The Herald, 1901-03-01, Page 8ry equal to' icais to ing. a. Good Work Tailor, mer 11 A N D machinery Ziiilcli nson a new stock room Suits, ockers, and Window e Frames a eee for your - Den Mill 1)e - ring special ar Sheeting, etc, nson orks. L.0" of Buggies make room ire Buggies Ontario G he line Jewel - ods, Lowest g' ialty ur'ch Ontaro Furniture,. ouse, spartment. Fur runks, Fancy Suits, oards, )hairs, ases of ewing and make inion, OmaLS, gold s Ex- 10,in ealer, oney, with 7 albs e9 it 1^ e athis 1�T1 ZURICH HERALD BLAKE KE ; Special to the Il.],'AL1), Ed. Ecit;h.offer end sister were o visiting friends ia1Da $,wood, Sun- day. E(1 says he has a good. driver. Mr. Beelike: an our mor ellant Mr. Nichol +vcro n Seafc>rth Fri- day. Bob eitye it lturte 130get teeth extracted. Our worthy luncllord Mr, 1,Ier mer had, a. bee hauling his supply of ice for the sumnie •. -Our mail carrier Mr, Howard taut not got through on Thursday on ac+ount of the st.)riny weather. i\Ir. LawreIlce says see have, a good bastes'. in 0u1'•town for hair dressing and shampooin g. lir. Joseph ()each and his are bt:sy in the sweialp these cl Joe is a bestler. Master Jamb nb Kennel is - enga 11 Tills 14th Con., Lot 25. with Mono SteckIe for the steamer. C0 a1 f eisc I wadi: Prang was Sunday at Jake . �„ iltvartssentruber, ;+ranelatiYT hist. Zurich P. 0. Planing and Saw Mill —All kinds of woodw=ork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A. full stock of 13. C. Bed (Jodar Shingles. All kiuds of ,timber al- ways on band. Chopping done every day. SATISFACTICN HUNTER). clltil'ish on Sunday last and hoard a very* able address delivered by the paster Rev. Thos. Davidson. Mr. Peter Durand and Miss lilclna Rolfe visited Miss Sadie Holtz of Clinton on Sunday last. ..+. »..- HILLSGRE,Eii/ -Special to the lice ALn. The anniversary services and tea - meeting hold hero were a grants success, The Rev. 111r. Sewers of Brefeefeld. delivered two eloquent sermon-loin.Sunday, Thoteamoeting On M/IOnelay evening was without peer, the good ladles having pre- pared a most esculent spread to which. every one dict ample justice the proceeds of the tea -meeting and ;social amounted to over ;1GO. The nlen' poopio of the congregation are to s. aycong I ratuzlatod on their success. Mrs. 'Vire thercott of near St. god 'Mary's is visiting friends here. Miss Ina i ndreews of Varna is this week the guest of Miss Jose- phine Foster. our , Mrs. Henry Smith is expected deft here this week. DRYSDALE - --�I Special to the HERALD. Owing to the storm of last reek ! s it has put the roads in bad shape but are getting goocl again. Fishing is the orderof the day' t but few are caught. Mr. R. J. Schoop our tree agent is around again. Loup is speaking ing of to aving burg in the near lattice. Wenn stand he is erigiteald with J.Doich. and sonof Zurich for the summer.We are sorry to loose Louis •ts he s a good blacksmith especially for fleeing. 403110 of our young; folks attended the shine at Mr. John Oesch the Cher night, they reported a good ir_ie in Glancing and :social chats. To late for last week. Our little burg at present is very niet, the stormy weather of late as kept the good people Bear their win lire side. The snow storm of late has filled ur roads full especially the roads inning east and west many of our 1 a ttlers says they never saw much snow on the town line as there is thiswinter. lea Gripp is again visiting ourneighborhood but we are glad to hear there is no serious case. Mr. Geo. Meaner and Juo. Shaffer visited Centralia on Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. A. E dighoffer re- rned house from Fularton onday lastwhero they were spen g a few days with there daught rs. Wm. Yule. Mr. John Johnston cf GrandDakota and Mrs. Alonzo Fee ,ton N. Dakota are visiting ere sisters Mrs. Ed Boyce S ey came home to attend t neral of their mother, Mrs Rob One of our oldest resilient of this l ja place 0. Ayotto who moved away 1 o last spring to Mich. returned on a' visit last week. • Mr. R. Schoop our tree agent or attended a party at Mr. Mere's, j of Hensall last Monday night. Mr. Jibblet of Drysdale is engag- ed in working for. Mr. Snowden at present. Mr. A. °hallet visited Grand Bend last Saturday. Mr. Frank Geffory is