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A Proposed Treaty.
Talmage Makes a Vigorous Plea For a Wanner
Friendship Between the Church and Press.
llIFiefeleiel•sIe144•14•Iefeloleleielelee•leieled deleHelehieleiehiehieie•feleleielehdehdel•dri- •
A. Waehington report : In this dis-
course Dr. Talmage calls for a warm
friendship between those who preach
the gospel and those who make news-
papers, the spoken word and the print-
ed word to go side by side, Text, Luke
xti, 2: "The children of this world are
In their generation wiser than the chil-
dren of light."
Sacred stupidity and solemn in -
Competence and sanctified laziness
are here rebuked by Christ. He says
worldlings are wider awake for op-
portunities than are Christians. Men
of the World grab occasions, while
Ghristian people let the most valu-
able occasions drift by unimproved.
That is the meaning of our Lord
When he says, "The children of this
world are in their generation wiser
tlaan the children of light."
:A. =eked illustration of the truth
of that maxim is in tlie slowness of
the Christian religion to take Pos-
session of the secular printing press.
The opportunity is open and has been:
for some time open, but the ecclesiasti-
cal courts, and the chinches, And the
ministers of religion are for the most
part allowing the golden opportunity
to pass unimproved. That the oppor-
tunity ie open I declare from the fact
that all the secular newspapers are
glad of any religious facts or statistics
that you present them: Any animated
and stirring article relating to religious
themes they would gladly print. They
thank you for any information in re-
gard to churches. If a wrong has been
done to any Christian church or Chris-
tian institution you could go into any
newspaper dffice Of the land and have
the real truth stated. Dedication ser-
vices, ministerial ordinations and pas-
toral installations, cornerstone laying
of a church, anniversary of a, charitable
society, will have reasonable space in
any secular journal if it have previous
notice given. If I had some great in-
austice done me, there is not an editor-
ial or reportorial room in the United
States into which I could not go and
get myself set right, and that is true
of eines well-known Christian man.
Why, then, does not our glorious
Christianity embrace these magnificent
opportunities? I have before me a sub-
ject of first and last importance: How
shall we secure the secular press as a
mighty reinforcement to religion and
the pulpit?
The first thing toward this result
Is cessation of indiscriminate hostile-
' ty against newspa.perdem. You
meght as well denounce the legal
profession because at the shysters,
or the medical profession because of
The quacks, or merchandise because
ler the swindling bargain makers as
to slambang- newspapers because
there are recreant editors and un-
fair eeporters and unclean columns.
Gutenberg, the inventor of the art
of printing, was about to destroy
his types .and extinguish the art be-
cause it wa,s suggested to him that
orbiting might be suborned intd
the 'service of the devil, but after-
ward he betlieught himself that the
right use of the art might more
than overcome the evil use of it,
and so he spared the type and the in-
telligence of all following ages. But
there are anany to -day M the depress-
ed mood of Gutenberg, with uplifted
hammer, wanting to pound to pieces
the type, who have not reached his
better *mood, in which he saw the art
of Minting to be the rising suit of
the world's illumination.
It, instead of fighting newspapers,
we spend the same length of time
and the same vehemencein marshal-
ing their help in religious directions
we would be as much wiser as the
Man wbo gets consent of the rail-
road superintendent to fasten a car
'to the end of a rail train, shows bet-
ter sense thein he who runs his
„wheelbarrow up the track to meet
'and drive back the Chicago limited
express. The silliest thing that a
man ever does is to fight a news -
:paper, ter you may have the floor
for utterance perhaps for one day
in the week, while the newspaper has
the floor every day in the week.
I know what I am talking about,
or I can draw on my own experi-
ence: All the respectable newspapers,
as ter as I know, are any friends
now. But many of you remember
the time Veen I was the most con-
tinuously and meanly attacked man
in this country. God gave me grace
not to answer back, and I kept si-
lence for ten years, and much grace
was required. What 1 said was per-
verted and twisted Mao just the op-
posite of what I did say. There
Were millions of people who believed
that there was a large sofa in, tny
pulpit, although we never had any-
• thing but a chair, and that during
the singing by the congregation I
was accustomed to lie down on that
eofa and dangle my feet over the
end. Lying New York correspondents
for ten ekears misrepresented our,
church services; but we waited arid'
people from every enighbothood of
Chrestendom came there to find the
frnagnittide of the falsehoods con-
cerning the church and concerning*
myself. A reaction set in, and soon
we had justice, full justice, more
than justice, an.d a ertuch over-
praise as once vie had under-aamre-
elation, and no in= that ever lived
was so much indebted to the news-
paper press for opportunity to preach
the gospel as I am. Young men in
•the ministry, yoting men in all pro-
fessiens and occupations, wait. You
ova afford to evaits Take rough mis-
representation as a Turkish towel
to start up your languid circulation,
or a system of massage or Swedish
:movement, whose pokes and ,pulls
and twists and thrusts are salutary
'treatment. There is only One person
lyou meecl, to manage, ana that is
yourself. Keep your dispositions
lEsweet by eommunion with Christ,
ewho answered not again, get Society
of genial people end.wallt. out In the
'sunshine with your .hat off, and you
come out all right. And don't
;50in dhe crowd of people in our day
;wbo epeed much of their time in
kiantn,ing newspepers.
