HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-03-08, Page 4THE ZURICH HERALD
the Zurich 'Iberazbusual shape. �
the ape,. In a few! days GENERAL NEWS,
came ..�--
1 ne the telegram : "Some mistake.
Bill's body not arrived ; box
tamed a bears" The cowboy,
was still at the station on
traeted spree wired back : "No
take ; ]3ill's inside the,bear."
FRIIDMY, MARCH 8, 1.911.
'Reasons are the basis of good ad-
The dull man bores you and the
sharp man skins you,
Some people fear publicity a good
deal more than their own cousel.-
ence. Good advertisers are afraid
of neither.
It is reported that Mr. G, F. Mar -
ter, M.P.P.-for North Toronto, will
retire from public life at the close
of the present session of the legis-
Determined raiding is in stove
for New York gamblers.. •
Insurgents burned 50 houses at.
Santa Maria, Philippines.
Three thousand dock laborers
have struck in Marseilles.
Supplemental estimates for the
British navy are £1,200,000.
Cuban convention at Havana
reassert their independence,
There is a deadlock in the oleo-
tion of a senator from Montana.
Texas Senate passed a law mak-
ing kidnapping a capital Offense,
village of Attleboro Falls, R. L,
well nigh carried off by thieves.
Property valued at $751000 de-
stroyed by fire at Seenectedy, • N.
A hundred things niay happen
every week thkt the newspaper man
never sees. Ho does the best he
can., keeps his eyes and ears open,
but he is only a Inman being, nei-
ther omniscient nor omnipresent.
You often wonder why this thing
was not published; and may he you
say the newspapten has its favorites,
Wand they have. 'They are,, the peo-
ple who are thot'ightftil ,enough to
send what news ..They have to the.
newspaper office or invite the re-
porter to come Where the news is.
"Keeping one's naive before the
public" is a part of advertising.
but telling why that name is kept
before it Is generally a more valu-
able part.
Not. long ago a South Missouri
editor was blessed with a baby boy.
A little sister, after examining the
by, went to her.fat.er and asked :.
id we get him on advertising
a, papa?"
A western judge has hit upon an
ffective plan for getting tramps to
;ave town. He sentences all
rought before him to 30 days'
ork on the streets, and gives them
if an hour • to get their tools.
hat half hour sees them well on
heir way.
New York Police Commissioner
glared the other day that it was
ssier to hang a man for murder
„: fere ibm to dismiss a policeman.
"Last year," he said, "the board
had to pay out $130,000 in back
salaries to men who had been rein-
stated by the courts." •
W. J. Ferguson, of the Arcade,
Stratford,one of the most successful
Merchants of Ontario, when asked
one day last week about business,
said he regarded the printer as con-
tributing largely to his success.
"There is no movey I pay out so
cheerfully," he said, eras the money
I pay to the newspaper publishers.
It always brings•me returns, and I
pay the printer's bill as cheerfully
as I pay the baker's." This is the
practical opinion of one ef the
Classic City's shrewdest business
men and it is a lesson for non=ad-
When a nian dies suddenly, with-
out having been attended by a doc-
tor, the coroner has to he called in
and an inquest held to ascertain the
cause of his death, But, when he,
dies after having been attended 1 y
a. dodtor, then everybody knotit s
why he died, and so an inquest is
not necessary.
Away back in 1883 John Swin-
ton's paper had a song of the bil-
lionaire which aptly suits this day
of industrial reorganizations, con-
solidations and monopolies :--
a compact body, comprising 4,000
churches, 9,000 ministers, 120,000
church members, 220,000 Sunday
school scholars, and 600,000 atten-
dants and adherents,
'Mr. Absalom S. Allan, of Clifford
has been appointed sheriff of Wel-
A swindler took. $75,000 out of
Chicago wholesalers under assum-
ed name.
"I'm a bloater, I'm a bloater,
By my millions all are dared ;
I'm a bloater, Im a bloater,•
On t'ie 'water' I have raised l
"I'm a -drumming, I'm a -drumming.
