The Herald, 1901-01-18, Page 6f 4 UERTTAKS FAIL AGAIN, A Hundred Men Repulse a 1 Thousand Boers. ITRUCCLE AT KAALFONTEIN eln"et Flogs Three Peace 3Iessengers and Shoots One of Them -British Press on the Act-iiitchenons Plan Working Ailltight. " 1Pretoria, San. 13.-A commaudo, nousand strong, attaeked Inaalfon- ein. at 7 ()Moen yesterday morning. he garrisoa, numbering ale men, 'vastly Cheshire alounted Infantry, *ado a. plueky anil %dentine defence. lark William Freemen was in tom - and. The British trust -Innen n ieix /ens' bombarnaterat from two guns ad a Martini and a 3Iaxim repid-nre en, and repuleed a determinen on - 'aught by the Deer .r.iflemen with - It sustaining a eiteurilty. The Doan • *st heavily. They crepe in „the:Ong. lase to within fert.y yarne of the I tient traneites, but were driven: ink by the ace:trete an heavy mine e• e of the neiniateree Numbers of the t ret "..-I tLy 're ear:net tre a farm izahree later. • hi in aftea tne atteelt trait roe:need Gen.!. W1521 5:21, ar- . Tsai in titire V* Iteal the newera ef:;: r a th nu too eentiaaet, aarear tetraw..1 • ol en teen; even? retreat:on, and it. -1 t:tIr43 'tl,t:Va to, tire Iteeteenet !• t-praret. w5„...re t57- en 1! V 'et tO" " - " .* 1 .t!3 L.) **: 1.* 177.:;1%.'1;,= :i.tw,t1,71r.tt;,;) 1*. extry neva efeartee nee rweeneeer -111:* linear* ewhown Zewiefahatr te•aw ! 77 0.11 4e4ra *-gi. 4, wit .k 1t aii•••• D. , :ad :ten • azal at, Lea ille,,,taw ett itr! t: reel tree, fieeti tee t• tibtor. ea neee tee :le a , ;• in eneeety t ear e 1. e et Ler eel et teatoe ta anal ,e; neer .e7,,,,re!!,7teare,;• • • to. eswee linetta ti.- 14...1t*I•e,C." uw= rte. , later w..1-; ete.e.,w tnew 117 E'en. 7:271r !no reental tee :oe, • . come ileoperate art-cl conelliatioa quite useless. The Prert,oria correspondent of the Daily lean annowtoes the return to Pretoria of Na'. Pretorlas, a form- er President of the late South A.fri. ran Republic, from a futile endeavor to persuade the Beer leaders to Bur - mender. To Clear the Colony, Clean Town, XI1,11. 13.-A partiioa of the Vown guard, numberlug nearly 4,- 000 men, was Inspeeted yeeterday by Cod. Cooper, the baso .ecanneentlant,. who expreased p;reat eatisfaction with the appearance of the men.. A. flying voluum bs being formed in the dinericts between the eastern and western lines of railway. Tale column will be canunantied by Col. Gorringe, tad will be employed in aiding the re- gular fo.reea in clearing *the colony of isivade:rs. nt l rumored tbat a Cape cart corps IS in process of retaliation. Each Rection will consist of seven carts, each of which will ataxy a driver three men, noon ani ammunition. 11v ery section will be provided win Maxim guns an.d ppm -paws. --- Split in Drew et'Force. Cepe Town, Jan. 1.3.-Brittsh scouts report thet there are no Boers about lenteber/ey, and that the railroad line to the northward F clear. A message from Meiseru, ou the border of Basu- ern ind, reporte that a split has oo- eurred in teen. Da Wane force. several of the seneordinete eommandents hav- Inn, ace:it:al to &tarn:a independent They aro said to be tired of Pe Wetnx parley of coustently mov- .1102.4.4A.M.10.,.........,1,41.1.1/40.0.16./44.MOIY/190/00004 1.1001.11•1•4111•11 - ew eia what was going 'on on his 4.