HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-01-18, Page 3fr.+ 444:4 0:0:4040 44,0:10:44:qe1,:i 4:41:12X0*:.:0 4/ 0:9 44 0:0 0:":0 44144 0441:4•4:1•1:0 0:4444 +Vt. .:1÷:91,:• 4.0:9 la
Word Fitly Spoken I
4: ▪ There's a Tirne in Every Man's History When It
4.0 Means Help and Encouragement.
• 1:4•0 0:411,41.0:44:Ni ll,1:00:114.:114,114:.:1 04:01:00:1 0,71,,:.:11:10:1 .:1 tt, 4,....110.).C.:..:D4:#1:1.:0 4:f 1:10:00 6:9 0:14:.104.+0:.:•41,:06:1
iWashhagtott report- In this die- spiritual directions. Call the roff o
course Dr. Talmage shows an oPon 1 prophets, apostles and martyrs and
private Christians from the time the
door for any one who desires to be world began and ask them to mention
useful, and illustrates how a little one man or woman greatly good or
thing may decide one's .destiny. The useful who was not depreciated and
text Is Proverbs xxv., 11 (revised ver- flailed and made a laughing stock.
sion): "A word fitly spoken is like Racks and prisons and whips and ship -
apples of gold in baskets of silver." wrecks and axes of beheadment did
A filigree basket loaded with fruit their worst, yet the heroes were more
Is put .before us in the text. What than conquerors. With such thing's
Is ordinarily translated "pietures" you will Illustrate that word "cour-
ought to be 'baskets."I-Iere is a age," and they will go out from your
ailver networkbasket containing presence to start anew and right,
ripe and golden apples, pippins or challenging all earth and hell to the
rennets. You know how such apples combat.
glow through the openings of! a bas- That word "courage" fitly spoken
ket of silver network. You have with compressed lips and stout gap
seen such a basket of fruit on many of the hand and an intelligent flash
a table. It whets the appetite 0.8 of the eye -well, the finest apples that
well as regales the vision. Soluraan ever thumped on the ground in an
was evidently fond of apples, because autumnal orchard and were pla.ced in
be so often speaks of them. While he the most beautiful basket of silver
-writes in glowing terms of porno.- network before keen appetites could
granates and figs and grapes and not be more attractive.
3,nandrakes% he seems to find solace Furthermore, a comforting word fit -
as well as lusciousinies in armies, ly spoken is a beautirul thing. No one
calling out for a supply of them when but Gaol could give the inventory of
be says In another place. "Comfort me sick beds and bereft homes and broken
'with apples." Now you see the mean- hearts. We ought not to let a day
ing of my text, "A word fitly :Token- pass without a visit or a totter or a
Is like apples of ;sold In baskets ol:
meesage or a prayer eonsolatory. You
one : minutes on your way ou see the coneeall five toise man eulogises just to the factory, you could leave a balf
word. Plenty of reeognition has hour earliein the nfternoom n
ad fill a
there 14. '1 for grextt oratoonr s. Cittero's
armission of solace. You contld brighten
raighinent of tOatiline, the Philin- , a site; alone with one chrymnthzn
pies of intsr.osthenes, the five
argumentYou conla semi your earringt9 and give
of E
'dmund Durke anotinzt an 70.7„.,7,n0,1n airinp; to vti 41 311 on
:To:a Itastinn.9. 13-19vnrol no,2„„r112,,r7r2.14r tr,o
ull of ur or
fprole:le-I ioneareebut ray,
3141;"•'54 ""` `1"'?' 1 t•111-3 "111111'1'4 five wor,199, spoken. might
text oxto7s Os= 4.,4 4;44,4 1,Vinrel %%lion 1(143'4? ""4 cf"I?;47'.11"1`;''' 14114u (1°
ft refere tea "ie 4404,1 4l4r1. 10 fli4.790 front whose 14o1c9-9 Christ has
I tell you =0;44{4t 14 ar."tatet.n. v Iiinvelf a loved one and try
eveoty nenth(9 114-oo•1,47. it 19 t3.-. ohoo wooltod "ro vttntr,e,
°Mien ID;,9 fT9 koc. oro-lr= one 9-o9out .4.1-179n sl"er, but in etoer11t7ainty, St1r1aV11414.7, not
1,,,, a :and u) z' tho y ten 19-, 99ricth1311
utitt,Lop n„, oee r bor.= tla! inieenleint
any no.ortrind e0,99 , 4.‘141'...4 f4141 14.1 a r 'un.7on
42,„,3 ;fi7.tot 1.,9.14.74tt."1 by to:lotometion Feat
oft ZI!'t1 eitoir -4•1.4,99•D; 19 -Ter o: ote,..ore E--: 210 3111°4 ': "1004 E17-n.S" '111tEt1
11,9 443ir-o;r tit • oofe,-tet 9:9,•"Tt- n'i 1111"I5''' "t; f444'"118°I.:" 1.'418
cmo3 4713e f..07! 41444m • I'', in tn1.1 14% inancertal boolt at.