Up the millions, right or wrong ;
I'm a-ccmIng, yes s -c ming
With a thousand millions strong l
"I'm a -nursing, fondly nursing
Well my wealth in coffers cram-
Public's cursing, loudly cursing,.
But'the public may be damned.
Brantford board • f trade will ask
the government for a 1 -cent rate on
drop letters.
A Chicago rag dealer, for 11 cents
bought a bundle of old clothes cors.
taining X53,670.
Forty Vance Iver recruits for
Baden -Powells police are on the
way to Ottawa.
`.Che startling announcement is
made that the Michigan peach crop
A in fine condition.
. Marine engineers' strike has
reached Chicago. Twenty-five to
thirty men are out.
Militia called on to prevent
lynching of negro assailant of white
girl at Indianapolis.
• A now ferry line will be estab-
lished between Windsor and Detroit
with a three -cent fare.
The supplementary estimates in
the British Parliament call for £3,-
000,000 more for the war.
Mr, Thomas H. Young, chief of
the Ontario police force on the
In response to a request by Dr.
Sheard, Dr, Bryce, Secretary of the
Provineial.Board of Health, has
furnished the following report of
smallpox in the Province, showing
the 33 locations of the various
cases, numbering now over 80.
Algoma. --Sault Ste. Marie, 6 ; Bat-
cliotivna, 4 ; Goulais Bay, 2 : Michipi-
cotton, 1; Massey, 7 ; Wahnapitae,
2 ; Indian Reserve, 1; Sudbury, 17 ;
Chelmsford, 4.; Stobie, 3 ; Copper
Mine, 1; Copper Cliff, 1; Ottawa, 1;
Walsinahan, Norfolk Co., 1 ; G•ocle-
rich, Huron Co., 1; London, 1;
Toronto ; Penetang, Siineee Co., 1;
Bracebridge, 2 ; Sturgeon Falls, 1;
Brougham Twp„ Renfrew Co., 3 ;
Little Current, Algoma, 4 ; Renfrew,
5 ; Adamston Twp., Renfrew Co.,
3 ; Whitefish, Algona, .1; Penefath-
er Twp, 2 ; Orilla, 1; Cayuga, 1;
Michigan is stated to be the orig-
inal source of the epidemic.
"Why, don't some inventive [ ern is
devise a scheme whereby idiots
could net cut short the threads of
existence by blowing out the gas at
hotels? But ' when we conic to
think of it perhaps it is all for the
best as ,it is. Gives the undertak-
ers work, the newspapers an item
and makes room for people with
some sense.
A local newspaper reflects tae
business interests of the town. -A
business mail looking for a location
always examines newspapers to see
how his particular line is represetiit-
ed. If he is a druggist, he con.
eludes there are no druggists, or,
if there are, they are all dead. :.If
he is a doctor or lawyer, he logks
over the professional cards to see if
his profession is represented.
Am nag the farmer subscribers the
home paper has a similar mission.
The prospective buyer likes an in-
vitation to come and trade with the
merchants. A card of the profes-
sional man is just as essential as
the card in front of his door.
Sight Restored.
Science points out the
way to the restoratiolnof
sight. If your vision is de-
fective, we can,. by
Scientific Methods
measure the defect,
supply the necessary
ses to restore it.
Mrs, H. Wills, Chesley, Ont.,
says :—"My boy was all orii)pled
up with rheumatism. Although we
ri'ietored, he was in this way fcr
ab n t oae year, and the pain wa s
ca irriule. Reading of navy eases
where Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver
Pills had cured rheumatism, we gc t
a. box. Before they were half gene
he began to improve and to r
well, I am very gad
nund them to others." One pill to
dose, 25 cenis a box.
A horril le story was re.vea'.ed at
the Coroner's inquest into the
cause of the death of Mrs. George
Maynard, of No. 2 Desjarclin; lane.
Maynard, who is in the employ of
the stationery department of the C.
