HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-02-15, Page 2.1 1 I'� , I I . , ,7 1, , � , 1� � . I. I lwov"w - . . 1. " : . .1 . I � I ,L I I I . I . I � I I �.. . I I � . I � . . � I . � , I . � 4 � . � ' I I 1"fl E W H I IT 'r'_' I PLAGUE, * ... 17 ++"+""""'I"�"'0+"O++++++"-++* I A Tde of * + + + One-Sixt1i of All the Deaths * Two Brothers. + �+ + . + A Fable by Guo. 4w4 + Due to Consumption. + I .. $ � I once there were two Brotherq, who . Its Ravages *pare No Ola,"- Rte h and started away to Uollege at the I Poor Alike Vall Victims -How This Same time. Just before they board - Dread Trouble 31ay bo. Prevented. ed tile Train, Ila led them as-lde and � . handed them some splendid Advice. Consumption has been well named He told them that they were now pill,. I great white plague, One, -sixth of ready to mould their Futures. He the deaths occurring in"Gailada, said lie wanted them to stay in of Bi-enings and Bone Itard, and he annually are due to the rayages of hoped they would mind the Faculty this terrible disease. Its victims are and keep away from the Cigarette found among all clwwes ; ,I,], and Fiends who play the Banjo and talk about Actresses. Re ,%vanted poor alike Succumb to its insidlOus them to stand Idgh in their Classes advanae. Only a few years ago the and devote their apare Moinonts to victim of conoumptlea Was MgUrdOd Readin.g, rather than to the Whim - a Mimical F,00leries af a li,nl- eA Wearable, su�A harror stricken sles ad 2 versity Town. ffiends watched the loved one day William listened solemnly ,and 1W day fade away until death came promised to Behave. Cholley rlgdet- aw a merciful rU,ease- Djow, however, ad Ili his Chair and said it was near - it Is kawyn that taken in its earlier ly Train Time. etagas consumption is curable, and So they rode a�ray an the 'Varn- A!hat by a proper mi,re of the blood- ished Cars, William rea.ding about keeping It ricli, red and pure-Viose the Gothe and Vandals and Cholley ,who are pre -disposed to the d1se-16e playing iSeven-l�p -,,*t-1 a Shoe Drum - escape its ravages. Consumption Is tuor from Lowell, ;P:�o gave him bev- now elassed among tile preventible eral Yarns th&t he afterwards told disea,ses, and those who are pals, eas- as his own. Ily tired, emaqiated, or show any of I At the University William remom- * ,the railmorous Symptoms of general I berc4 what Pa had said, so ke coop- �d-,,bjlity should at once fortify the ed himself up In Ilia Wjom and be- iiYstam by enriching anti purliying the I aame a Dig and soon enough virUs I blood -thus strungthoning not only greatly despised as a pet of the the lungs, but all parts of the body. Profe,ssors. Cholly wore a stript3d .&mong taGse who have escaped a Jersey ai,.: hilked the Track Team threatened death from consumption and worke,i '*.:,.to the Glee Club. He is Mrs. Robert McCracken, of Marsh- went to his rou.a when all theother r1la Ont Mrs. h-1vQraok%�n gives her places hall closed up..Every time a exp�rieneii titat it may be of benefit S,how struck Town he was in the to some other Sufferer, She Says: Front Ro-vir to guy the Performers "A. few years ago I began to ex- and pick up some new Gags, so as lance a general weakne.is. My ap- to maintain his Reputation as an . tite was paor; I was very pale ; Original Goalie, He Nvent calling an as i'voubled with shortness or all the Town Girls wko would stand . reath and a. smothering feeling in for his 3.0resh Ways, and lie wakg V chest. Besides these symptoms I known Lis the best Dancor in the carae very nervow, at time! �lizly Ki Xi Chapter of the Uamma Oop- nd faint, and my hands and feet silan Greek Letter Fraternity. The cold Wt as cold as ice. As the trou- reports sent home indicated that � a parogre,ised I began to lose flesh I William was corrallng the Honors pidly, and in a �ihort time -as I in Scholarship and Cholley was get- ly & sllwiow of my former self. 1, ting through each Exam oy the Bklu . good medical treatmenz, but did of his Teeth, but he had been alect- t get relief, and Lis a harsh cough ' t in I began to fear that con- ed it Yell Captain and couid do his ption had ra'stoned Itself upon me. 100 Yards in Ten 8�,,.,!onds Flat. Ila - to