HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1901-01-11, Page 3 - ... I . 1.111-17 - T.... .7 � .7 . -11 RW i - ---:!--..1- 11.1 IR", , "T �Iq -,.F,.",-- , � ",:- 1, . '.I � I 77
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I got out of tile worla, and then per-
11-.. '% 7
� . .
Almighty Attrilbut
-es i
haips honored by elaborate enTogluni
and tell sbaft of g7snke, all four
a t
sides chiseled with the story of how
I goc4 aud great they were, But no*ne
�� . -
under the heavens or over the heavens
i has been as
JAN IJARY 13, 1901.
"I " Love Makes the Deepest Ix -ripression and Is Queen !-
ever so much slandered
rnoney, nothinr or ,l.merillee. nothing of) a liie,�-,Iur, It would bp It every one
bU11111latl0n. j", d -d tborn.
i God. Bad men have fought against
ulnr of every ereed and at the Plone.
The anelents used to tell of a at
. in the Christio,im Religion. T
Him and have thought they - beard
The Triumphal Untry.-Matt, 21-,1-17.
� "I
, His voice In the crash of a thunder-
I storm, but have not seen Him tn tile
ColftmeaAary.-L Drew U411-Tilis
Was Sunda.y, called Palm
WalShIngton report- In this (lie .
.............. 1.1175
Fv-uhri; bUIN
sunshine of the spring morning. They
Sunday. Jesus mad jils disciples left
course Dr. Talmage describes in.
aot come by aceldenle. God allows thent'i
have blamed I -Tim for wrong
I 1 which
BeflIany and journeyed towards' JO,
Lo come, and Is live.",
I they bad done themselves. The sight
MIMIenk. BethpliKiggle-The IOL'ation Of
new way the sacrifices made for the
But for this divine feeling I think
; of a chureb. building excites their dis-
thdS town is not definitely known;
world's disenthraliment and deliver-
Our world would long ago have been
gust. They like the madrigal Of a
it wasl between Bethimy and Jeru-
ance. His text Is, L. John, IV., 16:
demolished. Just think of the organ-
I saloon better than the doxology of e,
majornp and IQ thougitt by some to
. "God is love."
Ised wickedness of the nationel See
' temple. They do not want to live
hulvO beell a Suburb of JeruBalem.
at bio ameararave. ran, nlirlp!ilng.
the abominations continental! Behold
with Him In heaven, but would pre-
Sent two diselples-Supposed to liki,ve
Perllou,% undertaking would it.. -be
the false religions that hoist Mahom_
� fer on leaving this world to go Into
been Peter and John, After they
to attempt a compari,son between
mad and Buddha and Co,nfucius! Look
some realm where God has abdicated
left BotdIany je6ms 0,�Ut timse dlBai-
the attributes of God. They are not
at the Xoran and the Zelld,Avesta
� the throne and from wb4cb He is ex-
Ple,9 on &head.
like a mountain range, with here and
that would crowd out of the world the
iled forever. The reason Is, they do
2. 1"11,b village--BotIl.pilage. ye phall
there a higher peak, nor like the
Holy Scriptures! Look at war, digging
not know Him. They do L'bot reallse
find-RDre we ha.ve a wmiderfal in.
ocean, with here and there a pro-
its trenches for the dead across the
the fact that God Is the best friend
1 ,a Salome I er7
s&'LTV28 Of Chrst pre- e n v
founder depth. We eannot measure
Infinit4es. We
hemisphereel See the great cities, -with
this 'world ever had or ever will
luillute, mattere. rvakt,ag the differ-
Ont accounts together, Jesus says, l.
would net dare to Say
whether Ills amnipotence,or omni-
their holocaust of destroyed manhood
and that He would do more
an any one In
Ye sboAl find a colt witil its mother.
science, or omnipresence, or Irlimuta-
and womanhood! What blasphemies
assail the heavens! What buteberies
the wide universe; that He would
2. Dot& would be tied. 3. rnliev
WOUld find tj.j,,-m as tIrey entered the
or wisdom, or justice, or love
is the greater attribute, but the one
sicken the oenturiesi What processions
,pelp them in the wear and tear and
LUSSle Of this life; that He w*uld
village. 4. At a place where two
mentioned In my text makes deeper
of crime and atrocity and woe encircle
the globe! If Justice had spoken, it
hush their sorrows; that He would
ways mot. 5. No main li,ad Sat upon
th') colt. 6. The owners; will question
Impression upon us than any other.
would have said: "The world deserves
help cure the evil habits with which
You. 7. Whan told that the Lord bath
Was evIdently a very old niali
Who Wrote the chapter from which
annihilation, and let annihilation
they sometimes struggle; that He.
wcmld at their request not only for-
need of them they will let them 90.
A colt b,e,r:L;Mxe account3
I take the text. John was not in
come." If immutability had spoken, it
wou3d have said: "I have always been
give but forget the wrong things In
with oth-ir
mer4tion the colt only, and do not re -
Ws dotage, as Prof. 331ebborn assert-
opposed to wickedness and always will
their life. Yes, forget! And that Is
fer to jt,� mot.h,pr. Oar Lord ellose ,in
ed. but you can tell by the repeti-
tions in the epistle and the rambling
be opposed to It. The world Is to me
the only thing that God ever does
forget -pardoned transgression. The
114111mal oil jvW,eb wv,pr man had xat.
"Thoac, Which had never been yoked
style and that lie called grown people
an affront Infinite, and away with It."
If ormilselence had spoken,, It
best memory in the universe is God's
were collsidorod as sacred,13--Clarke.
children" that the author Was
have "I
memory, and Ile remembers all that
Lo,we them-ri,hp animals were tled;
probably an octogenarian, Iret Paul,
said: have watched that plan-
has transpired In all time and in all
anil so men's possessions are "tied"
la midlife, mastering an audience of
et with minute and all comprehensive
eternity save one kind of occurrence.
by pleasure, or greed, or gain, or
Athenian critics �on Mars hill, said no-
inspection, and 3: cannot have the of-
'That Passes completely out of His
li�iblt, or the gordimn-Im, nt of selfish -
thing stronger or more Unportant
fense longer continued - " If truth h9A
memory. He declares: "Their sInS
110M.-HOM. 001%
than did the venerable John when he
spoken, It would have said: "I declare
and their Iniquities will I remernber no
3. Straightway lie will Send them
wrote tile three words of my text.
that they who offend the law must go
. more."
_Our Lord did not beg, but borrowed
"Gad Is love."
down under the law." But divine love!
What do the Rible and the church
the colt., therfore this Should Ile
Indeed the older one gets the more
tooliz a different view of the world's ob-
liturgies mean when they say: --He
Under,stood as the promise of return -
he appreciates this attribute. The
duracy and pollution. It said: "I pity
descended Into hell?" They mean that
Ing him.-Clarkez.
3mrshaess and combativeness and the
all those 'woes of the earth. I cannot
his soul left his sacred body for awhile
4. 'Alight be fulfilled -Was the chief
severity have gone out of the old
stand here and see no assuagement of
and went down Into the prison of mor-
motive of .Tesus merely to fulfil &
Prophecy, and did be turin out of the
man, and he Is more lenient, and,
those sufferings. I will go down and
ELI night, and Swung back, Its great
way for that J)irpose? Rather. let,
aware of his own faults, Is more
reform the world. I will medicate its
door, and lifted tile chain of captivity,
111'sce, that this was the right
disposed to make excuses for the
WOundS. I 1xill calm its frenzy. I will
and felt the awful lash that would
thin,Z to (10 .at t1gs, time.
faults of others, and he frequently
wash off the pollution, I will become In-
have come down on the world's back,
15. The, daughter of Sloa-The church.
eJe.culates, human nature."'
carnated. I 'will take on ray shoulders
and wept the tears of an eternal swerl-
1301old-Cylve attention anti look -with
The young minister preached three
and upon my brow and Into my beart
lice. and took the bolt of divine Indig.
astoulabluent and -wonder. Inly
sermons on the justice of God anti
the consequences of that world's be-
nation against sin Into himself, and.