again, if you would secure the semi
tat press as a atightlet reinferce-
merit of religion esid thulpit, ex-
tend widest end highest Christian
courtesies to the representatives *of
journalism. Give them easy chairs and
plenty of room when they come to re-
port occasions. For the most part they
are gentlemen of education and refine-
ment, graduates of colleges, with fami-
lies to support by their literary craft,
many of them weary with the push of
business that is precarious and fluetts-
ating each one of them the avenue
of beformation to thousands of readers,
their impression of the services to be
the impression adopted by multi-
tudes. They are connecting links be-
tween a sermon, or a song, or a
prayer, ,snd this great • population
that tramps up Ei,nd down the streets
day by day and year by year with
their sorrows uncomforted and their
sins unpardoned. Oh, the hundred's
of 'thousands of people in our cities
who never attend churches! Our
cities are not so much preached to
by ministers of religion as by re-
porters. Put all journalists into
our prayers and sermons. Of all the
hundred thousand sermons preached
to -day there , will not be three
preached to journalists, and probably
not one. Of all the prayers offered
for classes of men innumerable the
prayers offered for the most potential
class will be so few and rare that
they will be thought a preacher's
idiosyncrasy. There are Many jour-
nalists in our church memberships,
but this world will never be brought
to God until some • revival of religion
sweeps' over the land and takes into
the -kingdom cif God all editors,' report-
ers, compositors, pressmen a,nd news-
boys. And if you have not faith enough
to pray for that and toll for that you
had better get out of our ranks and
join the other side, for you are the un-
believers who make the wheels of the
Lord's chariot drag heavily. The great
fatal battle between truth and error,
the Armageddon, I think, will not be
fought with swords and shells and
guns, but with pens -quill pens, steel
pens, gold pens, fountain pens, and be-
fore that the pens must be converted.
The most divinely honored weapon of
the past has been the pen, and the Most
divinely honored weapon of the future
will be the pen -prophet's pen and
evangelist's pen and apostle's pen, fol-
lowed by editor's pen and author's pen
and reporter's pen. God save the pen!
The wings of the Apocalyptic angel
will be the printed page. The printing
press will roll ahead of Christ's chariot
to clear the' way.
"But," eomeone might ask, "would
you make Sunday .newspapers also a
reinforcement?" I have learned to
take things as they are. I would like
to see the much scoffed at old Puritan
Sabbaths come back again. I do not
think the modern Sunday will turn out
any better men axed women than were
yoar grandfathers and grandmothers
under the old-fashioned Sunday. To
say nothing of ether. results. Sunday
newspapers are killing editors, report-
ers, compositors and pressmen. Every
man, woman and child is entitled to 24
hours of nothing to do. If the news-
papers put on another set of hands,
that does not relieve .the editorial and
reportorial room of its cares and re-
aponsibilities. Our literary men die
fast enough without killing* them with
Sunday work.
All things are possible with God, and
my faith is up until nothing in the
way of religious victory would surprise
Me. Ali the newspaper printing press-
es of the earth are .going to be the
Lord's, and telegraph and telephone and
type will yet anneunce nations born in
a day. The -that book everprinted was
the Bible, by Faust and his son -la -law,
Schoeffer, in 1460, and that consecration
of type to the Hely Scriptures was a
prophecy of the great mission of print-
ing for the evangelisation of all the
nations. The father of the American
printing press was a clergyman, Bev.
Jesse Glover, and that was a prophecy
of the religious use that the gospel
ministry in this country was to Make
of the types.