I:liolioy now Ltud ,vuuld write i his was st;�engtjieaed by a know- then and tell him to Brace Up and ,Ilgc that Keri;'al of My ance.stors 11 I died of this terrible disease. Ili give him a 11unch that Life was is ra.ther deplorable eonditlon I I full of Sober Responsibidtles, an d . Williams' Pink therefore lie had bottor store his Lis. I a,t once procured a suppl,%, I 11.1nd -with Useful Knowledge and d "d not taken them long when Chop off all thp Frivolls and I'apper- noted a ohango for the better. BY 1 lo%, whereupon Gholle; would writo e time I had taken bix or (light 1 back tha,t lie needed Fifty by Re- xes I was able ,to move around , turn Mall to pay for Chemloals Used e house again ani felt better and � !I' tile Laborutury. 4 e 6 Irl In evcry -way. I continuml I By th", tlml'� th'" lluth wer e om On -,ter I I NVUllam had grown n fuzzy CllrnbLr a , of the pills until I had taken - oz(. -a boxez, ,viwu :.Jt my old tane 1; Lu front of c -e ,It Ear ana was troablt-d ngtlx and 'vigor had returned, and, `ivith Weak 1.'ye,��. Hn alwaya had a was li.s welt as ever. During thq voluma of Mint untlar, hlo arm and . a I -was asing the pills my weight se�mjA_El to be In a Brown SWdy as reased twenty-six pounds. Se".ral I lr> walked acroics tile Campus. Cholley I ars have since passcad, and In that kr,pt himself Nk,ot and Ncybby and a not a Symptom of my former I seemad alwa-ys Ch!2orful, even though uble has ma4e itself appaxent, so lit) ]rid two or throe Conditions to � 1119 discredit, and had only an Outside 1 1 think I ain Fe., in saTing I chanee, of taking Iris Degree. He t my cure Is pc-rmunent. I billlo-ve i . WI1IIam3, Pink Pills eavad my life I wa�5 Man�agi,r of the. Football Timm, I - having been cleeted baca,we of his d I strongly advig., affln% wornon I ii;.1jitles . as a Miger, and linxl earried give them it trial." ' UA. -4 affoct:onatn Nieklia.uI3 of 1'IZoT:lrs." . r. Willklm-l' Pink VIIIS I'M a tonic' Ito Ivas a gre , ,lt ITn It, d to get ac� not a. purgative medicine. They I quainted with any ril-I who cl-ir-d to lch ,the blool from the first (lose I �,.Iiovr ht,rs,rilf w�� the Halls or Learn - the la.4t and thus bring health I Ing, and by mnsta,nt Practice he had d Strength to ever.V organ in tho i tlevelopod 'Into & Star Chinn<,,r, so dy. Tho genulne plIN arn sold only' : that ha could Talk Low to almost boxes -with tile 1,all name, " Dr. ! auy cv,� of t1wril .i.nd In ikP har be- illitims' Pink Pills for Pale People," I 111ove t1nt of all thr F lowers that nted on the wrapper. 11 your dn`l1-,' ever b!silomed shn was tile one and caunot happly you send direct to ' only thirty, QiM,_,and dollar Carna- a Dr. Willlam4' Medicine Co., Brook- Vont lie, Ont, and the, pilli NvIll be trial[- I N0.11-im k,,p-t awny, from Row: and post paid at ZO cents a. box, or. P"vm,j3,td%s, b-svaus:a hp remembored x boKcs for $Mo. Wh. It pa h.. 4�jr al %ji�l aljojj.� th_ , � .. tra.itlng innupxic,r� of Frirp-rlpss awl ABOUT 8'-mItR..SFOt3D. the rNfA,IP-T_,ittI-� of .A-rtiflelal Sool- - letv-. Th -3 Only Glil 110 knew WW'l A, ow Mr. O'Connor's Paper Describes . P,�f(-,:zsor's ISI,zt-r. f'fty-onp yekars old, Him. i w',tbl whom hr, wia �6nt io fliqruss Lord William Beres[ord was Ili afi,- I taD- Thi-ory of Un-orv,001is cterobra- aranoe something between Lord, Von. Tbo-n lie would drink a Pup of harles and Lord M,ftrcits. Like them, . Young Hyson Tea and .go hom at a was just about the middle height, ,I. quartpr to Mile PL ht. Chollor nt � tie abays, it-, like them, about that time wriuld bt, sta,�ting irlin-ps n. lit had large, blue, open oyes­eYOs out In his PI�Inircs- strid Pockq+.i.lor t were almost 11tranttio in their F'Ailt to writo lit,; nams on Panm. ocence and transparency, If it Chraq nn4 Vt acquainted with the 11 a not th-It there was a certain 11, M-1 Folkg- Izzleal expression III them Which On 0onimpnopment !Dav Willinm re- vealed to the close obser c,tAved thq Qyrir; T. r,l;iik-r Pr-/,,� of ad done a 0'A of Books for q.1tting thn High - in of the world who h,, I erything, seen everything, knewl ev;t Gpwr-r.