The Herald, 1901-02-08, Page 2THE QUEEN'S VISITS
Stogiellaven, oil, tis it is c&lIsd by Inc royalty at close range. no iv4,,,y
UG IlUth'es, "',4tevullive," is the remembers he little ivicad station
V01111ty tow-li of Mneardineahlre, and deeked with bunting and evergreens
Is Situatcd on the northeast coast and the scarlet cloth laid upon the
platform foit Her AL-ijesty to walt
Of Scortland, about 15 miles south of apaa from kor caxrlaga to the Station
UO cit.Y Of kbOrLlean, usumlly kncAra door. He remOlnbors seeing the pCot
us the "G-ragitc Clty," froin its be. (%glne "sqb Past a few minutes before
Ing largely built of graulte-a city tha-royal train glided in, and 11wring
Will'alt renevm its Youti! after every the rattle of arms as the Mghlanslers
81140'Wer of rain, the gmnite buildhigs oaxne to attealtion. �� dotachmerilt of
W.4on ivct lookille, Lls if t1ley were HigWar14 soldiers w," alwnys present
ncw. Stonehavoll nostle,,s in a valle from Aborde*ix to serve aa a gnax-d
�y of lionor at tho station., but it did
Mt wlmt might be Called the foot-
hill"i of the U'raniplans, I ' not acoompktny tho royal party to
y"19 right 1311JR10val. All lnttid(�at in conaection
upon tile ehores of the Liermaal 1v-1th the sW eTS
,choes lillg In my MInAL
00ean or North gea, facing a bay Ther had broh-en raTiks, and when the
about three mll&.3 in mLjub, YFL14013 caTto reform onme two or three'of
r-rould form a liatural liarbor of ro tho soldiers were a short distance
ftl9b If I- Mbs Properly protected away and as thor eamo runaing up
bY illors and breah%riater% but which OW Oi the officiers ri�pkrimandgid thsM.
It often the deathbed of tile niaricer Nffhilep Passing an the rtm oic)se to me
who fluck'; it 01a his lea Of' a StormY 01M of th'am salroastloally mattared,
0ght. Two strea-als-tile Carrou ai�� 1 " Britons Rever, rwvex shatl be slaves."
iths their rise in the Tko pria-ces wild prinow;ses Were glen'll
hills behind, tho rOrmer flow, ofg f tkemselves
, ataily the lest to 6110T,
,through the South SItI.B of the t,;.,Wn jLt the ear wi�ldows. Thea there
-to the sea, and tile other Skirting w*uld be a bustle of aido-deremmp,i
.the north side, but both forming a or officers, I&C110--la-waft-Ing and ser -
Junction before finally being lost in vantS, aad sh(K-ay &rt�or
,thG Oceall. In t1isse latt�r days
St*011c1laven Is a fashionable water- The Quft-u Would Appear
Ing place. violng with many of the 1 With Pl%iaD3 -kIb8rb, I don't know w1le-
I spas as a summer reQort. ther we cheered jastl than. or riot. I
rlfliltaxly Aberdeen may sometimes rather th, � . we ha4 na breath to
be seen In the season giving alA ont- Cheer with. We were 13-reattiless
149 to 4% arorml of youngl�tses wit -ii O�Xoltemt" L Sometimes 'the
any lAiilaa- th.�, stat, Would talm luncheon at
longing to oils of Iter m. be, Royal party " ,
thropic enterprises, for tile tcvvn is a bon 03. VI'llen they did they stayedl
beautiful fox situation in,
,I tile air tile (tanhalf 4.11 hour, TbQ last time
ed of, at lihI'l.
It inixture, of fressh sen, breezes and tko,., eba _ BtLlr_
Pura onone W-Itte.-I from the Mile. t1le then. station waster ivae
The little tciru has quite a history. k` -'Ported to have said that us
PlAcOd midway between the Low. i determined to SM"- to EVar' Xaies-
I ty. oven taloug][17 his head shoald be
&ds and the H'ghlands, in ancient demanded on a dilarger forsodolng,
lium Its inhabitants tilled the I d, ot know if he carriM eLt, his
Leldis or Spun thedr wool or folilowed threat
Me other peaceful ocempatiou with , o:r not, I only know that he,
heir spears or �.wmds or other (110d a few Years aftonvards In India.
