ ays at
to Utrecht, wIlCrA? I I � IS_J I � , , 1z iring
, ,
made off. it and Victoria, after simmor- I _� ,"1�1� 1'�_ . ourrea cb; , tile 1.1,st few d
end Imperial Light Horse, which is eing well a t t 1� 11 d c d to. Australl -1 �C_5 - , 1_�,w,
Made up of Natallatis, is busy in irlie War Unquiry. 1) - Ing- for a week under a heat -wave 11 1. � � " 11 ". kieft, but were quelldd by the mlli-
Tiondon, March 29. -In speaking or .. I � tary autliorltlq,�,. io further partlell-
. -
Refugees at Pretoria, Which ralsed the temperature to 109 , L�, I �._, - 0.1� I
Swaziland. The regiment has -cap- +be proposed war cliquiry, Lord Salis- . . , .� lars are availa-ble, I
Boer cattle- bury sall it, was a liiiAake to sup- Pretoria, INIarch 31..-.k con.-Iderablo , �
itured 1,000 bead of number of Boor refugees, men, ,we- degrees In the shade, have been visit- - � ___ _.
I .
wee that he had ever promised an I ,_
Some of the men meAk a Doer party, * had done was to men and cbIbIrcri, continua to flock ad with a series of tile most disas- I -1 -EXPIRED ON THE STRXEET-
cousisting of 0, commandant and 'nQ"lv-v' All lie into the city dally from tllf� outlying trous bush fires the country has ever I . . I 1. .7 I - .1
point out that art ctutiniry had al- -, r . . . . . . _-rv�,-�- —
sever-aJ other officers. They Order. ready been promised, ,and' thatrilly- districts. They aro Wing. sent to the known. . I "I .� �1_7�1 Sudden Death of a WC11-Known
ad the Boers to throw up their hands. thing t,liat Wae to be considered ,,ad detention camp .It I. -one. ill tile Mount Pleasant (S. A.) dis- . � I'll . " .. - rF_,__:� Drover at WoodstoolE.
orvea uDtII that oppor- A traiii front johannesburg was 8 a,nd I 0 " / - March. 3L -Mr. ,
Mwo who were slow in obeying the T�etter be res O, - Kiiallontehl sta- tr.,ct ,1)0,000 acres Of gr-aS I lav . I 11 - - - Woodstock, Obt.,
fired up .1 near tile 'It last- 20,_�__,_1'41 of the best
order were winged, whereupon the turilty. 1//1 L)Otulty, (Irop- *
He thought thev Were deceiving tily-1 on Thursday night, but exe��Iit for beou &�SLruyed by a 1,ro wIllf, 5 Conrade, Saltzer, one
6f two mules, no dam- ed three days and covered an area X / � �-��'��' known drovers in the 1
. party surrendered. Later a number themsalves in this inatter. Tile GOV- the, woundIn- �//�/ , - 5;.�,;�O, 1 - ioaare liast
nge was cl;�110. or naarl.v .IUJ square Miles, doing up- 1/1 kl� - ped dead on the market � -
/ �- Wf:_; I
favor of , * I I I Ight at 6 0* r had
� - -n in A train going on -St wag , 0. 1, � ..-,! ,,, . - , r. Beltze
of snipers were captured orninent had never b�,� . derailed by wards of 1,L.10 UUIJ worth of dainag "'.. � - "". . ril diock. M
i ptured acOn- an enquiry, b -at In the position they the Docrs near malm.=)I last ]JvhL, ,,rl,L� towLn itself was only saved by . � , .�` been In the best of health up to
wore they could not without exPOU- rit, 0.r�j tic- til�, dcsporate labors or tile people, 'r "I I --osterday, whoit lie complained a
.tvtyy of 26 mvgons and a number of and four of the L ,!kS W , . ,�
,_ Later an- ing the army to ilualle 611spiclon re- Nvoca�Nll as WL -11 its mon, who louglit ROL.UND REED. little. yesterday afternoon Ile became
cattle6 sheep and horses, fas3 an enquiry if doinanded. If an strayed. I - tit.) flanits con,tilluctisly for ,thirty Involvedinadispirta, Over some hogs,
other eonvoy of . ten WagO119 was enquiry was demanded, it must be lic-aars, beating down the burning ------- ---- in the RoNal IJOLL�,.), with John Lind- �
Merriman's Warning Words- 2I hours 'was in h greatly excited