* eastern flank. Military ruea assert. that the nook; of . • . • ' • ••• a nne++++++444-letelennen++++4-4:44-44444•4•444e1.1144-4.non+4444440 r ger suCceeded iii passing the enemy's; lines, nad brought we letters from *ereneral anselee and tieneral Puke- shima. A. strong valet force wan matching to Pekin, and would arrive lane if nothing untoward happened 4. a, on the lath or 14th. Oar danger then • was that the enemy wouln make a l' final effort to rush the Legations be- at . o lore the arrival of reinforcement% Continued. ., And the expected happened. For the 4. last two days we had to sustain a i :+wielefeLiwienwennee++++104•44+++++4.4•44++++++++++++++4eieletelw÷÷4-* inriinis fusillade and beinn"rdinent' and our easualtiee were xnany. One Protection of an armistice, :sniping shell burst in Sir Claude MacDonald' still continued, eepecially la the an, bedroom. But our defences wore now into any exposed portion of the be• admirable and our walls shell -proof, sieged area. 'Many Chineee refugees We had.seized the Mongol market, and were hit. An Italian, a JaPano'ne• killed the general in commaud of the and a German were wouncled, a Rim- Shansi troops who had undertaken to sian and a German .were killed and rednee the Legations in five another Russian dangerously awounel- On A.ugust I.2th the impersonal body. "Prince Chang and othors" EK1N SiEGE ; IT THE LE eammuzlication have been. shortened; We 3: 1 ' ! 4.'4. tad taati many poets have been sup- plied with provisions for six months, and released from dependence upon the rallwa3r and convoys. Inoresati- poort, for. example, no longer' eon - Meted with posts further west, ouch as Machadoclorp and Belfast, but is provisioned for 0. long period, and iso- . . mein tent posts are gar- risonoi in a similar way, and the lines of commumeation. are compactly aze ranged. The Greylingstadt Fiala London, San. 18.-Detalle of tbere- eent fight at terealingetad are to - hand. - A large force of Boers having taken up a poeition near Greyling's farm, southweet of Greolingstad, Cel. env's, mobile column aelvaneed against it, tura drove the enemy back to an joining' leolele, taking a large quan- tity of rima,lies and Lorain _ As our guns were shelling the hills ; another and staonger force of the euemy was seen to be moving south - weed, where our camp had been. . late:a and where the transport was Laspannede The eamp was defended by a com- pany and a half of the Rifle Brigade,, and the transport moved forward to join the main body, half a company benne left' behind at the unite. The force opposing Capt. itatlelyffe was led by Commantlaat Trnirirdt, and was 400 etroner. Out email force made a- inuney aeseult. Capt. Ratl- ine -fin 11,-/a;,-tlf was ireverely wolneled. Sera. artiatery awl vonnatay of in- fantry were Rent to lite :Le:sista:raw, and aftc-r t4.:nworo. flehileg the Boers wero completely deneztal. Our lonewe were II vy. liedelyffe'for-s e. e • e aell 47 wound- . al end rine:nag, arel the mein body - 1 killed and I*1 offieer whe workal ponap en una; ir in': tire fire was; roe -wee -1y Iroe'7,1. '1, . '511'0 (It m e -e alo Five home! were stmt. Th Dona einTere 1 eoneineranly nal:* es revert t lt it tit -we- lei ree ;it. natal for Eataine llerfeere. teat* Town, San. Roth rte" • lat;.3t• t, p-r!"on, tti• Faax tttr WIS to al • ''-sn in a • apenal metal for ell ;Itenween:wir* -re en- ! garnet on extrierg-arel 11nini - s, nth ;trri,li eorear the w wa, ix • ewif .11er:40:tally teetifeleg to their. 1 it, ' ttr•ri. orrs Cap,* arao•ernirrat, irtg 1:•:,upti thew reann.ea -wheel h cense .1 511tnin ti6ittSftletitIlt, araKtIr ,111,LElWity approved ta- Inatela Cape Town. Jan. IO.---nenerni Bra - hole hes reenueted tiew elayors of eneraweipelin. n to meet him end diantes the best mains for aes1et- iren in reeruitino col:rend de- innoe fora?. wewee, D.at farmeee of the Horn:on ewe weaweeter wii-treet a have tient' a wineet t: 'y erne:oral real- :nanne, ireterrwarint•w; c:"( the ae•-•7e ernan ey tete bergliers 1' .Lt oreer brothore an 1.e;371. Taw teat sen reweeiel a .