HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-03-29, Page 4Jubilee ,Kalbfleisch's LauuidryI* O ® mills . . Work guaranteed equal to! Planing and Sew/ Mill ,°I' " . NV -017Z= —All kinds of woodwork and saw- • ilia clone to order. Estimates We use no ChelnicalS to z iven for'all kinds of lniileliia; s. A full stock of B. C. Reiff Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. Chopping done every day. • • destroy your Clothing.. Suits to Order c = HOFFMAN, The Tailor, J H. \ismer SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. GENERAL BLACKSMITH A N D HORSESHOER. Repairing all kinds of machinery a speciality ! N. !ismer, - Zurich T. .Sc. M. Johnson `;Have just received a new stock of furniture, Bedroom Suits, Couches, Fancy Rockers, and Parlor.Furn- ishings, window Shades, and Pic- ture Frames a specialty. Call and see tor yourselves. In the Woollen Mill department we are offering special reductions in Underwear, Sheeting, Blankets, Stockings, etc. TI & M. Johnson ZURICH F. fess, STEAM Carriage Works. We .have a large stock of Buggies which will bo sold cheap to make room for our stock of Cutters. Call and see o;ur Rubber Tire Buggies and our New Cutters. F. NESS, & SON Zurich, nataio Before Mills 14th Con., Lot 25. S. C. Kalbilelsch Zurich P. O. iIVliie x1,111! 11 el 0 0 40 I,r It will soon be time for gardening . You will want seeds. We are agents for the leading seed ;rower's. . . . . Wm. Rennie Steel Briggs Co. and Darch & Hunter Make your selection of seeds from the catalogue and we will procure them for you. Order early. F. A. EDWARDS BAYFIELD • •• 1ci!, i ...� I�ijV{�I iTf I Ifl t Iftjlai��1���:Y,1 1 (11`10. S)!P17' d. TI -1 Zi. RICH ', ERALD V -- of her son William, London, at the age of 67 years, and her remains laid to rest beside her husband inn the Exeter cemetery. Some years ago the deceased with her husband and daughter Mary (now Mrs, How- ard of London) moved frons their farm. uth Con„ Usborne, to Exeter, and wore Highly respected citizens until the death of Mr. Perkins broke the family tie. The deceased lady was well known to many old settlers of Usborno Township. She was a kind neighbor, a loving wife and mother, and a consistent mem- ber of the Methodist church. Tho bereaved family Have the sympathy of, our citizens in their affliction. F. Hess, of Zurich, the worthy nominee of the Liberal party for, South Huron was ' shaking hands with friends in town Satur. day lost. 'ala H. Grieve, merchant tailor, was in Hamilton this week. Our road commissioner is busy this week cleaning up the refuse on Main street. J. G. Stanbury transacted busi- ness in Hensall and Dashwood on BAYFI ELL} Special to the HERALD. W. H. Baker of Egmondville was here a few days last week. T non m St'aoved this week to hi h f 1 the Rout- s s new orne ornery lege. John. McLeod left for London, Saturday where he has a situation painting. miss S. Parke went to Windsor last Saturday, for a visit. Dr. Wright of Tottenham was called here this week to attend Wm. Jowett who is not so well as t last repor ed. Woody Harrison has gone to Buffalo. Wm. Holtz of Brucefield was in town Monday. Alex. Brown left on Monday for Owen Sound having been engaged for the season on the Bayfield which is being fitted out for the summer. • Wm. Sturgeon arrived home Sunday morning from his trip to BUYI.NG Ireland and Scotland. He had a good time but spent thirty days on the water, H e was accompanied home by two cousins, Robert Adamson and Miss Lizzie Sturgeon. Anything in the line bf. Watches, Clocks, Jewel- ry and Musical goods, Saturday last. Mrs. J. P. Ross entertained: a number of young people at her home Monday evening. ` Fr. Dennis, who has been in ,To- ronto and London for the past two weeks, is home again. . Walter Hurd, who gars been tak- ing a six months' course with G H. Fish, barber, has returned to his home at Anderson. PHILADELPHIA Special to the HERALD. Tho roads around this vicinity are in bad shape owing to the large amount of snow this winter. John Moidinger was in Zurich on business one day last week, and John says that that was a busy day for him. Fred Kalbfleisch, our flax inspec- tor, was in Park Hill on business, on Saturday. Fred. says he found the roads in a poor state. Mrs. J. C. Kalbfleisch is at pres- ent on the sick list, 'but we wish