-fl k".rntxn ofaily on- in t1io erytlllng� rMie figure w -is alort and 1 Mao,g- CJ1oII" ',list mannped to y1sh. Ho vras a M'A'n wil") sevinp(l " 'MiroiIjrli: Thq F.nrviltv Iravt, I ay,s In conditEiti-rmily for a flm�ht , W._M1I0`1z1_1dr,g-,n fi:ir Vuu- tlivtt, if It a eamlinign or anything that Iti-tS didn't It* fftiffIrt imiim back -ind stay Ing, 4F011',41A tile motl8tat'he wn's &nothor ye"tr. Itc, tile ellook3 h:id the rurldiness. Aftt,r tl,ir,,y linA 1��rndiintnd P& gare d the eyps tile t4exltrnnsR of at0lrnal thera anotbar T.qll,-. He�, 8,114 lif., was th, V",th .111 til.tt Beresford had proild of W1111am, but Ch-ill.-�v ho'd oil bl(yod. JI.q had all the qualltims bofm a Trual to him. ftill Ill,- booed r1litited to the typloal Irjj,jjrann-- - it w." not tor) Iatri to set his Boy palcry wit and the $of t -.,St MIA 1 on the Rlr,-Iit Tack. He was going ('.�.�estaof 6nixiies. For nonrlY 11 to pat both of thtswi into a Law Of . - erntlon liet w,ts the Idol of all ilia floe, and lip -mant-d them to Read lo-Indl-n r.oramunit.v. alld if 11-11f Law for all Ov'y werr. worth. and leptends toli about him -,rare well- not be hirwl ,iwny from thoir Work tidel. be dnw�rves -I high place In by the Glittering Ti-niTl,tations of annals of the beaux sabrours who Life In & Big Cit-,,*. William Said lie as rssistless in the bondbir ,19 w" prep.arerl to Rpad Law lintil ho, ding In the fleld. ,&A mill- was Blank In Oto F"e. Cliolloy Said y eftratarl, to throe Viceroys, lie tie wouldn't nih­d picking a few J1110 most delicate of offlcie;; but Rea' to with Blackstone and Cooley Infinite tict. Inexhaustible frood IIONV and then. if lv� falITA that he or. knowlvlge of rw�n nild knowl- ould sptiri* tl!:, Tinr-. TIm. rather of wom,*11, were e-InA to that or eg�-oaned inwardiy. and did not t;ec other em4r,,rg9no.v.-U- A. P. . much Hope for cholley. 11 Wben tile t�ro Son" became Fix- . I IT pvr r I tures in the ""I 9 11" i .0 - , , Office of all ostnblishvA I I I Law r-irm, William kolit biv Nose. be- � lu, qUIE HN lith h � tv;r0on the Le&'veg of a, Court 'Re- . port �tnd Cholloy was out in the T OR. other Room warming tip to tile In- flaential 'Clients abd making Dates lf Foursorrips. al tbe Gnelpli Iterald. Jan. 260, IMI. Within three montho after they HerAd, yesterday, gave a re- started at the Offibb, William had ot tile foribeemiztg, LIFE AND read all the Books in the Place and 3 OF QXJBI:N VICTORL%,. to be Cholley was out spalWing three weeks led by the WORLD PUBLIS11- at the Summer Home of the Presl- COMPANY, of Gvwlph. It Is w,,w dent of a Comstruotion company, ed that the WORLD PUBLISH- ,mile was; stuck on Cholloy's dialeat COMPxNY 1mve purchased the Stories o,nd liked to have him avouAd Ian C401��V`rjgjjt o4 ille latest Pub- becAuse lie w)%g Such a 906111)tesser work j�3r uninstv wrotemaydo- anA raade it lively for CIO Women. I Le.i "S F rom the Journal of -out ft,t this Country place, it IiAP- In tile Righla,nZls." 1�he_ WORLD, peted that- Cholloy mot v, Girl VrIve . . ISELINOT 00� will add thil; to didn't know how much the WAS 'Worth, bwk without ah'inge of Iiriee. ,�,e Cholley thought it would be an Act gine Suali autbove, namely, Ilnr , . . I t +11'. — �" T I— il—l+­ __________� __ _­ I "I V ..j I . - I n A. Coopft, editor of tilf Ian Mft,ga2ine, This Will lha,kc ' . about 700 pa.g0s, quallt3 0160116d, &Ttd 0'aly $..J.75 tic � has been dftided to form t 191(ill"ge In Ottawa. witj a. pbW611, At. P. pi, -B&AN tthLi I 11 'lit. . I . I I 1-1 BRONCHI TROCHES4 BROWN'S . . '.` 0 FifW rears of success I thes .-A #I*' ' trachog 10 abn eat 9�nd eat e I 1 . . f6t Cbp*bs, Wikaen6ft, � _ I'moltituiTriod " . I I,* bojre&�mwer sold ho kWAr# of KIndness to "Ill her find out, I When he mt out =11 ber In the Coal of the ,)Evelifng and gave hail- the 9 PLIENT Burning Gaze and the Low, entrano- ingLovo Purr, tkmt he had practised for Four Years, a,t tile University, i4ie stopped him before he was half DIPPOINTMaT finished and told him that ke need not work Overtime, because 40 was tile Boy for Nellie. She wild she had bad him Picked Out from the Moment that She noticed how well his Coat A Chelterham Man Is Agreeably mt I'll the Back. In one of the large Office Buildings Surprised -An Old Grudge or the City there Is a suite flalshed Paid, in Dark Wood. At a massive roll top Desk site Cholley, the handsome Law- yer, who Is acquaintell with all tile , biub Fellows, Society Bucks 4.nd Golf Mr. Turner Af ter a Successful RffDrt Demons. When a client comes in with to GeC Rid of Ono .gluemy .Finds a Knotty Questicra Cholley calls in a That Ili Doing so 110 Hus Pat Blond Stenographer to Jet down all Away Another. the Points In the Case- Then he and the client roast a few mutual Ac- Ont., Feb. 11.