The Herald, 1901-03-08, Page 6RL'S PERIL.
ory of Interest to
oung Women,
daehe, Dizziness and a
of a Constant Languor
e — Hope for Similar
thousands of young girls
Canada, who owe their
if not life itself, to the
f Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
ple. Among these is Miss
rson, svlhose home is in
of Strathroy, Ont. To a
ho interviewed her, Miss
aid: "Several years ago •I
ffer from headaches, was
out, and could see that
as not what it had been.
laid not think there was
erious the matter, and
e trouble would pass
his,, however, I was mis-
time went, on I became
e headaches attacked me
ently, my appetite failed;
d 1 would grow so dizzy
Id almost tail over. I be -
ale, and always felt tired
at. I was, advised to try
s' Pink .Pills, and I have
eloice that I followed the
as I continued their use,
s though day by day they
ting new life to me. illy
proved, the headaches 'dis•-
he.pallor left my face, the
at bothered me so much
eared, and I felt altoge•
different person. I feel
my renewed health ear
Williams' Pink Pills, and
that there are many girls
as I did, I would urge
e no time in giving this
fair trial."
of Miss Patterson certain.-
ith it a lesson to others
be pale, languid, easily
bject, to headaches, or
istressing symptoms that
nward progress of anae-
es of this kind Dr. Wil••
Pills will give more cer••
peedy results than any
ine. They act promptly
y, making new, rich, red
strengthen the nerves,
WI the irregularities in•
is critical period.
11 dealers or sent post
cents a box, or six boxes
y addressing the Dr. Wil.
ne Co., Brookville, Ont.
igb Ati udes in Diseases
of the Lungs.
surprise medical men to
tions to the literature of
from New Mexico. That
gh section of our great
as become the scene of
mentation awing to the
art which climate . has
11 recent theories of tub -
re. The United States
a few years ago set
mer military reservation
xico for the use of the
pital Service in the treat-
nsumptive sailors. It was
the Surgeon General
o vast plateau men who
oma chance of cure might
an effect of mere change
• The establishment of
there has induced many
o are not associated with
Hospital Service to try
e of New Mexico, and,
the opportunities for ex -
by local medical men have
eptional. Among the most
students of tuberculosis
ologists of the University
xico. One of these, Profes-
ri, hasannounced that
ures In oasee of eonsump-
been achieved solely by,
altitude—that by move
'he sea level to a high'er
and back again, repeat
ocess a number of times,
orpuscles may be built up
e the disease may be slim-
great news for the world
five means of combating
0, or of minimizing its
'ts, shall have been estab-
t time alone can demon -
finality whether thls t]is-
that' may be of enduring
iadelphia Record.
he True Lady.
hould turn and look behind
street ; the girl who does
courts unpleasant atten-
mem who are passing.
he is a hostess or a mem-
o family a lady need not
a gentleman is introduced
siting conform: to the rules
ise in which you are stay-
visitor should always bear
topping do not order as -
.bout ; a lady never forgets
tglttful for those who serve
is known by the company
' I'his applies equally to a
Voman's Life.
t Liniment Cures Distemper.
fingering insanity,
mates of a Scotch asylum
n the garden decided upon
pt tc escape. Watching
ortunity when their keeper
t they approached the wall.
lid doon, Sandy," said the
VII climb up your ehonl-
;he top, and then I'll gig
d up tae."
.ioordingly bend down. Tarn;
hie back, gained the top
Ill, and, dropping over tbe
shouted as he prepared
inking, Sandy, you'll be
.bide anither fortnight, for
near richt yet:" .,Glasgow
Yong, olresmith.
t a Yoang blacksmith named
with brain. ,fever Was
tevermore spoke,
delight of rt joke
ne'trr, ;,rd had /lever been
3j M. Quenchly's
Mrs. Quenchly rose with what dig-
nity her angular personality permit-
ted, and moved towards the door.
"Sitdown, madam," yelled her
"Kindly bear iu mind you are not
bullying your office -boy, Mr. Quencb-
ly. I refuse to remain and be in-
sulted in my own sitting -room."
She turned her cold, boiledt,eye
upon her better -half as she spoke, an
eye and a glance that had never yet
failed in' fulfilling their deavlly do -
'nestle mission.
But ` eyes and glances, even of the
most approved Gorgon -like type,
were evidently at a discount so far
as Quenchly was concerned. To her
infinite Surprise and inward terror,
he stepped in front of her, and v,
ciously locking the door, dropped the
key into his pocket. Then turning,
he pointed once more with iron ges-
ture towards her chair.
