HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-01-25, Page 4� I . I I . , . . I I I . I I I I I I . I . I � I ! . . I � I I I . I , I . . � 11 I i - . � I . . . I I I ... ) . I I . . . 11 . . I i I .. � ­­ I � � I ... � . I � �. � . I �.., �.. ­ - I I 11 - . .I � � � . I I . , . I . . _. 1 4 I I I � I . . I . . , - ., __ 1, . ____­­____ �M ��­­­­ �-��-��,.,-"�-'-'�-.------,-.-�'-------!- THE ZURICH HERALD . . _ '' .. I I 1''. - �,; I .I.-- � I -P--.1- ___ I I ----,---- ___ - - ____ I . ___.___1"_____ _ ___­ . I I I I � . I The 11 election in so-ath winniv THE QL . OBE PREMILUVI. ' ­ I The first consignment of ­,tallioli.14 I I zbe Zuricb lberalblpeg to Kilf the vacancy caused by I 1-14, & g"NEIN b, ,_ % _� � � � atioll of 11r, 1-lugh Jolln. . rl.�� -9 � - - �,�. " A v p e 1 9,1',14'5� poso of, broeaiilp,� the proper (,in.'4'4 o � 1�. . JP - .� - i 1% " ip""; �,' ,:'. , I , bi.acdonalu will be hel(l on., the nst In painting his Picture Mr. A. 11. -il S e e � �? I �Nylll 201 51 I I � - 11 the resign . purchased ill Elightild for tile pill .. 1. � . -mumam. � . cavalryllorses ior the Dritish arlil') i'... �- �� , I E. ZELVE 11, P Hidder,' stolOVer -)ool cn,fan, I � iiist. I 0110 Of, Canada's 1110, C_ . . was shipped from Liverl I - o � ---_._-._--" . �:�-;_� I figure and, sketch artists, took for Stil, Tho qtalliong have been soI- 1 n � (�. . . P RIDAY JANUARY 25 1901 F ather O'Leary who has return- hi � 9 � SlIbJect tin incident described 100011 Prill(til)ftllff, it is understood., i It I a r n e s ,s I 1 I I 10 I I � . ­­ -- e Otter in his report to th6 lit tile county of Norfolk, A limit. 1 1 "� ,� ,dr rn 5 0 - J LI trom 1�outh Africa announces 1 by Col. " I ht Restored. SHOP i ed number of the allillials -will bo I 6 . � Our noble Queen is no .more an(l his intention of agitating for the I Militia Department ana in I,, letter plaa,!Il in differont s(,�-tions of On- I . I . ,it I roturn to U -ather y I . - o0d momms for the groato, anatht the roniains of all! ancl sketch sent to his f 1), 1. th b %v I � i tario and Queboo. I - . Ahv,iys in the lead, ' A �.� listory, Canadian soldiers - Oapt, Mason of B Company. .- I I :. ___ I . and, noblest ruler in I � ,vho died in that � I I - , . . The Canadian,,, occupied an ! I 0 a east I Iti,,ofll(.�ittllyannoiiiico(Itliti,tMi'.! Complete Stock 0.1 ��' The high charal-tor of her majesty country in the servio - of th ! , Empire during the war. The! orn position in the plan ofbattle It', I Hugh (411thric" Inemix"r for South; Sciouco 1�ohits out the , ,�; had nruch to do with the building 0 1 . Wellington, -will movo thutulIlrossl . � -,tp of the greatest nation ofinodern scheme was generally conimenteIl viewed from a Vantage point 1, __ I lway to the restoration ol-, P,obves, Whlps� i ing , In tho House of Coiliniom, in roply I times, and her death is mourzed ; upon by the Canadian press US IM- � north. The Tdoddor 17live-T, to the speoch from the throno kit tho I not only by her subjects, but by till practicable and by U c � 1 ,,,, ight. If your visiollj' ("-'Horse Blankets, . man as 'Li dw 1,oughlyspeakino, runs north Ltnd.!tLl)l)rotic-l-lingses.,iionof Parliall-wilt., ' ' ' i humanity, sirable. The Queen hors -1 -ou"ll. Tho Highland Brigade I and thatMr. Charles Marcil, nioai- feeti-ye, ive can, by ,� . 1! e a. t S,iliglo ana . I , , ,It lai -, - -ill , , ' . , loccupiedthelowrange of hill ber for Donaventnre, %Y secinl�L � Harness Team, '., � The Victoria Bra has been one of down the. rule t1lat even her Own. s to i�e motion. The selection of these � . 9 . I <�v 0 ur Z I I ! .extraordinary pTogress. Sixty fo grandson, who died as a soldier Ithe south a-, shown oil the loft hand two gentlemen is in ttc(,,ortItLn(,(,iZ�cientlficlqet�iod5 Curry Co'mbs, , o yo�.rs ago when her predecessor shouldsleep in a soldier's grave.1 sideof tho picture. The Gordong witlilhe lime,honorea practiCII Of " � died the news of his tioath -was A movement which however sho-uld : rop ungest of thellow. and Sh. shires occupied it position elloosing the yo ,,,(, Brushes, I to the north, nr abnost directly ly Olected members to Iliake their measur(,. the, (Iefe,,�[,, . forty-one days in reaching Canada. con -an end itself is that w. hich pro . I I �_ I �)pposite to that of the Highland fOr"1111 debut in the Hougo. Mr. PTo -day, tyi o minutes after the poses to mark and beautify- the las Brigade. Their position as