HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-03-22, Page 51 S le es t 1. is Ig • GENERAL NEWS Ex -President Harrison is said to have left $300,000. Sir Edwin Arnold must give up literary work owing to blindness. J. H. Ansley, 'foinorly cotnty crown attorney, is dead at .Simcoe. Ralph G. Bateman22, killed his sweetheart, Ella F. White, 20, at Norwood, Mass, and then took his own life. There were more casualties in the United States navy in the .re- cent trouble in China than during the entire Spanish-American war, George M. Foster, cashier, and J. W. Dickinson, a shareholder, have • been indicted on fiftoem. counts, for Swindling the South Danvers Bank out of $49,000. Herbert McLanigan was arrested at Golden, B. C., Wednesday, charged with complicity in the dy- namiting of some Chinese mine laborers at Athelwer, B. C. Daniel J. Tolland. 38 years old ,a cigar maker, committed suicide at Meadville, Pa., by shooting. His home was originally in Toronto, where his father, James Tolland, now lives, Nearly five hundred Ontario set- tlers have arrived at Winnipeg. St. Catharines ratepayers havo carried the bonus to the McKinnon Sash & Metal Works. 'The Filipino trading operations in the •Viseavan Islands have been broken up by the Americans. The town of Cloverport, Ky.., was partially burned yesteday, over 1,000 people being rendered honre- 1ass. The French Government is about to rearrange the terns of service in the army, so as to reduce tho per- iod in certain eases. Finklestein's general store and a boarding house at Dauphin, Man., were destroyed by fire. Mr. Fink- lestein's loss is $15,000. The Northern Pacific notifies the Manitoba Government that it must be prepared to take over the com- pany's lines before April 1. Three burglars resisted a, posse of .400 men for some time Friday in a .Clump of trees near Farmington, ZURICH P. O. Is open daily except Sundays from 8 a. m., until 9 p. m., The mails are distributed as follows ; MAIL FOR HENSALL, close at 6 :55 a,rn... {, it • ii " 2:55p.n: " ST.JOSEPH, 1 ° 11 :10 " L. H. &B., " 6 :55 a.m. " L, H. & B., " ° 2 :55 a.ni. FROM HENSALL, arr. 11:00 a.m. " 7 :30 pan. 1 t ST.JOSEPH, " 10:45 a.m. " L. H. & B., " 11:00 a.m.. " L. H. & B., " 7 :30 a.m. LETTERS FOR REGISTRATION, •enlist be posted half an hour previous to the tklne for closing the mails. D.S.FAUST, Postmaster. ,t 4. i, ,t •NOTICE All persons who are indebted to the late firm of Appel & Zeller, are hereby requested to call and settle their accounts as early as possible. 19tf E. APPEL. Zurich THOROUGH BRED BERKSHIRE Boar for service, on Lot 16, Con. 15, Hay, [1,14 miles !south of Zur- ich road.) Terms $1.00, payable at the tine of service, with the privilege of returning, if neces- sary. Wer. Bal&vii;n, 271:f Zurich P. O. FARM FOR SALE. Sj Lot 1.4 L. R. E. Stanley •60;/ acres, is offered for sale by the un- dersigned. The farming lance along this line is good and splendid gravel roads. Convenient to school, post office, &c. Apply to E, ZELLER, Zuricll. FARM FOR SALE -200 acres of choice land, consisting of Lot 3, Con. 11, Hay, three Lot 19, South Boundary, Hay. Good bank barns, 44 x 82 and 40 x 00, and frame dwellings on each lot. Plenty of goscl spring water. On one farm. there is an overflowing well. On good gravel road, and convoni'nt to school, post pfii.ce and churches, r, miles to Etieter station. Will give purchaser easy terms of pay- ment. Wind power, equipped for pumping, chopping, straw cutting, etc. All buildings) in good state of repair, with good large driving shed and other outbuildings. On lot 3 there is 12 acres of good bush, and on each farm ono acre of orchard. For terms. apply to Prisms, HART- ;if/1N, Sarepta P. O, 32—G11i FARM FOR SALE. 19:9 stere farm, lot 21`and S% 22, Con. 14, Hay, 21X miles west of Zurich, containing 149 acres, ail cleared, good land and well fenced. 