HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-03-01, Page 33 tt l • °y�df00444 ..0,K .1 4dlO� •.. . •4 44,0 �e �6�t+, 4oa 4,4 44!.1 r4Ae,'e.;! o.,'.a .44.4.44 40,1+ o0ti4444, ae.feeeeer.M e.�°':4 .4b ., •eros..... .� he I urini 11 :t. ain't Let Him Keep You Silent When You s: Ought to Speak Out For God. C. s2 tmenGtat :'foeee at tteoe t ee°tte teem teet �t se a tt tee',eleattee e4, ttattetteta a sect entattee'at twee eaatt: i and decreer. 'Talmage calls fora more ' yet Stere is our Cltrtstian religion 11 ' it f the 'cit tanner. .were;setr neree, against r z 1n n van-, , rr c^, they \VIVO in t earc li of a ai elleing e� 4 I ' i Cti alrall We GTther at the River WW1 n (; INDIA .q ! wv t e et yens paid fur 1 first i Broolcly Proepeet n ,t, i ea il..� r 'f"'Ila enemies ref Latvia nacre eat 5' lyrnn r$ sung n n a tw .6 ., park, at the children's May anniver- i t l i i xr 1 u tiro!zgh ,vary, and then started to encircle the P t"+7'11I1N4�'E'l0fd•A.pe 3,1 h;tnt'i of rt :labor , or HO ale wv11c) bn,r'it. world. 'Where is My 'Wandering Boy ettettfN alt). 1:.. rtwlto,Y rnct tliei I,arnir of Sa:•ci.. lTe ww l.; ., tl t b saved To -night? r �. 1•l lesetaea is a Song za as hundreds of dissipated young men. 31 A. ;C11 3, I )41 armed w itis the spirit of sttbrttieslr:xr Tom, the drummer boy in the armY, was found crying, and an ofllcer ask- ed him what was the matter. "Oh," he said, "I had a dream last night• .Washin' ton report -In tliia tics- doubled -up fist make response And My sister died ten years ago, and my fM ra mother never was herself, again, which has dorso so much for you ar,t1 1 she died soon after. Last night I demons�Crative religion and a hearty so much for the world that it will dreamed I was killed in battle and speaking -out on the right side of take all eternity to celebrate it, and that mother and sister came down to it was attacked you din meet me."' After the next battle was dumbeverything; text, Mark lx., 25: "Thou ,yet when Y , o- not so much as say: "I differ. 1 els- over someone crossing the field heard comeand deaf spurt, I charge thee, a voice that he recognised as the come out of him." teat. I sorry toh hear you say ekes of Tom, the drummer boy, sing Isere was a case of great domestic that. There is another side to this." w „ anguish. The son of the Household You Christian people ought in such ing,"Jesus, lover of my soul. But Vas possessed of an evil spirit, Which, among other things, paralysed his tongue, and made him speechless. A When the iu,fluerme was on the patient he could not say a word -articulation was impossible. The spirit that captur- ed this member of the household was ee dumb spirit --so called by Christ -a ,Spirit abroad to -day and as lively and potent as int New Testament times. Yet in all the realms of sermonology I cannot find a. discourse concerning this dumb devil which Christ charged upon my text, saying, "Come out of him" .for you went through the agonies of There has been much destructive assassination on the rocky bluff superstition abroad in the world con- cerning possession by evil spirits. Un- der the. form of belief in witchcraft this delusion swept the continent. Per- sons were supposed to be possessed with some evil spirit, which made them table to destroy others. in the sixteenth century, In Geneva, 1,600 persons were China and the United States? VThat burned to death as witches. In one do you think of the sermon on the neighborhood of France 1,000 persons rrrount? How do you like the golden were burned. In two centuries 200,000 rule laid down in the Scriptures? persons were slain as witches. So Are you in favor of the Ten Com - mighty was the delusion that it in- mandments? In your large and exten- cluded among its victims some of the sive reading have you Dome across greatest intellects of all time, such as a lovelier character than Jesus Chief Justice Matthew Hale and Sir Christ? Will you please to name Edward Coke and such renowned the triumphant deathbeds of infidels ministers of religion as Cotton Mather, and atheists? Among the innumer- one aP whose books, Benjamin Franklin able colleges and universities of the said, shaped his life -and Richard earth will you name me three started Barter, and Archbishop er an by infidels and now supported by in - Martin Luther; and amongg writers and flicks? Down in your heart are you philosophers, Lord Bacon. That belief, really happy in the position