P• It., at Montreal, went home very
drunk on Thursday night and found
his wife lying on the floor dead and
covered with blood, but did not tell
anyone untill next morning. That
was the story he told, but it seemed
iacredibler and he was naturally
J. Dumart
Niagara frontier, is dead. under suspicion. Tlie evidence at
• George Jarrett. aged 20, killed the inquest, however, corryboretecl
his step -father at Columbus, Ind•,
while defending his mother.
;,,Win. 11. Bublee, a Wisconsin'
newspaper man, will be United
States consul at Hong Kong.
'.: A petition has been largely sign-
ed asking the government to make
Glencoe a Custom part of entry.
Complications are growing in
Santa Domingo, and 4,000 United
States soldiers will be sent there.
Manual training for girls is short-
ly to be undertake. in Ottawa.
Paper and cardboard will be used.
British troops in South Africa al-
ways remember Majuba day. They
celebrated it last year by capturing
Cronje and his force, and this year
by bringing Botha into camp.
Gratifying as such triumphs are,we
hope this is the ;cast Majuba day to
be marked by an .engagement be-
tween British and Bcers. Long be-
fore the anniversary comer round
again' the two races should be dwel-
ling together in unity.
• Letters with checks and cash
amounting to $5,000, were found in
a ,garbage heap at Charleston, S. U.
Str'athcona's Horse,; under S;,ent.-
Cal: Steele, are expected to arrive
at Halifax on Sunday or Monday.
The strike ordered by the Marine
Engineers' Association appears to
be' in progress all -over the great
Ferrell, murderer of express Ales
senger bane, expiated his crime in
the electric chair at Columbus,
William Patterson, the medical
student arrested with a woman s
body.in his trunk, has been sent
for trial.
Dr. W. F. l: ikmt Savannah, Ga„
prominent in l,berature and science,
yesterday killed his wife and then
The United States Senate has
passed the rivers and harbors bil ,
carrying appropriations of over
At Holdenville, I. T., yesterday,
Johnson Miller, a Creek Indian
murderer, was Shot to death by
masked men.
• J. F. Brownseomb Company,
Limited, general storekeepers, at
Uxbridge, Ont., have failed; liabil-
ities, $30,000.
Sergt.-Major Kenny and Capt,
Newton,two of the oldest army
veterans in Toronto were buried
there on Thursdap4.
The influenza epidemic is beet m-
ing more severe at Stockholuin,
Prince Bernadotte, second son Hing
Oscar, is among the sufferers.
Another instance of the manner
the people in the Territories suffer-
ed was shown by the fact that the
first-class rate on goods from Win-
nipeg to Calgary, 840 miles, was
$1.82. From Winnipeg to Prince
Albert, a distance of 609 miles, the
rate was $1.89. The saw mills of
Prince Albert had to pay 20 'cents
per hundred on lumber to neat*.
points, while the rate on British
Columbia lumber was 50 centsfa
hundred to any point in the Terri-
tories or Manitoba, a distance : of
1500 miles. Little wonder than
Manitoba was willing to spend mil-
lions of dollars to get the benefit of
railway competition. He himself
had purchased a carload of apples
at Seaforth, Ont., for $180, and he
paid $518 to the C. P. It, to lay it
down in the Northwest. He quit
purchashing apples after that.
We notice; that the Bungtown
Banner has ,another bright piece of
news this week, It reads like this :
,-While coaxing, home late last
Thursday evening our fellow towns-
man, Jeremiah Peterson, the genial
proprietor of the Eagle store, was
shot by a highwayman, who knew
that he generally carried large
sums of money in his pocket', and
was killed. Fortunately, Mr. Pet-
erson had just deposited his money
in the bank that day, so all he lost
was his life."
him. The four medical men NS
examined the body agreed that
there was no evidence of murder,
but that the wounds appeared to
have been caused by an animal's
teeth, and not by any instrument.