-e-aateton ear-net:nag the seat -ale .of 6,%.7r ennitatno• ea'r w 1*.";. 11;tElle r • tetereawel Ore tee ertrp re° id 'ie tr renal" wrar •t irti ;Ile; tnr .1 re 71:tit Afriaa. tareariare• tin are wt. %left. ireetteen, <1.,n, oreae, ova tat wieepetelt rent r -t• "er .• 4 ItV,„ and , nee" ree, n;a. loth or 1; recru "11,, •• 1310 li:A%t 'T'Li ••`. II P.t.wotlItS "VW Vw.t","• ** • ti.,'„* tef itiotILMS ito -taaee W. or in teen Alreiat :311 r-, .aler • *at Ate ere 1 t`tt.* re - few ,tele e; not rhee. :ewe 4.• a rona rea J.r are I 0.2!' “1 1 ..e. ,.• 1 inn w' - • 'Wing the 1; •tere at".• trete r et soap t ert: at,* nemer. d etitila were 1. , •-ea„ wet *i W n -t• • 7-, . 1 eaterie: ewnwen, ewa, i,,t4p, tree eanwe 0 ? 0977 ru,t fee w....xtven V v T. , 4:11. ain of ..,'' , ,t4 r '1 ,;•'=>% „'-;-:'.‘='' ii 4 lit I te, n: A . tA. .% , t eleetel inelliwee n't e ft.,* :Al inermed . 1 '1!'t . , t ; t cre.7 ,- 1.• a -a :: et „a 3 t ,, t t.A, t -e13'.,:, ILy.. _ ,,,. tiL .1 1.,".t•:,''''' ',:lsIt4 7,, ,, ' ,1 A',,g, 1 :.---`;`,. - 7...;0,1.; roA 1 tt.V. SI j , ‘,..t.IL t o Ft•1.1,-.1,it, t/:.•,, t'o•:a•-"91,1 1410"tri.',.'y tr foe . . 1: -_ , _, .... , h , tw. to- * ere • 1; -- , . ti _ . . _ . .., ...Ji., = iitd, , 3,7, Ei tilltSit. ii tfca t Vilitor, ieno 14,,i3. 3.„-eres est.& it iii I e , 1 ''' •4;••• L ""!".1 - . t, ,,.1'.. z :,-••::i thee tti3b, ,',. fr.,..t.111: cant r7".et erne. 1122"-,."? uu.,:•.L,-.E.' I o.ltil;;.•;- .............-.,...-_,...‘,....„ •.- i, 1' '' ,' " '' , CJ -t '- ":."- -.:* 1:14,' ''.',Pt.12'.1".Y. `;01,g..0 tw•-wot"n,..4 ,o:it. th -,- teller" X * 07 iti,.), , t i.„„„„:„.„.7.10,,,,,,,,_ h.),,,, ' e ,- .., ... e, r '7 51----- - ,, tedeettine eteht,a. "or 14, I , :•.' , ire,, .,..„...,„ o., , 1., . 1,:, :: : • '_!,Ly. ''l**/* Gtt"t1 -- tit !, .f-' " . 4P;41)''", , =,,., •,' ,„: .-. ti;i2,2c.a 1 .1.,,A',Y.:' 11 tae e nen *fi'y t: at, I. ene - t. Dr,1 ' :w.t- dt.-i4 *.,.sM . 'M'‘.1* ile ILI!*-„.-t,, , . ..- ---1 f, - . t. -, , . , , .1:, DI!tj R.,L,. tneeenne Lx: Letat.t. at:tri 1,11. , -,:,1 .-,:e.,.: 1 • : tt,., : .., t. ..... :-r , , .Tho. E...%.11); ''.1 ".tt.t..!...-4.V.. a Dia,1,It'.1ii'LP.P....,,,','..2 4. •-.: 1 1.4 ',. , , i; „ ;_, _. -_, .'.: n:L.al.,•,.,,r) •,1, , . *Inia.- awaweee at, ..it't4 !IL!, qn!.. I], i: ,• - 1.• * :. t. • ' - ... '• '. . ., , i.L' ., ,. , A 1! ''148.6.4' la 'el t ti'IV.4t 111.1,: en: weereen !V aear:e: ......„e:, tee wee t;-, -:" t. • I, e ..-: te,e fr .1L., ....:„.0.„ '.t f.,,t5 --,..,!.'? t,e'n":" ,•1'...•.!,;r , 74 I...! 1;..,,,L .... :""tt:, 't*:. , : .,' t .:"' ',‘ . . ". .• .„. it „•_. . . , i l! lin -V ta7.i. ,•.: '1 tt•-t. t, Lo_102:1;,tos,":"kIr- k ,.- ./., ,,,,,„ n !:...r3t., ''..51,,,,,y. ,J,,,: --r,,,::„.:,1-- .. .. a. , : - " „ • ,, ,, • a iteLnee en Nt,,,,- plir.,,, tan t toy no " .1 e ay.* e ,..7. • .0 O. - • - • 4 ° - !'"' '. ' ' - • - '•-• -n -•„ - Liet -..17 oy , . • le. li- 7- T..-:' .4 . - • • ,r ,,.= , wz v - - ' • • - ' "'-'"' fon cht• l'itir,,i,i ft:t tit* nneeet. asenw ea- a: .-",:;:_1 ... . . ' - 7 T ,I , , .7. •-• V4. t. -..- - C..- *t..==''.:.''‘,.` ==:" t/ '''".`-: =4",-.ES.)°,:ri,lt:On: al* y ,aanniet weee -tine .1. neeeno7 TIE CIR a 6 Leaped into Waters of an Ewlisia River. „.„ LEFT A LETTE0 TNE BANK Notteareleare, Veen. ,l004, i1:411013 'flow w L VS* * iP ttn,u14.1. taFt.4." t",F, !" ,;1*-..! or *rhtne.. tat inentately en Mee anexe pat "--- and to th i? i;11%,:' 4 et tho Iner 1.1n*lek 4 iteemettatie,i., MA Is tt-st*erearird *2010* ill'UT*15, sTtit won** a sane Wie n wen t eine!! • e % 5 At •:'.