Now, as you all have something to
do with the newspaper press, either
in issuing a paper or in reading it,
either as producers or patrons, either
as sellers or purchasers of the print-
ed sheet, I propose on this Lord's day
a treaty to be signed between the
church and the printing press, a treaty
to be ratified by millions of good people
if we rightly fashiote it, a treaty prom-
ising that we will help each other in
our work of trying to illumine and
felicitate the world, We by voice, you
by pen, we by speaking only that which
is worth printing, you by printing only
that which is fit te speak. You help us,
and we will help you. Side by side be
these two potent agencies until • the
judgment day, when we must both be
scrutinised for our work, healthful or
blasting. The two worst oft men on
that day will be tbe minister of relig-
ion aad the editor if they wasted their
opportunity. Both of us are the en-
gineers of long express trains ea tuft-
' ence, and we will run them into a depot
of Haat or tumble them off the embank-
What a useful 1lfe and what a, glori-
ous departure was that of the most
;famous of all American printers; Ben-
jamin Franklin, whom infidels en the
penury of their resources have often
fraudulently elaimed as their own, but
the printer who moved. that the Phila-
delphia convention be opened, vote
prayer, the resolution lost because the
majority thought prayer unneceesary,
and who wrote .at the time he was vie-
iously attacked: "My rule is to go
straight forward in doing what ap-
pears to be right, leaving the conse-
cmences to Providence," and who wrote
this quaint epitaph showing ale hope
in resurrection, an epitaph that t have
eundresis of belies read while living in
Philadelphia: '
"The'obody of Benjamin Franklisit
printer (like .the cover of an old" boOlos
its contents torn out cold stripped elf
it lettering a.nd gilding), lies here, focal
for worme. Yet the work itself shall
not be lost, for It will '(as he believed)
appear 'once more In a new and. 'more
beautiful edition, corrected and anielid-
ed. by the Atithor."
That Providence ihtericle the pro-
fession of reporters. to Mem 'a mighty
share in the worlds redernetion is
suggested by the that that Paul and
Christ teak it reporter along. with
them, • and be reported their ad-
dresses and their acts. 1:suke was A
reporter, and ae wrote not only the
book of Luke, but the Acts of the
Apostles, and without that report-
er's work we would have known noth-
ing of the Pentecost and nothing
of Stephen's martyrdom, and noth-
ing of Tabitha's resurreotion, and
nothing of the jailing and nnjailing'
of Paul and Silas, and nothing of the
shipwreck at Melita. Striae out
the reporter's work from the Bible
and you kill a large part of the Nevi
Testament. It makes me think that
In the future a the kingdom of God
the reporters are to bear a rrxipaity
And the men of that profession are
going to come in a body throughout
the country. I know hundreds of
them, and a more genialor highly
educated class of men it would be
hard to find, and though the ten,
deney of their profession mita be to-
ward skepticism, an organised, com-
mon sense gospel invitation would
fetcli them to the front of the Chris-
tian endeavor. , •*
Men ot the pencil and pen in all de-
partments, you need the help of the
Christian religion. I.e.• the day when
People want to get their newspaaters.
at twocents and are 'hoping for the
time when thtey can get any of etbem
at one cent, and as a consequence the
attaches of the printing press are be"
the thousand ground under the cylin-
ders you want God to take care of
You and your 'families. Some of your
best work is as much unappreciated
as was Milton's Paradise Lost, for
which the author received $25, and. the
immortal poem Hohenlinden or Thoma
as Campbell, when he first offered it
for publication and in the column
called "notices to corresponeents" ap-
peared the words: "To T. C. -The
lines commencing, 'On Linden when
the sun was low,' are not up to our
standard. Poetry is not T. C.'s forte."
0 men of the pencil and .pen, amid
your unappreciated -work you need
encouragement, and you can have it.
Printers of all Christendom, editors,
reporters, compositors, pressmen,
publishers and readers of that which
is printed, resolve that you will not
write, set tip, :edit, issue or read
anything that debases aiody; mind or
.soul. In the name of God, by the
laying*, on of the hands of faith and
prayer, ordain the printing press for
righteousness and liberty and salva-
tion. All of us with some influence
that will help in the .right direction,
let us put our hands to the 'work,
imploring God to hasten the, con-
summation. In. a ship weal hun-
dreds of passengers approachiag the
South American coast the man on
the lookout neglected his work, and
In n few minuted the ship would have
beefy dashed to ruin on the rocks.
But a cricket on board the vessel,
that had made no sound all the voy-
age, set up a shrill call at ,the
smell of land, and, alie captain know-
ing that ba.bit of the insect, the ves-
sel was stopped in time to avoid' an
awful wreck. And so insignificant
means now may do ;venders, and the
scratch 0 8 pen may save the ship-
wreck of a. soul.
