The Herald, 1901-01-11, Page 7. . -711- I—- - .''. I 7 I 1. - I "I., . �?,� .. , _:-_j" 7--- - . ` " " , "
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"I am glad to have Met )a again, fe�vot ,his singer. He r-cogZAlzed, Dial
,_�,0%0_%,0_%--_%.*-_--'_,_~ -v X171 . -
� .A- Or I would "Ve eX- Ur. Sablil's assailant. �O FRI
r . Lord Volfeaden," he said, onj� to at onee, gQtwit1latanding his appeAr
thank you (or your aid htst night, I aaace In ail afternoon toilet as bare -
i / , I , 11
. - - . lives anxious to get away'before any I gully chosen as his own -It was Felix, I. -I
lv�" "i .. — I
pressed my gratItude at the time
I �
In a. more seerwy
"I hope 11 Wolfenden said, 'ItUat you
will not 'think it necessary to Say
The Shadows That Go Before-
_____m%- +__un-
anytblng more about it. I did what
Wolfenden forgot his anger at OnOe,
anyone in my place would have (lone
He hesitated for a moment, .then he
tylthout a momelivs hesitation,"
crossed tho street and stood side by
1`1 am not quite so sure of that," Mr.
'side with Felix upon the pavement,
. �
...... . ...
1abin said "But, by the bye, can You
tell me wiiat became of the fellow?
"I am glad to see that you are
looking a sane, man again," Wolfenden
She stepped Into hex earrirtge, and
satisfied with tile attentIon she had
but had decided to maku
Did anyone go after him 7"
"griliore, wa s, some sort of pursult,I
said, after -they liad exchanged tile
Us iave been
Ual greetings. "You might 11
the soft folds of heri gown ispread
themselves out over the cushions. ISIle
received, she
otiter arrangements." -
believe," Wollandan said, f3lowly, "but
in a much more uncomfortable place,
drew them on one siL%e Ito make roum
Wollendea nodded, and walked Into ,
his dining-rown witil the note crushed
114D Was not caught."
"I am glad to hear It," Mr. Sabin
after your last night's escapade."
Felix shrugged his shoulders.
for him.
"Come," she said, "lot us bave one
.up in ills hand.
a t
" those d ys a
Wollienden looked at him In some
"I think," lie sald,, "tbat if I bad sue -
ceeded, it little discomfort would Only
turn In the park. Ib is; quite early
although I am afraid that I have be�n
For the Hake Of
Deringliam," he repeatetl sof tly to
surprise. 110 could not make UP him
it w," Ills duty to dis-
have arnwoxi me. It Is not pleasant to
fail,,, .
a very long time."
He stepped In at once and they
himself. Was the girl a fool, ( )r only
ail adventlaress ? It was true that
mind whether
close the name of the man who had
Wolfenden stood squarely Upon his
drove off. Airs. Thorpe-Sateliell 11111711-
there had been somethIng like avery
flIrtation between them at Der-
made this strange attempt,.
,,your assalla.lit was, I supposet a
reet, and iam his hand lightly Upoil
the other's; shotilder.
ingly repeated som story which
Princess had Just told her, Evidently
ingliam, but it ll,td been altogether
stranger to you?" lie said slowly.
Mr. Sabin shook Ills head.
"Look liom,," lie said "it won't do
for to go followln� a man about
she was in high spirits. Thu, strained
look had from her face. I -Ter
hiiniless, and certainly more Of bar
s.4P..ekLng than his They had met Ili
"By no meaus. I recognize d him dl -
London like this, watching for ail op-
gaelty was no longer forced.
Wv_ -+ 4. 11 +1- result of
the grounds once"or twice and walked
to ether! he had talked to her a 1--ttle
rectly. So, I believe, did you." zed.
Wolfenden was honestly ama 11
portunity to murder him. I don't like
Interferin- In other people's business,
These Four.'
Now Prepara- ,I
tions comprise a ,,
complete treat- o.
ment for all 11 broat �
and Lung troubleet �,
also a PositiveCare 1,
for 0ousumptlon. 4
The Food-amul- .
slon In needed,by I
some, the Tonto bY :
others, the 1KxV0c-
torant li� others,
tile jolly y others
still, and all four,
or any throo, cr
two, or axty ollet
maVe used shiigly
or combluation,
amording to the
exigenefes of tile
case, ruillmstruc.
tions with each set
of four free reme-
dies, representedin
this illfistration.
U wa 0 .Ow ft
my miaslon, I Suppose," Sho Temarked, after dinner, feeling a certain sym- "He was your guest, I DellOve, J.Yzr- but willingly or unNvllllngiy I seem to
pleasantly. Wtell, I am afraid you will pathy for her isolation, and perhaps Sabin continued, "until I entered the have got mixed up In this, and I ba,ve
I I haw him leave, add I was a word or two to say about it. Unless
call It a failure. The moment I inell- a little admiration for tier undoubted rOOXIL
tlQnpd the man's name tile Princess prettiness; y,at all the time he had half -prepared for something of the You give me your promise, upon 'Your
I had a slightly une ,,He was my guest, it Is true, but upon that man's life, I sliall go to the
&topped. me." asy feeling with sort.11 honor, to make no further att;mpt
" -You mustn't talk to me about that regard to her. Her ingenuousnesi had
man.' she said. 'Donlb aak why, 01117 become a matter of doubt to h1m. It none the less he was a stranger to police, tell th-em what I know, and
YW,must not talk about him.' It - .Was so now more than ever, Yet be me," Wolfenden explained. "Re brought have you wntched."
I don't want to,' I assured her; could not understand her going away a letter from my cousin, who seems "You shall have," Felix said quiet -
'but the girl,"' . i like this and the tone of bar note. SO to have considered him ,a decent sort ly, "my promise. ti. greater power than
("What did she say about the girl?" l far as he was concerned, It was the of fellow." the threrit of your English POIICO 11115
Densham asked. I most satisfactory thing that could ,, "There is," 31r. Sabin said dryly, tied my hands -, for the, present I have
"Well, she did tell me something have happened. It rellevetl him of a nothing whatever the matter with abandoned my purpose.11
about her," Mrs. Tborp(,Ratchell said, responsIblilty which lie scarcely kneir him, except that he Is suad." b eve Too," Wolf-
. "on the whole, I cannot say, that endell Raid, "and you looli as tbou0i
olowly, "but, unfortunately, it willnot how to deal with. Tit the face of tier I am surprised to bear it" Wolfen- you were speaking -the truth; Yet YOU
help your friend. She onliv told me dismis3al from Derhigham, any assist- den remarked; "but I certLnlythInk must forgive my asking why, In that
when I had promised unconditionally ance which site might have accepted that, considering the form ills mad- owe, You are following the main about?
amd upon my honor to keep tier !"for" from him would naturally have been ,ness takes, -%,on ought to pTotect You munt have It motive."
mation a profound secret. SO T ar" open to misapprehension. But that she Felix shook tile head.
sorry, Francis, but even to Tot'—" I should have gone away and have writ- yourself In some wa.y." (To be continued.)
