HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-04-05, Page 1i• • in )ect you ion f lif slag lien thi B t Mr ran App ase raw wit me :MS wit 1100 (11 of. otin ode 'YEW ntl eon wit )rad • a THE The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay. Township. FIRST YEAR, VOLT ZURICH, ONT. FRIDAY, APRIL 5 1901. NO • 36 Tenders Wanted FOR ADDITION AND REPAIRS TO BT. BONIFACE CATHOLIC CHUROaL ZURICH, Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned. up to 2 o'clock of Monday, April 8th, A. D. 1901, for the above work. Plans Ono specifications may be seen at the parsonage. The lowest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted. The successful tenderer must give bonds in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars for the completion of the work. • T. J. VALENTIN, P.P. Dated at Zurich 27th day of March. A. D. 1901, 35-2t CHURCHES. ST. BONIFACE, Catholic. Order of service for the winter. Sundays:—High inass at 10 a. 131. Catechism and instruction at 12 o'clock Thu Holy Hour, or one hour's visit to our Lord in the blessed sacrament from 3 to 4 p. m. Vespers and benediction of the most blessed saerament at 4p.m. Holy Days:—High mass at 10 a. m. Ves pers and benediction at 4 p. m. Week Days:—Mass every morning at 8 o'clock. First Fridays, mass with ex- position at 9 o'clock Rev. Father Valentine, Parish Priest EVANGELICAL, German and English Sunday services: - German, at 10 o'clock a. in. English, at 7 o'clock p. m., Sunday school at 2 p.m. Tuesday evening; Junior Alliance, at 7, Senior Alliance, at 8, Choir practice at O. Wednesday evening; German. prayer meeting, at 7.30. Thursday evrning; English prayer meeting at 7.30. Friday evening; Teaehers' meeting at 8. Rev. C. H. Finkbeiner, Pastor. geutici)e en. lath. St. Petri 1Cirdie. (f5oftesbienft norm. ball) kk Utt unb at,enb 7 ULr. Sonntaqfdlule nactim. 2 11t. Eehrerveriammlung Ittitivocb abcubs ball) 8. 5c:1 -late, paftor. LV. BACHAND, St. Joseph. Notary Public, Fire and Life In- surance Agent, Money to Loan, either by private funds or ]oan companies. 1-1. J. D. COOKE, (Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barrist er, Solicitor, Notary Public. Hensall, Ontario. pROUDFOOT & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Notarier Public etc, etc. -Cor. Square and North Street, Goderich, Ontario R. C. HAYS W. PROUDF 00 E ZELLER, • Clerk 10th Div. Court, Huron Commissioner for taking Affidavits, Conveyancer etc. Valuator for the Hu- ron and Erie Loan and Savings Co. Office— Zeller Block. Zurich Ont. E•BOSSENBERRY, Licensed Auctioneer for Hur- on County, respectfully solicits the pat- ronage of those who intend having sales. Satisfaction guaranteed. EASTER PROMOTIONS. • — Zurich Public School, Sr III to Sr IV—.Elelma. Sipple, Maggie Shoemacher, Pearl Wurtz, Arthur Bossenberry, Rose MoNevin Fred Demuth, Roxie Eilber, Ella Weber, Arnold Heideman, Herbert Axt, Laura Fuss, Emma Heideman, Edwin Koehler, Wilfred Weide, Lizzie Truemner, Laura Bossenber- ry, Idelia Fisher, Eddie Haberer, Ida Prang. Sr II to Jr III—Elia Weseloh, Edward Bossenberry, Maggie Tor- rance, Joseph Randall, Laura Krous, Alfonse Foster, Andrew Price. Jr II to Sr II—Hamor Well, Al- ma Fisher, Gordon McNevin, Cor- nall Holtzmann, Eva 'Williams, Chas. Bossenberry, Clara Bloch. Sr pt. II to Jr II—Pearl Johnston, Mary Thiel, Alma,h Brenner, Victor Deichert. Jr pt II to Sr pt II—Ellenora Hartleib, Lorne Weber, Henry Fuss, Gorman Gottschalk, Harold Appel, Henry Price, Edgar Torrance, Mel, inda Randall, Alex. Foster. Mina Doan, Teacher. Jr III to Sr III --Fred. Hess, Mabel Finkbeiner, Morris Weber, Lily Faust, Gertie Hartleib,•Adm Thiel,' Frieda Haberer, Olieva Weseloh, Eve Braun, Lydia Braun, Frank Uttley. Lottie Hildebrandt. Sr II to Jr III—Oleva Prang, Irene Lipphardt, Herbert Uttley, Daniel