-(Spe- quaintances and the Ctlent departs. .011c,atenlitim, 0,13L) -A fOrtull,11,U) mft", Ind0ed, i's Mr. Cholley rings a Bell and Brother Wil- Clinxles Turner, of this pin,�Q. For liam coines out of a Side Room with 3v,.rs �Ir. Turner haA been stifferIng his Coat bunched in the Back and his ivitil Irianey dl�m_iao. It gave lilm Trousers Bagged at the Knees. His great i)aln, W'd fQT the I=t two or Cravat is tied on one side only, and thr4�o ooears rlieunri.tism has added to lie needs a Shave, but- he is full of his alreadY heavy burden, of sickness ia turns all tile Pa- a0d 110 Ilar- SORIGM I-DOWD an hull� pars over to him and tells him to free from p.tln. ,\Tot ag5ouiating the wrestle with the Authorities for a rlivani itlaill with the old kidn'sy tron- few Days and Nights. Then William blo, and aespairIng of curing tile for- I slips back into Ilia Role and Humps mor, Mr. Ttir;ncr bought and usi'd I himself over the Calf -bound Volumes botid's Kidney P1119 to try nud disjAse while Cholley puts on his Slatn-001- of tlio kidney trouble. R�- used a few b0_XcS, the in his bawir kept ored Gloves and Top 0ovit and goes thrld P:dn out to where Simpson Is hol 'Ing ta getting JeS'S ,Ind less, and finally went Carriage Door open for him. He and ttwa,v� M1 the 1111P10asalit SYMPtolus Nellie take t1ae air In the $20,200 Vic- of kldllej truable dis:ippoared, and toria that he bought with lif.xr Money, whnt wns still more strmRgi to Mr. and later in the Day tl;ey dine with Turnor, lie 11-16 net sinoe been both - the Stockson Bonds and finish at the eTOki with rl,eumitiain, Theatre. IP� Is So gmteful for the inlraculous Cljolley often reflects tkat it Was ITSILItS a tile tri?.­tmant that lie has a great piece of Foresight on Pais bann r,lieerfu'ly tell'in- his frie,nds and part to counsel Studious H-abits and neighbors his ixp.,�rleyice. na sw.%s- Rigid Mental Discipline, for It Wil- "Dodil's Xldiwy pills have cured me Ila -in had not been a Grind at Col- of .I icing standIng case of Iddne7 dis- lege probably lie woultl not have e1'r-1- I iras altzo a suffcr6y from rhvu- proved to be sueli, a Help around the In it.l.sm. and althouq1i I tm,k the pills Office, and although William gets tile the J -s for tho kidney troubl.), I wns Sur - I PTONI to fI24 t1vit when this disease Loser's End of Fees and never Calletl on to maim a witty Speech irris cured the Aw.um,ttlain also dis- at a Banquet given b,T the 13!tr As- mpp��:jred. This was over sociation, lie has the Satisfaction of natt I liave not bvpn troublo"I tillice. knowing he is the Silent pal-tne, of 3: awd Ili tn,ll six bo,xag. Tiin first two the best dressed Attorney In Town box,m (Ed not noppar to do nin, rtay and one who Is welcome wherever "��A, Nit I 1-c-Tseverod, f,nd the result he goes. �,v tfi!t I rni now a bealthy inan." .1foral-Tlipre are ,it least two Of rourwi, to thowi who recogn1w. Kinds or Education. rai!,iintitista ,is Nviamt it r"lly is, a - s-rinvAtoin of kldn-�y diarwisa, Uwre Is Catar.-il-.-zo-,n-(%--("u-r-es-C—litid of nothing won&,rful .-;b,)ut Mr, Tur- Catarrh. n,c,r`s experience. PoI(I's TK'Idn,iy Pills n3way.,4 cur7 Widnay Trouble. and "Perth, Ont., -I cannot withhold S a, with It Rbr-amr�tlsm. viatio, , Lome my testimony as to ilia groat value Diek, N-nrnlmla., T-1,art Troubl,-x, or Catarrhozone as a rainody for Dronsy, Ill.-b-tns, Br!