"Of course, you. must -not rel5eat It." ton to him In such'a. strain was Mr. Sabin shrugged tile shoulders
Dianshain sald hastily. ,q would noT, directly contrary to his anticipations. contemptuously.
e world; but Is there not I ,*He can never hurt me. I carry a CRAIILRD BY AN ICEBERG.
ask you for th 1 Unless silo was ;�onlly hurt alit] disap- talisman which Is proof against any —
a single scrap of Information about tile , pointed by IAR reception of her. Ile
to gain attempt that lip man make; but none r1trilling l,,,xperIenee of a Vessel's
man or the virl-who Ile is, -*vhat he Is, t could not Bee what she Ila 11 t N -our aid Crew tin t1te paelflo Ocean.
or what fnitilly or nationality the girl 1 by It. I -To was puzzled -1 little, but the je,�;a. I must votifess thal '20
Is,--anvthInw at all wifth I can take ills thought,; wQre, tno, lUIPPIV ell- last night w,W very welcome. .& t4riha.g stlury of ,L lk,%SKS OIL -
to ffi;rottitt ?11 i sed el-cwhera for li�ln to t.111.0 hor "I Nvao very, pleased to bD Of any uv.Aj.j.4-r j%4,ij alt ikluberg is liuld by
I- '; servIce." jVj;fje�dpa said, "(,specialty," Uajjl,,i,jU j .*;,:�E..% oj tau suluxatur
Mrs. Tho -pe -Sat rbg it lonked Fitra. ,lit 1 Triompriparaneo, very sprlon;ly. By the
at hint, with .I falat,Fmlle attilf) COr- .. - " Is
I ,�me Ile hael 11. ,lit eon,(% lie ailtied. glancing towardi Mr- "A�a Lir.uji. %ljj,ji� t,tio mAitmuer W un.
'114r -d hineh Ito It, bin*.-; rileve. ,liduee It has given me ti. lj_�Ugng j-ru..-,o Ill T -
nera of her Up% I to the conehr,*on that whilt hall I%-")' tualutance." ,hu 11ordiern wu
"Y(-. there IR 0110 thing which you ' t1u,, pleitsure of your ac(
I tioneil was for tit!,- Lest, and that it(- val through I wre. 1,�uIj,_k,a Ulvszur bignted aa iLu-
can tell Mr. Harotutt," Phe Faid WoUld talro her nt linr worJ. ,k littlt- thrill pa -v, . 11M : lu,oa.d%� jvtpt;,nj� .t1ploaretaly lasti Oil a
ppn,.jl:jnj ot,,�w n, little brt:atil. ,%t I Ile left Ills ronm,i agaln nlmut thrNt Her drIleati,ly,curve I 111ri lver4� quiver re�.-1 k,,,Pv,a z.) exu;t- jabo tiff 11WIlia-
last. then! as though with aulawemunt, anti -IV$ a Iia";.-, finiv Intraghtthoei;p-
llyml c"ll fell 1,jon tljl,;:,1Ir.%rrs, rntorrx- Welook, and at ptim-'l-oly thi, Ilour at "a
WhIt-11 Dens1pnnt bild rang thiv Ilt'll at 111�1" P.Vev bad fall(n). SIM had blUSh(Id td4j. 3c; It, at %atu'i ,ull" LIAO A fv)rtxw
Railehell V..1141, slowly all"I lniprk,.,�slvely, g V . %itting, ardent,
"tNat If It J�.r it!w -.�irl. aq I Supposo It Urp. TI!orr.,,-1.3ntvhAI't% ljnu�r- In IPIV- t;ll "ZI. lit tl'at nil j)uV6, Llh;T, 4 I lot 6igti Ilhl 1,3 � 11014 10"itill
' jp�e Itr.k of )lie. Mr. '4abla"ti cold volk* re- ,
[.-Or te P,T;v,r1o, A a very great R 11.0 6%A tjr"AiT.11, L".0 11-34 ft,� expi.cle-I
10, In '140in ho 1,4 silt"reltled, that tl:p ""`f� ettIt'd bin) to, hilll.;vlf. , at I over. to #%�o . 14.
' of' good fortut,06 4. th, *;�.,ji-;j 1,jj�� sv.jtki,;,:t.,r wa�,,,
Very I,, f thlom It'! (,.in k1o, 14 to forgot ,-- "I Iwlil.vp", Ile Faid.
,nr -ot he.tril your ilranw efirreq-tI.y. -$V�*,4.0 �k r�;%.v y�'Lj�.41, *jZ tilt? ut,rg the
itlint Ito IwAT Pvt%r *—n Ito". I eann(A Coln' , otilt of 8, .^.,?;. w1wre, njoro it IS jr�. 11
*11 ywi wl�4o 4io IF, cr wllftt, altijoligh frot I a liall'ot th'i-I 1'4'1-(Ii4��,.V 111, It",, wt4rm;ami. i3 It 110011 Wc,lak.* W,44 I 'I T41V 'W�e-K b%U119
I know That wit art, old friond-4 I."..,Ip q .I 11�0114 Ili, XV 4folult'll .t,-- ellitpl. ,11.� vaw!� ..kluz��'.tlk! the
� turivul �,n to hw IV b t -I. It I aw;i4,I 1:%..;�L k ,
i;."% 14k,,* Wm I.Maei L'st,
obi. nnat I that my U00 will Ila "i.3n, ': ar"'. a f#%r viint'g, till "I mAt eorr,v tlllkt I It.wo-il't a card," 014'3* tO 'i, ,
if, rao.p to P � In,.- UL4Uj%%" �V";, 14r.�. )�llw ttli, wiiA5 at the fult;
rp9rfjeIF1nt `[�`tr �444% YtIll I' It triko *1111 ltonI F,tr".t. W'th tit, it%itl pi:oplp ,,,, "litiet. "Thnt t -i thruivu ,w.)%4,r to a
4, Ttbilr . . - ,
from mi- w� th- ti�val-laln truth. wboin, tnpirt� th-tv olivM16* 4U0 lit 010 �Nv. SaVa ItsoUed cit, Ifilit V.1triouslIv. U, l'46li6?"1-- "& %'"!;
Irlitud It.0 bettpr hkip,�� for "the love id Wow) 1, I?p 11101 dw:,- i'l to liwf-t. T,'�?.Ityl AVA)114�1141(in Is. I 14fillow, tim laul. li.11�119 I 01i '-Lc 1��,, aps! viu, awit began
pp till% tLo, ivere waik!ng to;�,,, t1tor. tip,, f -,Irl tilk- ily IgilaiiII of tIze I*rI0g'R-k1 4jr-,4t,,;,,,, ll_#,�' vilwil � ot i�!kl all -i hoLit-
. I � . o.r fix It1% 1,intrit 111t,W), I , tbl'- 14 .olo_L, L i:`I01 li�uat, %voll laut.1
the I an .-Ir tP'k. 41r4i ,VWt any ri-latfion tO A01011rul ki'o* '
atatilp (lf 1,1.intil. It r, t Ifth tit' t IlAt 01 -IL" My. tho Iran IkIiInIllix Witt * i ,w. ci% 01� 44�",. %,. to Ai toArtlt,1 ton 1 44 i�_. Ila -a
. '% I'Vo' l4ord I teringim it .