well as Outhrie is the young htw,�,-or -%Vlio Supply Ole 11(vosstary glas- Trunks %-'-':',-,, Valises, . Queen's death the news reached resting places of our fallen hm ovs. i that of the. greater part of tho Can- defeated Mr Kloepfekr in South i , Canada - It is sineerel:7 hoped that Lady Ed-N,,rard Oecil has mado an ladian contingent, would. be to the Wellington, kind in .so doingsooref.l. ISMIS to reStor0 it. 1�0.patiriilg Ileatly (.1011o, appeal to the British people for iu,- I extronie right of the picture, but �= of the most notablo victories I I her successor the Prince of Wales, 0Q0 to carry on the jvurk-, In Can- 1 Out of rang'o of vie.w. in tho general elections, 110 lis it 4 by 111r. Kestle, who gives -will take the place of his late aa,L,, 'The Daughters of the Empire " The prime. object of the picture 1,griant in statue, with it lilagnotie Iff ?41 ��tj) all worh bis p(n,solial at- , 0 � Inh J 1 mother and guide our destiny to are undertaking a similar worj,- for is to convey a correct idea of the,'i POrsOnalitY, and is It 1111( "'t- , 0 Duma -1 t our dead, and if the proper stops forward position -which -Our oys,,! forcible talker. He is, looked upon toiltioll. � univorsal peace, happiness and b � I prosperity; To -day all Co,liada are taken to give tile Canadian. hail. gained and -which called for i a,; ono of the coming men of Canada 0 ptiou-111, zurie'll. -S r i aii(I hit, frienas hope to see him I public an opportunity to subscribe, the words -Lit prabse from the: Your Trade mourns: "God savethe Queen." there can be no doubt as to its , veterans of tho British Canadikials ' make it good record tit the coming . success. � in Ili,,; report to the War Offi i r' I -Qe by ise,4sion. 21r.Marcil is it 7oling news - I 1 Lord Roberts. 1 paper inan who has Avon his smirs Solicited. I Leavenworth, Kansas, or F ort ====.'-__7_L== ! In The entrios for tho Huron Qv Leavenworth as it -was originally I Mr. Frederick 0. Hamilton, The i I the political battles in Qiwboo. I - i . Some of the returned Canadian 1 Globe's, ,corrosporkdent, who was! He spoko at a number of place,; in Poultry 811mv, t.I bo belf.1 at (14o(lf�kr- � it,o known, was for many y ears associ- . i I Janitary 2'.). 1E APPE' o 0 ,� n 1 a N L_ soldiers like South Africa aild Boer-, with the eontingent. tit th tin -10 � Ontario (luring the bvo,.eloctlons in loll, closo oi if, ated with Indian wars. If some fi " ' 1806, and clifirmeattil. who lioar(il �_­. ­_ ______ & blood-stained old Comanche chief gliting so well that theyare sen(l- � 2W.- carefully exandlied the picture. � I . I I 1 k, is I h'ince Ili.-; arrival ..'-onie find pro- Ili'll IT the el0`111011c0a"(11 r' Of I i .th could have returned from tbe happy ill- in applications for phices oil the P A Durliain lail w.t.,;,,,!3iic).-;t.-kvc,i�ri(--(I � CItWU-'TTE SNI0KER-,­--!1`1lt1 South - so .� nolinees it it nio-At twelirate concep- f'TV0elIe'4- , I tv ,huntIng grounds for a brief ho��r outh African Constabulary f orce - - � . I- todelitlibyllst.,va- (lo'�-t)lcl(itli(li-�(�1'113',IiIW,I,V.'�y.,�tt%llI in ,F"011th (',17 -0 - tion (if tbo position that the- � . "t �, i .7 oc- � the other da.v when the mob were . i(lay. ()f('tltl--'�,(�(�VL�l',�-',)()(Iy('011('(11-11-�liii-,,!,,,�i,,;,�iv(,Il"il%'t?.�l,,�i�l)lowi(lt,lli, we surging r that is being raisea in till,,, eountry.;� eupi0a. 1twillbe pointeflout by': Thefuneralof Sir Eraiilc 1,A.mith. I .% � fa oundo, negro burning, at, I Sir Frank Sinith, altIlf­)u.,_,h i'O1, I niany that there I f -tk sati,raw- niorniiw- it, Oil I.,; N ory sorr.­, but fliat ebws iiot, ' ei�zzlnitto flell(I thall all tll(N moral * -, the stake he would have thoroughly, I _x, so very ,w: ttwiz piw simple ill vliaravt(_ , tho (Italig-urati,111 4,1 - I .:I1a,--,h tit of, -,4111,111011-opi"4t.� tti)(I fr , " I'll, but provoilt 1. t1le otiv � I III(Inshawn lit lilt! picture. Air. NYL-4 yel�v � ,-11(, rv, 'elf anti deemed illat :in' , a meniber of the Feller- � I L st of his lifo. The dw, it, ­viiniti�,t-., (.,iiii,wiii-a c-ouia give. it enioYed Will, any years hulAniltollsaid. it 1w -wa�, to offer a. wa., attentioa i)y nian.v wit, (It �-,irotl - for. " 1� s �l I . -r�(I(­ allil" '11a+ all olliploye." who Cr -t for - fill flollbtle"s a ,11,)Me allilli-al, � . J I It, tilt- white inan was no iinworthy 1i a Cabinet, hold. it portfolio for blit. � _ 110, would : t islww their rt-pv( t . it ilk" bui7 .11I T1 Stioll Of ;� (,hatnge, it . successor to the sachems ves j.,;i - . Sonabir. The botly was .1", ut t1l"re _\ve1'e f(kvk�vl' (1, t1loill pl.,)wlill-, illiv, .