HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-03-08, Page 3- . I ,; , , . , . , .,
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OfGciool�bye," she said, "I am So,
156try'lls . I i e%
But he looked 8�ralglit into her 0
. . , __ . � I I I I � I I I � .. � .1 1.
. '.
tt.be Solent c,a,t
. aotrophe� Adnilrai De'r,3
4U,,ham was not, concerned, with
actual dilaster in,any wa,y, was he?"
- .. .1.11 I . . I .. . .. ,I
" � ,
iwi�,�,;ii � :: I . .1 I I. :. � 1. I'll _
. I .
and he. answerel' ler bravely. .
would not, admit defeat, . .
Wolfeaden shook his head, I
"Thank God., no I" he* said cmphati-.
, . . I �
. I
� I � ' '
"I bobs tha t you,, are, not," he said.
I ,
"I shall ne
ly "Bitit Admiral Marston. was ills
� .
. 411
I ver regret It." -
friend, and Raw him go
. 9 I
I .
-----W-- +__-*�
- I
I 4 � , I k : i 1 1
down With six d of his men.
He was' 40 0lbsetlidt they even shoat-
.. .
A m
I - . .
From a Dim World,, I :
ad farewells:to one anoth6r," �
. , �
I ,
I �, .
. .
. . .
WOIfenden was in no
must .have been a t"
rible, shock;" * Mr. - Sa�blh admit '
" Thwilks for the ti ' DRI
p I
I .
� __ 11 - .. 23
. . I
Cheerful frame of mind w, hen,, a law
. �
ted, "No Wonder be mhds suffered
I foun'd it w'holesorne,,swee t and clearL
- �__ .. - _,
— _______ .. ..
I i I I I I
moments after the'lialf hour was up, I
from It. .Now you, have spoken of it,
t I'fn sdund in .1 im b an ram ,.,.
MOW tha d b J '
"Olve that t1ci McPherson," he
"that You cannot care for me, or that
Air, Sabin appeared upon t,De p4vi lio�
I think I rainember piiadiqg about his -
I'll never drinl< Japan again."
� I I �
. ,said. "'You pan clean my clubs and
seem to
there are diffkouilties which .
make it inipossible ?" .
tea, followed by a tall, dark young
man .carrying a bag of, golf clubs'-'�-Mr.
retirement. A sad thing for a,mali
Of Motion,, as lie'&Iways-'was. Does he
.Put In my looker. I shall not
She looked- up at.him, and he scarce-
Sabin, on t1je other hand, Was inclined
lremain In Norfolk, all the year round?"
. . . .
_. � I I
. . -
Play g,a
, gain this morning."
The disappeared I down the
ly knew her transfigured face, with
to .,
be sardonically 'cheerful, . -
, '. dicap," ho, remxTkd%i"W
"Heneve,r leaves Deringham Hall,"
Wolleindeif aiiswel-6d -` "Se" 'used -, -to
I I �- .
, ',A free sarnpl& of dificlous SALADA
.1 - '
Tea sen"t, ,on.ir6;r,6iVt,of, posta
-bill]. Y st
Ty'� ood for,a moment side
the tears glisEening uipon eye-
lashes. I I
. I
two, .Mine is one.'' Sui)posp MY
il�ak� -short ZPaellil ' " " tr] lag
ng;druisos un.11 , t
mentioliing* vviii h ' ' &ink—aftic�k, 'Mixed or' (xre�h.Z��- Addres
C 'Ybu .
Side. I
" I
" Do not tempt me' to say I what
level. oughtAo.mak,6 ..a-,...gQ0A,
11.90 I I
matb . .. 11 I 11 - ,
Year, but:,that%ig ,41 -aver now. - It
1, I
s� eel
is. -twelve ' mqnth�-'-�Inee ),a t.epb
. . . . .
-1-1 �4'm
'1:1 _5ALADA,`,Tiir-A'nto, or' ontreal.
. .
".. -
have Spoilt your game," she
4aid, - "I am sorry."
might make both,of us more ua-
happy,"' she begged' "Be content to
, , ,
*Vklolfendeii looked at , Ise:'
-him In'-surPrise:'
. i, , . � ,,
6litsliloi lAS,;6Wzi gates.. 1, . .. -
I " ,
. � . . I
� __ .. � . . "
1. . �
He laughed. -
"I think you know," Lie said,bold-
know that I cann�t marry you.-
"You '. have promised somebody
"Did you say. one?" - - '- - 1%
Mr. Sabin smiled. I . I , ,
Mr. Sabin remained deeply" in - t6rest,
I � �
ad,. . -' , . I
1. . '. � . I I N I . . . ..f, - ... . �.
. I
. 1i
1+ .
JY- "t&at I would rather spendfive
alage ?" .
"Yes; they.give me on& at Pau an'd
"Bas lie any owallb,tion beyond till$
I I. . 11 . � . .
I �
� I .
I . I I 4
minutes with you than a day at
"I sbail. 'probably marry," s16 said
Cannes. My foot int&f�kes very little
with my,walkingoupon'turf. -All the
hobby ,of which you spoke ?V,he asked'
"He rides and Shoots a little, I sup",
" ' ILX
+' BUTTER.A.ND CHEESE-:*- ... 1.�.
.g,lf.,, 1. .
