HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-01-25, Page 3If ­ . -,--- .1 ,_,, - - ,. . . - _� ) . �� . uot envy- W01fend,en was puzzled—be u1j011 IlOr lips, Yet her eyes were very ' . . I WaS even dilstull,bed, 171(tcl Deinsihaltn dis, sad. a I I " "`4"R"WN - (301'ered anyt,hillit,� further than he " You have heard what my littexor. BR ITISri u u binu3elf knq3w about thIs man and the ablo guardian bas sni , Lord Wolfe.u. I 0- ; 91"', ? What did 110 moall by loo"daig dell,,, silo ans t L a .. W,?red (julotly. ,1 I am A PLOT K—OR 'X IREo . UN t,11011001 tile key to ,tbla mystex4ous frald lie jq right. We are wanderers, titInd home, , !4 I ' '101 110 had nothing but pity fox, 11 I shoill venture to llopp,,, lie saILI , ii, "w"'.. - RE —0.__&-_ I Abuatlo:l WWR ia ills haildo, and , as 11110 and 1, with no se ' 11 G,_ EDT TH AS FROM CHYLON A, ND INDI tile "onlY ORO' Or tile trio who bad bol,jly, ',that some day you will make met ,vritll Zilly sucel"sq ? lirolrenden ,Ia. * A THRILLING sro;?y OF CONTINENTAL CONSPIRACY AGAINST ERITAIN. ' firalnot'l big scat with all Illicomfort- OILC—in Englancv, ARE CLEAN AND PURE, JAPAN'S ARE COLORED WITH WHAI _ "I till& , ali'lo c011"10tiou that - 'O of color flashed into )ter . � .. . . "I'll I'll, .� I t Densham knew Chepks. Berl eyes danced w;th axawle- THINK I If you want pare, wholesome and ec.onomical teaf eith ----- ... � I 0 ­- , " , " - - � ­ , ­ I . MOM than lie did about these people ittent at ills a I WhOl,"13 guest hn had become, .Ind that Udacity—then tll,,-y sud- . " 0 the knowledge had diunp.:�d all biki denly dropped, and she cought up tho gre sible dolubt about -ndant fold" of liet. g�klvll. He Is load," she said. 19TIlere Is n their Coats and Ilats to an atte en or black, use only that ; yon couldn't I arclour. There wai; a, clou(I upoll 111, r016" and strolled about waitill-9 for Wolfen-' it . " Ali, well " Bite said, demurply, 0 with film a clay �and doubt it.,l dell. A quarter of an hour p lit,f) for n, 1110"Lletit. The exuberance ,,that Iro-ald �e too grea� a happinleils. A "Rereditury, YlO doubt," Mr. Sabin I Otream of people from assed. Tile (if Will Ilappixiens had received a and- Farowpil! One never knows." .A a�11. Oluggesbed quietly. tbie, theatres 1611 clien CEYL401N A N D INDI A T ' come. 11112-clItt took out Win, find the memory of Dausbam'N (.o](I hilpatleylve, 'in(], turning a w,t y, - ­__________, ____ Blanche sill-tigged her shoulders and "e"an to Ow thinner, Still, Volfen I �k- Then tile 91"!' h*Oks to She yleld(.,d I leaned back Yawning, den did ,.'�,r at last to Air. Sabin's -:7:rn7����_ 1119 watch. ulisfxAca warning pasoed away. 1-Je followe(i him cl'�,irn Vio, stlarcase. lllolf� ...... ii- ,rY fler fac-e wa3 tts innocent and piroud anongli Of them all. It has been vc , --rs-"++':"%+ her Elbow happenj8d, to touch light] "Anybow," 9110 sAld, "I've had Irarcutt returned ills Watch to bis 1"4c,l ,'it her JOIJ,11�1 aud scarchingly, ('11(1011 remaillec ftrenome, work, and I al pooket slowly, and Nvithou re as the face of a child. )Ind IMSHed o . I at fthin top until Nhe +"' .T, the Dro.-s C,oa,t Of the Cold,Stera,g -0 Rick of It. Ills ayes from Densliam's fa ,. n'ov'l'g 'it of i;13glit; he lingorp(l + THE SATIATED + PrOIX)sition. He felt a couple I ��, She was un- (11'ell foil a mom + I Give me BOMB money. I hirant ii, spreD. "I propose that we do I Conscious even of 111t; clo a scrutiay. ,Tlllallllg�', the clit Or -two afterwards, am going to have t' not Nralt ally The main ml?;Iijt be anythl�g; it might falrit, subtle e,rrutna -�- + Volts, enter Ills System, and lie b Mr. Sabin $at down ) h'! . GLOBE TROTTER .,. gall to Curl like an Autumn Lea t 111011th'S 11011daY." longer for Wolfonden 11 P it Ills dogk and him this afte 0 said, "I saw even b,1 that every word that Felix sh n k on + d , f"ont her go,%vn-a perfunin + * He lind hinitod through Uesopotainj rew out a chaque-book, rnoon, and lie answered lla,d SPOIC011 WIL& truie. But of thegirl which reminfled bim of an orehard of and Mtttzib�4oland for a New Senst v when I reminded him Ile Pink and ,ii -bite tipple blomoin . me very oddl, -,vould . s In .­'....­ ,-,-- ...­&a.61i�4L the motley,,, lie said "but I catillob -filight- ThOrD is such a crowd not cloubt her even for a, INOrnrindr, Then I Oltua trie're n. ��M�i, ti011 without getting it, but I "There will be no difficulty about , about to would bellevo no evil, lie t. ie. turned back, ,Ind - dil C momen " I � firld.'rig Aar' - I�st Who load been 111,,e found it good and plenty then an spare you for it ni1ith. I.on llerel too, tilat theY will not keep, our " Your frienta," remarked Mr. . cutt and DensItant 1* lrywbere and seen t, .g before table much longer." Sabin, helplaw hi-ni.%Plf to an ortolan, Pring over the'r coffeck, slat doivu lul� EverytiliII.K. 1 -lis Suit-WBO Nvas Pa- wre on the queer Sofa. He Jia Uat, I;must have thel-est Of this mail- "Let us go III, by all means," Dell- %. a Joumalt;ib, is lie not ? Ills sEde thein. be- heard of the Magnetic Girl, or tb man's figuren.11 sham agreed. "Wolferiden i face POrOd with Foreign La,bnlu- Goor-la Wonder, bu . The girl's face darkr�ned. J- .1 illar to in(?, although I lie know mor t lie had no.t bc "llaven't I told You " she said, "that "It 'IN If lie wants to.11 have, forgotten I'Lls- name, if ever (To be co,it;nued.) than doexd 43 aibuut the Old World lieve,ill that any living Maiden coul there Is "You're not looking very I -­­ tly-1 Wise German who not tile I fit, Old kal-pir Lt." — Writ" tho Baedvicer Guide -Books a,nd send the Current crackling intollin '�11',�liltcst chance of I cliap,11 110 remarked, "IN anything "Ile is a Journalist," AVolfenden an- BILL _NYP�,,*,, joli L -an tc�ll you till,- price of it ,ScIIaitz(..I for lie was, a Non-Conduotor, and Ir their taking me back? You might as 1 wrong ?11 _L4 . I Rxrere-d- "Not one of tho rank and It ,*Iu,,e — at tJI0 Ino,st reinote iiiusteiry in tile blulated besides. But little Daisy, tb. Wall believe me. They wouldno,t Ilavc. I Detimliam sbook Ills head and,'turned file --but ratheT U Good i)-1 -fTrouble for COMing-Out Girl, did the Trick with Ime, andi I wouldn't �O. 11 I away. a dIlvttant­, but Duchy of Brut%vurb't. % "I do not PxPect anything of tile 1 " .1 an, a little tired," lie saiii. 