�Oit's DiFensf- Gatarrh, one bottle having cured my and any of tho otlicir many forms in daughter of that trouble. I heart- whic,ii I*. ni-ly nn(j OVA%= does appear. ilY recommend. it to all who are Sur- ___ _­_ -_ - ferlrg with Oxatarrii. No house Reptillan llt,fle-etlons. Should be without It. Mrs. X. A. The e4ltor of mil EdinbnrWh news - Morris." So pleasant, babies use It;; so safe, paper oT Some Importunaice land been coII,Aj,,mjIaLI to p.iy c1nmages fur libel grandmothers employ it ; so certain upon a murollant of the same QltY� to quickly relieve and cure that doo- Among, other c.umplime,.1ts Wat had toro, lawyers, merchants and public p.;. -sea between the parties to tile speal;-_rs rely unan Catarrhowne as suir, %vm a mirmark by tile merobant their stan(lbi foi Catarrh, Bronchitis, that the editor, who Nvas of shOrt, Asthma. and Ray Fever. It Is cheap slight figure, was a "wan snake." because It lasts so long, and beeau,,,,o Some time aftt-rward the ollitor re - it is so sure to cure even the poor- Waged IIIMS�-Tf for 108ing 1113 Fillt, In est can afford to buy it. Every dol- artlele ul)on sinle stat'stlaa which 412 . lar outfit is guaranteed to cure, or bl�s old suemy h.td put tug ether, by your money back. fl,,Imall size, 25 C.) � . remarking that everybody knew that druggists or by mail. A trial sent ror TkEr. Duncan MacLaron was "a great 10c by X. 0. Poison & Co.. Kingston, adder." , Canada, or Hartford, Conn., U. S. To Cure a Cold lit One Day World's Idea of a %Vlfo. Takef,taxative Brorno Quinine TabloLq. All drugtrjits wfund Ma swizey If ib falls I o cure, 00me 'women 'who are to marry i5v_ 14. W. Oravil's signaLlwo is on C"oh box- ______ profwuionml men study medivine or law, or evou theology, In order to be RnglIshill-epi and tbo Queen. able to a7m,pathism ltrtmillgently mlid Curionaly enough the great mass of helpfully with tile spiritual or Intel- Englishmen know little or nothing of lectual pursuits of t,he hnsbnnd�bo-b.ft the sovereign as their raler. Tiiey and In a way Supplement the gyru­ had only the vagubut Ide-1 *f She Mons of his brain vrith her own, ,lad part she took in the -government of thus lay broad and deep the foutaft- liar realm and her peopkile, they know tion for a eupez-happy marrivil Mo. practically nothing of the controlling d In lihn, even and dominant force she oxerolsed In bo making self-effn cement the Step. International and domestic politics. ping' -stone and li ghway fW, Ilia sLe. Put about tilts thl.ty eamd bothing. yw-bere and for all it was suffit,clent for them to know time the world's Ideal of a -w1fe. But that she was a good woman, a wo- when a man so devotes himself to his man whr,se hPart always went out wife he Is nobody's Ideal of a huband. to her pe'op'o, w1ho sluwed vrith them While woracn stre proud to be thie4, Joys as well as their Sorrows, known as the wife of a distIngulidied man, no man Is please(I ' .0 be noticed whu was keenl�r Interested In every- !,,,,,g that could make them better or "cepl*d on the ground of being .In,, 1, appler. And p.qrImps fliore than bho husband of a distinguished w6�- anything else was th,i knowledge that man.e-Mary Wager-Fishar, In tlj�� she tras a woman who had suffered I Dectomber Woman's Home Companlon. much, whose heart had been sorely ­ ­­- -- wrenched, and whose spirit often tried, and yet throug-li It all shehad remained serene, hopeful, always an example for right living, always an I was cured of lame back, after an(- Inspira,tioll to the weary and the fering 15 years by M11NARD'S L1141- affliated, Perhapg that was the real M secret of the devotion Willeh she ill - -NIT. Two rivers, 9. P., 110BERT 1,1OSS. all1red In Englishinon the world over. .1 was cure(] of Dlphth(�,,ria, af t,�r _.k. Idaurlee Low, In Harper's Weekly, doctors faifled, by 1111NARD'S LL%,I- __.____.-1___-__ . .., . UVINV. Itowls This 1: Antigonb4h. MEN A. POIZZIM We offer Obo Iltinkred Dollfknq nowsird for CatmTrIl thatdannotbe cuivoll by % was cured of contraction of raw. Rnyca"of 116il's Catarrh Cott-, eles by MINATtD'S LINMENT. F. J. CURN-LY & CO., Toledo, 0, MRS. RACHEL 'SAUNDERS, thic litulp -lu e I havr, ulown . . Dalhousie. Chen"T for t P lasi;715 eix­. tald cillove him perkikc I hono hiall 11 no-tstramiartions atid 9tianciall a loto rrYoutall obhuations by t Or w. WllI .an; RUA ., ola o r - - Toledo, a WALDIVOi. XIN[�VALX & MARVIN, WhWtSdO 'Foledo, Druggl'atti. 4). Sare Cure for tile Grip. Wie, don't know m�ach about the ef. root of materia modlea, upon the bu. man systhim, but wo did write, fill, aly'l t,Lkn the following presaription, which kifteebed 10, grif)Pa higher than Gilderoy's kqto--�Four quarts of vvh1skny, into 'wlik-h �.ver;! 