as of defolice lying handy to Luneh-�,.OLL over, the Royal party on -
tolled tM carrialger, Seme half dozell
eir hand, so that they emid be bc,11L_ hl
dY to ropel attacles, Is tile loo waiting, $ent from 'Abor-
,z, rMoy vrere almost always, if
.anamen novex Issued cards when . TV
GY Ware 'be make a foray. A few "lot al aYs, QP3n tarriageh, for -the
Iles to the north axe to be Peon Queen Seemed to alwaTs get, Queen's
e remains Of a Roman cia Weather, something relmarkable In a,
the farthest north cioll-Itry W121,11e the ve.ther weepseol
diery over got, and sitowi that OftM It was thea we got tile best
view of Royalty. It geaerally took
e men of rblie Mmrnz, as tke in- about tM, =4:autes to got everythint-,
bitants of the county were ullm-
P fought the troop3 or Gia&%r to in readinle" for tile drive aoross tue
Standstill. Lator, the little tmrn mOOM I think tile Queen's
fereld at the hands of Ormrm�llj ftl-aY9 Ilea-ded the Ila;. Ponr homes
Nvere attachwl to %. aaq tv
every houce ht the Place being burn- Ions or outriders sat upon two 0(
dd d(jwn but one, and, ourlciu�ly
Motmb, many , t110 horses. They were dressad 111
mars after, it Nras
�urnod to tile ground- About half the MU'reati011al Jockey cap, red, close-
IttIng sliort coat, Wid white leather
1111119 to tile solit'll stand tile rulas of
ot lils-torlo bb m always
made a deep Imprewilon, upon InT
011-nottar Castle 3."'On'thful TaIlld. Upon the theory that
M1,4111t: upon �L rock jutting out upon a cat can look at a Ringo,, I r9uppoeq
010 Sea- 114 e. as most Bohrml boys T wag; permitted to look at the Queem
know. Wallac.0 figured against the S0mLtlM09 barefooted an(I barohead-
Rogilah, and here the regaffil, of Scot- ed -after the nialimer or scotch chii-
lu,nd, Ole crown and pDppbra, was put dren in these days -I have stood with
for safe Itpeplug, and when the castle Others within eight ->r tan 4eet of
Was being bDsI*gnd by Uie English as she sat Ila her car-
apd in dang-er or being captured. the M;C�4trittling for the start. She
WO Of the n-AnIster of the V!mrlsh of was thea lit hor Prime Mlkd 'Was
Zakneff McOlved Permlasloh from F4 Ying liar Mipplest Da)
btba English Genortal to visit tile ctls- a' ttended by her cInvs)ted husbaild
40- While t4lere, she secreted the rell and surroundod by itor lovivig abl-l-
Wila ainong Me, pottlooitts, 4ad.' dren. Y4)ung as I was then, I rG
Adling on a pony, carried them safely 001leat how bright, 6ailling and happy
th,rough the English lines and she and alle looked -and so pleased did she
01 r hu4band hid thow under the floor appear sitting tkere, that we cilli -
tbe church. In h-%ppler t1m3" theY dren lost all our former fear and a,we,
vvem again unearthed, and visitors to 'Ind looked at her as we would at
BdInburgh Castlo can now have tivo -
lillea-Vare of serIng them. Those are any eirdi2ary person. When the ear-
cotetmvll. They have half a dozen cr� Moro offleers
s4ered to all -9 riages were ready t-,3 start sozne
M"r 10ft Sclottleh gioll, and more on horseback and resplendent in gold
them 11kc4y never will. When King Ines and plumed hats Nvv)uld r1da tip
lameo went to Engialld to wear the
RAtIA crown, lie had to leavo the close to the Queen's carriag-L", lthe
Scotch crown behind. Thp Seoteh are long whlp3 of the c.0aellwan would
on mime points. xOticie crack in the air, the horses would
=,tythZ",',r,, 4ow our uimr King bad plunge, the Outriders would begin to
to gweaw to protect thn Kirk o * Smt. W)b up &ad down, and the cavalcade
*9 -fl. You froe, Jennie GeddeP outt.T wmild start. at a brisk run on Its
ftool stidl IIN,,es in our laws as -well hng Journey across the hills to Bal -
ft In our hilefnily. rmit-Alately to the Mral, while her loyal subeJots of
vouthowest� is tllK� estate of Tjry, Steenhive would b.y this, time haye
at or" tlm�4 owned by C -apt. 1�arelay, bound their voices and would chaer
thO man Who, f1mb walkzd a thorns. and wave their caps tintil the car-
ftd V11M in a thonaand hours, ankI riages were out of eight.