I held, but they must not Imagine it j AV-il.h JuAieg gn�Aru bougat; wiler- actor for the Past L SaY, .1 farmar, w1l.:c
oaptare&, . n -don, March 31101lu Xitvlar gr;�,s a.l. was walking
- L. ! .1 could b3 an anodyne, or impersonal Lo: r it seeweit possible 'to in -a a a htate of coma. him. Two hours after, lie
I t Marri,maja, ome of the c.lpe Colony ev" 11 and ex -
enquiry. gal) Ill tho ulovard sweep of tile Front Ills intancy Roland Reed was un- thet square, when lie fe
Methuen lit. The things in which. People Were statesmen whom tile 'N"llsburY GOV- llaill-..'s. i brought tip In tho mtmo4T�Ilera of the pired In five minutes. ral
London, March 29.-A dMatch Intereffted Were precisely tile perr,on- eTument has denied a hearing before Driven by a ficrue gale from -tile I footlightR. He was the offsprIng Of Deceased leaves a wilfe and save
I from 11retoria gays Gen. Methu0n Is al matters, and the House or commona relative to the Lon(a deserLs of tile northeast, a leauing American theatrical fam- ch'ltk-m,. Death is supposed to be due
they wished to ko0w �Tantad an relis all, Ily, ani when' only six Wdeks Old to'apoploxy. I
6 -> South Afr�oan situaticn, & I
ill of fever. but is progresslug sat, for eaell disaster and each hortct tit- erview yesterdaY after- tho Lre advalleled like a solid w. ; . %
did not e-xtended lint swahowing everyth,ing in its path,, I made Ills d0blLt, being carried on 1. -
' Wattoridy. , . ing who was to blame. He noon. mly jv,ll_,c�ll the gale slack- I tile stage or the �valnut Theatre, .
I think it wile d��sirablo to know who . Botha madc Ills great aD`,i bt was 0 MRS. DELPIT SCORES-
- "When Gem (yi that there was ainy chance of - Philadelphia, ill a baby part'. Later
. Bribery at Jonannesbur-1. wastoblame. Hawould rather leave oG1lc,,-s-*ou offerilig to negotiate up- t'll . —
. that part in obsourity, but if it was call a ll�s�; of modified independence clle,,k.�llg tile t1de of destruction., I on lie became all ushor in the -krell ,a-tv al-ust be
urg, March �19. - The t all it must be exam- c. Britain had her ,,-neep anA cattle, maLldened bY tile �_trcet Theatre, I'll-ladelPhla, and Ills Judge Holds Civil I .
Johanaleeb ex,,,!,,d into a for, the late Republi '.'� study secure Respected. ..
Mitary TXibunal has sentenced the ,ad fully. . oppartun*,ty. It sholli,-1 have been sciz- Undlng and biting emoke, rushod ill ambition and cla. d
lZlircue into the lic-urt ,of We fire him a place be,iiind the curtain as
milauger of the Cyanide works, Mr. - - - ad with a-vidit'Y- Complete self-govw an -1 were burned to cinders; horses a, member of Mrd- John Drew's stock -Montreal, Que., March =--1WgB
two yea,ro' hard labor Losses of tile F,ne)nY- ET11.1me-lit should hilve been eagerly anJ cattle periNned by scorLS, and w company. This was the school in ,&rchibuld relidered an elmbamtO
� Mummer, to ; granted Instead of tile self -govern- flerou �),cre the flames tliat whon the IvIlich lie received Ilia stage odac.%- juagme,rit In tile PractiCO Court this
for atAterapting to bribe the lieuten- Pretoria, Mairch 20. -Tho Doer loss- red. The Crown . morning in the Delpit c&oO, 'pkielng
ant of police by prum.sing a share ev for the month of February in kill- niant wn"r,11 We Offe most OcIl- fire was spent only a few calcilled ticn. After tills lie drifted into tile, civil law In marria,&IO, ab"e oc-
colony administration 11, a, b,.)ne6g cii tho blackene(l plains IN10110 legitimate cornady purts, and was clesriastLeLl.1i law, an.) Mr. DelPft* will *
