HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-03-22, Page 8I't't�i j'lrti'Il:'{'.•.!','1J,'L''t 4 .1 .101,',',., Olt't'+'r,r u ilee. IK IbfleisCh's Laundry • • • mills • • Work guaranteed equal to We use no Chemicals to Leadtroy your Clothing. Masuits to Order Work )FFMAN, The Tailor. �'. H. Wisner "rison P p tit atop e _ ors. NERAL BLACKSMITH A N D To1vz HORSESHOER. vaatall kinds of g_miring machinery rem a speciality ! a IL 111S1ore , ire T w4 31pa, listr rho wed Zurich & M. Johnson uts Lave just received a new stock of tbniture, Bedroom Suits, Couches, erel'icy Rockers, and Parlor.Furn- slatint;'s, window Shades, and Pic- •acte Frames a specialty. Call and 9 o for yourselves. In the Woollen beloi department we are offering do cial reductions in Underwear, s taseting, Blankets, Stockings, etc. i' al:11 & M. Johnson ed 1 ZURICH ckwit) pri • wi ed fti t l liu; tesbt 1 las the rg,h 3 hot liqu' Witt Hess, STEAM arriage Works. c Free have s large stock of Buggies - Ttovh will be sold cheap to make room fro2)ur stock of Cutters. uartill and see our Rubber Tire Buggies r tour New Cutters: Se MS, & SON Zurich, Maio eking, who revere sentei oth'ei UYI I"iG rbor• their one f o yea! ebels Before Dr. Anything in the line :gTer, r Vatches, Clocks, Jewel- . i i;vand Musical goods, ,af £. =ILL � is Bp,e 2 had c ", u egta-Prices Always Lowest a;ll. T. ,, lne Repairing n reg y .lit: at. tc the c 9Iy r Boel degr1 solat to t, This t'e r A Specialty W. Hess, nee (Inter o aide T H E Boor 1112' jch Saddlery, Furniture, +lrom :Mogan and Piano House. ion, at ;;til Stock In Every'Department. Ate 1 ;cans rar•k 'ort Harness of all kinds. Fur e Robes, Blankets, Trunks rci' Travelling Bags, Fancy Plush Rugs. tai Furniture, Bedroom Suits, Sony Parlor Suits, Sideboards, s't II es Extension Tables, Chairs, ,ttth. Spring Beds, Mattresses of r tl7J all kinds. s• f` The New Williams Sewing M;achines, Organs and 1.84 Pianos—only the best make In in Canada—the Dorninion,•�; en; the Bell, and the Thomas,, Lfldi who was awarded the gold, Tics medal at the World's Ex- t1id position, Paris, France, in '1 1900. fere Patronize home dealer, and yon will save money, and get better goods with lin, an honest dealer: 2i, wr, N 1 Zurich. - . Planing and Saw Mill —All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A full stock of B. C. Bed Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al-. ways on hand, Chopping done every day... SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, Mills 14th Con., Lot 25. J. C. Kalbfleisch Zurich P. 0. It will soon be time for gardening You will want seeds. We are agents for the leading seed growers. . • . Wm. Rennie Steel Briggs Co. and Darch £ Hunter. Make your selection of seeds from the catalogue and we will procure them for you. Order early. F. A. EDWARDS BAYP'I ELD BAYFI ELD Special to the HERALD. A trio of crooks from Hensell struck town a few evenings ago and managed to "extract" about *35.00 from a tenderfoot from Clinton, but after considerable persuasion on the part of those present and threats from the constable, they gave up the "long green" and de- parted. The Clinton man hired a man to escort him home the same evening. Wm. Parker spent Sunday at Chiselhurst. Mrs. James Hudie who has been spending the winter at London was here a few days last week. Miss Reba Stanbury is home from a visit to Durham and Toron- to. James Johnston of Hensall was in 'town, Monday. D. Gardner has recovered from his illness and has resumed his position at F. A. Edwards. John Biggart sold his bread route to a man from Bluevale. Wood Harrison has returned from Ravenwood. George and Albert Ferguson of Colborne are visiting here this week. Fishing has been light this sea- son, Lately some good strings of herring have been caught with. hook and line. Mrs. Herbison, of Dakota who was visiting her mother Mrs. E. Elliott, retruned home last week. W. J. Jowett is slowly recover- ing from his recent illness. • Joseph Archer had his'arm badly crushed and broken on Monday while teaming logs from Marks bush, [Too late for last week] Miss. Flo. Margan, of Goderich, accompanied by her cousin Toni Margan, was in town Thursday. Mrs. Haackie of Berlin who was here to attend the funeral of Mrs. Charles Tippet has returned home. Mrs Charles Meyers of Marine City Mich. is the guest of Mrs, John Tippet. Dr. Woods, 11. Falconer, A. El- liott and Miss A. Elliott, Frank Keigan and A. E. Erwin attended a concert in Clinton Tuesday night. The Independent Foresters at home held in the Hall on their last regular meeting night was very much enjoyed. In the fore part of the evening various games were played then followed a short pro- gramme of songs, piano