HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-02-01, Page 80
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pm 27 tf
aemic?ills to
Boar for service, on Lot 16, Con.
1v, Hay, 1,1,;,f, miles south of Zur-
ich road.] Terms ;,1.00, payable
at the time of service, with the
privilege of returning, if limes -
Order coed
A N, The Tailor.
Repairing all kinds of machinery
a speciality
J. H. Wispier, -
Johns n's
Woollen Mill
lurnft. re
Our new fall stock is now com-
plete in tweeds, blankets, sheeting
fiannels,yarn and stockings, also a
full line of underwear at rock bot-
tom prices.
Wo carry a full line of furniture
at the lowest prices.
T.& NI.Johnson
Carriage Works.
We have a large stock
which will be sold cheap to make room
for our stock- of Cutters.
Call and see our Rubber Tire Buggies
and our New Cutters.
Wm. Bel,' Ia,
Zurich P. O.
issolut on
?otico is hereby given that the
partnership heretofore subsisting
between tie, the undersigned, as
Implement dealers in the village of
Zurich, has been this day dissolved
by mutual consent. .A.11 debts ow-
ing to the said partnership are to
be paid to John F. Rickbeil, at
Zurich aforesaid., and all claims
against the said partnership are
to be presented to the said John F.
Rickbeil, by whom the same will be
Dated at Zurich, this 12th day of
January A. D. 1901
Witness : ` .1. F. Rici s eI'L.
Notice is hereby given that the
the partnership heretofore subsist-
ing between us, the undersigned, as
butebers, in the village of Zurich,
has been this day dissolved by
mutual consent. All debts owing
to the said. partnership are to be
paid to Robert S. Richardson, at
Zurich . aforesaid, and all claims
against the said partnership aro to
be presented to the said Robert S.
Richardson by whom the sane will
be :•!ettled.
Dated at Zurich this 14th day of
January A. D. 1901.
E. Zeller.I Roe' T S. RICHARDSON.
Notice is hereby given that tie
fpartnership heretofore subsisting
between us the undersigned as shoe-
( makers in the village of Zurich,has
( been this day dissolved by mutual
consent. All debts owing to the
I said, partnership are to be paid to
Peter Bender, at Zurich aforesaid,
and all claims against the said
partnership are to be presented to
• the said Peter Bender by whom
the same will be settled.
Dated at Zurich this 16th day of
January A. D. 1901.
Witness : j PETER BENDER.
of Buggies
ies ")) "t
it. HE&SON A prezrzisory note made by the
SS, SQN Zll11Ch, Ontario undersigned payable to John
thtscho for *537.50 and dated Feb.
-- 13rd, 1.000, has been lost or stolen
land. as the sa1ne has been paid by
6 me 1 hereby caution the publicagainst negotiating the same.
CYItus Scma'mm.
Farm stook and implements. I
have instructed. Mr Bossenberry to
Anything in the hue
of Watches, Clocks, Jewel-
ry and llu`ic al goods. {{{.
ISIPrices .Always .Lowest
Fine Repairing
A Specialty
F. .Zurich
c, 9 Ontario
B•Irgains _.
B rgains.
We present herewith our
Holiday announcements to
our many customers and
For a stylish Parlor Suite,
fancy Bedroom Suite, new
Williams Sewing Machine,'
,or the best Canadian snakes
of Organs and Pianos, don't
miss a bargain.
A full line in the Harness
.Department, such. as Trav-
eling Bags, Trunks, Horse
Blankets, black fur Robes,
fancy plush Rugs, rubber
Lap Rugs, and everything
belonging to the business,
sell by public auction at rrry farm,
lot 14 Con. 15 Hay, on Friday Feb.
sth. ail my stock, consisting of 40
head of cattle. 35 sheep, several
horses and all farm implements.
NO reserve.
:.' i -2tp
of farm stock and implements on
Lot 16 and 17 S. Stanley, on Wed-
nesday, February 6th, at 1 o'clock
P. M. sharp, consisting of horses,
cattle, sheep, pigs, implements and
a great many other articles.