D.tjr,Ij[l,M j;.,.tl%jlja t�traI1ktUh6"a'6 lr#f l%a1IN8Inl%v'�l "('F"7`1'ii`� ' "'Idy , -1 va to, 1,41111.
alonct tho t4r im 4,)r %4(*tDI'tj4 111i; Al%4% %VtAtelvLoa %V��i o -'a 1414-ItIv grave. bb 1 , oioe. 4
- _. _�lto brolw off nntl ur -Iii-In-I Wolfkln- ., , U.I.i., 1=41
Wero r.,*t. bat h(I Pfttv 110tI111114. IRN 4j,.,j !ovt ,W,t1j .-L t!j,jt1,�jqljt1 �-t,Ajo 44 rovoMAIL "yv.." he an-wfl:i ;i "lit, 1 -ii, my fath. X 'mr.10U." " - U,o` W043t;
noti dottit lifir woril for a rX1mMlFhkIb. lie f. , I 4(
wl,. "I"N, Inan 1,,4 T.A till, tpl!�Ul,v. Q-.4 4 -1 tht" lmnp, to o'llt'Lloi alto )a t. �!
' ,j C�I,**Uo,,j - %tojtplpten %Vftl�4 t:4 ,` nj er. Vii, I ."livil v%k I, luo-vt Idta".1" r., i mm tl> till t'#w,,�r I V4. ��-jo Uili,.;.
,B;th trtjtj� .1414 111.
know thnit, 4,140. ltq� � J� fk)re tjto� Mr. t,ii..'s-11 ,Oa�,Oth, lais lwakl. -L
-iii, ,irp w,rtavyl ,�-Wtibtrdv v4l.% ou tho n%willPIA. ji,ot 11�'n linnil. *,.,�ii ti,�,a - - L-14- it'.l.i4-1. 'r.4', 1�1!%Ljt pizit. ro.-v
_ ,
" .. ,L,,�
,tr,�t ,!f j,F..jU ItItaxa, t �
Ttu% atirto plik . I I ,I 01, 'It It J',',l t4o I � -' 1�4�a,','IL" 1119t
- r lltoll . Iva I �V* �ab�. "� �
.1;".. ,��
1"Ind mint'i,"iii Ito uldvero'l a litt`14�_,V'p , in lklrw�llrg. at tl0p unt.%I160 , o, of Uw ef-u0m.!4S of Ver. 1.1
It 4%4,ry plimly malk"no"Pi , - III tt� ,- Ii �ry � B.""tu"o': Vc,,� ui.itt tj hr I
Wft.9 "�!41* 1%,11V elfflIP11 .110t fOr - - II10- nINA1111M ', lwi)tita�r. It L, ,1.04y iFuirG , 4�
. a _ ,I that I lk"%(L� uqt, Ina.4 . a �"o'A"IT. t -D.,
, thut uat ww w3l. L, �. _ .., J,.,�
mcq1t Ito raw',tho v.*Irl*,4 V eo. Ito"aVi ittle , a IAQ faco, '.%t-. . 4111,41a rAt't- '11,11*11,1111" ", at, I . �; 4A � * 141 Id. eal0iou .un �� 1_
SwIrl of Vvv& r-14rt,4 fiq ch" lla�l ra-f", , it t!Ptol "! 0 t wily eq41 At �3"��VwaltltFIT.l 10 , , Z ��7.4� , I.
.!Ir Mrwg-.%�, -'ant t�vol "Nukt, I"t, att.'" Wvlff,mlos "im+w"'I, I ill - " 1i J.,re'l vio tn,��-,v V aa,�,'al'i piaA.
thvir t,t D+,t 111101 thp C-.441torl,01 J�pr vo-OR191 Z111onty. %r-. 0 + 4, of", I , 10 o� . -
gul j,j�v J�,�qjj 1% nt otrr tLe nrfat g+%',tPT' a40:01ni. %volfolt:01t It, V ,-T 01DIRP W,%PW I' I 1.1 , k.*r' 7 C t �= t.;�l la. iolii ttv.y 1vcud sgo_w, tl�w t,,,I�[Y Uri!. �
ifin "' � a , i, "'�" """ , ""' , "' 1i .0, 01491!14. WW%a 9N0,Ah;,-j,P Four, rI44-
AltIt *Wtifointfl whvn,�v* te got t1a, lj1ij;t,eZ, `,", 1i lor, 5
. %VW011 14 L.1 V4,ry I
ill w'(11,0% W(�-I,; wvt�p V . kzg�"�l".dtl, LeAth. I we
rw-ioftoi Ps -ell t4i WLIPTO flC'1%11 Mlow tit-, 04%rt,t1`,4IIv pnitv- t*0 let,,l ttith .111 0- '... t 4 %'Cgi 14111 . vl�,q. flO,,dq� 41 V11 Vw " "I'll 60 th�-, ro,if LvA vLart- I tog ll,n�,
thaq. Tlion M4 Imit O.Ll- 0 a �+., .ks.,4 o4� llo, r�tj�4�n�- A nal vb�31f-A uv 0 ol att fjl"�.-�11. 1,,'inkhr Zi 1,.aii,lghl, tt-I�t ! �.-�t 14-11'h co, " 1� ti"': j" S �:�, ll�q 1_,'4i"a
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1 gul 1& t�, tilt V4 Vita. , ��', . b? t, - 11 , I'Vilr-
VVW't It e. aW ,!T'Al' 2, 0v,; , ti'l # �Ilal Up. t M, ot " i.. .
taktN ,;. . 3 4 1, �` " (101.' an a B C, ;,U� �11 U lt.� c,,; 1.,-4, at':1 �. i,"
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larentt., I 1, M I , , llt. , t4',�' I - a ` " ' � �� ��A, 40: 1 tlll� vl�� : , " I i I 04,11, ',
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.k lr:t�,�,.,anu ba, r-o'n'll �4ttr*.",_ . _i�JL� ') 11I.VeD;1�,�'.4 III. :� t V� f- ,, ia�P-L,411 cr-1 - "Vater. r". ,,� 2, - !, " , '. I. ,
. �-%-. 11,1�4. raV,.-,,P �",Ic1t- ,tttl r.!A'R,o,r ,(J.-,J.4?r��Dj 41� -
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*q-!( tVV L;Ke "'i" '_ "' #"' .