solos, quartetts and speeches, then a dainty lunch was served after which dancing was indulged in for a few hours. The purpose having more such special gatherings. Mr. and Mrs James Ferguson and child were visiting at Belgrave last week. . James and Wm. Ferguson were at Colborne this week attending the bedside of an aunt, who died Tuesday. John Wamsley has moved from the Bauble line to Mrs. • Cleave's house on Louisa street. Mrs. Stirling moved this week from the Saublo corner which 1 ro- lterty she sold to Mr: W. Johnston of Stanley, to the house she lately purchased from Mr. McClitichey. Thomas Sanderson has moved lo Mrs. McDongall's home) opposi° is Wm. Woods. Mrs, Wm. Parsons and family eve moved from the farm in Gode- ch Township to Louis Thorns m's w house. , h ne THE ZURICH HERALD VAR/VA Special to the }I£RAL.n. Miss Maud Horton called at the parsonage on Friday of last 'week. •Misses Maud and Stella Andrews are visiting Mrs. E. Zeller, of Zur- ich, this week. • Humphrey' Snell visited .at the parsonage on Sundays Inspector Tom visited tho school on Friday afternoon. A football match was played on Saturday between Varna and Hills - green. The score was.2 to 0; in fa• vet of the Varna boys. What's the matter with Varna boys? They're all right. Mrs. ' H. Hutchison visited her Mother, Mrs. T. Johns, on Satur- day and Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Troyer of Hillsgreen visited at Mrs. J. Wanless on Mon- day. J. T. Cairns and family left on Tuesday for their new home at Kirkton. s A. Austin and family moved to their new home on the Sauble line this week. Frank Keyes is also moving out on a farm on the Parr line and J. 'Foster intends moving into his' ho'ttse in Varna. Mics Lizzie Foster irk on the sick list. ' • -r[Too late for last week] J, Foster who has been sick for some time is still 'very low. 07.1 Friday evening of last week a jolly' crowd of people from the Goshen appointment silrprised. the .pastor by driving up to`the parson- age with a fine big load of oats. The evening was spent • in games, etc., at twelve o'clock •. the party sat down to a sumptuous repast. After having enjoyed themselves the party returned home in the wee small hours of the morning. A grand entertainment under the auspices of the R. T. of T. was held in the Temperance hall on Tuesday evening. A sleigh load of young people from Exeter came and took part in the programme, Mr. Mac Vincent the celebrated singer of Exeter took part in his pleasing way. The entertainment was a grand success in every way. HILLSGREEN Special to the HERALD: There was a man named Who hails from Zurich town, And early in the morning ' You may see him driving down. He rays he comes for Mary, And is ready with the pay ; . But George is in no hurry, And so poor drives away. Last Friday evening a:large num- ber from Hensall assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ChasZTroyor. The evening was spent in gani'es and music, every one enjoying the night's outing. Robt. Hotham colled on friends Saturday prior to his return 'Wet. Mr. James Parsons has moved his effects down to Mr. Thos. Cole- man 's farm. Robt. Stelk has been engaged as principal in Zurich public school. The football match between Var- na and Hillsgreen was up.to-datein every respect, Varna boys winning by2to0. The Rev. Mr. Hamilton preached a very able sermon in the Presby- terian church, Sabbath. Thos. Coleman, of near .Seaforth, was in the village Saturday. The Rev. Mr. Long, of Toronto conference, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church Sunday even- ing. Mrs. Geo. Hudson returned horse after spending a month with friends in the vicinity. Robt. Hotham paid a flying visit i3 Hillsgreen last week. John Cochrane is busy hauling brink with which he intend's to erect a new house. Mr. Neil Maxwell is busy distri- buting his books "The Life of The Queen." Neil is quite a. hustler. Wilson Carlie spent Sunday in Seaforth: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Troyer en- tertained a load of Hensall's young people last Friday evening. All spending an enjoyable evening in music, games, and other amuse- ments. While turning inthey had the misfortune to up sot the ladies Constipated Bowels. Constipation, or inactivity of the bowels, Is probably the cause of more distress a res s a n d i sutfer n than g anye nth' r organic derangement, once the bowels are constipated, the kidnsye become clogged, the liver torpid, and the etorth- ach and whole digestive system corn- pletely.lnterfered With. The head aches, there is dizziness, weakness and elmnese of vision, pains In the bath, sides and limbs, the ac- cumulation of wind and gas on the stomach, pains and fullness in the