HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-03-29, Page 1FIRST YEAR, VOL. I The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township, Tenders Wanted FOR ADDITION AND REPAIRS TO ST. BONIFACE CATHOLIC CHURCH,ZURICH. • . Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 2 o'clock of Monday, April 8th, A. D. 1901, for the above work. Plans anti specifications may be seen at the parsonage. The lowest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted. The successful tenderer must give bonds in the stun of Five Hundred Dollars for the completion of the work. T. J. VALENTIN, P.P. Dated at Zurich 27th day of March. A. D. 1901, • 35-2t T: BONIFACE, Catholic, Order of service for the winter. Sundays:—High mass at 10 a, m. Catechism and instruction at 12 o'cloek Tho Holy Hour, or one hour's visit to our Lord in the blessed sacrament from 3 to 4 p. in. Vespers and benediction of the most blessed saerament at 4p.m. Holy Days:—High mass at 10 a. m. Ves pars and benediction at 4 p. Week Days:—Mass every morning at 8 o'clock. First Fridays, mass with ex- position at 9 o'clock Be'-. Fathet Valentine, Parish Priest EVANGELICAL, Gorman and English Sunday services: - German, at 10 o'clock a. in. English, at 7 o'clock p. m., Sunday school...at 2 p.m. Tuesday evening; Junior Alliance, at 7, Senior Alliance, at 8, Choir practice at 0. Wednesday evening; German prayer meeting, at 7.80. Thursday evrning; English prayer meeting at 7.30. Friday evening; Teachers' meeting at 8. Rev. C. H. Finkbeiner, Pastor. getttfc4e ev. lutb. St. petri $5ottesbienft vorm. bulb kkUt,r unb abenbs 7 /Abp. Sountagicbule nacipit. 2 Ubr. Cefirerverfentmluml; Mittvocb abenbs bulb 8. SdliUfc,paftor. Lv. BACHAND, St. Joseph. • Notary Public, Piro and Life In- suranee Agent, Money to Loan, either by private funds or loan companies. H J. D. COOKE, • . (Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barrist er, Solicitor, Notary Public. Hensall, Ontario, pROUDFOOT & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Notariec Publie etc, etc. • Cor. Square and North Street, Goderich, Ontario W. PROUDF CO R. C. HAYS E ZELLER Clerk 10th Div. Court, Huron Commissioner for taking Affidavits, ConVeyancer. etc. Valuator for the Hu- ron and Erie Loan and Savings Co. Office— Zeller 13lock, Zurich Ont. E BOSSENBERRY • Licensed Auctioneer for Hur- on County, respectfully solicits the pat- ronage of those who intend having sales. Satisfaction guaranteed. DR. F. A. SELLERY, Dentist, graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor graduate of Department of Dentistry, Toronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House Zurich, every Monday. 1-29 j G. STANBURY, B. A. • Successor to COLLINS & STANBDRY BARRISTER, somerrort, NOTARY, Conveyancer, Money to Loan on Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of In- terest. Documents in original German read and advised upon. ZURICH COURT ATTENDED °nine over ONeil's Bank, Exeter. The Commercial Hotel, L. FOSTER, Prorietor Every accommodation for the travelling public. Always stop at THE COMMERCIAL when in Zurich. First-clasi sample rooms for Commercial men. LOUIS FOSTER, mum She ominion" town Equipped with alt modern conveniences. First-class accommodation to commer- cial travellers. Bar and di.n- ing room always Supplied with the best obtainable. C, 1, Shoemacher, Prop. aaugaraiimmannotklugasaiainengrAwkii. ZURICH, ONT. FRIDAY, MARCH 29 1901. • CHARITY. We are pleased to hear that our friends have nobly responded to to the appeal. through Pin HERALD for assistance to widow Ilse of . the Babylon line. • We are interrupt' that victuals were bronght her on Saturday in good quantities. We are personally indebted to Mr. C.- Schwartentruber for a bushel of potatoes and 25 Ms of flour, brOught to our office, which was promptly forwarded to the aged lady. Regis 'Denomme's Statements • Refuted. joSEPE, March 25, 1901. To the ratepayers 4 R. C. Sep- arate School Section No. 1, Hay and Stanley. Gentlemen—Last Week's HERALD contained a declaration :signed by Regis Denomme to the effect that .at the school meeting held the 13th inst., I had made a statement in re- gard to the election of Mr. John Laporte, which was not true. The following letter from the Depart- ment of Education will prove that what 1 advaned was the truth, and. that my contentions that Mr. La- porte was nota trustee of the said section are endorsed by the depart- ment. TORONTO, March 22, 1901. Dear Sir—I am directed by the Minister of Education to state in reply