fitting the horse which he purchased from Mr. Horner for the spring races. to Mr. Henry Rau is fitting up the M horse which he purchased from Mr. i in Shrader, for sale. Henry says its M a dandy. Mr. J. R. and son Eli were out i N. fishing last week and captured one i Mi of the largest fish that was ever th captured in a gill net around here. Th Mr. P. Durand visited Donicville fu Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jones, of Hensall are spending a few days in this vicinity. her,'ILADELPHI A Special to the HERALD. The weather still continues quito cold and stormy. A number of young people from the Grand Bend surprised Dr. Jef- fery one es ening last week. They tripped the light fantastic toe until a late hour, when they returned hone well pleased with the even- ings enjoyment. Mr Alf. Bossen- berry rendered some choice music as with his guitar assisted by Mr Dan. Bennett. Mr, John Elliott our flax foreman now has a full staff of men at work at -the flax. Mr. Joe Dov: s. n rats in Hensall last week with a load of grain. One cold and stormy evening last ween a cow (seeking a warmer on climate) strayed from Blake to this cl- burg. er Mr. Eara Smith paid his uncle on the Bronson line a visit last week. on While returning home from of work, Mr. John Hartmann got fast - at ened in a snow drift, but for the ra assistance of Mr. Joe. Rau who he jest came along in the nick of time t i:o w•am with much labor hauled ant, with nothing- mere Serious than a few frost bites. Henry Howard was the guest of Mr. John Sclhnell's one evening last week. • Mr. Frank Allan celebrated his son-in-laes, (Joe. I5onhoifer) birth - clay. A pleasant evening was,opent. Among other presents Joe received a costly one from Miss Clara Allan. James Howard who has been nn - der the doctors care for the last few weeks is slowly recovering„ last week. Mr. John Ceffory attended a party at Mr. Tzu•ner last week and reported a goad time. Messers R. J. Talbert and A. Challet cut 40 cords of wood in five days. This breaks the record boys as 10 cord were 4 feet long. Pi l To a Ointment is ahcertaain and absolute cure for each and every form of itching, b]eedingand protruding piles, the manufacturers have guaranteed it. Sco tes- timonials in the daily press and ask your neigh- bors what they think ofit. You can use it and alltdeaalers or Enback ANSOnot BATES & Co Toronat to, Dr, Chase's Oiintment Notice All persons who are indebted to the late firm of Appel & Zeller, are hereby requested to ctill and settle their accounts as early as possible. 19tf E. APPEL, Zurich THOROUGH BRED BERKSHIRE Boar for service, on Lot 16, Con, 15, Hay, L11/, miles south of Zur- ich road.] Tereus a1A0, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning, if neces- sary. Wilt. BEAVER, 27tf Zurich P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. Splendid farm in Hay township for sale. For sale lot 13 and I4 L. H. E. & W. containing 210 acres of choice land, 170 acres under eultivation,40 acresbusil, about 26 acres in fall wheat the greater portion seeded to grass. A good orchard, fruit of all kinds, a never failing well, springs convenient for watering cattle A large good frame house with plenty of hard and soft water, a large bank barn with stone foundation with lots of stable room. Two implement sheds, workshop, well situated for church, school, post - office, half anile south of St. Joseph, good gravel roads. This farm will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Fdr further particulars apply to Wee HTYRooiC, St. Joseph P. 0, 2s -4t FARM FOR SALE. S12 Lot 14 L. R. E. Stanley 60% acres, is offerees for sale by the un- dersigned. The farming land along this line is good and splendid. gravel roads, Convenient to school, post office, &c, Apply to E. ZELL ER, Zurich. FARM FOR SALE. 149 acre farm, lot 21 and SX 22, Con. 14, Hay, 2% miles west of Zurich, containing 149 acres, all cleared, good land and well fenced, There are 4 wells on the farm, 2 of Which aro overflowing ; orchard., 3% acres of apples .pears etc ; Brief: house, 20x32 ; Frame ame kitchen attached, 20x22 ; good cellar, in 3 parts ; wood -shed and wash -house, 20x22. with cistern and fireplace; Stone baseineza,t barn, 52 0.00, with stabling for 12 