The Herald, 1901-02-22, Page 3I I , - �11.11. - - � - ­_ �o , �" � V -7-1 ' � ;� ' ; " � � - " ­­ I _-11 I..."., I -11 I 1. 11 � . � I 1. - '" .914P1 - ,,�.�,­ ­:" ,�;! -l"W1111 , 7-r- -- , . I . '11ppollp -PW' . � . ,T , I I --.1 - I.." . .1 ".... il., 11- 1. 11.1 I.., -.11. -.11-1.. 1.1- ­­ 1.1.1-1.11 11 . - I 1. . .. I . . . � , I I . , . - . , � I . � I I . I . . I I I I I I , ,�i . ,� I � 1. FI . I I I I . I I . � .; I I I . I � . , . , , I � � . I . . i I . I � . . � I . . .. * . . . . I = � ;, 1 , ,.;:. � 7-- - . � � I � ­­--­.---_.-- .1 I =====!==_.1 1_1 I I—-- 1­�&­"* - . - . . I I I 0 "� -�'4..-,...,.",...."_*��_4.'_'I#�.1.*.iO,Ojl.-'...:..�o --",�.m'-- --------------- - .1 I __ --r , ­ ­­ I - . .. ­­__ , __ ====­===� ­ .. .....-SA~=% " .,O."P.�.po....,...,.,-"..*O..,--.*,,�--.%e....,�.P..'�.,..#.,.,*,.,oe,,.,...,...,o.�...-.�--.,,.�e.�.,..,,�.,� 11 cannot Ily so high as roi; to haw., It III ' � I I ,- I nT , ilenniAivo worit (if tile sion or coa. - i I p _--e_,e-.—r_t—­ —.. --r�--_ — *,%—, -.,-. ,, OU Can,Won , the nostril or under wing, SUNDAY SCH The attendaut oircumstancos. I rI— . I . . TX *%7 oUt ,!* And wh,"t . . P,WJ.o - ! . . .1 . .?, affluence of sunlight! No one but the � � I The 13INclours0e; of Jesus that laimedi. ; �' Th W** go � . "OW I I #. Inflnite God coulddisponsesomuch Of 4t0IX areuoded thil; event were xle- C"Is ?. It, The golden candlestick set on tile � e ma.2 M, __ — . I IXTXRNATIONAlu1,jP,S.9(�N,Nu. Vill. 1419DW arid %voilid naturally tend tu; &;�—_, blue mautel of the heavenst So great I ; �1.* W hat Is Goirig to Happen to All Those People Who * that the Almighty is compared to It, k"14"URVARY21, 190.1. : J)reparc,�, tile, t1li,vililes for the sad and i � I . ------ _­ ­ I � ..,* . .. . � � ln)PUrt. lit ovent that was to take " 1. , It— 1;. e� tile Psalmist crying Out: "The Lord I — Plal-e III U10 110ur filture. i . . I . . l,lw . I 4 Are Trtily PUghteous. .. God is a sun." it is high time that,we I Ch"Ist'll UP4olly Ill the garden—O 7 FolloNviii.g ,ir,� (doliilll; (Illl)ti .P . I 4+ recognise in our liturgies ,and In Our J0911' ill Qoitbsemane­lt�. 11atthow 26. tbOu lynmllelllato� Son of (lad, why i Vans ni, Imp. rLik.11t whLult cOntPUIS t, Z;.,---,.-�.�.,,-,-:-.---.,-,---.--,.-....--.-...-.,.....-.,,..,."..,.,..,...*..,,..o 0. a dny- cas)), . . I . . ..,.,4..,,s,....,...._.. formul a of 'prayer the tbree most C01hinviitar.*-After til.ey bad IoCt IJ -11 tills sorrow and heaviness, tills I .N1 - Ly i 'Waahington Report--il%erO is great lose one dollar. On larger or smaller abundant blessings of the universe tile lll)l)er rooln 11attliew records ,ig(My AMI the "grtat drops of blooti , Xn4v Tork ... ... ... ... � U80 31 I t&olace in this discourse of Dr. Talmage which come to all. tUat J(.1sus told them they would all falling down to the ground" frOT11 scale all suffer financial loss. Amid . �ily , �)Illlvatlkee ... ... .". :076 ­ — I for th*se whose lives have marry anoLle- the rapidity of the revolutio Now, is it not time that we all be- tbal, filgfit 00 OffPnded because of lladred 13,)dy ? It ouill;I not be fur him- i 8,t. Louis ... ... ... ... -- , 074 ' tles. Te'Xt, Isaiah Ili., 10: "Say ye to wheel of national and International gan -more thoroughly to trust the b1l 11, Mid wheroupon Pater, with .great 1301f, sevIlIg, that Ills ctiltracter was 'Miedo ... ... ... ... ... 0 70 o"_1 0 1 811 1 1 Lord? We trust him with our souls, Desk, said, "Though all men sliall pure and his life wltll()ut fault. 11. I the righ-tsvus that it shall be well�with finance monetary perplexity Is as cum- be a Detroit, red ... ... ... 080 0 81-11 :I-, him." . snon. as day or night. why not trust him with our bodies? Ifended because of Thee, yet will OorL v. 22I.; 1. Pet. ji. ",, ; 1. John Ili. I Detrolt, white ... ... 080 — , Here Is a promise for people who axe So also misLilterpretation. We trust illin, with our spiritual Inter- I no'v er be Offended." Jesus thell tOld I r). True, ,Ln rnam lie would natnrall,V ' and a n Dulutli,No. I nortli 0 78 5-8 0 76 5�1 e-11 light, but who will come and get it? slander come to all whe live active ests, why no Illin that before morning lie ,%%,ould I shrink from suffering . nd a. 