to • your letter of the 18th inst that, two communications have already been sent to your :action regarding the election, but they have both been -written without full knowledge of the facts. From the communication now received from you it would appear that the chair- man was not appointed in accord- ance with Section 27 (3) of the act, and even had he been a legal chair- man his decision giving Mr. La- porte the seat would not be in ac- aordance with the statute, as he gave it the day after the election, when he had no authority 1 Li /the matter. Mr. Laporte has been ial- formed•that it would be in ardor now to haTe a new election, or that appeal could be made to the minis- ter. in accordance with. Section 69 of the act.. Your obedient servant, • JOHN MILLAR, Deputy Minister. Any further comments on my part are not necessarp. Respectfully yours. L. V. BAOHAND, HENSALL. Special to the HERALD.. Thos. Berry has sold two of his imported shire horses at fancy prices. Tho town council made a grant of $100 towards buying band instru- ments. A committee composed of three of the council together with. Messrs. McDonald and Harold, were appointed to negotiate for the in- struments. Prof. Bedford, a graduate of the National School of Music, Boston, has accepted the position of choir master and precentor of Carmel Presbyterian churci and enters upon his duties at once.. 1» addi- tion to that Mr. Bedford will. have his studio in the MeOloy .block and will bo in a position to receive pu- pils in Voice .culture and instrumon. tai music. Mr. Bedford is it they- ough musician and will de a luau - able addition to the, town. Miss Flora Kay s will give a reci- tal -on Friday, April the 5th, in the Methodist church. The press speaks very highly of Miss Bays as an artist, and no doubt she will draw a large audience. J. Case, the grocer, has purchas ed another driver. NO. 35 Tjacelfe 1Rewe Come let us take a little walk And talk of many things, Of how the sea became so wet With cabbages and things. ......panininoanormapw About People We Know. Where They Are, or Where They Are Going, and What They Are Doing. et E. J. Hagan visited Dashwood on Saturday. Do not forget the millinefy open- ing at Merner's • 35 The Flax Co shipped another car of seed on Wednesday. J. Dumart has ordered another lot of steam cookers, Win. Bender moved the house vacated by W. G. Hess. R. Me3fordie and son of Hensall were in. to-wn, Saturday. C. Hartleib is down eat this week on a business trip. Fred. Hess Sr. and P. Lamont spent Saturday, at Exeter. Don't forget Hagan and Merner's sale in town Saturday afternoon. W. G. Hess removed to the dwel- ling lately occupied by his mother. Mrs. F. Witmer and Miss Lizzie Ruby visited at Exeter on Sunday last. Louis Brenner of Michigan is visiting. friends here and at S Joseph, Miss Minnie Doan is to furnish the music for the vocalists at the K. 0. T. M. Concert at Dashwood on April the 8th, Miss Doan is a first elags musician and well quali- fiedfor the position. The members of the Y. P. A. drove to Mr. Torrance'S on Monday evening. They presented Mr. J. Torrance Jr. with •s. handsome teachers bible as a recognition for his services in the society a record- ing secretary. The evening was enjoyed by all present. • •• SAREPrA special to the HERALD. Miss Mary Dietrich of St. Ole - men, is visiting at Ned Weldin's Dashwood and other friends in this vicinity. Leo Foster purchased an 8 months old entire colt from M. Finkbeiner of near Crediton for 890.00. It is one of the best colts in the county. Herman Tyler who has been laid up for some days is able to be out t' again. Miss M. Holtzmana, dressmaker, intends taking rooms in the •Zeller block. P. Lamont purchased a fine Clyde stallion from A. MoDonell of Exeter. Mrs. Charles Bosseneerry and children are leaving for Cavalier, on llionday. Mrs. H, 0. Doan is attending the Chosen Friends convention at Ham- ilton this week. Miss Allie Johnson has returned. home after a pleasant visit with friends in Clinton. There is a movement on foot for the purchase of a new pulpit for the methodist church. . E. J. Hagan will begin canvass- ing for the Dominion Life Insur- ance Co.. next week. R. S. Richat•dson'moved to Dr. Buchanan's dwelling recently va- cated by C. Bossenberry. Dutch setts are beginning to move. - About 30 ton are being held here by the various dealers. If you want to see niae, natty millinery, call at Merner's on the 4th, 5th and 6th April. 