,}43,17 „: „1.-.„ : Retro/on. Or, If Feu Illoe Oct wo-trol I o't-
by „4,4 , 7,,,y 7 tor. owlet aticoo. There lot eteViinot
obi to 4 Poor 7-..D.o.,••• W- 4"' ; '/"r. 111°114 411 flair" worlol, '-f.tovflo=en
''413;; ^7'1' 114,0, y.-necot 1; 4,a ,,'.41'0,11. W1')4 t14;,14'4' t 1o0o11 Ct."
eletentolt ''4'1 C'3, n a 3.: -v-4"94"t 14143 10'4: 44: 4%, ;41' 311,1 I
of'4,41 „„t, VO.,10','.%. 4i1VP!! theta OW 1104930
and woe h,,-.•,,„;;,„;,4.4. ;ALA LOIN On.' 1:4' 1•.,q,1 441' • -{ •
t Lgp E4417- 4711,•41: 1 41114* OIVIer Of the lbk,,,fit 332," 11.troo:=3
tteto. to-tal te etoGe 1,e7 44t -to, -4/ etle,3 "" 71it:9 vitotrot r33. That word !,
chin ll !aro • Ii49,41 3"Det. ;,01! 11'o.„ 3,relmkul, or antitivetEeet. thly c3oolt-oft- ;•
woolf. 11:4 Dui° 1a4Leco og ht - 1
Lor the day may come when you may
need some one to be lenient and ex-
cusatory to. you. There may be some -
reaches the chasm!
Besides that, you had better be
merciful in your -word of warning,
where ahead of you a temptation so
mighty that unless you have Sympa-
thetic treatment you may go under.
"Oh, no," says some one, "I am too
old for that," How old are you?"
"011," you say, "I have been so long
in, active business life that I am clear
past the latitude of danger." There is
a man In Sing Sing penitentiary who
was considered the soul of honor until
he was 50 years of age and then o0111 -
mated a dishonesty that :startled the
entire commercial world. I was on a
ship crossing the Atlantic, and all went
well from the time we left Liverpool
until within a few hours of New York,
when, because of some defect of corn -
pass or some lack of fidelity on the
part of th'ose responsible, the Nan-
tucket lighthouse suddenly warned us
that we were driving straight for the
rocks, and the vessel turned in time
to save the ship and the hundreds of
passengers and crew. And many a
man has got nearly through the voy-
age of life In safety 'anl then gone in-
to the breakers. So you had. better not
hold. your chin too high, as though you ;
were forever Independent of all moral
disaster. Better, in the way you pro- ;
nounce your word or warning to those
astray, inilleate that you yourself have
weaknesses that may yet iling you
down unless God help you and that •
yali retinue there may be tenintations
t ahea'1 witIl whichyou will flit It as
hard to grapple as the temptations i
with veldea thai iunn le gat_ lioe.
The chief baker in prisun In Phar-
aoh's time saw in a dream so:lief:litho
quite different from apples of gold ;
in Ineke's of silver, for he said tr
Josellt. "I also wae In a arearn, and,
behoid. I had three white baiatets 4 n
my head, and in the uppermost baeleet
. there wee all i'imuner of balaol olcm.is •
for Pliateetto anti the birds aril eat
• them out of the bate:eta of my 'e'l."
Jteeepli ineerpre.ted the dream 1,n91 'al=1
It inetint that the el,llotf 'taker shotulol o
tl l ' etre' ent
neeh. Sae inenn a nein lees hi late ;
own 1744 1o9.19lis enne,r4.9 of evil, ;Iv
• reek at tiro and foret;911 el.4.one Donra-1
death. Init. oh, i1 *woo; •
• word 91.9.c.co" whom. ori."he. uttered°
'We dol wo-11 whom toe. voted zoloora-;
into ro • no to ols and f• tilemo,e anti thoot-
crotoiticrios. emelt by nine y,;aro ,
of intotritetio-tn i•Ofttl #:';'111 1103P0- to propuro •
I them to.t sound 4r111t that sw.00to anot
woes •I't,i4t.,“4" Tie° arefele-t
ee re; one inn hte ie. in 41,9,7
11-`1.4!' 114 1'• 4g;;•!114471 sof" "0,1LO." That
VtPitNi 4.ko" IN nil Ifte obi,- =icon Tiolt
wotiol now hattolflo9r Ita.999„.9,9 for
4•4711•41114Vg0;1LII•nr414KA4t.ga 00,
Ideao7=7; tend qt.:cow'. Trani VI •44•41
41 40 t•t•and *44 4.7"'4a1‘1:.4i1itecioro7.1- 1
.3 %foto .tr2.1 411/71110,,,!•',. ti,.;!41 11:e day la .