�Illolw vi.�.:,,.rottt,.� luu-t either , ana bra x months. He aiti ,lot (lesire to have been vi nialx, this number ., 1, . it , ­ . io- of the good old days. arallil(l tll(%,,�tl-t,i%i--tt-.f'P�ir,�iitt),i,..tl-- (lillt �Iil�kldwx tl.,t-n tir bise their inanagea department. awl. only eon- evvii. lo�-­.�, ti-�4 tilt, -wholo plan of: in tbe t1mwin-g-rown of Id-, liou!;v. : . . I , * � b3 I nit; would fet."i 1�rooltk­ ,�,,�­.-,!.J A dastardlj��i:;L�d w� VII(kYor. Nilil the ea�ket wa,, .,qn-rountleil -h- I � , ly pq�.ith�-I,z. aml that in 'lit, fn�ure do as committed sentol.1 to take eliargre tilt tilt, Depart- t1101ting wt.... suell That wh lloraltributv.-- I1t--v.FatIwr Mvii- wben t Ill �i r (.,Iiltl ron �� -e ri; -,h viii gi,sl I 11.1ort, ,.,vlt,i ;.-�t! tivart4tosin(iiher atthefarm of NN-illiam (,!11dIIIore,, thoinvit ir-it tuo tilol�elv totretlier, , � t M111. nient of Publie Works on tilt, re- I uetvtla brit -l' svi-vit-oat fliv i.� talzi-a vollt4itufl �Ilal ('21 tho ..it!(.., W-11 ", Jlf 80). con. Ho -ward, a few (Jays ago. � they, shnplv furni:. lied ti tar!"rot for 11all ill 111(i M , � � N't . ..Voiil �..�',Ilov-.Illpally. be Forty three of .Mr Cudiflore"., 11 'Agnation of '.AirHvt-tt%r Lan;:tkvl-n. thet-new,r;s gun -A. The offlee *' 1witse, and the va.,'k-c-t Nv,,-, 1114-r. 1%*,111�. I 11t.14 flovs 114-t mvll! 'i�) lit,. it.d.1%,"ays .;1 kJ'%7vI:1JI41 (14)"'.11try I,t,- tM-', i 11 in " 4 AD were poisoned. Dr. Green, V. " ,� pending the appointment of a 1)t,i,-. front, of thewaggi n with tho fielil t',A)Wn t.) "At. Dw-41%, 0XIII-4.11. wilt.l.t. 111.111Y vf tllvr,� vury 1.I!.*"_'oL1­Qltl1.v. i'llSk. v I t-lipli �.­ Ilion in a v..',Il,tt-*kty Ill' 8.1 ." .�.; ; - It- .. . , . . , � J I - A wUsSumnioned butin spitoOl' his 211ILniLlInt�.,ii(-ct,.,4,�t)rt.ttlit,t,,c-'.Nlilli�tt'r. �_11.111.14 illili, allil N ("ill. otter, 11-wreq-tilelli Illasswas volt-111-att.d. - t­u,t w1i'lil-ink. !'u.-- lit .�-- lilt Ill are , 011111.111-Z t -211:11w tl't-.-,i',ilt-(Il�.sl,ilit-*�itilI ) eff ort -4 sixteen of the lings are dead But the inflikeneo of I.Air Frank was "vll'N lzl,")t vonthr,tou,,1y movin.- P.%i.i.-B%,ma*.t:,z.vNii 7itjri,Ni,,n,z IN, willo 0110 avo flit, ill 11111-tr(Te. llr� ill ,t!!T,;I�-;ifi.,.Ii,.��t',�,-,It I-(,q;,hv clear J0 . - t � . and nine others are in a serioil,.,�� ­ 1,0111 IMP J)"'int ttiarother alon- lie: Tiw vall-boarers wero .'Ah- 'Mu- ,,,�j. pf1,ll1leI..,;j t 11, ,)eil.k rll Y - f � I ,qtgr (.,.,,- � ; lvali 4 ...1111 w. -t -r -16-Y. whell bright. X4 at, :ill thnes very gn-tkat. antl I.t. hall firing line. A -�'wr.*. extraet froill l'onzit. Bowell. �-vnator Allwl.k-olla"� * . . *I Condition and may die. An exandn_: , voivetl the III -1111 -alit lilt-.- J�J JjJlJ);JI"_' V,," " 1'e, 't%:t � .1 - , , - , 'Ill,_ .JL�,,!j I ta"It it i-4111 .Ill ,at ation revealed th� presic,net, Of ar- 7 'nuell to do with tilt, .4lavill" tit tilt. Mr. lialkliltoWt; It-t-,�4�i-i)ftlt,,,(-i,il,)tit)zi i,lr WDrit-n. lion. Williant Rarty. in- ]ilk �. .. - Z_ t I n - r., hr.)III 11:111ilklillin 1�'btiltl llliwal� -.1 I.f Ittiollbil-S, to (17'.1111r. IK Sellie. Mr. C111111101!0 had $oIJ1 tile Iwlit-y of tilt- emintry. .1111 interest. num al-tt'Alt-11w tl� grivv It better lilt-.-, �:�wwnt, ()*Kvikre, 514tyor 0. A. I i(lw. anti rvvt-ivvtI -it v.,r 'twit oi'-Jiig,sas a n.1,,I ,41; 1 tIL hogs; the flay previous to tile pt)is011. inor story is rtklatetl of the I)t1-%Vj.J, of 111141. llo'4tioll tin that faterill ionit. Williant livildrit" Ilamilt(ill-. - .lilt" tit �, 11""41 # L'.�rf,*14N, anti that, , ' , sallll)let & .tkrvil�- halrz4a 1:11, - tllt..,tk lialitsslanil l Il`e% lo-irtin oppor'. rN ing for $11 Zmell, ,�,o the IO.S.14 t4t hil ' " 'Alajilb.' day. Tll"�.,lwp� 4,21- William lilt v. cor-I 'J" I 1. Vitally fall�s ill 17.1c.l. I lle.--w ,j,�.!"., , 11 whiell he exereist.11 lit .1 lit-riotl in , , _' 1114, tla0t` I. t"r I-0 -I'd 1_1111.r ill I I - 111L.Ilt,l. ilk .if � "' it; V, heaVY OIX,. The township etpun- I'aardt-lior-z Drv't. Feb. ,`!3._,k I lr. Larratt sniiili. TIl'o ('11it'i Iqlisk,tl I kv Ili,* Jl,('JiaJ;,; an I I -till Willi. � I".1.1'... k X ilr. �thlvt -. i ) " .. . .. . v 1-t I'll"llivy will CK o-ar histin-y that WaS I)Wrtv Pritit-al i 1,tV,.l Jit.1,1, I.ivt*l. tit riiAmt. river ill 1,hem-nor-L we, t, ,--It-nivA .W,,thi ,.,q,I,,j,t - tel -,-b nla'. ht,?