Thiel, Melinda Fuss, Ezra Koehler. Jr 11. to Sr II—Alvado Weseloh, Ada Koehler, Arnold Wurrn, Emm- erson Smith, John Gellman, John Shoemacher, Andrew Thiel. Sr pt 11 t® Jr II—Arno Brenner, Laura Sipple, Elmor Weido, Kate Howald, Nora Schnell, Melville Smith, Freda Thiel, Milton Weber. Jr pt II to Sr pt II—Celia Hess, Alfred Bender, Annie Hildebrandt, Minnie Price. I to Jr pt II—Theodore Weseloh, Clarence Finkbeiner, Edward. Shoe - mealier, Clayton Bossenberry, Wil- bur Rummel, Gideon Koehler, Roy Faust, Leo Hoffman, Irvin Grob. Jr I to Sr I—Harry Fisher, Elton Schnell, Lillie Weber. I to Jr I—Esther Zettle, Milton Dietz, John Thiel, Jake Deichert, Laure Hildebrandt. L. Andrews, Teacher. 11111111•1111111.11=111010,011. WINN/1.1101/011111111• DR. F. A. SELLE1RY, Dentist, graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor graduate of Department of Dentistry, Toronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House Zurich, every Monday. 1-26 tj G. STANBURY, B. A. • Successor to COLLINS & STANBURY BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, Conveyancer, Money to Loan on, Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of In- terest. Documents in original German read and advised upon. ZURICH COURT ATTENDED Office over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter. The Commercial Hotel, L. FOSTER, — Prorietor Every accommodation for the travelling public. Always stop at THE COMMERCIAL when in Zurich. First-class sample rooms for (iommercial men. LOUIS FOSTER. - ZURICH 01.11110111101111M101011111111111•IMMORIMMEMISMPSOMMOXIMMINOMMIMMINIMMIlet "Zbe 3Dontinton touise 111110111111.1•1111111110MK IMM1601161111111 lealuillirlalomeemftwomarsamemoneremppmeemestsmerwoomoo.,,,, Dripped with all modern • conveniences. :First-class isaconanoclation to coinmer- C • dal travellers. Bar and din- ing room always supplied with the best obtainable. .......weeRnaenoontrinrgtotnn,.enM......M. 011 L ShOsioachero Prop, ZURICH the trteeh'i5 CW6 Come let us take &little walk And talk of many things, Of how the sea became so wet With cabbages and things. About People We Know. Where They Are, or Where They Are Going, and What They Are Doing. Sa ormays•grar..... P. Sipple sold his driver to David FARMERS ATTENTION. Schnell. E. J. Hagan left on Monday for Hyde for smut on oats. You can Sunday last. Chas. Fritz drove to Creditonbri libplinscall, for 65c per pound, 40e half 0 at Babcock's Drug Store, Miss Clara Buchanan is home for Easter holidays. • Charles Fritz visited Dashwood Monday evening. Charles Wilson, of nensall was in A Successfal-G, O. 1. Student. We are pleased to .learn that Mil- ton A. Buchanan of Zurich, who •has been pursuing an honor course town on Tuesday. • '4.11. modern languages in Toronto University with marked success for the past four years, has been ap- pointed to a fellowship in romance languages in Chicago University. We understand that the award was given on a thesis dealing with a passage in Dante's Divine Comedy, regarding which Mr. Buchanan has suggested an entirely new interaire- tation.—nuron J. K. Goetz of Dashwood was in town on Saturday. Miss Tillie Kibler of Dashwood spent Sunday here. J. Durnart is visiting Toronto on business this week. Tom Kelly has been. laid up for a few days this week. PIGEON, MICH Special to th,e HERALD. We have had a nice winter and the snow is nearly all gone and the roads are drying off fast. Our county ;as improving fast Lots of new buildings are going up this coming summer. It would do some of them Hay boys good to take a trip to Mich. and take a view at our county. Wood bees is the order of the day. While having a wood bee at Menno Wideman's the boys caught a coon which was quite an excite- ment for a little while. Chistian Swartzentruber from Baden Ont. moved to Michigan last week, on the