•••, • • SC s an- a Dr. riorrison's Narrative NIERS. On July 21 (saki the first) we re- ceived a telegram from Mr. Warren, British Consul -General in Shanghai, to the effecrt that while China was proteeting the Legations no tele- gram had been reeeleal from the Bett- e:ill Minister, and asking the Yamen to transmit Sir C. M. ManDonaln's . An ..emerlean was wounded ; a telegram to Shanghai. As in duty bound we communicated serious casualty of all, the brave wrote requesting. aa audience) with the French marine *vas killed, but most telegram en clair to the Yarnell for Legation, wit° had with Ca itain liminaties of a cessation of hostilities. foreign, Mini/eters to discuss the pre. th above, ancl bid you to send a Captain Labronese, of the Frenell ' Darcy, stood at the forefront Permission was givea and the inter - the defence of Inn Legation, of ViVer fix,ed for 11. ann. next day, but shot through the forehead and wintli81 the. Ministers never celiac). .At the lest d -cad into the. arine of his comrade moment they wore "too on -ended," or only two days before the reliant too frightened, to come. marched into Pekin. Yesterday passed under an almost' The Chine.se worked on continually continuous fusillacla whieh ineretteed at their fortifications. They. built a tiuring the night. Then at 3 on this powerful fort on the city wall coin- morning we were awriketaill by the anannontiiiiienig. btelsmontiliertniii:ctinAtgraictaionn,Leagitild. tbieoli,auwingeoolfingusonsuliixot ft)lif e yr..., afaictliibigy. tion. Acroes the North Bridge they Word flew round thit" the foreign ran up in a eing-le night a stont troops aro at the city wall and tx.re wall of brick and mannarl it with dawning the East gate," ae, 7Witylight altarpelmoters. Duriag tlitw siege our mene of us went cet to the well and witness.ed the Shellieg of tiew Great tralernession. Tender consideration was shown lot- us in tbe second letter - For the past month lend more mili- tary affairs have been very pressing. Your Excelleney and other Ministers ought to telegraph home that your faninies etre well in order to Boothe anxiety, bat at the present moment peace is not yet restored, and your Legation eetegrams must be wholly en clalastatIng that all 18 well, with- out touching on military affairs. Un- der those conditione the Yemen can thnemit them. The writers beg that Yonr Exeel. limey will communleate this to the other Foreign 'Ministers,. Evaeive replies wore given to these cornmenleations. Further particu- lars ea: to the kind of proteetloa fleet Arne to be given on the 'way to Tien - Teat were aektal for. Nnturally the Minieters said that it wee Ina:re:ell& to send a. tele- grern informieg the home liov- ernmente that women and children were wen, in view of the feet that women and abildren hal mitered from being compel tip in the British Lerectich and failit biting 114111.h -fel 4=1 tire foal to which they wore ac- etate:nal Oer poeltlen at this time compelled , or to temporize. We know from the rh; 'ration in tone of the. Chinese de. spetehee that they lind suffered inate awl were growing alarmed, but t nr Testae qese natili longer in- te t nine! jeer ar 11;41Pti tor oiffreta. .eaet gate. tte. knew thee too ree urn Itail gabled great, skill in sharp- would advitlice lit sep;i.errow prelims, e moting. nergt. semi 1 e -----J-Pr- asPaelallY and were ort the qal. via) of exeite- 1 Plumed rare ekill in picking off the e ment, knowing th it at ttny moment "1151Y's crook skein 'Andhra' that now the troopri inght errivre Ottawa - the Irilnisters detained to telegraph con, the hard luneh won of leyereflode to their Goverienent en clair that "nee an, end we heel ju et finished all wile well with