HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-03-29, Page 2E- 'LONG
PuT cuts Should be Caroftl i
$ay,Boforc U4�:Li�tle Ones,
WISDOM Of THE PIKERe 'I Tha I ,Ild,ls easil
t the � mind of a �012 -y'
4nippqs 0
A Fable by George Ade.,", $ad. wa,
weak, waon a a -year-old son of P. well-
WMMWffiWMWAWhWWMffl^W", known South sider.spgke ot'a foolish
remark that ha4 been made by his
Once there. was a. man who 'Wore fe, t father.'plore then a,week before, And
Six and three-quairters Ifat And
of Execution, so She called In the
which had been forgot a by all who,
been �aof busy staving off the
Piker to sl�e U, her Picture ei the
�heard it except llttle,�Raymolndj who,
'it �
Little Miami River at Snndown ahil"
Should, have head expected, Would
leople 'v�ho needed it right away
asked Win what Lopption,. tr, Any, was
))a the f1rist.0jorgot what lie had
p4a.usi� they liad-so*=e Bills tomeet'
istIrred upiv�ithln him as lie gazed at
hat he rever found time �to 01i 'thP,
Efrort The, Pilsor sald,,W gave'
The family was sedtbd at dInneir'sev-
own and iibaorb 0,ulture. Yet he
tp,a thlich of'Sp,4nags. Thqn,% she
kne* he ;. NL-A.r.dal critic� an righit.
eral weeks Ago, and after the fa,
th r bad lighted Alis cigar lie said:
ad,to g6 out and, meet those who
The Piker kept� At,, up, untkl- ;.Liteeri
that be-1,did not feel well And ' th�
rore! Speca,and bad these -high M_' il
L . 114 1
a while.$e b6' oss,
gan to thilik thdt j�,'
ii�otl4ert, jok*ly R410 'that sb6Aioped
ard Forehlea4s.' Som�etfmas he fodud
g of.a�Sz�sls ' Sit,,
bly'ke, w.iks seipathill y
lie was not gettifig ready to &6� Then
imsielf in tile First rloom, where
vant He was elected Director 91,! A
the father,. askq -r What,,,S]36
ve expected to discuss
Mn;Wum�, and-tras Invited to LSA�� on
L .1yould
If— �d
he Should die, anAbef6r*e she
Art, Music andL the Dif-
the,Tlatform it Tecturm At - last"he
tbiie ta answer he - tbld her that
Iculty . of get ting good Kitchen
departed. this Life, with. only -at few
lib wantod her to forget,. him, after
]�-elativles. and Intimate- Erien4 being
he ivas dead.
This man was a Pin-1-Tead In a
on to him.
�e conversation drifted to o Ile
pod many Respects, but he was
- - -
spbJect§ and all' who li4ia�d lhe -id-
a WISeL as a Serpent. A man does
MQ:E&4_T,Fot� 1. paripr us6 t'ho.'-Lv&g,ue,
vice., of 'the f ath&,, L. f 6rg A, It lQhg4'be-
lot have to lie stocked up with In-
a life,gaV6r.
fore they yetired thdt night, but it
ormation in Order to be Wise. This
the sed6nd box, W614 i'akqn there was
davelopea, later tSat : f6i. little 8 -
man was what '04 dinillid Clarence
ftdindn would call a Piker. A. Piker
yea�r-old Raymond it was not so easy
to `forgdt what�Lhe liamd heard his fa-
9 one who gets into the Ga�me on
'He contlimed,the use of- the
until he had taken eight boxes,.
ther say�.
§mall �Capital and Lets On to be,
have restored him, to babAth.
HiwappAlte has returned,, the. i),aln
More than a week, after the, father
willing back a, huie Reserve. A
?Aker is usually S�afo when he saga-
He Tells Howl -lis Son Regaine.d.
'had, made the joking remark; the
matiler and,her little son were alone
dates among the Well-bred because
is able to ride a bicycle, enjoys life
an -o. dd a day's work as
d is Able :t
at' Owner; as'the failte't had be6n
;hey are too PoItte to call a Bluff.