King conleth - Jesus Christ to
One an the love of Goa, but when lie
bavior. I start now and between my
having vanquished death and hell.
* i h ch
got old lie preached three sermons
arrival at Bethlehem and my ascent
earne out and came up, having achieved
tps*a�i`Ili! G), and Is acrepte,d
on the love of God and une on the
lustice of God.
from Olivet X will weep their tears and
an eternal rescue If we will accept it.
by tile, ellurch.-Trenry. Week-
Par back In the eternities thore
suffer their griefs and die their death.
Farewell my throne, my crown,
nead It slowly, read it solemnly, read
It "Ire
wilea a king mmes something great -
IS Mjri 0ted, and great, demonstratlollf;
came 2. tIme when GoA would ex-
seeptre, my ,ngelle government, my
with tears, descended into hell."
lie knew what kind of pay he would
'11'r" lrladc'.' Thit, in thw raso all IR
press one emotlork of His nature
which was yet uneNpressed. Ife had
heaven. till I have finished the work
get for exchanging celestial splendor
i9fferont, Christ, appears in Ills meek -
lless. not Ili his majest
inade more worlds than were seen
by the ancients, from the top of the
and come back!'* God, was never eon-
cluered but once, and that was when
for Bethlehem caravansaryll and he
dared all and came, the most Illustrious
to Fniffer for Zion's vake. Anil sitting
1tTkin..l;k from,
V'gyptiark pyramid, whiell. was used
lie was conquered by Ills own love.
.. 1.
exitraple In all the ages of disjnterested
j eolt-It, Would aprff�ar
t A
.j&jttIj,W that )w Pat upon both the
'--�-..--...-..-,--.�--�-....-..,���--- .
4 I
61wuld &tAl east our garmonO I, . ,-.
fort' fUhri-A. We shr.nild r1do through
.U1,10a, India mill) (3LIlia. Shall W'.�,
Mot our W.,X110, our talollLs alld
Out' dQ0-L1 of love l),)r(je 111ra, and
thuh JUIld 111111 our aid?
T11110 0A 3TY to JOT1114&10111 to ak place
JiUst b3fore t -lie jotwt (.Al tile i��Ssuver,
t.11",-' IaOt tbaz Jeou's colebra.ved wltb-
111" discifil,es. Luav� xx1j. 15-18. The
PUh0lXU lamb, Towr days b.sfarc the
1"al,"1�40VOT W414 selected (Ind set apart
for t4liat'purpLwa. EIx, x1j. 8, 0. 11ij
GbIrLyt, f0111r 0(t;YN'3 lxtfora lfi�3 crucifix.
1011, all(AvOd lfilu"olf, to be publiely
jiroalajjlls�j and jjcL-n01wj0(jg9d j1,9 tho
Ml�-�"GlaN Mark xl. I(); Luke xix, 88.
Tho lyruparati(jol Rix the entry. 1.
-Tc��411l' (t('1114AIiitiates W IlLs disciples
His, knmi,in-dgro oil all tb1ng,4 by telling
t1w"'M whOrl" they would find tLa a.9s
tilad. V. 2. &?ror.al (Aher tni)ta,nocs
of th,14 it,",:! recque,1pli by the ovamge�
lh-'L", J<Al-jl i. 47: 48 ; Umtt. Ix, 4. 2.
Ile Maowea IIIN poliver over the hearts
Of 711.1.111 Ill P,'�r,7ktvi'Ung- tj,ja �,nvner ini-
`XXlI,'-':t1'13- to ,901111 Vbp tuia at Ills re-
, Tllf3 cirenimpta-tice-s attending the
ntr�-. 1. Ct),IL4.11L�j- IIL,j ,L.qujl),'jgc.
1W .
. tti-11-61 ITI)m a -D alml c0lt." J Jill
11 'L
XIi. 1:3. Anhivila wbieh a4l bi 'n 1�11vd
for 44�lrvice of aily L-juj Were not to
bo )xl for sacred purpo,ses. Mids IS
t1m, onl'�thne w4 ever rellid of Jopims
rbling. TIWY caot their gaxmf,nta
on 111m." 'Mxrk xi. 7. .Mo. gurgou.n.9
trappIligs; no cjo.th olf gold Mivoringsi;
no l9i)�,11,91pd c,rnamients deck-
ed Ilia humble "Inial the
Afacter rode. Only tho travel -
stained outor Warments of IiN lowly
follolver.a. "Others mproad their gar-
ment%..and ... branchos from thotrees
In thEl Way." They had no ruyttl
tal)0str'y with which to carpet tile
Way, a& is often done for earthly
xOTaItY, butt t1bey gave, the beot they
had. Tim- temple cloarmed. N�Ao:
Tile Yarlous, typr-s of busineRs ca,A
Gilt Were legitimate in tholuselves.
It was a, gre , at eonvelilellep for thos;�
'%Vito came from afar to b..- ahIs to
buy anlulalt� for Sacrifice rather tban
to bring them long dlstaucc�s. AlFzo
to be able, to change tile coill (4 (1I,Z-
tant TwOvInces into the curront eolil
Of Judea. But the wecula-r busiinp�;s
wall� out of place in (.act's ljoiisp.
Th-)Rp who engaged in it were actu-
atPd by merevirary mutiveal. aud In
their tranqactions were donbUesli
gillItY of extortion. N% 1.3. Carnal-
ItY krtirred at tI10 pr;118 - %it ('1171,it.
S � ' ,
Wng--?, acelamations and sl.cmtR of
pralse were commim Ili thf, tornplo.
The priests and Earlb.-a were exas;por-
ated bpeause Jesus, whoill they
bated, wair, bAlig 1wriored.
-11...1.-- ....... ..... ...,.--
rr -11* I - � `tl � 0 Ylt I le � �. I T, I'! �,e y ,,I ? I eN,:: �: *,., ,,, I " ,,, - " Y,4
i� - I .
P, f J� ,,,r.� r�- I ,,,:I r,q e g�, :��'. 5
J- " i� a "" ��,,,, 1",
L'�k4;,�,;z�A�;�A;�,a.�,;��..;�.�,�,..:, ; ,
9,� AfUln'.. �1'11�-.&( `ilarlcv�.q.
I .
Fpliowinq; are t.11) eloslrig (iniotat
at liu,portani; irli.ni,L ,!(Nitra; il-j-da
. Caph. May
(Wrago ... ... ... ... -- ,�.O 77
Nvxy Yo,ok... ... ... .. � --- a 8�
Nflwaufwc, ... ... ... ... $077 -
S�,. Loula ... ... ... .... 0 V3 -',,"t-4 0 V
Toledo ... ... ... ... ... 080 - 08.,
D�troljt, r,,d ... ... ... 0 81 1-2 0 &'
Detroit, whltl� ... ... 0811-29 --
J)Uluilt. .No. I north -
01,11 ...... ...... ......... 0741-2 0 7E
Du'u'li, No. I ba.rd 0 70 1-2' --
4 . --n vo!ls, No. I
llorth�ru. ...... ... -- 077
Torouto Fairmers" Market.
The total recelpte of grain. on
etreot market here to-daj were sil
'Lm0Uljt�jl-' to about 1,200 buel
, ,
'rite market, was Strong a -Ad px
were higher all around.
1Vheat-15G bushels of white
I 1-2c, to 2c 111glier lit 69f, to 60 1
2-30 bushels of red le higher at- ,
and 100 bushels of goose le to 2 .
Iii-dier at 03o to 6 -1,t -23c.
Earley -150 bush0s Sold I 1-2c. b
M at 4.3e.
llye--Oae load gold Ie higher
521-2o per bushel,
Out -s--400 Imp'liels Sold 1-21c� hit
at 29 1-2e to 301-2c.