61,,7soIv.nqj foitr otincea of I -oat tmgar� To this we added it teaspoonful of Nvater anti a4iother quaxt of whiekey aild tMu pinA*d o",r a, hot fIra a;d let boll Aufficlently'lotig to boll out all the water. W� then stirred In a litilt, Imore whiskey to cool and galppd it doi" without batting an eYe. In or. der to remove the to,sto from o,jr mouth we took a little more whia. kay.1-Glerwood, Col., Avaialicht. One Dirl, for EA'athing In 'Meuvlao 0,111 om mmetry In the wold ha4 , a uatlanal bathing day, tuid that is Mexle,oi. Vie da3r Is the 14th of Jute, aind In that Wenty-fo* houra,to now- tivated everyone in the repUblia, froita Preaident Diaz, dia-Wn to the coam". ost SWYaUt, 148 OtpeCtf)d to take & gnod wadi. Unnumbered thousatids I allmv W *dmtotl to tudoh th eir per. soms 'mevt CA this coeftsido, Imown .". JIZL jolve's fty. - .. . ___ Minard's LIblinent Cures Distemper. Th -la Great North-Western Telel- gTaph Company atib niaktag further reductions In their eable rates and 4011ounse that &A and after 22;(% in., isititft their rate to krasit *-III be �j6i'osr 1word. I .1 T . h6 Nova ftatia Legisigimr,o is onjusioned t6 meet on 150. It. 1101a catarra Cure, Is talten intem Y, aet, trig dirtietly i4ma the blo- 4 aVJ mueaus mr- fates of the PvAeln. To,tthaciviiak sent 1xiov. pkloojiam�rbot,-Ie. -"Ioltl bV all drugglIAS. UalrZa Family Pills; an the beat.. I %V1-XXN lawcini is lww. — , A 131t of War as It Was Played bY the soots. At last, by superhuman eflort-8) some 200 burghers pressed vi�p to wathIn 100 yar(W of lithe Slaughter- house." af ter having j.xckeq oft most a tile men in that irench. They crept tip a f,uvr yards more., then. rising, poured In a voilley and rush- ed at the achanze. Bat behind the "slauglIter-house" were the Royal &�ots-aad a mud-stalned, blood- stalned, unwiLiall,iiid4 unkempt set Of rufflane thuy looked, rilhoy Saw the Boom rashing, and their wL,xr!Qr llearts beAt qulok w,ltb joy, Short- IY,Iikeama-0 In a droara, their caPF- *Ulln gave tile m,>rd, 111,�Jx bayonebS.:: It wi-4s done in a trice. "Itall.dy' ' ! The nwn lmded their rifles. "A Vol- ley. my lads, and tilen tile steel. All togcjh0r­__tj.),e walstle blows. A flame flies along the parapet. Then . ON-er the HiGne walls siJa-Ing the Royal Scots. Once they shouted ; only once. I . Then tho sl.,�ylng Logan. Grlml� thaT thrust Ili the steel, Searing through all that Stood before them; through bone, and siricw, through heart and lungs, throng*h jimb and trunk. So fierea, ,so Von were the strokes that the 121111111111111t al- ways came out at the other side. The bur-gliers, Nv:ere brave cilough; let na man deny it. But they wore aA Shoop w4en the handful of Scots leaped on them like a troop of 11009 on a derelleelLms flo2h, �Vhey 113tist elthor ran or dle. �� they ran-amel leaving mangled bodies of friend.i, and kirmfolk, and cormrad(,s 6yelag the kop,jux; with their blood. AP -Min th3 ggxrlson had trillraphed, wid from th�� IvAghts across tile Cale - don, wh,ve the Basuto cmantry wou, burst slloa,s alia vongs of triumph. yells a,ad t�unts of derlsion. Fifty thousand threats swo:b�d th-3 0110-tus. Ever since the siege be-_-wi tnu �;lack warriors had beeta gath-ared !,I t1hFir I Lh--zni%-.Lnds oil theef� heights, Mit('11114T wb,h faA;clivited lateresb the stru,�_glo of tll-,.) white man. Like tile FjPoktt-.1.- , tore at a �.,Al,-,Pval tournament, they hall Iippl,, I ntj(�d J41,3 gallant deeds of tile j, otnbat,i n1s. aittl as tsh;�y sair the Brit- boh holfflxg orit day aftor cL-1Y, night after night, against ill,, assault of e;-ormt)II-1 CA10H, they eauv� to IIINO a prolonral trust aad confidence in ,Llw 'b;g ht;arl." of Llv� Q,wm. ., xt'.; Ho'dl'�r.-;. wh.,3n, tlanero�,e iloy Saw the Royal szota launch. themselves lilac the leylir beilt at five thnoz tlx,�lr number, th�!y 11,,id thnir b.,_-ath fm- .I time, wc-nderbag what I&D and might. ba, ))at -whau tllf�Y tiuw tho bloody bapxwts a fli,i First Foat scatt,-,r und utte.ly dwitro,.,v the hated Dntelinic-ii, the.-- i -pow -d their I throats ruid yelled theAr ripplan-Re aciciss tla,) rivar.