re, Bion of the stomach, and .depression and deepondency of spirits, , Constipation can never be cured by the use et salts and similar Weaken- ing and debilitating purgatives. tor, Chase's TR.Idney-Liver Pills not onty cause the natural action of the bowels, but NO strengthen and invigorate them as to enable 'them to regularly perform their functions without the •Id of medicines. One pill a dose, g!I Cents' a box, at; all dealers. Drr Chase'$ KidneywiLiver Pii18 in the ditch. Alex beware of the ditch the next time. The Hillsgreen football team played Varna last Saturday-. Varna winded. The many friends of Mrs. James Workman will be pleased to learn that she is able to be around again. Alf. Reichert is busy hauling sand. Ho intends raising his barn this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Jaarott spent Friday evening at. C. Troyer's. EXETER Special to the HsRALD. Mosquitos were reported " on deck" Monday. John Gillespie had the bus put on wheels this week. • Expressman T, Brooks has had his express wagon painted a bright red color. Nothing like keeping up appearances. W. A. Westcott, who has been in the employ of J. Grigg for the past six years has secured a good posi- tion as manager of a stationery and book store in Sarnia.• Success to yon, "Teddy." The "0 Sullivan Business Col- lege" was inaugurated in Knight's block, Monday evening -with a week's tuition free of charge. The funeral of the late Mrs. Jane Clark, relict of the late Wm. Clark, of Crediton, took place on Wednes- day from her late residence in Crediton, and her remains were taken to the Exeter cemetery for interment. The deceased was near- ly 81 years old. Sugar -making time is about here, but the industry in this neighbor- hood is almost one of the past. Those who have maples are only manufacturing syrup and sugar for their own use as a rule. Wo are pleased to learn that L. Day's venture in the milk business is proving a successful one. Mr. Day also intends to handle vegeta- bles the coming season. The rain and warm weather is fast melting the snow and indica- tions are spring-like, both robins and crows have been seen and heard. Coal and gasoline stoves are fast' taking the place of woodstoves as heaters and cookers. Mr..Elliott of Wingham was the guest of his cousins, Messrs. A. and J. Walter, this week. D. Jacques, the obliging local agent of the London. Mutual Fire Ins. Co., after an eight-day "lay up" with la grippe is able to be out again. George Bawden has sold his resi- dence to D. McInnes. Mr. Bawden goes to Lucan to reside. While we regret losing any one of our citi- zens we also welcome all new -com- ers. Mr. McInnes will receive a hearty welcome as a new citizen of our town. The "evening with the Irish" on Tuesday evening at the Caven Pres- byterian church was a success most gratifying. Very acceptable Irish songs and readings were rendered by Misses MoFaul and Martin, and Mrs. Manson and S. A. Poppleston. A very interesting address on the public schools of Ireland was deliv- ered by Principal Boyd. The Cor- net Quartette of Exeter also assist- ed in making the evening a pleas- ant one. J. G. Stanbury anted as ohairman of "the evening" in his usual pleasing style. Miss Lila Johns:is visiting friends in Toronto and Aurora this week. Messrs. John Charlton and Nel- son Keddy have leased the R. Atk- inson block on Main street, opposite the grist milli, in which they intend starting a pump factory. Wo wish them all success in the venture. Mise Hyttenroch of London is the guest .of Mrs. E. J, Spackman this week. Rev. Ten Eyck was in Lucas" Fri- day the guest of Rev, Thomas. Miss Murray of Wilton Grove is the guest of Miss Bobier. J. Spackman made a tour of his summer resort at Grand Bend last week. Another old resident passed away on the 18th inst. in the person of Jane Tomlinson, wife of D. Wilcox, Huron street, at the advanced age of 79 years and 2 months. She was known by her many friends as kind hearted and true, and beloved by all. The funeral took place to the Exeter cemetery en Thursday. Preliminary service being held in James St. Methodist church, of which the deceased was a devout member. Owing to illness of Miss Rusk on Friday last she was not able to as- sume her duties as teacher. Messrs. J, Caves, T. Welsh and F,Pinhole left for Carberry, Man., oMonday. y� Miss Fowell entertained a number of her friends Wednesday evening. Landlord Anderson and wife of the metropolitan entertained a num- ber of friends to a social dance Fri- day evening. r SLABTOWN Special to the HERALD. "Johnny" seems to suffer from a is irious malady which scientific m,n would term sornnambuliam. The curious part of the malady is that it generally strikes hire on