HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-02-01, Page 2I L ,� ­ I . .1 � . . 11 ­ . . 11.1 1. 111.1 ­ I '' �7, ;, �, — . I I'll". 11.11, . 1. 1. . I 1. � �� �, �. . , , � � �.. , 77 Ir � � I � .- I .1 . I .. 1 � . I . � � -11 I I 111.1. ..''. I ­� - � : .��,, - 11.1.1. I . 1. I I 11 I ­ I - . � I., ­ : � :, - � � - 1. I . I 11 . ., , � . I I � I I I . I V . I I I I , 1 I I I . � I I � 'i I . � . 11 . . I I I , . I * . I � 1% '..., I I I . I � I . � I I �, I � 11 11 . .. 11 . � '. I 11 I . . . I . . I . . .1ij I . . � I I -, 1 . I I :. I 1. . � I I. I . I � I I . I I 11 . 11 .. � . I . . . . � � � � � ­ . . I I .1 I I I . ... . ... . I � , , I � . . I 1 7 1 , , I 1. . . 1. . . t::, - . . I I I I I . I I I . � . . � I I . . I � �� I I ... ; .. . I .. . . I . ,� . � . � . I I � 9' ��.rm A, � 1 9 1 I . I , --- �. ____ - — .. . I 11 11 ­ , �� 9 1 � - . ..., . . � . . I . ,:. _ -_ —_ I ��� ­� .. . � I . . I . . - -, __ , ____ ____ �� � ! � I , . 1 9 == _� . , �­ .1. I -1 I : I I � :, � I I I , il." � 9 11 . I � .. , "I 1"�_­­�" , �' - S0IjV,NCL4'- 014' TAKINZTG COLM 18STJE NO* 5 1901L 1 . . � oted O -a it; ill one hand, while Ili V1,6,gRgUS �n%N I . , ' (� RACKING COUGH lep I Belp-an stamp has ki por- i I � ST901 I . 'a , - a ,,� t Itender Ono Liable — I - . - b toThroat and IjungTrou4ics- I if NUIR'S 11AWS 't, s�,' Conditions ThA . ��.:�'!��, L Leopold 1. Tli,e Pirst staum I 1.11! ,, . of PortuXUI, i8s"W'd in I 856, Jh&s tite ;" Th%ve haz .been a jloteW1DrthV I , t)ead of Donna Harift 11. A spKI-101 elitilige of medical Opinion ill recent "I" ,t�d.the Suffertr fo r Po-s�ge Marks First hitro- Stang) is Issiva-d Portugal in &I Y031I,4 aA to tile subject of taking . ,9 , �. trait Of Ib is a avowu t 'h , . 111�10 IN WN TIM W"'i, 4 Illy", 'i, , I 1� . 00ki, in no other oouatiry is this . � I . ale, with the name of 9 a, duced by Britain in 184,0� i ',`Tt' , ""'9 "* It,n. nia0tor of sueli general J-11191OTta '�e "' ` Twenty Years. I 1.8 alN),qy,.s &prAaiz4 ed, but diploniae, is 110, - zia in the United gtate% WhLlre Oil," ,;­. �, tale p'j,ttc�e clearly printed above. I Lint. L � 'T a , ' r, better I ban oure. T� o art) Of SparibAl "Al"Ps there is a 91"eat' Pr,tr&n%'4zyT;<1;"t0n1j%r With wernig JNrhjOljL lod.go In our tarrhis, afeute and ebroulu, are so 0''.1,11 I - 57 -" , soasop "aTrb % a , , I -H PUGH FOR S coinalon ne te be ahaost nXivOrsa I � q ­ ,� co,nntry. The njjci,o-io,a (lisoaso deep seated in *0 In . t W4 -1 go '� . I'll- I 1-111; I I tok g? HIG emblematic VSVIOV, w1dah b Gns ( er di I -S. , �, %, , Lgg I 11 '. � I , , �p W , . PECIMENS, disturbance In t,110 raoinlitwa itntl, G1190"I 'Sh " 91 9 � Sat Up in Bed Coughing the I "' , Tile oxp,louj�v& �,Jc,aa-jng of thetkroa ) r"'? � � , 9 . -qle introduction of the stamps issued in IS,�o K��pr.esp ,jiq -nd bpona 3, 'ha Tftli . 1, .nt Isa- ukvskj po�sjg . a ,bial tatbo, t t . � -, . I , Before t recellitty ljothing could rea It it. Caturvh which ils charaoteristio of a,11 &1110r- .. 9� 1 Dje:,NLIgjlt ljoug-Doctors Ulti- Lge of 20. In 1854 tile t n, d . 0 stage stallip ii was tile eust011ItO W, Ili', at tke c r tF, oill�Allol4t.%tit,iini,zele,.stemaolinie(liLqlao Ivan audience bas been coolzmaLl p") Queen's ried but 11 v4sitors, it-,, el,y'rold mn, tile rrouble Was arms of ,,�Vain replace thR Intai;1JL01dIIaivid.ovmIiav-e been t On by Zngd�di wid 1�ruac E MULSION of Cod Liver �_ 8111 9 take letters tv) the nearest post0f- Pertrait on t4ho stiqlUps. In 18--ij-5. till provou allf"ToWs ah vroll as in� 114 the Sur -,wise has been great th4t � . "I 14:1joping into Cousumptiou - fice and preplLy tile P,'mtagla i-11 cast'- pe,ace J-)eIn- restored, tile Queen's elf1actual. such trumllci`�,Nts Often coutialn Ill- a . " the postniasLer thou stamping Such Un found on the stamps. Iiiiings of ,he $ G FA (a be Be much MO�e Oil ? j I jt1rJoitis drugs NVItich Rat awn.7 the t0ridOr 1XIelIm Ilia I Will - - port,ralt is awt I tOTIlach, nose 'Ind. throat, 8HJa Oil prevalent allLI fa,tal here 16han it IS V v Itelief %Iilas Obtained. mail inatter az prepaid. - issued In 1868 bore the thij a.et!ount w re casG aside by the doctors . . why I rMle atmup's juation, but the lot, ago . in foggy an4l Muggy Eugiawld. An till- . There are others ; '.... rom the Tllnw, Pitton. Oat,) The Introduction o. postage sLanips figure of their va III'. oalebratril relne&7 OAt lies supareNled derstanding ar t4a conditiOus under 9 1 . for regular Issue tool, place ill GT0,lt R,�xt ax,c st,lin,g)d Nvital the )lead of SCOTT'S? .., Ji-ing rack,, t1w, body more than . themls cat, oil CAT AXEU40ZON 19. tho t No natetl w,111,311 a cal -d inay be contracted . Britain, Alay 16, 3-840, and ww� the LilyDrty. _k few sta-ilips have Only AlrCure. Itis Liao vola Ile eileot,I pure honi- should prr&vo of 09pecial yal1le Lit .ere eouKll. If it is allowed to result of the earnest efforts of �41r namerals. In 1872 a few a-ppeared hIg assolltiti,1 oflA which. wbon itilialed, sp_roads The good one is SCOTT'S. I . Nvj.t,.h the il,'�d of th�jj np,�.v KIllf; I�Lma_ te all parts of the broathIng or&-,Lnq Ili thoh-ead, 'LIAS time of the year. . I or any length of tinve, it is, -very 13Y)wland I1,111. Sir 11owland did not ppine Isl- ftlug.N, ittid 1) oj)ehinj tubos. 