HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-02-01, Page 3".. 1.�, ... ......... . . I
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. I I ,_ 1t11Y1&V___ ture . ____7l!=!===.. I. I .- . � I r , , , I I 11 .1 -
I . efl ?� A 11 y On - .;--.r-..-.. ... -.--. " �
11'. ,
. I A- . �' V11 ull(l i'll jt�w )11 Unxob 7th 3803, anil ticoomparilvil st ar -.-.---.I---- - ..
, rr, ted off 13102"Is lvOre shown Ordex'- 'tTletorlit, by the grace, of G1
� 411V ff_1% " crOSROd T;O Irel�md and took up, 311,1 I ( �
I qu,arterg nt the 0 je�h 04,�kikpi r b.Y thf. 11-rinee of Walos, came to Lon- t1lat' 110 ANUIltes should be fired. se Include tile la,rge lettq
. I . attaolled for the purposes _ of drill - - Australia 1�
. .. . t 11 llsol " " -e,
I ULAN%-� AT LIFE O�F - li,�Jill'. Lmilorig of tile orl I r,�,11,11,, likent Crown . �
b'lup" (k)frl, tile grCtilteat interest being tak-
. I . I . I Oxeruisf, to tile IST ,Battalion rjr t1lo dal u,nd e groatelst J0,11 killmylk by alid t1w other royal ytif,-Ilts wope uku8_ writs, and t1lo many forms In
W, - t1W publl�,, St. a ' " Us ie Aliberta steamed lby, I .
. , V *30th. )EV4 popularity both )vitil .Pn t earge'a Chapel, whIch I t��xeci tlio courts.
I . - EDVIIARE" V11, 0renadler Gurl,rds, than brigaduLl fitil had 1,,),t be I. I 11 I
. KINU - 11" IJ I , tile , lie kicene of a RoTal � Tlv� (1o1llulV.1l(!enlV Lit or the Kikig,14 first
I I . � soldiers ,111d officers was great, marriage since that of gienry I. In voyage was art Impressive evwlt. The nill't, to file 11-resfd�
, � . 3.:m_�, Ivals prepared for the Wedding, , Aft IlXtvr ting Ceremony. "'
Who Now 1411es Great Britain. 11IS Courtship. I , Washington, Jan, 25.-JFWJlq
w.1",ic1l tf)rJk 1)',aco ,(At Mx-rch 10th. Ali 8 tile text of tile reply W-111
to so, e aftGO'Ung Part of the c(womiony wilts . .
I theprussian aillitallY11411110,011N,110.8 Oil , OfOulld obeisance made by the ki-1110 at the arlboroll6ell "Ou"'o to Vr'!' ward VII., fit amiNvor -to his Xl
, --,a-"--o,,;;�-AAAAAAa-,P.-��;z�;�;.,��.$.,;Z�:-T,;Z*��AA I , theRbine. But,this was not tile only ,1t1,',k,%r Th,,U,o`,,:,1nk,i first PrIVY WunQ11,where
. -^RAAAk1,--, ; Ill 8-entember thePrincewent ac.." dl'o%'o t') St Jalms' I"al' Proaldent reenivoil from Xin
'king Edward VII., who succeeds thedral of quellee, , J 'L'O thO Q11cen, who Pat prl- I hit miskimea of coildolkiniae oil the death -
,w interesting anti u,ce.ording
e object In view, for the Prince Con. 0ald alone ill the Royal clooet, ; 1w Ills title. T110 cerelklolly t, neen�
S,un4ay, Aug. oth, :L8(,0.,,uk 'nory of sort writes -,,it ba(I been arrallged I robed in the aulonin black weeds .to I oeborna, Jan. 2-j,, ,
Alleelt Vietarla, on the throne of the in In QueiLwic vately of ; pnell-letlent. The Kjlle�' was in it separ
Empire, for nearly sixty years lias I tile Prince for tile first time con- , that Bertle wal;e to make the aeqjlljlli� - w1dolviloo[I . ate apartakokit froin the Privy (;olkn - T,lio President, White House,
been L-DOWA to us as the Prince of forrod the honor of ance. of the Princess Alexandra or The Prin�4 wuB now committed to � Ington, D. 01-
I , I
, Knighthood, ,%ir . . I (311101---;� To tile Lattti,k. tile Am mont grateful for you
, Narcisse Bolleall anti sir iiarry ; 't'1110 UOUT&SIB oil I to which liwq remaln- 1)evolip"Illre forrAtIly communicated
kwales. Denmark, wit<) was thell. oil a v1sit Duke of
130 Was the eighteenth P . rince 8-lulth being tile reelplents. .,,L qpl� i to Germally, 30th a View to a mirr- , oil 1119 f011' C50- ITIAMY Years, that of a tile dect-th or Queen Vl(.torla and tilt, RYMPILtlrar lit the irix,q)-arabli
Of WsJes to hold that title. . I
. cial visit Was made to the Heights rt,190, e'llould tne meet -law result fit 1 lea(ler of S, I "
..)elov, Ill 80mo mpaai�rp, ! tg
The Prince of Wales was born at Of Abraham. It being vory t tl,,_I.j!eN,,1loa lit ll,pp Ron, tile PrIllee of which the� ria.Clon and I liai
wet:�,Jl-n a ))all ue,J ati;4zhillent.11 Everything I I'll PlItee Of Ills Wid'Ayod niother. A Waleaw, to the tilliked. I folt eqnvInved tb4
BuOkInglialn Palace on November 9th, Montreal W'" Dcached, Jokus �;;"�,,, fell Out, rul WEIS Vvished, as the llrine� kning couir,se of functiolls fill,d in � throne.
I The Roy4li 1)11flp 1.1.11fl (�prtalll lords of I wDuld be ishared by yon al
18-1.1, all(] the) birth of an heir to the killi'd-B concerning " the raining proposed talid tias ,accepted 1, I tl1eh5e Years. tjbo (�jojlnell 1,;701.q, 'n tf
, till, Americ&n people.
throne Was ftanoun. Princot" but 110thlilg chet,ked theell- , Princess Alexzxqlra.� - Irected. to re- I -4glied), *Fv1W.%r
. ced to the Prime thuslastic a,rdw of tile people tosee Denth of Prince Consort. T1111,1 ,�I,�r%A, 31().Nix Pair to the Kinlg'ki I)rCBenCo to at�. I (),
Minister, Sir Robert Peel, tind the the xoyal y1sitor, 110 inaugurated tho When. his father died, .at the ex- I �lt�,,Il. (111,11111t 111111 wltj) tho te,I-MV4 of the ? t vo be
Lord 01ISDOellor, Lord Lyndhurst, at Exhibition, Opened th 76in 0 1 p"Ss Ternil; ii)f pro( —
0 t" - it tubu. I wish of the physiclans, tile _.I — 1101'(1�1 Pl',`Ri(l4-'Dt'8 stfttPIW�nt. 1,R,hort. ! God 6, t King!