Are you ready for the signing • of
the contract, the league, the solemn
treaty proposed between journalism
and evangelism? Let it be a Chris-
tian m.arrlage of the pulpit and the
printing press. The ordination of
the former on my head, the pen of
the latter in my hand, it is appro-
priate that I publish the banns of
such a ;marriage. Let them ft.= this
day be one in the magnificent work
of the world's redemption.
We Have Spent Twenty Millions, for
• Them Up to Date.,
The, report of the Cm:man-loner of
Public Works, Hon. F. R. Latchford,
has beenprinted, and will belaid be-
fore the tegislature on Monday.
The statement shows that 'in all
$21,428,780.80 has been expended on
public works in 83 years. During the
Sandfield Macdonald regime, from
1867 to 1871,, the expenditure was
$1,380,060.66 For the 28 years or
Liberal rule from December 31, 1871,
to December 81, 1899, the expendi-
ture was $19,580,268.24, and last
year it was $468,451.45.
The details of expenditure for the
full period named show that on col-
onization roads, $3,289,086.71 has
been eapeaded since Confederation, of
Nvhich $188,926.10 was last year's
Tho expenditure for railway aid in
the past 33 years, or rather the past
29 years, for none is credited to Sand -
field Macdonald, rifles to the stupen-
dous sum of $7,000,841.76. Of this
sum $139,869.50 was paid out last
year; $63,622.35 has been spent on
mining roads to date.
The total capital expenditure on tile
present Parliament buildings up to
date lias been .$1,273,e8a49, and.for
interior equipment, grounds, and out-
side improvements, $227,435. An-
other item is for.Broek's monument
ae Queenstown,'Which cost .$4,605.31.
The total steam railevay mtleage of
the Province up.to December 81last
was 6,724 miles; of which 467 miles
are at present udder construction ;
1,447 miles were eonstructed prior to
Confederations and 5,276 since that
date. The G. • T. R. controls 2,71.9
miles al road, and the C. P. R. 2,467
miles, the Miehigari Central 378 nines,
and the Ottawa, Arnprior, and Parry'
Sound' 264 miles.
Edward O'Connor's Mysterious Death
-Inquest Ordered.
Guyeboro, N. S., report t 'Yester-
day two young men, Henry Keay
and Thom.as Carey, carne to town
from St. Francis-, and in the after-
noon when returning home they call-
ed at the honee of john O'Connor,
three miles frora. town, Edward
O'Connar canie over froli his moth-
er's house, Tothich le a lehort distance
away, on. the opposite aide f the
roaclasAfter a Short stay Keay 0,1sel,'
Carey deft la their:Nvagon, end Ed-
ward went with them up the road.
Later on in the afternoon O'Corinot
was feund on the side of the road
near Milli:5rd Haven bridge, his skull
badly fractured apd his head bleed -
hag ale was carried into the Store
of Captain Themes Secl)onald and a
theesenger came to town for medical
seseistance. Nothing could be done
for the injured Islam and he died thie
nitornoon- etel inquest is to be held
f t
SU lIeb ix 24 8 It ti ated thete the
NDAY SCHOOL owp entrance Into heaven
• • , 331 311
v ceremonies of the law were abolish-
ed, 4. That the distlnetion be-
tween Jew •and. Centel° was at an
end, , 5, 'Peat there •was freedom of
MARCH. 24, 1901e
jesus Preface 0E4 3uelecie-huk023:315-15I'
aoninientary Conaectiaa 'effete
They took doses ' to a place called
Calvary, Oalvary is the Latin, and
Golgotea the IlebreW word weth tee
earcie meaning. It is just outside tee
city of jernsalem, probably 05 4112
north, two hundred feet from the
Damascus gate It is an isolated
white limestoneknoll, about silty
feet alga It contains in itsperpens
dicular face the, moat remarkable ree
semalance to a Skull.
WI Derided hiin-The orowd mock-
ed him from nine tall twelve o'clock.
)3ut there were also friendly watch -
at. the cross (John Xix. 25-27);
"jeeus was not wholly deeerted ixi
this Sad hone, 'The women were last
at the cross and first at *the gave.'
Tho theee Marys Were there: Mary,
the mother of Jesus; Mary the wife
of Cleopas ; and Mary Magdalene,
with several other frie,nds"a(ve 4p).