1. still a hard worker. He4s, 4if,voted ti) Ilerriniann. 110 hatl &W-11 Ho niattly Sights that Ile started to talk to lber, bu dlrectlow;, wa'vo III" Profe-­iolon, thoul,"ll, aud. IiIiiname 'low n0thin­ c1luld Atc-0 lum. Every. it wa,o Gooldby to, t4be Careless Bas sort," Mr. �4abju Sftld. "'FlIereare other I been keeping late hours the last two 113 IJareutt.11 '"1011 IiIII XXv, ill collaboration with thing llndei�' the t1loagli, In wlIl0II Isliall re- : nights There's nothing the nu , ':411111119 Ca liopy had Of 3L",n er, 10,r be iwais in a TraneA .31, was tiourilig the bet,'01110 Dull and (X,dirutry, Hp was out an Effort. quire your ald. i sliall liave f & go to , - * atter "Harcuttv Mr, .gahili repeated. al- I'll'. �)Jllworuu 1�lti , M . Deringham m-,Ielr and as I know no- l I With me' thollf'r1l' Come, let us 90 In-" t'llough he (!ill 'lot appfsar to recollect (!Qlllltr,y a,, " It eturer, he stol)ped at a & Track-21iorto Ilvrforiu,�r, whio had 91iie held to a Button, ov Jt Cos I ii0litical journal- IlIg ull(I ,olle c�% en- overlooked nothIng kj4 Ia - atever n'bout, tit(, place you i The two men stooij In tho doorway. U:�t, Ln lie not ?,, WiW e6ourLed, to a place in and tho .,;Oatil 1,.,Ik�..; . -p' North and looked up into, IiIiii 1,3yes &.n4 thing wil, Harcutt I inked Ills .I rin In Densliam's. tile name. "[Ie is it, 11 eil knmvooi L hivaigu Ilof.tt Iry k!( . the .N .Lud a few Whist '-Illrpe�a about tit-- Favors 04d th will be useful to me therp. I believe I ".I have not aRksid you y;,t,,, Ilar. "Not that I nm aware of.,- Wolf- I ill!�! big room tilreatly aoross till 11-119-l'Osts OIL tile, Jork-I'VaUr Divi: Wax on tile floor, and lie felt himsel that your lJOILle Is 801,10wIlPre )near cutt Raids in a, 10jr(tone. I What for- endell allKwerixl. "He L--? generallycon,. talol" IrQlII ,'L dark mair Nvith 110MV--v t -loll Of thu FrVIIIIJUT, all -I Elkhorn. Nvttft'-Id away Oil. a. fleecy Clou4 there." .,W,ll 1.11, tulln?" Adered to I)S' thP ,rr,'mt scribe of I -lar* 1110U�S1.4eltio,3 ,Lad a mepilitt)- Whe'll tll!N Ut-P-11,11-11-med Traveller with twQ thatialtord Angelo hoverlal , so' PI-ellan g,.,.1 -,,N.. "Thr-ro f.q no reason, I suppose.,,, ' Densham laughea a, F-ttlel bitterly. I belit.,il tililt Ile is Interested . N -YO recognized Ills W%nlu baek t<) %1114 L�ilillId.T(wiv,ji. in ovor lilm anJ play1mg ItaW,Time OJ Sabin continued, Mr. 11 I will toll voll till tl�-It I know pre. tllctfov�llgm Politics, th 11--a-YIN -is li�rniallll "lagiclarl, st,t up jewelled MandGlinal. He,th:ie Cast-IrG) "why a portion of Fently", 1w Rald. ,, .'s ough", - tile . wIlloil his PhIllily had b- --it the '%`llc-'i0)n 1-011 were of A1 f but b"'yorlit a tlulzzlvi� I Ntare ailVii, 110 It NVIlite CO,%� for several Vete.ran, who Ila. -.t Ie.ft al,X&TIges, darl � speaking as tile f3kiereol .1.1 * Uou,matlo,vq, it Witti not b,,i-aw90 the Wonlf�n PlIling on Distant Ruires, be should Pot bl'spittIt there . ' I " Y011 I1uY0 found out - something, Air. Sabin's lntP.-je(,-t;,on was 6�0;. tllg;l I Ilia I, ui� klj,.,�- tllj� (.it t t ll� L tlid"I ?" II lillell pres I- .0 'None" till Ificant. and 11'slirplitipti ltio,-LKI JJt,�rIU.JIJII was Bur" appealvil to 111,31, I)Ilt Weause CUU-9L, lie would not Nva,Tm p, an it � ., -girl replied, ­Px(�rvtotlltlt � "I "I"is round out." Densliam � up I digaitatifor. very well 11'3 load D04W th.- WorlJ ,5o Thorougii. who -lila, Pride and Boat4-t it had bee vroilild ba I., quickly, but rrulti,--siv- The man's ,� alil'-1-r0th"t tile bald al.111 upposite, Ilion i 1'.',I-,, 1411 Nyos I,Au� di'l I (It illulicate his �,Tll. It w<Y t It) �k-,.l alike to that nothing o Jr in at all. r kill (10,01Y (1:111, -Ind no liolitlay ! 'JnNwc!..c 1, --gill th'tt I C-ar" to kI.'()w. I raele Iva$ Imp0nPtr',�bI;.:.. I IN, that .ill Totyl 11 � I 1VW J301 . . 1137 01,141 want paying for It.." r havo rourill out No mut-11 "The otbor, rpliO1%-,,' Wolfell4f,neald,' r"_"09'll*"0n- I" `14t4t (it thili Rermann 1, va:�;Vi, of Vogk.tatlug 0-�ftlly-,"(XAP41 to the Qtr,,-en',s Til,sv( S,,Ibla luoked. down that I am .111, b�; c I44 a ILI ' -it the, chellue- I,calIng E'Ilgl-nv! within a wf�pk!" turidilir, t0 tile -irl, "in Derisliam thF.; 11.1lij. Iat rao�. Po*11:41-01i'll, i1tLI1, surprise with JIL9 Xervow System full of Hari wlll;�, 4 It.. I �l Ill"L. (_J, - book _)F�! I Aire lilill - I NVII-Ither h- s.1-lattel Ill YIF�'lwa or "I Wit ' irarviett l(r,lk'4'!l -at Won vurimt4y. painter. Ill$ pl(�tur,li Ili tl' . � !,#;- th­ hunitiri,t. Ulld 6-.-veiral oth(3rs 11 XnAlto. -1 w: ypar t; t , Voull.. Blufu-f. ' - lViltd-ndi'li,"', lirk said. ­itl, O,f,r 1, 11 Voar 0111 ellap", lr� lialt! softly. "I Ae:Illenly -.ra,,; a ;-_-4lo'l 1 V­.ato,ill .4*. tiit� k_jbiv I% t,..e ill tile vek-� F(or Ili% h -t -I raii Up- ti:tIllIlt, tit 1,, - Ill,) Pu',--�- pourt'l-11 liko a Steam RI IVOIX It Cht'lliTi- Mc C.4V 1,lituillolig. I Will ' 11.11i 114� Id,s,, .1 V , deal taIL-d , - X l, I. -It O'.I bflilt, � 4.1 In-akfil it ftlj- I-1111dreti. .iiid �6,1.1 will re- ! I.;t . vort-ro, so hard it and he dt)4�1 swu.- exeg-Vont t , ". Willon't. and waa ah CaUtrised as'a 9 vetter. rwer Miar. �Toller In the, 1.1toor 5oln yall. f.11II1!.v 4�jo.4.1,�, ..j ,t,.kke,1111:4111. , Vilill.as .111 thfit. req kAl(. ,W... J 1,411-tralts." -%.'-;4- rrw; .iji,)�.-. tat ;,411L!1�, it lf,.k, fr(Im a;, -,11q (N.,14 ' Y , I A )IrP. What he hall lo".11 I h;�Palaali- a �evlldvinx Pill-11,11vel. .,�Vm, � ZfAY PaN�'O"I t1I1`:)wT!1 tit,- �-rnw.,!roil I *-')III throw .1 'g-1.4m.r, at hitoi ow r lts,r , 9-- -:1'..t., wh�4t 41 ThrojW11 11,4plltj nj..t%., a jull�.,, yt� I lwllvvc�. h: 4#-.4, W4 1'.: "rina to) � gl,, G' C-,.010-1, J,villg bv- . � I'li-i I on.� luvi built a f='p under Jilon. an Tho gIrl riall . -day." rcom to thts'r t. i Ik,. .,% l,.Islo illy I I.tri.Iltt , .�1111'-'-' 101114- sDto!�Sqer. I � ,." ii h i" :L ".."ll -pie ;,4,1 Fvillt�gjal4t ' _k. III .1 v.:,.,. lnvgl� . I L . �!..-vrativll� eypt.j 1.,L.i� . ­Tla- l�.,#,Il,l,,.*..j .111 j�i,j, ­ silo r "IlIl' !0040; Mae p�a .ttIt'st." s1r,"r,aid. , � �'- 10 I 4� �. " 1-; Lt" iif t -la" lij. IA- WaS d3lowlY Broiling In ti,a .