4„;•1.kin Slu ell roo-
1-99.74sonoll. "Wo cototoot Vt'o
And tilto tipto-e tote3,; o 4411
awl 1;«,z1.20:1 7.:1?
t0 ti a
4- 'N; td coot el ht112.ithal
1.1444,0. t o 3 41' 11 2,40.1±' d' C.9 •/ 3hru
n :44 4401 0 1 r:11
41410°°441, 4e Ioo4/ 1wtoc910Eieletvtltacr.t
393 Ittpetroao 49441-ra44 .i 44' 7` fenata‘l .J ;- 440q0034,1# 1.' 4J r41'41I4"Y o40E4 O
tq44 173q0.4 1, t1 LA ;
111t$1g;;.111e1414..o7t, 4e!4tk!e.9-e,4 , 11 . ;i p•4=,4.01yt„l;t4,2.;;, %„. -,,t4,;
‘'t.'.7• 1 ' ..•
49 o44.-•4,4 ,.'t.e
1f10 1,4'4 374 911,e14 1'44 att!, C.a vera wienne„ A
413 14 p mld oa)i 113.1 1
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RNATIO-NAgJA 1447;b01
O. 111.
JANUARY 20, 1001.
rooks Seeking Jesti,-Jaim 12; 20-33.
CommentaryConnecting Links. OnTuestiay mornng J esus 1nd Lii1148-
anea uiatto Je
rusalemfrom Bethy. On the way Petercalld attention tu the fig tre whichhad been cursd 011 the previous morn-
irnager(Mork xi., .1!O-24), and Jesus
tookupavulsion to gthem n. lesson Infith. The day was a busy 05413 and
w4148 put in teaching in the temple.2E1. Certain 0retak-Tele original
wod "Hellenes" 00:11S persons 01!f1rek nationality, born Gentiles ofthe Greek race. They may have comefom Greece, or frosome of theGreek cities nearer by, of which there
wer: several in Denapolii. Cametortr.sliip--Tliaetlrets7ere prose-
. oTov1eantthey thnowiedged the true Godi-
evient, but it s nut certain thatthey had betn circum(4'ised.21. Cnio tin-.oforto Philip --It is
not knowwily they should come to
1hap fst unless it was Lecause they141d 1)0,1 samesight acquaintance3Ifirn. 911434jf4ael Aniirdw aro
rooeknames140-1 the only n'S of
r,o1origin iiniongthoiselples." It
t4nTii•-1 hilL C;r0vit3 ":41.'
itlir from 174'yro-l'h4hlein or f
let11711of fctii-
'restitzlo'i1'e.lo:nae•h, :tIeeat-7siot.itesle.o,l nearea
rnrauim' , eI
olfwnative townDso
slro1n--1emw=8 in the Pone, 4.1f
i3.. wenvoi, a hero 11 juet beheld17into
to et.ter tato eeurt. Meee the
41 :'e j 411 Wi,r 1 Y) thret-
tatiTia; m
ver- 3,- to ▪ «'"eHie f -
we- 1:13 'WM nn1 h,
eelet i Wan it, • toa de-
"1- !' .'•, " oxx91.•.4- •o „
.io L,•,'Uo4 .9set:oa.m-ieetd, to-orm4;.toD.ti94-• '.i'', -4.. . .P
• '; aniAL '11 Up
!, '1"zer t o tat 11:t vet oo111
; o
- 1 ttu
t3-1 f 34 4f 4
.1 11- .1• ° 4 1 1I 04r Ir1
eor-te:Drly 144 ,• 4 , ,
11• TE,. 1144•44.1,g4 g
voo=eHobo11 't1 el. nth,D „e foteelr,oletrs
; et.;f te* hIpoilt471N"
4-,e4, bo 1 ,fgb .1
351.4 4.014 V.3 04 th
1 18, 3f4f1*. Eot11h
lxrt na.: I -
13t4 4,44 i 41
13 t•• T:t0,0
1. tZr etoral
tot 31 .13! 11. n ow
',New h 718o tr'f 11;
32 141443 1., o
etra tgane Dot.. 111
1004 44 u 44 193.ittra3eI•9Wt.(.4'4.'r too 3,3y 3r.' ).1l-29=ran
.1 it and allw It t to 014,1
othel tee,o144 pat i41
41•1"07 It 1 144'
; r 4±4 aie 1 9?-
:= t7tte199 t •
9.414 4.:ureot4•, ta zt-at3314,
11 an 11 1!34I44(!3 11
.t..eratoto; teat- 41%
a1,1 0.10.4197
), and by his owe loveliness leada mn
to himeelf. If we desire the life of
Christ In the soul eve intist (Ile the
death to sin and self The me who
, 1
forsakes all for Chriet, will reeeive 1
allfroChrIst. Wivan J4718U14 "vas
troubld he went to hie Father;
when we are troubled we should go
to the Father, through Christ. 'If
WO Eft up Christ by magnifying lilm in
comutrulives, Ite w111, through us, draw
to liirnseIf.
