HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-02-01, Page 7N.
- 1_..1._1,_r_o__l ._,_::====:- -
, __��.. --------1________. .
.- I 1101NOW .. ,_�!� - __ ._________. . I viol ,A4
I , t9ie risk of any �more meetiags with Tqaj at any rate. You have Just ad-
, hints mu ed, that if to h4ld kaown that
. I retion at tk any challoo of our be.ing ";
, Wollenden, Wit& V, cibse f.
. W41oll he after�vurJs woadered, dId not III CERON AND INDIP%�,
. P I ,;0111 =rl.agecs you would not have X
tea attvadt 4er atUlatlOn. lie been her . � /
. hurried Of1 to tile sluokbig carriage, She did not answer him immediate- .
0 'M REo , , -4t ol e,'P �
A PL0_r FO R E I b�foro which b14 ,aerilrant was �it:l a 41,g, ly. Sbe was looking iizedr out of GREEN OR BLACK
I I Lind had bus Gwn belongings PrOMP11Y the wiadow. Her face 1.-m,� to him I I I
----.Wh- +--d- I .
�z removed on to the platform, . Then lie mepre than. ordinarily grave. When she
. . paid P. visit to t1to refreshment room turned her head her eyes were e teas. The �
, ten- tho,ughtful-'a litti. Gad, There is nothing artificial about thes '
I siro hilichecia baBkol� and finally, at If You are quite right," she said. purity is unquestioned, the flavor is deliciouss the
ill(-, bookstall, he bought up every My unclf! does not think it well for
1,,,-[Iy is paper aud uIngazine ho could la.y me tO lii,k�� any acquaintances in this i bouquet is a revelation. If you have never tasted
lily, hands upon. There was only a ulln- country, We are not- hera for very I
rbutt looked at Urn through half I crease w1th every page lie wrItes. 111s lito now before the train was due to long, No doubt he is, right. Ile, has at British wrown teas a treat awaits you, Japan tea
eyes -a little eload of blue ti:9-1 latest piioulLtcrity is a rooted cou'vie- ivave, anti he vraikea -along the plat- le,L.%t reason on his s�de. Only it is a la,
, foil 4t Fleat, little dull for Ills, arL4 it is,not what drinkers, try Ceylon Green.
. &make hung over the table. Den- tLua th-at there I.,, some plot an hand farin as though looking _____,
- -1 _______ ...... . r,1;xUl,MUMffl=
had eaten little, but smoked to, rob llixrl Of 'his mairuseripts. You folloNved by 1jis perpiekod. servant. I have b,ort us -ad tot. Yet th-are ,fro ,=n===. _ .--
Litrully. rememl:ie�, perhaps, NESS Merton, Lhe 1VIIPn ho i-Lrrlvcfl oppoalto to her car- sacrifices always. I cannot tell you. ---'------'-------- - ____ --'----'- '
, 14" he asked l,'i,00aioalV. yott-ag person whom wo engaged ," rimf,xi, lie llnused, only to fInd any more. You mu%t pI,,L.,;,i not ask ( j,;�..��-L?;i-,/,, �,;- �jr;rA, people i5eem ahva,YS t'01 luve, and
himself , ,,:/ � .1 had to the rapid
fber all," Wolfen,den GaUl, III typ6lvrl.ter'? He, sent her away the eO,Lf,.QRtod by a save -10 clug maid me. 'You -are hero, and I �, �L waliell is W-911 so
. .rv, 01 morvem-P.Lnt Of the cancle. It is avid-
, not vciri much to tell yvm fel- other day, wiathout ,it mommit's notiets, draseed in black, and the guard, 1�or that you are horo 1 There I will aDt (� gin, though
�Iq k'� ently EtwopetIvA In Its ori
s, Mr. Sabui. did net call upon like', simply bacause he saw her with a little that content you?" %, -�
. th, first thnp lie xlatl�oW tile 96 E11WA1,?.D115 W110' its ��oirdif canunt bil traced to any',
. , pap,2ir in her haud. It givo; me," he angwerail earn- , �. V V , r. - . -u-3 !a Old
out .11im by chalice in Bond street, r,heet ot copying strip, "Engaged," pasted across the es, �, of tilt a,mg.9 now in v��
Jd not Eke the girl, bat It is -per- tly, "more than contentment I It is I pnari,tY of this Old
. `
I the girl asked me tosupper, more I di - w'.11(low, i Froxce. The po I
nil-�,eve in jest than anything. liow- fectly ridiculous to tiuspi�ot her Gr " Plenty of room lower down, airl" hePP,ne--% Ill If �� melody way bo Imagined from the
.,r, ,t*i couxse 1 took advantage of anytking of LIte sort. llt� insisted, how- the guard remarked. "This is an en- ... 17hat I,,-. precisely th,� sort. of thing I , WERiT BRIEF OTIRE tg fact that t -here are zwy -number of
and I liave spenit the evening 6inee ever, that she shouht leave the houso Pigott carriagc-.11 Yon are not to ray. Pleasi� understariLl - �j Te'ris' . Liras <Ir tll,- samK- b,,illa,d itshrough-
�ven Welock with them, Bat as to rvIthia an huar, anki. we w`r`�. Tile mald whilspered somrAlling tG th-tt ill IN , '� out tile rural ks,-� , ttlemoutrq, each wilth!
iniiag any gefirilte informati,on as obliged to give in, to him. the Waard, who nodded -and locked the He aec,rsptad the ris.buk,i lightly. Ile ��,i ,�:,,:.:,:>-;-,,---;?,.,��,.:�r<2�",-;?--,-,Q,--.r� �-_�"j I a churwi and air varying m-00rding
who or what thay ar,�, I must cou- SL11" then he has seemed to bs- dow. At the soand Of the key, how- was far t(" happy lit b-ing with her eference of the BrItk$h people I to localit.y.-Unive-real 11--gazL2Z. I
�s I've failed altogether. I know come even more fidgety. Re has ha,d le
- ever, tA ', g1r, looked up Mad saw .to be troubled by vagui� Imr.tation.'. The pr (Award N'B. over Alburt I __.__,.____.__
, more than I did yesterday. " east Ixort shutters fitted to th, .study JVoifenden. 811�,, Ilfted bpr eyebrows The present was goryd enoixgli for hlm, for trIle name, 0
4, I'LL aiLy xato," flamutt remarked, windows, and two of the ke-upQrs are a- ' and lip did his b,4t to ent,,rtaln It I is cas 3; 11derstoud, guys the New
and smllefl I Ily,ly. ,.Vileu r .me to Pr. - 11 u
,clil w1l v,ocra learn all that you care supposed to be. on duty outidde 111,011t . ,ii, ca He notived with filtiasuriA that sh-,�A (lid York ;Tournal. I
"vor.s. Pc -)IQ the winflow and iet It flown. . Ile o, t Il.ts never b T H EJ Ift 0 W E CASES
, aen a royal name
� know. You. bave insertod the thin anti day, with lo:-,Ocd revo. ,ol 're ?'I not e"n glunee at the pi f pap.�rs A-Itier
, � e of *1 "'Minteyer are YOU doing lie at her ,Mt,le. They talk -fl, without in- in Engi.ind, and riot often on the .
.g : the wedge. You. have estab- around here ar,� all 1-:- liniag to talk, she asked. "You-" "reat 11.0'�,cla-
7' only natu- tdrm`s,q`on. She was interested, even oontinunt. lt lla!s no 9 s .
,�!aed it visitiag acquakitance." alld I am afmid that It is Ile intermpt4A her gently. The Bdward is -1
W.4fit�a,ion flicked th-e end from his ral that tli,:ty should., Ile w"ll c`*'L" lio train wnR on the point of departure. gay. Yet he c�oulj riot but notice th;-J tiOns. anywhere. Tile name verts k Mail and Bimpire Reproontativo
9.1rette -sarag,ily. one. stud the Ilbrary door is Flint mid every now and then, espc,clally at any bound tili with the greatest P, .
, " -," lie deciared- terod 11. ,, I am gollng clown into Norfoll, 11 lie refert�aeci to the futur�-, hor tofne grinv of Filglistl Illstory.