'viole t t trust him with our tem- dcay Hill, tbrIce. i death; and as Intin lick had tile powel- Dulutli, No. 3. bard 0755-'S,— , HOW man7, Or, rather, how few. peo- lives, Our actions, thoroughly hon- poral Interests? We believe what Is 86. Tijen--alhis was about mlarijght. Of Volition. It evid(,litly required a Minneapolis, No. :I . onest man. I northern ... ... ... -- i 075 '' ; ple do you kriow who are all right? if eat and above board. may come un- said to us by aa ordinarily h COlnetll-After they hall left tile up, I Supreme virort for hini to fully sub- . lt were Mired Of aily assembly that der stisplelan. Every courtroom at I could not anger you so Tnuch or inElloe, Per room wliere they: had eaten the Tolt lilts Will to tho divine %V'IlI Ili mak- Toronto Farmers' Al,arket. those who were sinless should rise up, every term of court hears Illustra- your oheeks so bum. with Indignation paSG,!t,i,I sul)ficr. WAlt them -There I Ing an nxplatory H:I.crlfice for the Sim Feb. 3.4. -Wheat -Offerings ver; Milewould rise but imbeciles ar,d relig. ttons of the delusion of what is called as to doubt your truthfulness, and how 4,71are Oilly LAY-ven now ; Judas was ab- of the human family. ITS. 39, ,12. But Ught and prices unchanged ;'1OG bl� IOus cralakm An accident happened circumstantial evidblice. Innocent do you suppose the Lord of heaven and RPI,t Mikkll,g. arrangements for - tile this was not sufficient of itself -of white and 100 bu� of red 9014 a' earth feels when you doubt him, as he - - Often - men are flned or Imprisoned or electro- declares In the text: "Say ye to the thnies re. -Ported to this quiet retreat n8arI7 00 centuries ago that started the lIptray,,ji. Uilto & place-,Tesus to proOnee. t)io sorrow, tile agony 68c, and 3.50 ba. of goose at 65e-, � human race in the wrong way, and we cuted bemuse of an unfortunate I I and the bloody Sweat of that hour. Barley -100 b%. sold unchanged A kaVe not got over It. righteous that it shall (be well with with Ris disciples (John xviii. 0�), for The poilderous weight of the world's " to 48" : . We know a conjunction of everits. What Is true refreshment, retirement, sic was pressing Ili an Inexprossible Oats -100 bu. sold unchanged S1 him." Such a promise as that Ought quiet In- � great rAmnv Splendid men and splendid of courtrooms Is true In all circles to calm your pulses and irradiate your struOtIon, and perhaps prayer. Geth- manner uIlOn 111.9 pure inind and soili I 32 1-2, to. 830, woniex4 but they ,Arill tell you ,%.hat they of domestic or social or political or countenance and halo all the futurt 1111111ne-The name means oil presty, ,mbile tile slla�p sword of livinp Jus- Iil,ay and Straw -Only live loadS,c have not always done the right thing official life. You have been misunder- with rapture; for, after all. it makes an omblem of trial, distress, agony; tiefi wila already Piercing hill heart bay were delivered and the marks Or tb%ugh-t the right thought 19 It stood and misrepresented. Then how but little differonce,what 'becomes of us it Wll-S FZ11'011 10 till,', r,lLrd0lI 1](30411180 of"llf"llt'll love. In anticipation he was firmer at $14 to $15 per toll vrere MRY of Your business they could can my text be true? My explanation here If we come out at the right place, tfiere plobabl� ivas, kj� had baen,'a saw clenrly and felt L-eenly tho deep One load of straw sold 50c lower 4 .-Ive you an, inventory of fra,iltles and is this: The man -without any divine pros, there for tile inann fact a I-,-- of depravItT of tile hunian.hpart as $9 per ton� mistakes and infelicitios that would be grace In his heart finds in these amid the right surroundings and in the OLve oil . I manifested' in thp- kiss of 5ndlie; and Butter and Egga�k dull marks' right companionship. What are the 20 37. Took with HIm-Parther into the cowardice of his­6tiil:�r dl,solpl�s;- 'with small Volume of business. Price aatarAshisg. Here, then, you say. Is 9, troubles Irritation and unbelief and or 80 years of terrestrial stay compared tb5 p . �:)L)den, to 0, allot ,Oge retlrcdr� in tile bloodthirsty lIyPocrl,zY-uf tile are*steady. Bible promise that goes a -begging, melancholia and despair. A Christian with the centuries, the millenniums, Two Fong of Zebadee-Janies Ind leaders .In thio Jewish Churefi 'aud'ln, .' Poultry­m-Reeelpta were fair, big *'S&7 ye to the righteous that it shall man finds in them submissloa and en- the aeons of our chief lifetime, which -Tojiti. ,rhe three disciples Jesus took the* )mockery and vruplty of till- Ito. the demax@ was poor. Prices are ul be well with him." , larged views and divine support and 1. : . tful work to -day to reconsecration. significant world as compared with the transfiguration and glory, and were *tlaipated till thn sliam,� and exernelat- Vegetables-PrIceg' are steady,bu It is my dollgh we are to begin when we quit this In- with Him had been wltn , cases of RIB mail soldiers and the fabble. 