HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-03-22, Page 6, , I . ,
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�� I I � I eta eAth, and If 611011 Lt verdict wa.s cary -�Pa'
B,D!r,,R0f,0�t &0,1 other 111"! M
ferrjug . ', pr '. lr'lea Out there Would 00 0, uorrlble - There were fifteen treaied, by tile
, . .
O r, gre W It t ,,,,e I ' USCUW� IN .00 INNEXPION �
,a South .krican It e- hoi-wl Oil tile cerittrient and 11.3 Amer- . physicians aSI a result O`f the an)-
O . 11111a:led, but all
. Mr.,, Kruger l,,ca. And, Indeed, O'be, w.OuI4 be sorry 3 mcw.ia fumes be
bros. They'. Will Visit 00 sucli a, brave fighter meet 4% [ eXoo t those 'na 'of
1119 CAR , , wed are llo,W; (1011116
__ Utrecht. . I I to 0 1) , .
___ plti such an end. Therefore, we Pan 0111Y wall. I � HBO SN IZID .. � I
1; !.,
hope Do Wet IV el, � I .1
is DeNAlot Cra7�77 . of tile country or Shot In battle," I I I � . , ,
'R [WIRS Bloomfoutoln, Orange Rive , r Colony. . __ , ; I IN .
. - be let out ,
Ill thel I
Do I PrJeoners who have latG* . . prisoners in Ceylon. � —_ .
I . I . -3slarch 15.— . KINS low 00 1ERY SORRI ,
I r . � I ly been released by Gen, 'Do Wet Colombo, ceylbn, March 17.—Tho
,�, . . is madman. I — I M por, t,allt But Wornyal
I . say they think he 1% ninth party of Boer prisoners exiled . ,
r t the terrIble fatigue$ , old
� .rhey aver thal � to Ceylon has arrived bare on, the Students' Disturbances ill
, Jes, and ,
LeadS Conferring and lie has undergone-, his amxiot Cunard liner Catalonia, 11017 known . 1 $
, ey tile Intensity of hW feelings have un- as Transport No, 2, That the Word Loyalty " Action of U. S.,
I hinged his mind, Apart from this Tile party numbers :to officers and' Several Cities.
view of Gen. Do Wet's mental state, 6,3,2 men. in all, 100 officers and 4,- . Should be Addressed —
I 4 soma of his peculiarities axO that Ile 0129 men are now prisoners in CeY� . I . I
. rarely ,91sePs NvIthin the bounds Of .
. at outAde, !on. I % . . -
� his camp, He seeks re ineteen officers are
� with a few traetexl follower& Thus, Among the n AS TO AFRICAN REPUBLIGS1.
. . the orderlies of his,subordlnrl-tO 00111- .four Germans—Lieutenants, Yon De- - LEGISLATORS,
e to r�tz, of tile Potsdam Guards; Captain THE FRENCH FIGHT MOORS. TO THE KANSAS
OR DEWETV ma,nders are freqilently ans,b) Yon Trotha, and Capthin.1141der, cav- . �. Topeka, Kansas, Ma,roh 16,—A let-
find him to receive arderW His secrecy ter was reoeived here last night from
is extreme. -He ,absolutely impaxts alry officers, and Captain Vogele. — . Declared tobeNo*,v Britisft0o,lonles
� � his plans to no one. Ile repudiates The most Important of the -Doer of- the Dis- jogepli Choate, United states A.mbaS- he Marseilles Strike—WrooPs .
. .� the peace nagotlations which are ficors is C40mulandant BOSOL Will Britain Stand Between sador. to Britain, in whIch the r0- —T
penly, to - It iq ea . lculated that one ,hundred putants ?—The Sultan Again Gives ts of King Edward VII. are, eX- prote�-t WarIcers—Gerinan Iffleet
�rj$ouers -for Coylon—Strath- going on. He has declared o1i and fifty of tile prisoners are genu- I � . gre .
, the men. under his commadd that no ine Boors, DO are foreigners, and the Uncle Sam the Slip—Chance 16, plained I -or the unfOrtanate wording in china—u- S. Citizens to shaug
09 Pay—French Lottery to terms except independence will Bat- . massage to the Kansas Legis- I
. r I Ano,61er Boni Duet. death of Queen Vie, hat Send a Protest- I I
. emaluder are Free Staters, or pea- of the.
� the Boars — Itritzinger isly him- t tterallee attributed to ple who became bvr9hers. One prl- lature after the
St. Petersburg, March. ,10.—�The toria. The Legislature Sent a, letter
� .A. recen 11 atalonia, was after Nevir York, March 16.—A; 00mial I
eatons to Shoot British him is thatalter the British he llates ,soner died while the C, of condolence to King Edwa.rd
the Transvadiers. His NvIlereabouts at Durban, and was burled ashore, r1a4,s in lg�Dscow were more serious tile abath of Queen Victoria, and ih from Washington to the ' 11araidt
ters. during the last two, or three days .and twq,athers died or pneumonia on than was at flrst supposed. Several lds letter of acknowledgment the says; "The United States llmve gWayv .