of tka proceed-.,,- of bumed gold ill r%3- ed amounted to 190, while over 1,600 OUR rOrm of (Ia,�potlsm. AWalust this left of many thousand head of live tit , e first "Koko" In ilia American have to aok a, higl er court to 914a ef- '
turn for assit'j'ance to recover the wore taken pris:)aers or surrendered. tho Boors -w -M right ill-diJinlicly. They
GMMO. . Accor nover s�bruic to it an -y more than , "to" production of Gilbert and Still!- fact tr,t tile ecclesiastical judgment
, �
d1nX to 4.,stiniates given by tile will . I Fire-st broke out also ill the south- va'D, . ff Gamic. opera, "The Mikado." Ills
was charged with being enerny in the field and by prls:)ni,r,3� the Briton would submit to it if the n i ,88 which iimnt
A .Oarie a rosidellL1,Ll parmit, anO the number of killed and wdnntled situation Were reverovd. east. of South Austrrtlia, ill tho.ALIGunt latest play -,ras "The Wrong Mr. divorce The . Judge stated that
W. Ithoul ag a r*doolnan' jority of L wunoter and .Narr000cirLc districts, 'WrIght," in which lie wits sta`r,ll�.: tile State' had no right to
(; On. -tit -3 -
witil 13'ribi - '2110 cOurro together Was 560, the ma ,,Aiy colleagues, ,ln,l lu.,�selr recom- iloAng damage, to tile extent or P.alie wbon he bevaino so Ill that lie lia(l Interfere wl tile interna af
in eenturtc.ing him to sU montlis, said the casualties being tile result of men J. DOW tll4Lt Botha has Intl- i:-1,UU0. Tlio, llcimoetea,ls are inere Hospital,
it was determinad to; put a stop to General Fronch's operations, anti matod Ilie W11.1in-ness for tile Boers I 0 be removed to St. Luko'g faira of a elinrch of any cree,41, but
. - pileo or ,ruin;i, anil tile settlers have w1wro several operation,., werepor- partiou in the ehurch bad a perfect
the au%nlpts to brLI3'8 Off'o'els, Bablngton'e attack on Dc4rlroy's to rclln�lulell absolute independence, t1o,un left practically penilile--M. formed upon libru in the I pa 01 sav- 1,1 gilt to g4a to,all y legal
waoh were b.,conling frecluant. force. � that 'Suutli Africa should ImolL,diately 10 . !zed authority
�,Atb. PhIla,dol- . . I
. - - - I be federated after ill(, in.InTler of Can- 1:11X U1111drell littrilt to , ( � Illig 111.4 lire. Ile Nvas born in to,g4.t ma�,.rloid if they wanted t4g. I
- - - ada .iDa ztuetralia, That whole coun- in V;ctoria, to thu tL-rrible story Of i phia in 1852. . I . .
C,apo 31.P. Aids the Boers Mr. Steyn. Reported 111. grab's ana stacic dostroyed-ill Vaal- ; ' ,
March 2ID.-The evL- - 'Mr. try IF) An the melting -pot. It EhOuld In' alone :,1,30J sueop were . evil- I 1,Oo LiVrE TO HELP GORDON%
Cape Town, Blc��mfontelu, March 29. ido-i into a eelf ,overnIng earn- WaXatlu, .1. IN MAIDIXYRS' PLOT. —_
&.moo in tila trea,soil tirl.11s at Dord- Steyn is still reported to be West mou,,,,-,,,,,. .. O.t-Iler QCbP.nl(? prom- 01111(�,1-111(14t be added it. illournful loss, I, j)e!ay1nvolvodInTesting tile Oana-
reacht d-1.9010's6d tl"d Xavr,,that "Puu" of the rallwaY in tile neighborhood !11on Ilop,4 of peace, Elf life. - I s on tho Nile. '
, —
Do Wet, who reprc*ants Wodelitill-ge of PaarOeber�,. It Is stated that IIQ ist"", the faintest r tile Sad- In the, Braxholmn district AX, eltil- 111111cs Stephens, the Feulan, Interred dian Voyageur 11C I �
.it I . "T1319 Doer war is ow -1 0 . 'With Honor. . In tl fourtb of Ills areeis of
in the A.osembly, aetu-tilY as-I,Aed is suffering front dysentery, d O to dcv'.IB- I (irvil. vvere cauglit bLtween two ad- i, le rhig" papem In the
the tMal or several loyal colonial na- .�t tragedies in history. 11 - '"011u'lig cOluinno (if fire alld blirl't to 1 Dublin, March 8,I.- ' fnnoral of Danger and IRI: .