&g:#lI; " - " 11's �11 - . nfu.Q,­,J JJ;Ipp5np$v;. h"Ip v,R,.Z . , � tr,L,&te. it' tin's "Irm. .(,-it Fril,dia-1, land- � i:"tt!'Ag tl�­_ 14, �f: �t :!,Ii5,prls - I,.,,, � 144- Ihrl�r #.)T t,.Illoo,krilg -wt ft!:-_�44t *41 V�G,-,, I . .. t;r4_t ,,A.O# t I., liesf.%, I tzil� I 1+3 p�;.Izla 41. 1Z. Mail to miifr�* ITIlito-if,-st i.�rI,tfion-4 1: _aItl. 11 N110-1; and I.vil 111h, In.1161 IIII411 P, .1 fl. ' �r "hiAt I .. �)�1*1_11 "I ;A I I * .Wo � ii�ulll rlzaW. �"' I"),1%, V rit�`,11 f -W tbli o-oa3turt,J Or 0-- I, _I,nl",1. was ft loot '.1 An I IV,; l'oetrAdt � '4 't - -1 U- Vi�`,g fnnn tigo, t-alad towl- 1 114, lmol 10 � .p 1 114'n�ed ILI) -oil F4 Illility 74-111 Blintrtf-0 than he had found 1: Ocn-: T. filmily eir- i 1i evalms ,.!. �Nl� , , , . I I I I 1., , � - I , froan t1p:1-s; , No wolakhn, iiv�- hati i.,�,,. 410.0 iuk-, IIF,v rer,* all Po';tPlic"I oil fhrnihi:�. .pt t1l.1 i. , "Le .I., " th:- Conntp",v lor Davvllp,srt Iva$, �,,,P , .ilap,, 1'. AiIZ4��Oiiliipgat IR4 iro-s tl-.,.tt it ,,*;,as Teare of Tra,vpl. . U. f - I otipara e. At; .It It. dolivil ,it:" � ianalvllfleq�llt.` , r'l- u ti *�, ullti� I� a Tit- lilt -l' . I.— ol I 41.101. WL�qj lo.�esal; 14-3 r". ly"If"Iltif to W.1'3 � ... Mt ptfl�ry ej%f. %N'Io,,�i U11* Stirr:119 Advi,*;Dt, it) lit Ill- Lettv. , - .*�& Rolls . .trr. f.""llf "it vo�l IV01111 ear.% t,.) kninr Iq 11 ­�' . . ,11 lilli'l jt!,� �'Vvp w �r.is or.,zloy- . toto .a. 4t ,OJI " %V�-i,.0 i.izrl anol I,— All V14t Xi -ht l,e,s f4,111�-_V.*(1,4F.l D.Llar -.1., '4.11,.,;�,t� 14) Rill.,V, Willi e7.at, ,I arlpit'l i 91cp .l"`Txa;=-d V4jillie, .In, MY .v0'OrI0,­Z A.Avr, *Who eau tell vii'In ';_e, Iltlo aT,, " , % t­lt. I, , . S 1, t:OD WoVo,uU.11 fi,111. "I shilml'l U� vppv , I,,- ", t" h,v t11444; ­4)ut, I Ile lai,;I. turnip, er* . � 1. 4- W; im 11illo, prc,�Iml,z . I ' Ili- 1"a. -I f4i,-;;Tg--t 1,10T.: �v �44,1:;I,- ao­! ! I Veal: 07"I* 16' op , . 11 -11'1� do ! .,Ion lit- citaw lipr iiaw,lnp; wit] 11 -A I 01., . I ;eo4w,-1 11 �142411tell llng shou, ial Infla. 116� 1:.,,l ' -'�o.91,Qlai 4re& a44 p7tl,ajll,�C 1,119AVO�M IN " - 3: ght. oniv thi,,� ttilli. Owl, w4wm, Igot �, A�.* .,�,blvl I b%I�J gw. and -il6W90% 131s, . 1� lIp".11 sla;insl'44 tlwlii. his vrii.,4t ont int J, thr, on�an'Isv DO rf� . i l4tPPY to pr�,.,l(.'Ilt 1111a too : ,1 -.'* ' ' ' :,4 4 " O" :41 I M sth M � 4r- , w4 otpr .-&,)-I I. I , _d ­ t It Gff raIwJ#-1,;qr,:,* 'Ve pui: Y�wa will find , altilno. 1vtolfi'll"'.. W . I I V.1 Fir", - I qu, ; : , *pt- 41 got tat, ,.:,,%t -:m �'I,a,4 - Ir -P i" Pl��tting tho,rp f Le.t1l jj,a!,i,?;1%,,, I ro iw�4s L itlot r�, I "I FL441 bill elvirallo4j," .�,jr ,_.tblu g.1101 �.­.wi-inl t1lo t%7% -tt th, Nellt tit , I I'llt firinly. I " Z -,o �;�. I'l :it.%- f4i0i .tn�., J."Jil -��. !and t:�­.ww,.l "'� iI, ; on Twist fi%t-wi. 11�,­ low P�i&lt ` t , '1�1'1',lai V ,,,M �fllr" Ili.% n.n blr.�. . 41i utalolis�o$ Ila, - 1111IB *1 1, , I 4kAJ #,o,* -r tiv- C,g-�q 2.,�,,,rp; iator.v, wiv-zo 110 1.11-- �t Ylinri-r 11,,vt I ilk '01P h,I .ill I Vats pirl lvi-rfo lPJ%.T, all'I I lor". li*)I, �Jt l,.I0.W!,ttgkI ; ,1,0-.,.*' 1> . Milt. rnwwl.v. 4Iq Ito C.)n­�Ipavtsl fillitix to'r ppotraiie s f', ..- i tvith thit" .11; EaUz;_, l4liark'. I an I gliaw"d Vie *svrarthsnl-,i. I filur.11010to to"p-r".is, '11-7 � , 1)f0- 961 I If#- 4 -10q: -ll I' Irb4 till your sis- , , ol, I, NTV. 17404131. with ;. . ior I Jolivq: at hi 4 Tost-. T'4P. wvstt Ni"o-V N­Xt V -1Y IIP -vvrots, ; .%;�*p .I,ni � # C I V .1 ­ ,# . � , 1 3, 41 �. X. I I't, 'I, r w cqio. w ,p tom. lon'. . trool .;,I- lrt%�- I'va"wv., for �, I a 1, V,sin vw.pl, �bnPLIA"ooluk, J cat tho . � ptill-I gl-�.%l-a M101 thl- not in I .ltklo. ov, 411 hp.l, Vill ag vt ., 14 Y ifA,-..III%,J #'%V I ato'.1 1, � -nt 1.", fr,s,% 4 114111T ll� na'-plaint,111-v� wl moult - �, .11 , _6 E,." ro �,: ­ i at u 4, t, It " Vh�na. It— tr",,i ,tw�qli- I a tirl:*J.", I"I'ar liast tit' tllt�li�,,�!`�,'11111. � 114'i A 0%.IllWrA'Ii.oR,`. %V.t to I 1;iil)t 0MV'& :111d f-fIR-1 her i. -it 0i I * , � 4 nu -1 %va"I.-I "'I .it Man iieliantl.v. * � , I ilahnly prc�V,A- ,�..Ibllis.­ . 4- trirl. la�,J " I . ,!a tiv. , , � I tl.,L,�,. "Plel"Ir. , � o Ilwd fk,br 0, ; , lal� L,11`0 witt 11w*f*,,r.4t4,4I t%%.4 MI'LiA, twv- *,r t7v ;,� tjiojo�ij,. 1h, 4"" Q V 42 I ". " I ,%4Y.1 woall"I.,olt vorlo I 1. , ;�tls ­; DA, U t -*.,6 *P, ial". pbM thf. , . L4*. an of tha 4, ! ! ., I apo'.,b rf-9,til I ol,ow." Mwoutt "I . .41pik � 11 ,.o�* ,,�. lo? . willoa t4l. , OZ _ ou't EIA, an -I ?r.,i ,,:4.,,,*-. F'. 1pt" wit6 hl,� t4f)1111117. P��, U,'V� 41, 111111! IV, W.V!, 0, r, o." Alp I,!-44. ­litn % FluaNt 11:i­:�,l ao-t­ . Cm, ,­31-1'ti , � .,4t- 1. . bnt in wil, -7 1, lr��; 1vol A st. ! -,. a it% a: A I'L I ha%iw g1v".1 �� �­,, I" 11� , 1. .I,l,.Iva1 t,t 'It"t C-111 , � Jwrt -1. I wilf(It '%VtIIM,�., : -,at lalus.,qat 04.0 .; I ,wb 1,,lrl:*;H 401 iil,.' Wh-l-I at .'Mtitlf. laatNts and Vt "".V t"Vits I witn't l.wtk­i3O,4- Thr. ­hIq M1114.1 it) laof*A I­i��*II %'A,�* 8111','it,iNI mrr t1l'.- I'll %".51,�v wl 11'.4 �are w0L. Il�.t.o IIL.ts Ili.. 1J,t,,j.IjI tt)vr�,;j% a�t -witi, la. Who" I Ill, Ohl 104i,!.1 It lutf), Ivio's norbl"; � , ",� I I a .,, 1 1 . 0'ajll!�,& wa tip. t� . t, votar l, i t I ;,r1t* 'In I go, ­:o. at 17,14 1 Qw 441" ,, at � \`�,rw Y4,1 I �21 �"Iil It" th-Ui9l VtO,iir. vket os-k�,4. po,,Dgeply �tt� ­ , �a,i, V4 I I 1;1. 1; , I t * hilho �I,Odo:� I out.,Inll, It gt,t: � 11".4"t '�'.:iv!. !o, 9 P,-*%,., 111t14 ro,tirtrool t.0 � if I (I Al'o I *--.�Pr,li Vww':m. olldr�!�4 P. -I, I %vIve't. lmvw thill Ili, Iti,01-11'aar of I t.* n ��V)t. It.- 4kftl'offi, I .4! 4 Aof,0, *U0.110 1� E-�� I tnt-'a %va 7 "'U'l-10 %V-r`r;. W0.11,! Mug " i"a�' t �1,5� g, lit �,. t V-Upy,, ,,1�41'41 I L , : . �. F, 1,4 " �, , � . 1� . �, 1r4,*J6,o*JuD"- ,,, �1# pl.g,1k,..il . ., 1 I. I I 5o'glu r- % %04 to kt. 1'* Olt Is' I 1111011' .IDL !' - , 1% .N, at t1i "' . 1, 0�, I 11,-#-,�r �. VL;tt, Iri"I O�') Attn�'. - . .. �rl,l III t"A b TT wA% ewno 1. Na,13­� . I nt,,Il UYU sit I - t tva - 64 I f, fl" a4lo so t%h . 4.. t 7 11; � r I �& loit'll � I— - . ­.. :ki %I, vs% i"s"; V %. 1,,AkIV, .i lb I '0,� ,vpt .1L l'y'' Ro.a."IMP.l., 114M.,ni _,��Il I, r� mo."" 1r, I,Iwllo�ll � ­ - � I 77�113"" � � 'a . .�, ,.,*# 'A ,* I mi Ry �­_. 