'I lie priniary act -ion it is a populax idea that if dno I old ; it as .11 to got vid of, and often leads attach so much importance to tile Lions. Stamps f0'r the Phil! �, It's nearly '010 year -s i of CA PAIWROZONE is to kVlPoxarrm thm beN aniply Igovided w..'tll warm cloth- , , � 0 do I h alin�, Pe ,-- all I as- adhesive label as 1:4) prapaid onvel- andq OT I.SIS,1, and 1855 h-"vo Ll OuTIOus thodisetts% thell it, sed by intelligent OlAe .e most dreadetl of all diseas n philippals, head ca'Ll"ticcisoxorlodon I lug, wrn,po, a, madkint08h, r11-bb'PXs U r u-.0 � inflite norothan 1,1,01) vuluaro r was .)pas, and Ills fame rests oil the envcl- enr4raving Of Q I. feet 0 11juvotih surgape oy-or whiaii it plissa � and oat umbrella little r1sk is Van, Of � tmptlon. Such a sufferer opee engraved by W. A. Alulre-dy, nli,l soine of those luive b( -en sold for CATAIMI-IM''Nili; IS ttLklng a cold, Yet it IS a matter over the world; an d. approved . rhomias 1inks, of PrInea Edward . a re,119- cooling wid rofreshing" I .1. 11 representing "Britannia!' sendin- let- $:iOD. Tho only sopi,oinlim of itl1a) s the irritation, bet0s raw sore rpotR aild of frequent exporience thut 11LI-Pite pl,lys.kians all over the ty. Mr. Jinks relates the follow. t-bl-s, to all parts of thet world. ;�llr-sc ioup stanijo is that used bythe ,Spaa- t,horougilly disinfects the (Nitire systoill , it 'oils % ca- by . ae Virgin h -lands, a little cures catarrh because It rcl�ehes its cause of all renisonablo lyrecauiL act& to a Picton Times reporter were placed i)n oiale T -Arty 6, 1810. The la.r& In t'l . , 0 .'Y'Toln. barrhal affeatitm intly be devoloped ! I n (g"Itm life) and expellA it froill th world. . D,m sixty -'seven yea,rs of age, envolopeswere received with ridloule picture Of t4le assumPtlo - Is The ila,-q-I Of the disease being removed by or pricumoula Set in. The fact tIAMt cc and On all thia Chinese stalliPs a CATAttlUDIZONH, the forc-ii of naLurn can . e says Eknul- ii,e last twenty. yea;rz I have had throughout tile UlliteLl KingdOln, n in Of roy- act unitupeded and ths aflected paxt,s are re. W,"!1Xlne8s, deps-Lssiou of SPIrlUs- When anyon and were soon dropped Out Of 11SE', (1r-%A'O`a, the national el ble stored to a noraial healthYcondition. regilltilir fright, anxiety or so-litathing Which inn -'l1,-1lUZ0,�N-1,, -ou an, 'in, 4 cougli. I was troubled with the adhesive label taking their altY- " perfect cure that oWy UXfAh has affected the ueri .4 sYstr Sion of Cod Liver Oi'," he J. rrh, which started Ili my head, rAjl 0 a. A P L A G r4, 0 P D, I 4.11 V I U pi's 11 - can brin- about. favollably has p -receded the att"Ok I ater spread to My stomach, leav- The first English ncwtage sta,111p — C.aTA711ti-1075OXE cures Couphs, Cold-, is frequently overlooked. When free Means SCOTT'S. No cither Bronchitis, Ast hula and vatart-lb,ann at o pro- . me dibpeptic. r, or tw,o yours I wa& black, but the postiltarks wort, Unglim-11 Sliell Pislieries Injured by vcqitr, tbeill, Strong and Nvostk aliko $4301141 frout every ioriu of nervous debility - famous. . hardly visible an it, and this tone Hordes of Octopus. formfy their constit litiolls Again'tittiell di,;Q�is� S a person May expooe .himself to is . trolibled with palits in the stom- . ,,is di6lit,herRi, - nd con.Auniption by CATAltlill ar usual SCOTT'S EMULSION is ,wa3 P)l1owed by red, with 'he faani- (iZo.\Z1,,'. It. keell- Ww", aWay. .At druggists dr,lUgilJ.;, dawpncss and otliz Z . my liar portralt of Qneoil Victoria. There Is great anxiety at our South, causzci of colds, and esetwo entirely, . or r<xjht ft,llhig cov.rcs vollse(ill'Ut 11P011 or by iiiiIII. LWO 7(joi)t Its, t -eiament (t,uaran- above my head without e -K- The colonles, and dol�iend-,Ancles t ,d),,rivol.1.00. IIL"Zllltl.,.,,")k..ti�iLilsivostktitf(,r ji-i.le, at au,D,.Iller time, when. w,aary' Made in a certain way; of my Great Britain linvo upward,1 sA 1,_ th�,, pllzlgu.,� of ontopus WY��h lifts i0c to cover vo�tagoi�ad boxing by X. C. Polrou or dopIressed from any callac, 213 may - i . . g severe pains about ; ain things; - nein 600 stamps, with0lit a single dupli- .r."Tag"ld ljr� Channel this season, says ,v."Ce.,IZii)gston,t)iit..IlitiUoi.'