The Herald, 1901-03-01, Page 1The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. FIRST YEAR, VOL. I ZURICH, ONT. FRIDAY, MARCH -1 1901. TEE EIRIO Ea DR. F. A. SELLEPY, IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY EVENING BY E, ZELLER TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION:—$1.00 per year paid strictly in advance. When the paper is not ordered to be discontinued it will be sent until such order is given and arrearages paid. $1.50 to be charged when not paid in advanee. ADVERTISING RATES.—Tran s i e n t advertisements, 5 cents per Brevier line for first insertion and 3 cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Small Advs. i such as"Lost" "Estray" or "Stolen." will be eharged 50 cents first insertion and 25 cents for eaeh subsequent insertion. Copy for change of advertisement must be handed in not later than Tuesday night of each week to insure change in follow- ing issue. Local notices in ordinary reading type 5 cents per line. Notiees for Church en- tertainments or other benevolent institu- tion at special rates. Contracts for column, half -column and quarter-coluc:n rates for specified periods will be cheerfully given. Address all communications to E. ZELLER EDITOR, ZURICH, P.O. CHURCHES. ST. BONIFACE, Catholic. Order of service for the winter. Sundays:—High mass at 10 a. m. Catechism and instruction at 12 o'clock The Holy Hour, or one hour's visit to our Lord in the blessed sacrament from 3 to 4 p. m. Vespers and benediction of the most blessed sacrament at 4 p.m. Holy Days:—High mass at 10 a. m. Ves pers and benediction at 4 p. m. Week Days :—Mass every morning at 8 o'clock. First Fridays, mass with ex- position at 9 o'clock Rey. Father Valentine, Parish Priest Dentist, graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor graduate of Department of Dentistry, Toronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion Hoarse Zurich, every Monday. 1-26 EVANGELICAL, German and English Sunday services : - German, at 10 o'clock a. m. English, at 7 o'clock p. m., Sunday school at 2 :p.m. Tuesday evening; Junior Alliance, at 7, Senior Alliance, at 8, Choir practice at 9. Wednesday evening; German prayer meeting, at 7.30. Thursday evrning; English prayer meeting at 7.30. Friday evening; Teachers' meeting at 8. Rev. C. H. Finkbeiner, Pastor. G. STANURY, B . A. • Successor to COLLINS & STANBURY BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY,. Conveyancer, Money to Loan on Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of In- terest. Documents in original German read and advised upon. ZURICH COURT ATTENDED Office over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter. geutjcfle en. Intl?. St. Petri I€irdle. eottesbienft norm. (?alb unb abenbs 7 1.14x. Sonntagjd?u1e nad?m. 2 III?r. €ehrerueriammlung Ttittuoch abenbs boll) 8- ;Sd?ii1£e, .pastor. The Commercial Hotel, L. FOSTER, — Proetor Every accommodationriior the travelling public. Always stop at THE COMMERCIAL when in Zurich. First-class sample rooms for Commercial men. LOUIS FOSTER, - ZURICH Ho J. D. COOKE, (Late with Gamow & Proudfoot) Barrist er, Solicitor, Notary Ppblie. Hensall, Ontario. Our pal Maga, Jas. Bonthron, of Hensall, is em- ployed at Grab's hardware. Calvin Williaans of Port Huron arrived home on Wednesday even- ing. Tom Kelly took a trip to his old home, Stoufiville, last week to visit his parents. Joseph and William Bac.our, of the Sauble took a trip to London on Friday last. Mrs. Ed. Bossenberry is at Berlin this week as a delegate of the Dash- wood L. O. T. M. New ads :—D. Steinbach, D. S. Faust, T. & M. Johnson, Chas. Grob, J. C. Kalbfieisch. React them and profit by them. A rumor is in circulation that E. J. Hagan, principal of the Zurich public school had handed in his resignation to the trustees, to take effect April lst. Miss Nettie Well left on a trip to London and Detroit on Monday afternoon. Miss Well has been re- engaged as milliner at Rodney for the spring season. Mr. Leger, of the Queen's Hotel, St. Joseph, asked us to contradict the rumor that he had given up the Queen's. He is still running the hotel, and expects to remain. J. A. Williams made a business trip to Exeter Thursday. Charles Wilson