J.'ti?etetuo est, E. BOsSE:i BERRY,
Prop. Auctioneer.
The west half of Lot No. 6, Oon.
0, Hay, containing 50 acres. The
land is all cleared except 2 acres of
bush. There is a good frame dwel-
ling and barn on the premises and
a never -failing, well of water.
NN ill sell on easy terms.
Loris Harm,
2 i -4tp Sareptat P. O.
Six Lot 14 L. R. E. Stanley 60%
nc res. is offered for sale by the un-
dersigned. Tho farming land along
this line is good and splendid gravel
roads. Convenient to school, post
office, &c. Apply to
E. ZELLER, Zurich.
140 acre farm, lot 21 and S% 22,
Con. 14, Hay, 23,‘ miles west of.
Zurich, containing 149 acres, all
cleared, good land and well fenced.
There are 4 wells on the farm, 2 of
which are overflowing ; orchard,
331; acres of apples, pears etc ;
Brick house, 20x32 ; Fraise kitchen
attaches., 20x22 good cellar, in <3
parts ; wood -shed and wash -house,
20x22, with cistern and fireplace ;
Stone basement barn, 524.00, with
stabling for 12 horses and 45 head
of cattle; Pig -pen. Driving shed,
Implement house, Open shed 12x100
and other buildings.
For terms, apply to the owner,
HrNRY Merin,
25-tf Zurich P. O.
Sp3oial to the HaalzAr.D.
The snow of late has Made times
boom in Our burg.
Mr. J. Beohlor was at :Bayfield on
business ono day last week.
Wood nutting is now the order of
the day.
R, Schwartzonturbor hada bee
last week, his brothers being pre-
sent at the occasion.
Geo. Merner is busy threshing
clover ; his a ttenda,nt,Mr•.Lawrazu:e
is running the house while is ab-
Moses Oesch intends leaving for
the West in the near future.
Christopher Schwartzentruber
captured a coon in Slabtown the
other night ; the night being dark
he had quite a time to get Mr. Coon
under his control. Chris. says he
was well furred,a regular swamper.
Special to the HERALD,
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gallnlan left
for their home in I11. last Thursday.
Miss Witmer, of Slabtown, was
visiting at J. J. Gellman's part of
last week.
E. Geiger was visiting at home
in Hensall Saturday and Sunday.
There is more pork in town pro-
bably due to the increase of popula-
Miss Flossie Merner was visiting
her grandfather, Mr.JustusMellick,
on the Bronson Line.
It was rather dull in our burg on
Monday owing to the storm.
Mr. Kalbfieisch, of Philadelbhia,
is keeping; his teams busy drawing
logs at present.
It would be very convenient to
have a post -office in our burg.
Would it not be advisable to petit-
ion the Dominion Government to
give us the same.
0 .
Special to the HERALD.
Miss Jean Cambell, of McKillop,
who has been visiting at her sister's
Mrs. John McKinley's for a couple
of weeks, has returned home.
Miss Ann Curvin is visiting
friends in Stephen at present.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hart, who
took their wedding trip to Marlette,
Michigan, have returned home and
are settling down to the realities of
life. We wish them a long, happy
and prosperous married life.
There will be no service in the
Methodist church on Sunday owing
to the Quarterly services being
held in Brucefield.
Cole's Methodist church Choir
spent a very pleasant evening at
the home of L. F. Keys, Babylon
Line one evening last week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Keys, of the
Babylon Line, entertained a large
party of invited friends last Wed-
nesday evening.
Mr. George Dawson intends rais-
ing and putting a stone wall under
his barn next summer.
Mr. Wni. Stogdill Jr. has finished
cutting wood for Henry Hayter.
Will is a hustler.
Mr. Toni Robinson and Mr.
Archin Keys called at the parsonage
one evening lately. We wish the
boys sueoess,
Special to the HERALD.