A Piker' has !its entire Stock of
Health And.LStren Oft;
'de�_Ined' at his d1fICG. Just , before
-they were read -y to leave'the table
" th Sho* Window.
given gladly
may loarn the merits of Dr. Williams'
Raymoml toddled Across to ]its mother
;be,'nit 011eme to Music, the Piker
Pink Pills, and find a cu�re if ailing."
and standing at her Side he said-7-
��l knnodwthe difference between
d'i"aud' or" VIV . 6 .;
Had Is Spine Injure f
'-ftarfiroa.,, *111 you fordit papa?"
"Nto, mamma
a a Cantata. Such knowl-
they create new, rich, red blood; thui
deir. of o6urse, won't
-r ture Lao he could boa�t
Years wasUnalble to do An�:Work,
f0rkElt papd.''Why.do, you Ask me
by reading the Post-
I ;
Such a question 9"' answered the AS -
A Book Stores.* The
and for Most of the Ihine was,
tonislipll moth4r.
v&4e'!0:a'tyd'1'd had about %a much
, , I ' * -'
Confined 6 the House6
it b in."
. "Papa tole tie to ford -1
Lrt EdueAtion. as lie could have
- Oxas for $2.50, by addroesing the
No, papa didn't''tell us to forget
read if it had come to a Show-
Mr. M. -D'Entremont, A, well-known
him, Rayrnofnd.':'t,,,,_; L.
w n, but he never allowed it' to
farmer Alvin at W est, Pub-niq%. NL.S.'
, g
By, this time. werp glistanin,-
in the elilld'seyes, aud. he finally burst
me. He Irad about as much Busi-
ess in an Asserablage of cultivat-
- -L �
Writes: "I believe it is only. right
ih�to,�pjt�ful -weeping. . The ` mother
d Chautauquans as a man witha
that I should let you kil. Ow the bene-
could not. -understand what it ,ill
agged two dollar bill would lia-m
fit your Dr. W illiams,
meant. Suddenly Raymond ra ised his
head from her lap, and, look Ing her
n Wall Street. Yet he managed to
Figure Eights over the Thin Ice,
Pink Pills -have been tO"]'ny* $011,
in-�tbe face..he sald-
'd he had the namle of being one "Constant,
Sixteen years of age: For
oil Will I 'CIA
"Mamina,. I kno*� v fo' t
f the Brainiest Gentlemen that
several years he was almos a con
papa When he's dead, but, I won't.
I'll 16vb him more'n I do now."
ver, -accepted an invitation to the
veniii Session of the Olympian
istant inx,411d, therss%WL61, an. injury.
Then'th e - 'mother a,§ked the little
Mole of Elena.
to his Spine while working W"Ith his'
child W -h -at he wtis talking
The Piker knew the value of tbb
brothers on the farm. He gre w- weak
about and betwepli. his - sobs lie re -
minded her that his father had told
ock Phrase. And -tbe 'way us could
raise a Dust dodge out of &
and listless, had no appetite,- and'.
them to forget him, after be was d0ad.
TIght Piace was a 31ttle Bit of All
for two ycqrs waa,u-nable;to work
The fatller�got'a good le�ture from
A ht.
of tly time con-
and was for the'most e I
bla',wife *that- night Mid Ile will never
One evening the Piker went to ca:n
fined to -the house, and -for a -part o f
again jest about dying. -Ex.
Airs. Hester Xazam, author Of
any unpublished Poems, And the
the time to his bed. He suffered llon-
Catarrhozone Cures Bronchitt-5.
se Diana of the Taft -Hunters. At
siderably ffoni� pains in the 'back;
h a Kazam Rome, which is rigged up
his -.1690, Were' *eak-;' and, he had fre-
One Spr�ing Wedding.
t Al Red Blatkets and Green Lamps
q I uent heddach es. At different times
At one Of the Easter weddings the
AS to be Oriental, he bumped into
he�was attended by two doctors, but
bride 'will 'adopt the fashion which.
enrlett% Hunter Haw, who will be
.emembered as the young Lady who. :9,qi;
no benefit from the treatment.
is coming more and more into'voghe
of wearing -a few* oiange flowers and
ur6d at the Afternoon Reception
Then I procured An electric belt for
mingling them with: white roses and
0 0
:1 F. eopkinsl5n ftith.