who t)f*d to Walk to Lonclon and bapk In the eity of Edinburgh, soirto fit-
tio attond to his Plarliamentary dii. teon years after the Queen Ceased
tom TM clatintles of Abordeen, Kin- i9topping off at Stoneliftrovi, the
Mrft�3 antl Banff form th- tprrltoe- writer &aw her again. But It ,vas
Ul recruiting ground of lthe Gordon ne)t the salne queen. Silo bad Suffer_
MA11I,qnd,ftri;, and horo, in WOnpha- ad the great stmrow of liar lfe-tbo
vIn' thp -Onnty town Of K-1110ax-ffille, IOSS of her husband. He also r.%w tho
tifiat batt -Mon of tire Prince *f NVales and his toyal
Gordon 14firblAnflers �;lymso on thair first visit tc, pdlvk-
knOwn w tho Pargal heroes, %riae, burgh after their marriage, The
fted and roNiowed previous to Its Princess wagi Very Popular in that
YkAing for ��Ijth -AfriNao whwre Its OAX. much nv)re so than her Royal
0010a6l and many of thn rank aud file hu4bsnd, but he has gained wabil lu
Onit A fioldiotrlgi denth arid filled a Sol- popularity since thess) dayS, It kas
d6lr's grave at Tvagerskatain, loising been supposad that
" 1113VIT. If not morc-, it Paar&barx. The Queon Loved Sootimid
Wbq declinated battall*n* as we sLX
kliolv was btlza(IM with thc Royal betRuse Pribee Albert vvylas Strongly
attaGhed to it. As loved tile Higil-
a"Zi,mv. and It is gratifying to 1.
,Lndo, the b,.Iro b,
A-04� thItt up to dabe It Ixw majn� llok of t1lo World &a
he styled them in 16 speech at AberA
UT&NI 110 reputation for gallantry deenj bu b as a ScotehLalan I may be
"I bravery. forgiiven my presumption wtiou I 6say
lilis bv way of almwing the na- t1ia.t I believe lie loved tile o"ntr.V
nleharrwter of the placie which bmatise he loved Its people. thwi
bet "%to 1L-i"Wty so often favOrerl feeling of h1s; was engendered by f
with Iwill pres*nce, wq alto. hurried oa gTatitidde. For the. Prineo did not
00 hor favorite Dirt] nral, inl giving halve It plabi aafling all the tlm;o wItI2
a glimp"o of thp pnoille, glustric s Ill$ English subjeats, Ila ivals at one
allad 1Mrllk-,,* in prinlitivi, tl-�n-% 1 ppo- time ellilrged witIl 11, fluencing tile
L111who t;or-day rejotop in tho fact Queen in public affairg, and feellu
illt, their sons forin tho flovrer of ran
the 111gli, until ther queen appsal
BrIthib army. ad
I to her.111nisters that an attaek upon
soeiw�r tbe Queen. 1 the Prinze wnis an Mitack uf�on tile
U�xvay back- many morA yonlig tilan 'Mron e. Rio gratitude to Sootland
the writert cajo.,; to regnomber, before W06 shown' In oils of his letteks to
ttic' H19111alld It-illvar or the Deeside his old friend. Biron Sboakinar. At t
OAK, was built, her lite �kI&jgiqty the that time some, Of the English bodies
(blCart, th3 Prince coniort and the of workingmen were oaquetting with
Other members of the re7ni family the 10totbatlaijaloo, am anarthistle
Wed to Stop once and gohriotimes, twice Institution on the continout, naid go)"t
a year at the little TmilwAy gitation, murmuring6 of ftooll"t were being: a
altuated about 11-0f a milq west froin heord lit Vngland. 'Writing to Stock-
Lglonelmven. 'Gohig north from mar he Said, after narrating the
I -or'-don to Ballmoral th9ir ilaulway stA t' of affairs, "Lord PalMer4utot,
ftfr Scot-
jourimy en&TI here, Mtboas�h the rall- I lures us that the J*ciplo -of
ftad ran as f&ti as Ab�,r&�;n. 1.1ley, land Will stn.nd bOtWeeft tile Thr6ne
however, Preferred to stot) here, as and 93, harlol,
It 'Was qni,,t-' thlra it at :
&all, and talsug carr!,Ves they posted Mlftard% LihiMent Cures Mplxthiorft.
atIrOSO Country by wa..1 of the Gram.
P10.118 to BMIMOI:�I- The writet of p1ling Oti 06 Agotly.
th'-se ritinbAng relucwks Se4do , in Or ever
Opportunity Of thus gon- PrOvidence eividblitly IS deteriftiftea
to Spare the tilifoetilliate Drittsh 116
jmhg, Mr. Alfred ATISMU has air"ely t
lind Ont an elagillo ode seven and
lialf yards long, anA is olivViftely
Cough% COW, beat tipon repetiting tile dfte It he
Uthma, Brouchftis, to. 06t eitopped. If Edmird M. doesn't
Ao V8 enlegs WnJit to Sao M POP-111ftt uprIsIng betor6
his relgn N birl,* begun, he VVHI' 00,1,1�
ana Safte Throhtt. sign Mr, Atistin t�6 tho Tower abd
hi* thete. 1%6�6 'it" so 6 Ino
iw*"ft of a et*
6 willek btett 4, V , d 10 +y
0)ndftre.-$*1mZO Mhronla te.