horses and 45 head Of cattle c Pig -pen, Driving shed, linpletnent house, Open shed 12x100 and other btuld.ings. For terms, apply to the owner, IrE1,11nr Erarzli;R, 25tf Zurich: P, 0, Waiker. Mrs. Rob't Walker one of our old residents was called away last week. Mrs Walker lived for nary years on the Bronson line and was well known and leaves many friends,,as she was a good neighbor and a kind mother, she leaves six: children to mourn her loss, four daughters -and two sons, Mrs. Ecl. Boyeo of this place, Mrs. A. Fee, N. Dakota, Mrs. J. John- ston, N. Dakota, Mrs. J Thirsk, Alberta, N. W, Ty. and John Wal- ker N. Dakota Wan. Walker N. Dakota. Mr. Jas. Sparks visited friends in and around our neighborhood. Mr. Joseph G. Oe: ch has again started to work in his swamp in the big marsh he has a good gang of choppers on hand Clous is boss. Master Jas. Agnew intends going to Pilot Mound, Manitoba in the near future. Mr. John Douglas visited his sis- ter Mrs. R. Ross in Soaforth one day this. week who is at present in very poor health.Mrs Ross is one of our old Blake girls and we are very T sorry to hear of her poor health. EXETER Special to the HERALD. Mr J. Hawkins entertained a sleighload of young people from Exeter on Friday evening of last week, a very pleasant time is re- ported. Dickson and Carling, barristers moved into their new premises this week. D. A. Anderson dendist and A. Hastings, barber, will also ocotipy fiats in the now building. he new block is one of the fines n town and reflects much credi o the builders and enterprise o he proprietors. Edgar Westcott will occupy tlio premises vacated by E. Hastings. Edgar served time with Mr. Hast- ings in the barber business, he has also served some months in one of the best shops in London and is prepared, to give his customers a City "touch". Miss Morton the evangelist will close her three weeks work in the James St. 1Vloth.odist Church on Sunday evening, Mr. Campbell, of Kirkton, it is understood, will take charge of the dry goods department of E. J. Spackman next week. A defective chimney was about the tonsil Of a serious fire on Thurs. clay hast. Owing to the serious illness of Mrs. Frank (!fill, the scholars in Miss Gill's department of our pub- lic school, have had a holiday. . Editor, C. H. Sanders, received .word of the serious illness of his brother Ed., of Flora. on Wednes- day and left for that place Thurs- day morning. Ed. is well known and has many friends in Exeter who hope to hear of his early re- covery. John Spackman, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Spackman, will leave for Germany in the near future, when he will take a four years course in musical training. "Jack's" many friends will anxi- ously await the result of his term and hope to hear of tinbonluled success i.n his adopted profession. J. E. Tom, I, P. S., is visiting 'the public schools in the official Capacity this weep. While here he is the guest of his parents MI and Mrs. Jas. Tom. • Almost every house in town has one Or MOM inlnaters subject to la grippe, at present, During the incessant fall of snow the highways and byways for hailer around were blocked, but the roads have become passable and some very large loads of weed and logs are 1being; hauled, ser. Donald Manson is at present 1 t visiting friends in Seafortlt. It has been bad weather for minery boys when the reads are blocked so you cannot reach the nines, you will have to get there soon boys or the mine might cave. Mrs. Quigley who has been on the sick list for the past few weeks is slowly improving. A groat many from our neighbor- hood attendees the funeral of the late Mrs. Geo. Armstrong, Goshen line, the sympathy of the whole neighborhood is extended to the bereaved husband and family. Some of our young people drove out to Mr. J. Moi'o's of Hensa111 0110 evening this week and spent a very enjoyable evening 1I1 dancing and other sports. In spite of the bad roads a large crowd attended the Presbyterian ........,.....--......,..