(I,Collll-,U-SI I became the .victim of a fattil attack cert it ke,&P&; it is . ribs and stoinzi,ch. Then my kid- 1h,, 'Wcstinbi6ter Gazott% Th,3 returns 1:.--.--. ___ - ­ _-__ o-1 1xicumortia from a much slighter - does- what it � Gate. oi jh_ sjj_,jj rishi, pas t se- I began to trouble me and at The example of Great Britain was wlos for the The 11-410 Thing. 0"cr.o--mr.e. The nOrvous orlgia. of colds always alike : it I could, not g,Dt out of a. chair f..h,i,w how serlious th,3 visitation still tlbi,.� best society held her at seams toi ba recogaizo�l by all phy-sr � flrs,t imitated in tile United ',,ta,tas, 6' tot%l has fall.)n from does. t help. My limbe and feet of loeal de- Is, Th , crab 96 000, an,, it, � lobster arm's langth. � cians whu have inaJo a special study . f 'he lung$ 'Lud - The others—nobod., where tile proprietara 877,OUO to 6 . ,,Ilc�w do you know9 asked scr of acute- dls,ulses 0 r1v knows often su swollen tha.t I was livery c,.)mpanies begaa to sell post- total from, '88,00:) to 319,0 10. From - clety, with a cold &near, " tbat your 'Eillroat. . their patrons ais c. .�,perjments made age stamlis to , p,t plymon 11 it was 'In It is explained thn-t the temp3rae - 16 *W lace my boots, bat as soon earli, az 184�2. The first 10,10 was found that sevoll. out of every eigh-tt hu3ban,l Ims genWne gout, r,itiler th, ture of th� baly irz inailittUned by what they are or do. There i I su,*Idng went down I was bat � P-.,sL, oprmati or,lbs taken In ill, umizl fI',hV1M0l1's mere r1l, umatisin ?" n't be any others but fO`- i the 'City Despatch ng 11 Dectiuse," th,� wom-ill roplited" di,-- tin., nerv-Dir; syst-ent ant', thut 'Ile would m slutdow. My wrists and arms In the city of N­lw Tork4 In Ail�Xust, traps dar,,ng ill, R-oad -week Of Octu- nui-illy, ­h� has mrrind a raw potato,j least tailure ��,' rohixation or nervous i the United Stateg govern- its b Ight, I I Z, driess of SCOTT"13— so shrunken tl"t I could sinn 1842, b r, wh a Ji ! Pki,,-a,� Was- at �ts'*�o:,kpt for two 111,011-ths, 'low, I (,nexgy cau,;rs a,jc11L:ll10'e Of tha bo�iily zhe -oo i or in ] wit.ij ease. My cough racked ment bought the entire ouLfit, re- ,i,,,,, ILI lcA by (-..­,0pjr,, and t1u,t I .. ft-mt and linpal.s il�7� pr>wer of th . .1 . . .y tak-�n twelity-One Without getting Will! 13ody to rr'Ist thl app.,mwll'of (Ilse there wouldn'tbe any oox.nter- Ole bid -y. I hu've SaT up in, bed tainhig tile design for thil XK)St-19P every er;,b wiff" jLt tll*s th-�y were ab-tshed. mild. 11 W Lit -tIl, hivita.,] her to thrIr case. It is Pl. wi>n-lcrial . -he true. ugl .-d Dile wholc rilgIrz lolig. I st-,lmp,a three-opi-artor facta purtr. O,.tj)I,.jj:, -,V0&%, tt,,u,_,-j-j1_ .tkud 'three years fwvt thit f - I I ,aree that Mony, h,av,efol under ally chlngn� Of ou,wide tipraporar, eit money but for t s.e%er.%I doctors WIZIlout suu- of Wtt�:Iiiagton, clian.,ong tile illst"AP­ ago th, creatures wer<1 So SC ,cloviLs.-I)atroit Jourpal. . us ret,�h)a a. high price 5 0 ' Imey finally told m-_- I was in 1, t1,011 to revAl, "Ullit.s,i :itatee city single sp"Cime 11 . — ___ tare, 'eveii if one go from' ill � arat'l, The gent4ne has AM. 11h2. IoLal ..'AlutilL and nillii"unis. Ilea 11 Ire* stages or uonsumptlea- In Dispatch Post." m 'i;'Vr,,,� owe Jh'v destiu..-tive Vizitat.lou .Alinard's Liniment Cures Cargvt in reg:on,� to V; I vel,uator, tll:a It - . a it, take gen.- of 1809, a, little pamlilll�t 0, tile Australl:111 sia ,ps, that of :i th.,, bu,ly- ;vLan"ris nt abaut 98 deI- this picture o tal I Cowr. � 'its regulatioa by the rown in tile hall door telling Nt4v eouth W,.I,.i 1, a very litth, tci owe rewilT 8`tlt'N�`5t4!O.L Of mild Bear rrvo,:. BuL fc-r the . no other. Dr. W.Ullaine Rink PlIIs6 and st�.jrp. la 111,1 backggroand Is I, U; to norv4nis syet--m th, hmt of thz body ,oa�,z. ord�juirlly I,h,4 wto_n is not trunient. . 0;�d to ,�.ry thmu. Before finisli- ,vvilile irt ly, found nor'Lli.l.19b of Cale-rhourgli, ,rIje n. of,v �Nlatianal Ins could not, remain constant, as overy 1, if you have ilot . ' drawn a, view of ,qYttU0Y, * and night, in sefts011 ant! I tried it, send for free - . "-I) 1S t rN 'wP . 11- % I noted a a lemale wjl It point of 10 're -I sea te— Morn, noon mil;i­ular (morttoll wuuld ralso tha :� sawond b.) Ohaug` tni,� forexrotiwi Is sol -ted t I colivertill...'l. tt-lulv-raturo. 