the Legations, wh wn the cry rang tin-ea.:1i • he iega- the lacing 11 Yamen wrote to int tear. -lea, mink ar ,•‘,D4iw:••.;,," and Robert Hart aeaing him to F`I'ad th---r0 Wilr;"; a rueh to the erorance and home a tetearam in the eenee they ue Canal street to:yarns •thw Water euggestere ,e,.r Reheat replie:1 diplo- gate. Th. siniwart rum of who leen- matieally, 'V L were to wire 1.11w vral aild II.71, staff **- wwwww twetreniter by tart h nlenit tito Legation, 1 elionfel tit* Water gate, fon,lowel by the let not be lawneve/1." lane in att of nitlaw IIV.1 the 71h Re j.• . The Nalivet Christians. 4 &Ilia. Til %‘" p,ase el .5 ,'r Venal etrieen 1 A rardea wient attempt Nral otv. $„, Itti ti ke^:wtt'• itl.1...toriirt 1116 ramie by the Chluraie to obt•1111 pws- • motion in tr h-1 to :h • Innerina Lege.- etweelon of the refageee, who wz,re tient. Tit* a ':.rtw bad bane r nt. 4 /IL in our keen* keepatg. Oa 311In 17111 , _ „ WOMEN' wip.a,r WITH OatiMin. Frightful Sintering:: P ,sengers Snow bound in in nesta n rains, th wy wrote to :-.11r Chierle Maidem- tiett -they beer tic5L there are 1,1,4..1 nt the 1.4.1Z1tiol a anaidetablo iiiimber of portiverte, ani • that, ne the spiee tool ! weather lea, then euggeat that they meet be tweineirree the Legettnee rem- inner:tine intent enienee*. Ant trwww t ha t pet •ple'es mime; are Lie 5.•• e 1, theeit etraverte ean lew erwat tett thew of ellaelnieg trarteport were to 1 tee the departitre of the troops rage 11.4117,,T.1114 Ththe',.*, Fatal Tien inin. , ;treat then, was tile rejoicing, in i le. alai, h. aive. reani -eon:atm-de Lonrnea Jan. 14. -Th* Owitose eorree . epee:lent th Day 317cil rencle wa. 7netrenilltee teeny or tie• t•niti-rartt; rallw'sy peee,nwiewre eweavieneil while egt **my t 5 14;', h, T110 %METH OF DIPLOMATS VVE0 BROUGHT CUM TO TERM *.",;'****t.,„ t', • .1,1 'e,1L • • 'it -7,41it• 're!, , inet?f. el ' ye ree tee!, .. --f....n4,e_e"*Annk• trit'A;"*1 - : re eon, re tilr't'.; .7- ;',1- '..!.--:'..t.', ,..t -t." .1.1ri, ef. ' 7.;?lt111 \,11.,h.,;ght4;117,'!'!"0?",,,2 !!a,:;I:'1.,.r:a: It t ea en '41- ie. ,- ! ....-. --. - e L-, .4.; '.!' ,: 1 -'. . ' 7., .- ,' fu: . " .e,-- :a -1.11%;; -j -:::'..,"J ....; :.• \ , , ,,, L,. . -,..... ,....,„.,. _. -., . ,.. ;,.. t.,.. .,. tiL ,,..,,, ;53,, t'.. twatt• e toneal ewe- 1 . 77 -,•,•% , t7 . ,•,..- •- -:- i, t „_. 44,,, • r - :It:1,-Y fennee s.,enwer --- " - -- - - , • te er J te a * e ;-, _ • e- . 2 a 7,,,. e„," "..; ,_'•., •,:'.. , ‘'..f 0 -... • -, •,,- - WI': - Itf: f,,,;.1•Lir,%.1111J17":.!.'''''s": I'.'' ''''' --':' l'1..'t' " - '. • ., ,• ' 6 4.--. 11 '''''' 4.: .-- r ' 3 ' ' ' ":' ::' -- .-.'' : -':' ' W - ''' E each net wee a pa.e '... ' •il t;-' " t t7. :. i.:',..t 5 - ',5 - a t _,...,r.r, a la 7, e 1 :- tre 1 r , -. - 11_ - t ' 7:. a, -: en., tt - 5. , e a i -,*, :lee o - ee- rcewas-'2,'I';';!_iLl'eir, !-,:1174 l'- c;:ni' t'i,-;t7evt-o,71e911 •;:l.:' ("-,,.,_. -.. ;-.,,, .... . 7 ,..,1: ti,,...27,.... :-..-! ;•7.; •-,1.-,• 1,1,1:-..11,-•"."5"`.! , nita tt tn. gnaer bea* a . . n .ta a veitix lotae -ern, • nee a- - - - t -; 4 it - w•-:- ' •-re 11"'t.".: t.r2C7 Zit LI' ,W.21?::::',' '.!...",-,:i !..,„: :,. _. - e .-.:,,, - , ..... • 44 '7,... ttt c.7.:-..1.11 L - -•* 1 ilnitannee-o, noewe. _ w.wr w • ' `!!" ert, t en: •--r, ' onefe....:_. in,_ 2,... - , 7 ''' *;"- -2-' 3 . a - ,e . .,. L.. ,- • . - :1 . , ,, =., .. ...,.,_.... ... 59 ;=, ;- .."1,1"-",,. r...., '`. :7, n .. :• :::_o7,':-Ttl-W -...::t* 't %ow..., , , . weee te, ' : . t "...; ere • 7: • :e.-. ":" ...- i.: nee Ititaer (to. :-.1'2=1.,-,-.: el-• '.. ...",-- ". 7 .., :. 4..'. r., ,,... i, ..., ._,-, -....,, 7 L - • . " •r! -1, w: '', ,:w . ....