We do not know whtt it trots that
animated those Greeks to n.sit to see
Jesus ; Ste was cariosity, or
possibly 'a mixture or curiosity and
real spiritual yearning. WO clo know
that the world's groat need Is to kxte
Jesus, and thet eurlosity has oftcm
reoulted in the salvo Lion of the soul,
ha le willintr to be seueht, He Is alwAYs
ji!11,cit 31,j:ever hides himself from
Ws sufferings and death are the
prelude to Iris glory and exaltation.
p414EI:011 44.4111 Hie glory tire insepar-
ably interwoven. If lle shrinks I411,1
fails to von unfair; ot 9 His su 1 sines, al;
le toot es fer tee wo are eoncerned
Th. sh=tdow of the cross strikes terror
to His humanity, and fon et moment 110
sno-179potoliits. lioti-,1,opsIto,;:48o,hois11:116488oLipt. 0..010"
IPs w1711-ou3, wavendrig, put.
en ;o4 it to its consummation. Th.= true
fic,,•Valli"S Of (144 :Lrl". wiWn.g V) Ira pre- •
slot with Him in. (adversity and
lesre(rUson. :111,1 4311.1.440 Ilia sufferings
on. noon toe ii eoIorv.
All mom r•lotill 114) drawn ;m0111111,
for he has Ic000n lifto..1 up ill the sonsoo
bo refeereol to, bat we are not to ,
sul1Pos- all moon will 3-iolo1 to that
'Iro 1111117 an 1 -114444 to hun. Ills words
cannot neein tie). t all will be saved..
for at: one hos obeerwel, many 01'0
14"4 1111'004V and there will be many
ntthe laet day of 7.vhom he will
"1); 1:art fr, la nue yo ewe -keret of in-
ino-,11317,77 4.1.144' opitc•ri"..
oonetly the groat no-tto•s tty of in:- 1
Wt> 4'141114'4t 40143404(4140.4 too
rolgas 91.ens.1 117 do MA 114444411S
ctut hoe:, 411414444 4'4" 4-44'4'' 11' 1,133; !
ha' .1 311.17-7- 8 an Si 141+1 384o44ho-174.
to • th ai (4''3i' tie toe"' It too- of tee =
914•11:--eo8440. of tit,. r.ott" •:!,
119ttnt, ront elf 1.11,3 ")'13:h'r:; condo! LI'
Ika.1 it- oploo, tioPy
•‘':, 1'11; t:
'' 4:1 0
! 8,76....
.°4,4',"14 that t1:40,7 11134 i87'1lt•T1.19 '3,
noee r 4 17;:(-13 !ma
1.1.-1,11 t1111144 a-.1 Kt
4+1±777'- 4'4"4'-!44't!071 awl )-40301-' 104 110743.
34497y had It- tottoi- ifiemp-olde for 44,.;;;,-.7
ttelogre. Wo coneto3. however. 41±4 1,
ton* ).'.4".%8!4 1 4'o87oo4'oot:.30.d3i1:.• tot•fooree '-
oltol, tat' 1,14. 1414'4011 4.1f It. from ,
r ;if
. :
-oar onoolloio•ra 3314.1,3314.1,
.....-1.9.-o"tro.7.9yeterroeso tete,
The Mar. kets
1 LeWe
ading hat 31arlects. . loodow:lig• aro tit:, closin„,0- quotations,
at Imnortant wit =at cesitres toe -day--,
cl-V.colgo 1;0 77
0.s11. M•ty,
New" - 0 82 5-81
.4.80 77 -
0 7314-4e•
Toledo 0 70 0 82
Detroit, red.., ... 4 0 811, 0 83 3-8
Detroit, white ... 0 81 --
Duluth, No. 1 north-
ern ... .- 073 0 785-8
Lfinneepolls, No. 1
north9rn .. 078 3r8
Following are the closing • quota-
tions= at important wheat centres to-
Chicago ..
SNZWL Yr.) ujiirak $0 7091
Toledo 77%
Detroit, red 0 81 0 84%
Detro.t, it hitt ---------01)88,2g 084%
.Toronto Farmers, Market'
,Tau. 5.-Offeringe, of grain on tho
street nairkot to -day wore( modor-
ottcoiy largo, atilt -mating to 2,100 bush,
els. Pad .4os of wit rot were easier,
barley IV14:4 firmer, tend oats and 21340's
were at41±1414.11,3'.WI eat -Two liutallTil litilihe.1S of±1' a
wh trt i tiOn hint ale of rod sold 13 2e,
14.)WPr tii) t41 00 1 -tie., and 100 Luih-
4184 tp: gi)tp"'!, t4t1";a12: at (34 1-1e.
rl,.y -F1 14' hundred barbels sold lo.