1, ­Lat I Ia 'r w�tlIj d.; Iior:ll lEtl : ot &I ­�Pa�'. I upt 441,01,11"Jitit . h­,� t M*10- I V.* " , -� 9� Il'. 4-14"..44144 r. , = , - 3 1 L I , , a I. nl� i it JU �I.,q 11�4 I 'e�,�Dg, 21 -1 , , 0011141111 a 4 ? , -It I,! .I' �, l, i� R.,111 � Jv4!�1M.1W, %%�.J " if i� 1. , , I �?� , ,I.. ". .. � ov, .. UIL) *,�M*v 1, 3f;.4 villie t14't,to fahA4. "P. 1,11 I t110'4 I" * It* t, ." I , , lkI Ooi . I _. .1 Q',t'WJ,o, A, ja i'1,- 0. � �J U%bo, vloo. Vtlb. Wi 3I04tbJ-a1­1.-,-lA"-k -tqtht . � �, , 4 ^.�, %1.i!l_ [Ist, 44 Ifil", � � wnpg . Tit:., �'-­­ i4t'pl, iv, a "t I, ti: 4 t , - 0 ,� ", , " o. , , a. t 1� �, nA ,,�,21iipl "I otall;; ...�.�-t,t", ,.,. � ­ !�Jp I ! ;�.. I , �­ . . , , t - %, lillf,:R *4 I,, .11 * !!% I 10h 4 t IV. I " ItIlo It. 4ir U&I .,I I IV, i, � v)*il�- �A.ls ,I k 1, I ,.. I t Vv ii", llf� Dct I 10m,"O'll , k rmuling �1�,'- %it'.41, 1�') 'ilti,ru , rl-ro a to 41� 0144'r Z 4 t � 4% - n - I I'li'llrval- ", uIt Is I ­ I . -L"Ori, � ,,,, 4:t, 11,;# I J.�, , 1" "t*Z,:,.' I� , _,40,�: ""'" * , , ,T;, I-, it I 9. " wg�, "4 -I'- .1 ' i I lvo 1 14�'rrl , I Y� a ii, wr wtil.-�*, Vpv�� tt� 1. 1. 1� - ", � "t"16.1 Ila.` 11 , : '. o4l: uisll Z�,I, , 1`4 401", -0111r�'%­ I I , � , , ., ,,,�!�J t t . , -Z - , tv..t", ".ttit.l! %thv� P"'r". r, -'L, IJIA V,­j,,a" tc,� I 1 141d v. V. �r,wb­l i.4'%; ao�-, V nn.v, Pass. n. t I Ia ­ tij;t Oi 1,,1,,a,,fIQr­ trblv. nn -1 Z e� "L � le.li*� ��. - *JT 31".4 :4.r, "4 I"o " �%olilu`g 1�110,." lltq ,�l* L11,111 '' . IlL,ti". .69tv,tony,011" fit I., I . , I 119 �.�n, , ,,,,� , ,­ - .1 " U0 tiso,� - '. F_�.Ib�.­ is i "11 11�44174 to* V# i Til iit, LIV .� t"'..:4 ii,.Liv, ,it 1,04 ".,� 0, n� w%llt, a M, " -i i".'e, 'Ce p,) ,,, Z ,,,� , , 4 O�Vlo ty.,li - ft,.,, -p�trr I to,110%4sl , -1,0., -, 4 �, h - �k If! lovik, , I'v3s". 4 �o ;411i, 4 U,4qv1Jt,eZ4 1. 'I I, _ 9t Y . _-1 r.ril ' - � , I . I 1044 k", " L�!�t 0: ,� �1, J!,p ,_*�, .. - . I I _' 5 r.a. a ot;,#,,� 4"r. Ia 6 " � , - I _. . . I, �i 5 r.4c, a . ,0,, " V r,,�IP.11101. ligp'N's. 4`�M! 4L4i* t:La' Pli' o '5�1'�OtT si�'T Pll,' � 4t". CO . ii.i Io 4 i, El on f.", - 4 41 'i 4�4 6L I , ­) �% 91" ­ �5'. vqj q.." ti:li - 411f f %, � 111,:�'. IWV�1,� , I �', ,� i ��:t, ""; t,*;, � "" '. , . " I �,Iv;i ;iIi_,,. or Ottst'� Now val '� gagt , %,-I � .,� 11961,41j'Ut , 1, �, � l,it tlilo VIL-9 r �:.,,,t �tr, ,��,,,�Jlp , 9�rl�,� �'Ll,' V:1-' Wo-.-'�'J f, .1 q 'I) I tra % A I,V I, ,11 , ,�i :, I Wr,"Vteo ** , Iq, ­ 511-4 11 tJ-JI '6r (41,11,�-,..,Il!4,� � J�l , -Aorv), ll -102'eL'- ,. 8". i %v �,bol, At ;'o I 'a ? 1,6 %(� c;,tou . 0. a I ,a ma. #-�.' a ", , � so ,� %, . ,,, 7 V , � � . W 1, , .1Z, ,%41, tl�,4 41a 1. 3 11 � . ­,, ­" * 4�,-, �, �J , 0". . , . " , . . I . I I " M'1� V.t.;'i "i - _� ", - , , , . I th *Yll, , , * Ar �+t. av,A .lqtt�i�.'C,, 41 [IN 0111. floir�"'AIJ VII �� f I, � "'m I t,titii:l�r tim t_,, latam-,.P Jv,�-i ot. - -1 . ,� . U AN rz�a .1 161-� r o r � i. 4 01 u. tit I � ;20,4 ol's �'# � I t, ,�*' M-41-4�i. t%, '­� * it v' -w4 �,il, " ,8,; , I !'I � va lis -k , , V4 1�fv. 11g 4 [I 0 L.1 'L Lou Y lo" L,uMl i"I .�t -IV �ii�'; "!a t, Ia" .J. , ,I'll ­i,4t; "I 1,113N 04 , #",I� Ul"'.�1" 4 r;o � j "It hil. � .� L V, 4,101- Ljos'imw�lIzlk ��7 Nif� ,,J,,� '. ��q%,A t� L ,,, � l, -, , , , -, , �Int NCO I llr,iv 1*0 tl!lki. W.Romptimp. blit a " k "�I' "'�" V14. I'l-'M' 4 t4tlI V V4V t'.p 3 tJW 4 , go. s.- !it 150a %t W'l r:- ,.-�u 4',l` t� " , too vV-pt U14 �A'11­*64", . 1, t 4-1-1.i. rA�00­1 Vo, I, , 'r ri�_�, jt:�l ,.,�4 V o t. vo �� ,,,, i !!:�_,,l , W,:, "'. fi , - " 00'. I , � i. i �C, _ -l, : 44* -Bk*, Mvi�# TO -D uo r , : t4,P'. rv�,t�, a o. V vmpl 9;%-n"+,, the &,@%Y.,w. 's - � ol ­ � ,I lo�aiif st $4"# j,',,s. ..t 1:ai�j t" �.�,* � ..t, %'I, bo -1.216- *, att .�;,f �avi-,. r""it4pp4 , 1 '22 �, &,"-, �1' , I I ' �� , -1 - , ­j,;l-! I 11h :i,a. , qt!g ILIC, ,� 1�-1 111.%Y. P.- ut* �n - �% IIIloli* a lim"A I,,,. � " . fJ- VI -1-1 UOLI 914CUI tU�,.!� �Ia� .1 1'0�- 'l I-' s� L, I *,­' W, I 0 1� ,L10 ,1,11�-, f'r... "[44 F4,Ue,q11 41,,�It I to M.3tt,,v " , , , , . 1 "'pct fll�,, �, - I , 'j, , ALI,Irtg. , , llis:�,­o Iva,, a 9 tV I., ,�,,lt�&;,Uit­. Wsl',� t R"'j? 44%'l��'tc I' �i� I V) o Ij 7� t 't'i f, �� t , , ll�r I 0 �., I 1. H. tPJ,i%-,tw3% I ". , ." adt ". �", " �. �.�. J_..,,;,g�ff I . .�Ilvolf It— 1,041;cI NA4 TV" , t. v .V�. *1 A aul !i:q T- - ill' . t� I, V4,:, I. $ 74 4 If . , V�J, � - 2 .. , 2'. 4 - . � V. , 1 %, 11 , l $I #V � � i �-A,J V . I 111,�,i* t azo!.- tt� ;a "" A A ,, it I � u,", �. ,#jJV,3V. f l . , J' ­t I ls�,,a ��j t.51lA 111p aoll :: ", vvr,w� 3 �r_t 11VO qqr�h, e;­v;:*10U4,_ N,03 : _� '.. tl'i` U70 9"34 ',', ,12 I,' �.,Ii� 4�t.'4L'_ III, 1� �, 1 , -A, ,I ,'.2't Z04 � ', % - .1 , I'll 11 P. � it, !t ", , 4`�n. No " ­�, ". a � . . %4. . im _ � I ., � -4 1 ; ", , "t-Io""CA ot 54,i I-— it r3!_­�:,A�,,,','o(­,_4.t, ilo,ut� ILE* �_"uq,� . , - % _ I. .1 ,I g 1 � .. Li I -Y11 I whtk .v i. , * �;, � " L� -?,* I'v *,1,�;;Ok'A3v,%"%-1:!�-t V4 - at-, , %itt 4v py"';Zr'? ffii- i vlato�i; 11'.Ivu. �n-,a Ill� i, �,� h t.- ,­ q 1, ,!I � ! 91 � '­-�,,� I w 1.1 - ftir,�-,,' I," ii, 0 a, I , 1:4 ? - + * ", � — � , Inc t I .rli�� ,t,!")a .. 't � I ,"i, 4 I- I ,q "tr , �, �Zj�%V4�1t� f"7 - , , 1�u ",5'14, ". 11-A to i,m,�- ,!-",&t4;1Vi" %' - , to�q l !, %Vio-1 rc. VIV� .1,0O,lil VMA 14A - I. 11 , 0216. I-, I'0, r Ealt ". oil"I.,L�t I'i -! II31j"14 ,�,,,t fol '�' ION lI,'l'�J1:nk15s.. P,,'-�� rl-r--, , ., wil t9lo � of. �fl t'vit!'I ,9, 11"I", �� , 11 1. . C.,v­;i ;),; I w �t..il �-1* � ��,� .1 1vA!l h �rr Vnb% r,!:ralJfi hV4 1, 4 , to's a " t,�v�'­,,'.r: t" - '4 I'. 0A :4,L`43. 1 t4la q %�O'�.,ilj,,,A` 471 ,;t. rov�'.,.�d ,dl'l �*1;3,,�Yi;YQ_ W11 ,,a V"ll", %% iJ it"" ' , -'elotIv , r0lw& Was, Dcv�do5 t Vii H,2�4 vt:i lPt . , , ­- q, 13 � 4 5- D=;4: L - � - I f ,1. 0, %? . 411 ,oaol o' . . I %j7t. t,Vf,U,#, ', g,?.. .1 I " ,*I - .4,, � - � � . q,,i1Av,v v� . � "r Ha -� - . , _j:gAJ U-­`�, ,�Olr 1)+,It a la.,�% , ii,,_,,�., t -O jU_ . rokl'., 11, ., ,.,_,i 1i I I t1l"at t"', Lit. %'�, � - �, �, -�, I 4ill" at-, %.�­, ,',?� i L,!� " U - 4 , ,, �, ,� � T, ii�l ,, I n� V-11 ff,"'_"�"' "a.. 6`1114 " . Y,,,,,y.­I.1 , ,I g I tiv�Eti� In"N ,�:_ Afla- t'),.- tf-'s ­ * - t- I �e ,T('-,tV 114 ,,I l - e�! -1 � I o , I! �vj,(,:jtt pz� i � � _1 � .