(A,cesssiOu to thX16als June 20. 18,a7
-L838-XA4UXrcOtiOA In 04nada.
18W1:�rmsh forees Occupy Q&bUJ am
takO P08seSsion of Ades.
184b -war expedit4oll to Syris, Meb
mot Ali Snes for peace.
Ift1--vSuccessful i]ssurrection in D
bUL British Invade ChIn-A an
.take Qanten and Amoy.,
1134-2-Britigih take Door ItepuMic i
(lrg* SJkli wgx.
18'18-laSorreetlen in Ireland %I
temPted. Outbizenk seoond SiL-
war. Boors establish ropublU
'L8Lat In rebellion 1XI China
�371`p=g 1pxovoked British jog
1836-Crimislan wax finished, rDgig
land attaoks China. PeTd&n
Mon.P7 Henat, but British dTIv,
them out Of India,.
1857-0utbTeak of ladiitil mattny.
1860 -Anglo-French exPedition b
1 -861 -England sends a fileet, t4
1S*7F-.,nL,Ln kmrreotion in Iw-taud
187 1-Aakantea war.
1877-Britlab talm Transvaal Depab
1878-N,Var ag-Anst Afghamistan.
1879 -War ng-ilwit Zulus. Roberts en
tf�rs Katildakar. Transvaal up
1881-M&ATIX,% 11.111. Malida revvat it
agninst Arabi Pusba.
IRS--flerdon kilk-d In Xb*i�rtoum.
1,893 -War in Matabelel-ilad.
oeoupi;w Doongola,
Aolinxit(,los accept British soy.
I IPM -Revolt of Indtan kM tribes.
18b9Trnnc;va�n4 declared war Cicbe.
ber 11th.
Brought About Through t]
Use of Dr. Vviffiarn' Pink
MrSt. Peter Beamer Tells IT ow These
PlII,s Reieastd 14 er Frova Years of
Neuralghw, Pains AfWr Doetons. &ad
001" Mediclues Had fraflod.
A-mong the best ImGvm mild most
respooted residents of the towliship
or Lincoln. ciounty, Cmt,,
axe Mr. amd Mrs. Poter Beamer. For
M long libno Kra. Boamer was tile
victim of a eomp3cation. of disewes,
wh(ek nwde, liar life oils of almost misery, aad from whick she
aealrly despalmd. of obtaining relief.
To it rcporter wko recen1ly Inter-
rlOwQd bar. Sirs. Bwamer gave tto foll-
low-Ing, imrtioulare of her HIness, and
ultimato some n1rie years
r waa troubled witli. ii, pain In the
ba0k, and neuralgia, which caused me
iuispeakab)e misery. The pain In my
I. -
Proper Treatment
ISSUE NO. 6190A.
larger part of the list of lharg,,�d
names belong -i to t0b*;S0 elldilig in Sid
I'.,"X, If y o u have
-= It,
not tried
M17B1Ne,:: Life J; NolvWorldUnder
or isk,r. Tho terminal bere Ir, Wenerally
lf.�- - 1 U.4 -send for Sr6e
Roumanian noblem.til to his bricle Was
for Utarrhe
NOW Adliaaes.
The clerk Kff the city court to -,day
-= - sample, its
ored young.husban,1 in Paris, ,re
malds PsWie the names, of Seventy
the young uoaple are Spending tae
a relindy that Is gnwo to reach
persons who changed their names in
T -he doll ww DIM I -a cloth of gold,
plalm Xem�ln; Xampl,)Mky Is reduced
prise you.
aH affected parts. That remedy is
isgal ro3rm in the year 1.9()0. M�08,.L�
CATARRHOZONE, whicih Is inkaled
along with the air you breath, and
Jf tk1 original names are of palpably
Chemists, Toronto.
50o, and $1.00l all druggists.
ww CADI'Vired with a trellis of Magill-
porm 64ies the most minute air cells
frwgilgm extraction. As a rule all
in the lungs, all parts of the nasal
reason&ble requests for cliauge of
passages and bronchial tubes. It stio-
ulates the mucous membrane to
Hama are granterl 'I'My are then
healthy action, and relieves local con-
filed away, tile petition giving -the
gestAon of these parts. When deficient
4"yWed. reasons for cillauge. and the
is caused by weakness of the
it restrains tile secirethon and retards
it when excessive, In both instanees
jildgment passed upr)ll I -t by tile
stomach or bowels, is flikely W
its action is to dostrog -the germs
i 00art. A g 0
11-11ce at the recorde and
which exalts these conditions, and to'
the Vari9ue ilasio changes. 41ves rise
t oure by its inlievent healing proper-
to considerable speculation as to
Cod Liver Oil.