You oc- cupy antagonistic to the Christian of all sensible people, counted its dis- religion? When do you have the most espies among the wisest and best pec- rapturous views of the next world?' ple of Sweden, Spain and New Eng- Go at him with a few such questions, land. But while we reject witchcraft, and he will get so red in the face any man who believes the Bible must as to suggest apoplexy, and be will believe that there are diabolical ager- look at his watch and say he has an cies abroad In the world. While there engagement and must go. are ministering spirits to bless there But then there are occasions when are infernal spirits to hinder, to poison this particular spirit that Christ ex - and to destroy. Christ was speaking to or•cised when he said, "I charge thee a .spiritual existence when, standing to come out of him," takes people before the afflicted one of the text, He by the wholesale. In the most re - said, "Thou dumb and deaf spirit sponsive religious audien, a have you come out of him." noticed how many people never sing at Against this dumb devil .of the text all? They have a book and they have a I put you on your guard. Do not think voice, and they know how to read. They that this agent of evil has put his know many of the tunes, and yet are blight on those who, by omission of the silent while the great raptures of vocal organs, have had the golden music pass by. Among those who sing gates of speech bolted and barred. not one out of a hundred sings loud Among those who have never spoken a enough to hear his own voice. They word are the most gracious and lovely hum it. They give a sort of religious and talented souls that ever were in- grunt. They make the lips go, but it carnated. The chaplains of the is inaudible. With a voice strong asylums for the dumb can tell you en- enough to stop a street car one block chanting stories of those who never away all they can afford in the praise called the name of father or mother or of God is about Half a whisper. With child, and many of the most devout enough sopranos, enough altos, enough and prayerful souls will never in this bassos to make a small heaven be - world speak the name or God or Christ. tween the four walls they let the op - Many a deaf mute have I seen withl;ortunity go by unimproved. The the angel of intelligence seated at the volume of voice that ascends from ,window of the eye, who never came the largest audience that ever as.: forth from the door of the mouth. sembled ought to be multiplied two What a miracle of loveliness' and thousand fold, But the minister knowledge was Laura Bridgman, of rises and gives out the hymn, the New Hampshire, not only without the organ begins, the choir or precentor faculty o: speech, but without hearing leads, the audience is standing so and Without sight, all these faculties that the lungs may have full expan- removed by sickness when two years sten, and a mighty harmony is about of age, yet, becoming a wonder at to ascend when the evil spirt spoken eteedlework, at the piano, at the sew- of in my text -the. dumb devil- ing machine and an intelligent student spreads his two wings, one over the or the scriptures, and confounding lips of one-half the audience and the philosophers, who came from all parts other wing over the lips et the other of the world to study the phenomenon. half of the audience, and the N Dices Thanks to Christianity for what It has roll back into the throats from which done for the amelioration of the con- they started, and only here and there clition of the deaf and the dumb. Back anything is heard, and nine -tenths of in the ages they were put to death as the holy power is destroyed, and the staving no right with such paucity of dumb devil, as he flies away, says, "I equipment to live, and for centuries could not keep Isaac Watts from writ - they were classed among the idiotic ing that hymn, and I could not keep and unsafe. But in the sixteenth cen- Lowell Mason from composing the tune terry came Pedro Ponce, the Spanish to which it is set, but I emote into si- enonk, and in the seventeenth century lence or half silence the lips from came Juan Pablo Bonet, another which it would have - spread abroad ,Spanish moral;., with dactylology, or the to bless rel hborhoals and cities ,finger alphabet, and in our pwn .cen- and then mount the wide open heav- ;tury we have had John Braidwood and ens." Give the long meter doxology the 