. I
. I Sbe moved on with W a . mile at the
deliberately, ,tlse.".
He ground his heel, in the soft sands,
same, I expect you will find me an
Pose, 'like *the ri'tigf of"yoAr countr�'
+ +
.. . .
. ' . '
corners of lker.-lips. -
" "What a downright person you
I iid his eyes flashed.
'You are being weroed I" he cried.
easy Victim here. Shall I drive 9 Just,
here, Dumayn . � - . �
a " lie added pointing Co
a convenierit* ;kiot upon ihe tee with
96ntlemen 911- , : . . 11
... � I
- Then for the first time Wolfenden
.6p . '. �
Some Hints on +T air Minu .
facture and Handling, by the
are I" she said. "But honestly, to-
,day I am not lir the triood to be
She -lifted her head proudly.
"There is no person breathing," she I
the head, of his driver. "Not tOO much
.began to 1yop4er dimly ,whether -Mr:
Sabin had some purposq of,.hiS`own in
+ . I . .., � �. I
I'lontreal Butter, and -Cheese
alone. I am possessed With an un.
easy spirit I of sadness. I am afraid
saidquietly, "whowould dare to at-
tempt such a thing P ,, .
sand." I
"Where did you get your.eaddle?"
so closely punuinig"the � tlikead .'of
this Conversation'. He' looked at � him
; � I
. +.
+., I I . I
Association. . , * - - .
I . I '
of MY thwights." �
Then he looked out. with ' her to-
Wolrenden asked. '*He is,not, one of
keenly, .At the moment his attention
-1,++-�++++.I�+4.;�,++O,�++4-'+444�4;tt-+-Io-:,+,:- ........................
is I am sorry," he said, "that you
should have any that are not happy
wards the sea, and they watched the-
long, rIpp:ing waves break upon the
ours, is lie?" 1 4 .
Mr. Sabin shook Ills head.. .
,seemed directed to tile
danjerous'pTojilnity of Iiiii ball and
Tile Montreal, -Butter and Cheese
. .
the 'Cheese, coming 'to 1fointreal. I
ones. Don't yo
, u think perhaps, that
b,rown sands, the faint and unexpected
found him oil some links In tile
south France," he "He is
a tall sand bunker.'Tfiliougliout his
Association 'has Issued a circular on
has become the practice of factor
You are a little lonely? You seemto,
have so few frienqs ?"
gleam of wintry sunshine lying upon
the bolsom of the sea, and the scream-
of ansivered.
the only caddie lever knew, who could
interest, bad seemed - to be fairly di-
vided between the, game, and the con-
the clicese question that every far-
men to send their -oheese to Mon
real before they are sufficient
" It is not that,- she answered. "I
. ,
Ing seagulls, whose white wiligs shone
make a decent teei So. I take,, him
about with me. He valets me as well.
ver sation which.he ha;d Initiated. None
the less Wolfeiid6h was puv
Wed. He
mar ought to read.. It .warns
. � - ' *
men against manulac turing lu'0au -
cured, and If we are. -to hold t
w.e. have gain
have many and very deai friends,
and It is only for a little time that
like alabaster against darker
clouds. For .him these things were no
That'will do nleely, Dumaybe." 1.
could edarcely believe that Mr. Sabin
ada any cheese at all fr'om 4-r
' fodd
good reputation
' st' be � stopp,
this bad practice MU
I a,la separated from them. It is
lomg r beautiful, nor did he see the
ibabin's expression suddenly
changect. J:iiS body, as though by in-
had any real;' Personal interest Jn
Ills father, . bbt, on the other lit'Lild
milk, either -at the boginniug or the
and cheese must be-helil In the
torles least t,wo . fQr
6 UIPIY that I to soli-
. I am not lised
tilde, and I am becoming a creature
sunk ,ht, which with a suilden fitful
'g -
ness had ,ivarmed the air. It was all
4 .
stinev, fell into position, J:fe �carcely
it wa.9 not'easy to-iinderstand ZE
end of the seasona. It requires no ar-
at week., ,
. t,
quring cheese, and longer
of moods and presentiments. It is
very cold and grey. It was not pos- 1
,ered his stand an inch froiii .ttie
position he had first taken. up.- NVolfen-
Persistent questl6ninw as - to Ills oci'
and,dohigs. 'The last 113-
gument to prove that if our cheese
curing cheese, or In all cas
Ver,T foolish that I give way to
them; but to I
sible fok him to read thd riddle yet- I
she had,not said that she could not
den, who had expected a half -swing,
qLlIrY, carelessly,though. it was asked 1.
to be sold at remunerative prices
the season of it is
the cheese are cured.
should be so provided tbAt t
- -day am miserable.
you inust stretch out that strong
cara� him!'There was that hope I
was amazed at the wonderfully. lithe,
graceful movement with which lie
was a, direct One. It seemed scarcely
worth to it. "
,during producti'on,
essential there should be no
perature of the curing room
hand of yours, MY friend, and pull I
" Th'
ere is no one," he said slowly,
61 who could coaroe yon 7 Yoa will not
stooped down and the club flew
wthile evade .
"No; my fAther licts special linter-
. . I 8
large qutintity of the previous ea-
maintained pA -or. near, 60
Fahrenheit, otherwise cheese I
113e Up." .