11P an- changed. show You that all the sane and daugbt- Financial loss, which I Just now ,Size of other worlds? This would Is onlY nOV7 to behold His humiliation and Ing suffering conn"ted with big mock .Ah� market is quNt, O'fe.ring3 .al era of Adam and Eve may approPrIate said is sure to come, never breaks a schoolhouse for heaven. We learn here agony. Began to be sorrowful�"TO trial and tilm crown or thornn. the rather large and the demand is 011) the benediction my text if they will up a man who (has strong faith In Only the A B C of a higher literature, be 111101,etr'a-ted ith thol most ex . cross .on calvary and the conscious I moderate. - te 8 rro v a I qlis- surplus or It is the banishment of of an Infinite mathematics and are Very heavy -Sore nntil' thp demandW'. of divinp. justias prices unchanged at $8 to $6-.50, the next street was a man who was in etion 'I I 1�1 j oyer�vhellned with Withdrawal of his'Fathar's prps;�nce, Dressed Rega-Market steady, wit first do the right thing. Over here In God, In most cases it is a loss Of or the simple addition and subtra, , ..� ., � great ml&fortune, lost all h-,- had and "gu 1. ' I . luxuries. Most of the wants of the practicing the eight notes of an eternal troubled; a stronger word than 'the were fully met in all their Intensity I Toronto ]Rides and,Wool. was positively beggared, but a letter prosperous classes . are axtificial. harmony. The most Importan othpr. It was a climax of sorrow, a, and duration. � � Rides, green, 0 1-2 to 8 1-2c; bid 'comes from some European city where rrible angnish.-Peloubet. I the lazd records axe kept. announcing wants. The late Mr. Armour of the tion any man ever asks Is: "What 38 Even unto detl,till-Ify Saul I I cured, 11 1-4c; caltskins, No, 1, 8 $60,000,000 estate pointed to one of his will be my destiny?" "Whither am I (1i;s;lved Ili sorrow, my sl�lrlt is, fa "a I 9e; deacons (dairies), each, 55 to 6 to him that a great fortune is his. Now ged TIR[O of Tif Q 1, billeepskins, fresh, 9(m to &I.' clerks on ordinary .salary and bound?" "Where shall I -land?" "What With such agony and.angulab, that I 111H, he is as opulent as he was pauperlsed. said, "That man has better appetite is the terminus of this short journey?" 1( Speedy quv�or b, not given.to my , . Toronto Live Stock Markets. , . He doffs his rags and puts on respect- than 1, sleeps better nights and en- Now, child of God, do not worry about body. &itli'mnst �bi the immediate . Export cattle, choice, per owt. gl 60 to *5 able attire and moves into a house ap- Joys life more thaix I do." Oh, the that. It shall be well with you In your call . Export cattle light per ewt... 425 to a PrOPriate for a nian of vast es -tate. sequence. -Clarke. "It was agolly B�tchers'caule PL(;ked; ....... 415 to 4 His worldly circumstances ,gigantic miseries of those who -have next state of existence. that would destroy Ills life if It (,on- New York Authoress Wants a Butchers' cattle, choice .......... 385 to 4 were all too much! Some scientists axe now discussing t1InlIed-"-1V`- N. Clark. The more 1 But-ehers'cattle good .......... 826 to -rong last year; they are all right this Fresh Subject. do med;um, mixed .......... 250 to 3 I Butcbers',,ommou', ter owt .... 200, to 2 - On the next street is a mall. who reasonable a wish as 0.ny mail of twee.;i our earth and the planet Mare. nlore eapable Ill- is of 'the highest 1 1 Rulls. export, heavy. per cwt.. 375 to A year time expressed as pbiloso-ohic and the opening of communication be- bighly organized any being Is, and th; ! . Was frova perfect health prostratea, those times or of our times. His Experiments are being made, but J13,'71 so intioli. the more is lie sensitive i ' Bulls. export. light. per cwt. 300 to ri k unto dewth, to pain. Thus. 4, 11 pain was more in- I SHE ADMIRES THE BOERS, 1 Peedera. short -keep, ......... : *.: 3 75 to but a skillful physician took name was Agur and he offered a they will not succeed. We cannot I � I do medium ................... 3 40 - to correct tense to Jestis than to others.-Pelour The'NeNy York Herald aa-ys: Mrs. I lo light .................... 3 00 to diagnosts, of his disease and by prompt Prayer that he might never have a build a fire large enough to attract bpt. Tarry ye livre-Spoken to the St.eker.,. ZM to SW lbs ........... 2 W to and vigomus treatment restored him superabundance or a. deficit, crying the attention of that world or lift a three disciples. Watch. with me -It Van Renssellier Cruger, wid3w ,Or i air-colorsand heifers ........ 175 to to his former vigor. As to his health out, "Give me neither poverty nor lens powerful enough to see any re- wag not it sign of human weakness Colonel Cruger, of this city, -Ind Feeding bulls .............. .... 250 to he was all wrong before; no,w he is all riches." On the one side he had seen sponse Interstellar. We do not posi- that In Such an hour as this Christ known in the Nvorld o)f letters as Light stack bull, per awt ....... 160 to d to New Ullen cows, each .............. 30 00 to right. In tkese two ways I illustrate the awful struggle of the poor to tively know that that world is occu- sought for human sympathy - tills de- I "Julion Gordon," returne Calves. per head ................ 