'1�otl,*ng of the sort. bolte.r inime-U..'t-ly lif, 11.18 (,it Said. *1 I had not thn least Iden of luest atas,
YhU iLive, not given Ina their atf- I Altogether it is a (1,1slorable, otnt*� (4 graver awl ,it shado-w pasriqd a(moss Evert narora the Conquest the law$ ilz
, seeing you. I Oo not think that I was 80 0 the
c s her face. Once he &jLrl so-meth!ng of E.awa_rd tlic. confessor b am,
re -A, or riakod mi,� to call. Oft the 00,11- things, 1111(t WIL'It WX IM tile ,elV1 Of v.r so surprised." which si-1-gag-eil th-i pooss'bil"Ity of lie,, standard bY which men judged. till,-
rury I 6vas g.ven, very clearlY to! it I cannot Imagine S)Luxitlful..4 It Then hr- hositatt-.1 for ,it moment I
ilder.4tand by 3-fr. Si�bin that they t oct-urs to me tliat 'you lrl�glit hava 1. T I lie Away, -in 1. I 6t:izis of their lilwrtios for tile nc�xt
, .
M1 y I � in with yell V li,irip , in Engl. She had oentury wid 'it It'.'.If. PAIRTIOff URS 1N FUL.
rev oil))- Iraveilers, a;�l destred no, more Influptice, Ovor 1111u. thull I IUM'. ,Lfqkf all-ak-in her Lead at once, gently but rd 1. 13- THE
equu!nutnc.�& I know th-im, 111:1t is I I ]Lope iLllat you NV:11 LO Ullh- t1) V0111'� , .i. firmly'. Aftf"r tile coliquost EtiNvo - �
li; ��.hal, th,o next step I.'; to She laugh,,d ,It him. TTt% had been so (To be routinn-d.) tt',Ma tile �'rf'Ut(-$t Of Ull i�,Ilglisll Siv-
be I � -tiown, if oaly for a. City or two, ,'I'll afraid of ber po,41tivr� rr1n,5,11, that Ills .______ � v r e .- Wil a. ,P_ � ,� m i, -Y' ba, call(ml the flatlaer Consecon Has a. Sew,allon, thO 1`11ce
ave nut Lkis faintest ldoa." , "n wilat efri:ct your prc,�--Paea 11 %--i- The tiun, with its I
Dent.,.&.im. I,ri;n.,d Over towarda ilivil qu-,stIon hawl b,s(n pe, jtiv�ly tre,111111011". of the 1,11"ll.,11 Colist'."'a
I. , vl,.oc)1ori.jg Ls put'gov-1 ill!; ftsa6olk, llll� 0 -
"I suppose poll, she I11nId: slowly, "Is I.S�.'VYZ�t:'v'�r'z'i't'cvtve4l-.'v',s'iP,z':',F,f",�l'i;V.'G',�i�ie�IINWU'ib�w�, , 01strib-aflon of th-1 powers Uf govoru- of IN"hich It Has N ot ExPerien'c'e(I
'ficsim wa.-� a i -range light !u his ryt'S (I'll'tat'll Ivil"I'; -'r.1s .�plljtl-� lilt- vc'�tor- ;a 1,�:_ T,---- ,til'i ()()ill-
. � 11 tilt, train ciuite� full, tIvIn T' .__;_ � Lwnt axilong _. _-:U4, . . avid Rowe Gives &
ululuu.,, eara-: flay that tll,, p., ot IT,- lflol.c,d .at her quitis krenly. S11P --. I Inon.% and '11r, - nit ad .Ilzs-
- .aul.ar, almost tro � .k, Aver. , in e,-Z(I- ". , for Ye-rs-D.
a p," oir lio
r'Ll'.1's" hi th-.5 tone. i It. -at I Gilt 1� tioll ,vn I titer.s li, tll-� Y:Icsht, 1 The IN, 1 9- e an d , was a grea I tit cts of
I . irqc: Imighing-at hini wltliber C"ve -,,in' I �';: I tr,zor r.illtl .,t gj-cat r
.9 ,oneral oa well. Written Statement Of the F,L
.. Wh ; s it, ytmr _:t -_ i 1, l-w.;,r1I 1�,. %,.";,.t� .,v(i.LL,. 1,l-. I",dward
3; vliovild t1wrts be silly next ,if eaume, �f -.,�on vvr', tit W, ( 11 littliN trIcil: of hors. TfQ W -1t, hilu- D r i's , -rT a I � 4 . . . the Case. '
, , ": , . .1
-ill?' be sairl. "Let )Is :111 r. ,41,lf awila at olle- and answered men- �-, .. I e r P, J) q 1:Z ,!, . -1 .1 1.1.1(,.r of gfw(ld
tt-p itt , f:tther fofs,xlns to ll:VkN qll�t:s fu t4ottou ), t .0 - :1 1,;i "I '. i lu. W."t , , .a
101) (1l.--, !rldlo.uluith bu.�ssrv.-si. it has 1,tlat pIll. il .,zt;ll ill ,III- li�-Ip!oo.hoid, davlottAy, but wlih (iniplia A __. UV,IAO� I.M."13an �� chal. eter
. . sis: *z '.9 . .1r,11 .,.T,.1ityt all -j tlll� IIII)SL 4qshrudid
;iont. tv- .-Il-)Ug:s. I ll.,.vi! a pre,�intL- � I -lilt glitti to k. -ay. Tktil in'PI-vtIoll .. :
- *"\V)t a "at ah-'wiwrtl. 1 slia-11 be :9 t!S 1 in'lltn ry tritrinjjll�; of 1.1w,l-! rfl. ill(' vio-
t-g-t1wr pr�ls,-nl-!rueut * l 1. . 'IENIATtA SITAN -. - ' zerlcsi (if Croov .';-,qfl 1'c.::.- -,I- -rs-^ llu '11- I (From tile M -all and E)mplre-)
I i vrlilt�os are viry If. -Ill A .... I- P)r 111111- I . �
a.-c.1-r.t., ,,4. 1. . left ballind if ylrW ': Ict -take nit, in.- �� -kP--iUrby1 . .il I SE
. .0 - - ('olusecon, .T.tn. 281. -For som time
, " li�- lwo;I to 9;4 E :�o I.Xt.:-', -1. and his wi.; 1 word In this ,niarp',':,-� var was I 21f�". I. I . 111"C".1% * ... -.,�m ;
itltt,r, i�.s m t".s!.l ulol,fil a c�*rtztlll quitt, 260,Ni�TI . 11 . ................. I , , k� 11, i li:.ttA Ills rrl�n- Thvk cre lit for U has
- ' I #A�S� - , r �r , � irfl, I I . - ,.% i ,,is vill-1gre autl neighborhood
,Ijr�Wl. -1j.,1 ;r ille I�Iiotu,:ralills -1. ,i.,I, 'lir ,;
,j'. It :.-� 1141' Iflat il - , t1jr,11. ,L(,.r , - tI
_ V anmr-, Suffi(Aent, ')ill th s 11,ti, I V-01Wdilt NVOlf- In .1 (:TIL111 town llwolt Vwu mald- Ielcin:r .,wever, tO MUnt ry of David
Lot cerhn-Ir-y ji,ople, and th-i 1,Iii'l I,; '1VIlIvIl I to-,'Ic '�,'-r .I', -� 11 !'--I-,'- i-l"t-tLY wl�lf,u snsrk-io�lilly. �vle ir-ant"I into t w. - Blark twen ringwx with tilt? st,O ,
. I J. hIF; fn.-u.jas sin, tho ' - ti famner
�i,.aidif-l_ 'wil, I. -, t vy ! 11owe. Ur -we Is ,, wlio has
, A P._,s ,,kit of t,ur fi� . tsv�ryi[�? Have ("IS. .1,: ! Til �., w, ro 1;.�stlx 'air to 14)ok ' 'r
.,yl+al��,!,. ll,.%N- is hct oarrlag,�. ' Pr!ni-. . I !,.o I from here
, : t. ' "
� �,! 10-i j.11cul p I.j,j ,.a,-,. I.e t w.i fur-, '.1 . I:,,1_,V.,_.7;, IV. w:ls a dil,,,I1lr, ftl1v,nn_ t lived oil a farm three mil�
.v(,_ - -IV S ',-- '6-1v ? a"'I I - "NA,ould Trade. �' - - � iinawn to ovorY
you t�t�pn Ll, K I . if I I rioh,( Ile prefill' til -It L 111POn. .,.*., * im.. w�..; vs ii;n all d t1w othr r I . �,
set tLorkl." I it trim t'tat th, III01- 1R <.:y.4fw..I ? I I f� Liquired I On -�n,l i ,ill 116- lif.-timo, nuil Ili I
I f(,Pl Etnm Ily liurl � 1 bor,,, z" 'I too, travdl�ril w*.th lier'V' till W Is - -horivi-w. Au,l tha w1de lu;llkl('Il I tu�er, wliose mr,tptirlo EIT!ItA miles
Ott rvu-i � isho�k I, IS 1,�,aa- t �ie d.rl, ! I f,ff ti,c, t1trone !it Ills viru,zeltss w1th urin, woman aitti, child for
,I oll"If-ll to littr in,th�-r. who sp:ike
J111t. Milli %6 to,3 fnit�rs,i,-Ilnq to lilt Is in Frene.h. "Anio, I ell, �_ .tri I W-ar- I Ittrollite.. Sirn�s time ago Ills friends
not su�,;goqi a lr1s,%S-. L-l..I�:(;,t f*l-.- ,,I'll, Tllt� girl alls4wi-r-c-tl lier in tht, F 11 mirry ,,"I., t.lw,en '.%I,-rr,irr,t-
iorgot tva or ignonsil,'" Ile .-, ild. "'I nin't ., ,;-(..4fi., w,lil-41 1-,,s "w'1114.'s. 1 I I thus -.11,, tia.ught r, if tj�oll NA'011111"St � noticied ,I grant ell. -11198 In kis PhY&-
ior,. _zlly,ot 'NIIII. uu I bofvre ;It p . I A'all language. wil-k pivc, dr,nritle Interest to tI1P , .