CA.TARRHOZON'E Is pleasant, safe,
018 real "us -e )f dissatisfaotion.
"'IlY, One Nvon,ders, shouid a nap:i,e of
We don't say sure; and you
painless to use, being simply nat-
ure's method of applying the balsamic I
Suoh aristocratic tw,
ang as W . id,
inar RathYar bo cait aside in pre-
may not be sure that your, or
and healing propqrtlai of the pine
woodgi, fortified by ot1lar germicidal
ference tx) the hackneyed title of
Lft�ally Smith ? On tho next page -of
your little one's trouble 113 due
Ingradlenra. It is not a mind cure,
but the most rational of
tile rec-.)rda Is the reverse of the
to weak stomach or bowels.
romedles. It
Is the latest product of tile extensive
and thOl'011911 investJffatIGn carried on
Question of high-soun4ling names,
W here ono find& tlao som owl-talt plebo-
Doctors can't always trace a
by the ecieNtifloo world into the re-
lation of disease to
Ian ci,>guomen of Gumbim-Icy changed
t,) Vol,, TlIzer. Nviiat evideu a of
disease to its cause; and you
microbic life, and
a trial will establish its value. I
natir)llality remain& in the namoe of
Jay, unle,�s It is disoyvered to be
The scores of hopeless oa,,es pro-; :
nounced incurable by specialists, and
oorruption of Jacobowcky 9 More
the numbers of Suffering men and i scarcely could be any gr�-ater efface -
women in all parts of America that invat of a ramily name tilan co skib-
Liver Oil is the easiest food for
CATARRHOZONE has etitute tile lioLoom-mittal blank for
a tired digestion. But that
aured of L112rarlic and frouporman"t'y
tarrh blevome oa- Saba,-3tiar B.1bo. is lost
,, gives it a place among the mtirolv In
Fr&uk Waltr,,r
isn't all; it encourages stomach
804entifie dincoveri-as of tile age. rL11,d Razicka becomes
CATARRHOZONE sizovs a reciord un- the Armxicanized R,L�se, Manj Chazges,
and bowels to tackle their
a. raSuit fiLitm Lam-ily quaxre!,�, when un-
pproaclied by any other rolnedy for
the �Preatost 11timbor of perfect cures. ot" er family riizxu�� jq tlak(.�n ill place
work; itgives and gets them
GATARRHOZONE Is capable of 10- Of the Legitl=-Lto One. Often the I
'I Wills of eceentric rehltiver, demand I
Ing for you what it has done for!!
strength from the other fx>od
a aliange in tile name (A the bene -
Others. You may haTe the seeds of
ilaut legacy
11?1%, It
they are able to take. Give it
whalt will develop Into an incurable which no ean
disease If not properly t be Oc�aasiug�-, oily debt or lm
'reated. Ca-
PTIISOMment bas br,.)vt.rrt the �i
tarrh is such a grndual thing; so ruiane-
painless at first, but So orually re- ejunie pernson Into smh disrepute that
Food is the best of medici4ie:
lantless, that at the 9nd of years we,' a new na1me lis sougbt Ltv whicli a, I
'now repatation may be built.:
awaken to its Ilorrers. Catarrh, con-
food that sets the body going
In the V=SL 01 r.,rrAP7ll,,VS who I
sumption, death. That is -the Story. have becomic Amewle= citiw�w the
Be advised whil-a Yet there is time,
etiff oollisocalivi of Russi,
and use thp only Sure cure, CATARR- ' 11 Themla
oir Poland PTOW tiori r�=Ah for our
HOZONE. At Druggists, or iby mail.
This is hetlth. gi-%,,e it time.
An -
Two months' tr4atment $L Regular -licired txmguml and a ohange is
really neces�iary. Under thl-i reason
0-�s trial size, sout foe 100, to cover 1.
The genutne
1 FRI, r
postage, and boxing, by N. 0. Poison. — sue as
Chviv,�Ilaok to Lalvi,n, NvdgTom-hol to e:
& Co. Klogston Ont
TT� rt has this pl,ato-
Conn., U. S.
ROiallelle, T11zul;Aa;R tj> Yuzuk, and
"liniuIvItz W RLckinore. Dy fax the
k., R,
i — no other.
