HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-01-25, Page 1FIRST YEAR, VOL. I ZURICH, ONT. FRIDAY, JAN. 25 1901.
The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township,
year paid strictly in advance. When the
paper is not ordered to be diseontinued
it will be sent until such order is given
and arrearages paid. $1.50 to be charged
when not paid in advanee.
advertisements, 5 cents per Brevier line
for first insertion and 3 cents per line for
each subsequent insertion. Small Advs.
such as"Lost" "Estray" or "Stolen" will
be charged 50 cents first insertion and 25
cents for each subsequent insertion.
Copy for change of advertisement must
be handed in not later than Tuesday night
of each week to insure change in follow-
ing issue.
Loeal notices in ordinary reading type
5 cents per line. Notices for Church en-
tertainments or other benevolent institu-
tion at special rates.
Contracts for column, half -column and
quarter-eolumn Tetchier specified periods
will be cheerfully given, Address all
communications to
The 1---Ieraild.
T I ,
wiNIPACE, Catholic,
1,1 ()',jr of servit.tt for the winter.
Sundayst-Righ. mass at 11) n,
Vateehism and he4ruetion at 12 o'eloeit
Tho lloly lionr. or one hour's visit to
our Lord in the bit.ssedsnerament from
3 to 4 It. In. Vespers and henetlietion
or the most IslysSpia Kkii•rament at 4 pan.
1Iuly hayst-dtigtt was.; at pt a. ta,
pers and ItenediPtiau tat 4 p.
Days: -Mass evety morning al 8
weittek. First Fridays, mass with ex-
position at 9 o'eltioi•
Rev. Father Valentine, Parish iniesi
11.;VVANiiRlarAl., lierman anti 1:togiish
Smalay servieest-
th7rmatt. at ht o'etoelt tt. no. English. at
7 00*eitteli p. U., Stintlay totiattol at
l'alesday eveniteat JotioiorAllitatet.. at 7. lJ
*It It
enior Athsto.e, s.
WV91914=,a1liy 1.4-11,11iiig: I It IUUIPrar't
:nett Ina. 7.40. TI lay I:Nu:63(111;
Modish phayer311Ciptissa at7„till. iladay
eve:long: Teaeheto" zolettitnt eat
•R. F. A. SELLE,y,
Dentist, graduate of the Royal College
of Dental Surgeons-, Toronto, also honor
graduate of Department of Dentistry,
Toronto University. Painless extraction
of teeth. Plate work a speciality.
At Dominion House Zurich, every
Monday. 1.2r)
Successor to COLLINS SPA31:12.1.-
Conveyancer, Money to Loan on 'Village
and Farm Property at lowest rates of In-
terest. Doeuments in original German
read and advised upon.
Office over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter.
Out at gAttilyt,
Airs. hitt WO* With.
at ItIxett'r.
• The infant child of John Zettel
is VOW ill at prt-spat.
'44199e4 short and 1:1•4 hi. lime! upo.
Ilete-Intm's arm.
.• t treat S--ott t"
Chas. niter and xvi 1,•itheit
0 "AVIV Vi".4iiIig bert. en %Vett
W. R. fithigins and wile'. of lien
s vaned at the 1°. tromereial flitter;
tui ..tnestaty.
14everati of mu. t."
in til earnival at lien.all Tnes,
day I•venlim
" putt liounee •f \Viihtn
SR s the Ittest tt :11iNN i,,or:t Ni1141'1.
1,,ni, day Ece,,t
lite,senl.err:.°. 'who$hn10r$11
With P. 1116rnello fag' Ittinther 1.1
,years. Ign,tvilotr leor the Nvqi'thWo-4
81 ilartieth's ItaartIva.are, anti mil:
e•tiat :nue Wit E tuo.* n v
1;ov. t', 11.friouti5eitimtr.
exerei,-o•gall the Lev.. k yvv 1611
eal. !Davi° IP 4 t onu,40:itv,P1,11,481.'zf$ ht,42._111
311tlf_ rate.% tor the
Ntcore. hoRt u oihttitotv:
and halt' Mt..