: ruown whe- tnhe long voyage up.
'Town, March i4.—A: paXtY of are urknOwn, nor is It 1, thoun.nd vrorknw-n joined. the stu- King ex0essed tb4anks for tile "IDY- . lal, although indirect, re*WnA-,
litly ther President SteYll is with him' __� . . rricades, and t#e a,lt . yi. Of tile Kansans. One, of the Offle I
lvaders, willell was avide — . Strathoouab2 Pay- dents in erecting ba. legislatori Objected to the word tion,Lto Great Britain's annexatloal 6t .
Ig With the intention of rald- Workers wore encouraged by a hull . - Ion to have tile two republics with whiell " had
Collided With Armored Train. Montreal, 111arell 17.—To each troop- . . I ,,joyalty," and his mat
" -
� remount depot at 1301711sr's Cape T,own, NlaxLb 1,. -)._An arinoro.d or of the Stratboona, Horse there is dred female students. The PrKIOLpa the word stricken from the records war in South Afrjoai. This recogni-
as lie nelgh- ;o6ya It .
I . . prevailed. Mr. Choate's letter E I accorded in the state depurt-
0 1 n was met by tile train from Ki-mberlaY (!,ollided yester- $17z&.23 "deferred" or "differential`5 scene of tile rioting w in t mmon word from the way it tioll Is ,
ape 0 0 Y, da,y with a regular train near the pay eoming, and the corporals and borhoad of tile palace of the Grand Wals a co Ito- went's annual revio-%v Of the OOm-
, . district forces. and driven soldier was A was used in till letters of I incIrco of the United States Noth $or-
�ne British soldier was dan� Orange River Vidge. One The sergeants get their pay in proportion, Duke Sorgius, Governor Genoraj. knowledgment to persons in tile In this
I killed, and four were.injured. Mr. F. W, Taylor, of the Bank of ablished Cigli countries Just issued.
ta�e of siege has been est British dominions and by am Over- .
'r w,aulided� rolling stock i�v-as considerably dam- Arantreal) is authorized to pay It, and S a,S not changed publication it is eXl)lMft10(I t1tat the
k , in I'll t no xed'
I rs in tile Tax - aged. I I" to 111111 all thos, who ha�ve not drawn in aOscOw , whore great excite - Eight the woordin� w, former 11opublics have been a a
11 party of Bee . ' tire in writing to the Kansas JAgislature. ,, tire
� t1l,ree colonial I - , __ , � their pay must apply. prevails, Similar disturbances - to are,-
listric t met Mr. Choate, writing to tile Legis ,ct Britain and that they
tile Boers iield up their hands, Scouts Murdered. When the regiment went to ,South rppDrteato have broken Oat at Odes- 14ative COmInittee, ,Mys*. "I have now only colonies of an omllil-ek. I
INIarch lZi.—RritzInger's Africa they were paid one 11 The United Stat�s are tile first
I Cape Town, I shill'in;g s" kieff, Kharkoff and other aniver- learned that the King was I'llne
wed a white flag, but when c millando IS worklug northward in anLI twopence per day from tile time sity cities. I pained when Ile learned of the blun- po-wer to recognize til
ats approached tile burghers 'D and bas pladed three the)- reached Cape Town. Lord all other powers having taken tile
. Cape Colony Me. dar."
j them. , On.p of the - Scouts British coll-unilm. 2L Boer patrol cal)- Str*,�tbcona decided to give tile men Moscow Ill State of Sil g stand that- recognition is not In or- .
tured four native se.outs yesterday the Ilighnst Canadian service pay, London, March 1G.—The students' d,ar until they baye had the formal: :
erely wounded, . ,k.11o Boars nainely 75 cents for a trooper, and agitation In :till, city, says the Mae- notice which Great Britain has 110t �,
mation bas been reoel,vcd here amd shot three Of them 0 ther ranks. W1,, correspondent of the Daily .
have carried off .Lit tile horses in th correspondingly for the o THAT KNOX L19HING1 yet given.
, -1 AlbaDy district, for which, as tlki� This "deferr --a Mall, has becoin Boer sN
act wilit ficre men have been y ad" Pay is the differen e, extremely serious. . nipatlilzors are considerably,
by gistered, Grfat Britain will bvt,meen the lulperial pa,Y and 75 ,Bloodshed has Occurred, and the . — . I wrouglij up over tile fact that tile
, I outside of W011uarens were re and
lutre to pay i:10,000 ($50,000). cents a day, and that for a trooper Ullit(.Xl States should be the fwst tO
il-longing to Gen. DelaxeY's , students threaten barricades r I .