131hy anti Straw -Prices of Ilay T
eaRler, '-10 loads selling 50a lovver
-T,V2.50 to $13.50 per ton. Sti
waR seiree awl firmer, ono load sei
$1, lilgher at .$V` per ton.
I Dtvvsed nbgs-'AL-irlret quiet, ,
prii,,(-:, steady and uncbange� mt,4
to $7.7-5 p m, owt.
Butter and R,Tgs,',NI;arket Ste
With very sniall . offerings.
Toronto Dalry Markets.
Butter -Dalry r0s, large or S.
OIC011,- in good dera%nd and will
1I.N bring 10 to LIM,. Crea .
firm, .Zl lit fair &,mand. Commi
holif-s Sell to the trade as loll
DairY, tubs anti palls. tholce, I
t�� 18 1-"�'.-. ni(NI"um. 16 to 16
ltfx)r, 13 to 1.5xt.l. daJry prints, e
19 to 21P.: large rolls, goo I to a
I9 UX 205--: creantery boxes, '
22t- '1111 poun
- Al . ds, 23 to 24a.
Chtlesv-11lull cream, July and
111AII, 1111AICIN Sells at 11 to 11
Mall a.t,,,l Empire.
Toronto TAve Stock Marko
E'xport caUtc.0saice, par cwt. *1 W to
"X ckrt at e. light. wr cuilt... 4 2S to
'. I
I ,it It rl.* mue. pie:ied ........ 4 %Z to
. .14m�ei I )ad 3 73 t.
as an Observatory. and more worlds
vou 18 love.
j eolt and It" Inotbi.r. hilt the. otber
. .
1. LLId Z ... �h and .......
'" "."" "
than modorn astronomy has eata-
losued. or deserleil through teleneoPle
In this day. When the creeds of
ehurclies are being revised. let more
Yea, It was most lexr�nslv(!' I'DvN 7 twilonitt" make, It plain tbat lie Flat
There Is much human love that costi il or thp colt, 110 enniect I'lowl.r"'
,itmitirterbs. lit zva ............. 4 1-ij
du mild. al-.: .............. 3 W
lens. All that Lord's
emPhasis, be lint upon the thougitt or
nothing, nothing of fattgue, nothing of i il. bill an Jeswt eominantled-What,
it, I nif-rior ............. ... -1 Ao
111001-Ir-'conkluen. irer '2 M
showed the al-
ml.-lithless. but it guse, no aemon-
my text. Let It anlicar at the beghl-
rnoney, nothinr or ,l.merillee. nothing of) a liie,�-,Iur, It would bp It every one
bU11111latl0n. j", d -d tborn.
l%tk1%. tport. chm% e. Per cwt.. 4 (0)
l"k�.""t" rr hqla.purc%vt.... 360
Stratton of 111's lovo. Ile might nialtp,
fitty Satarrin and a hundred Jinitters;
ulnr of every ereed and at the Plone.
The anelents used to tell of a at
n 4 xPorks 0 ij as Jv�iiis vornmandild with-
But tile I o. t Q IV
ps 0, A n
inovenient that the linavens ever made � Wit, 8topillilkir to qn ti .1. fir it -
Collis Says the Abductors
F-AIV6. hilaiY .............. 340
I Fekh-rol. 11L.Dit ... � 340
.............. 1.1175
Fv-uhri; bUIN
and not drinonstrate an lit "tant or
love. That was an unkuown par.-
1111litUry oblertaln. Whoj about to gq. to
battle. wai; Oad In arinor, belint-6t. (in
,.-t a ilifforput,
Was thin expeirlition ralvatory. It cont,l g
the life of a ldrog. It put tne throne of j'.� 17. Tbptr Mot hos -Thi-r Rpro0 thpir
Drowned the Boy,
. -11.1 ...... ...
4, .
- .oAwr,4.4bo to fai lb% .......... 2 to
SNO"T. U14114 1-1
food ls;)� tso outvr iz i rill -08 44 Chp rolt tind
.. .. ............... OF)
slon and the seeret Lof the univerze.
bewl. and sword at side, anti who p)lt
in lifireavement. It cet the unl- -
�%Iih.11Vo%VG.e3eh... ...... t.4 01
It was a suppreso,pa, entotion of the
out his arms to give farewell ernbrai-s�
vorset asrhant. iinot Xtsus thrrorin. V111,; alltivilu-10drv-
It made oinnipotpnee
nl Wirt to lv� their kIng. "'MAR '%N -,0,R
I &a ,,v. vx;.urt ev;".Per ewN,. 2 75
"`q"`j'4i"" .1 .... 1.4 W
creat Gail. Dut t1kc.ro would enme a
to his child. and tile elkild. affrighted
Wtlep and blt)ed and 91judder. it t�txej � 1*
('4 V114411ra oll'..,rVoil by tho ppoplw
I 1- .........
�1-6,4 weefl.rg, CW11 .......... 2 Z j
Lau%;% J�,kcii'...:
trine when lbl,.; pasrion ot Infinite
at bio ameararave. ran, nlirlp!ilng.
the romourren of the rielittst -
of all em- ",tAwn they found t1rat C;04 had ap-
................ Z'S!"
do j�ur cwz� 3 �3
e, tr'
love would bo dilelared and Illuj Me'].
awar. Then the fathim put oX the ar.
PireS. It nivant , -t--Oute forees dvtallo I *,1011to'l a mmit to tho UInrr4q=.11
". .%v TOrk
., l
Re , b(Wrt.�1%V.h,v.n Marllo
....... .......
C ,%',% ct,. vp.� lotad.. u oj
God would veil It no loll-t,er. After
I itior ulat M"lZu"I the alarrtk, anl the
* 091A foreen dr,moriLte. It rat threl- ' 1 A t vpry r,rpeot wtljtttn-> Vogt
U -S Asdtoatfn-t, rontid vil"A tho r=4-
� � � .......
Rf"g.%cfil�'C'�". t"r,rZ1Wt ........ C, 1,3
the Clock of many efMilries b21 rurt
I phild caNv who Ile 1pa.
�; and yan liato hin
' .
'Worldi Into nbarli c4#41I.-Ion--44no w4nriv! rgilw4N %rorp prox,�pIlt, at tho Pan—
"90ig thvy dorkla�tllk:d 4"wild C30t 15" vol-
1104li. s4t. Ve., C%& ............ 5 lZo
down and worMig bad b"n born
arran and sntrr�,gled AgAlrint tile lw-2rt.
tO Mlive, another to renlat, and anotil-T tovur. Ili tlit, tlm,� *#t %vro a vPTta!r*&
iv�etvql ,.Vith sarttj� b.l, tlat Uw:0l,b". It
�& I -,.Ugin. vcr i�vot ......... � . 6,111
M-4 Eir"Agg'......'1 "I
and dertiollphed oil a, vomr,arativo l7
, D�'
t!rJ41ra nItIlt not Ija4%.C* tilf) 1,
.. 'Itt'L.11 Ir')n
to 03e, T 1 ,c4h. ,ed an lbot sr,ow.71 w4-jv Wwrt nwl It ,m , nr.,s, rt. I k
.1tilt)... arr, aq - it it 'A
vl% aga. the.N.'r,
, rov. v, d Uw b?9.�, In -North
11 ........ 19
i�lca�, .., ,, 11 vg
,� 'i =
oll-ure .ntar a rw o igr huniall I; .ZU1,
� ilk their Illake-up. terroriNint; r"thor
Ond ramr, 'k0th, the battlt,L%v") of hu -11A. I I Ova Vier.- were 23001XII, 4 Jpwti pirv9-
i� -
� . UVAli;,; -v .. . ........ -1 4 �10
'woula Le born ,livill %V1,116. thoUgli 1-4
s! 111011 attracting. Thest niw)t nt;t Igd#
faild dtabulle liate. Fail tho e%vedl!l �% o P* -It 41t thIn fwtut. k,
'arvnwts in tho
!!; t1gi- intltr�i, t4,0U,utl,tjt tt
,� forlInto 11141c'.4 and U,444
bourAftfly prov6divI Aor that Nwt'� titi, ��J:Iijt,
)f I . Ing* C;Ai:,,,� antl the m,larin bpart
Of love be��n t1000.%, I the thirdnq ,�? tMV-AU 04-Iflat'.11 Wirt! toT LO'Uot� 4t
qi.-I, V� It. �e V Old.., v.�-ho. v�40T'P -lts-
9 .
