HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-03-15, Page 8e r tar'auteed equal to vrcasic no Chemicals to 1sT' Order Work Clothing C+ �" Good The Tailor. Wismer .:.hello.... BLACKSMITH A N D ORSESH'IOEU. all kinds of machinery ���� a speciality ! 'Sulor, �lil'ich Kalb leisch9s. r ms Planing and Saw Mill —All kinds of woodwork and saw- iiig done to order. .Estimates given for all kinds of buildings, A. full stock of B. C. Red. Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al - Way S l -w vvs on Band. Chopping done every day. SATISFACTION RANTER I _ Mills 14th Con., Lot 25. 0. Kalbfleisch Zurich P. 0. M. Johnson THE ZURICH HERALD DR'YSDALE Special to the HERALD, Fishing is the order of the day. • Owing to the thew • of last Sun- day, put the roads in badshape but are getting good again. While Mr. John Durand was en- gaged in drawing wood for himself with J. Rau'steam, had a runaway but no damage was done as Mr. J. Rau captured the team, Mr. R. J. Schoop of Murryville visited the North school one day last week. The tug of war which was held. at M. C. Laport our veterinary last Tuesday was a great success, Gold- dust was captain with Mr. J. Shrove but Gold -dust was the winner. Mr. Mallmush had a bee hauling wood, one clay last week, Mr. M. C. Laport had a narrow escape last week hauling wood as he fell from his load on the willow tree and his team started to run away. Charles says if he had not bean such a horseman he would have got badly hurt. Mr. Joe Ducharme got a fine driver, bred from Melborne, toe says there is no driver like the Mel - borne. Mr. Louis Durand the St. Joseph machinist is going out West in the near future. Mr. J. Brison of Drysdale had a bee hauling his supply of ice one day last week. Our Barber Mr. Jake intended to close his shop for a time, as he is engaged hauling wood for Mrs, T. Denomy. Mr. A. Challet is engaged for the summer with Mr. J. McKinley. Boys don't forget to send your subscription to the Zurich Herald and read the Drysdale news. ALL. WINTER GOODS st received a new stock of A T Bedroom Suits, Couches, ckers, and Parlor.Furn- -indow Shades, and Pic - es a specialty. Call and 'lurselves. In the Woollen rtment we are offering aductions in Underwear, Blankets, Stockings, etc. M. Johnson ZURICH less, STEAM °Mage Works re a large stook of Buggies be sold cheap to make room 1c1: of Cutters. 1 see our Rubber Tire Buggies ew Cutters. & SON Zurich, Out a io Before DYING aything in the line aches, Clocks, Jewel - 1 Musical goods, ?rices Always Lowest Repairing A. Specialty ur'ch Hess, ontaro 1' H E CLEARING PRI GES AT Saddlery, Furniture, n and Piano House, F. A. EDWARDS Bayfield tock In Every Department. ness of all kinds. Fur es, Blankets, Trunks, veiling Bags, Fancy sh Rugs. niture, .Bedroom Suits, for Suits, Sideboards, tension Tables, Chairs, ing Beds, Mattresses of kinds. New Williams Sewing pines, Organs and nos—only the best make anacla—the Dominion, Bell, and the Thomas, was awarded the gold sal at the World's Ex - tion, Paris, France, in onime home dealer, you will save money, get better goods with. onest dealer. failure. Tho deceased gentleman was a most highly respected citizen of Luoan, and was head of the bank- ing firm of O'Neil & Son of that place. The heartfelt sympathy of the community go out to our fel- low citizen in this his sad affliction. The many friends of Mr. Alex McNevin extend their 'heartfelt sympathy to hint: in'his present great affliction, tee bereavement of his wife. .oast week Mr, and Mrs. MeNevin were rejoicing over their first-born, a, boy, who is naw left without a mother's tender love and care. The remains were taken from Soaforth to Turnbury on Monday for internment. If March continues to the end with her present record it is to be hoped 1 hat she will be out of breath so as to give the traditional lamb a chance. There is much satisfied comment in this "neck o' the woods" among the Liberals over the nomination of Mr. Fred Hess at the recent conven- tion at Hensall. Lenten services are being con- ducted by the rector in the Trivitt Memorial Church school hall. Prospects for building operations the coming spring are reported good. Miss Sinclair of Brantford is the guest of Mrs. J. A. Stewart. SLABTOWN Special to the HERALD. Subscribe for Tin HERALD' Mr. and Mrs. C. Schoemacher of the Dominion House, Zurich, visit- ed at J. Decher's on Thursday last On