1yearineis, an*xdotyl de, I sample, its ag=eable .ftt­ a ing thein for a couplo, of inting wAh pride to tlire� jw,ature ill i ,�Jrparates tile Marina out. tI10 Boar Play.s b's , ligurt,, p*o , ­WhAt -tile (F ninp or pro-s'on a ad th I I lk� lower tiw I 1110unt rm, s�_ls from the - thn 1,1ack.4 , at,Bpftll h.- I was eomp:extply cared, and strong lookln-,' 0`311r0li- r'alleatIt Is faunn of , h.I, ,wa .r ays a tral-l- taste will st:MP-Ilse tigh had left, =,. At preh,,nt ' fi.wtis Eiritrim ureflt," RIC111:1 of our (o.'ih­r Ch I an -IR. The mild In.-4pannin-g ill! c-11tl-l." S, oi� itervow, eiierp'-y arul rendvr 1.1r> body wEitter. '16ia .. :�x>jls jl-ty,� Itu,4jkxl thls tomp n-ature Ier, "wh U� the women arle prep-Iring No to c�lds from th:3 least you. �,,I.xllth is as go�)d as I cova v0sh , witIch inowls I.,ve,ll t1lug j�uj brave sna th-� farinviI, plp- in mouth, rms�epV 3-�,,vt L dan truly say tlixonje.- all I-Arnria flourl�"Il." WkAtOrll 1�.uqtra- ba rrT or lur'.11 -r up Clinnnel for' rthe thc� foot]. exposure by d6turbing tile process of SCOTT & BOWNLl , lal- tljn,�* )y,_1lj,.,,r: I ut. illnrt, Is very littlo NvmtJzla wItI1 t1w agoill;.Ing coacer- regulat'lit-, tht tvilipprature. "While � iffering, I never goit any ppr- 11*i bas on rLs stamp a L,Wall SW but Chemists, at rehef atitil I took Dr. wu- ming Ott a p!at!id t�treaut- ground for -.h- V-ar, willph Iris boon tina, In thr) dnvtlnr� it 14 awful, ,w,jral, cl<,,,.h`n,- wid Iill the, common 1; . 0, of so frt,clv 0xnn-H1.-'Vd, ill tt c W- fishermen at 111ght, 9"Oulchow- It IR ("J'f"'ent' and Of prot4,ct',ng th2 bo,ly are . . Toronto. nlz Ills. Tlit,, first Afriean sta-11111 WI1,11 6telled willb, dkffight for hours." moarts Jlnji� ad&,d that It was not In neat eni,my to I have I Important - ts. I.T1.1lignitiar isbap-, arld rnpre.-W;lt�d li�tvo a lvlw tind 1wrizzia I ­____._ 1mp(>.rtant, it is ev,crl more ..� nerv-� ..,p^. and $i.00 ; all dru..& Ir ng -it 01,% t,p- Nvy __ caeo alonb that Dr. W-1111=731 ..r)lIjan!lI.4,, sjttjTjX a,�i ,)eI wit.k. Tilt nortiml conditions of to avo!d necille.-s expolu-T, if 1h P11h; bad pioved of advantIg'I . -11 tralpVaturo w1l assert thImSelveS, To Curo -,I, Cold in One 1', si,Ftnia be jt�rlb Ili Its best conC17 I wWO.S. .14111JOV,que-It t%) tll.l Doti U I',. ,kll 0ju.4 � ' I , and th,I d.,V11-fiAl IlLy'" Take lAxativo Br(illjo QnItlint, Tcil)l., tvinp or thp Trant-tvaft! =All %it" 41NA NVIII retiro drugLlkts refurid thr-1 "ligit-N . to C, I. -P holne Curiong ( mIntericats. family. Wks daaglwm, Miss .Nlil- ' y1rit i'all� ure. U101I.L1111,11(lid(IIIIIII-1 r ,"Ord. was; in N*ry lwjr lt,-alth, and' s stalnp.%A oil tak. fla,,­; b­foro th,ni t� tllpt.-r Ilatywal boun,ils ,�.Ic. B. W. U rove's t34viat&e I.; or, each box. ___._ � I — one Ingenious lndlvltlu,13� -who n-ar- ly abla to kO MI-911ad Ili facts ill*U.113 V. It. aril-ri or * sea-lilekness, N-111sea, rowly m_-iped prosecution a while whiell oV4.rAl41j,W%o4 tile agi-n. L ill, (.11111%,ti" co:plltions had ' __ .. . .j:I(,�w.j,kI 11,, th,v wtnild long ago have - - ap:o for counterfeiting rare eM nrid rlerk&q fea.red hpr trouble Iwms PAW1.110 eanw iha( of thr Que'll s , . 11niu-Ing Pletures. and niftladio; at thl4 tVP0 Y'Vil (1111e.l.ly to the Ing Into dropI;iy. ,S,he usoel I 'rh.� w-Im- a p1tratant-lit I-D"'Ics On Our NAThile a picture m-mlling Is the .11- alrao-t wavival povrer'of Ner� 1h tiv, Mid it You s-11inp; the bogus Spec',ImOnS to in" - I ho.1d. at pro. -t -lit lit -Armil-itloll. -1 l,itNli..i%ll,v,fi�orti�,.,,N-of the -e ironlilt'S. r,cums and private coll­otors, 1xis re - X03 Of thI% p1lis aw,l Is now ri,IRt , r a -; finiSh fOT MOSt lVall 4tiltt-r o . .�,lal..rItilis fitamp,,3 Nr�re 1) knt- FC-UL11 100- I -- mcist unlvexval n Nom Pine nt lvair'. A fv.w drorw in 1�1 �., - 1. I � ­ , ____ - iu�-f It -It,; . n5 tile Tory ly-st, of ht%lth. are tile �; ,vpry ei-mvenlumt, in j '�wl-A-1--lir-.1 water %villa!% eallunA I A up with e-Xqt4sIteIT rd lit 11".7, ani'l . 11IM4 0,xvon- ' cove'ring-1. aul 1. jj.t.,ntr(t1:%:r cently turne W*.lILnm,q- Pink PlUs euro �,,utth N114N bt,zjjjjj.j in tll(� vrorld. ror Uwy' .Wnard's Lliflint-lit Cures rilstemper. the rearrangoment of p1wtim-s, ,vet t lintl j,l 1111:IVOUZ600111 'If till butir the c,111*0 11 I*fc-Ilke photogr iplis of I)lr(R-,, which ntly liopeWss Cases as I T the lomg Stretches of t1w.101;lY wire I t I 1--r n.onoy back If -son do not i� r'aijity are produePdb,V tile IWIP Of "' I )Iavp h. en Lly! w ­.l to f(4teh ou; 1111:111 audreeos 11ollso at Bath. that I I; h13; (I,, 1�11O�11 O., " sturfe , bcq-%use t,114,y make new. rich. as $C01 apivet, in tile mariowt. N -W have proven 6o, obivetit'lialito tile I ,d slipelmeng ,!rtistically attitud- ood, and tlla�� re�wh the ,root Pran-wIck -.120 ,,\.)