, Ba4weli 9,f l tttl :%111‘,4 t-
E.:athol• Mo,;i\ ;."-o -14.0-
r tat the pat•elati,-. tivi1 to ,
1314$'11.g•ne411 uqg %V, 1111.01
,outtoN or. 11111.1. ta
olottogliottit l.l1U. NU, It Mr
tattb itI4ott 7 MT: :;,.lotattallui
ttit:htt. 2 Ithr. C,oltrorroaattutttat
Zlitttr,,th Nab*.
If Attar yonnv 1,1Ls oteel •04tat•
ti 9 1911i111•1 POttl,..
The IC
rcia• l
Osborne House, Isle of 'Wight, Jan. 22.-0.45 P.
'..‘fajesty the Queen breathed her last at 6,30 P. 3t., surrounded
by her c•hildren and grandchildren.
(Signed) James Reid, R. Douglas Powell, Thonaas Barlow.
When the above news reached here business was practically
.0,1spended for tt time. Flags were put at half mast and. all the
bells v. -ere tolled. and a sense of deep loss sustained, seemed to
pervade osph
the atmere. Hr Majesty's reign was indeed a
rinvhone, and the affection for her, by her subjects, has
ilit'Vt'l* Ivan equalled in. the world's history. Her reign (the
It gagest 11;e world's history) extended over a period of 63
your,. :ma 7 nnkath. The exact- age of tnn• beloved. Queen at
thn. rim,. her death was 81 years, 7 months and29 days.
(1 i8t.1 ht. Quet.ii."
Ntitie Well is visiting
fi-ien.1 at i,:xeter tbs.. vset.h.
P. Lul lit shipned two etl
t'S of
t %It t 41.1, Mt I 4. :LI .St4.1.41.1:6",
M4.4„. 11.tvr1104 41114.r is visiting her
P. 8. to% at tit,. (tom-
tielon K111Iz 814x4iftt tuf Cita" 1 ith
"1,01111,,. V.•%'' ;iit t1u tttrt.
0,14.tihn 4 Mr.,ti *111 Ttra`PIIIRY,
r VtOl,ltl. repro...entitle: M.
A- 1 *4 1.. 9 14,411911441 011411'.1^ •7.110‘,1't• «'11 1%t.
' tv 9 1 t9 141V9f,44
tl'" td.Sltri 111110/01441,TP NOPtirtitV
; a von E. Zeileir.ZUriell
• V.,ettet' 41110.1 wife wilott spent
11141.4, naentlts fnd
ties in3
iretutrIa4 holm, !mit
uttitAt tltr
)r. and 31t -s.. - :411 '1'•-,•-11)1 iv'w vla. Wath fiui-
: 1411r.:- Jolun
1;1. • ; V 1{1
, • ,
Do you want to make a few Dollars? If so, come
and take advantage of the Sale now on at our Store.
Below are a few Articles itemized, of the many
We Offer:
97X yds -winter dressgoods in
Red, Green, Blue and
Brown effects, very heavy
goods of good quality, re-
gular price 25c, sale 19c
64 yds heavy Melton dress -
goods Green, Brown and
Red shades, 40 inch wide,
good value at 30c, bargain
price 22c
383 yds tweed dressgoods nice
dark' pattern and just the
thing for a school dress re-
gular 15c a yd, sale price 100
1053 yds winter dressgoods in
four good shades and pat.
terns regular 20c, sale 14e
3 pieces Iderdown cloaking in
Red White and. White and
Green check. This is the
best quality and never sold
under 50c, sale price 40c
Mens ail wool underwear, extra
fine quality, unshrinkable
all sizes, regular price $2.00
a suit for $1,75
Kens all wool underwear, extra.
heavy quality well made,
equal to most 50c lines
each,bargain price 80c a suit
Ladies Jackets at prices from
82.75 up, every coat at a
reduced price.