'Drs. Gallaudet, who have given to un- full support of Christendom, and those counted thousands of those whose four lines would take :he whole earth tongues were forever silent the power for God. to spell out on the air by a manual During the cotton famine in Lance - alphabet their thoughts about this' shire, England, when the suffering world and their hopes for the next. We was something terrific, as the first rejoice in the brilliant inventions in be- wagon load of cotton rolled in the half of those who were born dumb. But starving people unhooked the horses we are not this morning speaking of and drew the load themselves, sing - congenital mutes. We mean those ing, until all Lancashire joined in with who are born with all the faculties of triumphant voices, their cheeks sop - vocalisation and yet have been struck ping with tears. Praise God From by the evil one mentioned in the text Whom All Blessings Flow. 'When -the dumb devil to whom Christ call- Commodore Perry, with his warship, ed, when He said, "Thou dumb and the Mississippi, lay DPP the coast of !deaf, spirit, I charge thee, come out of Japan, be bombarded the shores. with trim." Old Hundredth played by the marine There has been apotheosization of band. Glorious Old Hundredth, com- e lence. Some one has said silence is posed by William Franc, of Germany. ;golden, and sometimes ,the greatest In a war prison at ten o'clock at night, i'.teiumph is to keep your mouth shut. the poor fellows far from home and Mut sometimes silence is a crime and wounded and sick and dying. one pr}s- the direct result of the baleful intlu- over started the Old Hundredth dox- ence of the dumb devil of our text. ology, and then a score of voices join - There is hardly a man or woman ed; then all the prisoners on all the who has not been present on some floors took up the acclaim until the occasion when the Christian relig- building, from foundation to top stone, ion became a target for raillery. Per- fairly quaked with the melodious as - haps it wets over in the store some criptlon. A British man-of-war, lying day when there was not much going off a foreign coast, heard a voice sing - on and the clerks were in a group, ing that doxology, and immediately or it was in the factory at the noon guessed, and guessed aright, that there spell, or it was out on the farm un- was an iznglishman in captivity to the der the trees while you were rest- Mohammedans. and in the small boats ing, or tt was in the clubroom, or the sailors rowed to shore and burst it was in a social circle, or it was into a guardhouse and set the captive in the retreat on the way home from free. I do not knowwhat tune the business, or it was on some occasion trumpets of resurrection shall play, which you remember without de- but it may be the doxology which is scribing it. some one got the laugh on the Bible and caricatured the pro- fession of religion as hypocrisy, or made a pun out of something that Christ said. The laugh started, and you joined in, and not one word of Protest elid you utter. What kept you silent? Modesty? No. Incapacity to answer? No, Lack of opportunity? No. It was a blow on both your lips by the swing of the dumb devil. If home ono should malign yottr father eerr r mother or wife or husband, times as these to go armed, not with earthly weapons, but with the sword of the spirit. You ought to have four or five question's with which you could confound any man who attacks Chris- tianity. Oh, friends, better load up with a few interrogation points! You oan- not afford to be silent when God and the Bible and the things of eter- nity are assailed. Your silence gives consent to the bombardment of your father's house. You allow a slur to be cast on your mother's dying pil- low. In behalf of the Christ, who back of Jerusalem, you dared not face a sickly joke. Better load up with a few questions, so that next time you will be ready. Say to the scoffer: "My dear sir, will you tell me what makes the difference be- tween the condition of woman in at the end of the first verse the voice became very feeble, and at the end of the second verse it stopped, and they went up and found Tom, the drummer boy, leaning against a stump and dead. Do not, however, let us lose our- selves in generalities. Not one of us but has had our lives sometimes now sounding across Christen.dore. How much heartier we would be in ! exrormouts aino utt of advertising our