It was shown that Mrs. Maynard
kept Hire dogs in %the house, and
often when she was on a spree left
Clem unfcd for days, and they be-
came ravenous. On the day of her
death she was particularly drunk,
and it is supposed that the clogs, in
desperation, attt c'.ed her. At any
rate, the jury rendered a verdict
that Mary Maynard died from ner-
vous shock or fear, caused by the
bites of dogs, while in a state of
intoxication. Two of the jurors
dissented from this verdict and
asked the police to investigate the
"Gentlemen," said'an orator the
other day, •"out of(the mighty Whole
only a few are chosen to serve the
public. They are also selected
with an object in view; or an object
that has been viewed. The
sons who are chosen tile supposed
to be chosen from the creamohe
intellect of his locality. It is also
expected that he will take all the
cream his office, will raise, and an
occasional one has been known to
skins a little on the outside." '[Loud
cries of bear, hear,)
A cswboy appeared ai a railway
station in Nevada and stated that
he desired to ship to parents es St
the body of a : comrade who had
been killed by a grizzly bear. In
shipping the boy. the agent noticed
that it was quite heavy 'and n 7t of
Mr. W. H. La Blanco, Bonfield,
Ont., writes was once a suf-
ferer from catarrh, and while us-
ing Dr, Chase's Catarrh Cnre I was
recommended to use also Dr.
Chase's Nerve Food to build up the
system. My nerves were exhaust-
ed and I was too weak to do a day's
Work when I began using it, and
now am strong and healthy, and
feel real well. I ani perfectly sure
that any one who uses Dr. Chasers
Nerve food will believes as I do,
that it is the' best strengthener and
restorative obtainable."
Sabbath Observance,
Always in the. lead. A
Complete stock of
Robes, Whips,
Horse Blankets,
Single and
Curry Combs,
Trunks & Valises
Repairing neatly done
by Mr. Kestle, who gives
all work his personal at
Zurich. Your Trade
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain oiw opinion free whether en
Invention is probably patentable. Communes•
tions strictlyconddential. rlandbookon Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
special+totice, without charge, in the
CdCn1iI C Mm¢ricatt:
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir-
culation of ,any sclentlllo journal. Terms, $3 a
yye1lar ; four months, $1. Bold by al newr&
IMUNN & Co.361Broadway, New York
Branch Office. i,:'" a tit.. Washington, D. C.
gamma 2
Clubbing rates.
IV—We have made arrangements
rates with 'DIE HERALD :
Daily Globo . • 4.00
to offer the following low clubbing
Mail & Empire 4..25
Weekly Globe . 1.50
„ Mail & Empire 1.75
Berliner Journal (German) 2.50
Family Herald & Star 1.75
Cood Health
Doctors and stomach pumps sav-
ed the lives of two Michigan 'uni-
versity students who had Glared
each other to eat castor oil beat s,
Horses and mules-76,000—valu-
ed at $26,650,000, liave been pun-
chased in the f cited States for
British use during the war in
The earnings of the G. T. R. for
the week ending Feb, 11 amounted
to $520,144 which is an inereat e of
$19,066' over the amount for the
Corresponding week last year.
Walter Herbert, who confe. sed
to complicity in the i3 ftcn case i" is
treated much as other prisoners at
the county jail He 'works about
the building , and finds this a good
way of passing the time. •
'Whenever there is an ache or pain,
when when there are
sleepless enightstand e lmomentaiy spells
of weakness, look for the cause, and
see that it is removed at once.
Cultivate ,good health while yet there
is something to build on, instead of
waiting until the nerve force is depleted
And vitality completely exhausted.
To persons suffering the results of
thin blood and wasted nerves, Dr.
Chase's Nerve Food supplies all the
needs of the system and brings perfect
health. It occupies a field by itself
cures byforming arespects:
itrich blood
and nerve force, building up the system
and increasing the weight.