10-48 O"UW,k In tile morning. When I&P bridge z%crogs tile gt, L I Aniatlon to be Issile.d n)..I?nt. Slifirtly aftermirdH lllal Majesty I -
awrence, Queen and Royal 'Family, with the Ill carladil. enterad tile roulki ill whiell the Conn. � BUNVII-I'd VIL is no immature
0n3y t,w%,, days "OvIew-ed the volunwers and aillors w,��ry .'skifillibled un,'t addresse(l 1 111D -111 be wo
old the Prince of In numbericars fetes. oil took Part exception of tile PxInce of Wales,re- As4sulning th&t Ills �Injesty will W yel old on Noi
the way to pabod to Osborne, the Priince remain- t1lem ill it brief NIHIM-11, The Lord I .
fWales Wus visited in state by the Otta,wa the receptions at Kingston take the title of E dward the Seventh, I eI � %_~,
Lord Mayor -'lid the Sheriffs -of Lon- And Belleville Ing 41t, Windsor to discharge tbepairk- Chinn ellor, Lord U-0.10WY, then all. I r'—,," - - " ` - - - -- - I -
I .
JIU�I to be abandoned, .tie ten -or Of tile proclainittion will 1 min tit to tile King. and 1 $�
dsbIp; and owing to the existence of some Gr- � t -1 -yin time. T116 fllneral of t be ." follows: ,,Wheroas it hatb of tile Counvil. Vownwiti-ing with
don and Middlesex. His Lor ful duties that fell upon him, at this 1 i�et*rpd the O�L
the Lady Mayoress, with tile City Re- an -go archos .1111olIg tile decorations. prl 9 tie I - tile Z�
At Cobour Me Consort took place on Dec. Pleased Almighty �lod to call in His I afterwartIq to th41 var,'out; nivinberp C ;U 0.1
x Ii is Royal Highness Was : '�; _ n Lady Queen UM
21lembralkee,r and the Sheriffs, were druly entertallpe . 8rd In St. Georgies Chapel, Wilid. m0rcy'inr 111to Sovereig I Lords in (lonw!il, t1k.,,y toOk tlir,ir re-
. d I 11i,f Victoria of W-)ctirc O,'ltll0 Of 11110giall!-f-, and tbey I
ushered up tile grand staircase at At Toronto, itfter so s9r, the, Priam of '",'ales being t, bleKsod and glorious ak(�nl_ 1 R I
me further Mourner. When the pall was with- 017, by whosr.� ,cipepasp , I th011 Ptl,5-,;(ld in turn 1),fo.,-(. 1.119 *�qaj_ ! "____1;1;r1_1 :9
I , , tile Imperial e,Ay, as with a, IvN�,,.-�., (-X'-Pl)t tile klss- � . Leading U'll"Ut AlarketS
'Buckingham Palace. The Lord Chain- trouble sikall,tr to that at Kin. to'], drawn and _.' United King ol ()f I
the entertainments went gs , the crown and sword Ck"J�','n Of thP it D ,
berlain conducted them; to the Royal WItholat a hitall. forward were laid on the crimson coffin, the ("reat Br.tOin and Ireland and all I Ing Of boliAlK lk�fnro p!I - in'g oat of tile, ('111cago Club.
" , .;
party o I Prince platted upon it a bouquet 01 Other of her late Alnjn�A-Y'A domill- I J i. ill!- eert-mony t .% f. w.
alpartiquint, where, after the i Ill Highness i y1olots an,, a white camclit*t , Chambor. Thj.s brotlgll4 r Yolz ::: ... ... �`_-_
,11 the . 1011j? alr(t soilly and rightf4illy col1w _4 , () .1 OoFll. � .Ili W i altoo ... ... ... 01 711-21
had congratulated Prince, Albert, tile lauded a,t a splendid pavilion erected re 7 Ch a I beell gath . I t 12
Cent , ) Ili h c ered with t') in'. litAl na I in'i4hty Prince Albert slivk'allin...4 Cie Kilig.
Prince or Wales was brought in. He "tt talla foot of Jotin street. His visit t,110 �Qklee.,,L,s owl, 11, , .
ands, and EL
Was marked by the pill.itting of a t,rf,c fro ,n : d1ward, PrIne, � : "it- LOuili ... ... ... 4)(73
was carried round, in turn to each of t, E a of IV,.-(:,,, T, the said � Doljwl cruwl-q, I;_i,_-`llllil1g at St. I IV,3do ... ... ... ... 0, 77 ;1-2 .
In the Horticultural gardens, the I in Osborne the night before. Sir Gilbert &,)Iln Eliot. t,�irl of Mint -1. 1 JIT'lles' ,4troet. linfirt '(!I- streets tri - DcArolt, red ... ... 0, 78,142
the Thsitors, the Lady Mayoress being planting Of a silver Oak just east of 1 Tour of the lioly liand. (' "over"Or-0011'=1 of Cr linda, etc., as- i A lCtOrift 8,Wtion front an e.trly hour. I Jirttrolt, Willie ...... 0.781-2
allowed to damille and kiss him. And the,site of 81r1ohm Ma.edonald's monu- � Her lffilJof3ty, Ivith a faithful &,Ire Ri8ted by his M,1j,,sty%. 1,1.lvy (, 11,1011 i Ths '311111 anki OP., frout of Buclk- ! Da-luth,
" r 10 . No. I
before he wa$ a month old the ques- went In tile park, the turning of the � to exeell 'ery wig for Camitin, aud w1tI, their hoartv ' 113glinill illainuo ur �re (-sTX,C!!llly ', Northern .., 0,72 5-8
. t,e 81 - It of the deoGmed
tion of first sod of the Toronto, Grey && prince and z0alf)"N concurrow-i, do, there- 11 111rolig"'l- .111 :!long' tile fortner, i Duluth, .No. 1.
lalo Royal Highness' armorial Bruce R.Lilway, now tile C,. P. r I Consort, resolved that the ,
'. of Wales should make a tour .0by 1 from 1�tl;'Pf - --rough f hard ... ... ... ... - '
bearings, was very seriously debated. Prince fore, 1101 . � publish nnd proolalin , 11,01. tlM I - to 3farlbt.