0 1I'v'!. 4w�'A, jk4r AM. 9,�,,: r,
oubt tj luave Iwituvoil tbvmr,"�v"�oi imr Fmher. t.*g�vl. Lot nothum., lm-
(Iod WOUld llav+.� Miloel avol ,4;.m,1. 01� -it I"41-7 ('i'3 V4517 PS-
I,v;toj�. %'T I*Mk#�":14,4 th
-a. 4 4,9'l,&I'�'t A E
9 *",- 10 t.* 8 I -Ie; 1. a. :g ,!;.A,
lvell, v.vnt imu InL�nA,llfP09cm WA 44,44- 101V 1,1,at thl re ki a rhtnijef lat cw,�l-y
- �, - "
. , _nj�j 4 ' .1 trlln'n�Illtof'it*i�"4r.-�l.�t,l.�!. !%;V.
W, i4tlld baVo. lj.V�3jjtl Sn,fo 'MT4r,L -. .m lim-
� Da0..-nV'%s41l; la �4-olaViqq%. %vatia U10,
- �
4 ,1,3�L �l % t go r 21, "
*st � IN
': &
11 and war -*.tnho
..Vlrafly .rnl ,?..vvl'�,� d""ir 1�,%avj,y to uj�Aie albv�.,% but over Un
.1� D, el, r; fvv (1, zrIP, �.,q"-a ?'PIPU�
and $,&I would bavv r-r,T�n;-�11 trluftI14-_,�, 1 �, tom ry, In r �� ,.t U �tr�� 6 �tL. 4 13 t,jq IJVQ'.J� ,; ','D(�'j � .
I 'l
� I .., ; k.. . -#
11 ; ,
7 t., '-M, VP ATIP 'J4 v , " .
t ON,
49.1kitint hArkl*t- %-.41L arou �,,�,�,l -11�`11�aal m wk-,I,cy 11ant "".;aflM to tw.*%
j slow)r itive el,ith or v l,rri i. ,* ap�Xu t1if
-"fail 1110.1rey Irrould IL-Iiiv-'� tfin fmn.
, I,-
U. . a'j L. .� . 4' ,;. liji, � t2L). vi,C,.-.,1,T tAP omqx r-
1� �, -111. � t 11 �
V� � -Q,;..
1.11 4�1��OL; �2!-,A t1.:1.j,,l,,,w2�,. Wk.;
thumlart"'.,011" 141,3n Aftat'n't Gool. ",I
' . an -I �trwlud lu�� 'Afl �1 orl,--rey tIj,�Lt uutit..;
lter,mnwl, tla-tt t'rr,- to '. r . �,
de -1,43. Th,,-* 14,,,.Ir.� a'A I D":,11 of . � t"',
Ole l 1, � - i Ir.. 1, hL"i-t
'It _ � �3 t'�'�,j (' 11"" ,
11 ,,30�L ,�'jr,jj,.�.,t�j,,� Y'�*'.
ji: . .
I R-` lL -% #.;��-p 'I �*:2..-101 V" $.�', . 4.,� � �
If jth'% jjtV'�`.'?_'1L-�,,- jv.,")�,4j clif"%1:11 ,
# " to r .jl-we. UILA r� ave nmr.
,+, ,(�t pl�ejl
131cht 1113" 01-4ti ,,:- �t ���� ....
r� ��. -r - ! tr?,,� -�",:"
t!'.r oI jj-.0 jge.-JVL�jj�A 1��"aQ' V'jjljj,j� a I�)Zlj, a 'L.J"' 1� jjj�-j , , .. :', 1*
, 1�ot 4' p
gf, ,
.Ttg V".", �-. - .U,4 1 -� , , f � T; ;.,�,.'�Plj)
4 , � , , -0t
4; ��,�-, ,
- 011's " 6� �: Rin. VA, tv!j Im", � i�
aftl �',7�!!-F t�hna on
�'are ,�ja, If v)ne t,anlfnlaph C�f the Q�.Tcuj 14� "f,jq
11OLVO �, I -0 .
_ , � I ,
. - -, ".
. "
Uvr-, huinole �%v -J�.�. f�!* %40,15 V,e it"'. ,. 1� rr,G t5l, tr,,�,K'U�. "'i, ,�q J V",-,t&,t��:
,�jp, t":J,r, , i"J, 4. ej� %,,, ,
. r." .14 1; I
: .
-g- ii, i, -.-p. *,-� I ,w, n,e ,�
I - ..
Munt D,roal1��,z`rlll t-%tr1ftAnf,11,LAn.
- t2l Zah 1,00. lur-,-, a #-'L��AOL iyu,. cr
e,unl;4t,,Wp"t,rltlltp��-*I,-��ga. tp.lthe,!�,- 0.1,-
Iw-A 'a"na TAD04 0 R.l1i'.�a-,-2.1 to ,�, ,�g1j."tt,oll V�rt"-,. g�� �,� .,� ,
� I 71.� eg- w.".4go
vo:(tl'�a - v;o"AD11�n -Mv. . '. " 41 ,-..1L:,,
1, -76 ft, �",d 1111',1-:,c�:,'� �,�.,;'Z l," �, l ,., 1, t�,
� 2 r''., r .-I, ;!� l - - S jl;t� � 'Z2,��','L" r�
. 4 . � , , _�'�
�� " ,
- ,�� th,:� an -e- _
I e�l k"f 'A �a'�'!�':'r' gj't Itlit, JD,�t
f4m"dtno Or Jf-tiowub. Ilut ft,,U! W, It :� 1� . -
%1.4_% `Q,t)r2L'l li �4140V!hor hr,va `V -, %oO9 0' M'111i'll VlZ'1U-`Ql
I . .�,.
� 1;'ft 4 d f� " �V, JTJ J�.; ,� goo I
, . ' ,, �, � '4 ,l): "I � ,�
, - . N'.i,'
l 14, ';' L ,� �= , �
I- V
, 3- uo .-;,L, ; u% j L, - -, I ,01. ipm'
� i 1�,Lg P, 7 ,ft q,�q 11�1�!
il�i L. C.
� , llrayr% 11�rltl y0la 101 flm "'a-a"s or a
!n fhnt Co"Anc qr�!,tll of flle� tt,,�rnrrp i�
- ..
Now, ttle r4n*�!r* rou-1 !t�inn 10, hn%�nk -, t"t 811"4-1p.sq an i ,� 1�, 1, ,r�. ,
� P11)"j, �,a Ch".. e.4. 4, ,4, ;,!, c�mt"fl'., .,j7 v. -.,Q .,y
, ,
�, -
; iil�J',' �,,�', t -it t
; 8A., tvlk 211 11 -U r� I;
to"Oh- �W'A:4 wnc ,��,?.trra las rn-30ac-r
ro"'04 of blav'r n -1 U�vv Do tha� A�,I�;!rf+T ,
'lit I 11
ILAK 1�� to 'lie iq V -,o PcIL'o 1"QaA. Iliat .� 1( 0. H0g-,!,t0*0,o--'rt -,l,*,,,,1! 1- ,,� rv%Avr�
tt�'. e�4 ", vn t I w,u. l�z ". L 'at V r iz- n'?
-?-*-, -o ; �.-, . UL4%
1i ib.. �q U--'- , ,WJ4 Y(I-l'-, .".-P..
91- � ,Alnforll�-',%. r,,,'�, "W21U I umull'ort vou. ..
wit ffif the J,�4ilavcq 0 ql'-'p ele"-ftT., t" ,. lj�r
, ,�,g4j �L) � .
