HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-02-01, Page 6S A 19 Will Be Aftended, b11/ nrew t Pomp and U11"Cu E1111 Sllallcee :-LIKE A SOLDHER"S MUG** 170 -ER, Congratulate the Kialser—Where the Queen's Body Lies In Osborne House —The Bish011 Of Winchester Preaches Before the King, Queen, Emperor William and Other High Dignitaries—.The King's Message to the NaVY—He Will Remain Masonic Grand Master --Duke of Cam- bridge Ill. � London. San. 25,­-Gr1of and JOY filled WitU notable gatharIngs of 06re Uever EA closely �olned as in tll(, peeri:w ses aald diplou.1ats, Offi,'Diai e"1091 -Ls fit the dead nionarell. Lor(I Salibbury's Tribute. Arud the congratulations to the now In t-fle 1100311 0-1 LorU L a Sttlio- Ono. These were proxiouncea in both OROuses 01 P&I'll4mcnt to -day by tile bury motv�o4j t�lle rej)jy t," ti'le King"$ lut'sSUge ill risSliective leaxlers in response to a sPqecll full of ein,)tiwi. He said that in performing ill�- the f -"t message front tile f�ing to t;jid- (lost duty that had over bffall,�ni Ithe PoUvWA ropreseritatives. It was. 0110 gMatOst J?arliam=tary scene In 1,1111, lip iv.R.8 Only et!l1ollig, their Ror. nw lev)ui- ill'I'll lin had ssvoirl, t0cent tlm�!_q, wid the orations pro- Mounced by (wrvr or ztlon, 'which had booll vafl- Lord Sal4rbury and Mr. -JB9a'f0ur, ed forth by the clnp�tilar lo4s whicIv, While unilretending, were 84-quats approttlations of the great 111111or the dhRPPn.14atlGa of t1rovi- delle,e ZFgoYd I'novemign now dead. They illev 11,1,1 suffored, anti 'Llie; . I adzuiratlo� tho Pora wartliy of tue occasfion, whiell. of glorloii,� reign ill i i splendid character 0110 Of tile speakers said, marked f-he cla-, of all epoeii in the World's or flue Sovereign they ba4l mt. Bell]." a constit'll- 2ilstory. tional monarch Willi ro-Strinted pow- It will not b -A counteti to til(qu tas ers'. she bad reig.Lf'!l by sliper forei� or character, bV 111!�, Iovabiolle.,�g �11- lasak of loyalty to the new Sover- gn if the burtien of their 'words �r dIsPo5ition, 'anA I,y 1wr hold im ,its sorrow for tho lost inoro than tho lipary; or her Rubj:-.-Lz,. Irll(- e% - alliplo wlIIQIl rho f joy for the g�xjuvd. kil thai all that tlia foels, I th'cy svt ce goverlih1w IT e.AOM aild love w)uld nevei ht� Uatlon " per- ps LX-st summed up in thpse lines, fp�rgottvn, nor bow nim, -Ii _.hc t-4- lk-Iled to -day- sistc-I in t114- (if hpl, pt,vple- Britannia—I ant brokon-livarted.." IT %holr Anipl,� Dcat4i-I'Ed,ward 'VII. is Ills mo- hor hrilliani, titin ii-, L4 w�re, np. r,s son." Great amllen(�,e_% sombire and E;Ilpllt xhf�r, an%l W,)IIVIII. IVr n"Indorfin P-WIrs of oixierving- u;tlz abstiluti. their mourning garm-nu:, hung at-. Ftrietrwss ti!t, iinlits of 1wr :raixst breathless upon t1w uords of a? .11 Sawc-rei-a an -I tho frations leaili-rs, as tiley 1,�d th(lill at tit(. liale ImOrilainhig stenth k1rougli. tonflicting vintAlons, froll, (Ind pt-rAsi4.nt 1y1fillplie(� (wil thit ,�_ � grh�f im etinsulatio , 11, front. litklx� to a 110113 of IWr Ninisters, iii;,10red Ilr- M-4-w gavatest adilliratioll, �ho I;1vIV4 Alreatb� there I.,; a eafrgostlutl tli�at 111"Illiailb'd I