Poach, 1,qv4'1�,:;,oj_ 11sq, �,v4 rt'mu , 1111111N, V%l *ni".,."!�,A �i�42:� AL,n - tl%-��o 'i -r .1 I I -11 ., I .',A I, � - 1 tDL0 511"'g"4 t00 'it L.--ELi . � .1 . �
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Wi,%r"t; I' J'L�,,Z " ;1 , I, � "u t nv ri ., it. _ , L, �5. u -Ir �.vij' �,o. r -h,' . I " I , o t_
', It 'n .. t,�: il"i 1, i
I -11. t.,,.�' ..., '_,J�,J",� r,�J�t�, ��14&3 `C v. "Ov,", nt_ 'N � 6.!_," LOl�!, � V1'.,i,1-l1 %","L'� Mt -t�-"�,:j 'U� L,, 0V ��', E� 0 h - L C. 1, � , v;i � .v �4, .,:, " ,1,:it �j, �A,A,
w1t. t0tANKNa, I - -, -, . , - _. I 1. . - N - . ,, vlj I tt�ea �
" "*'\,Vt9. 11 V,,I5 t6:4, ,o,� " .r,� W�zy, ': 43
" - , 11
I -DLII !P-! tato"n U,21�on w ��: tio a o Ml,,,il 11, I Th ont!ujr t , , 9 t"_ -,t# I . , .
Ll 0-P Loftlo., 'd r"I'litrl. T,v [11.1 &"iit.l. - - .1 ,,� � � i. � .,. ', L - �.
t?hnnt�* %Wu a� �-�,�%#L% rmri, R-1 'I'L, D - � t- � lio-90-11'r-. *.-, _ ,l, , t . r.r,
, -
I �;i,�Ita tN- "'gli-li", 1,01%, - -
. 'L � . n't- 1pi",E " D e. v 11 H ifq t ur!'It ,." u,�,, u �. L; ,,,, " ,, 144: ulli.�, 'Lj:,�- - � - .1 �.
.,;, . � "I I . .
_* I '"ll fu�no I int"4%`�.10��*. V�! v-PL0 'A, w', l'-.I�_.,I� -4� 4r,-.- , t � tl; 10 dh")dli'dl, a _. !-� r � ,-. t, � " Z �,_C,�
nutt'vateml. - �1- Wa F� -st ,Tllwlt bt , u -1--f ,,!� k;i�'F-,, " i �.,* L;.Wj1;- "; .��Cii.,� � �11 I -IL11 �, I I'll-,
, M-nripa. tz�aol 44rV"a i"I"M�:ii'A"u,",�, Wl'Osq,L)- , liv (-t._-T�t C�Io C!,�� r, , !...,a, L .1 --, , �
kmwin,11,11 at,4� t ltl�,I�rj% C, -Vlu"i'� -1, -,;:� , . '.,, �, . , , '1'1;� �.
� � . - ,,, ,, ,� _T�% �,�,,tl �_� � - V,t,- ,;., 1�
orf,ta�q rwLNrTvf11 , T,%:� _.' .� " - L - , - - -
n %_ atk,,,�tljo,, �t -L `,!�� , t,- I fit�j , ,'� t"U. E�JML��, ,,,, �1, , :Z
., � �; I , I
, -
t3�q 4 "e � 0 , Z 'n-
.!�ptp,,j fkr�fZ* 4V _��V�,Ii,lillt.V ,A,n 1; 11`� �Z al,�L�f ,-I,: Z 41 L -L: ' - "I - -1
., U! ,,, C .b k1l'A : . ' -
� I .
i 11 L%ln0d,&:-, Hg� w""i ,,�W.-�I�e tl.L'i;�t klq I vm tkv E I,. s. " ,��4 V4 U'! " 'A ��'� " " . ,� t rD .L I - C-,-,I�c-v-�I: T.,ki ,,--� `,� � t � � .,� - 1, _�] ; IL.,J'�
- - - :� _
tnd tcad It. -t , !U,ni tou?T", "0,--.r-- cv, th" N,, !, . L
" , - u,"'. Ill'ov,vaq ' - - .1'', �. , I - - �.' t . ,j , � i", "' -
� Tonur.s&-ty aiC2,VT'1r-,*_ Zlrb�=Ir,[, Vm4 a Vt �j "1 �V,,��,_% 11��-'�',r ,,.:- U.0, I - _i, , ,;.,1,_,1,e1 . -..Nit... t,t, t '.',I�'I'� 1, �f,,' `�'�' _�,�,!'_
t4,�4 ont &t�q 0,�,S:;' Vtan akc nrfl t I"I'Ve. , r ,� _ , E�'� �:'�%'�;'!
,,, . '. � , � ,
.- , - - iin
'5;rnr tOTA WT�M,xlvlon.- I , I - ''I � .1 .-
4"L kit t.,1:21r�e WE-4tv-4. A1tvVV,,..-11r,its 1,-,P- *,tA4",g%t tol 'I kw1vir'. to�__ t �,�a t7_!5:,'�',!L� T;o"', . . ", V"Mq SU� "Alit ug1r;: t� : i, ,'-, -_ ,,� C, I
I mnv*,q,�l tiri"�!�tatle al"5 kf�.1�1;4,ll�+ t" N"'I'-t 1,1!�* , n"� 4," ,L,�,, E'�� � �UA`L i '�, 'L' ', "A � ,f- �;. _�"�-- Z I i� - t 1, 0 � %1""..
` , ' a hn!,3dN,q%4 ttij'o"�1-7 �i�l wo,katlit ark(L'I to '%� 4;nraf5t-,:",�',,ii.` . Uji A r,f)-alant2,17-g 1, . � ",
I nla*ht. # qm wtv o�o�lr,,V, ftqg*,�!—!Lncrs� . 9_0!11111�- XX%`11 i4l! rj. � j!, I it.� tl�,�, r �Tj �,-,� w! V.17�
l;ag ovmx Ltnw A have rntd. vy"A flm� x-nfWUc,T,0L el ste�rn . . lli't,e g�'Tiil li'�'-,, ;F_,'� �,,yl.?I.V�41t,�� 01,�'.e t'.'.Lr J� '�'4"nLL47'ttalnl�* F311. - .,. ' . �' "I.
" . .. - btL%* '.,, - I ", - I- t,
"-Oi�lt _&_-� tot fe-, ,:��,%t il:L&�,,� t1In4.q thrm f,o sual,',r--�lfly L'A tm,��it Ift'l a �!' altgron et C_i, I'Z.�t�kprL .