11 � .,I
J��Vg,� I
fnm., L101 rd I Uav�5- n�,s,� ,
' .
", Into f, rotxQ 11Q� t t�, t�*? 4, Vr,,�� 910.iiretv � r , %,� v!, ,
�, tt" , ,� C'�s cv�ratftll,, .- tIu_ L� J
-i L � 5 V�� , ,tl " I".
I � r',�-,,�M'�� L136. 1
.-;j�-' Ij it.-,. r, C,'�,a,�,D,
*,, �j
� t ., '!
tq tt,2e t*o, Az. VAEat a =9L- .* have 6tt tgca
" ft 0!7 t%C! !*jCjj,l�,4r ag U
, tlt, . M�_
� .
tnonnU,0ft0u% r��vl,q,.,.li lx�!i,,rt,�. wtv, -
8 ""I I , _
F wor'.1LI. . . .. 'W p�,�,:" F�-.o. %'�,.qvflc. ",,,, 't �. _, .,�j .i�_ F,�Ia.
,.7, 7
":' L'1�
� . _J,I'#
, j,,,r
� --.-
. ; An"I Iny t,; ,,,It D�g V%e I=Ta",�, - vj,�; I, V-�
.. - ,,,, vu
vii,rr"�. I.Town the st-Alm or tbe b"'.11 ,
:. %,,
o,jrj�. qr,stoact %�,"-,Zj. g%- c-'El2j;.�, "
- ,", � j
, � �l :vq _1 . _
- It J�� 1"t�;9,- 'L � Lt ,, f IL, I�V4,Zt r�" - - -
' '. , - "., P
14�- U ,�' �-1% � 10", i.� .,�? V:� � T ',V, cl,l , D�-et
, ,
ul; 1��Iuuen V,�,e d'T'I !�
" a. v,4' %L(IM *,;�M. Me
11#avitw Ile tee,,mr-,.4 IUDL tie r�mol�,, t%e ;
�, � ,:: - �, �Ll�,
I I �l �,
,. � � ,Ivattoll <, � � . rf.�. Ur, "L.47 �� ,.;! , , -
qqpij!�L,� El,ftQ,�Lo %'rp�,� ga 2).,R.,'.�VD� n n ,
- ,,� !ftn V, " "7.�,,�110
, - - t,"" C', ," -.��, �"I� q1,,�"j1..'-,',, ,,4 U, ,V�%[-.,J� �
. .
- � L, -vrp -9 .., rtole- `
fr"*. M�t,l "
i j "
V'. Elf. ,
�hl Ma"Uf ,
I , .
- 11rall, vpalm'�J' C)'4 V;j4Cn V,�e C�TC -,t.Ca"ry�
1PORI Me 4J.0 M ttAT-TO'LDII:ek A!4ht ftt VC!", � ,, -
o, -e
_ jj�tjVCdtj2 , -3411010 go!-.:�, - L
tjEj '4a, "
" ' g r . 11 , , - 1� t, t .ev'5'A"UY's v,- �01 A,.111 1�-,-., ft�
1�:,. 4An"3 fjr,om ,"I!. - � j,91 " "rap I�Zvu � T 1kLVU,:--A V"'Inmen (
, .
I �."-e kt,! �n't--."'. =.�t�'. U,�L7 [��
. - r� al,,�? trylrl� to d,3 !N?her.
Cfttne. (lilt wrEd the 1A( ---*,11=-3 or ."ib -a %%
. ". tit , . ,
_q tj-,�,�ll�? ,F�,,�tl,,,2,.Q2 r,6t-,�,,�.j trat", - 1, ,
Illt'jil, I - - I - "
, - ,
U,�- ti� 1 .-`-cj. A� Vil"C. " t i�", � - V l'i q � p�'r'l .-. %'-L' ,IV ;�'�'��;!'��V �%%'� Vlll,
, ., t l,v faDT.,�
I - -i Z. �7 " "'r
,, k.r, ,,.' 'Ll � ,,;All�q-4 .."
"t, VV,V!lM t7f� Lff,�, bez#-`
ahto aftil rhe lo%Ang ot' gtat!! a t d ." y3w. Vjrj:e11 v�;:-
br-a..vim"q E--,�-:�p.;,!,- '. ,,'m-,�,.,VZU-" ,�,.tv I . -� ,
.js��.. �4 It r, I Z - L.,�!,
: MAW'st-lin t�lv� llt�!.;t rt,,�r,;,. gnl' Ili, A
I I tl�,A ",L", ve7v �,!-,��L�X.l !9 gr,r 1�,f' "'�Y-
, Tn kLQV,Q,
g L C " -2 L, .r,i� �,,El
-'s t�, � -�- ,
� iip
, oUr5,Z.,VZ,s tile A vrvn to q,L�ie 11SC ,�!��IeV.
thb ft,651itng V, V-4�mtelp and m:, Loin- � -
t We reol Vte tvannu Uac�
,Lantinuc.A. I.A�t ine X.�,,Trui ellan--
- ", -', ": � tho, Iligh"St sitr ��!4- n, Vft,., h,2bF�;t4
* %dl .,l
t fA, ,� '�, 1� A, I 'L, " � - D'i ".k. � I,A,��V, !,.,-]�"!A
-V� -.��,V-r Aig, a,,�4�?%- ;6%j
I! 40�... .1 - - . t! 0
tot'? nn'� qjmkiuty Am
ch�Al 0� nuftaEal
tit, of the kerds"umha wke-1 lu,; rLr-qt � -,
,;, 1, - I
S-trta 617 I nymr :A i�.r h�,,tvenly go ve. No �! he"iver,01 It i'4 �� �--rr.a't ffb-�,t�zr.,�, t,tl�
I .L� M-;�, iv -r U-11, �?,e"-��,�r,,. 11t W,i y V'.l.-
gra;,:I. .�
as, 6,�)�, 1--.�I-�,.,A �,,- -,
amaa,=t ou.- clie,.,.
6! ,P or, ,n,rn, 81',I rot ;&o yt.m.0 ln� �, " �, 1 -nal there ,%onn". -
In Zt Uie hu"h G�,d
" .mnw, �
U Ic I
I" 0 � .. -lit by lateA.2, bil- haffllklf�`� �,: � sgjqm,q�, tjj.i�t � F!irL,oz �Z�,VA�,r Ls t. -mi.,,, m-
, .v.nt t",4A 1,21�,�i 1n��-Tv 1!?5�. 14,1? l;,r1V
Utl L,`v
t 4 -,
11 Ng,,. fi.,:.��l Vv-�Llt tET,
VItOn tLt V-..anV1err1lb.,,* rate to return to � of many Laolmeirs;
1,4 love.**
G66 i
ho Inom Payment by blmv,4 o%4 n�� , 1glill and ilq(+�; -. th -t " ts, talIt'.a.: s 3
.1,211 . � - ,.,,I to 11"y E,D,51 04
-W."'7alur at 'n -'n"
*,, hr-yla.�-.R tuq- ',,i-r.-4W'.1r tlh'
vnl V�
J� jr�a ali)Lylo�,t .-O"�,,� to 6�e.'Tt(
UnA hnprft-c�z�q and heaven. TIL�-,�, , � '1c 'kU
wttle long `!Lov;n 4rlle v;fDr' tit' 'd no L -%e tO "111
cheelt and scourging on thc. back, r�-lwq. # e1V,nkte41 to U:N"�l . ii,nt`l.-o�,,,�4m. it It
,,. T tEs
ho6tgng but %Vw?0 In tht" lit r,r-�,
C0'UlTJr0% OT
11)912:�,dvupl,.,U� �-..Qs brok'l Il.y
i- �W-4'ttl�tl E-tTj,-,tP"7,L, V. e '. e�ojx-- I i-,
the -est 33 V.e=rs ever .