There was a social gathering of
young people at the home of Mr.
Rennie, of this burg,on Wednesday
night last, when a most enjoyable
time was spent.
The only thing that seems to
cause trouble are the saw -logs.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Horlacher, who
have been visiting here for a weeks
have returned to their horse in
Pigeon, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Wickens and
daughter, of Ingersoll, returned to
their home there on Friday last.
How was the sleighing Joe?
Oliver Geiger, stenographer, of
Hensall, passed through here Fri-
A number from here attended a.
gathering on the town line on
Thursday. The floors there seem
to be made of good stuff.
William Geiger, teacher, spent
Saturday and Sunday at his home
in Hensall.
Mrs, P, Fossald, of the Goshen,
visited at her parents here the
latter part of last week.
Mr. A. Rennie,of Crosshill, arriv-
ed here on Saturday with a load of
Miss Margery Broderick, who is
attending school, spent Saturday
and Sunday at the home of her
oth r
It is an anxious time for mothers
when the little ones get their feet cold
and wet, and come home hoarse and
coughing, or awaken in the night vic-
tims of deadly croup. Then it is that
mothers turn gratefully to Dr. Chase,
who, through his great Recipe Book and
famous family rc.nedies, has time and
again saved the little ones and older
ones, too, from suffering and death.
It Is truly surprisinghow promptly
Dr, Chase's Syrup of inseed and 'tur-
pentine brings relief when the throat
le sore and irritated, when the eold is
tight in the chest, and the cough pain-
ful and distressing, It allays the in*
fiammation, heals the sore and torn
fnembrands, soothes the nerves and
clears the air passages.
People who itnow of the singular vir-
tues of br. Chase's Syrup of Linseed
and Turpentine do not think of acoep't-
leg the cheap substitutes which many
druggists offer 1n its place ; 25 cents,
Dr. Chase's Syrup
of Linseed
and Turpentine._
parents here,
J, Hey, of the Goshen, spent
Sunday with his parents here,
H. Kalbfieisch and family, of
Dashwood, visited at J. Decher's
Tho Misses Bell were in Exeter
Miss Maggie Bell, who has spent -
the last few weeks at her hoihe
here, returned to London on Mon-
Mr. J. Torrance- passed through
here on Monday,
Sleighing is fairly good in these
• The annual meeting of the South
Huroh Reform Association, as con-
stituted for local purposes, was
held at Hensall on Tuesday and was
largely attended, about 200 refor-
mers being present, Resolutions
of confidence in the present Ont-
ario Government and the leader
Hon. G. W.Ross, were unanimously
passed ; also a resolution of confid-
ence in the Dominion Government.
A resolution of regret at the death
of Her Majesty was also passed and
very touching remarks were made
by the mover and seconder of the
motion. Organizer Smith, of Tor-
onto, was present at the meeting,
and gave a splendid address. "Old
war horse," Archie Bishop ex -M. P.
P., a familiar figure of many a grit
gathering, was present and though
a man of nearly 80 he has lots of
fight in hint yet. The following
officers were elected for the year
1901; President, Fred Hess Sr.,
Zurich ; 1st vice-pres., M. Y. Mc-
Lean. Seaforth ; 2nd vice-pres., J.
C. Kalbfieisch, Zurich ; 3rd Vice-
pres., J. C. Stanbury,Exeter ;' secre-
tary, A. G. Smillie, Tuckersmith ;
treasurer, Geo. Samwell, Exeter.
Chairmen of municipalities :--Gode-
rich Tp., John Torrance.; Stanley
Tp., John Wanless ; Hay Tp., Dr.
Buchanan ; Stephen Tp., John
Geiser ; Tuekersmith Tp.,R. B. Mc-
Lean ; Usborne Tp.; J. Boreland ;
Seaforth, D. D. Wilson; Exeter, J.
G. Staunbury. It was also decided
to hold a meeting of delegates at
Hensall on March 5th for the pur-
pose of choosing a candidate to con-
test South Huron in the next
election. Taken altogether the
meeting on Tuesday was a success
both in attendance and enthusiasm.