songs and how easily we • would u`lriclt he plaeeer in the daily newwyyepat- drive back the dumb devil from all our pare. When he was asked wvh bier worshipping assemblages if we could he used ether forme of publicity M . I.1.'armsworth replied : "No ; I don't, realise that nearly all our hymns have because I e1our't believe in tient. We a stirring history. That glorious tried them and found they did not hymn, Stand Up For Jesus, was sug- gested by the last words of ]Dudley newspaper advertising, and we know Tyrtge who was dying from having ee is a good ineoseeema We always his right arm torn off by a thrashing use large spaces." That tB In lino machine. That hymn, What a Friend with tiro experience oi' groat adver- e child you would flush up quic)c and We Have in Jesus, heard through a thews the world over. Is your ad. in either with an indignant Word or teletirone, converted an obdurate soul. 3thiss issue? , , Jesus tiel•rayed,-Jt;hu 48: 1-14. Commentary -1. Had spoken • three. cords --Tete ctiecouree teed • prayer re corded in Jahn >;:iv., xv. P vis • :evil.' Tao frien•ir of Clir ist were tea for - Went .,..,.the brook Cedron--Or Ked- gottou. lu that (treat') haat• '4.r c(aiv- ton. This was a small stz'taa.n! that artily entreaty for Gait; dls,•ID'lei., but - flowed to the east of Jerusalem, a deinanii far their t:troty, for their through the valley of Jeboshuphae release from any attack. Jesus was and divided the city from the Mount matter of the situation, Ilie hour Of Olives. There was a garden -0 ebbe. i.:Li1 a:;rno to tette death for revery semane, which means "ail -press." It creature. Hie hour .:fl the cruel suf- was near the foot of the western foxing upon the cro=.;5 was near ; but slope of Olivet, and was "probably an his disclples were not come to trial enclosed olive yard, contatning a press for Jesus' sake. anti garden teiver." He entered, and Jesus was led away by sinners. He, His disciples -John passes over the the true I-11gh Priest, before the circumstances connected. with the spurious -the Just before the unjust entering, and the agony of Christ -tile Inuocout One before his bitter in the garden probably because It enemies, who had long resolved upon was so fully described by the other His death. For our sakes Christ had evangelists. (Ste last lesson.). to go many a road of sorrow. From touched by the evil spirit of the text -2 Judas know the place -Luke Gethsemane to Annus; from Anuas tells us that this very week tiles to Caiaplzas; from Caiaphas to I'ii- hack spent their nights on the Mount ate; from Pilate to Herod; from of Oliw's Herod to Pilate; from Plate to the 8. Havlin' received ,, band of men hall of judgment ; from thence to -Juclas received the Etonian cohort, Hewhich consisted, of from 300 to 600 "N t tillable done" and .rtouixo-o h- , 'i')u' enemy • hie life to take it. Ho MOM, it to pnreltoora' tltt.ir salve Von. Ile root i then. Ho was ready. ,He had drank tlrn alit to ei• as 02 r. this awful dumb devil. We had just one opportunity of saying a Christian word that might have led a man or P Y y put a- 1'a,liewvillte, are the cloeitt, • wl011:1 at irnp ;rc!!n. wh(.Lt Os' nt day Neto 7furk ...... .-_ 0 Milwaukee 070 - ;et. Lour _...--.- 0 Toledo 0 79 1-4 0 Detroit, rat!! .'- .,0 79 1-`2 f) Detroit, white ° ,. ,: 0.79 1-4 - Duluttr, No. 1 Northern 0 73 :1-4 0 Duluth,. N 1 hard, .. .. -.. 0 75 1-4 - Minneapolis No, 1 0 Northern ----- l'or•outo Farmer;' Marko Fob. 21. -There was a quiet ket on the street .her to -de' dressed hogs were unclirLnged. Wheat--Pribes were rather t 300 bushels of white and 400 of red sold ac lower at 6S1'zc, o; of spring about stetuly at 693 200 bushels of goose unehan; bac. woman into a Christian life. The op- portunity p- Barley -Was easier, 700 ortunit. was fairly before us. Golgotha In all tits was to selling; le lower at 44c to 470 sa, u my will but lr ne be Rye -Steady and unchange The word of invitation or inside gate Wren, who quartered in the. tower of He is our pattern as well as our Re- loud selling; at 51;4o per bushel or warning came to the inside gate of city. Antonia, and guarded the peace of the deemer from all sin. Oats -A. trifle easier; 800 1 the mouth, but there it halted. Some city. The Jewish Sanhedrin could t Tres'ra R. Arnold. scald 3 c lower at 82346. hindering power locked the jaws to- procure its services to effect an ar• ff Hay and Straw -Hay was 52 gether so that they