,, e,741 5 El
.,.e .1-itignis filied w!"ll , Alltincti.poli.13, No. I ,
From Toronto the roYal party went Ili the east, lit acco,rd-nuee with hig thn,t the bigh and illighty Prince At- '. (al
Tho ClarL,,liekking. on an expedition up the Northern f�%tller's plam. Ancordingly or, reb. bert JI'dWard Prime lit '%Valf, � 1,14110`4 st(Nol -s if for a llruw�n- i _-V
: St. George's Cha,pel, Windsor, hav- 11-allwa ,a, is 11(pula, W%Vontlln� Ulat ilia vulLe-11- Northern ... ... ... -
triilvielsy After returning from MR lltll,toL�6'jlo. the Prince took Jea,, ,f naw by thc �eutll Of 01!r late 'Sover- . 1ruill, tlto ftl?�Ajuvn �,�pkl th(i kg,y1lpaut.,j f Turouto 1.4trillors"Imarke
aptisill, ,; P north tho Prince attentled , r(;v Ing mother and set forth, I
Ing been. selected for the b. his I -Ign of happy 111141 910elona menlory I'VIINLt-100 llll-�kels of Whi
p made to surround a ball at -the exhibition building. Hav- travolUng ns Daron Renfrew, and i'llecomi, our only I.tN%q1l1I 11ruil ightful * W"r4' dre-(.d Pit IIVOIXIIL11�1* 'rile ill)- :
r ". , I 100 bliolele of rk"NI sold 1-22c.
it. I All—
It with' circumstances of peculiar Ing visited London, Woodstor*', Paris, bt,big directea it) decUlie the hasphal- I liege Lord, .-C,q��;la.d _ I lit'O J)r4-"t;oll.,i w,,ro 11111mitu. � .1
' -
';7Of I y , rWL V I I 111011111(-! gnarilpd -ilzmnst .1 at 69U., and 3m) bushAs of
Seventh, bv i on
Otato and splendor. Tile 10nX of Brantford and otll-(,r towns, the party Wn. , II foreiwn courtz. After bu-1- I tile grace Ot ('tell King of tile Unit0d � pyery I I jr,wr at, (;., t -o 05 1-L,(,,.
. . -
I I t�41, '.
Prussia, on being asked to become took In NI&r,ara Falis, and then re- 110YIng lip 1he Nile as fay as Theb-.,� i Klngdouk of Grpat- 11ritain and Irc- ; 1), tl . '"rd of "it w:Y- All Nv,t*t J I " 1J.'erley-*100 bliAlAk, tiold 1-2
and, defe'lld - .1
one of tile Sponsors, hold baeg; burt turaed t`o Hamilton. His visit here ilia Prince went to tile Hol -y Land, I I . . ent)v for Iv.i,,tr.,z t(l grt,4�1 tht,tr 't -P, -tit 47 t--> 47 1-2c.
, -�r of the f:k.1th, to who, 2n , 1�lng. ,
.the Queen had set her heart ullon Ills has already been described. vp,linding five day.9 in -Ternsalcal, and I are dup all falill all() C,Allitillit obiull- , . 111ts-100 bui-liols solt., lc� 111
00ming, and IlP, yielded on the re- At Niagara the falls 1rare illunil- I-Icbroa, the Can,vo of Maepelah, Ntl,za- I fince, with 0,11 hParty and humble at- -' UN, Arrival. ! .313t..
celAt of an autograph letter. A :77-7---- 1 .___.____.____ __ l FA (llJtll-0l-%% uinwv 'r,I by Ik it.' .1 dozi,ql ,I lbty and st-ralv.-Hav was 1)
. . , __,__.____ __ - � -, - , .. � - I . � . __ � - ...
goorgicous wane was presented on the . , mrillnVA ll'�..' .
Morning of Tuesday, January � '" '," :' Ill ti -'P 140'.'401-11h. Whil *,Ili' P.-Icrl Was ea4ier.
'15, - - . .- � dt,44% Nory rall illy, lViAL tilt- ,.-traq.'[�- � lo�Vl.n Vtilkl 5Uu. 1"tow"r w. *13
- . � . I -J
1842, when the babe was christened � 1, � liku'll and t..0,111all 11 thoil. Usmal .--I.( k, ,'It, -r ton. Two lo,;,-, i.j or stkl,k1,r .;
by tile Primate, with water brought � i iiiii rie.,;, -winirl'in,' ir,,ur..!_;� b�; nil� uil ' ' A�
� 1 K -(fwf"-* ,it. $-') V) $9.50 1),-r Upa.
. from the Rivor Jordan in 1825, re- I � I Ut. ir arli's, I'voltrilt h�ttl , Vi'm, -014. Drt,,r.�ed 114'%,�A�_.NI,trkez rather
celving the name tot Albert Eilward. . l ' I'di1g, JV"Ith ull J -r Ili, r��,y �e txetil b,l,t4!(- with privo.q wit-haa:,.,,t�J, ..,z �,jd ,&
I I � : him. 114. Wtl�, ! 1 Ili Or,
HiR sponsors were the King of Prus- . "I /. , � tit .o " . :14T.'IN'tit � 1) ,r cwt.. Tll'�' Pro-polts mro to
I'll and nitt.;t � !*.It)�t. �
, " -
Ma, tile Ductless of Kent (proxy for , i - kill'" 'WilX, !"All -'W- � I'llt-c- 1AV1h4 V# Ur- iurth,w
I . �N i fu:I.N- ra'sv�l hi , It .t ill .4t.kil -wIF-11triloliz � tl- %allw 4A five h,k-,Q
.the Duchess of Saxe-Colitirg), the N
Duke of Cambridge, the Duchess of 11 I . I ,! Of tivtsl,tl�it un ::;J-4` -"U " 0' lkel.!�. Tho, J.'uttor."Marks't, "itim, With
Cambridge (pr,a-,;y for the Duchess of 1, Kill lookvtl . I., . - - ,.. , ,
f K .. , Niid IVJ-Y "'ti- P01- lllll`� "111-111- l'r:tf4S Ul"A SUAlly
Saxe-Gottila), Princess Auglist'i. of X I . ,�Z, t Ictwillil, 11:al 1-allt. tit - I)qtj$,1 to � I Yoriz. I 1.11-ing'.11 at -0 to 21LIV.
, I , J':91'&-1,V-'0'PW r-iful-11 and
Cambrildge (p,roxy for Princess So- .1 . �S% I') I till- Duko, tit t,qo:i � Ill n,%,:ll,. a:ill Whol..".
.1Z ": , , :a.-,. �_ It % . � Btell tilt- Rolgr .tl�,l till- 1):11Z, w' York t Prit-os ar�,kazettj,..
Pill."), and Prince Ferdinand of ,Saxe- -A ,V_; -_-k , , 45511M --Uo;% . .�� '- loak-Al p;t1hl-lj,-.1l!y kill at I,uv*,.iaglt,m V-111try-- .Alarket., tiull, wit),
Coburg. Subsequently a runior got . ; . %.�� ... -I.N, A.,*�__ , - "I �� . , i'ul4Ma'k ti"'Y Ilik-el!, .tilt' iwlwl,w,� , smail, aild it
� . - _Nft , 1. .