farm he recently bought from Menno Wideman and Peter Kropp. Luis Thiel formerly of Zurich is raising his twobig frame barns this coining summer and is putting *tone stabling underneath thein. Luis is a hustler. Christian Bechler and John Oesch were in Pigeon on business on Saturday last. Miss Mattie Oesch is (augaged. with Menne Widernan for the com- ing, summer. DIXIE Miss Gertie Trott, of Hensall visited friends here recently. Mrs. Hattie Birk of St. Paul is visiting Mrs. Charles Fritz. Fred Preeter, of Stephen visited his brother John, on Monday. Messrs Reynolds and Ingram of Hensall were in town Tuesday. P. Sipple and John Schafer were at Exeter on business, Saturday. Sam Faust took a business irip to Dashwood on Saturday evening. Merner Bros. made another large shipment of dutch sets this week. acla. Wall paper at Ba,beock's Drug Store, Hensall, from 3c a roll to 50e. Special to the HEMALD. John Vollick is busy crating wood for Mr. Gram. Tom Kyle attended a dance at Hensall,Saturday night and reports a good time. John Gingerich was visiting at M. Kipfers on Sunday last. John Vollick has bought an acre of land from the Canada Co. for $40 and intends to build a house this spring. Jacob Meyer and Miss Mary Kip- fer were marrie(1 at the home of the brides parents on thursday. The happy couple will start for Baden on Friday morning where they will visit friends. HENSAL.L. Card of Thanks. Cavalier, April 1, 1901. Editor The Herald. I take this opportunity of thank- ing my friends and neighbors for the kindness they have shown to my wife and family, • in their sick - nes s during my absence from Zur- ich, and though now a citizen of another country, I will cherish and remember my dear friends in Can- . aroma truly, C. BOSSENBERRY. Mrs. J. Krupp of Waterloo spent a few days this week with Mrs. 0, Fritz. Charles Greb is tearing down his old stable and intends building a new one. Special to the HERALD - 'N. E. Cook of the firm of Cook Bros. Jr. has opened up his Bicycle show rooms with a splendid display of Bicycles and a full line of re- pairs. Mr. Alex Murdoch started out on the trip as census enumerator, bet unfortunately was taken ill on Tuesday night and compelled to re- main inside. J. E. McDonald is under the weather with. grip. 3. W. Welsh, who hag the con- tract for refitting Miss V. Smith's new business piece is putting in a new glass front and. otherwise rushing it along before Easter. Mr, R. Ronnie has purchased it new driver. Service in St, Paul's church Good Friday at 11 a. m. and preaching by the rector. G. Petty was in London on Thursday. Miss Minnie Doan took a spin on her wheel on. Monday. The first of the season. J. Merner delivered his carriage horse to Exeter on Wednesday. P. Lamont accompanied him.. Amy Steinbach is speuding her Easter holidays with her sister, amount.-sCarried. Mrs. George Baldwin of Seaforth. Wuerth—Anderson :— That no Charles Greb is handling Me- member of this Council shall let Cormick twine this , season. Don't any contract exceeding the sem of place your orders till you see him. Garnet Steinbach has gone to To. route for a couple of days on busi- ness. He left Weanesday after- • -_-,_- STEPHEN COUNCIL. Crediton, April lst, 1901. The council of the Tp of Stephen. convened at the Town Hall, Credi- ton, on Monday, April lst, title a. m. All member! present. Minu- tes of previous meeting read and approved. Anderson—Wuerth :— That this Council grant the sum of $25 to the Exeter Union Burial. Grounds on conditions that the Corporation of the Tp, of Hay made a similar $10 unless such contract or work be let by public Auction or tender.