did not open. The rest. Probably only part of the band I A5 A SOVEREIGN. er, 15 Toads selling at $18.50 to tongue lay fiat and still in the bottom was Present with Judas. -Clarke. Lan- li _- per ton. Straw was firmer;•$ of the mouth as though struck with !terns, torches and wveaporis-The or- . The Queen Never Resorted to .tubi- selling $1 higher at $9 to $ diriary equipment for night duty, i r 4. Knowing all thing:•; -He was not t, dry Etude. r tun. taken unawares, - but voluntarily de- i Turning to her career as Sovereign, lie ered Himself up. Whom seek ye- ! we find that she was equally worthy He would have them own distinctly of aumi.ratfon. Hex court was pure. their dreadful design. I Whatever might be said about the 5. Jesus of Nazareth -The answer other royal courts of Europe, Wind may perhaps reveal the light in which gossip hae not always been silent re - Judas had represented Jesus to the specting them,. it is a delightful truth Roman authorities; "of Nazareth"- that nu reflections wverc ever cast a Galilean prone to nevelt.-Schaff. upon the court of hi',er Majesty Queen I Alxl He -Look no further ; I am the Victoria. To be accepted there was a one for whom you are searching. Passport to all the courts of the ludas stood with them '.that is, world, Not only as Queen was she deliveries. Prices are uncilan with the band of soldiers. A. kiwi had defender of the faith of her people Dressed Hogs -Market rains been agreed upon as signal to mark by leer oath of corona ation, but she on account of the small- r- tlre person they were seeking. was also the resolute defender by her Prices are steady at $8.25 t 6. Went backward and fell -This ,was of private and public instal- per cwt. was the manifestation of superhuman Sty. She was a constitutional molt- l Toronto .Dalry 111 caskets. power. "The divine majesty of Jesus, arch. The Anglo-Saxon race undoubt- 2 just from His intimate communion edly possessed a genius for self -goy- Feb.L-Butter-Tilers paralysis. We were mute. Though 1 God has given us the physiological apparatus for speech and our lungs were filled with air, which by the com- mand of our will could have made the laryngeal muscles move and the -vocal organs vibrate, we were wickedly and fatally silent. For all time and eternity we missed our chance, or it was a prayer meet- ing, and the service was thrown op- en for prayer and remarks, and there was a dead halt -everything silent as a grave at midnight. In- deed, it was a graveyard and mid- night. An embarrassing pause took place that put a wet blanket on all the meeting. Men, hold enough on business exohange or in worldly cir- cles, shut their eyes as though they were praying in silence, but they were not praying at all. They were ,busy hoping somebody else would do his duty. The women flushed under the awful pause and made their fans more rapidly flutter. Some brother, with no cold, coughed, by that sound trying to 1111 up the time, and the meeting was slain. But what killed. it? The dumb devil. This is the way I account for the fact that the stupidest places on earth are some prayer meetings. I do not see how a man keeps any grace if he regularly attends them. They are spiritual refrigerators. Religion kept on ice. Bow many of us have lost occasions of usefulness? In a sculptor's studio stood a figure of the god Opportunity. The soulptor had made the hair fall down over the face of the statue so as to com- pletely cover it, and there were wings to the feet. When asked why he so represented Opportunity, the sculp- tor answered, "The face of the statue is thus covered up because we do not recognise Opportunity when it comes, and the wings to the feet showy that Opportunity is swiftly gone." Be out and out, up and down for righteousness. If your ship is afloat on the Pacific ocean of God's mercy, hang out your colors from the mast- head. Show your passport if you nave one. Do not smuggle your soul into the harbor of heaven. Speak out for God! Close up the chapter of lost oportumties and open a new chapter. Before you get to the door on your way out shake hands with someone and ask him to join you on the road to heaven. Do not drive up to heaven in a two -wheeled sulky with room only for one. and that yourself, but get the big- gest gospel wagon you can find and pile it full of friends and neighbors and shout till they hear you all up and down the skies, "Come with us, and we will do you