+q '(111414., ,-It �n:z'# " , alfall'i"ll %-IpVit.� at 61 Or other tnithorities Illight order . bw N't . : N . kill investigation. thttn at tilt-- intruient uppeUrtkil on � frout ' alow1cop.,jer'(1goto It -ft, it Sinith.-.1-11.. John Fts.r alitt III­.lv(%;t.lt.. Iti..."&Iitll,14,1�ititt-l!�it,,i!4..ttt-11 Jz.-.+t.lIk,1*1, . L�. I " . ­­ . . " ItkItt"I 1111"'I. I .. I hill in rear .. illat wav; ,tile An'-d-nald. -wm­hk.-�aw. .% h zs t t � r-� allillial will eiii.rn Ili �% .�iatt, ttr '� - - � tilt- surfaw. Contifla proinitted and � V. ,ni' a . se The 6udi4U_Gft2ettC tellS of it, oidetItIlk- Canadian Paeifit- Rallway. ,31101tt 111101 whit -11 tliv lbival Canti. Fratilt all(l. .1tilin Ftsv.':,-i-ttiiti-�iiii,-;:.)Ir,,,.tv,,. - Ot story of how the calladiall" Neenred . * . _,,t.l*\. u,4 I-4-adily %-,ttili!�r. ailtIl .Nfti.rall illklf-'4� v.N'wI0*,lI­ twtw diall Roal I lit -lit plavot., flu, part in ,1111111 Flynn, of Lewililtill. 111.111low-C tll,.,,. * , Ill. a 9"at haul of Boor goid limonut r, I . . llog, fiffly 11w - si"ll tilt- (11111 , libil. days.14ilill Ntlwan! l'ol-w. 1'. 1, _ � Lilt%tral g -rants wero givell for the t1le draina isf Cn�iljc-*s overthrow., Nit-t-1."..1filkil., Jalllf-�-�. will Ilarno-y'liq1ti,111. vw.Xvisit,` I J0 : , t- of tilt- limila � D.. Jil,flel- ,if tht, Iti-41i. Cnirt of 61 ing in value to *1,000,qto. erhis'entorprist- in tilt- se.s-44)n Of 12'0�).41141 Loril R�w1ji%rt's lia!ttoltl volt how o1n­t)'IIi..:ghls. liephous. 131 -hind thVit,,ors wa,, to� aurn the.". llt%-_,�_ liver lit! Ont.wit*. flit.d et i -is 1-k-4ftl�'llet.. -.1 1! I , L Itc. wits WA111frOM the plaster in the everything went along well until Caltpadbullt,, lilay0l thi, 2nan. At � m4sall-liel-.4 were *.--PatIl4-r 111-1.111lan.: I lit- farlllt,r.-� in I Ill- Ilt+:bTwI1llt1A .4, tk t ,, 9111�t'll'-� 11,11*1t� Ili L1. 1'.'. ,t*J+,(-'k_ t $11 � �ft 4 I , 1v hOUSO Of One of 'Mr. Xrnazer's sons. IS,,%4. At tbo oponin,­ of flUtty4lall. h"1IlPtKb_ilaV oxilltation ovt,r the'the devea,viVs, spirlinal -.ttivi:��i.r.,:�11,1-f.(ttq.tltltl�,tlt ,I MW .4�11.1 ,if lt Jo4zlt 11 1.-.,.,inrqla.y lit,. �rnim_- 1Ii-;rdft*. bis I 'Ll The Canadians were sea'r-'ehing' the hoi tr*,,.*qtxif(ir(-'�.iii.iti-Lliv her sions Janivs,l rin, Q ,44irk plan. (lit tuie day tif tlq.hver%� � -,Ili. litwzll 11i"I.. (hilmlawl's. Miss '. it'.. 31'. 1). 1'.. -,I llo'i It, place, anti one of owing to unfavourablo conditionti " " I ", - them bappenedto " lnu..4 confliet with gri�f for thek eondw-ted fih; lem-al Isil'ilit-t"', 441111U, to tilt, fanners Own- w X,i It it I l , 4if riin'�' Whinie, and Ni­� Chri-tian, Ili-; O" IMOCIC Olf a bit of now plaster with in the money market, the finanelull Ioss,t­i sustained. More. as the long. Dr. Btirritt. Nvhfl tittelillvil hini I . 01 4 in tile innetifill t,owll. 0114 lin mll. I Iwi3Oit-r-in-law. J. 11. '.\lavtIi,naI%J, to thebuttefli.is,vifte. Asit fell to resourees of the coinpaily Nv�-ro;&,ttwnlea�,-noi-oftliet)b�z.t,iiiatt,,Botlx,.q tbrough his illneFs. � lient Minto Illan who Alliftertwsl; Q. C., and hi,; phyt-ielall. J)r. W. 1). g, 't`110 A00r and broke a shining gold e.,�htLust�ed,tmdtht)re,wasUI)I,C)sllect drawson.itissorrowfortho, nifen � , % ­­ I � t4t SOM1`0 awau-1121 Itinfl, Iva -i tollin-1- Caven. wereat hi -,t lwtl Adt, mhen SOVOreign1vits revealed tothe puze t,hllt the undertaL-ing wou we Imow no niore wbich fill,.q mir his expoziellets to an inwrosting i tho end eallit.. Pe of the astonished on lookers. The Ithought-ii. 1twas no snrpri!�(,%, to Severe Pains% "in ,I ztrfl1II1 ill 11arriston. 110 ltatlaliwl, %.. -111--tit-i-itts,%-Iii-tz.�itli,(I�it-tlit,t-riiii- 0' X*Atof the Plaster was at ont.t, to a standstill.in whiell ovont hopes 1� Ono �vhrp ba -z aI�sttekdot1,fq)r four �10titfivill-fel-tilitell lyl-.1-f.i,,,it,�s'iti.-Il-.�g,�:-�i-ill.�ti,��viltiol-�,,-!I*(--,i�4.-Ittlli�, k .(,ntertaiL�c.-IAvtiuldbi�friistrtit-ifin��nt-11.4,.Vitlltllt.11lt,n4if thi., rog-1- 11 .4. a rippedog, Vith the result tbavlon!, i Hack,oand ffipfuk, �'i I'l". plit thik wild lotp­: 1411,1PI it t1,.vV new 4 *'Ourt-lif 5u, k4l 11W 'lilt !211.4. U -over $4,00,000 AvOrth �,,:qltlg 4%jovItt, � - ()I .OVor-`fL,(J altil rtqsital inve.401 In this ;Int'llt to twe thein emlttrks fol. ; AV -11114 it-lat'-p It I*Vv�r 0 1 411 0,111 .1� fo"I'll'-11 44f flao, l!--,- Ili" I �_ - � Mr. .