35 Miss Cowin of Georgetewn who has been visiting at Thomas John- sons returned home on Saturday. Mrs. Brenner left town and is making her home with her daugh- ter, Mrs. W. 0. Wagner, Goshen line. J. P. Walter of Listowel, -was in town on Tuesday evening in the in- terest of the Dominion Life .Insur- ance Co. NEW ADS :—D. S. Faust. New Spring goods. D. Steinbach. Mil- linery opening. Fr. Valentin. Ten- ders wanted. Landlord Shoemacher sprained his knee on Tuesday evening •while unloading commercial trunks and is using's, cane. Miss Mary Rarich, who hait been at the Dominion house for some months left on Thursday fur her home at the 14th Con. Four ladies from town spent Monday with Mrs. Ilse, sr., at the -')ylon line, cleaning up and mak- g the aged lady comfortable. E. J. Hardy of PortHuron. a fann- er resident of town, visited his brother Salomon, on thursday. He is returning home this morning. D. P. Stewart of Ailsa. Craig the conservative candidate for North Middlesex and Mr. W. Pottor of 141eGillivray were in town on Tues-, day. Remember the date of the milli- nery opening at Merner's on the 4th, 5th and Oth of April, under the supervision of Miss Ross, late of Detroit. 35 Bob Richardson attended. a wood sawing bee at W. Rubys, Bronson Wednesday afternoon. We wouldn't give much for the wood. that is left uncut, The building committee of $t. Boniface Catholic church have plans ready for the addition of their church here. Tenders will be invited at once, S. Monier purchased an entire colt, (2 -year old,) from William Pollock of the Goshen line, Stanley • to be shipped with other .stock to Alberta, in the Spring. J. Torrance had a very Sueceas-• ful sale on Friday last. Ono 3 year old, fthly brought $181 and cow* sel- ling up to $50 and over, B. Beason. berry was the Auctioneer, Miss Smith, milliner, has bought: rt - the west end Marshall property is fitting it up for her show room; When completed she will have a first-class business place. Mr. Welsh has the contract. G. N. Babcock, druggist, has bought from W. G. Miller, the property he now occupies as a drug store, an addition will be ptit to the building in the ;rear and the up- stairs fitted up as living apartments Rev. W J. Doherty is in London attending ordination services. Dr. Amos, Exeter', was in town last week en a consultation case with Dr. lilcDiarmid. Miss Duffes, Goderich, visited her friend, Mrs, Alex. Murdock last Saturday, and Sunday. GRAND BEND Joseph Brenner visited. Dry-sdale one day last week. J. Ilannin, jr., was the guest of Miss T. Brenner, last Sunday. • Jesse Graven° visited Mr. Allan last Sunday and reported a good time, Our shoemaker, E. Brenner is doing a rushing 'business at present. Boys, give him a call. j. W. Holt was the guest of Miss Laura Desjarpin last 6'1111(10,y. Mr. Sheppard, of Thedford was the guest of Miss Gravelle. ' Misses Tillie and Katie Smith of Detroit visited at Joe. Foster's on Wednesday. Jack Ford had a wood bee on Monday. About 60 men were pre- sent. The ladies also had a quilt- ing bee the same day and a good time was spent in the evening in dancing etc. DRYSDALE Special to the HERALD. H. Rau is breaking in his Gray Eagle for this spring. M. C. Laport is fitting Gold Dust which he purchased from. Mr. Magel last aumraer, of Zurich, for the spring races. j. Brenner and. Miss Brenn er visited:friends around here, last week. • Some of the boys in the neigbor. hood lost some of their nets. A. Challet and Joseph Rau visit- ed Zurich, last week. J. W. Horner was very sick last week, with la grippe, Jee. Rau had to go to Zurich for the doctor. -.W. •L Howard intends going to Klondyke for his health. Tho ice left lake Huron, which put an end to the fishing. Mr. Pringle of Hills Green was around last week and exchanged horses with J. Horner Jr„ Jack says he's just got the thing for the butcher waggon. Our fish peddlers E.Dueharm and Mr. Talbot, were out last week and got some 30 doz. of fish stolen. F. Denary intends going away to Minh. next week. Joseph Rau and his son Eli visit- ed Zurich last week and reported. a good time. Joseph Geffory. 