151:1h-,t2.*re.a.tp,,,r1 1 ilm-eth
1:3917 -Onto .e;; ri Pit I Irti.ivinged at
Inun.t.ed kolfd an -
.11± -441.1.,1 L..1,1 .1-9 to 1101-2e.
Hay and Straw-H.4,o W,118 a little
firmer., twenty 3041314selling at taie.
h.r.b,4• *4i4:,,'4±) to ;;,^133.714 w.t; t. -;;;;;L,
W' -4.$W'-4.$ weoeli.=r, rise fools 41 Ifinfr,
4;41 te7.. .77=1 -r tem.
Da, .140' Ifeh 1.. The.
r,9 140, .133 neva eh ore Is a
',1+1 ' 1,1444.17441 314 ne40"."rix.not-
'"7 • uttr-
.1 .444 o .1 44 .47.:'474.
;L7.'"" • , *•.; 1,41. 1:11.-iceyst
r.r.. rt. I I.:1 Uri g
4.,4y r, s p..,6 7 to
.,7.401=tre-Doro 9411 rade.
T/c-7 ineolet,994:1 4•,043 9a, 14141 0.1 the •
terateefeenere 444 0441 the wholesale •
a„ ett, 31-iettroal toe thott tilcx oar
411 1114.. 1104'n (;ttmiLololy sat,-
; dot ti.! 41*15
----is 4.-0' 4. ',-,'„. ‘,,J 0 re re iS,):.' 'II kt V' h111.110 Or
Dolt; •to7 - tfonto 481 0.! thoe 3-4'.. fil,..Ite.di431.144441,le.
1. 7 4 9' 1 ' '" -... • ' I,. •"'!''4l4'0.±14 tot p.it.te 4 „. -1. Vt. 3341-
ii.JUL :,,4 t;•ri .4 :. JJ; a LI •
it. lo,o.,,, 1'4,4o ...... et ot4tarta t fOrtu II* iii#t
.,._.,,, , _.,
,1"4. so: .14144 nu 'll 14 14.4 t1-,141..41*" .g. 033±.
1:0, Ot
s . ,,rt4:.P,• :6 ,:treFlaatvea.h, nlada W:.MIt ri"n1
aIt.IHastons tO tJcon'.""1 pd1 m,de-,,,mtt4lhrnaioo1144'43m,ace:s
. l':,4,11 .4 We ri', 14.3'.:0°. 4t14i4 '‘';1•31;,. A,f 63t1.r,ttil.5
4- -
1:!.,,,„ *TA ,It'.., ft/Wr'' f00.on. . 7 tftotot 1104. 30:
, q 4 110.7 ,..,' 4 4.44" '44'7 101:0491 4g,' 1 ra''' f
A TuLICI:',:G LIFE STOri. 18:44 44o33.4 'V -.e 2. 0.4711: ' 1.1t;a4' 4'o4130'3,,1-1,214
i:40 :tit ,)11,t1 to -d.0 ot,..; itp 1444.' 11±' cAr,,
4 "I. "4 1% '4- 11 811''' 1' 8', ," 14%11' ''' t t- 1.,1407 1; . etit- f ..• 11. 1 9- oo7,4o/ 12. °eta,.
, ,„„.3 0 4 44, ,,, g Vt. t 'PI ' "4°4'1' g%" ' v„.tio,r, r„.tt , 41 44 C,4 t* 2.1.1±3' 11°.47,9 44,3?f .r
v. .4 ,'4'4444.,,'4'4444.,33-(,r'ol 9 W174 ie -4•43 $,'0.0.,141
to 4 9 1 , 44;;;;...:;- rn, .A; - -,,,,•.; I ;9.1..t,frttL4t.„ ;_;.',• ','..4,10:31,1:
'4.- 9* '0 ". - - 0, .. , 0 - .
3",1' 14='imt
, ta
9- 7.. 74, 9 .:;:t ' ,',..' d tho ;IA 4,1 A i
;,1;:.,4 , .;.,:`,1 : l',' ,11,..' ,,'.1:, t, l' -1,,,,,,. :,, .t' :,,,2: n- ';',12: ,11'n2P 'f2:',DI'Al .''''':2 II- '5:11:...':j 71
ff.i..4 41;''''..; ':Htel".0,112'
- 4 IT, •:' - ":".P. :7 '-..il 0J,I 1 , .-1 4 4.11
T,z,i.r,•• ?,•:: do; I it ; 9 ol.7;o•o; /1 twl-
'44'; ',"7.-
g t 9 f7.1['.:1 3 ,1 hAdi,',A
• 7.1 l'..4,1" Vgg• 441.01'1..4 4 r t;'1. - .. AL o ,
‘t, ro o to f 111e None tee oe
,i7 7. ;I ::•31" •' •.:::-,t
' ii -,:-. -,;„, AV, 4' 13,14,
• 4177/i 1),.. 1,,titID, •
. . .;.