`(qT,1#4D (1�r"!., 41"'Im- �- o% �l-,!­,,_V� ,­ul. _-.141 �.-ei 4 1 A* Lligns was found hnbe(la�%J tJIt',,rq,i,l. f Iolav t, %-41, - � ,­. I I 11'�­Az .11141 I"3V , . It via,4 Ott- witherimt llnt(I�eo o ,� r� I 4 . on I k1V I � .1 , r#inntry winalil 1v la,l. T114'ril W"*. " _-?,4%.,Ar, - ,, , " . .. . -, __ k., -,A: 15 7 %_'� %11 1�1al-N-1, .Ag"n4`11.01 1! J,rival,� I-awlw '-.I :"%-t it W__ __ Cv tn'- ' ' q 1; � � ,' , .,v -4 % -h-A ivasa-L.­.en. and � 2�_ a!'�' aa,o' I V4_,;., �" �q %_ �t, ,* "" ,,,I v� 101-: Ii�nt. N'.� ­!P�-,. pwl�thl'r ,,,, 1; � 'n. i `�!?I.",R­ 1*tz ,vale��I.. , - )X It L -t -ratifying to Oak but vze wa:i� 44 ta-v"dolila.: tlt-a'41-r. f 4�ar, - , ith, a fiD f, w1flo-6u q4ttl. 04 V ��'�Aok, ��'� "'IcIv- " k*,t"�,, %;."" L " "' - � !P,&J.J' � flit-llfl-. 04f V IN 1%V � ­ . V I' %'�:­!�",L't .7-14�"p t:,��- ­.'.Lz,. alA a �,., 4'�-�I, �--_l I ..,!: rid. _T t;1Q. Y4�,!, - ,!111'i . - ; . . , �, . Maellonaltz. X. P. f" 1. L. hv,.m,�- V4 in �vl)?ti�vl , - 'JC,+ tar") . -6 it - � - I " -, U 14 " �1 , , A , r. Ul. 11��"" � - � . , to Dr. namely. thik, INUTUIL: Q'If a �valn tj� P'O'. 1.� u t, '4 he nrl,!tv 4all , , � _ _4 - ,!:i - -4,-� IkD I,,- lq;�--, ", - 4 -, � " ,�.� - V - I , . a ��, , : I - J .", I, " U, � � - - r � , � I i _%, "'J. 4 t , , - , ". N% *T'! - 1�4� ,. ., aA %I � C, - '4'- I , , I � � - ��J - ;� tl� �) ,� � - . L- 0! . � , � , � ft* HAll'on. tito 141.11,11 that la. i% '%gle'l railway v�enqxill.,,- �10 gon'to-r fluzO ,�u 4,9wilwDu rr-0,10,0vqA �'r-�Iva tlli-� q- �03-Wl. fav, ,014 ,� a . � � , � V 11 ,�,� � 1, �_ , , , . ,� kiv� TV l 11, � - ",-:!�� :,1% 1�1,t �J- -0" !d,.i`­,­1 "'. c ;!­ �!l ".�41- v "o-1. *11,�,� , r, t, .0 , � .r,.'01 V4111, V0111 - . . . , -t -, rvt� ­ . 1. , I . I � *0',�,�,�. : 117 ,-� � i jv"� tj'f"!"��.o y " 1:.0�, .U'v .I,,. 6�,R.!q Ili,- ��i,�- *r _7 I � U - �'�*I ,I 1I ,. , nof'zht - 4911 � F . . ,.�� - . f.042RIOP-10- tti.. wobrti '11, I'le flr'q llb�­J­q- '.' U 1--t; �Ull...' 9�w 1,�, .�n �t, � �,. ` I .1 � ;*, " -, , h for tilt- liasitioll of Demity NtWaKV41 Ont twq.101�.,�gq�jv� 13�4-tt r, ""Vol?:,!,3�,�- lkd) 1­0��,,A`*� 7 ,�O.­ -:, " L..; . . . 9 . , - - _ - �', , " - , � I -, 0%r. I, - . r - "'. " , , , � , h Elf t1it-Homse of 0,11*111il'o'lal., an ?.11.q.- atw4l.111 64, 311'7_1�­y no'. a­ar�i w,tit. � - �� I �:, . , , "A I'v, . -, , -� -.1, ,�,A-, .41. 1'�". , !#*� �0111 ,tAo.t­ ­­;011�1!1 �­�O'I-L, I 0"lut " "� " , V,; li!! � ir��., , ,­�. I �� t _.-F '. ��_ t , ta 11a."""J�"On"a t.!"4' � ,t� �,7��_ - �:, a 2- - - "'. ". 7 - . - - I b - b ; I . , a Ve�sfqlft to 5.1r. .13rildow. I -,,At L P a ", I' � .1� ,� 4� lv, vP "'; _­�T_ ',_­-_­ �.I".fj" g'.jJ,. t. ", � - %;-6,0 wflt �1,­ �.;-,�"q.ii,r,�11.11�,10)1. it �,T�q-v 4Q &1LAr1'*0- st�-,fl I . , _�v � , %��'..,Jd.,� : _V " _r - **!... *",t I I I L ,� � I "� z 0 '. � - � - P'.'D , - L' - . ,,- i;o� ofn N.i, ud 'v_�111_ f Pr- ,,V-,14� � ­_�� ", �� ! !!,!�� " "', � , 0 � - ; ­.:,!�j ­,-.,_­..,.- -, * ," q't',ft�V.";fJo. j4t 111_%­�, -�Avcl ,� tz", , "'r V , � .... -�­U.­-,�* k��Vt , �; 0,11 1 #110'vatiltl to tRat ISIX .. - - , , v ��v . , *,,i_ , I . � -atk'%-r-.?t1p. Tbe ,,, - - ,Y�_­ t1'V1J?1,1!:?,�_ . � i�4:,­_ , 4", - �4,,�t,e, ��.,V,�- 'L!�.�Vv� - ­a+t,� 4 t�� I �-:., t � . t; '. � ­% , v,��.,�­. i,;,t* ­ pite. 44 z�to,slo.qltv,lttf,.1,4i��ot,tl�t�,-14��,-*L.,�..a,- aa�e �,�D� - tor 1;.,Q-,,Pz. . ril- tl.,) I'".%. E V!,. i, �.. .-;, I _ , ,� , . I - . - .. .:, ;�� �. A (;Ie)IA.*�-;Ot-�tzLw.tq.qvalll�,-..tt4bl4glo-BDt�-,,,�,V...- . - I- � '. - ;.*�. -,t, t�% I - . 4 1- 1. � , -.1. 1111-. � ��,.�� � `�-, L - ­ 'L P � ­­IZIT'0.1,1;�-n --t­�-�if "D I .; � I , , I I � .,--�- . I , - , , � It , 0.4 %�vn�. VIS th.u. In6,tn,4",#,r�4. T!".e.,q 0, - 1, , , , . _ �,�! ��,�ti - ;� ilUvl !1' . , � :,.!�­ "t", - ,,, - ' ' " � � 0 'M - D!t,­ , L T L, E� "Ir'.. - I . � . _, " " '. -- , .0"', 1 � - �.��R i". -I.I.- h 0 'd� A. - 40 It , 11-- ,� , F .: �, Mi��, , " �J,, 11 - " � . . I . - - _,� :" ­ 0. '1- � UIL %, FU-!' !_ q 1 , I. 1'� �, , Z'. �,!L v -T. , If t , ','L . � � � ­tk, , 1. ,.:- ! Z,; z I , � " ;,.,- I : � - - �,. ..-.. , -, - ,." , 1-1 i ,Jtt� t. ! 01 L� . , - , i " .:. � a -P 4.. o�-` ,.,,� � 9 -J1J -,,- .-, * It "Dr-lue'(1irmaX N till f�,;,.,.j,,,,.,,,,i­,,,,n VA - !7Q'1m#.II thtt,1'41'2�111.'f tt ltu""";Itlt t"z0tt 1,,� . ­,"AWIt � q%o%�P,1�� T',Llj��nvi" _ � ,. Z 1,� . #;;' , " __ - . �", �,� �" Parlimuentarian. -ami " .htv ,; _;t , "��!