rig-oror, the 14,V10 anti title I>f tllt�- mor prihilt, affains, gi%iiig 1wr Alin - 'Should IXr )Ilieaded, U) Ineluile :I folli,r isters ilto helliql( j-tr 111'r akivive; .11111, Peope, of the gmat, douthilirt; ovor 'warning ilivia or NO )rlu- ,V71liell 110 rekgns. It Is witlechl that NI( -r vould disregaril hv,r Ili -w-, tir ,the King 1411ITst-ir IIa,q a 7114"S IIN, to 1111sre�-ant tll,�Ill WhIltrit rant restriction Ili this re-rard. rhe f,' Air— fre )J:t1l t grk� I t ,aate qrzvell. shim sit(- be�anlo 4 an,,*'r. �41W ha�l In-f-otgrilt f1w vollfl- 0".9 of India, "llwaytz r"Ih�k-rilit'd 1'*�v PNINI'lilv 1111-liall a gre It Ilerself "Vititorla, It. I.- Thi, Kin- OlUllail. from ohl tt) '1,.i w, 1.,Ilgla 11, 1. thits far has sig -a'-.1 IIIIII.SpIr "Hihvarli" wtrav-nflitinry 411bex," nolit, "Rex Eli Inilimator." Ilis, (X what pf-tiple would think. 11- snodestly is not untippreelated, but alway.4 said Ilint wili'll Ili, Iriobably ulobt, will ell. 1,11"Nr 'what tho Quo.f.11 Iliought 111i dorso an. uttf,, Tinirm to- raalo," in tile �Iww for a emUtinty what her sub- UaT, which Sars-'*11,t Is hailvjl�.111% .1"QVI would think. tit.. of 4'7';Ivat Britain and Trela,11d, auji nliddle clnfr.4P$. v V,nqyLror of 13bliM, but there 1mve Tho King value ti, pli. tbrono, NVIth U*11 great awl revvnt, eliangtis; Intlit, thf1i one, grvat allvaittage of litivilig Matiltiollo of tit(, Empire, y%,hI(,II it b;,forr,, hint. tll:t greatt'st, f-sallip!c I)ON- 'twould I.Pwra 1)*r.,)I)pr to revogm,zo. Tlis� viblo. - R-deratloin or the AnKtTal4slan. vol- 11" lUld blicin, familinr for a 90TI, onlei*, rolliowhi-I upon tho (mr1ler ft0- (1111tion with palitival '41411 f-wial. life. leration of Cana�da, _,oe1n, ,4 to t4ugaest 114� eld lZrit'd (illorillolls' 1) ;pularlty, and Mae alt-eratAwl Ill the 110val elVle lior wa'? 411111'Nst as 1111101 hi lorild Ili 1(*#r-,' and 1-itle. Ther,� 114 irrom rva.,�olt "1911 0011riS and owitrio.-t. Voligntitti- mi<derhig tize matter, the la.tir'110 (16111d Ili., him Kln�," It; 14-tizonaBy aequaint(,.J with a, 111,11OP-11f, linee 'rlt'., �Ilid Ili the boll(ff. Irar portitnt. k)r titti than, th..'t ill, Will nd,16. the 'thrrete, anti b4- i It was pussible for ( twea Victoria IR9 Ullwortliv (,Inf. TM, .2 r0li'd lendpr - - - tit Ill- 1`111IM4A Of ldfwrtl�, and the Aroh-�' inslu)p elf vf,! oadi'll tilt - a, li-i re., Th�� Remarks ot Lord Sellsbury and V. -r. T,ord Mr. Artbur Ual!rour. elf thf. 't-ble Iflar- i,�*4 t-)' flt�, 13-werelgri rmmotuiz, Jan. tjtn� Tf.jL��,- .f 'lated b.At-k t y a i Pv-,!t e:;rAo!t­ peri(;d thnm I- M.m=,r4, Mr. A. J. ay.,z ,, , ' ftdw'� it2-1of th.- Tr­41z'ury an I 4_iov�,rntncitt 'I vwnek witi; UVI fl%trltordinnry In nz:;Ting t lie, aeld r, in rqdv to tho Wz1?,-cq.!, kml, I the 11 use In ait Iti tong 1&4t,,ry taul lv�vcir nj�,A ulak.r 11 wh:,, r.;zIn" h her. 110, Avw* t-InIp'.V sadder &rou" ui.Aan_�m.q vr witi a clear. - t!,:- Viand. re'li or -r to C&pn�� the un�versal *:ir- (,tf all 3) A -,�;,,!ul t 11 , nd ltl r� T ir'. jj. r,�It I ionly its a nat1inal, Imt al-) wl Itil i-ni hu, 11f,it a.": a trilly rf,- livss. Nevt-r be, �Iore Mad bw's U44- natiltnal grief t�,:o 10,1.st IAA`,�Haa "Ifil.1-II.Iq ldveply ectatod. Tiw end of 11 great or ep,L)Ai had c�fmv?, and tit(- eirmulativi,, ;re�ult of it gmat ili-al. (if Ulf- gr�?at - - - TIT1,, 13.)II11"Icoins example of PJlv?,-ia V!