, O�Nk ic, (�,,t� a w:s., fe-t,,a rim twinor. L't-r",aIuI.V not. 0sI,",+',;' W-rs, of tit(" I"),fit'. 4
CUUW In . I . Toil had w(" 04r�� ;Ind V,, -U, o t to it that Mul appearance, anti 110 lIttIP c&m-
iiiyov havot. pai,"it d." ' t at ollel� tkon ('-,;-�. nr)t fi,r4 w7tli ill nY luou, In Edward ! ninut W.'s w:1,ic its to the rapid Y
1-4 Ar, .,not w-11 ��t I tit C!r"tIf "I 1�1-"t bill-Wr go altil tvktl yotir Fell Tb- Sid Pite of till' litt Iffinx I ealth.
'o I , . 11 . I I Ili n. strv`m. Ni-tirans-11in
lj�?n.,,j._,�l tu.1�11-.kfl lti, lll�� youn,r . � who, wil i, rn.r.s t v.- i vo th.y face, but, , . I 'Ili ' ,I a 11
�, � :w, trahl. From yllnn� aNft �':'"to NN axojnr�t gol-1-1 V., nvir,iPre,I with itT; liral.?v r h.v 1114 I with IvId"ll 1114 r", " I n Jae, had
, Ino'hor. The lwl�l 1-1 1--ictalitly Nr ' '11srk-, 10! till'Y wli-lr, I unctlu, tiv� oi.wt� ItIcli,!r-I 11T.. , Fro -
n 0 in. 1110row, W11(tu I! "il ,!X� 11 yu t, C
- I I 1"'1111 lll,.4aIiI)1'OV,.I Vl'l'V Pla ",lily ,"',tm%)'�ll' will it!!, 'A�-o .111il coll'It!I1111 t1lue; r. 11 , L, Ill..I wi I CrIlmled Invalid -
"At lllas;t, Wolf-w7el's," I's .',,, 1. . 1, Cwlst,"?vle '.\I;r, cs-,' 11, r"I"�-,'.1:111,1.1' I . ii;s,s I irl 11-o TM;7e , .,,*,, 1:1 ail c!,,jl_ , bcst-eiu a Ir-ril. priarea
IS.= vi,qo, 11stea ill rss u,iprl. I V-11 YOU, : T!,ore w:kq ris' .1 V -',sr � --r I'l Prs)"t"11 I ,r ,I,txk fal.,.. NN,t)IrI,ll.,:,c4l1 iind i' Lill, 1:,�t 'I to,) "III %-I."'. '12' I cac,t thim) tlr(.)j1._; ,ttor,r ljwik� ,sltrK W�,,Il 1,!p � 1,,ect.utly. howts,;vr, !.Z! It ts ap
' ' I ul ,yuuni4 mill's . Iiv - to his rr1r-w!--; k!�Ilrtl.v -1 Lid r' r .,A;cI It,
", Nyof, "
, r, � Is. .I.11. I ,,I,,wi It(, 'I In .� �Yts, c�, . r �!- L!L�- !,,.,, � Mir t..Ai- fir t, �
..Lllfl 41tp .lit e.nIli,; Ill it
16 it 2;iall %),f altillo kn-! I 01:1�0' I , Ili t',cs 1 tt, r, Na'w ii, No '.-tit 1 Id -4 Ih-10111rillgS wo,!rf, livinfll', . 11'1�sir .,Id -
I . tolwill, A
a I*til, s vor:: -rollt- s'..L.Itts,
ma?l aoAl as you 1, fr:vtifl, titaL --%*4u ark, � " l't r,4L. " n. I!,, alis in-i'wil s"lowlY 411d win�n Vn,l I t,.o, ,�t a lllnA� Ones Y"o,ill., ; rtrong a ilti wl IL !� 11 I 'W"t-it -It .
�(. , it) I 1 whisti, Itil-w. The tr. . , P*-n,ll-,- 1�dw,�rl I I e I- ing- 1hat
� ling III:. - -ifqit ., .., - fIr-ov Irm Vi, tit%' Arilk %71-th ,ill M:11,1- TT., w1ill fli-I I11 -:14i -c- I thn vixor I 1
, t,.IIl,.ut.'i'Iit.- Virl' I ini lir--n1t.11. X101%
I -,ht to llwt,� V.ntts 4, ,V. - 1,r:w- atiiju. 'I'lloy wer(� off 1 guti,I a (,,asp wnuld Ills tilf grisit
Dnly V , , out of tilt, gt. . +, Imblic,
1. Voll, ill' 111 ., or' Z'ZIV of ll�r`. 'I'i"I ll-ro-P: *rnfis is rtf t�nly nft.,r Ill, , only r.1. � .,,A, I lot -lo h1in tlif,re. 6lifior I , 141,pll pi-peoLliont, prom%o, ' � -
. .nen , O'n - ( � -
['a AW1 2'4" , Z , 11 I "I b(,Illsve," Ov- salli, I(H)k" air wIt,11 It I i vigited
,_J,ot t# 11 ,s"Pt ? - - -�,t, your e#irr1,,m1$rl.IF-Ilt
Ef I li. . 1. V.114t i lat,),V�l -i -"lit of tit, -, --i'mult Ill-! 11 , P, s1114 .11't 111011 I " 'r - 1 (��ptlul.l illl,%�Tjne nu.N- r lat(,r( Ills f.iet�;. Mr. 110vve
. i SHM1. at tile ifflo of n1n-_lZ1nP�,, and It t !'its P ,'tit , -Pill 1-110P, not fUr ih it Ill.; iwill.
I It ' f.inv 111i; N1.1%.".., rf).J.;,4'r. Ir -s ,tv-,I!�,-.1 a t, th(h 6�!D., i. 01 list as 110aute -lit live'l. ; '11r. Il.cm-c
you, w tis�ll(t th! tliv f�zm to ,ailill i " , � . ". pap�-,,.,; littorcidall ONer till- L -t -tit, "ill I ,It . I. , lest lits I thing- vls�Allll- if l.- It , to post t V. .;-.r.1I-', frank,
)0=*U." 1. * . -,- oq I Isill ;-. I-ros, to brix1itor o.p,,-, and In. re Tt 13 In-rilly p,l, R,,Ilp ^Irs t Fflwanl Vuva mo,xlel,t Will (if fss�
Wo'l;.-Iiii-xi, re I n rn --I , I" -.111.1 0fli.ra th'. -.1-1-tt I1lT).,ti[-I.tIN-. I vem are an iinlof)4or. Or 11(srhiMs IJfI t1lat L . '11. .later
D�.,I1-,'...I;Il`.1 I, shall, ilil,. greates*. : tetroh.-Itiforwnr,
, . %v* V., � , f i. -tv L- , ,,i.1..,-,Ij:�r tItite lit llt4-ratu�,�1'1 allurin,:: P.1ine,-�,. .� it I I' I I'll P -!In of) as %r --If as I and truthf.