— . amounts to $3.71,28. ! , , street fighting. It is nor, S-Ifo-fo *n , I ofthe Murderers of a offi,r recognition."
do. Tale news of the e."cu, Cape, Town, 3SIarch 1,7.—A. C010nial' __ — chriduals to cross the stre'ets in tl Le Three T .
s taken to T1_'1erksdol:p by,M.rs. division, under C61. Crewe, engaged ,lie, schools a,re closed and � Tile Marseilles Strike.
_ Lieut. itorrisou all& His T,otters. t ' 7 .
tile Boers near Petrusberg (a town ' 't"11',! ,imly'a-is virtually in a state Of Canadian Held for Trial, 'Marsailles, March 1G.—The docks,
hfan, whose husband, father I arch -.Ls.—The, 'Chronicle '. �
London, M a,ro gu
:l.ther-In-law i,�rere among the not far from the border or Cape Col- publishes a communication from slegr_- Fighting. 1.1oors. this morning , axdcd by troops
.Lve been iver Colony). - French I and admittance to them is denied,
Three other men h, Lie -at . Morrison, of Ottawa, comment- , --vv,orkers. The .
ad to death bx the Boars. . The 1�rltlsh captured the Bocrs'coll- Ing upon the garbling of, his now Londoll, jqarch 1G.—The Taugler EIGHT OTHERS WERE DISMISSED, except An tile case of
. � streets are p.cteotod by
___ .. voy. , i until African latter. Licati corrCapondent of the Daily Chroulicle, adjacenb
'INJurdered. under CommandO,Dt famous S, - , Canaffimns dealing with the reported French en� Mobile, Ala., March lia.—Ora Rolls, troops, and cavalry and infantry are
Witness 111io burgliers, -)oul-pohl, who Morrison points out that which lie croacinnents upon 1-toorlsh territory, s Ashcroft and Ileld at tile dock -yards, ready for anY -
,ok, March :L5.—The principal Kritzinger, with one I Beaufort, Present at the incidents vere fight- , onlergeney.- One,hiindred and fifty am- �
thO CaSe st are within -14: miles of Fort narrated entirely concurred In; the says - "There has bee" So *Is a Seymour, three or tile eleven men On � loyed men stepped yesterday oil I*
witness -in =of have been cutting tile King William's destruction of the ho Bes in Stail- lug, although but few dotal re, al- preliminary trial at Scranton, 'bliss., 1) vessels here, and coatknued.
prisoners from Wa 11)b line. They are being u 1. It is clear, board of
. �Vltfl high treason has been Town telegri poort Valley, as tile people hadbeezi lowed to Pass the censoi for tile lynching of John Knox, tl1O 0 t bellic Inter -
I three Boers, one of closely pressed by the British ,under warned and had neglected the W.arn- however, that Generaj Rlebourg�s Canadian who killed Ills step -son, work to -day %rith u I
3 rupLed.' � I .
ad by 3orringe. nvaders b- i , I . � column lias established French until- ,,vere committed yesterday to the air -
g V. local rebel, and a relative Colonel ( ave ing6 k China.
% 6f the prisoners. - Sonia of tile Boer 1 tention I I I —_ I ority South of l.;,Igulg, .Lltbough ,the Quit coort, ,%vii1ch meet's in April, Oermam Fleet In a second.
., ___ apparently abandoned their in passed Lottery to Aid Boers. rumor that Fig-aig has been ()coupled Ashcroft and Seymour without bond, Berlin, March 16.—In '
aling. Uquor to Troops. of coming solith. and have Parlo, March 17.—IN1. Henri Roche- by the French is not confirmed. --bud Rolls On, bond for $10,000, which Speech in the Reichstag Yesterday,
northeast through Adelaide. he Intraneigeant, alt- "There is all unea,sY feeling here his friends gave. The Judge refused f . to the German fleet in
tesbury, Alarch 15.—Under The commando ,%rhich recentlyoc- fort editor of t iving to tile complications in to., r 1 ��rellljrar�(g;auj�t Von Buelow, after re-
oprie- ou;�esi p.lat he -will organize a lot- that 0, , pp ovz) of Rolls' bonds, and lie was
i law. Mr. Jan Smuts, pr eup�iedd Maralsburg is re omen South Africa and China, Great Brit- so ss., R%il- peating that C�armany bad parsued
at Moor- 11 partieswith tery for tile rellerof the Boer w _nt to the Waynesboro, All
, the Jubklee hotel, Ila "e IvIded Into sina secure 2.5),- - y b unable or unwilling to Tile others were dismissed. I no annexationist policy in China, said
rg. has been fined 925, and has the idea of ' concentrating again. and children. He alms to all 33,1111 0 . remained In
I 01 '
. - ,ell France and Mormeo." the German fleet ha4
. g hotel,closed for a month, for Some of them passed through Kam- O00,000 france, of which amount 7, siand'�'etw� ' _lng to its moral effomt in
liquor to =am. or the Westerlil astone On Friday. Colonel Donald's 000,00a francs will be given as The .Suitktn is Slippery. VENTRILOQUIST'S DEED., China ONv
rmit. g them. ,a, , prizes, 8,000,000 francs as rebates to New. Tork, March 16.—A. special to A rendering tile Chinese more tractablq
*�thiout ,pe column. is pursuln " ainder to the — I Lit the peace negotiations, and further.