��!V)r`a, wa.�, tilt, jWre&tn,!3 the woAli had �Vtfr i -fie% In nr,!)V�Alg, 4! reqyan-o fL.f #-flit. dojsm4�v find ��Tr. Dal- fbirrcaro uv�yaff Inati unfamirgeinfi- 6ent,-P Viat tit" grf-at ltitere�ts vexi- kriAt In, �Ihi,4 lv:vp�nir. wo ti.f�-v w�stirvl him or vic- uigindging L -u y'��Jtt of irm lqval CubjwtF. M _�lr 11,�Iry (ampbell-Damifi-inan, Ili,. Ulrmaj le.wler. �-;oemvled the ni�,,- %10s, WW"11 Wad w1cleted, the wom- br." zAWfl1,lg. `M,e M3"� tP--.n adjmrned until 14�hranry 14tih. In brAh th- gallcilles were QUEEN'S WISH 70 Pay Law't flonOrs to J)oiadj r-Irit Cowel., 'Ta n. t,r tit,! i Ro.val falll,.I�y ii -ft the j4rimnLs of c)s� rip-, hall Of "Mitiull Ill' -in that of p-r- forlitilig revOrent Offl(ei fiyr the dead. 1rhen the bo, h, %v'.'j:l in sved Ili tili. P:,:tlf,d oakfn shrill Intro tilt- Irrepare-I the f'*,In:i.V, lwadsQ by 1.1if- Kingand t*m.v*.rfj,1!U1lli.,ri, tissetrubl;A for it br.ef survivo. Thpit they Mb011t thf' bPallt'111117 prvivired ri,i,m (IX?1MlnlnX the wreath.;. whir.11 f. --.r have been wnit irnly 1w rril' t;"% f - and devoted attondants. FOIK-11 RUESTING PLACE' 4,11ere at LasL I Shall Pest With Thee; W'.thThee in Christ Shall Rise Again." WITHL%� vlfght of WindsorCastle, in the grounds of Frograore Hburt,, �,tands the royal inau-s-olcurn built by Queen Victorl"), forthe Prince COnwIlt's b4trial lhace. In the house ICIOEC by her mother, the Duchess flf 1(tilt, lived till hor death a few Mourns b,�,fore that Of Prin ' Albert, She, too, rests in a maut�coeleum at Progritorle. The bpilding orpeted by the Qneen for tier biisband's toinblit one of the mopt beauti flit of its kind. Its interior is decorated in the Italian skyle., with exceading richuesq, colored marbles, white *ttituary marble, bronye orns- lnentAtil)') ana inosales, all being of the costliest des-eription. The Queen ,shrank f rom tl;e t1joyaght of her bright beloved Albert, IvIto was bv inature brightand joyous, re�stiiig in 'tile dark I'M beneath St. George's (,Iiapel, V PC& George 11r. bad designed for the toinbsof Ills family. Several years were spent by tile Queen ba elaborating the details of the splendid mansolern. It has been guarded with absolute Cy. On the anniversary of thepplvil"ce Con- aort?s death Year by year inerribers of tire royal falitily gathered in seelit. Elonaronridt-be massive, mrcopliagus under the octagonal lantern. crown1u.- the building. The touching inscription ittlicates the Queen's wish to be laid herself to rest in tile ritausolailill. The royal burial place for flie sovereigliq of Britain isbi 6t. George's <Yhapel, Windsor, wharo tile original Wolsey Obapel or, Tomb House has been restored and superbly decorated -and its now known. As the Alberb Mctnoiial Chapel. This contains a sarcophagus of the Prince, and here the Frince of �Vale!t' son, Pifince Albert Victor, was buried ift 190. Peror's tribute bore oil its sastiou thp� "W." it pathos and soloninity such as