good, for the Lord hath promised good concerning Israel." The opportunity for good which you may consider insignificant may be tremendous for results, as when on the sea Capt. Haldane swore at the ship's crew with an oath that wished them aII in perdi- tion, and a Scotch sailor touched his cap and said, "Captain, God bears prayer, and we would be badly off if your wish were answered." Capt. Haldane was convicted by the sailor's remark and converted, and became the means of the salva- tion of his brother Robert, who had been an infidel, and then Robert be- came a minister of the gospel, and under his ministry the godless Felix Neff became the world-renowned mis- sionary of the cross, and the world- ly Merle d'Aubigne became the au- thor of The History of the Reforma- tion, and w'U he the glory of the church for sal ages. Perhaps you may do as much as the Scotch sailor who just tipped his cap and used one broken sentence by which the earth and the heavens are still resounding; with potent influences. Do something for God, and do it right away or you will never do it at all. Time files away fast, The while we never remember; Ilow soon our life here Grows old with the year That dies with the next Deeemberl USE THIO NieWSPAPI0R•S. Editor Earmswor^th, the enterprising young man who has achieved a phe- naametiai success with bis London newspaper and other publications, hats said that in. the first instance his business flourished because Of the Butter and Eggs- Offerings small and trade dull. Price steady and unchanged. Poultry -Offerings fairly but demand only moderate. was steady, with prices uncha Apples -Several loads were ered, and the market was Choice lots sold at $2.50 to $3 barrel, and culls at $1.73 to Vegetables -Market dull, wit with God, the unexpected boldness of ernment, but it is equally true tha innocence, smote terror into hearts the Anglo-Saxon race resents arbi- conscious of guilt." trary rule. No monarch that affect - 7. Wbom seek ye -The question was ed absolute power could long sit on repeated, perhaps in irony. "Why the 13ritish throne. Charles I. tried this exhibition of power ? To show it and failed; James II. made a sim- thtit hos d d h' if 'II'n1 filar attempt anti was banished from change in prices, which centime Choice dairy rolls sell the bes tations are as follows :.Dairy, and pails, choice, 171-2 to 1 medium, 16 to 16 1.2o ; poor, 15e; dairy prints, choice, 19 large rolls,- good to choice, as to God's plans and not to man's the realm. George III. approached 19c; creameries, boxes, 22 power. i very nearly the utmost limit of his and pounds, 23 to 24c. Cheese -Full cream, July a asst make, sells at 101-2 to Toronto Hides and Woo 81I have told yon -An intimation to constitutional rights when lie insist - the armed crowd what playthings ed on coercing the American colonists they might be in his hand.-Witedon. in the face of remonstrances from his Let these go their way -Let the dis- Mtnieters, Tand he lost an Eniplre. oiples go their way. It was necessary William Ii . violated well-established that they should live to carry on the precedents when he dismissed Lord work and Christ proposes to protect Melbourne's Government at a time them from all harm, i when it had the confidence et Parlia- 9. Which He spake-This has refer- ' ment, chiefly because Lord Melbourne ence to tho prayer just offered. John was a I.Vhi In the long reign of xvu, 12. Have I lost none -This is Queen S'ictoria, however, personal or here applied to the preservation of polltical preferences' never interfered their natural lives ; even the body with the welt -known currents of eon - ifs' a part of Christ's charge and caret stitutional government, and, whether -Henry. He had kept them for three it was SIr Robert Peel from whom she years. "Judas perished, soul and differed with respect to the in fla•ge- body, and, so was completely the , ment of her household, or Gladstone, son of perdition4" i whose measures for the disestablish - 10. Peter having a sword drew it-' ment of the Irisix Church she dis- liked, the Minister who was the choice of Parliament invariably received her fullest confidence. And, although Brit- ian during her reign was mere than once shaken by social upheavals, each as the Chartists' uprising in 1837, and the agitation for tho repeal of the Corn Lawes in 1846, never was the invective of the agitator direct- ed against the Queen. "Hyde Park