HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-01-18, Page 4I f� I : . I I . I . .. . ,� . I 111. . I !.. '.I - Irr'.1111"...'..."111111 pill ­­ . I � ,W I . I F , � �,!*� � '. , I I . . . � � , I ,. I . . �, � . � � I , _ I I ,:� I 1. , � . I �;,� ,., 15!,9' - 4, , � , -1 ­ -11.-7 . � ...., ­ , .­__ I � I ­111I­­1­_.T-1l11'1r _-:,:--_.!...'1 1:1 � _-1 . I.,, � ­­ -Lr- � � '. ­. 11.11 1 I I I � �d � 1. I 1;. I -, �. 1; �. I , . , . � . � , �: .- " I ­ .. �' I , .",7 �,� .... .. 7, -7, . . ,. I 'I. 1". . I I .1 I I I . I �� ... 1. ,.'7 -T AMM.". I .1 . . . . . . 1' , ::... I � . . I � 1. I . � I;"' ig­' I . I I . # . : ,,A . I . . � . I . . 7 T -T P 7 T T T:� I f- T -T WVT:� AT n �:� ­-­� � ­ , - - ­_ - - _ � . - - I ., � . t, . . - . , ", . ­ . . � . � .. . - .1 . � - .. . - ­ I - � I.I.- W.- I -1 � I.- - I __ ___ __ - � - ,.. , _ . I ... -1- ­­­ 1- . - ---,.. __ -1 11 ­ � - -, - .. .__ - - .__ - -7, ­­­ ­ - _11___-____ _ I I- __ , . 1. I . .- . - . - - - - - - _.- - . _ - � --- � .1 _ � - ...... ___ I I � � _. -,--.--- _ . . : Ir. i The eitivxais ef Wingliam, �wore : %,, , STERHEN COUIWIL, � . � - r,e - Clubbing rates. " , , ; be Zuricb I& ilbl:tiliiit).,5tiiiitiniiaioti.,,Inthoii:(Ic)sii,L)to. I � . 1� . . . :, 1 have mossr". Galt and Bullock 08- � Thu newly oleete(j Reeve. and. , �,,,l - ,.,��,.P %,--i-7�,..,. I A I - , - __�� 7,ppel's , ­ -NVo havo ,! '' , - 1 .�.�:, , � , , , - .;; , 0, ? , '10, i�� . q ! i ta,blish their brastv. focill(li.- e Q -,,,�, ,, I I Councilmen of the toly nia(le arrangonionts IS me? ,q, � E. ZELLER, PUDL,$l11"R- a . , Y liship of 1 7f .... � -2 , , " I town. Tho voting oil the Irr-linv Stoplion,convolicka ,It the Town Hall I � , , � . in (Y I _ , _ I , to offer tile following low chillb g. F I I ITARY 18 1901, 'r , i: - I I o loall tholn ii,l ", 000 resulte(I in it � creffiton, Oil Mon(lay the 14th inst, rates with Tfn, HERALD - 'I �a, 11 I 11 I . I , I . I , 111DAY J.kN, IVOW(V:382fortllo loan an(l. onlyia I , Al. . I . � r t I . A All lilellibors prosont. Dftily Globe I . $4.00 C. a in , . uragainst. Thefoundryisto be Aftor�suloscribillgt P 'In& " - � , - - I f - o the (loolan"tion 'r , o nionths yet hol :_S L I I -10P I - -7 � 1 in operatiox., b*,,;, April ist,'iinii it, to I of oflteo 4.2) 5 Oight , -ed Q ' : . 0 , , the. Illinutes of Deceiiij)(�r I � Mail S., Elilpiro t0i - ;51 I :�, For two or I , oinploy a hinifte(I hands from the; Illooting was roaa anA ,plwo,ed, 1vookly (-'Xlol)O . . 1.150 t � n I 1. books of th(, IvIet-hodist Twentieth: 8t,trt- I Anaerson-11"u(Irth,That (11h,tries _ Mail & Empire 1.75 1 � I Always iii the loa(l. A ; Cent-ary Fund -Will be kept Open to; Tho first bills of the Royal Bank � Brown be and is lioroby appointoa Borliner Journal (Gernian) 2,150 . I 'allow oi, the giving of it, sinall bal-: of Cantula were issued on Jan 2n(l. I treasurer ancl eqretako� at Ili,; for- coniplotc, stoe4c Of . - I tire hant1soino ill (jo,q�,,-jl, j� 3ner salary anI. that he -,4ubinit new .1i'ftlilily Herald &- Star 1. 75 S(Aolleo poilits out 1*11C ance that will swell the fiml ju it, I Thei � bon(ls f or thoapproval of the Col 11. j '31 . . .. �,,1,000�000 � printe,1 in four oollors tit ono' I, I ant-icil)UtLA proportion18. . , j ini,oression, by It IlOwIll-OCOSs, uSe(I 1 cil tit their next imleting. Carrin(l. 1 eANADA IN A. D. 2000. wtq to tho rostovation of K�o'D-es, WhInS, , r At present tile books now show ji fol, the. first tinle, ' 1 Anaersort-Wobb- That Joseph F Ontha back of, I , sight. If your ViSioll is d0- Ift-se , that $940,000 has been collected, 1 each note is, the royal'coat of arins;! Guinan be and is hereby appointed )II. J. T. Garrow, ill Toronto Sta r.) A BlafflKets , at one. end is an artisti(- vigiic_�tt(, 1 aKsOssOr for the Year 1901 tit his I (H( t , 9 =�-.n--:'=-= � 11 . 'Iforiner salary. Carried. 1 What willCanada. be tit Christ- fective, Nve can, by 'Engn,-Ianclha,qhctdo,nL,c)fthL�1--�reL,n- ancl tit the other the denominations. th,in-tess '"" all' . The -.7 are aatetl Jan. 2. 1901,antl tire.: McKeever - Anderson - That a � itias orie hundre(l years froill now? I 1 9 Team, est � Christnia'ses on recor(l, The I ! I � (If lilh), *10, %'120, *,' )0, and �100 (leilo,,u_ i �,,rrant of �',l 0 be given to Hospital of � With our bonndIL­;s possibilitie,-;, I I ' I -Ibs, -weather has been so iiiil(l that prilli-inations. 