L_et ..o,_ -"'..,., \T
V: ‘ :L.,, f t ., • .-,;.---15 4 .4
4 fta
t1rog 314,ps34'
71!004: :;:;trtrt,.:;.t-., i,?-.rY..:L:N:.!'',--
210, r•t ;-° "
,; t
l.-1,'"..'o.- 9- --' :"-.•1r
op:.:':0.l'' .!-.,4., 7 7
t-;',i'; , -- -,:r:.• " ', .'; "" ' 7:-1;1..- . .1 - •.7,- .- '= 1z.917-t.'..'-'-e:...;OlI;7`.7"•,!'
'„. 9.e7
-I.•-7"..;';e.''.7•;.9.!T.9 -75..2.o-:..4.,1."u.,„1.:,.1't'1
ee,.'''Ir:.'-e:9'1',1.? ;,..11.t7"-1".
.147,3 1:., I. '72:9 troato7e 1tie °71w;74tDgte7.De78t74:-. and gr _nu*'
7 9 o - *4 4,,• eseivs _,, 1 1,e 19
3 7 7 „,
r74 F,lI \ s- 1Is
c23 L r :roe 7tfr ale w7
Io9 an911 '121' 11 4'
d:n - 1 r9dto -I 14
tte 9 35(t41no .4 14* 7 4 -
0" 4' a-E,,3::8t10S2lt"2CUI 1Vh
CVC.57°4 14 B17to'4' "4' -'I'"!!t1143 3
Ifirfnl4.1,43.3ra : t,e 0 an19:1 alng 2 4r3
37774? 1321 078 4:1 3:4: 10'7c1110!O3 - l I''- E1f•rt''''41,1 *3.713 12'4":2ze' 9,,„,„.„: .„-. 3,4,:4' 44-7,4,.,
n2I 114' 79sve ',7;fr14131.3 er
-xe:17A49II9tle tr11
ltIs 91SZ9:rt-1'e1:..._.e 'l 4'
a;7/Dr:',y4',, 4:I1`7;;c3.7.c2?,4i
V▪ 1•4 :gT4 2±"? 1:..' g".• T,:: '
z,,L .1, .L.:t,,,,,,,27:,.-,2L:rn11':h7-47,4 I° fr'4 tt:S 1:4: -5:1It1t":'V''''''.'':'7:'' .-'
t-rCE.e4t77tov, artInan
i''c' U 7 ^ '77 4"'1ar%9
ounfttr721rradea7!e 99z - at 1 7so. • se-
n ; v.e.75::.3Izt" l't''-7;"1"g11""1',,_
r:oen 44" 4'- 17 444 elle g71 n 41"1I a -2 a goz• o
1,^ 9 -r -.e,; 4 4' 1' her ,a.1 1]"za .N. . '9 .9
20.14» '44' AA12,3Fe3:3-To lae 7Wal21414' 714' «1" 1417 S722"
41F1 iern velut colsae.7es such aot.ta 4101V 44.3-212:
4a71177374.173434ne3 hoe,,11:71r1014,14364?q? T01 e 470
Tsnr,7=e%v31, n.soppedorl ,,ng lr,ai 117a. lut fromhtro
ll 3I9 e97-etf aseruIr.es d In3231-71:13 1ut tcrthe °1:1'-314:-191"3:I1--71-
wer exept 0210-c:ig, fl."-nereer. Ae321*'-1173'3''''• ,••1' 111447.0 4-:='
canonly122r.961.vo11213tittepeeenneheeis2.I,,114t ec-s of EF iM2
you 0.44Cem V4172MaIn ustte„itht!lerilitatc,enr-""een/ 40.3 4 Sa
teatime that oneeord show hem hat e3,,,rzt. enr,a,• A6ictatapnles of go *3 n base
every 44111414en ;Tat ever amounted to any- otorial evny, a condemnatry manner
thing had trr1le strueere. Show him 0. 1424314144 ±4)1444 011o2e• a mar -
714 -eve tan,stiI7„,
vnat 'I 0.8 ±3." au' kaol to fgktard t'er w'er5e' 14 to s4'371,01t at
what a nootentain Ifaensihal nI do," evl/ only malta ;Sana Lewle, he; Isarer, Hoe
tnd whata lame toot Waiter, =letters worse. Prom such a re-
Scothad to wolIon. and that he' 3107alt,ae2"br.ateN111go It to 107403 44'215'-. Saael ±0.14 4844
tat -""t rC'e 1-e33 .,..1 4-47-_1330 a dri,seoer ban be would notoranue Hebrew 44,4 4* to
bthat me ohe grandest aken land he disolut5-40.44anaInsa:dna1erasLin4-3 E9-t,et,€k1ec-
-;eI1rte4 -9-
teounge Into s, in-,Thae wo0rd,
ve'herssqurleraeilv4ts pra4ezrenen3,:14l
-V'441 0.' and thatSempwarning roust be chargand n aocorn(oatar otil z.Asttwaey
644(00 34 thggioatest r.rchant that surcirttd with sympathy'you o tetrsactirrno business with 0114, '51 9
America ever saw, bgan in bis t211 practcaliy say to the man, 91 persons. Ie was understood to iif,
tore. dining on bread and chee- suppos. g i o your present i I.roigk.asn4 wootleey. it otoirg s.tii