"Sit down, Priscilla " he thunder-
ed. •"1 you venture to move from
your seat, to raise your voice, or
even glance towarcls the door with-
out my permission, 111—box your
1f a shock of earthquake had Sud-
denly occurred, or a thunderbolt
plumped smash tltx•ouglt the ceiling
upon her best carpet, Mrs. Quenchly
would have been less dismayed. In-
deed, it is extremely prosier that
either of thesedisasters would have
found her in sumer state of prepara-
tion for their advent, she being a
notorious housewife, and, one who
gloried in emergencies. But this
threat of personal violence to her—
her who had ruled with undisputed
sw-ay for unnumbered years, was
beyond all imagining. She collapsed
limply in her seat and burst into
"When you have done crying,
ma'am ,1" said her husband, after a
short pause, his voice now coldly
But, apparently beyond insult, this
impertinence passed unheeded, and
she continued to cry jerkily.
"So I find, madam," he went on,
standing squarely in front_ of her,
and folding his arms with Napoleonic
dignity—"I find that for twenty-
five years I have been living in a
fool's paradise, and lrare, so to speak,
been nourishing a viper in my bosom !
I find, madam"—and his ypolee • took
a, deeper and more vengeful tone—
"tha.t the trust reposed in you by
my guileless self has been grossly
abused, and that, though at present
without absolute proof, I am strong-
ly justified in believing that you
have been unfaithful to your -mar-
riage vowel"'
Despite this additionnl shock to bee
already outraged feclinge, and the
half expectation she had oI the last
trump being the next tilling to sound
upon her now widely extended ears,
It1ree Quenehly still sobbed spasmodi-
eally, .
"But I will be mare prert'e, more
specific in my accusa'tio'n, madam, For
the past month my corresponding
clerk, young Dexter—ah! you wince,
do you! has been (here several even -
Inge a week for the purpose of as-
sisting me in some private writing
and accounts. He arts on more than
one cecasion stayed to supper, and
on other occasions you have been
dictating to,'or othlerwlse instructing
him. More than once, madam, have I
detected glances passing between you
-eglaneesi of a furtive, of a suspicious,
nray, though I rage to say it, glances
of en amorous character 1"
Mrs. Quenchly's sobbing had now
ceased. Her righteous indignation
apart, a curiously pleasant warmth
glowed in her elderly veins. Why, the
old fool was actually jealous!
"Ile has—ostensibly for the same
purpose, that is, my private Corr -.
spondence—likewise called here more
than onoe of an afternoon—sent in-
nocently enough by myself, I admit,
whilst I have been engaged at the
offices. Whether your glances have
been renewed during these afternoon
calls, or whether declarations of a
more definite character have taken
place, I am unable to say; but from
my private observation of Dexter, I
have arrived at the conclusion that
he nourishes for you a mad passion.
Night after night, as doubt-
are doub -
less aware, madam, does he dawdle
past this house, gazing lovingly and
longingly up at those windows, and
"Let me roe, Dexter," obeerved Mr.
Quenchly urbanely to his corres-
ponding clerk the following morning;
"what salary are you receiving now?"
"Two pounde a week, sir. '
"Well, for the future,. I think we'll
call It three," sold hie employer: •`I'11
notify the cashier to that effect.
And by -the -bye,., Dexter"—interrapt-
ine his good-looking employee's dis-
jointedexpresstous Of gratitude—
"yeti can do me .n; alight servioe if
you would."
"Oh, anything, I'm +surer sir," stain-
mered the flushed youngster,,
"Shall you Unshed
of an evening for the: next few
weeko?" :.,
"Not in any W y, sir. rid invert -
ably at home by' tight O'clock."
• o'Well then, Dexter, all X Wants, you
"Isaac Quenchly, you ought to be
ashamed of yourself—" ejaculated his
by now excited spouse. "I never hear
of sued a thing In all my blessed Wel
Why, I couldn't even tell one of you -
clerks from another, not if it w
ever sof Five and twenty years ha,ve
I been to you a faithful wife an
mother, and—"
"Silence, madam 1" yelled her hu
band, with Irenzied renewal of his
first' outburst—"hear me to the end
I have deoided on my ,course of ac-
tion. f'are'well my comfortable si
o'clock dinner. and quiet, sedate eve
ing spent at home ! Farewell thos
cosy. comforts which at my time of
lief are absolute necessities ! I
fice all—and everything! To confirm
or dissipate my suspicions, X will not
Dexter's every movement, observe hi
every .word, and dog his every foot-
step with•the stealthy, untiring vigil-
ance of a sleuth -hound 1 I will watt,
the scoundrel's every action if h
keeps afoot till dawn --t will shado
him like a Sherlock Holmes! If m,
suspicions are confirmod-for yo
madam, the portals of the Divorc
Court, and for him, the avenging bul-
ullet1 And now, Priscilla Quenchly, yo
can go!"