1 Biel-. Chiltilren tit Toronto. Carried. t look to see our pully 6,0000,000�-,5,dentl ic M, et -aods , Curry Con � - . roses and cortilloWOr-A are ftblOull, � NFARLY Asi�a-yxl.kTED. - 01le (!,, A petition wzis prosentea to the � in-owil toat least 60,000,000 an(l this i n ,x 'I ashin that till arbitrator 1 to bo, by -then, tho Greater Britain, I 111,tsul, t1le (,of (it., [ as far northtisLivorpool antl York- Ilight of couple (if tho sons of lirs )unei 9 ,.. 1i ,L11(j Brushes, , be appointod to consider the advisi- I oarryinf"r forwara the British idea i . . I shire, while Devenshire revel., in a: Whitely, Clinton, Le-tter and I)ility of forininir a U3iion Schot)14'in gr�ivorninent, of equal rights anil; Supply the 31("(�e'ssary 17'runks & Valises. `1 i . I sub -tropical Clinlate ant], the Isle, Of Willialn, had it narrow escape f"O'll 18ec-tion, west of (Weenway, L,,etween i etji�al opportunity to ,ill. I gln s - ';ilffoeation ,the pipe froili tlic, (.oal tile Twps. of B'teplwn an(1'_NI(,QTiIIiv-! I belie to set- our people, however I SeS Wic,ht is ' ' to restore it. Rt�pairiji­ no-Itly dolie, , I it garden of roses ill nlitl� , stove ran throm gh their rooni into ra-N, - i TLIMA"'O"s, 1)"0111)(1rous, contented i "n wint.er. Tile London sky has been the chimney, ana aariu.,v tile Ili g*ht I ,, i Aiia(�7..,,oii-*.U(-It'.Pclv(�r-,T.litit-- Air. I ztii(I happy.in the possession,as they , by Al.r. Kes,tlo, who giws h( xivily clouded, .Intl the air filli'Ll: came out of the chininey, allowin"' H. B. Huston bo ana i,, ii,ro,v ai)- i -%N-m bo, *of Ono of the finest. and I .� with inist, while the weather has � the.,,as to (4,;caix, into the rooill. poilitetl arMtrator for the tow&,Ilip � richeAt countries in th(.1world. till work Ilis porsonal at- . ,Fortunately thvy wero awakenetl I of Stoph( -rietl. J. Dumart 1 beenuns,easonably Warill. -n. Oil 1 1 look to s(,e till end of till raeo I I entioll. ; by the gas, but were quite stupified I Witerth- M-cKeevor - That tIlV 1 Und crood bickings it lo.�.,; violel I . -- r�:.- I I I it. . " - .�- . tit the thile. �I)riiitiiigr(,t)iitrtt(.-tl)t,,tgttiiittivtli-(I(,(I�,til(I unthiliking- partiZallShil) ill optieiall, zuri('11. That Toronto Star -oints out t;hat: I � . .L_ I FARU SOLD: -John Knox ha, Ito the A(lyo( IL hirtr0rand moro. impor- . 'Your Trade .; ute Printin- i , (.'O -at Ltlh� 1! I)"_)Iitifl('I4. e far 11 f -1 ( i former pritv.�. CaraieLl. ial outlook, � I I there were only 637rejeeteil ballots'.golLI his 11-Lacr ifle nt 1 o o) � it greator charity Ile- - . U � - � in 24' L�oxlstjtjjeneies in tilt, rt -Tent aer" oil the base lints toldr. Jacob! By-law X. 1, of nol, 1-�) t1l)poilit: t,,t­,,(In opposinir fore(�s, whethor I I I THE OAXADIAX�8, DID IT. Solicited. election, as comparetl -with'.3.00,4 in 11-W(r.11017, for the sum of ,-to lot) � treasilrer, as,c­st 11, ana (qtrt,takor. IYVH"ous, I)olitical ol. social, a join- ; 'Pll(. farill is Ono of tilt, flnesi, in �� bein,_- real, tile iiiii-a time, was oil i,-, oj, hanils I)OtWOen I Tho fact that tilt, forward part, � - + the election of 160C,, when 111, labor an(I I P11-16 If= ; 'L k , , ' ' 1w Rullett, with good builtlings, wt,11: motion signotl I),%, tit(, jjk�t­�-o ,111(1 vapitztl.wlios(� t7-ut, r(qation,4 shoulift: takell by the Canadiall troop's atl,t- " ��j/---%', E machinery was in the hallils (if t v,atereLl, told is by no niean,; tI,-ar Clerk. T,o� ill union ra rhor tliztn ill ,qq) 1, V -Z . ; ., .1ra ;I 110 batt].O Of Paill tjObtIrg '\ .1 jaI-!,v_ - Conseryative 0overnment-I The at that priee. Mr. Wa.-ner ,,,,t., The foll.,win- ortitir., were grant- ti -Ill N"d I'llat"al distrust, .,'�10_1 � ly instrutiwntal in fo - ij(,(,� ­ L). 't .1 I rvin- (Ioiwral i -ssa t*orrosli-indont of tit(, _:,'(,S� Mr. Kiloix:Vlt: union resifltinw, ,1,41 ('1`0113hl to, surroutlE.i. ii,ts ii(,, i differeneo is tot) great to Ile " sion in March. . (,olIc(-h-(" In III Tho 0tIt -los ill fors!( - D. ily Nlail stql(l� a Ilt"ll'ti-k-litlim- . , not Yet deeia(U Nvii: - -171al di,tribiltion of i,.oaltil, ,oil,, .),vt .t.), ­ .. - i - dental. anil tilt, ,very lar,,v ni,nibe,: I., lt ht, Will I spit, , .h. chilkli-ell $10.00 "'Off. (-� Ile( ,� , qiptj�tj Ili,, - . q,j�j.: " ore he will Molliml. &- Co.. nails tqe .).00 iho lirc abor. I.