— Carried.. Resolved, that Win. Anderson at - noon. i tend to the washout at Issery's Mr. F. E. Karn banker of Hensall bridge on the Sauble river; that and Mr. N. Dyer Hurdon banker i the Reeve attend to Capt. Howard's 0± Exeter were in town on business,I account, re drawing lumber, and Tuesday. that no action be taken as to the ;petition of Robt. Hamilton et al re Joe. Eicher wife and child of ; UnionTSchool section. Elkton, Micb. left on Tuesday, morning for home after a pleasant: he following persons were ap- visit with parents. , pointed pathmasters :—Wm. aux- ! table, Chap. Shcapdown, Jas Freda - Miss Beatrice Steinbach reports a ins, Sidney Davis, Wm. Rollins, good demand in spring millinery. i, Geo. ELM, W. R. Elliott, n. 'Wind - You should call in and see the hit- sor, Richard Hill, John Prosezator est styles in spring hats. ! Jr.. Geo. Snell, Thos. Kestle Sr., Emanuel Fleiscaratier of Start- I Wm. 'White, R. nandford, Frank ford spent a few days with friends - Taylor, Wesley Redden, Ezra, naist, in this neigarborhood. He rettu'necl , Frank Tyielnex, John. Stanlake,' home on Tuesday afternoon. Henry Lampert, Levi Stall, Jos. N. M. Contin is not yet home but naist, John N. Morlock, John G. will be expected soon thero a large Wein, Thos. Chambers, John Law - boom will be the date in St. Joseph son, M. Finkbeiner, Jos. Martene, and oiher questions settled. Jos. Amy, Pat Kilgallen, S. T. nen- Now is the time to get ye-- aerson, R. Glanville, Sfinon Hart- " man, Jonah Kestle, Pat nail, Pat wheels opaired and have themre- fitted with ther, C. Finkbeiner, Angus McOor- new tires and so at .N. Sullivan., Win. Witzel, Tob. Guen- E. Cook's Bicycle Shop. Hensall. starry yungblut of Auburn arriv- ed in town on Tuesday and will take charge of the new butcher shop to be started by John Schafer. The party that removed a bundle M' empty bags from R. S. Richard- GO DS FOR SPRING We' are ready for you with our spring goods, and hailing bought very largely are able to show you a good assortment in very line. This season has brought with it a want of a new dress, a new hat, a new shirt waist, in fact a whole new outfit, and in our store is whete you earl be suited. New Dress 0°0,1 have a new dress is the arabi- aa bon of every young lady. Weave showing a stock such as has•never been sliown before' in Caslameres, Poplins, Sergasa Lustres," ete„ in many different shades and qualities. New Prints A good assortment and fast colors, is what choice,' in dark and light shtialidses-li.ne eorisists of. The patterns are very New flill'inely and we are ready with a large stock of Our inillinery department is to the fron„ . — choice hats. Do not fail to pay this department a visit as you will be doubly repaid for the time spent there. Now is the time to leave your order for an Easter hat. New Ready=to=Wear Clothing--wha' is that people want our ready-to-wear clothing? It is all told tline. rietaPgir words. They fit well, wear well, at one-h.alf tailor-made goods. Men's Pelt Hats We have our shipment of spring hats in. New fedoras in pearl, cal& Cuba, brown and black shades. Also a fine stock of stiff hats in all shades • Come and sce our stock before purchasingyour Spring order. mick, George Keys, Wm. Smith, John Schroeder Jr., John Ehlers, John HOhlhan, Thos. Keogh, 0, Finkbeiner, Jas. Baxter, R. Mums, R. nodgins, P. neintzinan, Thos. Bastard Sr., Aron Ireland, R. Adair, Geo. Hartle., Chas. Stole, son's stable, will kindly return the John Love, Geo. Webb, F. D. Tet - same at once and save, trouble as mate Wm. Haggarty, Henry Hamil- they are known. ton, Ed. Gill jr., P. Baker, John You can have your wheel mon- Eagleson, Robt. Davy, Beatty Bart- eled with four coats of any color ram, 309. Webb. W. (4. Reilly, W. and Baked, also the nickeling buff- W, Jones, Eli King, Jas. MeCarty, ed on the same for $2,50 at N. E. John McGarry, Jas. nays, Geo. Cook'a Bicycle shop, Hensall. Steeper, Pat Ryan, Theo. White- side, Alex Hudson, Fre(' Green, S. Stanlake Sr., S. Stanlake