Save himselfe-Theythought that if
Jesus were the Meselah surely He
could deliver himSelf from the Roman
30. Vinegar -It wee abet& the
time of the midday mesa of the sots'
tdilleesino,..:71.1df0:11:Sde.ey In moekery • offered
hini their sour wine to drink with
88. A superscrip•tion-The white
tablet nailed upon the °roes above
the head of,the victim, to deolare the
crime for 'which he was crucified. "It
"was a eommon custom 'to • affix: S
insaolbe:0,1su;offet:iedihee.,01o.ross, giving .. a state-
ime for which the pee-
n. Railed on Him -The two thieves
crucified with Hips may. have be-
longed to 'the band with Barrabals ;
tphraeyyeedsildently knew something about
the ist. One ;mocked, the other
40. Dost not thou fear God -What-
ever the reckless crowd may, do, thou
art near death sloes this 'lava no
effect upon you? . • . • ,
41. We justlys-He hi a tetre Para -
tent, confessing his sine. Nothing
IllniSA-Hr: may have heard and seep
much of Jesus at the trial. Itis more
than likely that at various timeelie
may have joined the crowd where
Jesus Ives speaking,. and have known
of His miracles.-Peloubet.
42. Lord -"The very use of the
word implies faith:" .Thy kingdom -
lie thus recognized Christ. as a real
King. His prayer shows that he be-
lieved that Jesus was the.Son of God;
that Re had power to save, and that
they would coutinue to exist In a
Mine %tete.
43. To -day -This, was the second
saying of Christ on the cross. This
verse Is a strong proof •of the •immor-
tality of ,the soul. Paradise -"This is
a word of 'Pereiten origin, -depoting
beautifitI park,. garden .0e orchard."
:It was the place where the Haul of,
lases, was between death and the
reit-lir-eaten. • '
The' sixth. hour -Noon. Christ's
third saying on the cross .was spo-
ken just before this to 'his 'mother
and to ,TOhns "Woman, behold thy,
son." "Benold thy mother." Joan
xix, 26, 27. 'Testis in tho melet of his
sufferings; was thin:king of others,
and while an the.ceross made provisien
:foe his mother. Darkness -This dark-
ness continued three hours, from
noon till three onstock. Over the
whole land (R. V.) -Of Palestine. This
darkness was typical of the Moral
darkness that filled the land. "This
was a miraculous occurrence, show -
Ina the 'amazement of God at the
wickedness of the crucifixion of Him
Who is the light of the world and the
sun of righteousness." • •
With a loud voice -As it wore the
triumphant note of a conqueror. -
Cam. Bible. What be said 'first at
this time .18 recoededen John' xix, 30,
and was' his sixth saying on the
cross: "It is finished." rather, eta
-This was his seventh saying. "The
word 'Father' shows that his south:es
recovered full serenity." Not long
'Afore this when .straggling in the
darkness he stalled tales "God"; now
the darkness is gone and he sees his
Father's face. I commend my spirit
-12 deposit my soul in thy hands.
Here is another proof of the immor-
tality of the soul, and of its separate
existence after death. -Clarke. Gave
up the ghost,-Tle dismissed the
Spirit. He himself willingly gave up
that life which it was ithposeible for
man to take away; en thue became,
not 0 forced sacrifice, but a free -
'swill offering for sin." ••
47. The Centurion -The Roman of-
ficer who had charge of the cruci-
fixion. Called a . centurion 'because
he commanded nue bundred men.
Glorified God -When he saw " what
,Was done' he acknowledged that God
Himself was showing His approval of
Jesus. A righteous man -An innocent
man -According to Matthew he con-
fessed Jesus to be the Son or God.
48. Smote their breasts -In token
GE alarm and penitence, They were
to some extent' peaitent for '• their
actiona-Hout, Coin. Awe and eon-
sternation seized upon the Jews.
49. All Ms acqtraintance--"They be-
held Him with the deepest sorrow
over their irrevocable loss, which
W25 not yet softened by the joyful
hope or the resurrection."
50. A councillor (R. V.)-Thlat is,
Was a member of tire Sanhedrin. He
was also a rich man. Matt. xvii.
AL Had not eieneented-He bad
either voted' against their action in
the , Owned, or,. west is far more
probable, had absented, himself and
taken mo part in • the proceedings.
Arimathaea-Some identify this. with
Ream in Benjansin, or Rama in 'Eph-
raim, the birthplace of Samuel. The
form of thle-namss is more like the
latter. Horn -Com. Himself waited. -
.Pte twee a secret diselple (John xix.