And with the growl of, a wild beast
he unlocked and flung widely ops
the doer,
to dp is to etk'oii slowly pant ice
house—you live in the neighborhood,
I believe ?—stroll slowly past my
house, say four or five timea a week
between ten and eleven at night,
keeping, your eyes fixed on the up-
per windows. Commence ta_niglit,
stroll backwards and forwards eev-
oral times, you know, on the oppo-
site aide of the way. It won't take
you more than a quarter of an hour
altogether—and mind -and keep your
glance fixed on the first andsecond
floors. You understand? That's all
right ! Merely a whim of mine, a
sort of joke—and recollect the three
pounds commence from the present
week. There, there! No thanks. Get
along to your work."
And while the slightly bewildered
young man confided to his envious
fellow clerks the•princely rise in his
"screw," together with certain pri-
vate ppinions of his 'own regarding
"the guv'nor being off, his .onion,"
Mr. Quenchly entered his inner pri-
sete office, deliberately kissed his
pretty little auburn -haired type-
writer, and arranged to take her
to the Empire that very evening.
There was no mistake about it.
Mrs. Q., through a, corner. of the
blind, saw with her own eyes the
good-looking Young Dexter gazing
lovingly up at 'her window an he
slowly passed and repassed in • the
bright moonlight ; so - • that when
.some hours later—it must have been
quite 1 o'clock—she heard the- grat-
ing of the latchkey, and ,the tramp,
tramp, of her lord and master as he
banged himself into the spare bed-
room, she cowered guiltily beneath
the blankets—as, if, poor, harmless
soul, she was in some degree to blame
—and the courage to "have it out"
with lihn evaporated within her.
a+ a * r *
And a few evenings later—it was
at the Alhambra this time—Quenchly
encountering an old city friend '(who
strangely enough was likewise ac-
companied by his typewriter, a
black -haired ono) must needs stand a
bottle of the best, what time he re-
counted the manner in which he was
out -manoeuvring his "old Dutch,"
to the boisterous amusement of his
old friend and the shameless giggling
of the two young hussies, who were
In reality old enough to have known
better, and deserving of being well
So just at present everybody is
satisfied—Mrs. Quenchly beneath
her air of martyrdom experiencing
an exquisite pleasure in imagining
'that she is still youthful and fascin-
ating enough to make h'er husband
jealous ; the typewriter with her
evening jaunts, dainty little suppers,
and equally dainty little presents;
Dexter, with his unexpected rise of
screw ; and Quenchly himself—sad old
dog !—like a colt who has broken
-4 .. . M l •
Verily, my masters and mistresses,
the world is a pleasant enough place
after all, providing we do .but go the
right—or even the wrong way to
make it so. The Ally Sloper.
Nervous Headache
A very distressing and common
malady, • doubtless it has its origin
in some unbalanced condition of the
nervous system. -One of the sirihplest,a
safest. and most efficient remedies
is Nerviline. Twenty drops in a
little sweetened water gives almost
immediate relief, and this treat-
ment should be supplemented by
bathing the region of pain. with
NervIline. To "slay it acts quickly
falls to express the result. Drug-
gists sell it everywhere.
heirs of Living E ii1ers.
Here are some interesting, statietics
in regard to the heirs of living rulers:
There are thirty-nine rulers In Eu-
rope; and twenty of them have no
male heirs. Seven of them have one
son, three have two, four have three,
one has four, three have five, and only
one, the Emperor of Germany, has
six. Altogether the thirty-nine rulers
have fifty male and thirty-seven fe-
male descendants. Among these there
are twenty-four princes and fourteen
princesses, who are the descendants
of German emperors, kings, grand
dukes, dukes and princes.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
Jr local applications as they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. There is only one
way -to cure deafness, end that is by constitu-
tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in-
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
En.tachian Tube. When this tubo is inflamed
you have a rumbling sqund or imperfect hear-
ing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is
the result, rindunloss the inflammation can be
taken oat and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will he destroyed forever;
nine cases out of ten'are can. ed by Catarrh,
which is nothing but an inflamed condition of
the mucous surfaced,
Weaseof vDeaf coo One
by cdattaDollars
rh) that any
not be cured by Halt's Catarrh Cure. Send for
circulars, free.