sei- Initial The offering or tile Ovr- (10111 mark thO WNsing from daylight inan Empress bore tile Initials "A. into darkness of the veffin, tile royal A%," Minding for Augusta Victoria. family yesterday tODk th3ir last toy - 'The most touching token Was from ing look It tho feattires of the dead lie family of Dowager Lady Ampthill, Queen. About 10 O'Clook tit -tile ruorilr who, wao the dearest friend or the ing the shell was brought Into the Queen after the death of Dowager bi�drooin, where wer(� wait King �tflo Lady Churchill. The wre-ath Nvas ia- Edward, Empm-or 11111lialil, Duke scribed, ­Iu reverent and profound- �kr 0011111111911t, Sit' James :ftelt) aiad est grief, and witl� deep 6evotion tll(h r0,vCLl ladies. Tile latter iaving from Her Majeaty's sorrowing su`bje(,� rotired, Sir James Reld, with re-veremi and servant, Emily Ampthill.11 hauds, assisted by three truRted house - Tho wreath that perhaps toliellfid , hold servants, and Ill tile presence of tile famlly Moro tha it tiny Was, .-A tII0 1�i,ng, and the Duke, rn- sm:111 t0k0n of IO.Valty Und 000p ro- la!M` If' I)OLty fr011i tllj� be d to tllf,� gret from TAIlss Norink-ni and tho nurs- noffin. In deatli it wjs joyeller thall, ing sisters of the Royal "Victoria. Hon- IR tll() closing days bf life. Not a pital at Nntll�y." Tho hoRpltal is oil t1racO Of thf` "al-14res of disease was tit(, 111-Iffilwitl ollpng'.te 0shorlw. The aparhiiontm where the but,-,- T110 Iorva;jts linvill.- rjtirefl, Qllf'Olt lexalldra, lie prIllcosses Find ness )f the ruling Rovirolgn is now the c.thUcTren, lftre recalled to the condnoted ara Ili& erlbt�d, "Ills Imper- 01,1111b0r, -1,110 With 1111geriag steps: ial majesty�" it title Which hits npvlr heretnfore boon assirn)(I(I b.V .111Y Rllp,- 1114 Stlfllr�d R>ht they paSSed slowly h,40ro that Whitxi-rolied and peaveful fish King. Emperor '�Vlllla,m awl the King fig"I'll. At the foot, neYer moving, stix)d tho, Kliiqg-, and wile,11. tile nitir- wrilkod toa-ntber for a time in the niuring c�rowd had passed there, re- Treland, Mlig, Defender of the taltit, ete., ete. `Iv all whour those pilesolits sh,111 ciottlie ur whain the stvine in&y in, IVI90 enfneeva, greeting: "WhOPE'Dari Sata-rdhl', thn second dAy of February bad be�n fixed for tho obsequitea of tile la;to Itayal Maftliox ol* blessed aml gl'?TICUS 11MIMUCY; and, wliereae, woll kaiorwing that onx ileeli -grief is shared by our boving uubjects in Chriada, we are dvoiaroras too- afford thonti an eopportunity of bestlUltif, thol'T deep IHO�voftv, and theii, Sympathy with us In the grieviolis afflIVU-0111! wallell has befallen m and them. Now, therefore, We have thought fit, by Itind With the WITIV,40 101 0-11al PrIVy W1111011, to Mp- p-olilt wid aut a-paxt, and wo a* here- IjY appoint wid iset apaxt, Saturday, tile second (lay of Fobruary next, as -a da,y of general moirrtilag to, be ob- Fe,rved by all persions thrutighout our Dwillfuloto of 041nada. ('Signed) "Allato." grounds, Ili tho morning. The Ell- inained only the son. and grandson or The Kaiser's Valergy. peror's, desire to take niore than a tho dead. Emperor lVillitim weptevelt 1110IND bitterly