, , , N ,I I
, r AV15�1? ;;,:�, Atlo or im demand.
Into circulation that it waa Intended . ." I _gs i 4,01; t. � .r On, g"ll.; al of ho ":. �k rlt� unelianglA.
to ll -'M udded tile na,ine W1111am, tG i - , f-yq�� --z-- __ , ,
tlio.,ie giveTr to the Prince, but It was ,., J. ;r,V%, ilv"kh. tit-, lhk�;tllo ,*41'lkllll'4N.
. I I Set-dit.
- �', . - *!";��,("%,�t;*."'i,i,,.,"E�""-*h 11311 Vr-1Y'- wl thvir ;
ioulitted by accident. 1. .1 /, IN 11 I r, I -, i, '.
, � Siepviw. TiltTO IN a littlo (,Xptyrt tra
I M 1%�DZI I
The robe of lace worn byl the babe I �', (V, J / � the, nuirla-1 Ili gg-Ill-r4ti i& .:I,,
� T1141 K!"9*9 0.X 13. " f
� �' .§ \-, �� 1 �
vras valtzod. .it L;700, and all else Was 1/ok"d �� L 1 :10;149.� .tre simul. Alsike Is
tN'�.�' �N ;�� 1, .A% vorri;�.,vtnt�,pjll, viritk�t, --pVVUliAr- T "'It S'1-0 tO $7 PI -1- IPMOW!, 1-f-il
In the. same magnificent style, the . � �!� 19 .
total cost 01 tile christening antount- � W � �) -I,/ ly oill'y two Oat I I-1 r4-liU;rL-4I of till. , -it $(I to $4.75 u --r ilzur":h4�', .%
.� .. , lio%c i A,
Ing t.") 1:2100,000. N. � . . . . . . . . / ..�r', - -roign wt. .4,vp,�,�,;,� ;�11,1 ill tl"al ! 01 I ,� ; t $ 1-40 w's 40 1kr 4 -Wt
Virst Public Appearance f,J ,-, 4. 1, :Z.,_� 0.1th lit! bu-varq tit tll,,lo.jtt.kill ;11 .,4cl,qt_ i
- 'Alk I I "� it Torrottw 1.1v,, ,,,,,,k)4qt .%X,111.
. I I -�-� 44(irla 'I ( lwrrl1.'%iV1 Pros- 1 *%Vurl uv!!, ,Cop_% gp,%� 41M.
. I 1- i; '_��,i3 4, //,.,�, I 11111 till, IZ
'A.t u, 111MtQxY inspnetion lit ITItidsor � -1 , -, ,�� % I I Zil
,4. l I 14 ., S4� b.1tervin gk,v#-rlk,IB.-llt. *I,j,t.j 1,iflid , ,,%uall (.!,� L I...,,;;,"..
Kome, ParL .1 �t),) , "'.�` �!`Vt� L 4 e`#
, Ott Feb. 4th the publie had I- � ... I ,)I ig-e" .., witiell , tit tl3k! rvigill tot .%link. 1, ., 1,111'(1.W" - 011.*e 1%, :, 4 . I ula
,,r, I l . 7 5�-':'11�,ikd_ � , t - V� �, 41 " . �.4:1 �0, . 4'_.�, 4�.
for t1lo first time, aat. Opportunity of t,&\ N d�;Olr known .-ii tilt, l,.!tq r4lr 111, " Vr_.ill-4 __ L � ,
in� 0 � �� Y�'_. I I . . I;" gl,zv, . i ri
i , Mre 15 I r "'t- - -, %I I .;,'4,
the V%inC4 of Wales. The balke, 0 - " 1KN I �c I . Of tilt' "! - '11' 44 -�e .,I iv L %1. 41thPll 1 _1�4"J'irj,.�. ;�J�%t"
0ee s told up by his hurso at the solit,11- �),,� o (tiktll%� LTJV'11.�J'Ill" til.rit 1*4 i Iti;ft" tt! tl,l� 11 . . 12 m
wa � , t 41'1 '
, � e't�,Z,'�:t��.'o 7,1�,;e Chur, ll,.� to, 1.11P,11 tW�t. V.'�,j I-, .ill 4 17"I'. ,,� � �, ,I:..,,, .1 ,,,
i ) , " _1 , -�? .r V 9 � � "; �, - ��t.n 4 Ill I,V "W'... t. to
, '.. 0Y, i z,
, - ". .
, I Dim , ;. ` - -� _F',W, Z . i:a"'n val,tr. I
udow at the Qtlicews boudoir, , i) U
erl .- %N-1 V ,� ;I Rl�l %V
, I N . , ;;$ ... - . .1
aintd the heal-t-10st cheora. ,,I �,11,111`t , __ Z�:T.i � %twk. vri- rlwi . I Q,..q 0. . t �1.�Z� t. tl�
,�, - ,
, ..I
FT0111 0411-110st Childhood gToo.t care ..;V., _.�j'..�t�4. io;"� �;,- 1�; Wlf �drl, It - F P ev. &.� 0,
,� �w .4,.; 1 'AlU2 " V,ilil. k �'�, V%J,t
I '. �' 1, -, �.� Not lit';"t " , ��`S(l I
� ) r,t- = _�, - -.I.% L;L-it t I* t1jili t�%,,ltt, o r"�l-"`-.l:"`-kV� 14 r...., , _ ;j _L'�, ,"
-110 Prince overy- I --- ---- / � Ull 111 �. I)- a ,A var nfoql .-jjtt-,Y,-,kq11. � , ,'4 .. _.. .. 0 ,,I t
W,U tak"A to W101V t ./ k, I I'll, I �- 1�. � livili 111�100,
I _N%, _* r '_ i, T11V Tirfl-f-4oar , 1, , !'ll 11 I-. .'g,.;. %. _j,- ,
, , .
.. r I Z, r". _% i �,,J te. l . '.