of Hensall spent a few hours here on Wednesday. W. C. Calfas and wife, of Dash- wood, called on friends here Tues- day. Chester Steinbach is visiting his sister Mrs. Baldwin at Seaforth this week. J. P. Ross, life insurance agent, of Exeter, was in town on business Wednesday. Wm. Schenk intends building a fine two storey brick residence here in the spring. Mr. Eli Henhefer has sold. his land to Frogs Hess, Sr., for $580.00. Eli intends giving up farming. John Laporte, of Drysdale, spent a few days at Chatham and vicinity last week. He returned on Monday evening. pROUOFOOT Sc HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Notariee Public ete, etc. Cor. Square and North Street, Goderich, Ontario R. C. HAYS W. PROUDFOOT EZELLER, e Clerk 10th Div. Court, Huron Commissioner for taking Affidavits, Conveyancer ete. Valuator for the Hu- ron and Erie Loan and Savings Co. Ofiiee— Zeller Block, Zurieh Ont. E BOSSENBERRY, s Licensed Auctioneer for Hu.- en County, respeetfully solicits the pat- age of those who intend heaving sales. tisfaction guaranteed. J. Preeter left for Berlin on Tues- day as a delegate to the K. 0. T, M. grand lodge which is in session there this week. Wm. O'Brien purchased the dwelling of the Dirstein estate. The price paid was $460.00, The other lot was sold to 0. Fritz for $83.00. Chas. Fritz purchased the lot north of J. Preeter's residence, and it is reported Charlie intends build- ing a find residence there in the spring. The writ for a new Dominion election in North Bruce was issued to -day. Polling will take place on the 20th of March, and nomination a week earlier. Button In. Her Nose. While playing with some buttons on Sunday evening the 3 -year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Brown stuck a button in her nostril which the doctors have been unable to extract so far. Drs. Buchanan and Campbell worked for several hours on Monday but without suc- cess. It is hoped that no serious results will follow. "Mon" Faust. of D. S. Eaust's general store, left Tuesday morn- ing for London to attend the mil- linery openings. He will also visit Berlin before his return. H. Magel and C. Eilber were busy fixing up the Zurich road on WCc.- nesduy. It is said that this road was never in as bad a state with snow and pitch holes as at present. We are sorry to report that Wil- lie Fee was considerably injured by the runaway he had last week. He has been unable to leave the house since, although he is improving and is expected to be out in a few days. P. Lamont, reeve of Hay, will shortly take up his residence here. We would like to see our friend Peter build up the residential part of our town, but of course we would not expect him to start a bachelor's hall. Chas. Greb, hardware dealer, has somples of McCormick twine. This twine is made by new machinery, and is supposed to be the best on • the market. Charlie is ready to take your order and guarantee prices. Miss M. Hutton B. A. of Forest visited. with Dr, Campbell over Sunday. Miss Hutton is a graduate of Toronto University and has spent nearly two years in Germany. She is a sister of Mrs. 0. A. Mc- Donell of Hensall. A postponed logging bee which took place on last Tuesday has been pronounced a success, so the men say, but it is very doubtful ifgsomo of them can tell the difference be- tween a logging bee and "lager beer." • The Liberals will hold a conven- tion cat Hensall on the 5th inst., for the selection of a candidate to con- test South Iluron at the next Pro- vincial election. F. Hess, Sr„ of this town will ni all probability be chosen. John H. Melick had a very sue- cossful sale on Wepnesday. Ed. Boysenberry, auctioneer, of Zurich and R. O'Brien of the Sauble line conducted the sale. Rosewell wild - ed the "stick" over the cattle and gave general satisfaction. Mr. Melick and family will leave for their now home at Edmonton about the 12th of March, NOTES BY OBSERVER. P .GOSHEN LINE' Special to the 'HERALD. The Goshen Missionary Society held their regular monthly meeting at Mr. Ralph Stephenson's on Mon- day last. Mr, Nelson Stephensoi!i has gone to learn the blacksmithing with Mr. D. C. Campbell of Brumfield. On Friday evening of last Week Mr. and Mrs, J. T. keys