her a speedy recovery. Edward Stelck intends taking a trip to Maryanville where he in• tends striking a jpb for the summer. We wish him success. Our lads in town are all getting their hair cut. That must be a' sign that spring is near at hand and 'F. Snell is doing a rushing business as he is the only barber on our line. Miss Lizzie Stelk intends taking a trip to Milverton in the near future. Wm. Dawson has disposed of his fine trotting horse, The Kentucky Jack, to James Howard for a hand- some sum. Jack Elliott purchasad a horse from Fred Kalbfieisch for a hand- some sum of money, and Jack in- tends taking many prizes this fall. • [Too late for last week] J. C. Kalbfleisch has got in about 25000 feet of pine. The advance agent is hereputting up paper announcing the coming of the 20th Century Concert Co., to appear in the opera house here, on April 1 and 2 with matinee Tues- day afternoon at popular prices. Moving and still pictures, inter- spersed with the choicest of inusio, speech and song by the king of all talking machines, the Mammoth Graphophone Grand. Very favor- able comments have been made of this popular company, from both the press and pulpit. • On Monday afternoon Main st. was crowded both sides with excit- ed citizens who turned out to see Prof. Taylor make his senitational drive, blindfolded:through the principal streets of our town.. A team of horses attached, to a carri.- age belonging to Snell's livery was used and a committee coMprising Messrs. H. Spackman,.C. H. Sand ere, J. Davis and 'Dr. Rollins, ac- companied . the Professor.. The drive took them over a route pre- viously mapped out by the, commit, tee and lasted about an hour. *hen the horses -were .pulled up• at the poet office; and the.profesaor alight= ing and keeping a;ihold. of C.. San- der's hand' and taking him„,along; bunted for a p. o: hoSt .Irey; which he found, then going liaek'' to the post office. he unloeked'o.box, took a letter therefrom and deliver,';ed to the preper. address., Di°nriiig this great .mind reading act the ; profes- sor was blindfolded. 'Between the professor and, Mr. Jennings, the hypnotist, they. have .peen giving first-class entertainneents with a program that pleases their uidiene' each night. ,• Quilting and hooking bees; both customs of pioneer days, are not by any means becoming events of the past, as no less than -half a dozen have been indulged an during the past month. Mrs. Wildfong,of near Dashwood, now an invalid at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.,Martin, Sanders•at, is improved in strength and was able to be out during the `warm days of last week. Mr. N. Dyer Hurdon, manager Molson's Bank, is again the first angler of the season; He cast his fly on Saturday and •brought home a string of.20': N. D. is now won- dering how riuch sugar the small boy secured.-: Rev. Thomas of Luean will con- duct service's' in the Trivitt Memor- ial church Sunday in the absence of the rector on Sunday next. Mrs. T. Oke and Miss L. Hardy are delegates to the Women's Aux- iliary Convention' at London this week. V. Ratz, ex-M.P.. was in town on Tuesday. ' P. 0. Inspector Maloney went through the post office here on Tuesday, and found every detail in proper order and is much satisfied with the result of his inspection. Posamrstelr Christie has apiece for everything, and everything is in its place. IfiltiPrices Always Lowes Fine Repairing A Specialty F.W. Hess, Ontaro iurich Saddlery, Furniture, Oaan and Piano House, A Full Stock in Every Department. Harnesas of all kinds. Fur Robes, Blankets, Trunks, Travelling Bags, Fancy Plush Rugs. Furniture, Bedroom Suits, Parlor Suits, Sideboards, 'Extension Tables, Chairs, Spring Beds, Mattresses of all kinds. The New Williams Sewing Machines,. Organs and Pianos—only the best make in Canada --the Dominion, the Bell, and the Thomas, Who was awarded the gold tnedal• at the World's Ex- porlition, Paris, France, in 1900, ••, Patronize home dealer, an4 you will save money, iaii get better goods with an honest dealer. 