'There ars) Wells on the farm, 2 of which arci overflowing ; orchard, SW acres of apples, pears eto; Brick house, 20x32 ; Frame kitchen attached, 20X22 ; good cellar, in 3 -parts ; wood -shed and wash -house, 20X22, with cistern and fireplace ; Stone basement barn, 52x100, with stabling for 12 horses and 45 lreacl of cattle; Pig -pen, Driving shed, Implement house, Open shed 1.2x100 and other brtildings, For 'terms-, apply to the owner, HEMS'S' L'+ Torun, :, 5.tf Zurich P, 0. Mich. They surrendered when wounded, afterabout a thousand shots had been :firoct. The C. P, R. has Made an artang- event with the White pass & 'Yu- kon Railway by whiolr the trip from Montreal to Dawson can be made in ten and one-half days dux - the coming srrrnlnor, The deficit in Britain threatens bo reach 54,000,000, "William Payne of Peterboro' committed suicide by shooting. It is reported that Mr. Andrew Carnegie offered Winnipeg :100,000 for a public library on the same conditions as the Ottawa grant. The manufacturers in the Haut - ter district of Catalonia havo asked for Government assistance, owing to the attitude of the workmen. It is reported that the British Government is iMportinu enormous quantities of food into South Africa to suApiy the Boors after their sur- render. Mr. T. R. Slaght of Simcoe has been appointed County Crown Attorney of Norfolk, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the lute J. H. Ansley. George Sprott, a prisoner in St. Catharines jail, attacked Turnkey Clench with a piece of iron broken of his bed. Clench was severely injured before Spratt was overpow- ered. The Pennsylvania, Railway has attained full control of theBalti- more & Ohio Railway. John Henderson, a negro, was burned to death in the court house square at Corsicana, Texas. One Minclrec1 years ago one sixth of the people of the United States I am a wall reran to -day, thanks to t were slaves. Today there is per- Dr. Chase." One pill a dose, 25 t cents a box. TRE ZURICH HERALD feet freedom in every corner of Uncle Sam's possessions, With the probable exception of Sulu, Several distinguished Peers, among them Lord Wolseley, have been appointed specialAmbas- sadors to announce to the 'Courts of Europe the demise •of Queen Vic- toria and the accession of King Edward VII. Ontario Conservative Association held a convention in Toronto, on Wednesday. Groat Britain clogs not. seem to be bothered by ..Senator Morgan's threats. As Matter of fact if the Senator wants to go to war he will have to do all the lighting himself, (creat Britain's yearly gain in population at present is only 12.3 per 1,000 - compared with 14.4 twenty years ago. It is supposed to be due to a failing off in the birth tate.. Might not the fact that Canada and the other colonies are holding out brighter inducements for emigration from the mother country also have something to do with the decreased yearly gain. • LIFE ON THE RAIL Mr George Cummings, Barrie, 'Ont., one of the best •known engi- neers 'on the G. T. R., writes :-- "For years I suffered from kidney disease brought on by railroad life. Tho doctors called it " ° railroad kid- ney, but could give me no perman- ent relief. A friend reeommended Dr: Chase's Kidney -Liver -Pills say- ing they hacl cured him. A few boxes of this grand medicine com- pletely cured me, putting an end to the dreadful pains in the back and greatly strengthening the kidneys. GENERAL NEWS. D audits County Liberals have nominated Mr. • W. G. Smith of Matilda to oppose Mr. Whitney for the Legislative. The 0. P. R. will spend a large sum of money in improvements on its Ontario linos this summer. A fire at Bale St. Paul, Que., de- stroyed a sawmill and burned an eight-year-old son of Mr, P. Gag- non to death. John Gardner of Listov're1 was given a verdict for $1 costs against A. F. McMahon of London, Ont., for slander, at the Stratford. As- sizes. Mr. Carnegie has given $5,000,000 to be added to the benefit funds already existing in the interest of the employees of the Carnegie Company. The army .service corps which the Minister of Militia has decided to establish will consist of four companies, located respectively at London, Toronto,. Ottawa and Mon- treal. In one hundred years, while the population of the world has doubl- ed, the population of the United States has increased fourteen -fold, and the wealth has increased fifty- fold. Signor Marconi has • stated