-4 :•7:;-::..... ' ' %; "'..,'," . , :2_ = ,=w,.. a r. - 1,...., ,,.., ,v.:.::: '!,•„,,.: nee a ee e , er ,.1 7 a tar . 't o.t. -..n.• • 74: ..- I, l'• -.newer ce: tI---' c!nina 2.1-2!!' .:- vt"-E.'41!''''' .'‘.::nli. ''''''!'"7"1". , "" ' ”- .. ... • .7 In „tee ,-, P.:*"- W,t _.,...':, 1.:.:. ., ,., t? , ,.., o, ..1 4., r., tenea r.,:......",... .., . - ,,„ .7., t ,. .L .-, :a g -t ..", gt •.•-•••...4 l• .. • ''q•• c'.... " .3:•;;Tt:e • : :::.)-',..7, ean be ze :,..r...,,zot, ..,,,,,a tee Inane • " ea.: ::::qt'-'ir 7,1,, .- t,- ''2, en I 'ay cotteen- t, aneen, aa.,. ' t!.?.t.;e;'9•1••44t-,,S,..E.1.9,.":":"...!'"T':!,;,-,'7-.-!!!`-":",r:..:-.•:.,,, .: =", •'; ,..';Z.'-,r,Ci*•;,-- , ,• 4te"LergV.it!.treen,e.n..1 w0 e: fo-,:tre--.'/ a,75 w oon51.-._.e.- ..ee2 e...... a..o...wea_ ..h*o4 r.'ts.- , , a-I,I 4 ..1.. . .... .:.5.eteeoal''2.1 s.r..' ,,. • 7 "...; - : .....14:"'..t t..:,-•*. rate:. a:al-tee t w eitnr reatela a ,e.• tarot L.. e" 7 . ; • --a-Ile • :1111 1'. r-1-:-. . ttlf, 4ric,''''I'' it as an; ,i",t,'..w.:•-.....ww ;;;,,,•.„ .,,:n1-, 1 •,,..; ioreleat neanerl -1 ;eel -4 ?..wi trs, '11.4:11"15;- ,,ii:,....„;.1 4,4,,,,..,...,t,,.., -te,i.tfy TV :':"W .-1111',f; 1115; raft' int..- : 444.1N.at..1 t,•2;i"4t. a en! .6 "-!"\n,".„ wee `,77""oi4'41 fo ea* rtr tP ,C11:tr.:.t.17. az seirviee ictrein4t . oar wn eeortiewe ,..c.-- 1...e.eineenie fee , 3:-. -waaa, 1!";.;.1towsw::* anl Iloenia. Ine. eere krepatiae ee:Ler Xeer tlerawa, in- veten -,alittwe I It'n. nn'II51 Tali .nr 11"arl. tot neweeee.7. of eel-tar:e.g. I'..:a :ay feee, , enion to lue th-aieen into t1le.5aler ler 41541 f!'!"!!'t7- 0nt* Pale eare <0.,,, c i ..: 1.'!..4W FT.1=11 Irrartii". of rein:era re-rnine: . wii.L...1! 11..,.., tit, r:::,..-:,,,:, -Yl,s1,-..,,,r .arel r errhineween 1nter tne tiiee-ftetni tile - tare riellotat as an renewer tr Draesec 6 terata on (len Wilitern rat il inecluot•- ••tterr,ptg. at worenli.xelwat,' :teener • "„ bre--g, aril Yellin.* tn.': -danger of nienr- ',nate, fiert. Lie wet erte ptaweel inaiwaeli i r- . wt'e)wl 7,4 net yet avert -el thn loyal- oateile the pent •ot hanatnitr. 1 tete of Cita,* -Colony seem fully pee - The Morning Poet aiews - "Tins; reareel tar defewrin thenarelvare 'against . marks' the po:nt vtione. the gaerilize 1 inearnifinant foreee. nen. niteehene.r , oh:..5,,erals and the bandit pease be- J deearant ereelit for Pl•arrirre in aditer- tine.' f !tee ttnaleoat•Ily to Ittq own eeleeme of . Al! 1,14.0 papers appeal strongly to i entaratione and in enowing the als- o Government to learrer fortvard '1' triate in tire seritnt to tante rare of foreernente, shiee it is evirienti thenweivese bet. as Lord Robarte in 5.t the Bo:tr leanere have now Le- advarteirur to Pretoria wag' incliffer- 111,1 w Fee a HtL nm 6.0 .:141,P111 •4*. - • 1/ eeneee:/ .e Ca- Len teen when. on Jena 2natla and n's 51ans11 tkelir 924111VC-7 85558"5" rf*t=7 itiOrt* "MIR ere hue trat, neenta over IV)r s.rop.,,, the en.ge Le- ti -5110-t, Tarn; &.tallt or th* alien- of ;waren: ,n : .•,` L. int gen, a In tter %W.)r. enive 1 frea* /lee. feare. If pm it" ,5:-,r, -tia,11:eZP s 7 -b s eb„. gr -ran I; a -meek af taakm. few the Dritisti 35i81-stpr,55,aeas einsett 554 wane en the r-5-,00 55 IL 1 at. neenyil, enis:. in ss ted: !nate Illte \n". R. Cenia tee Inataiel; thitet fixed far 1; Wen "a) aet pas.% ngene front th • Leseret, alio heel tenween Tinn-teln. geteittexean af Thee. all wilt la* te, 12 .e.ctLee." 