,�, " �P_� . .� . . " r .... .. I -1
- I U :�'F, �.Z%V_ - � ' !I T'f JiT-t,"rIL. %�. ",R�. ��Zt'ator_ . �'-:,�'.r
thing that could assist in his educ& I
, .e t"
_ ,, , , N." . ;,: ", � ,
tion ant] tralitilug, and lid when but V I. , - , _,�_ - #,!Pt:,D_. I
I'll. �. .; . , . -
Zoar years of age uras Oready pal- I Lq q I .40, __ � �. ;:�,-Ij.iaq i 4.1 i 4 �,.�,, � :A I ,." -!, , ",_ i I I 1')
tl '-_�-_; ,4'1�9" Illit - t1it, e4i-int-ti wlpt, z I , a t,�W.' ij I— � 11 ��lq
/ . . _ _ � ... � t
ticitiating In public fanctIL,lis. . I t 1 OJIZV,111.� - � - - il,��;�:e-j,- -,4- r. I t'r.". (`k0""'.IIl:'rt " t l.l. .`_ � iZ �1' W'r .1 .'�� 4 �t'j_!N' "we, tj�!I. plot. et, �. .... I ��J ,e
, _;;�;�7" �, X" :, , i
I ,., "I I I ?1, r i"l'h,lll-!veI,r..ti.,j_ t �.,,:� . , 191 �A!1�1 ! %.. . , . I., ,ij
."Wly Recollettions. ,.t �� - � " ',i", I . ;W,
I.' V. - "q il..��14 '. 1� ,
� "' foil t 116; t i-, vor:t . *,F q!.�,, , , �:_,,_.: L�',A � I . � ... , I'll,
_-_ _:;: ... . r � ,
The deatla of tile DUke of ITrelI1jlg- , I 'o,' �=-�J �,!,P- - - , ._ i . -2.,q, I- ;� t �., t) k
., tell �..
4 I,,-- 1�_1111;�;:_ ; 1 � 10. .-Itt r witne'l the. I V % , � �P% A� , 491,.,�f a. k, , ,
. W . __ W .. L, ,Jw '��J�'l . -1; 31L V'At'�'. I'!. V%'. .
ton. wh&% occurred lit 185", deeply I I.. - 7"?"Ok-1 ,-"* ,11 _��'_ � - ��!,e,;,�. O'�, �� _.,.. " I
�__ fy .---- ,
" ,
ILffett0d the yonyag Prince, who had 11 I I �: . � , , ��, I V 4 ;01% Ivirvi, .n.o.". .110�.l jel� .
� I r �,Jl .1 q.J,il. , �l, j, ., �.,. . , I
. 1;,W� I �. �
;� ,� � I Z,� r . --,.,:P �ii- , � ........ � 2 mg k
b0til. all oxe..0.10az terms With the gre&b . ' /'�,%qlf, 2 4 ;, �7'. �,'.it�'IV 4. J'V%llp, 11 V 0110 k�, tri, I `A`r'� I figir.- ' 0"Me.a. I! W11 - . ... i I .. r. �, " I J�L
, , - f'o 11 . 17 , I ,,,zl� . . i Iwv lwc�n fol PT.,., -, I in th � �_ r �_ t;u li-et * �, � . .; .� ; ....
� .
' , �' - /
W.dier. 2101* stirring memorlds of lez, ,7, _. , , I i ?�'61_/ J� W, Vi 0 I U.. ;41 4,1 01 1: I- , 11C4 - 6t �, - :-.5 kv, , -, - _ �; '", iq
thim V:srky R _,� , 1, L : �,��,! �7_�:��5., -
" I/ . r: �, % ;is t ,. �
I A, �0'1�%Vt teu 1��-L L`�.' 2'�: . lj""'I,
.1 of his boyhood word t1W ;t�:�_p I -; - 1,ir � , _.-;0e.;Z!;�";rA I , .! - .1 ti". Kk!.i;-.�t_?1l,, 4,el �:Vso .
,,-;I 0__ I � , Ao� 'J.1 &r ,f l' ill � , �p I iliorVl r4: '.; $1 9"!, fi;l%�,F t . .. �;, Q. J,,
,reiJeW ot Ow- Gua.r& prior to their 2- . ,P , ,t,6v:-:!:X.e;F-_,�_,. 64� Ill i - �. W, I �;11.t.�21,1!14%. , �. . 1, ti4 �
meat tile p, . I � t� l uIll 131� r( ---,-r,' f:,, Uo. Vhoar,,!; F -T I - I- . ,
�. .F
, keof Tit ,;�) , At. I ... . V 1, 't
Undo -,A V# .
idepirture fo.- the Or: in _!= .. . ,�,4. ,,, r,i - -1 - /I -_ ` .., .. . .. I .
- If - � L -
, �,r,,��O _. -
- - � .,!.r vy.-V. I.q.
11 � ,�'�. � utl-, 11',, T vir I . ;l L;Ll
of the filValidel soldiers returned from ell - 51�' . 11'.1ke- ,�. �
,( 11
4%% I.IL L$; Ill , ;�
, . `::t'Ple" ,
I I _ 1� t "Our -'� �"! S!' Jr'"L;j'ii. 'tt_dj't"e`A f .Aw;, " ,%Iallt�ohsa U vlll.*.t , a"r,jpc,
03 cmp�,Iga. the fIr3t, 1710torbi Crws �',Vq"V I -.1 i P I -, " P11-11 , ��j 11
I 111?/��5_00 , A - - - . .
/� I
� r� -';'� ", L � 0, - "" f V 'Ei"V"�k" 'U UIP Li _r �4'
, � 'Y'r ��' � I I � _;�,� I : t h;l 11mist u tt" a � V �.!! . 1. . -
parad,40 an -1 otbar accompaulme.-va of . . � _ U.'01rii�'L i�uv,
- ,� — 1. � ,� "%;' 1F :1 4;
Itho Cr�=Wtr War. __ )O�� I !, F. Ail� - �-tx 9 -4 i � t. 'tkt� - . ,.,�q�a,� hn o
Il' I �� .- ;--�_ Txrt.� XWO-o" I* V()I. 31,�,4,41A,rA.�, ej�4.- 1�.,(VL jj�'�.tr"�qlk t_;L,Zi
All cdilvat�o& 11 61 A. 01 4 .U. � .
Ili tour) Which Was . � ro . .1 __ .
lftiad--� lit 1837, Was Utroilgh Germany _&, �qzl- q.. - _,4-Uii%q.W.i1 %,..;;;,w� I,%, ,C_e Ntw.
pnd SwItz,oriand. With tile Eur-mror e �;_'_&_1e-,.ANl `2!e I - , l h1log %Val vellirm. I po'n tillilk 'I'l(le of t�.O-, mud Z411t,L'Ay il�_ 'L�cm,aad 1g:
.0 �f 1'��!,
or Uia French, Napm! . p gi p0twe i,,iii Unlo,. 11� 11A ;Xc- i_nw-�.A�.,�2� to ,eiii .&
ceork, tile Vrinee �t � #_ I .
srh:, , e r S,'� t 4�1"Ult% Till, ra,.io��u,:- t l)T ,,,�I�;,,,,,
- - ,,, �� - T.`�'Ap link., of Y-, .r&- tvml i'llt 111ir Mr,Q0 r- t,( 3
zt'=dy 0.1 g,;o ' I to ' w. TM in" ? , I L!'Lf
tla�--%�,;, �, ll�v It 14'� .11" 0) - P..�!.el, � . _ 1,0�1.j.,...%_ - r
, ,a or the Prilices3 Royal by)k 1/' X T lva!�,.? lt�w I VA: ,
,�' .