%.% ,�Voj,lzt hadfir,t According to Notes and cries : very often nall, nX0 d"Ivell Illi -O -%Neariness of 1%1-,Wls- inIzed with wirazI-The Saturda'.% b 0 lit ill uj�e Ill. walls and t1vt Picturc-i 111111,- from I'vening - trouble. Tlosi� pills .-ire tile ra(!it a pretty` t4allll), (10APIO'd wi-ll� .k lly,worial t,t I I. Ili r pl,,)Tt, coum-ximt Nrlroq, evell -when 71c,tall get tired as well as human . Post. .411.4ne off --red tllr,, publin tlUtt, a er4w.1 ill tjjp t-putre, bi.rrwjn4�tI n re, ngs, says JsE�,Illt�al Ag.s. Telegraph -­­ -­­- -­----­-.­- . j;-%.ntjt)u. "l-lere Lived 'Ua r bel , tjow , - ' ."..l t 11 . 00 th,jyre is a MD4fl(ling above. A Splendid Opportunity Ir , .%, m,noril of such imirvviow., by the, ruee, thitItIO -*wild r-hiklilr-`�-*It' 17710l" lin,q bevil plaved -1 wires are better coinluetors on Mon- . after doetork; liad fa.Ued. It 1he rare. -t st-11411) hi that of DrILISIA The Nr­lls. Bath. Whic �110 Minard's VnIrwri t (lures Nphthorla. dav t1la,11 ,r)n s�itnrdav, liveartse Of ,r:f' at nll unwell. thIg 1.1"'fli.-Inp I ., I and a -A . z % (il.lana, 1836, 1-:11tick 0.1 Id"n, Wlll�'h I- tilvir t;unclay rest, . . r;lst H 11 ., T_ otoro you W ItIV-110, hUt bP b ­:,.r.,4 a tAlip In full Sall, N'T'Ah 'I"sO ' Irlan-ular Trade Is Profitable- thitIo vrpvkt; adds 10 per cent. to 34 , 1. tile condlIctivity of a. wire. (in get the pputilne NrItI% tlin lletisnumple I 10.4- t is k, 11 =Iffllm=�M -,n�', - I jw%, ,*Dr. William,4' Pink J*jIlp ww4l."a- "PatI1014 uld & lljjst,jj­�(� to rogard onr eom- ______ Per h ille nEzI. 51. ilila - r, sAm" 'Whiell m-11144, "Ave OV43 f, I relal ralit'101119 WAh 1,110 United I 7.777 ­­-­­ xrlln Iq in VOL r nd the*& you�7; �110 1"plL,l- on t�jj,e * ajlp,��r # i �oa­h b%iv. �*ecic, gms In return." ntee as unproritlible beeanse our - 3nak-ir, od profit. %v1:100t Intertering wkityour rer. I 14�jt�st stijilip t)f Fraime. - , -IN , -nrl,. porta from that eountr,% rett y - ;��.,�� I ular u rite for imr, Iculars and catalogm qv,,je fir.st L,;ta in p ctf r, ra,ace %rfAs the THE FROST WIRE FENCE CO. Ltd.. Violland. OnL Tralle In not %?-:,�.T' -V1. A- ____ A .'%'eati ttep%S,. ' ", & . "?, r": uld It % __ , _�,,,� . Willt:gm 11.1twurt. While -juing IL4.,Zd ut it stern-1,rAilng %v�,nnan, . C. parellan-as and sales of tho ill - .: I I 11 _ (I Tile 4- I I. - . . � - ent liberty. '71 � '. Z. �enhrvz with Mr. Disra,"11. made W, a.; mealit to rPPr,%-% Ilk 1. but tile exollange of prodileta . 1-�i� -1Y, , t . .,,:::�� DROPS Lee. It pre.,tq4jj st. t - -�- -.1 .� gillp usell in 1,'rauce repre- 9W van I-dkllvldaaU, und eaph tratil- , P'. - o- .,;, 0�nlm-.-roe aad ftd r I ,fy- - am� - gilifully courteous reparl , g�,I �:.; �.i � ', r/ Treatea Free. ,z -t W C(#llsId(WPlI On I ts ��Rt- �._ n the oveasion Ill wmts t%W) llj�,ar,' Lion Mir, I ql!;� j- umis acroHs the ri(Lg. It Is evident that C-31IM- " '_ , . 0 pled that O for . 411, 'We have li,adc drop,:r and US oi 11r. nurcoart, as Ite Wali 'Mercur'.5'. elaGV119 I Att ­ � ­'. I. . I - 1.4f) r m,,j,4 t 4)t hor t,010111-19 %nq vVill, llqt pllrelvoo In tbp ',.-.,... i7,, - " eomplierti oils a specialty fnr W�qi r'laced next 1.0 th" hostew. gj,jb0. I, .. Ix,Ipa.z,,� �jr.-I; I .. I quiet rell(%T,, , e Wall opf"Ito them hung it Fralft" js��Sft.m a spoeial Istamp, with ited 9twte-4 e.wept so far as the,v H - 11 .. 11 'GltrosworsLeftses. BOOK 6.9 - �Trstr:tuosz&Ls and IO D.4 e, of a lightly -draped feraftle* fl,4- Lito ea -91-I ut th*! 1:1upire up M It, but It, Loyjdon thi, - fi d it per.,;,.�-nn,lly advantageous to � ..Irs , rp art ftl ex , is difficulty Ill g;et I tile ,:..... , . I, ­ . treatment; piting. - e -41 The -y purl.711:160 :10ro,gs ..... �. . "nN'SZONS. iij durintV IL puu�;e �11 the conver titit-re Ir - sever. ­ OV -1311' . . xiu.n.A.OUL , - ting onough Wye to ServO as WeEsell. tu . 11 Lni I I I �eujjj_yn luw .111 open rtge, g,er_ q the beat possibleevi- .. . ��. 11 BOX 0 '&TLAVTA�OA. th,% guest's eyes htippOlfted to *island of r of the beflefItS of that line � 1% J) . ,;. so the exintrinlent Is being made b -tin ary It L � r to tile p1inting.. "I See ZVOU MUld G1daAPI,)0P.I 1130 a stimll Stamp of employtng gir" .40me Of the M08- d - --- oking at Vie pleture." sudilealY with tile va-in­ I, I - I -- I _ Lj,jtt*i Marked itffi It. wng.c,r girls are demure damsels Of of Comm"Ce,and tile lt=regutc Of t "A Stock Holder " fit Sim Disra,ell, with a laugh. f,str2d gtaomps lit ftL re said t* is 11 ., sev�cnie , I CLOTH' ME mayaVift. Which I ,en 6gummers, and . the Indiv1�111al ballefits Is the profit I I a" 8fty that It oughtn't to -be 1840 mftrltiad With Urwarial bearing$ b,c qUh.kg!r