- -, in'i"a Lj'-�­ "A-, : V� lnj V, I 0 - � I � ; ! ai!2 u �Aojl fiqtk� ""'W-1 W - , �, . I I ,- f�I y �-Lq,1111. tifl,,�k.bo S '11'1'e N - ,atl'�j(o A Vata- ; C:_0-1 1 z ;,"t.", '"!,�IA _`. ldjj ,,, "! . & "yo, �c!: &Jk,J."- 09ving trath =0 -:4 I.,,J , - li,­A W." 1'., , �,, - �,, �,. , 0'111924"t�,-,r � tqttil,.�-� 4,it ii,,�­ ��du I,' , , .� 'to, I! *.C11 11 . ., � tla:loro _,,,r� 0 at , , " ,, , 2d �, Ul!, 1._.." t, Aivj. lvo� *Ad 2. It �:Jp L �ii _ . _- - ti�,,,F'to!lc� Tosi tv, I 04 ., Vli;�v i't r4u,dttv. T , t14)". -i. D.,""I " fi�gt­. , �q & - __ o: 19 it , " ,-4. , � - � , ­ ­ I - 11�41�� 1� rw nl-N?4�. at"I ft t, liiib�- rnorom i ,� 7, 111. 0� � Uq 1�nffs,�- ff�: ti, kii,i , , �4. , , t ILL I,, =%:� I 11 *F - if�i,�'liq� *e�,.,L,!.,'1 W-- ,a 0,,:� t1in 'tl5c,j ,4 ­ " _!L, - 1 '4L . tue I , . T�:.L,444m- 11 % - 4 r ";l� - 5,z l. - 'a _ �, 7 I LJ �. ], N . "O�Jii it, I,) il �),� L � .3 4.l ,,., I t .41 %it V�v UaL��,Iato V. I., 9 i'd e crimm , I lkina -01r,T�v I lt,fr"10-1:�I,T,lm -,,n -iii% fi, �� ak ,� L"t am��:,,, �? ,� -1 61 ," -, I C, a llatr_l _ .1 V4 tl�an,nq�,, a trjlfaj,� to Putii,ritidn lur-;e." " 11 -Itsla.*, - It - _ : 12L.i, 2',1+;, i,"a ,-::4 "i *8,r,-_--0,1, !� iEA V4 .4 � Z . . EVL_­- , 110111 tll,-e V,"10,�,,.,,& 1,�,T t Lo C,V,,� 'Ill ,� .�'-04,4,� '111N, - lte� ".AvIna I'l."jue a ka!�� Ill �R� �­p d4 ul,,,� - .., i bli ­ age %�­­t C� llaii W'.," Liu CEO .1 1�1,'�)L,. .)11.,J,v,A it, .,at I ,43110,4 Ved"s �Plj- ; . � . .a . neq , . I 1nom � .. Kovul VIA ii,"��I:�;A L" � _'. , - - �.,&O WTV M11rv4.'_,'Af'; r'n (*a "' i! t *1, m I #,n,_�1111,vv Ia , I, P, & fi� tv'� ", ',?,,a wp , 6 1i FeV kiv , at ka 0. �,il,l:, "., 'A ��,' P. � -,,:j -4�a�i Lr r Ji if b .:-,,)R,, ogp�,,I�j6p � � _� 1-4 1 1 � .7 w t!,J "'Ce �,#. I , 2:::4t,Lt; - , t- , ,, tArrl:s�It',5o" lj;k�,,4-1 - I, , ,Tv, 1 �, " . , Bial;io tl �R;Itv C�,,, -1,la-n"o -,O,t. 9--t 9 111-11 -Aga A.45�giqe. 9t, -1 0 *Tolla a� %Gr,� ­,�,,�4, I �11 rt_""U�'�' �"'�'_,��`-_A4�­Illt� ."I , "" � �' ,lJ('1" - sil_ D tw"ll" TL�o 4, " ft ii#,2 �, ,­. " I', al� , ;Ill I _ I - ­_kl� r ill,r,oN , 'L" I J,!;2A'0 t."'11A, a �.�_­ ! rl�: t: ­ .13 V , r2 -r- r, - I 1-1 0 -1 --9 I., tic -!! VL� -13 - - __ fit 1-_ ,.r. � "2 .', . - t t &_. V .�l\,) ig -.i:ql - _� [I 4'.t"Ji 11�4�, at t�o? t, 1,,, B�!".a — . - - . , A, ­ � ,�:4 - I,!,. , _.a ,01,10"M _a �� t� , t tt' i�, " 1U.1vtt- 21" JUI 4. . ,,C,_ - � U? 1. - 9 r - _ ­ ,,I _: - : -D 1� . .al f".,J x. iI ­ 11 :­ - , . two Ltlitrua ",3 " I n .. mA." v ,:.v(�T Trv,�f_-',� .3 fvr .,-it .aLill. .�"L"L,, ir,"­t4 linLlt,ij tlpl. r,ypv,�,2 t, " " , �� f i�, t� 6�* aqL"71, rwvu ftiv"Ja n1p liativi, 'Irn N*. :, , t" l�9 , 9 Vll!-ot ,�, 0 i: a tv,�,;,1, � 0 02; Mmts- t r,rn t T- lu U T'.. !Ilw? two k., k!" iii -Ont et,! Uiv, dliu'v ­ if P-:- ft*liu!�.: Dn Lin 9 � t� , W I t- !110 �, �;` . , U , ; C * 0 � r I , ati 11*,- ­%vl t ILI. �, -4 t . ,;,14- r_-' - � i a ',A V � - , , I . _ !. a -%wq;-t_- I fuil to, lito hr­�dtt t __ s­R'j;lU VOLO, ToLan ,J it 'WCO &_'1,QI1 aL I;4- �`.` - `0.l1V-l'U_'4' ;MC t 2"St %, �,r 2. Ufld P"'i `,,�,, ,;,-, a LA zkn�y,�li,,- " _� L , I &1h'D14­ tv ,rAVA ta mU�li,,. g I WIK. I LM4ft3fC�-ft2,--J '- ti[ftitlin fM,V' %;(#J2L& tll 11 uil� i� , tr�,.iit I V,­I_,- t il-22 ovy tkur,�` 1! tozg, , , It, tt.dq :�u al S,K:ib k_-:1 I,,.,.- , lililrvt v! ?Ar ,'Qtt-r.�Z, br,4 at rD -V",-r �,",V,,, [Lt �O U� - � .'Dbbv I . iAtoliv Ito"' , '_ 140 �;,.v; t ot. '09*i,�`,- r- "I I ­, " �, V -, &�c ,` _1 L . %Q.-4'. - �iL I � , is*-,�11. �t r, _­a't IFYV� Ttgiv-h II,ane!so?. I 0',�"4xnbt w�csv iil,tn­�,u N. � ttet­tli_­o��zlrot,t - �! ,ii%ngIm. u7at'.1 t7L,_,L* 4:"4:;21 ,1!..A,f-% "a r1lmn lik"M �,iit, ", " 0 *N I - I � .. I '! i,ln,-m-iV-.,.�, iii.;4'r-nU Qrw,'E,,1f,--1J . -1 !I U -N -A" cftf-.!� oll�(- I - . t _'? ta.,�-_' ,Sd,-� !,a nt�ft wi1m trl:,_� ?1r­-:tfvP, ; ­L7�. .(,i�,. ! F-!�Itajll Lln,lq�Lt �;­,Zjl,oi D- U., ,. li:�*. o 811tp 8.rlimtv 441t IC00 vZttiV4 nt-A urudlurA I iiiin ,q1Z+:1:iL1n,1 'oe 'It-.'. -1 0 :0 IA! tiEr"44ima t4ll Vi - A1,1'!Tt'.ZB;�O,z,.,.,:;t9 t J 111 4, i lo ro:, Miv,vn.4 alt a fa 11r. I . .1 . 111m, �i &�Ole rotv-, at P"T V� " I — I , li - , � , dt M - 'U -, . . 111L,; V,�C_k C -:T omul Siam i.,kta Ta�l, VA"i` .� 1`1 '_1 . � 'Il�n_,' " - ' "' , _ ­ , not ia;iie, t� ' ' - 4 � , . �j,44-viv�,, tk�"It nft,�,�, .Ju we �Larq li,ot &� !� e*­,I.,�- to- rK,;,!q-,;", I !, rl �4"_k­i"F � , 4 r ,�T DO t"'t"! silg",M ati"ll,tv '11 9&4 bivniml," lull .14i'ah7in geala , I ,744". allltlt"�,n4ft at 1� V" Wlfitlk-p-,�svto t'i,q, lj� -1 - W"9,-,;- tatm4 V,U91lQ,,,--,,IT-,,- t��L"�. �%, 14't, T. kar 7. or "? ,J,11 CI,S,tr. Mtto Q. ;� T_�,.: - (I �Vo"W­1'votttV AV int -namum � . 0, , . I W11*1.11 g4pot F'dt �-Voat, I C;9:!OJ�J I'Doia� 1� r. r ,.is "nio"u-I n,0� acol t . ­ - , - q rLf"I" j�l" Q.5'11,r.0 �jt&�,.- tj'i"lk J�"L,��'.J *J%_Z'�tl�f'.%,,J� S, -,t aii,� tl r,f� -W J, . 4"'I ­ is I I . i :� - , I ; ,I"" Kljftvivft�l 410, I V:04tOI.11 1� F'V�It. knv =:1�,�,��- ,-,�vl-.m ' 1,6 pq!, 1,%��, �� . -X, VU0 " 1, to N�� " . &"tirvii, %TR -_-1,t Dal Vu- �;iio?118 ,;% ovi r�,# '� It , , - _- .4. & - �� Wut,t� law:l,v,,�0,4 C.�,lt C, ,, st�l.L-n nr�r", LI a htl,01,,i� zpank "', is E"It zo " �o �2, ir byi , 3 , 4, -� nto �.,n &"Q,C,�Vthxre�? "I't, , kie �,qii gt�L�,4n��115 *Do I -To 1. �. T� 'A , 11ty "T#�.:p lia!,q ,; , _ t,,, of , IiOi� L tt�ftmu qv lv�",N,trh reseit, ,,, 410-7u.Ter. "'t - Q VL­-,JR�JLL:r �';; �, t; -k I - -.4, uao-Vil *�ZP�Iu - . P, - �[T t;p 2u Lcjn"11�90. AT"T-r t2t, ,� ",Y,,,ati;,to1*­ ,�­it FTvnot t."ft'--4t Wken - 11 _ ..e - r - t��ii . - � �.i �"4 , .� i., �'L � tb - , � 11 g ,, tv�n ,., ,., �f qv, � t � . 'I .,r;.,:,- " . �o` -A tha,t�� r�44�s,11- IL ;� 1� ArIlIzAr; tlMaMi'ad -q-" 1, r'!J'1­f f0nfL3'­'J �,,, I? Xzie's ii._4"!,(!-�_,.�,j�ant Lwi��%I.4."­Z�t0l��-J ,Vq ltf- t�q- litwis fin j,4 li;�i,4:lm �Irr:(14 O', V-vcr 11-3 bR,011o IW.F�� fl,�:,b Ullzrzmr hb ., . - I I .. g'. e", t.'O�- 1'.trg � I ,r,,,,..,, - - -, .1 "-ao�.vg rj,.; �.`, � � ui�_-�d C.W�Z�:,.f a tt`I-`&`!';�� ".Ilko Z�, ltamlkalrep - 'Mantc."a to �C.-.iiu .le,,��,a�c.!�,Z tet, �Ittd VnIr4ift-11 , "Vor! Z2!Pz�Ir^Jt.JM,4 V�.p 1*4"Itt­21, 0,0. � b.- 0,1 tm"Iej�iiUii�tq 4,TT0:f1. E C, , �� Q . no llft,,�n;�.T44 � qltruq,�P.' Roo !zkifti. -I V,I-liw, A ul !