The Berliner
It is a reconstructant, restorative and
ritliser of the
most unusual merit,
which sends new life and new vigor to ! Catherine Street,
every part of the body, and gradually♦
and permanently cures all nervous trou-
This is the machine that talks—sings--plays every instrument—reproduces
Sousa's Band—string onccestrasroIisirtrombone,Church Coirsetc.
It reproduces the violin, piano,- flute, cornet, mandolin.
piccolo and every other instrument.
The Berliner Grain -o -phone is louder—clearer, simpler and better than any
other talking machine at any price. It sins every kind of song, sacred, conic;
sentimental, patriotic, '''Coon" songs, English, French and Scotch Songs, select-
ions front Grand and Comic Operas, plays cake walks, waltzes, two-steps, marches,
in fact everything that can be played on any instrument or number of instruments
can be reproduced on the Berliner Gram -o -phone with the wonderful indestruct-
ible record discs.
It tells funny stories or repeats a prayer. It can entertain hundreds at one
timesuit the smallest room-
hee Recorthe gds aest reinot wax, all or rthey are 1-lard,or it can eFt t, Indessubdued tructible ble Discs, which
will last 10 years.
The Berliner Gram-o,phone is made in Canada, it is guaranteed for five years..
The Gram -o -phone is used and endorsed by the leading clergymen and.
others throughout Canada.
The Berliner Grant -o -phone received the only medal
for Talking Machines at the Toronto Exhibition 1000.
The Berliner Grant -o -phone has been widely imitated
and the records counterfeited ,thereforebeware of machines
with tnisleading navies as they are worthless.
If the Berliner Grail -o -phone is not for sale in your
town, write to us for illustrated catalogues and other
information, free.
FAcronv : 267-371 Aqueduct St., Montreal,
EacA.rvl.t, Br.00r, General Manager for Canada.
Nes and diseases resulting from weak
blood and low vitality. 50 cents a
box, at all dealers', or Edmanson, Bates
& Co., Toronto.
Dr. Chase's
Nerve Food.
Prominent Horseman Swear
A meeting of the Ministerial As
sociation was held at Hamilton,
Monde 7. morning. The Committee
on Sabbath Observance reported in
favor of endorsing the request of
the Barbers' Union to have the law
amended so as to prevent Sunday,
work in barber shops.
Subseribe for Toss HERALD'
Hamilton retail merchants will
urge upon the government that the
police court be made a court for
the collection of debts, the division
court being too expensive for the
collection of such sums as $25 and
A nun bey of Boers were surpris-
ed while in awiming near Middels
berg and seven of them wore shot.
That will give a serious setback to
the innovation of bathing whit la
seems to have lately been, introduc-
ed in the outer eireles of Boer socia
When the Methodism thron:gout
Austraulasia is united, it will foe"
4 UR
E. BERLINER, 2315 St.
a 16 inch horn,
8 records
concert sound box.
and testify they are as recommend-
ed. You will do likewise after a
Trial. Our line consists of Caustic
Balsam (the safest and best blister
known,) "see Testimonials," Colic
Draughts, ' Chill and Fever, and
Tonic Mixtures, Lotion for wounds,
Heave Remedy', Condition Powder,
Hoof Ointment, and Gall Cure.
Every remedy Guaranteed, or
money refunded.
Those Medicines are put up in
convenient forum, with full direct-
ions 011 each one. They are to be
had at every store in the Country,'
and if yo'tir storekeeper: or drag -
gist dont keep them, write tis and
and we Will forward them prompt-
ly. Every Farmer and Stock
owner should have thein on hand,
Prepared by
The Eureka Veterinary
' Mtcicine Co
Doctots find
A Good
For mankind
WANTED :—A case of bad health that It'S'P`A'N'S tv111 g
not benefit. They banish pain and prolong life. ;One gives
relief. Note the word R.'i'P^A-N'S on the package and
aeeept no nebstitute. It'1'PA'N'S to for g cents, may
be bed at any drugstore, Ten samples and one thousand
testimonials will e mailed to any address for five cents,
forwarded to the Ripens Chemical ea, No. to Spruce
Street, New t orlr,