Friday afternoon last the ladies, both young and old, assem- bled at the home of J. Decher to assist in a quilting bee. We are in- formed. that the quilters broke all previous records, finishing two quilts in 2 hours, 56 minutes and 45 seconds. In the evening a social time was spent. W. Geiger spent Saturday at his home in Hensall. Mr. A. Ronnie of Crosshill arriv- ed here Saturday with three loads of effects. They returned Monday and will be all moved up in about a week. The young people assembled at the home of Mr. Rennie on Satur- day night and spent a most enjoy- able time. You ask if some one will tell you who made that noise with bells and tinware one night last week. Johnny" says he doesn't know anything about it. Sunday was the finest day we have had for weeks. If you don't believe it, ask those who were out. The grip seems to have a strong hold on some people in this section. John Hey, of the Goshen, visited at his home here Sunday. Johnny hatis sold out his Detroit business and speaks of engaging with some business nearer home. Success, Johnny. W. Geiger attended a Y. P, A. gathering at the home of S. Rennie of Zurich. He reports a good time. On Tuesday night a sleigh load of young people drove to the home of 3. Weber's on the Bronson. On the way they enjoyed the pleasing sensation of an upset. They spent the evening in games and music, and will long remember the pleas. ant evening spent. Report in this paper spoke of 12 o'clock teas. This report is not correct, as the ladies inform us that these take place at half -past one. One 'of the Dashwood people seems to have got the idea that in place of having an upset the tongue had come out of the sleigh. ,He al- lowed, though, that the Slabton- ians hacl plenty of tongues with them which might have been used, evc.n though they might have to. be stretched. The people who heard. the expression thought that his tongue would, have been long. enough to do for two sleigh tongues and still have some to spare, alb though they would need a "snider te cut it, The party in question is without doubt suffering front "gas" on the brain. Miss Fannie Rennie, of Zurich, but formerly of this place was qquietly married, at her parents' home, to Mr. Sohn Winkenwedder of C axali:er, N.D. We join with their many friends in wishing the young couple a happy' aiicl prosper- ous voyage over life's seas. Win. Geiger spent Saturday and Sunday evening with. Miss A. Hey, as usual, although Will says that WELT. 1.ybthe0that dOF}eX�siOn that sa w logs a n1thee17nhehwneeetnedsto, ohrasbohao , � e 1 oats, `bob sleigh. �1'g dangerous, ng Zurich. PHILADELPHIA Special to the Hx;Ra.LD. John Meidinger is again re-en- gaged with I. C. Kalbfleisch for another year. Fred Steinbach is also .hired with J. C. Kalbfleisch for the coming year. Mr. Kalbfleisch is getting in a large supply of logs this winter. This will be a booming year for Mr. Kalbfieisch. Parties is the order of the night and sleeping the order of the day. The string band is doing a flourish- ing business, especially among the northern spies. Louis Durand, our enterprising miller, is erecting a water mill. on Schnell's creek. H. Howard, who has investigated the creek, thinks there will be a supply of water the year round. We learn that Adolph Kalbfleisch has the contract' for putting up the mill. Kasper Rarich, who has been sink is slowly recovering from an attack of la grippe. • Joe Eishenhoffer has been out on a wildcat hunt the past week. We learn he captured one at the Grand Bend, and is now on exhibition at Frank Allan's, on the corner of Peacock and Log streets. One of our young men in the per- son of Frank Denomy has engaged Miss Jaremett from the Blind as assistant housekeeper. H. Steinbach spent last Sunday with his sister Mrs. Bock, near Zurich. Fred Kalbfleisch is busy training his trotting snare, Betsy Jane, for the spring races, and has engaged. John H. Beaver as jockey. Ross Johnson, of Blake was in town last Saturday. Chas. Kalbfleisch is expected home soon, and the boys are gath- ering up the cow bells and a good time is expected. Frank Allan has ,organized a comedy company known as the Sleeman's Partakers, and made their first appearance at the Grand Bend last Saturday night. The recent thaw has made the r oads almost impassable. The flax Co. intends making an- other s:iipment in the near future. M. J. White, editor Times, spent