I:8)1:0:7 h
"waited for the manifesta-
tion ef the Meesla's kingdom." a•
52. Went to Pilate -He went In
boldly.It. took: great courage. to do
,this. Ile had been a secret disolple
and; 'afraid , of public sentiment,. but
'fearless !Iowa. regard Joseph'
',Otle of the lightest literantees
referred 46 in' thei'Nesv Teettoneht ;
'WO befriended .%Christ I thie 'hour of
ansfut darkness when even the dis-
dlples HIM and fled..
• 53 -He took it down-1:3oseph vas
iseelstect by- Nietelemns (jehrs aix. 39-
42) they Wrapped the body' In lin-
en with spices, and placed it in a
fleW sepulchre, in a garden near by
OrtiVery. Ise. lilt D.
Thoughts. --""The readlag of the
wasaa, type. a Of the 'Violent
rending, of Christra body oil the
trete*, HO. X,' 20.' 2, It tYrilfterl our
acceese to the tbronti of genes 6.
sleet all. of Chresst's followers ;might
,Personally enter a state of holiness.
• . ,
History presents ' no 'theme colas
parable' in importance to the. blears
station., . sufferings, and, deathof
jostle Christ. ,This is seen When We
0:insider the 'dignity' of His 'person,
, the •intensity oEtato Sorrew's,,and the,
great en•d ol h1 death,
the Jews .svho 'bad • the • light, of
Moses and the peopheits svere • tee.-
.peceing. a Saviour. They had heard
and seen the teachings and miracles
of Christ. 'Tat btacauSe.• His purity.
oflife' and teaching. eon tr ast eti with
their own depravity and sin they
hated HIM •"without -etaUse.'.! • They
'refused to acknowledge Hie , .right-
eouenese, they elamorea, for His life,
they bore felseithese. to •eonvict
lake and pereevered until .11e was
Condemned by Pilate, *berm 'the Ida-
toriall declares was a' "base, specie)
'end oppressive ruler;" Base .as Ile
Issas lie emleavore.dto. release Cat -1st .
Iran, the handS of those who pro-
fessed tee be awaiting His coming.
It la suppoeed.that after tile con-
demnation of jeStis the Sanhedrisass
hail gone from the judgment bell into
the temple to.' take part in the. temple
services, and• upon hearing 'of the In-
scription whinit • Pilate had .written,
partly to • avengehineself gra eind
partly • to deride the jews, they
hastened betisk to induce him not to
allew it to remain there. Bet Pilate
Would not yield; so they hastened
to the placeof crucifixiou and- min-
gled with the crowd to prevent the
'topside° from receiving any impres•
Sion of the dleep ..signifleaneeepf the
superscription written in three 'lan-
guages- declaring hint to be The
King -at the .Jews.'"
a Himself He eanpot save." 1. This
was. -false 'in that He possessed all
power bothin hearensand on earth.
.He had life in Himself. If He had
spoken the • word He could have
frnetrated all ;their. plans by ,come
Mending angels to Ms rescue and
paralyzed every.' handlifted against
Him. 2. There was a sense in which
their words were true. Is the pledged
surety and mediator of mankind He
must Suffer. There .was a. neceseity
Lor it, for if He exercised His essen-
tial' power, tad purposes 'of heaven
would .have failed, and the predictions
.af elia prophets would have been false.
'lied. The typos and sacrifices would
have had no significance, the end of
His coming would have been . ren-
dered void, arid the World must have
remain est mire deemed f er ever. Sin
produced spiritual death ; opened the
grave fier the •body, and the regions
of. eternal despair for the soul. He
therefore suffered death on the cross
to make atonement for sin..7
The following are the• closirip•
tatiVaS at importaet wheat centrE
tteday :
Is, it Determined by the Food
of the Mother?
Obleague $01V76'
Ne w York, ' '000 0 79 7.
Milwaukee 75• .0 00 .
St. Louise. ... 0 00 073 5-
0 78 8-4 080 1 -
Detroit, red ... 0 70 5- 0 81 a.
..1)::Nilltaru15114:1,18' NI‘Trwol31.::11:7* 00- 773910584'' 0°.7(36° 1
lierInefeda-pte.' " , 0 75 1-8 0 00 .
Aoirthe'rn... ... 0 00 07 1
Toronto Farmers'. e.tarleet.
Wheat -Steady to firmer • 400
of vreete aad .300 ba. of red sold u
cbanged at 68 1.2 te 69e, and 4
Of goose sold 1.2 to lc higher,
(1151-2 to Ge 1-2e. '
• Barley -Market easier, 600 bit. s
lo hoeVer at 45 to 46o.
• Oats -Deliveries large n.nsl pri
y,10,00; ish: sold uneha.nged
Hay -15 loads sold unthanged
..$14. to $15 per toe.