�, ".. .1, : � 11 , � V _4 - * - . __Q, tSD - , . , , , - , " i - �,, .. - ... S � , , � ;� Z-1! � I 9 k� .t., _u I . . ;,! � �" , A � z,;',,'Q. tv, .11�, I _4 a , , z"'. :,k � , ".4 i-,._',.,:'. *'.k,�� ,,Jt,;J �,,f Cw V-Qrnnfll%r� 4% I't-al It n . � ­ 6'.� - , . ,­ - ,�' ,­, 'E"'L � I ronversant 3vtCh thu. Jzoro� "�t,_-451# --,tw- ., 't 1� .,,,-g 'JJJ:�L,UL, �,", ,­ L, ­t, '14�i I I .. 7 T,'.`�1111 , . :, , , � I- , , . ,� , - � , �,� ,� �, : � - � , a - I I - - . . - % ... ,��'DIW V " a :1 "I V :I I.,! ­.-..^�,� t"" - ,,, .-1--i , * ., ­Q� ;,*�� �;,,,',­ "'.41 Id, il�nvmz Tl,m, -�ibu%­�!"­n i r z o " '.r" I �t , '! ". 'l,'I , U1.1"_ ,,d .,,. ,a!'� ... 4 7,.,1, _7L I .� _ , .' �. ' - " ' I 1: I - . . - . , - �14,�, I _ . 1�1, , N.. . - , %, , I I , , 0 , - $ tht- lloui�(_-. The dwie,. - v,� tj,be "Zlru,401. ht�t u �..,ift itt Nx"�,atql 1'�,. 5"r e, 1,11­vl,n,� , " ,i",.D,�q,� ,.,;;",. I . 1��,'� -_�.Lr','­J tj�,.,�.Dn V4,,,. - . ,­­�­�:"�.2. ."-' �%�'," � ­ �.I�,,L ,. *" 114-puty, S-4twaker c,rel,sjw�-;u Jtr 9""U'r- Ile , , .. ­ 7111, fl : - I -!t . � - I � - , ".....2 :� .- � ,%! -�' ­�� * - � .'. ., �v ,��,-, ­,� � - ..' 010, '1zQ"­ .L�4vjf 4('­.�o. V",(4 .' --V ,?k,,�­­ ' '" _,� �_ �_. , . " - %1,? wo��i AL Tu"t, tnm,v- ,�,n. ,?�.n,�, 1,14. - -Ir- � �?. _ ,._ :,.` ,.-;,: , -',,,'%_,, 1". � :.?11­1�v �,.T! 1, �t4 .�":"" ., !"",-, . a �. ". - "I'll r "c'm. �- �" �. t ;�-t I't, . Nots when tlwlhomw s ill WIM21MfthI4. . � � - , .. 1_ � �. . . I I " � - � - /q V!, - -4- 1 1 4 _ .­.�, - I � . . Q . . lu�-�" �%t,-; I .1 z . , �� - -:t. , P , ,,, ,�%� ,��,U� ­q'J7'.;-­ . � . !1� - . V..�' .�_7­ -11'q,. " 4 re:1,aill. Tq� Ott, lwqqvb�-W-�n �- ,U%f. ��i 0"��'"'t*-,:'-NVII- Wt!�-.- Qlla` 'L1ULak1!-1-"qA!t.-',L!t : V i' ,-'!-,, " V � ­ , z , "t-, L* "',owir, 01�.,J,- _1 , . t . .. . Ifflt Dr, Wacqlimuld's faintharfty g�l , , . - , �o, - . .�,� V,#,,� ":q . - . + .!" ,,vo'4,;� : 4, t\v�,at...-v.,V- 1-`,�'."!­,�%,A 1-11�,!:--!��'. !11!;� tlaAMC.`�7 -�-. %�. , V'1,�_, ,,�.:`- , , I t��e Ha�,N-rn ,Minb-tensarql ,�,Mqz #4,� . .- . - - Q ,.'JDI�:4� _'�I� ­�V­ � . 'f. . � . -a,,er!L�;,I§,� v, -t1" lw-Ne�zz,*7 ."��­_,:, A , - I ;V-� ... - �%, -v � J t , V�,,,�,-,:,q � . with thfi; trahelt of work ,wiN v-.,,nl_ lt�.."-n­n . T��U- T­woltn-�, ­� �-- "t"', ;_ " Nu�q. ;��,. . t'� � q . �t .,� � A . 4 � J!' - _,­ 11 , , . �� ,,I .Ali!%­�-'. .j�_._,­ 'k ­­ '. � 1)7,4- � ,�4 - ,� 4r -,.,, ., �� - - � _ .g- 3�t;- -','; it ;, , - _V# , , sidpraltIr liahten tit(. I)tInjell whivin Inave df-4-1.1?('41 Izr.�nt the -v wo­.M 1. - - , - ­ - F I 00.*&'4 ,I �1 11 � � ,3�:,!,. I _V -E.- ".�L , -, -,- " ,, -. , I � . -T. I 11:-.� V:'��;Iq- ,�v;A I zlm,* , ,-a ft-n-!P�,;­ -,,�,rul. zu�.innow,� ;� DD�,$;.,. -11�­ �:­'� ,q '! ., - '�,-, , - I ivq�l . I . . _ - , , � '. �', ", 0-1 ". ­- ! ..' 4il 4 �'i" , `,� _,� .V,f 4', V�. ' %4 4 e..- _.!..j.j t,t _ - a. i�( � 11: 111, , I . , . ., , , � . tit t _ , L � � . . . _ _ .. fg_1 .; .q., 0 would �)therwfise rest upi�n MAB- tiever vowwnt. Sh- Frank .,,�a0flk !-', lki.t. vont. lq�.,Z4 : �-�n.­h i� �'--�­ ­,­ J-,rtx. at ;o�T. 'i -Z.,�"rs% or ;; 1,lj�-_;6 .. .- - . . J��, � _ __ � -1, , � ,-,C;j , , 1IN loll -0. ..'ervice ill fille counn"OWI1,4 - . ti-li- "�!,T­.,.. !�%" �`,:`.�:-, N vuzz-m. Tir 1101'3111.,V­��_ t��,V� .. "AL -w I! i 4 -'. I n..'l-.111-cl vai-m.,41 the rene.lierhrr #4 a�_i,,tanve 1*112*41 � of thl, 1 % �vat ( *.-Ma4ban. W 4 & C , . , 'L 'I i U., T,110140, Ont. , , , � ' ' . - liv-;r ik­t,�,e ,�;0:-Ii.�. 11 h', f1f.,iih. �, * . . his rec��rh w; a tal-en itebater. and _f qqw,�21"zlnit�- 44fer, I .'h-,4?1 Wr"d�- � f ' ' - - � a,� a I)II.,1111-S.and im 11('41 a natilmal �_�, g.N I � I . . . " . - I Iii--. (kotitteons atil wripahe inaann(�r�� 110 from GI�v.-; Pan V,n, "-.q!--.:- �!- Or,, 0 ��J M, ".V . 9 1��L�btZ4 S Z - ! willrentlerlds appivintmi-nt Ilart;_ ncee.�sfty. 141b, calvinflation %V.4� that on Tue:,1ay. Felvrn"41,y M. lnz&c.: - 1. I ... . ix . - ,� ft � ,. I "I ­ 'L ... .-MI.M.N.- - 14 10"MiNkA11909" J ­ , I 0 '. - , , ; I eularly'WrOPtable to) his fellivyw- ,tvitlit�ittaif.lt!4v�r(-ivf)ttltlltt�a�g�r.a�.-11-. tqVII-411101.011l.."�oIne foylu,le,vn nfflo.,": MG11 neq-v,LN,?e1SD? I , I - � jnc-oiber,44. 1buta. that once flu � ro Itud wa,� voinly4f.-t- 011 W*14,111P.,day top Wzltervwfl. D-- I- .­ I- t- . ... . . - -.1-, i I u(I anil, the nion(�v inarket restoorf,;l t. 