ill" the boys in delivering Of 'tile Whole DOMIlklOn- r3V011 If It Vo,r h6ldlng ,stock the "Page" Is ther- e�. In her.3 % but It 1i rRotl g to wa_�j the firat of the mznv states messages awl answering calls. It Will were true tllp.t Importing ,was an relable lCind. It Is %IAed OTS tb� 1.argest ":It , Sent on Trial dil . rting ,it co-relatei Wit. parris In egogaa: equilky tuitoble for sinall pr I - atwiluiesaleprios. enlif.i that Mt. D. ha'S Ill 1119 btd- un�l prinCifill itj'L�'S %rIlItIl U�4;; WnStl_ be hitvw_vtIn@: to Watch the dP-VOIOP- evil It.est - wertowml ebUr r - coula � I )11 not ftt4tfactO . is twice as Str6bg I can quite believe,.11 txt-�o tjjc� ;Gprm�jn twpire bo adePt fit, 'In" 11,111M rall.10-10113 I;* W!Arrow . Iti it t 0 it wlulla not,%et gob enaugh be r *,Tb.% -b went of the expeell'apilt. otir of mot o$ reftind.2 , � , lallwoo � ' - - . tho View to to gle collutry. If m d6t A 1, . V 11ta. em 0 L red tile SQuire of's d M�*xj- %Ile ng%,w 6vatem. Prussia Rnd 31111 � Sim .,it in biher ces b ad .hiude, Guamuteedtoraft I vt�r rollo-vo' oldg, 6ta. CanallI111114 btly from LAP Amerleall" Pencift is . ppe fr6rbol rtb L*A__SHtft I With 0, ,�OW, and, toeling that 0 ea in j,,,3,-)0, with the 1"T, Ntlitard's Liniment 'Cures C t buti. Vwput tip a �ktting bf . tasier thd U6 a vtIltortil on rathe-r dellirmte trait or FredCrIck W111law IV. 'and fthd 14011 to 6io BrItIA, who In ttLrn an outlor ... rep S WILter �"rklhjja d quItAly id'hallged the Aubioct. The V'Ryal arills, and 13"vitkiii, wurtem- ' it on - Ort or tr. I lower twit �ftrr. 0"Yotherm"hWo . , ill th6 avmilrg the Ifteldent �vAs berg and .SaXonY in IS5I with their The Irlsh Guards. Sol to the AllierIC4141q, tile tkansae- L a-ithicht rket. A 'I' vviln jauglitd 0,wil ig-talaps. Now that thf, 1twh Guards are &tl tjoti 'L§ complete, and nittit be quite The PAIM- WIRV. FENCE CO, (U&) Machine fdr 6�fthts to habdId. Blk ed to the host, . 11. as Prolita-blo as it w1c botlght from n opey n2ade-, Thousabdii in itsO. N't term" .I Vt. t, lly r 30), the.dftblp- chelse.A. Landun-rs . chance Of the Imorlealo and sold to tem i . WALKCAVILLE, ONT. a I . itt the neat eply of 1118 ,&t1stria had first (18 Ilat .1 till- body they "C. -� of inter- , I j)jjVC5 ft eS8 Co., 11azAtton, Oxt#- oil op�00aent. headed t. It — 8 I WARD .agle. Later the eagle W30 Ill* - return. In tile intricacte 8Vkj?L_r rep!,aecd bv 00 howl of mereftry, li�pitllfutllvl bv I, tht, Queen tq,conribelift- ,, nailons] trade, all countilleos are lit- --- - _� whioli volvedl, awl It I-* a Mist.tkt-- Fill V, 74 NUSTr oi-.ud Teunle Hquipitiont. , In jS.-18. 1�.,js iviltert-d inti> the ,�,,rate the brave,deeds of the sons of to regltrd ,9,-,Z,I:�,Q��,ia4o�0004SO04ko*otltl*lo* 5�\,GIN,t, ,,,I,�S .'E1IT?_ L AeRT*- I V`60 �!Illlffts � I lot I uth Afrle4v, the Irish Guards i Ej qjl(j cj'pcjjjejajj�_jww ,,,O.pagq patnpl Crawl Trutik Railway C16M_ Ilead ot Franclo .T.),�epll. l4kin In So an injarlolig tho participation ofthe " , ru;zzla �tfojj" -_K,k1w: .; ft�ked J)y Waltim lig ;,I adeing. a IntutWr of mo,lt-= Tito OL'4MP 49i 11� 11410, which bare -w1r) af, (310,151eft tilre 2433 ,-truag- 1 countj,y from whieli we happen to, 01 01K, n1v I eoliUdnivir, 41101 . - To I % r`!1tkV Ilord,dofti.-t�ii-cer,,'�;etl�,'se4�. Oeo, A. Mollbr. ,V Leo,yr 1�> ga '!I' .1' � I 1 t7l'" .. *-'I"P: I �Jjg U 1. . -1 SI.- ! 1'in. t.ft �011T ii� . lig. NVII_ arj� 011 pie ,kA , m,.!3. It(, �,�Jtqllellee _ rt . -1 to itt; already latir'd W0113- t1w ile"0 Ot tho roig 'calve goot ,4 —a,lobtl, e,� W IN6 . .. A, :." t�y;;We . Publisher. Eit. TAuls, TUO., (T.',R, A. Pl&-m Inen- ev ____ ...... .11,11, �� 11 11 �� ­ L - . . n.,r�p zt Ivvi.-I JE)t as rtgards - I 11 # tlw new car�; being Officially Valli lit., on the fir -;t 1,5L411f�. IS "DW jj3 tllttt till . 0 m � t1oh thLq pwDcr. - asr tile 112.0043 b5orie�,.W' one of dl�;tjnguj4hod by numpraki ,ulil3r- height aud pI*'vAqu.,l, and pr2sent, a 171 - ('�.. � $ L ,� � . i1j T DIX 8AT,V,Bt,A ICSYT11 SfiOP AND tll*,. ,,alinf, t:t.ttaLN aLrFo j4alitrn .,,p "N' '11, I- ­ . .. stnrtl- ett I �Vv imp. ;-Ing aprip.,arance wilell � ihipbeing tumed OntevetY Week 0.1 . � 4� �­�; I . - .. 100*00 F Lage,f1r,-t-cul � Ith faito4inow - _�Vr -n U a 6triking :) t I. �,,,_ �tt ill. ont. le pomr, st. cllarle�; sholp antl toWtis wil.111 Au4tr;an utoml)Pl 811 - =Liellin�t- The rnif-iv �, 4�-� �..Ft pridor th%iftt'"ll. B X S Il T "�5>;­�-T�;--:,:.�g*,Jrrn4. ,01 -*-4% - I— '--,-. _-- 61y. 11%ese ing the lang d,,U1l7-i_,L4l f T Alt`tri3, OV4?r one 1. ie g-r-,-nU In tile Cap Mind the , -, �_ _� L I ansh 1� nto #ervice iluniel.lat Ag a" ! "I, 016 <M% PRIAN WILL. ,t*E,A: . I 1111151T IF.A 119-01NIP (W 19HA parts ot rmit'. 