. ___ tatlr-n find D21POry beggar desvrlp -The , vdiand Miff
�and 0 � r: - ' Ii. I 13-IslW11 ulas, C ' at
_tiv.eAi Wk%IC,t1 took p;ivce when tile Boers 1 colony. inge t lt,,� t t I Drue farm lmnds, PL I Mr. James SL,.pIlvnL3, leader of tile April St- �Nlcll 'it'
-S Ite-aping in, Cape I Trailgvllal , witir the (!.,liar
ODMpled the townt, Back , tion. In the truyed everyt UllA upivaras Of twonty otiturs art, 1,'c tails of ,tit inter,Aaw took
Durban, Mrllac 29. -It is rumored Colony it line Uctii I inLan liluion,lit of 1800, who died
Several of tha inen were sentenced I 1ujj.,,,1llg, liu nolio of Ilicir cscaPal be- hvru last Friday, to.)k PlacO to -day, or tile Canadian ,voyagauro thaL Nile,
W bo sliat, but thA&Y v�rezo saved by that a 001161d3ritble area in thO but hatO. i -� IscloylH truop,i .
a Orange Go!ony, which was "Threr 3ear9 ago thO.Se cOnDtrIcs In-, wiLertained. thrr i thi-.- rf.mains b ing intavrod this aft.i., - 0011. WO up the .
the timely arrival of tll,s BrItIG11- DO i West I rLusloo's surrender, 11CIS were proRriorou.�, an,a wero rapidly be- .L-ires also bruko, o,ut ill sevoll O - I nooll irI cllat..-,J�vitl (!=.,tery, in tile too late to resk-cle Gordon.
,W,e.t 19- no reldtlull Of tha famOUs I &own after P � dipl- dIstricts, thu, tolAW loss in lilinxill a of a g-reat assomblzigo Of Jackson illiule vleur to Me 1%v hat
now been reached by the Boers, voin'llp,, Anglicized. The'%' were 8 ighty puL at twontY-&iX, tile important duty Was given tbQ Clf6n-
I 11" 1�r,oln�cl Including d(legates frum.
gonazal. 11',
4)nn of the, EnglLsli rebels was fined I who will be thus supplied with graill. ill- their snis to Oil" lll�iversltics and life LN -1119 rO1 .
1p. Ile - I's - joared 'Llta total way lic. I wal organization.,?. a Nilo, ealn-
- - - givir , ,ill th(,Ar trade, but 111110- thL,ligh it Is adiun voyagetirs in tit(
,I in sto, - (ulli,fly sh.uoT,) Narious natic -
'0500. The ovLclanee reveals the com- BrUaln monds her wa-vs time WLI Larg,.r, all, ,�k Mr. Michael Dtivitt was alu,mg tile paign. By tlieh success or, fallurein
,� pieto oympathy of the rebe,la with Preparing for Winter. rtr,ver Rev that conditioii again. our over 10JAUU0 113'ad- Byaduk town- pall-boarers. Tit(, coffin Was drawn tilkin_q IlCa`v�J,Ldell b0at`0 UP th0cat-
thQ latfe Republics, � South Africa. Ger- Ilyaduk and Low,or with ouLriders, mud cov. araci� Lord Wolseley proposed to de -
1 _ ", ; Lwiclmi, Alarell 20. -Tile Secretary E.mplre Will die in q %L1Y Ger- 01 , have In"an almost wholly do. by six lioTses, aths from polit- ei,le whether tile troops for Gdrdort's
has received a , ti With their clothing the Nile.