I' I It in N 0, I.- I �! I. �1! .ht, . � I havo a I ,jot up.l, .11-. l,r.t IrivfTig liftra I'll 1-,3 rill.-olf. 1w rnirl-
P'l-It-1, g.i.,-- t4 on !f��,l 1�. -it-, -jr � -14 - -1,111 110t . �.110- pol-l'i'd low.ard.-; the "QUIVI-31" I if *"'"" ""'c"4" I .I the other I of f"is, Txr,11-4-agon'; of thl! W " You vi cl It, t ap- , - . g � N ":
I ".I -�1,111 .'I isifina
"I I.,111-, f-ont. " It :. ii i". f'-I'lally, "t-ul, . ,I,. Ir, - trill, tit. , 11 , " nien *.,. ��,) ill ty omlmir,-� I Ili fl,ght
eall Illsfyt thmn, !tli 1. 1- 11:0 lio it'l,"! - '110 t1le ('v1:o:l(.%Vm1m11."` illts %-.*:lot in its . Ze - I 1:- v. -Ill crrt-,`vIV dt) bf�t"Pr t1lit," t'"s , - -Ittiw. I A10
1!;m. "Ir ; In. , -,
'I ! I 0111 I'll -11 -'It � wrirc;t. nn -1 1� sin , 1111 r;- ::Iio , his Tit
-� ,: It -, i b,.)t It '011 ell , ITl-it .Ulifr�-,., but t�ko-' f, V., .01 tll,i� lit, I I� -nit 7 f-:4, -I " if) I .
far to t. rit 1). - Y, f :I,s%v,. wl!vve ol:t! to) IA si: To- tit -.--e ri. I - ldrits;. vuhl lit- nutdo opot t " ..., s-, j*� :,-,t inTrit '�;I:l aIt all. I
L-Sl&w I till, 111bt .t, -.%:, it, till, nrin. 1*vi- ,,Vl,,o,. fill. ", � , tli.v I.,. rt V) UttI M,khIllilig tir th.'S'.' forttvtf� if be lit asars.; lip ILIT VW , 1i6t, cot] 4i. 1 I -le" that
��-$I.all ,
,, IpV; J'i'l*%.,o4 I`4`1�071, A ld,�s 1. I � arcra-,w. . I
never raroo-I �'or a !!- rl '.it cit.1 Inv* IU--. it .1 ,# lu.. 4o"li* .111 tll � I 111"y vould "I Jq1W . voll tmt luiauto.-� rigo'" lip 11fl- "boAll't 4�;iv, QIC �Jlsh-tlt lI,,Iv,- 0f. %li-sire I � � I I'la'.t. 'atA" to s:t,.- It., r(lild .� lit, f�
"I"I . " . I if Ill , � at� ev(,.h iil�r r -t -i 1111"(1. 'k-l"W"i%, I was
Or Pr0i'l,�i4.1i %I-. C-,-.r,.6oAv. Nil%%- i Iv. t .1" . 'j, � 'i - �
. � "Its I'll' t in -o. YK `111"I'll ' elar, 41, "alisl Alit -I. thisil I hali. N
- � tilt )i th.v lit, - rt. w� I thu- ut.-.n L-, h -l--. ______ - -
" I t'i, I ""! H - 4 I I
I do. 11 .." Ipit Ili- .1y. 1 �4 � I ,li'till " 1,; % I ' i i-nt rp-irly d -14 - 'W"ll, X111r," `ff',011
I 1-0 1".1%er-ilil 111111 fin l -'.11.1"J"'. 11'1� 0111'savorin", it) inulto Ill"..'llf all ac- SINOW.."t 1,M)PLI-111 I wo� ly"u': 1_1 lav rhoutil.e.q. sillnellud
� ..lit i Axi.� 0r, In -i,.ila (L-1 a-411- WaS 'o%I- i I
hor up V,-ithii,W ;1:o' fl-Tll�lo rkl�ll. , * -� A ,rlu-, I
; --,I ,-j w ill,. .Nt .mv v, tv. ' lon. Btit '101,11. ,,;,.I il, C"1111 ! to twl'"; VV011 .I.-, ll�lr I
-1h 11l-'.';,, JJILI.1*10� Pen— "".110 I!*'t If eviltill'I" tJ.a,NJ,IIiiI-�,' ('j�nujftl" - ,, .inavi of nil., il-4c. Th - �-111`..'
Yon 11111'.t. qw , � - Ir in fli ilnl:,� - 1 ltv With 1� 41on t ly"411 to ."t"I'l v t It,- f.t." Illons ,ypt, moth- r ?` . t prt.phi-;�!*L ,illtu�oll.t or Frettzli u,4.,It"i1fr foi�r'ul. , I
fillant, Ur at,A at al'.." t�) rvul 11"In% :v. it 1,j til.tt after ,t � ,,,.Il. -Il lit 1 !o.a'-4 moilv,r illd I Tile I'lallad.; or ( 011dured was t'%, I 4 I
I.f.l. waq �lr-1 -!t I ,I lf,,14,-. Tfll 1111l AII & � . . , -I
Is olv!. .1 �. For f1r. , 1) Ills. I Camilla. I ill) - , r,71 llzlll� tail, in -,V&
0*.n,44:,,nl ro"'t. f!" Ill hN I'll.1*11'. lim ui!tl�14-11 " � h"vil'-d not 1�t:1?10
I:!, 4t t7triso 11-A-411 L-111 11 111"t-11 I""'l- I loolvii-x.,11 wwr I ;wlml for iltrA (I 4t" 4 'IY I`- �l%�," 111"") ll�'r- 1�ivt t ! I , , ") *,; s W, ir"'. I 410'r
Ili .r-oi very 4�,trry,'* Iv., sat,l- 1 trrrit-,. Z 'In .If vnr .1 1, I 41A 11,vill "'hat r , ,IV Ziff.. I "-.-.I,-1 rl
. '111v alij I'm 0 tkit'-4t, if - li.-Il 114tro"I'l f ff I* Vou, I fino vim Loris." 0., - . I.- �'.4.4 The Vs�t:."?",. or baiiads� 1f, 11 ell StY si � 1. 1 .., hI4 pr .
,%,V()Ifx.1,uif,-n tul-ni,j 11pon. '..!in, frou n- 4, N-111"t".r.'r, .I ') - had, all't still 1 I.V4� ,11114'..J.' klik' 1'V,'IIUi11-Ui 11:1 -.11, I I bult4,1 111v pl'.�- . :�l .;I'll it_x hl,4 pr
- 1] it I tit -silrel'ir n 'Im. - 1-141 � IT tA thirs 1111�.vp� '1),41 Inf��j"L.'� '4-;. ]lilt . -.it. lfetfi,r
, tltlltt"4111--rv-iit-trlc,r-,,. I hl -r lllff� ' -e'i, .ofs' Ill 41"'il- 1 L4, l'i
, I "Aftif-11 alway,� li�ql ' I -r.-f, C� thts t,,tn.,;.., il,t%k! ,,,.,ko]a ,.v IflUjILA-1101 jly Fill I 11 . -'v- liolld,
It, r. tit to' t .1 !-PI from ; Int I. -It I " -,il ; %I! 11 - I
vit ati ,it, 1 tit WIl ,tf-llq. ltizt attor , 4 il',t ,I� in,tv ill C. ell
of yltra tolf-A nM 1p,.** ho .�,I! ill - tt $,wo I I th"r." N rothlw�! 111.1-till"iW-4 ZLINPA It. � eft.*I�Sll,, iX II, -r f3l%'a V.dn iinart. and Umle.jj;rj:, 4,01%q i..A,_,, Ull't t..-, ,t�%i_ ..I'll In tit-,- :11�-,,,,Il -ilf-r s It
A. fly, III. 11.1-i llpv.,r -.s,sf%%;'.%q-Iv , ,,,-�. ; I rt 1-4. 1-11ritil: pp:,�.J'.
,I,i,utt h.,,v.t b, -Ib. I bt-Veve, ljot,_. 1, ,Ii t r,,.*.ttt,,r Iwr �:Ia'lil ..'I I dill-lu� her I t.1,A)":",i l"; L,q%i_,k1 wriwr t1laL lc,�it Xl&wy 4111, W .
a r. I R. 't ', . 1wo., tLom. Thft t1liti-Alt, drit, .,it .-I!, �� I .*lilt L"'ing fh)wIl to a I'A'I" ..." � i�cvillpjr.i aIn,,,tv:i,G v.av,!r�� inlin. Anil no I - I * X"I . wV DI -P-1 .: " 1, ,uke It-tt.l. nnd PIli!
be -rd ii-4:nfi 9�'rwls ww ul!ht 1 whI.-Ii tit%- urnj )�_ I.."".1 1). FA00M. 11. , --(.v,jsl ,
N,i,r.-ii rof-w.-rn- - -. I ,,u lnj�,,; lk,ut, ei.er at,tt.j..*,.t_�.,k to
ing iaw ju:tn; lint a�. f,,,- thtk p:r 114) "tromirt. Sit -,Inv 11-wif-itt. t, � lit 1 3oll _'. th'., W16 e.; I I'al, e 80 111.1 IIV . rn!tl�.,�Il. I tf_-:t�Ai'i :: liti, f..,xal Mrs.