. I 1166
him b ---z itwas sim2ly'money wasted
myrtle. Orahk6'bfcteoms' Alone are
H4w reclined at half length in
lie Turkish Corner and Asked the
ftis it did not 6, 4I16,---a;-pakticIe of
. I.,. " I .
Stiff and lack individuality.,
The bridesmaids, , will wear white
Iker what lie thought of Slenkiewict.
good. I One day WhAlo�.-My Son Was
muslin' gowns- miule, ivith.'yokes of
a 111ker knew that he had heard
reading a newspaper, fie came a'OrOss
'Valenciennes ' insertion boidered
�hat name sprung, somewhere before,
an -article tellLn'g of a cure Ill a kom,p-
ruffles, on which the Insertion
ut ir-'Ife, had tried to pkonoul�de it
what almnak citse through the us'OW
is arranged on an undulated pat-
'id7to� 1,1,,,ave gone to the Floor.: He
Dr. Willi.ims$ Pink, Pills_and he than
terly. The sleeves are alternate puffs
n I , n )w whether Slankiewicz was
decided to give t1feln a trial. After
and � insertion, finished with two ruf-
auth6r �f* "Lovers Once 'But
the sed6nd box, W614 i'akqn there was
ties at the elboNv -and tied there
0� 1\1ow" or "The Gentleman
majked'impro-veme'n't lit.his condl-
with pink baby ribbon. They willL
oul rl'anr lie was
,Q,w." laolveyer,
"Ot6'o'o eagiil�.Aa knew the kind
'He contlimed,the use of- the
until he had taken eight boxes,.
wea�r tulle, hats trimmed witS pink.
babY roses +eIled With tulle. Thely
f n tional Parsley that is
Garnish a full,blown Intel-
have restored him, to babAth.
HiwappAlte has returned,, the. i),aln
vKII carry parasols of silk and mous-
seline-presented by the bride; ou
and he passed some
Ff - , 'Ietta.
has Left his back; he has gairf&d fl6sh ;
tile handle bf each -will be tied a
�4tbt�oAli(a 11 ked Slankso far as the
is able to ride a bicycle, enjoys life
an -o. dd a day's work as
d is Able :t
bouquet of white roses and myrtle.
-Bdffalo Nerms.
IE'syp 'I Analysis was concern-
014 1
�110t TLF�o;','Llatlmes occurred to him
wall as a.ily one of his Age. This let-
ter ig so iliat others
Mln%rd's.Lln�jment Cnres Garget In
lack of Insight and
"I"t the rasp
k-oad ,N�11,'QaEa
given gladly
may loarn the merits of Dr. Williams'
C078 -
P Style or 'Vapor calcu-
Pink Pills, and find a cu�re if ailing."
9Chat Inibeeltio I'Rss.�11
,nCdattoiskeep a Young Woman all-
Jobored the Turkish Corner
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills 6'are-su'th,
cases as the one noted Above because
With regard,to the use of -what Is
.11� i le hernbelleve she has met
they create new, rich, red blood; thui
termed this imbecilic a wri-
ter in an exchange says:
Ithe, Really and Tinly Oazip.
Pik,�raunreeiea a little more of
sla-engthening weak and shattered
nerves. They do not purge and weak-
1,0an a womam really have strength
61 mind and permit. herself to be
e �m, 1 '1 . He said that the Elab
t Incident shbwed a Certain
"ra !on' Of
en like other medicines, but strength
en froin'the first'dbse to the last.
eallep a foundress, a proprietress, a
dire6tress ? What Incentive has any
r S
� oil 1 c i:.,in kill, but there was not
gold by all dealers in medicine, or se t
Wom�an to excel in literature? She
lanoll rL
Fl�sHuwan Sympathy in the
post p&jd,,- at 50 cell -is &. box six
n6 -sbcmer writes a great book, a
10, r I tile Subtle Alutives. When
- Oxas for $2.50, by addroesing the
fine biography, history or work of
Itbe 1qkerU go : rid of this he was al-
.9r. Williams' Medicine Co., Brook-
fiction than some idiot dubs her a
. S Its eved, for it is an. awful.
r ay
vitle, Ont.
successful 'Authoress.' If she fonnds
Memorize and carry round
al sect ow,a business she is a 'found-
A er7ard Miss I -law went out and
d 19"
Condense -
ress.' If she" directs great en -ter -
p rises sheAs a 'directress.1 If she
oid"t I Friends that thePIker
The condensing or crystallization: of�
goes in, for military strategy And
as Terrible Deep.