I �.�Alp ii .4 it, r% .4 C I!i- li'�-' .1__ �, I - �
- ,;5 '. " t[Lfi J�Dq'&fj. 'O'2Z" �',�' ,�'� ' �UT` n`�" � " ` T'�'Tl
- I ItittD.-, V-11 1,14 k-_-i0r-T_*j�_sf lq"nn. Mr. , at"In ",4,y . , _ "" L� I t i! I I .1 - I -_
I . . , ,. � I
__ � M_.,� 111.1�.4 VLA111 "k,''q'. ii,- 11 ,ik &� � . �
_ . � �, _;",�, �L" 0�r_
retutfir, awl tb..�g 1p.��Zl_ln --yon D-AVe , 11, l ll��,,'�'.'V."',jr�t V , , - _jP 8��Ijoon!,* i,
� �_ . ,..I ,�L_ � t"Zj" - �cl r W . r W '.
nte, M trill not U" tie tqy1% ,P the t.Dn'orriiat"on. :�J. _ . r_ v 0, 1,"'.-I-1 - - -- -_�,.:Ii -
tAgght. � 0-A"I _11t Ter 11 I . ,r ,,.,�.-ra �4,Zfl�;� , " ff"'t a4107"it U�e ereie:��, 1 ,,,2 ". "I . . _t
M%, 1l3.,:-.mItV." he Vail. gllileit�_� -
r I"$-. to, rf-we mbm. vat My lifo. I ennuot . Uoing to 101- '1,'N_er,e Z- - - E ,; �
I ulmrnw-zt�i-:�, :Uakcs %rnlrs,al.,� fcu,v�. - 4til'i. IT"bur'?" U, .q � __ L`�f!� L_ "'21-(_�" "�`!t'l
I C6"_�_r,j� to rentaln, .ye-ur d0yoo", aUd I I alm ,,t"tTT"�.Lt '11�'Z� j E_J�.�. "�l ZLj`�()�j`_' �i t'f. I
"" ' I - _�!. I - � !, ,,,, to " �z"�r ry 4,�,Jji,lai,
il ,.
I ea' lalay lon s"ni� jvtw-=entq. r'"ther at 11 1 LrOfhet' 97�15� - , ._L_l _ - I
'ft I �-- I E-LA'"'I Br"'�. ,w;p� rl_�,','_�4-11 , fT�A'2Lt _1" ,,,�vn_L.,;�_?�D- IL [, � -
vLng h�ve at 0'3�' .. . trardn"*. Itowir.-Vev, tin- �; 1' e1DtVnX1M?11 ':M�l �" I 1`,� L' I t'[� ' rL `�:'- 5'3
gote ton- Ev-107e ,�- oil . ea"we thl,l vat,". I vmhfut u'ru:pe �i wa-i nv'K,-V,.:,-, -v '5.191A, * 'Illf tr,,' '. -. , �Z �,,,� t. ."r -t"
. ecin 1,; ono� 01 fho�,:. vilt"'.4 %V,211:."t en n 1;,.,r,_- - ,,, �� gtnmt S!�,ot k . � 1,i �i , 1i
to ro� t;� i� rm 1'n"VI t Fhail rjot, Wan :!_.-��:" 1�. t�,"" 'L ,i,, i,i I '. -
,o ses% th= I OlLv tw� 6w,r-n ca To3t. .'aulI nay ID!ere Etas I . . _. � � � . --
for frrmna-; it Z t ,- U�,-:1�ll""I'��""I.I�"L","*.,�lI � . - ; � 1� tr,le se.-�, Tx)ws "yn � !,I � k
.L.. -0) 7 1;2 U 0 - a'j 41, 1". Z � , , - t"- t"k
X .. - ,a%%�av� ,� 'r . -
ntl thp kl-nr!".-Ity OT Kr'T'. =e- . I � H -A A - -
, i ite fi� I nin i ��, 7__�,Uv 5,, , I
,, nt tl.k, 1119U,i��- 4, . _ '. - ,
Alfart t-lom t!-- v eot.ot, tvant to �sfO ![I Al�
Van agall I _i.7t'an It, 1'.10 I t;r�v�f,' to � .�u- M C - ont fr,-110�r' "' -,h�e wotle � at nmv :ratft I �'_- 74. i:" e[(",., �! Ftflt OT V,1i1ng1!tC �,_i; - r " - , i V.01
U V,lirlju ly. I 't &I'441 L'L '-C* .1 r
. , IT, XUL E W - . cl,'.: V .7 i 4�i� ri'l qll I'tc-r'.
I a -'g, 1,051. � .... vr t-can'r �;',%A r *Und <11f-fqrP�t,atF,,n" = __ 1;�_,_ "
- - -.11 . - t t"'i ,It 1; , f, "
yozir Panor to 7e.utr�rb Mv Nvishe-_,. I t -itjl a Urmo 0 � �,,. 'vg ovc'r !.,,I, ,;,!- V1 L, 0 .'UMP ,�,�.
a, wa, Ipr vh4i,o " Q, r0i,l=+ th.` It ..i _.� __ - "MbI . -
. gj , (yt to � it-,; y Into ft vL i�wr( 1. __�__, � �J,(_ fr,j,��JL::,�*
,tr�,T� , 4tt. .
Vittl1r. that; I may at tea�.,t � . . '2111 to =--t - W,'�,'tI. S,1,-
,%�- -01w Ij Wjtto a �%�-i�*.�-_%'� ��,� ,,�` , ii-ff.04-Ill � - .�., .1clou ,,
to* lk'�,:; f,'),- th,3 F, 'a or tr-,C,se . ir*lleatl� Imt R�iot�,.-jt;%V IV xci,tt._- 4 tu qqra �
grast w WRIch tolt L�M-4m�= had --cenied E�o ex- P .,, - - . , 4 tle,l t7rm.n t'? !1-21 C,f�m*,�.'�'�, " 1, cl, - t- , 1T
d�LS-a at, t�,erinz"o.-un, wlflf�ll it Iq T-O'�v t .0 E". -'r- -'j , �.t fl'.o -!,"�!,In, fl!,�,- 4, 1 StT_ to ,,,,I! V.!-,11r,Zr,V!9 =:.-
]my fe.rrent %VtOl ,,-.-,I, 'ItteAy !Orgict- a 1, . I `1� ,,, -�-."!; ,� � _ f Ltv"n!D: !. to ,�It ,� trAnqu!D"_ .
qu[4tf-. r -42, , , 1q0A,-,_.-.n r - olisco r, -C',�.
N -n% - p rr ., r, 6. .. " , , ; � rAn rcu
aw", yonta eh.tcu.ely ,,, -vr .-_-;�"- T! ,.itL3 to ,n_�
I NO - , E10 - I Ig IaL 1_4 1� .Z4�fou, _` � , .;,.:.% �,v L. �
nv. t�z r1! 'ht'. .
� ," r .b, ----..------
,,,,, "'l *�,�o It ne"t 'I" <Lil elOnimr- L 3 I . , , , Z_.,.�'q =..r Te C-49-1,10: t-
, ," �. "�, -
iipta . !ir"'." - � ko, i'll ..
, � 9 I- 7 C. I .
� ,vTj, reril.", �1�lbi.v %17e.V,(,n5 n vwtzs; ,E�g4rlut4y suire, 04 It. ., , �:, 1. - 11 The Inv"otor ,F.,)� 00a,, ..q ava-Can.
.a youna I-.uly. nay "t.- ",7.',,�. �rt -" ", 1. r,�, -jo,�y emp!�=,.,C,io uicI., - �,,, ji
% **rpft eartv th'-s la..'Ornin . . 1� - � � . � I,, - - A' � T,-,.'