Sundays and invariably comes from the south. Generally the malady Y partakes of the nature of a wild- cet hint or a wild goose chase on the Goshen,last Sunday was no ex- 'ceptiou except that it partook of a ENEW MA THE OLD STAND I have purchased the business of C. Itartleib, and with lay new stock corning in for spring, I can give you anything in the Hardware, Tinware or Stove line, at very close prices. If you intend building a house orbarn, call and get my prices for your requirements. EVERYTHING NEW AND UP-TO-DATE., Eavetroughing, Roofing and Furnace Work, CHAS. GREB Main Street, 5 Zurich, Ont YOU'LL HAVE TO HURRY! If you want to get the benefit of our LOW PRICES on RUBBERS & SOX, FELT OVERSHOES and all Winter Goods. We want to make room for our large SPF?INc3 STOOK whech will arrive shortly. I?. Sender SHOEMAN Headquarters for Boots and Shoes. .They Fire Going. Those remnants and dress goods we are offering are on the move, and we are going to add a good many more pieces to the pile this week. Remember these goods and prices is no sham, but sound articles. The prints we are offering is just the the thing for aprons and wrappers. In black and colored dress goods we are offering some ex- cellent bargains. Please make a note of the few lines we are offering: gooDe`.1 . F. r i"x:+cf a►iw 4:R "a ' s'tR; t i u"R''ir..: J ��s►w�44 i..� 5s Fi`' �•.t .e" iSs A figured black cashmere, regular 50c, now 35c per yard. A figured black, regular 37'kc, now 29,%c per yard. 2 pieces of plain cashmere, reg. 35c, now 23c per yard. A figured fawn, reg. 50e, now 39c. And a great many more pieces in colors going at such prices. Remember there is no reserve as they have got to go, and to appreciate these prices you have got to see the goods. Come and see them. Just arrived the very newest thing in Lrdids' Belt. No. 1, a plain black patent leather•. No. 2, a plain black patent leather, with a gilt edge. We have also in stock the new Lorraine loop for ladies' fa belts. 5 ! t.n•.,.Q -'- ,r .•1"`•4sty''A._ Gictsofine) g.,c-q,^±Ywcgo.:.:D 4..f A�iGI.ATs•teclF:,1 Don't forget that we have a full stock of new Dinner and Tea Sets, also fancy Chinaware, such as Jardineres, etc. Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange. T. %tcinbacb, Zurich different nature. This time the disease made itself apparent as a night -mare, Johnny's mind seems to have been affected by reading or hearing of the adventures of Jesse James and on Sunday he thought he was on an expedition to catch one of the raiders. How long he remained nnder the influence is hard to say but it must have been well on the mid night. Jim Ronnie of this place has engaged with S. Rennie of Zurich as teamster. A case was recently tried at St. Joseph in which Fred acted as the plaintiff and the dog had to take the defendants part. judg- ment was given in favor of the defendant as Fred got in a box. We understand that wedding bells will soon ring. I say who will it be, Fred Heiser who has boon a citi- zen of our burg for some time mov- ed to Zurich on Friday last" We are sorry to lose Fred but wish bin all happiness in his now home. Mr. and Mrs, John Winkenweter called on friends here Friday after- noon. , In Trac HERALD of last week I noticed that W. Geigerspent sest 5 a t �- ur'day and Sunday evening with Liss A. Hey but those were not t ie only two evenings 110 spent there this winter as' I understand . he has kept the road broke all win- ter. now Will the spring is coming you best get a pair of rubber boots. Shoes would do for once a week but not for four or five times. Mr. and Mrs. William Klopp of the Bronson visited at J•. Decher's on Sunday. The first robin was seen on Sun- day. BLAKE Special to the HERALD. L. Prang is about leaving our midst we are sorry to loose him as Louis is a nice fellow and a good blacksmith. John Thirsk was to Seaforth one day last week. Quite a number of our young; people were entertained at the hone of Mr, and Mrs, M. Bechler one night last week, The evening was spent in games and social chat and at a late hour they all dispers- ed to their homes feeling well sat-; isfied after their ovenings enjoy- ment, Mr. Bechler knows how to accomodate the young people. DR. A. W. CHASE'S O� CATARRH CURE ... C. Is sant direct tothe dl eas ! d(r t s ed parts by the Improved Blower. Finals the ulcers, clears the air passages; stops droppings in the throat and permanautly cure*+ Catarrh And Hay never, Bloweit free All deal1rs, or 1)r. A. W Chase odi4itte Cq,, To'rottto 'and huffelo, b. o+ f sI dp` si b D w Flo W;. E s Ge 70 Tu: Sen We me. En; eve MI. itac ZIT Co Con, on C sons,. Sat Dat of De gradu Toro of tee At BARI Convo and F terest read Z Office L. F tra al in Conn LOUI