'visited Zurich last week with the sleigh but his team plc ad out and the woman folks had to walk home. J. Jellineau is going with A. Sreenan for the summer. Wood bees are the order of the day. Alex. Challet is doing a rushing business in peddling fiish. Eli Challet visited Grand Bend on Sunday. R. J. Schoop is engaged with Mr. Thompson of Blake for the sum- mer. 11. Rau has opened up Mr. Jake's barber shop. If you want to got a good shave give Harry a call. A mission was hold in St. Peter's church last week given by Rev. D, P. McMehamin of Clinton, in both languages, French and English, the ehuroh -vials crowded. Mr, Frank Denoine3r left last Monday morning for Marine City after spending the winter holiday s among his parents and friends in this neighborhood. Miss Define. Geofrey was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Regis De- nomey, last Sunday evening. Mr. Win. Bedare, our Drysdale shoe maker, is rushed with work owing to the muddy weather we have had makes it more lively for him. While unloading a load of logs Philip E. Denomey had the misfor- tune to break the third finger of his left hand. It will be some time before ho can use his hand, Zurieh Brisson, who was out selling a load of fish at Stratford last week, returned home well pleased with his trip. MORN BECl/iR.—At the Town line, liay, on the 21st inst, wife of Mr. Peter Becher of a son. READY WITH NEW GOODS FOR SPRING We are ready for you with our spring goods, and having bought 'Very largely are able to show you a good assortment in very line. This season has brought with it a want of a new dress, a new bat,'.a new shirt waist, in fact a -whole new outfit, and in our store is where you can be suited. New Dress Goods— To have a new dress is the ambi tion of every young lady. We are showing a stock such as .has never been shown before in Cashmeres, Poplins, Serges, Lustres; eto, in many different shades and qualities. New Prints A good assortment and fast colors, is what ch.oice: in dark and light shades. —• this line eonsists of. The patterns are very New Mill•inery—Our millinery department is to the fron„ and we aro ready with a large stock of choice hats. Do not fail to pay this department a visit as you will be doubly repaid for the time spent there. Now is. the time to leave your order for an Easter hat. New Ready -to -Wear Cloth'rir What i that people want our ready-to-wear clothing? It is alltoldtieaf= words. They fit well, wear well, at one-half tailor-made goods. Men's Felt friats-7e have our shipment of spring hats in. New fedoras in pearl, eat& Cuba, brown and black shades. Also a fine stock of stiff hats in all shades' Come and see our stock before purchasing your Spring order. D. S. F UST P. S.—Agents of Formaldehyde Solution, Bear Brand, a sure destruetive to smut germs of seed grain. Half lb bottle 40, 1 lb bottle 75c, We do what we say. Produce taken in exchange for Goods, HE PEOPLE'S Boot & Shoe Store !-segtyaz.... Balance of win- ter Stock Cheap FOR CASH We thank you for your support during the past YEAR. Leave your measure for a first-class winter or a Fall Boot r=fral-dle the celebrated stub proof, gutta percha Granby Rubbers. Butter and Eggs taken in trade. WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! CHAS. FRITZ, Zurich CL E4 NO SLE Per Cent Discount On Winter Goods for the next 30 DAYS we have decided to clear out the balance of our Stook of Win-. ter Goods to make room for our Large Spring Stock, which will be along shortly, and in order to clear out our Stock, we will give 25 p. c. disci for the next 30 days, on Men's Overcoats, Ladies' Mantles, Underwear, Heavy Dressgoods, Caps, Woo Shawls, Wool Blankets, Rea, dy made D. B. Snits, Mitts, Hoods, in fact, everything in the line of Winter Goods. We also have a few Ladies' Fur Coats, Capes, Caperines and Ruffs, and a few Goat Robes in grey and black, which we will clear at a big reduction. Now is your chalice to secure a Bargain while this sale lasts.. Highest Prices paid for Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples etc. J. • PREETER,ZURIOP THE MARKETS RevisedtwerThursdaafternoon. Wheat --------6127to 2763 Oats Barley 37 40 Peas - - - 58 60 Flour 2.00 2.10 Butter 14 14 Eggs 12 12 Chiekens Ib - * - 4% 5 Ducks - - - - - - 6 6 1 :ota,t Geese • 5 5 oes — - - 20 25 HENSALL MARKETS. Wheat - - — - - 62 to 64 Oats 25 26 Barley •37 40 Peas - 58 60 Flour •2.00 2.10 Hogs (live) per cwt - 5.70 0.00 do (dressed) - - 7,40 0.00 , 60 YEARS" EXPERIENCE TENTS TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain Our opinion free whether au ti Invenon la probably patentable. Cornraunlea- tions aridly confidential. Handbook 011 Patents sent free. Oldest agency for socuringiuktouta. Patents taken through Munn CO. receive spestal notice, Without onartm In the $Ciettlific finterican. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largoat oblation o any sotoutitio Journal. Tonna, ta year; dur Months, $1. Sold by nu novradoutors. MUNI C0.361Broadway, New York rano MOO. ttliS St. Warihnulton, C.