The Herald, 1901-03-22, Page 1THE FERAL The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. FIRST YEAR, VOL. I ZURICH, ONT. FRIDAY, MARCH 22 1901. art •1 NO. 8,7' LV. BACHAND, St. Joseph. . Notary Public, Fire and Life In- surance Agent, Money to Loan, either by private funds or loan companies. Li • J. D. COOKE, (Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barrist er, Solicitor, Notary Public, Hensall, Ontario. pROUDFOOT & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public etc, etc. Cor. Square and North Street, Qoderieb, Ontario R. C, HAYS W. PROUDFOOT E ZELLER • Clerk 10th Div. Court, Huron Commissioner for taking Aff'ida'vits, Conveyancer etc. Valuator for the Hu- ron and Erie Loan and Savings Co. Office— Zeller Block. Zurich Ont. E•BOSSENBERRY, Licensed Auctioneer for Hur- on County, respectfully solicits the pat- ronage of those who intend having sales. Satisfaction guaranteed. DR. F. A. SELLERY, Dentist, graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor graduate of Department of Dentistry, Toronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Domanion House Zurich, every Monday. 1-26 di G. STANBURY, B. A. • Successor to COLLINS & STANBURY BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, Conveyancer, Money to Loan on Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of In- terest. Documents in original German read and advised upon. ZURICH COURT ATTENDED Office over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter. The Commercial Hotel, L. FOSTER, Prorietor Every accommodation for the travelling public. Always stop at THE COMMERCIAL when in Zurich. First-class sample rooms 'for Commercial men. LOUIS FOSTER. ZURICH "'Che E'ominiori" — 'bonze --- Equipped with all modern conveniences. First-class accommodation to commer- cial travellers. Bar and din- ing room always supplied with• the best obtainable. C. L Shoemacher, Prop, ZURICH PHILADELPHIA Special to the HERALD. The weather has been nice and waren for the last week and the roads are in a bad. condition neither sleighing nor wheeling. Louis Durand is busy hauling timber for his mill he has engaged Henry Howard to hustle things along. Harry is an expert at mill building and no doubt Louis will have a good mill when completed. We wish him success in his new enterprise. Hans Meidingor was visiting at Grams Bend on Sunday last, Hans must have some attraction doss n there. mrs. John Schnell who has been onthe siek list the lastfew weeks is slowly recovering. Ferclie Schnell was the guest of Miss Schilbe on Sunday evening. Quilting begs are the order of the day and you see the ladies with their white aprons and thimble in their lianas pretty near every day marching round the road. Alt. Bossenberry while visiting at Frank Allans last week was attacked by Mr. Allans wild cat and if not for the timely aid of Joe. Eich.enhofter would have had a pretty hard tassel. Mr.°John Albrecht has engaged with Louis Schilbe for the summer months, Louis knows where to get a good farm land. Ezra Smith had the'good luck to capture a nice red fox one day last week he says it's a dandy. Pretty good for Ezra. Edward Stelk takes a stroll down to R. Drysdale once in a while. Jack Elliott the flax boss has a full gang working in the mill, Jack ,says ho has a gang that can't be boat. Charlie Smith was under the parental z oof last Sunday. John Ravioli visited at Adam Albrecht on Sunday last and re - :Ports having had a good time. Couldn't do without it. Alf, E. Faust of Cosmopolis, Wash. writes :-,-"I think THE HERALD is very interesting and I could hardly do without it." _ a Regis Denomme' s. Statement. Drysdale, March 19th, 1901. To the ratepayers of the Roman Catholic Separate School Section No. 1, Hay and Stanley Gentlemen,—As Mr. Bachand stat- ed at the school meeting that was held on the 13th inst. that he was still a trustee of the said school and not Mr. Laporte which left the ratepayers in a doubt. I wish to inform the ratepayero of the said section, thaton infor- mation received from the Minister of Education, dated March 16th, that Mr. Laporte is legally the trus- tee of the said school. (Signed) REGIS DENOMME,Trustee. HELP NEEDED. The following was handed into us by one of our subscribers on the lice with a request that we publish the same. "To THE HERALD "Old Mother Elsie, at the Baby- lon line, is very poor. She has no wood, no flour, no bread to eat, nor has she any money." We are personally acquainted with the old lady in question, and she is no doubt in want. She is nearly 95 years of ago. and living all alone. Any assistance in money or provisions left at our office will be promptly forwarded to her. "In- asmuch as ye did it unto the least of these, my brtthren, ye did it un- to me." +1111,..