0.1 ,��­Ma of tile 'Ad ,,! jjly�?.�-It Nta]gi.,; b, ng particular- :*' - ge .-,'t�, TO . .11 ,nIt Volt ISAT bgvejy,�t-ll, 1-011FIVIt agthe"830 .,Y - .kriA .1 114,4 I. th. jN.i:,g.,. 1 A e" I I VMN.- I Vellinsula, at .,. St lot, tnilt Ift the stetmp nre 6nirk­4 tlio keFs Of �4t- 1,1' o,.Q: � rticiJ4 "Jj�;. (;A�_-,IIA 111011117rd JDeat, ,,1,irs,-t minuot speak too ,.� : -,��h , 'i ,ft- 81018 willolft. 10 lidles ft.Ant IlstmiRon on EWO V.Alt. The fir %-- "_ '� ,wgSV whi-ii. is in fruM -r (J nr, tlie P- lider,of the fjtkoagly Of tllp - V -, I . - I 811OPL; Iva--, ad -led I.* the S:'r- Pettit, t8urm�mntr-d bT the Mite ltost,jua bitipz ."= , exe-cuenelb of W I i; kni M11 _, 130 nf,jtc_ I a - �) .1 in sij.,.r .1 L tlj� * '0(' r,ew I-ew"I'allards Regimplit, has turn- " It is "Mr, reju- ; L. 4 ±60-14b, Pexv tkt - Nvilf Oe Sold in Ono par,001 02 _0 C __�JL I . " I I � 1857 silleawilleh timetbemill- - bl_�h - .. ,&"Is M61tu_iT. t . .: I "a into lotS of 1.5 to " I � . a(.X(S tL,& 6,Ajb %?jV_ Uft(� the Th,q carl'est, Grw-k kita lap.,; are ��atttl ('I ft.,Tty y ­.ars lof age, haVing 10eed my hoiv�clhold tot Uarns. ) -, - divill _ I 1, � I 111 w0l" ' L ,--j - -_ .�� . � I" T. ,V 'Clig-Or.'. _sjjpprintendefl-,�y of - $1 .� H E 1, har. Iyali b all its own 1,01 ani hav:41 on theni VLje 1�.eacj of 111M �C,u ,1til, C'6�1 "I d tot he ff 1V . I 'L Thi -41s adecided bat,W1111. A41d;t*8 ­ . y 18s 1860. 11.1 entered the ete., aud we Nvoul N JontithAft CmT,tator, 13� 0. box 401, 'W" moAk � 190voo ( ,lt-tail., opralls it. . -- Ilis wingm eap. jr, .r au.1t,U ag sec�and lieuteh wltuoui 1 -. -mir,rarct" ak pivo ofthe jaa�,v roachesateal- ',Uercury in . - Rp IQ t?:,�.",�-.l ) �nzf. if yo . rwa him ­ ontal�;O� - Tito, Tarld; amp "62 ,%'At ib 1880, ali%3 beeanin majo"t O; it is truly a. wondc-rtul m8dleAnP. .'A'�ce,l",i,:�,.I...�,r,��ii..,�l. 4!3t1l;:I;f.;1 �'Rr­ , 6 --rVice. and aitle sald W be 811 st- S am luatei 1Z, 1, �1 U �i In so - H,2 raw liettive - A. IIACDONALD. -4 ;!", '-=e "�,i'�-v ,qt;WuA1,,,, -urw-p . .. .. :L1 a -ar,d bear the " r,gkturg Of tile reig.-It- t4hat ve6ni-ill3t In -.01w-'. ­"T­�%- 1ANe . , , 11 uts, Winslow's 800thin -symp shoultilti, 1898 .!OR\ .. lit.." . �� , ."'.. t . ,_ t! .. the best of tatistil,ttlfft �b , 40 virays bdusdd for Cffilclmu ethilig, - , 1�� ,;),�* it � . I , YL it stratb& . . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , the viride . - Ajjz K;�cn, F ", . .", lili Z�i' . _L,,r*1" in tile r�,%"Vtian ,expeditic -of ]publisheir AlInpriot Chronicle. ��riz.�, j.i,,%!e,.­,-,:XfA, -2,W0 &rles!' are of I *-411 , a NJ, I I �� ci,hh1d, roftens the . vlveml �%Lbdal r - outeg wind 01W , I 't, - F- . illl_� "' rres�",nt nnj star. J.989, vvhen he :6�&k PaTt Ila thO a0- '- 10 0 !M � le be 9fli"I'TfafthOD4. TW40btj le 074jer, Siwt�y-elgllt feet in ab*vo� thti ' � cbq De,04t TOTO1110 d st reivleO fbk I. I M ,L , To. -410 P61ilAinq - e - ftippej! ;vtth tht latfISt - ;Ive. of t",_$g 01 , ,ahng" and the battle 61 ,,> , ;, -ia& - . 0 I � and q1 O'na-,ia waq &;�!,tr�-I hulep:m .) p riper 11014a the . X,oq��",R:5& aro I lt`a� rite oenta o, bi)ttl�e- ­ ­ ces aln-1 P TUI.L_�Oy ,tn 18,1& n,�r fi.zt, stailip:, bear- T,_I_el-X-,b1t. C%iLll I C:� , .1.1 ... � L. - 1. . � air bral, . ,I-- ---. — I � nts In l, I inz tile roya .,:.,;ue4 In luedal wM'l clasp a,nd b ' r L c=e -star, , , __ ------- L I I ____ __1 . 1116 wo'lght, of tile vars Is; i4-1 I armist Nvere I ­ .� , - I ands, tile seating Ca'P.1city be' .hg :197.q, & lion raMP.-inti with a r,rown V:;f,11_1 .L: I " . _ t - . 'b il t;.q Ilead and large PMWS-i llovv�s This ? � hich are of Gothic aft'latee- �nle Itussian stamps bave no vatiekv We ofrer O" Itundred boll.-irs Howatil for __ � Ate fi3ished in a combination of 61 pottraiture; they ate all alike ,�,v rase of Catarrh that cannot bo our -ad by A Weird Disease, L L I I .. � I � �o i0rs)UNArrh (lure. ,. na mllthowan, F. J. CHF.N-I;y & co."Toledo"O. jDr. Macboliald. FINERS Aftl Sueft 4 __ iv, thq inteTIO-f of stamped with tile dOuW18 headed (mg - Ith-) resident sUrgeon, fi'LL R E - In quartered oak. 17intand Lqsues ift- Own stamps. They We, tbo undersigned, have known F. J. of ,Lh.3 "XI, aseorte Qlat rs be _- dMis in revetst- bear the arnis, of the country OR a 'lastl5yea'S.And elfovd Ili, � � Gera'dton Ilosj". -ats are of 'the standard th. comp, ! C-henev fat thp . ,a,!ajt kao,w.,i in 11�orth Q-111sells' d, It 'th their valuatieft b! kO- erfecily honorable in all basine:,s tralisacti,ahs . tj--ern upholstered In dtimr-011 SIA -0 ,vj IN fiiiinc Gid " th3 earth-eatifig dLsaasie is . BUT � I vnie ai"Ies aro eovereI -11.h pe,�-,&, tile Russiaz 00i. a ftIlyabi-t-WXY-t -Y-bl-gat,100- long proportions ift GetI6 - . avpct i1e 110or or ttid large , niade by their fIrM. hoia=lo Driz We, Toledo, 4gsaii3ji3g; ser boftwi-i town% mys, I Law-- - Go .1. ­ 11 I . Xklorway and 8 1*V_kS_1I91.TRtTA.Ty Ny al tion and oir, -f 5 r. .0 s V� . !on, being knoaw Only pe the time 0. - & V d I ''I., � ­ . -in, -at int,ftlueed. 