• E sc,_-rs,nss,:vssa,-c�,er�,e;cm, n h trs nce, So far as is known there is no other treatment fo • piles so wonderfullN prompt and effective as X)r. Chase';. Ointment. This preparation has never yet been .known to fail to cure piles, It stops the itching at once, and posi- tively and thoroughly cures piles of every form. R.ev. J. A. Baldwin, Baptist Minister-, Arkoma, Ont., writes :—"Por over twen- ty Fears I ,vas a great sufferer from itohinEf 0410 protruding piles. I used many remedies and underwent three very ns.lnful surgical operations, all Without obtaining any permanent benefit. When about to give up in despair, I was told to use Dr, Chase's Ointment, and did so, finding relief at once. 13 used three boxes, and am al- most entirely cured. The itching is all gone. I have advised others to use it, be]ieving it would cure them, as it has me," Dr, Chase's Ointment, GO cents a box a.t all dealers', or Edmanson I3ates .& Vonipeny, Toronto, Dr. Chas s °inti R cwtp t t f .: a�;;,aR:dA71ar.. AT THE OLD STAND • I have purchased the business of C. Hartleib, and with my new stock coining in for spring, I can give ou anything in the Hardware, Tinware or Stove line, at very cry close prices. If you intend building a house or barn, call and get my prices for your requirements. cmaa EVERYTHING NEW AND UP -TCB -DATE. Eavetroug. hind, Roofing and Furnace Work. AS. HE Main Street, Zurich, Ontario, If you War t to get the benefit of our LOW PRICES on r f 1. BEER �, _ Xo PELT VE HOES and 11 Whiter Gods. We want to make room for our large T OK whech will arrive shorty. SHO?;" EMAN Headquarters for Boots and Shoes. THEY HAVE COT TO CO 1 If prices has anything to do with it. After taking stock we find that we have not sufficient roorn for our Spring stock, so in order to make room we will offer goods at prices that will make them go. Note a few of our Inany lines : 5 pieces corded caress goods, double fold, just the thing for a knock -about chess. Regular 50 and 55c, for 1 piece figured blue, suitable for waist. Regular .25c, to clear at 5 pieces figure and stripe. suitable for waist, regular 30 ata 5 pieces black figured and plain. Regular 25 to 35e, at to 40c, 40C 15C 20C IgC These are but a few prices in dress goods, and it will pay you to come and inspect these goods. They willinterest you, Boys if you want anything in a nice necktie cheap, you should, see our stock. We are also offering some specialties in pantings and tweeds. Come early and get first choice. t SLASTQWN Special to the HERALD. CrokiIlole and 12 o'clock teas aro the order of the day. H. Nob was to the fourteenth on Thursday. A ntiniber from hero attended a sale near Chiselhurst on Saturday. Mr. Geiger spent Saturday and Sunday at his honk in Hensall. Sweet Saturday night. Eh, Will ? The Misses Decker visited en the fourteenth at Mr. 3, Schnell on Sunday. The inhabitants of our burg and vicinity are thinking of lighting their buildings with gas. Blake seems to have a plentiful supply of it. (They soon, to have a generat- ing machine tip there and it is pro- posed to lead it in pipes ---.not smoke pi.pos-.-clown to our burg. If we can, not get ressanabie terms we propose to get a machine to catch the gas which escapes from time to time, and use it. A couple of sleighloads of young people from Dashwood paid a visit to the house of Syly tnus'Witmer on Monday night. They Spent a good time. We appoa;r to have a willow plow in our burg. {Too late for last we k] Eva Stoneman of Ilens xll, who Thursday, Zurich has been visiting in these parts for the past few weeks, returned honxe Thursday. A number from the line exercised their restless feet on. the Goshen, Thursday night. They report a good time. Mr. and Mrs, J. Shoemaker, of Pigeon, Mich., aro visiting at J. Decher's, W. Geiger visited at J. Geiger; of Zurich road, on Saturday "Slabtown," was the war cry on Saturday night. Mr. J. Hoy, of the Goschen, vis- ited at J. Decher's, Sunday. Mr. Menne Baeehier s visited at J. Hey's, Sunday. e Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, of London, who have been visiting here. have returned home. Maud S. Hey visited at J. Geis' ger's on the fourteenth, Sulnday. J, Decher had the misfortune to lose a valuable two-year-old heifer on Monday. T. Geiger and family, of the four- teen visited at J. Hey's onlVl:onclay. J. Shoemaker and wife visited at H. Neb on Wednesday, 3, and A. Neb from the other sidle of Dashwood visited at H. Nob Tnoselay. Mr. (. Broderick was to' He 1sai<11