14. WELL, eckTieil the popular agent1 •for the well-known Deering harves- ting machinery, made a business trip to our burg one day last week. M. Leger, mine host of the Queen's, was in Hensall on busi- ness on Saturday last. He says Billie Brown is a world beater, but he (Billie Brown) sometimes stops in a snow bank, C. Campbell was in town on busi; nese on Saturday last. Charles is looking better than he did when he left here some five or six weeks ago as then lie had just recovered from a attack of typhoid fever. We regret to . have to announce that Win. Heyrock is at present very sick with hemorrage of the lungs, but hope soon to hear of his recovery. severe H. Lippert, assessor, was on his rounds on Thursday of last week. EXETER Special to the HERALD. Revs. Martin and Brown exchan- ged pulpits on Sunday morning last. Rev: Dr. Gifford of Clinton prea- ched educational sermons in the Main street Methodist church on Sunday morning and evening. Rev. Milyard occupied the pulpit at Clinton. Rev, Ten Eyck. rector of Ti ivitt Memorial church is spending a week at London. While there he will attend the Woman's Auxiliary Convention at Synod Hall. Miss Sinclair returned to her home in Brantford on Saturday after a pleasant visit with Mrs. J. A. Stewart. A jolly sleigh load of young peo- ple spent it pleasant evening at C. Zwieker's, Crediton, on Friday night last. The funeral of the late Charlotte Revell vsl1 (relict of the laateHenryHen Perkins) which took place from the Exeter •dapot, was largely attended. Her eternise tools place at the hong On Thursday afternoon the ladies of this 'burg attended a quilting bee at Mrs. Joe. Oesch's, they .finished a quilt in 1 hour 20 minutes 13X seconds, come again Slabtown. John Rarich has secured a situa- tion in the flax mill 'here and is boarding at Frank Allaan'e. The wildcat which Joe. Eisen- hoffer captured recently, escaped from Frank Allan's last Sunday afternoon. It was recaptured by John Albrecht, Joe. thought it was a "goner” but the cat came back. Our string band played at St. Joseph ono evening last week. Miss Annie Boehler and John Meidinger of this place visited at Blake last week. J. Schnell is engaged with J. C. Kalbfleisch hauling logs. F. Kalbfieisch intends enlarging his flax mill for the coming year.. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kalbfleisch attended the baptisim of R. John- son's children on Friday lust. SLABTOWN Special to the HERALD. • &lex .Rannre and family- arrived with the •remainder of their effects on rueaday night hist. We wel- come Mr, and Mrs. Rennie and fam- ily, and hope.they will feel at home in Slabtown. • Suff�c.t 1 fl g With Croup E itue.-.;AT THE OLD STAND T have purchased the business of C. Hltrtlei,h, ,'and with my new stock coming in for spring, x can give you anything in the Hardware, Tinware or Stove line, at very.elose prices. If ,you intend buildings house or barn, call and get my prices for your requirements. The young people met at the home of Sylvanus Witmer on Wed- nesday night last. They report a good time. The young men .gave Isiaah gooci- bye• as he is going to join the old people, Isaiah Witmer was quietly.mar- ried to -Miss Mary Glellman• of tho 14th Con., at the home of the bride's parents on Thursday last. We join their many friends in wish- ing them all possible joy and pros- perity. The Misses Smith of the Goschen visited, at J. Decher's on Tuesday. According to THE HERALD of last week one of the raiders of the Jesse James gang seems to suffer from light-headedness. , It is light on ac- count of the presence of too much gas. He needs neither shoes nor rubber boots because it is merely p -o' o -f and is then carried along by the wind. 'When he wants to stop he Merely begins to chew the rag and gas escapes. Croup is the terror of every Another and the cause of frequent deathR among small children. Dr. 'Cht►d,e'R Syrup '• of Linseed and $urpentint brings prompt relief to the foul, ring- ing cough, makes breathing easy and prevents suffocation. It is mothers' favorite remedy for ' coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, whooping cough and asthma. Mrs. F. W. Bond, 20 Macdonald street, 'Barrie, Ont., says "ItaYtng tried your medicine, my faith is very high In its powers of curing cough and croup. Lfy little girl has been subject to the ,croup for a song time, and I found nothing to cure It until I gave Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur- pentine. I cannot speak too highly of IL" . ; 25 cents a bottle,all dealer', or l a- Euanson, Bates 1 Co.,GToronto. Dr. Chase's Syrup of itinseod and Turpentine. EVERYTHING NEW AND UP-TO-DATE. Eavetroughing, Roofing and Furnace Work. CHAS.