that his purpose in visiting the United Status is to establish wireless tel- egraph stations along the coast, so that . vessels may communicate with the shore. Canada's trade last year was 381,517,236. The returns for the current year are much better, and hero is every reason to believe hat in 1900-01 we shall touch the 400, 000, 000 nark. The Liberals of West Durham will meet at Bowmanville on March 93 to select a candidate for the Legislature and to hear an address from Hon. J. R. Stratton. TGOT TO GO IO66&&0011 s r OF H RS ES, COWS, BUGGIES CUTTERS, HARK ESS, ETC. Mr. E. Bossenberry has received instructions to sell by Public Auction, in the Village of Zurich, 011 Manitoulin Railway. A St. Magloire, (rte., farmer stat- ed that during the recent storm up- wards of a hundred deer, whose escape was made almost impossible by the depth of the snow, were shot and stabbed in the south parishes. SATURDAY, NIARCti 309 1901 A railway project that has many Ontario Go claims upon the livernmentberality isthat of the !bringing Great Manitoulin Island into communication with the main- land, both to the north and the south of it. To give a general idea of the direction of the proposed line it is necessary to refer to the nap. Little Current, on the North side of the island, is the paint from which a description of the system should most naturally begin. The meridian of that town crosses the island at its broadest part. This is near its eastern ex- tremity, which thrusts itself into the mouth of Georgian bay, closing it save for two channels—a:narrow one separating the island from the north shore, and a considerably wirier one separating the island from Bruce peninsula. Now the proposed line is to run north-east from Little Current, across the channel, across the Sault branch of the C. P. R., across the main line of the C. P. R., and across the known mineral belt of Eastern Al- goma. Its intersection with the two C. P. R. lilies makes a railwt,y triangle, at the eastern apex or which stands Sudbury. A brt.n 1i of the Manitoulin and North Shore raiway is to be thrown out to this nickel town, So much for the northern part of the line. The southern is to run from Little Cur- rent across the island, across the channel to the point of Brace pen- insula and through the pc•rts along the western. and southern shores of Georian bay. To span the north channel, bridges will be built from islet to islet. To span the broader southern channel a ferry will be operated. Such a line, completed, ought to unlock great resourees in the north. At 1 o'clock sharp, the following property : 3 Working Horses 1 single set of Rubber ;tiIonnted 1handsome Mikado, nearly ,,.�.,.1 Harness,• nearly •;.. s 1n east 3 set Single Harness 3 Buggies 1 Double set of Light Harness, Delivery Wagon. .• 2 good Goat Robes 2 Clutters, good as new 2 Trail Robes 1 Driver, rising 5 years . Bicycle 1 Old Cutter • • Bells, and other articles iN© Reserve as the " BOYS" are leaving town. Terms—All sums of y5 and under, cash ; over that amount, 8 months' credit on furnishing approved joint notes; -1• per cent. discount for cash on credit amounts. E. BOSSENBERRY, Anet. HAG.AN & MERNER, Props. VIVC V1 l erald Prints—and pints Satisfa ct ®n Guaranteed :WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL 0I01'0RY; NEW EDITION JUST ISSUED NEW PLATES THR .oUGHOU7^ Now Added 25,OGO NEW WORDS; Phrases, Etc. Rich Bindings et 2364 Pages' :! 5000 Illustrations Prepared supervision yrrPh.D., oted States CommisionerofEduction,assstdblalarge f om eetentspecialists. BETTER THAN 'EVER '-FORo'GENERAL USE Also Webster's Collegiate Dictionary with Scottish Glossary, etc. "First class in quality, second class in size." `$pecimeu page;,eft '•o(D lh Dbbhi sent bi; applemrian -, . •. & C• MVil<RRIANk.CO,'P,glilisbers', Springfietd,'Masst, U. S;Ar, QC uK erv US 9 e I mom", Thousands of young and middle-aged men are annually swept to a _premature raveDISEASE'S.'Elf you have aRLY ny of the following symptoms n`sultNus b orre itis too late. Are you uervons and weak, ,despondent and gloomy, specks before the eyes with dark circles under