I, 1. .�P_ lt� M't1V,LtI' lt�ie -,w�e,:t. its .L-, i.ILVr- I here
I 1! Ic � i f. _1,#V.V"*i-1II!l� t ill,l'biul- T"i-1, nrar Cromer, Yon will till -11C it Aslll-' I ' , ours. 11,11t5 vt ,,'L� duig to I r."I'llia.,% wit'i kf,14 ,If,- r�),in'!Y
ont, c,&,11 darp tor .�p, tit unWwtota. .Ien of .-I .!cll-rnl.V W1 AI u--11.1 1.1-tv I ? ..Jtp!-wVs, efl�..�Irj,e _,Iq loftLVt.1111*_�'. it It I ,".11'erm" TS--tituvrs a 01
'1,111;r I . %, if this 7 CZ1 U,ellt.tll,I�. 11i mliout 1), , , an is) r
. .,.I .1, (-lit of tit,% J: I . 1� "I ,,.f4 ,,�, ,ill 1..j..I lit- .1 is) r
tng v. -o-41 of her." ,(11itl 1.�j �, tL':l 811111111L�r!; w -Ir -I ,'!h-1 Witiloll and �,.%,�t � r ,re, It, Vr. . ,;I.*
a,plj tq. I)fin.-ItAn ans- - iI rleot;n% ott,riv III. I. -C 111noled to I-VION"11141 Soul go at. .aly lu'gtil Into title, "i % as 0
.. Is, lv_ll�c,l 1..;,lulil, 1,tt,, I .1.1 aftl-r Ilvirl ls,41-1 ILPI NW0
No Ott - dow - .�,,11'. '14 --.,Q'- Cir ths- Ill-fi 1AI'S 11,11141, 11 Ii,,e ,L 1�lr,ge ..,_ uIlle,; voiir. )W" ft'N" .�V
re V I U,114io-! W N '110-6. th-:11 1,; ta t P11 ..It � bron Ufflin-, L�ftu 111,Ll, ',\fir,r;,!k 04 IL". , I
&h:�Ill .Ito,wore-1 ql.�Q%r. "kit'l � 1� .t I rt, r in t ti:� niu ,n 4 t, I I ,rf1*V 1 -lir -1, ,Uo-' * t
' rf...t r I f I 11--ilth. Till
'I v gr. , proper toroginty to sto t-).*' _2� I ,1� 11�� (!;"n1s to ; if it �kji#_,111%1 J,.w tr�!.Lte,t On. its, uivr- .� I wao 4 titl
-, *i ' IV;Eg lWt4�fll- s -� tltr- ft0y tit I -Is w-, i,-. Will th011oTht ' fi,zi.tares to t slie It
t1if re may bt, othor -AIL I �11-.1.11. Vt. I I raut I:, P,r�
- - ),III 11.1 v I to MI. IT,- � "'And 'youl!" ho :v4. -I. A it.stI.,.!.*L- vre a lew, I L'I my � I - ry. - .A. -I 1) ,111, � If so
� 'I �i .. rnr. ebtab- ThO .
..C,uj And Vot be ,tv,4 it. l -j' Yt m ;
.�t. %v I t � , 1% t'
6,bj..,otj*I:�-;r to any ;.ntAl* � a fl%.tr� ,�,4� I I
her." aUnlitt-I th-at to ll�A.wlf its 11'. oltkt lit.; I "I 11111 .,frald I aul l'ot V:.L,1111.4t U�- invi,11 I t r__;eII had. Anil w141t.11 I nlL,y var�rljy allude. - t like, nst T It i ,vs Ii l'I1'T. is* 1111!� and I
.r.fsIt,al.,l- I1rf,,,,L.r;lt;t, %viti, oll, litt-,r i cinongli to em- innelt for P�-11HP,;." "I I I th", wi��-� m . i bralial's wwvtl halr�- W long been ill � ople wit
9 � _,_IitJ t4rl r z .1 I I -1 .0.1 nla.v satl.:,til- a --,".1 I)vIlly 1),
Nvolflntlf�n L-�m*.ed etpilt'dentir. I ? , V 411 ,"Ekq,0se. but, nlas.
uNw .$!'I,i worth liOn- I o4t hrror- h!m. Stairs- it Vvt4 ', Ildinitteil. "I 11kc. ridin..- .111ti nrgj-�-ry. to - Vogues Unloax 16he I)Ptiple 01 tftv lit ,
� hln.g In tit - %v : t-Isrea " - I and; f lvmr,l 1.0!ujjrf�)t.t li, ,,I,�. I -41t 1�4� ,_o , � . 't %V,1i Two Into. For llfj m -,in carts-! - "i � i III,- i-t-V1011tion
� I t1a, "n t tile ki"l-w of Inv 'I. I .,"l.
Llth()Itt -an, ii'-fViit'lbl��, 11ir flit, 141 tl t.) 109- 1.0ti'lle. � I viiiir,e o� lwe - � NOrthNvebt 10W how fWa'.. I It?
, ' "I" W011, U I -r. , Into thi I,, t,. tif- la;m�rl*r t�) siti-ft It herirtless; - '%' kI .
Wng " b-- liirL0 .tnq 11.1%%. it o arQ� CISM_'Utaidl. VlUtraCter18tIU of a (lIs1.l-*:<l-Ig to �,Ic-_nnln
effqit, or 'w"th,uUt d*f5culty. The IlettPr go nt one - . i - etpliatry ttt t,,P+i Ulm- tit this L I ,l1ld tllf�. fo,)Ijj�lj np,j�len wournea 1, " TInve *.*(fit .wN .