� I ,�,,I* ".teek th� � I'll, F-­lnm� i tf,"..1t I � I ­ 4 11,W)Vt ;4_11�i YOU `0 W* �1­ ha, r'a�_,A RA.v�,.ilt f.-- j:, �� �t'kr,'�'t vr?w.,.� ,_.�., R 11,�i�,Je,i:nL,411 ,P In 'I-,�0"ki1I"Yr,itU1* `e,-_P1Le3 Ila Ivi-marpD.1p nnd � �A t o, b3 0, 4 10a & : i'n" I It Ili 11 , ". E I - ZIP Q,r:,.. M�k 0 "'.S^llii4 kn�n,�-." ho PaD 1, 11 uriDli VIA yn- x -. faiop 1[ Ga t'!', A .%, - I fr ,iL .. LnL1 Ult, ly,U_teuk�', 13"'at. N n. I .sat 4 -.; oq-.7�- �W-ttd vo`.� �-,, ,l "_,!� - i -9�1`1'ar2naq,!L`� ,., :�Iv.J V -V, -_-Lt , - il. i - . Ilvit tla�'e, br� .10 ,�,­ - ­ I tk- &_,,.MP us cr� Iet tc lfl= -V Af� Aff-c�p�,nt �,,rrig woyo1l,g r,.t,,lt,�,uiit,,,,ptijt.bi,1,1 n.,,te�tt ni;,vfl,�g. �! 4, I I I n l:; "I ttw ,V,Jif�o, ___ ­ tr".'�1- at""tck" wmls. It was I . . Rif - 13_"L_-�e maftl& 2111l P�tflsmt 44 Wflf? Banger2l `02D. It'WOU *-i'�-Pa-.;- vfrn, bV 10.1 0.e Day fait , i� V. , � I , ,as . .,,if mr-aruv.- � ­ 10-1 taft " _T,g aw,tayi, ,r.,,, ,� li_', � %4212d T�,Ilnak Cuir'lile44. I, I'! W. 4 "tt Irn-4 iI,lw:Llo uqvrr 15ralgid'" slvo �­Z_ I 1V at IDn onf- ev"ru"Ot!"n-wo ,%Vnnt to lslknwh­ab-__IM71��' .; Even at a 1;*-3-!Aba21 uvwz� ,, � w 24�w Conw-d,lilq dl tr'rf� A-�)mlvqar A&r41ar,P,J, -I �J_,t­V. Ejjtj, , . , - atier , . Q _-8 caBW as a if;raven lamn,=v. It? ne".er .,Alto, top L� L!low vR . 2t Rt 1711.�e�,e ivan tre S"W2 ii " .7 r.aq a � �! Dr.-dra-AVe vinb, tau -.4 itq�ba . � I spvea uroat1r; OT ;, ljg, , , ' jl,f,�*Y , 'i I -11 11;04�4V' Mr. -,��nf;­l ,,��.­ ! Aev:t­8 luivv�, Z.,: P1,4 wj,��­-_,Yo I ��t V, e nn 9,,� e wi�en t, I ""'r''D t'�" im"OP 019 01' the r-ffltead �y4xl 1rt,f,-a.Xr.1T,­1­-?1W I � Datta"I . I I ��q� Ilef-r.,fs:5 11 ii su"eTy-A. "At any ratp, tro� Zo al"Llr, JV�. _ " hC.,1q9 o"T'g, t:eR knr "k:,..lii " rir,:", " - m ',,- n -I,- fl.,Y-rka,�I. u -0-l", ,rtnrn t7le 1'1PDi M.o a � " �- "' I - . pip�vraii *yoar , 11 re*mo4��;' t7dJ1Tenp1LP--,ll p,,1,11 7401a dur,,�kx 1!"L�,-­ wl�­�,_-"A_ r'A J I .. . � I L['7, ­ D­!_'i- Rr-.:�gj�. M Haar turncA r7laito Va 14T,- "!�P nrJQt74PLf.oVi,1 " At My l, , VV4.I.V I v.,�npi,_­Y tLiio, ,1--- �J V,:�',.,;- e�'.M'.'�-.ul,, fi:,_,rk-1 : ru ,.'s"i U I Ll�l -. P " ��t�, "_,-*. At pt,Ez-ant ho �avi:lt:it a,+ 9 .i S- , t -n-4 I-- '­vn - TO 4,1 " " , IQ � � I � � I I?. � ,,, l"n � ron-urn"n- M,�-�,,',.1` , twyi Ouaw,o r3-:, Tvy.�3 WrV1,4­1. -_ 1, - 1i � . IAIDLB, .r,,a-.inct itiv.� - -� T14KIt" L, tr",nt :i7wo 'In n %vo-�IV' � ­ I . I . __1 , - k"r: ­-­-,n,G1'rPWraf watlA Wr � X"N-ro. a, 0 A, �Udts: 4" I'. - I , 44, _ - - � i5nt".1-4 I'liro n-ft."Ifl-r- of� .�O-­It,,�,Jr. anA r-mtnpvvu� jr, - . - '! - .,Nr,oj� — � - WWIVI`J� 211*.,� Zli1r, 911,� ,,�`. ;'A � ��,­n:�- ­,.' .; HernAt*i1n t".1.0 0, I 0�.Zal. .: :,t _Ze 0_ er 4,!a4:!;w. t � ,:.A ,"Ir.". 3,�,­:�- ure-.�­44:4,-T�1, X;2 Z,� V. - ,:. - - �'t 1�11 L. I 1�' , r "I 4� 7� , 1, J g,lst t1. d =,'_�:� 1, IhTA �. �:nlm - , '! .­` 1,., u �v,l i�.Z ,�.' � _' �­ ti� 2.'1_-_' :i, , �i; ir lli�"e.arc.,-g , , .1 - 3. L� Pj­u�-211U iv,'Ll ! vin:�,'o r I tl-vrirv. r�,sr;!. Ur ". V , ., .1 I b4 encountc, a,,- BL'to, 0, T,91AT 79:1. N ,0 f�ttq,rdl)4t � I- � .1 -no" Iri'T '�"! � "'f lk "' � Lt � - ' ! P3-C'jr1;; j?4 1_'0; ,4 -!. - s I � - - 2 ", ;, a , . aa,g" I JDK;�rk,_­ to h�Arw'­'�T *:*f�..p 1.T*r-­lo1s. I?r * ,q ,M`a"��,over V9 j�,o,'%: -U f�,p ,q.;,.ot,.'_4 . _ q '-'­"�� , L I - tE �- 1, - :w r. ii. lit' a ja, Tb.��-Ujl- W� I . Ca. I I Al " 1" . - . t -e -L '0 M"".*"' bl; --"'..'_:�4.tii !r�.p Ill.' �"A­14 llrt�' - 4,,gqg�_, :�r tivi_.�nL,v ,2 .;,., , ', L , . , ­_ . I . . � L V . dei,.i_­ ;_ ��­ ,'4Z Z,,�I,L� 4. Z� '41 2 �u ; 2, , . -, 4� a ,q, �, V I r X�__.L'At :�L",J fil, tt�,V 6"" '. . dl .. ' - I XVC�4�1i: ' ' - . "I -,r- - - -1 .d E�:-,t Woll"S',ren's 101 0 ;I _. ­ I ,L' . _ � . . , . t�l IL 'L:, 4 �� ' " ..'_ - - I tiv, 4" , - LZ 01 qj.,bqjj� 4 &�­e, r,1q w­,�"_E-, , ,!r � I '" I , li *%, �, � .Z, �.-­:7-a)ftc-w�lr-re tL-ny Eq a Rtt,*, . ...vii an,] , .141L * I t I ,!. _ _ � I.. , . VI , " _ 19 �, , - . , .U_ .. Mr�=k, I t 1:7 —C W'.1 'a *at 1; Jiir0,:i';­1y !,:�p '-wa, .a.ttiq-,pli r,;,l!1ro. .1',Lz',l Rf Fr,%,:.-.1,y":D ­�,, t, � I � ett&q 'JrJj-,1.- ,.�­r� -1 � ... .. ': .., , �, _ L _ ,j: _1�� �ays. _%,, t", !iupr�­,,a -Ut" %V �1 61 � 1l, , tp��-,F ui,io U0 . � _` 1:11t".1-- tIzat 1. . . i,� ,��­­,t 11, V I .- - �. , f.,;:�,E.-,."* sor-a";�ir 'Z' '�'­ . Z! � -Ii" li�.'il �'L v�.Ltr-:, "M(�. _�"'- -w h,*M�1`7T ll-..:^,��- -*1ca'--e.-trj;!AV9e oM',-,' ,t Z --:1 1­1`1!.�;knm riat 2n ,t�;ue ol �i.!,�,. - '-r.m V- -ril'"AN 4-prp,,i7�4)l I ve, idn ! I 1,1, r- � I : " �': � � - I . ,� . ., - - ­ li, I �� thrr �� M fia , - � . : t P iP Im"i I �'4�i:t V ,.* �. " A400. tv"to r tlll,��;­4�4�ra..4 II".I(�Nnk - � liki;J1 . r � I.: . s., V,� ,$.:, �.',�, 7*1� '_1 - . ­ i� , 2� vs�,Z'U�k4 acr,l,;4,� ti,e Uw-.LO. 44 U -10A,- : � g Into t2m V-P,iip tv!J-"t r.f.,"2­11 "r)-,L� 5�'p-l'.7,1k., V - triz,"t he iiin,nr­; ritmn" aAlo,21: "! %­'­ ': i S I i'�'f�," � � I ;1 � - , , � oa I - ­ 4, - V�v 141, :�, __ 4�- _�:,:,- q ''y n- TV.',_Q.1I- UN '�� 1!-­E� ^,"-v,,inza,,nd 111,4rfL,.�,�s 1, �t - - .1 ­ . �, - _ � _ , . %71.1; _�, . ��� ,4), a- LL�v- -11, ,�tfa!,q�- ' * U"f" Be- �,o­ alAy:t V,,,,!j--, 1'. _ � - 'r - � 1. ,"�TA!-n-,` r -.Jt;?TIran'-_ 71,f,..�- eina­;*,;, . - ti. , Anelent Areh7-vie's. ___.. � "'Vn'l 11t ,�v:�,t r , , _ .., .. I . ­Zy� I, t . 1. I . : --------..- '. _, _ "u�� ': 1'r .,iiR 14' "".4- ­j�: .2��-�-".: :_., ,,2', , , nw qt�� t:;,�,� iril­. IL - -4 --n ;, , t:,vw �r�, '] -M­12�*!,�� 24'.J)",r.JrLM,_ "Pt I & _____ __�� - T:Lp P70 ha'r! 4,�-��. �:".,i)7--, sr� �, . :. � ." 1 t:_�Z�t.16­ iq�,I,�,�..,- . I , . �� ll­�";",i ­ 1". � —,-- . - I—. V 4 , � -11 __ ;I t,t ths. grz,p­; , " ­ t:- ';; L� . .- �_­ f,,-i� — � � . - , ­ ­ e " _�=er of -v L-, kcr:11, L4 ^ , " ,,� �f- �*,­ 7-I, ��'- . � "u-I'v:e', I ,�,-,,.t C%s�''o-'t;ty, 2�,l,�Z� lrs!-�J,,2, � �. 11.11 11 I " 1-4 !I u �- �� I - .-;5 16. L"'.7 :-, - - qn:o rli;-�, �­­tv,­­-,, ,tel-r� 1'_�.-,-.�:rs rin�2 ., ,.�iw&n,n,n: fVa,�A!Z",i"":4"�4� ,. __� ,� �. , I ' L " � '7 " a i; ��`_':Z " �"l - , - . � ­_ ��`Q�"!7"". . R � ,�'. . ,�� - -4: � I -- � irt 0 I I ­ , ! ,, 'i�,.,"-�. 