them, wealrback, kidneys irritable, palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams and losses, sediment hi {gine, pimples on the face, sunken eyes, hollow Cheelrs, careworn expression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack energy and strength, tired mornings, restless nights, changeable snoods, weak man• hood stunted organs,premature decay,bone pains, hair loose, sore throat, etc.? � Cur Now Method treatment wll cure you. E Nothing can be more deotoraliting to youE 14 OD ng and middle-aged men than emissions at night or secret drains through the urine. They unfit a man for business, mar- ried life or social happiness. No matter whether caused by evil habits in youth, natural weakness, or sexual excesses, our New Method '1'racsts:ment will posi- tively cure you. CURBS GWARANTIBD. • NO CURB, NO PAY. �"No Names Used Without Written Consent. , W. A. Muir, of Lima, 0„ says:—"I was one of Z, y e the countless victims of early vice at 15 years of �a J; .• age. The drains on ntysystem were weakenin y2 y; my brain as well as m sexual and nervous sys p h ;' i.• tem. For tett years I tried scores of doctors electric belts and patentrneclrcfues. Sosuelselpe� me, none cured. I was giving up in despair, in a es' fact, contemplating suicide When a friend ad- viis`d ase as a last resort to give the 'Ne wr Me thocl Treatment of Drs. K. Sc K, a fair < trial. Without confiieuce I consented and in three mouths r was a cured man. r wasp cured heartilyears , umenddsDs.I married to happy. y iii cted BeforeTreattnent fellow men•." After Treatment ACif' We treat and cure Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal Wealcuess, Sleet, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, Kidney and Bladder Diseases, and all diseases of Men and Women. 10,3 N0 NAMES 'USED WtTROUT WRITTEN CONSENT!. PRIVATE. No medicine sent C. 0. D. No names on boxes or envelopes, Everything confidential. Question list and cost of treatment, FREE. Drs.Kennedy 86 KGl an 94D HEM STREET, DETROIT, MICIL pK at K K.& f6. & I K & P(...1 ?.. P k & K A the 'le$tern 'veal Estate JErchange. 781 lwtbds Street ,onbon, *. Ont. F€1rni, City, Village, Suburbrn, and Garden Property, Sold, Bought and Exchanged. Money Loaned on First and Second Mortgages, Real Estate, Notes and Other Securities. Farms, Houses and Business Prop- erty Rented and Rents Collected upon Reasonable Terms, Money Invested for Private Illcli- viC1t1iL1S on First Mortgage on Real Estate'. TELEPHONE 696. ZELLER "..®: 11 is E N T METHODS OF SUICIDE. Iirriv nesperate parsons Adopt Pref wn.►Yg Styles of Destrnetion. "'r��e remarltable niethocis several sus. rides have adopted in this city recently call attention to the fact that methods of self destruction are largely matters of suggestion," said a doctor. "When a man gets in that condition where he wants to die, he has little inventive ability and adopts the method that has been brought to his mind, You will no- tice that after oue person kills himself lvith acid there follows a long list of sold suicides. It is the same with any unusual method. One person gets up an original way, and that inspires the nest one to try his band until we have ga ibeswh.ole series of such grewsome nov `I have proved this theory. Several years ago I was d1 issing this feature of suicide with several friends, includ• bale the coroner. They ridiculed my .,:leory. I offered to prove it. It hap pened that shooting and hanging were popular just then. I wrote an articles for a newspaper on the horrors of strangulation and pistol wounds and explained the ease with wbich one could kill himself with prussic acid, Death from prussic acid, you know, Is absolutely instantaneous and, many be- lieve, painless. There had not been a a''utcide with this acid for more than e year, but within a week after the arta• cle was published there were four, and one of the unfortunates had clippings of my article in his pocket. "Of course I was accused of killing these four by suggestion, but I was never arrested and do not feel guilty, for when once a person has decided to kill himself the method is a slight mat- ter. No