I I bscribers, and the rem the Times from Washingt0a, says - a the protection and Support
I .1.. . ___ �, I 1 1 — I 1. !; 011 ill seek aut-horizat-10,11 to ,, Succeeded In Obtaining a Fortune of I be
Boers. He w The arrangement by -which the Sul- C swy for
4Fcee State"' Treasury. . Gen. Brasnius' Capture. promote tile lottery from the Farra- or �auies fleet was highly neces
, r(1- Ls,11 a,pplied to "an of Turkey was to pay,,his debts $200,000�
I Town, .March, 15.—News The term "notoriou ments or France, Austria, Prussia, v I tllos,�ermant troops. Moreover. the
, Ticuna, March 17.—A, sensational pre ence of he fleet had largety can -
from Pietersburg, the Boer Abel Erasmus, who has beeit captur- � y aind the to the Uulte,d gt-Ltes. under cover of
. Bavaria, Spain, Sweden, Ital so of a. cruiser frocill tile - tributed to, maintain a quiet aLt t
auxters, shows that the Free ad by the B,ritioh, bas been earned States. 11. Roallefort is, now arrest was ma,de here yesterday. I ude,
rDzeasury Is being carried by him, it the reports of British of- Ullltpf" "Ile f.illen through. Tile a-eTr Nrogl, the proprietor of the lar- a' the various viceroys. ,
.it Tile Rague. conferring _*Vith, the 6RIM11"Plarallila ork on the mong
,ja.a Cape cart. . ficers, for many year,s past are to Cramp, ,,".a not began W g4aqt exchaagp office on 'the Craben, Americans Protest. .
11 ,� Doer repreaentatives there, He pub- not do so.
, . __ . be believed. At the time of thowar lishes daily articles In Ills paperurg- Turkish cruiser, and Will wag taken into custOdY On ,tile charge New York, Alarch 16,The ftecu,
. �e natives under Seeecoeni, in the failure of the of 11,
Sentences on Rebels. with tb lug recruiting in behalf of tile Boers t . The prime calls:, Of avIng polsollod In April, 1900, -N tive Committee of the American As�
. eking, MaxcU 15,--k number,of 1876. Lord (then Sir Garnet) Wolse-, —_ ,device so Ingeniously contrived by Tich Russian naniod Talibin, who was on lit" trmilsmitted to Presi-
, who have been convicted have ley spoke Inpublic,ofErasmusaS "a British 0111cers Will be Sho,t- � tile Sult,,,L)l was the shreN�d move or supposed to bave verbally bequeath- SOCIa,t-1 ey the protest of the
3eyerely dealt with, Some have fiend in human form." I .e4d.his property to VOgl, who has dent, MoKilil
The campaign against Secocoenl is .c,apa, Town, 11%rch 3.7—The invad- Gerniaty! s determined that if atic Assooiation Ot
three years' hard neinet dIstritt .Germany wa since ellijoyed it. - The circumstances American A�i -Chinese
,ers have been heavily fined said to-liave been carried on with In- are Of the Graatt aaa belonging the. American, claims were to be paid of the ease .are as follows, Talibill, Sh ., amgbal Ngainst the Russo
,oth describable brutality, but SecocOenl have burned a faxiii-ho Meredith, her's should be paid as well. GermanY, -,vbO Was a, Jew miser and drunkard, , Rgr*eem�eiit received some time agp,
�rboring rebels Or being absent , burghers more than to a British Scent named ally from therefore, flanked the Sultain by rived in a, squalid ma,liner. one night Th,6 committee accompa,ales the pro- I
their farms without permission-, �Iereated the and evicted his wire, and far , emft.nd ilot for the pa,Y, test w1thresolutions, which, accord -
one farmer has been fined 9200 once. Capt. von S011110kinann, a "rus- eredith's making her d .1 porceluan took h1tin nome drunk
as first engaged to lead a the f,%i,m. They'said, that M ment of iudemnit-y, but for the , who, was ing,t(Athe preamble, are framed "00
o years, hard labor for harbor- Plan, w and blooding. A doctor t that
rma- f mercenaries against SOCO- waa the first house they 1110 order
band,o "! payment of a bill Of the Krupp tile authoritative anaouncemen
I ebeig and co.licealing info . He waD killed, and Erasmus to burn in th- e Cape Colony, It is,re, concern for a;A*nor before he bought summoned, told Taubla's old char- there Is in. process of liegotiationt I
coent. tbat Commandant aterial. This move woman to bring Ills friends as lie was of, rattficmtioll, M call- �
, � -_ : , . took his place. k I llably reported ,any lup-Te war in, "lie ----]lot"' P�lld at a PID -Int n Russ1il, lid ChInx 11
__ .. wecocoenl, who had made - has threatened to shoot of Germany, it is 'low learned Jias, -dying. S brought Vogl, N ventloal betwee a
Later on , 1$.'ritzinger S �a,ptuxed byllis she knew Was all acquaintance of y and ad -
Dr. Jager's Sentence. 'tn the Boers, raided British any British Officer beer. ,completely successlul. providing for the militar
peace -%vi . - V too'k- ,t lawyer and I , Of Maiialiarig
aMown-,11arch 15.—The trial of territory. A Britiell force routed Ills moll. I . . Taribin. 0 hilstrative controd
�,ger. the'most prominent rebel force, and took hie chief city, and be * Yesterday and to,-daY t ' evv, Ghar.ge Against Boni. with him to tile, mise �,s I llons�e. in . I .