'A R
A Unique B11-tilalty (�Ift.
larger part of the list of lharg,,�d
names belong -i to t0b*;S0 elldilig in Sid
I'.,"X, If y o u have
-= It,
not tried
A curious birthday gift by a. young,
or isk,r. Tho terminal bere Ir, Wenerally
lf.�- - 1 U.4 -send for Sr6e
Roumanian noblem.til to his bricle Was
dropped, Iravtng the parent &tera.
6`01VW03 do'll, m.i.,de for the emam-
Mo dropping of this ending results
-= - sample, its
ored young.husban,1 in Paris, ,re
often, in riLxt the I
the young uoaple are Spending tae
C-li-lit-C-st txace of the nati-mallty of
tasto w! I I sur-
vhiang:wa. Kampinsicl becomes
T -he doll ww DIM I -a cloth of gold,
plalm Xem�ln; Xampl,)Mky Is reduced
prise you.
the tmtn embroidered witli
Rt-Ums ul)ward, whInh formad a Q'ok
t,0 tal4o MlIctnislikq name ol JampDle.
-N. Y. Evonmg Piciat.
border aroun.j t -ho hj�lu. �Vho patti,,
on whioh opened -Wit- bl-aln of golllul
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc.
Chemists, Toronto.
50o, and $1.00l all druggists.
ww CADI'Vired with a trellis of Magill-
ficent --l- * ll -7.
D, 11. W114 ft
sherilet of Uaree rows of rubles; oil
her head an algrette. farmed by
spariding diamonds, quivering Mon so
rny dewdrop,4 and pins, vvitlli heads
olf A colored preollon,� gems, span-
r garmllnti hPr(- and tboro.
It S(Wms that Mt thin tlina of their
marriag43 the �,&�mui was not able
to Pres -ant, his levoly bride wItk gifts
worthy of her beauty, but rewnMy
a, banavolaut uncle of big was obllg-
tng enough to tile and leave Wm a for-
tuno. The extravagnat ]over at oner.
speat IMIf of It In this Jowoled doU.
0- 'was so bad that wh her sitting Dear ffirs,-i 4rals for seven years
or ly Ing down, I Suffered more or less a sufferer from BronrAilal trouble, and
torture. my amotite left mot nad I would be so hoarse at times that I
Buffered frOM headaches accompanied could scarcely speak above a wbisper.
I get no relief from anything tIII I
bT attacks of dizziness that left me tried Your MINARD'S 'HONEY BALl,
at times too Iveak to WM.1k. My narvoue SAM. Two bottles gavP relief and six
System was badly sliatitcalod, so qlat bottles made a complete oure. r would
-4 heartily recommond it to any one suf-
the slightest nok - would staftle ule' feeling from throat or lung trouble.
Mud zary, sloop at night was broken bjV J F. lVAN89SKIRK
sh�-er 0XIiaustion. I was under the Frederiaton: r
�w ol throo dulerelLt doctors at
various times, but did not sucioeed In
gettIng more than tba inerost temper-
OrY relief. I also u--vd several anver-
tIsed medidnes. but with no better
results. I was finally urged to try Dr.
Williamr? Pink Pills. and get half a4
dozen boxw. In tho course of a few
wooks I noted considerable Improve -
meat, and, w a consequence, Igiaidly
Continued the use of the Pills for
Sover4l mon.thp, v�-Itk the result tilat
every 9MV-0m of the malady left me,
&hd lWas ab -o to do my housework
Wlth'-'Alt the least trOulAv. As several
Muw have Passed alnoe I haYe used
the Plils, I feel safe in. Saying that
tho cure lig parmaneat, and the result
also vorlfiom the CIAM that Dr. Wil-
JAMW Pink Pilig cure; whon othsr medl-
olne fallq.11 Tho oapcirter call Only add
that Min, neame"O's present ootiditlon
bldlaat.�xg; a Ptato of porfact hottith,
Llw Ev").110E; louder tll= inert vrords
Pmit do, the bwelit these pills hlyo
)DOX to Use.
Dr. WLI[awsl Pink Pills have rer
tored mole IVeak aad ailing women
Uid girls to robilat kealtll talaR nay
Ather =edlolre ever digmovered, which
n Part n"Ounts for their popularity
1101-0zout the world. Thmp:as &-e
OW liy all dealers or nmy be had by
nail at 60 eamte a box, or six bo.,ies
or $2.50, by addressing tile Dr. "yu-
iaMSS MOME4110 00., Brockville, Ont
Odditi-e-s In Arehltelc�.tute,
At there is
Mo street lit -,villch two houses 01)
VfAsIt8 6140S Of the street loan
Wer zo far tMt, their roofs meet
>Ver the street. In ome of tbe;e
10 es Lord Rothschild was borrL In
Parts, On, the Otber hamd, It h§ n4>
losable that the bujldo�rs I*tontloll.