Straw--alarket more active, 've
pri6es weaker; 5 loads sole 500
$1.1eswer at $9 to $9.50 per ton.
Better-aPlepty of fresh, pound r
were offered by farmers, and th
•reav•-a good demand., Prices ru
steady at 19 to 21c, and 111 seine
stances a cent or two more N
asked. Large rolls were, ouiet •
unahanged at 17 to 59.
Eggs -Boiling stock was plentif
rend It sold freely to a steady dem
tet1.5 to 17e, some holders asking
•and this price yeas occasionally
Wined for small lots. •
Poultry -The offerings Included s
eral large tote of freeisi thicke
welch sold rapidly at 50 to 80c
pair. Turkeys also sold wellsat
to 53e, but geese and ducks w
Apples -More than a dozen lo
were offered and trade NVINS bii
Prices are steady : the choice I
said at $3 to $3.50 per barrel, a
Rome fine apples were held at $4
single barrel lots. Culls were ln p
demand and were emotive. at $2
Vegetables-Dema.ncl was 'sten,
dsupplies 'Went? larger than us
Dressed Hogs -Market active a:
prices steady at $7.75 to $8.25 p
Vienna, March 16. -Dr. Schenck en-
deavors 'to • prove in his MAY book
that • the useal sex. distribution of
106 maleto 100 feuiales Is only the
resole of normal assimilation of food
by women. Famine, war, and epi -
11011310, welch have an important in-
fluence on .aesimilation, cause, he
said, decidedsehanges in the normal
proportion of male and"female births.
Dr. Scbenck asserts that the :Who:
ence..01 determining the sex..lies en-
tirely with the mother.
De. Sch'enek provides a liberal diet
of albuminous food and r•ecreires that
It &tail be taken fora period of Tour
months He says a womanosvho• de-
stined a male child had the following
diet before undergoing hie treatment:
33reakfast -A cup of 'coffee, • with
milkand auger and a roll.
Luricit-Two lightly belied egge,
bacon n.nti a roll. •
Dinner -Soup, with balls of fat
meat; many potatoes, green ' vege-
tables, a . good. quantity of pudding,
sweets and fruits. Little meat was
permitted • tea, or sweet coffee with
cake .could be ta.ken.
Supper -Cold 'neat, cake, pudding
and bread. A glase and a half of
water .with wine was drunk during
the day..
Ale tile. above diet was not found
sufficiently albuminous, Dr. Schenck
ordered the tone:iv:mg:
Breakfast -A. cup of milk, without
smear, and biscuits.
Lunch -Lean ham, underdone, and a
. Dinner -A little soup, 5 quantity of
roasted meat, with potatoes, peas,
beans and Vegetables -No pudding . or
fruit. Sante cheese, tea or milk, eggs
and biscuits. •
Supper-leresh roast mertt,l, cheese,
a little bread and an • a.pple, • Three
glasses of water taken daily with d
little wine.
Again, the diet has to len varied, foe
although the latter prescription con-
tained much more albumen it was not
suffici•ently dissolved Tho albuminoue
foods, therefore, were intreaSed and
the fatty, substances and carbehy-
deaths withdrawn for ten days. This
woe continued later, the treatment
satisfied -tho doctor and the woman
afterward was allowed to choose her
own diet, The result was entirely
Dr. Schenck Mentions 29 such efts&
in addition to the fifteen mentioned
be his first Work. He considere that
any woman might adopt Ids method
with the abaof her 'family' doctor. •
American ',Yemen to. Test Theory
Paris, March 16. -Dr. Schenck is
coming to Paris' next Week at the re-
quest of .three ,wealthy Aenerlea.n 'Wo-
mb who are expecting children.
They agreed among themselves to
follow 'hie dietary prescriptiens sent- •
pulously•in orderto, give 'a tl`ainiOngia-
,.teirt to, Ida. theery. as ;to. sex • deter-.
Anination. Tyiedestinenten are endeavor-
ing to beget boyeithe tided a gild.
• "
, Violeta Battees of Iteoyal 'Rulers.
2E550 sovereigns Who have reign, -
ed in the world up to now 800 have
•been Overthrown, 584 have been as-
sassinated, 128 have been taken cap-
tive, in war, 108 have been exeent-
ed, 100 have been slain int battle.
64 have been forced to abdicate, 28
have conianitted suicide. 26 have been
'tort:seeds to death and 23 have be -
'come inad or imbecile.. Of 113 kings . . .)
'Leading Wheat Markets.