No doubt the "faithful" feel that
they have heavy work on hand to
redeem old South Huron which
went the other way the last election.
in the Ready - to - wear
Clothing of to -day and that
of a few years ago.
Great improvements have
been wade in. the workman-
ship, fit, style and quality of
material used. We buy from
the leading Maziufaeturers.
Just now we are offering
to Clear oul. Stock. You
can save DOLLARS, buy-
ing now. Don't delay.
Come at/ once.
/�� dr..
BINDER TWINE The new Binder
Twine factory at Walkerton started
up the other day, and commenced
to make twine. The first ball was
claimed by Mr. Higgins, and will
be duly installed among his objects
of devotion, The machinery is not
yet entirely adjusted, but will soon
bo completed handed over to the
company. The factory will not
employ nianyhands, three inen and
three women being all the experienc-
ed operators required. The rest of
the work will be performed by
young boys and girls, of whom it is
expected about twenty or twenty-
wenty-five will be employed. Mr. E. F.
McLean, the manager, is experien-
ced in the business, and will no
doubt work the establishment for
all it is worth.
Walter Wellman, in Collier's
Weekly says : In the absurd system
of doing things they maintain at
the Senate, and cling to as if it was
one of the palladiums of liberty,
two or three determined Senators
may hold up a. treaty- indefinitely
by the exceedingly simple means of
being always prepared to give
notice of a speech to be made upon
the subject whenever any one
presses for a vote. "Notice of a
speech in the Senate tradition is
tantamount to infinity ; the sun,
moon and stars of legislation must
stop in their course till that speech
shall have been delivered. It is no
wonder that Sir Wilfrid Laurier,
the 'Canadian Premier, left Wash-
ington in a state of mind a year or
two ago. He had. been talking
treaty with President McKinley ;
all the difference between the two
countries were to be adjusted,
"But if we conclude this treaty
what assurance can you give nze,
Mr. President, that it will be rati-
fied sly your Seagate?" asked Sir
"None whatever," replied the
President, "we can only promise to
"Then I think we'll not sign,
C }nod day,"
' f m Business, and give
Possession on Feb..18th,
of' my old Customers wish.
in Hardware, Stoves or Ti
ware, will please call befo
that date.
Main Street,
�; Zurich, Ontario,
N. B. All accounts and notes due me, must be settl
by the above date
Looking hoes you ever laid eyes on are the J. D.
KING and JA. Mee EADY, for Men, Women a
e have them in Men's Box Calf or Dongola fro
$2.00 t0 3.50. In Women's button and bass, machi
sewed or good year welt, $L33 to 4.00. In boys' an
girls', in box calf and dongola, heel or spring heel, six:
11 to 5, from $L25 to 2.10. Children's, we have thein i
sizes 5 to 10 1-2 from 55c. to 1.40.
Our stock
Of Rubbers in. light wear are Canadian, Granby an
Gutta Percha. In heavy wear our brands are Nort
West Snag Proof, Armor Proof, and the J. D. King Co
Stub Proof, which are the best. Get our prices. W
give 5 per cent. off on Rubber Goods and ten per cent. o
on Leather Goods, for cash
In Long Boots, Felt Boots and Felt Shoes, we giv
you big bargains.
P. Bender & eo.
Headquarters for Boots and Shoes.
T li E
Now is . the time to secure Great
Bargains in Woolen Goods.
Winter is not over yet, but we are selling off the
balance of our Stock at very Low Prices.
We have some good waren ones, and if you want
one, there's no need of going bare -headed, when
you can buy one at such a low price
A few left, Ladies' and Gents', regular price $1.25
to sell at $1. while they last,
Prints, Dressgoods, Tweeds, Astrichans etc, ail to
be sold at and below Cost,
Call, See and be Convinced.
Produce taken as Cash.
%tc *1l ci Zurich