1 , t%tt 11� futher lt;-R zuwi,ji,!, .1 tljc� '"�' 1,'(1- ; N116 1 zol-1 No. :21 hu
lr, on Al 11 . , X4:1
L)rII �;11� -t
IPI.ace ut 1' MID, and st�oa aft( I - - . i 4� V111111Y rIVIA11
;�� - .1 W lir, ne. Thv prI�*le1;;,1b,,,,&- wz�� � gi..tl;t '"'�'f%-"�,,i 4--L t�.( v;(�cli. 1;-a'�, '
I" ; , IV;` I t.
I Is' ill* 1`1111100 IV"' co-Ut rined. A — . q _
.%, � 71. iooe�,A�1_ ; ;
,��__ J'$i hil ,z' �
filit to WWW and Ireland folloWed, 55* � _ - Edr"lr.d J. t l Jkl'; LS(r r .jtf., eant t 4.a I a!'� * al. . ...
warked br grimt oilthus!asni. 10 t��_�_ IN el - .. . _. " 1'. o.� V4 ,,
. - �Ivard 11. ;4114 11 �,:k , .:O.�, Rilt-r-, vii� ', .'tv'�,N �'4%,..
� IF 11 1W.1.1", r 51 - 4). I tj'�r,q. _.
. .
P,U71.sl Manhood . � . -P�_$Xt::"� Q,(O.::: 11 iot 1;1'g;�'11'1 ('-Q'1%_r"(I'�1e"nJI,.L *.;-,v.n t :i- hal 7o.-, %to. .,,, Dit1r,j, t, j,j I �:��,;
- _rl �Vvvl_nq. Iji.1 priltil-i.'. Utle - n19'r, , ., ,
, U.Ilvi�4�3., 0%i-:_�,- �R �.- -
11 14 V ,-,./ W,4 1, 0 . " ,,A,,� ;
On the Prlft_-is`� 4gaventeic' 1�1 V 01 lr.,:.,. . -
Atli birth- 11 I IIL-; �-,&Verv!.Ay. T., l ill -w ;4, ,;,4.rc�ir;?,,,,j �-u. 1-!-i-1 No. U twr'l, 6,0
day lin IV -as appailn'ted colonel In tile I I I ;*. , ,
I - if.. 6 4,11N,4 C�f d.
1. I . ttz- .4,01 the 1;,!kf- 41 V.xk, , �c , ,
'. -No'. �; .- prt"Cem, 0-1 I uv, Ill -
* I � ' rl�l
still -3V (tillaktac4led), and waA ftivest- 6e f I , but lr,- bi_d,iinti�s tilp lou�jit._ t,f (,,z.r F, � R.'�i,.,'�', `114`�06t' I oft, Arthar. .
All by t'lip qw-'en with the Order Of I - r - 'mall. fffif.i tftlp 1'AU-"ep2.dh64 L'. ----t,- -1,-;'�, i.i�,�a a kc,"IV10,121
'I h I .. 11 /., from U.; fatil,pr. it IQ Vil 111111 4'('JJl,Vl1rJ . 'VIt4i'lt, lj�
411U. Gatter. Title E r I I � 'q lli�, 14�jr! , .it
11 - . , iri-noralU7 gi.,4_ , Ir" 'Ili ,
�F.relleh swt him a largo ftllno I fitim'-d titat Cle X*, Tilt url , I i.,!n t t(:WN t"011-11 N"�. .." jl'ta-j �: WJ
n ,and I ,� tfAilltriV ", 4'�' 4, .1,�. I , -.4 '.V,l
_ �tti_ _ I 4". ;3 llkVbl
ftbk� Quor. of Spalit, �vhof bad pro- / r ei pler hr',s pr1ne!p,j,1ItV 'Up -,,I him. .11i I �Jf�r
iviously whrorred tile Order Of the I 4 , � I . G I i L*" 1;i � .,�., No. 3 kkkvbher
� It 't within Itis r-,�lval prvn_�.gatlte t"Y . o-�-, WjlP.,r%,4 U. e,la
- 't .
olden Mieee oiti hlw, now ordered V__� W-% V__q t (10,�-13�1 ;ZATat"".1m, Volawerelag, .i,4,1. ;-";,
------- fl.!,rallsi rt o ,% ..rl ; ,,,,* 4
'Order by the Prince t�otsort, on the A , C , � �.-�.':�i-*itgtai;":"e'r'griii[iiltiZit'Aiiiiteiiiii.�fi§i�VVJ: :� " :
lid f`0 be JnV,_�,gtdd &S r.% Rnif;bt of the r"I"INJ 1:� OF WALES I .
9 TH" I- K-
Pd,2130 (111-Y Mr. Gibbs, Who tok eight , 1 �� k TL,3-r', %V.w 10 4 lsp,�Vlal feat-ar
Vears had silted tile rgmt of Ill CL . iwpor�aue.7 in ,%vholA�,nlp tr 14le a I
t&tor,i Who IS-lacceedsi to the Throne � �5"ffile a .* T-Val"o t.�,.- I.:v" -�. -, *
� r . , roce Viliq the baidg- of Com� ' _,". - r I;c %A $1 Changes � -oile l'--,!r^b,;
I - 1. ., -
.1 ---. . �.
- ______ IP
"n , .. - -
'1A, of the 11%th as a tolten of 1 ba -'a. -S, ,'w T. � .1-,;' a 'wt:
I !. i t .1 , , R",klwx so,z
. . tiated tn honor -of tile Pit-Ince'ai visit zl,th, the S2a, of T;berlap. , le D "tn. li S_ ft , - r,nito ll;-,kenl��._s t,l bs ltltie?l Ir
yal apivvral 61 hilis services. colonel I . And I do hell,,tily require .'. - "
. o . V.1d . U. L vflbaue. 5: than ill I-re-.i�r_4 ..-,,V�". arul
.. febtl z
3131'nap Wa8 app3lilted, 131011&n Walk sibed. iis"roturred twd command all pereons ,wholuiss ,
he Bon. R. atio' Slat etc.. bAng vIi 4 t G " -1 ", "
_ across re, I Ily of , ')- 1; iz - ,kril J44,,i%iJ,- fzri-as are, gr ,t -,z2- jil L.
, , N . ,Or Of the-PrIzice, and the dir- , �q at're.011 ay (.onstaftt1nopL-t,. "Ie Pr"'T."C ' IVA 4. . 9, i, V'ml t% s Lo .4 1 I .
r . ,;M � high 4bove, the river 1a; 1, ,all b, %V, _ I reVick t') ' t� � ,
ai] , Yitld obedlience and govern i ':�Ot"A��k*k'4kk'�IPI.,'.tqj�l",��2?�AA,lA,A-*,,,� " q,p, ii, - , N,,. ,; I . I .
oe ,of hB3 studles was elit,tus,ted t dtl-Qllo.q ' relllall'l�'JA at t'lt,T""�Jl*
. ft �Jnol)"e ai Weg_,�;,� th M I.r' It �iO tr."VC!!