"I will -do my best," he said. "I
marry me, but you will probably
marry sotme-bo,ay else. Is it, then that
round his shoulder. Clean and true rho
bal . I
I flew eff tile tee in a perfectly
ests," he answer6d.slOwlY. �'He is ell-
gaged now upoli-somp work c.onrLect-
son's production left over at the
commencement of the new season. It
jured, by heat in ' '
summ . iez . an
in autumn.
am afraid I cannot claim that there
is anything in tile shape of affinit Y
you. care for this other' man, 2d not
direct line -a capital drive only a litLI6
shokl; of the two hundred yard& U, za-
ad with his proression." I .
"Indeed-!" ,'
must therefore be in the common In-
. .
Appearance .of Cheese.
, between us. for to -day I am part!-
cularly happy."
fdr me V
She sboiok, her head.
ter and servant watched it critically.
Mr. Sabin's'exclamation 'suggested a
tefreat: all concerned to see that
no Impedir
nent is placed in the way
A large number of, the. che
9110 met his eyes briefly, and, look-
. I
"Of the two," she said, with a faint i
fairly well hit ball, I think, -Du"
m,yn,,,, Mr. Sabin remarked.
curiosity vi�hich it waA not Wolfenden's
Purpose to gratify. He remained silent.
of the'frde*sale and free consumption
of existing stocks of cheese during all
riving in Montreal havii a&.t I '
rough and, aind SOM'O '1106
ad away seawards with the ghost
of a sorrowful smile upon her lips.
attempt at her cAld manner, prefer ,,
,you. Yet I shall marry him." I
.-You got it quite clean away, sie",
the man answered. "It hasn't run very
The game .piod�ieded without remark
for a quarter of an hour. Wolfenden
the period up to the arrival of new
'fall in
rough onds, giving , thadq.,he
very bad appoaxance an af
Her words sounded like it warning.
" D40 not be sure," " It
Wellenden became aware of an un- I
expeoted' sensation. .Re was getting -,
well, though; you will find it ai'litto
was'now three down, and with till
grass goods on the market
Canada,'even at the cost of some im-
their value. All che&a might
she said.
I nii�ly not las�.
angry.' .
near far banker for a comfortable
second." . I ..
the stimulus of a strong opponent lie
set himsp I 1.1 toxecover his ground. The
mediate loss of money. Now, the ex-
Perlence of redent Tears proves that
have a good appearance if the
er would take his cheese out
will last," he said, "so long
as You choose. For to -day you are
right," he saidi resting'
his hand upon her shoulder, and gain-
-I shall carry It- a'14 right," X[r.
Sabin said, quietly. .
ninth bole he w1dn with a fine, long
Pldtt, .which Mr. - Sabin applauded
the average world's prodilettion of
hops early in the morning. --
day following the date of :'
the MiStreft of my moods V,
�ing courage, Ptoni her evident weak-
Wolfenden also drove a long ball,,but
heartily. i .
[all., grass cheese, which sold on
'tb6 English markets, consisting chief-
ture, trim off any une�ven'a
I am very sorry' for you,"
She said, earnestly.. .
ness, know more. I have given
you my love. At least you owe me in
with a little slice. He had to play the
odd, and caught the top of the bunker.
They drove from the ne'xt tee, and
walked together their balls,
ly of Canadian, States and New Zea-
his obeese back to press' wi�'
He laughed it off, but her words
return your confidence. Le- -- --- -
The hole fell to Mr. Sabin. in four. .,
�vhlolf-laz�, within a; few yards'of one-
land makee� besides the English.bome
-make, is as lai& as can be consumed
ends,. reversed, and leave,tl
uiitil the afternoon, uS`i_-_g
brought, a certain depression with
them. 'He *nt on - to speak Of
it. You sliall see that if even'I may I
not be your lofer, I can at least be
They strolled off towards thesecond
teeing gr6und.
another. - - I .. .
"I am�very-muoh Interested," Mr.
lil-one sea�on :
:&inge to keep ille cheese
something olse, .
" I have
your faitiliful- friend."
She touch�d his hand tenderly. It
� .k.
"Are yciu Staying down' here ' for
&Nn remarked, "in what yon have
.. �
.1 St Pr9fitabie PlAces. I '
Ta,ke, for Instance, the Sea-
pressing up between the 400P, I
the follower.
been thinking about you
this Til,orning," he sald. "If your un-
was seareety kind of her-cortailily
long?" Mr. Sabin asked., I
Volfendph hesitated., �'- - , I
been me about, your father.
It confirills; rather a �curious story
son. The total shipments from Can-
. -1
I Choose Boxes. :,
cle iv going to play golf here, It will
not wise-. She had taken Off her glove,
"I am not sure," lie said-- "I P -M
about Lord :DerInghd*m which .,
ada;� and th6 States from May list,
The cheese boxes generally In u
be very dull for you. -Would you
and the touch of her soft, delicate fin-
rather odolls situated at home. At any
.beard in Londo . -
n a few weeks ago.
� T900,' to the elid of January, 1901,
are disgracefully poor, and factor
care for my mother � to come and
gers thrilled him . The blood rushed
rate I Shall probably be here as tong.