• Death of Charles Bauer. The folloming is a letter received from Mr. Henry Bauer of this town from his nephew Charles C. son of the late Charles Bauer of Minneap- olis and from it, it will be seen that the report in the papers regarding the death of Mr. Bauer were not in accordance with the facts as stated in the letter, which reada as fol- lows :— Minneapolis, Min., Moll. 5, '01. Henry Ba,uer Esq. Zurich. Dear Uncle.—I just received your telegram this morning. Have made all arrangements, am going to place the body of father's in the vault here where it will stay till spring when we will give him a masonic burial. He died Saturday morning last, of heart failure. I got a message Sunday afternoon, so I wired yon at once and got here myself Mon- day morning. I am going back to Neche to night, With regards to all I remain yours. C. G. Bauer. ST. JOSEPH Special to the HERALD. Your correspondent was some- what under the weather last week, hence the reason of no news. Several of eur fishermen had the misfortune to lose their nets by the ice breaking up last week. This is quite a serious loss, as the nets are expensive. Owing to the recent thaws the roads are in rather poor condition. J. McLean, architect, was in Zur- ich on business last week, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jennison vis- ited their daughter Mabel at Exeter on Friday last. Miss Mabel is at- tending the High School class there. Mr. and Mrs. R. O'Brien visited at Mr. Justice Melick's on the Bron- son line on Friday last. Robt. Tolbert of Drysdale visited his sister, Mrs. Win. Jennison, on Sunday last.... these two potent agencies until th judgment day, when we must both b -married your sister." scrutinised for our work, healthful or; blasting. The two worst oft men onl The angel of death visited the that day will be the minister of reli•- home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Gotts- ion and the editor if they wasted tl:ei1' chalk on Saturday and took away .,alio trznen len on .axoneay or last week for Edmonton, Alberto,, in charge of John H. Melick's car. Considerable damage was done to the Separate School north of us Sunday last by fire. It is supposed that the fire originated front some ashes and had been 'smouldering for some time before breaking out, had it got a few minutes more start it would have been simply irnpossi- ble to save the building. the Ultech'elRewti About People We Know. Where They Are, or Where They Are Going, and What They Are Doing. SIt VOW S� Como lot us take a little walk And tails of many things, Of how the sea became so wet With cabbages and things. Mrs. John Fuss has an attack of grip. D. Gottschalk will leave for Bad Axe Mich„ on Monday. James Swan of Brucefield was in town on Friday last. John Voelker implement agent spent Saturday in town. Jake Wurm was laid up with the grip but is able to be out again. Elton Siegner of Crediton is visit- ing his uncle, A. G. Ehnes, Zurich road. Mr. Alex Thomson and Miss Thomson of Blake were in town on Saturday. E. Bossenberry . and C. Eilber were on a business trip to Crediton on Monday. P. Lamont moved to town on Monday and is putting up at the Dominion house. Henry Otto lost one of his horses on Tuesday by getting tangled up in the halter shank. John Ireland visited town this week in the interest of J. R. Hoov- er's marble works Clinton. • The Stratford train arrived down from Owen Sound, on Tuesday two hours late because of the snow on the line. T.& M. Johnston took a load of furniture to Varna on Saturday T. and M. are hustlers in the furni- ture line. A. number of Hensall young people attended the special meet- ing of the Y. P. A. here on Tues- day evening. Thomas Hamacher and Ed. Rupp are taking contracts sawing and splitting wood. Their first job was with C. Fritz. s Fred Heiser of Slabtown moved to the Volland homestead West of Zurich and is engaged at Rennie and Witwer's tannery. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McGuire, of Exeter, visited Mr. and Mra. Ed. Bossenberry and Mr. and Mrs. C. Eilber, on Sunday. John Winkenweder and bride left on Monday for their new hone at Cavalier, Dakota. They will also visit friends at Napierville on the way out. Tho K. O. T. ' M., of Dashwood have prepared an excellent pro- gramme for their Easter concert to be given in Moser's hall on Mon- day, April 8th. Miller White of the Exeter Tirnes leaves that paper shortly to take charge of a daily paper in Windsor. His brother Robert will assume control of the Times. The Hensall flouring mills are running day and night, Their flour is in great demand. They haste just received another 4000 bag order 'from one of their old