an they b!o%;1,.1 tha t
:Wh . up Ailisle,
I -et
eggs has' Into an *Industiy.j�
T1 . Way are bFo�!vnand emptied, thou-
leads * armies to victory she
- a 'generadess.,
;i, Wll,�, t , V , lived. He W ld
ln`� late
tiluds at a tiple, into a machine,
early.. and stay and
where the- are churned. When they
To Cure a Cold in One Day
teverl,trip himself up. He had at-
;endad,& couple of., Concerts andat
Me tim6 boarded with a Lady,, who
)IayeA, the,�Autollarp.
One Evdning when he Was out with
i, few People wito were such Thor-
3,ugh Musicians that they seemed
5our. abont oomething all the time,
i..Tall Man with a Low Collar Asked
din If lie had heard that lateblt Thing
3y Techaikolwsky.
Af he liad made it Charles, K. Ear -
is, tile Piker might have been with
G.`But fie never turned a Elair.
"Impressive, isn't It?" he said, hav-
ig learned hopv to Spar for Wind,
rithout leaving an Opening.
,4y,cs� bat it didn't got into methe
ra,� Yogner does," replied the Tall
'Tilie, was th� Cue for the Piker to
sert hie Speech oil Vogner.
.He -said he preferred *%rogner any
ay. in,. the Week on aecoun b of the
istlact, Appeal to the Intellectual
�ide. and Kie Atmosphere of Mysti-
ism, whatever that was, He said
a couldn't listen to Vogner with-
ut going into a Cold Sweat and
how-ing the Buttons, off his Gloves,
rticuLarly. if tile Interpretation
s made with a Broad and Compre'�
nsive Virtuosity and Sa6li 'blas-.
ry,cof,Tachnique As to abolish all
gesiion.of the Intermediaryand
ring,one in direct Communiou with
So I- ods.
n,,,ha'rP,a1I.Mau woldd know3ust
It as the Piker (lid.
On' 't acquaintances , WAR a
'named Wigley, who was Crazy
lit It, In hier Parlor she bad
)111-18, Head, she W81A -.rigut tnere
mino a;loog After blm� and -tak-
WjgJ.syW,MR stuck on hie Con-
ifoil becalisd '110 said so many
g tb&t could be Thought About
oh. Nearly everYond who heard
vent Abrao and Thought About
I said and Wondered
Ifte" 11, beeti Driving"at. -
J�b ll��'d I had a Theory that an
WmI9,01ce any Good at'all Should
to goggast thr609,11. theL Me'
of � Colors all tbAt 111i or she
are thoroughly mixed the liquid is
dropped slowly on to stone cylinders,
over which entrants ol Nvarm, dry air
are assed. This evaporates the mois-
tura�and when the mb:ture is tlioT-
oughly dry it is scraped off as "crys-
tals" and packed in., ali-tight cans.
To prepare the ficri�otalsll for use
they -are simply soilked in water.
OT'hey are mxich.usd on . ships and to
some extent by�bn ers.
If so, send ii letter or k)ostal card
to the undersigned, ansiverIng the
following questions -
Where are you gol6g ?
W/hen axe you going ?
,,Where do you start, from ?
How many are in yo�r pmr4y' ?
Will you take your household
goods 2
Special low. rate Rattlers' tickets
on Sale during March and 'April to
points In Manitoba, 11titisli Colum-
bla, Oregon, CallforiikC.and. all West-
ern States. I an parti�uldvs from B.
H. Bennett, General k"gent, Chicago
& North1western Railway, 2 King
street cast, Toronto, Ont.
Ills Faith.,
in' a story called "Tile 'Goblin," re.
cently published In England. two
boys, Ardliliamnd Willie, are discussing
large- questions with;the bishop- '
'1Godtca,A.d6 ail"hifig, can't He?,.'
11 Yes, Archie. 1'- 1. . , . ,
Emboldened'.by' the bishop's cola,
firmation of his.. twil unwavering
falth Archle continued -
In a Severe Case of Kidney
Disease and Lame Back.