,�,. L I J111cr—_1 I" ��v r� - L `.:�`_Dt r(� 3fl CiS"!� '.
I as f_,Xlaygetter Vtl. satj�n C'MRZA r.'Atatly. � rrow-tu c-, !�� v S_ r , , ., . . - _.
tor-arr-e � �. '_ _'*'11 _. 4_ - _
: 919 k-n,r,,.C�-,--�-i rk--:--et-1 � , 9 ." - .,� all--t"n . � Nettv-=-4- :Ee��., ',,..--I , " - - M -
----. __ _-, . I � ; - _-: - , I. � ol ,- -I,-
. " . ,P --g-1 i;lat '%'�A�- i,t wmn wL,3, �--_",L,"� � U� �" , - �--'
� 1� E4 4t,�tvi,�, .. � . � ,
� I , -
� . � .. - I - - __ __ - ___._.____________ - ' " , z. - .1 . I v L I L"��C:l L-r,5L,�"� 1�� 1" .-�, "L � _!,.Tu� C, . C
. � _-1 ____ ____ __ - - � _- ii --i 0 ,.,�,, 'Mi, ,' �1 ". L"' � -,� "_,tlt"Ll;�� Hint � ,' I
i IL-.- , _ . � . I _ - "" ,T�. , , , , 4
.. � �,,. 1,-�T, - jj at To�l - .:J�;k�. ,,,7,�,,,_ , t'a'_ a V1_ _
� . . . 1. ,� , 1 I* "6 W -tit, �"-r,:f" = kn',,'! ., - _L, `,,��,..��.'2,3 ��,�,r �': i, . ,_ r, . n� " _+� -L _ZVE�T� i
...... � I I 1 _ �tT__,,4 'ii .t�L ";" '. %e?��4' t -�7 � -
I .4 N � �." � In / 1_1� Z" , , -"a�T. Elm. Vv:_Sk-,:_.k1`,-,::�. ... " ,l- sj U �
L I - _,tr - -; -� -a -
. - - " ". " " .... " �, . 5 n m:; w, ,L�njry t: -, C 11L.�,r il,_�;�;, yt; -, - _� -!.
I 1-9� Tit . -,-;. - + , ,:�j , " i ' 'a' � I
. . -.� _�_ , - � l'!jr_,,S'n1:n c -n,' el�� �,L,� v.�k r -- u,,�? ��'t` :, I t "
il, 1.4 ,,,'. r. � � � --r,,,
P I'M L A, k13 I L I I �eZN��,_--.-,_ -.. I I ,-,'T��e'af -�"i'tr�:V*l;,",, .1"'alir"_,"':(�
SIIINEV -. `% -�tl .", q,!yQl�,)" ynn B"avO t - 11 iq,�-rlern� - -
I __"".. -ft. tc ".. 11 Urf an,e, '. 0 - � ,�_ , '_
,,.,_ _,,,. p',L'i, .lL In 1L ;,Lz� a �
_ ". 'V.� .C�' ! -.1 �L _-L',
1.1 11'. r - - I - - - Mll*. . I * , -:1 Iz- 5,Z,� -rk a re.4
� ""'"*' - � - - - * ,,, �- ;, aj�, - n ve.1 .. -
- I. '!%. , , A e_alc�_ W - ,�, -.11.
WIL : I__1-1n.__.A'i-1*� W�A ; ,0..,iD . ,,,E��_� 11 tuat's:. 1;;�.A_1_1. M�L.l _-.�,.z_- ;�s,!- 1,
� rol�,Au�-., n"''i"'iI.- =_=d d- ,
0 F ID Et' o C 1-1 A S3 Ell n- �li 7 S'.,M bol ,!' - n I%= er� ate,
1.1 I -nn n,.":t�,- fr,,,�i. "� '. go Be��_-,A_c-,- w:".0 T��Z-
� I& T .. . mi 1,i
-- 4 0 Fn * � ,w,* � ..e, �,i� S! -Z %,z, ,:_e
1 13_�Ute'd:, ,%rP1Ce �, X-0 VZ4_-_-P_ Talano:�s =_�-�, �,,, m, _
- -..--.,. , ,�,; -
v,-;�I. .%ttv"It t-ti--vo:2. IF sunt,65a - w," 4,10 1864 t,.: -L,- �_�T.� e;N,�_�Z��Z;�,,: tilf
is Heastired by the +Cures He Mako_s—Each Remedy.Specific ""A (r,trrartor X-11;tsl Nr� -z4�aun F!, � '!iI , 1. ,
!J- title, re�a in -1k, zf�:,2 e�On'. -
, -1 5,
- _. .
_ - , waL
- �r , %V&a "_ "�ri ' ��roz tLla'- Eb�
L.:,,,o tILO, Cab. "We r,�_.) go tL t, e ,74a�=s 1 - "
Cert,dja ffiseaSeS—A Remari-able Cure of I W I GaW1-1'L,- or-�,_r�,-_re nzz-�Qs*e. . h,
for t iei �; lli,rl `_� I t r ,,, � " A�"vore Off. and 'WdVen- , , - -�. �- ra
Yr,f,p V-,,trnQ,-tm , sars first In tLrt;", cZr4j�.r i - s b.,
- -,
Beight's Disease. I Ven -prat. h'Lt `,!,� Olfc-nbac:'. VLn4 .�,_�_,� � 4_"-.__;
I I den stio,41 fir, ^,IL�% Ztn .
I , W� + 13-rvvne: He C,N-"Td rc-atcf 00=ectea Vuttl. uar Uamv,. it waj� es
� - -Ind. , M, 14
e 3h thto practll ag-0 0- PIlysIc'"'s I scanty and at othcw tZmea proluse, bt ,4, _ - .", ,, .__ -sworz, tltat M�Ieh 4.