customers. They have shipped ninteen cars since Feb. 1 1901. An exchange tells of a lady who decided to scare her husband who was quite a hard drinker so he would reform. To do this she pro- cured the costume of a devil she had worn at it masquerade. Tho next time the erring . spouse carne home feeling happy she qickly don- ned the costume ; as he opened the door she stepped forward and said in a sepulchral tone ; "Conte with me ; I am the devil." The result rather startled her as the response to her greeting was, "Zat so? Shake of boy I'm your brother-in-law I MORN F.tsonee--On the 9th inst, Goshen line. Hay, the wife of Mr, Oswald Fischer, of a daughter. PARx—On the 16th inst, Goshen line, Stanley, tlto wife of Mr John, Park, of a son, MoLINOHre—On the 16th inst, Gos- hen line, Stanley, the wife of Air, David mcLinchoy, of a daughter. DIED Go'rTsCIIALK—On the 16th inst, at Zurich, Lula, youngest child , of Mr end Mrs David Gottschalk, at the age of 3 years. Pate. -At the Goshen line, Stanley on the 20th inst, Annie W mor- rison, wife of John n Park, at the ago of 28 years, 3 months and 3 days. Funeral to -day (Friday) at 1 o'clock. Interment at Bayfield cemetery, their youngest child, Lula, a little girl about four years of age, after a brief illness of about a week. Tho little one had an attack of grip and although at times seemed improv- ing, under,all that medical skill and attendance could do, she took a re- lapse and was soon beyond human aid. The strain on the mother was all the more severe as Mr. Gotts- chalk was not at home, having been for the past six weeks at Bad Axe Mich. The family and friends have the heartfelt sympathy of all in their hour of trial. A bicycle party was held at the residence of D Steinbach on mon- day evening which was a great suc- cess, The Elements of miss Bi Cy- cle was the interesting part. Ono hour's time was given in which to answer all the questions. A prize was given for the most correct an- swers, and a "boobie" 1:rite was given for the least. Chester Stein- bach was the lucky ono, he won the prize which ho handed over to his partner, Miss Boltzmann. J B Den- nis won the "boobie" 11rize, which he handed to his partner, miss Well. Tho rest of the evening was spent singing, instrumental, every body hada most enjoyable time, , J. Dumart took a business trip to Hensall on Tuesday. J. J. merner spent Sunda and Monday at Goderioli. A. Q. Bobier of Exeter was in Zurich on Wednesday. J. A. 'Williams was at London on business on Tuesday. Misses Maud and Stella Andrews, Zeller, of Varna are visiting with Mrs. E. miss Maggie Johnston of near Li Hensallpphardt. is visiting with Miss Annie Ben Holtzmann of Elkton Mich. spent a few days with his parents here this week. Ezra Kaercher sold his roan driv- er to Ben. O'Connell of Brucefield for a good figure. Wni. Heyrock of St. Joseph is laid up with a severe attack of grip and lung trouble. P. Sipple made his first move as butcher this week. Fresh fish was his first investment. George McLinchey, Goshen line, Stanley, purchased the 50 acre farm from William Palmer for $3100.00. A number of children had a merry time at the residence of Mr. John Torrance, Saturday evening. Misses Maggie Rupp, Bertha Mittleholtz and Mary 'Hartman visited at the Dominion on Sunday evening. Miss Carrie Volland left the Commercial house where she was head cook for the past six months, Miss Bechler of Slabtown is taking her place. DRYSDALE Special to the HERALD. Edward Denomme was the guest of Miss Matilda Denomme last Sun- day night. Louis Denomme and family were oyer to Mr. Primeau for tea last Sunday. Jerome Bedard had a misfortune. He lost his net, the only one he had. HENS ALL Special to the HERALD - Geo. McEwen M. P. is home from Ottawa in a short business trip. Mesdames Stewart and Knight of Exeter spent last Monday as the guests of Mrs. Harry Arnold. Hensall is to have a band. Two enthusiastic citizens Messrs J. E. McDonald and W. J. Miller started a subscription list last Monday morning and in is few hours had raised nearly enough money from the business men to buy the instru- ments. The council is expected to supplement the list with a hand some grant and in return the instruments will be deeded to the town. Our popular member (G. McEwen) headed the list With a handsome donation, Organization will follow in a, short time and Sat- urday night free concerts will be given during the summer. Mrs. Higgins, London who has been visiting Mrs. W. C. Davis leaves for home on Wednesday. Gold letters on the Molsons Bank window wore placed in posi- tion last Tuesday. Last Tuesday night fire almost totally destroyed the handsome residence of Mr. D Stewart, Lon- don road just in the suburbs of the town. The firemen responded promptly but lack of water pre- vented much being done and they were compelled almost to stand idly by and see the fine building burn to the ground. W. .1. Miller, carriage builder turned out half-dozen handsome buggies into his show room King St. today, among thein was a rub- ber cushion tire and ball bearings, Mr. Miller's rigs have a County reputation. - 41111,011 REDMOND ON IRELAND'S WOES. London March 17.