might be filled wlth its restless thousands, and a surging mob might gather in Trafalgar square to de- nounce Parliament and to demand a redress of alleged grievances ; Minis- ters might be hissed at public meet- ings, and the Lords denounced for their protection to reform ; but nev- er was it said that she, without From Luke xxii. 49, we sue that the disciples asked Jesus if they should defend him with the sword. Peter did not wait for an answer, but at once begins the defence. "Probably he wished by' this blow to prove bis readiness to risk his life for his Lord and to fulfil his vow!, Cut off his right ear -This was a very rash act,. for (1) it compromised Jesus in His teaching that His kingaom was not of this world but a spiritual king- dom. (2) It would place him in the attituie of a rebel against the Ro- man Government, and Pilate could not have pronounced him innocent. (3) Peter might have been arrested for rebellion, and the other disciples with him, and thelr work of founding the kingdom been greatly hindered. whose signature no act of Pariia- 1111. Puet, ment was binding, ever stood in the . Put up thy sword -He was op - way of any movement for the amelio- posing the divine plan and Christ re - ration him. The cup which my Father ration of her subjects. She enjoyed hatli given -"What God had arranged more than any Sovereign that ever for Him in making atonement for sin Sat upon the British throw that hn- is presented as a bitter medicine put munity from pcpulnr censure Which in a cup for Him to drink. Exactly is implied in the well-known apho- the amount designed to be drank was rim; "The King can do rro wrong." placed in the cue." Shall I not drink -Ilton. G. W. Roes, in the Legislature. it ?-The fact that tine cup was given Him by the Father was sutra! k3radstreet's oa Ti aide. den. i 12.tThen the band 'took Jesus- Wholesale trade at Montreal has Some of the more eager ones had been a little quiet this week, but the token hold of JPsus before tete at- prospects for business are still bright. tempt of Peter (Matt, xxvi. 501; DOW The cotton mills are very busy on the/guard took pestaession of Him and orders. There is an improvement leek' H'im away. At this time not onlc noticeable in the lumber business. The Peter, but all the clisoinles, forsook orders coming forward for dry goods Piens and fled. Peter and Tohn after- wards followed Him to His place of trial. 13. To Aeneas first -Because this old man had formerly been high priest, a,n8 was stili the legitimate high priest aeeorrling to thr law of Moses. the office beth for life. 14. Calaphas-He was a wicked, self-seeking man. "H^ was wiling to destroy even an innocent person to save the nation from what he con- siderer) a great peril" Teachings -We should facie onr duty boldly at any cost. Life has its sor- rows, and may bn;ve its victories. nese is very satisfactory/. Jesus sacrificed himself to save oth- cit Hamilton there has been a fair ors. God protects our lives that we amount of activity In business circles may work for Htm. He rebukes Tile the past week for this season of the children and overrules their mistakes. year. The jobbers report a very fair Jesus snffere'l a cruel death that we number o2 orders coming to hand. might have life, Evil men know who Collections are fair. will help them carry out their plans. i Business at Ottawa continues quite PRACTICAL SURVEY. I brisk. Retail sales have been large Gethsemane of itself was not a the past couple of weeks. Priees of more beautiful place than many staple goods are firm,. others which might have been found There has been a fair movement in near Jerusalem. Yet it is one of the jobbing circles at the Coast cities the few places which have been of in- past week. There Is beginning to be terest to the whole world. Until that felt more demand for for•ivard dolly - memorable night on which Jesus ery. The demand from the inland was betrayed it had been to the dis- raining to'wxts is very fair for this oiples a quiet resting place, where season. Collections are only fair, thoy had met with their Master in Travellers now on the various sacred fellorwslrlp, where they could routes to Manitoba, are booking nice hear from HIS Iips many things too orders for the spring and summer sacred to utter to the world. But trade. Arrangements are already from that night when Jesus endured being made for building operations, the agony, the sorrow, not His