� ,,71L..,
actual , I me great paiin to urinate. 17 tw-'�1ri've' '�% it I - . - &?.,le Hei
tile 11 anti it Za,ve . i �.4t
1�1 ML. la�4 as lv� t-lTa-f - pZ-:,c:"j,y tirt, i r 1,
Atmity, t,? rA4.�a-�,Ure,3 bs _ t LIE li-pee tkmp 0,-�g�rt-v? ,,:t-,,e:�14,1- � "
` io fn&�e 0% -orj-,-t1"k?g lylrzt� a ,-; �e .,
by this IlIZ11 I "I co-uld do no woe,c, ane" though ii I A I "
01wee he inal;e--. J%IdVed ahro3t Vt tile r,,Ige Of tt--_,� RpwrIvs,onL- C-lia" nr�j ;iA or,Ix. _�r , 1-- --Sc wa
" 1
stenjar,% Dr. Chase 8,tauds ,.Pre '_ 1 tr�'ed inarty li6nas of kidney prills, L C-3 ra 4be Van
, - j,t� -1 C,na. ,1Yy.e ret'r - fr%�� , - ge
.jttr.qct,,,zj � att�nttort. Fie tt, kell nt ilia
mong physl"'.41111s. I conr� get no relief. As a lasto resort it w
i,ore, e, IS75, na.1 _btr laaa�ja-�,,Iv 012
ejA�tp ,,a z4,�! r. It v7ag a rMe n,n lit- it,
,jIt as a giant, at - c4wn countr
jhka kidney arLd liver derangements. I was Induced by a friend tol give Dr. Arlp cl' derT Mile iii1b:107, co=nt. tcutk ht2�r to 11��t -
rqV example. Dr- Chi by means of Cha -se's Kidney -Liver Pills a trIaL I tle, dalleate -
U,jg Kidney -Liver p;Ils, has brought felt a great change after the fir,t no knew qultt� well wb.-nae it Vwns"' in wifteTj ft�, f,,,�r,v ka-11 iw,�Liltt,'m. 611
It had W:ell rVom he-- 00M t1red C4 ,.5a an,3 peavin- 1,12
Lost 'Aurpktising dove. If uged It all atoat, five boxes. I - I ama �.� .." . I h- ?" he
ftboat wras of tile = "v a s,toppej Into the han- I%Wban,j Z. :'V7 hon -me e =d
amd they have entirely eared me. I t%_IF es", IN'toil wp nrid eowt t1le gtte,lt- weat to live !n Fraroe. Oa a farl
ourw Over effecte.l. This is 'due to the '0 Tie 7��','�
. djroc�f, au', spacille aetljyA or this great have rio pains, now and can ,do as It wt_-, fril. bnt LefSftw 116 Oyli5 wt* -3-7 rj�av vatk� 0;-�p I'Ny�,� ff;(�.- jjvj� �Ve.irs ,c
. tr - ITIP NXI a laa,Y'v 'woe a v Ito a -tter - V,�Ay to, ber ga:
. e,,Ltment Oa the liver and kid ,Ys. f&\ k a I e er could. , tnew. The tbInT M17111 1* (10ne In . more o, I, ling- %?-1
leasure for me to recommend I, I ti -ed OT thc_t
01&e, Is the eXPe-rieuce og Z high' y 1 tl LV a. pl minute. Hil PUOPNI llulck'ly down a "! &TI. _-Z-� t " after It(
I ,.- Dr. Chas6*a Xldney-Liver Pills. as they pjc*k_L. no f
--wpp 'd it ,,,p. cruRlillittr It In hU glovel itea,jth w bral_-eU, =3 nalle Of 11
. -etied recident,of COasecont 011'
Mr, James Dellihant, COnse"U'On, haver done so much for me." b.,xvd, and w.A.11,1114 on tit once WRI: re
'lattves! Nraar left to live Witb he
V�rlaw Edward County Ont., writes- 11ir. J. J. Ward, X. P., Cbnaecou, eer- hel,Zlitpletj color �ral a general Fell- Than her th,0--ghts; tur"v-1 to re14
I r, is R a a' to a
,,For several Years I suffered great tffle� that lie has known Mr. Delli. or bIlvinvc m,tdr, a foal Of himself. 174'r lon, maid e-� '; clrw 'I):" - t 1
too,ture ojr inlaq and body from hunt for yerxr.q as a truthful man and 't nicnr,eat or two hp wRis thl.
, r , filt-_1 .jg__
knspe!�Ial' ,gs of her eutr-r Into ti
It 4 c �arefnl to IOAk nelfher to the Tial't convent. M!!a-t�L4ii;e V n -V in
B�rjghVs disease of *r e Ulneyry. Tile respect d citizen, and vouche.,3 forthe T I; ,a, ,!,re thC
pains were sometimes almost beyond truth. of tile above statement. nor to tj-4q,, lart, t1ten a Fense tl-,r,t tjD X,C�jro ,oi-&
You cannot possibly obtain A more ,romot . 'rom tbot inther s1rVy of VIP .
endurance and extended froni my ;-,. ,
tile sliwahlers 11--nefirlal tre h ,ineys -rc,afl 'W-�19WIttit"Ing hira 4revv Ill., ey'.-
head ,find betwemi � Colonel -1-citson, Uttel:,- commainaal
an. jIley .
. ,I livier than Dr. Chasp�s r,Cl. - in t,T
lint e,�
"tlori. �% rl�r!m,, man wa�
down tge whole sPulal column anti - of the noy-A 11IRtury Coilege �
seelAvi to con--entratc alcross, mN Llve,r I"I11S. It has Stoo(Ithe tt % r
. 'a" � tj L- lit. -cul. irwlift,
. I u of �,t,qndl"& '-'_,fu_tasthP P_'�Xe e' t-l"s '*#' 'r Xingston. .in ,'I%
Tr,�,, .1" 71—
L-idney1g. Ily b,vik w,js never entirply Cale alt] bas' proven beyond d1spnte , �.l Ti, Pjqz. r rmilp Tmirtin, I s anne.14
"tha, world' - a� , 174% -n hist !Ingo -no. Ott-wa, Skm,rpt�xry of tile M C I
free; rrom. �ain. jVl1j.11 I got ill) in the 1tv r!%flit to tile tltic Of a anty a (.1;x-trott(� bP� ,! - patt:otle runcl, lji;vo b,*.,n adle Col
r I mild not straighten greati�sb ldftey medicine.." One pilla r-orill V.onlrnl '"'Olfs'nopro wac:ru-1 .. pAnions of thL, ordar of Z'-'-. Mlllhc
- "l1T5'v
I worn;aIg . ry In "_
telf (tt all, but VrOU13 go bollb nearly ilo-,% 215 eents 0, box, at, all dealers, or n-nT;v;'tT1Pn thO "'A-4 OI 4t`he� tw "0- c.nd, St. George.
ro,- . t, a-rl *WO, ,_.�
�., tj,
ft,ableol =00, all day- Eiy water w�� I jjai�n=oin, Bates & Co., Toronto, V�� �,� le stTO3 ,� ire, � �j
Z,—.- ,
P, __
- "'
- ..
Threat a,
01% 0
ir"14 J,_116
T.t . jk -X.,ru I
Represent a NOW SYstem Of laeaicix
mi,ering from WaSting disc2ze% V-rO;
catarr,.%y ca.-Isumptioni, anti otht
m ory cientihions Of ROSO, tbr=t Ok
The tre;nment is figae. You hom
1,,y tile .nysteuj dsvk-�d by DR. T. A
and Wndreil ui-�,,,,Zw3, tbo MeCT19 of tllq
troatul"lat by lbi�r diDthict preparations
Vhatevarycar diwase, OU8 Or IT,
tene"It to Tom
Ano"Mriet to tile, eviggeucles of, 7C
9�2fri,3 w4th, tl�o froo =edicinos, you
1 four, in combination -
The four together foria a 11=007 I
ever shalto it 1-1,�4�1' attack 70%
I - , �:: i
, �,Jlk*-.,
F", I I I L
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Tlir,%�Inlq IN, -r -'r FnFz Iri'vi,
I , " =M.)'.0T'0'Vl3`?1
& 51201"111111 4 IAL 'IWAI, C4,. murro. It, US
,,, , ..