�j q -Y or flw �ulft'ril)g�,; of railwav V , � Qlwtof 1, ; *Wt-Okly (41tAw isi)n�selithigit:.; Yom-- I dtb, but tilt, probabilitios , � y Of rejeett-ti ballov4 in ls'96 bears out . I pa'solwt.rs N110%,boullil, -while o;1 I't1till(I t O .9011le gootl town. E. (-Aill, Work till t,on. '��2 .1.,-, o .� liation's trill, prl(lt- aind glory'ly Nilbst-rilwn; -witit it o,tim. ,wr � x the view that there waqu t,oxwertt'd S. 8t,lI1l0kt�J1lixihwr. �N. 11. (:,q :,11,111(1 be. nt - i " . tit(- wa.%, I,) * (ith-sa. The blizzaril, Lit,o -.--For t"lt� ',�.Stalllahtl. huffl);'r j,,-.,x(j iidlli­nairo.�. but in tile .,11),s-4,11 .,,,)f; re,qwndenl. .Mr. vi -t -dor , . "'�W!l I-mitinuoil-;ly for Los -r ins LLFT I 4 11 t1w liumber Of ij,, - iliat itiomorabli- svemi. 11'"wir e,, oe_ I 'It ( it."11 !1al.-IiI. � "t. Nzlv�p�. I­- attionipt made at that tillit; t O tleft'. balant-v Of his life Goorgo Ilaro till' Will. B'mdell. .-.-r,tv(.l ,!.1k, 11",-�orty alill. tilt, intit1lig-wilvo 'Intl toil. .Intl othors. who v�vri, oye.wit. �,,,,,%, I mait I;,,,, iotuart.1 holm.; ,vt-r tht-willof theltoopIt'. I fanions Xapanet� bank robbor will (4. 111% Imm. tttx,, t - �.-h - .X Situthern llu-��,ia. Ile 's of 1, tilt .tilt I 11 tloo till- "IlItt'llt.MVIltallioll.- wIlUtUrt, (Ittil lie'. -t.., of that 111­111(�rablk, battle. � , � . . �ro through life minus it part of his �, - ji-zi-Ilt i,ll, tlt,st-n!'t,,z Ot­ :�ratliial twlival of � ill eolloevtl .1 .-III � II4 thl- vollillion peoll](It. -,.IV it �flve.-. a mom !!Ili-!! , , ln-iij.'at 1U:.ztt.y4-,IIIlailI. Willi 11,111- 01 Amemberof tilt, I'lift1t,d �;U-U--� an"tollly- It will bt' rt-IIlltI1II�t'ri't1 G Brown..salary - oo:tll., � I ,,I � ol"thi-il, plositlosil and that ol, 11 '. , " . it -; I .. Ilit., ,till. . 1--ic To --t- tilt, eiiuntrr Ill ispl(t that when arreste-.1 11aro -%va,4.,;ii1Yer- p hrt� VaInji. ; . ; (-,lt-tk_­raIlIdeaI Snrvvy. who liwz rt*- . I ' : Dalwr.. prav(.1 t. q-travt "till , Ii .1 ,kv --Frellt-b" nor ­I-,'xi!_-I!sjl­ , A eopy of it can lit. t-v,n' .I 'Irt,&, - t ;w..­-mig4-rs frinti t1liv nt.rth. I ig fnint. at runn'xia.,ore ill his It -h t cc vently 1wen making researehos in 0, II1I1lki.-..q oil %,,,oll 1�.. T­llt. --VaII..tIlh..Il-;.­a 11 -am'. al- t1li'li "flit.l. wbo bad ;voll "IltPaillt-fl. six days . � leg abovt,,- tilt- hiive. This Let,anit, E. 1,.;I,j On. 11171111t,l. , 9ft-;*,*I,§1. = Mehigran, zxnn-mnez,,s that tilt, site worst- siniv Ili-, im-arveratio,i , j-, ; " 4 m;..:V--- p-littl 1.111,11trii r1ir im.. and I, Whil,.- 11r. W. '. 111:111 w,�,:I.Y� , ­T1­.."a.�1.1q-Ij �,-Ilkjwkl( � . " N . .,"�,, t.... It I in 1',.r W I *11 ,144,11 Lilltzaril rt -1). et-lvort 1..ij) rMitul i',Il* 111I.AN-110 I't-4111-Ilt lwro. villo. Nv.l.q Vt pi�-.;.' livi. ti.. . N of Ypsilanti was .it One tilli., tho� tAlt, Killi-41,11 lit-Ilitt'litiar.r toll -I .1 11ill. Iitattitt, hIN1111. I till W;1h the lu-;.-Zill..: of tilt- III-It.l. j�,v -11.1.1 low fr.-Ilt iy* K .V,�. lit (.1 oit inill ­. .....11(l tift-t, \% 114�._,ht- , i, fl. --111011.z.1-111,11.1 thi-Iti-o"VI., f1sr tilt- . 30 bottoin of a Like whivii innei-tvil. I 4 the bont-. rvittlering Part- lit,turilill!" Offiver. 1). It. 0. IU211411-i.1114111v�, if st-paratioll alill. dis ", I -r a ft- 41:-l. UIUQ�t . I" . .- 11111apable of wa'lkh­_�. �� (.1111sitita- vlw-L, ill till- 111orli'llit, Ms 1111-t i"uni �1111"Iliol; nrovillvil .it 01 Lakt-s Hunin and Eri-,. if lit- will . will Ili 'llilig.. Ili Ii, ith.; -.0.oll %-,"-,I thir;:4.1y tilt, oItj_.vl*o,N'..tIt of�l` , ., " SV:Illt� v . , .; tall oo,-a�.hlll To It..'Vit, hi-, naotg t'll. 11". nfflu; bi.11'41t.L. W"llit It 411#1 ."i intill ..'11 I I t .I.A11111.1111'.1-o will alvv, . _ ay "Dill of "�lll .."ll.; 1 -""ltt.t1 ill It (11'4-'� o -X. Ilailit.tlra t . t mtzliial ; , 1'.1"., I C t-xtk*nd hist,tudies he will probaii)ly ;i0l t1IIVl17oVt-th1.l%.�,x. whit -11 wit' .Air. Rn,h. t-illvi.rl :1, , , I., a. It,%% ItllllI1I4­. XVIlil'..'.h. lxa� t4:!, 01.1.1"w"_., vVi.111. \%%I0j!jlj._o wil It ]sull U I .w "t- r Ill. of 014. I-1,11-Ill.r Of Callall.t. ,ht lo t-ill"t. .1114. .lq.. w4ir. .r.AIB�:�� tof I. -II -11 liatilk-41 " ., - lit-arol a it r!47�1, . , I �, - In dibeover that .it wit, thile tilt, I-011 114- V-11-At'd out. tilt, illel-4t,111 boiln! ,iollit. Dalzil.l. ,z1%lfv1 I 1. 11 � I tilt- lit .I.muat 'U'llt - %,illo for 111*�'. iii.ttlt-tll)t�llf,tlll,q.t.illk.l�.t-. ' I "I"', hurrvin- N, - 11:11 I , .. wk. tIollmi ofiwl .4-vt \011 ,�ll.11X.