' • F. J. CHENEY Sc co:, Toledo, 0.
Sold by druggists. 75c. •
Hail's Family Pills are the best,
Are Birds Becoming Extinct.
In only' three States in this coun-
try ' are birds holding their own.
These are Oregon, California and
North Carolina. In Illinois' they are
said to have decreased 38 per cent.
during the last 15 years, while from
all sections game birds, according to
recent statistics, have decreased 50
per cent.
Catarrhozone cures Catarrh.
Mining for Timber.
One of the most curious mines that
is worked'•is in Tonkin; China, where
in a sand formation at to depth of
from 14 to 20 feetthere is a • de-
posit of the sterns of trees. The
Chinese work this mine for the tim-
ber, which Is found in good condi-
tion and Is used In making troughs
and for carving and other purposes;
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc.
Offered a Small Figure.
A few days since a popular attorney
balled upon anothermember of the
profession and asked his opinion upon
a certain point of law. The lawyer to
Whom the question was addressed
drew himself up and said, "I generally
get paid•for What I know." The.ques-
tioner drew a half dollar from his
pocket, handed it to the other, and
coolly retnarked, "Tell me alt you
know and give me the Change."
Minard's Liniment' cures Diphtheria.
No Wender., •
"How did your daughter'if Voice
scare that burglar so ?"
"She got off her collage yell at
him." --Chicago Record. .
Short, Straightforward, Earnest,
and to the Point.
Mr. John Fletcher, of Granton, Tells
how He was Cured of Lumbago
by Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Granton, Ont,, Feb. 28,—(Special.)—
There are few people in this county
who do not know Mr. John Fletcher,
farmer, of Granton. Mr. Pletcher i.+1
not only well known, but highly re
spected, and his many friends will
rejoice to Hear that he has entirely
recovered from the very severe at
tack of Lumbago, which almost pros•
trated him last year. He has givens
out the following statement of his
case and its cure:.
" I have been troubled for over a
year with Lumbago, also Kidney
Trouble. My urine was offa'very dark
red color, and back was fearful
bad, I could get nothing to help me.
Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me. ' I ant
well ; Lumbago all gone, and urine
natural color." !l
•The remedy that cured Mr. Fletcher
Lias never failed in Kidney Trou-
bre. Dodd's Kidney Pills are the hope
of every sufferer from Lumbago,
Selatica or Lame Back. They never
Very Deep Water.
The survey of the Pacific .bottom
for the proposed cable to Japan and
the Philippines 'has been • completed,
ani hear Admiral Bradford, head of
the hydrographic bureau, announces
his readiness to proceed with the lay-
ing of the cable. About sixty miles
east of tite Island of Guam an
abyss was encountered, the deepest
ever found, in which bottom was
only reached when 31,614 feet Qf
wire had been run out. This abyss;
now named the Nero deep, is " of
course avoided. At another place a
high mountain range was discovered,
through which it was necessary to
find a pass.
C. C. Richards & Co.
Dear Sirs,—Your MINARD'S LINI-
MENT is our remedy for sore throat,
colds and all ordinary ailments.
It never fails to relieve and cure
Port Mulgrave.
An Exceptional Lake.
An Interesting exploration of Lake
Tanganyika and the country north of
it, finished recently, revealed the fact
-.hat while certain sea molluscs are
found in this! lake, it is the only one
of all the large African lakes in 'which
such phenomena are obears ed. Thls
lake ie only a short distance, some
eighty miles, from the great Congo
basin; much of which, without doubt,
was once covered by the sea.
This signature is on every box of the genuln•'
Laxative Brehm=Quitune Tablets
the remedy that mncen +r cora in one day
Baking Tins.
When making layer cake, if there
is not time to line the tins with pa-
per, the cake is not so likely to stick
if, after the tins are greased, they
are lightly dredged with flour.
Catarrhozone cures Catarrh.
In enlisting for the cavalryy recruit -
Lug officers never accept an enlist-
ment, from a man wllo weighs over
16 t'poutnds, while for Infantry or
artillery : recruits who weigh up to
190 'hounds are aecepted.
Catarrhozone cures Catarrh.