ell n cleirk by't)Ye former powers.
. ere reported, inelud- Paris, UatrOlf 169)ho Slecle t'lils Upon a.rriving at the bedside the —
has comeladed with a sell- Surrendered. After be had done 0*t plague cases AV I I � I
1,,,e years imprisonment and morning recalls that M. Deroulede, dying 111, a %
. trIlf _kbel Erasmus had insti- Ing three Euro -ails. an it I st, ted, recovered
I of C5,000' ($25,000). Do Tager be declared last. Eras- W at Dordrecht Arlion arrested, bad In his possession . a h ll his pos- WHERE THEY ADVERTISE.
gated him to resist to tile ' The Treason 'Durt sufficiently t
ed, bat ell - The San- flity thousand frames, which lie said session should go �o VpgI, after which —
- .
� i Boer commandant. His de- mug, was thereupon arrest - has concluded its sittings and The be- Wonien Terribly Crushed in Bargain I
was that a Transvaal burgher . ased included fines arnount- had been advanced by a deputy,
capea punishment. tences Imp, aper asks: "IS it not plain be died almost immediately.
bad decided that, although lie Abel EraemaS must not be confused Ing td a total of ,-.'500,000, the heavi- the p and the ex- quest thus ostensibly made in the Day Rush.
lot a alaturalized burgher, lie ,N,ith Commandant Hans Erasmus, a est yet inflicted. Wihen the declaration f _,vitnesses was legally re-
I eral of both the aring,Guniners. . ellange of -letters is between him! and g�Tiso,','aeldo Vogl inherited propertY to on Heights, .
. &lleglaiLce to the Transvaal. well-known Boer'gen I D the,deputy that the person in ques- value of $200,000. Taubln's-bodY Charles Lusk, Of Washing t
wars -of 1881 amd '1900- 1 London cable Days- Bennett Bur- tion is .4COklint Boni de Castellano?" the an relatives this city, was among a Crowd Of
� " With Boers Seems. Far Away. . . --- - ally Telegr,i,ph: Bore . was cremated. His RuSsl -
k I ___ . lelgli wires the D. . I subsequently represented to the po three hundred women wbO gatherod
WArch It.—The general Britisil Capture a Boer Laager. jg anotl,or story about tile daring of
, . lice that Vogl poisoned him, '
I , Town, a ie that there our 6rullnere, wortby of the beat Brit- and they or -.t five and ten cent store
"n regarding peac London, TNJ:n,roll 16.—Lord Kitchener, hi front
� little prospect , - I also "Vogl is a ventrilo- ,it" 7 o'cloc,
I !� I of it 'being s. Though late In the FUMES OF DAMON144 . declare -that k in the morning to
!7 in. a despatch to the War office, dat jolt armS annal .1 ' imself spoke �110 words here .
ad at .1-Iretoria, on I take advaut a In advortisobar- �
.1 ,.ht to a favorable issue, and March 1.5th, re- day, it merits being chronicled. When ' quist' and "th, property to himudl ag of a
1. '�tivc obstacles encountered will pqrts, as follows: lumn under Lleut.- tile Boers caught, looted and burned . - . beq,,,tbj,ug ready dead. gain, a certain article having bee"
Aly prove Insurmountable. ,yesterday a co: about 150 as l ig convoy, I when . Taubln Was at , iflarked down to a ridiculouslY 10%
'mas stores as well as I . -_ I ,
I :�BOersk have cut the wires On Col. Park, of th0 Dcv011ehlrel Reg'- carrying Christ ous Explosion on the figurw I policeman
. , I -al, ment, operating from Lydeilberg, our- December, to Disastr
,degraph iilme connecting Nat ordinary 6toms, last ' AS carly as 6 o�clook E
. �solatjag tile Province from the prleed and captured 8, Boer laager at nuatenberg,, they did not get half of DEMIAONDE QUEEN KILLED. noticed Nvomen gathering in front of
�, in tile q',� Boer was killed, Line New York,
. I , ' xansvallitor the time 1�:rugerspost. '()no 'aken . the goods and wigolls. Some South , r — bed tile store. which is in the Principal
��'Thie, taken in connection with f- _. ounded, 32 were t Notorious Nvoluall of Genoa Rob
Iva were W Australian$ going to join Clements . ", � e city, and a,t .