Dodd's 10diley Pills Cure Mr. Ander-
son, of WatersIde, N, B., After
Five Medical Men have Pronoune-
cd His Case, Absolutely Incurable.
Waterside, N. B., March 2L -
(Special). -Ill have been so Often An-
duced to try patent medicines by the
'reading of the wanderful cures 8aid
to have been, effected in isimilar
eases, that npiw, when I feel it my
.duty to write the story of my own
cure by the use of Dodd's Kidney
Pills, I am carefully avoiding gLnY
comment of my own or any compli-
mentary words. I simply State the ab -
Solute facts Or my case as follows:
"I have been treated by five dif-
ferent doctors, and have taken a
large Amount of patent medicine
during the last four years for Kidney
Trouble and Lame Back,, from, which I
have been Suffering. I was very bad.
My life at times seemed a burden. I
got no relief until I was persuaded
ticy try Dodd's Kidney Pills. I cheer-
fully give this unsolicit6d testimom-
!al; that I have receivedinore bene-
fit from six boxes ot Dedd7s. Kidney
Plus, than from . amy and All other
Mr. Anderson AS, in earnest. Hi's
straightforward statement Of facts.
carries conviction, Lame Back, And
Kidney Disease do' no�'L seem able, t&
exist where this wonderful remedy'
is used, It has been nia-de very po-
pular in- this eo-mmunity by the
hearty endorsation of Mr. Ander�
Son, wb)o is a well-known and very
highly respected citizen. The Sao -
cess of Dodds. Kidney Pills In cases
like t-b-ose of lffr. Anderson, when the
very best medical men have failed,
bw, created a demand which the lo-
cal druggists have reported as un-
preeeden-ted. i i I
Found Coinpetent.
He wanted a position in a bank.
The manager was satisfied with his
credentials, but before engaging him
put him through a little civil service
"Suppose, new, a man was to come
in here and deposit 950 in E5 notes,
how would you count them?"
"I'd wet my fingers and lift up
each -note until I got to the last
"Why would you ilot lift up the
last one T'
11 Because there might possibly be
one more under it. And if the de-
positor were to see it he would want
it back, but if the tenth note is not
lifted up And thern should be another
one in the pile. the bank makes it,
don't you see?" I
"You will do," said the bank man-
ager. " You have been in the busi-
ness before, but I didn't suppose you
,�new that trlc.k "-Tiondon Tit -Bits.
Catarrhozone Cures Cold in the
About every second person one
meets at this changeable season has
cold in the head. To cur
promptly, in about half A!
must inhale "Catarrhozone. _ Being
volatile it immediately spreads boall
parts. of the breathing organs in the
head, throat and lungs, bathing them
with the healing antiseptic proler-
ties of this great remedy which
causes the congestion and stuffed up
feeling t -o pass away, and the irr ' ita-
tron. and soreness to subside. It re-
strains the secretion when, deficient,
and retards it When: excessive, and
without unpleasant effectst it simply
kills, the cold before you know it.
Carry a Catarrhozone Inhaler al-
ways, use it occasionally, and Insure
yourself against coughs, colds, Ca-
tarrh and BronchitiG; it prevents As
well as cures these diseases. Complete
,>utrit, $1.00,; small size,. 215c,_it drug-
gists. A trial sent for 10c, by N. Q.
Poison & Co., Xlrigston�, Ganadcli,, or -
Hartford, Conn., U. S.
TakeLaxative Brorno Quinine Tablets. Al
drug stsrefund the nioney ifit fails to cure.
1,1.50. 12. W. Groves signature is oh each box.
Effect of Too Mucill Food.
Much of the sinking, tired and
ernpty feeling from which business
men - Who iv6ik theL- brains alone so
often suffer Is due to the accumu-
lation, of , toxins in the system
which Want "working off." Two
memis a day and actlirg exercise Are
the preventive, and ttere is no ex-
ercise which can be go.'. n,t anytime
and by an�body . to the extent that
walking can, But to do good'it must
not be Sauntering. Really " Smart"
Walking is what. is wanted.
MInard's Lidiment Cures Colds, etc.
A Queows Whim.