Is there a phrase ht our language
more .eloquently- significant of Thy-
s1cai:and'.. mantel'refroshment, "more
expressive of remission of toil and
restful relaxation, or so rich Inas.;
sociations . with type benefit and se-
renity of homelife, and also' with
unpretentious, informal, • 'social` in-
example of what tea should be. Get
the 25 •cent package for, greatest
economy... if ,your .grower asses not
keep'it, send your, name`and address
on r.4 postal, .,aid. by return mail we
will give •you: the name of one who
The•Ross. Tea•:`t;ompany, .U.-";3 i.•i- It
street east, Toronto. C ,
• it !,j++3p,,F'1'ht4+÷.1••1.,,H.+,,.b.l•,i"1„1••:••
k'leleS+ ++i'•ay+++++++4+'II +++SII•+3+:r.•,
Whether it were nobler in the wo
man to suffer the mud slings and
spatters o1 the trailing skirt, or
abandon "mode" and ambrace hygiene,
is the question of the feminine hour
Agitation on this most important
point has been whetted by the news
which comes over the seas from Aus-
tria. In Vienna the trailing skirt
must mot be, In Vienna they .have
city authorities who rise inspired and
lay doion the law according to their
lights. In Vienna have been hoisted
the signs of the hygienic reign, and
those who run may read that the
trailing skirt is tabooed because it
sweeps up the dust. No too, too long
garments in public places. If the signs,
which are prominently and frequently
are fail be. ftof theined:ir purpose the
offenders o
Already the kingdom`' of the long
sliirt has been contested by its
shorter, rival. The abbreviated bit of
wearing apparel started with the,
popularity of bicycle riding. Front the
wheel and the golf links it was •but a
step to the street. • Then came the
ready adoption he the"Rainy
Daisies" ; and now the curtailed thing
is so common that only the provincial
visiting' the city for the, first time
•turns, around to gaze at its wearer.
Champions of the short skirt are
hailing with; joy iY o. action of the
Vienna folk. They nee in this Aus-
trian initiative great ' possibilities,
even local legislative action, in behalf
of their favorite garb. They are
ready, with reasons why the clipped
wear 'is to be commended., For ex-
ample, speaking of the comparative
values, one little". woman said: •
"I wear a short skirt because/ ea'n
get around In it so much easier than
I can in a long one. I find the change
invaluable from the point of conven-
ience. When I want to run out to
market I don't feel like putting on
my trailing skirt, which is bound to
gather in WI the, dust and dirt from
the sidewalk and the thousand and
one. unpleasing articles which adorn
the floors of the butcher's, the bak-
er's, and the candlestick maker's. I
am so used to the short skirt now
that I wear it when I go down town
shopping, arf9, let me confess it, I
once wore it to the opera., when the
night happened to be disagreeable
andmtheiss."opera one that I didn't want
On the other hand, tbere are count-
less women who are''not ready to re-
linquishtheseIlan theIt—
old order. As one of
"We wear the trailing skirt be-
cause It is fashionable. Why is it
fashionable ? Oh, because it is, that's
all. For one thing, it gives a woman
a more distinguished appearance. It
makes the short woman look tall and
It makes the tall woman look queen-
ly. We are not going to forsake the
long skirt on account of a Viennese
precedent," --New York Herald.
Catarrhozone Cures Catarrh..
A Remarkable Pear Tree.
Charles J, Tinsley, of Henrico eoun-
ty, Virginia, has a remarkable and
most accommodating pear, tree. This
Is the second year this 'tree hes
borne. A few days ago. Mr. Tinsley
gathered. the fruit of this tree ' Ile
found then that tis+ had produced . a
pear for each member or.' his family
—thirteen in all—he and his wife and
eleven children. The tree had remem-
bered every one. This pear tree did
not do little, sneaky things either.
It bore not a pear,.tltat weighed less
than a pound. The pear for the gld
man weighed eighteen ounces and for
the mother seventeen ounces.
every city, town, village and ham-
let in Canada can make a few hun-
dred dollars with very little effort
on their part manufacturing our new
Cameo Art Medallions, the greatest
selling art novelty ever placed on
the market You can easily clear
Forty Dollars per week. We teach
you the' entire process of making
this great seller and supply all. ma-
terials for only $5. Only one person
in each locality, and we fully Pro-
tect you in your own territory.
Greatest opportunity ever offered in.
the world to learn a money -making;
business, and -no fake scheme. .;Par.
titulars- free for 2 cent • stamp„
Write at once to Green's Art ...Med-
allion Co., Renfrew, Canada, .
Triumph of Economy.