thaal the royal ladies. RMPPTOT '7,11111am?s unfailing energy formal part Ili the (Inal corvincstiles- 14�illallv 114) list) retirt, ,j], aild the King anti piro,raptitude Nrna evIdenced bo - hau been gratt-fully rp(tolvoid. and thp S;r fames R(114, night by hits ackiijawledgmient u& the - _")f 1) "t'"g 9 lin sPeo"le" "Ift or it's flt" I rip It NiUk I g to tile servants with tile rank of fluld max.silial omiferretl on mourning sido by side, wlLh shilm r ('"ffin, lid, ask(ld tile King's instrue- him to -day. A blupjacket frow the England will, lwrhaq),�. bo till, lat., , 1 tlans, Txlmllty pier, wiltoli is canitifetLd by inemorable. artiong the pnblic honOrH T(nr _qeC*n.,18,tbe King stood pald t4) 'Victoria.. Ife, with the King telepTrollie with (X;;botme lbame, came t;[� tlhf.1 llortf�l wh-me the vitirrespimi- striolcen with onnotioftL at .Intl Prineo-q, Will be on board t Ili! the last, farewell. lie said quie'k- dollits r1re regdding twil asked the re - Alborta b"Ide the coffin Is tilt, fpro.w.nitatives of tho press to 90 to jile.11t jjt-!�anl�q g 1,�)Wly through the It finally. It, )11116t Itot bp Oslyt.41-ne I`fnqi�ui lo I'vveIve the cor- It, omfleneii b(itiyoon the Kaiger "Til fleeig alllvd !it niournln�� The ell I I , riPi tit the Enippror's fitaff Thus the reinailig of El lgll 1, -Sly, ilo r1s. Rallt-b-ziry, and Earl Robt, arf, il,)xv ell ronto here. They In- gn:izatost, ruler wore forev Aftorivard., tale Klntg�s pixintwe was ii,!aaed at talo dlktp�lial of the corres- Mail?StY"s gallaxilbb tiriny. rnw Eni� paror, in Ills Ilmonage up Ij-,Ld neb. ertis, said ho rejjilu-od to be. one ot hits � ofoillira(les. Lard iS'allobafry amswored--"l am t-liali yourr 1-mlimW ldaj� eslty'm acce"ptallice ox i -Ale (Allee will g-INIC, the livelleistr, to all CIRIS18,08 of the w�tlun, who have beetit touched by tile co,n,,qi(lar&bWn agd kindly fecjiligg exhibited ta yioqxr Iin- PpTlal Wieety's gracious VIAlf oin tble oulom-ir' oceasljov.�, Lord Roberts, lUlk(j Words. Lord Rdbertq responded in the fol. lawilng tormr�_ "I I'dVe tile lionOir to aAk'nOWd0ft-0 tho reepipt Of yo!il. wQaSLY8 g4ra_ 001IS t0l0gl-11,111, giVillf,' nie tile joVktil tidings that Ills Uajffl-4 fLiug rj4. w.tMI likIG corlf,�ared upon your -Val- (�',Sty tile rank of field inaa-blial. I WOUld b0g, six,, t1ijakt; I may be allrow- etl to of'Cr, Oil behalf OA HINSOU RDd U10 army I have the lionor to coni- Inand, our most heartfelt and ve- slx-Gtful congratulations on 1�lla Illark of our t�oyare:gn'a aff*.etion anti apprvoiation of yuu!r Uajesty's great -Ind soldierly qualittQ% "All ralikil will be proud tof think that your L1dajevt-y w-11 hoeieeforth be even rnola clo.�ely �j%soelatNlw,�tll thoin than hitherto, and wRl feal that the arrity is ll!gllly ualltyrod by your sty,tj narno Leng tmra4led among - fleld maa-�j)hals Gil (Ireat - the Brituin. Rh At 11 O%Aal--k to -morrow rtioxming, ill 1,110 14`0;�Vlluc of h-miri.