-Cassoll's 11iftory of thu B4>er War. -, ------ Min-Lrd's ]Eifi�nieut Cure-li Garget In C LOWA. Corstor Ili Polar Dogs. . � 10.1 Accarding to Sir Clem(intil Markh-I.Iii, 111restdeut of tba rwyal GP<k:rvp11!eaI Sou e .-pxa6ible for forming Buell ,% eucce.4"fal onmer LU po!mr log t Lt tlr� p.-mcilig,- Brlti4i , .� r � I et��C,, 'pr:;1itIoas are wa- aald oth . ex fronted with a, difficulty nearly as girvat as the lee fields. It appears that E, B. Baldwin. the Aninwican ex- plorer, has bought up such a larg,,o supply of dogs that thrOx PrI -1; has risoit from SIS to $30, will VIC, nale hnxd to proc.uro emi, at that, pr:ce. - ' ­ 1, -- Evansville, Ind., had i $315,000 fire. The Fault of the Invitation. .Urs. Blomarkot cannot umderstitud wIty Mrs. Ups-troet did not acoo-pt her invitation for last Thurii;,lay evcnlag. I This is what the invitatiou said- , -M Dear 'Mrs. Upatrpet - 1,1 am going to entertain a few people in Thursday evi,iiiing, Lhe 27th, ' 8.nd this is to ask you to be ove of i the number. I know you do, not care for society functions, but you will feel perfeatl�y at ease at this one, as nobody of any consequence, Is In- : vito.11-PhiladelpliIa nulletim rintuam9s Painless Wart and Cor- 14,xtraetor Contains no acid., or other Injuriatts chan,acal compounds ; is neither caur, tio, corroalvie or Irritating *, but goothes and eases from the first ap- plioatIoU, and "ts quickly. If you want g,n Iftitattag and flesh eatlag remedy, do viot ask for Piltnam's, It ,it. , ,ta just the other way. Pot sale at all iLrugglats. ­_ Wo7nen Picture Range". L in botdi Chicago and Now York there are woman of arfl4tic tnste wto Add *A thoir Incontes by haaging pip-tures.-Thel; chancos for peouniary success &re greater It tkay become suffuAft,tly hilotined oo Workil of Ats tA no� their advice valuablis upot pletuto buylag. jan"d% I'lotmout Cures D10htherta. I—— I.. ­ I .11 -.1. - I -1 11 .11.1. 1-1- I :��_ I . . !4q . . , 1. � I .. I I I . . . � . '. . I . I . . . . : � � .:�'. � . . I . -1 " I . I .. I . q � . I ISSUED NO 7.19016 I I . �11... . , I—- ... . . F , i, . . 1. . I �. " i I "', I � - i, , i , ., I I . ... , IT t% ,., I I - .. I " " � I I I' I'll * 4 1 X I � ,I �,,! I I Typf IV 0 aid fever, or other almost nwrtal sickness, a maii or woman sorrictirries will gain a pound a day frora taldn'. ' I 'Ounce a '�' 2n day of SCOTT's I- Emuu= and the gain be healthy. - The ounce gives sti-ength to Z:) g�t the pound; thke,re is no miracle in it. . Body and mind are we,ak; digestion is weak; and hunger is ravenous. � Sc(YrT'S EmuLsTox of Cod Liver 0H is the food ty) beoin + and go on with. 1. fin-niages strength to digest a little easy I-) I other f.00d; and a little grows I to enough. But the &in is 2 I nearly all fat. The bones had mot lost much; the muscles bad lost, and huad not got back their � strength - they have lost thel-e ,,:, I bulk; the fat Nvzis .-LU grone. 0 The fit has colne back; the muscle slowly recovers its bulk, inore slowly its strew--th,-ti,le 6 bull, of mtiscle was fat—and the bones are about the same as before. It is Scorr's E-nux_sTo-,q of Cod Liver Oil that starts the bodygoing agaln­,give ittime. C. The genulne has 10��. 15%1� � - �. this picture on it, 4. . � take no ather. 711-'t, -11 I ", I Ifyou have not t '1 . . . . . . 1. - tried it, send for 30", . 11 , '. 1� ., - ., free sample, Its a- two, � :!j I '"'. " - � I greeable taste will... .. . " I � surprise yoti. . . . . . ` s, I . SCOTT & SOW2NE � ., 4'' - , .. "I � t_ * . * chamlsts� , .11 ­ . ;_ k To-anto. ­,;� I " I ,�: i 60c. and $1.00:afl erv-! lzts.' I ___ I ,ne cyreatem Ww3lce,r :N.*rtrU(­. i Cin,clnitati 6- now claiming to be tile 1 it t gre. oiA will4koy markeb Va the � i woTid. nie wh,ol,,i,tie trade 4ore an - I lum-ni,v.,; that thp ,-,V.Lr will be the Iheaviezt tht, city luts ever had. .. _ _ - _ � . - A . Sp I lend . i I d . Opportunity - , - , '. I 11 �� � . !;:,y:R01i1 , ._.�,, 0i - � , Ifte '_ ... . - _ - ,-=V:17 Is.; "-.,---,.-- . W .; - . Tijt;�V- rar the , .; , .; , .; , fro bnstii_li__thrl��; icuri We _ OSTV-� i your ";�"oirholid. You can al. good Pq WI Put intrviezing vMhvottr rct. Iul,r weir . Writ I*r partietiltim and "Ptcgu& THE R1031 VIRE FERE 00, Ltd- W'6U0Ad- Ont _---.