Queen Helena of Italy, in antlelpa.
tion of all Interesting. event expect -
ad in June, has puroh&sed .100 cra.
dles And has ordered an e(lual nuin-
bar of layettes to be got in readi-
ness. The baby clothes and tile cra.
dies Her Majesty Intends to bestow
on the first hundred babies of her4
husband's realm whoee, birthday Is
the samq as that of the -Waited heir
to the throne if ltaly-�
Catarrhqzone Cures Bronchitis,
Perfectly, Honest.
-They Shy that the gW you broke
your., engagement, with was engaged
to, several other. men."
Ilu S she was; wbon 1 requested
Case in'Which Killing Was
Not Murder.
Tbe Review has had the privilege
of Seeing an Old file of the Fort
Elope QuIde, the propertY of G. M. EMULSION of Cod Liver
0'urby, Esq., of Port E1056, contain-
ing An extended account of tile fa- Oil ?
mous larogden murder trial, re -
'Sharpe There are others.; why
,alled now by the approaching Q
murder trial. Thomas Henderson, SCOTTPS?
Lawyer, or Port Hope, won the al-
reation of George Brogden's wife, The good one is SCOTT'S.
%ad when their guilty relations were
lis,covered they ran, away together. It's nearly 3o years old it is
Young Brogden was A rising lawyer, all
also practising *in Pprt Hope. H(, used by intelligent peopte
plirsrued the pair with the intention
of sliooting Henderson, but could not over the world; and apprimm.,ol
find him. 'Over two months elapsed., by physicians all over the
when, hearing that Henderson Nvas
passixi- through Port Hope by stealla- World.
ar, BrUden armed himself with 1),
revolver, wid, going to the steam, When anyone says "EmdD.
ar's wharf, lie chatted with friends
until her arrival, w -lion, on seeing, sion of Cod Liver Oil," he
Elenderson, he immediately Shot
111m. Ue soon afterwards delivered means SCOTT'S. No other
[Amself up. T4ie trial, which t0OIf !iLs, famous.
place, in 1857, was passibly the most,
� . Oas of its kilid in the. country, SCOTT'S EMULS10-N is,
Q,s, 0,wing to tile high socia.1 stand -
of the parties, it Attracted pub- Made in a certain way; of
L attention to a very great ex -
flings; it keeps; it is,
teiit. The evidence for the Crown-, Certain'
was giveri by Timis. 0'11011Y, GeorgL always, alike; it does w1lat it:
Hugh", John Burnham, Dr. E vatt,
Guanwon. Brown, Wallace, and David does-.
Marsball. well knolwn as o -liter
aonstable of Port Alope for The others—nobody knows
many vears, The most prominent
witnesses for the defence were N, what they are or do. There
Kirchoffer,, barrister, Port Hope, and
G, N. Clarke, noxv judge Clarke, C. 'Wouldn't be any others but f0i
P. R. selicitor. Chief Justide ROblll- the goodness of SCOTT`S_
ZMaIded, And he charged strongly
.rialt'he- prisoner. The defence was there- wouldn't be any courAer-
Donducted by Messrs. Gait, Ph-11POt,
Kirchoffer, Weller and Clarke, the feit meney. but for the true.
speech of I%fx. Gait, now Six Thomas
Galt, being described As -,one 01 cx�
traordinary eloquence-,' The Crown
was ably represented by Solicitor -
General Sinitb� The evidence was -
strongly againist the prisoner, but
the jury. Iletuxiled a. verdict of not
guilty. There Will bac few of our
readers, especially among tile old
timers, wbo will not have heardmen-
tion of this very famous case.
The Brogden trial brought out the
peculiar state of Canadian Inw,whIch
provided no punishment -whatever for
adultery, Although, un -der the Mosaic
law, %lid aniong the Jews, it was
punishable with death. Tile grand
ju�y strongly reco-mmended that the
orLininal law sj)oold be amended by
providing punisbuient for men who
wrecked the homes &lid destroyed
the happiness of otbers. Still the.law,
remains exactly as it was, and it
sevins 11191, time that the Canadian
Legislature enacts legislation provid-
Ing for the punishmprit. of adultery as
a orline.-PeterbiYro' Review.
Deafness, Cannot be Cured
al applications, aetbey cannot reach the
of the ear. There is only one
"I Porl�lgiitn 3ss,.and that Is by constitu-
I . 0
rernedlex. Deafness is cansed byali in -
In Wial
7ten ai
ig but an
i can be
for any
case ot veaxnesR (cauisea. uy cauarruy 6�,�o --
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Sendfor
circular -s' free.