Do not fail to examine those Prices, whether you
buy or not. We will always be pleased to see you in the
Store. No trouble to show Goods.
Produce taken. Highest prices paid.
ht the ad td D.8. Faust last week
a %light error wasmade in the price
othing. Note the coer-
tDitlthiN, week*
I.,,%r-On Saturday, Dee. 29th, a
1 1.1'.ily rtoat robe, int the town line
hi -tr Hay. and Stephen, near
ILloylott line eorn er. Finder will
ppt...return to me and get reward.
Azo T:ostms tiarrpta P. 0.
TIliert. aro now building in British
Valv e batrieSraIpS, 'nineteen
4 misers and fourteen stunner yes.
tvtalling nearly 4e0.vaa tons,
veluve 4$f vessels which have 1,
een tried but art unfinished.
The members ice St. Bond:are!
Catholic church are getting out,
t,lans fir the enlargement of their'
rhurch. The improvement when 11
!-qiipletetl will represent alt outlay
over $3.tita and tho_,! church!,
he that finest in town.
gliAn !..
The, law atoIrds podestrtans
ttnum1V '• • '" t'' " r
,„. ,,t, 'I el1L..,1-,W,4jttt.i LO,'.',.,a a t iLlard tnot rig tt
att Wtat street crossings.. I.
L. POST LK, i• Prorietor LAPPY.- ii-xl.'"91 '---, F.,,-rn:-L• Va-j1111 1.11:-,5.- 'gym:11 .sho,rtlix- 'This i•. •t f et that liriVers of toehte- 'I
s. a
1.P. ti_t4Itulu'llg •tt.'..-.;) -.., ,:ii - \-: t:,„:',,, :!....;,v7nz L!...pi.r.1 41( V '14 !'" 11'),:4•AL4`.:4S 1''', :4'14 tilk; notalways appreriate. There }i
TI IttaveurniD, 1, juimit.
orutuv: t7ll roicli-Icinii-l'-' '. ITT . • )1 2.. I.1.1..g IJ,vitt" is exrytltOnt16thatiion fgi,17lut1. tt t9 ehtalrftn
• vrt.N_ ..Z. aNe- otet11tilitathe
%1, - 71I1 'I11I' us ittihest tuaf0 TUX
TL"-. 1 'l 1_ 1 ,,ii..f.ettinat ovasr tllie erossina. and then —
in Zurich. lit 1..
ttqYtiningbut the nimbleness of tine
First-ellass c4thiliplo, 1111ontr. - II Ain
• •
Boot & Shoe
Store I loco,
Balance of win-
ter Stock Cheap
. /7414,:g1/. rittioi peaestrlans prevents an accident& eave your measure for 1
acre 1,4 it lane 1 Ph
duritrz the la.t t•,v,I= 7.veer:-.. t e pillar
-:-i•Z- cvith Illis custom -2,,
Cavalier, Dakota.
ii We also handle the celebrated stub proof, guttit pereha
av 6 Ili :4.4 tt V 4;1 tl..!It 4 4 1 • 4.. L4: J -4i.c., f 4 -: L J ' V.. elf!il. r .0 ...no,,i_ / 4 1.0 r 1Y-4'413VITY. :Ma':49.Z. t ,7,11,ies.. am 144..ate4i. 1 iiitiriii,_
Pinder wtai 1r:ea.-I. gN Mk ri :-.:Vro• I.. .7-lia“. i. tots: v e.vntineili tc.4, 1311e 110M,,' , WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD*
Commercial men. 4 n.any VI. jvEtr.IP‘i 11-V' 1'4-',11U:.: 4i Tgo-1:' 111; W1ir leirv!,re 1H" q.,9t •
Zir lit1(211 17.es-• v4'n'Y zatt Eilitor of MElukrap.