200 to my theme. get food and clothes and shelter and pled by living beings or that If it is sire for f0lowelilp in hours 'or dark- York yesterday, after a two years' Shee export ewee,percwt... 3 W to 337 sin we have all been morally to educate their children, and on the occupied communication with them ness and of sarrow is strongest In I absence. Among tile pronounced d o. 1; lic ks ...................... 260 to Sbeep. butchers'. each .......... 250 to bankruPted. Christ the Lord from his other side lie had seen the gouty would be desirable. It might not the brarts In whiv.1i love is the richest. opinions she has brought back is tile Lambs, grain -fed, par cwt ...... 450 to Infinite riches Pays our debts and, em- foot, and the indigestion, and the be so good a world as this, and It was strong In 111m. -Abbott. I belief that Queen Victoria was an do barnyard, parawt ......... $75 to Paradises us In His mercy. insomnia, and the anxiety about thus communication with it -would n. A little further -About a stone's overrated woman. Speaking of the Lambs, eacia ...... I .... I ........ 2 50 to From His I eign, Hogs fat, per olwt, ............. 600 to richest wardrobe he puts an va the large investments, and the� threaten- be debasing. But I rejoice to know cast (Luke) - one hundred and fifty recent death of the Britle'll '.iuver Hogs, eholca. per cwt .......... 660 to cleau rdbe of His righteousness and ad paxesis often characteristic of that heaven Is In touch -with other to two hundred feet. There were now olie said yesterday. Ho,-,: light, per cwr ............ 5 75 to ( three divisions to the little company "Why, you know, I ain really a lit- Saws, per owt .................... I uO to gives uS a Place In the heavens when those who are IoLded up and loaded worlds for their improvement and _the eight, the three .and Jesus alonL,. tle tired of hPAir1lig abLAIt 'the Queen. Staglg ................ ............ 200 to ( we are ready to go up and take it. down with too many successes. a depot for glorious arrivals. It is On his face -This was the ordinary I was extremely glad t.) gat On the ri,ast Bullalo 31arket Now, as, to our spiritual ettate. we are Those people who are generally called a thoroughfare between this -world posture of the Supplicant when the ship In -order to escapol the topic. Slie East Buffalo, Feb. 13.-Oattle all right. We were morally diseased the masses -that is, the most of and that world and 2. coming find Ca -%or asked was great. and dolef) was a very much ov�arrated old per- position; demand fair. Calves but Christ the ph7sician,'by a Lath 1� folks -have the things absolutely nec- going perpetual, Going out of this InimIllation recrilred. The head was so.. The Queen w,ts rea.ily a highly supply mcKlerate, demand Steel, . the fountain of His grace, cures us. easary for their well-being, They world is as natural as coming into put between the knees, and the Core- rwpectable old bourgeolse. So muell choice to extra, $8.00 to $S - Now, as to our spiritual health We are 'I'MY6 no Blurilloa on their wall, nor it, but the one is with pang and lwad brought to tou-"li. the earth." has been Said about her leading a gow to choice, ,57-50 to W all right. That is the way we come to a Belshazzar's Feast in their din- the other Is with rapture if we are ,11.r Pathei-In all our addresses to gDod Lie. Why idiouldn't she, with a Sheep and Lambs-Offer)ngs the rIghteousness, spoken, of in the Ing room. nor a pair of $3,00 sorrels fitted for tile uplifting process. It Uroid, we should eye Irbm as a Father throne, a husband and everything locLds; market Opened 01) .1, hig text. It Js a contributed righteousness, at their doorway. But they have shall be well with you. Take as -aa our Father -, and it is in a special ciw. She could wish for? basis for top lambs, but after a an imputed righteousness. The moment somethftg which those superabund- good aare of your health a, -you manner helpful to do so when -we ara I ,,I was, I)e.rjeetly willing tn, bays sales slumped off. The opening You get Into right relations witI., antly supplied seldom have. They can, obey an sanitary laws, keep In an agouy.-Henry. It It be possible, I tile 13ngllsh old malds Shed toarsover on the basis of 45.85 to $6. Christ the Lord that moment -.you can have better health because, being In this world as long as you cte.