person in his right mind will commit suicide. We all know in our sane moments of easy ways to end life, but when in the suicidal frame of mind nature seems to rob us of our reason In this direction, as if in a desperate hope of preventing the sacrifice!. HOUSES ON t"MADE" GROUND The Reason They Teem With Mala- ria and Noxious Gases. Good gravel has so largely come into request that many suburban lands with that valuable substratum are quarried to a considerable depth be- fore being sold on building leases. But it is essential to restore a level surface, as even the most speculative builder would besltate to run up "neat villa residences" in deep holes. The owner frequently gets over this difficulty by allowing urban refuse to be shot int( the excavation; in many cases he evee exacts a small sum for every load Hetet on his ground. The surface being thud leveled, a year or two are allowed for the soil to sink and become compact Occasionally grass Is sown to give A natural appearance to the spot. A11 is now in readiness for the build er, who proceeds to lay the foundation for his "terraces," "avenues" and "gar- dens," which he subsequently adver•• tises as "on gravel soil." So they are but between tbeir ground floors and the gravel Iles a thick stratum of partially decomposed rubbish, teaming with malaria, and not for many years will the deposits cease to give off noxious gases. But the tenant, coming from a dif' ferent locality, knows nothing of the "making" process to which the plot has been subjected. When, therefore, ill health dogs his family, be puts ii down to defective drainage or some other structural deficiency and spends money freely on remedial meesuree without the least benefit. All this misery might be prevented if it were legally prohibited to build buman balk Cations on decomposed refuse until the soil had acquired a wholesome chapacter.—Loudon Globe. 3IORGAN'S RAIU THE FAMOUS ROUGH Rlpiij PAIGN OF THE CIVIL W, I4 Carried Pante and Cgtafes Ohio and Indiana, but Rea No Benefit Whatever to the' erste Canoe._ • " "Cavalry riding," said the int exciting, but very exhausting Long distance raids ` in an country can be made only wile are a good many horses. John could never have made hi through Indiana, and Oblo In the counties raided bad not 'be supplied with the best horses west. When be started from tl berland river, in east Tennesse gan believed that be would, everything before him n0.1 properly supported, be would i Cincinnati. "Morgan, with a well organic gade of cavalry 4,000 strong, northward from the Cumberlaz through Rehtucky'to'the Ohio t Brandenberg, 40 miles below ville. There be captured two boats, crossed the river, swept southern Indiana, galloped arou cinnati, not more than ten mile the city, and then moved expecting to cross the Ohio r Buffington, but was driven bac:+ another attempt at Wellsville. finally captured at New Lisbon. "This was the most remarka of the war. It carried panic fusion into Ohio and Indiana, results it was of no benefit 'w to the Confederate cause. Mor lieved that there would be an in the Confederate interest 1 tacky. There was, not. He that the peace Democrats 1 + would give him at least secret s but when his men stole the ho the peace Democrats the latter the ranks of Morgan's pursue before the raid was half ov whole state was aroused. an who had taken no interest in previous to that time shoulder' squirrel rifles to fight the reside were stealing their horses and ing the horrors of war to thel doors. "There was hard riding all th for Morgan's men. They left them a wreckage - of broken horses. They kept ahead of th ion pursuers simply because the horses right andleft and rem, the men, but they were finally ed, and that fall Ohio gave th party the largest majority :ill tory of the state up to that Um fact, the Morgan raid; by carryl war into the peaceful districts diana, and Ohio, provoked a f feeling of resentment, which enced people for 20 years. "The comedy of the raid wa nished by the 'people of the dis wholly unused to war, wholly pared for it and with a*egge ideas of the ferocity of Morgan's For two weeks it