' It of UsMs -,vh�2,4m, for everything
of wob., tayntent in e, r- � lu� t�� gone�rl�3
lmp�.- �7
wheat zl.er,Lt�, to,-4,ap led
In heavero. Anion. rnnny lilg*A Intel- :
froni a sqpller's weg to t:�e ui)holsltery
tjors of 801fl, Ilk true ,.'rorTender of heart � jr1:04ng th-A .Irs,l& Wopt ev� r :10ri;-
' Luke -Vi!�;.
them. I befte".4- Cant I WJA JlPr-
StT,[,-.T,�gMwr flegil.,4 heni alld pric,
Ilgiltidw. whll� knrlatlence to ere*, � ,,,
0. a PU1trM3er*S vu=et, frort t%e G,�Obe
and L -we ITO tiv� 110.1 that 1§,Zj0ft2." 41.
rnade us nrl ,
10 %%�s , W, IR
sonaliy enga4ixd in enter.v vlvo-nture
V. ,
1, I
cl�tot7�1.. le IDIP .i4t, 6*�e ior No.
Win back! The Imoln'te Vatho,r ;Oc�ml R
� 0, 1-1 devy4nap tol i1he r,railatig rn* a
down '
the Christ wlio ran,L'nbed us nnel n- q tnmv-�- �4 rW.-7-,%',,1.` - ,
- V. Th - wo��d in C:.� or 1A-: j: 1,14 fcln-lblx�,,j
A th"'. S:yrt�
�, f.�,
1-Tiu ol t� 0 - u -as
In ��U�.re For� %,01ba;.42. Tlon a
, �
t-Ln5 t;aw Ins S -Ion slappe-3 .-vid .. wsr2d. d,?C:",r,. that. But lht-re -.vas
Ole -hal spirit whtl. by regplleraij!, I
`-,J.,*Cr;,gu,kA4A ,t'rn# " � -gr",
lyt-I'Lion ,! ,�jj,�'.'.L!0"srs
1VTx4ver, vmr4 Ltth� More t1im
AP)t on tmd sur.perlws anl horne.e:ts. 0.14E� sc-crir,t Allau*� (;oj Qjat ,
v,as wraii-
lw- �,.,v ";,ri"I Ulf, ,,,S- rol
I r, , * " - 4 re?m - tv.yre .b .wv
vi�r agalft. , 4r.rr U%- ,6,e'
! a.11h 1, �� -tt W`.�7 in Tt
lvd% . q b:,�f,
w -nji "Wer�,, sv",jr 0
R&I Mein, ".fnld hm-ors Mat male *
,l the ,
2"ftday be,aavehst Utru. black I-% 11� ' red r2P hk a EiL-Tvll 407 I'lal v b1nent, and
ju-J. lii� Ill lw,ss:l�', I - -
. iz C t " f"r-1 , 11 m. v v
Leaw!er vwarn at :-,)�-11 Vlv? Hill! � - - �Gr �-�
-,�,Mll,., 1 V.irr, wl,J ;P t;�'�-Vw � '21 " , 1-..4. ��4 � � , ,
�� rnin --�rvp kt,ramnn n- n erinl,rw. no,�:t U.
lth�� I �
- ,;'% f-.-AVD*%D1x�g 4fn-...-..,,-L+t-v.�1i�
� .:,
1', steryod thcrc- untU apostoitc i2a.-�zcj
ftte* Ills btlay ana parted. Ata
Nght uh1ch 11--�70 U fZ1,1 I t,
PwMea by 10, ,
r %rall av ih�y. as` ,,T�� ,�,,l �40v-,'. U g*r�Z%.1-ty tirl D�j,�Zjr.l�,r. n�! orfk,'r�m: ZZ r`�t-
kp.,d from her tinver trie"
1-7. 1
unr011ed t1ftt sL'r0lI and let ont -apon
All for w1lat? Why allkow the 0"Ovm -
One 01 Wln4qX7-q. ,� I 1. t, , .. � - ! *1 ;� t!'r 1� L, Tr , ,
, ;V, ,
aril whiat Tle,N.,,,�q.,.�mt�� or . - ' - ' .� � war ; io any pr.�an %v' -0 wov:�M 14,�%ill--
earl%ly - ih� , -
- gn-ls%,&.-� t17. IN".�%�Z.,flr. 11-t. R.
. ,
� on lraf3v,
Prl*&- to come on such an errand an.1 6 ther V.-Orld the starlng �aet, wiliell
- It cou',a never have ne,.t,r
, 'i �Dl;ula. f
I altwl luadhuz ,.,
;,,'e r -ma we not bre-n-A ns 1�ng * . . .� to t�.e r#4-jvn
en v, P � 2:1. Th ji'Xiphr .1. m, N ..,!,, rl- "l -T!- ,l 4, � "
Tt%,.-:c- in Mqy)tr�,-4g
j t!j-,q v.,r-
. �
a talrl,v ax:;tive. T*W�v tra!K?
ll 1�c ;�t
- ,a such a
CMdaM sueh qarmw and d�
� gtlesse,l. ftever f.�.je(-tiefl. L" -t !L'a jov-
dekat" It was to h1vl"e tt-"! 1�t'2""an �i
I I V�ctirn.
I -te he" . I
Can see Me toreh ot dIvine lo Ztl � � prir�ph mfcrml? to Illy M��� � �Z. T, 17 . Atwh!rlorq are �-Iv,*.
out froin Ure fewer 'Winiot7s of thle I UvU IS. Ani T, ra; Z' "'. F1 - :�Z t ,,,
t"."., la
, onth. 92as li--,f�ra -.er�� ��,
a ,
,�i our hu;n, n "-r.e so emaent!v thit
rate to down its nlllipath`C�E- and
�- ,i.. .
-u , . - .��
11 tv.-r,.-. T- to uaz &-,�-�) W� �IaA
�na .
oln ,,a,� th�
11. G,qd Is � lie 1-111 rZrann � Sub ,l
. �k 0,t� 1� W,.,ks %ot �1,;: ��,��t- , , . :lN1QQ:: -
Mng. Let 70ve Of f'.111 to Us .�nd jr,"Ir cltlst. th- kyl o. - ", -" E Z �"-'vx!.
� -�
-�Ifs -L "�,,
. -
- .,&-��oou-n-t ol ra, --,.-y .,a v'-�' L��,,
reAstatce. was tez�ause
1 nftc-nacr Wlth a 'ClIvIn" !dss grut� t,,T�
love to GoEl clasiD hanlla tt%L,* triftiulv?. � 1*2. In '�13:� tL,'--,.t341, - T1. -- w :�Z Vi� - .,* .�ot C'�, .-,t tl -..- - k �,�s i)ko- �v
" 9*11AOA,.�. V-1L,]U,..9 in the , wt, "
, �I'A r , A
love., . .
f0am!U.- n1a"N'Lletors Into worshlper.4
Ile divsatiscr-d and dlstms4sv� MIXt day, Monp.j IF. .71"Ll- :::." K::o "I'i;-. .s " 1�: - � frii-na No%,-�'h 7��--i-..,� �%r:�'. t%
0 sou',,Z,
� -t arp heA," T'V,;�,, � U - I.N,
-s 4 - fir - t
- ,
The 9thealltit-ft detide tile liaea that
befklre the tbrone. l0h, r am SID
(1�!I,,�s VV-1at tvi,�,k to U"-., ;
tUl.'-' r4�- S-- � t �5 � :0-,-Av"I�'-� U,- ,,--.L -'a� �,-. is ;. Cl.�r- -.1!S-
w1ho "ant the wo?,Ia ever toaking ,:;,,,r � -- .
� .�n � ,,A .Y -i
. -e ,�v�tL�,,i.�-- fv.pr I,B2e
God Ibcs tmet!on. They think I, �
glad that the san-et Is rjut, "��nj t!jat
would be a (Ilvin,th weatme�s to te
7 -N tl� - � � 9. .,� V- �l,T� 0 --'-O- - -.7 �1� I �,11, ��L::�,. , -
li day night. Tk'::' % I . _a - z ,,l. Mr,4:41 -� '] -� z 5` ',,"'-`�
halvirnss -an,l ft�ling none, v7hy not . � rag , .