ind he colrter in a snathed Inter4habithrugh overworkand you tl'It Is31 td Sl iltlt m 454 '4 11''"4
regnurbetween customershe tookstinnIus to keep 441) and dhe not. knotwIz:tto do with it. II;izg the stond (!)11 23 work you neusdeor.lsurP°8ellNedlfgrand yle in Loiodore1!
'i it as hrough illnessandyout0n1eisawireand •tainellvsli
Ilwb : nd g' intoxicant first as a. medicine"; He viited 3fote Gerio for t4.14' attr:
oboshoev them hat or You are a hail fellow Well liose of unloialing some OS ills sepor-
within ten mtuteswalk there are and you took the liqudin fitions smeney, but 170401))77j81170401))77j810$3 that ie.
r :0 i
.:.:.4...;:-1. ..*;=1,:'=
14 .73 -t•
20 -40 -
-";• .
-.• .
4-"04'4-"04'43 ‚44'41,343 begloster
ererovetal. W23 IF
441:11)4 nv erayr 14; le -en
eDtra2170114 tolls lo4e79-7.53.
be 1'3:1.:1 (44-4
the 33e,1 -e13 Teeetiona 4'774'7.77'4,
28. Glorifythy 177874v'---"4437ry'---"777 the
102 G0g1 14 uniersteed nt7311
/Ss attrihate wisleen344411344.4-, 1424114'37,y, leeinese, are
nil nbireadanty elltel eo Ciolt'e
tsocbility;was RO molacky that he nrele etr.stores, shopsand facories, and omes ,or, "You ware the representa- .o ( er .. 1131*' 34-144.1.where as brave deeds have been done tive of a commercial house that ex- ditributed half of his winnings i
ots those of Leonidas at Thermopylae, 1 pected you to treat customers. I , among the poor of Marseilles. He Wn.S 2
as that of Horatius at the bridge, as , understand it all. If I had been In I rather proud of his munificence to the
that of Mon Campbell at I3aIa312ava. 1 the same circumstances, I would 'poor. but glonted when pluekine,
etell them what Napoleon said to his , probably be fast in the same thraI- I soendthelft worIdIings. He was GS
'staff officer when that officer declared 3 dom." By some such alleviating In- 1 years cad.
Ilk certain military attempt to be im- ' troduction prepare the way for a '
;possible. "Irapossibre:' said the great "Beware!" that will halt your friend 1 it -rue bill for manslaughter was re -
commander. "Impossible is the adjee- on the wrong road as suddenly as turned by the Gr d .Tiiry at th
live of fools." any Platoon of soldiers was ever halt- Carletoar Assizes in the case of Chas.
Show them also that what Is true ed. Swing the red lantera aerots the O'llenlY, charged wall murdering
du Worldly directions is more true in track, and stop that train. berets It WS, AtChisort, of Ottawa.
"e*. .
•7' .
14 x7 t7vo7e9
W-.:-•• 1.9 `.•
410 t
2.14,13744.3 ,4,4
4(434 l79
149 4:
±` th44 ,51 I
7 , •." 7-
n0 ray
:0.1:113 S''4'?.:'.
stat. of 1/14t9; -
my 0
nttl.o7. :
Of t% joet
tee serv771
27. My t4.
110719 foroten949o9
1fily e111197.e ,TN, It :
• 1,919
r1sThe '9-91e4'
gl'oify thyolf, t; w11at.99,,rc"=o--s774t'499et9r-
from beaver,. See Idett. 314. 17: T0.1778g
ix. 35. 1 l'eve orl will
it -The Father hal gloriled
hy giving him p44114::1- to anoomphsh
his" mission tines far, mei he worell
reationo to gIorif.v it by giving iiirn
pewee. to Name to the cree- 1141 by
bringinn him forth from five grane.