F. A C= EY & CO., Toledo, 0.
S61d. tl�drugglsfs. 75c.
HallIs amilar. Pills axe the best.
Overheard in thp Greenroom.
The Soubrette -They say Miss
Tight -stays doesn't sympathize with
the White Rats.
Miss WaIrteleigh (understudy)HDvv
could she be expected to, the old cat!
-Chicago Times -Herald.
Catarrhozone Cures Bronchitis.
Forge -Our Congressman made the
speech of his life. He got two cOlualva
In. the papers. Du Brau-That is noth-
A Peculiar Gaine. jug. Why, our Congressman used- a,
A peculiar dice game is Indulged in nerve remedy and got four column
by tile gambling element of Lithuaa- And lits picture.
tans In Baltimore, says the Baltimore
Gathering about,tho dice tables in
the saloons kept by their fellow -
countrymen, Clay quickly lose all An.
terest In everything crutside of that
which Is transpiring Upon the clarAn
before them. As they sit or stand
about the tables the careworn fea-
tures of the men contrast Strongly
with the ruddy faces of the youths.
The eagernee ' s wlth wblch the play -
are seek the numbers ul)Dn the fall.
jng pieces is wolfisll in -its Intensity.
Comparatlyely sinall slims are plac-
ed upon the gaille, and, side bets run
from five cents to a dollar.
jUthough resembling In the inan-
ner in which It is operated, the high
dice game, as played by the Anoo.
Saxon races, the dice of the Lithuan-
tans, instead of numbering from one
to six, run from one to ten, the num-
bering of the six sides being 1, 12, 3,
4, 8, :1.0. The gainto is played with
four pieces, and a possible forty Is
;the point striven for Instead of 24,1
which Is high mark In theslinnar Am-
erloan game�
Hts Own Free Will.
Dear 91rd,-1 Nannot speak too
strongly of the excellence of MIN-
Ir God siald, q, pig WAR to jump out
u n a r g P a a. a nin.
to,eal. I mid identify it." -Brooklyn Lite.
In my ilowencold Aar burns, spra __4
etc., a;nd we would not be Without It.
of tile windo.1W. a pig would, w*ouldn't
. I
-Xt is truly a wonderful medicine.
It TO fam
And Willie."who walked bv.
Catarihozone C uries Bronchitis.
John A. Macdonald,
Publisher Arnprlor 0hroAlcle.
where his elder and more priosato
brother tr6d by 'eight, chinied in- -
Was Not Afrald.
Vvdn If there Was It
`mployer (to clerk Who h' Won
sent, to collect some qnoney)-w"Wello
,11 'You' Suffer Pains Don9t Waft
'W t dId � hie say?
kerk�That, he would. break every
A moment, go to tAiie nearest drug
otore and Ot & b0ttle' 0if Nervilitie.
bonei I in Mly body and -pitch me out
4ive times strofter t1lam �ny other
of.the,,W1ndojv Lf I�Ohowed my face
there Again
ital, n.1Ktpositton In Berlin
-1t penetratleal to, i1he remotest I&
tes-soortlihs the;iftit�mtod. iiervos,and
he ? Then V back
and.tell -hint that he elo Vast-'
Bet1iia, ie to have An Italian etpost;
ti I Zo.ologleal Gardens. There
cirrieb. With it almost, Instantaneous,
.. ly mistaken 'if he. thinks lie Will ]H-
Will imitation Streets ,of Naples.
relief. Good !or pain on the Outside,
and if possible evien bettAr tot sill In-
0, me IS e
tLmw&t by' li violence,.-Mft
lZome, P lorence, Pompeii, Venice (with
I . I
IsJ, etc.
ternal agonfea. 110riilifte Is sold,up.
X , Inc.
der varAntees. it you are not-bania-
Caiairliopone Cured'Broneblt'101
Atinaidis.1,1bliment cures Diphtheria.
ftte'd your motley cheerfully back.