J was;t6iq, I',forge**t by whom, that
have amounted to about 2,900,000
men elipuld insist upon being suppil
see you ? She would be delighted, I
th r oygh his veins like mad music. The
as you.- . . . I
Your iatlide'lia'd de�voted'Yeixrs of his
. nglish. make is
Wlth'& better box in future. in
am Sam for It 'is dull for her, too,
longing to take her into his arms
u ab6ut tli.�Q' Mr.
life to *a wonderfully minute study
estimated to be some 15 per cent.
box that is' at, present.baing -
and she is road of young people. If
was almost uncomfortable. Her dark
Sabin said. "I think that I am going.
of.English defences and liar-
larger than that of the previous sea-
plied, the sides are too t hin'61
b'Ou -_
eyes, looked upon him very kindly.
to like these links, and if so I shall not
naviii strength., MY informan I t went
son. This large production has left
causes them to break, and,t I
. He Stopped short, She was shaking
" My'friond," she gaid, "I know that
hurry away. FQrglye meif,I,:an� WL
o an forgive.me, but this..
a. stock of Canadian and American.
and bottom are frequently made o ,
her head Slowly;. The old despond-
yoiL would be, faithful. You must not
with is
quisitive,but your referenda to. home
V�a.g said quite pipenly,* you knoltr'_ cheese on'band at this date which it
many pieces, which causes them�
alloy was back in her face, Her
be ,angry me.'Na-y, it Your
affairs ls� I presume, .in connection
that vvhilgt on generhl mattersyour
1 will.take four months' full average
fall out, and insufficient nailin
eyes were full of trouble. She laid
her delicately gloved fingers upon
pity I want. Some day you will know
all. Then you will undierstand. .Per-
with yZ' fa,thet's health. I N�:as very�
sorry to hear that he is 'look6d upon
father's mentaa health was scarcely
aJl ..that - could be. Oesired,. Ills work
consumption to cleax off. If in dddl-
tibil to,this large stock a large qtan-
these is a Common oompl;iint. We -
his arnL ,,
haps even you. will be sorry for me, if
now as a ef--lifirmed Invalid." , ,
Ill 6o6iiiaidtion'wi'th thbae tWo subjects
tity. of -fodder � cheese sliould be nid.de
fact,)rYmen to insist _`UPOn -
ting boxes with sides from one -f
� " My friend." she said, "It Is very
I am noli forgotten.1 only wish that
I could tell you more; only I may
Wolfendon assented .gravely.. He -d
talk I tat,, 1d;
waa '61 great vnf�e. It struck'me ai g
' , I
'ancT 'y
Jrom 99.7 milk this coming spring, it
. - ._
.1 - th'i'i -fh& rbea
s seen it Will
to one-quarter of an Indh in th -
kind of you to think of It -but it is
imposslble� I cannot tell you wh'
Y aS
not. 11t makes me sad to deny you, but
not wigh-to about li, r! 0
O' t
Mr-Sablu. On tile other hand, .Mr.
bdIag.1v6rY singular ve
a r
Intere-tIn- cage.". , - , . . .. .
! easi y
, inevitably be -a large surplus of olti
neo, With not niore than -two.pioces
I would wish. But at present I do
not desire any
I musu, .
" I'mean to know," he said dogged-
Sal�lp was politely peisistent I .
- . -
"Re'doeg hot, I prcsume,recelv:b�
N -
. Yolfenden Shook his head dubiously.
- "Your lhformhut 'Was misled, Iam
C lieese'left over on the English mar-
kets in June,which will certainly have
In the top or bottom, and with the
tOP find bottom pieces properly,*
acquaintances. I
-must not, In fact, think of it. It
ly-"I mean to kno-w everything. You
vWtors," he -said, ag-,,tlitl:� left the tee
11fra ,ild," he* said. "MY �fatliet takes
the effect of retarding the sale and
nailed. These pieces shmild be made
would give me great pleasure to
are sacrificing yourself. To talk of
� . - .:
a' fter the third drive. I , I
I his� hobby, very seriously, and of
seriously lower the prize'of now grass
of well dried material, so, that they,
16 n a
from the a d '
know your moth -or. Only I must not,
Believe me that it Is impossible."
marrying a man whom you not
love is absurd. WIho are you? If you do
,AVolfendeu dns*e�6d de-
cislvely. "He suff,erp - d good deal in
course, we humor him. But as regards
the value of his work, J am afraid
,goods this coming season. For these
reasons It seems to be only . . 1.
w.ill n4t shrink'awa,y
and weaken the bqy-
Welfenden was a little hurt - a
not tell me, -I shall go to your guaT-
varl(;�6 ways, and apart'from that lie
It* to worthless."' 4. � I
... Tile Part of Wisdom.
, .
V�I;ei. , , ,; -
oo t was a ver Y
add thing.. He was not In the least
I shall go to Mr. Sabin."
"Mr. Sabin is always at your ser-
Is very much absorbed in the collection
of Rome r .
. Ati.tistics conneeged' with a
"Have You t6ited it yourself 2" Air.
Sabin asked. - .. ..
� 1.
for Canadian prodlic r�,.
t� who contri-
' .
Inoilier obJ6666D)able pro.6tioo
a snob, but he knew that the visit
of the
vice," said a suave voice almost at*
his elbmi. "Never mor,�, so than wt the -
h6bbY %of hI& He,does acit"see'even Ills
oldest "frielids." . .