"The old m'anseemed mighty well
pleased with himself," said Mr. Garind-
er's Coachmen. •
•"Sure;" said the .cook: "He's been
saving all his•bern'ed nitttehes, for six
months, and this morning he found
he had enough for me to r.,tart the
kitchen fire with."— India,uapolis
Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in
Africa, has nearly 700 langivages,
and this fact proseets great difllCul-
tiee to missionary effort.
M U s 1 C Tho notun Elastc Teacher—a argot Im'i;ut9on:
Simple, perMet nail Mhi+) cath{,t Mr SELF.
LE S S ONS Ts•teutso 10 itis' 1iy irate an I IAsbt nr ox0As,
C®�• LIOL•lllilem , is,',: 1 , 441111 ,nonn Advnl,ead
Ft r1 E E pupils lent, hat o y and u,ahitstion, 4']mla
Xl G.. G RA,'UU i5ruuu 1 Ire used ezolustvoly io my
se ol'Mustc nftar$opt, ;et. To intrntluce, ono sotwith in-
atruatio11 (Fvbhalnr prino NAM wllt bo sent FREE to anyono..
Pending names and addresses or sOvan person; Vlio bave 1,i.
etn,roentst 51,02) {ants silver tosXlwnsel, !Stitt thIM
Ont, r. II, wiXiz2, rrivalpal, 73 MaJor St.. Toronto. Out.
ISSIT NO 10 1901.
r 410g.
This picture is the trade mark of
SCOTT'S $MULSION, and is on
every bottle of SCOTT'S MUI,-
SION in the World,. which now
amounts to many millions yearly.
This great business has grown to
such vast proportions,
First; -Because the proprietors
have always been most careful in
selecting the various ingredients
used in its composition, namely;
the finest Cod Liver Oil, and the
purest Hypophosphites.
• Second: -Because they have so
skilfully combined the various
ingredients that the best possible
results are obtained by its use.
Third: -Because it has made so
many sickly,, delicate children
strong and healthy, given health
and rosy cheeks to so many pale,
anaemic girls, and healed the lungs
and restored to full health, so many
thousands in the first stages of
If you have not tried it, send for free sample,
its agreeable taste will surprise you
SCOTT & BOwNg, chemists,
Soc. and $i,00; au druggists.
A dentist says that a. woman loses -
her teeth sooner than a man. Prob-
ably she wears them out with her
Sent on Trim'
at wholesale price.
If not sattsfaetory
money refunded.
Guaranteed torun
easier end• do
better work than
any other numbing
good machine for agents to mhandle. Bket. ig
money made. Thousands in use. For terms
land prices address
Treated Free.
We have made dropsy and its
complications a specialty for
twenty years. Quick relief.
Cures worst cases. Boole of
'Ts8'rrMoxxAx,s and IO stow
treatment b•ni w.
DR. H. B. G1i10EN'SSONS,
Box l ATr-etvn+n,Gl1.
Fencing 'and Metallic Roofing and
Siding Business and Plant.
Beason for selling, not sufficient
capital to push business.
Limited, LONDON, ONT.
shore—west of Port Dalhousie; ten acres
planted t;o Ir it trees; large portion bearing.
Address box035, St. Catharines, Ont.
.L shop and dwelling, on line of ratlwav+
with stock and tools—now and clan; at rate
on the dense+ rare chance; inspection solicited.
.Soho Ritter, Newton, Ont.
15) plants post paid for $1.00. Send for list.
N. N. MALLORY, 131enlieitu, Ont.
in Canada to sell made-io xne•asura
clothing• good commissions; full periioulars.
Crown Tailoring Co.,. McKinnon Bldg., To.
fronto, Ont.
finest in the Niagara, Peninsula,, at
Winona, 10 miles front Hamilton on two rail-
ways, 130 acres in all, 35 of which is in fruit,
mostly peat hes. Will be sold in one pared or
divided into lots of 15 to 20 acres to suit pur-
chasers. This is a decided bargain. Address
Jonathan Carpenter, R O. box 409, Winona,
Mrs. Winslbw's Soothing Syrup should al.
Ways be used for Ohildrnn Teething. Itsoothes
the child, softens the guru.'. cures wind collo
and is the best remedy for »iarrhtea, 'i'wenty•
five cents a bottle
An : Important Question !
For, one ,year now we
have put before you in
the columns of this paper,
a notice asking your at-
tention. to the merits of
our goods.
if yeti have read our, ad-
vertitleinents and believed
in our statements by using
our goods,
St. _
Lawrence Sugar R.efiner..
year p
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