11"at"." - ' - I �_ - i Q, I!n, , 1 yt,s, _`ap T -Y -_:) ­, ­ �� � ..., , �� �.',;�, v"! t1t;r-Ir RI ,-7. IL�117. R11 t;--.1- t"l-n , -1, I 9 � T� T' r'..T , L a n. Ill , .N ,�,4 't - 'i n-., � WoAl�,--,,,L: _ �­ : -L I ,. ,., ­ �� � ­ . " __ � - 4-,:.*.,�?1.,nIf"A whl�_'3 �:�11.,;",-.�!,�. , . ­ ". '' ,,, T ttj�, 3lizim."n I., 3-" ."a,;; �,, iit t'.,- r� r n, ��, 0 hl"'T , i i wan-_� Vr­,�- tri;-_ev, 1-: v� 5.% � 7 t, l�', �, - ;, W IN - �, I"- ,,l !.'�l I: rp I " " I 1. �,�; - � ) - t.ioy .4 1 , t -, . I li. -_ V',n - - — 11." 111 1W � ; 'o -T,( -a" �it�u _"#54-k- -,J -,-c;. -n I I I - I , i: �J.;]. �, 7, - ­ ­ Sv'It"Pts lf�nA�rt: iL* iit__rz�j.,� ", "­�' I'll, �` 71�111LIITII i,1A-,""`�" "�* I C ff _k JXAV V 'Y" 0 - - . -j- -2 �_ �,��! -'- - , l":!)�Zu's: t, . t, , .I, r, LT _�, _,_ � " Z,t - �' ,- .. . ` . - -.,- 1 � � 1�; i :02liz"? 1.44,�s ,+m`l %�v 1"al", . . .: n_s fL . IJ7 ,iv-�'F- I L'I'r-t � pq � � : - -, ,."".'� � . .. . ja..�llrl3 . I " " r I ,., ..-- sm 'N ,V,72- '. L -i , .1. ­ 1 7c�. 0 0, tr_:!, ;�Manu-�,�Z:Iv&v ­,, I ... - ­ - , � �,,�. ­ ., - , ;1`1- Q�* V3", V2n:.-O .w[La to ­ ,­ I - :I ,'�` I 1i .. _ . � .- . -.,,- u , , z,� � � V'. � ­: ,'.`­.',�� _ �, . � . I. .I - � I e,,*� , � il.,E�w lI-0101-- 9:�p W��--. -11 � 2, , " W .. �, , , , ". , " . ; ,,,,,, ,,_­ I ra:er . � �3%tm. - ,J Liti - '"', "', " r � � �,. 2 �._ ,_Z; :-; E! �. _.,��;i � - - --,.7 " �_'y,,_!_ ;�" 1� I ! 1� r : ,-��i-,,Ioz2s: � _ _ L -11 9��_ _ wo�­�;: ltoi,n T , , E - t --,.q A _ ,�,__ � -, 4 _:, _ ,� �'j t� ;rC -V,!) . - W.. t,- - '! ,: -�11 '. ', ., '- .." . . I . . . t-') ­­';-� l;�, �� , � - - - I - - V 1 � F11 iI_ 7 � " Pa -nir,,- t:ni?.:c_ n-..��- ­-, �� .t , .1 7" , ��J r Jljr-�'"-.­ ,4,;F.,',-- t"' - ­­-,n-,n _1'-ga:�3 Iiin Svv-_� !.- _n , I - - - ' � � - 11- I . ;� � I I " _: �. �, --7 E1­lZI1'"_s-,�,r_�Ptq ,-,L rii I - 1. .� - f � 41l__ _ I , , ' .1' -�I;a �' ?' - S ' '.it " " "`_'-'­ �'-� . ,r,", t� ", �',�W -, , . , � Z _�_2 - I ,.; � ­ . , Q- W. j�,.,.Wt*­ .J- . . Z t . V u U) � - ' ` :% ' ' � �, . ,, wq-t T,'9 , nk:,t. �, t &-,-f,n&� �L� t �: .-, .- . -_,,,,,,�� .i�,� �� I - . 69 'ARI t ; e: 11"I'__ 3 A V El ,__�E.l b . ,.rt ( T 7-.0 � --4 .vncl h-,�ar IVU,-� e_"�rti, ,�Y7 :11:"m A I Ig ; LOZ-�'� Wil Non,,',-�n,' ' s:. - !�'..� d, ­.'t.'r. , Z l :�O,V� 83 ��rjnw,,:.�iz -,;,�L�L--� ��Z ,,�'l �4,1`,__S- .-t_ ­4,�r,r,V,*It,.,Z)-n ,V4�%�"..� !;­V�1. ­ , I - � .1. - I 11 � ,,, 1. - "I �.Ojq- *.1�,, u� .,;�--4:-A! un. -,-"t ,,,�Z,l .. -�4L-!.; I � 1611r,-, nTl"'a � , , : s'-,nt f,,� 'E"r1: ni tv�­ rk�,-k i�.-*, li,�q � , , , ­;., tav,o baem 1167--wz�*dej to, th - I __­ -_­ - -..--- ktnr�-, �J* r.,%s'­',r,.. I -, , � i orunr "il. T_ - �, _-?s Z", jll�lhl I I) tr ­_ Ntek, , -1 UQ ­Q= - '� .,,.J, �, , �3_ 41) - -,,P 12 Lot 17-' ,r�ar_,:M: . 2- 'I-1, , k1`%,i;!A ,!n, '_ 9 - " '� U �'% 'O. ` T_� _+., � : - � ";, - '�­ ; n"r."D:ZilL�j J��,' ' "Lt B-4,n�_� to be . . . .L; ,l� . � ftg� ust , - .-.;r � '' Ft) -l", I 01 Z�y t",'�_-r.,Z. ,"O. 'Vl'v- ,owe y�_, . - - ,,, zniq,�ol W " "., - 1-n pirl;3 n744 iinvc? it -� '- ,%� croup"t %17-._a-.,,,0a`,,,W,q Coco -'b" 18rotz-Alit's's and sovc-r,- ch, , � �. -,�_­._l!-, .- ,a I - VV . S, .l� _ . ! 'ex,nz�:i_� _ C-st ii i.�`V,,�,, -,,� , � 9C.,ngtZ2 .J ­;,,i �0. ,,i�� "I �`�, Q 1�1 L�'_'.) ,,, — ­ . ."n ., Cy.d rsn ._ ... ­. er"V"'J'., , 4' I 114,�! _A-�--!, , C,Oant c': Tnn. . I I , , � �'.. _rov.�X, . .1� �. . ('ru-tali:le, by �siDng. i C'3',�;,,413 caxnna.l 'W22ilstand, U0 Se, offfiing, Efiezdfi 1,14_"er4i�l 'M-114 11,�!. .I,V,� -_ v-arn-n'.'� A,It�­ . 'a,ir,it2:�i-��.c�-�:c�.-.!,.-r-;i 1-1 - .,-, cr , - � il. 'i t�le' � , 'PRS, h.14 wulal P,�ivni.t:,-ii% tern know a , , ­ 98�,l li 112-st roxv v.-Wn--.1sV, it I.-LOAZe, !:-Z,At in. �. r ,I tr"An S�_1=40"Z. .. �. . p Ntt'.e Vrere'a V't1l an Awful caii-z" '021 , Th-- fSMM-15 sllingar, 11 -me. Lllgy L, . ia�t . , � 'n. -��.�4r'."� iiji, : *,_,Jp En7�.'j;. N . I Efiec"D9 of Dr. C�Iase,s Syrup Of Vnseed eyes. Wa &;10 Z:142c;_1 :� ;4 , lzu__�trr&s , t,wei,�'? t�r�pl::-l� Z ­ _ _�,t" ,g5j gni�$eri�ated � r I and Turpentine. l 9 .rbe � .Z � ��= munt-'. rceetitlg olgerel to 4;lng I , -i At all the .Irts OT ��Oquptrv, e -,r vriz, " the foregj��::�- ' ' ii� ­ " t!.' �' ,0 ,. t � :, -,villEj - - � for*, t!:4? g.,r' ,at itlie Lslving-,iytion� I Z��_� _ I 9 P an"4 r0thEng M.Qple.-,�W,d him. Ue was ,� � . . tlleri�t mot ovox.!a w:tls�agn for 1"M i-,� I twe-nty-four oZ tjz.' V:.:-�-- ?,-!­rIr,-.- vo'�]�,gfl�, New r,PZW_%V . Ckf 0Z �.Oud. � - I milow -SuPrOrn,ely Ind.fTerent. lie vv,av t7lp ; - I - I Vmt lowere'l tair, .d., i - a't.,ii: t, � , �� hebig vom-11p, �"_�E?!,. : 'Jr ; fv�ta up Inind .. tic,II that thk1v I)rotaoLsai r,lev,_r ,!p.LO_, tL_%rf,e1atn 'Cle unpt�wtl v"grtuas of Dr. - rear .2 W-1- �! ."p�.] ..�t J,k�:ZIZ St. tr!. . . - � k . . . S`f`�'_0r_Atc1rs c"at 11 ndorn thi� , 'or limts w. -al I .j tB3a 't 15 t'. -,f-. m6thf-r �., 'C'.11of e�'-PaegaNy - ioiimpl�r slat�o V"unit P.-Z.rt. r,t one battle � giftne.e. ? lie ,:.,;'zt Q,;), -,1.`b0-"%1 I will b,- pnk� intop V.Irvi�*�, C,:I: Z7,;i, wcrst- of the Tiwnitr.� wilplt .,Lj� or' tlu�? Coin- I ­, . 4'eatimr , , !I lt� 'I '"Mr! MM(M� dIAES-.03:4 -L � 4_z:_�ed lat'i" "c' 161le 19 '-'--,,w well amd ' ment. Hlf,r 1,CKOnt �,,, t*,Ir a S.V S � C-J,-_�,Isl si�-,,Iap of Umsf*.,�d a-31 Tar- zt�'; b7lght .9-s a ei"Zek-�V, ; waf; eertwiz-vir 11-L4 �rl , � ILle" P'11111 INSVP (44D04r,.? I"ili'lPIC-8 up ard 1 �11 Vill i&ll'�-Sls wAhoat exceti""In'n. Via . � V;--� and 1. I , tera. wlu,r�-, by 1..Iru lIz;:;,rc-XeMe';A5 " dl)Wn thern and t"�ze!r Hye;g bu;gii- " m� for c lie, F 1. affl[lig jujy._j� qni;�z:.I,; ' T 'W ,rn t d plilln;::.�- TIMY MC -P 'h;OU., - :. .V, T'LO 114��l -s %, a dtsear il, -�iri cdf �t ,ter tIlro'It (111!_ '?.'!,,:I 31".. ! Made, on this r ��!tau)-J. it L-3 POS4 ' " , tlrlt�i­"Artoolblad'­ ZtMILL" 11-.!�- IK Dvmner rk;' Uiieiitervik _ayS ,j.,p; I, MIAIR,�. I L it in the 7-e ,z,. - . _ 1.,�, Littrf'. . I P rus �`,' - _R' e I tilree, 'Vearg I I . !t -1 lb"e -912to wonderhDg wr4let.-Ior thp ner,eint, I 'Ina ts tL.-_ V4�­�t 'ablin's V07,ep.,(,CII�1 aml d:_­)�.Zaz�:!, "!:Z- i to Urn. 'F�nr -M --- __­­ . . had 1 .'. , , r . , , - Jsr.l:."_,J0'V a,74 ee�ztasu Zolil Uri f�tzlaekv;rtr,iw-71.a� pal, ­'T ona " , . 