Drill. dicift dealers sell
"Ists tuld me
t*eryL Iflanlan, Winlr usas up, 6h� An
"Our Opportunities to do good are
it 016rywhex'C
: ur'taIentS.--4;. V ther,
" A Stock Holder"'
For holding stock thm "Page 'I is the ont
reliable kind. it is used on the Largest Stocz-
Viarels In Canada: equally suitable for iniall or
largestack. Wenowmak-eourownwire� Cot3ld
not get gnodenough before. Itistwice is strong
as tbat in other fences and betwr galvanized, Our
Fencing is shipped from our factory ready-mnde,
and out local representative can pnt upastringof
it for you in short crder� Prices lower this year.
The genuive has
this picture on, it, take
no other.
1f you have not
tried- it, send for free
sample, its agveea�le
taste vnU surprise
�Spc. and $i. oo ; all drugglats.
ff'affn1i_Samp1ed lt�7__'_
She-Don?t you- think I have a good
mouth ?
He -It looks Ali, right. - Mardii
Smart Set.
Millard's Liniment Cil -res Distemper4
It a mkan is a. particular frieud of
yours lie may.- not bar sb� very paxtiou-
lar after all.
Treated Free..
Ire have inade, dropsy andits
complicationsa specialty for
twenty Years. Quick relief.
Curesworstonses. Book of
TZ8TXX0NiAzs, and 10 3)A�s
t eatmen t vitnu.
V, I Box (V �TZANTA, G.&.
K, '.Res
A small fie-wim wilt not last as long as n larger
lszelatcratwire. By building a &me containing alt
heavy, virea, you-getiust 61at umich more service.
Reasonab)a,lsn't it? .
faniou.sMagara district, "the peach belt
ot Canada," sele or exchange. for productive
town,orcityproperty. Give full descr%tiou of
your property for exchange, and my w at you
Avant. Cautlogue fime on apiffleadon. 'X-ONCII
& Mord8n; breirers. St. Catharines, Cub., Can.
_01�_Gardeii Hoso at 5c per foot. N,Smith,153
York street, Il'oron to.
hold article used in every family. Livq.
can ma-ke from $1 to $5 per dflv� .1 ona.
Nglofllotl.11 sample 'witth.50c. Send quickplidse-
enre thoberf6fits of the ill'st introdualen of
J,ondon, Ont.
good soil, brick lioure, good bartu; market,
churches convenient,; railroad 2',iniles;.
,prlcele�sthalival" Forparticulsrsaddreav,'
Mr8. L. North, Ti.14onburg. Ont.
100 ACRES IN COV, NTY OF $bfwcon.
Now Lo-,vollStation,,Ii-oui(�.ttiidbariieei�'
PoF;session at once, J. (). Freoniali. Box Grove,
W,10,17MI)-TO BUY OR
rent shop and house in Markham Tbwn,
J. G. Freeman, Box Grove, Ontario.
For Zeft.ing tAn olub mernber.4. Addroqq Tuewill
Cigar Club. 6277 Richniond street, London, Ont.
mid fish budno-q; one of � the -boot bud-
Tiess locations in the largest and most; p-wper-
ous tnNvn in Ontario; pro�qnt ou,nor has ae-
cepted I)oAiLion vvilich 1,equiveq an eltendecl
hajourn in Great Bl,italn-, Versonal illaPecti011'
invited. AddrossEo,� 521, Peterborough, Out.'
160 plants post paid for $1.09. Send forlist.
X. E. AUX1,01M, 3111enhelm, Ont.
Sent on Trial X llno,,t, in the
Winona, 10 miles froi
atwhulcaaleprice. ways. 190 acres in Wil
V not ratl$fgct0ry mostly peaches. J.
inoney refunded, divided into lots of 16
YVASK11 -4liaranteelltdrun chasers. This is a di
easier end do Jonathan Carpenter,
bel tor work than Ontario.
on the;;�,Me't- "I Mrs. Winislow's SC
good machilic for agents to hapd1e. Big ways be used for Chi
nioney made. Thousands in use. For terms the softens tho
a pr, andcblld�
ud. ces address 1. the best, romei
STANDAILD SUrFLT Go.. . namilton, Ont. live centsaUttle
gums. cures w
r for Diarrhoea.
I r, ill size Ynuch larger than Illustration,
_. WVKIFI AOft""J "
a V_W V R'�. -V-1 —