" Of .,-Fj tfT,�,",4-. o-1 ,:".T !I I . ijj-�-t , 11:'AsAy FZt.*, %X �,,�-, - aitt, =-,,,'11`��: t,� 1,:6�0
I , , , ,
tva�`,e ;A lm:m�2-,,ng.
' `1 �-.i:44 It
etitmd by Any earthly epectae�e. The
Ot can never again be veiieaj TeN
ft to the
- -? b6allcvr� tt2 's V-,-,� to :� i Ii - t Zzr, .- �T
1,ry this love Of G --Z -�s a r5lace sn'll � CAW% th.-e- verm . .1 - .,,�.? V,ol 1;�
- I - -; , . -7 --- --: t, 4�A Emy
ete -4t;;
nn14P,T-%tE0n and -mal sa
. - �
�T,,ir6m i* p -en
0, !lz- � I
� -
. �c
, .,� , � .,q AE 1L. Zhlo rk-4".ajis
Ood of the learted t�rwih arid 1-ch�el-
- -
4all skadng, suff-eZI-,1g. dy-
. 29fam-Mon? I - pim-'%mr .,g.,-. lbe-fore 1, - g -1A-
RL�' fla, h -rls 1.0-u-.. V �2;;;4 vif Ra ,4 P,U.f:,��r.,.Q oan
' --" -
Cl.,ki*, -,�,,, � �),:.!�*�-,. SS Ln�l,.! tf�e�
ettca-cho-t Is an Ennnitte lnteNig-ence, I
I ra �,
ng -C. te,I it in song anj5 sgez.-�.jon,
When a king was crossing a iCesert in
-1. h ,
n t , fj,,.,St ��=.-#- U1, w�--o n I
rv--st,4, to th, .."Xil .�,le-.. � at 0 A -xit
t .
evncx�=% , ,,I-'--- lr�. �
*khout feellM a telil al4d ehe,,rl.ests t
On canvas and in mai-ble, on are#1
cavtvan. r.o wanter v--," to be found. .
" . ,�r 11's 1
&�=g*, OT 4,mw E Aqi,T'.,s# ."*
, ,
eaV -
. vvh�'� Q.'--1',it�,*1FA,*n ha"I b�l�,� rn-,�,de
4. p,.Zs�z'- -n ol
, -
�#ojr t,4c i � tl�7--Ig tq vo-�-
d1vhdW. But the Gr,5 we virc?�sIft
- Ind vll.ar; tell It all around the
, , Itarth-l"Gos Is love.,,
and man and beast v, ere In A*A,:b, Ing fror-1
thl"� Along Lie Vvay wi,re str,-Wn ts,e I
W*�-d Lq Va �1-'!� 1 n ." *-�16 L'P,-�.h-QV;r'V-rS-
PI*,-rIrL,S 0,TV ,
01 th� ch:"P. I "a'
, " .w�-. -,41.,�:g 1114 lx,rm
aet!'-f- kus-hnl�.q t"-""�.�,� -7 ru:r1-'.,Wle0
tr"--s, fS4
,� A
lw?y. Prf- ,-) t,1 ,d,n�r-ms_-ic n)
Is �biie or SyrnpatIly t=4 cofnpaysion
btought with !L';1*A ,-62n-
� ". ,M.-,!�F�
-_PL'9 Rrm eMA 6tapla gaa
sLud helpfulness and atzection. "God
Xotice that the vvisest iraL,it of the
bnnes of eaTavans ,,'bat had pretleaved.
IlLge of th,nr own ,r,�-a-41-V-S7r;:P"21V 1i
"� � , . n-.1
-"Tr -limy '14f:nA.. ,, ,zlilt
f-xe,;-�;el�t prvji�., ty. TUup o-,uAl
Is tove.11
nations for tbousands of vl&ats did
Ttere 'were harts or rshideer In the
K9-QVPt'An, Greek. cs IL- c�-sr-
1y&194;-.'u&s, 0'.- %I'l`r .l1(',1`,.',0M'Cs� h-�13
the ,,ar:ng is very ,eL0Ur"7ag;1
In AN tht Bible there Is r.o mtre 0 -on-
not, guild their laolatries, =a-ko,
king's procession, and sonlezn,� ,k-neI7,.
bj%-4-ind thAr mG=T.y rvas t.jt-j)-.:.r 7;0,-
tWowmz him itfto NXIM'l; Mivc.r.
Wh` D,',t1-.Z;-',S.K
Bneatnss ."t L-0--lan bas �Z'�'
solatory statement The -very best
sOmethin'9 to represent tlils feeling,
their keen scent f6r water n.nd er!ed
"ll'tri',nt !n PA?cLitIl1% O� 4� 9 , 17-
be g
stamped 'With th- eyviw-s Of h�--ntraeixl
, , Z =43.' N'S (IV�rz- IMM-
fessloa, h,- s j 1 I I,.'.,. it o.dv MORI; * -
ae,"lVe t., -e I,kz . .�VeejL ge 1
. S� Lar
peole have in their lives Occurrences
thh; 6WO06A. Vhey had & ,sDrVol, rep-
on% lotize, the, harts or reltdeet!"
W`0,%h`P, eou!d not b rcmftcd, hatol
h D t Im'd - .'r
W- livwa � of Crair.L, Ross.
I-Olway g�y-�dsl F.tt 4,he rete
In6xplIcable. They are bereft or per-
see-Uted ot impoverialted ralided.
In% I
resenting might; Neptuills, 4.he god
Of the sea; Minerva. the goddew of
It was done, and no sooner were these
creatures loosened than they went
thz� ttlPaSury of the tpswp�'e- I
,Mosh,r W.,m th-m jeaq]l. 7�11-q 01--tte,-
*, Mr. -
900"'e8-14102 C' cousiderabla
morx-y -and the reg�nt c'eld V
They have only one child, aLnd that
wL'401a. Venus, the goddess a&, base
scurrying in all directions lookIng fat
� *3 .
.1 11. Is wrItt-m-la ICsAah 1,0. 7.
1 an �
fl-�n of thx,ves-T�le blia-fle.3 -
In tit Zos, - -
11 4 !h1,0.p.CtC.1 t
th:- th�ory that rafs t"y Ltd 131PIPTI
'en&VIed the= to get , �
dles;, whille the next elbor neighbor has
appetite; Ceres, the goddess of com, '
water and szon found It, and th e ,king
r-;gh*. e=u-h in Its,c1f, b-
,It iriey had �
drowned and he ecatinned his &�arrh.
. &Dmie of Vie!r hewvy winter
V ,01
sevdk eliffiliven, and they are aal spared. I
and an Odin, and an Osirl-;o, and a
an�d his caravan were samed, and the
pezvel,ted tbz r,s,, oi,, thn j,oiA,stTh-r�uq,h
tht� bAfef of Gc,n. (1ojL,,7,
, , Pin-
prospqo,ts sprLag are
Thia� unf,oz1vilates buy at a Vine when: 4
Titao, and a Juggornatif, e.Fid ,whole .
kjLxg wrote on some t_%blets the wer&
ho= -L" and evjd-ent;-V T, -e -re r4ibbIng thv I
I -
I-Lerilt6:i Datmt;'ie- VUV" U WiJ IDI h �M
At the coast cities ttr�ujp ja
the market is rising and the day after
pantheons off 9049 aUd goddesses, �
which he had read some time before,
PC(VW by �chzrgxng extorccamte I
efta"-0-d ill th-- 11 -U -SUM of thR abdw
goakTo Vg -as Very active tul
the market falls. At a time when they
but no shrine, no carved Image, no I
sculptured form has Suggletted a
"As the kart paritetli after the water
Ilmoks, -at
PrItes. J!