several days of last week in Wind- sor and Detroit. Jas. Beverly, of the firm. of Bev- erly & Huston, was confined to his bed last week. J. G. Stanbury, barrister, trans- acted business in the county seat, this week. Samuel Martin. is attending the federation of Liberal clubs in To- ronto, this week. The young people of Caven Pres- byterian church will hold"an eve. Hing with the Irish, on Monday next. The Royal Templars of this place to the number of about 20, visited their sister lodge at Varna, on Tuesday evening. John D. Atkinson has accepted. a position with R. N. Rowe, under- taker. R. Pickard visited the eastern cities on a purchasing tour in the interest of the firm. AIS ..AT THE 010 STAND nagasumnatimMaandflosir I have purchased the business of C. I-Iartleih, and with my new stock coming in for spring, I can give you anything in the Hardware, Tinware or Stove line, at very close prices. If you intend building a house orbarn, call and get my prices for your requirements. EVERYTHING NEW AND UP-TO-DATE. Eavetroughing, Roofing and Furnace Work. CHAS. GREB Main Street, 5 Zurich, Ont BEAVER MEADOW Special to the HERALD. DEATH—There died at Stratford on Thursday morning, Norman, the fourth son of Mr. B. Howald, formerly of this place. He had an attack of the grip, from which he only partially recovered, and infla- iiation then set in, from which he died. The body was transported. to Hensall by rail, and from thence it was taken to the residence of Henry Howald, brother of the deceased. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon. The remains were taken to the Lutheran cemetery for the last resting place foll•wed by a large number of friends. After the burial a funeral service was held in the Lutheran church. The sym- pathy of the community is extend- ed to Mr. Howald and family in this their sad bereavement. Mrs. S. G. Merner was visiting er brother, John Mellick. of 2nd on., Hay, on Thursday last. Mr. J. Elliott and D.. Bennett while returning home from busi- ness in Hensall were taken in at Zurich where they had to remain for some time. Mr. Ezra Smnith was visiting at Mr. Alien's last week, Mr, F. Steinbach is engaged with Mr. J: C. Kalbfleisch for the com- ing year, Mr. Henry Steinbach while work- ing in the flax -mill the other day was taken by a fit and was thought to be going into hysterics, but by being removed to the engine room he soon recovered.. Mr. W. Dawson has disposed of his stockers to Mr. Sam Johnston of the Babylon line for a handsome figure. Wedding bells will soon be chiin- idg in our burg. h C Mr. Mellick and family have left for the West. Cyrus Schoch was to Hensall on business, Saturday. Edmund Geiger was visiting at his home in Hensall on Saturday. You missed Saturday night, Ed. "1 sa a Wi" can go to a home sweet home. Mr. Samuel Schoch was visiting his brother Cyrus on Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Merner attended a wood and quilting bee at Mr. Mel - lick's on the Bronson line on Mon- day. Some of our young people attend- ed a Y. P. A. gathering at Samuel Rann.ie's in Zurich on Monday night. A very enjoyable time was spent. Master Edward Lindenfeld, who has been residing with his brother- in-law, Cyrus Schoch for the last few years, loft for Hensall on Sat- urday to stay with his parents. We are sorry to lose Edward, the boys will feel his absence more partieul- arly. YOU'LL HAVE TO HURRY! If you want to get the benefit of our LOW PRICES on RUB,: ERS & SOX, FELT OVERSHOES and all Winter Goods. We want to make room for our large SPRING STOCK EXETER Special to the HERALD. The grim reaper is still at work among the people of .this vicinity. Since your last issue HerbertHand- ford, son of the late Isaac Hand- ford, died at the age of 21 years, a subject of consumption, He was a promising young mail and the sOr- rowing relatives have the sympathy of the whole community. 