---Thla has been generally ex- her into their 48oup, but when Am- The close was -Lambs, choice are plalued III a, way to make it appear, � Im APPredate the magnificent comfert of compelled to walk, they get the nee- Permitted to stay, and then when t1l, ericans'begau to tnxhibit traces ,of extra, $5.75 to 65-85; good to Obe essary exercise, and, their diet being the heavenly call comes be glad to at Christ wal§ fervently. asking the _ airl' i *S4,r,,0 to 64.75,- fair to good, $4. the teext� and I defy you, In all this Pather, if posgIlIle, to remove the hysteria, I grew f. y disgusted. , tu $4.50; wethers, $4.50 to $4 great Book, from the first verse of the lImIted. to plain food, they do not go. SO live tbat it Yon say not a cup of 11b; Coming death and suffer- You, know, it took sovell mon to whip, elust�, dull, with not all the a* nrSt chapter OC Genesis to the last verse suffer from luldrd;6"lit, salads and are word during the last day of your Ings from Mint. A more Satisfactory the Queon's Highland Ineubratione i . � ings Said. of the last chapter of Revelation, to not vle'dinised by rare caterers. life there will be no doubt here about P.\planation is that Christ was asking Into shape for Publication." Hogo-In good position, on the ' find me a passage with higher and They retire for Wholesome sleep at the place of your destination. You the. Father to remove the present cup Mrs. Cruger reached New York kin or $3'.65 to $5.70. Thero was a D -c deePer arid broader and longer comfort the very hour In which others are will go right Into salutly, prophetic, tlf intense Suffering, whioll wits done the 6toamship Kaisorin Marla. There- domand. for mixed and intedlum' I'. than that of the text, which is as deep leaving their homes for the dance or evangelistic. apostolic, cherubic, Ser- vben the angel.came, strengthening Sia. She hae cuine to bee her Aninri- outf,lde quoted figures. Pigs we: . as the Atkintic ocean half way between the card party. They will sleep tile aphle, arobangelic, delfic presence 1111m. Not as I will -If It Is Thy will can frlendR and Settle tile question I liberal Supply', top qUft1IiY Stead , a � all the corrUnents and high as the sun last sleep just as well in the Plain It shall be well with you. Moth- t,hat I should tile. hcre in the garden � whether her .permunmit home ,Ill I HouTy ,R,5�6;55 to $5.70; yorkers $5. when the clock Is striking twelve at graveyard as those who have over er, you will go right -up Into the Instead of dying on the cross, as fore- 1be! lu thi:4 V01111trY Ur Ill It,IIY- 6110 tu $5.65); pigs. $5,55 to $3.60; rougl told, I sulmilt.-Hovey. He was en- returned enthusiastic over her liter- Sr, to $;5,25, stags, 64 to $4.25. CIO nQ07L But I shall be swamped with them all arch of sculptured granite possession of the babe that, the sear- tirely resigned to Me Father?s will. .try plabs and till- valor of the kk)ers. Zirong on deNlrablo welglits. the oceanic tides of this snbject unless In costliest necropolls or most his- let fever or croup took out of your, 46. Cometh unto the disciples -He all(] said all(, was delighted to. be In the Lord help me to keep a. foothold. torical abbey, arms, a sorrow that still . stinga (lid tills three times during this aw- America. agaln. t5lin it; visiting lier '31aulto'bri Wheat '1)11ai-kets. 'Bay Ye to the righteous that It shall Things are more equally dIvIded you, and You often say %be *ould ful hour. He apparently desired com- islater, Airs. Francis II(INoIll. Baaoa, Till! local hiarket for Manito be Well witit him." thau Is generally supposed. That now be ,;a many years old. If she munlon witil, them and tile sympathy at wo. -0 West Tenth Street. whoat remains (Iul!-t for Jack of ent Bear in mind that but few people splendid home is apt to have a tak- had lived. YOU will go Into the pres- and comfort which they could. give. When Mrs. Cruger had expr­sisad , plies to trade In. Prices are kept hi can stand worldly success. Water is Ing off of some kind. It may be an enee of the old folks, for X hope you Asleep -Luke says they were sleep- herself On tile 1&tU QIICell I allited ' I In comparinon with outelde marke a good UAng, but too much of It Invalid wife, or a deformed child, are of Christian ances�try, and you Ing for sorrow. Unto Peter -Peter had her what she thought o -A 'the pre- an(I ., . &mand IS extremely 11mitef.' will drowa. F ire is a good thing, or an inherited tending toward in- will find that they have no dimness Just made land professions. With me- tiont King of England. Priees on the bighor grades are tii 'r � � but WO much of It will destroy. sanity, or a dissolute son. or a de- of sight or halting gait that re- He was suffering for them, but ant. -He will make a good King," re- I changpd, but on the lower grades th Light Is a good thing, but too much spoiled reputation. or a 'weakened ClUires a staff, for they hav ht they would watch plied Mrs. Crager. "He is democratic � tendeney is tiownw,ard In eympath-, of It dazzles and blinds. Success Is a heart that may halt under the least a draft from the foulltalli, Of per- with Him. One hour-Sometline4 ,ana a man of gems speeellL qVaS I J�ltll good thIn4& but too much of it has 'e,. 