.1 ,t's reported march Natal-waxd, prison ers, and .1, quantity of live stock Were ordered out from Rietfoliteill I - I . of $Io,000 Jewelry. halr-pa.st six the cru.sh ]lad materis'l1r;
. Alrded as -serious. � , aild grain wae Captured. Otte casual- when tile report arrived that the increased. At 7 O?clock, when thW
— . killed . and , four convoy—the captured part—wa,s, in D FROM THE EFFECTS, nn 17.—Claia Olivier!, n the store, tile
I ties were one TWO DIE I -monde, manager called to ope
. * . ii Arbuthnot, of "J" A, the Queen of Genoa's deml crow.d filled tile entire street. and .
�Boer Generals to Bleet, wounded. , I . danger. C&Ptal was killed last AlOnday said bar Slay-
�.,J ig to a I- �-- Battery, Was in command, and had in Ne,tN� York, March 17. -The steam-
� on, March JjO.—AceoTair � I � eir may turn up in New York, I in tile trolley cars bad trouble in getting
-ell blassing. 1111 about &.00 men, and but two guns W Tork reached her clock at tbroug�
�ob to the Times dated blaa ship Ne or tivio. ,,, Women struggled with each
. 1�rom Kanispruit it is reported . Special do- OX:, I think, "P" Battery. About eigh- , I- jo-night, after a. Passage conrDa 'of a day t 25 Other desperation, and, when tlla
London, March 17.—A e�jll or twenty MUSE out, at DufNIS 10 O�Cloc as abou
A I Ahat Generale Botba, Delarey f Standerton says the -6 ternoon, they came in which an explosion Of an amaloulm years Of, age, was notorious through- doors were *open,ed the jam became,
I tile stations oil Haek, the Dame at terrible. Many screamed and Several
: ,h 18th arenlaSS1119 at up, ,,,1,1h t a rear part of the convoy, j n Shaft caused loss Out the city for her wealth ,%lid the .
. .8 Wet will mdet on Mare, Boers .
ause the situation. ( . ad the leadersare milk wid a broke jewelry Shia were, and that notorl- children were crushed
I I agoa line, tv . .� b '111 strivill amage to the vessel. �ked down and. ' ,
the Del, ", hI, a st Airs. Lusk was kno
. ___ at 'each station I _ I the. Boer& wer 9 of ]Ito and much d ety life. -$-he was at --
-conferring daily ght an main to take. The wag- . wet her her
411 Land No More Troops. a , nd a�Eo at Platersburg. N601.ng has d As a result of the e\plosloli fift(3191] . trampled on. She was taken to a. I
tran 1pirea except that the fate Of one were lan,gered In a kind of men were overcome by the fumes Of tacked in her lodgings, and Sustain- nearby drug r�tore ,laid revived olter f
I lon, Warch 15.—The War Office, -I - -00 have Surrendered is Square formation. and a stiff fight ad no fewer than eighteen dagger considerable trouble. Server6l Young I
- -%vliic ammonia on Thursday morning last, wounds. .
, on advicea from Cape Town, tile Boers ,171 was going forward, Into -h , . WOMen also faintecil in the crush. .
. to", a embarked. Under a ju- .