%hl1!7l.I WL -01 wtwe 3.4 In of Mil-Iligmil, Us well as NVI-I"I'll Imov. _"t"l""Vt' till' -11slill Brohow-1-iro. aittlit-IlEt `� , llt-rt%,Il',tt,ivti�.,-�tolil�hi'l.t'llll.x-�1)1,i.Vt.61:114141.111illi,ll-ti tbr-sil-Al I .. Wilh-iov.. !'I,$ t 4io-o1w Ill �o.11lo jlhavv-�. alld tipat. I � " Ont,irbs. Nva% mitIvr watt.r. TU, w MIN'll...-ilditill'u. , S .- 1: I.' I I � . &V 111,111 , I � �Otl. t!jk-:.,- np.lnl,�..110 NVI. Will lll%Vq* . . . I W . la-1-y�11w,flit. "a-41 mle' �_?!.I,, with P4 ,-t�ilh',�t �11--w i'l�-1:,.-Ils.tl!tl,.%�.',i-.-II ,vits. ri-I " I el rvininds uI, Oita I'm, himl altt�tlt (1H,Xl',l'%'Al, HODAEIZT.14 It. Ilo'l_ , I t-111 ll%flli, .IT ?,,,'s t�w! W!tivll all ,­.,tual 11101 . . . H. N% il,�-m. 4-liavvI 4.1sil"ritet I jj,_� .. Ili, fi-Vil-r. ."%i-. A, .N. Hall I),,- 41 .'a � 4. ?­.I1,.,t Ilst'll.­ o\ I'll t i ItIlIll "'. w'.110 , , v"O. 't �'#lijlly inlit'A ( .iIl14ti;1- w;4,1DILI.H.-d". vi#114.1. �a.' ..,j14-;. .i, . ., -tIftsM is v. 'it -Le -t lit -141 says. ill slik-akint� k,f tilt. liart laL.-II o " ak ,R�.114:, ll,-.,*.-�g-.11.-.I,�,�i-%�-..I-tl,%vitlI I . . � Ow. 1 4 61 Tht .1114"I tilt. I 1. S D . ,43."'ll �1.1�4- 1-voll biti.n�j,­ ot mailr,6 ill -,Ilt, It.v Ow ('421.14liall -..I f�k.-- lattill, of ,1' . "i searelt ftx�.114 ld,� -121 ,�g it, -.04 &-t , .-Vagolity ­elal, -. I I -1 I tsf fo'.,il Ilitzrillt. rt., I D. Ilotlaill 4. v "11111;s�."4!j it�o��1-211.41t;i,f.,t.tlt.,*,Illv ,,, 1. i-ww" fil .4 fta.111*11 411 lit-- 1*, lb,�,, .4,6.1, lt� 0 00 1%1.,�,1-11­1.1., * -0.1, , 1:1 * g"1434111111101 till ilit. a4 .l­...­­,,�,-#1 ..I 14'k-.1.,.,1-4.!,. ast: lit- " IV Nvorld. ,;-. , orl 4,11 Ill.n.1" Ili '.. Ameriew t Vi�urtiviik. , ti4at it v..'11'. 1111-ir fol- %%,! � " V �,V;111"..! lVa!" U rot-arill"I t I L'Ie". and. -V,.kI1:.1`1* I- .1 I " " . + Ul NV 212. 1111.1ko.'.. I-t-filit'l Ile .Z. L. 1.144 . I"I IWIl'Ilit. . - 11. , ;:4 -1,114 fr­w 1641, III Will,4111-iiitith'.1 W11101 W.I... the lilt. I , _. at hi V� � " " . "blAiV J. alavl ...V;All ji'IltDID'i wvat . .1 ..t , _��,lv. 1114, dowtv". i4latti to-.% 14:16.1fit . .al, I * # . imto-11 hill"r-o�Vv.1. tl�lr I- .?��­V�!_-it -0 ,3�­", 6 ,V­i1,6t tV.4tt tialql��41 %%Tlog , � - wero hza -�,,, muolw= ,iit� I-44 1.1y ti,swIl 1.1, iii -I .. 1411 lit- aulli� .\ i,qji..], Do 4'.. val I -lit., 111H : " -;,-, FP'..Io­llftx­ I'all 1 -m -All -lit ftaluld- fj,,,j2_i, Nm.lt'A wiPt. r­l­­ I u, l��,.t� -� '1%� ',-� 4 ill tv". fini-I Ja%- Oil. ft Tht-ri . mko.'s-that 4.4,1111it-Ilt.tltlw.iii-i-�ilt'l*,%11;1- �V. !"".,k:clt.",Ik.,.I,%Illill!�.011"i.)I I : j%:1 Ili oil. lllwavo. rrwwli­h�p 11114, " , it t �, 4 I ("Inilvil aWIL1211111N.Ki t v MR -0-t .1-viiii CRT,o I : for murdior in tho P�,iiunoiri of vt-ri-ary i4f Majti'ta Day. M, ., I 11 I . x .1 �11 'Dil -whie-11 I#t 1111iltl ill ghr.lo-r 11110,� ,,Mhtq,r4,tI1 V. hilt. I It' -f 4 I, � -U- Uil r- i?, 1-Ii.04im-, itli ys,.m q�jl .IjjI,q.jj ,111 *14.,, 'VIN -1 'a",iii- l-rtoiloo,401,1 4ii I -tit jr, Calla& in 1-iIi-.4. Tw, vinii,.z-, D Trgl.,�- Ill o�l t l4 I' A i'at I I"NI. 4,,,.&­h,w1v4l ,,,, *1110'. C410 ill4vitA all. tiif . ._11+ � , I,,,o, . , ", -It h. `iilhlwrillvn� lit 11441101 dol%411 to � '10q,vl th 111-19. or,I.­ 1'�', f.vp-.4 v,,,,11jIIl­f ni.ml'. TA line Va-�1111i'livIA4 toil Vnl� fw,l 1. llv'mn. E*10..,1­.:. CI.,-1.1kC. th. t J11ILz, I htays. hoq!I-01. fit ` ,!t -;:i t, *I- ,,_w, - . lit' Ill- 1"wl lo-clD At I sp - 4: . I- .h,%n,*. I %,.Xi 1.114'4n P.%`,IL�A14N. , I ,,a., . � ­ . I V � tho'", 111111olr4-11:171 fl\91014-llt mi.-all-TWI M -I ,.All, 4-relv� wt,ll. foll NIV U.411V6. M101t i.,11* tv""y 4 P I 14'u., ­vall­. 40A .,�Itj._. "I -j*­,t a., -h-lia. %Vv��Lq,:-! !!,lsiollf vililada wilro. to alwllf4i t_w #L.an"3 --f tlmt 1111jo �,rtallt vVelgt b%' 1#1,4-01t- A C.111'MILIZU .*,,j,I1.�*j.jj.js.r atitl urwll Iti'lVed (":114111a. "ut thi�- wh4-llh,,.I0aq-1,I10 a vi -it 3,�I; 41 %,.`!l,o,Z. t � � " "d A. pi'llalty U14pt Va- Volite'l :Alat"..' OIL, thw-114 with it elvvlwl� fvv*--l%I1Q '\t � 111;# V.­,.;;;,�"T,, - . (1121B-'11lhaAi4Iti-. r TrI n " P. Jalllv� N11u,11F".. ( Iae-*Nala. 4 blit.. I Vt!�Vill lut- ­IaT, yaml,l, i-l"gan, ; �� .� ."y -stem �If l,%t4-nV14A dolay, ial'l 191,110", .,-Olil�-,,� 4-ovin't"V�- all %-..I.A- I. ,,r. , I ,� .to, INCM,< jDr'tj.1-�1,1a.f1 fwll. 2% I �%ay.--­l hc,V,,. 