111Y bonstruct the houses so that
they.le" baekward slightly, to add
�O thelt IftbilltY, %t almost latile
entre of Paris Oiero is one Igg
t6lis building whieh leans gut, fully
*too and ote-half toot over the t
ddewalk. Be p0lct however, are the
?arls buildings that this one 113 6
owntiod to be safe.
Pt46tcdt6 the Tbroat.
P146"r Ineh-:WkI0 whits NAtla rbl.
On 9eWed inside the X16L--k-4m;nd of a
fowdo, proteets the throat ftow the
gitating markt that, Is a COMMOn ke,- I
aft frOm the WMI' Of tbe P tovall!A'
Igh dress w1lars., It is not intend, -d t
hat' the ribbon Shall show from tile
dtaidel, — I ---
AVh,F MAirried Mia.
Oftra-I vr4mdook h6W Mattlo calke
6 inarry Pr4d gomerlij.
BQPthaT%6 meet hatuinal r@"On
0 World. Prod had an 1W*e"t,
A 8Vord of Pridse.
L ze
,if employers omild only ralIll
how muoh everx worker, especially
the women, appreciates a word of
praisel," Said a veteran breadwinner,
"thor would fibd that they could In-
crea" their Profits largely by the
higher quality of service rendered,
Women like to fc('l tiv,',t the employer
has a human Interest In the IndIvi-1-
liftlity of tho livork, thaty do, and that
thvy alipervo it whon it Is pa�rtion-
qrly well dono, A word of commeuda-
tiou always anto an a f4timillus to ro-
ne"red erforb. while .1 good plece of
work ignored acts no n. disootiragel
meat. An apProving smile, nod or
word e0stq little, an -I nkealss muck to
tho lioniest wcrker in any field, from
higb6stv to JOW.0MVJ---iNeJvl York Tri -
Alinard's Vnimett Cures Garget In
A Rwinaricable Revex-d.
Irke plaIntiff In a soott-Ish, �Woaoh
,)f promi;so casa has been just in time
�o arelite a rcoor,l Ior the nigietemth
viltury which the t1,,ro1lt*,ath will find I
�Silno difficulty Ill Oallpslng,� This I
.,.dy's matrbilmilnl e%perlences have
onhisted of three oliaptors-
1. Me becomm Mrs. Brodie.
11. In due coutse n, wIdOw, she dbes
lot become Aim Nelson, Mr. Nelson
viving to pay 210,000. 1
" IIL fte does not become Mrs. Alae-
lreger, Mr. MacGregor having to pay
Thts Is a re" remarkable t000rd.
ays the Westminster Gatette, ai3d
ve doubt It any plaintiff has ever be -
'Oro secured two Such liege amounts
rom two separate defendants, al -
hough vve do not forgot a. 0wo in
vIlle-11 tile damanoo wi�ro as high as
j0,000. I
Mi-Aard's Liniment Cates Distemper.
Wait a Bit.
An.xiouv Miother-'ay dear daugh�
*x, dob?b you knew that It's seaA-
[alone to have so M&AY men Makizig
evo to yed t.
bwaghter-DAt, lmarama, how am I
0 help It?
&Wther-Why d0alt; You wait untll
rou are inaxried ?-Mown. Topics.
A Resolution '�Vortfi the While,
$te.-oave that you 'will stand Well
Kth y0arself Glatqaa the 0owng year
rhetber yed sbknd Well with otkers
w tkot. Re&61ve mover agatu to set a
=e y6ursolf ot yout
In I Is. Mardep, In $#a.
ii§w t I J , I ! , - , I I
1.6 k Pon tue JuUrIgs
VII)Mmlt Y. Bowdleb. urges agitation
in Boston in regard to obtdilling 1111
alm'Wiumt of tht- "dust, nuisame." He
rec*Uh. gaid. work almmay done by
mallb-il men in mforence to streat
watoring, but -ays th-tt In
(Illonoo of the lack of proper pavell
mants the citizens of Buston h;ave
had to endure In t1jig; open winter a
vile atmospheric conxIltion. H-1 11,g
Ratleats with delicate throats and
lu:nW* Who have, to be liousedgibsolutell
IY,. WhOa, with streets In proper wall
(Ittion, they could enjoy, the inild,
bmwing air out-of-doors. Asphalt Is
m>t an Ideal pavc-nivnt, but with, pro -
par caxe and rognlatlon to prevent
ito being propt-illy torn up or reoliwed
by Inferior material, It has thins tax
proved in our American cItles the one
W111011 Possesses tile greetest advan-
tages of all pavements used here. -
Medical Record.