"I have only seen a few pages,"
WolfeMen "but
bute.the largest quantity of foreign
cheese to the Engli sh market S,`tii',"d",'
seems to be grow -Ing. in many dis-
tricts of the country, and, that IB the
Countess of Derin
ham, whose ,
name was still
11r. Sabin, was obviously- Interested;
admitted, they were
wholly unintelligible. My chief all,
at '
whose produce present
practice of carrying 'whey back from
great in the social world, was
. Woltenden turned rounil. with a.
"Many years ago,"- lie said, "I met
thority is his own secretary, whole
highest in reputation there, to submit
the factory in milk cans; which gives
not, a thing to be refused without
.grave reasons by a girl In the position
start. It was indeed Mr. Sabin, in.
unaccustomed guise, c-ladL in a tweed
your father at Alex,andria.." He . was
ilien in command' of. the -Victorla. He,
giving 0 .in excellent pluce,simply
because lie is ashamed to take money
even to some immediate temporary
loss on thel-� fodder milk rather than
lie the cans a bad smell, and.this to
too ofton communicated to the milic,
Of Mr. Sabill's niece. The old question
suit and lian-ing upon an
walkling-s tick.'
would - perhaps scarcely recollect in a
for assisting, in 1york which be do -
make any fodder cheese at all, either
at the beginning or the end of the
and does a great deal to - �adise bad
came back to him with an irresistibl a
emphasis; Who were these people ? He
Come," he salid, good-humoredly,
,, �Onit
now, but at the time&Jie made in.
promise to visit Illin if ever 1'�Was Ine
ci.�res't; be"uttex
0 -ly h4ela�s-" I
"He is* a '.clan," Mr. Sabin remark.
seasons, as they will assuredly reap
flavor in the cheese. Where the
farmer desires to make.use of his
. looked at her furtively. He was an ob-
servant ma.n in the small details of a
look at me as though I were.
alhiing uncanny. If you had not
England. It must be 'yds,, it'silrely.
must b6 nearly fifteen Year v,
P ago,
ad, "whom you can trust, I suppose ?
gment is not likely to be at
a. subztantlal advantage in the higher
prices and Increased reputation they
share of the whey, it is strongly re-
commended that he oaxry With him ha
woman's toilette, and he know that
so V. ry absorbed you would have
heard me call to from the clitfs.
-I am afraid," Wolfendeirremarkea,
ran I � .
Will afterwaxds obtain -for their full
grass goods.
Ills waggon a barrel ,or other eamis
he had never met a girl better turned
out than his present compunion. The
I wanted to save myself the clilmb, but
watching the flight of his ball a
t.uccessful brIlssey shot, �41'tftat , lie
,. ,
"Tliere'is*�no't the faintest chance of
It " NVolf6liden declared. '116, Is a
in advocating this Polley,this As-
than his milk cans to Convey, 1he,
whey to the fa%*m. Under .no circum-
cut of her tailor-made gown was per-
fection, her gloves and 1 boots could
you were deaf, both of you. Am I the
fbrst man w hose, footsteps upon the
would have f6r otten all .ab out it
I . 9 ,by
no w� His memory bas,suffered a good
v�ry simple, good-hearted little chap)
and tremendo �ly conscientious. What
,soclation not forget the diffi-
culty the farmer is faced With- In dis-
stances should whey be conveyed in
milk cans. , .
scarcely hh:l�e come froln anywhere
I but Paris. She carrieci herself, too,
,sands have fallen lightly. Now, what
is it yon want to as -k me, Lord Wol-
deal." � ..
Mr. Sabin "addressed - Ills own ball,
youv friend told you.,. by the bye re.
minds me of rather a curious t ing
posing of Ills stable fed milk.. It
would 'be bettei, If necessary, to
. . .
33atter. * . ,�
� . .. .�
I .
with a perfect ease and ndefinable
distinction Which. could only have
fenden T"
Wolfendea was In no way disturbed
oz,nd from.a: bad lk:oisent it flying a,qJuill-
dred and fifty yards with a peculiar,
Wbith happdned yesterda:y."
throw this class of milk away ra-
tber than manufacture It into cheese;
must go more largely Into
the manufacture of f6hey 'botter,
com 2
to her by descent. She was a perfee U
at the man's coming, On the co ntrary,
be, was glad of it. He answered boldly
jerking shot i-VIdeb, Wo.ifendeft WAtchod
envy. ' . 1, , �. .
paused. There did 'lot
seem, however, io'be any reason for,
but suchl a stiel-ifice is not necessary.
I -
While it seems Imp'088ible to ma,nu
since It Is evident thdt we are now ,
ty'Pe Of the woman of breeding-unre-
strained, Yet aristocratic to the tips
and without he-sitEction.
with .
! I .
"You must have 'd wonddiiruf eye,"
concealment, and his companion was
evidently deeply Inte ested.
facture a flrst-�class article Of
making as many cheese as� ean be 1
consumed in one season at Profitable .1
of her finger -nails. ,
He st9hod as lie looked from
want to marry your niiace, Mr.
Sabin," he said. I
he rema;rked. "to hit`a',b1WwItJl a
full*swing lying lllx-'e tbat. Mhe men .