for War telegram many will be, our heir. Alre. �d. People ored by beautiful wre, relief .should go kitbraigllt.ii�
en ors, from. Lord KLtr,bellcr to tile affect mano are, deeply rooted there, and buxiiing rushed to tho, creeks and ical societi-m An I ish flag flua0d Sea . and the
ey onl-N, await an opporttine in,;- 'Mr. John or aroulul by the Rod ;
. L-aadon, March 20. -From Tarka, ti -tat; any colurcyrts which private Ill- tit . . leir flag from Zalllb(,,�,i clams, and sto�)d there, NvIllio tile fire over it. At the request of
t. ment to holec, tl over tilom like a hurricane. Redmond, Natlonall4t Icader in the desort. It was the river If tiley
stad Reuter telographs that on Sun- dividuals might d2slra to send oul stw.q)t Common$, , . succeeded; it, wa.4 the desert If they -
. ,
day C mmandk.vnt 1,�rftzlxlger was to, the troops in view Of tile aP- to U10 Calla-" - Oil ono sheep statUnl ,_1,000 sheep House Of Mr. T�mothy Har twenty thousand Sol -
In the fork formed by tile proaching, ,winter ill South Afrl,:,,a . k., litid. rington, Lord Mayor or Dublin; .Mr. failed ; and 1
caught 0 -toted alive. 603 standir , r of Parlhtment, dicra waited at Aleandria in a. fever
rivers by Col- would �a m)at acceptable, and KINQ MAY LOSE WIFE. wore ro ild his.
Ela,nds and Vlekpoort � died together in oil � ,spot. Two miles William Field, m:,mb3 Tackson a
a � don of Dub- or impatience while ,
onel De L'-sle, -Who had made a -rapid ,should be deupaLulled as early :Is — further on 2,000 she,,,�p were charred A for the St. Patrick's divi-, with .some hundreds of Y07 -f.
march from camP. T110 enemy were poselble. Queen of Portti-aA With RO"la" to cinderg, and In the distriet it is 1 lin, and Mr. John J. Clancy, member band,
- estLinitted thot :L0,000 sheep have for the North Dnbl1ll County, followotl ageurs from other provinces, let It'
shelled for sevorl, hours, and, had Col- __ . . catholic Chure.71' ,,&g.linst i3ini. ..
oner to � . i ilia benree as rep-esentatives Or tho be seen If their training on the St
SUP Shant Boers. pprls,1121d. �orve agal-lus-b lAvor
port Colonel De L.-910, they NVII Lonflon, March al.-Wherl the Xill- rict the char- 1 Nationalist Parliamentary party. Lawrence would f
probalAY have been obl,-zed to sur- Havre, March '2(). --The French pollee e- to London for tll�c In the Elrrogurra illot , Mr. Stephous was burled beside lili parils in ancient Egypt. I)Liriug the
ve arrestud a baAct, Of Individuals of Portugal cam it- rad rom,ains, of three little boys, sons I .),a con-
- of a Rattler, were found near thoLr wife in the martyrs' p' t. Tit e were
render. TbeY succeeded, however, in im, (.11loon's funeral lie receiveJ a deput, 0 eg Mel rebellion Lord WOIS0leY W4 u
orosabiag the Elan,ds river, and thus wearins tli� B0,r c().jtLlM,,, and trying tion of ProtL home. They bacame separated from
. -etants, to whorn lie no speeches or S=onstrcttLons. . ri,lollt it would, for be had f=
maAda good their C90I Pa. to imit - dX 1a11,Xc1'l,_a, while offer. made a &poecli, promising a cOntilln- as . what stuff -war, in these men. Still,
ate th 6 thloix people and struggled on
--sials column, says Q Ing for sale, at any Price, salvage anco of *tlLc enlightened policy Of "Oil- W, blinded lie dared not start his army lifitil'
C.Olonol De t. )ry tli,,y told the credit- glo to) toleration in his de,rninious. The bravely as they could, nil THE SUN DO MOVE MAN DEAD. It, was certain those formidable mt-
Reuter's special message, made a gouds. The stc t by smoke and flames playing around
magAlrice(at marob, amid a terrific lous population in tile country towns speech was nin.lily and courageous, them, they roli hopeless ,na confused I aracts could be surluoulated. And that
I . -
storn.1, the men, s1mgIng as they rode. through whIch they pil'su-,d was that antl was widely reported. It was e hi w ads of -each Celebrated Colored Preacher Mved meant a month, let the morn strain
So awl, Was the nignt that the force 200 Boers had seized two British commented upon !it Portugal, and . I I to the Age of 00. 'to they might at their paddles and
had to depend on lightning flashes to vessels, that they lia,cl b -ought part while it elicited the enthu-slastic ap- other. ' iauling-lines-a month to Watt, a
is Dashed r1irough the Fire. Richmoild, Vt., March 80. -Rev. I