11owls This 7
We ofTer Ont, Rundred Dollars Reward for
nnl* Mtt-c Of 01tA-M-11 thut Cannot be oured by
Mill's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tolodo, 0.
WO, the undan,igenod, have known 1,1 J.
Cheney for the I#Lqt M yeam and believe jfm
Perfectly honorable in all bueelncas tramaWons
aud 111tanciallyable tocarryout ally0bligatim';
inade by i1elil firin.
wl-.,wr &-timix, whoic:rae riruggL�ts, Toicao,
Drug Is
,p. ts. Toledo. 0.
HM Wo ( Atqrvh Oure is taken inwrnt.,aly mt.
hig dtrcctiv upon the blomel aind muwu.,)'g%ux-
fmos of the P9,40tii. Testimonialc. sent falle.
PripqUc.per t -le. 8*l(1bValI(1rUggI4
, t4.
310,1I'8Fd%nIIYPI1I6 axe tllo'boit.
Merely Inquired.
"Did yon trumpr my ace, dear?"
aSk*e(I Me. 31feekton, �vhov was his w1feligi
partner at whist.
"I did," she rejoined, sternly. "what
of It 21,
"I merely inquir&i to relieve my
raind," he answered, With fl, gentle
smile. "It Is a great comfort to
know you trumpol it. If anyone else
'had trumped It, you know, we should
have lost tile trick.11-Nvashington
Thlb signature is onevery box Of the genufus
LUafte Br01n0-*""UiUj�qe Thblds
*,hb remedy tbat Cares " Clow in one d;t:r
t'119011f F - S -111th. a full-blooded
Oneida Indian, hwK entered a, insIAIC-Al
M111190 in AIII'Vauluio, and will, whet
91-adtlatM- b�)Otllkl of thO vf,,ry few red
men wha bave f"'ted thpinselves tc)
ra ties medicine.
Others Are, Why Not You?
iausancLs r ft rmrs nw-r -elling dm 1MXM,,;zr
73�NICB. It wrT not inteirere with yow, vrjnilar
Aum warlt, and will lncrrp�� vo,r mu". %zitt for
rull p-uticuktrsmad caa;qpm
THE FPOST WIRE MICE 00. Ltd.. WcKwd, Ont
Treated Free.
0 a made dropqq�xr apftts
co Aki n5-a,0,prx,041AIV *r
twen yeirs. 0,14&Z
res wors 'ases, B*ok of
broa ontimu
130M 0
Sent ea TrIall
H 110L sataif
vioney ru=
40 Guaranteed baeun
easier rad do
bettor work tllp�n
.nitbenit-rkoc. A.
966d inaollino for agents to lia�dle. MW
Mone rna&. Tho sands in use. For terwo
and pri ow addrese u
STAN -DAM SVPPL'r Co.. 11amuton, ont-
NVANTIM-Polt rFm Lnq,
AG4`nd Reign of ().1keen Vietarizi, bet Imak,
Prospectus it�,tcly, freo to cvt-jit
Mven. Apply World Publithing oo.,, Guelplij
NIMON-ft." Welvillbai-eth-elil-cs
0-tandbi!st, tI)r1gl1t"�UtJJj,
a ,
imwbeii.g, prepartA bya dw�jllguisllnd Van-
adian witnor. Complete OnMb
InAlIP(IfOrMe. Rdrallberal terms. MolDtil.
Inid &Logwi, Lotitioil, ont.
V-01IMining questiolls 4,Kke(l Iiyljiqvv1Itq0g
DOW'd of l0nrineen; sent fr(,e. Geo. A. Zeller,
Publishor, St. Louis, Mo., U. mcn.
tion this pa�er.
AtPIRI, hPitItIl fMl0d;Pr'0-
Priet,or must E;cil. Box 8 AyLb. o,,L
litleA In tile. Mu."Ara peninowa, at
frnin Hamiltolt on two rall.
,Vvn,yp. I aore8 in P11. 35 of whi, h Lq im frVift,
Mom* pwl he -Q. NVilt bo -RdId hi one rmrrol at
diviflM 1WO 10tq Of 15 to 20 acres I o silit par
chasers. Tlli�4 le a decided bart,ait�. Afldm*
301mlilan Carpenter, E' 0. box 409, Winona,
Milo, Win.
4qiv*s "Pothing Syrup sbould al.
be ut�cd for Chiltiro) Teething. ItAoothes
2'� 'I scften8 the guin-;. our, -N urind colic,
,01 hrt-., renitdy for DIArrhmu Twenty -
live conts u bottle,
St. Lavirab-c SHE R61116FU
FU.1,11LATE IV 8u nm
. 1 .11