, . "A man called'upon' us" WolfeDden
oxmtIn - ,
cheese from stable fed milk, It Ifas
been proved that by scrupulous clean-
prices. There is abundant ,,rooin for
expansion in butter making, provided
. h r. a
a :
Very natural indeed," Mr. Sabin
out of tan would have ttiken'tifi IrOn. "
ded, a letter PurPort'lig
to be from our local --tor here. Re
d c
Illiess and scientific methods .a very
only the best quality Is' made. All,
I .
'You are a very mysterions young
,troman," lie said, for�c�d
remarked ensily.."If I Nvere a young
man of your age, and evkdent taste I
Mr. Sabin sheugged Ills shoulders.
He did not wish to ,.
9fa Vo Ills name :as Franklin Wilmot,
i beigbriLted
fine article of butter can be ma,doi
from this milk, for which' there is
hop of doing an export trade of any
Importance In dairy butter must be
,,ii-ith a air
or� galety.
have not the least doubt but that I
"I was about to =1kJrk_,11�- -he said#
a pbysl�ian, you,know
, .
an d eXplaliled that lie interested
always a good demand from domes-
abandoned. Nothing but the best
'I am afraid that I am," she adnijt�
ted, regretfully. "I
should want to marry her myself. I
Pf my sincere sympathy. Un-
your father' had then the re-
putation of, and impressed we as be-
- )ias
in 1, fiew method of treating'mental
tic sources And a considerable de-
in.ind-for export, at good prices.
creamery butter will sell freely, and
profitably. There is � proof enough
can assure you
that I am very tired of It. But -it
��r6trunyautuel 'it is impossible."
y I ,
"I to know,"
ling, the
. . best, inforhied, 'man with
to English affair,& '
complaints. He was very Plausible,
and ho,explained everything unusual
ntion, thierefore, trObg-
This Associ, 8
that fancy butter can be, made 'in
wilt not Imt ror ve7,Y much, longer."
"You are really going aw,
%y, then?"
want Wolfanden said,
why it is Impossible? I want a rea-
, .
regard with
' n4v10
wbom'I ever wriverged.11
: abo� 4k v .
ut hl ' ii1t most satisfactorily, He
wanted 6 sight.of the work on which
nds the as
ly recomme'
far as possible to provide ' 'them-
Canp.da but much Progress must yf�t
be ma& ere our average quality will
he asked, quickly.
"Yes. We sliall-not be in England
" I I
son of some sort. .
"You shall have one with pleasure,,,
was consid ,Ity .I
ered ati.'Autlioi ,
believe," Wollenden admitted.
. my father was engaged', and after
. ta.lktng it 'him
selves with alternative machinery,
for maklag both butter arid cheese,
stand as high as that of, D6ntrj&rk or
Australia. 'We are especially behind
much longer."
Mr. Sabin said. "My n e a is air a I ol�
2 1 c a
a " What I particularly admired
bout hiln," Air. Sabin continued;.
over ,we introLiuced
into the study during -my fatlier'sab.
and where it Is not possible for th'a
. '
to ,ork 'his fodder milk
these countries in regard to Pack.
Only the
are going for good V' lie asked.
"I mean, to remain away ?11
"To ot
, man," Walfienden exclaimed
- r .1 060 S IT,
"was tile abseace o - that - k t D-
sence. From lie promised to give-
as 11, general opinion upon case.
farmer vu up
into buttoi�, It 19 strongly recommenil-
ages. best obtalnabj& should
be bought, uniform 1P, style and siz,e,
. I
"When we go," she said, "it Is ver-,
doubtfill if I
Indignantly, "whom she admits that
she, does not care forl7l . . I
now which som.6tima�L I am afraid, al-
most bIJiids the. judgment of r
n4ld its -treatment. -- WhIlst lie was
t here 'up,
ed that he should put It into Stock.
The A�soclatlon desires to call the
and where boxes are used, no 'Moro
and' no ]ere butter hould
S b
ever Shall set my fo�t
on English 15011 agaill.11
',W'honi she has -nevertheless," Mr.
Sabin said suddenl'y, and with a siad-
great naval iWicer.§. I have h.,ard"
� IQ
lilin. even, discuss tb6 poSs bility f. an,
I 0
rove In hot
haste. The letter was a forgery, U16
special attention of factory men to
the. or most of
0 l�a,ck-
ed than will test 56 pounds whem der,
He drevir a quick-' breath. It was iiis
I -Ter last
-one chance, then -words must
den flash of ange,r iiii his eyes, "agreed
� .
invasloil'- of 'Englatmd . wit a u I wit
11 tn
He�admltted �
man an-ImpbrAor." . .
Wolfondeh, glancing towards Mr.
uncured condition 1. ,
I I � .
I �
4bo his excn�e for Such precipitatloh,.
-and pxDnilsed of her own free will to
marry. Look he -re-, Lord W,olfandon-, I
9tavity. I fai
tha t vir,
Sabin ,&S Ile. fillisIl ory,, was
___1___-__ -
. � -
- .
AnlerJ=i7_,ea,,_. .
They had scrarnbVid down through all
opening Ili the cliffs, and there was
do not desire to querrel with'you.
'11Y father's .views," .1 Wolf(milen
Raid, '�liLt've-11%"V.IVSIY,en"p*ig,ilmir,i-�
surpTIsed -at
n the latter's imperfectly
00 coaled interest. His lips were in-
pletely Imposed upon both my moth
an d myseff." or
' �
The )night pamed off; thei. Turk
no one else In eight. . ,Some instinct
seemed to tell her what was coming.