The Ezrintwr ]in got tllC�rj. tile �onuer he � *17P,tr t4o 111-1.1, any ramo, �111,- to nif"!1 F g, rt ru4�e extrejuciv vowsemative of Old vlxelrofl th
tril.t th'�t i", Of 90]Xde,�s not drop I '. I ., .1 n, wrlM.n vt�ttl.nwslt 7 , e;
flvol!M Ise -.11 IP .o rc,turn. He ritng ui-� vely barbarmis I onw�on i.4 (1111*la� ,,n ,V�kln. cusToms and jl,.Lji;MVj-.1�. This_� badads
Ent fir S our Inou Ill." I. llctsp�zt,ary ordon,. At !', 11141!ill tililmigh-bate thirl r(wiltry--and URP I Nforld-Tstke -liM at onfi, bird, 1, 'tell 14 tx,P)rter. ., -it, -(in d ?i
'11114 ' ' - ,---.-- _ ------- aro tilt., tgt1ne Lt. .,,pirit, alti OA 11 N, �n^ Nvb.q t III 4r,il ,
*Fhlt lio lid at i d teasetl to pla.r, and t lie LOU i C.avp I lu I , wv
,r to,twcl o he 1,;�! � I t� t1ios'! ,whwh tli,lr atict-sLurs r�,Wis: 111,oft You g!� n!1js,1d: e-Ild writ
lEgilts w�.Itt olit. ,li,rciatil them ix.j., �.,i -it Rilm'a , 1,
a iltiart, 1 'S101,411 1.ofIIltr.V,r too! --Well, I halto
all t1le bz:,gtl,� of a!eflartaro. The threAe , Vr4W'-';- i T"n enir,isir,sed lit ..pir-Ility 4-%,.-r sintroD, %I 11)()U',ii OP LATU,itT STYLE. lvortlof a4s
Ile took big t'l.-Iolt lit a gli�soniv frame ni:r une is annount-d IIN 14.111S." .___ 1).-oilgiott, frma Dwitagne, Normaudy, doNvil W11.1t, Tpay. "
*t. ullell�_�,ollito, find which were r
raea ricne anol l4t tl�p room. I glills, bf% 1L7.t!,J. ,.rillin* i in are no . ,Ill I.,TL .tt, �fr. '(�w(%Is diotiltion, I pmpare
CItAPTE'll XII. � of inind, .1inil bought , the Flel't'l and a "I flo, rot inin I j�rape-U'rappoil V.'inn( 0111g; b,v tno coureur.s-doi-bois lit tho rolowill- statt,111:11t, whiah It
Lri-1pit-III.i. Luck. llvporthig novo at tit bookstall. Th,nl "that yon eare ,wr,r inut-It for I'lig- Longer in the "Mode. ulit.i, aaIj 1)y tile babi- 1"ied-
Nv.t; e I land". Tlio wUnw of trwlitu�n li4 their forestv, ha In Oloorfully sigi
, ,ill, under ordin- I lie turnel towards tlr� train, an'd beculli;lIg t.tnis at th,eir VIMIZO gMtIlcViI19S 111 hail very isvveri. pain in nly
Tot Itsa tpe I,Dn,lon at . , walking ifliv don -ii the PUlt(OrIll, lu&- ! 'or do nnt �'ffl-tg',n"," &ht, :i4mi;ted a tilia.- of Ulo pw�t. No L;ng"tr doetf i ()Ili tIll't"',�.. .�Oloe have been auapted brwk, more or le-s.,z, A -r upwarls of
ViV:11 timt.n. nces, - g,z �' -' , " - - 11'se boreav � to 04ita(I.,ut Lwenkiry and a:4s(wiationl; ;
ary lvas usually it i IIlg to,, 8.illy a od hig lifsiongin .. , li ! promptly, 11 t . .. Vr;�nch- excluto by
har-jsn�yi Wr IiVolflori-den, but to 1�.-vo � . hat I f 1, in . a uoulau typlill tw'y vear.s. It millill'or-lu. -.1 In my
of experient-nd what ,v:v, vArY lie-Irly I WGIIJ .11, You we. qn.1 tt� Ine 11'.."'? - tJ;fi4.A talliqueaf, fr1ILl (A white, deLri- but, On the, jvhole, the Mos -t of them ituldc.rs, It, I I
. -Inm ;'t I lrf�; Pvt rCcular moment I till till vXti-104.0 $I,;-vn My
1, 0: _� tit(* gmatr-at surlfrL,,� (of Ill' life- 8 v lie clity on e-irth I'Lt Pari,i. ;�nl �( I.V Lordered handki-.Irt�'al4e alid tiWID-01- aro cei,entially Eurapeall ill IiPirit allfl,
bis 1:r,c, was little less than a calam- �. Co. I ispiliv. finjilly v,ineviktr,qttnp; Its
I jr, vc�llel;lenve %v ' ,,, c -rtaIiIIY 1101119 ' untry I�k- ply own." it; I ut-;,Prap., vtiil.j. crii�� rarely eees one alluq�(yi. This, Friaivix Inition .-ait-her full f,i-c..p Ill wilot U, evintrinal.v
tty; yet a letter which he reteived 1,4,r bf,,, to Iw,ofr,;tqI4i 11111t. is girl W'16 . -rhe lvulat-11 tti` vt.,ur it I ion." hf' Te- � 0, IU,Li�l WI11d-#WN 1P,)Wadu.N,,,;, em?,P6 I 1,aIN. to sIciep by her vattagis <1c,fir, .
y."i-re.ng6 after the supper at .. -orner of , ,ke-1, ",tre alwAvs� patric,rie. I have , ,,. t1lo dtllgr?. ril.�,z.rn,llg Ny.is w6or- axe IL1110111-1 1.ailpel thf, islivill �,r Illy li�t.vk, or
a few senteft Mono in the furth-l' I- In Ir I flif. 11,110*twit �Ivlulg Ills I I
Me of =an" left him ara y any , - arri-iga. 6 nw-thilIg' L-InIt' � Ilt'vc-f Mist ,�) Frellf-hwu'laaft W , ,tl, car i i ,�',,-," rts-j (,Ltb.)rn.t,. I 't, w .,ql,,�-111 'tu A - 1- l this 114m,", Ulf, %;1l,vagear 4fillped, "Id .,%vr.-;t. in.v kiltwYsi- .'t"d thr-ris
41 mrrclw " first-vl.s; cr, . I I ' .tllq. p.,l,*,u, W�ts allu(�ojt unt-ndurabit-.
g1tel-frative. IL! rea it 'IV, the - Ij,,;i,I, 'or ill,'! ' fo,r r,.ogland." s�A, ill. rt.i!valr Year.; 141mi, III 1xvilly , Idwe, in kli'lad'an -9vatero, to -
. I 1.11, in theAmls;(, of li-t It lu-..11. in, g V 1) �11-. rlvj�r. I t-ould
,St. Illi br.skkfast aro%v , 1- I 1
th-rd tim, will' - ,11 lip unfivr- , "We have reitl�,in to 1w PatV.-Y-11C."! NVII011 I Ill still
' Iter .-�.s it Wab Iii.xAtUot-ly g,tY- th'. caute air tha,t wu
doid, Awd each tLne his duty- seemid. to gle"' In of li?,;r It Or f-ati v.2 lud. titralgbt,�u tip U) save Illy,
neath nn ntinsually smart travell�ng � sh,s s-ild, "or rather, Nye liall," 01.� P 1,fl',-;'�,,�,i ))�-J,".JJL to Ililt ,�JXAC llt'lil'
.1 V�ATI hl'..'r IM tilt-' blinki; Qo` till! lifis. Wha I wc-lit t,.) nrliaa,te
bp,Coine PI'Lin,er. , Ilat, l,i.ttpacto t J ,,J&.qqI, �'. V
'Ll 11*�q ato,psiti,on. It! enina � add -fl, with a ctiriofu-� flote of .S.IfIlws.'i I 111.1--," ro!�vv,er.i and aiflt�, bwivn (1 I "t. 1,4- -
`13,mmgh-im Hall', Norfolk. I I - '. , - I ,� flj,� ,�t. �,Iauriii.z�. f`rji'�s ;lt g.,Ivo nui groat pain. an -I YOU
, Tx,.ar 1volfraiweat--We have to .1 sudden stqmd�111. Nathln,til. !'I- � in bor ton(�. "But, comes, I 4t') no " ! ,-olin!! gr4h..�o),lio. ni'aterial on, t'li-, I cq.;t,t* �tti . l_.. in rZw,.,. L'�L..s .jI,iV.i.V-; t
1411 " , , - im- a nuiti, *mUt,r-
" ;_�, .,A,I,-i%s: ,lIf thi- bori-avr-d oil � " �,-I.ln.t.iop .',,-, tii��.r ba',Lid�. an -I th � 4 1 44 1 did. wn,,� nat abIn tz,ir d'o
Y Produlons. ,,Win w -w lot'leng" Out 01, th�� ; des�re to talk ;j)-ut my country.. 1 �'.4.., It bt.- I 1�, call * ju�at ininff
b:%ell raliger 1&&kn*-.aq far you to conic , . V,;r I
I, , (q)pcirite witI,1.,),,v, ber hivid T'4l!l9 ' ,hn'tt�A Yt-u her*. to. b:s att vn_.n� '. ,,.:_. out qsT tit.- h-,i2ribly. hlmllll'�PM41 Frs.111.-,_i,��.4-Ualt 4), th.. pr,-, w% (It-ty
ilo,�-rft 1mr U day or two. and I do hope ., �411 If: �11 glinill -to , Ing pf I 71-ilv:11. I CO21,4111ted a phy-iol-ton,
,!,(I I t.,#. ITI).�L i
- 11110211 it" frsPr4:. Illit � I I ,,in;r. n'i n. , n i you h:i v s nr� .1 I ul'� , .,,,�:�l:t.i that av- i-wfl-m)A1';)`V ti-'- I I
ou v - V rpr . . � I ..fsJ -,,�- I Im.- xir;.,.�c , jL' 4n'__tj1J`L-t;4 tfl
ft -A u .11 IS- 44bi.. to manage U I., t 1. LL,'A unolf.r,tal;a.r.,� awl t _' .a .e. I �tlisl lie pri%s.erib:�d f!,,r nw, blit to
t Iiis.. I ont sorry , of hor llng4lo. ilt,,�:;7r� I 11,171 t1t.-It till; t fZp'. 1, j;j,�*�? �' Le Srbj-et w". t'i, Z Ar , lli4 q.l�. (,,l;,.�.,lui,t 1,11n.vi.reer, .
ly -ou r, c lv--� '4 1 I it i bmwfft. I tlfitim,J Ili tho pa-
,,,,1.tf,"01I. i the mii.st Inceirtiful In �� l --vikii.111'" of woe. Th.- UkL,4�,;�, vr.u1so, � 4�jI1j,N,.,: i13,� 111.1,s, yjt� ,t:,,, Ottzbwa and !