4.;s Vx:r; wine eseentenee is tne Can- The r 111Y 1-17: 1he r11-11 waratie wle"•Th haw- been 15,..)W' 1455' ttVG it to eau In tas nee wae to tie* Inn et eh it TAM:A thpy r:fi;,s,' h. rocon a • and Laitting tee 51 reeona eneews neap_ tr ea roe oeleg „safe ea -en -int to St20-,..1*. ittu." • „ e.yeargte, nag buen15 a:let etre eori.E.i:treY:11r tn.: two hist let- irinatar tit • TN' t,-474ty IOY*1 1."!1.'„.113 the le5.1tor a•-• pee ee 1 at the Tien '15. 51 an 1tee* we: her wie,ett nine f•exa. terea 8:4:rt. ofaaai,,,?; -r there neat a raet; reart that tlice ad,g4c1. :e14,13, le-ith ire- a it. 55 Se: g ita ant nteratita- L ;1111kC-4 7=:*A t 1....'ittL v,L la .1-n *Iv -nine el*: 1, were en..a.teee„ anew; Vr.1.11.31 Learn in ':Dt,:iite--11aer- a. Ina - &nee, taw, Tole letter Jena nen. 'flare ere the ctinnoteee teT ea,ee aeater eee„,,,ae reaelee& ra,e,3 ttak7.t. trai; 4'tf.4:›IrafliZr tz'ing at- iLo ▪ . he tern de* 1.1,••b- n h e,„ a 7 -, nee -we -gen, eneeee. Lenten itt freeea; trait. eeeeer,1,:y aten ae, eh..y eaott 5 riaewee wee -ea Ta-ke te-to tree *.e. inneentra tven Ina= fligt *4 earea etit...7 tde"5"',wr, etta 1,7;!•_ 55-58 5:,- - h- :nee !.• w:•!S • 55154 tvw.14 tellare,n twL0iY7::•1 te•ingnti cana- .1,..--e•extel•••I roe ite, -eel; e :ea ••• <we- netner" 1,ere etree nenll is e. twas/n- Itae3 -ta, Darn-init Ls-g-Zat NC-4-swZ silee E!cleift* ly Ilioraqn o13.z-s,::in ti TS -Se are p:*.r.5,y it•T :wee an 71.3*e tem. "Inee Fre:rola atel Ressler* Leg,a- ;an tnenee aeaaeeelere Takes Extra Suousa, teln. Inee ee learen reaairen. AainAN: .;e5terww7. roe- iesalareitnot la 1"er. rt. <I to neer a a es.,,efe ear a BRIDEGRO0111 'EEO/APES. 34":3 r"4 ermra,:1:6-alilr'n 4' areor eli ir Prinently ,w• Inoratu tent 1St; ex- ev exitaat - nete 2=7/,;11 Cfra ::;•=)11.7'.'itr•:6-/*.i,;= •, 1..:1Orm are i•it7-3 telt7e; fired aeron. :root teittient s.- Is Oft the - .-• te„, ;eV- Tien- -51:111 57117* seems' itiereasistent with tire th :eX deer the renevian rewelee sue - IV. . leereee. oaken for tenare 1:a•t...er (j j4'51- ;loan- of taele,e, wit eta a el with <re tationa Is given to tire after- a.0•101 rooms, a:ter '6 2na t - L(,0re te, 11h* Iowa. tr. wn 7.59Veti 41M:14.y 50 tlze Pe:-tatig ri-feeete.•s. it. • "The trains pro55-nele.1 for i Lours it weee awe:nog ter v•-tz_McP tia pa- 5t•085d4',:. who were.14.aming, had made . arid were then etztek agent in tile tetenee witntix wineb the pro- a earn*, trs on..ain fe,•.. Ann ti.ea Itad enow unable te o forwarn tee baek- tish, wore tta adrart fIrerl nett* the poefie. "A decree," . ware!. The blizzLialwratlemerl. De - that tins soraewhat incoherent it wean on to say. been re- Inoniecal iney ;ail pataletweannee pre- preeleceeiree wag reana eereteeet la- a ; iteestal to tneeffeat that If the con- railed, the pa.- s. ngers eeireater the teon..01 snit en 5 newlner sereeee, . verts ilo net ea:ne out to plunder remarry treluagetneea, etaraiez155 i554 5I1L,-i SlTaCS$15'5st . pave it was the„ra,re to be pretnetel and netw tn weeping. Th,. train,/ were burled, a es e. V. • • . • t (.11./1=tin":411112.7 itittdeTIVA, for they al- aiify pa,s„.„i a horriTet w - •- "-* are Veer ehil.:rell vi the SZet or* it') n from Europe, w Praett!'ee (of 5485855til'.tanteered te walk six. milas to the end wee -thee the neneber wile th5-11ref, ston-Prid-4' Eetnin. Ont.. jten. 14. -Oa f.tr; :17;6. V., 01:rvila Pewlee, es it ene, a reeeeeetri tewe man eitherat Zee ; . ceee ; age. itei a geitenrae tar. r. eve- :ear- : ria X by a :eine._ eiree t.-1- notate: t.* Albert eineent. a :84 ;tit. 1.25 Z.3 ar,z, 5 of .504.;?. th'w ref a :,-to.114; • infre. P..w e Irene ee,1 r - 7"*Ir --ta • we e• - . Lea fr sane tnat evlot e ere: arnen Ler nate. buena:. 