Feelowing 'are the closing quoi,
times at important wheat eentr
. May.
Chicago .... $-- : $0 77 1
New York 0 81 1
Milwaukee a ... 0 77 --
St. Louis' 075 1
Toledo, .... 0 80 0 81 1
Detroit, red 0 80 1-4 -0 82
Detroit, white a 0 80 1-4 -- -;
Duluth, No. 1
haascl . . 077 1-2' ,
Duluth, N. a.
Northern 075 1-2 077 1
Minneapolis Nos 1 •
Norther* ... --, • , 0721
Pork Packing.
=ere has been. a decided shrinka
in the package of hogs, tlfe mumbe
kieled in the west during the 'pas
week amountileg to 385,000, com
pared wllne 500,000 the precedin
week, 400,000 during the °orreries*
ding week a year ago, 865,000 test
years ago.. The total amount of hog
handled since March 1st, is 635;000
against 685,000 during the samE
time a year ago, showin•g a re-
duction el" 50,000. The qualitY of 113begs received is bout. the same as
last week, generally fairly good.
Tire price, a hogs continues strong,
the ae-erage foe western markets at
the close being about 10e per 1.00
lbs. 'higher these a week ago and
nearly 75c higher than a year ago.
•Toronto Live Stook markets. • •
Export cattle, chola(); par owe el 50 to $ See'
Export cattle, light, per cwt... A. 00 Lo 4 50
Export cows 3 25 to 3 75
'Butchers' caLtle . pinked A 00 10I 40
Buts:hers' cattle, choice. 3 es to 4 00
Butehers.eattle good 3 25 to 3 el
do medium, mixed.. 2 50 to 3 le
Butchers' nommen, .00r cwte 00 to 2 ee
Bulls, export. heavy, per owe3 76 to 4, P4')
Hulls. export. light. per owe3 00, to 3.70
Feeders, shorekeep , 374 14 00
• do medium 3 ZO PA&
do light-.' ... . ..... 3 25 to 3 50'
Stockers, 60010800 lb's. • . 2 75 to 3 25
oZcolors and heifers . 1 75 to 2 25
Feeding bulls ' 2 50 to 3.50
Light stook bull, per ewt ..... 1 75 to ,2.2.5
Mem cows, .. . .... 30 00 to 50 00
Calves, per head .. 2 00 to 10 00
Sheep, export ewes, per esive.. 3 00 to • 3 50
do. Isticke 2 50 to 3 00
Sheep, butchers'. each .. 2 50 to 3 60
Lambs, grain.fed, per ewe 4 25 to 4 85
do barnyard, per cwt... 3 75 to 4 25
Lambs, each 2 50 to 4'00
hogs, choice, per cwt 0 12%to Q03)
11088, fat, per OWL Moo 0 00
flogelight, per CYPT 5 ellito 0 00
Sows, per owt 3 Lo 000
t3tags 200 to 0 00
N otes.
Exports of wheat and nom.' front
America this week equalled 4,698,980
brisnels, against 4,e29,528 bushels
last week, 2,727,450 bueleels in the
corresponding week of 1900, and
4,114,046 bushels hi 1899. Qom ex-
ports for the week aggregate $,21$,-
575 bushels, a,gairtst 43,956,000 bliela
els last week and 8,729,000 linshele
the corresponding week -al 'last year:
, The de:tallest report of the Depart-
ment of Agriculture, giving lathe re-
serves, shows that 'Kansas has 'more
.wheat than any other State, 20,662;e
000 bashels. Texas has 4;211,00*
bushels. In the Northwest, Minnesota
has 1.1,988 000' bushels, North Dutota
8,035,000 bushels, hod South Daka
5,440,000 bushels, n, total for. 'the
three States of 23,409 000. hUghelss
out of a crop; of 84,000.000bus13ols.
Last year they had 44,768,000 busliA
els, out of a crop of 167,709,000 busies
els. Present holdings •are over. 50
per cent. under last year's.
Newspapers and Brains.
The 'nog' tiensational and repre.
4cmill)le,, newspaper's are not the
most stacoessin1;, and he * tinfluence
of tho 'spider -bodied newSPaper ran
by one 'brain .and a thousand legs,
.even with a ,million readers, is not att
• great ae that of mores of singre;
eonservatIve papers served by brains
in every department. The Idea that
the organization which is necessary
to tho stmeess of a modern news-
paper can disports° :with brains is
directly at variance with the facts.
-Chicago Times -Herald.
There have been disturbanees at
Repoli and Larnimbh
of &Naha 55 'have been assassinated. by rioters. •