1.118 I lo�ver prieps In other marketi Christ continued In prayer all night, w m,%nly one. In Ills eonsort England 1 We quote at close of yesterday's bus� overwhelmed many for this world excitement. Envy no mall. runvy no Petual Youth that springs from un- but he only asked them to watch will have a brilliant,,beautifIll Q,ueeb, I ness- No. I hard, ,93e.; NO I and the next. If it were best for us, woman. Be content with such things der the throne of God. Oh. the h . 2 bar( as we have. Do not think, In order blissful companionship of heaven III and for the first time ill years some- 78c - No. R hard, f37:1 -2c,: No. 3 nortl we would all be millionatees, live in &I Watch and pray -A. testinip time 'thIng of a court. It's been for a Iong : epc.- 6 I c, In star(, Fort William *. drie palaces like tile Alhambra and be as to haVO It well with rou. according which You shall enter. It shall be 187;Zitilng and you Will need to watch while a Sort of rillausoleurn." T �No. :1 hard, 67e.-. dried ,No. 3 northeri I Personally attrmtive as Cleopatra to my text, that -therefore you must WO -11 With you. I ring this bell llf carefully and pra,y earnestly. The Urg. Cruger aunounced herself as 4 63 1-2e. In store King's; tough M appeared to Anthony. But the most of have more than somebody else, or emancipation and triumph. I 131w Christian Is In danger of falling a enthuslastioallY pro -Boar. "Tile sp f folks could not endulv such Super- even. as much as somebody else. The the way the sexton rings the bell prey to the world, the flesh and the jacle Oc- i 3 hard, 05C.", tough No. 3 nortberx of tbose fe,�v tlk-)Usand starving I 6-1 1-2c. In store Fort William. No abundance, and it to absolutely ne- Lord treate; us all better than we of the old country meeting-bouse. devil. The person who falls to watch faribers in the Trans,�aal defending ; ;I bal-d closecl to -d, y at 6 'a. pex mssary In order to keep them right -we would study So my texl. seems a bell of Invita- opens the door for the tempter to 1 7 I -L treat Him, and If their homes so brilliantly against the ' bushel In Store Fo�t William. 11.1U that 999 men out of 1,000 should our blessings ms much as we study tion and victory. I began to ring I* enter. Into temptI.Ltion-The enemy huge Lnglish army will be immortal- market is very (julet and there il find life a struggle. It keeps them our disasters we would be mote rea- in tile opening of this discourse. - was near at hand; 'they were about ized by history," sald i-410. "Tile Boors ; but little doing. --Winn !peg Commer outof mischief, After Adam was sonable and thankful. In Isaiah God hope to ring it as long as I ]IV,' to undergo a very Severe test. Would are the greatest fighters In the 1 Lial, Feb. 9. . , I ejected from the prvirdeles where by says that breatt and water shall be and may those who com their faith and courage fall tbem? world, and D,o Wvt ii tile greatest I I ton minutes of employment gL day he God Is able to keep il . s from enter.; general of the age. RoIx,rto simplyl Sure, and rione of us has been put keeping on ringing It until those f4ar� Ing Into temptationq, eveir though lbu�t in lt.s� ' World's Wheat Shipments. could keep the garden mnd dress It on so low a diet, but we often act thest off from God shall come Into � -t of tempta- World's wbeat Shipments the p&fA the best thing that could happen to ,%" may be lit the mills �ton as though God had not kept HIS the great temple of gospel cornf,wt I Mrs. Cruger Ill golng'to Wnsbing I 8,822,COO bu belh him wm compulsion to work and tions. Tile spirit Indeed Is willing, etc. 11 14 Spring, and if she can find an . week t0t,1110d I 1� a promise because we waut more lux- and all the weary put down their -'They desired to watch. witl) Him I attractive colonial liou;;c there 1 . tight. The Eldento ejectment shows ,vill 7 against 5,!)61,000 blishels tile pro - us as nothing else ever could that uries, forgetful of ,the fact that -He burdelis at Its altar and find that anil thus elhow th4pir Sympathy ariki : week and 5,500,000 tile car, aild I settle a"t tile capital. If not she will � '"ll"s idleness or only a few mlnu promised broad, not eake, water, not peace which the world can lielther love for Him, but their bodies 1 rei,ponding week of 1000. tea of em- .. I go back to Italy and pirechase a villa � - - - I ployment a day are doom and over- sparkling cordials. give nor take away. Three tinws ininds were weak. ; -probably in Vlorence. I throw. rtit It 4own aniong your Do any of us fully reallse the fact more I ring it. It shall be well! R 42. The second thne.