entertain- ed the Goshen Methodist Choir: the evening was spent in music, games and social chat, till about 12 o'clock when Mrs. Keys announced supper. When all had done ample justice the company broke up, all feeling they had spent a very pleasant evening. Mr. Nelson Keys of the Babylon line who has been laid up for some time is able to be around again. Mrs. Nathan Peck who has been visiting her father and mother in Seaforth fur the past week has re- turned home. Owing to the illness of Rev. E. C. Jennings, the pulpit of St. Lukes church was unoccupied on Sunday last. There are quite a number in this vicinity, laid up with La Grippe at present. Editor Of The Herold. THE LATEST—An ice cream party was held in town lately. Ice cream in. February ! Think of it. Did yon ever eat ice cream in winter? If not, try it. BY-T1-nt-WAY.—We have seen young ladies in some towns walk- ing the streets with aprons on, with a small pocket, with a spool of thread and handkerchief in it. The fad inay strike the Zurich girls at any moment. Loam HoURs—This town has now grown to the proper size for earlier closing of business places. Spring and summer will soon be here, and in order to get full benefit of the beautiful evenings soon to come, all places should be closed at least three nights in the week. Will our aldermen pass a by-law to that effect? With so many marriageable young Hien and women in town, how is it we hear so little about weddings? Can any one tell us whyfore? • - Dr. Harvey Clear of Tweed has been appointed to succeed Dr. St. Charles as assistant medical super- intendent of the Orillia Asylum. Dr. St. Charles has been promoted, and will be connected. with the Hamilton Asylum medical staff. A Tragedy Near Collingwood. A shooting affray occurred near Collingwood one night last week through a brothers opposition to his sister's keeping company with a certain widower. For some months Samuel Friend, formerly a liquor merchant in the town, has been keeping company with Miss Macgillivray, who resides with her mother on Concession 10, Nottawa- saga. A brother, George Macgil- livray, recently married, has al- ways taken serious ebjeetiori to Mr. Friends course, and more than once the two have quarrelled. .A few nights ago, Mr. Friend armed himself with a loaded revolver, be- fore going to visit his lady love. Upon his arrival at the house, the irate brother was on handl, and attempted to put Friend of his pre- mises. In the struggle that follow- ed, Friend drew the revolver and fired two shots into Macgillivray's body, one of them lodging near his heart. He fell on the floor, and Friend escaped through. the door- way. Dr, McKay extracted the bullets, and it is expected the wounded man will recover Friend is still at large, though tho author- ites are looking for hint, Earthquakes in Michigan. NO. 31 Go, is the word with us, as we said in our ad. last week, and we are in earnest ... All over the store are goods at such a sacrifice that they will go and in a hurry ..o The following item= ized list are only a few of the many lines we have to offer : 823X yards Seersucker. Five patterns. Feist colors. Regular pa It / • 10 and 12Mc goods for 203% yards, single fold, dress goods,in six patterns, good quality, I oc regular 150 and 20c, our bargain price 10e yard. d 41% yards American print, a nice dark pattern, and just the thing5c for a comforter or quilt lining, regular 10e, now • Mr. A. W. Campbell, Good Roads Instructor, addressed five meetings in Welland County last week. An effort will be made to raise $150,- 000 for the improvement of the roads of that county in the near future. London Advertiser : The presi- dent of the Ontario Board of Health says that fresh air to breathe, both night and day, is the great antidote to consumption, the ravages of which seen to be on the increase in Qntario. There is so much fresh air in this exhilarating northern climate, and. it is so very cheap, that one would think that no family would strive to be with- out it. Yet many do. 3t'xerer : 50n Thursday evening, Feb. 14th, the teachers and princi- pal of the public school were enter- tained to an oyster supper by Mr. and Mrs. N. Dyer Hu rclon. A pleasant evening was spent, and