. e S070V A,9e,iirdInqIy, besneehing! 1%0 P*Iss!ng 01' Victivia tz,nd thilt, now vv,Lvj,k�j,�* it. ,t-te, AL. z�,.,
- � -,
I* the Rer,, Q Thtver. down to the rapids and Whirlpool, -%Lli 1 and (>a Ills hokn�.Vavd j-mrikey atopll"'.3 Godl �_* Whom xln�,-1 do reign, to I. aecei;slon of Albi-r' "Wi _- " ,L(,'* 4nlrz re
" alta, lapri(t,q at I , 0 blesa tile Illoyal Princ- ElwarA tit(- ne(('�-Atnte makii,ti (-l1zj;-.�,,-,, .Y 021 U10 luat.,,:kok
American jouk�naflst has noted U,te I a t M. _ 1A , arsall , t &I xrd wl'.l vur.y L-.v,.r;
GOrman '"d Itillian t0uris follo�wed, fact that, tile prboc Sent $. 00 to i as au I _ �, -I,-
�ho Pope Wil _ 3 P lg visit to til a tfflpeftr atid ok 1,
. gr,viaited by rtb,� P,I,,,, lid a flyip I earig T110 r 1 lor I.. k-* r l-;,rc�t.?,_.,:,R by rse
4. � I (4overuor-,ip,.qer�jI antl tfii, inf,ulb�er,, : 1,v"� , �1 e. �..l!.- u, " .. 1�
,jl,�. it �
. S. il -of Ule Ivrench &t PlOnUtin, to 110191i Over liv. - 0iven under my i of the Callinct, Will, 0,*L � . . 1ontls. I
it the a &�arza of his Sojourn in Rome Blo dip. A 111-ttle way below the � Empress �%Vlefttll With long and happy y
k stay In 2d1nbUTg-lV fa,110'Wed dev,ot- fallfilhO river is iYetfectly calm, and 1 ble e,q:Jz;r.�;0, have Tr*A., at L,,olil''
he t1le pttnce wao rOW an' rdae"Ing Windsor Once more On b4hd and ooal, etc. to take tile �lotl Ila.,; li,;,�lk fair
%O to. stlidy and r , .led BLCV088 I (Sign,id) Minto." , oath of al1.*-_',-7nikiee to th- -
I then In 60tobet, re Julle 7th, lid 11 t he S. .-� &,,I 9�.kl- A g v or'dars
. r Ill A Vinall boat. I by, c') tho King, an quie 4 �0041 Dioul.
- - *' '
a , . . Once ,entered Oxford Un- Vatfous lueIddh0. t n11111,1114, R. W. Scott, Secre- , )'l-4rat.011 th�- -sprizil have � been plaei,cl�. Val
1,,,,,,.,? r akY of State." - will de"Ohe UP.-ni e-,ery pub�;c AAR- 'aret firnk'r_-�r most lia��s or i't',
1� , -7jei "Ishek Tolle In the Vnifed. Statilsi 'Ielle wdddlUg -Of Ills sister, Princess T11re Slall,ftS at the rroelamation 1 ei!ll In V4MIda Whoby.-Ortm. or his t '01S.
. Where Ur. Hiel -t 1,
I 1,%
it-'sael ill l office is required to �.,(vdge his fide]- , At, the ('��i.. ;t C�tij.s t!lf� oll,,
. ame, 1110 PTIM-ke tiltor, Mr. Tarver Of%rOPPIng 1119 Princely title for that Afloo, to PAnce T,OuI6 0'f '1310 proclamatIon of tile aettegiloll ; Ity to tlk,� Crkivrn.
arion .11
'te lklng� Rimfrowi, the koval VIRGO, the drawing room of 0�;borkke House, U04A�
Visit to callada. entered the Unit- ld States by Way of t Of -aill IL14JOsty Was signed by tile i . b�ighwsq i's vvr�y prolknisl
. ( ook place on Silly ist, and in Sell- ! -'k neW groNlt seAl will have to be "llplut"
In 18r PrInces present, the Duke of Yo�k The rep.)r..s fr,t);_
30 the, Pn�'Jllae"g 0,
xIotd Studies Detroit. Re Wag everywhere Well re- tearber the Prince startei on a visit e fIrSt, .1 t,,let m1iii-
- . I procured, Queen Vietorta u.4ed tile - tr,.% z , 0
-11 of her unclo, ;<Ing 11-1
eelv6d. I theft the Duke of Connaught, I great M -.. 1 .;
Were interru9ted by his vis.1i; tie Ca,13- trO tile Bolgian coltrt. 111.0 Royal I the Duke . . n4lc,'t,! thalt 11-irgn terders %
inda olid -the United States. The last 11 good-bye" to America was Fligliness subsequenti, - ,,,, *hri of Chintirldge, Prinee ! lit, tn V., for so -no nine or tell nit), il , lit- l,0,z,o.I Air tho (ql.4,#z*
I- I-
.1 Vald on Ott. ,_Iotly, iftfid t1ken, itinTclst v olcn,olnpan.,11 I li, stlan, tile Archbishop of Can- hS �1- sewsoy
Efflisarwing on i)Mfrd tbe ,Here .at i1elet '-Ile Or,01VII Prince .1.11d Iskincess of terbury, the Lor the I .after his death. �it flanliltIR, there ha�.S` b,en ll g(
0Y111011th On July 10th, thet Prince prolonged cheering, the little i prusma, to T , anis, Ronie and otf � T1 d chancellor. . 111allY 1)rders rvpor -A b,N- travellt
, � I . Another changd, ot huportanm will t,
*owhed St. 3ohn'si XeWoundland, oniled foirth from Portiltitil.barbor, tt'r Lord MRS'Ok a d the other repre&,n" i be tho early substlitution far th MR. tile '.:'.'r'Zl9' ""'�' 1Vh101:`-S--1b�flr
I , d ns 0-Irtil 'Of rt'LIY, Polebratfing Ills L,Jst � tativim of the city of London. : prezent NxRtoge ant] revenue stakillis,
698, And gellitGf- blrll,,, o At 4.430 p A all fir- - of a -
eather delo6yed tile return, 'qqplo$�()n " have luadp I"Ir9P PrPlMrati,insl for
'Outtten da" latek' 'It' W�as 'Sligh"IlY ally bad Vv _ . M. i. ritillery beg 1 -:r -Al .10-18n]'K bnsill6�.,;s,
peasiek for the first t D or three allsing tiellp 41411tty .to the February 5, JL863, tho Ing, salut,es'lh St. Jamee Park to . n4w cet bearing the vignette : , , , , ' and prese
daya, &lid ther! thoroughly tenjoye _ c. Oueem P"I'Ac, tool. his seat I ,� of the Xing. . 1111411c,11,1411:3 aro tait' thtvy Will not
'a It To -a"" until NLO*' "th th , 11 tile 116tse Of elgilali7A X11119 EdWard's accessiOn i As BCW coins are minted, the pro- 1 lli�"Vll-Allt�'d. ,
he y0age, despite its loalng ,stot :Y Prin,6e wa$ landed at, plyinoutch-t tthlllse leytids, it bp.1111,07 noted tli;tt after Sig - . t
,� � in ' Ing tile to,, 11 i0i the hx'"O. ; i at$, traAle bas Al
�,r,, piftetid ill t1le 01, ol'" 1 os Teirst Jt>1Trft0,Y. I for that of Qne"'ll vlotorla. f
*16athet' "I's reef"Pt"on Was Ohthlft- being the fite. ci� 110 Walked to Ills ,chair Tile Ulu! 1 fil" Of the Xing Will be substitute
I , d W nilipeg NvIv)Ies
1�.'' �h ,fi6 beou pizirt4iOnlarly at-tivit! the ps
Vil dag Wnut presented to him 116 d ay. t of t40,- . '�"; N,74DII eran!Oyl
tromq, and When it WAS vjoso,Ut fro� �,%O,n OU '-h' beside the tilt,jile. On Vabrait,ty 10 T he rou*c li-0111 Osborne to Tral- It Is not knr,wa yet how long a ,,,,,,,k L;i,i),,.)r
'on 1,15 hirth, Parliament V,.),ted & gr.