ot,land any m-6re troops there 0;;� of tile subjects of the discuss' they -,it one None of these, str,ango to SILY, Nothing like It mr�is ever before soon
I are in communication ith that and io ated tbat two
I n1or gunner tile two guns w ths followed. Both were buried would have been mortal, b tr' I or" in this cl,
.. � . 'he, bubonic plague aliall Subside, Tliq leaders , u or ' der to escape n , n .Y, � I
ransports have been or&.red tol witil a vierm of a general surre d part of tile convoy had been run up dea froin , her as al ant I
. ,;n1mittee a.t Am lea. &�,veral others were confined
. 3arL the tiOoPs at East Lon- with the Boer c - a low I icopje, and with eighteen moll at 6 &Ile jnmped from ct high window, and
�am. It is state tile fall killed her. Ifte murderer
. . ,d t1lat the man� Vital for some time,
I �Iort Elizabeth and elsewhere, st or d built a low rallipart Of Stones tOA110 ShIP's ')OF 'Pital whon ROPHET IN AFRICA.-
% is calls- ufaeture of ammuniti.on.is. procceding 110 had still In the hos got away with $10,000 worth of I �
plague in. South Afric, � and placed a gun In each angle, the and one WaS . I —
le"lliess In South MrIcan Sbip- vigorously. to back. From this lit- tile ship docke jewelry. and Char -ed
��4 ,d, and will be trans-
, . p , � I Visited by an Angel -
� I , ,� , I I , ieces back iiers� and a few so]- forred to S 1100PItal in this city. Suspicion �as fallen upon the dis-
41"roles, haTe, , I I . , I , I ; lie fort the gun gain The dead are: John Kent* a steward solute scion of one of the Most re- With a Neiir bfissi.011,
I — - I I Looted tile Vllfil,90- diers had beaten'Off the Doersa who d1pil of Pneumonia
I ,tal Cabualtles of the War. Cape Colony, --%larch 15.— and again-, defying them to remove Of tile vessel, epected familiar, in 'Genoa, who dis- London, Maxch 16,—Advices reach- I
Linton, as- a Avagon or a bol. of Stores Crom the thlrtY-SIx hours after the accident, - er. Ing here from Mango U91111ft -SaX
:1. ell j5.—The War Or- Tlie Boerg passed throng]' therey odtl- appeared at the time of the Murd I
3on, Mar Vkvist, an American noa axe certain that th,ere is e(Maiderablo oxeltem,6ht Jit
,ot night miue,d the monthly re- They looted t vehir _& The enemy )lad captured and Carl Eng
.., tarday InOrnillg- lie ,,a steerage passenger whose The police Of Ge
11 1, and burned :t0f)$ bullocks, but they could not zon, a anurderer golt aw-ay on one of that part OX Africa owing to ihO 40- �
I .1: A casualties of the British force stores, Solved f0tagn 4 - afidkegs; Waig uylobtainablo layst nigght. the bound respectively for tion of the Mohanimpdam Mehdi, or,
, arry ,Qure a -vve,goil. They. nad charged [ is still two steamers
; itil, Africa, The total reduc- ,What wheat they 0001d not I e , ,, itou, a cabin steward, 4 oclatmed himself*
. n thirty. paces of the little F. Coh� New York and Buenos Ayres. , . Prophet, Who haa Pr
T the force throughout the wax Off . I ; —_ ( I I to withi it garrison had suffering fram Inflammation Of the there as the ,leader of a MW- L100-
85.0 officers and men,, as fol- I fort, and the Ems, taken to, .1 hospital- Capital And Labor. et's namO Is'Mu-
I I I I .No AviLmestY foe Dowet. fixed bayonets, 'V'Vlllle the gunners lungs. and lVas tatement made by trine. T,hediew proph *Uiddlo-agied� I
- the fired reversed (,,age and s).1rapnelinto According.to'S, 6 .,Iudzi Ugandm. He Is �
1�liq in S6lith Africa -661 Offf London, March 17.—WIl,fttCv017 po Boers who attacked. Rad Superintendent Janies.A. Wright, Of London, Afarch 17.�Mr, John Burns, wears a long beard, aild is Of imf"res-
1.3,137 Ills% result of the pea", nogatjEi6tions be- the 1) C J-110 explosion or At, P.. and'Al.r. Thomia Burt, M. P.,
Ing; and prisoners—V officers oved lip his brIgtl,de, the American, 'line, sive presence. He 'WAA the Prille"Pal
have r ' tween Gieneral Xitchener and General B)- . .
. oadwooll ill .
. the enemy would esleft-PO Of aftlmpnia occurred at half- and other labor leaders, are center- Islam teacher Of the forider 11)9433�-
en; some of the latter e� Botha. It to tolerably. Certain that Ter,y Probably a to suffer even more past six G,Olor-k on Thursday morning- rinw in regard to .tile, feasibility of !an King, ,who Wa's W
I ,
11 . h&iv been mad ' , �r on the the proposed tile em- dit Moliamme, . ll�e no* .
I . tumors of the, inclusion of Gen. tile condense federation of T. .
I �Ilddsont" Poo', Who have died tile . Ily tOrm of &=ne,sty are than th,ey did. All day,IQTI Mad bomn at of forced P Widely known isliftlaItc,- �)
. in a! . 9,, though .0" apparatuo was .loyers' and Employees, linjotia, to be prophet recently SP011i ten ,days in,
* a, 2 1. .1 Do Wet 1, a, Xitcholl- hotly assailed agalnandj�galn those refrigetatinp , 19 known ah, the N,ational V bderation of
. a0C ', WO guns had Solitude Ili: a fore
floer . not based oil f, - Ge"01 -ell with t in Some majilier, The apparilAils � ,st, an(I declares 110
tilde ran 'io ,a 'Who 118-te )a - .el 'r portiolu, of tile 111ain Master Assool&tlons , and Trade a -
ft ghteell in . n. angel ,�vbo chdrg
er�s personal views of tile Boer lea,d y were around in th'a Arta ig to promote Was visited by . .