� show t4o road. of the cargoes to Vra.11C3 to sell, and proval of the Liberals, it served to WJ'all district a train John Jasper, tile famous coloreclad- month for Gordon tO Wait- Allf
� -
. vers nad' become impassable, I that they Intenclad to return to; the accentuate tile feud between tile Tn t,lle Wangaratta ,,011,,, said Jackson, gloomilT, �
The rk.- . Javre -s, which wa,,,4 caught in the flames, and as It vocitte .Of "The Sun Do Move" tile- us
&,nd from the tov of Magerma,lisberg Transvaal Witt, the p.oc,ic(14. In I - King and the religiollb- order Lord Wolsoley hadi only trustdd
Do Uslo saw tile enemy must be com- they offered What tll�-�y c�lllad it talis- was originally on,ase-1 by, the alleged would have been certain dcath to cry, dkid at 1118 Il0m3 here tO-dfty, without any trial 1 Why, there was
jammed in, The force ex- mail for toothache. Thoy were all inta, ,ronce of tile jesa;ts in the see- *nil up, the driver I)IIC On steamf nothing, sir, In th,out Nile River %re
- .rrL d agled 90 years. Ile had for many I
E(n26,5; from river to river, a dis kan.CO natives of a viliaga nnar Rouen, ular affairs, or tit() government of qnd ran at, exp-rcss speed through years been pastor of the Sixth hadn't tackled a hundred thnoo as
miles. The Irish Yeomanry, - t1nat countrY. the burning bush, Mally of the pasT AfOunt Zion Church and was held in in the St. LawreiOO.
. . boys right here
04 G:Vllt , . tit of tills sengers were badly scorched, and high esteem by the people of Ills
6ptalin Moore, elated at fight- Sir Alfred Milner rravelling. The firut unhappy rest When you talk of cataracts it rounds
under Cs 0 friction vras, troublD In tbO R,Oyal +.ha,cars were blistered and charred, race. He Nv-as once taken on a tour I 'Ag' but, we've got rapide all aro'jind
ling am St . Patrick;o day, took a kopj Blo,mfonteln, March 28.- Sir Alfred useljold itself, tile queen taking; 11cit, happily, Do lives were lost. . Or the north delivering Ills "Sun Do ra,pids, ,
fA dashing OtYlO. Lord Fingall, tied - llo� here. jast, plain every -day
Milner, Lseorted by an armored train, sides wIth the Church. According to Tn the northeastern district *110 Move" lecture or sermon. that will urake their cataritetg look
Xis horse shot arbder him. - ()O square - _
, )f the defence has returned to Transvaal Colony. ads,jeciA just received from Lisbon, fire swept over an area of 3 Rick. or course -we did it -did It
,Unfortunately 100 ( ,ach has -vVI-lened, and there ,ailf�c,., Trains along the railway
e - o thig bre INSANE FARMEWS DEED. easy. -bat when we got up to thU
force, w ded to hold tb London, March 31.-& is said to be a. probabilli:7 of M sPP- line had to travel between. WO -119 Of `�M
extre=L left near the bank of the top of the whole business, who"
the War Office from Gen. I<itchener, ah. a o of sheep were de- -_ 6ok in Alex-
Elanis, River, mistook their orders, , tion of tile. Royal couple, fire, and himAred was our whole army ? Do
and wandered in another direction. dated Pretoria, March 30, says that qtroyed. lip to the tinre of writing Killed His Three Children and Then andria, sir I And it Makes tv lii6ri
- a train Was doralled by a mine near qeven lives havo been lostr, mud re- Himself. that t1l,ose boys lin
The error thus caused was irrepar undrad Boers who were LE COMPTE HELD.' sad to know .
pan. Two It i3orts state that the fires are still Devil's Lake, ,NT. D., March 29.- 1�ha t,am, were dying just then.
able. Tli ence force the advanoing to toot thD train were — 4nvoel r
ie river began to fall, and in p4rig through the Country- Emil Sagerlill, a ,%voll-to-cl,c) farmer, One sees what groull-d there 11MY
the absence of the clef harged With Trying to Shoot His en&town, In Tasmania, the liviaig eight miles northeast of town, be for suell lament, on turning qpthO
atting across. driven off with & lo;g.3 of six killed. C I kt, Quo
Fornierl'Alstress. iocallty in -,viflch are I
onemy succeeded in g ' situated the killed his three children and stabbed date ,L Ile oxito
Colonel Do Lisle, SaYS a Cradock ThAD British sustainad no losses. ,R Of tills ,,,,happy N - di -
message, is returning to XZroonstad. A train of omptY care was wreck- Montreal, QUO., March 30. -Armand ,.arks and mines of the Mount Lyell himself to denth to-r1ay. Ue 'vent tion, and theAleart acheEs a,t the
A Reutor's special telegram from 0 QUIbart, Who oirl; a great 11 es la a ee to the barn, ,lecollipanied by two sigbt, of thosi, dumb figures.