14�,,-Il a -4t,�91'(I,na- ---,­lll­" --- ��-w-a�-� #-%..1!",D1iq.11u-§­i ;11 _\ �'rl�, � a ,l.'I', * tj rt ro-i-f t�w.a 4d fhf-B,,i,:r haa,_,,t,;, .,Iv , , I . .. I - I . - I .. l �01 L 411- L"'..;R, ,, vry 111,-81 �-ftiv% acahl , � 11 .-._44 �x. a It. I Thv- hulot - I&r_':'4 4,� Il,,. ,­,� ,L,,�- 1� .11eatizol u1q,wal-4 ths're ".."1*111 Utt- . I ro!sl t%2t.lrl11-. *.',,r t.'; yo,-_Rn�. V414 ,I 9 lo, *o,5..,,r&qr*, A 4"In Ta-li�t,. � D.,.. ,#it' 1� I , _jjjb'0.f:v �,.,$ l & i* f1jubtf'flly �tq. 4z 'hati-lo. �44­11.,al,t* ,39 - � I -l"', 1, ., ___*o-. �, " - it " . I thv. lhl�.,'�-;tl­ll vo, th., t'- haalUtm ll",,A4�, K14101111 f".11 -11u.. I In.ay., ,-..".12a, .1 k4efl iil,,Ia�* vvw- tll��S-,�DT,N,Lu,a" ­ la tv ,- .It 19,lat V111H., . - _. 'Itt�,"',*V.�T1, Io. -k�,?D­izt�11­1 , -I,,, I , . -,t iii v.l . . - f i, I . f "A-..'ZIw�', W.""IntgIon- . it e'alit'l v ,,,,Vfl-j V '61A4vq4 It. m� 411W .:11, 4 -"*,it � .. _(�� ,1,11 I(Lt' V�­d'e-rid-% Itimithon. TDtv (41,44-��- . � �'.,. Q.. It 14,!, -jt, or."'olf"t, 'E'.10,1"- ,,ji14 J�lAlAq­ dj the jatma%twr i4f na-c,i;­1k-r,i. al 140t vot, 1,1��I' Chir ic , .. _ I � T. � " �w �ii,�-tiro,o�-ttilli�,��ll,,��t,�*��t,.!,a�,,�, 'I�,.%,,"Il�u4!DLI!i'u�-'.�,;i,,,, . Co. 1,,,3­'0.1�1-�!,Op�. hilebtile t,,.,-,11!(11 *ol,ut�1,4"':" v-.' . ­ I ...4,111o4l,:v4�,,44,f�.. � -;N41,il,, .40 abtl t . , t 'I ,Mblnt. U114 (t,,11wnw. %74iI�j - I 1"AL I hILV11- 15'�­111 VIV,11. " � ,��,i,Gul% #�tt,.tl� ..il�� 'a' Ik"'I ,,i ,-'Ll .. "I - evil 4 I , Vol�,I ql­It,t,ii,- � W lnaTse�ts aj�j1j*a`1,1M%6. ilt �a!�4, � IV A Ou, ; - ,t -11M- ��,jp- �.Vff-v�,-Illiavt.�411.�. ql ,N,�­ ,03o " 1, I, .­ , . 'Q.. . 1, o", Vl'�,D,.- V�­ 1"",r'I6z1jV VNM4�,!k'1,31'11,02L .1 ., , .. I x I I IMID-. I I... oul,l h, lit. l 4, " w , .�, lvv% � (�011,-IPA:Y.hl VI*,,Iw�w! -D *,o,.-,� ,��r'­;;'­ w ; , ,. I k I,, � . I., _­ I .4�'_110 lt�'.. ­, . %1111­'U-;� �% Tho. it".ann, . � , ,. ��;,.­ .i �­,,tafw,itf �,J*�­I%avlt;�vla ,�;-Dth t III., q - I ­�o 1. -,,Vif�,,`�,, �,:f it, -,",,,,�­ II0 , 't,t!'), � 2LU. jaQ't.0IV Vj�'f �­J':�_ *]� *��..VD I � I titne. _NLet1qiN�­,?t #,ht,14.�,!�,,y -�. .�_, 6 Ir 0 n 0 h 11 U'S " " P % U'rftm- UN tai.vl 1M, ov­' � - .: _�,Ij 0.1 _,� j"L . D . , , � . , 11 ­ -0 V: a, - - ,,,, ".* ? .­: !" .ln.-11 a".", lu­'.jo a " ,�,'r' ­ . , . I , Mt. '%Vr�% 11�.,Ivg,ls tt, St. JL't'i!n�"%,1� 148P - I � I - . . � - T_ .im,,, ., 5 I 'I,.,, �!. gril, , n '! _ ,":� . . 1: P�., .i�LaD_Li.,"�a­.' '. A th,lt I 1, 1-u, 114 M11;I-II- V.;% ... I t,142 " " ".1h: 1)" -f- :%� I � ... ... ;1 4, Il , . � - I, - . . V01f. `11' "l,L.- ts�;�af j,*'"1V;1B-'1..JV!,I 0101'tltlnat�v ,�v,t,*111' 13,4�. #11.31T,k- I � gbr. 9"! �44iIl 44. I, tc 10-antshhay.-In-t-M, , . . I II!t1vIa.1�:"V%k"2ltQ-1-p;- , , quil.. rll.�!--t:�­-A*� 111,a U at��, 11'.. ".". Vv­�I, ". V1N1­n;1:v# � . ,� � I. - a:, �'s S!, t9l I And t1he D,�ff,llin X;q,a­­ .AV: 1 , . 'n., 4(� ' �X, q't-'?�U% ,,­.,,,� la;­�,J -Il. ,:A . �'. , , Mz tt 1�1;"!. ", 41' t, I I ' - 1 ftl,� � . . ­ � � - � ", -.I,." - 4 � 04v- f- L. -Q,01" 1%,:- �­Vv'!�' , , - L `2 D', �z - _,­' ­-.I� T_tu -t�,*I*,­ TrLl;ias tt"U, '. . " ,'. 7 11%� ­j� �,Itt:!��ILII4Lp_vl#,'j , . tU"'!­ 1 - - t" ,�� " ,!TZC I �., , " .- -- - ; � ; " � ,,�,, ;,; L. a �,, I. - it t � , , - - - __ .". , .. C�atwl an ­w�-t,.Irlt =1 1�l-t :" 1 o' ki-,�-v­ ill 01I," no'lu,"'I"W. Tlo. jl:k,11��-,I, - � � __ I V�V! 1--f Un -7, 1j,_! - F4. I WtAv. -. vwffll,�,u. I - tiwt.o ,, -�Ag f k,'�p I, �, R - I '"'. - %, . " � �_! 1 , � �, ot Tht I I -z� -;1t,_! t, ",­,"I'l "',,%_. - ,�_: *� �, I ­ -, -V�Oii­,H . - - - - - 11�­Tjloi It t, v -_11--,---, -7 ;,I . ;_ , _j�,.,�� E'n'�t-', r"' � I U -4!"y+ fr%I7.'1I 11tt,3 f I,- ZIL ."I'gi T"w� 7" .,rt Vl�l!4,`�;!L j �� . �. . - . W shl-I"tt-,11 to%l �-�%.r ,,,�� ­ ;�­ t -:;-,Ll - L -_4 , � ... I . _,­ I li .. . ,` _. . . � ill V­­� " � �, I: " -, "._- ': , -, '... �, d-- - �'.: , e � � t'�, V L, 1%0N3,6v,% �,,,o.,.Ury n 1�,-\r 't' � , " .Pt�nza .nl,t , . . �" "' l"., y .- .", ., - .1 , ", � 1 :­11."I".."I'll'', . I. 9" t".al", , R .: . - ,,��, 5t. L_,�z* --._*.t,- vt-h,­U,. jr :.-"., Ut t I,� v. "'. �' - ", .,:, , ptq l , .'" " , - "�_�t�,,. l , . LL, . . ,. _­ . � -, .1 j, � z : �;,; - � � �'. , , 7.", . . 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"'. , . � _- t'� # , - t-4-1- at _1_4 -, .-�. ­ ;� , I . ullrall�.(�"_PANI. At t.Ll, �,�.'v , W � il!"t, ..-. -..� 'C'o- 9, ,- -, , `!.'