7N6 w4i.iinsml YjN.--;A-1 I AAV)N I . ­ � .. - _ I " t CD , 5 gar .96110 -ru ace Muce ,_, _ .Isb AJds1;ka1a81An­ it has raged at . room, lit conflect vVhOlosale grit i , o ir, linoleuill The Other "temn-ge- stamps were W scar M DroggiAs. Toledo, M coolitown and TowusVLII:�. add Is eiz� L _ .1. I . I ,V" - rtVait-3 of osewe I. and 0 . tendft nearly as tqr eouth as Bris� I ts, eanitat, aftj Illuminating, Ate P0 Rall's u%laIrrhOure is taken intem&Ily,ad- L � Ing WRI, t4lp- general 03�iier. altcTmbe -,vith the arms of Norway; Ing ffireetly upon ffie bla. d and rnucGus sir. I. Dangoraw results. ,hN- says, . .1 I ; bs point wjljje tlie Swo:11011L stalnp,s have the Ug,t,�,cf the system. Togtinlobiars seut Nte. ba -w- vilsue, V immedi I I -L L I . L - 11 L I and, of the year t late steps ,%re . t, .,a _.Vltll the Swedish arms. pot prjv.0j,io_ pet i)otle. Soldbvall&ug ta. mt,st, - . MRKES I le � .ially .11 .11 - barloo abop. will 1hava turned all' 06 st ,' -6 th.be,t, ak-fl to supproos it, esper, .amp Wit,, t, 11gVg panoft 1,1ills w hot, U - - ty-five Denmark there bq — &n4mg, ftildreu attending the public ST LAV4.0"Ct ,,,, L"' . WO Of the 1;060 new tFLr . I ted by crossed Swords. RbAd Neighbors.. L' .11 1. I I I ri additloyl c1rown supper I 00*05. CAAMNIQLAU - . . "'.. L rll � R L' i tliIrtY­ton boy, tars� I a Naft. Issue lit 18910 Gubutbs-VIlere'S the lawA w0wet. I L i .e tzerlawl Hel*M8 - - `00111clies -coanvioned I'll, SIM � .of swit- ,deav I 'Ofi6 Tbilig and AllOtTICt. '­­ I. ­ ,I 5 I .11 , air 1V - ftp ork, ,and t1vemr)ZIOnt Tile, federal adalwattatiou ,01 apple &Ad I'll I L' 11- Y10L M 0 ta�rja,ild did not, issue postage eta W,e. Sabutbig-Mr. N,,Ixtdootbott6m�_ orallgo Means g den . .4 * * 6ta sirl! , agul locolliotives,of nips - �� 8UG ... . .... Speed and most, of thanii r8P- ed it thlo morning,, d&to simply a fhj,­,er-,. I I 11 I 4 * 4 - vbtso Pattern, Ill which 1 - I . . I- I..... .1 . ­­ L I - - ., have bf, -8 �,� tinve)opee were firft usea In 18.39. Ien taken into ant I vetia as & robed figntle igubfirlag�_�-nd tile garden hose? � . I I armgt 11 ,elt' I at Mj&. Xo*- lioun ascent took place . ... I'll .. MOT", holding the shipld with the Swiss cross Urg. Sqbtrb&-1Oli, th Tile first ba " I . . .. ....... L 'L ...... 'L . L .,_.I��_, ' , L '11-1- -.-I... come, got it for halt an houil, yeater- Ili 3.783. I's I , - . -,----..-- — day moriling. or,arlge,q were, thtee tinim as ex- . msys Illustration. I _1111- I I I 'L ...-I I . ..... . ­ .. .... A 1. I I ... I thg pqasiv� at Christmagi 1810, ag they , . . - � - 1. r . Suburbs-XeY I Inquire where - 11, 1. ... . 1. L I - - I 11 I 31 t ,, I I , 1PI �11 � 11 I , .� : ; . , ) , � I I : I � . � I I I . � : I � I I I i 'o-, L - Irfu �� I ., I I 91.1.�', �i��";�.=,t�ml".—;--5--=-t2-:,s.-..�-ri�.-�-�,-.�i'!-!, I OST on a's igh � go 54 — r. a W Ii C -i-1, I 1 i& I I L"", �' 1_C1 R:::,1,.; 1 -c I W I— - ONCHIAL rak- ttle 'Willie butet- ]q1te million husdred r . . I . , to -A& wh&:t is a ­wbIte lie?"' 4% I&? are t1lk9 year. . 11 ­ lwell' My child, the 1tY M 1% jtt;s� ;Suburbs -LI lgV.aj1ltS have , 4 1. I . ... gotj;Wd Ito us here in file T 'S , , I , - i 01gli-t and .1 I ., - 'T milk WP tOwWg pa' sent Wm aSter it this,&tter- sixty t1olisand Ckm left, ..'. A 6 Ila 0 ROCHE . "" ,, , FUREs. ... Wt speolifteft ok O'no. BRU . Great i8kitaw anlqug the .ipjDA 130. . — -1- ---L." ­_­ r IrGE, . 64 the 1.e4t peopgtation tot toldir, doughs, I now. . . t hiha 11 . be (writhalfflighty sigh of tb- tok--. � — 6 �l _y , . .. � I 't ,1* o"'Ven I 1 oau h6,*b 61lb T,Webty-Veven milliblas Of ,people � lit "I!Th _ 006kly ha;vib 161t Puropa tot Otbet cObti- .... ,,�"""'"'I'LLL' ­'­­_.....­. L 'L -L L ..... . , " "' " 6 I o,a Will be asked to gra jigs.'s, A. 1VAT609,Tdivt&**1*Udi1r0r. , .. the " kje&e*111 4 - D It e, complete , n ­­­.." '! ­ - �! — k 1A conjunction With neikOV *Vbokl�l - e%atn itat, - I — .1. In aid of tiko establishment I .. .991r.Amx, YrAlb 16191P I ...."11 I-— Iif�w I I . ( noftt* 6116do 181 . __ � , - - . . . . . I V . . � . L I I I . ..------.---11 ... 1-1- �.L..''. " ­­' I -':­­­­' I ­­ ' . . . . . . 1 ... -.11-1.11- , __ .... .. __ I ­­­­­­­'­ I .__­­­­­ ... - ... ... -- 1. I .... ­_­ ­ ­.. 1-1 ... � � ­ ... -11