'r=sn tlli�� , ­ua,"lio IT- =5, i0l i 1-4 going to Conap luek at tile _Nolll�­ � obtailroab-e fbir cr*n brcra0atia and ;,ur,L1X=; 7,11 On 1 , My a 'SO'NM the s'ination. # 33 pk�r cent. 'Why Limp ,kbor,lt P. . I an,2 I t1l, ght s �. 11 r9fliln With a, Mirk or accer,ot tile �' revere e he was 9 - " "I think, Ijolp.­e, it yo,ii .4 " . , ____ , Mciiney aind r. �y " 'With M1111tull cornsto Patna, 'p �'ughs &-I COWS to whicigi ing, ti? V&avi. lb -1 vr�--el,j P.,.4 it rf. rklll�� , er rer&se -wr. jr-14 1-iPtUc�r go." liti, sa:�iI. -it ,'.s 1� with "him. ,,-.4 "I � 67oss Darlinvs� . One Evening lie -.r;tr-nt to ..I - ,stfal"t.t. It has never -P,-A,i',�l -.,,I, 'dcct�r'-�� tLr.-.ataaJeTOt. Z � roarly k.,a2r_pt1,.qt t1V-jq,L4_, .t12 � w*�.,4�., �� PaLrtv :i ITS3 COrn 17.Xtraetorw.-M rprawil- tni I � IiL . fid".ed tvh�,011o. &-_voroo oll tJIc)Pa3andS f1 bi-,= it a baltre I)r. wl, . ' - 'I - off' ( _lt-se's 6�yvtap i PRI'all-e V14 W-cniivre it W,tvs tna iniie it, to i � a' Vr0-,,�1.,!e-r3,gaY-­"Twaa Dr. QlaBe 'Who (,f - er;tsh it wii, leave tat on',-�-." W,(.St, 111 Tiroub, , p-ftilessly in .if few dny�& �l*s, tl.,P - � 4 Virseed ant'l Turpont2ne fr,,�m our . A corresp,r,)Til of t"-,(, .nln_ Siun(j 4R.egret. I a, 8" R. Ile sozed up tLe A_ � 6�,Ire,. And Pa,jnless eorn rv.,u.T.o_ " _��., .�Ztoi-ill lull, q7l.nffly, itnil Wql,%',.2-.- , ster ltiazette tolls t.,H�s . I � oa,ved ,oil- babyIl, Jil,,pular druggli.st. W- fv. IlAster. A ', ec, 14� 41 h r e.e , 4 A, t ,�ry 'Of a, 4liieatt I , ,;g.-rs. rin :'_4 � pre-acher In the, wIM.-z of :4��,,-.ztzn ATrizit- 1 ,Q le 1 . ! * -l- , .1, w,t-, r -ft . .1 I loiz'�'M'si Corn r�"�v'*act�!iv'- At driliggi , =' I .1 iijo - , yl,age %vitr a � piS�ly B.F�� W�, a., U -m V. W_ 136nd, 20 Usedora:d tor the lir,3. ZM� wl)r three d�.,_,eg t .egltied on a, I , _.. . - ,. e In � � I 'T -r, tt�fj we J"er rlioalj�p I , The TireMciler- lika 111,11,11Y v.1' Milt Or- I ,Grand RilIg, R, .1i ' ' ,I A arin to�s: � street, Paree, ,oat., says—." HAving vhRd bpgan t -a g_?-�, liett -11 the haek,nf th, i.ht4',rtvr.;1 v,,��,vvil -i he � fr0Z - ll,or�s,11 Div,all, Mad Ir I 'r.4z. '"'.1-, �"Jl:J:: d 1 eb. Near him is,,�t sweothe.,Irt vol"N We ., , 138 Iroun'tis At - . . -mer-q '64 eutitig tGugh � da,v after eevtm w;ek3' sickness 11 t vory little o,ducittion, ana il'i � . rig with a Bilbv "AtIrP, Ii egazins) h1g, tin its P right tO,­ arid. turn!ng away. Nralk(m.1 ',!own the i ity'li, * d W -ho, � - - - - t'ele"' Y`31t MaLlIp"ne" nly ralt'l i's 'very it-* t11=11-tul tin say Is all � k�ll U-!' �'-Ttly, � der I md a good <1.p,,tJ of n.lt,Ir.il ab.111- i A 1ounA' Tit! -Ill- I I Ir'noma-11, Berkple * ' Con regation consisted -4 , wll-)!�e Brain -Throbs ran about four � ' th her Ight in guillill eoul all ,c;r,).;P. Aly little girl has bee:0 I M.r. K Trill. rt .V room, folyo,weil bv,the twh inell- 11, mainly of I to the Minute. 11t,r Photograph may subject to thm er,"inlit, for & Tcmg time, i Fire 11a.11, Tovr�xnto, .. Street the ante -room Mj_ glb,Tn sto I at' the XaIM, It ,convert,w 18�'01`4-"f desire to,-) , wood Rplitters, fruit growers and be seen in front of any Gallery. Site I ' " NfL .)�,:­�-,,,-,,, I , lijust - me L for $29,o,%,). I & chasp's 'grrup C -f ,ni. r n,. , . land I ft!,,,;*! -I Tilt-tbing Vv cure it until I t P:,..v !it r-aVIOT d'T Dr. L V watch," lvv rf. .1 k ­ ,, small farmers. In rating Ills wav not ,-X Anger 18 like rain gave it Dr. Cha-7�1'--; ;,��yrup (xf Linsiled' Lr,;i-�epel and Turp'litine s. 'Ist- 'T"O-1 WIT) Irive time, aftor .011 for ', subjact lie said: World -Beater as to J - it bro-akg., And Tir-pt-litinn. I vanuzyt ispaak to": no'Y ellildriin iv.rm; p Ulat'Kine of t a C!9;! (,ttn with :.oar frbrull.s. Goo;] R, Shape, StZ,le. or Grineral Get-up. She Upon that On which It tal . rtrzlllltly relieved I vigla-'T ; "Sly friends, you've bnen out on a I was* Young I highLr ar ftt-r, I of wboovll�g v_ng�%, "in(] , , but nat foa Young The eudou,, I , r NY L 'IS dark night when �yxvu could hardly see I ... 11. I 1. ­... L I . .- , M . ,*. A. Wlylle, 57 ,1z*atan street, � oblainable will I . long as I Wolfenden 11.111 Tin aiternatir-ch but. to ! Market ,ilato would llavelcalleeiier a � _____� � .. .1 , I � . I 1. 11 � � � , 7--!.-.- Tarcinto� astiatles-`ILV littl "'t bef w'"Iye- it In larcePt h*& dlsml.4�s,il. A little while . *,your hall() belore'i�ll, and �,O.dve said 900d sizable Broiler. The Globe- ' I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 01, I I.," I -to, d I 'I Yol 16 grand- 1 the 110w,', Tr,o)r use any other medl- I han, - , nT\ how pitchy dark it is, well, pitchy Trotter had stp- n 'evrelq at'.11i .�! Y @Neglect oi a Cough ,t, ��ild Lgd suffered with a nas-ty, back- 1, ellic.,, itshing with.. , b, -� whole Flozks 'Of tile �' do fr, �., and d0I!00tP,_ Stole out from tit(, dapk (lark it Is; ,well, pitchy darknessbe ,Same Kind e*mIng out of Cilt y i Throat Inly result in flig ecigglit forr abMit (Aght weebs, D.Z. mange's Styrujo ot T'In I _ - nd seed 'Ind Slip looked at h'.m with .1 rttlilti,4111ilp dark, and my friends, yoil know what Stores a -ad Wednesda,v Matineii,s. in when we rzocurAQ a. ,battle! ,(A Dr. Turpentine Is sold everywhere and Ir you. li"trablo ThroatTrovit' � i�qjases &.prupof Unseed wal Turpen- I iv�ed in morre jl,f)lino is I A or her cloak, and lie held it within a, grOss is; If -not, I'll tPll A. -tudaPest 'Ind Paris lie had passed up I on * tion V., r s tb an .'V I is gross is twelve dozen; now you will __, an , .- othex I I for a second. Dozeno; who hall her beaten a Block. , _ _ tlite., -kft,m the first do.9e she called I t�wttrlaent for dl,le,ls I clow"thptioll. par rtfle � Off off tihe throat I understand the darkness BROWN'S -Apo. I tit 'fiione,q,� and 'Wv4 leAger foir Medi- I and lnugo� 25 cents a bat..tle. 'Edwan_ I -I 11ope," be Fald, "that at an rate that cover- And yet Rile jv,ga It, � �Voit Will allow me to call and s,,, T90CRES, Notblug exciols fids S1 dl*o tioue to ooWe ar4ttud. 1 '044 I &M, Bates & Cu., Tormto. y ed this peoplej tor It was 144 times She siijirt of serouged over ,to ullike rente *. Sold only Ili b . . . good-W� before you leave England ?" pitchy dark, and that be dark.'t room for Other Young people. and I I ...1-0 - . 1.1.11, -r .1, . oxe& I - I