ago eta . Hai
thank you
your support
ring the past
t iirst-elnss Winter or a
Pall toot
Parr utile ,-31 •,7 -1;t1";.- .„.,:cyzidii like to iirlowy.. wilere
€4rauby Rubbers. utter .131(1 Eggs taken in tratle.
ithate wick c4,zir row & prorotf„ , 1,:q1hte-r. 1-,tcv_ze. u7riyer. lan-to%,L 17:-. TAD zt Very NVt-a!i. vanititigt,11.
from your part of the eoulatry but
on/ a party- that recently came ,
en, f.if4ilyitor, ',So!tary Mo•roly ami MitIteli,qtZ 7!PF.V n "f PlitHiP,"' "If 3111, could give me no infortnation. 5 Zuh
Iitansa16. Ontrolio. eonsuzionnted/ thrust." 9•1141'.,,Zed txitit sharing If you will please answer through
04- TEL, 1;1,417m •••••• tc•nnelatV. the eelainins of the HERALD it will
FoRotiOPOOT & HAYS.l'ullnen-3,11'""31- -wf173 • .
• 1,, t3citt the ql-feti- very much obliged.
ru,s, trae. viscaz- I)! ea.liiin!.; tat., taw Loiol
Q11- "J '-- ,1 tine. q --ase. A REAntm.
ra:tr the benefit of our renders at
ete. etc- ConIL-41t1* •Nottfa b• .tn'd• vets at the ii81i8...• 41i;NP6'79';e9‘,1 811 1(distance we will trsr and gimv the
4ccderk-1.), inttz-gr:e 14 a neT.c VI "1 are 111-41$'1-i1,41:4,," frd1 15 1.5 To -ea wtirrf t3Le desired information. “Chicago" is;
W. P11013brCICot R. C. HAYS 7.,-,e39t„ Ti tliey n..,z owl IAs- !Leek for. ta ,itturteig. at the vith c& 11(fith cn-1
sly as 8-i 4v ih v:z.zs eat:354ms Efrayi miles south of
j In any ease tlicy •t4re :tt3; NA% I.F.ii, t:',e 1,-:',17-1.'llg '-'?:-.i'' elat1taren fhat .411'-mta the Zurich road and “Philadelpiata'"
6 Clerk letti Div. Court, Huron .
Alnakii41;,:r. E's if one stilittla:es al 1-%-liis dill; tv't e4Otae until •Ii'l81:zurF is loca.ted 11/ miles north of the....
, itC4Z1.4:1 ill It ; CT.,. ..tt. t' ti la j!'., 0 Re :17,.. - .,,, .:, , : ... , ,rt L n ,- •.. ',..-
ti ' " .riD if • t' 43 '''" 3'4" 4.0=eaa -f-1- .1 iai------a at (YEE Zurich road "o4ra the, 14th and 15th• '.
Commissioner for takimg -34T-Illavill."-; sand 41;141 1•11•st tittle lte islitra:d 4,22- :. 13'a-1-J11:14re/a s lvi%'s(Illt3r1- i, _ ... ±. i'iOriefigSnSiirfiti pfhlI4uy. In the tot -niter ;
4-7050,reener de YnI'1121("" for 1Le lin" !flew:orvrtaik ariulit. ', ..% no-,-,Hliraz 4 RI t'ino• e avrril.q.71,..,i. (,...%. Kai.tfie else s sa.wmill is the'
tron zatif:rie Loan mull linving,s Co.
OPP.,:e Ze3ler Eicittik, Zuriell ilrit.
Ilay. near : 3-''glslutive Pm1Pot'es- will 1'1'
. A fatal g.i.1,4, „if dil,tlicTio is Ttivall_ :' S.,J.,,..i7h lialtro.-A, tts elwastitrateti. f48 Tniain industry' and in the latter J.