• --- CNA 0 GREB,Main Sctreet, Zurih, Onf YOU'LL HAVE TO HURRY! If you want to get the benefit of our LOW PRICES on RUBBERS & SOX, FELT OVERSHOES and all Winter Goods. We want to make room for our large SPR/NG STOCK BEAVER MEADOW Special to the HERALD. A vary happy event took place at the residence of John Gallman, on the 21st inst., it being the marriage of his daughter,Mary, to a prosper- ing young man, Isaac Witmer of Slabtown. The groom was assist- ed by Joe Galhnan brother of the bride, while the bride was assisted by ,Tillie Witmer sister of the groom, ' The :'ceremony was per- fornned by the .Rev. Finkbeiner in the presence of the most intimate friends. We wish the young couple every sucees$ and a prospering journey through life. They will move on Mr. Rannie's farm on the Bauble line of which he will take charge. A wood bee'', was held at Mr. Schatz's last Thursday. Some of the children in this sec- tion have the chicken -pox. Miss Melliek of the Rronson and her cousin. Miss Whiteman wore at Mr. Merner's a few days last week. Mrs. S. G.:-Merner had an attack of 1a grippe' last ; week. Hardly had she recovered from it, When, pneumonia "set in. We hope for her speedyl,recovery. Mrs. J, Mellick of the Bronson is staying with her 'daughter, Mrs. S. G. Morner, who is on the sick list at present. Ednnnnncl Geiger visited at his home at Itensali- on Saturday and Sunday. Joe G;;tliiitan Was to Zurich on Snnday night, last. The peofgaotion examination takes hikes, M. 28th and 29th, whech will arrive shortly. P. Bender SHOla AN Headquarters for Boots and Shoes. Millinery Opening tueat'a, ttleanesaaig April 2 and 3, All the newest and most fashionable hats are shown in our millinery deportment. Our repatation is for keeping only the best goods for the least money. Call and inspect whether you buy or not. We will be pleased to show you the goods. V. %tcinbacb, Zurich GOSHEN LINE Special to the HERALD. A -eery pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Errhtt, Babylon line, Stanley, on Wednesday, the 27th inst. when their youngest slaughter Miss• Minnie was united in ma- riage to Robt. McLincbey of tre land of Goshen. The ceremohy was preformed at 12 o'clock noon by Rev. 'J. W. Andrews, of Varna, in the presence of only the immecl- ate friends of the contracting par- ties. After the ceremony the com- pany sat down to a very sumptuous wedding dinner, after which the afternoon was spent in social chat and ammusenients. The bride was prettily attired in a blue travelling suit with trimmings to match. The happy couple took the evening train for Marlett Mich., to spend their honey • moon with friends there after which they will return to their home, Goshen line,Stanley. The bride was the recipient of a number of very useful and valu- able presents which mark the high esteem in which she was held, she has always been an active member of the Goshen Methodist Church having held the position of organ- ist there for six years. The groom jol- ly, one of Stanley'sprosperous it le y ,7 ly, good-natured, farmers and we extend him' our congratulations 'through Tett MOW/. `.l'b,eir n*ny • friends join in wishing them a ion andhappy voyage over the sea of lif Hl LLSGREEN Special to the HERALD. A. very pleasing event took plac at the Methodist parsonage, Hen sail when James Parson of thi place was united in marriage t Miss Humborson of Hensall, Mr and Mrs. Parson are highly esteem ed and we join with their man friends in wishing them a happ journey through life. Wm. J. Jarrott has purchase Thomas Coleman's lot and is draw ing material for building. Tim Workman has engaged wit Sandy McAllister for the summe John Cochrane of Stanley i drawing material for a new hens James Forrest has engaged wit with Mr. Patterson of Hensall. Wm. Reichert has commence work with R. Love. Miss Mary Reichert is spendin a few weeks under parental. roof.;, Geo. Kennard intends startin west next week. Making maple syrup is the orde of the day. Geo. Reichert purchased a TO handsome set of harnets recentl Geo. -likes to have things right. Mr. Moore of Brumfield will oon. duct services in the Presbyteria chw,oh, next Sabbath. Miss •.Maggie McAllister is spend. .flag a fait days in,. ,Zurich ,• 1