1ee5-14t4 f1igt. 158 eat' tete veiteree 4,4 in rnat: .n. 3.1rs. 11. wen -e Lee eoutefal partner we Ito renen in Gale on raidae. ant darleg tae night twee 1 Leona •,5 the ?mete; lel it fee:tit:ere were W110510 '-51155 (-8iit SISI 1514 18-1: ; were arrea 'Le I title tifer•reeen by Chief ; Anern. of Gain Isr 1-eatruett, ;in s., 1 feetternve Kappert, !ea tile charge af 131T4.71141.e..walpice were brought to Berlin abeut flea enentele heat, night to ap- ps , ! ar befere Meglatrate Weir, and al- , tar the party were tante the Cita Inert!, -the two-i5'0ek-n- 11 bri•legrie 51, ' breke alwrzy, arol ;-till at large. 1 I'v.(1.151;47,i;.11gPeiwminretly-'n11;.I141.. Ix was belled out 1 by Iver other haseani, to apprwar tin 1 linernlay. 1 1 Parhament at Its approaching; Seq- al:rn will be asked to incorporate it 1 Company Which is derriraus of bririge J ing the Srt. Mary 's Iliver near Sara I Ste. Meawie. were rat tie: wcie .o. Prean oxen laen ao .. e- ' When teeming cattle, it la-eta:int vole wee, were Ill tre'rmw•;; aai how mrtny ; isPf*:(1 11'47 50850- s- wia tilos ba gill- ,. ne.arest. stritiern with a t 4-11:,Awrfran be- nnonnen la al or 43,0i,o, whi3e th, , einch a ea/lona rept*: was read with i'''!,„„:-:,e;iecs.ItItlend.g„,!iel.s!fiU"'"er', sar1)lle-8" fire- obarvation that the troops trete; intignation, and th.ere was not, the "Lni.:1`11::::::, 111:r4;!:.4;:::. 5,5:51"(:::;";.1...1ote54;i:nse6x0- eoetleare if out prealseone heal out 1 eliget;-st intention an. the part of ' eceernel to Imply that if ear provi- i ane" Minister to leave Pekin. Yet pee:awn:airs, with Count inepniet, ele- Inolie ;failed the troope woulci re- , on tine 4th of Auguet a decree was terminal to walk to 0.1<ase. Cohnt turn to Tien rein. 1 nestled appointing Yung La to cen- Inapniet, with 40, re:coital a. point A day or two later a letter ftfillfla- 3 tInC.i. th .,1 foreign Ministers safele- to wheat hit wan able te s -care sledges, Iv irtetruetive. tete received from Mr. i Tien -teal "in order once Teerre to IhtfrAllie. the American Coneul at 1 show the tenderness of the Throne " and all arriveri at Oderisa. though Tien Tana When 3Ir. Conger had i for the men from afar-''. uncertain ae t,e the fate tx,f those succeeded in deetphering the 171eS- 1 To our final protest against, the they had 'left behintl. Mix:towline sage -extracts fram it were. paatea ; shooting which deafened ne at night . Grevennor nehowilavori linn t'a-ganized at tho Bell Towr-r. It began, ej had } and whicb, though we din :IOU ttt.tIllit SICttlgT•ti, with supplies, whiee, after it bad dreware eland you teat night." , it, accouotal as time went on for so herculean ,efnerte, relieve:1 the two . It -conteined riot ii eteral of inktrina- 1 rtrillY casualties, the Tsueg-innexanen train% It wee fount that litany of tion for which. we were longing, bat 1 Impudently replied, snying,-"Vith re- the paesengers had their arms or i gard to the firing at night it was, as feet frozen. It, contained a superfluoue .expres- Ana. of aha coasters wish, eja is my. 1 before, the result of a mutual Misun- , , derstanding. It wag mare or leas on earneet desire that you may ail be spared." Equally it was our desires 400 1 the same footing afl the 8:Anding of Japane------------------------5 ned. 1 the evening drum arid the morning Yokohama, Jan. 13. -It is effinially and this' explained our anxiety to , 5' the reliefs bell, the daily duty of temple prieste. reported tint fonr hundred flehermere receive news en. I It le really. hardly worth a smile." !flow tbe Chinese i{t'Or. Armistice, The Last !Days of the Siege. are missing, and that they ate Sup - Tit I posed to have erislied • • gt now nominally under the On August 10th, Priday, a eneseen- January 1054!, off the west euant, IL 8 °aro