on departing Mr. garden informed his guests that he Hoped this would be an annual avent, as he believed in the best of good feeling existing be- tween the teachers and the parents of the scholars. The Harriston Review reels off the following yarn ;—"A good story was told by a travelling nian last week that illustrates the speed of mixed trains on the G. T. R. The .train bad been slower than usual that clay and the passengers were thoroughly disgusted. Among them was a nervous woman and. a boy. During the trip the. conduc- tor came around and the lady pre- sented him a fnll ticket and a half fare ticket for the boy. The con- ducsor looked at the boy a moment and then said ;—"Isn't that boy over twelve years old." Quick as flash the lady replied : "He wasn't when we left Owen Sound, but I think he'll be a voter beffro we reach Harriston." The conductor accepted the half fare ticket and passed on. St. Joseph, Mich., Feb. 26,—At 2 o'clock this morning throe dis- tinct shocks of earthquakes were felt in this city. The shocks fol- lowed each other in rapid succession and were very severe, The shocks were accoinpanied by noises resem- bling the booming of cannon. There are many traces of an earthquake visible this morning. For a dis- tance of a mile the ice. in the river is cracked, and in some places bro- ken badly, At this point tho ice is a foot thick. Stanley : MoClinchey Bros. have purchased John Forrest's farm on the Goschen line, for which they paid the handsome sum of $5800. This is a good. 100 -acre farm with good house and barn almost new, and will make the Messrs, Mcolinohey the owners of 300 acres of land, all convenient to the home- stead, 52X yards wrapperette, new design, heavy quality, just the thing - for cold weather, 30 inches wide, regular 22c, bargain 4c • Our remnant table is worth an examination, consisting of short ends of dress goods, cloaking, tweeds, prints, wrapperettes, etc., etc., all at away clown prices. Lingering Insanity, Two inmates of a Scotch asylum working in the garden decided up. on an attempt to escape. Watch- ing their opportunity when the keeper was absent, they approach- ed the wall- "Noo bend doon, Sandy," said the one, "and I'll ohm' up your shoulder to the top, and then I'll give ye a hand up tae." Sandy, according bent down. Tam, mounting his back, gained the top of the wall, and dropping over the other sidle, shouted, as he pre- pared to make off "I'm thinking, Sandy, you'll be better to bide anither fortnight, for you're no near richt yet."—Froin the Glasgow Evening Times. MARKETS Revised every Thursday afternoon. 61 to 63 27 27 37 40 - - 58 60 - .- 2.00 2,10 - - - 16 17 14 ,15 lb - - - 43 6 5 5 20 25 Wheat Oats Barley Peas Fir - Butter - Eggs Chickens ickens Ducks - - - - - - Geese Potatoes - - - - - IIENSALL MARKETS. Wheat - - - - - 62 to 64 Oats - -- 25 26 Barley - - - - -. - 37 40 Pots58 60 Flour - - - - - 2.00 2,10 Hogs (live) per cwt - 6.25 6.25 do (dressed) - - 6.75 7,00 1,0 Come early and have first choice No trouble to show goods. D. Q FAUST We do what we say, Produce taken in exchange for Goods MAIN ST, ZURICH, ONT. HE PEO ,Boot & :,{ y, h e Seo e --44tx45326,„, Balance of win ter Stock Chea We tha; k you for your suppor during the pas YEAR. Leave your measure for a first-class Binter or Fall We also handle the celebrated stub proof, gutta perch Granby Rubbers. Butter and Eggs taken in trade. WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! CHAS. FRITZ, LE I? Per Cent Discount On Winter Goods for the next 30 DAYS We have decided to clear out th balance of our Stock of Wiz ter Goods to make room for .ou Large Spring Stock, which wi: be along shortly, and in orde to clear out our Stock., we wig give 25 p. c. clisct for the nee 30 days, on Men's Overcoat: Ladies' Mantles, Underwear .Heavy Dress ;odds, Caps, W Shawls, Wool Blankets, Read mace D. B. Suits, Mitts, Hoed in fact, everything in. the lir, of Winter Goods. We also have a few Ladle rear Coaats, Capes, Caperines an Ruffs, and a few Goat Rolm in grey* and black, which v will clear at a big reduction. Now is your chance to SOME a Bargain while this sale last Highest Prices paid for Butter, Eggs, Dria Apples etc. J. PREETER0ZURIOF