=)r Wikiaw and lnclnlb�-.ri Of the jurl�ish royal family Ring LXwura Will confer. upon �Tctwrj 11,rhicf) Firodartak NVII- littill the Order of tile (laxtor. Tit(% text Of these 11.1rati-A formal COill'gratulations has tho greatest .19,111 lea-ii0k,- !it Lord 1.5alisburys Ivjr- on, which Is hare tadzen to Politl0al -is as family 111.11C Owe frien-.illnoss betw�?en the El-ig- fieli and Utirman ruitirs. N Is (ter - lain that tha L'urporor ww nevor highOr (1.4t4lelned anti re.s1;*.otvd in I-agland than to -day. Rltvelvi�d His Kword. Isha Cf WI-Ilit, J�aa. 27— Th's Inoruilig, E'1111; -nor williant re. v.(-iloil froin Ole hjud or tho Dulzo of Vullilaught U4 'wi'v-d oil his ap'noint- IIIVIIt m; a, I'mid Xar.Alat 6;r tile Dra..�w a-riny. The Kalsc-rls Esteem, I do, not. wl"'ll to b�. too pvnsollal, ])'It it 1.1 Ut, that the (eiemuun UfteVILiol, and oit-et,in for his -41'a-1,ititilt1wr ajxitwl.i,� ti Itialowt to wvr�'Ifip. '.-he was tu:� Inoix 1111man he - Ing to wil-it.l. !1,� LLAq! NNil. 14011 16 tll,!- 15iv-,�.rt4;n to. day On nll�v tanni'.. 11'. will Lx- great, 4�%V.L In. thf. eenst. W tile wilrii. Bitt lt4t; erratii- V*mus In .volith ](-%I Ifilil LOW lilt. 61,m�tivthi whiell ho probably wwalit wl"fla-ly altmit, to- mly. It was th-a Quit , 0;2"fik VIC- torla. L-lood as �iis friva-i and lx%- Uently vallin-3 or rt.-huht'd tills head - Z trong" -W-11, MtUl w�lwl lie tgraed agalmst lwr own voull"ry. 1 111141 111A, M-11tile KaCier for near - )y tf� 11 'yea" willil tills week at cowes, AbIl I Wad :Ilu.lzfql at, tim- chauge Ili Jilin. 0=3 Imitint-tivefty reooLmlzes true greaInev,.p. anxt it 18 Ill hir; fatie to-da,v, It, WaN not thtm a dfearde ago, or ptirlml*. it w.ui Iyy a Sugr,41,_Alon rA arrsiganct! 11a4l pritZe. IL! was witil V10 hill". whot I 14aw 111111. 1 ran only vay", thato it is ItIl- llfl,;oible to IN'lim,e il%t t1li't t4m,11. stronM %%.ill Ix. in nw. tk.l�m under thp influentv. Illuelt 1(14.3 the vorltrul, evell of the taf-trill taw'. urriarck wko now ett-; 4-41 the VIR'li'll throlie. !Ani rc-- lat-01's llf E'skil-ror AVil.inm and King I 1�11WVI'41 VIT. M- 1*7 thf- bill. tlApre '�4 hitililary between U10 X1919;. -r il"'I It hP th-the of YoTU than t1wre ist IlAwtv.-i the Rtk.r apa Ills ,liallfl-4-11 ntn'wiv. Curiowly eltovi"Vit. t1w. 1 -amp is true or flics U%ale. #A Vork U141i CZ%r. whow li�� cx) cloo(�Iy re- tv-lllbles� %Vill llzf�vloaill Grand P, lAr-do'l, Jan. _­7.-1rh^ RiRg litwia- 9 flyrnw�l Vte orfil.htLl that lie i-enitain tiranA Master. The Duke Ut C01111MU10t to ahm-t a Inasou. but nat tho Iiiihe of M*ntivafl. V'he prarie of V.av a Xavtn. Dukt, mif (*.aIu14)I-ilI.,Io IN. 1,olif.'On, Jan. _117.-Tta lietith of the Duel, of ut� 0�!bartte, is nioft th,� Qn-eit%-leath greatly ldit�plrited 111111. Thi, ',4uMin of Turik. " Landon, Jen. the (g_ I.A?d anno-anc(in'.11t i�s still Withlit"'IL lm.)ij xby `014,1 arrangeuvntt�e are, inconiplete, tiwre sf�eaig to 1)(I 1,01113t or tile w.euracv of the state- nlmt rabled rc,garmug mllitar.y ilro- (T.Y;Joll in Lf)lldon. Inform.ition from f�wirf ... s ill, Ic tf,. Indeed. thr- lra�-eaut is jilv�h- to be r.011- -rably mine (.Iab:)r",t(AhI I, wa,4 at first suppost'd, The Tolegnipli as-gerts t1hit tilt' Xln�,r, ReCompailled by 1."M_ peror Willism, Will ridu On horsabaick as chief mourners, attentleil by a, dis- t1uguished st.",ff, and implies ilint the're will bp a