33, S. O'Neil received word on Tuesday that his father, who has been ailing for seine time at his home in Toucan, had died of heart Cyrus Schoch was in Hensall on business one day last week. Miss Clara Beaver, who was vis- ing in Dashwood a few weeks, re- turned home last week. Mr. Higgins, who was visiting at H. Eicher's the last few weeks, returned to his home on Thursday. Miss Barbara Bechler, of Slab - town was visiting at Joe Gaseho's Thursday. whech will arrive shortly. R. Bender SHOEMAN Headquarters for Boots and Shoes. They Are Going. . Those remnants and,dress. goods we are offering are on the move, and we are going to add a good many more pieces to the pile this week. Remem"ber these goods and prices is no sham, but sound articles. The prints we are offering is just the the thing for aprons and wrappers. In black and colored dress goods we are offering some ek- cellent bargains. Please make a note of the few lines we are offering: _ _ clooN::oo c�ar+scgi@.cAx* '+'�-Om%:o!F�! cd rv°ReT.6 47-4. r' rte. ato . A figured black cashmere, regular 50c, now 35c per yard. A figured black, regular 371/,c, now 29Xc per yard. 2 pieces of plain cashmere, reg. 35c, now 23c per yard. A figured fawn, reg. 50c, now 39e. And a great many more pieces in colors going at such prices. Remember there is no reserve as they have got to go, and to appreciate these prices you have got to see the goods. .Come and see them. Just arrived the very newest thing in Lrclids' Belt. No. 1, a plain black patent leather. No. 2, a plain black patent leather, with aGilt edge. We have also in. stock the new Lorraine loop for ladies' belts. j ► _ coulee r r i`:*!lfall a' ' e��,i!a�•.s''�wa�s. +i yacwar`. i�,',�i." e�7 Y i „�L�. .4`'� �'�. �L1R.'+Y Don't forget that we have a full stock of new Dinner and Tea Sets, also fancy Chinaware, such as Jardineres, etc. Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange. V. %tcinbach, Zurich GOSH -EN LINE Ea Special to the HERALD, On Friday evening of last ' week the members of Goshen Methodist church presented their pastor. Roy. 3. W. Andrews with a good large load of oats. An invited party of young peo- ple spent a very pleasant tin'ie at the home of Mr. E. Robinson one evening last week. . Miss Maggie Chuff of UHborne is the guest of Miss Minnie Erratt at present. Robt. Armstrong has engaged John W. Makins .for the summer. Read Tut HER•A.LD, 1t'S newsy; Death of Charles Bauer. Lying face down on the bare board floor, the head resting on a pile of kindlings almost under the stove on which he had been getting his own meals for the past eight months, the body of Charles Bauer, one time wheat speculator and lat- er in his life night watchman in a downtown building was found in an upper room at 761 Washington avenue north this morning by a woman who was preparing to move into the quarters thus so strangely vacated. On the one table in the room, ly- ing in the midst of bits of groce- ries and scrabs of meat, was a copy of a summons and complaint served on the old man Feby. 18 in divorce proceedings brought by his wife, The complaint stated that Bauer's age was 67 and his wife's 29, that they were marriecl.January 29, 1893, her maiden name being Mary 1. B. P. Ehwalt. Cruelty is roadie the main grounds for petition for divoree,_but the complaint also states that Por several years 'Bauer has spent every cent he could get in speenlatiiig in wheat, that for a long time she helte3,• support hiin by giving him everything hut clothing, and that a year ago she found it necessary to out him off entirely: The lodgers in the building state that the old man has since then supported himself by working as a night watchman in an office build- ing, and that he ate and slept in the room in which he died. An- other lodger was to have taken the room this morning, as the old man was behind in his rent, and it was her attempted entranceto the room which developed the pathetic incident. The theory is that death came through the aged. Man's' intent. The above is taken from the Minneapolis Tribune of Satuaday and undoubtedly refers to Charles Bauer, a former resident of this county, near Noche, and well known to the old settlers, - Mr. Bauer was originally a man of con- siderable wealth, and while some- what eccentric, was well thought of by many friends who will regret to hear of his tragic ending. Re. has 'a son residing of Bathgate.—. Pioneer Express Mar. 8th. DR. A. W. CHASE'S CATARRH CURE e.. as sent direct to the diseised part, by tl,, Improvad blowerr, Hetis the ulcers, clear% the sic Outages, stops dropping/tip thi' throat and pparimumit y •ur's. W leo. CAlt t.rderbaier�i, aqd lar aU7Flier. Alowea' >ha i A, 1 fw Medictna Co., 'I'o.gpto and if: Ori si+ 1,, .r 81 p 01 01 1'e of gr of A 13• Co an te re L. Cc LG ANN INV rO, sl t' H alc bu Iia W en lilt th on sl. Mi rla hila thi ma alt ati if ]iii pr nic 0 ea tiva go ty fu sa, bo Iia .Al _po