�rl,lce as fl ,967 Mon. Alall. bat It held I the fort. Tile ellem, ,,he Starboard side. Near tile Unione, the object beir 3 proPhbt'0
total 11 � 13 , 4 dbr,14 or Dire not known in pall , ' % every. Side, and it was al. dealt 00 - the act to ad him, with a inisslom- T11(
e during r , ; consulted tile Offl- them � a co-operation Or tile two in rasp bamme-
and Men, the War Office 1,4 m.0 S.t certain jVaunding or death to refrigerating ' up new doctrine Is mainly On' go.
!ere 682 a loer . 'hor see be Wet seven stowards, Steel'- tile expansion of British trade,'alid -
— __ . olale there "'aid Mt alive, point their gunS, but they fired them, time were cabin, and fifteen to dev.1so mea:ng to meet foreign eom- da,a, tines, but Muludzf's (GIlowera, are
� killed in action, tlla.tl taken g tile faces of the Boors with ago and alloWed three now V11009 I'll p'"e or' I
I Dowevs Nepbew. I One of the oftloiala.reEponsibla, for burnin the eannoly. In !sore steerage PasSengers. WhOU the am- petition. Mri John Lockle, late Con- so Wvlously permitted. I
a I —Young Christian , of the the ila9b of nionla, fumes burst O"It into the 00111- servativo caudIdate for Devonporto thol -...----.,-,:-- I
� &I, Aft roll 15. the direction or the affairO. Straits the gunners had to dSe their I om the same dock, Who to the leadisr in the M,Ovlemebt� ' I
'W" �_,__��_____�_____�_ww�_ . �_
� —
M -
� I
I in
1119 t
asua t
et, the nephew' of tile War gen- .[ell is Tobic ,i Strong l)0';e I
� cli-my said yesterday* Doer was partment, I will I I w
' din '. IS,
carbines, but ever the ing saaMn, there was bag opened headquarters Ili London _VLapoleon Trem
.1 If tha,t name, and other jBoer of- � "," I cannot see how Lord KitchOntr and boaton back) ,%lid the as the M0,171 , lr escape. Scime were _ . Ottawa, blaroll
I vimtled tile kb1chEt&g 1c;,-daty, clan possibly accept De NV,et's surron- checked Y was saved, 04.nia'a. rulAl, V - Nioliblak' Street , drank $()nle .
nterviowswith a gol; ,V 3f r �ets blin 110 Will b8 remainder Of the oonvo, he orvercotlb )as a,ild dropped miss Jossic, L. Taylor 24 years Of ,blay, Of - -
Old I der, If he C�vel by the full .told 1"t nig)lt as the WIDd
n for Ills recent al-. t,ogetIler. With' t(W0 guns and t Others were able to ago,. died auddonly'of Ileart taihirO OUIPre
I bent moml)Pr9 of that.. body. - Obliged to try Idi V eLt to tho flolOr. r a spree. 016 w�lll recover, al-,
. . eigliteen gpliners by the tbliel. - .,I Afton avenue, To- up 0 1
.1 --- ralirder'of prisofterS. IllaVo no , , and efforts I groa�IY, ,,- , 't -
I . 36gbd ValL of Ili 1rbathno Vs 'lit tie get ohit Of the room 't )lei- 110111% I . tb6ulgh lie suffered
� 'dict of, pither a ri Ca.pta . MaAe to open Up the ronto' on Saturday qVePI,n;,. . I � I �, � � , � 1- 11
I Vretwx Promltlders� I a&bt illat t1le, Val , forc4 " . I . t oncal L L � �, 11 I I �. ''. ,.
, � 11 court would be .1 , t , 6 4. � , ( , : , , . i � " ,W�or 0 a . .. ' ' ' ., . I I � , 1.1_,�,_,_. ,____.:. , I
s,_"11,,._ ,$t, $1 . - ,_ 11 I., I... "� .1.1.1". -;.-
L . A ,,�rolj lrj,—M, enrl wilitatr or a civ .. .. . I 11 ., 1. .�:,., � �.111-11 I.,., " : _1�14`�_kil�. ��!��,��r- -,,.,,,,.-�l.-.,�..,..,."","�,,,���,.',i',, - ,
.1 . I I 11.11".." 1.111111--1 1-1, 1, .... 11 t 1, I I .�_ " , . � - I., L' I I � - - --...- � .... 7r!,"!?�" _ ... ...1. I I I - . - I 11 . -.—I
I 11 a