great I�llltary and civlc displiv similar to "`Ii�)se that cicellk oil tho occiislons of the fall- erAs of great continental ,4uverelgnK. Presumnb]Y� therefore, it will InClIlde foreign represpriti,itiveg, im -ng whum will be the King of tile I�C)gl:lrlsf tile Xing of Gre".P, the E1119 ot'llortiigal, aild, po&slbly, tile Czarewltr'h --nd the Otown rrinces 'of (4criu,ny,'Austria, swaf'M Girtece, and Denmai.k, Grand Duke Sprge, 111vinne H,f,nry of prilosirl, the Mike of Amsti, the'(3,rand Duke of Rnsss, Ind many other members of ruroppan Royal bousc,.q. It is stat - *d that Ili addition tO tile MeTriberq of both HONS86 Of PaVllanient afoot, tile Promsslon will lurludi, the Urd 11111YOt and tile corporation of Lou - doll. TREIR LASr FO�Vj) 1,1001C. Royal Family t, th, Queen. 0�wex, 19le of Ivight, Jan. 26' -with I Illaced a Wreath upon the eoffin mid tlo�i� ull retlre L fro., DAY OF GP.NBRAL 330'17R-NING. Proclanlation Issued Fixillg8attirday Next as tile Ottawa, Jan, L6.-TJie following of- ficial or.%iers relatingm to period of mourning for Iler liajesty were is- sued to -night .. 4 1'313ralds' College, London, January 24-th. 1001- 5310 EfirimtrAlat's Order for a geaeral mourning for Imr late _MaJestY Queen Victoria, In pumu- a-nee of art order of 1118� W11,jeSty-111- 0oalicil, (1-tinti the 24.th day of Jana- ir. - y, 1901, these are to give pablic notice that it is expected that- all persous UPODI the present occasion of the death of her late llajesty, of blessed and glorious memory, do put t1toluselves lato deepest Morning, the sald Inourning to begin upon the28th 'Instant#. 09ued) "Norfolk-, "Earl laarshal.11 mvornmertt House, Ottawa, Jan, 25, 1001. "F=suant to tho above order =04=1109 will continence In this vilwe Manday next, tlle 28tb inert,, bN1 WIDDIAM11 of 11,1,47 Excellency. (ATO[Pd) "ITAVrY Gxatham, A, D. C., "APA10Z Go-Ver"lift-Gonotal'is See. cantwn, _Edwa,,d VA., by tbt gra0f, of God at thp Urtit. ed r."Isdom of Grwt 'Witain and THE MAU60LE-UM Air FROGMORE". .7 14'. 1 * � , U a tvleg�r�ihi front Wit- I.A.,wilrd VIZ., Ilu- , tilde, bv,,sltl* I; %dinlral vy.)n 80-,oll, 'apt. Drurtrit-r, front human view. Revervietly the p,)mdeats to takei IVAN.in anii Nlehrlaq i tIIa%11,n hi ft. -r h4, fill T -,n ao Dr. %,,)it vo.'flnwas W1710 into ths- I tile Rtioxin-t-friserf-I which tit(,,' tit t, C ig til Que0l vie'l(vtItt. 08 officvr�s; Intl Illotn frt-311 took their futrx man had allandoned, to the � 11"PSQN, flas wire(I 11;lug l-.,d%1Var4l V11. liland 2-y,clovk m -s c,;rr(--,+oa,h-rUs �_,ill ytwht-, i4an I arounil tire ;Offill, QV,tr W111(41 til-,- Rlll�,I.i I tmep;ralili oSfitte. vongra.tulating hini t-11 lli% ao�m_�4Dn. vir­.r t,Lt� hav(A where th- qnf-vii%4 h):Iv 3�; Iv- awl hal�;;!r gently laid ttia Lord salifibury*s cong ation ratul; I Olving, to qucen Vic*arla's &aath there IlaS b,�F-n It- Th,�-r­ will be Il'i fnrt4f�r vi -it- , n, NuliI)t of tit.- f..