. .19, �I , - , � �� ­ ".. ,-. !.. _�. I . � 1. ma I, D�,., 4ft u' -!r- �7",�4t, . . �ii!"Ih;�'.. r � 1, k. 4 vtt, 0, V1 t, I�,, ,, -�I;,, - ,'��a ". D �,'q , , �Zav '. Malt.l. ­� ­ - ­-� , -1 '. , -,':� V -'If E � t. .1g. .IJ ,.r � ?!,azil - � ­ , �N: It!, L 'ub�.""I.VlL7, �� " � �, -, ­ - I - - . '� � __. - , , � . ­a� �Iii. i:�.�.__.,-,.',� ­�. �'L, I , M!-. W. It. .43�_�­_. fnqn!,ku;� ., "'C"-4, �;�. -.*:' *".. � I . :: .., , I o"".....'". . W �` ; 4 . V -1. . , .. 1,,t,42!�-v ` , ­�� - . - a I 1: - , I % . _Z1, ,- ­ . � i - . - , . , *E,, ,11 .1 U. U, ­ I 't - , :- I . ­ VI'L,'!ra,�T. X.S., 1�,)Y�v :---I T�� I I I.-. ­. . . __1 ., - 0 . �, , 1 I ��, - I --I 1, � - !1, 'I , " , � . , .� n _. - W, he L% a L eInIrffi � U n�"ml, ,�­,-.131-lv N�, 1 ,� I, 1 ,., . � :, �- ,� 0. ­ , Ill �.'i ,I l. -!,. I , "', I - , t, � a-, - - t"I"V �-'� Irt.- ��, v--, " -.�. : f, 7 ­ 4"�,_'F��-'r; I -n� - � _1 I I . f � 7. . ,. . 11 4.. � '. T.Q _. U f101411,03MI.f.N1, in 1`.o r,tynll of ;' niz- ,,t.*'*'.,- _1- � _­ _.. �' - *-' t;n, :`�,J. ` I - � � v�;,-, " �.' - zo . Z l ,! -, .41"I tap o? 1, -­.. I rnt t 1 -,7;.- :L- C J)U*ff�.Ih� (',!-' !L�;;- JtZjj'�'!.�, dl.l 1-111 q '.' 0- JUID 12%04NI. ILL- ,,,ii-zalni�-t Nik-'..'s a4v- I , � , .t::" -­ '_ '�",_'L " - LI .4�?Vr"I* .A*'l'a";. "! 10.-,_�- ", � � --it' ,� : - trlzl'�,:D. U, . .� .. ,a "I - . f I �, --.r" , � . . . � - �, :. " " -. r, , �_ � -1 ,., -, I- I -*-, -_ I. �. I % , " , ---;-; 1-I�-! :!1 q 11,w. -:. ,;, � . " Vt i, I' �*�'t.`,. rv­w ,�I� I an 11 I .. . .. 4 rt�r In �0.. Z.� ". � t. " Vf- it- -%?--,:!4f- vll'i"­ , � 11�- I -21"!t w.'? to tq��4!?� cv 9-,_� n_ __ I. . , t,tz 4� .-, -,,,, ..'_ � r,dl-: . � ,21,7� 4;tl ,,`­.'' I _ - . � .� , , it�alft��,:-!-- ��* f - I.ov � "'Ita.; �, 1- V11 - It � " 114N, iit!­� � C4- 'n 1%, , ... . - . .. � . I ­ - - " -' . �;__. *1 __ . "-UratIv, - I "'n e".1"tro-'z. I gx�jt b- ­r ".-n- ; , - � .- f 4, - 11 - �, � 1 � , r, o .,n� '­ w'..., 7.,.o�,,­". -,.,,j :_ - . - . , I . ..�,,,. , ; fc fcen he is ta dw"vAt :n a ],;";,u*-%­j�,. at j+;#­M,v � ,� a , - a � i-. ihe >�­D,,,t--u. T;1j.- * 11-, , ;11L. thn,p fv! talt'L Mt. 1. -,,;- � a 32-01an.", ,t., �--"�­ �. '. "- , - .-� - , , - ­ � � - I � .. - - , ­ , I ' .. V-1 , " , , - " I , ... � ,.' - �­ '.4'.:4�L % ,..l - It t%�t,.,14,..�*.'AV(-,'iht,*]-�Zz"�-,�-�Lon�,%t."*C� .1'a- . . I I 4-� . ir. Jnp­�!'y v f -,rv--.;ntz elUIP!--n. Inv . �, 1 � - % , ,.- I t'.-- ,_ '..` - � . " , ­ . " � p, i- , !-_-;�,I�-* w;!!. . vmz, qv� thq qu%'�I. It l�` IL,�-V; t'i .- v-, -, -vrc.-; 111, 4-""� a' �7 . ql�§t IMAR _� lia, ..y'_ ,., .1. I M a *1 - T_ min,l irtt'i. ij tnn-1 of I . � 11 � I . . - ."", " l . ,.. �, ­ - , l ., � 11 N,_�=wr. h;,541 1 ltl;��] , -- : �,; �q .n, ta - E E+ t7lfl­ - 1, I I -, v.-%, 1 il­4 1.­.-�_, .,.,n4vtuflDy 1,%, ',.,l fly ." , *4 ,01'a lv�oa , �i, ,va, tz .- vi�-!%, .- --: . � � . I .­ , , .."zooi try 22e,;;7sjj. nlpt-2�x,, !".4- '.eaol 9 1, o'Vo ... � I , Dr. `Iv;�D. s:, ..;!i; " . � -:': ­� ,`� -,-,­'. �,,v - . i - - ;_ , " - TIj%!'_-' I . . , . �, ,-,. . ` .�, . ,b fft� ..": a t y ti, fl %nu�- �-4. A.- 1""01, , " . - � �t-­4AZ.I� 14urn. I 4��-10-vo a 0,,vU!.o vir I "'.an?", t, � ,,, i"�.,_ � `� , -:­�`r �1�4'VA,,, , vitiferlm.Mi, ��a'.'I--,-,',-;i1,a,d it h "m i Ir, ,-, q � " � q. I , ( ii.�� -%.-,.T I . . . vo . 1 . �1 . � . AynDit, G.­aP,:vi­Hv -,I-,FDI ;r1.1 V . '. - , , T. E. f -*o � ., Tl:.. I'!2L.9 -'.'� IS . - ... - ­­ % �ltgi q _'_�l - �'B*i!-. I + - � - . , - I � ­ . 1. � ,-. - . _ .a !'..!7:,,,1..­4.�r th-Ein v%, -.y Ina , 1'. - 1. i � , , . ­._ . .. . � � . ,� , , ; ilto 1: .t".11a ­ � . 11 . . �llbl,�I­�,­;i­it%lut idl,�,Inafl-m ­Vl', ' , Wv"!" Iii, It W�:V-1'�,r 'I � , . , t.. , t "'I., � I t 1*��;Z*�. I I wa� I , z , L'. J.P-Dam..m. I i-,.'.%111,, , l� ., %. , 1, 1 m �... 1, ­ - 4 t1he twwlt 141 vnr . 2 t k", �Z*.,411' �!- W��I(,vw*, Crvz�-e ovf 0,1."* the it.rw' Z .,: - .,� "I'. 0 I � .. ,�i, I ,I . , I Xwl- 2�i q,-Ints: a 144M--, pit vl�� �!-! S� Th.— ,xvi-e tiinno.�,I�:j,,,il.�.­ , . - * �jv�ml 1�',11�­_,,t- %,t 1.� I . - - . . . 1. ly. W­:­n-.'.',,.­ , - . It "­t� t `.,,�!, nUl".1, t74, ,:.,ql ,�L,i.,nqlll 11 .2, - 9 S li ),t , . I . . I , . . wo 'I'll -,1,:t glialu. . ,Ii" � - I a' � �� .1 --on. z�l­:,.��, - � . ll� 1 1­_.-� � VI v."t'111. I �, � . n,v -The Little Brw,,vii I Lel-d th'!. "'M !