Jr., Jacob Wurtz, Aug. Hartman, Henry Kraft, Henry Schroeder, Peter &literate., John Merriott Sr., Conrad Wolper. Pence Viewers—Thos. Shapton, Newton Baker, Jas. Ford, R. Glan- ville, Henry Doyle, Chas. nolt. Ware Oliver, Robt. McLinchey, Peter Farrell. Pound Keepers—Wm. Moffatt. T. alhapton, Wm. Fritz, 0. Fink - It is with regret to the many friends of Miss Maunders formerly milliner for D. S. Fanst, to hear of the death of her father which °mixed at Brussels on Wednesday, 3rd inst., Mr. Maunders will be buried at Brussels to -day, (Friday). While cutting straw for P. La- mont nt Volland's farm young Hildebrand had a narrow escape from serious injury to his foot. He was stepping of the horsepower beiner, Jos. :Hickey, Louis Wolper, when his foot get caught in the Pat nall, Tos. Mayoras, T. J. Amy, gear, tearing oi the sole of his Chas, non, Jos. Brenner, Fred shoe; slightly bruising his foot. Prater, Silas Stanlake, C, L. Mos - D. S. ,F UST P. S.—Agents of Formaldehyde Solution, Beaver Brand, a sure destructive to smut germs of seed grain. Half ib bottle 45, 1 ib bottle 75e, We do what we say, Produce taken in exchange for Goods, Notice to the Young Men, No doubt the people of Zurich. have noticed that this town is too slow in •the line of sports, Why can't the young people .club toge- ther and start a baseball team, which n, town like Zurich should have. Talk the matter over and see what you can eo. If there is any one that will offer the boys the grounds they are 'willing to pay for them, ser, Jas. Shadaock, The following others were passed: John Sheider, gravel C. R., 75c; Thos. Shapton, cons. work and drain across road, 8.75;$Wm. Pen - hale, covering culvert, Con. 2, a'a ; Simon Sweitzer, et al, shoveling snow, *4; W. 13. Oliver, balance of culvert contract, $6. Council adjourned to meet again in the Town Hall, Oreditou, on May 8th next, at 1 p. R, Nuance., Tp. Clerk. SPRING GOO Have arrived. The nicest lines ever shown in town. The Mac- pherson and J'. D. King are reliable shoes. Our Tan Shoes excel in quality and price. CHAS. FRITZ, THE SHOEMAN ZURICH, ONTARIO Per Cent Discount On Winter Goods for the next DAYS LE We have decided to clear out the balance of our Stock of Wire, ter Gooas to make room for our Large Spring Stock, which will 13e along shortly, and in order to clear out our Stock, we will give 25 p. e. dict for the next 30 days, cm Men's Overcoats, Ladies' Mantles, 'Underwear, Heavy Dressgoods, Cans, Woo Shawls, Wool Blankets, Ready made D. B. Suits, Mitts, Hoods, in fact, everything in the line of 'Winter Goods. We also have m few Ladies' Far Coats, Capes, Caperines and Ruffs, and. a few Goat Robes in grey and black, which weesa will clear at a big reduction. - Nov is your chance to seenre a, Bargain while this sale lasts - Highest Prices paid for Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples etc. PREETER ZURIOA THE MARKETS Revised every Thursday afternoon. Wheat 69 to Fti 27 28 38 42 58 60 9.00 2.10 14 15 – 10 11. – – 4X 6 ' 6 6 5 5 20. 25 Oats Barley Peas Flour Butter Eggs - Chickens Ducks Geese Potatoes HENSALL MARKETS. Wheat 02 to 04 Oat a 25 20 Barley - ------7 40 Peas 58 60 2.00 2,10 {Hogs (live) per cwt - 8.70 0.00 I do (bossed) - - 7,40 0.00 Flour MARRIED MoBanyal—Wnamas—On the 2nd. inst., by the Rev. Henderson of nensall, Mr. Samuel iVieBrid.e, Jr, of Stanley to Miss Josephine Willerb of nay. e0RN SORAYER—At ZDri.011,,- on the 1st inst., the wife of John •Sehafer, of a daughter. DIED OTTO—On Sunday, March. 31st, at the Tp. of nay, near Zurich, nein. rich Otto, at the age of 75 years, 3 months and 16 ydays. E, Bossenberry's Sale Register, April 6th—tient estate, farm stock and implements at Bilyfield: GI co, Navarra William Fae, executor. April 19—.Farm stock and iinpleinents, at Drysdale's corner. It. J. Drysdale, alas):