�� last night at 011rantsrontaln. No- figure in Co i pany, fir I v b n burning -, Think
Gra"i"If 11olnet states that & '.Youth body was,hurt. New York society & few years ago, cinco January 25, and for the past litftle daughters, aged 7 and 5. As ofit I The rellef-party reached Xhar-
7 of the local cOI_ Fifteen hundred horses and other Willie Ma9qUeTa,d1n9 under the name weak the bush has been a fiery fur- late
. ramed M-ard, a pupil 1 Colrite DO Perug . in!, . viace, for miles around. he did not come to clinner, his eldest touni about Feb.' 1, ISS5-too
logo. who had joined lCritzingerts stock from the Orange River Colony and title Of Le' daughter, aged 9, was sent to call by less than a wook. , Xchartodut had
. clommando, was thrashed In presence ght in recently, The has been axre,Sted In this elty on 'qous,es were unroofed by the gale, 111m. It is fliought tba.t before she fallen; her ruins were fresh' sulok-
of all tile boyq, and expelled. - toopg making the captures kIlled the alba-rg-& of attempting to shoot the township caught fire, a4d sev- roacbed ilia barn liar father had ing, tile long siege just ended. And
__ noven Boers, wounded nine, andOaP- his former mistress, Madame Andre, ,wal houses were burned; while killed the Others, and Immediately when at last British gunboats, firing
Boer Train Wreckers. tured seventy. and was sentenced to thirty days in *verity or thirty huts were swept liar. Both the other children were as they came, stoarned Into.view of'
Gen. French reports from Vry- jail. Word has; baen received from �way. Along the vallaYS, over killed with a knife. Sit,gerlin -was the tortured city that had' hoped
London, March 20, -Tho Boery held that betwe011 ACOX011 16 and 27 the ParLe pollee that the man Is hilltollo, roaring dowfi the gullies, sent to tile asyluin about :L0 years for thein so long, thOrc Wi1s to Gen-
. wollid seem to be concentrating at nd has killed or wounded wanted there for forgery, and he will the flames swept wlt�ft a, frightful ago, but Ivas, soon allowed to return aral Gordon withill Walls to tizrill
points on tile Delag0a 118,11- his commal 1111OW the -oar; wbila the crack and boom of
0.0veral d taken &I prisoners. be held long, enough to I home, apparently fully recovered. with joy� General Gbrdon WasdOad,
I ag to wreck as 17 Boers an 011ce to acte. burning trees added to the seencof -1 - - it hard-working man, well cut, down ruthlessly by the Arabs,
way, ineir object beii surrandoi?fad. F ranch P , 1. e was ,
many trains as possible. They wreck- Nlnety-throB burgliers — terror. � I - aria-, ry
r also captured 1.0D rifles, thought of and In exca�llpnt finan, a few days before-killOd On .1 X
I ad two trall)o oil Sunday, and derailed Thq British uiiition, 475 (,Ios,sacks and Ifflos,kinen. I ,
I a 5,950 rounds ,of 0,111111 Found inhult's Body. clal coildition. There is no doubt `7, with his countrymen SO .*�20wv
anoill4c on tile folloviring clay. Thee Vionins, March 8I. -The Lemberg tha I
Uch other stock. Woodstock, March 3I.-SOD10 13078 It lie. wile J,neane when he com- �� short 0, distawQ down tile river
Incidents. have not been officially re- horses, and in journ,al, In a description of the riots - olight almoi9t. U,`ayei
orted by Lord Kitchener, although ___ I playing on the creek which crosses mitted the crime. . that their caulp
. tile engine driver ()hastrlgo iiiritzinger. I lo St. Petersburg on Sunday last, says Vallslt�art avenue tilts afternoon ---.-- been ma,de out with fi-0419 1100i
9 Ono Instance . � that 800 Workman marched along the found the body of a well-cloveloped What a diftereMe hero a little 'r&