was only nee for some mischievous boy to 'Morgan is coming!' in any vile; central or southern Ohio to er panic. I know that many of the after Morgan got no rest night o, slept in the saddle, and not a.f' them fell off their horses in slee, the end of the raid'they were hausted as Morgan's men, but a. more difficult task to perform never received half the praise to the raiders, "I remember," continued the "one case in which a woman s her carriage horses in the pari,' two days to keep them out of gan's hands. „I saw Morgan's me by that house and saw some of stop to listen at the :unusual sou rses' feet on a carpeted Hoof, b rior horses were not disturbed. our neighbors drove their h ttle and sheep 30 miles into ti rior and were away. from to ek. Morgan's men looted righ t, and some of them had bo Ileo strapped to their saddles ey were captured. 'Morgan, it must be remelt] de his whole raid with artiller wagon train, but be was not In fight, and he demonstrated at ease with which a peaceful di y be invaded by a mobile e d at the same time the peril 1 in such a venture. In a few 000 militiamen were in ttie ainst bim, At first he played se green soldiers, but at last og on his flanks, eager for fl !dogs. In the last days Hol n, who had followed Mov'ga dreds of miles threugh three s sed in on their old enemies efulness that exceeded anythi kind I ever saw in the army ah's men, closing In on the e, settled the fate of the raider Morgan's men knew by the m ing and the firing when they ed by trained soldiers, and th ho now They Treated Washington, pa I As an example of trete progress of medicine during the last century The Medical Record cites the ease of Wash- iugton's. last illness. He dled of laryn- geal diphtheria, and the treatment was, it would seem, for au old man sick with a disease, very exhausting to the vitality. It consisted in the abstrac- tion of between two and three quarts of blood, the administration of about 20 graips of calomel and 0 grains of tartar emetic and an injection,. with ex- ternal application of blister. And yet so strong was Washington's constitu- tion that he survived this treatment for 24 hours. of ca to we let ca th ma a to the Ma an ed 50, One Corning. ag ',amid you tell me the meaning of ' the the word 'cataclysm?' " he asked of tbs street car passenger who was folding bul up his newspaper. I me "Are you going to ride two or three 11" blocks farther?" was queried In reply,. clo "Yes, sir." ! gee "Then you'll see one. The conductor the bats carried that sharp Jud nosed woman , two streets past where silo wanted 1 Sid to get off already, and she'll wake up 1 " soon and start a cataclysm that'll prob- I ver ably jump the car oil; the track!" Inc Called to nn Elasier F'iel3, WP wonder 1f any men with white skins are called to the ministry after the fat,bion 'described by Booker T. Washington in his autobiography. He says: "A colored man In Alabama, one bot day in July, while he was at 'Work in a cotton field, suddenly stopped and looking toward the series said, "0 lava, de eottnn am so grassy, de work am se herd, and de sun atm not so bot dot I h'iiere dis dusky am called to preach!'" ;Reversed. Blackburn Judge Snyder made a rule some time isgo that all women wou Should remove their hats in his court, She but I se:+ that the order is not enforced Wbi*ehead—No. The women folks ap. pealed to the judge's rate, and She ren, dered a dissenting op1.nion.-.1)of1,y, 24 WA charge of the Union cavalry had the Impetus of delayed vengeance. Unionists who rode in•that charg: old scores to settle, and Morgan's veterans were overwhelmed, . Morgan had escaped from the pe Bary at Columbus and had reor'ga his command and was again re Reatucky hundreds o? Union sol on their way home for dlseharg: their trains and jQiiiIi' In the p simply to get a cracir at the old r and Morgan knew when their spoke that he was up against the thing." „O • Just Like a Man. h, no; she's bot at all 'tvbat Id call a really fetniuine Ivo p affects masculine ways." "13'ew PI "Well, "Well, for instance, yeiiterday her give a street oar conductors when she had live peinrleb burster"