O. NOt bmaTIS'n ot tO
ring e ZOI onz ntafjnOil .10 n4)144'2117).119.
zio doubts. about me• eourso. For
Tour sakes -Probably as• a proof to
the Greeks whohad desired to see
that he was tits liessialt.
431. i'sow-At tti,e
1,13s vreir2.1-.,tinienNisv
shall be determined who shnll rule
the world." 'The prince of this world
-Satan. RI cast out -Cast out cf
hiff position; dethroned.
02. If I be lifted up -On the eross
as, oxplained in the next verse. Will
aw-After 1 have died and risen
again.' Christ draws, hut we mnst
yield to the influences or the Spirit,
repenting of and forsaking our sins,
and turning to hint with all our
Toachingse-Christ is attractive an ng over the emblem Of offiee.
u' -11 1,'„
• 97c.r.-ort.
0.7r4•9 t11"777.;o4.,..7- to to
749.e =It 14414-777714,3
10.3, 4277-1 U",:•411, 4143?
84 244 4144"93...".'"r. 11'6' 1.114-4.' TV411 g'1"1;"-
IT.:7 Illie,1:977t Int is o.111 (Y.:or
111o:97.: ati37-4 ;Leo,
W."1-9 33 Do' "ix 4914.1-134--7.44 ot!eo.ot. tt4"4,, 4,7:19
44:7,1 'It'„'(.:V4'
1 ,-v.•971:,=;7". T
4403.44 14-.449' 412195 tfeo, 2914
W7131.t, e
773 „ID
24 ,
• •5 zt
:7 . 770.0
. 041 7 0115,
rn1 no • 3e1t7.: tatc
o L
7 0-cl. t.
s .
r 11711-
210.2 0.4 s;79.7..e:-.17,1 e313.71;;1t.
c,. -
1. •.7.•4 17 7 , h11 ),• - .1..4 ^4444•4 ., ,r4, 13 ±31'
-914- 91 - 4- ,!. N' --'go't'
74!1;0.1417439, fta 140.933 .,Nee. ee,5.L.. Lra:ir.:..•,•-
.;1.4•":•%";,. ....-:T4.., .'. .,1".e'.'...1.4'','.-','
7, 0 Al %.141 13?'? iftwenaDll'»f714a91i149;It7 1fi'-'
i,11',•,,, 9.e9I,li,,1y1'92e.lsi:arri..}..1t.
, e.rV,tt.:e.i7ll:eo::1f.)-.-•
",s...... 2
-_-.•-• :2 Ch.cct.--99..a-roone. ..; 'oinpeetbif0.4 to 1::
1,.1, :!7
11.: 2.
th, g‘r, ,or some tokozt
. •4
tent:',4•Tross on eltro part of 9411,9
71111.:'111'.1:!.1-11 ,loor toomed the happy parent 1
113144 4"41. with arms '4741 79 094m. Introw-
74147 33 '1' artoox 4111I4-9r's 140.1.1
t 7;4;1 111413114'4*: her bend upon his big
411457,•‘ile • -s)bbr,41 linppNy-rzncl
De Poyeter Oult tho 154)1)7..
row mornb:g at '3 onOoek.
'T! win leave for Alratelice to-raor-
Payinent's Loyalty.
0±t -w73, Jan. 1 2.-Mtevor Pav-neot
It:outing over the chair or office .
yeste.rday to the City Clerk, arter
ho had officiated at the reception
oZ tine soldiers, settle as; he Ic4s4ed
the coat-oi-amw. "Ilivs, this is the
last tittle I Wfl1 eeer wear tir t
ehaln, and as a good Catholic some-
times kisses the crucifix at his
breast, L kiss this, hopo;ng as I do,
that no less true. British subject
thilb I Wu zu-ay ever Wear it."
Tho Mayor seemed touched at
357 ........
Entanoled Wa',./Ort.
Kingston, Jan. 14.-.Tc1n Mana-
han, ozi.er of ono Co/ 14. R To
ottagi hati ti.m. hones of one
leg broken in two places. He had
Leen delivering bread when the ri
upFet. In attempting; to stop t.
Lorse. Clatatho'n got, tangled nt •I4±110 rig, -
tu-• hz•ing the breaking
'11. bonos of his leg. Ile succeeded
141 Iningtog tha hoorsa tO a standstill,
.=aving the rig from deueolitio.nt but
e unable to 'extrioat73. himself.
an -1 was oTalige.,1 to remain lying -
the frozen gtrxrand for a, long tirnie
before resoled.
The Ariel:or line steamer TAM
weilobi event- onell' ,re.7411:lueskiay eta
in the Firth of Clyde,
been fronted, anti has 74etur113