-Ills going the nl -1 arn bringing, out a novf4ette," � Vraol.mrcetsl all Tmde. ble3sings Instead of Your misfortunes that God gives us three things lit un- sball be well! It shall be WeIll second and third timps. Rhown Irow saill she, "which I call "Till, Wag(` ,of ; Trado at 'Montreal liag ,,.Iiown som, that ymi have to 'tvork hard with limited supply,, although no formula - great was the burdmi, * Mid I-Ils In- I (jllg �vaeter.' It treats of ft COUPIJ�Alll- ijinprovement tills week and trave brain or hand or foot or all three of! of prayer that I ever heard reeognises tense earnestness and perseverance- I happily married, and -is Intended *i0- IvrL4 relsort the prospm!ts for th, tkem. them -water, air and suclight? Water , HEN U'llat .in example, is V6 to) us! 611O.W� that happiness IN not smsential ' I i coming season e.w.eillent. Remittame by the riverful. Water by the lakeful. 2 43. Their eves were beavy-They t, tile developinen t (it tiv- character. . p re allso Said to ha-, o Wen somewba! How many men do ,You know I M 11CH911 RQUID could bat keep them opeli-, 'tll('Y I When the man wed.,z a second Ume, � worth M2 0,000 'who are devout and I Water by the oceariful. Some for ablu- I were not able to resist drowsiness. an, ' slacker than usual at this season a consecrated and humble and gener- I tion, some for slaking of thirst, some — � d happily, he ginks into insignifl- 11 the year. Flour is ratbi,nr qidober ous and employing their meats for the for baptistry. I never appreciated Alark tells us that tbey knew not ca.cco." � but previous orders are. keeping will worrWs redemption? You could count what & wonderful thinG water is until what to miswer T11m ivl,ien He .irmw- Mrs. Crug­r IntirliNgly i0willpll flint I ers biusy. Groveries ary moving aloni he fingers of your tWo last summer I stood by the fountains Gallant Rescue of a Woman ad titer., from their slumbers- Tlicy there wild any truth in the report 'vtmidily. Ilrlc:,:�i of Soill.� Jilloo Of hard before and around the Emperor's pal- 44. The same words-Tlwy I)Pst Of my freedom," said she. "The news- 11 ware tire lower. Paints and oils Ar hano3t; even If by, accident or war You had no excuse to offer. tbat she was engaged. "I'm too fond ; had lost one or two of the fingers. As ace at Peterhof, Russia. I had been and Two Children. stead,y. to the realm of personal attractive- OxPreseied tile desire of his heart. It papers h&Vo been trying to marry 1� 111here hits been quite. a marked lie :familiar with. thia wonderful elerAeut I . 1,9 certainly right for God's people to me to so many princos, counts, ,in.,l 1'v ness, how many wolneu radiant of of nature from childhood, having been proverneut Ili some Anes at Toront Use the w.me words in prayer again don't know whom else, that I want this week. Till, dry goods trades ha eountenance and graceful of form do born on the batiks of the beantifill and agal 1', when tht,y comp, from to set the, matter straight. Mr. Rob - you Icna%V who art' Unaffected and HE HAD A NARROW ESCAPE, I revelved nume,rous Orders for Q1 natural of manner and deeply, pious Itarltan, and as a barefooted boy dab- Now 'York h6arto filled with strong desire. crt ftrolillor? 011, he 14p,011t, .1 couple i spring. 'The retail trktdo in tile coul bled In the brook near my father's Revort.,)Tlebael go-. 40. ,�Sloiop on now-Xesum lind gain- of summers at Aix -le -Bain, where I 1 try its more netive this week. Th before Cod, using their beauty for the house. But I never realized until last Quaid, a young man from Bangor, Od the victory. The hotir for watch- bappeiled to be, and the story about! mynients on dry goolig � betterment of the world and not for summer what water could do In play, Me., made a brave rescue, of a woman co0d our being engaged arose from that, paper due a selfish purposes? I only take the risk -in Ing Was over and now they the beginning of the week were sat of asking the question and leave to or In strange caprice, or beautificatiou, � d her two children from a te"O, take tllefr rest. I snppose. Really, he is only a friend." ;t;faetory. The outlook for the sprin! or when climbing the ladder 4of the ment house fire to -day at No. 1,088 ' ­­ -,--,- r blIFITIPHS rorittutIVIR pfloild"Ing. y6a the risk of answering It. These S66ond avenue. 46-, Let us bt� going -To meet Ju - things I say to allow you that In order light, or when Skilful workmen took McQuaid, who was einployed In the, dwq and tile Soldiers. ,Togns is refld',v, RITFITS STHPICKINSUN D81AD Trade lit Whinilwg (,On ' . . . — tihnnt; t, to have the,promise of the,text till- hold of It to toss It, or whirl It, Or building, started to arouse all tile and lie knowo wbat, is before him. tie Was Ill Only it Week With ' show a modprnt'. h1w.-ol". llvmt. Thor 111led in your cage it Is not necessary shape it Into crowns, or hoist it Into people In it, When the fire was difi- Without boxiltancy lie turns his r,W,(_1 PlIeVIIII-3vita. I ig a good demand at winnip,eg . f,o that you have phenomenal worldly columns, or spring It into arches, or lift covered. He found Charles Board's toward,R the terrible sufferings of the g<3K)dS Wr tjw ..11.1,,�.