'IVe llfflf,iA Y h, t �'L I � ,V+ -lit the q�arl P '" I I ,,,r.,;, . �. A 8V, RPRWE T( ) tVEP.YJ10DY Tg Trimrsday to We'-.01ro. Nift. ­�, - , I the relpayment was eertain. Thl� 1­�X, I _11.__L_,�--V*�,**U-__Ik�­� I I . infle.; ; on Friday in,lrning, to.1--e,�'v- * . � t The prorniptuess -wit h wifleh Dr ill c; Z� , � P 8 11 . ­ . I-- � - f C'ftat--,e*,, Xidttey Liver Pills regida Ive vieW 1W il"PWO-riSt4l 1111071 NIP I V'44- . 4fl. fgVnr infles : on Friday nilt'�'�-L!'t'� , � rosienit HorSamidn 8XV1, fajlrl��' 4 111 1� "'; A - - . I , , - - 'T TAWIES � -, ,_. . - - . 11 P - K , �5 kg 0 ing collea- ws. They emild not ser Kliyllr4ft. frmrtd�en an -Re" v" z , . z ll�,It , : � � antlinvi.xorate the al-flon. of the � - � -�L�dW 0 .. - *. N.. C� I a I I 0, . I I I I-Ableys.-liver anil bqweL4. is .1 .,nr, izinthath"'flat. F',n-f1eaT.,rh1E,,1.o,41_ �,,4ttn,(I-.i7t,v,(�lvo-zgn,l�).-to�-iD:il,"!�r:,-.-� , Z_ _.- ":4,� '. `!X` Be � - ­_- . t., j. " I . .1 TIM .1 4' - . '-w .il ,ew-ero-1 t -we . N "': ,: 'ntr-twov 1 .1. . - - k& . I's 'ri, . IL'. - - �� .a. " .� ,ql I � lyrist. tovver�vb;illy. They are Vie ,nent was continua -41. and no #441wr t�? paaaroqe",uj��-I.z lh­:� By ,c V_�-e-`1_10 � L � I I ; ln&�,!ki�--Iir rmnk lj,�',Ljr-, I I -t- L­­,�t'.�aqnLn. �,k , _Tj� - - �_ ,, Ikeople.s.hivorite eure for khhzey 1),1silt ._., v;-a.,illiq1t�. 4 0 ", ilk , e �4 " .."'t. t,h�,n In vall tQ,1 NITI".'�. _ 3, - !� ��_ - I , _ze I k � � aL,4; a, ( .. I i , �f � r C o .. I a I D 1. a i It t. i I t J I i 'Lv , , t -, .,'�'� 3 , Z. _.. ­;-, I -� I , I � ' w-oul(I pernait nuo 1,n-4nq,.<:; �.­u pi-jv- I'M 01�� ,huaroz�j��z .OD -t 4. VaWy, 141I,,,,� , - - _P, _. - - - 11 I I and corLA11ration. Thvsalekf 1hi.- �, -.1 __ ". '1� I .,�- ,,hentl �v, ; OUR -- 1 . I , .i, _. -- '^, ---r-,'"� - . , 0, h,- 1,41--, , �, :,r - i �,�� ,;,- � . I - - (.c,,L�dtinttl.z�.,-It;.,�-fa,�(-ti��. ,._*I,�,N,im bl'-1. u� i ,n�.11_,� - �', -.,7-, -- - 5, gteut pr(--s(-ription is shunply q:'.nq,v- ,�, � ... )I .� em gzA 4 r ,,, . I . alaqq t, . nnv. .;A,�'y v,-�:; . ,if "t$ 4 �'__14 1. I 1=1 lvi-n ri-.w'ht;41. 11-11i, 1,iten4sti-nee z he ,Lat:lj�. _X.",�- P�l � ,<V--.�-_-- , i I 1" " . , , - . nions. One pill It &i��(,. ,2.-k ce,,.1%, a . 1 Z� VI `!E�"..'� U __,._� ��,��_ �':�*�L _-_ '--- �p � I 'J. , L i,* 11't'. �. qs fi, tdk� V_(�'"!"� k;v'_q­.-'t;1t of r� I- - B, '01 " ]["� � flileader..­­_ I'll-,',, ... .1, .... . .. ­­­_­­­­ I X"'. . . �. I �.",t" � I .1 .1,Ilz�l-t;t(.-�ll.-ii-fo-.�tr.rt,.".Vq�l-il.di�,0,:�I 4 - - - i 1: M zES � I bqi,al ,�. antl Ili.-; reasl��idn­ wi,n c, a th rhxld. - _m_,_,i, Xin;Qters. 1"u, 1--rze v-a,;4q-j­.ai.q1 _z14J 1�vl mi - LID . - - - - 4�11 "__14 U . - I III ,an. -vil -t as it wa.4.vua, 11117 1i -' V.11 �! 'In I I q­�t�f:- they ;11'�' US IN'.-! MaM% I­fl- .�, .. CHA$r , , and t - It, s , A 01H 4 ' t. It V 01111 -��,� � I . DI A. W. ,% fir , 1. 11 I. I . INIL' 0M .... 2 U G.* inaflo. Tlii.A t'qf, er,-Lnatr�,7 wa, I-,. - enrIn.r.au-4-74, ae fzdal nall 14 bu,1:#--,,. ell. Yvl% -will flo 11 4'r .. - V; - after a , I 'CATARRH 08E .1 mill lA" Ili -m.0 11 -ask - �4-w fln.a ­:,­_ TrI.J. Oil]- lint. 4." - f�f 4%;r I Is Sf-r-t,a:MU to tie &�c,vxl �, t,inishe(I at tilf- propo.-dAton is fit,4119, 1-1 - ,�1*4;,4� ,stio- � . .. I .4iffe.­, a"'zi ­; .�i Wn"�,tvr t ­oxt � ­ . P,'Azt.l�bYtEel-.nprovi,dL"�,,,ver, pro"bable. At:. -"I events. fnonithf. lant. fillPf rv�-h 11"s!"I f-1'f-l_t1Vq-j,,j,.,�;1 13all,4'all �'Ihe A Go- . , .� � I invisible ;Izarl��.,gi�.n. 11t- ­r,�- - ICIVAv"". , ­;�fq. , . I M -z.-- 11, u:c-eri, ec.,zrs e-evkir - a�i,. - rv.�th.rullid.,�,.­ 0�1;v I -1 1 Pa&7<.;C�--S*GPG er,��pp-:.,-S j;�4 C& -j i 11.1.11 I (.ppmAn­ parly the prod.efiftn, of upon whi­4- (rcir ri-zinwnt f�ongfl,,,,� -_ � DrwIvlI,:.;. Chill. unt'i Ff-v;,r, -:0 . I I . I � tr2rca ana ;rtL.-rP'1r1.1r�":1y ,�'.-.e, Z_ ' I , '. A, -InIllil I ,� . I C5-IarVhaf.dHayFt-v,r. !':. ��.-ir evilwere, Imid and earne--4. pitit ,fl,.�N, porfeefl-,- sinili'v. , Ts,.e prl.,If�q, T�)Tliv .t14.Xt-­r�,-s. , "fion , tr N% 1�4, , free- AU t1!a7�;._6,C,_2�;'..J, '"* 4 E�,-'.� -h7�;-h wzr awn at -MPI -I'd W,i.; b !_ Hf -a -f. 1­1114-,iy. ('i;n.lififln 11"t-wil(n., 1. , , . , i it V, 4 ok I 3�t; � ',�d� TC enterpr..14t- �;.4ve�l the ra41wa-,-.Iav1 i " �` , : " 1 M .dr� Co.. rZato �44 L. ., ,� I 1� _­ � .... '­­ -----L- ­ ... 1.1 .. ... ­ It MI'Var A _ p­#-;:n;0)lv. ( )nr =11 .1,1,11 I-, 11.1,�I' 0-11i'mitkill. ..1111 C431 4 "Il.o. k, . J � I 1, - .,;zrved the eritintry a -z well rr.,211 .1 J�)Jl-_-. t'k�fli V.zrT�­; a:4 f-,- ij-; tT4,­ ..