-,rtvr, ll� hi BrIlitor-mr NVIllialn telvgTa �b fillf-"i to' 1,-_wd SmUo .1 tf�iuj;orary eeasa- t10" (It tht- Chineso negiAl-Ahm-8. The 02:1, until tire funf. rall. excopt vatilorni- the -ti a (Ii I Ili ad vroxvit ary lbat lip WrAs rejjleeol Is nati, nis tv-slay fir -ml rainate A Afic(-ro of th- army . tad lay the Izo.rni IVIII I,-, hangin-g Ily think tile- lie wa3 nmberri,l 91mis at Pekin in ho'nor of ltvr Ila- vil') will be! tilt - alplve -was thv I _Icpa Javk. it the allrong thme 111glimit in rank in His F's t, V. impel next wc�vk-. altarvvwth(-P -,rllq rcad .1 ll. !-ii(ni 14 the fuveral TIIV, 111LITARY 1-0"Tvleor In th"'. of the Royal Talully. Erqii�%or )Villarn e(wered to 110 310t -t 1,,Ial,t�ral 1,1% fat- y"11,11 hi. -4 hands. The irrief of Princess Bfintrice was �rn 10 " Landon, Jen. the (g_ I.A?d anno-anc(in'.11t i�s still Withlit"'IL lm.)ij xby `014,1 arrangeuvntt�e are, inconiplete, tiwre sf�eaig to 1)(I 1,01113t or tile w.euracv of the state- nlmt rabled rc,garmug mllitar.y ilro- (T.Y;Joll in Lf)lldon. Inform.ition from f�wirf ... s ill, Ic tf,. Indeed. thr- lra�-eaut is jilv�h- to be r.011- -rably mine (.Iab:)r",t(AhI I, wa,4 at first suppost'd, The Tolegnipli as-gerts t1hit tilt' Xln�,r, ReCompailled by 1."M_ peror Willism, Will ridu On horsabaick as chief mourners, attentleil by a, dis- t1uguished st.",ff, and implies ilint the're will bp a great I�llltary and civlc displiv similar to "`Ii�)se that cicellk oil tho occiislons of the fall- erAs of great continental ,4uverelgnK. Presumnb]Y� therefore, it will InClIlde foreign represpriti,itiveg, im -ng whum will be the King of tile I�C)gl:lrlsf tile Xing of Gre".P, the E1119 ot'llortiigal, aild, po&slbly, tile Czarewltr'h --nd the Otown rrinces 'of (4criu,ny,'Austria, swaf'M Girtece, and Denmai.k, Grand Duke Sprge, 111vinne H,f,nry of prilosirl, the Mike of Amsti, the'(3,rand Duke of Rnsss, Ind many other members of ruroppan Royal bousc,.q. It is stat - *d that Ili addition tO tile MeTriberq of both HONS86 Of PaVllanient afoot, tile Promsslon will lurludi, the Urd 11111YOt and tile corporation of Lou - doll. TREIR LASr FO�Vj) 1,1001C. Royal Family t, th, Queen. 0�wex, 19le of Ivight, Jan. 26' -with I Illaced a Wreath upon the eoffin mid tlo�i� ull retlre L fro., DAY OF GP.NBRAL 330'17R-NING. Proclanlation Issued Fixillg8attirday Next as tile Ottawa, Jan, L6.-TJie following of- ficial or.%iers relatingm to period of mourning for Iler liajesty were is- sued to -night .. 4 1'313ralds' College, London, January 24-th. 1001- 5310 EfirimtrAlat's Order for a geaeral mourning for Imr late _MaJestY Queen Victoria, In pumu- a-nee of art order of 1118� W11,jeSty-111- 0oalicil, (1-tinti the 24.th day of Jana- ir. - y, 1901, these are to give pablic notice that it is expected that- all persous UPODI the present occasion of the death of her late llajesty, of blessed and glorious memory, do put t1toluselves lato deepest Morning, the sald Inourning to begin upon the28th 'Instant#. 09ued) "Norfolk-, "Earl laarshal.11 mvornmertt House, Ottawa, Jan, 25, 1001. "F=suant to tho above order =04=1109 will continence In this vilwe Manday next, tlle 28tb inert,, bN1 WIDDIAM11 of 11,1,47 Excellency. (ATO[Pd) "ITAVrY Gxatham, A, D. C., "APA10Z Go-Ver"lift-Gonotal'is See. cantwn, _Edwa,,d VA., by tbt gra0f, of God at thp Urtit. ed r."Isdom of Grwt 'Witain and THE MAU60LE-UM Air FROGMORE".