own, aIkl it is expected that work In that but a sorrow wvh.ioh he felt in hear- connection the coming summer will ing the sine of a lost race, Gethse- be larger . mane has been remembered as the At Quebec retail trade has been scene of bitter agony. In planning moderately active during; the past thie cruel deed Judas was making no week. Shoe manufacturers, in some plane for Bis own death. Yet when , Instances, are working overtime. the deed was done the thought of Gethsemane and his wickedness there . A sudden and intense eruption from. robbed him of every ray of comfort Mount Vesuvius took place en Sat;ur- and he became his own destroyer, clay, lasting fully forty minutes. A With all the gad memories of Garth- heavy rumbling was distinctly heard semane It. is associates/ in the minds and the whole sight was extremely of all Christians with the r•anson beautiful. are very encouraging. There is a export demand for certain lines of leather; There has been a fair movement in wholesale circles at Toronto this Week. The conditions of trade are healthy. Values of staple goods con- tinue firm, and manufacturers are busy. Country remittances are sat- isfactory tor this season. The grain deliveries being more lib- eral, trade at London has been a little mere brisk, the jobbing busi- ness having experienced more inquiry from retailers. The outlook for bust - Feb. 21. -Hides, green, 6 1-2 1-4 ; hides, cured, Se ; calfskin 1, 8c to 9c; No. 2, 7o' to Se; (dairies), each, 55e to 65c ; • skins, fresh 90e to $1.10 ; talion dared, 5 1-4c to 5 8-4c ; wool, 1.5e to 16e ; unwashed, fleece; 100 ; pulled, super, 17c to 180 ; extra, 20e to 210. , Toronto Live Stock Market Export cattle, choice, par cwt. e3 60 to Export cattle, light. per owt... 4 25 to Butchers' cattle. pinked ... ..._. 4 16 to Butche,E' cattle, choice. 8 85 to Butchers' cattle Food., • 3 25 to• do me dluxn, mixed 2 50 to Butchers' ('common, oar cwt, 2 00 to Bulls. export. heavy, per cwt3 75• to Hulls. export. light. pet cwt.,33 000_ to Feeders. short -keen do medium 3 40 to do light 3 00 to Stockers. 500 to 800 lbs 2 50 to oft -colors and heifers 1 75 to Feeding bulls •.. 2 50 to Light stock bull, per cwt 1 50 w :itch cows, each.............. 25 00 to (:aloes, per head 2 00 to Sheep, export ewes, per cwt2 �0 too do. bucks Sbcep, butchers'. each 2 50 to Lambs, grata -fed, per cwt 4 .10 t do barnyard, per owt315 Iambs, each 2 50 t Hoge, choice. per cwt. 6 50 Hogs, fat, per cwt, 6 00 Hogs, light, per am 6 00 Sows,perowt -• 1 tit) 2 00Stage Seeds. The export trade is about and owing to the cold weath jobbing trade has been quiet. deliveries have been light an prices have been fairly well tained. We quote: Alsike at to $6.50, according to satupl fancy lots are quoted a trill er ; red clover is steady at $6.75, according to sample' othy is nominal at $175 to all these prices beiug per bus outside points. Wool. The market is dull, with the tion for Canada fleece practice changed. There is no feature market to riots this week, So ada fleece luiS been bought ire local. dealers are prepared t the same price, 15c., for mor holders in the province are more money. There is no exp quirt' yet and the market is :Pulled wools are quiet. t'leroe.-The offeti tg•I ore no buyers and sellers Wing too tar to do business. Some lasts clip has been purchased here 'a and the same was bid for mor it would probably be difficult more below lee. at the leas washed is 'dull at 9c. Pulled Wool -Tile drinand fr home mills is small, and the n is quiet. Local dealers quote at 20 to 21e., and supers at 1Sc. Manitoba Wheat Markets Trade in the local market , a low obb, there being very doing from day to day. Price week have been about statin buyers being so indifferent th little spurt in outside marks the middle of the week had' fluence on them. Prices are lie and at . the oloae yesterday quoted : No. 1 hard, • 831ic9 e hard, 78c; No. 3 bard, 67 3.4 Il northern; 64c; tough No. 3 643c; tough No. 3 northern, f in store Fort William spot -- PM Comnlerclai, Feb. 16th. 1 otos. Liverpool wheat futures, unchanged to :1-80 per Cent& er. Maize options off 1-8d, Chicago wheat futures rosy and corn futures 1:4o per burs day. Stocks of wheat at POrt and Fort William on Feb. 16 v 145,7132 bushels, as against 264 bushels a year agog` The corn crop in Argentine said to be out of danger. Sort eyport estimated at 48,( bu,irels, a.s rtgaltnst 1.7,000,001 Year.