—John Red- mond, leader of the Irish party in the House of Commons, made a speech on Home Rule at Bradford last night, in which he referred to the impoverishment of Ireland. He said the population of Ireland had diminished over 4,000,000 dur- ing the reign of Queen Victoria,' and in recent years statistics show- ed that there had been an increase in emigration. In the year 1900, lie said, 45,000 persons had left Ire. land. Of this number 4,0000 went to America, and they took with them the deadly hatred of England, which, if Ireland did not obtain justice, would some day be felt by the. English Government. MARRIED, WITHER-GALL1' uw--At the residence of the bride's parents, 14th Con., Hay, en the 21st inst., by the Rev Finkbeirn.er, Mr Isiah Winner to Miss Mary Gellman, both of ]Flay, REMNANTS We have gone through our stock, picked out all short ends, I, uchf 1. tweeds, dress goods, prints, flannels, muslins, etc„ etc., placed thein' a table at reduced prices. PRINTS We have a fewatterns in prints that we are offering at greatly ea duced prices, Prints worth 10 and 12y c will go for 6c and 7c. , 4 DRESS GOODS' This department does not fail in showing you bargains. in aburi ance. Our black dress goods are better value than even" before shostl and agood range to select from. It is well worth seeing our dry goods whether you buy or not. GROCERIES We always have a fresh stock of groceries, and in this line mirk bargains are to be found. w Ic Don't miss the chance to secure son of these bargains. COME ONE. COME ALT D. S. FAUST sire .t We do what we say. ' Produce taken in exchange for .Goa' MAIN ST, ZURICH. ONT. riai 14E PEOPLE'S Boot& Shoe Store! Leave your measure 0 p $2 sten us r ve R: 'J. p quot eentr Balance of wi- :� )771 ter Stock CheL811 ) 75 1 FOR CASF! We thank y4)77 for your suppd 7v 1 during the va pas YEAR). tom lint lic(n for a first-class winter coo t ( Fall Boot of hog '$35,000 We also handle the celebrated stub proof, gutta per: ba e_ Granby Rubbers. Butter and Eggs taken in trader er th WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! ams ae good. CHAS. FRITZ,— Zarin ers CLEARING s 25 Per Cent Discount On Winter Goods for the next 0 DAYS 'Crt1100 ,go and Ar ago. eot'i. to $, 5.00' to ' 4 50 .to 4 10 to 3 73 t� 400 L:i15 2 4' 400oo 3 50 3 20 a Ont To 3 50 2,25 ' 50 00 •13 550 35500 485 give 25 p. c. diset for the ; co 1.(IDG 30 days, on Men's Oy'eret3�to o_ et Ladies' Mantles, Undervi2tg o ot°l Heavy Dressgoods, Caps, 'i to 0 0o Shawls, Wool Blankets, Rta to 0 oe made D. B. Suits, Mitts, He in fact, everything in the ur+ from of Winter Goods. , 1,693,939 We also have a few Lai 1?slh® Fur Coats, Capes, Caperinela0� ;kite Ruffs, and a few Goat R'orn ex in grey and black, which:e 3,246, will clear at a nig reductic00 bOSh Now is your chance, to se; brtshels a Bargain while this sale bast year: lei)" Prices fat' re- .x.is'Iitior� 20,662r paid for Butter, Eggs, D ,21 L,00c t0 We have decided to clear 7'� balance of our Stock of \1,0 ter Goods to make room for co Large Spring Stock, which to be along shortly, and in o' to to clear out our Stock, we to koanesotn ©© e b p Dakota J. !� A -T E TER, ZU 101, ab TOOK HIS OWN LIFE.. Oman ii= 00 flush; Grandfather of Kaiser's Assai,;over d. Could Not Survive the Disgrace Berlin, March 17,—The woun t� re p pre Emperor William's face is h�on'at the in the most favourable rnaniinrinenot Tho edges have not yet united, 1Iael. run Dr. Bergeniann hopes to unite tiilcl legs so that the scar will be mereliff ga narrow lino, that will not tiisfig7y eaolu4 his Majesty's face. The EmpOea that works vigorously, as usual. '.(ecessa,ry outrage has had a distressing sen nerve at Scneidemuhl, where Hein rai�its 1t Weiland, 81 years old, grandfat a facts THE MARKETS Revised every Thursday afternoon, Wheat 61 to 63 Oats 27 27 37 40 PeasBarley – – - - 58 60 Flour 2.00 2,10 Butter 14 14 Eggs -- 112 12 Chickens th - - 4% 5 Ducks - 6 6 Geese 5 5 Potatoes 20 25 1IEI SALL MARKETS. Wheat, 62 to 64 Oats - - - - _ 25 26 Barley 37 40 Poa;s 58 60 o.. the Emperor's assailant, is Flour 2.00 2.1.0 himself, He had declared that tees Tal Hogs (live) per cwt - 5.70 0,(0 could not survive the disgrace 1, cnulgec do (dressed) - - 7,40 0,00 his grandson's act. Apples etc. Dakota:.