111irtirt ' 1, Irt.; 31;7. Siblai!-,; is Lo, 11 - � *,i t, " �', ,
I - -)r IV -I-' 114) I v �_ . 1L. . . p;.r_z �j-�-,v that 1) -1,1*..; Rii.lney Vills
, � " th., fL��t,;��-.'=., � ,c,4, t, :, z,.I-..t.q,oi Cars rhrrs i
A Ir !s,f.��It v,p,r ;�ttllpr� �, very f. ..� .I :, �
co, dte.t L n 6uch n!gN?e, who t4, t t.% _;,(t, *, 1l.-,,�-.,;eugP.r Ily � worlil. I do not w,F.h to t:*!k any mor, ' , , w1itit-11 %vsli: 11 ,lie _i;_,1t,Ir, It �
I-rora xvvx, wvl Nve 1pave all bl�,�� . 'I . I - it . ,wory enr^�,Iig ruAK cla-,4"s vt Kid-
' - ,A, i 1.11-,i �-Iei-. Will you pIv_z,,or- zIln ,-4,.,.�,e. of till. ,%vUiow, 1�or raro.',y ,�I,c�,' � � -%o, Lall�:"l .,�,.�l .�Iwn
H. ,:,, , h* '.. * -14--, I , t� J�s .,n i - *,P; atisiv,
ht . 44 own tnlhi, JD7 -1 nil 110 re ab,
tjp.;�,t 1.-.$-,�i, . ','�ik, 11111211111,10re C,f ,IV I � 4 � I . I
,,,.-. Ile s(.l1i wo. zs f,t,,r . (11 r .�l#,L"�. �".hj�!ct ?", -ell ill y DI, 1,�P 411111 I'llenill
for-&n.:i hqi?r.% ii slar. and his hallue-in- rors--t I WIVI .� !;u_A1.: .. " k-.: ,,--,. Vv::�ralsz lit faet, emp".l h-181 ,,n;lt..J1,ci,: t'j � , �
, � L'�J;!�j 1, li, 's c�'[-".. � 11P
as to t1his value of h"s papers In- Ml , :�h - Of thollight, to) ),.f- romoved from "Mr. z�;:,Nu '..s not -with Y%��u. ht� m-'! , it,i faAIII0;l a.� all. 0IUh:`_-J Of t,r- -at 'm invi I dinterriln �d t4c, giisi: thow. lm
.� _ t,:, I &,�-lI--Z-1"'I .
. _4_� v`.,�i 1,UI'kfNV4-JI 1',U 1, -
offlaorna . . m",q hIvl. " Lox. Uk .v4se the inc-It (jjop ly,�)rq1.srs ', %%,,j,,,I ,;v'ont ttk .,'.av, as thi� flm-,� ldoll � trial. I purreba.".d a box 4iff Mrs-
� I . � ' _ 9 'erinnn, wrto kvpt grocerhl�� and
L ___ --- � � -_ - - - _ , . - _ .. � - - - . _. I --- "ile !Lliin-liled tri, coms. '.�,%,lnl--th*n,:: 1 - ^ , I � canadhLl' i-1,,4,ivir or vlilu�it,l bvn2ath G
- - - _ I __ I - I Tr11% a . I c,i,t Ivert. ;,!��en On vaudkor,Ai",�fs au'l � 4 patent mediclues IlPr�-- I did vat
Inaportm), k,pt Mot trt 'her la-�: n: im- - o, ljo,�o p�,Ilir, iln,l even VIi5i_ car& I ,,,, s ir . I
. , .- I 0 1 i, , " It�t,' of til'. ly;n�-v o1n; the maple's I feel any lipm,fit at fir.�t, blit W-
I im � ent. lff� ,v,; -:I*, f,0-ky.r nip, perhn - " 0 11 woo,14, and WI&II can
�� ff 7_1 4" p,,. b,: a 1 1 ,v#% Wen ruthlee6ly s',5�vllt, Olt- I, i of' L114* uilsur
Dr. Qhc�nsmv ffisc,Lkes- irriead.g late- train to!ny, if not to -morrow. .' ! ,*-*-ht f -"-1,,-I; now b'I ll,�:trd n't. W;,wr a Bye- ff�tri� I lind rinislivil the first Uact
, I bi,rgwa to feel .1, 01alm-2 fox t .he
"It -,� e�t...I.ly a croinfill"neel" his "" * ,'*to words
I ' --.11 I III(Slern widow dono 3101. ne,fson- �iorw!q z4l,�,l '�\o.'I;,.:Jil fls�t,lval. 1j. cif I Le I better. I tovic in ail Usn bw=a.
. I FAid thal you slioull W 1xt;-.ng to, im,,te hrr wo,i by clothosi, alid, th.'ri, "s n!7,,v Ix,i iii, L.,L,lil1,l,-t,�,,I, and se � i i - -
_P_ it d% rry 9 -ft " .. i and t4tey haviw entirely cured
I 1-1 A-PZ30 A's 0 t&-, I A Mi home .'11. qu,te near � :i,Ir� ,L4�gjbt ihtt ,h�,, 1, v4s;ltllry w3l -m vers.-, lint, thpre L; for all It, ; me. I have no pa:ins ;n ni--v b=k
0 , t I Wqj M '7'L " CrZ�-'r'. . ow, I _,4,�i,T�o�
I 4
. . there." . t. *auluallv Sis,� ill, eu.<,.),1u W W,-ar,.7.14 i�Lirl;�711tiiw,.S,�4 in th.- .dr and rhythin I or afllrcll.iis m.y Iddricsys, nad I amt
1; C-uringThtirPeculip-rlils-Dr.Cliases Nerva Food a Surprising R,cstorars IlAaA i there now to b.',ck dL'Rxpp,ar into th � In's I whi -h 11 (,.,:84�ndally 1wetillar tc; illf. a 1",It in.-ITI t0-flAV UlTall,-11 t,ildng
. y tive. for Pafe,f Weak, Nervous Women. she asked. For many o.lrw 1& -as li:lvfl -1 -1-1- o:d Fivilell I'w.Mul. It kr,�_.4vnls hilpolto.di'le D-odd'is Kidney 1�111s,ll I
"I am dt,l-ght,ed to wty that I am." 1,,ut b�fcwe_ th"'ll m-wil I- - ' to ,,ist ill, wor,1,4 to Vu� Wi1610 01 ill('
tll(r I
___ ther , Fitill ' I ' I 'i, - -r(>.)ni. Thl-m tlit,yr sisell, tami" (-`�igued) DA.VID P,OWF,.
a result of muqh con-tinement, II would take shaking spella "Y " ou il!d'not nic,nt'orn it the e picasant, li:.b;t of Woo rl .,I-,, Var - 1 - i , ,n r 9 I --7-111-in"_ - [i --N- are ffitw,,��-) .
I � tAll . evewn " You talk- ifiLsurninir, ocAtzriatc!'! by .-"Ljl�l r.''Iln';ngleq`�' but %vi,,,n V , NV, J. luazisn. .