You. saved me froin a very awkward'
accildent a few nights ago. and I 're�
regards the act�al 'Streinval of our I
qr,ltwn, Ills face seemed instinct witil
"How 1014,' wore You in the study
before Dr.-Whitlet t arrived ?" Mr. Sa-
aw1oho, 11 I
She tried to talk, but she could not.
main your debtor. Be reasonable I My
iiavy amd coast defenees. believe he
certain passionate* ISut finely con-
trolled. emotion, "Only tho hiss
bin asked�
put )lie evrollen head In soak,
And Ills
ITU Iiand had closed ;upon hers, a n d
nliete has refused your offer. I con-
fi,rra hex refusal. Your Prop osal d . oes
used to make'himself a great nuisance-
, I
at the Admiralty. I I
Slight of
his .brea,th and the gicaln of hisbladl,"
. .,.
11B I .
arely'five nflautos."
on peak Cracked Ice he
1. �
bou .
lid, .
she had not the strengrbil tojiri,tw I t
away. It was so very 1`ng lisb, thl a
us both ilill'oh honor, but it is utterly
-He has cc,lsed mow# I suppo,se,i) Mr'.,�
Sabin "to take,much in '
� P I .
,Yes betrayed him. . - - , -
" "WJill t happep,ed T1 be asicled, "Did
It was odd. but Mr. Sablil . seemed
PoSlt1vcIY reli0v0(l-
And .his imperial molax$.,ground,
H IS crimsoia'.fez 'more
Sudden wooing. No one had ever -dare d
to touch liar fingers before wltliout
out at tho qu utting
. estion. That is 1)
it plain ly, is it nott ? Now, you, must
remarked, .
terest in the matter ?i',.
, .
You Secure the fellow?"
. I
.� "And Mr. Bitit,liprwiek," lie asked,
11,Where. Ire. all *tllo time V'
Was not rett
, '
. p
. ,,an war e se 18 head '
flrst bv.gglrlg permission.
choose for yourself -whether iou �
wlill drop, the subject and remai L
n our
elm se.Lircely say thai,11 Wolfen-
den answered. "'HIR - Intioreg t, how-
Wolfenden played a long &]lot and.
wa-Ited whilvt he watched the' run of
was I I
,,who?,, Wolfenden asked in Sur *
- I
JUd in his month the &I bas
roy to
ObS,1rved a dark brawin sickening
y know-Holone-that I
3ove you ? I want you to live in Eng-
I -
-Vaued friend, or whether you com 1301
ille'to ask to leave us at'once,
ever, has 'ceased to be officiml-.- I- dare
say -you, have heard �'that, be was Ili
his ball., ' Then he,,taned to,wards "Is
c6mPanion and-ohook ble,head.
1,M,rr. Blatlio�,.rwivk-your father', 6
lie(," I
t "t IEi. I �
,,011, vassal 1" c led : - �'-
th6 man wsilol*
be MV wife. Don't say that
I baven't a ch'a,rice, T kiNow,that I
YCAL and
consilder us henceltdrth as strangeis.,�
command of the Channel Fleet at
the time of the terrible disaster In
"No! He was a groiat deal too clever
for that'. He"sent.'nia
. retary," Mr. Sabin repeated coo Y;
,'I understood Yon to Bay that his I
-G, get a .boat" and row 7'
out quick
.ought not to have spoken yet) but .you
are going nway so soon, and I am so
The girl laid her hand upon ills
shoulder and looked at him pleadinglY.
the Solent. He retired almost im'me-
diately afterwardsi and we fear tha,t
I out .to meet
Whitlett, ama when w6 got %bAck he
had shown us a clean heels. He
name was Blathorwlek." I
-1 don't remeniber mentioning his
Out to that battleship and tell �
Tho cIller I W,! a T381L.,
ah he we . re I'
afralld that I might not seeyou again
"For my sake," she said, "choose to
his health will never altogether, re-
pair of
got &wuY through the -window."
name at all," lVolfenden said, vague-
. �
or worob to that a
And that big Yankee, ship
alone. Don't Stop me, pleage.1 ami. not
remain our and let this be for-
, .
cover frod,the Shock,'
"Did 110 take ,away, any papers with
ly distutbod., . I
, War*
�.Wiwked '
asking ,.Von now, for your love. I know
.that it Isi too sooti�to horve for that
"For your sake, 1 consent," he'salk
There was a shori lnte�lulsslon in
the conversation. Wolfenden had Sliced
1" UT, Sabin asked.
" He may - hayk3 'taken
� I
_�_ -_
.14110 lrl�y by II-ference.
Long Ore he had 1,zi*lted ''ine, I
�nitogethiar, I only Want you to know,
A to hope."
:anc.7 to be allowL
'But I give no Promise that I Will.
not at Rome future time reopen the
I Is ba' - ra the sixth tee, and
I 11 badly fro
Mr, Sabin, having driven as usaial
loose . Shoot or two," Wolfen-
den '�Nothln-g
I . .
� As, 0, .man enteral a picture g"allery
1 .
To share . his hospitality, ..
" �.nd attiffed me. till 11,16' 0
. I .