.... •..
isch's sa.w and planing
Dtishwelui, II. Zimmerman. health i31 I +era 1401. on Tries- min and flax mills are the main
BOSSENBERRY. impt,tor, sent 211.07,11 t 2i • a111t2ary -..!'.11t. at 12 44 4101 stays.
• lueensed A.,oimeer f'biL hen. to se tl:te 1141 \c„, T..e 0..-itj,••••t of tile meeting is the
on County. respectfully so:if:its the pat- buried aecortling to eig-'15'''n tofacors- the perfeeting
Lrontge of those who intend having sales. 7 requires a private fral.„.ral • the organization. and the Sconsi-
aisftion t
Henry had S11iii' trouble in Ity-ra.iney, oth..r matters.
people away from the horki.e. 1;4 /toe --ren
at:evils-ea every 'Thursday afternoon.
only by the most stringent ST;%zrks. -a couple of our learned
measures that this dre-.1ati disease professors have found the ,weret of WV heat
Isopentlaily,escept Sundays from "1111P chet:ked told it rigat that prolonging life. It ie. simply to 1)ats - -
In.. until ,a p. in.. The mans are the antlatunties Etre keeping a striethave identy vvf salt in the scstent. BaltleY
clist.ibuted as follows: !watch 011 ('11U41('11U418$I; tl,at's true -axial I'm not s:avir- Peas
MAILFoRTIENsAti,, close at i.5511.2n. 4 GET WHAT YOU" At31"
it isn I- Lot's wife credit to Int Or
t• •-) .55 tin
Butter -
, alive to -day. Which." ccaltinued
62 to 64-
37 40
2.00 2.10
- - - - 18 201
, IN Len vt,u ask for it ;It Dr. 441(1i. --MIt'il l'f'fleetiVeiy, "1 ilPileVe Eggs 16 17
Nr•J°8Er7a• " n -1"-111* 1 Chac:e's Remedies look for his port- ! sils' is Itot.”---Chirago Tribune-
. , _ .
.Chicken.s It) - - — 4y 5
" " L, H. &I3., t" 6 :55a in I • - •
6 6
5 5
20 25
L. it. &B., " 2 :55 a-111- it otherwise you may get an imitatitr:n. I seven separate branches.. as follow, s
, I • t st,-,na lue on the box . f Town killers taro Cavil:10 Into ' Geesp _
$;.;. FROM HEIggALL, arr. 11100 a.m. Beware of the druggist 1V11() trit•s to --First those who go out of town TO it
4477 • 4.• L i " :30 p in ! indue , you to t -k... . a, said do their shomung I :second. t1i0s7c1 HENSALL MAREETS.
o 67.tIosEelr, •`•'• 10:454.m. i to be "just as good." If he sub- who are :opposed to improvement
"et c" L. II. er B. • '•' 1.1 'Ma ra s±ftufesfrne1ieines 110 Wjll ubsti- third. those who prefer a quiet i Wheat
ct " L. H.tYs B., ‘-' '.:.:.30za.g.u. tate drugs in proscription. Insist ' town to me of push anti business; i -Oats — -
"be half an hour previous to temembp? that there are no family i own the the town : fifth, those who Peas
of Pr. A W. :ebasii,, gator of the those ho seek to injurO the credit
LEDTERs Foit Rv,,Gisplunox, ransti opx getting what you it!,•1: for andifourth, those who imagine they -
posted Barley
the time for closing the MAILS. yempairs tto P.m/Tared to those !deride public-spirited men; sixth,
D.S.FAUST, Postmaster. famous Recipe Book, or reputation of individuals.
62 to 64
--25 26
Store wishes to thank you for
the liberal patronage you have
given it, and exte ds toyou the
best wishes for a joyful and
We still have a good
Assortment of Holiday
Goods, and would be pleased
to have you call and see our Stock.
With full confidence that we
can serve you well, we
solicit your trade in
Flour 37 40
58 60
Hogs (live) per 'cwt. 2.00
do (dressed) 7.00 7.50 ar