141, Ile healed tbe=-Iti the *pro-
iii tt
to -M. tho body foand Im North
R:Ver W" thi' of U&ar3l-e Ross, was
ginn ot UvI& week. 1.rrg
need to feel the best fb%* the discharge
Of someduty they are Seized With Phy-
god I
ef pure bove. That was beyond hu�
sa jDanteth my so aftet Thee, I
0 Go&"
sfe;�e ,(Yl all the pec�pp! H�t3 p,t,-. formed �,
widely plob"t,h '3 at th�, 11rup, th- p -an-
U112tt VMda ro,r ule hcada�
Warle, to in:;r+.nd cit1w and t,c ,
sleal 461lapse. TryIng to do a goo,1 ,
holiest and thing,
man brailL. It N)Ok a G*d to think
that, 9, God to project r.a,,, a ,6cd
11 I
Most worliderf-al careR. He i2oW
almvm the proper use of the tew-
VMI PubVe sta. swved whh, the fatth�-r,
Z"d th� c&`-':� ht's co�btz-nuazl to be
�11 , -N
� �'- rePOrt-9 13110XV tbat bt:s,
and useful they are 11
w1srepzlesented and belied as if they .�
let ,down, from heaven to exlueve that. j
ple. I
tv*nted a wye.eT7 to th-, pmsznt 61.V.
,01-%'190nable gokoU was ilutte aq
00-1,rly all W.nt,% 'Tale oati.
had pradtfoed a vIIIaIny. TIlere are
Fear Is the dominant thcaglit In all I
ares Ills .1
ti Most
I& Were mra ,df"'esase,l - The
New le�6(1 Opetied.
lynsilness is ftLjr�. It a mtx
, false religions. For that Ue devotoes�
people who all tbtir lives have suf- 1
out themselves wAk lauces �
V "Wilty Robust.
wLvr that th�� wkwa unaMe i
to check 11ho
NM��,t-. vvou? 11,qv,, W,10 -%ed
.0 tiv� sue
rorty-tw<y leannerlwa It Was ;
and awing
tered Injustices. Others Of less talent, on Iron hooks and fall u fler wbe-�Is I
Rome, AID. 2 --Dr. TAppon), chiof
pXydolat to the Pope, announced
grcmv..ug popularity.
E'VreD the children had tnL-en up, thei.
emfu,, ra%lsoo ,Of (,htrpe Ross ftyr .1
larg,, sum 61 jr.or,cy, 8 ,I 11 ()IM
%�i Ge C, p
to ret'aw tj�e agreement Wa
.yrtth less conseamflon, go on and up, I end hold up the right aa,w so long tbal I
while they go on and down. There
terday that iris .11oftegs bad Sue-
$train wad vmre slrigiug UL -4 prai.qes, I "Is h3 -rd to tall. I I.Wnk it wouid h,
thP Ulm. John
it .
Aptl g
11114i vcr,pat.ber Intorfered . . . . . oo
I they, cannot take it down. Fear, bru,,� ,
In lives riddles that
talned tile fitigning labors of the �
W�irld had gone after Zetablik;k-d a ncw ImIustry far r.rim-
with tTg4j�n at Ipeg I
are many hav*e! tsh fear. But love is the rjueen in ow �
never been solved, mysteries that have �
L.at year so heroically that lie would
Xil- 19- inals. S400i ahm th�xkzht th� Qevt�riljor,-
16. llmrest -at tlle�se I
SaF ,
but t'jl:�
" QI - , S bUW:4?!neSS �-dd
religion. For that we bijild temples
proUibly live to ba 100 years 01-1. Ha
Thou vv,',.. and th� Vstrkt Att tara ,y. perIlly s
0 e,jjV,0 .
t revive ti I les
sever been e%plairred, heartbreaks that Por that we kneel at ow alt.ar.q. poz .
-!n suffered no reaction fropla Ills re-
-TTley were anxiiNm to have Chrl,;t I vr,� were wronx. I feuir th'tt th-tcomz-
-t,,.t,Ik-Ta Ivre. , I . e ,deliv
ha,re, never been healed. GO to that that *a eorltrHmte our alms. pox ;
cen�t gratat oxertionm
rebuke thera; but, im��,,aq je�-Ivs poland`ng ol th'.-,v rocimt f,jl()��.-.� 1) ,
1. V _.UT.
V ja a sm :
% 11 , t t t elwvv
man or that woman vwttli philosophic � that martyrs suffered at Briaggels
During IWO 110 Officiated at 70 !
quotes from viii, 2 to AV,W VU �.NkV niny `nsrd.�e uj�,,inp'o
. , -ved �C;V
bi?en Increae lately. Th;e
explasiatkln, and You will make mat-� market place and aj L-atv4now and
runetillna In 14t. Pleter's. recelvp4l 22115
th3t evM this wis In harmouy1with, bontk-1 tof rzg.�g�� .-.I S'=U-�, im. crpr'.,,.,,��.",
g,,"_ ,1 la,nala," I tmp ha. and
ters werze instead Of malting them bet-! Cawnpore and P�nkln. T;3at will yet
pligrita igeg, spoko t -0 over 4,W() Per-
. - 1
tUa grr--pturea. I - - . - -
wa nt,nd for � A� 1T - I
lanic title of the
ter. But let the Oc, beJewel the round earth t-nd put it ,an
'Mat �
.1g,,q to whorn lie gave nufflPilres,
son , t
f, te, 81) emyclic. la. '2*0 apostol'"la h -t-
17. Deth-2,.,ar-They .-igatrk re- f It ta re.�,,ortnd at lloorjtr,�qj tjltjt �jr.
turn to Betbany to Imt-gel. i Wbliam Weir, fo?r6,r 11rrsi,.*e,lL ,,Vj ,,h,
At Ot", WU Uli�r�, h" been
text roll in soul and all Its war- l emerald on the great, ,w4rrii, throb-
ters, and cont,mmod Several I
'ZPaehIll9�;.-The triumph tI pro-ftes- I V1111r. Itaxi., Rink. wh,) -,v,xa
t1vo wepk j r t 11 t .
a e a r'L,�1,3 ch.
riments and low,es and 41sasters will; bing heart of God. o
I t
.- - I
- �" I s�?ntelre,�4,11
SIMI vri.., a d1m fo;-elsltadtv�- "r OT the a
" two 'y;'�,'t:&
0o"newl"kit 'Of a fall !,a whole,
be Submerged will* blessing, and U.41 The world Iras liad nigny -,m, c-ej- �
I �
. .
,bg gaig jjgjjtjjlg t*nAr,,jCt for To- 1
t. , . g. -0,101at yr,ax Ut7�) Tj " - -,m-
triumph of thq go�Tw-1 : Je�;n--� is rid- , pr!�soum*nt for �Nnndiw, a k�ISII I
n"'C44. �;ales of hna,wv gtUIr
siliferea will say: ,11 cannot understand ,1 mens of slandered men a,aa women,
, gne4 by I
rona�,) 11:3 ,it, lClrt.jj jjet�n 81
17�9 thr-M4;U tho eentvar.f,�-� tov�nrd niant ol ibt bamik's aff.ars to thp Gov
Iarm�, arri nuave,expen ve
I - IUE4'V :*46
�,he, reason for my trOtfoles, but I villf � their motives sla-a4lered, tiieh�r ballks
tjtf- C,ikbon Ught & Power ebrop,my,
, -
.p 1
thf, n0w jer"-,-'t? in, anil 91Z tbe erjl�ln(uv,., ww b3 rel,�ased its 0, I
tl� r
An in former ,yeawo. P4�1 I
oNpIl"it Ile � �
'It W t
so.me day ulldfilstand. And they do slandered-slarkderea, kw
. . gli they
of j'JUj1oj1v)p1�1a. Warld W:11 join in t;1,0 llti�arimqa. Wq daS4
,�V,jn -1 ,,r va
.r. 1*:u,,i 46
goods fQr tale r3p . 19 01re fir