, ; ' Jil
. icharmod tile people by protjislngto , 000 a year to the FrIlace, in n ity 1�10r Was idesetted, except for a period of molirn"rig will be proolaint- There l.i a, g%joll
� A�441ft in Uj-1falli. Adition few. gvoltr ol � d "'U'Und for 'mon
'ball It Cabot, Urtat t116 'alsoovbvilk to ,the X60,000 which . , t bareheaded patseto, (11, The, Govermm�nt W:11 be gul(jed nn,l, rates are f'ji-1111%, maintained.
& N'VW16uhd1-"ftd- Proceed Alt At Oxford al2d Udinbui,gh, tile st,on sa,ld Ile ,Won, Lord Pa"kne'r- I wl";a at 0-40 O'C-Ock -,here ,,pprml,(�d I in this r0sPect by the Iknp.,�r!.Ll ,,,.,- i Ww,,le , 10 tradij '
Pkthco folilka I '�a at Ottawa p,
Halifax, tile !,%, cito Ptift6t,4 6al-ser at *Cambridge d detive froi tile three opre CaTtlages, dm;�� by white thoritles. The change or 'Soverefgn i ,l`%*!A.s'U,) roniark;lhle _
- was Duchy of 'Cornwall. 'n horses, gallopi!lig down the hill. Ni i -k. A 'very fair llunibe� of 0 ,
- -
11il'o 'it fixyge' TIO�itlg-%V, Altor , tl�' m1kked by. strict attention to Ills A Vop In : will not- affect tile meeting of Pat I features t�
. a busy studles aAd to all tile observances ular Urride, tile first, carriage Was the King, tile , )Ument. _ i '� rd!
. I
� I ay of 04ntitla J16 dined on board havambent upon hfixt ns; all uildergrad Tile announcement that the Prince D"kike Of CO-alle,lught, the Duke of york. , Preparations have for � %-;r the .-lvitilk kind alaminer axe, ea
. lie Hero, ,and laughingly laid a u,ait6 " a day or . 1114 fliirwar(t
�, I , , , So quibt4y and simply (lid he of Wales had chosen A,I&�Z:ndta of at'd Prince QllUtisn, The King two bt,.c-n going oil at tile Ontario
*�kig#'r tol be up at 'eight bcIl`1 �4 Move about thtat he otten walked Dazimark to looked Ivell, and bowed repeatiedly in "'Ore '�I-ri� sin. a of increased ast
Jbi,clook) the next morning'. It 'W,. 1� r Ills bride arouwd trlt- a , Parliament buildings for tile no- ity in ,%v1l,iln.�,.tl,,
rLAN k I I I
, I �1 I
Aa�ilt'. i
__,. I
I 'ts � I u h cknOwle'l ,7ineintl '01 the greetInZ,4 of ce-11sary changes in official station.
I - a '11lound balubtifto abd its; nolghbot- alendb .9 ent uaj
1010iso , shave, but after & vefr�y 1111r, I - 11,9111 thr,61194out th IS s!T1jTdCl T 0 boot i,Llft�l f,1109 Mal
. e 11 I I '�"'j'iv tl_-'1`df% At kontr�
,�,, 1�1.�1,11,iwllil Pr0b:l,bIY be, the in t ra arp bURY. There Is & b
ieod wttlionit belli k,6040 d lbollstitn'eh ,6t everY go 'O"711t0q. , W Oturerrz� ,
Oil fleek gtade ptepared to 'give the �18o� 1M., bVAI - , . Ilct' Of tile cheange In I ter fooling in (,lip(,
-tted toilet the Prince Milled he gitt 'n , thh;Week. Ta
- - _f
to Pri - ''bila, . ',
P ,p, The 00kid,jo
A t1kiat Of it 131ble wrreg,daugiitori, a 140t 't.5ytll Wei Ott.' Inl6diately ISOvereigns. There ,are scores of I ol il-ft4le are ,,,o�.lnd. p�ayakekkta ,
ar iY6 recotdo _aes lim
.. - -'-' " - � the Al'berta. , form" used by Ole, dep,artnip
itjlst aN the belil soun 'T 0 - "I or - Fi'l
d6d. 0 h 'a ' he D
- -bor' I t =11' fshilo elbbafted on
olribg tile hiscription-"Tp UaL.,C-4L, at, Fititzidaird nis d I fairly ,Nat1sf�,lCt.�*,rN_
. . I � - � I I was h6fstteg as the King I by Governindilt officials every an . � I
- I � I 00 P!Jnc`e08 T&Ild6d At Orateoend- I touglied . -111111 there., Jail
�? 6 " ' A e , 00nW.
i �� CIMI�Elrlldg, for , little tilm I
.. ,- _ ---. .---- - � � t4le dook, AOL thdt Albevt4 ,ftleb for ,a Jq4tinto have - '&"'are ' Artxi(4 V, ab.int February pap
I . . begnilo W,,yikej 1,q St Vad.V.
: .
. I