-f 'k -PI, 'In.f ., ", ,�'. I , , thEreof. ta, thirl­fiv�. Lo ;n � I Il . . I S� L - I 'ZID I q ,truv-k .I, I1,tti.h­­V!1. R.,Z,41- C',,,,_�,I*, J. , , * ��, 1V;"-;­qI. f;�vl�. 'k wal I a 1`11 � " '* . ro. ;. * , 1-111.14-filtf,41 and I-- -­ - t - '1.o- 1��,-t-irvl - - Th? I 4,M11 7i . : 011, hd a 0 sy , ,�. � - _�'�, L, V, 1. P . t with h61(.,s in hfs j)st,j-!,,vt1- .'.j!a,;j ,I It v; fig.' 116n�d;�zal S m- Ill- p2ayeol 11'reat"It-M.--i.st. (;. A. �;-w'-L',,. 1%,_ f I. � I � �� - . . I 4 'hald head : at Vfac a��-e q-�f fl"Itt, h'. 4- - - ,,V1t,c,-I1 J91knin Csymf'�� _'I1am,h'!n1_1 3jq.,y,4 * 1> 10 LIns, 00d � - � � - - _Iziarf..i. 1. 1,11"qD-. 1',I-_.T� �I ,74 in . .*I N,4I,'; ffin. ­ t, . _0 - u. - f. in a ehear e"d i" 11,�cl,gl " =4 f,v --Tlz,ql Ratsin_, of -I-, ­.. t , � - grilTyull. R. _�. W;iUT'1%­u-!-. IL �1 U, 1 * I I '-hol ;tiro - I . � I I I qg-nflyre'4),un,f lftljt;�;" t?.V,, Jairn'-, Dau.glator'" ho, 1PAY1,11 lbrollplo,­. It "VZQ� 17�"j-il"7 ." �v�v;_­_ -, a T ex � --; Dq . A I I n d TU', lapen "an - � . - .. 4 cas(-.�4 off Ioln� primer 11-10% za W.1,h- ­SA�y Uamw Up.— Owe eumtem- �11­hal rd-wz;­11 ­,%!M�. ��J�jq� "'I.,"'Tc. 7.'-, qijjl�_­ . r inetton h_"nd 110.."4 UIA i'l ,u1v,q-Ajq- ly,,raty..-V�­.; fol t -V s:r� lbat the I.' ! : I _'� 4. 01 IX 1704�rz-an-y. I . 11 - , I .- �"rzanl,f Ilb,t hi.� -o9lq. t,u - I fib I lx.w�qk v,�;t% ,�!�11 Oak, -1hr,qz>,w I � J Lis relmnol, I I . Z � f.. I t szehserilers. -VL,Q Ent. Z119 wA Inal "Us a 9's t"Al, evvntmz ve ii ,ilitq ,r 's-k"ne f- 11­i,'.j - Promilmot Ho"nown ba'al , .4.7.,� DAzafl., ,dr- to � ,-!L,�" I tt"­­ � � - ­ , I 0 pa�t the eaAhn. , .,'LAr;!-'1,.r : .. JI'l ,;%,.Z4, 1A #�gl- qv,f the &ZI-4t- _11NIU., I-,"' lj�,­,, ,fvf NVOY"U"i- IVA' Zi Ekll �T, I. -,I-'-- -- ��, A - � -. L, I � .". ,­�­ � a pubift. ,,jD�'Att'LA fil]'Jv�',r �;r�z I . I . - - � r, �.N 4110 .. .1 - �_, I . , J�- 0, I I , , i I I ' U . � .,- ­_ -o4- .11l � . , `_ 1, TA B I - �Q� tf,uzrvltu-i� wht­n 11,42DD13'et %va" jxe- 'V1,.11t11,4,- -�v'�"D,t"�17"."",.;-\�,'..--- .� i 0 -1 � � . ­av, alkqt1a"trz. wnfl 'Q_�#- oreNr­tra .�trzavk laolf-n wff`� T'.,'1'4'�',;�!-Y .1 ,n�.. . � _ - I y .1 * ­.," , � I 2� J�fu a I - a �k ,- coaldn't .,- .,,;it4�ill . I 1�,' . I- R *1 19P Alv�`+;i-ON 8 v - --Rust- - 1-41 Pa, vl,-.vilis. q.1'q1.h­T�.-.t ,j%�� . . I _.. - - z,___. - - - � ap a, Inauv­ d"Irill' -4. '. ,n'd . I I .� ,!I - :. - _ , . �­ , I l t�host. lvre��:��I'hay. �Iq-ft V1 -%-,;t,--: 4'..". I � .. ,I : m.,Mhnz of the . � ­ . " � � . . . . . . I . ., I . I � . , � I , GOSIL4PINU NEiGH13,41 MIS - .1-4111 -;��-Zvoi (-wr,�­,n- I 1,12 4!.,o�., . .'�,­' oug , , ,- . - - liffik The edmlziefl tif the eozmt . - ,� I I . I , .1. . .- I . -ill tzi2k� -.md when iiqllLrh­ . .. -m; fri..'D Kin.�"L.�Z.,",_* 1'i�7 fj.".,. .. i . - ;I �. 11 People u y ,If :11� ,lzj, � ..,_ � 1. � 410'rs ge . M,;rim will '4v (,imq)o:-f,d as, f,�fl,-.,;, B�,.,Ir.,, la"Kq- v !wV­Ir 'XII -1-1- - � - I '11 1. 4.* "D �r% , Q, tuzit�,Ler t" - I N 111� .. -_ 7 -4 _ " ,��-ri, 1!.; villy f',ij- l-, � 11 Wi­ 1- I ­­­- � �� __ " � , 7" kely I L,- , me - t - .& vnrnmt ya,�.r: I , 4 , * . � .M,� . I - - 3L�­ --I.- q,:, �� - ZO ,,�j� f'�;n_, �-_�4vl ul-o-na! .xi'MIN11.1 1pt- .�, �,T,,­,-,�,d -, 1�i-. :10 ,vu - , , Division No. I.-Pli'lip Ilo't.' . - .1 . _rii 3\ .. �'iD 1.1!,!, . , d . - Chase'-.;Olntmv�nit. 'ZIA tile sur- 131 11 alyl.w.11-:4 t') bU%N'-I1';iVv.1!f.i( Vf.!.1,_ M "-..I .& - � _Mj D10 1-10kS fin I - .. .� .1 , Gt%,,Iprivi . anql Hugh Chamlwrs, sloWIV. oilh- v;)IV,-r".1U! v,tw 7��­O-S ill It . Asing cures tfq i-, t-ffc-c-ting aznf,� se I . . In, , - _A-�'Ifivltl. I . 11 ify tlxtlT � T.tifferens with 141t -s anz, 4 ild to. -it, .- ari- ,4�. reefimmenji-, 4 V-11hic len day.�. T,'w wat:t.,.�114 V't"r4. M4 ' ;I. you . wil-, illy 1;1zvwj-;e after it' i I D' -d. -ion -No. 2.­Tatni#,.-; (74onnolly, jjf�avjj� jij,.ifjx,1j. j,)z14 III,. i, 'A -in dh,eases. It 1, by wonj of ' . .,;,��rn. ol �4r - � . &&,south, froilifriend to Y,,.i,-,,,I.ti,,,t'f-'zf�,,ic,,,ia-bt,�wn-i)il).an(ID.Caiit(.I�);i. I 11101. Ovir 1-m- eom;is,C., f if (,-jji,,t;q.. , leams wvre p�rx zavl .w'Lq1�*f-r,-1 Y­Olh 13. .1, �; clintfill. s; AS, .11 (flat, safest and lio-41- Hisit-l- -lefameof this ggreaf Ointme-W sl�-kness. A Good, . Division N�'". ""'roffi 1'71.-.4�,",31.;i --:;i-Q. 1r­sf;Nn1%1orAfi1l.-�.­ V,iI; ,; .1.1 ' � _n Torran:,-e. The eseort h-.0 llallfltQ t"', It . ias wrd(�d the gdoitw. It ,tands ti.