� wao injured, one , ,soldier killed, and Cape, Town, March Si. - The col- Novolel Prospekt towards tile Winter. TWO EATEN BY RATS. 1 vo
. five ottiera on.ptured. Since the Brit- Ing3, Crabbe and palitoo, s,,,ngi,ng revolutionary songs. child. It had been wrapped In a hurrying would have made, . ,ry
, I I . 21 limns, of Cole Qorr a and depOsited in the cul- ter Found Dead Ill little more hurrying! !Pell days, rA-T
ish pecupatioli of XoNvaligoat, DO Lisle are 4111 actly0ly engaged in The CossaCks attacked them, and, DOWSPAP r Brother and SI -Is djys,"tour days, would have' R"Ved
have either ()call wrecked or do- ,6ulng (�Ommandj,jnt Kritzingar. It aided by Im-faintry, dispersed them V('Tt, under the sidewalk. The sl7e ROORns tit, Jersey Cily. those twoolous lives, and thO whole
., 11 ralled. I pul. ,nder bas after a struggle, lin wbIch several of the a.1111c], and the fact that a b htt,vo en(106 glOrl-
is said that tills Doer collima en mighl
0 containing has" n was found on its temple, leads ,Terscy City, N. J., March 30. -The campair, . as, Louis Jack -
Last k%mlay it, train (b,;epalrod of bulng able to cross �ho orl both aides were killed. 11roolallia. 1311310 chave tbat It b(Alos of nil elderly call 0 , anch ,
p4al comforts, oto" wits wr(:o,lz�d by orange rIven tions have been displaved calling tile tile authorities to b pl named ously had more trust, I
m commando of Boers between Belfast ween Ill P murdered. An Inquest will be - Meade Were found In their rcKnu-4 Boll says, Won pla6ed 1) those � StA, ..
� ,
and IlIddleburg. The driver wsts ln� The nogottations, for peace bat people to arms, bat there has boan NN A I I
eld on Monday. at No. 1.52 Virglilla avanufl YCet0'r- Canadian pilote.
Jklred, and tile na:,.rs fired, killing, a Lord XlLchoner and 0anoral Botha, no response. ...- —
,- five Burvan- have severely 11%rap-Ired Gen. French — � day. Both were badly deComposed
, rinnahlin , Tho Marseilles dock workers Wave
pAvate. TM the Eastern Premier Robiln, of 1VJ&nItoba, has Cemetery Builditia 13urned. and had the appearaico of boing, floolded to continue their strike , UU;�
dared. The Bopra oarrf6d off acittax). in his Oporatlons in atlons gone to the Arkansas Hot Springs, Montreal, March 29. -The reeldonce anten by rats. Their disappearance
6al. Whil�� the nogotl an a 0 al wook.9 ago caused til the masters agree .to all 010"-
t,lty of food stuffs, "icy also wrecked Transvo . I
Wore in PrOgrees the Boers seized the where he will spend several daysfor 'of Orm2ston Roy, stipertnt011d t Of 9 V r Id3 U =: hour day. . I
an OX train, in which wore a number Dmotery, was- des- and the polize wore notifie
tuf Dozr felnalr) refugees. Tile enemy rtuatty to break thTongb Gen- the betlefit of his health. the Mount Royal al night. All the re- Forcing an entrance to tile house Senow Sixto Lop,61A, suggostff� ttat
, oppo ritell,ch's, lizee rtieS - 0 On
.3n Wonder, ora., i in small pa r,,xperIm,nt4%vIt.b fast electric trains troyed by fire last the womart was found sitting In a Aguinaldo, should be brought t .
I tried to derall a, train fro st- and ot-oal to thia aortbward� between Berlin and 11-ninburg show cords and other papers belonging to of the brother Jnited States t0 ton tile po'calki'Aft
I fentoln, wbith went to re)Ader aaal er It UP bolloved that Gans, B0th0, that 0, speed of 125 miles an hout, 'the cemetery were in the building chair and the body F 111pino, side ot the stoify. I �- . t ,,
A,nco. On tho following day anoth in bed. . I
was d,avalle& The escort Of tWO and V1136" practically agreed to ac- 101137. but were saxed, I A I � .
tvaw cept tli,q Bj��Il J?oTrna a stirtendert mn be il;tta,inod without diff �. '.
I 01408 arid twenty-two men kept the . I I � I
, ��
i 1"',
f� �w