------.1-- ,jGf`N'ri W.�NTIPII FOR THE TAPH AND - I� Relal) of Q teell viefill-IN hit-ItAiMig"Nore Leavea Zom the .1ournt.1 of tho r.41c lit the i lJ­hl:v&.," -,%-rittpn bylItr 3V;0r-qy liari�tilf; IlWo;i`A7l�.XF% Iwarh 'pli par,f­' al,ollg Ims fa - �,i,i,vivigr,;�,,%-i ral frhm llerMitittsty's ownbook, �Nvizh nulo=r4was %ttitt-t-,hed: three iin-thurs. I Dagnely, Ifer M e --,y Qnoon Vivt-eia; Jobit Nivitt-d It storian 1r.,ni Lun- It .' d; p till John A. Cooper. t dAor of ';Itt�,�4k,altni�audtl)nnBfa;mxiiiL,.I'or,,ntm I16e only S1.',5; pro-weln, free to v.iI)%­l,s-4,j%1. ir-redfil giv-3). A;rcipts -num-w-nig for rival publi- t:o'Jons will find it gr atIly to their advaritage it) CIATIM,"011d with us. Apuly The World J>ub- liehing 0001tolly.Gliell'It'Unt- ___________. __..,_.____ 01iLr.W1-1.WXIT11 __ 111.�111_. (7.11'U"(1r. FOR l)r,tCLjC,I rijall; sa!njI ,.t,3t�l.b. rooll pet of itoolA opm-ition one; cons) 1old 4 ill bc,tHh carm, for ftAitig; P%t b1i livil fen reirs- I low v tsf 3 0), jtnp�,-rlil Starob X`Vf)r1,-a op-zQ Ili �*ring, writo qui ­1 ... W. Vargmoil. Pre:4. ! Cott, Out. � 4NTRD-AGENTS 14N FVERY TOWN � W in Cawvin to ,,qell xniilic-ljo�wpwvure , t1rotwhinng,wod commWil)IIA, ftill DnA.Mealars. � V0 oring Co., MeXhitioa Btdg., To. , rolito, ont� wite'A's str(nig ris i3lit lised;n ofm�r v-iiced._ Got I W4%,VT1V,D-41'()1t TVE LIFS tws 7 ; AG"N"s eaes prkes, thty arn lower thcut last year. and Reign of ueen VIctoria; Uest book; prospectils veady, lii,ee to q.,invaq-ionq, wellit The PAGE WRE PENCE CO- Pd-) stiven Apply World Ptibllishfttig, Ob., Quelph, WALKERVILLE. ONT. _., Ontario . __ ______.__ ...... ­ --------- -----' I Gli,�NT.-S-I'tIFQUI;,'EN-IS.Dr�A � D! UN'r-kQ;j:t,T ; Alo,v�tl(.*.tna(littyi%v-*�ilir,itit�t,lAfe(vt n(lem CLOTHES OVER , vict ... t. We will have thc bin,(V-, R, � che'all. .. sent on Trial � 'I'L "n't 1)"i4t, Abriqbt,;tutli,;titit3ttr,-o�mokis - , iju,", btit 1, rrerwivd by n d1rolilign-64i,pa Call- ...�� ...''.11L AtWjj0jeSalL�Vtjca, . adian untijor. Com)flrle "I'VA.I..,%lig oittijb 11, 1 1.,tailecl for loe. Mdra libmal terrao. W.Der- 5, ..", % � I it iiot sat olactory inid & Lomm. London. Oat. ex " i I . rrouq, ridwidod. i _____ ­­­_...... __ WA . EA ' .. . (4,a.rartced torwi , I eaF401- Plid do ; �"T-NtT-1,ll,-,, VIPM-ME'NT. WAvmv-ISTS beivir work thnn : E rml clectritians-Ilov 41)-pjg-� painvIllcu . Ining qatiAlOng a,�kvkl IW N&avatimi; - G,�,otj,4,rinachi.j6 i coatal Ze ,,., t,�ie tj Awt. A Board Of Er-UltlLe"r-1 Rent fy"*� dell- IL Iter, good Machine for ngentq to hwAle. 1319 Publi,ther, Rt- Lotiv, Me., V. U. A- PIV*0 w6h, Men rmade. Thousai-Lds in use. por teruls tion this Paper. e1 ­--_._­_______.__ and orlew address IWIT FAAM F 01? 8AL14­0XR OF Ill" STANjDAnD siV3?pX,*Y Co.. laanilhon, Qiilt� , Filnest, in the M.,14MI-1 Polm"%UIA, Ah _____ ____________._,__ - - __ vtr _ , Wit.ull-.1, 10 J�IUC4 frMll 111%111 ItOn OR WO rail' - Vra.7; w� '. - aerw ha PA. 35 ot 1.16'111- 11 i�i it A"114 J U s I wavii. 13q . .11 I l,)zo',qIypca,hc_e. Willbesoldinone pilr ol dk . , It � diviaL(I 11ito lot q of 14 to 20 acres to ";I Pur 1. Tre,%14 Sr-.iO. I Wehsvemndedrop�,-� v!jdjj$3 cjj.t,m)_..-. ,this is a dedded baMuin- A-1dren . V,Mk' 7 ar,n1plicat.lons ,,�..._ejal ty - r 'box, V�q onN .*,,r I Jonathan Carpoile , 11� 0. - , Win . 11 . tWentb* y0fi.r.. Q.Wck rellef. I Ontiarl(h , ParfAt cahtfs. ----- 4, Cures W Dook of I - . ,'TP_8T1X0_N1A LS 111111 10 D.A VS ' I*Qrs. Whislow's Soolbing Syrup ii-I-emId al - ?"j. - . &." -1 ,,, �,�, tiMa"rile.ut 1pitnu. I vva,y�; NI jjriwl for Childr, n Tootkliiuj,�. 1-WrO04hes , .;,, �4SO�VS I (I,(. (,,jjjjIj, �.ofteilq the r,ulnl;. curm wiad CQ11o. ., � .io , m wr L arrilb, ; _1_11 . DR.R.n.uml m � , . . . 1, � 1. I,- ,. I AtlidisthLbewre)nedy� IL -& 'Twenty- , ., 1 $ iy'l 33OX 0 -A-12-1-"M&-,i4aA. I five cants a boftle, 4 . . . � .1 SOrIETIMMS YOU HAVE TO SPEAK PLAINLY to your Grocer in tli-_ Sugar ni-atter, If you speak plainiv and ask for St. LaArramce Sugars � I YOU save 5 per cetit. in value. OUR GRANULATED 6UaA,k In VURE. I , our Goldeti Yellows as good as most Ciranulated I . now offered. ST.LAWRENCE tUGAR REFINERY � . . . r 0