"You ninot hot. Tt IR imoossible."
f,Tha, Words were very low, and th ey
"You will do 80,1i Mr�' Sabin,
With almost matbeinatleal precision,
their ways for a. few mInuteR lay
Said.., , ,of ittly con�
ql�ence. I '0111k. 115 had no tIme. I
on t �
d think
tile attelidant tappoid b4ii ou the
Shoulder, ancl, pointing to a small cur
. goose -- � . .0it,kod
. . I
With that d6fl-bla,lued X1jAj#,1Ckr
,6&me from her quivering with'intense,
.1 exactly When you debire to 01096 your
tipart. They came t6j�ether, howevott
that - that rould have
been Ills— 6bJtoA'- altogotuer, ''or lie
-that foil6wod him, Rald�
" I
A1100,111 . ,
I .
fain. lie released her ringarfiL he
huge boulder near, and�
uainance. With US. riot the rest,
you h�
rive chosen ivisely., Now I am ,
on the Putting, greeho il�ld 'had ti short,
walk to the tee.
�'VOIIICI 'Scarcely. have suggested my
,q) "g are not Adnilt,ted.
1�'Tbatlo not my ,dog,"' roplied , the
I . . -pauver Feet. -
. I . . I
eahed ,,Pon. a
resting her' face r0on her hand, gazed
going to take You, liome, Helena, After-
"That was a very ere&, table halt
remaining wit,li' Ilim in the Study." *
� Mr, Sabin , drew a quick fittle.
. .
I -dreamily out to sea. ,
I'll am Very sorryt" she said. "My
wards, It Lord Wolfenden will give me
a match, I shall be delighted to have
to you.0' Mir, Sabin reiftarked. ,
"Uy �pproaeh.�' W101fanden admtt-N
13INB'ath, He played an Iron shot and, I
played Jt�V6�y badly. ' . .
"But lie follawo you." . .
"So do you I" replied the old gei),-
� Blessed are those .
uncle was rfirlit virter 1-111. tt , was not
11 - . . I.h
'*Ise to?- us to meet. I Ought to &Ve
& round of golf with him.11 "I
1 shall bi,Very pIea8od,.11.WOlfea�.an
� .
ted, "was a lucky me."
"It was a very, fine shoti"' Mr, Sa.�,
, -"It Was a Very "traordtba;ty oc.'
cU-rrene6,",,,..he. remarked. ,"What
tlonu - oil � . shaxplT. . �
T.ho attendant grbolled, ftud relnOlfed
Whose blood and indgme
. lit, are S*
.Well'eOmmlngled, ,
� ,
s not wisa-it,was
lie friends, It wa ,
answered; T I . I .
"I 'See "I'll
bftc linalsted. *!'T'hoi spin' h4lu�d , you., of
the,man like'? Did he Mani like "I
'th� dog with ent Irely unnoc"sarY VIO-
That they are' a Pipe for Por-
tiine.Ps, fing n
.- Veir,y. VO4y fooliqll." L _
. , &,ing tj Mon, Ills first thou-J�hts had
I will Yon at the,, paylilon .
halt an hour i " Mr. Sabin said. 'fin the
course. but iod',��ere �Wstlh6d In al',
lowtiag for thato 6speolUlly as you.
ordinary tiblef ?1, .
. I Wolfeadeb Shook IlW he&d'd&IdodIy.
leiaoe.-:-MtB1tA A
I .-
oil I .
To souild what stop,ahe 01"808.
been for bithself. But at hot' 'Arords lie
meantime, you will Please excuse us. I
seem to J�Iay most, of yod2o' maslile
"NO1140 t I he -least)' Ito d0clartd, i,ne
Fred Peggi, a' London, Out.,
, 6Y
L -Hanilot; lil, 2.
I mept that stetft
bayb a few words to say to,� my�,filoeia.vl
shotio with ti,,cUL What were we talk-
was ,'Well dressed. his than""
*tole $150 from it Chinainan tnA'
. I --
I Jobo Tibby,.one of the most
. . 11
I .
-10 -
ofitboith her hands� looking
ing about? Olt. 1 remember, Of
-Were excellent. lie bad all the appear.
werit to Detroit, When arrested lie
Inent glass ink"llfact'll re re of Pr aw . -
90 laid slowlyi
r 't
At . I kindly, halfw1atfully. ,
it Was aboUt your tathbt 4W
. I , ,
of. ft Mali of Position, go toga-
,bad spent nearliv %II the money. ,
. �.
sylvaulaii IS doaA,, ' I
. I..� �
. . I .J I �. �
� I � . I I I . � I . . �
. . . � .
: �
L � �, I � 'L I . � . .. . . - - ., :, 11 . . I
. "I ..:, 1! - - - I ............. I ........... fil.w
� I � . , I I � I 1.11
. . .1 . � �
I I.. I
, I .
. ,�'. �, .1 - '. , 1 4 L I . . . -
I . 11 I 11 . 1.
I , ,
1�1.. I 11 .: -
. - .. , �. . .1 1-11. .1-1,11.1 11 .- ..I. -I-1.1.1
. . I
... _ .. 111.1-1--.." -, 11.- ..... .. - I I—— �
, " ' ' -1
. .11 -11 - .. .. ..
I ' '" L � ' -