, - 91 intention L�tta- sativ b.-neath tii! fortl��t or
�ilthhx doors and the consequent lack land a dizzy, swImming feeling would ed as, ges of eolor fro".11 b�ack to whitz-1, I shad�,
I ,ever ,no. N�giit -after night, I , dt all ", I'. _`M,_,r"t�"`, th-u. to llurp":�, Fg-ll�inrllri;g- tip tof -d,le-t- ;I all I t 11<x roili. '. �
edithrut exerelself loom,'y Is rti�hlnx w-a1wrs, th4- - - -
rrW11 air a;id It (.11, - d there will Those who may read this artid
icif neh in I would never clove lily, eyes, and my t I �, ', i1,,,,1',,,,r,,, -.1 �It 11 t1h17t i wit'll tilt- spirit ,
4uo��t; Wontea Ilot Only logo m I "Nei time." be wid die a natural d,,,ath.'au air lw��, om,�s hill,filf0d '
Wigu" and complexicki. but a - - - and (to not know T%fr, Rowe, canns
. ISO sur- 1hoad w0ald ache as though It, would said. "I had ri Lotter from home this Ili, lie, mc,urning for it amon;� tit of th�, .�urroi�wihii4�,. It 11.1,; 11,�',-n well
I burst. At last I had to keep to lily § I 'I) fully appreciate tile lulsition U
Onton of Ili � pri.s.-Ilt. J;,7�14.-rXP.' ,,� .1, F-Mll-Al 011111:1il".1"
-___1 ` b morn,*ng w1ifeill ilecided me.' sensibly -minded Vv I * holds in this cominunity. Ills is an AM
s --do and though my doctor attended She r,m1':R,d softl,v. It would b,3 a mom intcria,'Allig- ill : 11,; I wA`er, to whom wis are InJebte.1 for
&rA.Zgementa t, trh I me from fall u g Ills medicine I &Wt,.11, it I,% ;s1range," she -aid. "On , and favora
w4tars 1010od ... .7.1 i n,til bvrift to know sust wh.ra th s half-MOUrlualz tl,gs onj!, eolloction w4i: at present POA- farmer, 'well I blY rkitowt
. . Idid rlciti tialp me. I Diave now taken t1ol wbolf'. it isr perhnp% farturtate I,,c-,1, or3g1u:ttvd. it sef,ms lilz� a. con- w -i, aq an, evidencro of Id.4 charaotio
, q c,f tilesn 1xillads, "that there and
wat!om. Dr. Chaos's Nerve Poed at jifou did not cont,implatfs tb" .& celt thit, might lemanate from the " y of th"bil Songs whiall ��;Ic for truthfullicsisi and lion I -1
I- lie Cul3eS I five bO-V'L* Of � I I esty I a
- Mara tlla-.q nine-tentIll of t �,h are P.m n. - atip I ...
I rocid tha 70, oo, rof Pead the St. ,mient of 1h. a. X.
4A diseaFesi peculiar to Women are di- !am it him d,ow me more 1, ixrjil�s when we had 6upper together brain Olt a 1114LTI milliner, vild llavl� lvtth,:�Jlt, * lilty, vxeept on the Hp� '
eakenied. condition dicine CO'aldt'dO- the Oiler night." gallit'd Its vogu� ihmugll ihn acef-,.pt- thp pc,,1san,c,ry.', Wiloli,ver has hearLI the ICKMLI JUSUCe Of '010 Tx,ate-
treetly due to a IV W,ords, fall to e,.,.prw,s my grati ude I Be caught at her meaning an-il alive ,df vrolum le.1 bluidly by ill:,!,' til�,ill sling in F.rfil1,o.h_(!,qu.1dIan hofnics i Thla is to ,Lw,tify tilat I am
4to tile nepv,esr, &%Id eAn be cured tlicir- -
obughly a-ul P2irloariently by tlaklllg . for Via wontlerful cure brought abOlt.1 lai,ghfs.d. dressmaker in dnYtq w1l,ii. illi� f4 -m!"1114, mo6t coqlrp.sil that there is every I PIT"Zolially acquabitto With Mr.
0aildoutdoor exercise, bmatbilig )Jry this treatramt.11 I "It I& more thart tortun-ife," be dt- sism,e of humor ,ir.-vi not .3o well 110- tritt-li in tlii,,4 romark:"Tliere is some- David Rowe ,allil 17,now Iiiiii, tobv,
, )&w. Margar,et- Iron, Tolver 11111, N. I I a nian of trutli, a. man of sterling
.1 iy Of pure, fresh alA and Using clared. "If I had kitown of It, an4 velopad as now. Th-,� lirmy3y bla.-k- tIllng sad anol sxj,ft in tlivir voiclos
11 �-
eolt � to form AleW B wrlt-w- tartil Mr. Sqbin, you would not ha a bardered note pap�,r, <-ards aAd oth-r wjAch Imparts a lincullar charm to I hollosty and illti%rit-y, wilo"o,
rve I the deVAeted ner- 7'Dr. Chase's Nerve road hhe done beea� travelling by this train alo-A v stitionory Is rarely used, exe,ept by thq, ous airs, lit which t1wIr I word could always be railed c)u,
' 0"' .go monotom.
me a world of gi�asd. I wa,q so weak ,,I c,prtainly ,should not," she ail- the very old-fa-Ailoned. Nor are Mrs -Whole exii;tonee seeras ta be reflect- I anti a gentleman wf,,;Il anA fa.
s system. ikbAt 1 could not walk twice the m3fted dismurel,r. sei7vints mid conc-hirrun and footmen exi I It is W,1� h n , soton AAd
) -:It. ta,"kfis, time to build Up the s7stlbTm . tile vo�ietss ol the pea- l , vorably kno"wil I Con ,
anevir, to fill tile shri,L-elled arterlt-a bfz�z%h of the. Ir>,j%!-1!- Sht�o using I)y. fil, sow li'ls apprwhinity, and swiftly as ' with theIr (syes. Their I vlolui&, rtild, In Vact, all through
i contlenined to wiblp liver-,, as folrnl!�TIN'- isant-r.'r I I .
Chaoalis -*;erve r,o,).l I hiave boezr com- ,v. .,O;l lihn"i'lf of it. e0dren a-ronever put'in. black nowri. aceli-Ito-Med tn ivida hoNizons and I I
,�e a. the county and any statement
W01 � I rio.-I walk A mile UWM dois-', days by thoso stitti-eLnitly educated to �. .r, a., ms, ave no esil.
wich b, to ' �,I'oi'�"�,nlfo,lu y, ll�
ovith now, loucl, restore t'�
' Ils, and renew t,110 pletely. reeto . your une.le, object sgcn�% .q it qlli,etne. , It(% might give yoott I Iv h
ovasted nf�rva ce but witbOut, any litainvenlence. Though me s0'lllllcb?,l he asked. know i'.1v) evil effects on. the mind and I Ili like' which tation. In saYing that you need
. I
I .
� R I
itlest ,of the bodilY OrganSo elarig old, tund quite fleshy, I do "Object to you P elip. repeated. "Oat ll�aitll tll-'.I,t result from keeping n, - " a on
1- �a d aa;�Sin,g the inhabl- I ,not, be afraid to live, as 'g -
attiv arvo 76 y aln%.ol T`ta, mb�oufooutiay' if N
*he peralstent, use Of Dr. ChAseff X 't
I - [ will accoulp'Isil t1leae results and m7 o", bmigework aald considerable the corttrary� I laink that he ra- bereavemeilit so, ,constantly lit mind. I ta tIc-mall of Mr. Dowe's standing
tappluess to Weak, 0owIng, knAttIng and te"ng besides. big I ntim,e,,rous Uallads sung eiving a written statement wotild
I tbor approve,S of you, You Saved Z M�, , ",.)g t4l,,: eltIc's."
. 1 . I e,,, t jwd 11 ug wonlen. Dr. -0fingo's Nerve F orA Uwe proved of life, or ametli*lig very mueh like It. The Rev. Dr. Loren Ilaortes Xnox, I IM QiVellse, thore is none mi popular , be mra to carry weight with It,
I .. � . Butter a value to me." .. ,110 c4ihorald be very grate,ful I I think 01M.4es, frolyk Gaspe to tile J 4 'WARD,
� : goges, Plereettih, '1"fAnlObi One of the Oldest pastors of the I vrit'll all 1� I in ny'latow
. mtlos I, For manyo Yearg DeA Mamts Nervor Food. 506 a.. box, that he is, I" persisted, "he, doei not Netlandlut Episcopal Church, CIA0000, I Rod River as IIVb topulant ma boule I I ii - Justice of the Peac�
� a great,, lint, wt tilt d4alero, 00 zdnlamoomL, Rotoo 'Yes," he 11a*Atanefe- tot tat deAd. I . . Ogg, of j.�Il;�e merry Jingles Wblelx the , , Vie Couu�t,,Y, of Prince r,Aw&V,I,
� I 066M to desire my aect I
� "I'll ........