.4.�N*cia D":,-, 4a t. 1,� 1"tUrA CtAW464tto" Of U
tb_nniwavam�1,2, �)',,A!tr�1:17r,%
19,m)qzuI �",i ��ll.ti'�dr,j;.�,,','u-inm"zlt.lcncfTcrI
.b�T.zL,-4t,)1,4b 7��! -�,, I
I., -tri T�V� �'l-'�,,�.�"-tll.��tr7i�vr.nt,�'I
,,.,,-!.c 6,j IL! � � --.1.1-1
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"� C4 ; � �r �'�T .. . .... , ','_� Ll , �j '�. �: L `�_� '�: I -a W,.�."_ l'i
Er7ol - nj 'i'lL , *! ,,-, : " '.,�- �, 1�� 1,
I . - ,*�, T'r, 2, ,Lrl t�� �" "
, " ,lu- , "! "i, I. , t .. f-;: �., ! ."'__'a� , " �
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M" UD:? ,-��- r_t vi"',"i. .! . ,_ sm,15� 11i
kl.))I!%-�,-i",,_� ,i! .'. V -t T,' � 2_4 L, - .., C -t,:_111 1:
.; . . ��,. . . `,'t �11
L*, L, N' t I , � , ,:,�� �_:a. �,,%
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�,:,; 21C ru � [�� - I:* ,_� .,,, � .- _t. - � r,,�jr,� D "'..
, - 11
'L .
Ma..Int. .�t:- '�, "
,,, " ', - t-_,gv,z1_3 r*-"�,4�3, ii
-.1 - ' - .
� a �'�'L tr', .1', - 1, I �10 ; ' t"
I , - ; .9 � -VLt�l 12"....e, ;
S,an.q. V. 1�.,_,� ), ,,� _luo�. _a� -
A U,�_, Z � Is '! ".. , , ,
, - -
" . ,_,C,,:��4'L��'3 , ,T '_-�! -"n VLl't,.�tL,, Xwo i
. 18:',7.
1' -'vet lr..ns-Altl� �n&17� st;,�MAAO c4t- 1
r,1vol,t 5*1 Nn,�v V�9.�-;;. Apt',."� 2i:',. �S-`!��.
P �tan:; Fo�,t �� st_�E-�-'- "A ta Ltgta-L'3. i
- - �
Xn-. t,_I. ls�11. i
6�fn ti,-�t-,�s T, -;�,a .1 , Il Int Lrrg�v Trali?e
� , I. �
'-",5,-,4ti,.,i1 L, I'T. 'A 16"I'u.fal.13, Jurar, ,-17. 1,
�, ,-��46 - -q
�� �11'L,�;.,vjr�r%- 01 �_,".,l ".n f*11�10rana 2nj,7
i, , ,i =1'v-",_-tl7Z..�n1_ un", 6�,:"� I �,,rt;,,m 'Un'.
11 -,I in" 24. 1
1i _"&-�r 4"Z, "," ri- ! ii�-,:tatnst Ilua ' cs-A 1,:' I
"n �
_ .:i,mui rn," '�':al, "',--k-% �1�=11a ---Q- 1'�:"-1
V, 'tt",' ,�.' t� .%Ilm-," Sp,pt. to.: 1'atn-
11 1_'va. C�t. :�:5. jn,T.,�-trn:��-e, NOT. L
a S7114.
- Ptmi;,_�;?,:, CT 1Z-1,,�,,.St,,l;p:0. ,--ZL"It. 18.
jiz?�% �
,,�'r-�k-jty clA Tr'�!:-"sL t,,,Tr,a1-,at1"m,4 C%, I-
IL,�� r vr.,r, 71��.,?:',', :'Ow. IS11,-
.Ljf,�-Lr.; OT rtn�" U Ifl-at' I". '—qI'I:r 1121?'
1 , 4 -n - 0)
1�1 IS717. . ,
C a T 'r, 14 n" IT9; rl�:14A of i�
, I " " -, - I
I -
i I u - r.7z,t,-Z-"" ,.4 -, :"t. A ,i -s -1-7 .
i `
f,o,�,-rnwn!.1' ,IT IM, 15 t--'=Jslerri��'l "
tr �'r:,,r�7�,. N',w. 1. 11,3-49.
� '
�t V,,!�i;,,,-,,1.".r.n 4rf Tn,�,rv"�-)'S 071%_'�q ,DT
��11`Z �`�,,�,,� %---v- !2% IRRI.:% �t-tvv"-T-n
- #).2t?f:1k ,-I 1: -,V,,A,'ir;Q
Nt4ttl��,,�rn ora,l ,.:-,r,-�-,�Ler,n, stntssi,, Aprin
I.". 1841.
,-.'.?Vi;,;rZ�, nllj;r'Y�,,�T 'n rnitT-�] stntss
bV Ac -t Of C�)-=V;.1R,-,C. IS, IS821.
I ." "
,tr-tt%-s,%1---,r flosses 49,W3'
"`;`3"'4'.',' , , -
� J, I--,. 1843.
I Smrremder ,of Gl,�n. Lea and Confel-
ernte Army. Aprig 0. IS65.
', W."r &-C"r�rCi,j b'�t-7711-�'n Austria and I
. . ,
Prn4s.e.a. ,j%:..T.-:, V3. 1864. I
: j1&-ae.,r7,u_n g`.`,1,,�L_-q t,'h4 �, 8A
,__ I ,.-_I'LV fiefl aLtea I
� 1, !
I ,a&-�Wa. jc'V :1. Isocy.
i C,,,nle,,,f_,j�;,j'of. fir:--, AtUsn,iaa Cable,
r I L _
? y eeil A.astria,
,i and pruss,,z% sig,jej at. Prag�j% Ang.
, oo�, Isola.
t, -
I 'reder,atinr. of iu.-Madlau provinceg,
r July 1. IS67.
- Suez Cartal opt:med for traffie, '�Iqojv.
r 17, 1860.
r War declared between France and
% prjjss;_,t, July 17, 1870.
- Defeat of French at Gravpllottp,
9 clonlblne�d 109seg 32,98T, Aug. 18%
e 870.
n �,Iurrender lit Sedan of Fte-116h Eln-
paror, Sept. 1, IS70.
French Ilepublie; decl=4 Sept. 4,
+� 1870L
'Z Surrender It Mot% <)f Kfttalial Ba-
, �f ,.mine with WrUtY,of 6,000 of fice-srs anti
,n 173,000 men, Oct. 177. 1S7a.
I- Re-estabEalimpnt or Gnrm.%n Ent
,�lj .pive and proelarnation. of Willlatn j
Emperor of Germany, J=. ISI 1871