- V _All� Drazz-,rilt" (11ill ;11111 Fl�v,­� alit] .. 71ra-tv _:mdWni. Laniont, iSfanley., , . . - I ­ da�7a"�tTak�c,,Rllv.ti-t-c--l.tliiI �_ntaran_ . vov t,) it new o­­mr tnvzoi K-,1;*Tn­1 "' i - I . �11 � Division Xo. 4-11. 8"pael'i I, 02114, ... � 1- . "all, i when t'jit- 11 -ti -n- ;­�,, % Mixtures. Lotion for woultds. . teed eure for every forni of ltvhing� � I'0 -7 -ed tz. Ti,,t. Tfe�l,ve 1, I kt.In Exi-ter. antl R1. D. Hicks. Step] . 4,d_ I r Meeding, and prottrr.ding, jA-7.;P.-;. - . W -n- : enemy hall api�arent' .,y �,.,�j tj j--11,, . %-. (,fill(litill1l I-14)-"V(l(-r. 1 6 , , " - ". .- 11o;'r 031lit inellt. nit(I ChIll Viln.. I *n - . I .A 6 ,. I-. I It Division -No. 5. -John B. MeLean I in anioush all - n;I-, i� W. .�*- &iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii- i . ...... i---- ­U .. .... 1 -l". -I... - k-bA6-w--&.1l`dk`liti Tuvkersikilth. and Th(,mas E. Hays_ , ..�t. ;al,' I' Every rpine,ly Gnavintf-ed, tvr' Om , , � I � I Nvtltrtv.tln�.,I*(,.�;tltl.tf,il-ii Int. I;!- -,rmll­ .t .1 I Presi r.114ioll I Is I 1. seaforfil. ' _'i IS, I � I 0 YEAkS, t I lif Al refinl(led. I., I !9 . I till. 311er.; I)'.;1I1qIi1 V'ifli -i Vvil". - . b 1, .� _,jEXPERIENCE , Division -No. i',, -W. 11 . M,,rr. Serions�y wmilldim" ,s,-I,�7",ll`1T, VETERINARY � I 11 11.11 _­­­ ­ . Brussels. an(I James BOwwalx, -1, lolie(-. wh s ­ . 'Scholtz. of Elf� V, I,'(- I- I I I .11. tf .- � ! ; Morris. � wassittim, ill fr,,nt of -.I xV;t":Lr.)jj. � � I M I I 1 Division *X(y. ;'.-Donald pater- ! T � ADVICF- Fgte � 9 a IT I I hl- em -ort ina.-I- no r,--1,.;,"n,-#�-'UIllI Thost- niedic-Inc,., .trp put ill.) ill i ; -",ii. Myth, and William Loeldiart. 1 all re capturt-d. ' & I . we R. I I I' Win voliveniont for3ii. with full (1irl-t-t- � For n.-Iu luund I & � ghani. � The Boers Nvvre iii-laly to.lttill ',it, ions on oac-b one. Tlwy -are to be: � I I - ... . I Division 'N'o.,'�,-R(ybert Mi Ile'r, ! their capture.and ful­ll' i -' ;ill % Is(RI10 of hallilf . I Ir I I I TRAbZ MAR" �,l TIjrnbprr , Fer� f (lV(,.ry ston, in tht� Country, I . . I . � DESIGNS I y gm.son. 1 their prismiers Nvith ig('�wzsuit, fr" 1111' lt3nd if ' - I ,�, ffow;fl-l. I , � t vonr storekeopell or iiru�!,_,: I COPYRIGHTS &C. ' I file edse�4 on the wa,,�_-oll`l aft`il`-: '­i�l d0lit IrtleT) them, write u,, It ; Anyone oendirg a sketA and desedginn may , ,; re ,r tip -111. tjj,)-kjj,jI ll,)t � " ' nd ! I � � ;'Johnny, what havo voit been, ward. ,leasin I , zalld w,- will forwar(l. thom' prormpt- I hot henefit. 'fl.ty jt�ijjisjj I, . "Kitif asetrisitt oviroitivion, free * etber an . WAN TPI). -.1 cat,e of had healtI, t1lat R.T,P,A,X,S wfll Inventlo-4 is'probabIr ttAble. fornnivnit,ft, , doing in �ije ldtc-hen all this fiII10- I until they had takell thVir Milli- IV, .inandprolonglffe. One gives ii)ft*tTtLtIYC40nllde'nt?tgllt*HAndbook,aliPatetktg .� I Ulvery Farmt-r anil 18toek , I I I br,tht�rin­ Brid-eCe" i is Niip­ - ,; , ner shinild hav(. thell, (�.jl 11 i.ind. � Recel'I TIO Wbititute- IVNIA'N". r f I lsttfrW oldest itie'aty for see-urin tents� and hor.;es. 8-0ioltz 7`01d. Nute the wited WPPIA-X,�S on 11re package and I L Patents taken throaka Sium &It�poreeelve r, I 1, #�e".hdice. frit'houteltayke. inthe ­xo, , tended ft) by u Doer doetor o ' V'� bebadaca�yd;��;st;,re. Teri sa'n)*p'J*s"`an'r'T,S cents may itialinlia. 1 went out there to i at � n tilt, I I � - one titousand 1 1 , . I 4 'r U TU! n) ft 1 study my geog-raphy lesson . " , farin of Leelluittehii. Rf- IS it younf. ared by t"';t`-l-I1,i1'-` Ult alledtoanvaddrcEsfor vecenig, I , -, 1 Prep fnrwaniitil vj the 1�:pajjs Chankij:�jl (.N>�� X0, " i - � datific 11"1141MIC('40, - as a goad reputa I Street, Nev, V�OrL-. , Sgitncj� 1. L S" , Why. -wlx�t nut4e you go in the i inan, and h tit II - I &h1hdsoinelyllhistrated weekly. 1,argat g1r. I kiltle,lien to do that ?" I fro the Langrberg eitinpaign if , Thre Eureka Veterinax ly j � I . yLtiod I ny oeteriting journal. Terms. $3 A � � I � i , Yeaf, fon'�' 4ontbS, *L Soldbyall newsdealers. t, -0h I wanted tuo look at Bridget. I he nbld not been wounded,he ! . f -_wodkii .Medicine Co I I I UNN &00;Rr,,B,?03dW9y#ftW York j I heard papa say she had thex map doubtless have inade his Men � 0 AM I ILONDON i J I I eb emok h 5 Ot. Ww'hitIrtoli, D, 10- of Irelan(l on her face, I defend themselves, ONT [ ­­-.-�01- I . I , M.- � � 1� "W I . ME roll