-Wery ri-n-1-dy Oaar�tnt-..vd. o-,- Pre S, criLl - �(M . . ". . .. .. �, . . . ' ,�O, . I I'A 4 "'nv 'm, ; I . . .. � -1 vr;�z�,_ Twoyenn� l:,f­Yt2 -inn. � M ._��. al"$1 1'9'�?! 1'i. - �11,Wli ,'��L'-t 71`01WY i'fk;1-lI(1(N! . - itXPJ�AIEN09 , �,, A771z .. . qj�m)jxio -.,�v,; paidbachin t�zv�,,. trivil '.) r, -;)o1.,.- t l 1'. ,.ra'.�. * I v-, f . i I . , , - -1 .. - -1 I -11. ... I . .- � - ­ . Whi'le I'mil t�x, *1..,)1,1 .ill a . , I v. V 1, E T E R, I N A R Y C I I (,I,ql %,.,.,I..* A1a1Iser.-?I,1.4;1I�n w1lurt-111i I'lll �', .1 I... that Were 'Wid1w, ti Ill f 't t'hem. TI,.- � U � . ; - - -over flie remaill-31.- , . - R - M I � sumendered to ( . t.. , ADVICIE r = .Iz1l"'(11.Va;1 1.1 lioneW.'r; alffitil. W. -M . 11 ,_ , . b,m I �. ,.,10,1i(A),t(ify, Tli.�ttli[r.(It*�l(.(.;Y-ein-li'�N, si�vi-­al ---I eat ,-,: -f- -plushe.,4 t Thi-,;.zi- n�ivdtiehl(%.; ;.re plit lip in , 1,00XI , - I . . ,en ff,(-i R,xr inaiihind-, ,, , !) "! ('1111N,011 I "I . "I I � has t:hI­(. b'rt'n xell'n­ tit from `7*2 to froni '7-e 13 ,t -r positi,,n. witt i .nt rorin� w-1, Y1111 tlin,vt- - . , , � .1. '" .' - "' ` h , , o" twi) lvin-�, !olt--4 Tl . . I.", , , * - - - - .- - c,n vat -h fa -w. tivy are to IN, A X, " I loan w.."rig"'t, - NN11, ,� .45 rer acre. Thi Inapit i ,A, "aaP , I RAbt MAAKS � * . �-tilre " -itl , - 3. loyall" 0, .14 .1, -i'm I InI .Y. "? � 0EWdh1S be� w -C'm NV ,ow .. '71, ]III,% III t e" � ., n Elf, Cv�l b '�) ;*._�il� . and so -wa-� Sir Fran` 8niff') When It, ���Il- _,,) 1.,.� 60YAlGIi-r,§ &a. S 4�1 ' k: " ' - - _(�I. .i a2l, �L, � �1-111.�y 1171(l it' yoni. -.tt1I%'k1'(­pvr ill- (11-11- I I ,.I *,, r 11 14kil ]1i'01 -11j'. I I ,rI _ Wlt . I'll, ,)i I , � '5�%71.'r -Viling a sketr' , . . - - and _.1, ��,, n =&Jr , lodde " � j6", . Xftyone Fe n Vyid depwgin � ank _ tN �1 8ir William N r River fi��,ht. I'll uff.,.!. frist (loill livep th.-!11. �Vrftt, I,.-, I " , . _ __ � WANTFI) -�k ca." of bad health that IZ'T-PIA-1719�qj�-��;*04-9.�,i!�.'., * I VW orMY aseertitiu our �llpinf(m free w ether an; . . �. � , ,;,- ,if' WentitkA 14 lirobhbly? b1b. <%Mmnnit�ft- Van Horno wrMv lifill -a 1(-tter of against it flat position. '11 - I wo will ftyry ard theill pr?�711-11_ n0t 11�110h. They lx.n6h intio and prolong life. ()nd gi . 5.1" ... V`eALt,%L_;. - ,,qt6nta � , , � 71 (11elliv III,( I - relilf. \,,to t1w word IZ,I-P,A-N,,s on the package 'ImL, �jr,7�",".'�, , dimi Aittaii. conadent &T. Tra'allb 0 potents , , IV I atellm (-(-,7i�-ri-,zt-,ilattit)n.�,.iii which he referr. ell.-OfInf-41 in .1 1 -:1 -ver twil all(! SNV, , - I',. 1, '. joavintirei. oldeit ngeiiey'ror sem 1011 wery Mtrillef- an,l SN't... �f.. __ 4T, . � k . 21:(X';4 T- F,41"Citlite. R'I*I1A'N7*8 10 for 5 cents, may- J,",&,,J:r I r ; ! I ; � , I I I � : i I I i ! � . I � I � i ; I 1 4 r � I ; , � � a � � i I i , ; 11 � 11 1 ; I � : I 1, I i I , - , -, � - IL I I I I i � I I I "IF t� ! �A A T's - , A.-," I � , � , �� I , � . PiLtel2ttl tAkeit tbrof0g. � �1, ___h Mu rL 0. receive (' - , d I - thein (,it litmd ) I 1p",w. .. . I 1 V � U*k� liotke� with-OAL cbsargm� ed to work nt)t generally knowil ing ,It level plain in front of 11,111. )Nvn(,i shoul,, havi ,(. I l)";4I-'-'JrYdTU91t0TC. Ten s�TnPfm .1nd one thousatici ­�z�,-­ ; . a � . 'U"'. 11. 1 $ ., *'k , t t'�O­`m­Vil?s %%:Ii he In3iled to any addre,s for five cents - - ,,,,, "i 1*2 ' ' :, It -.,ras at t.;.pical niodern 11.01t, k�uelll pr(�p.lr( d ,K,:- fn-,,varded to the Wimus Chemical eo., wo. lo sp * �.-"2tp'), ,'�, I 'I "AAA �e L.,"11. , that Sir Frank had done .� I rul* , ". . ., � . , ; I for his street, X�Nv Y,�rlg. 1, nowta N-101. I Y1 M , ill , a- lit, _,� I , -, ,iy be expef-tikd whonever aii . . _­ 041adAllan(Tst)-meirlIT-dgtTtitedv,�ekly� L.irrresteir- ' country. This al -11114011 had IT- intelligent encilly rt�ali - I . � I leaiittiopafa,aFqo.letttldejio,orniLl. Tcrrn.q.j3A ' vi*.-; tll,-lt c')n- The Eureka Veterinary . 11 .. 4 W.4 . ,� W r"It, "nr1VMth4$LsDfC1bYtLn11e dealer.4 '. I ference to the eanipaign in belialf cealment i,4 tit(, N-st cover, anA can Medicine Co . / 1, 0 1 1 6miladfty, - . ; so utilize his ground to form, all ! NOON& IN 31 ewlotk of the successful railway loan. I . - sto wasbi PION, AV � , � L � . 1. I I -.1.1-1- .. .... I . .. he. RT00huffift'he n . ; enemy to show himself. 1,0NDON ONT. -.---" I .. - I ---. . - I