�, 11 Is ilot ex StLecest. it Into stars, or turn It into crescents, printing shop loeked, but knowing OrOsS. 1*10 doos not flee froin dangor, Chatham report-Ilufut StOPhell' PeCted that (-rolls 1-vill be p(x)r fo Xotice also that Ood gives the or build it into twuplos. You forget that the prInterls'family lived it tile but goes willingly to Ills death, for San, collector of Customs, died this I two Succeeding isoamins. .k great dea I righteous tile power to extract good you ever saw t1le less glorious waters rear, he broke In the glass of tile thl4catfso carnel lie into the World. morning. ' Mr. Stephenson tor- I of but] tile. larger cities I I inerly represented Xent in the Do- 0 ding " out Of evil and b�f 0, divine ohemls- at Chatsworth, Eng., or Versailles, door. Re­.Totaid Mrs. Bossi hysterical. . Tbachinge.-We slion1d liave a stat- I oked for till, Coming Season. try to ebange tht bitter int6 the Franc6, as you stand In the balcony,of with fright, and wlth her nightdress ad tlWe aorld place to pray.- Ciod 101 minl6l�l Parliament. For Mallyyears I The inark-ts ,It jl)c large coas sweet, and the haritifill into the bene- the palace overlooking the Finland In flames. b1cQuald carried her totho able tO 6tistain Its' In the midst of il(- publiAed thp Chilthaw PIanet. centres 01 trade have been quiet an ficlal, Tile promise that It shall be gulf, bewildered and transported as open air, Where sho-crte-ol that her every 49-Orrow, We shotild novel. Cal- ItIr. St�.,phcnvon bad been III but a, more or less foixturaloss tile pas well with you does not Imply that you look at the onp display called the children would parlsli. ter When in tile patll of (111ty pvell week of pilcurnonla. week. Mollpy Is In good demand. 0ol you are to be free from trouble. Golden Stairway fountaln. The water Ido'Quald toolk off 1114 coat, wrappPd though we auffell! the s,,,vcreqt af- — _;T_ � Ioetions arci ofily fair. A�; 11, 1 ;76� 1, A It s. #khore is no escape trOm that We P-11 rolls. clown over 24 steps one fiet high it arOund Ills head and plunged Into fIlOtiono. We shoull.1 eontinne, -to . — At Ilaniliton 41is wevk W11010aaler have fattitly relatious, 'and sbmo df arid 20 feet long. All a thege 24 a the flame and ,smoke, He returned pray 11-kitil vve. receive ,an .%nrlwcr, I Ntlaucy Wood Was 13urned to Death report the rcu,nipt of large numbe. from this teps . . I r theni wkll be making exit are covered with aheets of burnished in a feW moffnPlits. MMS coat Was 110t provided It io G,od'el will to grant Our I Ughthig 11orPipe. . of �L)rders for tho spring. LargO (Illar, world, so that beres6vercent, Is tile U111- StIver,stop of the water on stairs 0*1 er his hcad this time, but around the I Z`Oque3t. God's will Is always Intlil- , titles of ordors are beillg filled b, versal Intioritattee. gor also is financial gold. two Infants hold III Ills arms. His face ItelY better for uo than ,ovir own. I .rbiladelphix,i, report says - .Uter local lionsos noNv. . ,o between the pros- of gold! What a glee of ftnids! Roll- and hair ]lad been exposed to the fire,, . I lvtyig for .103 years .14.1 ne.y Wood, col- i Thery has Wen 1111101''more cctjvlt� ., loaq, T11f, differeno, Ing, dashing. foaming, enrapturing and he ca,me ant minus bis eyebrows, MACTICAL SURVEY. burned to death last 'i� V�reug and tbose not PrOsPOred Is -tho . Ored, was can at. splendors! Chorus of floods! Poetry of The allordl& In t s, losgoll graphle- nigilt. it is suppowd I hat she set I cunkqequ,noo Of tll�� opc%,11111� '' ,y bl-11 hair Singed, and Ills cheeks bfis- 13.1 I Ill tl"lt"(' at C)tt,"wa tills Week ; d1frerenoe in the aniount the A - Of Pat ford to lago. The inol'0 WA111th a man w�' mrs, Doxclosy of torrentst tared by tile beat. He staggered to IlY d0se'ribes the most cruclal'OXI)0- fire to her elotbing while attempt- I llninot,t. Tll.%, rotall tl',14,11), toppe,11,111 , , ,as the inoly.0 with P,till more ei.bundanee Is the air thO Sidewalk, put tile babies down at r101360'Of Jcaus. Ill the vrork of inan's Ing to light her pipe, �ls she Nvas a Is Illore 111,Nk. . 'M, ­ , lie., ct_n Jose, biit one man I .� 1, V, lonount o nrs 11lAributed. An earth full of It. A sky their niother's Coat atid fell in a tle,ad redemption. In its signifiCan0o) It luibitlial �InOketl . ,She was born a building N loolm(l for wlifln titi cri affovol to lose tt million doll. I I where a,notber man cannot Afrord to full of It Swiftest and zf?.9rligast eagle fabIt. . I .. ..swOePs tile whole range of tile re- plave In *Virginia, In 179S. Yon goto llIto fl,ll gwin­ I . � " � r � . I - . I . . � . . . ... 1, . . . .. , . !A . � t L . I _ . . . . . .. � ... .. .. �. ­ ­ . . . . . L' ­':